Region Ivb Mimaropa

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Province Tourist Destinations Festivals

Occidental Apo Reef Dugoy Festival
Mindoro This site is recognized as the second-largest This festival features the Mangyan tribe
contiguous reef system in the world next to and its rich cultural heritage that is to
Capital: the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and is be admired by many people who visit
Mamburao considered as the number one (1) dive site in the place during festivities. This is
the Philippines. It is a 34-kilometer reef system celebrated with street dances, exhibits,
divided into north and south lagoon systems cultural shows, and other forms of
by a narrow channel. Here, jellyfish, turtles, merriment.
white-tip and black-tip reef sharks, manta rays, Saknungan Festival
and vast variety of corals and marine lifeforms This festival incorporates the exhibition
can be found. of the cultural heritage of Mindoro’s
Inasakan Beach ethnic communities. Saknungan, a
This site offers unspoiled powdery pure white Mangyan word meaning bayanihan
sand beach and crystal clear waters that (the spirit of cooperation and unity at
tourists could even see through the orange work), which is practiced by the people
and blue starfishes in the waters. Visitors of Mindoro in their everyday activities,
claimed that this destination is very similar to especially during the planting and
Boracay but this is not yet well developed. harvesting season of palay.
White Island
It is a small island and an ideal destination for
swimming, snorkeling, scuba diving, and
fishing. Some part of the shore are breeding
grounds for turtles where they bury their eggs.
This site is dubbed by locals as Manadi
Island, which means “Sudden Appearance”,
since it is said to have suddenly appeared
decades ago.
Oriental Sabang Beach Basudani Festival
Mindoro This site is good for swimming and snorkeling This is a thanksgiving celebration for a
but is best known for its amazing dive sites and bountiful harvest. It is participated by
Capital: awesome nightlife. Tourists visit here to the different sectors of the community
Calapan City explore the underwater wonders during the from school children to senior citizens
day and party hard at night. Here, there are a through street dancing.
lot of diving shops around, resorts, hotels, Banana Festival
restaurants, and bars. This is a thanksgiving festival for the
White Beach abundance of bananas. It is celebrated
It is the most popular white beach in Oriental with different activities including
Mindoro because of its long stretch of white traditional harana (serenade) and
sand beach where resorts and restaurants pandangguhan (dance with lights). It is
along can be found. It offers tourists accompanied with a food festival
swimming, snorkeling, jet skiing, banana boat featuring sumptuous meal and
riding, beach volleyball, etc. delicacies all made from banana and
Talipanan Beach are being displayed on artistically-
It is a long stretch of white sand beach, crystal designed booths of which materials
clear waters, mountains, and relaxing tropical used are also purely from banana trees.
jungle. This site is for tourists who are not fond
of parties everywhere at night and prefer
places with less people. It is a much more quiet

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and relaxing beach perfect for couples and

Marinduque Poctoy White Beach Moriones Festival
This site offers beautiful white sand, clear It is a folk-religious event held annually
Capital: waters, and a lovely scenery where tourists during Holy Week. The word morion
Boac can go wind surfing, diving, and snorkeling. Its refers to the visor of the helmet that is
friendly residents and clear skies are what associated with the armor of Roman
locals claim to match Boracay. soldiers. The word moriones refers to
Bulusukan Falls the local inhabitants who dress up in
The water from this falls flow from the costumes and masks of Roman soldiers
remaining forests of Barangay Bagtingon in during Biblical times. These costumed
Buenavista. It is popular for its cool fresh locals are farmers and fishermen who
water that comes from the mountain and the engage in the street theater as a form
peaceful vibe it offers. It also has a lot of of penitence and do so for seven (7)
butterflies, monkeys, wild cats, deer, and boas days, from Holy Monday to Easter
roaming around the area. Sunday. They march around town
Balanacan View Deck scaring children and making a ruckus in
This site is a natural harbor that was used by a reenactment of the search for
the Spanish navy to build and repair galleons Longinus, the Roman centurion who
during the 17th century. It has a very beautiful pierced the side of the crucified Christ.
view of the surrounding islands and sea and is Haring Kalabaw Festival
located at the northwestern portion of the This is celebrated to recognize the
province. efforts of the carabaos that help the
farmers as one way of transportation in
farming, which is a very important part
of Marinduque’s livelihood. They
celebrate by dressing carabaos and
parading them around the barangay.
This is accompanied by participants
dancing and singing with the beat of the
Romblon Cresta De Gallo Biniray Festival
This is a five-hectare kidney-shaped islet This festival depicts the strong faith of
Capital: located east of Sibuyan Island. It is known for the residents to Roman Catholicism
Romblon its picturesque views, powder white sands, where they feature dancing and
and turquoise waters. The island is almost activities that they believe would make
secluded except for one (1) fisher family living every people’s faith to their patron
there. saint stronger every minute, which is
Marble Shopping Center Santo Niño. Its statues are adorned with
Marble sourced from Romblon are at par with colorful designs and costumes which
the world's best, with export quality material attract local and international tourists.
giving it high value to sculptures and builders Talabukon Festival
around the world. The island is blessed with It is a religious celebration to honor St.
sizable deposits of raw minerals that do not Joseph and to celebrate a genie who
run out because of its inexhaustible was stated to once save the town folks.
supply. They have a lot of variety of marbles During this festival, there are street-
such as the black, green, blue, white, Italian dancing contests accompanied by props
white, century and century-cream. and colorful costumes and field
Looc Bay Marine Sanctuary demonstrations (re-enactment of the
It is a protected marine sanctuary in the myth Talabukon).
middle of Looc Bay and a host to more than a
hundred different marine species including

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different fishes, corals, clams, lobsters, and

turtles. Here, tourists can enjoy swimming,
snorkeling, and fish feeding on floating houses
featuring a clear open aquarium at the center.
Palawan Puerto Princesa Subterranean River Kulambo Festival
This site features karst (formed from dissolved This celebration is marked by dancing,
Capital: limestone) mountain, stalactites, stalagmites, singing, large gatherings, and
Puerto Princesa and different rock formations. The presentation of various types of
City underground river is subject to a tidal flow that delicacies. However, the top attraction
directly goes out to the South China Sea. It here are the townspeople who dress in
holds the record of the longest underground the kulambo (mosquito nets) while
river in the Philippines. parading in the streets.
Tubbataha Reef Pasinggatan Festival
This site is an atoll coral reef system, which is This is held in celebration of the entire
divided into North and South. Here, there is a culture of the Philippines, although it is
vast diversity of fishes and marine life forms. only held in Taytay, Palawan. The event
Whale sharks, manta rays, and turtles are includes showcasing of Filipino songs
some of the marine lives that can be found and folk dances and there are programs
here, which is visited by many divers around displaying the best in local handicraft
the world. skills and other works.
Sunken Japanese Shipwrecks
In this site, the remains of ships from World
War II can be found. Most of these wrecks are
heavily damaged the Olympia Maru (a
Japanese ship sunk by US air attack in 1944) is
the most intact, where many marine lives are
lurking. This has been transformed into a dive
site in Coron, Palawan.

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Philippine Statistics Authority. (2017). Retrieved October 20, 2017 from:
Philippine Travel Forum. (2015). Top Five Places to Visit in Marinduque. Retrieved on October 20, 2017 from:
Tourist Spots Finder. (2017). Top 10 Tourist Spots in Occidental Mindoro. Retrieved on October 20, 2017 from:
Tourist Spots Finder. (2017). Top 10 Tourist Spots in Oriental Mindoro. Retrieved on October 20, 2017 from:
Tourist Spots Finder. (2017). Top 10 Tourist Spots in Palawan. Retrieved on October 20, 2017 from:
Our Awesome Planet. (2016). Romblon: 8 Awesome Place You Should Visit in Romblon. Retrieved on October 20, 2017 from:
Tagalog Lang. (2017). Moriones Festival of Marinduque. Retrieved on October 20, 2017 from:
Vigattin Tourism. (2012). January Festivals of Marinduque: Unveiling Cultural Treasures. Retrieved on October 20, 2017 from:
Primer. (2016). Dugoy Festival. Retrieved on October 20, 2017 from:
Wow Mindoro. (2011). Saknungan Festival – San Jose, Occidental Mindoro. Retrieved on October 20, 2017 from:
Ormindoro. (2017). Bansud – Basudani Festival. Retrieved on October 20, 2017 from:
Ormindoro. (2017). Basco – Banana Festival. Retrieved on October 20, 2017 from:
Palawan Board. (ND). Palawan Festivals. Retrieved on October 20, 2017from:
Travel to the Philippines. (2011). Colorful Festivals in Romblon. Retrieved on October 20, 2017 from:

Gastronomical Map References:

Filipino Food Aficionado. (). Adobong Pugita. Retrieved on October 20, 2017 from:
Wattalyf. (2017). Tamilok. Retrieved on October 20, 2017 from:
Kawaling Pinoy. (2014). Sarsa. Retrieved on October 20, 2017 from:
Gutom Na. (2014). Pinangat. Retrieved on October 20, 2017 from:

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