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GR No. 196962 June 8, 2016

TOPIC: Sections 5 and 11 of RA 9165, mere possession constitutes animus possidendi


Based on information received on 6 August 2005, that appellant and a certain alias
Kenkoy were engaged in illegal drug trade in Barangay Olympia, Makati City, P/Supt.
Valerio formed a buy-bust team composed of POI Marmonejo, POI Mendoza, POI
Randy Santos and SP03 Luisito Puno and two (2) other anti-drug
agents Eduardo Monteza and Herminia Facundo. After a surveillance of the area
and coordination with the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) were made,
P/Supt. Valerio briefed the team. POI Marmonejo was designated as poseur-buyer and
two (2) pieces of Pl00 bills marked with the initials “MMV” were provided for the

At five o’clock in the afternoon of that day, PO1 Marmonejo and the police asset, on
board a tricycle driven by PO1 Mendoza, proceeded to the target area. The other
members of the buy-bust team positioned themselves nearby. The police asset
called appellant and told her that PO1 Marmonejo wanted to buy shabu. Appellant asked
POI Marmonejo how much, to which he replied, “katorse lang” or P200.00 worth of
shabu. Appellant then took out from her pocket two (2) transparent plastic sachets
containing a white crystalline substance, one of which she handed to POI Marmonejo
in exchange for two Pl00 bills. Appellant pocketed the other plastic sachet.

Upon consummation of the transaction, POI Marmonejo revealed that he was a police
officer. He immediately apprehended appellant, apprised her of her constitutional rights
and asked her to empty her pockets. POI Marmonejo recovered money in the amount of
P540.00, a mobile phone, and three (3) other plastic sachets containing
white crystallinesubstance. POI Marmonejo marked the sachet sold to him as “BONG”
while the three (3) other sachets as “JOAN,” “JOAN l,” and JOAN 2.”


Whether or not accused is guilty beyond reasonable doubt of Sections 5 and 11 of RA



Elements of illegal sale of dangerous drugs

1. Proof that the transaction or sale took place

2. The presentation in court of the corpus delicti or the illicit drug as evidence.
The commission of the offense of illegal sale of dangerous drugs, like shabu, merely
requires the consummation of the selling transaction which happens the moment the
buyer receives the drug from the seller. The crime is already consummated once the
police officer has gone through the operation as a buyer whose offer was accepted by the
accused, followed by the delivery of the dangerous drugs to the former.

In this case, accused was apprehended, indicted and convicted by way of a valid buy-
bust operation.

Elements of illegal possession of dangerous drugs

1. The accused is in possession of an item or object identified to be a prohibited or a

regulated drug
2. Such possession is not authorized by law
3. The accused freely and consciously possessed said drug

Mere possession of drugs constitutes animus possidendi

The Court held that mere possession of a prohibited drug constitutes prima facie
evidence of knowledge or animus possidendi sufficient to convict an accused in
the absence of any satisfactory explanation of such possession. The burden of evidence
to explain the absence of animus possidendi rests upon the accused, and this, in the case
at bar, the appellant failed to do.

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