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7– Naturalist Intelligence What some authors think...

It involves a full range of knowing what occurs Anything that is worth teaching can be presen-
in and through people´s encounters with natu- ted in many different ways.
ral world including recognition and appreacia- (Howard Gardner)
tion of natural environment. If you share this
intelligence, you share a profound love for the
outdoors, animals and plants and almost any The teacher can show students how to use
natural object. their more developed intelligences to assist in
the understanding of a subject which normally
employs their weaker intelligence. MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES
(Lazear, 1992) THEORY

Providing students with multiple ways to ac-

cess content improves learning.
(Hattie, 2011)

8– Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence LANGUAGE ACQUISITION

Instruction should be informed as much as
This intelligence has to do with knowing what 2018-2
possible by detailed knowledge about studen-
happens through sound and vibration. It is no
ts' specific strengths, needs, and areas for
limited only to music, it deals with vibrational
patterns and beats.
(Tomlinson, 2014)
People with this intelligence can reproduce
various sounds and rhythms as well as pla- NORTHWIND
ying musical instruments that express their
sentiments and sensations. TRADERS
And what intelligences do you Primavera de 2016
own? Productos y servicios
What is Multiple Intelligences (MI) 3– Visual-Spatial Intelligence 5– Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
This intelligence represents the knowing that occurs By using this intelligence people can recog-
It is a theory developed by Howard Gardner first pre-
through the shapes, images, patterns, designs and nize what they can do with their bodies such
sented in his seminal book Frames of Mind (1983) ,
textures. If you have this intelligence, you are really as dancing, riding a bike, inventing things
that states that humans beings have more than 2
aware of color, drawing, painting, construction, maps with their hands, mainting balance while wal-
intelligences further than only linguistic and mathe-
and decoration. king. People with this intelligence tend to like
matical abilities.
physical games of all kinds, and games whe-
Gardner proposes 8 intelligences that usually opera- re they can demostrate body´s control.
te together and rarely do so independently.

1– Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
This intelligence involves the knowing that comes
through language, reading, writing, and speaking. It
comprehends the understanding of meaning and 4– Intrapersonal Intelligence
words. People who have highly developed this skill “Self smart” or “Introspection smart”. This particular
adroitly manage reading, speaking and writing skills intelligence evokes human self-reflective abilitiies by 6– Intepersonal Intelligence
and tend to think in words. which human beings think about their own lives. This intelligence provide people the mental
This cause people reflect concerning the meaning, instruments to know what happens when
purpose and significance of things. If you have deve- they work with people, and how to relate
loped this intelligence, you are highly intuitive and them. In this intelligence social skills are
you are motivated from the inside for carrying out needed for effective person-to-person en-
things. counters. When you have this intelligence,
2– Mathematical-Logical Intelligence you are able to demostrate a good compren-
This intelligence has to do with numbers and logic. hension of different points of view, you are
People with this intelligence reinforced are constantly sensitive to others´ ideas and feelings.
understanding life by means of number patterns,
visual patterns and problem solving strategies.

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