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Austin Rayniño O.

Reyes Plan210 D
2017-90733 HOMEWORK # 1

1. What is Social Justice?

Social Justice identifies as the equality of opportunity to individuals in the

society and working towards equality and democracy. It can be associated that
every individual has their innate human dignity, so promoting social justice
gives of a just society and betterment of treatment for each individual.

Social justice will require fairness and respect for the diversity that each
individual has. It promotes respect for creation, and principles of stewardship,
participation, the common good, solidarity, subsidiarity and the preferential
option for the poor and the vulnerable. And can be done thru the eradication of
existing forms of social oppression as well as the “Redistribution” of resource
in the society to those who justly deserves them.

2. How is it being demonstrated or withheld in everyday life?

Social justice issues revolve around structures or human actions within society
that result in people being treated unfairly or unjustly. Not blatantly by key
individuals, but by the system as well. Key Issues that are notable are: Health
inequality, Gender Inequality, Racial Inequality, Economic inequality and such.

Health Inequality. Health is a main factor in our daily life. It is your state of
social well-being. Having a good health means having a nice work and being
able to do a good job at work which resulting to having a good income. But for
some, having to live in a not so clean neighborhood, not having enough money
to buy fresh fruits, and not having enough to make ends meet, health is a luxury
which they don’t have. And so, health has become dependent on employment
status and income level.

For this to lower the inequality and disparity of health between groups, the
government should implore a much more better and strategic health care
system that reach minority groups that are in dire need of this benefits.
Reducing income inequality, via fair wages and lower/fair taxes, could also
lessen Health inequality by ensuring that people can access health care.

Because of these key issues, Social activists are rampant. Addressing different
issues, and finding ways to reduce them. But they have believed that every
single person is needed because it is not a task for one person or for a group
of people to achieve.

Cf. Igor Shafarevich, The Socialist Phenomenon, trans. William Tjalsma (New
York: Harper & Row, 1980).

Hayek, Law, Legislation and Liberty, Vol. 2: The Mirage of Social Justice, p.

Joe R. Feagin, "Social Justice and Sociology: Agendas for the Twenty-First
Century: Presidential Address," American Sociological Review, Vol. 66, No. 1
(February 2001), pp. 1-20.

Maus, Michaelis “What is the definition of Social Injustice?” Quora. 17 Sept.

Web. 19 Nov. 2015.

Michael Novak, “Social Justice: Not What You Think It Is”,
(December 29, 2009)

The Center for Social Justice, (2007)

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