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Market In Best Online Brokers Cheerleader-In-Chief Musks Model 3 Gambit Spirit Airlines Soars
Confirmed Find out which brokers rank How Varsity Brands Jeff Webb Tesla faces a rough road ahead The bargain carrier recovers
Uptrend the highest by their clients built a $2.5 billion powerhouse as it sacrifices for affordability from a near-fatal tailspin


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earn the highest ratings
for every type of service

BY DAVID SAITO-CHUNG six years. The latest results broke Boston-based Fidelitys four-
INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY year grip on the top spot.

I nvestors looking for a great online broker have plenty of And the difference between No. 1 online broker and No. 2 this
choices to wade through, thanks to fierce competition and year? Thinner than skin.
innovation in the industry. But results from IBDs annual Looking solely at the Customer Experience Index for overall
Best Online Brokers survey can speed the process of finding the performance, created by IBDs longtime polling partner Techno-
broker that best fits your needs. Metrica Market Intelligence, Charles Schwab finished on top
The survey for 2019, which polled thousands of broker custom- with a score of 70.2. Thats just a fraction above Fidelitys 69.8.
ers, ranks the best brokers overall and in 14 key attributes. Thus TechnoMetrica President Raghavan Mayur details the online
you can quickly drill down to the traits most important to you, broker survey methodology on Page A12.
whether its low commissions, stock trading tools or options Interactive Brokers hopped up two places to rank as the third
platforms. broker honored in the Best Online Brokers overall.
Our seventh annual Best Online Brokers survey finds Charles The 2019 survey analyzed six large brokers. To qualify, at least
Schwab returning to the top of the heap for the second time in SEE ONLINE BROKERS ON A13


APPLE to shoot up to $2.06 from 55 cents a year are concerned about decelerating growth SOCIAL MEDIA
ago, as revenue more than doubles to $7.1 in its retail segment. Recent changes to
Weak iPhone Sales In Focus billion. Investors will focus on TeslasTSLA Amazons third-party sales platform, in Facebook Privacy, Videos Eyed
The tech giant reports fiscal Q1 results late recent cost-cutting measures and its addition to regulations in India and global The social media giant reports late Wednes-
Tuesday, and Wall Street expects EPS to progress on shipping the Model 3 to Eu- economic softness, could muddy near- day, with earnings per share seen falling
fall 7% to $4.17 as sales slip 5% to $84 rope and China. Wall Street analysts will term revenue and margin guidance. 1% to $2.19 as revenue jumps 27% to $16.4
billion. AppleAAPL slashed its Q1 revenue also try to gauge pent-up demand overseas billion. Expect questions on FacebooksFB
and whether that will neutralize some SOFTWARE overall health, in light of recent data priva-
guidance on Jan. 2 to $84 billion from $91
expected softness in the U.S. More on A5 cy scandals. Analysts will ask about moneti-
billion, saying iPhone sales were much
weaker than expected, especially in China.
Microsoft Rides High On Cloud zation and the growth of video-centric
The software giant reports fiscal Q2 earn- Facebook Stories.
Analysts likely will ask what Apple plans to E-COMMERCE
ings late Wednesday, and Wall Street Investing Action Plan continues on A2
do to spur demand for its smartphones. expects EPS to climb 14% to $1.09 as sales
Amazon Growth A Concern grow 12% to $32.49 billion. MicrosoftMSFT is
ELECTRIC CARS The e-commerce leader will report late riding high on sales of cloud-computing
Thursday, and EPS is seen soaring 164% to software and infrastructure services. In
Tesla Earnings Seen Soaring $5.67 as revenue rises 19% to $71.8 billion. recent weeks, it has signed up KrogerKR and
The electric-car maker will report late Though holiday e-commerce sales were Walgreens Boots AllianceWBA as Azure
Wednesday. Wall Street is expecting EPS largely positive for AmazonAMZN, investors cloud infrastructure customers.

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VITAL SIGNS U.S. oil rigs in operation Permian Shale rigs U.S. crude production
U.S. Oil Production At Record Highs 2,000 60% As share of total U.S. rigs 12 In millions of barrels per day
U.S. crude oil production held at 11.9 million 1,500 Jan. 25: 10
barrels per day in the latest week, essentially 862 50
double where it was eight years ago. U.S. oil 1,000 8
rigs in operation rose last week but are off a 40 Jan. 25: Week ended
500 56.1% 6 Jan. 18:
late 2018 peak as crude prices plunged late 11.9 mil
last year. 0 30 4
Sources: Energy Information Administration, Baker Hughes 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Women are dissatisfied
Stock market ends strong Online broker earnings Over half of American women are
The major indexes tested 50-day TD AmeritradeAMTD earnings beat dissatisfied with how they are treat-
support, but with a Friday rally the forecasts, jumping 39% to $1.11 on ed in society, according to a Gallup
Dow and Nasdaq rose 0.1% for the revenue of $1.516 billion. Interac- poll. While 46% of women said
week while the S&P 500 lost just tive BrokersIBKR fell short and tum- they were satisfied with how they
0.2%. A few more stocks broke out, bled. EPS rose 33% as revenue fell were treated, 61% of men said they
such as XilinxXLNX. Earnings season 4% to $492 million. E-TradeETFC were satisfied with the way
fueledmarketmoves, along withthe EPS leapt 66%, beating. Revenue women are treated in society. Only
end of the government shutdown rose 15% to $735 million, a miss. 24% of black women said they
and fresh China trade headlines. were satisfied with how women
Medical giants results mixed are treated vs. 52% of white
Chip stocks soar, but not Intel Johnson & JohnsonJNJ topped ad- women. Republican men and
The Philadelphia semiconductor justed earnings and sales expecta- women were more satisfied than
index surged 5.7% Thursday on up- tions with $1.97 a share and $20.4 their Democratic counterparts.
beat earnings from XilinxXLNX, billion, respectively. But shares fell
Texas InstrumentsTXN and Lam Re- after J&J said it sees 2019 sales to THERE IS NO circumstance whatsoever under which I will bear false Scooter riders racing to ER
searchLRCX. Xilinx spiked 18% to a be flat to up 1%. Abbott LabsABT met witness against the president, said Roger Stone, a longtime advisor to Electric scooter riders are more
new high, riding demand for its pro- EPS views while sales of $7.765 bil- PresidentDonald Trump. Stone played to the crowd outside the federal likely to have to go to the emergen-
cessors from data centers and 5G lion just missed. Bristol-Myers courthouse in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., after his arrest Friday morning. cy room than either cyclists or pe-
wireless network. IntelINTC late SquibbBMY topped EPS views com- destrians, according to a new
Thursday topped earnings views, fortably, but sales were a little study. Among those taken in for
but the chip giant missed on reve-
nue and gave weak revenue guid-
light. AbbVieABBV earnings and reve-
nue missed as Humira sales fell on INVESTING ACTION PLAN treatment, 40.2% were admitted
for head injuries, 31.7% for frac-
ance. Shares fell 5.5% Friday. biosimilar competition. tures and 27.7% with sprains, cuts
or bruises. However, the research
Starbucks earnings beat P&G earnings strong
Procter & GamblePG gapped up
Potential breakouts brewing Big oil producers to report published in medical journal
StarbucksSBUX earnings per share SalesforceCRM is 7.2% below a On Friday, analysts expect Exxon JAMA Network Open also found
jumped 15% to 75 cents, beating by close to a buy zone on better-than- 161.29 buy point and could soon MobilsXOM EPS to climb 22.7% to 94% of the 249 scooter-related
a dime, while revenue swelled 9% expected Q2 earnings. P&G also form a handle with a buy point at $1.08 with revenue up 11.5% to cases examined were discharged.
to $6.63 billion. Global same-store raised its fiscal 2019 organic sales 153.37. CyberArkCYBR has a handle $74.2 billion, while ChevronsCVX The study only looked at two hospi-
sales grew 4%, on strong comps in growth outlook, and reaffirmed buy point at 81.98, and shares are EPS is seen soaring 170% to $1.97 tals in western Los Angeles, where
the Americas and U.S. However, guidance for core EPS growth of 2.2% below that entry. Service- with revenue up 10.7% to $41.63 the vehicles are prevalent. But it
China comps were up just 1%, 3%-8%. Colgate-PalmoliveCL best- NowNOW is 0.9% below a handle billion. ConocoCOP is Thursday. shows the health threat of electric
while EMEA comps dipped 1%. ed Q4 earnings and sales estimates, with a 192.89 buy point. Palo Alto scooter use in a community.
CEO Kevin Johnson touted digi- boosting beaten-down shares. But NetworksPANW is 12.5% below a buy DRUGMAKERS There is high risk factor there,
tal initiatives and improved execu- Colgate expects EPS to decline in point of 239.60. SplunkSPLK is 6.2% study co-author Tarak Trivedi, a
tion of our in-store experience. 2019, despite projected organic below a 130.10 buy point.
Biotechs, drug giants are due physician at the Ronald Reagan
Johnson said Starbucks is playing sales growth. Finally Kleenex, Hug- BiogenBIIB and AmgenAMGN report UCLA Medical Center, said.
the long game in China, and he is gies and toilet paper giant Kimber- ECONOMY early Tuesday and late Tuesday,
confident there is significant run- ly-ClarkKMB fell on an earnings miss respectively. Biogens EPS is seen Organic premium shrinks
way for opportunity ahead. Star- and delivering weak guidance. Fed meeting surprise? up 28% to $6.72 as sales rise 2.5% Organic foods still cost more than
bucks stock jumped 3.6% Friday. Central bank policymakers wrap to $3.39 billion. Amgens EPS is nonorganic foods, but their premi-
up their meeting Wednesday with expected climb 12.5% to $3.25
Airline earnings top IN BRIEF a statement at 2 p.m. ET. Chair- with sales up 1.1% to $5.87 billion.
um prices are falling. In 2018, or-
ganic food and beverages cost 24
Southwest AirlinesLUV CEO Gary Intuitive SurgicalISRG earnings man Jerome Powell will hold a PfizerPFE and MerckMRK report
cents more per unit than conven-
Kelly called the U.S. shutdown missed views while sales topped news conference a half-hour later. Tuesday and Friday.
tional foods, or about 7.5% more, ac-
maddening. The airline said the expectations and $1 billion for the Rates are widely expected to
MEDICAL STOCKS cording to Nielsen. In 2014, they
gridlock in Washington would like- first time. The growth in proce- remain unchanged. But the Fed
could surprise by slowing the cost 27 cents more, or 9%. Premi-
ly ding Q1 revenue and had stalled dures using its da Vinci robotic-sur- Medtech leaders to report ums have fallen as organic options
its efforts to get FAA approval to ex- gical systems cooled. unwinding its balance sheet.
StrykerSYK is expected Tuesday to become more widely available at
pand into Hawaii. Still, the carrier 00 The Labor Department will report a 9.7% EPS rise to $2.15 as both high-end groceries, such as
IBMIBM jumped on above-forecast issue its jobs report Friday. Also
forecast a Q1 hike in unit revenue, Q4 results and bullish 2019 EPS sales grow 7.5% to $3.73 billion. AmazonAMZN-owned Whole Foods
assuming no further shutdown Friday, the Institute for Supply On Thursday, BaxterBAX should Market, and mainstream chains.
guidance. Revenue rose 1% to Management will release its manu-
damage. American AirlinesAAL ex- $79.6 billion in 2018, the first annu- report a 14% EPS gain to 73 cents KrogerKR stocked 9,000 organic
pects unit revenue this year to facturing gauge, and carmakers on sales of $2.8 billion, up 1.1%, items and sold $1 billion worth of
al gain in seven years. will report monthly U.S. sales.
grow faster than our network com- and Edwards LifesciencesEW organic foods in 2017. The Associat-
petitors. JetBluesJBLU own Q1 unit EBayEBAY surged as Elliott Capital should report a 24.5% EPS jump ed Press reported the findings.
revenue outlook was hit by the tim- TRADE
Management urged it to restruc- to $1.17 on sales of $974 million. 00 Shanghai is now home to the
ing of Easter and Passover. Alaska ture and sell some business units to U.S.-China talks to resume AEROSPACE/DEFENSE worlds longest 3D-printed con-
Air GroupALK beat Q4 estimates. double its market value over the A pivotal round of talks will be crete bridge. The 86-foot-long
next two years. Elliott Manage- held in Washington, D.C., on Boeing, Lockheed lead sector structure was created by a team
Rail earnings run past views ment said eBay suffers from a Wednesday and Thursday. Both
Canadian Pacific , Norfolk South-
CP On Tuesday, analysts see Lock- from the Tsinghua University
deeply depressed valuation due to sides remain far apart on the trade heedsLMT EPS rising 1.4% to $4.36 School of Architecture in Beijing.
ernNSC and Union PacificUNP all beat its history of misexecution. gap and Beijings anti-competitive
quarterly expectations. Union Pa- with revenue up 8.7% to $13.82 It took just 450 hours to produce
practices. Unless theres a deal, billion. On Wednesday, BoeingsBA and cost a third less than a stan-
cific CEO Lance Fritz cited solid ResMedRMD reported adjusted tariffs of 10% on $200 billion in
volume growth, pricing gains, cost EPS of $1 a share on $651.1 million EPS is seen falling 5.6% to $4.53 dard bridge of equivalent size.
Chinese imports are set to jump to but revenue is expected to rise 6%
cuts and a better on-time service. in sales. Earnings topped, but sales 25% on March 2. 00 The average American has sex
Union Pacific stock reclaimed a came in about $16 million light. to $26.9 billion. NorthropNOC and in their car three times over the
buy point. Shares plunged Friday. 00 AlibabaBABA reports early RaytheonRTN are Thursday. course of ownership, a Toco War-
Wednesday, and analysts see EPS ranty study found. Meanwhile 56%
United Tech earnings surprise Las Vegas SandsLVS dipped after rising 2% to $1.66 with revenue up IN BRIEF of owners give their vehicle a
EPS rose 22% to $1.95 vs. expecta- the casino giant reported weaker- 39% to $17.6 billion. name, 20% speak to their automo-
than-expected Q4 earnings. 00 IlluminaILMN reports Tuesday: bile and 23% even feel guilty when
tions for a decline. Revenue grew CHIPMAKER Estimate EPS down 5.6% to $1.36;
15% to $18.044 billion. United ComcastCMCSA reported Q4 EPS not driving their regular car. Many
sales up 10.8% to $862 million.
TechnologiesUTX benefited from up 36% as revenue rose 26% to Qualcomm sales seen falling also believe their cars have person-
strong gains in its jet-engine and The wireless chipmaker reports 00 ServiceNowNOW reports Wednes- ality traits, with half describing
$27.85 billion, both topping. The day; EPS up 83% to 64 cents; sales
aerospace segments. The conglom- cable giant lost fewer video sub- fiscal Q1 earnings late Wednesday. their automobile as trustworthy.
erate recently announced plans to Wall Street expects EPS to drop up 31% to $717.5 million.
scribers than expected but broad-
become an aviation pure-play in band subscriber additions missed. 11% to $1.09 as sales drop 19% to 00 PayPalPYPL reports Wednesday:
2020. It will spin off the Otis eleva- $4.9 billion. QualcommQCOM has EPS up 22% to 67 cents; sales up CONTENTS
tor and Carrier air conditioner Citrix SystemsCTXS beat Q4 views been hard hit by the slowdown in 13% to $4.24 billion. VisaV reports
Best Online Brokers ........A10 Industry Groups .................B9
units into separate, publicly traded but shares fell on the enterprise smartphone sales and its payment Wednesday, and MastercardMA is Industry Snapshot .............A9
Big Picture .........................B6
stocks. United Tech rose 1.7%. software makers Q1 guidance. dispute with customer Apple. Thursday. Block Trades .......................B6 Internet & Technology .......A5
Commodity Futures .........B18 Investors Corner ................B5
Credit Market ...................B19 Issues & Insights ............A19
This announcement is neither an offer to purchase nor a solicitation of an offer to sell Shares (as defined below).
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REITs ................................B10
at $0.01 Net Per Share by BAKER MILLS LLC absent air traffic controllers, Presi- himself interim president. But Pres- Global Leaders ..................B12 Research Tables .................B5
dent Trump announced a deal to re- ident Nicolas Maduro said the IBD 50 ..................................B1 Stocks Spotlight ..............B14
%DNHU0LOOV//&D'HODZDUHOLPLWHGOLDELOLW\FRPSDQ\ 3XUFKDVHU , is offering to purchase up to 5,000,000 shares of
IBD Big Cap 20 ..................B17
common stock, par value $0.01 per share WKH6KDUHV RISEARS Holdings Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the open the government. It doesnt in- move was a coup and ordered all Swing Trader.....................B13
&RPSDQ\ DW$0.01 per Share, net to the seller in cash, upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the IBD Industry Themes ........B13 Timesaver Tables..............B13
Offer to Purchase, dated January 28, 2019 and in the related letter of transmittal (which, together with the Offer to clude money for a wall, but Con- American diplomats to leave. IBD Sector Leaders ...........B10 To The Point ......................A2
Purchase anGDQ\DPHQGPHQWVWKHUHWRFROOHFWLYHO\FRQVWLWXWHWKH2IIHU 7KH2IIHULVQRWFRQGLWLRQHGXSRQWKHWHQGHU gress will convene a conference Some non-essential State Depart- IBD Stock Analysis ............B8 Volume Changes.................B6
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FEBRUARY 28, 2019, 81/(667+(2))(5,6(;7(1'('257(50,1$7(' 7+((;3,5$7,21 gress balks, Trump hinted that hes Trump is considering sanctions on
7,0(  Venezuelas oil industry. At least
prepared to shut down the govern-
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Investors Business Daily has spent years analyzing leaders and suc-
cessful people in all walks of life. Most have 10 traits that, when
combined, can turn dreams into reality. Each day, we highlight one.
He Gives Varsity Brands
1 HOW YOU THINK IS EVERYTHING: Always be positive. Think
success, not failure. Beware of a negative environment.
Victories To Shout About
Commit: Jeff Webb sparked a cheerleading powerhouse
down your specific goals and develop a plan to reach them.

3 TAKE ACTION: Goals are nothing without action. Dont be

afraid to get started. Just do it.

Jeff Webb revolutionized an indus-

4 NEVER STOP LEARNING: Go back to school or read books. Get
training and acquire skills. try with the adage: If you want
something done, then do it your-
5 BE PERSISTENT AND WORK HARD: Success is a marathon, not a
sprint. Never give up. In 1974 Webb founded and be-
came CEO of Varsity Spirit Inc.,

6 LEARN TO ANALYZE DETAILS: Get all the facts, all the input.
Learn from your mistakes.
now under the umbrella of Varsity
Brands. Over the last 45 years hes
built it into the worlds largest

7 FOCUS YOUR TIME AND MONEY: Dont let other people or

things distract you.
cheerleading organization. Its at-
tracted prestigious, longtime part-
ners such as Walt Disney Co.DIS
the herd is a sure way to mediocrity.
and ESPN.
Webb, 68, was a yell leader for the
cheerleading squad in his college
person is an island. Learn to understand and motivate others. days at the University of Oklahoma.
Hed also been working as a cheer-
leadingcamp director for Lawrence
Otherwise, Nos. 1-9 wont matter. Herkimers National Cheerleaders
Association. Webb led sessions of
Upon graduation Webb wanted
The Technology Of Talk to go to law school, but Herkimer
talked him into working for NCA
full-time for a year. Saving some
Humans have been at- the other people time and respect money before law school seemed

tempting to improve and
refine communication
since our cave-dwelling an-
cestors presumably gradu-
ated from grunts and groans to
enough to hear their answers.
Probe. Listen better by asking
We have heard of active listen-
ing and of questions to clarify that
what you hear is what the speaker
like a great idea to the financially
strapped Webb, so he accepted.
Lightbulb Moment
Working in the business, Webb
saw an opportunity to transform
I had no idea I was an entrepreneur at heart, said Jeff Webb, who es-
chewed law school for a lucrative career in the cheerleading business.
With the array of ways that we intended to say, said David Hiatt, cheerleading and expand it into
now communicate virtually com- author of From the Board Room something more athletic and enter- camps and education for orders.
plete online lives and worlds we To The Living Room: Communi- taining. Webbs Keys But then the vendor went bank-
need to learn to . . . communicate cate With Skill for Positive Out- He tried to get that accomplished 00 Founded Varsity Spirit, rupt and never delivered anything.
differently to survive in this brave comes. with Herkimer and NCA. But they the worlds largest cheer- Fortunately, Webb found anoth-
new digital world, wrote Nick He adds that the other person were too entrenched in the way leading organization. er vendor. The uniforms were de-
Morgan, author of Can You Hear will feel listened to when you ask theyd been doing things. 00 Overcame: The challeng- livered in time after all.
Me? How To Connect With People more informational and engage- Looking back, I dont blame es of changing the status What I learned from that near-
In A Virtual World. ment questions and answer any of them, Webb told IBD. But I quo. death experience was to really
Morgan is a communications theirs. began to believe in my vision of 00 Lesson: Dont get over- choose your partners carefully and
coach with Fortune 50 clients. His Oddly enough, to listen effective- where cheerleading could go. So I whelmed by the task. Just to make sure they have the same
blog reaches over 100,000 readers ly you need to truly do some talk- just said Ill have to do this myself. focus on the mission. commitment to your customers
per month. ing, he wrote. You talk when you I had no idea I was an entrepreneur 00 Understand there are that you do, Webb said. We try to
Tips on making sure nothing is ask clarifying or confirming ques- at heart. going to be ups and downs. partner with market leaders and
lost in translation in todays busi- tions. Varsity Spirit began with cheer- Youre going to persevere people that have the same kind of
ness climate: Hiatt is also International Train- leading camps and education for by having the fortitude, the passion that we do.
Set time parameters. Never let ing Director for Sandler Training, a high school and college students. drive, and the commitment Jeff has an uncompromising
an audio/remote or virtual meet- consulting company. Then Webb expanded into uni- to hang in there and set the focus on delivering tremendous
ing go longer than 10 minutes with- Agree to agree. Reach a mutual forms, equipment and organizing example for the people value to our customers every time
out a break, Morgan says. Our at- accord about the desired outcome competitions. around you. we come in contact with them,
tentions are not as engaged virtual- at the beginning of a conversation It rebranded as Varsity Brands in Seely said. And he has the courage
ly, and we lose interest more quick- or meeting, especially virtual ones. 2001 after some mergers and acqui- to do the right thing regardless of
ly. Try for a nine-minute virtual When there is a goal at the end, sitions through the years. Bain Cap- do what he hasnt done. the short-term consequences.
meeting! you have an outcome to be ital Private Equity bought Varsity Varsity Spirit puts on over 600 Jeffs never been afraid to go
In addition, make sure everyone achieved, Hiatt said. It can be as Brands for $2.5 billion in 2018. Var- cheerleading competitions across against the popular decision to en-
has a chance to participate. Try- simple as deciding whether we sity Brands annual revenues ex- the country annually. The events at- sure long-term growth for our com-
ing to run the same meeting virtual- solved the problem or if we need fu- ceed $1.35 billion, according to the tract some 900,000 participants. pany.
ly that you used to run face to face ture meetings. company. It has more than 4,000 The company has partnered with Webbs Varsity Fashions now pro-
in a meeting room wont work, he Stay A.D.U.L.T. Thats Hiatts ac- full-time employees. Webb is cur- Disney for 25 years and hosts near- duces over a million custom uni-
said. ronym, which stands for: rently Varsity Brands chairman. ly 90,000 athletes at seven of Varsi- forms annually. In the process he
Engagement is critical because Acknowledge the opinion of oth- The company is headquartered in ty Spirits most premier events at revolutionized cheerleading uni-
with the amount of remote and vir- ers. Memphis, Tenn. the Walt Disney World Resort in forms by building performance
tual workers increasing all the Demand nothing in return for lis- The most important thing for a Orlando, Fla. into the fabrics.
time, the less likely they are to feel tening to them. leader to do is have a vision for For the last 35 years, Varsity Spir- The cheerleaders not only have
engaged with the mission of their Understand the other person as what the organization can be, what it partnered with ESPN to broad- to look good, but they also need fab-
organization, Morgan adds. best you are able. youre trying to accomplish, and cast their cheerleading competi- rics that stretch and are high perfor-
Ensure comprehension. As- Let go of your need to always be the value youre going to be adding tions around the world. The broad- mance, Webb says. This includes
sume that you are misunderstand- right and be open minded to the for your customers in particular casts reach over 100 million homes footwear thats safe and lets them
ing most of your emails, Morgan ideas of others. and then also your team, Webb and 32 countries annually. climb the different cheerleading
says, and that your recipients are Time is valuable, but still take the said. We have a phrase I kind of pyramids.
misunderstanding most of what time to engage in meaningful face- Bill Seely, Varsity Spirits presi- coined that we use to describe our When Varsity Spirit we went into
you send them. to-face conversations when possi- dent, says Webbs ability to lead culture: the heart and the fist, the uniform business, uniforms
He says research shows that the ble. people is second to none. Webb said. Lock arms, everybody were plain and not that imagina-
misunderstanding rate for text- Use empowering language. Jeffs vision, drive for continu- on the same page, the group and tive, Webb said. As we made
based messages is 60% or more. Hiatt offers these examples: ous improvement and genuine the mission before the individual. cheerleading more exciting, we
So add a one-sentence headline at You should, is judgmental. But care for every employee are the per- We help each other succeed and thought uniforms should be more
the beginning of each email or text You may find more value in, is sonal traits of his that stand out the the organization succeed by hav- exciting as well. So from a graphic
saying, this is what this email is helpful. most for me, he told IBD. ing a big heart for our team mem- design standpoint, a lot more color,
about and what I mean by it. Youre wrong about, is judg- Some 330,000 athletes in teams bers and our customers. a lot more identification. They look
Similarly, dont assume that on an mental. Your perspective might attend over 4,000 Varsity Spirit Now on the other hand, you better, they are more exciting, but
audio conference silence implies change if, is helpful. cheerleading training camps each have the fist. This is business, and they also have a lot of great athletic
agreement or consent. In person, Listen to me, is judgmental. summer. The curriculum for the its a contact sport. We are going to function.
we can watch people react, and May I suggest, is helpful. four-day/three-night camps be- be competitive. We are going to be In 1981, Webb forged a partner-
think, Morgan said. We give each Write right. Even when just gins at 8 a.m. and last until 9 p.m. It ethical in everything we do. But we ship with ESPN and created the Na-
other up to six seconds to respond emailing and texting, none of that includes drills on how to lead a are going to be very competitive, tional Cheerleading Champion-
before the silence gets uncomfort- relieves us of actually having to crowd in different game situations, and we are going to play to win. ships in Orlando, Fla. Together
able. write properly, Morgan says. new cheers, stunt and gymnastic they introduced a new style of
Err on the side of caution. Verify Fundamentally good writing still routines, and safety training. One, Two, Three, Go! cheerleading that highlighted ath-
anything youre unsure of. needs authenticity, empathy, a Jeff is still teaching and leading Webb, born in Dallas, credits his leticism and entertainment.
Lastly, end every virtual conversa- clear point of view and grace of ex- camps alongside our summer father as being his most important Varsity Spirit also has its own
tion by asking, How did what I pression, he wrote. camp instructors, said Jackie mentor. Webb says his father em- media platform, Varsity TV, for
just said make you feel? Then give Michael Mink Kennedy, Varsity Spirits vice presi- phasized doing the right thing and which it generates hundreds of
dent of marketing and communica- common-sense guiding principles, thousands of hours of original con-
tions. His passion permeates into such as: It never hurts to talk. tent each year.
all of the people here at Varsity Sometimes that opens a lot of Make sure that with partners
Spirit, and Jeff cares about every doors, Webb said. And some- that you bring into the business
single employee. He takes the time times people dont talk. But if you and with joint ventures you have a

Stay in Step
to meet every new employee. He stay with it and at least establish strong enough position where the
learns their name, where they are some type of rapport and open- important things philosophically,
from and what they are passionate ness, then things get done. directionally and strategically that
about. Webb faced a defining moment a you envision for the company, your
WITH THE MARKET Most Varsity Spirit employees few years into Varsity Spirit. After partners buy into, Webb said.
started working for the company initially starting out with cheer You get there, Webb says, by fo-
Our Senior Product Coaches dive into the current market as summer camp instructors camps, he decided to expand into cusing on building a world class or-
-m7-m-;|_;|u;m7v;-7bm]v|o1hv-m7ro|;m- straight out of high school, as did the uniform and equipment busi- ganization and thats not just about
breakouts that investors need to know. Kennedy. ness in 1979. making money. Thats about pro-
Jeff leads by example, Seely He found a vendor who was in viding an amazing service or prod-
Tuesday, January 29, 2019 noted. He leads from the field and the uniform sports manufacturing uct and value to your customers.
1:15pm PT / 4:15pm ET I
2019 Investors Business Daily, Inc. Investors Business Daily, IBD, CAN SLIM, Leaderboard and corresponding logos are regis-
interacts directly with every level
of our company and not from a cor-
business. Webb leveraged all of his
good will with his customers that
Thats about having the kind of
company that people are proud to
tered trademarks owned by Investors Business Daily, Inc. MarketSmith is a registered trademark of MarketSmith, Incorporated. ner office. He doesnt ask anyone to hed earned through cheerleading be a part of.

Copyright 2019 Investor's Business Daily Inc.

DATA BUS U.S. video game sales, by segment, in billions Top-selling video games of 2018
Video Game Sales Hit Record $40 2017 2018 Rank Title Publisher Rank Title Publisher
The U.S. video game industry generated a 1 Red Dead Redemption 2 Take-Two Interactive 6 Marvels Spider-Man Sony
record $43.4 billion in revenue in 2018, up
18% from 2017. Of that total, 82% was from 20 2 Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Activision Blizzard 7 Far Cry 5 Ubisoft
game software, subscriptions and in-game 10 3 NBA 2K19 Take-Two Interactive 8 God of War 2018 Sony
purchases. The rest was from hardware 0 4 Madden NFL 19 Electronic Arts 9 Monster Hunter: World Capcom
and accessories. Hardware, Software, plus subscriptions 5 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Nintendo 10 Assassins Creed: Odyssey Ubisoft
Sources: Entertainment Software Association, NPD Group
including peripherals and in-game purchases



Tesla Flirts With The Mainstream Robotic Surgeon Maker Stumbles

On Model 3, But It May Not Last BY ALLISON GATLIN

Going Big Results In Layoffs Intuitive SurgicalISRG lost nearly $2 billion of its market cap Friday after
the robotic surgery giant said its operating expenses would grow
20%-28% in 2019.
Electric-car icon discovers Intuitive is working to fend off MedtronicMDT and Johnson & Johnson
that producing a vehicle JNJ
, Evercore analyst Vijay Kumar said. Both are expected to launch rival
for $35,000 is a tall order systems in 2020, undercutting
500 Intuitive Surgicals robotic
450 Tech Leaders vs. S&P 500 Tech Leaders
surgery enterprise.
So Intuitive Surgical is boost-
ing spending now, he said. On
When Elon Musk sent employees 250
the fourth-quarter earnings
an early-morning email one week 200
call with analysts, Chief Finan-
ago to update them on company op- 150 cial Officer Marshall Mohr
erations, he said 2018 was the most 100 S&P 500 said Intuitive Surgical is ramp-
challenging year in TeslasTSLA his- 50 ing spending on informatics
tory and its most successful. 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 and infrastructure, and
Then he promptly warned the launching new platforms.
road ahead would continue to be While this makes sense from a long-term perspective, the implication
rough. is that this spend could remain elevated in the medium term, pressuring
We face an extremely difficult Tesla appears unlikely to get its Model 3 sedans down to the $35,000 margins, Kumar said in a report to clients. He noted building channel
challenge: making our cars, batter- range anytime soon. And it has slashed its workforce to cut costs. presence is a multiyear effort.
ies and solar products cost-compet- Shares have a bullish Composite Rating of 97 out of a best-possible 99.
itive with fossil fuels, the Tesla This past week, Tesla also con- earnings on Jan. 30. All eyes will This means Intuitive Surgical stock trades in the top 3% of all stocks in
chief executive wrote. While we firmed that the company had re- focus on Teslas first-quarter guid- terms of growth metrics.
have made great progress, our duced production hours for its ance, its cost-cutting measures and Though investors punished Intuitive Surgical for an earnings miss,
products are still too expensive for higher-priced Model S and Model the progress on shipping Tesla ve- Canaccord Genuity analyst Jason Mills argued they should buy the dip.
most people. X vehicles. Earlier this month, hicles to Europe and China. Wall We view the firms aggressive investments today as a harbinger of
Musk effectively admitted that Tesla said it would stop accepting Street analysts also will try to sustained strong growth and industry-leading operating margins over the
company costs are too high to prof- orders for entry-level versions of gauge pent-up demand overseas long term, he said in his note to clients. Mills reiterated his buy rating.
itably produce its long-promised the Model S and Model X starting and whether that will neutralize
$35,000 Model 3. He also an- Jan. 14. some expected softness in the U.S.
nounced that Tesla would cut 7% As a result of this change and be- While Tesla remains a roller Tech Leaders
of its workforce as Musk lowered cause of improving efficiencies in coaster ride, we believe European Top stocks in the technology sector
profit expectations for the fourth our production lines, we have re- deliveries hitting the ground in Q1 Composite EPS RS ONeil
quarter. Tesla stock plunged 13% duced Model S and X production and a steady production ramp out Company Symbol Rating Rating Rating Industry Group
that day. hours accordingly, Tesla said in a of Fremont (Calif.) remain key vari- Twilio TWLO 99 72 99 Computer Sftwr-Enterprse
Whether Tesla can make this statement. At the same time, these ables for the bulls/bears to debate ALRM 99 96 98 Comp Sftwr-Spec Enterprs
year better than last depends on a changes, along with continuing im- heading into another pivotal earn- Ciena CIEN 99 92 98 Telecom-Fiber Optics
lot of big unknowns. This includes provements, give us the flexibility ings report and guidance, Wed-
how well Tesla Model 3 cars will to increase our production capaci- bush analyst Daniel Ives said in a re- Five9 FIVN 99 72 98 Computer Sftwr-Enterprse
sell when shipments to Europe ty in the future as needed. port to clients. Atlassian TEAM 99 98 98 Comp Sftwr-Spec Enterprs
begin next month, followed by ship- Some of the uncertainty about Wall Street is expecting revenue Veeva Systems VEEV 99 99 98 Computer Sftwr-Medical
ments to China. Plus, can it cut Teslas future will be addressed to more than double to $7.1 billion Xilinx XLNX 99 79 98 Elec-Semicondctor Fablss
costs enough to stay profitable? when it reports fourth-quarter SEE TESLA ON A7 See the entire list at; go to Data Tables or Stock Lists

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OFF THE CHARTS Percent of advisors' assets under management in various Time until bond bull market ends
Rising Popularity Of Bonds types of fixed income
Mutual funds 6-12 months
Amid rising interest rates, financial Individual bonds
advisors' clients are increasingly receptive ETFs Already over
to fixed income investments. Investors like Other 1-2 years
the greater liquidity of bond funds vs. Certificates of deposit Next 6 months
individual bonds, Incapital says. Structured products
Social impact More than 2 years
Source: Incapital 0 5 10 15 20 25 30% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


Take Smart Steps To Attract Rich Clients
Enhance people skills, iarity.
They want a relationship where
technical knowledge youre not a peer, but someone
to hit the next plateau who understands the experiences
they face on a daily basis, Miller
said. Its not Im just like you. Its
I understand and let me share simi-
lar situations and how Ive ad-
Salespeople who chase big ac- dressed them.
counts are sometimes called ele- Because vast wealth can isolate
phant hunters. They curry favor people, advisors who talk about
with the wealthiest prospects. how theyve assisted others can
For advisors, selling themselves stand out, Miller adds. Concrete ex-
to a well-heeled clientele requires Trying to land big amples of how youve solved prob-
a coordinated strategy to court accounts? Being a lems or simplified a clients financ-
skeptics who are used to fending good listener and es can persuade a high-net-worth
off service providers. Planners adding a personal prospect to sign on.
who combine engaging people touch can help
skills with sharp technical knowl- financial advisors Live Cold Call
edge tend to succeed. attract high-net- Like Karn, Miller burnished her
Setting clear parameters im- worth individuals reputation by hosting events such
proves your outreach. While defini- as clients. as educational workshops on fami-
tions vary, some advisors seek to ly legacy planning and other topics
work with individuals with a net Theyll wonder why should they She also gains high-net-worth cli- turn. relevant to wealthy audiences. Typ-
worth ranging from $5 million to give you that time and divulge sen- ents through referrals. But she pre- To market to the rich, consider ically, 10 to 20 people would show
$25 million. sitive information so that you can fers not to request them outright. hosting events with an air of exclu- up, and she might convert one to a
The high-net-worth tend to be sell to them. If you ask a high-net-worth cli- sivity. Mix socializing with stimu- client.
prettyprivate,saidLiz Miller,a cer- ent for a referral, they might think lating activities to woo more fans to I viewed these workshops as a
tified financial planner in Summit, Get Better Referrals that you need it, she said. They your firm. targeted live cold call, Miller said.
N.J. Theyre always a target for Traditional marketing cam- might think youre just a marketing Robert Karn, a certified financial They were not positioned for
business. They feel its rare to inter- paigns can attract wealthy clients. machine and you wont have time planner in Farmington, Conn., or- sales or even to suggest my busi-
act with someone who just listened But adding a personal touch in- for them. ganizes fun gatherings at his office. ness for them.
to them, so its important to listen. creases your odds of success. Instead, she positions herself as Examples include a seminar in She held her sessions often less
Yet eliciting information from The best advertising is through a clients biggest advocate. Im- which a professional photogra- thantwohours in high-end retire-
them can pose a challenge. Unless clients board of directors, said pressed, they often initiate refer- pher discussed how to use Photo- ment communities. Attendees who
they know you well, they may not Kathleen Grace, a certified finan- rals without her prodding. shop and an antique party where completeda survey aftereach work-
want to reveal details about their fi- cial planner in Boca Raton, Fla. From negotiating funeral costs to each attendee brought an item for shop received a summary of tips.
nances. Ive built close relationships with helping clients kids understand the an expert to appraise. We also ask if they want our
Miller finds that asking open- attorneys, CPAs and other experts impact of charitable giving, Grace We include dinner and invite cli- newsletter, she said. We may re-
ended questions such as, Have who give advice to high-net- looks for ways to deliver value. The ents to bring friends, he said. No turn to the same venue once or
you ever worked with an advisor worth individuals. more services she provides, the products are discussed. Theres no twice a year with a different topic.
and what has your experience To meet these key influencers, more referrals shes apt to get. selling. We try to make it low-key To a young advisor, it sounds like a
been? works better than declar- Grace has served on nonprofit (Investment) performance mat- and unthreatening. long process. But this clientele is
ing, I want to learn all about you. boards and other community orga- ters, dont get me wrong, she said. When pitching your services to rather private and perhaps skepti-
If you say you want to learn all nizations. In these groups, she But its not about performance. the top 1%, beware of trying to in- cal of our industry. So you have to
about them, theyll think, Of builds rapport and introduces new Our clients are very educated and gratiate yourself with them. Au- commit the time to win them
course you do, Miller said. contacts to her firm. understand its not just about the re- thenticity matters more than famil- over.

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Teslas Plan For A Car IPO Filings Soon To Be Priced

Shares Estimated Mkt Value
(000) Price ($Mil) Industry Group
P/E Ratios:
Co / Grp Lead Underwriter

At Mass-Market Prices New Fortress Energy Cl A NFE/NDQ 25,530 17.0 19.0 3279.2 Oil&GasIntegrated n.a./ 16 Morgan Stanley.
New York, NY. Operates as an integrated gastopower company thatdevelops, and constructs energy infrastructure assets.
Riley ExplorationPermian REPX/NSE 7,667 14.0 16.0 389.3 Oil&GasU S Expl&Prod n.a./ 26 Suntrust Robinson Humphr.

Becomes Elusive Target

Oklahoma City, OK. Engaged in the exploration and production of oil and gas in Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma.
Tiziana Life Science Ads TLSA/NDQ 1,811 10.3 10.3 204.4 MedicalBiomed/Biotech n.a./ 41 Laidlaw & Company.
United Kingdom. UKbased co develops novel molecules and diagnostics to treat unmet medical needs in oncology and immunology.
Bionano Genomics Inc BNGO/NDQ 3,853 8.0 10.0 40.1 MedicalProducts n.a./ 57 Roth Capital Prtnrs.
program, he added. San Diego, CA. Develops saphyr system, a platform for ultrasensitive and ultraspecific structural variation detection.
TESLA FROM A5 Tamberrino maintained a sell rat- Realm Therapeutics Ads RLM/NDQ 5,074 13.1 13.1 127.3 MedicalBiomed/Biotech n.a./ 41 Citigroup.
for Q4. The estimate on adjusted ing on Tesla stock and price target Malvern, PA. Develops novel therapeutics for the treatment ofinterplay between innate and adaptive immunity.
earnings, according to Zacks In- of 225.
vestment Research, is $2.06 a Several Wall Street analysts have Dermadoctor Inc DDOC/NDQ 2,156 7.0 9.0 46.4 Cosmetics/Personal Care n.a./ 19 Thinkequity Partners.
Kansas City, MO. Develops, manufactures, and sellscleansers, serums, masks, moisturizer, exfoliators, antiaging.
share, vs. 55 cents a year-ago. issued negative notes on Tesla
since Musks company update Yayyo Inc YAYO/NDQ 719 7.0 9.0 243.3 LeisureTravel Booking n.a./ 26 Benchmark Company Llc.
Falling Short Of Estimates caused shares to plummet. Beverly Hills, CA. Holding companyengages in developing vehicle rental platform in the United States.
On Jan. 2, Tesla announced quar- The recent cutting of the work- Alzheon Inc ALZH/NDQ 5,750 13.0 15.0 157.9 MedicalBiomed/Biotech n.a./ 41 Citigroup.
terly delivery numbers for the force and commentary focused on Framingham, MA. Develops treatments for Alzheimer's disease and other neurological disorders.
fourth quarter that fell short of ana- reducing costs in the 8-K implies to
lyst estimates. us that the bulk of the backlog Workspace Property Trust WSPT/NSE 44,850 12.0 15.0 672.8 FinanceProperty Reit n.a./ 51 Goldman Sachs & Co.
Horsham, PA. REIT that acquire, own, and operate office and flex real estate properties in the United States.
Tesla stock was downgraded this and indeed the bulk of demand
past week by a Wall Street analyst lies at the lower price points, Prolung Inc LUNG/NDQ 1,073 7.0 8.0 39.5 MedicalSystems/Equip n.a./ 50 Maxim Group Llc.
who thinks the electric-car compa- which are well below Teslas cost Salt Lake City, UT. Develops and sells precision predictive analytical medical devices specializing in lung cancer.
ny will struggle to build the basic of the vehicle, Spak wrote. While Energy Hunter Resources EHR/NDQ 5,555 8.0 10.0 65.5 Oil&GasU S Expl&Prod n.a./ 26 Stifel Nicolaus Weisel.
version of its Model 3 profitably. the strategy of fulfilling the high Grapevine, TX. Engaged in the acquisition, drilling and production of oil and natural gas in Ford Shale and Permian Basin.
RBC Capital Markets analyst Jo- end to bring cost down for the low
seph Spak, in his research note to end had good intentions, we be-
clients, said Musk is promoting a lieve Tesla underestimated the
dream that could turn into dark- cost curves and manufacturing Prices Of Recent IPOs
ness for stockholders. side of the equation.
For years, Tesla sold the dream The $35,000 Model 3 still does High % Chg % Chg
of transportation disruption and not exist and Tesla admits they Symbol/ Offer Filing Offer From Current From
Company Exchange Date Price Price Filing Price Offer Industry Group Lead Underwriter
fantastic growth, Spak wrote. cant make it profitably, he said.
But the rubber appears to be hit- RhinebeckBancorpInc RBKB/NDQ 1/17 10.0 10.0 0.0 11.6 16.3 FinanceCommercialLoans SandlerO'neill
ting the road as the realities of Convertible Notes Due MdjmLtd MDJH/NDQ 1/8 5.0 5.0 0.0 3.4 33.0 RealEstateDvlpmt/Ops Network1Fin Sec
Tesla becoming a volume player, Teslas stock price also has come MmtecInc MTC/NDQ 1/8 4.5 4.0 11.1 6.6 65.5 ComputerSftwrFinancial WestparkCapital Inc
the challenges to scale and deliver- into focus as it faces some critical ChinaSxtPharma SXTC/NDQ 1/4 4.0 4.0 0.0 3.8 5.0 MedicalEthicalDrugs BousteadSecurities Llc
ing high volume at high average debt deadlines.
PuhuiWealth InvestMgmt PHCF/NDQ 12/27 6.0 6.0 0.0 5.2 13.7 FinanceInvestmentMgmt JosephStoneCapitalLlc
selling prices and margins are com- Tesla has a $920 million convert- FederalLifeGroup Inc FLF/NDQ 12/24 10.0 10.0 0.0 11.5 15.1 InsuranceLife GriffinFinancial Group
ing to a head. ible bond due on March 1. The AptorumGroupLtdCl A APM/NDQ 12/18 15.8 15.8 0.0 14.2 9.9 MedicalBiomed/Biotech BousteadSecurities Llc
Spak downgraded Tesla stock price set to convert the note into LegacyHousing Corp LEGH/NDQ 12/14 12.8 12.0 5.9 13.2 9.6 FinancePropertyReit B.Riley & Co.
from a rating of sector perform to stock was $359.88 per share, but
underperform, essentially a sell rat- Tesla stock is trading near $290. 360Finance Inc ClA Ads QFIN/NDQ 12/14 18.5 16.5 10.8 12.6 23.4 FinancialSvcsSpecialty Citigroup
ing. He cut his price target on Tesla According to a notification sent TencentMusic EntGrpADS TME/NSE 12/12 15.0 13.0 13.3 15.3 17.5 InternetContent MorganStanley
SynthorxInc THOR/NDQ 12/7 12.0 11.0 8.3 14.0 27.0 MedicalBiomed/Biotech JefferiesLlc
stock to 190 from 245. Thats about to bondholders, Tesla plans to pay
Moderna Inc MRNA/NDQ 12/7 24.0 23.0 4.2 14.9 35.2 MedicalBiomed/Biotech MorganStanley
35% below where shares currently the note with a mix of cash and eq-
trade. uity. But the more Tesla stock falls, MoguInc ClA Ads MOGU/NSE 12/6 16.0 14.0 12.5 16.2 15.6 RetailInternet MorganStanley
the more it will have to pay in cash. MedalistDiversifid REIT MDRR/NDQ 11/28 11.0 10.0 9.1 8.3 16.9 FinancePropertyReit MaximGroup Llc
Model 3 Pricing Or, it could be the higher the dilu- TaiwanLiposome Co Ads TLC/NDQ 11/21 7.5 5.8 22.3 6.4 10.3 MedicalBiomed/Biotech CantorFitzgeraldCo
When Tesla first announced the tion of stock, which will affect the TuancheLimited ClA ADS TC/NDQ 11/20 9.5 7.8 17.9 6.3 18.6 Retail/WhlsleAutomobile MaximGroup Llc
Model 3, it promoted a base price share price. WeidaiLtdClA Ads WEI/NSE 11/15 11.0 10.0 9.1 10.0 0.2 FinanceCommercialLoans MorganStanley
of $35,000. At the time, it called it a Tesla reported cash and cash BainCap SpecialtyFin BCSF/NSE 11/15 21.3 20.3 4.7 18.2 9.9 FinancialSvcsSpecialty BofaMerrillLynch
car for the masses. But when it equivalents of $3 billion at the end VapothermInc VAPO/NSE 11/14 16.0 14.0 12.5 16.4 17.3 MedicalProducts BofaMerrillLynch
rolled off the production line in of its September quarter. EtonPharmaceuticals Inc ETON/NDQ 11/13 6.0 6.0 0.0 6.2 3.3 MedicalBiomed/Biotech NationalSec Corp
mid-2017, Tesla only made high- Musk repeatedly has defied skep-
CNFinanceHoldings Ads CNF/NSE 11/7 8.5 7.5 11.8 6.5 12.8 FinanceCommercialLoans RothCapitalPrtnrs
end versions. Their average price: tics on his path to building the
TwistBioscienceCorp TWST/NDQ 10/31 16.0 14.0 12.5 23.2 65.5 MedicalBiomed/Biotech JP Morgan
$55,000. The hefty price tag was worlds largest electric-car maker. AxonicsModulation Tech AXNX/NDQ 10/31 16.0 15.0 6.3 15.0 0.1 MedicalSystems/Equip BofaMerrillLynch
softened by a $7,500 federal tax Many times the charismatic OrchardTherapeutics Ads ORTX/NDQ 10/31 16.0 14.0 12.5 12.1 13.9 MedicalBiomed/Biotech JP Morgan
credit, which is now winding some would say mercurial execu-
down. tive has soothed doubts about GamidaCell Ltd GMDA/NDQ 10/26 15.0 8.0 46.7 11.4 42.5 MedicalBiomed/Biotech BM OCapitalMarkets
Building high-end Model 3 cars Tesla stock and his companys fu- PintecTechHldgs Cl A PT/NDQ 10/25 12.0 11.9 1.0 11.0 7.5 ComputerTech Services GoldmanSachs& Co
worked out well for the company. ture. Sometimes, hes had his own YetiHoldingsInc YETI/NSE 10/25 21.0 18.0 14.3 17.8 1.4 LeisureProducts BofaMerrillLynch
It was the main reason why Tesla misgivings. StonecoLtdClA STNE/NDQ 10/25 23.0 24.0 4.3 23.1 3.8 FinanceCrdtcard/Pmtpr GoldmanSachs& Co
showed a profit in the third quar- The question is, can he charm in- LogicbioTherapeutics LOGC/NDQ 10/19 14.0 10.0 28.6 8.4 16.0 MedicalBiomed/Biotech JefferiesLlc
ter. It was just the third profitable vestors again? NiuTechnologisClA Ads NIU/NDQ 10/19 12.5 9.0 28.0 7.6 15.4 LeisureProducts CreditSuisse
quarter in the electric-car makers
15-year history. When the federal
tax credit was cut in half on Jan. 1,
Tesla responded by cutting the Notice of Class Action Settlement
price of all three of its vehicles by
$2,000. If you transacted in Euribor Products 1
The main problem now is that the
reservoir of high-end buyers in the between June 1, 2005 and March 31, 2011, inclusive (Class Period),
U.S. is depleting, analysts believe. then your rights will be affected and you may be entitled to a benefit.
The companys recent communi-
cations imply that both sustainable The purpose of this Notice is to inform you of your rights in connection with the receive a share of the Settlement Fund after it is reduced by the payment of certain
demand for the currently offered proposed settlement with Settling Defendants Citigroup Inc. and Citibank, N.A. expenses. The Settlement Agreement, available on the Settlement Website, describes
Tesla Model 3 variants in the U.S. (collectively, Citi) and JPMorgan Chase & Co. and JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. all of the details about the proposed Settlement. The exact amount each qualifying
and initial demand for the higher- (collectively, JPMorgan) in the action titled Sullivan, et al. v. Barclays plc, et al., Settlement Class Member will receive from the Settlement Fund cannot be calculated
trim variant offered international- 13-cv-2811 (PKC) (S.D.N.Y.). The settlement with Citi and JPMorgan (the until (1) the Court approves the Settlement; (2) certain amounts identified in the full
ly are below internal expecta- Settlement) is not a settlement with any other Defendant and thus is not dispositive Settlement Agreement are deducted from the Settlement Fund; and (3) the number of
tions, Goldman Sachs analyst of any of Plaintiffs claims against other Defendants. participating Class Members and the amount of their claims are determined. In
The Settlement has been proposed in a class action lawsuit concerning the alleged addition, each Settlement Class Members share of the Settlement Fund will vary
David Tamberrino wrote in a note depending on the information the Settlement Class Member provides on their Proof of
to clients. manipulation of the Euro Interbank Offered Rate (Euribor) and the prices of Euribor
Products during the Class Period. The Settlement provides a total of $182.5 million to Claim and Release form.
We believe that 2019 is shaping
pay claims from persons who transacted in Euribor Products during the Class Period. The number of claimants who send in claims varies widely from case to case. If
up to be another choppy year for If you qualify, you may send in a Proof of Claim and Release form to potentially get less than 100% of the Settlement Class sends in a Proof of Claim and Release form,
Tesla and its shares as it navigates benefits, or you can exclude yourself from the Settlement, or object to it. you could get more money.
the U.S. Federal Tax Credit phase-
The United States District Court for the Southern District of New York How Do You Ask For a Payment?
out and mix-down of its Model 3 (500 Pearl St., New York, NY 10007-1312) authorized this Notice. Before any
money is paid, the Court will hold a Settlement Hearing to decide whether to If you are a Settlement Class Member, you may seek to participate in the
approve the Settlement. Settlement by submitting a Proof of Claim and Release to the Claims Administrator
at the address in the Settlement Notice postmarked no later than July 31, 2019. You
Who Is Included?

may obtain a Proof of Claim on the Settlement Website or by calling the toll-free
You are a Settlement Class Member if you purchased, sold, held, traded, or number referenced above. If you are a Settlement Class Member but do not file a
otherwise had any interest in Euribor Products during the Class Period, and during the Proof of Claim and Release, you will still be bound by the releases set forth in the
Class Period were either domiciled in the United States or its territories or, if Settlement Agreement if the Court enters an order approving the Settlement
domiciled outside the United States or its territories, you transacted Euribor Products Agreement.
in the United States or its territories during the Class Period. Settlement Class If you timely submitted a Proof of Claim and Release pursuant to the class notice
Members include, but are not limited to, all persons who during the Class Period dated November 29, 2017, related to the $94 million settlement with Defendants
traded CME Euro currency futures contracts, all persons who during the Class Period Barclays plc, Barclays Bank plc, and Barclays Capital Inc. (collectively, Barclays);
transacted in NYSE LIFFE Euribor futures and options from a location within the the $45 million settlement with HSBC Holdings plc and HSBC Bank plc (collectively,
United States, and all persons who during the Class Period traded any other Euribor HSBC); and the $170 million settlement with Deutsche Bank AG and DB Group
Product from a location within the United States or its territories. Services (UK) Ltd. (collectively, Deutsche Bank) (the 2017 Notice), you do not
Contact your brokerage firm to see if you purchased, sold, held, or traded or have to submit a new Proof of Claim and Release to participate in the Settlement with
otherwise had any interest in Euribor Products. If you are not sure you are included, Citi and JPMorgan. Any member of the Settlement Class who previously submitted a
you can get more information, including the Settlement Agreement,2 Mailed Proof of Claim and Release in connection with the 2017 Notice will be subject to and
Notice, Plan of Allocation, Proof of Claim and Release, and other important bound by the releases set forth in the Settlement Agreement with Citi and JPMorgan,
documents, at (Settlement Website) or by calling unless such member submits a timely and valid request for exclusion, explained
toll-free 800-492-9154. below.
What Is This Litigation About? What Are Your Other Options?
Plaintiffs allege that Defendants, during the Class Period, conspired to manipulate All requests to be excluded from the Settlement must be made in accordance with
and manipulated Euribor and the prices of Euribor Products. Plaintiffs allege that the instructions set forth in the Settlement Notice and must be postmarked to the
Defendants did so by using several means of manipulation. For example, Plaintiffs Claims Administrator no later than April 12, 2019. All requests for exclusion must
allege that panel banks that made daily Euribor submissions to Thomson Reuters comply with the requirements set forth in the Settlement Notice to be honored. The
falsely reported banks costs of borrowing in order to financially benefit their Euribor Settlement Notice, available at the Settlement Website, explains how to exclude
Products positions. Plaintiffs also allege that Defendants requested that other yourself or object. If you exclude yourself from the Settlement Class, you will not be
Defendants make false Euribor submissions on their behalf to benefit their Euribor bound by the Settlement Agreement and can independently pursue claims at your own
Products positions. expense. However, if you exclude yourself, you will not be eligible to share in the Net
Plaintiffs further allege that Defendants continuously conspired to fix the prices of Settlement Fund or otherwise participate in the Settlement.
Euribor Products in the over-the-counter market to financially benefit their own The Court will hold a Settlement Hearing in this case on May 17, 2019, to consider
Euribor Products positions. In addition to coordinating Euribor submissions and whether to approve the Settlement and a request by the lawyers representing all
agreeing on where to price Euribor Products, Plaintiffs allege that in order to Settlement Class Members (Lowey Dannenberg, P.C. and Lovell Stewart Halebian
effectuate their alleged manipulations of Euribor and Euribor Products during the Jacobson LLP) for an award of attorneys fees of no more than nineteen percent (19%),
Class Period, Defendants engaged in pushing cash, transmitted false bids and offers, or $34,675,000, of the Settlement Fund for investigating the facts, litigating the case,
used derivative traders as submitters, and rigged bids and offers for Euribor Products. and negotiating the settlement, and for reimbursement of their costs and expenses in
Plaintiffs have asserted legal claims under various theories, including the Sherman the amount of no more than approximately $1,300,000. The Plaintiffs may also request
no more than $400,000 from the Settlement Fund as reimbursement of their own
We invite you to Act, the Commodity Exchange Act, the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt
Organizations Act, and common law. expenses and compensation for their time devoted to this litigation. The lawyers for
the Settlement Class may also seek additional reimbursement of costs and expenses in
take a complimentary Settling Defendants have consistently and vigorously denied Plaintiffs allegations. connection with services provided after the Settlement Hearing. These payments will
also be deducted from the Settlement Fund before any distributions are made to the
two week trial. What Does the Settlement Provide? Settlement Class.
Call 1.800.831.2525 Under the Settlement, Citi and JPMorgan agreed to pay a total of $182.5 million You may ask to appear at the Settlement Hearing, but you do not have to.
into the Settlement Fund. If the Court approves the Settlement, potential Settlement For more information, call toll-free 800-492-9154 or visit the website
or go to Class Members who qualify and send in valid Proof of Claim and Release forms may 1 Euribor Products means any and all interest rate swaps, forward rate agreements, futures, options, structured products, and any other instrument or transaction related in any way to Euribor,
including but not limited to, New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE) Euribor futures contracts and options, Chicago
Mercantile Exchange (CME) Euro currency futures contracts and options, Euro currency forward agreements, Euribor-based swaps, Euribor-based forward rate agreements, and/or any other
financial instruments that reference Euribor.
2017 Investors Business Daily, Inc. Investors Business Daily,
2 The Settlement Agreement means the agreement between Plaintiffs, Citi and JPMorgan, entered into on November 21, 2018, and filed with the Court in this action.
IBD, Leaderboard and corresponding logos are registered trade-
marks owned by Investors Business Daily, Inc.

Copyright 2019 Investor's Business Daily Inc.


AFTER MARKET IBD New Issues Index Leading New Issues

Gossamer Bio Plans A $230 Million IPO Offering Offering Current EPS Industry Lead
Company Symbol Date price price %Chg Rtg group underwriter
The biotech is developing immunology-based Tilray Inc Cl 2 TLRY 7/19/18 17.00 75.35 343.2 2 Consumer Prod-Specialty Cowen And Company
therapies for asthma and other indications. Inspire Medical Systems INSP 5/ 3/18 16.00 52.85 230.3 13 Medical-Products Bofa Merrill Lynch
Gossamer Bio plans to raise $230 million by of- Allakos Inc ALLK 7/19/18 18.00 44.81 148.9 2 Medical-Biomed/Biotech Goldman Sachs & Co
fering 14.4 million shares at $16 each, giving it a Elastic Bv ESTC 10/ 5/18 36.00 78.72 118.7 3 Computer Sftwr-Database Goldman Sachs & Co
fully diluted market value of $1 billion. The Guardant Health Inc GH 10/ 4/18 19.00 39.25 106.6 18 Medical-Services J P Morgan
lead underwriters are BofA Merrill Lynch and Pluralsight Inc Cl A PS 5/17/18 15.00 29.43 96.2 23 Computer Sftwr-Design Morgan Stanley
SVB Leerink, under the ticker GOSS. Insiders I3 Verticals Inc Cl A IIIV 6/21/18 13.00 24.33 87.2 37 Finance-Crdtcard/Pmtpr Cowen And Company
plan to purchase 43% of the public offering. Anaplan Inc PLAN 10/12/18 17.00 31.80 87.1 3 Computer Sftwr-Enterprse Goldman Sachs & Co


SPIRIT AIRLINES Miramar, Florida

Discount Airline Getting A Lift From Passengers, Investors

After an interdepartmental airing
BY BILL PETERS Spirit Airlines of grievances a few years ago,
INVESTORS BUSINESS DAILY Christie said, other improvements
Not everyone complains about Ticker SAVE ranged from big to small. They in-
Spirit AirlinesSAVE. And they dont Share price Near 57
cluded printing big yellow bars on
12-month sales $3.13 bil
have a problem with Spirit stock on 5-year profit growth rate 7% bag tags to help usher the right
Wall Street these days. bags to the right flights. They also
IBD SmartSelect Corporate Ratings
After bruising competition sank included building in more plan-
Spirit stock from 2015 to 2017, Composite Rating 97 ning time for red-eye flights from
shares of the carrier with the Earnings Per Share 67 Vegas. And they deployed staff in a
bright-yellow jets, cheap basic Relative Price Strength 97 way that better managed the im-
fares and fees for just about every- Industry Group Rank 52 pacts of nasty weather in the Mid-
thing else climbed 29% in 2018. Rank Within Industry Group 1 west.
Much of that ascent came after Sales+Profit Margins+ROE A The answers that came forward
Spirit, in November, showed it Accumulation/Distribution B may have seem intuitive, Christie
could command higher fees on the See for more details said. But it required the communi-
things for which air travelers cation of that group first.
would rather not pay extra. Those larger rival Delta Air LinesDAL, it
include baggage and seat selection was still ahead of United Airlines Different Kind Of Growth
charges, and comprise much of UAL
and American AirlinesAAL. Other research shows Spirit has
Spirits sales. As the Wall Street Journal noted ASpiritAirlinesA320 passenger jettakes off from LasVegas McCarren grown in a way that is less likely to
After improving operations, bet- last month, the number of mishan- International Airport, now one of the carriers key destinations. spark fare-discounting skirmishes
ter managing flight schedules and dled bags is down. Passenger com- in hub airports dominated by
targeting big leisure destinations plaints? Also lower, though in Octo- Delta, American and United. Air-
like Las Vegas as well as the Florida ber they were still higher than Lifting Spirits line investors hate such discount
hot spots Orlando and Ft. Lauder- Delta and bigger discounters Jet- Spirit Airlines non-ticket revenue for baggage fees and seat selection wars because they hurt sales and
dale the ultra-low-cost carrier BlueJBLU and SouthwestLUV. has attracted investors, while unit costs have stayed in line for years profits. But a recent research note
has also done some things custom- The airline industry faces ques- Spirit non-ticket revenue Adjusted unit costs, YOY change* from Stifel, citing flight data from
ers like. In the process, it cleaned tions from analysts about the pros- aviation-industry analytics provid-
up some areas that damaged its rep- pect of a recession. But Christie $1.2 In billions 4% er Diio, said Spirit has increasingly
utation in years past. says he sees nothing on the horizon steered clear of those destinations.
In the past weve had what I that would portend an economic 0 Spirit not growing in a Big 3 hub
would say, gently, would be mis- downturn. 0.6 lessens the risk of an unexpected
steps in our own execution around -4 competitive response, which we
what we thought was a very noble Sounding The Alarm 0.3 saw periodically from 2015 to
objective, Spirits newly minted More airline executives this 2017, Stifel analyst Joseph DeNar-
chief executive, Ted Christie, told month have sounded the alarm on 0 -8 di said in a note to clients this
Investors Business Daily. Christie the threats the government shut- 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 12 13 14 15 16 17 18e 19e month. This should lead to more
took the top job on Jan. 1. down poses to air travel and air- Source: Company reports *excludes fuel costs stable and controllable revenue
We were unbundling traditional craft approvals. But Christie said trends.
products, he said of the carriers ef- Spirit, which depends less on cor- revenue. That was well up from the support at its 50-day line. Spirit tries to keep operational
forts to upend the industry with porate travel than bigger rivals, roughly 6% initially forecast in Oc- We continue to believe impres- costs low to counterbalance its
low fares and charges for other hasnt been feeling the pinch. De- tober. Spirit stock jumped 15% sive cost discipline, ancillary reve- cheap fares. Even with the im-
amenities. We were making a lot mand, he said, was very strong. after the November forecast. nue initiatives, and tactical net- provements, tighter flight sched-
of changes, and I think when you When you become more reli- work adjustments will continue to ules that keep costs low can mean
do that kind of thing, naturally that able, people dont, from one day to Flying Higher support earnings recovery at Spir- that problems ripple through the
creates some disruption. the next, start trusting that youre This month, the carrier nudged it, Raymond James analyst Sa- system more quickly if something
going to be a sustainably reliable that forecast even higher, to an vanthi Syth said in a research note goes wrong, Kaplan said.
Improved Timeliness airline, said Seth Kaplan, editor of 11.4% gain. Spirit Airlines reports this month. In order to simplify those opera-
But in October, the carriers on- Airline Weekly. But I think over a fourth-quarter earnings on Feb. 5. That was not the case for Spirit tions, the carrier only operates Air-
time ranking hit No. 1, according to period of time people are like: You The carrier offers more than 600 stock a few years ago. Spirit and busEADSY single-aisle A320 jets.
the most recent government data. know what? They are running on daily flights to 72 destinations in other discounters grew rapidly and Bloomberg reported on Tuesday
It had long showed up late more time. the U.S., Latin America and the Car- advanced into the prized territory that the carrier was in talks with
than its competitors. The efforts appeared to culmi- ibbean. Spirit stock has an IBD of Delta, American and United. So Airbus, BoeingBA and Embraer
Spirits on-time ranking was No. nate for investors in November, Composite Rating of 97 out of a the big network carriers tried to over a new aircraft order. New air-
4 for the first 10 months of 2018. when the carrier said it expected best-possible 99. The stock is in a match them on ticket prices. They craft could mean new pilot training
While thats one spot behind much- an 11% hike in fourth-quarter unit cup-with-handle base and testing often did so through their own low- costs for Spirit.
priced, no-perks Basic Economy In 2017, Spirit drew an average
fares. $53 in non-ticket sales per passen-
ger segment, according to its most
Cramped Seating, Small Trays recent annual report. In 2006, that
Along with low fares and high figure stood at around $5.
fees, Spirit is known for cramped In the same way that airline fare
seating space and seat-back trays prices fluctuate according to loca-
that seem to be the size of standard tion, demand and timing, Spirit has
mailing envelopes. But before the dynamically priced its non-tick-
rise of Basic Economy, Spirits low et add-ons. That dynamic pricing
prices were enticing enough that it helped boost its fourth-quarter
could more easily get away with oc- unit revenue forecast.
casionally stumbling on service.
They werent the most reliable More Perks On The Way
airline. They certainly werent the The carrier this year plans to add
fanciest, Kaplan said. But if some- more perks and services that break

The journey toward

body could save hundreds of dol- out costs in other granular, fluid
lars, especially for a family travel- ways. Spirit hopes the moves will
ing together, they could win. pad profit and investor returns.

investing success begins

Fuel prices, however, rebounded For instance, Spirit expects to
last year, pushing airline costs high- have in-flight Wi-Fi service on
er. Fares and unit revenue rose, most of its planes by the end of this

with great advice.

helped as well by a strong economy year.
and travel demand. Christie said the service will have
They actually kind of like it different speeds, with lower-speed
when they see other, fuller-service service at an average price of
airlines charging more, Kaplan around $6 a flight. Higher-speed,
said of discounters like Spirit. streaming-quality service will like-
That gives them more room, ly come in at an average price of
again, to compete on price. closer to $10, he said.
But along with price, Spirit The reason I said the word aver-
smoothed out the connective tis- age is it will be an average,
sue in its flight network. It pulled Christie said. Things will influ-
transcontinental flights that never ence that price, like the length of
completely worked. It dialed back the flight and demand for the prod-
its activity in Minneapolis and Chi- uct at that flight and all of that. But
cago OHare, one of Uniteds big thats a good way to think about it
hub airports. on average.

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2017 Investors Business Daily, Inc. Investors Business Daily, IBD, CAN SLIM and corresponding logos are
registered trademarks owned by Investors Business Daily, Inc.

Copyright 2019 Investor's Business Daily Inc.

Splunk (SPLK) ServiceNow (NOW) Palo Alto Networks (PANW)
Basing Stocks, Strong Forecasts 130 220 240
Overall software sales are expected to slow 120 200 220
110 190
in 2019, but select segments are forecast to 100 180 200
continue outpacing the overall market. 170 190
90 180
Splunk, ServiceNow and Palo Alto all start 96 160 170
B- 80 91 150 90 160
the year in basing patterns, and with healthy C+ 140 B 150
EPS growth outlooks. Consensus 2019 EPS Forecast: +38% Consensus 2019 EPS Forecast: +32% Consensus 2019 EPS Forecast: +33%
Jun 18 Sep Dec Mar 19 Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Mar 19 Jun 18 Sep Dec Mar 19


3 Software Industries Outpace Techs

A closer look at the outlooks and leading stocks in database, enterprise and security software
ServiceNow is on the IBD 50 list
of top-performing stocks. It is the
Software developers outran most top-ranked stock in its group, with
other tech stocks as well as the an IBD Composite Rating of 99.
overall stock market in 2018. The
trends that helped drive that per- Security: Palo Alto Networks
formance have also set the stage for Another security software leader
continued growth this year, even is Palo Alto NetworksPANW. The
in a slowing economic environ- company primarily competes in
ment. the firewall network security
Within the world of tech stocks market. However, its been build-
in 2018, software based on the ing a broader cybersecurity plat-
IGV Software index outper- form.
formed the S&P 500 by 19%, ac- KeyBank Capital Markets analyst
cording to Credit Suisse. Software Rob Owens lists Palo Alto as one of
also did well against tech stocks his top picks for this year.
overall, outperforming by 15%. We remain impressed with the
Over the past eight weeks, three scale of Palo Altos top-line momen-
groups in particular enterprise, tum, which evidences the early
database and security software stages of an industrywide uptick in
have been among the top 10 stock the firewall cycle, Owens wrote.
market-leading advances made by We remain confident in Palo
the 197 industries tracked by IBD. Altos ability to capture a dispropor-
Entering 2019, we expect soft- tionate share of the opportunity,
ware will continue to benefit from ChristianChabotisco-founderandchairmanofTableau,whichisexpectedtotop$1billioninrevenuethisyear. which should drive continued out-
many of the secular trends that performance in results.
have been at the forefront for the ed third-quarter results that 99 from IBD. called ServiceNow a disruptive The outfit reported fiscal first-
past several years, according to an smashed estimates and presented a Companies that are looking to up share gainer. It holds a well-estab- quarter results in November. Ad-
in-depth report by Credit Suisse on fourth-quarter outlook above guid- their game with better technology lished position in its market, and is justed earnings surged 92%, and
the software industry this month. ance. efficiency in an increasingly com- expanding to address additional op- revenue jumped 31%; both topped
Among the factors driving the op- The company has posted double- plex digital world are signing up portunities. expectations.
timistic outlook are the ongoing ex- digit revenue growth each quarter with ServiceNowNOW, a leader in The company has delivered dou- Management forecast January-
pansion of cloud computing, and for more than four years. The its field of cloud computing. ble-digit, year-over-year quarterly quarter sales above consensus esti-
the trend toward the software-as-a- fourth-quarter consensus among revenue growth going back more mates.
service, or SaaS, business model. Wall Street analysts is for a 105% A Disruptor than four years. It has also deliv- The company expects to report
SaaS is software accessed online jump in adjusted earnings, to 76 ServiceNow software enables ered a steady profit stream. fiscal second quarter results in late
via a subscription. cents per share. Revenue is fore- companies to automate routine The company reports fourth- February. The consensus view on
The accelerating rise of artificial cast to rise 34%, to $562.5 million. business tasks to help employees quarter results after the market adjusted earnings is $1.22 per
intelligence and machine learning The company has not yet an- work more efficiently, keeping closes on Wednesday. The consen- share, up 42%, on a 26% revenue
are also critical. And the still-grow- nounced a reporting date for its them from falling behind in a digi- sus is for an 83% jump in adjusted gain, to $682 million.
ing trend toward big data data fourth quarter results. tal world. earnings, to 63 cents a share. Reve- Palo Alto is an IBD 50 stock, with
sets too large or complex for tradi- A report from Morgan Stanley nue is forecast to rise 31% to $717.5 a Composite Rating of 98.
tional data-processing application Database: Tableau Software
software to adequately deal with Seattle-based Tableau Software
continues to figure into the soft- DATA
ranks third in its database soft-
ware overview. ware group, with a Composite Rat-
In addition, a common thread ing of 98.
running through all of those trends Tableau has built a dominant fran-
is cybersecurity software, fueled chise with its pioneering data visu-
by the growing need to secure alization product for both business
cloud platforms amid a constant on- and technical IT users. The compa-
slaught of cyberattacks and hack- ny's platform allows users to con-
ing. nect to data, regardless of its loca-
Cautiously Optimistic
tion, to create rich, interactive visu- Register for
alizations from their data, and per-
Credit Suisse is cautiously opti- form advanced analytics.
mistic about the year ahead for Tableaus more than 82,000 cus-
software stocks. tomer accounts include small and
It expects spending on software medium-size businesses, govern-
and information technology spend- ment agencies, universities, re-
ing to decelerate this year, along search institutions and nonprofits.
with overall economic growth. The company expects subscrip-
Other wildcards include how the tion revenue to continue to be-
China trade war and tariffs, as well come a larger percentage of total li-
as currency fluctuations, affect cense revenues as demand shifts to
company sales as well as stock mar- cloud-based and subscription prod- ma y
ket performance. ucts. 1 3
The overall software sector re- Tableau plans to report fourth- 2019
ceived a positive view from re- quarter results on Feb. 5, after the
search firm Gartner in its most re- market close. Analysts expect Tab-
cent outlook on information tech- leau earnings to drop to an adjust-
nology spending. ed loss of 8 cents per share, down
Gartner estimates global IT from a 12-cent gain a year ago. Reve-
spending will grow 3.2% this year nue is expected to rise 9% to $271.6
to $3.8 trillion. million.
Thats down from estimates for
4.5% growth in 2018. Cloud Leader:
But spending on enterprise soft- The Computer Software-Enter- trump national doral miami
ware is expected to jump 8.3% to prise group ranked No. 5 on Thurs-
$439 billion, the strongest growth day among all industries, up from a
of the five technology sectors Gart- No. 72 ranking six weeks ago. The
ner tracked. No. 2 stock in the group, Sales-
Heres a look at some of the top- force.comCRM, is one of the largest
performing tech stocks in three hot- SaaS vendors, and a pioneer in the
running software segments. field.
The bulk of its revenue comes
Database Leader: Splunk from its customer relationship
SplunkSPLK is a leader in the Com- management software. It also sells
puter Software-Database industry a complementary suite of enter-
group. The group on Thursday prise applications focused on cus-
ranked No. 4 of 197 IBD industry tomer service, marketing automa-
groups. It was No. 45 six weeks tion, analytics and application de-
ago. velopment.
Splunk is a pioneer in the field of We believe the Salesforce eco-
Big Data and analytics. Its software system is well positioned to drive
tools help tech managers monitor continued top-line growth, as the
and analyze vast volumes of data in strategic importance of digital
real time, using artificial intelli- transformation and cloud migra-
gence. tion efforts continue into 2019,
The company holds the No. 1 wrote KeyBanc analyst Brent
rank among its peers in the IBD Bracelin.
group, carrying a best-possible Monnes Crespi Hardt analyst
Composite Rating of 99. The Com- Brian White rates Salesforce as one
posite Rating is a blend of key fun- of his top software picks for this
damental and technical metrics to year, with a buy rating and price tar-
measure a stocks leadership poten- get of 162. Sponsored by
tial. We believe Salesforce remains
Credit Suisse believes businesses the best vehicle for investors to
have made Big Data and data ana- play the cloud trend and is well po-
lytics a major theme. sitioned for the Fourth Industrial
It also says that Splunk is one of Revolution, White wrote.
the providers best positioned to le- It reports results in late February.
verage this trend. The consensus looks for adjusted And the U.S. Options Exchanges
Splunk is also broadening its mar- earnings of 55 cents per share, up
ket to meet the needs of cybersecu- 17%, on a 25% rise in revenue, to
rity and the Internet of Things. $3.56 billion. Salesforce holds a
Splunk, in late November, report- best-possible Composite Rating of

Copyright 2019 Investor's Business Daily Inc.


INVESTOR DEMANDS Have you switched brokers? Main reason for switch Broker changes favored in next year*
Cost-Sensitivity Persists
Cost 33% Lower fees 40%
Amid erce industry competition, clients Yes 32%
arent afraid to switch online brokers for a Bad experience 17% Better research 27%
better deal. About a third changed their Convenience 13% Better buy lists 21%
primary broker in the past ve years, with cost
Execution 8% Better education 19% *Top 5 of 7
the biggest reason. Clients would like to see No 68%
Other Better info on using changes
more fee cuts and better research this year. 29% 19%
Sources: IBD, TechnoMetrica


Developing New Ways
To Improve On Value
FIDELITY search, Portfolio Analysis & Re-
ports, and Research Tools.
Broker ranks high in most Innovation spans both technolo-
gy like our mobile platform and our
key attributes, including voice-based authentication, and
education and research also how we make it easier for in-
vestors to generate new ideas with
our streamlined research tools, Ig-
nall said.
The broker offers in-house and

idelity brokerage is keeping third-party research from more
its streak alive by ranking than 20 firms on stocks, ETFs, mu-
among the top brokers in tual funds and other investment ve-
IBDs seventh annual Best On- hicles.
line Brokers survey. Fidelity also provides an online
Despite stiff competition from ri- learning center and offers free live
vals, the Boston-based company webinars. It charges a $4.95 trad-
made the top five brokers for a sev- ing commission for all online U.S.
enth straight year and top two for equity trades.
the past six years. According to its
TopbrokerCharlesSchwabs rapidexpansion inseveral areasistied toasharp focuson customerexperience. customers, Fidelity brokerage ex-
celled in 13 of 14 important perfor- At A Glance
mance categories, including Cus-

A Customer-First Focus
tomer Service, Educational Re-
sources and Research Tools. Minimum to open an account:
Those attributes gave Fidelity None
one of the highest overall Custom- Number of accounts: 20.5
er Experience Index ratings million

Propels Broker To The Top

among all the brokers in the sur- Shorting restrictions: Must
vey. They also drove a 6% increase consent to margin and short-sale
in the number of clients to 20.5 mil- terms-of-use agreement
lion, from the prior year. Margins: Initial margin require-
ment is 50% of the purchase of
The Definition Of Value most securities, with minimum
SCHWAB ing trading platforms with new ca- So, whats the secret to Fidelity account equity of $2,000
At A Glance pabilities. brokerages success? Commissions: $4.95 per trade
Clients give high marks
Those restructured tech opera- We believe its our commitment
Special features: Wide selection
tions, like those in the rest of the on- to value, transparency and innova-
in Web Security, Customer Minimum to open an account: $0 line broker industry, could be set tion, Scott Ignall, head of Fideli- of commission-free ETFs; test
trading strategies using
Service, Trade Reliability (Schwab One brokerage account) for a major test. tys retail brokerage business, told historical market data with
Number of accounts: 11.6 million You have to recognize that the IBD. Value isnt just headline com- Wealth-Lab Pro
Shorting restrictions: Must growth of fintech and the growth mission, but the total platform of re-
consent to a margin and short of new models has all occurred search, education, products and
account agreement under a 10-year raging bull mar- customer service that we expose to Advanced trading tools are avail-

espite a tough 2018 for the Margin restrictions: Must have
ket, said Walt Bettinger, president our customers. Transparency is able for more active traders. The
stock market and for online $2,000 in cash or marginable of Charles Schwab, in a discussion making sure customers know ex- Active Trader Pro platforms fea-
brokers, Charles Schwab securities in account at Schwabs Impact conference in actly what they are paying before tures include streaming market
held its focus on improving Washington, D.C., in October. they hit the buy button. data, interactive charts, advanced
Commissions: $4.95 per trade
customer experience. And inves- We know markets dont just go That includes features such as a option analytics and portfolio man-
tors with a Charles Schwab broker- Special features: Satisfaction straight up. And when there are cor- flat annual fee of 0.35% of assets for agement tools.
age account rewarded the firm, guarantee refunds fee or rections, and when adjustments its Fidelity Go digital advisor and Wealth-Lab Pro is available to cli-
pushing it into the No. 1 position commission if not completely come . . . a lot of business models four ZERO-expense ratio index ents with at least $25,000 in assets
overall in IBDs annual Best Online that looked fantastic all of a sudden funds. The four mutual funds Fi- who trade more than 36 times in a
Brokers survey. dont look so perfect, he said. delity ZERO Large Cap Index rolling 12-month period.
It didnt have far to go. Charles ago. Designed to act as an internal The possibility of a cooling mar- FundFNILX, Fidelity ZERO Total Mar- The platform lets users test pre-
SchwabSCHW ranked right behind Fi- startup company, the fintech opera- ket and the advance of enabling ket Index FundFZROX, Fidelity ZERO built or customized trading strate-
delity at the top of the best online tion introduced the Schwab Intelli- technologies led Fidelity to quickly Extended Market Index FundFZIPX gies based on technical and funda-
brokerage list the past four years. It gent Portfolios automated invest- follow Schwab in launching a fee and Fidelity ZERO International mental analysis. It also provides ac-
nosed just past Fidelity this year on ing tool in 2015. By early 2018, Bar- price war among brokers in 2017. Index FundFZILX generated $2.25 cess to up to 20 years of historical
a strong increase in its Overall Cus- rons reported that Schwab Intelli- Both online brokers dropped their billion in net flows as of Dec. 31. data.
tomer Experience Index rating to gent Portfolios two-year invest- basic trade commissions to $4.95. Fidelity also offers value with
70.2 from 64.6. ment performance outpaced com- They held those rates steady in price improvement, by scanning a New Features
Client satisfaction in the Educa- petitive offerings from SigFig, 2018, even as JPMorgan ChaseJPM wide variety of available trades and During the past year, Fidelity bro-
tional Resources and Research WiseBanyan and Vanguard. launched a no-fee investing app. getting the best execution order for kerage improved a number of tools
Tools categories surged. In fact, In 2018, Schwab moved to But overall costs continued to clients. on its trading platforms and
helping to explain its top rating strengthen and consolidate its tech contract. Fidelity launched two Fidelity receives no payment for added some new ones.
overall, Schwab ranked among the operations by introducing Digital new zero-fee index funds. Schwab order flow from market makers, so For instance, it created Shares
top three brokers in 13 of the 14 bro- Accelerator Teams strategically was also on the move. we can achieve the best price im- Calculator to help customers more
ker attributes that survey takers placed in Austin and San Fran- The $4.95 gets all the headlines, provement in the industry, Ignall accurately buy the right amount of
deemed the most important. It cisco. These teams work across but there are a lot of other ways we said. Fidelity customers average shares, given the dollar amount
held the highest rating in Trade Re- Schwabs businesses to speed im- save clients money, said Barry more than $17 in price improve- they want to invest.
liability, Customer Service and provements in easy-to-use and in- Metzger, Schwabs senior vice pres- ment for every 1,000-share market Our two most frequent trade er-
Low-Cost/Free ETF Trading. tuitive digital experiences for both ident of global trading and advice. order, which is more than six times rors are buying-power related. . . .
Schwab makes improving cus- retail investors and the financial ad- As just one example, Schwab ex- better than the industry average. Customers are trying to buy more
tomer experience a key element in visors and employers who serve panded its ETF OneSource to in- Fidelity brokerage earned the than they can afford, and we know
every step. For example, it them. The move followed a year clude more than 250 commission- highest rating in the following re- many customers think in terms of
launched an in-house fintech de- dedicated to cutting prices, expand- free ETFs in 70 Morningstar invest- search-related categories: Educa- dollars rather than shares when
velopment operation five years ing advisory services and launch- SEE SCHWAB ON A13 tional Resources, Investment Re- SEE FIDELITY ON A13

Low Commissions And Innovation Earn A Best Brokers Ranking

INTERACTIVE founder and CEO Thomas Peterffy platform to complement the more moved the $10,000 account mini-
bought a seat on the American At A Glance advanced Trader Workstation plat- mum in 2018. Despite eliminating
Firm caters to savvy traders Stock Exchange. form. the minimum deposit, Interac-
Headquartered in Greenwich, Besides coming in first place in tives focus remains on larger-
but is boosting ease-of-use Conn., the company now has over Minimum to open account: four separate categories, Interac- sized accounts.
for the average investor 1,200 employees globally, includ- None. Eliminated $10,000 tive Brokers ranked among the Executive Vice President Steve
ing China and India. minimum in 2018 three best brokers in five of the Sanders says that smaller inactive
On Jan. 7, Interactive Brokers an- Number of accounts: 589,000 other 14 categories. accounts could be hit with a fee.
nounced that it will appoint Milan And Interactive Brokers shined If your account is less than
Galik as its CEO when Peterffy Shorting restrictions: No U.S. where it matters most with inves- $100,000 in average equity for a cal-
short-sale orders for stocks

veryone loves an underdog steps down in Q3 2019. tors: Low Commissions & Fees, endar month, then you must spend
ineligible for DTC continuous
story, and this year Interac- The companys mission is to cre- new settlement which topped the list of most im- at least $10 in commissions or your
tive Brokers provides one in ate technology to provide liquidity portant broker attributes. account may be charged a monthly
IBDs seventh annual Best On- on better terms. Compete on price, Margin restrictions: May reduce A price war broke out in 2017 activity fee to make up the differ-
line Brokers awards. speed, size, diversity of global prod- marginability on stocks under among the major brokers, led by ence.
certain circumstances, including
Interactive Brokers, known for ucts and advanced trading tools. Charles Schwab and Fidelity. Inter-
low liquidity Mobile Trading
catering to experienced stock trad- active Brokers was able to sit back
ers, nudged past TradeStation and Are You Experienced? Commissions: U.S. fixed 0.5 cent and relax, since it already offered Aside from Low Commissions &
TD AmeritradeAMTD to claim its Interactive Brokers focuses on per share per trade, with $1 and still offers the lowest com- Fees, Interactive Brokers earned
minimum; other products offered
spot among the top three, along more experienced investors, and missions among major brokers in the top score from customers in the
at fixed and tiered rates
with Charles SchwabSCHW and Fi- client feedback confirms that em- the industry. Mobile Trading Platform/Apps,
delity. phasis. Special features: IB Asset Range of Products Available and
Earning the top score in four of 14 For the experienced investor Management, Traders Academy, High On Low Commissions Website Security categories.
traits that broker clients deemed Bitcoin futures. No monthly
who does his own research and At the fixed-price level, Interac- Driven by its Trader Worksta-
activity fees if account value
the most important, including Low trades stocks and options, this is exceeds $100,000 or commis- tive Brokers charges a half cent per tion, Interactives trading platform
Commissions & Fees, Interactive the best broker available, Interac- sions exceed $10 in a calendar share, which would be a $1 commis- is accessible via the desktop, mo-
BrokersIBKR has reached the top tive Brokers client David High- month sion on 100 shares. bile devices and on the web.
three brokers overall for the first ducheck said. The minimum commission is $1 The mobile app, called IBKR Mo-
time since the survey started. According to Interactive Bro- per trade. As a comparison, Fideli- bile, combined its IB TWS for Mo-
kers, the firm caters to sophisticat- average investor. ty and Schwab charge $4.95 per bile and IB Key security protocol
The Story Of Interactive Brokers ed, active investors, professional To help the average investor in trade. into one app that lets you securely
The story of Interactive Brokers traders and institutions . . . but has 2018, Interactive Brokers created a In an effort to reach out to newer manage and trade your account.
begins over 40 years ago when become more user-friendly for the simple-to-use Client Portal trading customers, Interactive Brokers re- SEE INTERACTIVE ON A13

Copyright 2019 Investor's Business Daily Inc.



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$4.95 commission applies to online U.S. equity trades in a Fidelity retail account only for Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC retail clients. Sell orders are subject to an activity assessment fee (from $0.01 to $0.03
per $1,000 of principal). Other conditions may apply. Employee equity compensation transactions and accounts managed by advisors or intermediaries through Fidelity Clearing & Custody Solutions are
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Sell orders are subject to an activity assessment fee (from $0.01 to $0.03 per $1,000 of principal). Trades are limited to online domestic equities and options and must be used within two years. Options trades
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will receive 500 free trades. Account balance of $100,000 must be maintained for at least nine months; otherwise, normal commission schedule rates may be retroactively applied to any free trade executions.
See for further details. Fidelity reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions or terminate this offer at any time. Other terms, conditions, or eligibility criteria may apply.

Zero account minimums and zero account fees apply to retail brokerage accounts only. Expenses charged by investments (e.g., funds, managed accounts, and certain HSAs) and commissions, interest charges,
or other expenses for transactions may still apply. See for further details.
Options trading entails significant risk and is not appropriate for all investors. Certain complex options strategies carry additional risk. Before trading options, please read Characteristics and Risks of
Standardized Options, and call 800-544-5115 to be approved for options trading. Supporting documentation for any claims, if applicable, will be furnished upon request.
There is an Options Regulatory Fee from $0.03 to $0.05 per contract, which applies to both option buy and sell transactions. The fee is subject to change.
Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC. 2019 FMR LLC. All rights reserved. 818916.4.0

Copyright 2019 Investor's Business Daily Inc.


Heres How Make investing easier by choosing the

right broker. IBDs seventh annual
The Survey survey of thousands of investors
identified the three best online

Found The brokers overall - as rated by their own

clients. We also determined which

Top Brokers brokers were best in 14 categories,

shown below in order of importance to
investors. Look for firms that excel in
the areas that matter most to you.
BY RAGHAVAN MAYUR Youll find the best brokers for
everything from options trading to

ince 2012, Investors Busi-
ness Daily and TechnoMetri- low-cost ETFs, customer service,
ca Market Intelligence have
collaborated on an annual educational help and more.
study measuring investor senti-
ment toward brokers perfor-
mance. Each year, our survey asks
investors to rate their primary on- Top Overall Customer Experience
line broker based on the most im-
portant and desirable attributes.
We use the individual ratings as- Broker Strengths
signed to the attributes to compute
an overall index score for each bro- Charles Schwab Low Commissions & Fees, Trade Reliability, Website Security, Site Performance,
ker. These indexes form the basis of Equity Trading Tools, Customer Service, Research Tools, Investment Research,
the Best Online Brokers rankings.
This years study follows the two- Low-Cost/Free ETF Trading, Mobile Trading Platform/Apps, Range Of Products
phase methodology employed in Available, Portfolio Analysis & Reports, Educational Resources
previous years. Both phases use on-
line surveys to collect data.
Phase I identifies which features
and services offered by online bro-
Fidelity Low Commissions & Fees, Trade Reliability, Website Security, Site Performance,
kers are most important to inves- Equity Trading Tools, Customer Service, Research Tools, Investment Research,
tors. In October 2018, we conduct- Low-Cost/Free ETF Trading, Mobile Trading Platform/Apps, Range Of Products
ed an online survey of 553 visitors
to IBDs website to Available, Portfolio Analysis & Reports, Educational Resources
test 20 potential attributes. Respon-
dents were presented with combi-
nations of the 20 attributes and Interactive Low Commissions & Fees, Trade Reliability, Website Security, Site Performance,
were asked to identify which ones
were most and least important to Brokers Low-Cost/Free ETF Trading, Mobile Trading Platform/Apps, Options Trading
them using the MaxDiff method. Platform, Range Of Products Available, Portfolio Analysis & Reports
Based on the Phase I results, we
narrowed the 20 attributes to 14.
To determine the Overall Custom-
er Experience Index for each bro-
ker, weights were assigned to each
Low Commissions & Fees Trade Reliability Website Security*
of the 14 attributes.
The study included the attributes Price competition is fierce. Low- You need confidence that your trade Protecting clients assets and
Range of Products and Website Se- cost or free trades may be will go through quickly at a price personal data is critical. That starts
curity for the first time. available for big accounts. But you close to what you expect. Reliability with strong password and user ID
Low Commissions & Fees again might pay more for other services, has grown and top brokers know features and technologies that
topped the attribute list in impor- like a cash management account. excellent execution is critical. prevent unauthorized account access.
tance. Next was Trade Reliability,
followed by Website Security. Interactive Brokers Charles Schwab Interactive Brokers
Two attributes gained greater sig-
nificance since last year: Mobile Charles Schwab Fidelity Fidelity
Trading Platforms/Apps and Op-
tions Trading Platform. Fidelity Interactive Brokers Charles Schwab
The second phase of the study
measured consumers experience
and satisfaction with their primary
online broker. Spanning from No-
vember through December 2018, Site Performance Equity Trading Tools Customer Service
the Phase II survey garnered the
participation of 2,762 investors. When you're ready to buy or sell a Does a particular interface work for Good service means not just phone
The broker survey respondents
were culled from three sources. stock, you don't want to wait for web you? For example, can you clearly support and short hold times, but
The IBD Investor Intelligence Net- pages to load. Your brokers site see how much you're invested and also the ability to chat live online
work, a research panel of active in- must be fast, reliable and require how much is on margin? Buy and with a customer service rep who is
vestors, yielded about 600 respon- few steps to get what you need. sell entries? You have to decide. responsive and knowledgeable.
dents. Around 2,000 survey partici-
pants received pop-up invitations Fidelity TradeStation Charles Schwab
while using the web-
site or email invitations from IBD. Charles Schwab Charles Schwab Fidelity
The remaining respondents were
TradeStation customers, who Interactive Brokers Fidelity TD Ameritrade
were sent survey invitations by
TradeStation in cooperation with
IBD. We sought similar coopera-
tion from other brokers that have
lacked adequate sample sizes in Research Tools Investment Research Low-Cost/Free ETF Trading
past studies. Only TradeStation ac-
cepted the offer. Do you like to dig up your own Brokers use research offerings to Brokers often offer free ETF
The data analysis in this report is ideas? Look for an easy way to win and retain clients. You can often trading. Find out which funds are
limited to online brokers with at screen for stocks with the traits you get stock reports, profit forecasts, covered, the account requirements
least 200 customers who participat- want. Also look at research tools for buy and sell ratings and research and if fees could kick in, such as for
ed in the broker survey. Of the 16 mutual funds or other investments. on ETFs, options and more. short-term trading.
brokers that were explicitly listed
in the survey questionnaire, six
claimed at least 200 respondents.
Fidelity Fidelity Charles Schwab
The six brokers that qualified for
this years ranking of Best Online
Charles Schwab Charles Schwab Fidelity
Brokers were Charles Schwab
, E-TradeETFC, Fidelity, Interac- TD Ameritrade TD Ameritrade Interactive Brokers
tive BrokersIBKR, TD Ameri-
tradeAMTD and TradeStation.
Investors were asked to rate their
primary broker on the 14 attributes
identified in Phase I using a five-
Mobile Trading Platforms Options Trading Platform Range Of Products*
point scale (Excellent, Very Good,
Good, Fair and Poor). Phones and tablets can provide Options can be complex. Education Beyond stocks, consider the breadth
We developed a Customer Expe- access to quotes, news, streaming is crucial. The best brokers in this of product offerings. Your interests
rience Index for each broker at- charts, order entry and more. The area offer sophisticated, high-tech might span mutual funds, ETFs,
tribute using this question: Based best mobile platforms and apps are trading platforms and a focus on options trading, forex, cryptocurrency
on your experience with your pri- some investors' preferred tool. educating investors. and international investments.
mary online broker during the past
six months, how would you rate Interactive Brokers TD Ameritrade Interactive Brokers
your primary online broker?
The Customer Experience Index Charles Schwab TradeStation Charles Schwab
denotes the difference between
the percentage of respondents giv- Fidelity Interactive Brokers Fidelity
ing ratings of Excellent and Very
Good and the percentage who gave
ratings of Fair and Poor.
If, say, 30% of respondents rated
Customer Service of a broker as Ex- Portfolio Analysis & Reports Educational Resources
cellent, 26% Very Good, 20% Good,
13% Fair and 11% Poor, we calculat- The top brokers help clients stay on Brokers now offer a dizzying array
ed the Customer Experience Index top of their portfolios. How is asset of educational choices. They can
to be 32% (56% less 24%). allocation changing as one holding include web tools, downloadable
This report includes a ranking of advances? How are you doing vs. software, online videos and even
the top three brokers for each at- the broad market? consultations with advisors.
tribute category, based on Custom-
er Experience Index scores.
To arrive at our Overall Custom-
Fidelity Fidelity
er Experience Index, we combined
the subindexes for all 14 attributes
Charles Schwab Charles Schwab
using the weights developed in
Phase I. Our Top Overall Customer Interactive Brokers TradeStation
Experience list consists of the
three online brokers with the high-
est index ratings. *New category.
Raghavan Mayur is president of Results are based on a study by Investor's Business Daily and TechnoMetrica of 2,762 users of online brokers surveyed in November-December 2018.
TechnoMetrica Market Intelli-
gence. The 2019 Best Online Brokers logo and accolade are available for licensing through IBD's partner, The YGS Group, at [email protected] or 800-290-5460.

Copyright 2019 Investor's Business Daily Inc.


Upgrades Galore At Top Brokers Interactive

Expands Past
200 of each online stock brokers
customers had to complete sur-
veys. TradeStation and TD Ameri-
Low-Fee Lead
tradeAMTD are honored among the
three best brokers in one or more INTERACTIVE FROM A10
of the key 14 attributes. E-Trade The Range of Products Available
also was included in the analy- category reflects the breadth of of-
sis. ferings.
The survey stands out from other Besides stock trading, Interactive
online broker rankings because its Brokers clients can trade Bitcoin
based on objective ratings from the futures on both the Cboe and CME
brokers own customers, not on exchanges, CME Russell 1000 fu-
subjective reviews by editors. tures and NYBOT FANG+ Op-
Online Broker Fees In all, Interactive Brokers ranked
The rivalry between Charles among the best brokers in nine cate-
SchwabSCHW and Fidelity is nothing gories, including Low-Cost/Free
new. Since 2014 Schwab and Fideli- ETF Trading, Options Trading Plat-
ty have grabbed the No. 1 and No. 2 form, Portfolio Analysis & Reports,
spots in the best brokers survey Site Performance and Trade Reli-
every year. ability.
Do you remember back in 2017, Importantly, Interactive Brokers
when Schwab drew first blood in a also ranked among the top three in
war over fees? Every time Schwab the key Net Promoter Index. The
cut its trading commission, Fideli- Top brokers have been flexing their computer power muscles to bring enhancements to all areas of service. index measures how willing bro-
ty reacted almost in milliseconds kerage clients are to recommend
with the same price match. In Schwab, which finished among the bile for Android and an introduc- and technology will continue to the brokerage to others.
2018, both firms stayed put with a three best brokers in this category, tion to trading on margin. Last raise the quality of service for its
$4.95 commission on virtually all makes it crystal clear how it treats March, the company launched a customers. Other Service Categories
manner of stock trades. the issue. blog to serve professionals in the Interactive Brokers has the most
Charles Schwab and Fidelity, At the end of the day, its all field of quantitative investing. The Educational Resources room for improvement in the cate-
along with TD Ameritrade, also about trust, Schwab writes on its blog addresses topics such as deep TD Ameritrades Content Intelli- gories in which it didnt rank
have pioneered low costs or no cost website. To give our clients peace learning, AI and other technolo- gence Platform serves up person- among the leaders: Research
to buy and sell exchange traded of mind, we provide the Schwab Se- gies that are reshaping trading in se- alized education recommenda- Tools, Investment Research, Edu-
funds, a multitrillion-dollar indus- curity Guarantee, which states: curities. tions based on a clients portfolios, cational Resources and Customer
try. Schwab offers zero fees on on- Schwab will cover 100% of any loss- On its Twitter page, Interactive trading behavior and past educa- Service.
line trading in its branded ETFs as es in any of your Schwab accounts Brokers recently encouraged its tion consumption. This comes on They (Interactive Brokers) are a
well as more than 250 other ETF due to unauthorized activity. users to check out its Portfolio An- top of the companys nine hours of bit light on research and new ideas
products offered through its Interactive BrokersIBKR and Fi- alyst program and Probability live market news and information for trading, said Doug Congleton,
Schwab ETF OneSource service. delity also ranked in the three best Lab to conduct research on how presented each day on its own a customer. Also, there is a learn-
online stock brokers in Website Se- to make options trades that show a broadcast network. Hockey says ing curve with how to use their
Best Brokers In 14 Categories curity. higher success rate for making this contributed to a 60% jump in trading platform that can take a
Also impressive this year? The Another new category was Range money. monthly education consumption while to get the hang of.
fact that San Francisco-based Of Products Available. Interactive last year. Still, he went on, They are the
Charles Schwab and Fidelity both Brokers, Schwab and Fidelity Online Broker TD Ameritrade Engagement and overall satisfac- best site that I have found that com-
ranked among the three best bro- claimed Best Online Brokers hon- Last year was transformative for tionamong converted Scottrade cli- bines flexibility, performance and
kers in 13 of the 14 categories that ors in the category. Omaha-based TD Ameritrade. The entscontinuesto improve asthey in- very low cost.
determined the overall score. The longtime giant in the field convert- crease adoption of our platforms, Meanwhile, client Ben Bothen be-
categories were determined in the 3 Best Brokers Overall ed 4 million accounts from online education, tools (and) products, lieves customer service is in need
initial stage of survey research Interactive Brokers made its own broker Scottrade to its own sys- Hockey told IBD in an email ex- of some improvement: I dont ex-
when online stock broker custom- history in the IBD survey with its tems. TD Ameritrade CEO Tim change. The integration rein- pect the lowest-cost brokerage to
ers rated the importance of various best overall ranking ever. It comes Hockey noted that teams from forced our belief that the client ex- have the best customer service, but
broker characteristics. as billionaire founder Thomas Pe- both companies worked nights, perience should be paramount to they can definitely improve.
These 14 categories, all of which terffy prepares to hand the CEO weekends and through holidays to all that we do, and with the conver-
can be seen in detail in our list of all reins to President Milan Galik in transfer data and information and sion now behind us, we are making Best In The Market
the Best Online Brokers winners, the third quarter. Peterffy will stay address technology gaps. sure it stays top of mind by making Still, Interactive Brokers ranking
included Customer Service, Low- on as board chairman. While retain- As a result of the Scottrade acqui- it our No. 1 priority across the firm. in the best online brokers overall in-
Cost/Free ETF Trading and Trade ing its top spot in Low Commis- sition in 2017, Ameritrade did cut Such views and efforts could give dicates that its customers feel the
Reliability. Survey participants sions & Fees in the survey, the on- its trading commissions. But its a boost to TD Ameritrades ranking brokers strengths heavily out-
again ranked Low Commissions & line broker is working hard to en- also refused to match its top rivals in Educational Resources next weigh its weaknesses.
Fees as the most important online hance its reputation beyond being in this area. Participants in IBDs year and beyond. Customers of Fi- They are the best in the market,
stock broker attribute. an innovator in trading costs. survey ranked the firm at the bot- delity, Charles Schwab and TradeS- said Maninder Saron, an Interac-
A new online broker category Last year Interactive Brokers tom for Low Commissions & Fees. tation gave those online stock bro- tive Brokers client for 12 years. I
that ranked as the third most im- added new courses to the IBKR Ameritrade, however, believes kers the highest ratings for Educa- have tried many other brokers in-
portant attribute among survey tak- Traders Academy, including In- ongoing investments in investor ed- tional Resources in the latest Best cluding TradeStation, Scottrade,
ers: Website Security. Charles troduction to Charts, IBKR Mo- ucation, a media and news portal Online Brokers survey. etc. and they dont come close.

Schwab Aim: Committed To Keep Edge

Make Investing In Innovation For Clients
suggestions given us through cus-
tomer service interactions and on
creating a trade, Ignall explained. our social media channels, Ignall
SCHWAB FROM A10 Testing the shares calculator noted.
ment categories. showed that those who used the And its changed the way it
The online broker also added calculator saw nearly a 20% in- launches products based on that
price improvement transparency crease in trade completion. feedback, he adds.
across all of its platforms. Schwab On the mobile trading front, Fidel- Instead of spending a year or
software scans several exchanges ity brokerage launched an update more building a fully developed
and platforms, including nonpub- that lets users customize the app product, we put out incremental
lic ones where it has access, for the launch screen. builds to a subset of customers and
best available price on each trade. Along with getting $4.95 commissions on stock trades, Schwab clients Other updates include the ability get real-time feedback on how to
According to Schwabs website, can now see how much they save through price improvement on trades. to track the detailed status of com- further develop them, Ignall said.
the average savings from better exe- plex financial transactions such as We call it agile development.
cution is $10.80 per order. IBD subscriber David Nuesson, There is somebody at my beck bank wires.
So now, when a client places a who trades using Schwabs Street and call almost immediately, he New features coming soon in- Top Site Performance
trade, they can actually see the Smart Edge trading platform, runs said. I use that from time to time, clude peer-to-peer payments to Customers are apparently happy
price improvement they received seven different accounts with and I appreciate it. friends and family via PayPal part- with the results. Fidelity scored
on eligible orders on their order sta- Schwab, totaling just over $1.5 mil- Schwab research shows 60% of nership and our virtual assistant the highest rating in IBDs annual
tus page, Metzger said. lion. The resident and former its clients want a combination of embedded within the apps them- Best Online Brokers Survey for the
Schwab reported Jan. 16 that the mayor of Quincy, Ill., says he made human-based advice and technolo- selves, Ignall said, and also iMes- Site Performance category.
number of average daily trades 45 trades in his most active ac- gy. The brokers top rating in Cus- sage for immediate access to cus- Because Fidelity is a private com-
made through its service surged count in December. The 73-year- tomer Service in the IBD survey tomer service. pany and as such doesnt need to
28% in the fourth quarter, to old says hes traded through shows that the brokerage takes Fidelity brokerage holds steady worry about quarterly earnings, it
867,000. Average revenue per Schwab for 20 years, and the com- that research seriously. On top of near the top in the Customer Ser- can make bold short- and long-
trade slipped 3%, to $7.13. The num- pany has yet to fall short. Schwabs effort to meet that de- vice category of IBDs annual Best term investments to improve its
ber of new accounts opened also I feel that they represent me the mand, its continuing to improve Online Brokers survey. products and services. That allows
slowed to 380,000 during the quar- way they would represent them- technologies and to drive prices And 72% of those surveyed said the brokerage to always makes cus-
ter, down 2% year over year. The selves as individuals, he said. lower. they were very satisfied with Fi- tomer-centric decisions, Ignall
S&P 500 fell nearly 14% in Q4. As a case in point, Nuesson says, if Simply put, were calling BS on delity. says.
Even with the downtick, the he puts in a buy at a limit, and the the idea that investors must have a So how does the online broker For example, we dont receive
growth in clients and assets drives market is trading below the limit, lot of money or pay high fees in stay on top of what its customers payment for order flow for stocks
expansive innovation to meet Schwab automatically executes order to get great service, or person- want and/or need? or ETFs, which competing brokers
evolving needs. the buy at the lower market price. alized advice and high-quality For one, Fidelity brokerage devel- rely on for revenue, he said. We
We see tremendous growth in Its only a few cents, but it makes products, Metzger said. ops new products and services have 24/7 customer service, while
new households and assets under me feel that theyre looking after The key to that effort, Metzger ex- with the help of customers input, some competitors offer limited
management and overall accounts me, Nuesson said. plains, is finding more and new Ignall says. hours. We charge $1 per bond,
across all of our enterprises, Nuesson, who now owns a highly ways to leverage Schwabs scale while other brokers charge hidden
Metzger said. We have to consis- automated sheet metal fabrication and its technical and market exper- Agile Development markup fees. (And) we alone offer
tently position ourselves to make business with his brother, also tise. The more we can scale our op- We bring in groups of customers a 2% unlimited cash back credit
sure were able to support and sus- likes Schwabs online live-help pro- erations, he says, the more we to give feedback on the develop- card, while others offer lesser rates
tain the growth. gram. give that back to our clients. ment decisions, and we listen to or none at all.

We invite you to take


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The Ways To Trade

Get Better, Faster
At Top Brokers
EQUITY TOOLS sell orders are coming in. This
helps investors see the price trend
More info is available before trades are executed. No
doubt, it is a suite of tools the active
to help investors see investor appreciates.
and get the best price For straightforward, uncompli-
cated trading, TradeStation users
have a trade bar with bare-bones
order instructions to quickly buy
and sell. Beyond that, customers

ore than any other aspect can access the Radar, which offers
Top brokers in web security meet challenges to add features without compromising investors accounts of investing, making stock an array of chart analysis tools. The
trades is where online bro- Hot List displays stocks that meet
kers and their clients certain criteria, such as big price

Top Brokers Employ Advanced Technology come face to face, at least electroni-
cally. No surprise, then, that great
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TradeStation was founded as a
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To Keep Their Customers Accounts Safe features investors value most in

the best online brokers.
In IBDs 2019 Best Online Bro-
kers survey, investors rated the
self-directed investors. More re-
cently, the company is targeting
clients who may or may not aspire
to trading full-time for a living but
SECURITY Theres computer network secu- ing on a link that sends them to a quality of equity trading tools as who are interested in actively trad-
rity software and data encryption bogus webpage. There, hackers one of the five most important bro- ing and managing their brokerage
Fingerprint and voice technology. There are tight con- aim to obtain pass codes and other ker attributes. The three Best On- accounts on a daily basis, said Mar-
trols on employees, managers, con- personal data. line Brokers for Equity Trading tha Krawczyk, vice president of
recognition help speed tractors and consultants with ac- In addition to warning about ph- Tools, based on their own custom- marketing.
up identity verification cess to computer systems and trad- ishing attacks, Schwab uses valida- ers ratings in the survey, are TradeStation built its platform to
ing accounts. tion certificates to let clients know TradeStation, Charles Schwab- serve everyone from the beginning
Hackers often aim to compro- theyre on its official website. Cli- SCHW
and Fidelity. investor to the experienced trader,
mise networks by targeting man- ents need to look for a green bar On the surface, stock trading giving users the ability to scale up
agement with administrative ac- and padlock icon in front of the tools and capabilities are similar as they grow in confidence.

he best online brokerages cess to computer systems. web address at the top of web among the top brokerages. With all Want to test drive investing
make cybersecurity a shared browsers. platforms, investors can trade with ideas? TradeStation gives you a
responsibility. It starts with Audits, Best Practices The online brokers, of course, re- one or two clicks, access research way to back-test strategies and
an online brokers own web- Interactive Brokers, at its web- quire clients to create strong pass- reports, set up limit and stop or- learn how well (or badly) you
site security. But thats just half the site, says its internet-facing com- words. But, resetting passwords ders, create alerts, use dozens of would have done with them.
battle. The other half is providing puter servers are protected by fire- often actually creates a security charting tools, create watch lists, While there are preset strategies,
clients with tools that keep their wall software technology that de- risk. For extra login security, the and so on. Most of these features TradeStations EasyLanguage lets
stock trading accounts safe from tects unauthorized traffic. It says brokers rely on random security have been around for years and re- investors create their own strate-
hackers. the most important computer serv- codes sent to clients via text or fined over time. gies.
In an IBD survey, Interactive ers reside on isolated networks phone. Yet, the top scorers in the 2019 There is lots to like, said John
BrokersIBKR, Fidelity Investments that have no direct internet access. Soomodh Abraham, for example, Best Online Brokers survey do Roslund, a TradeStation customer
and Charles SchwabSCHW ranked as A big part of fraud detection is as- does most of his trading at Interac- excel in certain aspects. who participated in IBDs survey.
the Best Online Brokers in Website sessing vulnerabilities with the tive Brokers from a desktop. But In- Charts, Radar screen, scans, trad-
Security, based on their own cus- help of third-party audits. Interac- teractive Brokers mobile trading Charles Schwabs Tools ing screens, mobile app and Easy-
tomers ratings. Theyve stayed tive Brokers, Schwab and Fidelity app is also an option. Veteran brokerage Charles Language; they are all my favor-
ahead of hackers in website securi- also work with the Financial Indus- When Abraham uses his iPhone Schwab is keeping up with online ites.
ty. And, theyve helped clients step try Regulatory Authority (FINRA) to access his account, hes glad the rivals, providing a trading platform
up their cybersecurity game with and other groups to maintain best online brokers mobile app makes that Vice President of Client Expe- Fidelitys Stock Trading Tools
advanced technology. practices in security. him use the devices fingerprint rec- rience and Trading Services Jeff Similar to Schwab, Fidelity pro-
One reason Interactive Brokers Fidelity, for example, is compli- ognition technology. Chiappetta says is part of the com- vides two trading platforms. Its
and Schwab ranked high is that cli- ant with ISO 27001 security stan- He notes that the Interactive Bro- panys holistic approach to inves- main web platform displays portfo-
ents liked their use of fingerprint dards published by the Internation- kers mobile app doesnt rely on fin- tor services. lios, charting tools, screens and
recognition technology in mobile al Standardization Organization. gerprint recognition alone. The mo- The basic platform includes com- plenty more to satisfy even a veter-
trading apps. Fidelity, meanwhile, ISO 27001 aims to find out where bile app also uses a verification pany fundamentals, analyst re- an investor.
offers voice recognition technolo- the risks are and systematically ad- code to verify a users identity. ports, stock screens and charts that Orders can be set up for a specific
gy in phone-based identity authen- dress them. Both Schwab and Inter- Thats done by texting a verifica- come with some interpretation. number of shares, and a calculator
tication. active Brokers say their practices tion code to a clients smartphone. Screens can be customized, plus can tell users how many shares to
Investors participating in IBDs are consistent with guidance con- theres a menu of predefined buy to equal a specific dollar
Best Online Brokers Survey ranked tained in ISO 27001, FINRA and/ Alexa, Hows My Stock Doing? screens. amount to invest.
Website Security as the third most or the National Institute of Stan- The 43-year-old Abraham says Chiappetta says Schwabs order Want to set when to sell a stock?
important broker attribute, right dards and Technology Cybersecuri- having multiple layers of authenti- routing technology finds the best Investors can use an exit strategy
behind Low Commissions & Fees ty Framework. cation in mobile trading is one rea- price for customers, often reveal- tool that provides step by step di-
and Trade Reliability. This is the Online brokers have a solid son he gave Interactive Brokers ing prices that are not visible in nor- rections, and includes news, charts
first year that Website Security record in website security. Hack- high marks in cybersecurity in the mal mechanisms. and other analysis.
was included in the survey. ers broke into customer accounts IBD survey. StreetSmart Edge is Schwabs ac- But the advanced investor will
Data breaches at Yahoo, Equifax at E-TradeETFC in 2006 and at Scot- Theres additional comfort that tive-trader platform, enhanced prefer Active Trader Pro, where
and Marriott International have trade in 2015. Those have been the no one is going to hack into your ac- with charting tools, more screen- customers can view multiple win-
put investors on alert. Brokers only well-publicized data breach- count, he said. ing capabilities and other features. dows simultaneously with custom-
have employed technology to es. Interactive Brokers app also Like other high-performance trad- ized displays and a raft of analysis
speed identity verification and au- Many online brokers will reim- makes use of facial recognition ing platforms, it can be customized tools.
thentication and reduce client frus- burse clients for losses from unau- technology in the most advanced to display elements each user Fidelitys multitrade option lets
trations in signing on to their ac- thorized activity in accounts. smartphones. wants. And investors can use users tee up trades set to trigger
counts. Thats important because broker- Many U.S. households now have StreetSmart Edge to set up exit with predetermined factors. Cus-
age accounts are not protected by voice-activated, smart home speak- strategies, on the short term and tomers also can set up what Ed
Encryption, Secure Servers the Federal Deposit Insurance ers such as Amazon.comsAMZN the long term. Falvey, vice president of indepen-
There needs to be a good bal- Corp. But to be reimbursed, cus- Echo-branded devices. Interactive In what may be a first for the in- dent investing, called contingent
ance of security requirements vs. tomers cant engage in reckless on- Brokers and TD AmeritradeAMTD dustry, StreetSmart Edge includes trades. Investors can, say, set up a
ease of use, said Scott Schenkel- line behavior that makes accounts have apps that enable clients to get Schwab Live, a video channel with stop order for a stock that triggers
berg, a client of Schwab, in an vulnerable to hackers. stock quotes and market data from market discussion in which cus- only if the S&P 500 is higher on the
email. Both parties share equal respon- Amazons digital assistant, called tomers can ask questions of the ex- day, or if volume reaches a certain
Based on the IBD survey, clients sibility in terms of security, added Alexa. perts on each broadcast, though level.
of Interactive Brokers, Fidelity and Schenkelberg. The broker needs However, website security re- they dont get to every question. For example, an investor who fol-
Schwab have confidence that to ensure data provided by custom- mains a concern. Interactive Bro- Schwab Live broadcasts three to lows IBDs CAN SLIM investing
theyre doing the right things in ers is secure from any threats. The kers doesnt yet offer the ability to eight sessions a day. system can set up a stop order at a
website security. customer also needs to be vigilant trade on Alexa. But it hasnt ruled it proper buy point and have it trig-
I rated Schwab high on security in who they provide their informa- out, says Kalen Holliday, a compa- TradeStation Tops Survey ger only if volume is well above av-
because of my use of their services tion to and where theyre accessing ny spokesperson. TradeStation scored highest for erage.
in a variety of applications, added their information from. At its web- Fidelity, meanwhile, offers a equity trading tools among the bro- All three brokers include their
Schenkelberg. On desktop, Im site, Schwab makes clear in its secu- voice recognition service for ac- kers in this years survey, and his- tools with the regular trading com-
prompted to reverify my browser if rity guarantee on reimbursement count access. When you call Fidel- torically it has been the category mission; no additional fees. All of
I am on a new computer. Addition- that clients have responsibilities in ity, youll no longer have to enter leader. (The Best Online Brokers them also provide assistance in the
ally, I use their mobile app, which safeguarding information. PINs or passwords because survey graded brokerages separate- form of video tutorials, live online
allows for fingerprint sign-in. One big concern for online bro- MyVoice helps you interact with ly on mobile trading and options chat and human representatives
As with banks, credit card net- kers and clients is the increase in us securely and more convenient- trading capabilities.) over the phone.
works and other financial services phishing scams. Hackers send fake ly, the company says at its web- Its platform is rich with features, Trading in extended hours is
providers, theres a lot at work be- emails that appear to come from site. Fidelity says its technology cre- with some deep-level tools such as available, usually through limit or-
hind the scenes in website security the broker. The fake emails are de- ates a unique, digitally encrypted the order queues for equities, ders. Short selling requires margin
and deterring fraudsters. signed to trick investors into click- voiceprint. which show at what prices buy and accounts.

Dynamic Tools Power Best Online Brokers Investment Platforms

RESEARCH three Best Online Brokers identi- ased proprietary or third-party re- etary tools, technical overlay clients like to combine the ratings
fied in IBDs annual investor sur- search in a bite-size format. screening and thematic screens. with views from third parties.
Sophistication abounds: vey are Fidelity, Charles Schwab- Weve really focused on elimi- Schwab Equity Ratings is a propri- If you want depth and breadth of
and TD AmeritradeAMTD. nating a lot of the common trade- etary method that assigns ratings A stock research, Fidelity may be
See which stock brokers Both novice and skilled investors offs that we think have been in our through F to 3,000 U.S. and interna- your best bet. The company in this
features best fit your needs can find plenty to help them when industry for quite some time, said tional equities. It picks stocks that years survey ranks as the top bro-
researching a stock, option, bond, Jeff Chiappetta, vice president of Schwab believes will outperform ker in the categories of Investment
ETF or mutual fund. trading services client experience the market (A through C) or under- Research and Research Tools.
All three top brokers in these cate- at Schwab. He points to the notion perform (D through F) in the next One of its powerful tools is the
gories offer an online trading and that investors or traders must have 12 months. stock screener. It offers 159 individ-

nline brokers have come a research platform. They also have a lot of money and pay high fees Its pretty unique in the industry ual screening criteria.
long way since their debut sophisticated, real-time trading just to get access to great personal- because you dont see too many With the screener, investors can
over 20 years ago. Not only and stock research desktop soft- ized advice, top-tier service or high- third parties that have 10% or 20% filter out stocks, ETFs and closed-
have clients benefited from ware. Most of the features are easi- quality research products. of the stocks that are sell-rated, end mutual funds by various com-
ever-falling fees, but the depth of ly reached via their mobile apps. We really try to make investing said Chiappetta. Our Ds and Fs pany metrics, trading traits, techni-
stock research has grown exponen- What are the key themes in easy for all investors, he said. So are, generally speaking, sell stocks. cal signals and analyst opinions.
tially. So have the number and qual- todays trading and stock research you dont have to have a lot of We think they will underperform. Were getting over 4 million
ity of investment research tools. platforms? Ease of use, one-stop- money or pay high fees. Schwab has had the ratings since screens per month on stocks, so the
What do IBDs Best Online Bro- shop, powerful screening and ana- While all of the best online bro- 2002, and the stocks historical per- stock screener is highly used, said
kers offer, and how do clients use lytical tools, social media integra- kers offer a plethora of fundamen- formance has been right on the dot Bob Taliani, head of research for Fi-
the tools and stock research? tion and signals, and free help on tal and technical tools, the biggest with their assigned ratings. delitys retail brokerage business.
In the categories of Investment demand. differentiators come from unique The ratings performed as they Traders can also pick from vari-
Research and Research Tools, the Brokers also aim to provide unbi- features. These include propri- were designed, he added. He says SEE RESEARCH ON A15

Copyright 2019 Investor's Business Daily Inc.


Still Top Attribute

Investors Seek
In Stock Brokers
LOW FEES Its something weve always
done, Wilkinson said. We dont
Best firms keep finding move the goal posts.
The Greenwich, Conn.-based
new ways to trim costs, company focuses on sophisticated
make investing cheaper traders who are active. Interactive
has 598,000 clients, half outside
the U.S. The average client makes
30 trades a month.
The headline stock commission

hats the most important is $1. With adjustments for certain
attribute you look for in conditions, the average commis-
discount brokers? If sion is $2.19.
youre like most of the in- Minimum fees for opening an ac- Top brokers Interactive Brokers, Schwab and Fidelity look for new ways to compete on fees and value.
vestors who took part in IBDs sev- count were eliminated in the third
enth annual Best Online Brokers quarter of 2018. increase transparency, Schwab in Low commissions are one piece important, and Fidelity is competi-
survey, youd say low commissions Interactive also is involved in 2018 added price improvement de- of that picture, he said. tive with $4.95 online trade com-
and fees. In fact, broker customers price improvement, whereby Inter- tails to its Order Status page. Schwab charges $4.95 for most missions. Our view is that commis-
have viewed it as the most impor- active software looks for the best online trades. It also offers more sions should never be a barrier to
tant factor for three years straight. prices available whether on ex- Schwab Price Improvement than 250 commission-free ETFs. entry, Ignall said.
Going by how customers judged changes or elsewhere. Interactives Price improvement occurs when Sophisticated investors know that Value is especially apparent if the
their own brokers in the latest IBD smart router leads to low overall ex- orders are executed at better pric- low or even zero commissions are investor considers the breadth of
survey, Interactive BrokersIBKR ecution costs, Wilkinson said. es than the best quote on the mar- not the whole story. I like to think the offering at Fidelity.
earned the best rating for Low After an investor submits an ket. The opportunity emerges that our clients are smart. There is Were all about end-to-end
Commissions & Fees, followed by order, the smart router is constant- when some market participants de- no free lunch, Metzger said. value, Ignall said.
Charles SchwabSCHW and Fidelity. ly updating the routing process. cide to operate in the dark. When a brokerage touts the free Apparently, Fidelity customers
Interactive has taken the top spot Interactives price improvement That used to leave retail custom- lunch, the free lunch is probably appreciate the companys efforts.
every year IBD has run the survey. process gives 100% of the savings ers in the dark. But San Francisco- being covered elsewhere, he said. They ranked Fidelity among the
Long known for catering to no- to the client. based Schwabs clients can now top three brokers in Range Of Prod-
frills investors who just want the In Q3 2018, IHS Markit reported see the price improvement on each Fidelitys Edge ucts Available, along with Interac-
lowest cost possible, its U.S. com- that in a trade of 100 shares, the in- individual trade. Fidelity brokerage has an edge tive Brokers and Schwab.
missions are a rock-bottom 0.5 dustrys average price improve- According to Schwabs webpage, that is rarely noted. Of the three Like Interactive and Schwab, Fi-
cent per share per trade. ment is 6 cents, but Interactives is the average savings from better exe- best online brokers in the Low delity also offers value via price im-
But Schwab and Fidelity have 52 cents. cution is $10.80 per order. Commissions & Fees category, Fi- provement. Fidelity gets the best
been gaining ground thanks to Interactive Brokers is a relatively Changes like that have kept delity is the only privately held execution order and gives back the
their race to the bottom on commis- small player, but it has none of the Schwab popular with clients. company. savings to the customer.
sions in 2017. They each charge problems sometimes associated Schwab strives to eliminate com- Being private is best for the cli- As Fidelitys website notes, Our
$4.95 on most trades. with small brokerages. mon trade-offs, said Barry ent, said Scott Ignall, head of re- price improvement can save inves-
All three brokers also rank highly We dont have outages, Wilkin- Metzger, senior vice president of tail brokerage services. tors $17 on average for a
on Low-Cost/Free ETF Trading, son said. The technology is there. global trading and advice at A publicly traded company is 1,000-shares equity order.
another attribute in the survey. Its built to be robust. Charles Schwab. Trade-offs in- under pressure to show results on Fidelity offers 265 no-commis-
Low commissions are nothing new For Schwab these days, showing clude the idea that people need to a short-term basis. A private com- sion exchange traded funds. And in
at Interactive Brokers, says chief where savings are made is just as be rich to invest in stocks. Schwab pany can think and act long term. August, Fidelity rolled out four
market analyst Andrew Wilkinson. important as the savings. In a bid to is adamantly against that notion. Low commissions are certainly zero-expense-ratio mutual funds.

These 3 Trading Apps Are Highest Ranked Brokers Rush

MOBILE the future.
Charles Schwab focused last year
To Improve
Fidelity, Charles Schwab,
Interactive Brokers excel
on making the Schwab Mobile in-
vestment and trading app as snap-
py and responsive as possible.
Research Tools
in power and ease of use In the past year, the online stock
broker debuted or enhanced sever- RESEARCH FROM A14
al features, including: ous strategies, including such popu-
Customized media center. lar ones as big buys/best bargains,
Streamlined research experience. deep value, bull ride-short term

ooking for the best stock trad- Account aggregation. and high-quality dividend payers.
ing apps and mobile plat- Amazon Alexa support. Beginning investors have the op-
forms? You might start with a The Media Center section of tion to pick stocks by themes.
look at the top-ranked firms in Schwabs mobile app offers access These include 3D printing, cloud
IBDs Best Online Brokers survey. to podcasts, YouTube video playl- computing, environmental servic-
Fidelity Investments, Charles ists, daily market updates and es, fintech, drones, artificial intelli-
SchwabSCHW and Interactive Bro- more. In 2018, Schwab added its gence, natural foods and robotics.
kersIBKR have been busy building Fidelity,Schwaband InteractiveBrokersstrive toupgrademobileapps. popular Choiceology podcast to These themes are a differentia-
out their offerings. They earned the offerings. tor (from competition), noted
the highest ratings for Mobile Trad- is out of the money and simplify Customers told Fidelity loud and Its really fun to see us experi- Taliani. Another differentiator is
ing Platforms/Apps in IBDs sur- creating multileg spreads, for exam- clear that they wanted a customiz- ment with things we typically that Fidelity was the first broker to
vey. ple. The app now features two-fac- able start screen. Many clients pre- havent done a ton of, and it has incorporate MSCI ESG (environ-
Investors preferences were iden- tor authentication for account safe- fer to jump straight into their ac- been really well received by cli- mental, social and governance) rat-
tified in the survey of 2,762 inves- ty. counts or watchlists on opening ents, said Kate OConnor, vice ings online, and now its catching
tors. As in previous years, IBD We really wanted to make sure the app, rather than see the stan- president of digital platform at on like wildfire. Investors who
asked investors which brokerage its a powerful and feature-rich dard news feed. Charles Schwab. want to be socially responsible can
features are most important to platform, while still being simple Now they can choose what The online broker also stream- find the ESG rating on the individu-
them and whether their primary and easy to use and intuitive to shows up on launching the app, lined the research experience for al stock pages or via screens. This
broker did a good job in each of navigate, Sanders said. said Scott Ignall, Fidelitys head of investors on the move. So now, the is becoming very popular, he said.
those categories. In the past year, Interactive port- retail brokerage. They can custom- most-used data points for making TD Ameritrade offers a robust re-
So, what exactly have stock bro- ed popular trading tools from desk- ize the start screen, by dragging investment decisions are front and search platform, where investors
kers done to enhance their mobile top to mobile platforms. One, icons around, to organize tabs by center when investors place a can not only screen securities for
platforms? And how might their in- called Performance Profile, shows importance. trade. For example, Todays various criteria, but also find ETFs
vestment apps improve further? the return-to-risk ratio of an op- Another new feature allows cus- Range and 52-Week High can and mutual funds that focus on a
Investors Business Daily spoke tion strategy, as well as profit prob- tomers to view balances across all more quickly and easily be seen on specific sector, match an invest-
to Fidelity, Schwab and Interactive ability and potential maximum re- accounts, as well as all transaction the redesigned Quote screen of ment style or hold a specific stock.
Brokers to find out. turn or maximum loss. Another, requests, from one centralized lo- the app. Schwab simplified other Traders also have access to an
called Order Presets, now syncs a cation. The feature, called Univer- aspects of placing a trade. ideas page, where third-party pro-
Interactive Apps Get Overhaul users order presets and stock sal Tracker, also offers step-by- Type QQQ and the ticket auto- viders share their investment rec-
In 2018, Interactive Brokers un- watchlists across all their devices, step status tracking for more than matically figures out youre trad- ommendations and reports.
leashed a raft of tools to make in- via the cloud. 20 key transactions. ing an ETF, rather than making And with the social media age,
vesting on the go more robust. Other improvements include pic- Converting to a Roth IRA, set- you choose what type of invest- the company offers a one-of-a-
The new and enhanced features ture-in-picture functionality for ting up options trading, transfer- ment youre trying to trade. kind resource called Social Signals
include: the in-app video player; a calendar ring assets theyre all in one It puts the burden on us, that pulls stock-specific informa-
A brand-new web-based trad- showing key events tied to a cli- handy place. OConnor said. Schwab Equity Rat- tion from Twitter. The page shows
ing platform that works seamless- ents stocks, such as earnings and Meanwhile, trade-ticket help of- ings a data model that tries to seven-day volume as the number
ly across desktop and mobile. dividend date; persistent trade fers contextual icons to access in- identify which of 3,200 U.S. stocks of tweets on a company and its
A redesigned and renamed mo- buttons that make it easy to buy formation. Before placing a trade, will outperform or underperform brands, user sentiment as a percent-
bile trading platform. and sell no matter where you are in customers can hit a question-mark is now a centerpiece of in-app age of positive tweets, and top most-
Porting the Performance Pro- the app; and the addition of rough- icon next to order type to bring research, she added. tweeted brands in the past 30 days
file tool to mobile. ly 2,500 FAQs to Interactives iBot up a glossary, for example. A redesigned landing page for a particular stock.
Order presets that sync via the tool, which allows investors to Last year, Fidelity made some shows customers their full finan- Our value proposition is that we
cloud, and more. trade using voice commands. key integrations for mobile users cial picture. It collects retirement, provide all this for free, said Ches-
Interactive Brokers new Client In the next few weeks, Interac- PayPalPYPL for person-to-person brokerage and banking accounts ley Spencer, director of trader prod-
Portal is becoming the companys tive Brokers plans to port its popu- (P2P) payments and AppleAAPL in one place, which Schwab calls uct development at TD Ameri-
primary web trading platform. Its lar chart-trading tool, called Chart Messages Chat to get services account aggregation. Clients can trade. In addition to that, were
simpler to use than the venerable Trader, to its stock and options help, among them. even connect non-Schwab ac- completely unbiased. So, we dont
Trader Workstation, making it trading app. According to Ignall, Fidelity has counts to their dashboard. try to sell our own products, we
ideal for novice and occasional Mobile trades accounted for shifted away from developing its The app also shows this aggregate dont have our own ETFs that we
traders. 17.3% of overall trades at Interac- stock trading platform for web view on a chart, showing progress try to push on our clients were
It works on any device with a tive Brokers in the fourth quarter browsers first. Now mobile apps in value of combined accounts on a completely agnostic to all that.
browser, be it desktop computer, of 2018. Mobile trades grew 35% are the primary focus. day-to-day basis, over time. Its advanced desktop trading plat-
tablet or smartphone. Client Por- between 2016 and 2018. Mobile trades increased 32% Schwab tapped AmazonAMZN form Thinkorswim provides trade,
tal allows customers to manage ac- over the past two years. They now Alexa skills last year. Clients can risk and technical analysis tools for
counts and trade equities in one Fidelity Offers P2P Payments account for 16.2% of overall bro- use the Alexa-enabled Echo speak- more experienced traders. Its pre-
place, making things simpler and Privately held Fidelity focused on kerage trades, up from 14% a year er to get stock quotes and market built study library holds more than
faster, said Steve Sanders, Interac- improving the speed and stability ago. The Fidelity stock trading app updates using their voice. Schwab 300 technical analysis studies and
tive Brokers EVP of product devel- of its mobile platform last year. saw a 36% increase in downloads plans to add support for Alpha- the capability to write your own.
opment. Interactive until now sep- That doesnt mean the stock bro- over the past two years. Its millen- betsGOOGL Google Home this year. Newest features among the best
arated web-based account manage- ker sat still on shiny new features nial clients tend to trade on smart- OConnor called smart speakers online brokers also include screen-
ment from its mobile trading app. for its investment app, one of the phones and tablets primarily. mobility oriented, describing ing for funds that hold a selection
Interactive also gave its options best in the business. voice- and touch-based applica- of chosen securities, real-time
and stock trading app a major re- New in-app features introduced Schwab On The Go tions as interconnected. alerts of various analyst and corpo-
fresh, renaming it IBKR Mobile. last year include: We want to make (mobile trad- We want our client to be able to rate events, client support via so-
New tools, such as Option Exercise A customizable start screen. ing) as easy and as contextual as access Schwab in whatever way cial media, detailed educational
and Spread Template, cater to a cli- Detailed status tracking. possible for our clients, Ignall they want, but we especially want materials, and one-click access to
ent base of mostly active traders. Contextual trade ticket help. said. Its absolutely one of our criti- them to be able to access it on the stock trading and research pages
The tools warn users if an option Person-to-person payments. cal investments and it will be for go, OConnor said. across all platforms.

Copyright 2019 Investor's Business Daily Inc.


TRACKING Expectations vs. consensus for Revenues seen growing faster than U.S. GDP in the next 6 months
Industrial Sector Outlook Q4 2018 earnings growth 75%
Expectations for the industrial sector by Better than In line Worse than As of 9/30/18 As of 12/31/18
institutional investors and analysts remain 50
bullish but have grown more cautious in As of 9/30/18 54% 33% 13%
the past quarter. 25
As of 12/31/18 30% 52% 18% 0
Source: Corbin Advisors 0 20 40 60 80 100% Defense Commercial aerospace Water Agriculture Metals-mining Non-res. construction



Hot USAA Mutual Fund Gets Boost Taxes On Social Security

Benefits: Legit Loopholes
From Leading Stocks, Best Ideas 8 Tips For Coping than cashed out and then donated.
If the security is in a taxable ac-
USAA Aggressive Growth The key is to minimize count, it gets rid of an asset that
USAA Aggressive Growth could become a capital gain that in-
any income you dont flates your income.
Mix of large and midcaps Sector weightings as of 11/30/18
need for living expenses But if you sell the security to raise
gives portfolio flexibility, % of stock
% of
S&P 500
cash for a charitable donation, you
greater potential growth create a taxable capital gain and
Cyclical 35.08% BY PAUL KATZEFF
you create income, which can in-
Basic materials 3.70 2.56% INVESTORS BUSINESS DAILY
crease the odds that your Social Se-
BY PAUL KATZEFF Consumer cyclical 20.88 11.82 Social Security benefits are taxable, curity benefits get taxed and by
INVESTORS BUSINESS DAILY Financial services 10.50 15.83 but there are steps you can take to how much.
Real estate 0.00 2.42
USAA Aggressive GrowthUSAUX is on avoid or cut how much of your So- Step 5: Buy a QLAC. You can
a run. And the $1.5 billion fund Economically sensitive 46.29 cial Security benefits youve got to shift some IRA money into a type of
owes a lot of its success to a lineup Communication services 0.00 3.58 fork over to the tax man.
John Jares John Toohey deferred-income annuity known
Energy 2.79 5.32
of hot stocks whose leadership has Load: None Industrials 10.59 9.92
Some people hate the idea of pay- as a qualified longevity annuity con-
enabled them to rally big-time, pop- Expenses: 0.75% Technology 32.91 21.89 ing taxes on Social Security bene- tract. That reduces the size of your
ping off recent market lows. Symbol: USAUX fits so much that theyll sacrifice in- traditional IRA and can cut your an-
Total returns as of 1/23/19 Defensive 18.62
Going into Thursday, one of Consumer defensive 2.58 7.85
come for the satisfaction of not pay- nual income by slenderizing the
2018: -0.84% 3-yr. avg.: 14.20%
those holdings was on IBDs Lead- YTD: 6.50% 5-yr. avg.: 10.14% Health care 16.04 15.46 ing tax on their bennies. size of your RMDs.
erboard, a hand-picked list of lead- 10-yr. avg.: 14.71% Utilities 0.00 3.34 Step 1: Roth IRA. Take as much Youre allowed to invest as much
ing stocks that spotlights buy and Total returns as of 1/23/19 income as possible from a Roth as $130,000 or 25% of your IRA bal-
sell areas. 10% IRA rather than a traditional IRA. ance whichever is the smaller
Another nine were members of 8 Why? First, Roth IRA withdrawals amount.
6 USAA Aggressive Growth
the IBD 50, IBDs flagship screen Large-cap growth funds
are tax-free. Second, Roth IRA A QLAC starts to pay you a guar-
of top stocks that show strong rela- withdrawals do not count as part of anteed annual income later in life.
2 S&P 500
tive price strength and top-notch 0
your income for purposes of deter- You begin at any age between
fundamentals. -2 mining your Social Security bene- 70-1/2 and 85.
Year to date, those 10 hot stocks -4 fits tax vulnerability. Third, Roth The guaranteed aspect of QLAC
were up 5.67% on average vs. -6 IRAs are exempt from mandatory income is a key selling point. Still,
5.36% for the S&P 500 as of 1 year 15-yr avg annual withdrawals after you in exchange for that certainty,
Wednesdays close. The hot stocks Source: Morningstar Inc. reach age 70-1/2. (Those withdraw- make sure you are not giving up too
five top performers have each ral- als are known as required mini- much in yield. How does the yield
lied 6.70% to 12.73%. Vertex is also partnering with TAVR, in 2019. TAVR is a method mum distributions, or RMDs.) on a QLAC youre considering com-
Those top-performing hot stocks Crispr TherapeuticsCRSP in clini- of replacing a faulty heart valve The best scenario is if youve been pare with the yield on, say, an inter-
are Leaderboard member Vertex cal studies of a gene-editing thera- without resorting to open-heart saving in a Roth IRA for years. If mediate-term bond mutual fund?
PharmaceuticalsVRTX, AdobeADBE, py for treatment of sickle cell dis- surgery. you convert savings in a traditional And how many years will it be be-
Edwards LifesciencesEW, PayPal ease and beta thalassemia. Also in 2019, Edwards expects its IRA to a Roth IRA, the amount you fore your QLAC starts to pay in-
HoldingsPYPL and UnitedHealth Publishing software provider surgical heart business to grow 1% transfer is subject to income tax. come? Is that lost opportunity cost-
GroupUNH. Adobe has posted annual EPS to 3% organically. Step 2: Live in a tax-friendly effective?
Performances like theirs have growth for four straight years. Its Digital and mobile payments pro- state. If you can perhaps as part Step 6: Stick with growth in-
helped the fund climb 6.5% so far three-year average rate of growth vider PayPal benefits from the shift of your retirement preparations vestments. Favor growth-orient-
this year through Wednesday, top- is 48%. EPS is expected to grow to digital payments. It also has relocate to one of the 37 states that ed investments by removing
ping 74% of its large-cap growth 15% this year and 24% next year. made helpful acquisitions like do not tax Social Security income. money from income-oriented as-
rival tracked by Morningstar Inc. Adobes tools can be used in vari- Braintree, which lets merchants ac- Some states that do tax Social Se- sets such as dividend-paying
Amid much market volatility ous online media on a variety of cept payments online or within curity income offer deductions or stocks, stock funds, bonds and
over the past 12 months, the fund is platforms. The company has signifi- their mobile application. exemptionsbasedon ageor income. bond funds.
down 2.27% vs. a 3.90% loss by its cant competitive moats. And PayPal is another Aggressive Step 3: IRA charity. If you are Growth stocks and funds reinvest
peer group and a 5.21% setback by Adobe is shifting to a cloud-based Growth Fund holding with four age 70-1/2 or older, you are al- profits into activities intended to
the S&P 500. model, where its revenue is increas- straight years of annual EPS lowed to give up to $100,000 annu- help them grow, rather than pay
The fund aims for stocks of large ingly on a recurring basis. growth, which has averaged 23% ally tax-free to charity from a tradi- out lots of dividends.
and midsize U.S. companies that over the past three years. EPS is tional IRA. Step 7: Avoid capital gains. Mu-
offer enduring potential. As manag- Edwards Prognosis forecast to grow 26% this year. That helps your tax vulnerability tual funds can generate capital
ers Craig Behnke, John Jares and Edwards also has at least eight UnitedHealth is a leader among in two ways. First, the donation gains even when the fund shares
John Toohey tell current and pro- straight years of annual EPS managed care stocks. Optum, the counts toward fulfilling any re- lose value. Checking a funds distri-
spective shareholders, they extend growth. EPS grew 24% on average companys pharmacy benefits man- quirement you face for taking butions history can give a rough
their portfolio to a variety of their in the past three quarters, and its agement business, shows good RMDs from a traditional IRA, once idea of a funds cap gains tendency.
best ideas. That gives them flexibili- forecast to grow 24% for fiscal growth. you pass age 70-1/2. But the with- You can always sell your shares be-
ty. It also positions the portfolio for 2018. Insurers like Aetna (with CVS drawal does not get included in cal- fore distributions are made. Check
greater potential growth from per- Edwards Lifesciences said recent- HealthCVS) and CignaCI (with Ex- culating tax on your Social Security a funds webpage to see when it
formance from those best ideas. ly it expects to stem share losses in press Scripts) have merged to benefits. tends to make distributions.
Vertex is a biotechnology innova- heart-valve replacements to achieve the combination of busi- This maneuver is only allowed if Step 8: Harvest tax losses. If
tor. It has posted triple-digit earn- Medtronic MDT and Boston Scienti- nesses that UnitedHealth already its done as a direct transfer from you do have capital gains, offset
ings-per-share growth in three of ficBSX in 2019. has. your IRA to the charity. them by realizing any capital losses
its five most recent quarters. The Edwards sees 11% to 15% growth UnitedHealths three-year EPS Step 4: Donate appreciated se- you may have, says Colleen Car-
company develops and sells treat- in sales of its transcatheter aortic growth rate has averaged 27%. Its curities. Securities that have risen cone, a director of wealth planning
ments for cystic fibrosis. heart-valve replacements, or seen growing 14% this year. in value should be donated rather strategies for financial firm TIAA.

36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV

Growth Funds Leading The Market

These are among 40 funds selected for their ownership of market leaders,
Mutual Fund Performance Performance
% % After Asset Chg
Chg Chg Tax%Value
Amer Beacon INV
% % After Asset Chg
Chg Chg Tax%Value
A GrowthInv + 8 1 +41 30.76n +.37
36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV
high average Composite Rating and outperformance of the S&P 500. Performance % % After Asset Chg Performance % % After Asset Chg Performance % % After Asset Chg $ 19.0 bil 8009679009 A Income&Gr + 7 1 +24 34.79n +.31
Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value A+ StphnSmGr + 9 5 +15 13.64n +.21 A NTDiscGr + 7 2 .. 11.10n +.13
Amer Cent A A Select + 8 2 +48 66.87n +.98
For Friday, January 25, 2019 A+ LgGrwthK + 7 + 1 +63 48.68n +.46 A SelUSEqAd + 5 3 +34 14.98n +.10 $ 106 bil 8165315575 A SmCapGrow +11 2 +31 15.53n +.20
Advisors' Inner Circle Alliance Brnstn Adv A DisciplGrw + 7 2 +34 19.38 +.24 A+ UltraInv + 8 2 +54 43.86n +.65
A EqIncomeA + 5 + 0 +32 8.27 +.04
A $ 2.8 bil 8006181872 $ 8.6 bil 8002215672
A FundmtlEq + 7 1 +40 25.96 +.22
Amer Cent R
$ 109 bil 8165315575
AAM A FrCrGrA b + 8 + 1 +46 11.94n +.14 A DiscovGrAdv +13 1 +30 10.61n +.20
AdvisorTwo A GlbThmtGrw + 6 + 1 +34 110.55n +.89 A Growth + 8 1 +39 29.71 +.36 A EqInc + 5 + 1 +35 8.29n +.04
$ 924 mil 8889669661 A Inc & Gr + 7 1 +23 34.73 +.31
A IncGrwI + 4 + 0 +42 16.75n +.08 $ 3.5 bil 8006181872 Alliance Brnstn B A EquityInc + 5 + 0 +31 8.23n +.03
A+ FrCrGrInst + 8 + 1 +47 12.11n +.14 $ 15.2 bil 8002215672 A Select + 8 2 +46 65.29 +.96 A Growth + 8 1 +37 28.89n +.35
ABFunds A SmCapGrow +11 2 +29 14.92 +.19
$ 7.8 bil 8002215672 Akre A DiscovGrB +13 1 +19 5.51n +.11 A Growth6 + 8 1 +43 31.32n +.38
$ 14.8 bil 8778629556 Alliance Brnstn C A+ Ultra + 8 2 +52 41.78 +.62 A Smallgrowth +11 2 +33 16.10n +.20
A ConsGr + 8 + 0 +46 34.70n +.44 Amer Cent C
ABFunds A A+ FocusInst + 6 + 3 +70 36.78n +.36 $ 37.3 bil 8002215672 American Funds A
$ 61.0 bil 8165315575 $ 1168 bil 8004218511
$ 46.7 bil 8002215672 A+ FocusRet + 6 + 3 +68 35.97n +.35 A DiscovGrC +13 1 +20 5.57n +.10
A Emerging + 5 + 3 +16 10.72n +.11 A AMCAP + 7 + 0 +39 29.76 +.26
A CoreOpport + 7 + 0 +40 17.97 +.14 Alger Funds A A+ SmCapGrC +12 2 +19 28.53n +.44
Amer Cent Instl E BdFdAm 0 + 3 +9 12.58 .02
A DiscovGrA +13 1 +28 9.82 +.18 $ 9.5 bil 8002233810 Alliance Brnstn I $ 107 bil 8165315575
A GlbThmtGrw + 6 + 1 +33 104.06 +.83 A CaptApp + 7 1 +50 23.51 +.25 $ 4.4 bil 8002215672 D CapIncBldr + 3 + 0 +8 57.88 +.13
A EmrgMkts + 5 + 3 +15 10.70n +.11 C+ CapWldG&I + 6 + 0 +14 45.29 +.41
A+ GrowthA + 8 + 2 +64 71.50 +.74 A+ SmidCpGrA +14 + 1 +21 11.96 +.27 A+ SmCapGrI +12 1 +31 53.13n +.82 A EquityInc + 5 + 0 +34 8.28n +.04
A+ LrgCpGrow + 7 + 1 +63 47.80 +.45 A SpectraA + 7 1 +47 19.56 +.22 Alliance Brnstn K D EuroPacGr + 7 + 0 +4 48.16 +.68
A Growth + 8 1 +42 31.36n +.38
A+ SmCapGrA +12 2 +28 48.29 +.75 Alger Funds B $ 5.2 bil 8002215672 A FndmntlInv + 6 1 +35 55.49 +.55
A Income & Gr + 7 1 +25 34.85n +.31
ABFunds ADV $ 3.0 bil 8002233810 A+ SmCapGrK +12 2 +28 49.70n +.77 A GrFdAmer + 8 + 0 +43 45.99 +.51
A NTEmgMkts + 6 + 3 +13 10.51n +.12
$ 34.7 bil 8002215672 A CaptApp + 7 1 +40 17.86n +.19 Alliance Brnstn R A NTEqGrow + 7 1 +27 11.92n +.10 A InvCoAm + 4 3 +29 35.42 +.16
A+ LrgCpGrow + 8 + 1 +66 52.46n +.50 Alger Funds C $ 5.0 bil 8002215672 A+ NTGr + 8 + 2 +46 15.50n +.19 A MutualA + 4 + 0 +34 38.97 +.05
ABFunds B $ 3.2 bil 8002233810 A DiscovGrR +13 1 +25 9.13n +.18 A Select + 8 2 +49 68.02n .. B New Pers + 7 + 0 +28 40.15 +.46
$ 20.1 bil 8002215672 A CaptApp + 7 1 +40 17.96n +.19 A+ SmCapGrR +12 2 +26 46.42n +.71 A+ SmCapGrow +11 + 0 +35 15.95n +.20 B New World + 6 + 2 +7 61.04 +.73
A+ Growth + 8 + 1 +51 32.51n +.33 Alger Funds I Allianz A A+ Ultra + 8 2 +56 45.51n +.67 A NewEcon + 8 + 2 +36 42.00 +.68
A LrgCpGrow + 7 + 1 +54 34.23n +.33 $ 1.2 bil 8002233810 $ 11.1 bil 8777169787 Amer Cent Inv B SmCpWrld + 8 2 +21 50.64 +.69
A+ SmCapGr +12 2 +19 27.99n +.43 A CaptApp + 7 1 +45 72.98n +.77 A+ TechA +10 + 2 +67 56.11 .. $ 180 bil 8165315575 C+ TheInFdAm + 3 + 0 +18 21.31 +.08
ABFunds C A CpGrowth + 8 3 +31 55.70n +.64 Allianz C A AmerCenDiGr + 7 2 +37 19.66n +.24 A WashMutlA + 5 + 0 +37 43.07 +.19
$ 24.6 bil 8002215672 A+ SmallGr +10 3 +15 25.79n +.46 $ 8.6 bil 8777169787 A+ AmerCenR6Cl + 9 2 +56 45.56n +.67 Amerindo Funds
A+ Growth + 8 + 1 +51 33.16n +.34 Alger Instl A+ TechC +10 + 2 +56 39.82n +.71 A DisciplGrw + 7 2 +35 19.58n +.23 $ 85.4 bil 8888324386
A LrgCpGrow + 7 + 1 +55 34.77n +.33 $ 3.6 bil 8002233810 Allianz Instl A EmergMkts + 5 + 3 +14 10.42n +.11 C+ CpWrldGI + 6 + 0 +15 45.30n +.41
ABFunds I A CapApp + 7 1 +48 30.74n +.33 $ 7.5 bil 8777169787 A EquityInc + 5 + 0 +33 8.27n +.04 AMG Funds
$ 20.4 bil 8002215672 A+ CapAppFoc + 7 1 +64 32.19n +.36 A+ FundTech +10 + 2 +72 64.95n +1.2 A FundamntlEq + 7 1 +41 26.01n +.23 $ 46.5 bil 8005484539
A+ LgCpGr + 8 + 1 +66 52.16n +.49 Alliance Brnstn Amana Funds A+ GlbGold 0 + 8 +2 8.09n +.24 A Brandywine + 9 1 +40 48.77n +.63
ABFunds K $ 23.5 bil 8002215672 $ 2.7 bil 8007288762 A+ GlbGoldA 0 +7 7.91 +.23 A SpcEQFdInst +11 4 +33 131.49n +1.9
$ 15.2 bil 8002215672 A+ ABSmallCap +12 1 .. 53.34n +.82 A+ Growth + 6 1 +52 36.57n +.36 A Growth + 7 2 .. 11.07n +.13 A+ YachtmanFoc + 4 + 2 +30 18.52n +.18
A+ YacktFoc + 4 + 2 +29 18.57n +.19
36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV A+ YacktmanFd + 4 + 1 +29 19.81n +.15
Performance % % After Asset Chg Performance % % After Asset Chg Performance % % After Asset Chg Performance % % After Asset Chg AQR Funds
Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value $ 78.0 bil 8662902688
A+ Deffensive + 5 1 .. 19.56n +.05
Artisan Funds
$ 82.7 bil 8003441770

How To Read IBD Mutual Fund Tables A+ SmallCapInv +14 + 0 +28 29.60n +.58
A ValInst
+10 3 +14 11.76n +.16

IBD tables have funds with 36-Month Performance Rating A+, A or A-, at least $200 million assets $ 17.2 bil 8772255266
plus funds ranked by assets regardless of their performance. All other mutual funds are found at A+ BMOLgGrI + 6 2 +51 16.39n +.11 O denotes independent fund not part of family listed above. A+ BMOLgGrwY + 6 2 +50 16.24n +.11
Each 36-Month Rating, vs. all other mutual funds, is recalculated monthly on a total return basis. Aston Funds
$ 6.3 bil 8005484539
Dividends and capital gains included. Daily accrual fund returns are calculated on a monthly basis. A SmallValI + 9 2 +19 11.89n +.14
A+=Top 5%, A=Top 10%, A#=Top 15%, B+=Top 20%, B=Top 25%, B#=Top 30%, C+=Top 35%, AT Funds
C=Top 40%, C#=Top 45%, D+=Top 50%, D=Top 60%, D#= Top 70%, E=Below 70%. A+, A, A# $ 1.2 bil 8553283863
and B+ 36-Month Ratings are boldfaced. Top 2% of funds in % performance yesterday are bold- A DiscplEq + 6 1 +50 18.84n +.17
faced. Performance of income funds may be compared to other income funds. b=assets used to pay Ave Maria Funds
12(b)(1) plan distribution costs, r=redemption charge may apply, n=no initial load and appears after $ 1.4 bil 8662836274
A AveMarRiDiv + 6 1 +23 16.73n +.14
Net Asset Value, m=multiple fees, p=previous days quote, s=split, x=ex-dividend or capital gains
distribution. 5-Yr After Tax Rtn=5 year after-tax return assuming average income tax rate of 35% on 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV
dividends and 15% long-term capital gains rate. NAV Chg is calculated vs. the prior session. Performance % % After Asset Chg
Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value

Copyright 2019 Investor's Business Daily Inc.

36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV
Performance % % After Asset Chg Performance % % After Asset Chg Performance % % After Asset Chg
Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value
A Utilities + 3 + 3 +43 18.52n .21 A CapApprInv + 8 1 +51 64.46n +.86 A SmlCapGrA +11 3 +26 16.25 +.24
Frank/Tmp Fr R A LrgValIns + 7 + 0 +41 14.18n +.12 A SmlCapGrB +11 3 +18 11.07n +.16
$ 163 bil 8003425236 A LrgValInv + 7 + 0 +40 14.32n +.11 A SmlCapGrC +11 3 +20 12.52n +.19
A+ Dvlp Mkts + 7 + 3 3 19.07n +.00 A MidGrAdm +11 + 2 +26 8.79n +.17 A+ SmlCapGrI +11 2 +30 22.13n +.33
A Grwth + 7 1 +51 95.97n +.89 A MidGrInstl +11 + 2 +28 9.31n +.18 A+ SmlCapGrY +11 3 +28 20.70n +.30
C+ Income + 5 + 1 +4 2.20n +.01 A MidGrInv
A Utilities + 3 + 3 +44 18.54n .22 Hartford A
+11 + 2 +25 8.48n +.16 JKL
Frank/Tmp FrAd $ 76.8 bil 8605475000 J Hancock A
$ 230 bil 8003425236 A Div&GrA + 5 1 +29 22.83 +.13 $ 46.1 bil 8002255291
A ConvSecs + 7 + 2 +31 20.27n +.17 A GrwthOpps + 9 + 0 +43 35.34 +.61 A USGlbLdGr + 6 + 1 +41 44.05 +.45
A+ Dynatech +10 + 2 +67 73.99n +.97 Hartford HLS IA J Hancock B
A GoldPrec + 3 + 8 13 14.08n +.47 $ 24.6 bil 8605475000 $ 26.3 bil 8002255291
A Grwth + 7 1 +54 96.45n +.89 A Div&Gr + 5 1 +28 20.99n +.12 A USGlbLdGr + 6 + 0 +35 36.20n +.37
B Income + 5 + 0 +6 2.22n +.01 A GlobalGrow + 8 + 1 +43 26.50n +.35 J Hancock C
36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV $ 17.0 bil 8002255291
A RisingDivs + 5 3 +34 58.20n +.49 A GrwthOpps + 9 + 1 +46 37.00n +.64
Top Growth Funds Top Growth Funds Performance
% % After Asset Chg
Chg Chg Tax%Value A SmCapGr
A Utilities
+11 3 +22 20.80n +.30 A MidCap
+ 3 + 3 +47 18.78n .22 A Stock
+10 1 +35 37.15n +.50 A USGlbLdGr
+ 5 + 0 +43 81.82n +.34 Janus Aspn Inst
+ 6 + 0 +35 36.22n +.37

Last 3 Months (All Total Returns) Last 36 Months (All Total Returns) Freedom + 6 + 0 .. 13.77n +.13 Frank/Tmp Mutual A&B Hartford HLS IB $ 1.8 bil 8888342536
Performance Freedom + 5 + 0 .. 16.48n +.13 $ 47.3 bil 8006322301 $ 26.0 bil 8605475000 A+ Enterprise + 9 + 2 +57 73.09n +.93
Performance Freedom2025 + 4 + 1 .. 13.28n +.08 Janus Henderson
% Change Rating $ Net D GlbDiscovA + 5 4 +4 27.67 +.00 A Div&Gr + 5 1 +27 20.89n +.12
% Change Rating $ Net Freedom2025 + 4 + 1 .. 13.30n +.09 Frank/Tmp Mutual C $ 127 bil 8006680434
Mutual Fund YTD 36 Mos Assets A GlobalGrow + 8 + 1 +42 26.22n +.35
Mutual Fund Last 3 Mos 36 Mos Assets Freedom2030 + 5 + 0 .. 16.46n +.13 $ 50.1 bil 8003425236 A GrowOppor + 9 + 1 +44 35.24n +.61 A+ Enterprise + 9 + 2 +55 115.95n +1.5
Freedom2040 + 7 1 .. 9.61n +.10 D GlbDiscov + 5 4 +1 27.58n +.00 A MidCap +10 1 +33 36.13n +.49 A Forty + 8 + 1 +44 31.86 +.38
Fidelity GrowthOpp " 7 A" 3.11 bil Morgan Stan A MltiCpGrt " 11 A" 887 mil Freedom2040 + 7 1 .. 9.63n +.09 Frank/Tmp Mutual R A Stock + 5 + 0 +42 81.82n +.35 A Forty + 8 + 1 +43 30.56n +.37
Touchstone SandCpInsGr " 4 A 1.6 bil Wasatch UltraGrow " 11 A" 241 mil FreedomK6 + 4 + 1 .. 15.22n +.09 $ 27.0 bil 8003425236 A+ FortyInstl + 9 + 2 +46 38.21n +.47
Hartford I
A GlbComStk + 7 4 15 11.96n +.20 A+ Dynatech +10 + 2 +63 69.62n +.90 A+ GlbTech + 9 + 2 +76 31.68n +.59
Touchstone SandSelGrZ " 4 A# 1.5 bil Federated A KaufSmlCap " 7 A" 1.4 bil $ 68.7 bil 8605475000
A+ GoldA r 0 + 7 +2 17.56 +.52 D GlbDiscov + 5 4 +3 27.29n +.00 A Div&GrI + 5 1 +31 22.71n +.13 A+ Growth&Inc + 4 1 +46 52.30n +.32
Mass Mutl Prem StratEmMk " 4 B" 150 mil Kinetics SmCpOpport " 10 A" 347 mil A+ GoldM r 0 +7 17.17 +.50 Frank/Tmp Mutual Z Janus S Shrs
A GrowOppor + 9 + 0 +46 37.50n +.65
A+ GrowthCo +10 3 +65 17.57n +.28 $ 48.4 bil 8003425236 $ 18.1 bil 8888342536
Value Line LargerCo " 4 A" 264 mil Virtus Funds I SmlCapCore " 7 A" 1.152 bil Hartford R3
A+ GrowthOpp +10 + 7 +67 71.93 +1.1 D GlbDiscov + 5 3 +5 28.24n +.00 A+ GrowthInc + 4 1 +44 52.25n +.32
A+ GrwDiscovy + 8 + 0 +59 33.48n +.37 $ 54.8 bil 8605475000
Frank/Tmp Tp A Janus T Shrs
Oak Associates WhtOakSelGr " 3 A 309 mil Fidelity GrowthOpp " 10 A" 3.11 bil A+ GrwDiscovyK + 8 + 0 +60 33.50n +.37 A GroOppty + 9 + 0 +41 35.39n +.61
$ 45.0 bil 8888342536
$ 70.9 bil 8003425236 Hartford R4
Morgan Stan A MltiCpGrt " 3 A" 887 mil Morgan Stan Ins Instgrowth " 11 A" 5.4 bil A+ HealthCare r + 7 1 +73 94.26n +.88 A+ Dvlp Mkts + 7 + 4 2 19.39 +.00 A+ Enterprise + 9 + 2 +57 118.80n +1.5
A+ LatinAmer r +14+ 11 24 24.86n +.01 $ 57.5 bil 8605475000
D Glob Bond + 2 +1 11.51 .01 A Div&GrR4 Jensen Inv Management
Wells Fargo Inst EndvSelect " 3 A" 159 mil William Blair I SmCpGr " 10 A" 732 mil A+ LatinAmer +14+ 11 23 24.55 +.01 + 5 1 +30 23.34n +.13
$ 10.6 bil 8009924144
Frank/Tmp TpAd A GrowOppor + 9 + 0 +44 37.87n +.66
Wells Fargo Ad CapitalGrow " 2 A" 281 mil Wasatch MicroCap " 9 A" 372 mil A+ LatinAmer +14+ 11 22 24.46 +.01 $ 79.4 bil 8003425236 A+ QualtGrowI + 5 1 +52 45.71n +.38
A+ LatinAmer +14+ 11 21 24.34n +.01 Hartford R5 A+ QualtGrowJ + 5 1 +51 45.70n +.38
Morgan Stan I MidCapGrI " 2 A" 548 mil PriceFds LgCpGrInstl " 8 A" 17.3 bil A ChinaWrld + 5 + 1 18.02n +.00 $ 40.5 bil 8605475000
A Leisure r + 7 + 0 +33 13.78n +.08 A+ DvlpMkts + 7 + 4 2 19.28n +.00 A Div&GrR5 JOHN HAN
A LgCorEnhIdx + 6 2 +39 14.04n +.12 + 5 1 +31 23.44n +.13 $ 2.4 bil 8003388080
Oak Associates PinOakEqty " 2 A# 275 mil PriceFds NewHorizns " 9 A" 27 bil D Glob Bond + 2 + 1 +1 11.46n .01 A GrowOpp + 9 + 0 +47 40.04n +.70 A Emergmkt + 6 + 5 +4 10.64n +.11
A LgGrwEnhIdx + 7 1 +48 18.13n +.22 Frank/Tmp TpB/C A MidCap +10 2 +36 32.40n +.43
FAM Funds EquityInc " 2 A" 220 mil JP Morgan A SmlBlnd " 10 A" 250 mil C LowPriStkK + 8 1 +18 46.73n +.50 $ 57.5 bil 8003425236 Hartford Y
C LowPrStk + 8 1 +18 46.78n +.50 A+ Dvlp Mkts C + 7 + 3 5 18.94n +.00 $ 10.1 bil 8003388080
Harbor MidGrInstl " 2 A 353 mil JP Morgan Instl SmallGrow " 11 A" 1.632 bil A MidCpStkK + 8 1 +22 32.79n +.22 $ 68.5 bil 8605475000 A Emergmkt + 6 + 5 +4 10.64n +.11
D GlobalBdC + 2 + 1 1 11.54n .02 A CorepEq + 6 1 +52 28.87n +.20
HarborMidGrAdm " 2 A 353 mil GMO Trust VI Quality " 4 A" 5.6 bil A MidStk + 8 1 +21 32.79n +.23 Franklin Temp A Div&GrY + 5 1 +31 23.45n +.13
JP Morgan A
A+ NasdaqIndex r + 8 2 +64 92.99n +1.3 $ 165 bil 8003425236 $ 251 bil 8004804111
American Funds A NewEcon " 2 A 16.1 bil Virtus Funds A MidCapGrow " 10 A" 170 mil A New Millnm + 7 2 +22 33.43n +.24 A GrowOppor + 9 + 0 +47 40.75n +.70 E CoreBond 0 + 3 +8 11.30 .01
A+ DynTchClR6 +10 + 2 +69 74.70n +.98 A MidCap +10 2 +37 32.74n +.44 A EmrgMktsEq + 8 + 6 +12 26.28 +.37
Morgan Stan Ins Instgrowth " 2 A" 5.4 bil Kinetics ParadigmNL " 11 A" 590 mil A NewInsight + 8 + 0 +38 28.67 +.30 D GlobBond + 2 +1 11.51n .01
A NewInsight + 8 + 0 +36 27.57 +.29 Heartland Funds A EquityIdx + 6 2 +36 40.68 +.34
A GrthR6 + 7 1 +54 96.34n +.89 $ 1.3 bil 8004327856
Mass Mutl Select GrwOppR5 " 2 B" 600 mil Frank/Tmp Fr A Dynatech " 10 A" 6.4 bil A+ OTC + 8 4 +67 10.76n +.17 A RisDivR6 + 5 3 +34 58.20n +.50 A SelValInv A EquityInc + 5 1 +36 16.30 +.10
A+ OTCK + 8 4 +68 10.92n +.17 + 7 1 +7 24.24n +.16 A GrAdvantg r + 9 1 +55 19.28 +.26
Janus T Shrs Enterprise " 2 A"15.388 bil AMG Funds EmgCosI " 8 A" 137 mil B Puritan + 5 1 +25 20.55n +.13
A SmCpGrR6 +11 3 +23 21.11n +.31 Hennessy Funds A IntrepidGr + 9 1 +54 52.19 +.70
D TempGlb + 2 + 1 +2 11.46n .01 $ 8.7 bil 8009664354
Amer Cent Instl NTGr " 2 A" 956 mil Transamerica A CapGrwA " 10 A" 1.3 bil B PuritanK + 5 1 +26 20.53n +.12 A+ UtlR6 + 3 + 3 +47 18.77n .22 A CorValInv A+ LgCapGr + 9 2 +50 35.70 +.47
A+ SelectTech r + 7 6 +64 14.30n +.27 + 5 3 +19 16.12n +.09 A SmallCapEq + 9 3 +26 45.39 +.52
Janus Aspn Inst Enterprise " 2 A" 999 mil BlackRock A GrwtInv " 9 A" 691 mil A+ SelSemi r +13 + 3 +96 8.87n +.22 GHI A+ JapanInst + 2 2 +68 34.01n +.35 A+ SmallGrow +11 2 +33 14.88 +.21
A+ SemiCondA +13 + 3+100 19.21 +.48 Gabelli AAA A+ JapanInv + 2 3 +66 33.05n +.35 A+ SmlBlnd +10 2 +27 18.02 +.20
Frank/Tmp Fr A Dynatech " 2 A" 6.4 bil Alliance Brnstn I SmCapGrI " 12 A" 1.5 bil Highland Capital
A+ SerEqGr + 8 + 0 .. 12.88n +.15 $ 12.5 bil 8004223554 JP Morgan C
Transamerica A CapGrwA " 2 A" 1.3 bil EdgeWood EdgwdGrInst " 8 A" 6.3 bil A+ SltGold r 0 + 7 +3 18.07n +.53 A+ Growth + 7 2 +50 58.40n +.63 $ 1.2 bil 9724196272 $ 169 bil 8004804111
A SmlCapGrM r +11 4 +38 21.66 +.32 GE Elfun S&S A+ GblAlloA + 5 + 4 +7 8.61 +.00 E CoreBond r 0 + 3 +5 11.37n .01
PgimInvest JennFocGrA " 2 A 558 mil BlackRock Instl EqInstl " 9 A" 1.9 bil Hirtle Callaghan
A+ SmlGrow r +11 3 +43 23.48n +.35 $ 12.7 bil 8002420134 A+ DynSmlGr +10 2 +20 11.77n +.13
AMG Funds YacktFoc " 2 A" 4.411 bil Fidelity FocusedStk " 7 A" 2.4 bil B+ SpExIdAdv +10 2 +23 58.43n +.78 A S&SUSEqt + 7 1 +30 49.12n +.45 $ 3.0 bil 8774358105 A EmrgMktsEq + 8 + 6 +10 25.50n +.36
Natixis GrowthY " 2 A" 7.982 bil Janus Aspn Inst Enterprise " 9 A" 999 mil E SprtUSBdIdF 0 + 3 +6 11.29n .01 A Trusts + 8 1 +36 53.94n +.70 A+ HCGrowEqStr + 7 1 +51 21.96n +.23 A IntrepidGr + 9 1 +51 51.23n +.68
A+ Technology r + 6 6 +59 34.90n +.65 Glenmede Funds Homestead JP Morgan Instl
A+ Technology + 6 6 +64 40.06 +.74 $ 5.0 bil 8009663200 $ 3.2 bil 8002583030 $ 104 bil 8004804111
U.S. Stock Fund Cash Position High (11/00) 6.2% Low (2/18) 2.5% 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV
Performance % % After Asset Chg Performance % % After Asset Chg E TotalBnd + 1 + 2 +6 10.32n .01 A StrategicEq + 7 2 +41 23.69n +.22 A Value + 5 + 0 +35 48.88n +.29 A+ EmrgMktsEq + 8 + 6 +13 27.05n +.38
Jun 17 2.8% Dec 17 2.7% Jun 18 2.7% Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value E TotalBond r + 1 + 2 +6 10.30 .01 GMO Trust II IcmSeries A+ SmallGrow +11 1 +36 17.23n +.25
Jul 17 2.8% Jan 18 2.6% Jul 18 2.8% A+ Transport r + 9 2 +43 91.26n +.86 $ 10.1 bil 6173307500 $ 639 mil 4105393838 A TaxAwrDscEq + 6 1 +43 32.45n +.32
A ResearchA + 8 + 0 +36 13.94 +.14 A+ Sftwr&Cmp r + 8 + 1 +79 17.52n +.22 A Trend + 7 2 +43 93.82n +1.2 A EmergMkts + 6 + 3 1 31.28n +.00 A ICMSmCo +10 3 +16 26.58n +.30 A USEquityL
Aug 17 2.8% Feb 18 2.5% Aug 18 2.6% A S&P500Idx + 6 2 +34 46.77n +.40 A+ Utilities r + 1 1 +49 80.75n .81
+ 8 1 +34 14.52n +.14
Sep 17 2.8% Mar 18 2.6% Sep 18 2.5% A+ Utilities r + 1 1 +46 28.62 .29 GMO Trust III Invesco Funds JP Morgan R5
A SmCpStkIdx + 9 5 +23 27.68n +.31 A Wireless + 4 5 +17 8.54n +.11
A+ Utility + 3 1 +37 25.24n .19 $ 23.1 bil 6173307500 $ 30.9 bil 8009594246 $ 89.4 bil 8004804111
Oct 17 2.7% Apr 18 2.6% Oct 18 2.6% A+ TechGrA + 9 + 0 +49 40.70 +.63 Fidelity Spartan
Nov 17 2.8% May 18 2.5% Nov 18 2.8% A Volatility + 4 + 0 .. 12.86n +.04 A EmergMkts + 6 + 3 31.37n +.00 A TechFndIns + 8 2 +48 43.60n +.54 E CoreBond 0 + 3 +9 11.28n .01
A+ TechGrC + 9 + 0 +40 28.51n +.44 $ 53.0 bil 8003433548 FidltyAdvFoc A GMO Trust IV Invesco Funds A A+ IntrpdGrth + 9 + 0 +57 52.29n +.70
A+ USEquity + 7 + 0 +31 17.80n +.10 A TotMktIdxF + 7 2 +42 75.56n +.71 $ 6.8 bil 8003433548 $ 21.5 bil 6173307500 $ 129 bil 8009594246 A SmallCapEq + 9 3 +29 52.97n +.61
36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV DREYFUS I Fidelity Spartan Adv
Performance % % After Asset Chg Performance % % After Asset Chg A+ Utilities + 1 1 +47 28.54 .28 A EmergMkts + 6 + 3 +4 31.07n +.00 A Develp Mkts +10 + 6 2 33.08 +.34 A USEqty + 8 1 +35 14.53n +.15
$ 14.0 bil 8003468893 $ 114 bil 8003433548 FidltyAdvFoc C GMO Trust V A S&P500 IdxA + 6 2 +43 28.50 +.24 JP Morgan R6
Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value A BasS&P500 + 6 2 +43 51.09n +.43 D IntlIdFd I + 6 1 1 38.41n +.48 $ 4.7 bil 8003433548 $ 10.7 bil 6173307500 A SelComp +10 3 +8 16.65 +.23 $ 66.0 bil 8004804111
A LrgEnCore + 6 3 +40 22.40n +.20 A+ Boston
B A+ SelCom&Inf +11 + 2 +80 64.97 +1.7 DREYFUS Z
+14 + 0 +32 20.51n +.40 A TotMkIdI
+ 7 2 +41 75.53n +.70
A+ Utilities r
0 + 3 +6 11.29n .01
+ 1 1 +43 27.90n .28 A EmergMkts + 6 + 3 30.99n +.00 A TechFndA
Invesco Funds C
+ 8 2 +46 43.83 +.55 E Core Bond 0 + 3 +9 11.31n .01
Baron Instl First Eagle GMO Trust VI JP Morgan Selct
A+ SelGlbTch +12 + 2 +80 35.64 +.93 $ 3.6 bil 8003468893 Fidelity Invest $ 103 bil 8003342143 $ 11.8 bil 6173307500 $ 119 bil 8009594246
$ 18.0 bil 8009922766 $ 250 bil 8004804111
A SelLgCpVal + 8 2 +26 23.81 +.25 A ReseGrwZ + 8 + 0 +37 14.24n +.15 $ 2168 bil 8003433548 D+ GlobalA + 6 + 1 +13 53.80 +.50 A EmergMkts + 6 + 3 31.05n +.00 A TechFndC + 8 3 +39 34.67n +.43 E CoreBond
A+ Asset + 7 2 +41 71.24n +.71 A+ SmallGrI 0 + 3 +8 11.29n .01
+13 + 2 +14 16.63 +.24 DWS Funds A 2020Freedom + 4 + 1 .. 15.24n +.09 First Invstrs A A+ Quality + 4 3 +47 21.27n +.21 Invesco Funds P
A+ BaronGrt + 9 1 +62 28.72n +.28 A SmCapIndxA + 9 5 +23 22.29n +.25 A+ DynSmlGr +10 2 +30 21.62n +.25
$ 12.2 bil 8007283337 2035Freedom + 6 + 0 .. 13.78n +.13 $ 8.5 bil 8004234026 GoldmnSachs A $ 1.8 bil 8009594246 A+ EmrgMktsEq + 8 + 6 +13 26.86n +.38
A Growth + 8 2 +24 68.41n +.61 A+ TechGrw + 8 1+100 31.74n +.53 A+ Technology + 7 3 +54 20.07 +.33 A 500IdxInsPr + 6 2 +45 92.68n +.79
A+ Opportunity + 9 1 +36 19.84n +.25 A+ Technology + 8 1 +98 30.51 +.50 A SelectGrow b + 7 2 +42 11.56 +.12 $ 40.3 bil 8002924726 A SumFndP + 9 1 +41 18.80n +.23 A EquityIndx + 6 2 +37 40.75n +.35
DWS Funds C A AdvDivStkA + 7 2 +27 22.20 +.23 First Invstrs B A CapitalGr + 7 2 +36 20.29 +.19 Invesco Funds Y A+ GrAdvSel r + 9 1 +56 19.92n +.27
A+ Partners + 6 6 +45 51.76n +.79 A Vallue + 6 2 +26 12.65n +.09 $ 4.5 bil 8007283337 A AdvDivStkO + 7 2 +29 22.86n +.24 $ 7.1 bil 8004234026 A StratGr + 8 2 +32 8.14 +.09 $ 13.1 bil 8009594246 A IntrepidGr + 9 1 +56 53.04n +.71
A SmallCap +10 4 +16 27.53n +.41 Columbia C A DCrociC + 6 + 0 +31 52.42n +.27 A AdvGlbComA + 7 4 16 11.97 +.19
Baron Funds A SelectGrow m + 7 3 +31 9.40n +.10 A StrucLgGr + 8 2 +54 27.96 +.31 A S&P500IdxY + 6 2 +44 28.83n +.24 A+ LgCapGr + 9 1 +52 36.16n +.48
$ 120 bil 8003456611 A+ Technology + 7 3 +44 12.84n +.22 A AdvGlbComC + 7 4 18 11.89n +.20 FMI Funds A StrucUSEq + 8 2 +37 45.00 +.44 Invesco Instl A+ SmallGr +11 2 +35 16.66n +.24
$ 18.1 bil 8009922766 A AcornC + 9 3 7 5.09n +.07 DWS Funds S A AdvGlbComI + 7 4 15 11.96n +.20 $ 5.8 bil 8008115311 A+ TechOppsA + 7 1 +64 19.84 +.31 $ 12.1 bil 8009594246 A SmlCapEq + 9 3 +28 52.86n +.61
A Asset + 7 2 +39 68.55n +.69 A AcornUSA +10 2 4 4.97n +.06 $ 15.5 bil 8007283337 A+ AdvGoldC r 0 + 7 1 16.35n +.48
A LargeCap + 6 + 0 +31 18.18n +.14 GoldmnSachs C A SmlCapGrR5 +10 4 +26 39.17n +.53 Kinetics Funds
A+ Discovery +10 7 +58 18.56n +.32 A DivInc + 5 1 +34 19.89n +.08 A CapGrowth + 8 2 +43 70.75n +.89 A+ AdvGoldI r 0 + 7 +3 18.07n +.53 FmlyFnds $ 7.9 bil 8002924726 Ivy Funds $ 2.4 bil 8009303828
A Growth + 8 2 +23 66.23n +.59 A+ SelgCom&Inf +11 + 2 +70 42.43n +1.1 Eagle Funds A+ AdvSemi +13 + 3+103 20.34n +.50 $ 558 mil 8004214184 A Capital Gr + 7 2 +27 12.49n +.12 $ 210 bil 8669414482 A+ ParadigmNL +11 4 +29 45.71n +.78
A GrwRet + 2 6 +29 16.11n +.12 A+ SelGlbTch +12 + 2 +72 26.71n +.69 $ 16.4 bil 8002373101 A+ AdvSemiconC +13 + 2 +71 16.41n +.41 A GrowIncA + 4 2 +34 19.45 +.08 A StrucLgGr + 8 2 +49 24.78n +.28 A EmgEqI + 7 + 3 +11 18.60n +.25 A+ PardigmIns +11 4 +30 46.13n +.78
A+ GrwRet + 9 1 +60 28.15n +.27 A+ Technology + 8 1 +91 27.38n +.45 A CapApprA + 7 3 +45 37.56 +.38 A+ AdvSrsGro +10 + 8 +71 13.12n +.21 Frank/Tmp Fr A A+ TechOpps + 7 1 +56 15.44n +.25 A LrgCapGrA + 7 1 +50 20.93 +.19 A+ SmCpOpport +10 3 +27 56.60n +.86
A+ Opportunity + 9 1 +34 19.08n +.24 Columbia I,T&G A GrowIncC + 4 2 +30 18.56n +.08 A+ AdvTechA r + 6 6 +66 42.71 +.79
A Partners + 6 6 +44 50.60n +.78 $ 248 bil 8003425236 GoldmnSachs In A LrgCapGrC + 7 1 +44 16.88n +.16 LaudusFunds
$ 20.7 bil 8003456611 A MidCpGrowA +10 1 +41 55.09 +.88 B Balanced + 5 1 +23 21.76n +.15
A ChinaWrld + 5 + 1 1 17.87 +.00 $ 34.6 bil 8002924726 A LrgCapGrE + 7 1 +50 20.88 +.19 $ 2.0 bil 8004473332
A SmallCap +10 4 +15 26.41n +.39 A DivIncT + 5 1 +38 20.57 +.08 A MidCpGrowC +10 1 +36 43.32n +.69 B BalancedK + 5 + 0 +23 21.76n +.15
BlackRock A A ConvSecs + 7 + 2 +30 20.27 +.17 A Capital Gr + 7 2 +39 23.29n +.21 A LrgCapGrI + 7 + 0 +53 22.17n +.20 A+ GrInvUSLgGr + 9 + 1 +25 19.76n +.24
A+ SmallGrI +13 + 2 +17 17.85n +.26 Eaton Vance A A+ BluChpGro + 8 + 0 +64 90.72n +1.4 A+ Dynatech +10 + 2 +65 71.75 +.94 A StrucLgGr + 8 1 +56 28.97n +.33 A LrgCapGrY + 7 1 +51 21.52n +.20 Lazard Instl
$ 154 bil 2128105596 Columbia R $ 57.0 bil 8002256265 A+ BluChpGroK + 8 + 0 +64 90.84n +1.4 A Gold&Prec + 3 + 8 14 13.26 +.45 A StrucUSEq + 8 2 +39 46.40n +.46 A MidCapGrA +10 + 0 +28 23.04 +.29 $ 46.0 bil 8008236300
A CapAppInvA + 8 + 1 +41 25.17 +.31 $ 149 bil 8003456611 A AtlSmidCap + 6 3 +44 28.51 +.29 A Contrafund + 8 + 0 +49 11.86n +.14
A+ EmgMkts + 9 + 6 +7 21.86 +.31 A Convert A Grwth + 7 1 +52 96.29 +.89 Green Century A MidCapGrB +10 + 0 +22 17.76n +.22 A DevlpMrkt + 9 + 4 1 12.42n +.24
+ 7 + 2 +25 20.27n +.17 A GreatrIndia 2 + 4 +69 31.32 .40 A+ Dfnse&Aero r + 9 3 +49 15.31n +.14 C+ Income + 5 + 0 +6 2.24 +.01 $ 780 mil 8009347336 A MidCapGrC +10 + 0 +23 19.18n +.24 A GlbLstInfr + 4 + 0 +46 14.11n .04
A+ EqInvA + 9 + 0 +52 20.98 +.32 A CoreR5 + 6 2 +45 11.23n +.10 A LgCapGrow + 8 1 +49 25.55 +.30 E DiversIntl + 5 2 33.30n +.43
A RisingDivs + 5 3 +33 58.26 +.50 A Equity + 6 + 1 +42 40.78n +.30 A+ MidCapGrI +10 + 0 +30 25.06n +.31 Lazard Open
B+ EquityDiv + 6 2 +8 19.71 +.16 A Dividend + 5 1 +37 20.57n +.08 A TxMgdGr 1.0 + 5 3 +43 1135.03n E DiversIntlK + 5 2 33.22n +.42
A SmCapGr +11 3 +20 19.11 +.28 GuideStone G2 A MidCapGrR +10 + 0 +26 22.35n +.28 $ 36.1 bil 8008236300
D Glob Alloc p + 3 1 +3 17.80 +.00 A DivIncAdv + 5 1 +39 20.93n +.08 +.00 A DiversStk + 7 2 +26 22.02 +.23
A Utilities + 3 + 3 +46 18.62 .22 $ 4.0 bil 8884738637 A+ MidCapGrY +10 + 0 +28 24.17n +.30 A DevMkEq + 9 + 4 2 12.35n +.24
A+ GrwtInv + 9 + 1 +48 10.93 +.13 A DivIncR5 + 5 1 +40 20.91n +.08 Eaton Vance B A EmrgAsia + 6 + 5 +26 35.67n +.56 Frank/Tmp Fr C A EqIndxInst + 6 2 +59 29.12n +.00 A Sci&TechA +10 + 0 +25 58.85 +1.1 Legg Mason
A+ InvTechn +11 + 1 +96 26.43 +.54 A Largecap + 6 2 +42 47.06n +.40 $ 33.6 bil 8002256265 A EmrgAsia r + 6 + 5 +27 39.06n +.62 $ 252 bil 8003425236 GuideStone G4 A Sci&TechE +10 + 0 +24 58.30 +1.1 $ 30.9 bil 8008225544
A LarCapGrInv + 8 2 +24 13.96 +.17 A LGcap + 6 3 +39 22.36n +.20 A GreatrIndia 2 + 4 +64 27.21n .35 A EmrgAsiaA r + 6 + 5 +24 34.61 +.55 A ConvSecs + 7 + 2 +27 19.95n +.16 $ 7.2 bil 8884738637 A Sci&TechI +10 + 0 +27 65.62n +1.3 A CBApprecIS + 5 2 +39 22.62n +.15
A SciOpInvA + 4 + 0 +70 55.92 +.24 A+ SelCom&Inf +11 + 2 +77 61.42n +1.6 Eaton Vance C A EmrgAsiaC + 6 + 5 +21 31.24n +.49 A+ Dynatech + 9 + 2 +59 59.72n +.78 A EqIdxInv + 6 2 +45 29.14n +.00 A Sci&TechR +10 + 0 +23 56.98n +1.1 Legg Mason 1
A ValueOpps + 7 1 +14 24.81 +.24 A Selctla + 8 2 +28 25.06n +.26 $ 40.1 bil 8002256265 A EmrgAsiaM r + 6 + 5 +23 33.61 +.53 A Grwth + 7 1 +48 88.14n +.82 Harbor Funds A Sci&TechY +10 + 0 +25 62.48n +1.2 $ 66.8 bil 8008225544
BlackRock BlRk A SmallCapR5 + 9 5 +25 22.95n +.25 A GreatrIndia 2 + 4 +63 27.00n .34 A+ EqGrowthZ + 8 + 0 +57 12.17n +.14 C Income + 5 + 0 +4 2.27n +.01 $ 139 bil 8004221050 A SmCapCrA + 8 6 +21 15.94 +.16 D CorePlusFI + 1 + 3 +13 11.33n +.00
$ 12.3 bil 2128105596 Columbia Y Eaton Vance Instl A EquityGr A RisingDivsC + 5 3 +29 57.16n +.48
+ 8 + 0 +51 10.71 +.12 A CapApprAdm + 8 + 0 +52 65.88n +.88 A SmCapValC + 8 6 +16 13.55n +.14
A+ CapAppK + 8 + 1 +44 27.55n +.34 $ 40.3 bil 8003456611 $ 40.5 bil 8002256265
BlackRock C
A+ FocusedStk r + 7 + 1 +42 22.27n +.23 A RisingDivsR + 5 3 +32 58.07n +.49 A CapApprIns + 8 + 0 +54 67.20n +.90 A SmCapValY + 8 6 +22 16.83n +.17 Mutuals continued on B15
A Dividend + 5 1 +40 20.94n +.08 A AtlSmidCap + 6 3 +47 31.71n +.32
$ 145 bil 2128105596 A LrgEnCore + 6 2 +42 22.34n +.20 EdgeWood 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV
A AdvLarCap + 8 2 +20 11.92n +.15 Columbia Z $ 6.3 bil 8007914226 Performance % % After Asset Chg Performance % % After Asset Chg Performance % % After Asset Chg Performance % % After Asset Chg Performance % % After Asset Chg
A CapAppInvC + 8 + 0 +33 17.91n +.22 $ 115 bil 8003456611 A+ EdgwdGrInst + 8 + 0 +76 31.10n +.22 Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value
A EmgMkts + 9 + 6 +3 18.46n +.26 A Acorn + 9 3 +8 14.11n +.18
A+ EqInvC + 9 1 +46 16.35n +.24 A AcornUSA +10 2 +12 14.22n +.19 F
B Equity Div + 6 3 +5 18.92n +.15 A DisCore + 6 2 +45 11.27n +.10 FAM Funds
E GlobAlloc p + 3 1 15.95n +.00 A DivIncZ + 5 1 +39 20.58n +.08 $ 1.3 bil 8007215391
A+ LarCpFocInv + 9 + 1 +39 8.04n +.10 A Largecap + 8 2 +28 24.73n +.26 A+ EquityInc + 6 + 2 +43 31.48n +.30
BlackRock Instl A LgCapIdxZ + 6 2 +42 46.36n +.39 A Value + 5 1 +36 69.80n +.61
$ 157 bil 2128105596 A LrgCapCore + 7 1 +36 13.22n +.13 Federated A
A AdvLarCapGr + 8 2 +26 14.62n +.18 A LrgEnCore + 6 2 +41 22.35n +.21 $ 83.1 bil 8002455051
A+ CapAppInst + 8 + 1 +43 27.39n +.34 A SmCapIndZ + 9 5 +25 22.43n +.26 A KaufmanLrg + 7 + 0 +44 22.68 +.27
A+ EmgMkts + 9 + 6 +8 22.65n +.32 Columbia Funds A+ Kaufmann + 7 + 0 +36 5.40 +.05
A+ EqInstl + 9 + 0 +55 24.24n +.36 $ 28.0 bil 8003456611 A+ KaufSmlCap + 7 1 +57 34.77 +.00
B+ Equity Div + 6 2 +9 19.77n +.16 A ConvSecsZ + 7 + 2 +24 20.12n +.17 A MDTMdGrStr + 9 1 +26 36.52 +.00
A+ FocusGrwth + 9 + 1 +50 11.91n +.14 A+ SelCom&Inf +11 + 2 +83 71.83n +1.9 Federated B
D Glob Alloc p + 3 + 0 +4 17.91n +.00 A+ SelGlob +12 + 2 +82 36.35n +.95 $ 25.0 bil 8002455051
A LarCapCore + 7 1 +31 15.21n +.14 A+ SeligCom +11 + 2 +82 71.49n +1.8 A+ Kaufmann + 7 + 0 +34 4.33n +.04
A SciOpInst + 4 + 0 +72 58.78n +.26 CRM Funds A+ KaufSmlCap + 7 1 +55 29.63n +.00
A+ Technology +11 + 1 +99 28.49n +.59 $ 2.0 bil 8002762883 Federated C
A ValueOpps + 8 1 +15 25.91n +.25 A CapValInst + 7 2 +14 19.75n +.09 $ 47.2 bil 8002455051
BlackRock K A MidCapInv + 7 2 +13 18.93n +.09 A+ KaufmnC + 7 + 0 +34 4.32n +.04
$ 32.8 bil 2128105596 A+ KaufSmlCapC + 7 1 +55 29.64n +.00
A S&P500Ind + 6 2 +45 316.47n +2.7 DE A MaxCapIdx R + 6 2 +23 8.88n +.08
Blackrock R DealwareInv A MDTMdGrStr + 9 1 +18 24.19n +.00
$ 89.8 bil 2128105596 $ 5.8 bil 8776933546 Federated Funds
A CapAppR + 8 + 1 +37 20.41n +.25 A+ EmergMkts + 8 + 4 +7 18.02 +.29 $ 51.2 bil 8002455051
B+ EquityDiv + 6 3 +22 19.88n +.16 Dearborn A KaufmanLrgR + 7 + 0 +41 21.52n +.26
D Glob Alloc p + 3 1 +2 16.91n +.00 $ 613 mil 3127951000 A+ KaufmannR + 7 + 0 +44 5.42n +.05
A+ LarCapFoc + 9 + 1 +45 9.70n +.12 A RisDvdA + 5 + 1 +36 14.84 +.09 A+ KaufSmlCapR + 7 1 +61 34.94n +.00
BlackRock S A RisingDiv + 6 + 1 +37 14.86n +.09 A MaxCapIdx + 6 2 +25 8.89n +.08
$ 2.2 bil 2128105596 Delaware A Federated Instl
A+ LrgCapFocGr + 9 + 1 +49 11.82n +.14 $ 20.8 bil 8776933546 $ 50.8 bil 8002455051
Blackrock Funds A SMIDCapGrow +16 2 +27 22.22 +.52 A KaufmanLrg + 7 + 0 +46 23.32n +.28
$ 138 bil 2128105596 A SmlCpGrow +11 2 +16 13.84n +.21 A KaufSmlCap + 7 1 .. 35.31n +.00
A+ Oppertunity +11 + 1 +88 22.36n +.46 Delaware C A MaxCapIdx + 6 2 +26 9.03n +.08
E StratIncOpp + 1 + 0 +2 9.64n +.00 $ 8.4 bil 8776933546 A MDTMdGrStr + 9 1 +28 37.69n +.00
E StratIncOpp + 1 + 0 +5 9.65n +.00 A LrgCpGrow + 8 + 0 +36 12.80n +.15 A+ MDTSmlCap +10 5 +29 18.72n +.23
E StrtIncOppA + 1 + 0 +4 9.65 +.00 Delaware Instl A+ MDTSmlCpGr +10 4 +41 22.74n +.32
BNY Mellon $ 20.4 bil 8776933546 Fidelity
$ 11.9 bil 2124951784 A LrgCpGrow + 8 + 1 +45 16.94n +.20 $ 117 bil 8003433548
A EmgMktsM + 7 + 4 10.28n +.18 DEUTSCHE Asst & Wealth E GradeBond 0 + 3 +7 10.92n .01
Bridgeway Funds $ 15.2 bil 8006217705 A+ GrowthComp +10 2 +65 15.51n +.25
$ 1.4 bil 8005314066 A CapGrowthA + 8 2 +42 69.98 +.88 A MarketsOpps + 7 + 5 +6 17.65n +.25
A BluChp35Idx + 5 1 +43 13.33n +.07 A Eq500Idx + 6 1 +33 183.98n +1.6 Fidelity Adv A
Brown Advisory A Eq500Idx + 6 1 +33 181.05n +1.5 $ 164 bil 8003433548
$ 9.0 bil 4105375400 A+ EquDivA + 6 + 0 +34 52.56 +.28 A EquityGr + 8 + 0 +53 10.94 +.12
A FlexEqtInst + 7 2 +41 20.52n +.26 A+ LtnAmerEq +11 + 9 27.98n +.04 A+ GrowthOpp +10 + 7 +69 72.57 +1.1
A GrEqInv + 8 + 0 +42 20.87n +.19 A S&P500IdxS + 6 1 +39 28.82n +.24 A InsightsZ + 8 + 0 +40 29.39n +.31
A GrowEqtInst + 8 + 0 +44 21.11n +.19 Dimensional Funds A+ SmallGrowA r +11 3 +40 22.44 +.33
Brown Captl Mgmt $ 396 bil 5123067400 E TotalBond r + 1 + 2 +6 10.32 .01
$ 3.8 bil 8778924226 A EmergMkts + 6 + 5 +6 27.40n +.29 Fidelity Adv C
A+ SmallCo +10 2 +47 92.06n +1.4 A EmMktCorEq + 6 + 5 +6 20.45n +.21 $ 157 bil 8003433548
Buffalo Funds A EmMktScCrEq + 7 + 5 +7 13.22n +.14 A Advisor + 7 3 +23 21.45n +.22
$ 3.8 bil 8004928332 A+ EmrgMktValI + 6 + 4 +6 28.45n +.22 A EquityGrow r + 8 + 0 +47 9.18n +.10
A Growth + 6 + 0 +11 23.11n +.21 A EnhUSLgCo + 7 1 +21 12.12n +.13 A+ GrowthOpp r +10 + 7 +62 62.08n +.98
A SmallCap +12 4 6 11.84n +.21 D IntlCoreEq + 7 2 12.55n +.17 A NewInsight + 8 1 +32 24.58n +.26
A SustUSCorI + 8 2 +36 20.77n +.21 A SmallGrowA r +11 4 +35 19.82n +.30
C A TxMgdUSEq + 7 2 +42 28.79n +.26 E TotalBond r + 1 + 2 +4 10.33n +.00
Calvert Group A USCorEq1 + 8 3 +35 22.11n +.22 Fidelity Adv I
$ 11.6 bil 8003682745 B+ USCorEq2 + 8 3 +28 20.49n +.20 $ 174 bil 8003433548
A CrRspIdxA + 7 1 +41 21.93 +.19 A+ USLCpGr + 6 2 +49 19.03n +.18 A DiverStck + 7 2 +29 23.74n +.24
A+ EquityA + 5 + 1 +43 43.74 +.39 B+ USLgCapVal + 7 3 +26 34.45n +.23 A+ EquityGrow + 8 + 0 +56 12.08n +.14
A EquityC + 5 + 0 +33 24.19n +.22 A USLgCo + 6 2 +44 20.55n +.17 A+ GrowthOpp +10 + 7 +71 78.49n +1.2
CGM Funds B USSmallCap +10 5 +16 32.69n +.36 A NewInsight + 8 + 0 +39 29.36n +.31
$ 1.7 bil 8003454048 Dodge&Cox A+ SmallGrowI r +11 3 +43 23.55n +.35
E Focus + 7 8 1 42.68n .18 $ 217 bil 8006213979 E TotalBond + 1 + 2 +6 10.30n .01
D Mutual + 9 + 0 +3 28.79n +.10 D Income + 1 + 2 +10 13.38n +.00 A+ Utilities r + 1 1 +49 29.16n .29
Champlain D IntlStock + 8 1 6 39.73n +.66 Fidelity Freedom
$ 3.4 bil 8667733238 A Stock + 8 2 +32 185.82n +1.7 $ 216 bil 8003433548
A+ MidCap b + 8 + 2 +50 17.97n +.17 Doubleline Funds C 2020 + 4 + 1 +16 15.26n +.09
A+ SmallCo + 8 4 +34 18.27n +.18 $ 149 bil 2136338200 C+ 2025 + 4 + 1 +17 13.32n +.09
Columbia A A+ Enhance + 6 2 +67 13.64n +.12 B 2030 + 5 + 0 +19 16.50n +.13
$ 156 bil 8003456611 A+ Enhance + 6 2 +56 13.63n +.13 B 2035 + 6 + 0 +20 13.80n +.13
A AcornA + 9 3 +5 11.57 +.15 D TotRtrnBndI 0 + 2 +11 10.42n .01 B 2040 + 7 1 +20 9.64n +.09
A AcorUSA +10 2 +8 11.32 +.15 E TotRtrnBndN 0 + 2 +10 10.41n .01 Fidelity Select
A Conv Secs + 7 + 2 +23 20.08 +.16 Dreyfus $ 26.9 bil 8003433548
A DivInc + 5 1 +38 20.56 +.08 $ 62.0 bil 8003468893 A AirTrnsprt r + 7 3 +45 70.37n +.63
A GlobalEq + 5 + 1 +30 12.04 +.11 A Apprciatn + 4 3 +16 28.95n +.24 A+ CommEquip r + 7 2 +37 37.10n +.76
A LargeGrow + 6 2 +45 8.27 +.10 A DreyfusFund + 6 1 +31 11.10n +.08 A+ Computers r + 7 6 +34 73.02n +2.1
A Lg Cp Idx + 6 2 +41 46.12n +.39 A GlobStockI + 6 + 1 +27 19.82n +.21 A+ ITServices r +11 + 2 +71 60.24n +.96
A LrCorQuant + 6 2 +44 11.21 +.10 A GrowthI + 8 + 0 +37 13.98n +.15 A+ MedEq&Sys r + 6 + 1 +98 50.18n +.11
A LrgCapCore + 7 1 +35 13.33 +.13 A LgCapEqI + 7 1 +40 18.98n +.18 A+ Retailing r + 8 2 +77 14.69n +.17
36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV
Performance % % After Asset Chg Performance % % After Asset Chg Performance % % After Asset Chg
Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value

Copyright 2019 Investor's Business Daily Inc.


TRACKING TRENDS U.S. growth ETFs, ranked by year-to-date gains as of Jan. 23 and screened for volume
Go-Go Growth ETF Symbol YTD 1 mo 3-yr avg 5-yr avg ETF Symbol YTD 1 mo 3-yr avg 5-yr avg
With the exception of two large-cap funds, First Trust Mid Cap Growth AlphaDEX FNY 9.3% 16.2% 14.2% 7.5% Innovator IBD 50 FFTY 7.7% 15.2% 14.2%
FPX and QQQE, the top-performing U.S. Invesco Russell MidCap Pure Growth PXMG 9.3 16.5 22.6 11.8 Invesco DWA SmallCap Momentum DWAS 7.3 14.5 12.4 3.5%
growth ETFs this year are midcaps and small First Trust US Equity Opportunities FPX 9.0 14.6 13.9 9.3 First Trust Small Cap Gr AlphaDEX FYC 7.2 13.6 15.9 7.7
Vanguard Small-Cap Growth VBK 8.3 14.1 15.2 6.6 iShares Russell Mid-Cap Growth IWP 7.2 12.7 14.1 8.7
caps. Most of the funds three-year average
First Trust Dorsey Wright Focus 5 FV 7.9 14.2 9.6 Vanguard Mid-Cap Growth VOT 7.1 12.0 12.8 8.1
annual returns are beating the S&P 500. iShares Russell 2000 Growth IWO 7.9 14.2 14.3 6.4 Direxion NASDAQ-100 Equal Wtd QQQE 6.5 10.9 14.3 10.7
Source: Morningstar Direct
MFAM Small-Cap Growth MFMS 7.8 16.2 S&P 500 5.4 9.3 13.7 9.9



Municipal Bond ETFs Could Offer

Steady Source Of Income In 2019
tors can use iBonds to easily, cheap- For investors willing to take on
ly build municipal bond ladders. morecredit risk, $709 million SPDR
Due to higher rates and recent vol- Nuveen S&P High Yield Muni
President Trumps tax law limiting atility, Brownlie says, the market- BondHYMB provides a tax-equivalent
state and local tax deductions may place is rotating up in quality. In- yield of 7%. The fund, up 4.91% last
benefit one area of the market: mu- vestors also may be looking to add a year, charges 35 basis points.
nicipal bonds. As such, experts be- bit of duration to their portfolio, Todd Rosenbluth, director of
lieve municipal bond funds and she adds. ETF research at CFRA, says even
ETFs might be a good source of sta- though HYMB is a high-yield fund,
ble income this year. Powerful Tailwind its credit quality is relatively strong:
As taxpayers look to decrease She says net municipal bond sup- Thephrase high-yield hasa slight-
their higher tax burden, demand ply was negative in 2018 and she ex- ly different meaning in the munici-
for muni bonds could rise. This is pects it to be down this year as well, pal bond world. He points out that
IShares MSCI Indonesia is up more than 7%. Above, a port in Jakarta. especially true for higher-tax states which provides a powerful tail- around 40% of the funds assets are
such as California and New York. wind for municipal bonds and in investment-grade muni bonds.
So what exactly is in store for
Trade War Boosts Indonesia ETF munis and what options do ETF
investors have?
their performance.
Vanguards entrance into the
muni bond ETF market in 2015
Lower-Risk Play
If you compare this fund to $7.8
Muni bonds were the shining with $4 billion Vanguard Tax-Ex- billion SPDR Bloomberg Barclays
stars in 2018 amid increased volatili- empt BondVTEB was beneficial to in- High Yield BondJNK, a taxable bond
ty in global markets. While the S&P vestors in that it helped lower the fund, theres almost no exposure to
After the S&P 500s worst decline since 2011, the best ETFs remain a 500 fell 4.38% and the Bloomberg fees across the market. The fund investment grade bonds.
mixed bag of bond, international and defensive funds. Now, with the Barclays US Aggregate Bond index rose 1.05% in 2018 and costs 9 basis So, youre getting higher income
floodwaters receding, iShares MSCI IndonesiaEIDO has emerged as a remained flat, the S&P Municipal points. It also has a higher credit and taking on some credit risk, but
top-performing ETF. Bond index rose 1.36%. rating than most of its peers. youre taking on nowhere near as
The exchange traded fund is up more than 7% this month, and up Wereseeingarenewedapprecia- Matthew Bartolini, head of SPDR much as you would in the taxable-
nearly 30% from its low in late October. The S&P 500, by comparison, is tion for municipals as an asset Americas Research at State Street bond world, Rosenbluth said.
up about 12% from its December low and up more than 5% from the class, said Heather Brownlie, man- Global Advisors, says munis are at- Investors also have a choice be-
start of the year. aging director and U.S. head of tractive to investors because they tween actively managed and pas-
The fund is outperforming the Jakarta Stock Exchange Composite, BlackRocks fixed income iShares. carry higher yields than Treasur- sive (index) muni bond ETFs.
which is up 4.3% for 2019 through Thursdays close. EIDO shares are Because, for the first time in quite a ies, have a lower volatility profile Ryan Issakainen, ETF strategist
forming a cup base with a buy point at 30.70, so investors will need to be while, high-quality bonds such as and tend to be higher in quality. and senior vice president at First
patient still or wait for another entry to appear. For now, it works as a munisaredeliveringincomeandbal- For example, $3.7 billion SPDR Trust Portfolios, says active man-
good ETF to watch. last to a well-constructed portfolio. Nuveen Bloomberg Barclays Short agement is really important when
Indonesia doesnt get much coverage in U.S. financial institutions, but BlackRock manages over $15.3 bil- Term Muni BondSHM and $2.8 bil- it comes to fixed income as a
it is a sizable economic power. The country is the fourth most populous lion in municipal bond ETFs. In De- lion SPDR Nuveen Bloomberg Bar- whole, and you can really add value
in the world, and it is the worlds 10th largest economy in terms of cember, its flagship $11.5 billion clays Muni BondTFI hold no bonds in municipals specifically.
purchasing power parity. (Thats the adjustments needed in exchange iShares National Muni BondMUB rated below A. First Trust Managed Munici-
rates of two currencies to make them equal with each others purchas- saw record inflows of $1.2 billion. Munis can provide attractive in- palFMB is its oldest, actively man-
ing power.) The fund has a tax-equivalent SEC come and are less correlated with aged core intermediate tax-free
A member of the G20, Indonesia is an emerging middle-income econo- yield of 4.38% and a 6.35 year dura- equities and high-yield bonds, ETF. The $536.3 million fund has a
my. Agriculture, mining and textiles are some of the countrys largest tion. It was up 0.93% last year and notes Bartolini: As a result, they do tax-equivalent SEC yield of 4.66%,
sectors. charges a 7-basis-point fee. offer some quality and diversifica- a duration of 6.1 years and charges
Indonesias economy has been growing steadily around 5% annually. Within its $6.6 billion iBond ETF tion in a portfolio, particularly in 50 basis points. It rose 0.89% in 18.
The trade war between the U.S. and China may be benefiting Indone- suite (funds with fixed maturities these late stages of the economic Issakainen says active manage-
sia. of 2019 to 2025), municipal iBonds cycle, where investors are search- ment allows for a better credit se-
The trade rift is causing companies to move more of their supply holds $1.3 billion in assets. Inves- ing for income at a reasonable risk. lection to compensate for risk.
chains from China to Indonesia, Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto
told CNBC. Some textiles and footwear makers have explored the
opportunity to move from China to Indonesia. Also, Indonesia is export-
ing more steel to the U.S., despite U.S. import tariffs imposed last
March. Exchange Traded Funds
The $656 million iShares MSCI Indonesia fund holds about 75 stocks,
most of them unfamiliar names for U.S. investors. The largest holdings 19% R Acc 52-wk Div Close Vol%
Chg S Dis High Fund Symbol Yld PriceChgChg
are Bank Central Asia, with 12.3% of the portfolio, and Bank Rakyat
Indonesia, with 10.1%. For Friday, January 25, 2019. Ranked by Relative Strength
IBDS ETF Market Strategy
Financials make up the largest chunk by sector, with more than 37%
of assets. Consumer staples make up 17.1%, communications 11.6%, U.S. Stock/Broad Index OVERVIEW
-9.1 81 A 49.9 ProS Short Russ 2000 RWM 0.9 42.43 -0.53 -46
consumer discretionary 10.8% and smaller percentages for other sec- IBDs Market Pulse feature has a long history of
4.0 76 D- 50.6 Invesco S&P 500 Lw Volity SPLV 2.1 48.50 0.09 -34
tors. 9.7 75 B- 137.7 IS Russll MdCp Grwth IWP 0.9 124.71 1.75 -45
recognizing shifts in market direction early on to
In the longer term, the ETFs performance has been middling. The 3.9 72 B- 57.7 IS MSCI USA Min Volty USMV 2.0 54.42 0.19 -9 help investors maximize gains in uptrends and
average annual total return is 7.35% in the three-year period and 3.66% -5.8 71 B+ 33.6 ProS Short S&P 500 SH 1.1 29.50 -0.23 -53 protect their portfolios in downtrends. Now weve
in the five-year period. It had a severe decline from May 2013 to a low in 4.8 71 D 100.1 SPDR S&P Dividend SDY 2.6 93.79 0.25 -35 developed a simple method for trading market Market Direction
October 2015, when shares plummeted nearly 55%. 9.3 71 B- 144.0 VG Mid-Cap Growth VOT 0.8 130.85 1.76 -61 index ETFs based on the market direction posted Confirmed uptrend
IShares MSCI Indonesia has a 0.59% management fee. 11.0 68 D 31.8 FrstTr DorWri Focus 5 FV 0.1 28.03 0.49 -1 daily in the Market Pulse. % Invested: 100%
5.9 67 C+ 43.3 Inv S&P 500 Hi Div SPHD 4.1 40.46 0.21 -3
5.0 66 B- 32.2 FrstTr Value Line Div FVD 2.4 30.54 0.04 -40
ETF Leaders Index -5.8 66 C+ 66.0 ProS Short Dow 30 DOG 0.9 57.80 -0.42 -6 HOW IT WORKS
1000 -6.7 66 B+ 37.2 ProS Short QQQ PSQ 1.0 32.09 -0.38 -54
Invest in a market index ETF (QQQ was used in the study) immediately
ETF Leaders 5.1 66 C 112.6 VG Div Appr VIG 2.0 102.94 0.55 -51
Index vs. S&P 500 total return 2.4 63 D- 94.2 IS Core HiDiv HDV 3.6 86.37 0.21 -18
after a new uptrend is announced in Market Pulse and employ these
800 9.5 63 B- 58.8 Schwab US Mid Cap SCHM 1.4 52.49 0.63 -60 simple allocation rules:
6.9 62 D+ 157.3 IS Russell 1000 Grwth IWF 1.2 139.96 1.66 -40 Market direction % invested
5.7 62 C+ 178.6 IS S&P 500 Grwth IVW 1.2 159.24 1.10 -41
600 7.2 62 C- 82.7 Schwab US LC Growth SCHG 1.2 73.89 0.91 -17 Confirmed uptrend 100%
6.1 61 E 269.3 SPDR Dow Jones DIA 2.1 247.39 1.92 -26 Uptrend under pressure 50%
4.5 59 D- 54.6 Schwab Divd Eqty SCHD 2.9 49.10 0.18 -47 Market in correction 0%
400 8.2 58 D- 63.5 Inv BuyBack Achievrs PKW 1.2 56.46 0.45 -83
S&P 500 Optional stop loss: Nasdaq falls 2.6% below
6.9 58 D 71.4 Schwab US Broad Mkt SCHB 2.0 64.08 0.58 -57 closing value of uptrends first day 0%
6.5 58 C- 70.5 Schwab US Large Cap SCHX 2.0 63.57 0.57 -46
200 6.3 58 D+ 270.7 VG S&P 500 VOO 1.9 244.32 2.06 -24
100 7.1 57 D- 187.5 Inv QQQ QQQ 0.8 165.15 1.95 -40
8.2 57 D- 108.9 Inv S&P 500 Eql Wght RSP 1.9 98.88 1.04 -35
10.2 57 B- 23.5 Inv Zacks Multi-Asset CVY 4.0 21.18 0.21 -79 The true value of the strategy is that it lets you lower your risk by sitting out
05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 market corrections, including major bear markets. Since 2005, IBDs ETF
6.6 57 B- 164.1 IS Russell 1000 Idx IWB 1.9 147.83 1.32 -36
The IBD ETF Leaders index shows the performance of a model portfo- 6.8 57 C- 174.7 IS Russell 3000 Idx IWV 1.8 156.94 1.38 -28 Market Strategy produced an estimated cumulative return of:
lio of exchange traded funds that are leading the overall market. A com- 8.9 57 D- 56.2 IS Russell MdCp Indx IWR 1.8 50.62 0.60 -41
IBDs ETF Market Strategy
puter algorithm selects the ETFs based on relative strength and other 6.3 57 C- 296.7 IS S&P 500 Index IVV 2.1 267.50 2.36 -50
6.3 57 D 293.9 SPDR S&P 500 SPY 1.9 265.78 2.23 -24
400 vs. the market Nasdaq
objective performance ratings, with periodic adjustments for market 221%
9.9 57 B- 125.4 VG Extd Market VXF 1.5 109.71 1.44 -52 350 Cumulative return
trends and conditions. The universe from which the ETFs are selected Oct. 20, 2005-Dec. 31, 2018
7.0 57 C 162.4 VG Growth VUG 1.2 143.75 1.69 -43
includes the funds listed below. 6.4 57 C- 135.4 VG Large-Cap VV 2.0 122.22 1.05 -38 300
8.8 57 C+ 167.2 VG Mid-Cap VO 1.7 150.30 1.77 -46 250 IBDs ETF Market Strategy
10.3 57 D- 166.0 VG Small-Cap VB 1.5 145.53 1.80 -45 134%
ETF Leaders 6.9
57 D-
57 D+
VG Total Stock Mkt
VG Value
S&P 500
Week 3.1 53 C 31.1 FrstTr Mstar Div Ldrs FDL 3.8 28.08 -0.01 -55 113%
RS Prices 6.4 53 D 60.2 Inv DWA Momentum PDP 0.2 51.59 0.31 -56 100
4.8 53 D- 102.5 IS DJ Select Divdnd DVY 3.4 93.57 0.31 -38
ETF Symbol Category Rating % Chg 50
5.6 53 E 131.3 IS S&P 100 Index OEF 2.0 117.79 0.87 16
First Trust Brazil AlphaDEX FBZ International Equity 84 2.29 4.6 53 D- 90.9 VG Hi Dividend Yld VYM 3.2 81.59 0.17 -57 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
iShares MSCI Brazil Capped EWZ International Equity 85 1.44 6.2 52 D+ 131.6 IS Russell 1000 Val IWD 2.6 117.93 0.62 -58
Vanguard Extended Duration Treasury EDV Taxable Bond 78 1.20 10.2 52 E 220.8 IS Russell 2000 Grwth IWO 0.7 185.10 2.59 -55
For complete details on IBDs ETF Market Strategy, go to:
iShares MSCI Indonesia EIDO International Equity 91 1.04 7.0 52 C+ 121.1 IS S&P 500 Value IVE 2.6 108.21 1.11 19
Vanguard Long-Term Government Bond VGLT Taxable Bond 76 .86 9.4 52 C 205.5 IS S&P MdCp 400 IJH 1.6 181.66 1.96 -43
iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond TLT Taxable Bond 75 .81 9.4 52 E 374.1 SPDR S&P MC 400 MDY 1.3 330.99 3.69 -42
Invesco DWA Utilities Momentum
iShares 10-20 Year Treasury Bond
Sector Equity
Taxable Bond
49 B-
49 E
FrstTr LC Core Alph
Schwab US Small Cap
1-Week Winners & Losers
iShares 7-10 Year Treasury Bond IEF Taxable Bond 75 .39
Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond BIV Taxable Bond 76 .39 5.4 48 E 18.6 Inv HiYld EqDiv Achv PEY 4.1 16.69 0.04 -57 TOP 10 BOTTOM 10
Vanguard Total Bond Market BND Taxable Bond 71 .38 10.0 48 E 173.4 IS Russell 2000 Idx IWM 1.3 147.34 1.87 -27
8.3 48 D- 93.0 IS Russell MdCp Val IWS 2.3 82.71 0.78 -41 RS 1-wk RS 1-wk
IQ Merger Arbitrage MNA Alternative 79 .34
iShares Core US Aggregate Bond AGG Taxable Bond 71 .31 9.3 48 D+ 90.6 IS S&P SmCp 600 IJR 1.4 75.76 0.82 -37 ETF Symbol Rtg % chg ETF Symbol Rtg % chg
ProShares Short S&P500 SH Alternative 71 .31 9.9 48 C- 143.5 VG Small-Cap Value VBR 2.1 125.35 1.32 -55
Inv Solar TAN 78 6.4 United States NatGas UNG 89 -3.6
iShares Core US Treasury Bond GOVT Taxable Bond 76 .28 12.0 45 E 11.9 Alerian MLP AMLP 8.3 9.78 0.11 -16
Schwab Intermediate-Term US Trs SCHR Taxable Bond 76 .27 8.2 45 E 118.0 VG Mid-Cap Value VOE 2.5 103.05 1.00 -36 Sprott Gold Miners SGDM 63 5.3 SPDR S&P O&G Expl XOP 16 -3.4
Vanguard Intermediate-Term Govt Bd VGIT Taxable Bond 76 .22 9.8 44 D- 137.8 IS Russell 2000 Val IWN 1.8 118.06 1.29 -69 VV Gold Miners GDX 71 4.3 FrstTr ConsmrSpl Alph FXG 41 -3.1
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Copyright 2019 Investor's Business Daily Inc.



Pulitzer Prize


Wealth Tax Is
Pension Funds Focus Should Be
Policy Of Envy On Returns Not Social Policy
Taxes: The all-new, far-left Democratic Party
isnt short on bad ideas. After Rep. Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortezs plan to tax the rich at 70% RICHARD BROWER & KEVIN OCONNOR

comes Sen. Elizabeth Warrens idea to also

oth of us were trained as firefighters. Along with
impose a wealth tax on those at the top. many other first responders across the country, we
chose public service to help citizens in our communi-

n the case of Warren, she says economists esti- ties. We knew our career choice would not make us rich, but
mate her proposed 2% tax on those with more like millions of public servants in this country, we count on
than $50 million in wealth, 3% for billionaires, our pensions for a secure retirement.
will produce a gusher of revenue over 10 years, Were alarmed because our fellow firefighters future is
now at risk because of other peoples political and ideologi-
$2.75 trillion to be exact. It wont happen.
cal preferences. For example in 2002, the board of CalP-
Warren calls her plan to seize the wealth of the top ERS, the largest U.S. pension fund, divested its holdings in
0.1% the Ultra-Millionaire Tax. The economic illitera- tobacco companies. Smoking is legal for adults and tightly
cy of this baby step toward socialism is stunning. controlled by regulation, but the board believed that own-
Believe it or not, wealthy people get that way because ing tobacco stocks was, well, just wrong. It was a moral deci-
they work hard, take risks and are clever with money. sion, not an investment decision. CalPERS headquarters. Chronic poorperformance by the
They wont willingly hand their hard-won generational It also turned out to be a costly decision for Californias pension fund shows the dangers of social investing.
wealth over to the ditzy leftist spendthrifts in Washing- state workers, who depend on CalPERS for their retirement
ton, D.C. By the time the IRS gets around to confiscat- security. An analysis in 2015 found that this divestment cost But public pension fund managers, whose mission is to
ing it (part of the Warren plan), the wealthy will have the fund $3 billion, and later calculations by Wilshire Associ- safeguard and grow retirement assets for thousands or mil-
ates show the amount of foregone performance has contin- lions of other people, should not be allowed to impose their
put their money into untaxable or sheltered domestic in- ued to grow. Despite the losses, the CalPERS board reject- own political will.
vestments, or removed it from the U.S. entirely. ed the advice of its staff in 2016 to reinstate tobacco stocks. Last year, the board of the San Francisco Employees Re-
The plan is deceitful. As always, Democrats will target CalPERS is not alone. More and more, the people who run tirement System (SFERS) asked NEPC, an investment con-
the wealthy for higher taxes, but make sure that gener- public pension funds which last year managed $3.4 tril- sulting firm, to analyze the effects of banning the energy
ous loopholes will let their rich friends that is, Demo- lion in retirement assets for Americas teachers, firefight- stocks of the so-called Carbon Underground 200. NEPC ad-
cratic contributors escape. Meanwhile, its sold to ers, police, and other government employees are making vised against divestment.
middle-class voters as fairness or reducing inequali- investment decisions based on considerations other than Widely accepted financial theory predicts lower risk-ad-
ty or fighting for the little guy. achieving the best potential financial returns. justed returns from a restricted portfolio, NEPC wrote. Ob-
In fact, its really something as old as civilization itself, The danger has intensified for two reasons. viously, if you eliminate hundreds of stocks from consider-
ation, you will limit your profits. The firm projected a short-
and one of the Seven Deadly Sins: Envy. Role Of Proxy Advisors fall on the SFERS equity portfolio of $5.8 million to $23.1 mil-
The tragedy of all this, of course, is that the envious First, with fixed-income yields low, funds have shifted lion.
among us who shout right on, take their money will more of their assets from bonds into stocks, giving the funds The NEPC analysis cited eight academic studies that
be hurt most by it. As weve noted many times before, more say over corporate policies through proxy votes. Sec- show that investment decisions to sell and permanently ex-
anything you tax, you get less of. Put a tax on someones ond, two firms have come to dominate the business of advis- clude portions of an investment universe have not been ac-
wealth, and youll get less savings, investment and ing funds on how they should vote on proxies. Those firms cretive to investors. In plain English: using ESG standards
wealth. Those with wealth and know-how if threat- have a bias toward political and social causes over invest- to make investment decisions is harmful to your wealth.
ened will, in essence, go on strike. ment returns.
Most Americans have never heard of Institutional Share- Reversing Mediocre Performance
Sadly, those who now say right on, take their money
will soon be saying, if its passed, dude, what happened holder Services (ISS) and Glass Lewis (GL) but they control The good news is that many public employees realize
97% of the proxy advisory market. Actions by the Securities whats going on and they dont like it. In an October elec-
to my job? As the American Enterprise Institute noted, & Exchange Commission (SEC) made them more powerful tion, Jason Perez, a police sergeant, defeated Priya Mathur,
a 2014 Tax Foundation study of a similar plan from and tightened their grip on corporate governance. board president of CalPERS, the fund in the vanguard of the
economist Thomas Piketty found GDP growth would ISS has serious conflicts of interest: It sells advisory servic- ESG movement. CalPERS has been scoring mediocre re-
shrink by half a percentage point each year. Mean- es to corporations at the same time it makes recommenda- turns just 5.6% for the 10 years ending with its last fiscal
while, in The Wealth Tax and Economic Growth, tions to funds on how to vote on those same companies year on June 30. Vanguard Balanced Index Fund, whose
looking at 20 OECD countries with wealth taxes, Swed- proxies. Glass Lewis considers itself a super-regulator. In portfolio includes roughly 60% equities and 40% bonds, re-
ish economist Asa Hansson found a one percentage its published guidelines, GL states that if the SEC denies a turned 7.8% over the same period.
point increase in wealth taxes reduced economic vote on a proxy question that GL believes is detrimental to Americans want a sound retirement. Its time for federal
growth by 0.02 to 0.04 point. shareholders, then GL will tell funds to vote against mem- regulators to recognize that simple fact and rein in the
bers of the companys governance committee. Thats arro- proxy advisors. And its time for pension boards to recog-
In short, slower growth equals fewer jobs and lower
gance. Clearly, the decisions of both firms lack transparen- nize their fiduciary responsibility and leave ESG to individu-
incomes. Americans shouldnt be fooled by this class- cy. al investors.
warrior rhetoric. These arent really wealth taxes; Proxy advisors are using their leverage to promote their
theyre envy taxes. And envy taxes are a terrible idea, own views on such issues as the environment. They call this 00 Brower was formerly vice chairman of the New York
one that wont make wealth more equal, but will make ESG (for environmental, social, and governance) investing. City Fire Department Pension Fund.
all of us more miserable. If you, as an individual, want to eliminate stocks that dont 00 OConnor was the former assistant to the general presi-
meet your social criteria from your own portfolio, then be dent of the International Association of Fire Fighters and
our guest. It is your money and you will reap the benefits or former chair of the Baltimore County Employees Retire-
losses based on your choices. ment System.

Freedom On The Rise

Pro-Growth: Say what you want about Presi-
dent Donald Trump, but he has brought more
economic freedom to the U.S. And thats
whats driving the economy today.
Californias New Online Privacy Rules
Are A Bad Model For The Rest Of U.S.
I n just one year, the U.S. climbed six places to 12th
worldwide on the Heritage Foundations 25th an-
nual Index of Economic Freedom. The U.S. rat-
ing of 76.8 is the highest since 2011, the report says.
Heritage bases its annual rankings on a dozen differ-

ent measures of economic freedom, such as tax burden, nce again, California state legislators have taken a
loony leap on policy, this time creating their own, in-
protection of property rights, tax burden trade policies, credibly rigid rules to regulate online privacy. Con-
labor laws and judicial effectiveness. gress must step in and establish a common sense national
The reason for the U.S. gain was mainly the tax cuts standard for protecting our personal online information be-
and deregulatory efforts under Trump. The gains fore this terrible policy idea is picked up by other states.
would have been bigger had it not been for the growing Imagine what it would be like if every state had their own
budget deficits, minimum wage laws, and Trumps online privacy regs. Internet communications cannot stop
trade battles. at the California state border and reconfigure themselves to
Nevertheless, its a welcome relief from the previous conform to the latest rules in Nevada. It would be chaos.
eight years, which saw economic freedom steadily de- A haphazard patchwork of state-to-state rules would be Toprotectonlineprivacy,theU.S.needsanationalstandard.
cline under President Obama. impossible to enforce and only make the situation worse for
In fact, during Obamas tenure, the U.S. plunged from consumers, businesses and tech companies. Our entire to innovate and use data safely, producing benefits for con-
6th place down to 18th on the Heritage freedom rank, in economy would suffer. sumers and helping to hold down the cost of online services.
the wake of tax hikes and massive new financial, insur- The draconian set of rules passed by the California legisla- At the same time, financial and health care information
ture is loosely based on the General Data Protection Regula- and personal data that goes beyond where individuals
ance and environmental regulations. search and shop should be off-limits to tech companies for
tion (GDPR) adopted by the European Union in 2016. The
Its worth noting that even with the latest gain, the commercial use. On top of that, privacy rules should man-
California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) imposes harsh fi-
U.S. still comes below Hong Kong, Singapore, New nancial penalties on companies that breach its strict man- date practices that make it simple and easy for us to opt out
Zealand, Switzerland, the U.K. and Canada in terms of dates, even companies that merely collect the IP addresses of data collection.
economic freedom. of unique visitors to their sites. Facebook has, of course, become the symbol of all that is
Why do these rankings matter? As Heritage explains, The CCPA sets a dangerous precedent. If other states fol- wrong with the present system. Inconsistent and lax rules
theres a clear correlation between economic freedom low Californias lead (and several are considering it) busi- have allowed the company to far exceed acceptable practic-
and prosperity. The freer an economy is, the more pros- nesses and organizations will face monumental administra- es for sharing private user information with other parties
perous its people. tive and software challenges and costs trying to comply and using collected personal data to grow their bottom line.
Heritage finds that in countries consistently rated with not only federal regulations, but also 50 different indi-
free or mostly free, average incomes are twice that vidual state laws. Stealing Personal Info
of all other countries, and five times that of repressed Tech companies themselves the experts here fully rec- This kind of behavior not only puts individuals at risk but
economies. ognize the danger. They have called on Congress to put in also potentially threatens our national security by putting
place a sensible, workable regulatory policy that ensures sensitive personal data out in cyberspace where it can be sto-
In the U.S., economic growth stagnated during the
peoples sensitive personal data will not be abused or arbi- len, passed around, and used to manipulate online commu-
Obama years right along with economic freedom. Annu- nications.
trarily shared.
al GDP growth never once hit 3%. And in Obamas last In many policy areas state legislatures can be more respon-
year in office, it came in at a mere 1.6%. Dangerous Precedent sive to the needs of citizens than Washington. But Internet
Based on early estimates of growth in Q4, it is quite This can be accomplished without a government takeover privacy is not one of them.
possible that GDP growth topped 3% last year, which of the internet. Thats the last thing we want. Indeed, the fed- By law, a federal rule would pre-empt state regulations, en-
would be the first time since 2005 weve seen growth of eral governments hands-off regulatory approach has en- suring that everyones data is equally protected and all on-
that magnitude. abledinternet companiesto innovate and transform ourlives. line companies are treated fairly, no matter where they do
And the benefits of this growth are widespread. The Micromanaging their operations now with nitpicky, over- business.
unemployment rate was just 3.9% at the end of the year. ly intrusive privacy rules could kill the high-tech goose that Californias online privacy plan will not work in other
The job market is so vibrant right now that its pulling continues to produce golden eggs; new ways to stay connect- states. It wont even work in California, as regulators and
people off the sidelines to look for work. ed with family and friends, new tools to conduct business legislators will undoubtedly soon learn when they start try-
In fact, the number of people who arent in the labor and shop, and all kinds of entertainment. Tech companies ing to enforce this mess.
are keeping the U.S. globally competitive and creating good Passing bipartisan privacy legislation in the new, political-
force actually declined last year. That hasnt happened
jobs for American workers. ly divided Congress would be a big win for lawmakers and
since 1996 which was in the middle of the Clinton We dont have to give up any of this to update privacy rules. consumers substantively and symbolically. Plus, tech
boom. Wage growth is accelerating, and median house- Over the last year we have learned a lot from past missteps companies would likely welcome the chance to regain the
hold incomes are at record highs. and flaws in privacy policies and regulations. It is time to publics trust. This should be among Congresss top legisla-
The freedom index is a powerful reminder that while apply those lessons in creating a simple system to protect on- tive priorities in 2019.
redistributionist policies like those currently in favor lineinformation that clearly spellsout basicprivacy rules and
among Democrats might be emotionally satisfying, is equally applicable to all businesses. The right law will pro- 00 Forbes is the chairman and editor in chief of Forbes
they wont grow the economy or boost prosperity. tect individual privacy while still allowing online companies Media.

Copyright 2019 Investor's Business Daily Inc.


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1 Veeva Systems (VEEV) Grp 38 o$109.20 BioTelemetry (BEAT) Grp 49 o$70.00 Atlassian (TEAM) Grp 4 o$95.86
123.9M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 99 EPS RS 98 ROE 19% 2 30.3M Shares 98 Comp. Rating 99 EPS RS 98 ROE 16% 3 102.0M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 98 EPS RS 98 ROE 14%
Develops cloud-based software for sales/marketing functions of Provides medical devices, monitoring services and centralized Australian company that designs and develops software to help
companies in the life sciences industry. core laboratory services for clinical research. teams in management, collaboration, integration
+41% Ann. EPS Gro PE 78 Avg. D. Vol 1,506,800 Debt 0% +51% Ann. EPS Gro PE 41 Avg. Daily Vol 571,500 Debt 79% +27% Ann. EPS Gro PE 141 Avg. D. Vol 1,760,200 Debt 92%
Last Qtr Eps +80%5 Prior Qtr +63%5 Last Qtr Sales +27% Last Qtr Eps +121%5 Prior Qtr +100%6 Last Qtr Sales +23% Last Qtr Eps +92%5 Prior Qtr +54%5 Last Qtr Sales +39%
3 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 4 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 7 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Eps Due 2/25 Eps Due 2/20 Eps Due 4/17
R&D 19% R&D 4% R&D 48%
Acc/Dis C Acc/Dis D Acc/Dis B
Sup/Demand 87

Extended above double bottom base's 101.49 buy point. Daily chart shows a handle with a 70.58 buy point. Rebounding from 89.92 buy point after brutal reversal.

4 CyberArk Software (CYBR) Grp 23 o$80.15 Trade Desk (TTD) Grp 11 $137.78 Fox Factory (FOXF) Grp 144 $60.76
21.7M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 98 EPS RS 97 ROE 13% 5 35.2M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 97 EPS RS 99 ROE 34% 6 35.7M Shares 98 Comp. Rating 97 EPS RS 97 ROE 29%
Israeli provider of network security software focused on protecting Self-service platform for ad buyers to purchase and manage data- Makes high-performance suspension products used on mountain
privileged accounts. driven digital advertising campaigns. bikes, and off-road and all-terrain vehicles.
SMARTSELECT COMPOSITE RATING +13% Ann. EPS Gro PE 51 Avg. Daily Vol 594,900 Debt 0% +63% Ann. EPS Gro PE 65 Avg. D. Vol 1,130,300 Debt 11% +27% Ann. EPS Gro PE 30 Avg. Daily Vol 319,700 Debt 40%
Rel Annual Last Qtr NxtQtr Last Qtr Mgt
EPS Str EPS Est EPS EPS Sales Pretax Own Last Qtr Eps +92%5 Prior Qtr +71%5 Last Qtr Sales +31% Last Qtr Eps +86%5 Prior Qtr +15%6 Last Qtr Sales +50% Last Qtr Eps +57%5 Prior Qtr +44%5 Last Qtr Sales +38%
Rank Company Price
Rtg Rtg % Chg % Chg % Chg % Chg ROE mrgn % 2 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 11 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 2 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
COMPANIES 1-15 Eps Due 2/14 Eps Due 2/20 Eps Due 2/25
R&D 16% R&D 17% R&D 4%

1 Veeva Systems 109.2 99 99 98 +67 +80 +74 +27 19 32

7Cloud computing company serves top pharmaceuticals, biotechs.
1 Acc/Dis B-
Sup/Demand 86
Acc/Dis C+
Sup/Demand 92
Acc/Dis C

2 BioTelemetry 70.00 98 99 98 +86 +121 +34 +23 16 11

7Its remote heart monitors are seeing steady order growth.

11-week base has handle with 81.98 buy point. Possible double bottom shows potential entry at 149.10. Slips back below 10-week line as it tries to shape a base.
3 Atlassian 95.86 99 98 98 +57 +92 +80 +39 14 20 3

7 Match (MTCH) Grp 93 o$52.37 Paycom Software (PAYC) Grp 3 o$143.05 Kirkland Lake Gold (KL) Grp 43 $29.23
63.4M Shares 97 Comp. Rating 97 EPS RS 96 ROE 39% 8 48.6M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 97 EPS RS 96 ROE 76% 9 201.3M Shares 98 Comp. Rating 99 EPS RS 98 ROE 16%
7Its team collaboration software shows growth in cloud, remote working.

4 CyberArk Software 80.15 99 98 97 +51 +92 +44 +31 13 21 38 Provides dating products in 42 languages with a portfolio of brands
7Security software firm specializes in privileged account access. across more than 190 countries.
Provides cloud-based human capital software that manages employ-
ment life cycle for employers.
Canadian firm engaged in the provision of mining and mineral explo-
ration in Canada and Australia.
+17% Ann. EPS Gro PE 42 Avg. D. Vol 2,277,600 Debt 250% +88% Ann. EPS Gro PE 61 Avg. Daily Vol 573,800 Debt 25% +165% Ann. EPS Gro PE 25 Avg. D. Vol 1,095,800 Debt 2%
5 Trade Desk 137.8 99 97 99 +51 +86 +48 +50 34 28
7Signs partnership that expand company's reach in Chinese ad market.
3 Last Qtr Eps +105%6 Prior Qtr +156%5 Last Qtr Sales +29%
3 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Last Qtr Eps +33%6 Prior Qtr +69%5 Last Qtr Sales +32%
18 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Last Qtr Eps +71%5 Prior Qtr +58%6 Last Qtr Sales +26%
7 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Eps Due 2/6 Eps Due 2/5 Eps Due 2/21e
6 Fox Factory 60.76 98 97 97 +38 +57 +47 +38 29 15
7Offroad products are sold to over 200 original equipment makers.
6 R&D 8%
Acc/Dis B-
R&D 7%
Acc/Dis C-
R&D 6%
Acc/Dis C

7 Match 52.37 97 97 96 +121 +105 +111 +29 39 24

7Provides online dating services in 38 languages; Facebook is a rival.

8 Paycom Software 143.1 99 97 96 +60 +33 +93 +32 76 34 10

7One of the fastestgrowing cloudbased human resources software firms. Right side of new base keeps forming; 58.10 entry. Forming right side of cup-shaped base; wait for new entry. Clears 23.96 buy point in 4-month cup; now well extended.

9 Kirkland Lake Gold 29.23 98 99 98 +60 +71 +32

Mines for gold and minerals in sites in Canada and Australia.
+26 16 28 4 10 (ALRM) Grp 4 o$62.64 Medical Properties (MPW) Grp 24 o$17.54 Medpace (MEDP) Grp 71 $61.21
29.8M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 96 EPS RS 98 ROE 21% 11 361.3M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 97 EPS RS 95 ROE 8% 12 24.9M Shares 98 Comp. Rating 96 EPS RS 97 ROE 11%
Provides cloud-based interactive security solutions for smart home REIT that acquires, develops and net-leases healthcare facilities Provides outsourced clinical development services to biotechnology,
and business owners. across the U.S. pharmaceutical/medical device industries
10 62.64 99 96 98 +25 +33
7Provides cloudbased interactive security solutions.
8 +24 21 18 9
+62% Ann. EPS Gro PE 48 Avg. Daily Vol 490,100 Debt 30%
Last Qtr Eps +33%6 Prior Qtr +55%6 Last Qtr Sales +24%
+34% Ann. EPS Gro PE 6 Avg. D. Vol 3,693,300 Debt 128%
Last Qtr Eps +852%5 Prior Qtr +43%5 Last Qtr Sales +12%
+29% Ann. EPS Gro PE 28 Avg. Daily Vol 755,100 Debt 41%
Last Qtr Eps +68%5 Prior Qtr +61%6 Last Qtr Sales +62%
1 11 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 4 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 3 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
11 Medical Properties 17.54 99 97 95 +67 +852 +63 +12 8 41
7REIT acquires medical properties that it leases to various operators.
Eps Due 2/27e
R&D 21%
Eps Due 2/6 Eps Due 2/26e

12 Medpace 61.21 98 96 97 +65 +68 +72 +62 11 21

7Provides clinical trial services to biotech, drug companies.
4 Acc/Dis B Acc/Dis B- Acc/Dis C-
Sup/Demand 90

13 Five Below 126.2 99 94 98 +46 +22 +34 +22 26 12

7Seller of $5 trendy items, candy is trying out higherpriced goods.

Breakout above 60.30 entry. In buy range through 63.31. New flat base forms with 17.62 entry. New handle shows a 62.23 buy point.
14 ServiceNow 191.1 99 99 92 +78 +79 +83 +37 47 17
7Develops cloudbased IT software for workflow automation.

13 Five54.1MBelowShares(FIVE)99 Comp. RatingGrp9410EPS RS 98 o$126.21 ServiceNow (NOW) Grp 3 o$191.08 Nexstar Media (NXST) Grp 9 o$83.62
ROE 26% 14 175.7M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 99 EPS RS 92 ROE 47% 15 42.4M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 99 EPS RS 92 ROE 18%
15 Nexstar Media 83.62 99 99 92 +159 +116 +187 +13 18 9
TV broadcaster acquires LKQD Technologies, independent video ad firm.
6 Operates more than 625 targeted discount retail stores in 32 states
with plans to open 125 more in 2018-19.
Develops cloud-based IT software for workflow automation, data
consolidation, business administration.
Owns and operates 170 TV stations and related low power and
digital multicast signals in 100 markets
+34% Ann. EPS Gro PE 58 Avg. D. Vol 1,253,400 Debt 0% +87% Ann. EPS Gro PE 92 Avg. D. Vol 2,089,600 Debt 108% +26% Ann. EPS Gro PE 14 Avg. Daily Vol 713,600 Debt 272%
Last Qtr Eps +22%6 Prior Qtr +40%6 Last Qtr Sales +22% Last Qtr Eps +79%6 Prior Qtr +123%5 Last Qtr Sales +37% Last Qtr Eps +116%5 Prior Qtr +104%6 Last Qtr Sales +13%
13 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 17 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 6 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
How To Succeed With IBD 50 Eps Due 3/19 Eps Due 1/30 Eps Due 2/26
R&D 20%
The IBD 50 is a weekly computer-generated watch list of market leading
growth stocks. We use earnings, sales plus other basics & price Acc/Dis C Acc/Dis C+ Acc/Dis D
Sup/Demand 91 Sup/Demand 84
action. Dont buy a stock solely on it being in the list. Scan charts for ones
near buy points, in price bases or at support areas like a 10-week moving
average. See for further research. Be sure to read an
archived story & analyze your stock with IBDs Stock Checkup. In buy range of 125.85 entry. Forms awkward double bottom and tight handle; 192.89 entry. Still trading below a potential buy point at 89.85.

This announcement is neither an offer to purchase nor a solicitation of an offer to sell Shares (as
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Weekly Winners & Losers
Biggest price changes
Sales Growth among IBD 50 stocks
Weekly % PayPal, ServiceNow, Verizon Form
Looks Healthy Company Symbol price change

In These Firms
Top 10
Kirkland Lake Gold
Match Group
Bases Ahead Of Quarterly Results
Atlassian TEAM 5.7
All three top performers
Paycom Software
4.7 are breakout candidates Earnings Watch
INVESTORS BUSINESS DAILY CareTrust REIT CTRE 4.6 with healthy fundamentals PayPal (PYPL) ServiceNow (NOW)
100 220
Pop quiz! What do Exelixis, Med- Fortinet FTNT 4.4 ALRM 3.7 90 200
pace, PRA Health Sciences and Bio-
Telemetry all have in common? PayPal PYPL 3.5 BY KEN SHREVE 180
Even if you dont know a whit about 10-week
these growth stocks, you might Mastercard MA -1.1% It wasnt that long ago when Wall 150
moving 70 140
guess that these four all hail from Planet Fitness PLNT -1.6 Street was worried about the po- average 130
the medical sector. Horizon Pharma HZNP -2.0 tential for a soft fourth-quarter Bullish 120
Bingo! But perhaps even more im- Lululemon Athletica LULU -2.4 earnings season. But the results so RS line 60
portant than that? All four compa- Triton International TRTN -2.6 far have been pretty good, provid- 80 mil 12 mil
nies lead their peers in this key fun- Allison Transmission ALSN -3.0 ing plenty of profit opportunities 30 mil 4 mil
damental measure: the growth rate Intel INTC -4.4 in the options trading market. The
Mar 18 Jun Sep Dec Mar 19 Mar 18 Jun Sep Dec Mar 19
in sales. Fox Factory FOXF -4.9 options market will be busy again
The C and the A in CAN SLIM Trex TREX -4.9 in the coming week with plenty of
(the seven-point paradigm of suc- Illumina ILMN -6.0 favorable earnings setups among and are getting support at their in increments of five points. In this
cess in growth stocks) refer not sim- From IBD 50 list as of Thursday market close top stocks like PayPalPYPL, Service- 10-week lines. Still others might case, look for an in-the-money op-
ply to big earnings growth. They NowNOW and VerizonVZ. be trading tightly near highs, refus- tion, as long as its reasonably
also demand solid increases in ported a 6.4% jump in GDP, the PayPals relative strength line is ing to give up much ground. Avoid priced.
sales. And every investor should smallest increase in 10 years. And near highs as the stock tries to extended stocks that are too far Put options are for weak per-
think about sales as the indisput- Europes central bank, the ECB, de- clear a long consolidation with a past proper entry points. formers with bearish charts. The
able mother of earnings. cided to stand pat on interest rates conventional entry of 93.80. Servi- In options trading, a call option only difference is that an out-of-
Cut costs all you want. Buy up amid soft growth. ceNow is just below a 192.89 han- is a bullish bet on a stock. A put op- the-money strike price is just
gobs of outstanding shares with A mellowing of revenue growth is dle entry, and Verizon is working tion is a bearish bet. One call op- below the underlying stock price.
cash on hand. But ultimately, man- not limited to the health care field. on a cup-with-handle base with a tion contract gives the holder the Lets take a look at a call option
agers of the very best, most profit- Looking at the entire IBD 50 58.79 entry. right to buy 100 shares of a stock at trade for PayPal, a leader in the on-
able companies traded on Wall through Thursdays market close, Meanwhile, three FAANG a specified price, known as the line payments space. When shares
Street find ways to generate dou- Wall Street expects these compa- stocks are set to report, but Ap- strike price. A put option gives the were trading around 92, a weekly
ble- or triple-digit year-over-year nies to post a 34.4% year-over-year pleAAPL, FacebookFB and Ama- holder the right to sell 100 shares call option with a 92 strike price
increases in the top line. increase in sales for 2018. But in zon.comAMZN remain damaged of a stock at a specified price. You (Feb. 1 expiration) came with a pre-
The four companies mentioned 2019, they expect growth to slow goods after sharp sell-offs. earn profits when the stock falls mium of around $3, or 3.3% of the
above show some of the highest rev- down to just 13.3% on average. Call option trades for Amazon below the strike price with a put underlying stock price.
enue growth forecasts within the The median revenue increase for and Facebook are low-risk oppor- option. One contract gave the holder the
IBD 50. ExelixisEXEL, which special- IBD 50 firms for 2019 is a decent tunities. Apple offered a trade Once youve identified some bull- right to buy 100 shares of PayPal at
izes in new molecules for potential but not overwhelming 11.7%. with the lowest downside risk of ish earnings setups for a call op- 92 per share, for a cost of $300, ex-
new medicines, is expected to grow On the bright side, no fewer than the three, but fundamentals are tion, check strike prices with your cluding commission. When taking
revenue by 81% to $820 million in 15 names in the IBD 50 are forecast perhaps the haziest at Apple amid brokerage. Look for a strike price the premium paid into account,
2019. Both the percentage increase to grow revenue a minimum 15% waning iPhone demand. But all just above the underlying stock PayPal would have to rally over 95
and the total sales itself are definite- this year. three are poor candidates for call price (out of the money) and check a share for the trade to start mak-
ly not small potatoes. Recall all those political ads be- option trades because they remain the premium. The premium ideal- ing money. The maximum loss for
Exelisis has driven big sales in- fore and during last years hotly con- deep in corrections. ly should not exceed 4% of the un- the trade would be $300, the
creases for several years. In 2014, tested midterm elections? It was a The latest week delivered plenty derlying stock price at the time. In amount paid for the contract.
the South San Francisco-based bonanza for the television industry. of upside earnings winners in the some cases, an in-the-money According to Zacks, earnings at
firms sales sank 20% to $25.1 mil- But Nexstar MediaNXST, expected options trading market, including strike price is OK as long as the pre- PayPal are expected to rise 22% to
lion. But in 2015, the top line to show a 13% lift in 2018 revenue to Dow components IBMIBM, United mium isnt too expensive. 67 cents a share, with sales up 13%
jumped 48% to $37.2 million, then $2.75 billion, might see a 2% slump TechnologiesUTX and Procter & This options trading strategy lets to $4.24 billion.
boosted 415% and 136% the next in 2019. GamblePG. And semiconductor you capitalize on a bullish earn- When shares of Xilinx were trad-
two years. Some companies do an amazing stocks flew higher Thursday ings report without taking too ing around 88.75 just before earn-
Analysts surveyed by Thomson job of growing their profits at an thanks to solid results from Xil- much risk. Risk is equal to the cost ings, a weekly call option with an
Reuters project that MedpaceMEDP even faster rate than their sales. inxXLNX, Lam ResearchLRCX and of the option. If the stock gaps 89 strike price (Jan. 25 expiration)
grew its sales by 81% last year and How do they do that? Strong pric- Texas InstrumentsTXN. down on earnings, the most that offered a premium of around $3,
will see a 15% increase in 2019; PRA ing, incredible cost management, A basic options trading strategy can be lost is the amount paid for or 3.4% of the underlying stock
HealthPRAH is pegged at 44% and tax breaks and other factors play a around earnings using call options the contract. price at the time. It was a reason-
10%; and BioTelemetryBEAT, which role. allows you to buy a stock at a prede- In some cases, the first available ably priced trade with limited
has formed a cup with handle, at Consider Match GroupMTCH, likely termined price without taking a out-of-the-money strike price will downside risk, and paid off nicely
39% and 10%. the worlds No. 1 operator of dating lot of risk. Heres how the options be too far away from the underly- for call buyers.
See the pattern here? Growth is ex- websites. The Tinder app owner trading strategy works: ing stock price to make sense. In Shares surged more than 18%
pected to slow in 2019. notched lovely revenue increases in First, identify top-rated stocks other words, the stock would have Thursday on a healthy earnings
This comes as no surprise for a the past six quarters, up 12%, 19%, with bullish charts. Some might be to rally a lot just for the trade to and sales beat, plus news that sales
few reasons. 29%, 36%, 36% and 29%. But lately, setting up in sound bases. Others start making money. This is espe- growth accelerated for the fourth
One, never forget that analysts earnings gains have gotten even hot- might already have broken out cially true when strike prices are straight quarter.
tend to lowball their expectations ter. Match saw earnings drop 11%,
when going out so far into the fu- 14% and 38% from Q2 to Q4 of 2017.
ture. No single analyst generally But in the past three quarters, EPS Earnings Calendar
wants to be that bold in predicting a jumped 117%, 156% and 105%. After- Notable results expected over the next week
boulder-sized increase amid a myri- tax margin has also jumped, much Expected Options Premium
ad market, industry and economic like ones heartbeat during a first Report Composite next qtr strike as % to Days to
variables. A supercharged estimate kiss. Company Symbol expected Rating EPS % chg Industry price stock price expiration
often gets company CEOs and The Street sees Match revenue ris- Caterpillar CAT 1/28/19 79 38.4 Machinery-Constr/Mining 137 2.9 5
CFOs quite hot under the collar, ing 29% in 2018 and up another 16% Advanced Micro Devices AMD 1/29/19 90 0 Elec-Semicondctor Fablss 22 6.4 5
too. in 2019. Allergan AGN 1/29/19 48 -14.4 Medical-Ethical Drugs 162.5 1.7 5
Two, global economic forecasts You can trade the IBD 50 in one Amgen AMGN 1/29/19 86 NA Medical-Biomed/Biotech 200 1.6 5
dont look so hot lately. The IMF click with Innovator IBD 50FFTY, an Apple AAPL 1/29/19 52 7.2 Telecom-Consumer Prods 160 1.8 5
shaved its yearly growth forecast to ETF managed by Innovator Capi- Biogen BIIB 1/29/19 93 28.1 Medical-Biomed/Biotech 337 2.4 5
3.5% from 3.7%. China recently re- tal. Brinker International EAT 1/29/19 75 2.3 Retail-Restaurants 50 1.4 19
Danaher DHR 1/29/19 90 6.7 Medical-Systems/Equip 110 0.8 19
eBay EBAY 1/29/19 69 15.3 Retail-Internet 34 2.8 5
Weekly Stocks On The Move Harley-Davidson HOG 1/29/19 40 -40.4 Leisure-Products 37 3.1 5
Hawaiian Holdings HA 1/29/19 57 -8.2 Transportation-Airline 31 4.5 19
Weeks big-volume stocks vs. their 10-week average volume. Stocks $20 or
more & 60,000 avg. volume. Stocks up in price have 70 EPS & RS & available Illumina ILMN 1/29/19 95 -5.6 Medical-Research Eqp/Svc 295 3.0 5
annual EPS estimate 15%+. Stocks boldfaced are 80 or more EPS & RS. Lockheed Martin LMT 1/29/19 80 295.6 Aerospace/Defense 290 1.5 5
Nucor NUE 1/29/19 75 198.5 Steel-Producers 59 1.6 5
SMARTSELECT COMPOSITE RATING Pfizer PFE 1/29/19 75 1.6 Medical-Ethical Drugs 41 1.2 5
Week Week Week Polaris PII 1/29/19 39 23.8 Leisure-Products 90 3.4 19
Rel Grp Acc 52-Wk Stock Closing Price PE Float Vol Vol%
6| EPS | Str | Rtg | Dis | High | Stock Name | Symbol | Price | Chg | Ratio | (mil) | (1000s) | Chg Stryker SYK 1/29/19 91 9.7 Medical-Products 170 1.1 19
3M MMM 1/29/19 61 8.6 Diversified Operations 197.5 1.7 5
99 79 98 A B 107.7 Xilinx o XLNX 110.37 +16.9 36 250 35,268 +173 Verizon VZ 1/29/19 83 26.7 Telecom Svcs-Integrated 56.5 1.5 5
93 89 91 B B+ 82.88 Fiserv FISV 85.07 +7.25 29 390 42,249 +143 AT&T T 1/30/19 65 10.3 Telecom Svcs-Integrated 31 1.5 5
98 89 89 A B+ 65.17 Restaurant Brands Intl o QSR 63.09 +5.63 24 236 15,075 +124 Alibaba BABA 1/30/19 71 -1.8 Retail-Internet 160 2.9 5
Anthem ANTM 1/30/19 81 69.8 Medical-Managed Care 275 1.4 5
96 98 92 A B 305.3 Dominos Pizza o DPZ 284.16 +16.7 37 40 3,713 +48 Boeing BA 1/30/19 89 49.7 Aerospace/Defense 365 1.7 5
98 78 96 A B+ 71.18 Keysight Tech o KEYS 71.07 +1.49 22 186 10,190 +44 Facebook FB 1/30/19 72 52.1 Internet-Content 149 3.5 5
97 91 94 A A 126.9 Masimo o MASI 121.88 +1.26 42 46 2,740 +40 General Dynamics GD 1/30/19 61 19.6 Aerospace/Defense 172.5 1.7 5
98 74 94 A+ C 24.50 NMI o NMIH 21.70 +1.70 15 62 1,872 +37 McDonalds MCD 1/30/19 92 10.5 Retail-Restaurants 185 1.7 5
97 72 98 C A 34.68 Chegg o CHGG 34.64 +0.74 79 94 6,692 +36 Microsoft MSFT 1/30/19 96 13.5 Computer Sftwr-Desktop 108 1.8 5
99 96 98 A+ B 61.64 o ALRM 62.64 +2.26 48 30 2,607 +33 Mondelez MDLZ 1/30/19 86 10.5 Food-Confectionery 43 1.6 5
93 76 99 A C 57.01 Fabrinet o FN 57.76 +3.43 18 36 2,146 +31 Novartis NVS 1/30/19 74 5.8 Medical-Ethical Drugs 87.5 0.9 19
PayPal PYPL 1/30/19 96 21.8 Finance-CrdtCard/PmtPr 94.5 2.9 5
90 92 78 B+ C 82.46 Encompass Health EHC 67.43 +0.95 19 97 3,710 +31 Qualcomm QCOM 1/30/19 37 11.2 Elec-Semicondctor Fablss 51.5 2.7 5
91 87 84 C B+ 27.10 ON Seminductor o ON 20.12 +1.71 11 412 31,950 +26 Royal Caribbean RCL 1/30/19 78 12.7 Leisure-Services 112 3.3 5
94 70 84 B B 44.49 Yandex NV Class A o YNDX 33.60 +2.78 33 278 10,249 +26 ServiceNow NOW 1/30/19 99 82.9 Computer Sftwr-Enterprse 192.5 2.8 5
89 91 80 B D+ 217.3 S&P Global o SPGI 189.31 +0.67 23 248 9,175 +23 Tesla TSLA 1/30/19 37 172.0 Auto Manufacturers 297.5 4.9 5
97 71 96 B+ B 101.2 Square o SQ 77.97 +5.73 195 299 86,472 +22 U.S. Steel X 1/30/19 26 142.1 Steel-Producers 22 3.6 5
97 95 80 B B 63.01 TD Ameritrade o AMTD 56.26 +0.89 15 281 9,696 +20 Visa V 1/30/19 96 15.7 Finance-CrdtCard/PmtPr 139 1.7 5
89 91 90 C C 58.55 Popular o BPOP 53.48 +1.86 11 98 3,480 +19 Wynn Resorts WYNN 1/30/19 37 -2.9 Leisure-Gaming/Equip 119 4.0 5
99 92 97 A+ B 66.41 Globant GLOB 68.04 +3.04 42 33 1,026 +16 Abiomed ABMD 1/31/19 99 224.1 Medical-Products 350 5.3 19
Altria Group MO 1/31/19 24 4.4 Tobacco 44.5 2.0 5
22 9 18 B C+ 56.00 Wave Life Sciences WVE 34.26 8.33 ... 16 5,959 +469 Amazon AMZN 1/31/19 88 162.5 Retail-Internet 1672.5 3.1 5
44 53 21 A+ D 71.72 Amdocs o DOX 55.44 5.37 14 137 16,248 +271 Baker Hughes BHGE 1/31/19 25 73.3 Oil&Gas-Machinery/Equip 24 2.3 19
Baxter International BAX 1/31/19 86 14.1 Medical-Products 70.5 1.9 5
21 22 11 B C 45.02 Editas Medicine EDIT 21.46 4.68 ... 45 11,404 +176 Celgene CELG 1/31/19 98 16.0 Medical-Biomed/Biotech 88 0.9 5
30 67 9 C C+ 50.98 Petmed Express o PETS 22.65 0.79 11 20 8,533 +170 Charter Communications CHTR 1/31/19 43 25.4 Telecom Svcs-Integrated 292.5 2.6 5
31 18 39 B C 52.95 PTC Therapeutics o PTCT 29.42 5.02 ... 46 8,450 +168 ConocoPhillips COP 1/31/19 73 117.8 Oil&Gas-Intl Expl&Prod 67.5 1.4 5
46 58 34 C B 175.9 Stanley Blck & Decker o SWK 120.58 16.3 15 150 16,857 +144 DowDuPont DWDP 1/31/19 63 8.6 Chemicals-Basic 58 2.2 5
60 65 74 C+ E 156.0 Mccormick & Co o MKC 121.36 18.1 24 76 13,529 +143 Edwards Lifesciences EW 1/31/19 98 24.5 Medical-Products 172.5 3.3 5
20 51 13 E E 115.4 Wabtec o WAB 68.54 7.11 18 74 9,662 +126 General Electric GE 1/31/19 14 -18.5 Diversified Operations 9.5 2.8 5
45 19 88 B D+ 34.48 Casela Waste o CWST 30.41 1.32 48 41 2,017 +125 Mastercard MA 1/31/19 96 34.2 Finance-CrdtCard/PmtPr 205 1.5 5
79 82 85 D D 42.95 Rollins ROL 38.13 0.55 53 144 12,588 +111 Northrop Grumman NOC 1/31/19 89 53.2 Aerospace/Defense 275 2.1 5
Raytheon RTN 1/31/19 69 42.4 Aerospace/Defense 170 1.3 5
67 71 42 A B 50.66 Nextera Energy Prtn o NEP 40.55 2.42 14 56 2,544 +106 Royal Dutch Shell RDSA 1/31/19 36 15.0 Oil&Gas-Integrated 59.5 1.4 5
70 60 37 A C+ 118.5 Resmed o RMD 94.56 23.3 26 140 7,774 +104 Sprint S 1/31/19 80 -101.1 Telecom Svcs-Wireless 6.5 0.8 5
72 66 65 B+ E 107.4 PTC o PTC 81.45 6.23 47 116 11,481 +102 UPS UPS 1/31/19 48 14.4 Transport-Air Freight 101 2.4 5
97 72 99 A+ B 26.34 Attunity ATTU 23.35 1.34 69 17 3,046 +96 Yum China YUMC 1/31/19 90 -52.6 Retail-Restaurants 37.5 1.9 19
37 57 24 B E 106.5 Capital One Finl o COF 79.62 5.35 7 464 22,256 +81 Post Holdings POST 1/31/19 97 12.5 Food-Packaged 95 2.1 19
86 81 61 A+ D+ 53.57 National Instrument NATI 45.19 0.68 31 110 5,267 +79 Chevron CVX 2/1/19 61 159.7 Oil&Gas-Integrated 114 1.3 5
59 98 12 B D 142.1 Weibo o WB 58.19 2.61 23 17 18,768 +77 Cigna CI 2/1/19 86 24.7 Medical-Managed Care 197.5 1.9 5
Exxon Mobil XOM 2/1/19 36 22.7 Oil&Gas-Integrated 72 1.3 5
95 80 94 A D 69.49 Church & Dwight CHD 63.59 4.77 29 241 13,354 +70 Honeywell HON 2/1/19 81 2.2 Diversified Operations 142 1.5 5
85 66 70 A+ C 116.8 Citrix Sys CTXS 102.65 6.09 18 133 13,282 +68 Merck MRK 2/1/19 82 5.1 Medical-Ethical Drugs 73 1.8 5
72 79 69 C E 372.1 Grainger WW o GWW 291.83 13.6 17 46 3,976 +67 Sony SNE 2/1/19 67 -11.7 Media-Diversified 49 3.0 5
63 42 73 B+ D 35.67 Duluth B o DLTH 22.62 1.04 36 8.2 1,731 +67 Spirit Aerosystems SPR 2/1/19 69 36.4 Aerospace/Defense 80 3.5 19
57 86 22 C D+ 44.70 Triumph Bncrp TBK 30.86 1.36 14 24 1,362 +67 Read how to trade stocks with less risk ahead of earnings news at
83 89 56 C B 57.60 Intel o INTC 47.04 2.15 10 4.5b 1,779m +63 Sources: IBD, Thomson Reuters, CBOE 1/25/2019

Copyright 2019 Investor's Business Daily Inc.

16 Abiomed (ABMD) Grp 32 o$349.37 Planet Fitness (PLNT) Grp 113 o$57.57 Fortinet (FTNT) Grp 23 o$73.59
43.2M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 99 EPS RS 91 ROE 19% 17 80.2M Shares 92 Comp. Rating 98 EPS RS 97 ROE 0% 18 139.7M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 97 EPS RS 93 ROE 26%
Develops medical devices designed to assist or replace the pump- Operates 1,518 fitness centers with approximately 10.6 million Develops unified threat management systems to provide security
ing function of the heart members in 50 states, Puerto Rico and Canada. and networking functions
+57% Ann. EPS Gro PE 113 Avg. Daily Vol 581,600 Debt 0% +44% Ann. EPS Gro PE 51 Avg. D. Vol 1,221,500 Debt n/a +49% Ann. EPS Gro PE 47 Avg. D. Vol 2,250,400 Debt 0%
Last Qtr Eps +84%5 Prior Qtr +73%6 Last Qtr Sales +37% Last Qtr Eps +47%6 Prior Qtr +55%5 Last Qtr Sales +40% Last Qtr Eps +75%5 Prior Qtr +52%6 Last Qtr Sales +21%
10 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 11 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 3 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Eps Due 1/31 Eps Due 2/22e Eps Due 2/6
R&D 13% R&D 14%
Acc/Dis B- Acc/Dis B Acc/Dis C
Sup/Demand 79 Sup/Demand 78 Sup/Demand 79

In lower half of a large, wide-and-loose base. Stubborn resistance lingers near 58; extended for now. Back above 10-week moving avg. as base keeps forming.

19 Wingstop (WING) Grp 40 o$67.44 Innoviva (INVA) Grp 65 o$19.83 Palo Alto Networks (PANW) Grp 23 o$209.72
28.7M Shares 95 Comp. Rating 96 EPS RS 96 ROE 0% 20 66.7M Shares 96 Comp. Rating 95 EPS RS 97 ROE 0% 21 91.1M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 98 EPS RS 91 ROE 43%
Owns and franchises 1,133 chicken wings-focused restaurants Develops small molecule drugs for the treatment of respiratory dis- Provides network security infrastructure products for enterprises,
across 42 states and nine countries. eases in partnership with Glaxo Group Ltd. service providers and government entities.
SMARTSELECT COMPOSITE RATING +24% Ann. EPS Gro PE 78 Avg. Daily Vol 550,100 Debt n/a +243% Ann. EPS Gro PE 11 Avg. D. Vol 1,057,800 Debt n/a +54% Ann. EPS Gro PE 49 Avg. D. Vol 1,606,600 Debt 142%
Rel Annual Last Qtr NxtQtr Last Qtr
Pretax Own
Last Qtr Eps +31%6 Prior Qtr +35%5 Last Qtr Sales +15% Last Qtr Eps +39%6 Prior Qtr +40%6 Last Qtr Sales +27% Last Qtr Eps +56%5 Prior Qtr +39%6 Last Qtr Sales +31%
Rank Company Price Rtg Rtg % Chg % Chg % Chg % Chg ROE mrgn % 3 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 13 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 22 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Eps Due 2/20 Eps Due 2/6 Eps Due 2/25
COMPANIES 16-30 R&D 1% R&D 18%
Acc/Dis B- Acc/Dis A- Acc/Dis B
16 Abiomed 349.4 99 99 91 +111 +84 +34
Products include minimally invasive heartassist devices.
+37 19 27 4
Sup/Demand 88 Sup/Demand 86

17 Planet Fitness 57.57 92 98 97 +44 +47 +33 +40 .. 31

7One of the largest,fastestgrowing franchisors of fitness centers.
After prior breakout fails, new handle forms; 72.32 entry. 3-weeks tight shows 20.06 follow-on entry. Climbing right side of cup-shaped base after 33% pullback.

18 Fortinet 73.59 99 97 93 +69 +75 +63 +21 26 18 18

7Aims data security products at firms bent on foiling hackers. 22 Ulta58.1MBeauty (ULTA) Grp 53 o$290.72 CareTrust REIT (CTRE) Grp 24 $21.15 Kemet (KEM) Grp 157 o$20.59
Shares 98 Comp. Rating 96 EPS RS 92 ROE 33% 23 82.2M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 93 EPS RS 96 ROE 5% 24 55.7M Shares 92 Comp. Rating 99 EPS RS 89 ROE 33%
Operates 1,074 beauty stores in 48 states offering hair care, cosmet- REIT that owns and operates 185 skilled nursing, assisted living/inde- Manufactures solid, film, and electrolytic capacitors for electronics
2 ics and salon services. pendent living facilities in 23 states. OEMs and distributors
19 Wingstop 67.44 95 96 96 +19 +31 0 +15
7Dining chain focuses on chicken wings; operates in 7 countries.
.. 29
+29% Ann. EPS Gro PE 29 Avg. D. Vol 1,079,800 Debt 0%
Last Qtr Eps +30%6 Prior Qtr +33%6 Last Qtr Sales +16%
+30% Ann. EPS Gro PE 37 Avg. D. Vol 1,017,300 Debt 94%
Last Qtr Eps +20%6 Prior Qtr +467%5 Last Qtr Sales +20%
+187% Ann. EPS Gro PE 9 Avg. D. Vol 1,051,600 Debt 66%
Last Qtr Eps +93%5 Prior Qtr +67%6 Last Qtr Sales +16%
1 19 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 3 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 11 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
20 Innoviva 19.83 96 95 97 +32 +39 +18 +27 .. 77
7Makes Relvar Ellipta, an asthma drug developed with GlaxoSmithKline. Eps Due 3/14 Eps Due 2/25 Eps Due 2/1e
R&D 3%

21 Palo Alto Networks 209.7 99 98 91 +33 +56

7Top player in computer network security software.
+42 +31 43 22 3 Acc/Dis D+
Sup/Demand 88
Acc/Dis B+
Sup/Demand 76
Acc/Dis C-
Sup/Demand 88

22 Ulta Beauty 290.7 98 96 92 +33 +30 +29 +16 33 13

7Retailer is a leader in personal skin care, beauty, hair products.

Cup-with-handle base shows 294.54 entry. Still in buy range from 20.75 entry but low-volume breakout. Reclaims its 10-week line; no new entry in sight.
23 CareTrust REIT 21.15 99 93 96 +265 +20 +967 +20 5 19
Owns more than 190 senior housing, healthcarerelated properties.
25 Twitter (TWTR) Grp 93 o$32.90 Trex (TREX) Grp 152 $66.70 Triton International (TRTN) Grp 115 o$35.39
708.0M Shares 95 Comp. Rating 99 EPS RS 89 ROE 7% 26 57.6M Shares 95 Comp. Rating 97 EPS RS 91 ROE 51% 27 78.3M Shares 96 Comp. Rating 97 EPS RS 91 ROE 11%
3 Provides a public, real-time platform for the creation, distribution Manufactures wood-alternative decking, railing and fencing prod- Bermuda-based company provides chassis, dry freight, refrigerated,
24 Kemet 20.59 92 99 89 +91 +93 +81 +16 33
A top provider of electronic components; specializes in capacitors.
and discovery of content.
+17% Ann. EPS Gro PE 45 Avg. D. Vol 21,805,900 Debt 34%
ucts for the residential/commercial markets.
+38% Ann. EPS Gro PE 31 Avg. Daily Vol 576,100 Debt 0%
special and tank containers.
+67% Ann. EPS Gro PE 9 Avg. Daily Vol 441,500 Debt 333%
7 Last Qtr Eps +110%6 Prior Qtr +113%6 Last Qtr Sales +29% Last Qtr Eps +47%6 Prior Qtr +49%5 Last Qtr Sales +19% Last Qtr Eps +46%6 Prior Qtr +72%6 Last Qtr Sales +16%
25 Twitter 32.90 95 99 89 +81 +110 +32 +29 7 21
7Most of San Franciscobased firm's revenue is tied to advertising.
4 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Eps Due 2/7
12 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Eps Due 2/14
7 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Eps Due 2/20
1 R&D 22%
26 Trex 66.70 95 97 91
Specializes in synthetic wood decking.
+39 +47 +29 +19 51 25
Acc/Dis C
Sup/Demand 93
Acc/Dis B- Acc/Dis B-

27 Triton International 35.39 96 97 91 +59 +46 +39 +16 11 23

Bermudabased company specializes in transport containers.

28 Euronet Worldwide 115.4 96 93 94 +19 +34 +13 +12 24 14

Provides electronic payment, money transfer services globally.
7 Far off highs; hitting resistance near 34.
Euronet Worldwide (EEFT) Grp 55 o$115.41
Work continues on right side of ultra-deep base.
Regeneron Pharma (REGN) Grp 65 o$418.29
Below 35.90 early buy point after low-vol move past entry.

28 47.4M Shares 96 Comp. Rating 93 EPS RS 94 ROE 24% 29 71.2M Shares 97 Comp. Rating 92 EPS RS 94 ROE 36% 30 Broadcom (AVGO) Grp 19 o$267.94
399.1M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 92 EPS RS 93 ROE 40%
29 Regeneron Pharma 418.3 97 92 94 +33 +47 +11 +11 36 44 10
Eylea macular degeneration treatment driving drugmaker's growth.
Provides ATM, point-of-sale/card outsourcing services as well as EFT
software/prepaid services to retailers
Develops drugs to treat eye diseases, inflammatory diseases and
Designer of analog ICs for telecom, industrial, automotive and com-
puting markets.
+17% Ann. EPS Gro PE 22 Avg. Daily Vol 522,500 Debt 34% +38% Ann. EPS Gro PE 20 Avg. Daily Vol 751,700 Debt 11% +36% Ann. EPS Gro PE 13 Avg. D. Vol 4,149,100 Debt 66%
30 Broadcom 267.9 99 92 93 +9 +27 +3 +12 40 47
7Thanks to merger, it's one of the biggest amid industry consolidation.
Last Qtr Eps +34%5 Prior Qtr +21%5 Last Qtr Sales +12%
2 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Last Qtr Eps +47%5 Prior Qtr +31%6 Last Qtr Sales +11%
11 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Last Qtr Eps +27%5 Prior Qtr +21%6 Last Qtr Sales +12%
21 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Eps Due 2/5 Eps Due 2/6 Eps Due 3/15e
R&D 35% R&D 18%
Know Your Company! Acc/Dis C Acc/Dis C Acc/Dis B
Pick stocks with strong fundamentals & sound base patterns. Verify
CAN SLIM vitals big earnings, sales, return on equity or profit
margins, fund sponsorship & market in uptrend. Read stock story on Check a chart. Is your stock near a sound buy point? New cup-shaped base shows 122.03 entry. Clears 416.59 buy point in weak volume; in buy range. In buy range from handle's 261.69 buy point.
Or is its price extended over 5% from a chart base and more risky?

Curr Prior Under Sales Rel

Company Earnings Reports Company Name Symbol Industry
Closing Qtr
Price Erns
Yrs Qtr EPS /Over Sales % EPS Str
Erns %Chg Est % (Mil) Chg Rtg Rtg
IBDs earnings reports show stock symbols, industry, % above or below
estimates, EPS and Relative Strength Ratings. EPS growth over 25% is FNBC Bncrp FNCB Banks-Northeast 9.55 0.42 vs 0.12 +250 .. 19.1 +59` 32 85
boldfaced. Entire line is bolded if EPS Rating is also over 85 & quarter beat Harborone Bncrp HONE Banks-Northeast 15.25 0.09 vs 0.06 +50.0a 40 48.6 +28` 85 21 Stocks Ex-Dividend for Jan. 29, 2019
Company Amount
estimates. Arrows show earnings or sales acceleration or deceleration Heritage Cmmrce HTBK Banks-Wst/Sthwst 13.64 0.30 vs 0.22 +36.4` +7.1 37.8 +23` 91 28 American River Bankshrs ......................................... 0.050
vs. prior quarter % change. All earnings are for current quarter. Nonrecur- HillRom Aptargroup Inc ........................................................... 0.340
HRC Medical-Systems/Eqp 102.2 1.03 vs 0.92 +12.0a +4.0 684 +2.1a 85 93 Cal-Maine Foods Inc ................................................. 0.149
ring items may be excluded from earnings per share. Iberiabank IBKC Banks-Southeast 74.51 1.86 vs 1.33 +39.9a +4.5 331 +2.8a 92 52 Colony Bankcorp Inc ................................................ 0.075
Conagra Brands Inc ................................................... 0.213
Rel Lake Finl LKFN Banks-Midwest 45.04 0.83 vs 0.61 +36.1` +5.1 63.8 +19` 89 61 Entegris Inc ................................................................ 0.070
Curr Prior Under Sales Greenbrier Companies Inc ........................................ 0.250
Closing Qtr Yrs Qtr EPS /Over Sales % EPS Str Meridian MRBK Banks-Northeast 16.80 0.37 vs 0.16 +131` 5.1 19.4 +1.9a 81 51 Hanmi Financial Corp ................................................ 0.240
Company Name Symbol Industry Price Erns Erns %Chg Est % (Mil) Chg Rtg Rtg Midland States Bncrp MSBI Banks-Midwest 23.25 0.67 vs 0.42 +59.5` +4.7 82.8 +44` 93 16 Marsh & Mclennan ................................................... 0.415
Mesabi Trust ............................................................. 1.390
Moog A MOGA Aerospace/Defense 83.18 1.25 vs 1.00 +25.0` +11 680 +8.3` 71 86 V O C Energy Trust .................................................... 0.145
38 Up Nextera Energy NEE Utility-Elctric Pwr 174.2 1.49 vs 1.25 +19.2` 3.3 4390 +9.6 78 83 V S E Corp .................................................................. 0.080

NVR NVR Bldg-Rsidnt/Comml 2517 58.57 vs 43.41 +34.9` +16 2003 +10.0a 96 44 Record Payment
AbbVie ABBV Medical-Ethical Drgs 80.54 1.90 vs 1.48 +28.4a 2.1 8305 +7.3a 94 26 OP Bncrp OPBK Financial Svc-Spec 9.34 0.23 vs 0.12 +91.7` +4.5 15.9 +19a 97 19 Period Amt. DateDate
Access National ANCX Banks-Southeast 24.21 0.48 vs 0.42 +14.3` +6.7 36.7 +2.5` 60 32 Pacific City Fin PCB Banks-Wst/Sthwst 15.60 0.41 vs 0.14 +193` +2.5 25.5 +20` 84 22 IRREGULAR
Air Prds & Chem APD Chemicals-Specialty 160.9 1.86 vs 1.79 +3.9 0.5 2224 +0.3a 47 74 Peapack Gladstone Fnl PGC Banks-Northeast 27.11 0.55 vs 0.47 +17.0 3.5 54.0 +15` 77 24 Noble Midstream ............Q .5858 2-1 2-11
y- Pay date unannounced.
Allegiance Bancshares ABTX Banks-Wst/Sthwst 35.53 r0.59 vs 0.43 +37.2a +999 58.6 +74` 98 29 Republic Bncrp Ky RBCAA Banks-Southeast 41.82 0.83 vs 0.53 +56.6` +28 73.0 +9.7a 98 57 z- Approx. amount per ADR or ADS.
Ameris Bncrp ABCB Banks-Southeast 36.51 0.96 vs 0.63 +52.4` +4.3 153 +49` 97 14 Riverview Finl RIVE Banks-Northeast 11.46 0.27 vs 0.13 +108a .. 15.8 +9.9a 72 29
Bank Of The James Finl BOTJ Banks-Southeast 14.30 0.34 vs 0.28 +21.4a .. 8.4 +10a 64 54 Salisbury Bncrp SAL Banks-Northeast 39.20 0.79 vs 0.54 +46.3` 6.0 13.6 +20` 76 52 INCREASED New
Access National ..............Q .23 2-7 2-22
BAR Harbor Bankshrs BHB Banks-Northeast 23.21 0.59 vs 0.58 +1.7a .. 40.2 +9.7` 50 24 Select Bncrp SLCT Banks-Southeast 11.97 0.23 vs 0.15 +53.3a +15 15.8 +34a 95 45 Air Products and Che ......Q 1.16 3-29 5-13
Byline Bncrp BY Banks-Midwest 17.88 0.49 vs 0.24 +104a +26 77.5 +59` 73 21 Standard Avb Finl STND Banks-Northeast 32.05 0.37 vs 0.35 +5.7a .. 10.2 +4.1` 65 84 Alaska Air Group .............Q .35 2-14 3-7
Allergan PLC ....................Q .74 2-14 3-15
Capstar Financial CSTR Banks-Southeast 15.54 0.33 vs 0.28 +17.9 +18 29.3 +85` 54 39 Tompkins Finl TMP Banks-Northeast 74.50 1.23 vs 1.15 +7.0a 8.9 85.2 +12` 68 47
Andeavo Logistics ..........Q 1.03 2-4 2-14
Carolina Financial CARO Banks-Southeast 34.20 0.68 vs 0.44 +54.5` 0.0 51.4 +21a 84 44 Columbia Banking Sys ...Q .28 2-5 2-20
Citizens CIZN Banks-Southeast 21.31 0.35 vs 0.30 +16.7 .. 10.3 +5.4` 35 44
7 Down Commerce Bancshares ...Q
Delek Logistics ................Q
Dominion Energy Inc.......Q .9175 2-28 3-20
Coastal Financial CCB Finance-Cmrcl Loan 15.01 0.25 vs 0.14 +78.6` +4.2 12.6 +33` 95 40 Bridgford Foods BRID Food-Packaged 28.15 0.23 vs 0.33 30.3 .. 56.7 +0.5a 22 99 First Business Finl...........Q .15 2-1 2-14
Commnty Bnkers ESXB Banks-Southeast 7.39 0.15 vs 0.13 +15.4a 12 16.6 +12a 90 24 Colgate Palmolive CL Cosmetics/Persnl Cre 61.84 0.74 vs 0.75 1.3 +1.4 3811 2.1 43 47 First Hawaiian .................Q .26 2-22 3-8
Entegra Finl ENFC Banks-Southeast 23.23 0.54 vs 0.43 +25.6a +8.0 17.8 +14a 91 31 First Source Corp.............Q .27 2-1 2-14
Commnty West Bncshre CWBC Banks-Wst/Sthwst 10.00 0.16 vs 0.20 20.0 .. 11.7 +10a 47 23 Gatx Corp ........................Q .46 3-1 3-31
Esquire Finl ESQ Finance-Cmrcl Loan 21.96 r0.37 vs 0.18 +106a 0.0 10.2 +37a 99 40 DR Horton DHI Bldg-Rsidnt/Comml 37.30 r0.76 vs 0.78 2.6 2.6 3519 +5.6a 83 30 Heritage Commerce .......Q .12 2-6 2-21
Essa Bncrp ESSA Financ-Svings & Lo 15.34 0.27 vs 0.19 +42.1a 3.6 19.0 +9.5` 76 58 Lear LEA Auto/Trck-Orgnl Eqp 158.8 4.05 vs 4.38 7.5 +3.3 4942 7.9 67 70 Hess Midstr Part LP.........Q .3701 2-1 2-13
Hilltop Holdings ..............Q .08 2-14 2-28
First Bank NJ FRBA Banks-Northeast 11.49 0.22 vs 0.19 +15.8a 15 20.5 +26a 81 26 Nextera Energy Prtn NEP Energy-Alt/Other 40.55 0.39 vs 0.18 .. .. 155 21 71 42 MPLX LP ..........................Q .6475 2-4 2-14
First Western Finl MYFW Banks-Wst/Sthwst 13.94 0.22 vs 0.01 +2100` 0.0 16.7 3.1 68 19 Provident Bncrp PVBC Banks-Northeast 23.43 0.30 vs 0.40 25.0 .. 12.4 12 56 46 Nexstar Media Group .....Q .45 2-7 2-22
Shell Midstr Part .............Q .40 2-1 2-14
Simmons First Natl ........Q .16 3-14 4-5
Valero Energy Corp .........Q .90 2-12 3-5
Wintrust Financial ..........Q .25 2-6 2-21
ACNB Corp ........................Q .23 2-28 3-15
AGCO Corp ........................Q .15 2-14 3-15
Aptiv Plc...........................Q .22 2-5 2-20
Bk of the James Fin ........Q .06 3-7 3-22
Blueknight Energy ..........Q .08 2-1 2-14
Brown & Brown Inc .........Q .08 2-5 2-20
BY Capstar Finl Hldgs ..........Q .04 2-4 2-25
Carolina Finl Corp ...........Q .08 3-14 4-5
Community West Bcsh ..Q .05 2-8 2-28
Costco Wholesale............Q .57 2-7 2-22
Dynagas Lng Part ...........Q .25 2-6 2-14
Federated Investors .......Q .27 2-7 2-15
First Bank .......................Q .03 2-7 2-22


First Finl Northwest .......Q .08 3-7 3-22
Gorman-Rupp Co (The) ..Q .135 2-14 3-8
HB Fuller Co .....................Q .155 2-6 2-21
Holly Energy Part ............Q .6675 2-1 2-14

KB Home .........................Q .025 2-6 2-21
Lakeland Finl Corp .........Q .26 1-24 2-5
Landmark Infrastruc ......Q .3675 2-1 2-14
Lockheed Martin .............Q 2.20 2-28 3-29
Matthews Intl ..................Q .20 2-1 2-18
Moog Inc Cl A B ..............Q .25 2-14 3-4
Natural Resource ............Q .45 2-6 2-14

We invite you to take a

Oceanfirst Finl .................Q .17 2-1 2-15
Old National Bncp ..........Q .13 2-28 3-15
Olin Corp .........................Q .20 2-8 3-11
complimentary two-week trial. PCSB Financial Corp........Q
PC-Tel Inc ........................Q
Parker-Hannifin...............Q .76 2-7 3-1
PerkinElmer Inc ..............Q .07 4-17 5-10
Call 1.800.831.2525 RBB Bancorp ...................Q
Sandridge Miss Tr ...........Q

or go to
Sandridge Perm Tr .........Q .095 2-7 2-22
Scotts Miracle-Gro ..........Q .55 2-21 3-8
Southern Natl Bncp .........Q .09 2-8 2-22 Standex Intl .....................Q
Starbucks Corp ...............Q
Summit Midstr Part ........Q .575 2-6 2-14
Tessco Technologies ......Q .20 2-12 2-27
Tompkins Financial .........Q .50 2-4 2-15
Union Bankshares ..........Q .23 2-7 2-22
West Bancorporation ......Q .20 2-5 2-20
2017 Investors Business Daily, Inc. Investors Business Daily, IBD and CAN SLIM, Leaderboard and corresponding logos are registered trademarks owned by Investors Business Daily, Inc. G - payable in Canadian funds; Q - Quarterly;
A - Annually; S - Semiannually; M - Monthly;
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Copyright 2019 Investor's Business Daily Inc.

31 Horizon Pharma (HZNP) Grp 66 o$21.41 Ubiquiti Networks (UBNT) Grp 46 o$107.30 Edwards Lifesciences (EW) Grp 32 o$170.64
157.8M Shares 97 Comp. Rating 91 EPS RS 96 ROE 17% 32 14.9M Shares 98 Comp. Rating 91 EPS RS 96 ROE 62% 33 204.9M Shares 98 Comp. Rating 90 EPS RS 95 ROE 29%
Develops therapeutics for the treatment of arthritis, pain and Manufactures radios, antennas and network management tools Develops products to treat cardiovascular disorders including
inflammatory diseases. for RF spectrum service providers. heart valve and peripheral vascular disease.
-11% Ann. EPS Gro PE 15 Avg. D. Vol 1,542,700 Debt 191% +24% Ann. EPS Gro PE 27 Avg. Daily Vol 350,800 Debt 146% +27% Ann. EPS Gro PE 38 Avg. D. Vol 1,370,400 Debt 15%
Last Qtr Eps +150%5 Prior Qtr +17%5 Last Qtr Sales +20% Last Qtr Eps +27%6 Prior Qtr +35%5 Last Qtr Sales +15% Last Qtr Eps +27%5 Prior Qtr +15%6 Last Qtr Sales +10%
2 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 3 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 1 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Eps Due 2/28e Eps Due 2/8 Eps Due 1/31
R&D 21% R&D 7% R&D 16%
Acc/Dis C Acc/Dis C- Acc/Dis B-

Cup-with-handle base shows 27.76 buy point. Forming late-stage base with 115.54 buy point. First-stage consolidation shows 175.10 buy point.

34 Lululemon (LULU) Grp 50 o$151.89 Vici Properties (VICI) Grp 24 $21.45 Allison Transmission (ALSN) Grp 137 o$48.39
87.1M Shares 98 Comp. Rating 89 EPS RS 97 ROE 24% 35 400.7M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 99 EPS RS 83 ROE 2% 36 118.0M Shares 97 Comp. Rating 94 EPS RS 91 ROE 39%
Operates and franchises 406 athletic apparel stores in U.S., Canada, REIT that owns, acquires and develops experiential real estate as- Manufactures fully automatic transmissions and hybrid propulsion
Australia, UK, New Zealand sets across gaming, hospitality and others. systems for medium/heavy-duty vehicles.
SMARTSELECT COMPOSITE RATING +22% Ann. EPS Gro PE 45 Avg. D. Vol 3,021,000 Debt 0% +184% Ann. EPS Gro PE 18 Avg. D. Vol 5,430,200 Debt 102% +26% Ann. EPS Gro PE 12 Avg. D. Vol 1,039,600 Debt 368%
Rel Annual Last Qtr NxtQtr Last Qtr Mgt
EPS Str EPS Est EPS EPS Sales Pretax Own Last Qtr Eps +34%6 Prior Qtr +82%5 Last Qtr Sales +21% Last Qtr Eps+3400%6 Prior Qtr+3700%5 Last Qtr Sales+5573% Last Qtr Eps +69%6 Prior Qtr +105%6 Last Qtr Sales +16%
Rank Company Price
Rtg Rtg % Chg % Chg % Chg % Chg ROE mrgn % 5 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 4 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 7 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Eps Due 3/27e Eps Due 3/8e Eps Due 2/12
COMPANIES 31-50 R&D 5%
Acc/Dis B Acc/Dis B Acc/Dis A-
31 Horizon Pharma 21.41 97 91 96 +44 +150 +86 +20 17 27 4
7Irelandbased drug maker is a leading player in arthritis treatments. Sup/Demand 91 Sup/Demand 80

32 Ubiquiti Networks 107.3 98 91 96 +23 +27 +42 +15 62 31 79

7Has expertise in deploying longrange wireless data network systems.

33 Edwards Lifesciences 170.6 98 90 95 +23 +27 +24 +10 29 29 2 Cup-with-handle base shows 152.91 entry.
Company is a leader in heart valve replacements.
Syneos Health (SYNH) Grp 71 $49.99
Forms V-shape base with buy point at 22.47. Slips back below 48.62 buy point of double-bottom base.

34 Lululemon 151.9 98 89 97 +44 +34 +31 +21 24 19 1

7Continues to innovate in field of yogawear, athletic apparel.
54.7M Shares 97 Comp. Rating 92 EPS RS 92 ROE 14% 38 Adobe (ADBE) Grp 39 o$244.95 Monolithic Pwr Sys (MPWR) Grp 19 o$130.71
483.3M Shares 98 Comp. Rating 98 EPS RS 83 ROE 27% 39 40.7M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 93 EPS RS 88 ROE 27%
Provides Phase I to IV clinical development services for the biophar- Provides design, imaging and publishing software for print, web, Designs analog and mixed signal ICs used in DC/DC converters, LED
35 Vici Properties 21.45 99 99 83 +999 +999 +217 +999 2 21 1 maceutical and medical device industries
REIT is one of largest owners of gaming, hospitality sites in U.S. +7% Ann. EPS Gro PE 19 Avg. Daily Vol 649,100 Debt 97%
mobile and dynamic media production
+48% Ann. EPS Gro PE 36 Avg. D. Vol 4,316,300 Debt 22%
drivers, LCD backlight inverters
+26% Ann. EPS Gro PE 37 Avg. Daily Vol 327,000 Debt 0%
36 Allison Transmission 48.39 97 94 91 +99 +69 +133 +16 39 23 8 Last Qtr Eps +39%5 Prior Qtr +24%5 Last Qtr Sales +36%
7Specializes in transmissions for medium and heavy duty vehicles. 2 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Last Qtr Eps +45%6 Prior Qtr +57%6 Last Qtr Sales +23%
17 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Last Qtr Eps +26%6 Prior Qtr +32%6 Last Qtr Sales +24%
14 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
49.99 97 92 92 +20 +39 +17 +36 14 18 1 Eps Due 2/26 Eps Due 3/14 Eps Due 2/6
37 Syneos Health
7Provider of clinical trials has over 300 customers. R&D 17% R&D 17%

38 Adobe 245.0 98 98 83 +15 +45

Forms partnership with Microsoft on cloud computing.
+4 +23 27 37 1 Acc/Dis B- Acc/Dis C- Acc/Dis C-

39 Monolithic Pwr Sys 130.7 99 93 88 +27 +26 +21 +24 27 29 4

7Power management chips find use in cars, gaming, notebooks, servers.

40 Green Dot 78.66 96 92 91 +49 +74 +69 +14 16 20 10

7Provides prepaid debit cards and financial technology. V-shaped base shows 53.94 entry. Double bottom forms with 260.82 entry; testing 10-week line. New base forming but no clear buy point so far.

41 PayPal 94.28 97 90 92 +26 +26 +22 +14 15 23 1

Former eBay subsidiary a top player in epayment business.
Green Dot (GDOT) Grp 55
47.4M Shares 96 Comp. Rating 92 EPS RS 91 ROE 16%
41 PayPal (PYPL) Grp 55 o$94.28 Realpage (RP) Grp 4 o$54.86
1166M Shares 97 Comp. Rating 90 EPS RS 92 ROE 15% 42 70.4M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 96 EPS RS 81 ROE 17%
54.86 99 96 81 +60 +73 +46 +33 17 18 25 Offers general purpose reloadable prepaid debit cards to consumers Provides digital and mobile payments on behalf of consumers and Provides on-demand software for managing, screening, leasing and
42 Realpage
7Its data analytics software serves 12,400 real estate clients.
at about 100,000 locations in the U.S.
+35% Ann. EPS Gro PE 26 Avg. Daily Vol 719,000 Debt 8%
merchants worldwide.
+23% Ann. EPS Gro PE 41 Avg. D. Vol 9,111,300 Debt 0%
accounting in the rental housing industry
+38% Ann. EPS Gro PE 40 Avg. Daily Vol 816,500 Debt 70%
43 Illumina 293.9 94 95 86 +44 +37 6 +19 24 25 1
Gene sequencer joins others to form Helix to bring genomics to masses.
Last Qtr Eps +74%5 Prior Qtr +35%6 Last Qtr Sales +14%
9 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Last Qtr Eps +26% Prior Qtr +26%6 Last Qtr Sales +14%
8 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Last Qtr Eps +73%5 Prior Qtr +61%6 Last Qtr Sales +33%
4 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
44 Mastercard 202.9 97 93 87 +40 +33 +34 +15 88 53 3 Eps Due 2/19
7Company sees growth in transactions as consumer health improves.
Eps Due 1/30
R&D 7%
Eps Due 2/25
R&D 13%
45 Granite Point Mort Trst 19.28 99 92 87 +24 +48 +18 +54 8 45 2
7REIT specializes in commercial mortgages and related debt.
Acc/Dis C
Sup/Demand 80
Acc/Dis B Acc/Dis C

46 PRA Health Sciences 102.0 96 92 87 +27 +28 +22 +23 26 13 1

7Provides clinical development services to the biotech industry.

47 Restaurant Brands Intl 63.09 98 89 89 +25 +9 +2 +14 64 32 5

Burger King and Popeye's parent company has stores in 100 countries. Battling at 10-week line in new consolidation. In buy range of 92.45 buy point of handle in choppy base. Still well off highs as stock builds right side of base.

48 Xilinx 110.4 99 79 98 +30 +42 +45 +34 28 29 1

Chip designer focuses on gate arrays, 3D circuits, systems on a chip.
Illumina (ILMN) Grp 71
43 o$293.88
145.5M Shares 94 Comp. Rating 95 EPS RS 86 ROE 24% 44 Mastercard (MA) Grp 55 o$202.94
878.0M Shares 97 Comp. Rating 93 EPS RS 87 ROE 88% 45 Granite Point Mort Trust (GPMT) Grp 45 $19.28
42.2M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 92 EPS RS 87 ROE 8%
49 Microchip Tech 80.63 99 89 82 +20 +28 +16 +42 41 36 2 Develops integrated systems for the large scale analysis of genetic
Serves computing, automotive, consumer and industrial control markets. variation and biological function.
Provides global payment solutions supporting the credit/debit pay-
ment programs of financial institutions.
REITs that originates, manages, and invests in senior floating rate
commercial mortgage loans and debt like
23.27 96 69 95 +163 +58 +100 +48 82 35 5 +20% Ann. EPS Gro PE 50 Avg. D. Vol 1,061,600 Debt 43% +22% Ann. EPS Gro PE 33 Avg. D. Vol 4,800,200 Debt 99% +180% Ann. EPS Gro PE 13 Avg. Daily Vol 445,800 Debt 15%
50 Exelixis
Sales strong for cabozantinib, a drug for thyroid, kidney cancer. Last Qtr Eps +37%6 Prior Qtr +74%6 Last Qtr Sales +19%
4 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Last Qtr Eps +33%6 Prior Qtr +51%5 Last Qtr Sales +15%
5 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Last Qtr Eps +48%5 Prior Qtr +19%5 Last Qtr Sales +54%
11 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Eps Due 1/29 Eps Due 1/31 Eps Due 2/7e
R&D 20%
IBD 50 Index Performance Acc/Dis D- Acc/Dis D Acc/Dis C+
The IBD 50 is a computer-generated list of the markets leading
growth stocks based on earnings, sales, stock performance and
other proprietary fundamental and technical factors
Fighting to retake 10-week line in new consolidation. Forming uneven base with buy point at 225.45. Nears 19.43 entry of base with irregular form.
IBD 50
Total return: 968% 46 PRA64.3MHealthSharesSciences (PRAH) Grp 71 o$101.97 Restaurant Brands Intl (QSR) Grp 40 o$63.09 Xilinx (XLNX) Grp 19 o$110.37
96 Comp. Rating 92 EPS RS 87 ROE 26% 47 236.2M Shares 98 Comp. Rating 89 EPS RS 89 ROE 64% 48 250.5M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 79 EPS RS 98 ROE 28%
Average annual return: 16.3% IBD 50 Provides outsourced clinical development services to the biotech/ Franchises and operates 24,000 restaurants under Burger King and Designs field programmable gate arrays and complex programma-
pharmaceutical industries via 70 offices. Tim Hortons restaurants brands ble logic devices
S&P 500 Total Return +30% Ann. EPS Gro PE 25 Avg. Daily Vol 549,000 Debt 132% +37% Ann. EPS Gro PE 24 Avg. D. Vol 1,682,000 Debt 530% +13% Ann. EPS Gro PE 36 Avg. D. Vol 3,226,900 Debt 52%
Total return: 298% Last Qtr Eps +28%5 Prior Qtr +27%6 Last Qtr Sales +23% Last Qtr Eps +9%6 Prior Qtr +29%6 Last Qtr Sales +14% Last Qtr Eps +42%5 Prior Qtr +30%5 Last Qtr Sales +34%
Average annual return: 9.2% 6 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 0 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 3 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
4/11/03-12/31/2018 Eps Due 2/19 Eps Due 2/11 Eps Due 4/25e
R&D 25%
Acc/Dis C Acc/Dis B+ Acc/Dis B-
Sup/Demand 78

Back above 10-wk line after 33% pullback; wait for new entry. Gap up leaves stock near 65.27 buy point. Extended after breakout from cup-without-handle base.

49 Microchip Tech (MCHP) Grp 117 o$80.63 Exelixis (EXEL) Grp 65 o$23.27
229.4M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 89 EPS RS 82 ROE 41% 50 284.0M Shares 96 Comp. Rating 69 EPS RS 95 ROE 82%
Manufactures digital signal microcontrollers, flash memory prod- Develops novel small molecule therapies designed for treatment of Industry Group Sector
ucts, and mixed signal and interface devices cancer.
600 +38% Ann. EPS Gro PE 13 Avg. D. Vol 3,087,900 Debt 54% % Ann. EPS Gro PE 20 Avg. D. Vol 4,292,500 Debt 0% Finance-Etf/Etn ..................................................Misc
Last Qtr Eps +28%5 Prior Qtr +23%5 Last Qtr Sales +42% Last Qtr Eps +58%6 Prior Qtr +367%6 Last Qtr Sales +48% Fnance-Publ Inv Fd Bond..................................Misc
10 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 3 Qtrs EPS ) 15% Diversified Operations .......................................Misc
Eps Due 2/5 Eps Due 2/25 Office Supplies Mfg .........................................Office
R&D 13% R&D 25% Finance-Property Reit ................................Real Est
Acc/Dis A- Acc/Dis B Finance-Mortgage-Reit ...............................Real Est
300 Sup/Demand 79 Sup/Demand 82 Real State Developmt/Ops ..........................Real Est
Retail-Mail Order & Direct .............................Retail
S&P 500 Retail-Discount & Varity .................................Retail
Total Return Retail-Specialty ...............................................Retail
Far off highs; watch for resistance near 83. Recovering from severe correction; no new entry yet. Retail-Super/Mini Markets ............................Retail
Retail-Apparel/Shoes/Accessory ....................Retail
0 Industry Group Sector Industry Group Sector Retail-Home Furnishings ................................Retail
Retail-Restaurants ..........................................Retail
04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Cosmetics/Personal Care .........................Consumer Leisure-Gaming/Equip .................................Leisure Retail-Drug Stores ..........................................Retail
Performance is based on a price-weighted calculation of components rebalanced weekly. Before 2011, Consumer Prod-Elec.................................Consumer Leisure-Lodging ............................................Leisure Retail/Wholesale-Jewelery ...........................Retail
calculations used the top 50 stocks of the IBD 100. Performance does not take into account transaction Elec-Scientific/Measuring ........................Electrncs Leisure-Services ...........................................Leisure Retail-Internet .................................................Retail
costs, slippage, etc. Elec-Misc Products ...................................Electrncs Leisure-Products ..........................................Leisure Retail-Major Discount Chains ........................Retail
Elec-Contract Mfg ......................................Electrncs Leisure-Movies & Related ............................Leisure Retail-Department Stores ...............................Retail
Elec-Parts ...................................................Electrncs Machinery-Construction/Mining ...............Machine Wholesale-Elect ..............................................Retail
Find Your Groups Sector Energy Coal ....................................................Energy
Energy Solar ..................................................Energy
Oil&Gas Integrated .......................................Energy
Machinery-Materiall Hdlg .........................Machine
Machinery-Tools & Related .......................Machine
Wholesale-Food ..............................................Retail
Retail-Leisure Prods .......................................Retail
Retail Wholesale Office Sup ...........................Retail
Machinery-Gen Industrial ..........................Machine
To find a specific stocks sector, Energy-Alternative/Other ..............................Energy Electrical Power/Equipment ......................Machine Retail Wholesale Bldg Prds ............................Retail
please go to Stock Quotes at Oil&Gas-Transport/Pipeline...........................Energy Pollution Control ........................................Machine Retail-Consumer Electronics ..........................Retail
Oil&Gas-Refing/Market ................................Energy Media-Radio/TV ..............................................Media Retail/Wholesale-Auto ....................................Retail
Industry Group Sector Industry Group Oil&Gas-U S Exploration Prod ......................Energy Media-Diversified ...........................................Media Retail/Wholesale-Auto Part ...........................Retail
Sector Financial-Savings & Loans...............................S&Ls
Oil&Gas-Royalty Trust ...................................Energy Media-Newspapers ........................................Media
Aerospace/Defense ..................................Aerospace Bldg-Hand Tools .........................................Building Oil&Gas Canadian Exploration Prod .............Energy Media-Periodicals ...........................................Media Computer Sftwr-Dbase ..............................Software
Agricultural Oprtions ..............................Agriculture Commercial Services-Healthcare ..........Busins Svc Oil&Gas-Intl Exploration Prod .......................Energy Media-Books ..................................................Media Computer Sftwr-Edu ..................................Software
Machinery-Farm ....................................Agriculture Commercial Services-Advrtsng..............Busins Svc Oil&Gas-Field Service ....................................Energy Medical-Outpatient/Home Care ..................Medical Computer Sftwr-Entrprise .........................Software
Chemicals-Agriculture ..........................Agriculture Bldg-Maintenance & Service .................Busins Svc Oil&Gas-Drilling .............................................Energy Medical-Systems/Equip ...............................Medical Computer Sftwr-Mdcl ................................Software
Tobacco ...................................................Alcohl/Tob Computer-Tech Services ........................Busins Svc Oil&Gas-Machinery/Equipment ....................Energy Medical Supplies .........................................Medical Computer Sftwr-Fincl ................................Software
Beverages-Alcoholic ...............................Alcohl/Tob Commercial Services-Consulting...........Busins Svc Financial-Mortgage & Related Service .....Finance Medical-Managed Care ................................Medical Computer Sftwr-Dsktp ..............................Software
Apparel-Clothing Mfg...................................Apparel Commercial Svcs-Market Research .....Busins Svc Finance-Investment Managment ...............Finance Medical-Biomed/Biotech .............................Medical Computer Sftwr-Dsgn ................................Software
Apparel-Shoes & Rel ....................................Apparel Commercial Svc-Outsourcing.................Busins Svc Financial-Invest Bank/Brokers ...................Finance Medical-Generic Drugs ...............................Medical Computer Sftwr-Scrity ..............................Software
Auto/Truck-Tires & Misc ...................................Auto Security/Software ..................................Busins Svc Commercial Svcs-Leasing ..........................Finance Medical-Long-Term Care .............................Medical Computer Sftwr-Specialty-Entrprise ........Software
Trucks & Parts-Heavy Duty ..............................Auto Commercial Service-Doc Mgmt ............Busins Svc Finance-Commercial Loan...........................Finance Medical-Products ........................................Medical Computer Sftwr-Gaming............................Software
Auto Manufacturers .........................................Auto Commercial Services-Stffng ..................Busins Svc Telecom-Cable/Sat Equip............................Telecom
Finance-Consumer Loan ..............................Finance Medical-Hospitals ........................................Medical Telecom-Cons Prod .....................................Telecom
Auto/Truck-Original Equipment........................Auto Chemicals-Basic ........................................Chemical Finance-Card/Payment Processor ..............Finance Medical-Diversified .....................................Medical Telecom-Infrastr..........................................Telecom
Auto/Truck-Replacement Parts ........................Auto Chemicals-Specialty .................................Chemical Financial Svc-Spec ......................................Finance Medical-Research Equip/Svc ......................Medical Telecom-Svc-Cbl/Sat ..................................Telecom
Banks-Northeast .............................................Banks Chemicals-Plastics ...................................Chemical Food-Packaged .........................................Food/Bev Medical-Services .........................................Medical Telecom-Fiber Optcs ...................................Telecom
Banks-Southeast ...........................................Banks Elec-Semicon Fabless ......................................Chips Food-Misc Prep .........................................Food/Bev Medical-Wholesale Drug .............................Medical Telecom Svc-Integrtd .................................Telecom
Banks-Midwest ...............................................Banks Elec-Semicon Mfg ...........................................Chips Beverages-Non-Alcoholic..........................Food/Bev Medical-Ethical Drugs..................................Medical Telecom Svcs-Foreign ................................Telecom
Banks-West/Southwest..................................Banks Elec-Semicndctr Equip ....................................Chips Food-Meat Products ..................................Food/Bev Steel-Producers .............................................Metals Telecom Svc-Wireless ................................Telecom
Banks-Super Regional ...................................Banks Computer-Networking..............................Computer Food-Dairy Products ..................................Food/Bev Steel-Specialty Alloys....................................Metals Transportation-Rail .....................................Transprt
Banks-Foreign .................................................Banks Computer-Data Storage ..........................Computer Food-Grain & Related ................................Food/Bev Metal Prods-Distributor .................................Metals Transportation-Truck ..................................Transprt
Banks-Money Center .....................................Banks Computer-Integrated System ..................Computer Food-Confectionery ..................................Food/Bev Metal Proc & Fabrica ....................................Metals Transportation-Ship ....................................Transprt
Bldg-Cement/Concrete................................Building Computer-Hardwire/Peripheral ...............Computer Insurance-Life ............................................Insurnce Mining-Metal Ores .........................................Mining Transportation-Airline ................................Transprt
Bldg-Rsidnt/Commercial ............................Building Household-Applncs/Houseware ..............Consumer Insurance-Accident & Health.....................Insurnce Mining-Gold/Silver/Gems .............................Mining Transportation-Air Freight..........................Transprt
Bldg-Heavy Construction ...........................Building Consumer Prod-Special ...........................Consumer Insurance-Property/Casualty/Title ............Insurnce Finance-Publ Inv Fd-Balance ..........................Misc Transportation-Logistics.............................Transprt
Bldg-Mobile/Mfg & Rv ................................Building Funeral Services & Related ....................Consumer Insurance-Brokers .....................................Insurnce Finance-Publ Inv Fd-Equity .............................Misc Transportation-Equip Mfg ..........................Transprt
Bldg-Wood Prods ........................................Building Consumer Services-Education ...............Consumer Insurance-Diversified .................................Insurnce Containers/Packaging ......................................Misc Utility-Diversified ............................................Utility
Bldg-Construction Prods/Misc....................Building Household Office Furniture......................Consumer Internet-Content .........................................Internet Finance-Publ Inv Fd-Global .............................Misc Utility-Electric Pwr ..........................................Utility
Bldg-A/C & Heating Prods .........................Building Leisure-Toys/Games/Hobby ....................Consumer Internet-Network Solutions .......................Internet Paper & Paper Produc ......................................Misc Utility-Gas Distribtn ........................................Utility
Chemicals-Paints .......................................Building Soap & Cleaning Preparation ..................Consumer Leisure-Travel Booking.................................Leisure Finance-Blank Check ........................................Misc Utility-Water Supply .......................................Utility

Copyright 2019 Investor's Business Daily Inc.

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IBD SMART NYSE + NASDAQ Tables With 10 Vital Ratings

Unsurpassed ideas and ratings to help you invest better

1 IBD Composite Rating has 5 Smart-

Select Ratings, 1-99, with 99 the best.
Ratings of 98 or more are boldfaced.
2 Earnings Per Share (EPS) rating
compares your stock's last 2 quarters and
3 years EPS growth to all stocks. Ratings of 90
3 Relative Strength (RS) Stock's relative
price change in last 12 months vs. all
stocks. Best rate 80 or more.
4 Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Rating
combines recent sales, profit margins
and return on equity into an A to E rating.
5 Accumulation/Distribution Our price
and vol. formula shows if your stock is
under accumulation (buying) or distribution
mean earns outperformed 90% of all stocks. ROE over 17% is preferred. (selling) last 3 months. A buying; E selling.

6 Vol % Change is volume traded yester-

day vs. average daily volume last 50
days. Vol % chg. + 50% & up bolded.
7 52-Week High is boldfaced if closing
price within 10% of new high. 8 Boldfaced stocks are up 1 or more or
new high.Underlined stocks are down 1
or more or at a new low.
9 7 Stocks have EPS & RS Ratings of 80
or more and were IPOs in the last 15
10 . after stock symbol means stock
story at

IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating
Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating
Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE
Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos)
52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P
6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
Stocks above $10 for the week ending Friday January 25, 2019 LQ 27%, Next Yr EPS 67%, Pretax 32%, ROE 19%, EPS due 02/27 99 73 97 A A- 11.9 MitekSys MITK 11.05 -0.34 -41 1.1m 38 91 69 90 B B- 39.9 Firsten 3.9 FE 38.79 -0.08 -30 14m 13
7IPO within last 15 years and EPS & RS 80 or higher 75 23 99 D D 93.2 MongodbA MDB 86.90 +6.56 -37 3.8m .. 78 58 83 C D 35.9 Fortis 3.9 FTS 35.01 +0.08 -27 1.1m 13k
Daily Since 70 51 71 B A- 343 NetEase .7 r NTES 242.6 -10.09 -10 3.0m 25 84 55 80 C B- 39.4 HawaiiE 3.4 HE 36.59 +0.18 -11 1.5m 20
1. MEDIA +0.6% Change +5.20%Jan. 1 99 96 98 A B NH ALRM 62.64 +2.26 +33 2.6m 48o 99 72 95 C C 114 NewRelic NEWR 96.26 +0.58 -29 1.9m 99 84 68 77 C B 102 IdaCorp 2.7 IDA 94.59 +0.42 +1 1.0m 20k
90 71 93 B D+ 50.2 21stCen .7 FOXA 49.24 +0.50 -24 35m 24 96 99 81 B B 163 7Athenhltn ATHN 134.3 +0.45 +11 3.5m 29 85 65 90 C B 23.7 NextgenHlthcr NXGN 18.25 -0.01 +34 1.7m 23 73 41 82 B D+ 59.2 NatlFue 3.0 NFG 56.92 +0.88 -38 1.3m 16
91 71 93 B B- 49.7 21stCen .7 FOX 48.97 +0.62 -20 17m 24 99 98 97 A B- 84.2 7CybArkSftw CYBR 80.15 +1.63 +6 2.5m 51 95 84 85 A D- 119 NiceLtdAds NICE 107.6 +1.51 -15 653 23 75 21 88 B C+ 51.8 NJResou 2.5 NJR 47.10 +0.20 -25 1.5m 17
97 78 93 A B- 69.0 AMCNtwks r AMCX 64.76 +0.92 -12 2.0m 7o 99 92 93 A C+ 88.5 7Paylocity PCTY 68.14 +1.77 +4 961 80k 73 63 48 B C- 18.6 Nuance NUAN 15.60 +0.25 -42 7.5m 13 93 78 83 C C+ 184 NexteraE 2.5 NEE 174.2 -1.89 +5 10m 22o
77 78 32 A C 60.1 CBSCIB 1.5 CBS 49.17 -0.07 -32 9.4m 10 98 98 88 A C- 98.3 7Qualys QLYS 81.99 +2.01 -20 1.2m 52 82 29 96 D B+ 64.9 Nutanix NTNX 52.23 +0.07 -25 7.9m .. 74 51 82 C D+ 28.1 Nisource 3.0 NI 26.36 -0.29 -29 8.5m 20
94 75 78 A D 34.9 DiscoveryA DISCA 27.68 -0.03 -21 14m 11o 99 81 96 A B- 130 7Splunk SPLK 122.1 +1.34 -45 5.0m 99o 86 29 99 D B+ NH OktaA OKTA 79.62 +1.72 -5 9.4m .. 82 57 88 D B- 65.7 Northwes 3.5 NWE 62.03 -0.14 -41 833 18k
92 75 79 A E 31.6 DiscoveryC DISCK 25.77 -0.15 -38 7.8m 10o 97 98 93 C D+ 100 7SPSCommr SPSC 88.89 +2.03 -20 609 53k 95 82 80 A B 40.3 OpenText 1.7 OTEX 35.81 +0.52 +9 1.9m 13k 79 63 95 E E 43.1 NRGEne .3 NRG 40.93 +0.59 -26 14m ..o
69 62 91 D B- 12.2 Gannett 5.7 GCI 11.23 -0.02 -42 3.9m 9 98 95 97 C D- 131 7TableaSftr DATA 129.0 +5.28 +32 5.7m 99 85 59 80 A D 53.5 Oracle 1.5 ORCL 49.80 +0.53 -37 56m 14o 79 48 92 C C 41.8 OGEEner 3.6 OGE 40.31 +0.03 -33 4.7m 18k
98 85 87 A B- 20.2 GrayTV GTN 16.48 -0.02 -46 1.9m 9o 93 84 95 .. C 151 7VMware VMW 149.4 +1.77 -41 4.5m 24o 78 79 52 B D 51.1 ProgSftw 1.8 PRGS 35.21 +0.70 +11 1.8m 14o 92 67 88 C A- 87.8 OneGas 2.5 OGS 81.26 -0.55 +23 1.4m 21k
79 72 55 A D- 99 LibertyBrdC LBRDK 74.94 -0.66 -6 2.0m 8k 86 54 67 A C 130 Proofpoint PFPT 97.63 +3.86 -6 2.3m 78 81 55 85 C C- 92.6 Pinnacl 3.4 PNW 86.94 +1.27 +14 5.4m 19
73 5 89 D B+ 23.5 8X8 EGHT 20.08 -0.07 -28 2.3m .. 83 66 87 C C 45.4 PNMResr 2.8 PNM 41.99 -0.01 -27 1.3m 20
80 83 39 C B- 48.6 LibMdSrCLibsr LSXMK 38.84 -0.52 -17 3.1m 9 72 66 65 B E 107 PTCInc PTC 81.45 -6.23 +102 11m 47o
80 54 94 C C 30.3 ACIWwde ACIW 29.23 +0.49 +4 3.0m 33 90 83 86 D B 50.4 Portlan 3.1 POR 47.07 +1.23 -3 2.6m 18
85 72 50 B B- 39.4 LibMdSrCFrm FWONK 31.25 -0.79 -16 4.6m 5 98 98 83 A C- 277 AdobeInc r ADBE 245.0 -2.56 -24 13m 36o 90 72 92 D B+ 67.1 Q2Holdings QTWO 57.33 +1.31 -28 906 99k
75 83 39 C D+ 48.6 LbMdSrALbsr LSXMA 38.67 -0.46 +34 3.6m 9 78 35 95 D C 39.4 Rapid7 RPD 36.48 +0.02 -26 1.5m .. 74 47 77 B D- 32.5 PPL 5.3 PPL 30.67 +0.60 -24 18m 12
81 41 74 A D 69.4 Meredith 4.0 MDP 53.98 -1.48 -8 1.4m 16 86 82 41 B B+ 15.6 Allscripts MDRX 12.01 -0.18 -2 10m 17
98 87 96 A D 179 RedHat r RHT 176.5 +0.99 -22 7.4m 51o 77 56 70 C C 56.7 PubSvcEn 3.4 PEG 52.65 +0.71 -13 11m 16
94 46 99 D B- 73.7 AlteryxA AYX 69.90 -3.62 +15 4.5m 99k 99 67 97 A A- 98.2 RingCentralA RNG 91.50 +0.25 -37 2.2m 99 83 71 74 C C 127 SmpraEn 3.2 SRE 113.1 +0.43 -21 6.0m 20o
79 70 88 C B- 28.7 NYTimes .6 NYT 26.10 +0.92 -15 6.3m 29
99 99 92 A D 89.8 NexstarM 1.8 NXST 83.62 +0.17 -48 1.5m 13o 69 3 96 D C NH Anaplan PLAN 31.80 +2.00 -36 1.4m .. 93 72 94 B D+ 34.6 SailpointTech SAIL 27.23 +0.58 -42 2.1m 99k 74 64 47 B C 68.4 SJWGro 1.9 SJW 58.50 +0.09 -66 414 20k
91 44 96 C C+ NH Scripps 1.1 SSP 18.78 +0.32 +1 1.9m 44o 92 82 80 A B 190 Ansys r ANSS 161.7 -0.06 -36 1.6m 32k 72 52 48 A D+ 127 SAP 1.1 SAP 106.0 +0.27 +31 4.3m 19 79 50 82 C C 49.4 Souther 5.1 SO 47.50 +0.28 -20 19m 14
99 82 87 B B 40.0 Sinclair 2.6 r SBGI 31.03 +0.59 +8 6.3m 9o 96 70 93 B C- 91.5 Appfolio APPF 63.37 +1.48 -25 385 99 87 57 98 .. B 19.0 Secureworks r SCWX 18.08 +1.57 -12 923 .. 87 70 70 C B 86.0 Southw 2.7 SWX 77.18 -1.24 -53 641 20
70 64 51 B D 61.0 Sony SNE 48.76 -1.42 -13 3.4m 10 87 58 90 .. B 118 AspenTech AZPN 98.79 +7.82 +45 3.4m 36o 98 72 99 C B 51.1 Sendrid SEND 50.43 -0.28 -11 2.5m 99 85 62 82 C B 72.3 Vectren 2.7 VVC 72.01 -0.12 -6 3.4m 23
97 72 99 C B- 26.3 Attunity ATTU 23.35 -1.34 +96 3.0m 68k 82 35 94 C D- 176 Shopify SHOP 162.8 +4.39 -48 3.5m 99 88 39 91 D B+ 26.3 VistraEnergy VST 24.65 +0.45 -20 15m ..
90 68 80 B C+ 15.6 Tegna 2.4 TGNA 11.91 +0.13 -32 5.0m 8o
92 50 94 D A- 46.0 Tribune 2.2 TRCO 45.70 -0.15 -64 4.2m 19o 91 72 91 D C- 159 Autodesk ADSK 142.1 +0.35 -16 7.5m 99o 75 12 96 D B 34.0 SmartsheetA SMAR 28.17 -0.42 -29 2.2m .. 84 63 86 C B- 75.5 WECEne 3.3 WEC 71.04 +0.18 -19 5.5m 20
62 49 45 C C+ 34.6 ViacomB 2.8 VIAB 28.99 -1.09 -3 17m 7 79 94 16 B C+ 67.4 BaozunA BZUN 34.44 +1.15 -24 6.3m 44o 98 96 70 A B 61.0 SS&CTec .6 SSNC 50.68 +1.84 -33 5.8m 20 76 55 85 C D 54.1 XcelEne 3.0 XEL 50.54 -0.16 -17 16m 20
77 29 99 .. B+ 55.4 Benefitfocus BNFT 53.88 -0.07 -47 778 ..o 54 41 37 A C 29.2 Symntc 1.5 SYMC 20.38 +0.27 -2 23m 11
94 87 74 A D+ 120 WaltDis 1.6 DIS 111.1 +0.05 -23 26m 15
85 80 64 B B 56.5 BlackKnightA BKI 48.15 -0.44 -51 1.8m 27k 93 66 84 A B 103 Synopsys SNPS 93.55 +2.06 +4 5.8m 23 4. CONSUMER Daily
+0.8% Change +1.81%Since
97 96 98 B C 97.7 WrldWrs .6 WWE 83.36 -0.07 -25 3.3m 94
94 72 90 C D+ 58.1 Blackline BL 45.54 -1.25 -14 1.5m 99k
Jan. 1
94 72 95 B E 91.2 TabulaRasa TRHC 62.36 -6.07 -4 1.0m 95
Daily 73 52 75 Blucora BCOR 29.66 7IPO within last 15 years and EPS & RS 80 or higher
2. SOFTWARE +1.8% Change +9.52%Since
Jan. 1
B B- 41.4 +0.53 -46 709 15 66 19 95 D C 89.1 TeladocHlth TDOC 63.00 +0.62 -34 4.4m ..o
97 93 83 A D 47.4 Cadence CDNS 46.59 -0.03 -17 5.4m 26 99 72 99 C B 106 TwilioInc TWLO. 104.2 -1.14 -38 12m 99k 96 99 91 A D- 118 7iRobot r IRBT 86.02 -3.53 -13 2.1m 31
SECTOR LEADER | NSDAQ 94 99 30 A B+ 43.6 Carbonite r CARB 28.13 -0.04 -53 751 18 99 96 85 A B+ 332 UltimtSftwr ULTI 276.4 +7.98 -26 707 54k 95 87 84 A A- 108 7OrientlEdTec EDU 77.49 +11.59 +88 14m 32o
99 98 98 A B 100 7AtlassianA TEAM 95.86 +5.19 +7 7.5m 99o 69 92 19 B D- 75.0 CDKGlo 1.2 CDK 51.39 +1.15 -14 3.7m 14 97 64 88 A B- 38.3 UplandSoftw UPLD 30.90 +0.47 +7 869 20
KEY DATA: EPS 3 Q Avg 63%, LQ 92%, Next Q 80%, Sales 3Q Avg 39%, 74 34 93 E C- 45.0 Ceridian CDAY. 39.40 +1.17 -47 1.2m ..k 68 2 98 D A- 59.3 CanopyGrwth CGC 48.48 +4.96 +22 41m ..k
LQ 39%, Next Yr EPS 58%, Pretax 20%, ROE 14%, EPS due 04/19 93 65 86 B B- 52.5 VerintSys VRNT 47.10 +0.52 -23 1.3m 14o
55 57 34 B D 69.9 Cerner CERN 54.90 +0.84 +28 11m 22 92 83 95 .. B- 176 Verisign VRSN 166.0 +1.52 -35 2.2m 36 97 72 98 B A NH Chegg CHGG 34.64 +0.74 +36 6.7m 78
SECTOR LEADER | NSDAQ 85 66 78 A D 120 Checkpoint CHKP 108.0 +1.15 -18 3.1m 19 94 72 95 C D- 121 WIX 106.5 +2.23 -41 1.9m 99 95 80 94 A D 69.5 ChurchD 1.4 CHD 63.59 -4.77 +70 13m 28k
99 97 93 A C 94.4 7Fortinet FTNT 73.59 +3.09 +5 9.5m 47 85 66 70 A C- 116 CitrixS 1.4 CTXS 102.7 -6.09 +68 13m 18 98 54 98 A B- 176 Workday WDAY. 175.6 +3.50 -42 6.1m 99o 83 61 86 B E 167 Clorox 2.6 r CLX 147.7 -6.68 -10 3.8m 25
KEY DATA: EPS 3 Q Avg 74%, LQ 75%, Next Q 63%, Sales 3Q Avg 20%, 90 73 78 C C+ 72.7 Commvault CVLT 62.28 -0.25 -15 1.3m 45 99 72 96 C B+ 72.8 Zendesk ZEN 65.79 +0.76 -11 6.6m 99 34 43 47 .. B- 77.4 ColgteP 2.7 r CL 61.84 -0.79 +27 24m 20o
LQ 21%, Next Yr EPS 69%, Pretax 18%, ROE 26%, EPS due 02/06 97 72 97 D B+ 13.3 CootekCaymnA r CTK 11.55 +0.21 -63 177 99k 91 53 97 D C- 48.2 Zscaler ZS. 45.89 +0.54 -21 5.6m .. 87 11 99 B A NH Cronos CRON 16.02 +1.12 +52 61m ..
98 72 94 A B- 59.2 Cornerstone CSOD 55.87 +1.16 -6 1.5m 82 58 10 85 D B- 37.8 ZuoraA ZUO 21.36 +0.22 -27 4.2m .. 91 62 85 B B- 162 Ecolab 1.2 ECL 153.9 -0.61 -32 3.1m 30
SECTOR LEADER | NYSE 97 72 98 .. B 84.5 CoupaSoftwr COUP 80.44 +3.78 -10 4.9m 99 72 80 48 A D- 158 EsteeLa 1.3 EL 128.1 +0.53 -2 8.9m 26
99 98 91 A B 239 7PaloAltNts PANW 209.7 +6.42 0 6.4m 48o 94 72 91 D B- 68.4 Docusign DOCU 48.57 +1.57 -39 6.7m 99 Daily 77 73 98 B C 31.1 FunkoA FNKO 17.85 +1.44 +17 1.7m 30
KEY DATA: EPS 3 Q Avg 52%, LQ 56%, Next Q 42%, Sales 3Q Avg 30%,
83 29 97 E B 28.9 DornoB DOMO 26.33 -0.26 -4 1.9m .. 3. UTILITY -1.5% Change +2.09%Since
Jan. 1
76 63 89 B C+ 70.8 Garmin 3.1 GRMN 68.58 +0.68 -18 3.0m 19
LQ 31%, Next Yr EPS 33%, Pretax 22%, ROE 43%, EPS due 02/26
61 71 40 C E 43.5 DropboxA DBX 23.90 +0.31 -35 7.8m 99k
87 55 94 B C- 16.3 AES 3.4 AES 15.88 +0.33 -28 19m 12o 75 63 86 B D+ 145 HelenTroy HELE 115.0 +0.33 -13 1.1m 14o
SECTOR LEADER | NYSE 79 89 15 A C+ 89.1 Ebix .6 EBIX 53.50 -0.79 -39 1.2m 15o
73 54 74 C D 46.6 AlliantE 3.3 LNT 43.10 +0.15 -14 7.0m 20 91 66 93 A C- 60.4 HerbalifeNu r HLF 58.95 -0.75 -16 4.1m 20k
99 97 96 A C- 164 7Paycom r PAYC 143.1 +6.81 +8 2.5m 60 54 79 20 A B 151 ElecArts EA 91.74 -0.78 -13 16m 17
76 48 87 C D 81.1 AmerEle 3.5 AEP 76.80 +0.71 -13 9.2m 19o 60 57 56 A D- 155 IntlFla 2.1 IFF 137.8 -0.26 -41 2.0m 21
KEY DATA: EPS 3 Q Avg 53%, LQ 33%, Next Q 93%, Sales 3Q Avg 31%, 61 67 33 B B 116 EllieMae ELLI 73.23 +0.12 -26 1.7m 39
88 78 90 C D+ 71.0 AmerenCo 2.8 AEE 67.94 +0.70 -13 4.9m 19 91 76 93 B B 67.5 InterPa 1.7 IPAR 63.40 +0.87 -39 278 38
LQ 32%, Next Yr EPS 61%, Pretax 34%, ROE 76%, EPS due 02/06 71 2 98 D C+ 63.0 Everbridge EVBG 61.13 +3.97 -14 1.6m ..k
85 67 85 C D+ 98.2 AmWtWk 2.0 AWK 93.27 +0.66 -23 3.3m 28 86 42 98 D A+ 30.5 K12 LRN 29.40 +3.81 +256 5.3m 31o
94 83 93 A C+ 241 FairIsaac r FICO 218.0 +1.62 -41 585 34
76 53 56 B C+ 38.2 AquaAm 2.5 WTR 34.20 +0.12 -33 2.1m 24o 59 52 69 B D- 123 KimbrlyC 3.8 KMB 108.1 -8.75 +47 14m 16o
SECTOR LEADER | NSDAQ 88 72 84 E B+ 20.6 FireEye FEYE 17.65 +1.22 -9 16m 99 79 86 48 A B- 24.3 Knoll 3.1 KNL 19.59 +0.09 -1 1.5m 11k
90 68 83 B A- 100 AtmosEn 2.2 ATO 94.83 -0.60 -42 2.2m 23
99 96 81 A C 66.3 7Realpage r RP 54.86 +0.72 -23 2.5m 39o 99 72 98 B C- 49.5 Five9 FIVN 48.45 +1.58 -2 2.5m 99
83 66 68 C B- 54.6 Avangrid 3.6 AGR 49.15 -0.03 -8 1.7m 21k 70 59 70 A D+ 48.2 LegetPl 3.8 LEG 39.97 +0.36 -26 3.8m 16
KEY DATA: EPS 3 Q Avg 67%, LQ 73%, Next Q 46%, Sales 3Q Avg 33%, 86 92 57 A C- 260 Medifast 2.4 MED 123.8 +1.61 -20 1.0m 31o
LQ 33%, Next Yr EPS 60%, Pretax 18%, ROE 17%, EPS due 02/27
68 44 64 C D 85.0 GodaddyA GDDY 66.40 +1.09 -8 5.3m 99
47 77 16 D D+ 52.9 AvistaC 3.6 AVA 41.01 -0.29 +8 4.0m 21k
92 96 79 B E 107 Guidewire GWRE 86.26 +0.55 -45 1.6m 55o
74 48 88 C D 68.2 BlackHi 3.1 BKH 64.50 -1.15 -17 1.4m 18k 95 80 70 A C 138 Middleby MIDD 117.0 -0.09 -24 1.1m 20o
SECTOR LEADER | NYSE 97 72 96 C C 162 HubSpot HUBS 151.5 -3.73 +18 2.5m 99
79 23 88 B B NH Centerpt 3.9 CNP 29.79 +0.35 +11 24m 33 74 84 61 B E 41.9 MillerH 2.3 MLHR 33.79 -0.65 -35 1.1m 12o
99 97 93 A B 161 7Salesforce CRM 149.7 -2.77 -36 19m 73o 96 61 97 C A 14.9 Inovalon INOV 14.40 -0.06 -32 1.8m 55
87 65 85 C B- 53.8 CMSEnrgy 3.0 CMS 50.81 -0.07 -13 8.8m 20 90 80 95 B C 48.1 NutriSy 2.3 NTRI 43.42 -0.12 -29 4.1m 22o
KEY DATA: EPS 3 Q Avg 48%, LQ 29%, Next Q 17%, Sales 3Q Avg 26%, 92 72 89 A C- 231 Intuit .9 INTU 214.3 +0.43 -32 5.1m 36
90 22 97 C A+ 12.0 Saneame 1.9 SBS 11.32 +0.49 -5 9.9m 14o 79 47 90 B B 96.9 ProctrG 3.1 PG 93.60 +2.18 +34 59m 21o
LQ 26%, Next Yr EPS 69%, Pretax 16%, ROE 13%, EPS due 02/28 76 88 56 A D- 163 JackHen 1.1 JKHY 132.5 +1.58 -27 1.6m 33k
57 50 51 D C+ 84.3 ConsEdi 3.9 ED 75.95 -0.56 +5 10m 17 75 77 85 B E 47.1 Service 1.6 r SCI 42.50 -0.79 -20 3.4m 24
75 16 96 D B+ 27.4 Liveperson LPSN 22.84 +2.32 +21 2.2m 99
78 66 56 B C 77.2 Dominion 4.8 D 69.16 +0.39 -5 21m 17 90 75 90 C B- 19.4 Steelca 3.2 SCS 16.65 -0.21 -14 2.2m 15o
SECTOR LEADER | NYSE 96 94 53 A B- 134 LogMeIn 1.3 LOGM 90.93 +1.17 95 86 82
-39 1.7m 17 B B 121 DTEEner 3.3 DTE 114.1 +1.15 -29 3.5m 17 88 97 54 A B+ 47.6 TALEduc TAL 30.60 +0.41 +91 31m 45
99 99 92 A C+ 206 7ServiceNow NOW. 191.1 +0.99 -30 5.8m 91 77 55 78 B D- 62.4 ManhAsc MANH 48.42 +0.05 -16 1.5m 27
73 44 85 C C- 91.4 DukeEne 4.3 DUK 85.85 +0.25 -30 10m 17 75 36 90 C A 64.2 TempurSealy TPX 53.96 +1.49 -17 3.5m 22
KEY DATA: EPS 3 Q Avg 94%, LQ 79%, Next Q 83%, Sales 3Q Avg 38%,
91 92 53 A C+ 88.9 Medidata MDSO 69.00 -0.46 -6 1.8m 41
81 29 87 C A- 12.1 EnelAmer 3.0 ENIA 10.12 -0.13 -6 6.0m 13 72 72 99 D C+ 34.5 TurtleBeach HEAR 15.22 -1.54 +21 3.8m 5
LQ 37%, Next Yr EPS 78%, Pretax 17%, ROE 47%, EPS due 01/31 94 87 90 A B+ 137 USANA USNA 114.5 -4.52 -38 291 23k
99 99 89 B C+ 31.4 MicroFo 4.5 MFGP 19.67 +0.28 -48 1.5m ..k
85 61 86 C B- 90.8 Entergy 4.2 ETR 87.10 +0.81 -38 3.8m 11
SECTOR LEADER | NYSE 96 74 83 A D- 116 Microso 1.7 MSFT 107.2 -0.54 -31111m 25
92 61 82 A C- 61.1 Evergy 3.3 EVRG 56.78 +0.12 -8 6.9m 22k 58 66 51 C C 187 Whirlpo 3.7 WHR 125.1 -1.99 +8 3.7m 8
99 99 98 A C NH 7VeevaSysA VEEV 109.2 +3.17 -29 4.3m 78o 84 72 73 C C 46.9 Mimecast MIME 34.64 +0.09 -12 1.2m 99k
91 59 87 B C+ 70.5 Eversou 3.0 ES 67.28 -0.39 -19 5.8m 20 Daily
KEY DATA: EPS 3 Q Avg 62%, LQ 80%, Next Q 74%, Sales 3Q Avg 25%, 61 4 79 C B- 45.5 MindbodyA MB 36.40 -0.13 0 6.7m ..
84 58 90 C C 47.4 Exelon 3.0 EXC 46.43 +0.35 -9 21m 14 5. MEDICAL +0.7% Change +7.14%Since
Jan. 1

5 5 5 5 5 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 5 5 5 5 5 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 5 5 5 5 5 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 5 5 5 5 5 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P
High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos)
Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE
Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating
Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating

Copyright 2019 Investor's Business Daily Inc.


NYSE Stocks On The Move Nasdaq Stocks On The Move THE BIG PICTURE
Stocks with high volume vs. 50-day avg.,show heavy institutional action. 80 EPS & RS or better + closing price up are boldfaced.
CompEPS Rel Acc 52-Wk See Stock Closing Vol Vol% CompEPS Rel Acc 52-Wk See Stock Closing Vol Vol%
Rtg Rnk Str Dis High Nyse Stock Chart Symbol Price Chg (1000s) Chg Rtg Rnk Str Dis High Nasd Stock Chart Symbol Price Chg (1000s) Chg Stock Market Leadership
77 72 92 C+ 50.82 Huya A 22.37 +2.29 4,733 +111 99 79 98 B 107.7 Xilinx o XLNX 110.4 +4.31 8,653 +168
78 C
99 C
82.46 Encompass
57.01 Fabrinet o
+1.60 1,483
+1.93 859
93 89 91 B+ 82.88 Fiserv
97 72 99 B 26.34 Attunity
FISV 85.07 +2.2810,021 +131
ATTU 23.35 +2.02 669 +72
Takes A Strange Turn
99 92 97 B 66.41 Globant GLOB 68.04 +3.37 376 +70 98 86 93 B 73.28 LPLFncl o LPLA 70.23 +1.20 1,188 +64
so far. Nine sectors are up about
94 70 84 B 44.49 Yandex o YNDX 33.60 +1.58 3,291 +62 7% this year, including electron-
92 99 89 C 29.85 Kemet o KEM 20.59 +1.03 1,532 +46 INVESTORS BUSINESS DAILY
ics, energy, banks, software, fi-
96 98 92 B 305.3 DominosPzza o DPZ 284.2 +7.28 910 +45 98 72 94 B 59.18 Cornerstone o CSOD 55.87 +1.21 629 +60 The stock market served up a nance, transportation, chips,
91 87 84 B+ 27.10 OnSemi o ON 20.12 +1.1310,164 +60 strange leadership mix for the S&Ls and retail.
97 71 96 B 101.2 Square A o SQ 77.97 +4.03 25,100 +41 week, as semiconductors, data Admittedly this is early to be
85 93 71 C 129.3 GlobalPaymt o GPN 113.2 +1.00 1,798 +28 77 73 98 C 31.12 Funko A FNKO 17.85 +0.80 569 +55 storage and gold mining stocks identifying leaders. But if the
95 83 85 B 59.50 CrownHldg o CCK 49.42 +0.61 1,811 +26 97 88 92 B 96.44 Incyte o INCY 79.95 +2.94 2,525 +48 posted strong gains. trend holds and grows, the stock
98 74 94 C 24.50 NMI HdgsA o NMIH 21.70 +0.82 484 +41 The Nasdaq popped 1.3% Fri- market could be looking at a rally
85 80 77 C 173.1 Caterpillar o CAT 136.9 +4.13 6,410 +21 day, while the S&P 500 and the with many players. What bull
81 73 93 B+ 25.09 TitanMach o TITN 18.76 +0.56 267 +40 Dow Jones industrials added wouldnt like that?
70 60 37 C+ 118.5 Resmed o RMD 94.56 22.7 5,837 +513 86 72 97 B+ 18.49 CdnSolar o CSIQ 19.51 +1.37 1,130 +40 0.8% and 0.7%, respectively.
20 51 13 E 115.4 Wabtec o WAB 68.54 2.49 6,331 +494 95 86 96 B 223.5 IACInterctv IAC 211.4 +6.36 1,084 +35
Small caps as gauged by the Rus-
67 71 42 B 50.66 NexteraEnrg o 40.55 2.71 1,167 +278
sell 2000 rose 1.3%. MARKET PULSE
NEP 99 96 98 B 61.64 o ALRM 62.64 +1.59 638 +30 Volume grew on both major ex-
70 94 26 D 125.9 AbbVie o ABBV 80.54 5.34 20,891 +220 91 99 82 B 48.26 Nanomtrcs NANO 30.67 +1.66 233 +28 changes vs. the previous session. Fridays action:
71 70 82 C+ 61.83 Mercury MCY 51.46 1.49 958 +217 At first glance, the mix of tech
97 90 92 B 93.70 Paypal o PYPL 94.28 +2.0811,606 +27 and gold mining stocks seems Nice gains
63 83 30 B 52.74 DRHorton o DHI 37.30 1.00 15,998 +186 97 95 80 B 63.01 TDAmtr o B1 AMTD 56.26 +0.93 2,512 +25 like an odd combination. Current outlook:
67 82 44 B 52.90 MeritgeHme o MTH 39.67 0.69 1,002 +124 99 72 98 C 49.50 Five9 o FIVN 48.45 +2.14 750 +20 Chips are the brains of technolo- Confirmed uptrend
gy and modern consumer gad-
60 65 74 E 156.0 McCormick o MKC 121.4 2.99 3,009 +116 99 98 97 B 84.21 CybArkSftw o CYBR 80.15 +2.71 708 +19 gets. Gold is a jewelry play at best Distribution days:
86 42 98 A+ 30.47 K12 o LRN 29.40 0.80 795 +113 92 70 98 B 54.00 StaarSurg o STAA 35.69 +1.51 472 +17 and a panic play at its worst. 2 on S&P 500, 1 on Nasdaq
94 46 99 B 73.67 Alteryx A AYX 69.90 0.59 1,987 +104 But theres another way to look Leaders up in volume:
22 9 18 C+ 56.00 Wave Life Sci WVE 34.26 1.47 1,814 +593 at the weeks leadership. ZscalerZS XilinxXLNX
90 84 82 C 186.9 NorflkSthrn o NSC 165.1 0.82 4,405 +96 83 89 56 B 57.60 Intel o INTC 47.04 2.7285,152 +211
If an investor regards gold min-
AttunityATTU StarbucksSBUX
69 49 69 C 74.83 AlaskaAir o ALK 63.48 2.30 3,449 +81 ers as more of a merger-acquisi-
75 99 30 D 66.46 ETrade o ETFC 47.77 1.71 8,080 +179 tion play, then the weeks leader- Tableau SoftwareDATA
84 48 88 B 53.23 ChinaMble o CHL 51.76 0.60 2,007 +77 97 72 87 B 581.1 IntSurg ISRG 515.0 21.1 1,989 +135 ship has more coherence. (New- Leaders down in volume:
85 71 92 B 47.35 BradyA BRC 44.48 0.81 625 +55 mont MiningNEM has made a bid IntelINTC AlteryxAYX
56 72 33 C 21.35 AtlanticaYield AY 18.04 0.56 803 +76 to acquire GoldcorpGG. Barrick
86 64 89 B 186.2 AdvAutoPrt o AAP 153.2 3.09 1,786 +53 Intuitive SurgicalISRG
33 38 15 B 69.20 PapaJohns o PZZA 42.18 3.52 1,360 +63 GoldGOLD completed its merger
93 78 83 C+ 184.2 NexteraEnrgy o NEE 174.2 6.08 3,618 +46 87 58 90 B 118.9 AspenTech o AZPN 98.79 2.01 968 +63 with Randgold on Jan. 2. Rumors
abound of additional mergers in Meanwhile, the restaurant
73 61 86 B 54.14 BrinkerIntl o EAT 46.55 0.56 1,651 +42 81 69 53 C 75.24 TxRoadhse o TXRH 62.78 1.66 1,070 +61 the space.) group has plenty of items on the
95 80 94 D 69.49 ChurchDwght CHD 63.59 0.71 2,735 +40 99 88 94 B 97.38 Dorman o DORM 88.71 2.80 377 +57 Mergers can give big players ac- investing menu. Bulls like to see
87 68 80 B 111.8 Hershey o HSY 104.3 1.07 1,661 +34 82 65 62 A 28.35 HollySys Auto o HOLI 21.00 0.85 304 +49 cess to the smaller players unreal- strength in restaurants because it
ized potential. And it can give points to a confident consumer.
51 42 57 C 264.9 EverstRe o RE 213.4 2.30 409 +31 54 65 21 C+ 44.25 HawHldgs o HA 30.95 0.55 1,127 +48 small players the big-money Eleven restaurant stocks carry
59 52 69 D 123.5 KimbrlyClark o KMB 108.1 3.32 3,053 +29 85 79 85 E 210.2 Amgen o AMGN 198.8 2.20 4,365 +41 reach of the larger player. Relative Strength Ratings of 91 or
The result can make for a more better. A rating of 91 puts a stock
80 63 70 B 35.18 MDCHlgs o MDC 29.74 0.58 634 +24 22 20 15 C 31.27 Vodafone o VOD 17.97 0.5910,690 +35 growth-oriented company. in the top 9% of stocks. On Friday,
91 68 88 C 190.9 McDonalds o MCD 184.0 3.37 4,399 +23 79 93 76 E 77.13 Dunkin o DNKN 69.34 1.85 1,112 +34 In other words, the weeks StarbucksSBUX rose 3.6%, while
strange combination isnt so Chipotle Mexican GrillCMG and
27 40 17 B 32.34 CustmrsBnc CUBI 20.03 0.67 343 +21 94 95 86 D 372.6 Illumina o ILMN 293.9 7.18 1,348 +27 Dominos PizzaDPZ added 1.9%
strange from a growth perspec- and 2.6%, respectively.
81 55 85 C 92.64 PinnaclWest o PNW 86.94 1.04 1,382 +16 65 89 40 C 67.11 Banner BANR 54.03 1.74 268 +21 tive. And bulls love it when tech President Trump and the Demo-
84 58 90 C 47.40 Exelon o EXC 46.43 0.53 6,400 +13 96 74 98 A 18.47 El Pollo Loco o LOCO 17.43 0.57 453 +19 and growth stocks take control. crats reached an agreement to lift
Going into Fridays session, in- the government shutdown for
27 4 22 B 70.96 PampaEn PAM 34.58 1.03 344 +13 93 81 92 C+ 66.83 FstFncl FFIN 61.96 0.57 452 +18 vestors were seeing early signs of three weeks. The market showed
57 50 51 C+ 84.32 ConsEdison o ED 75.95 1.71 2,778 +13 61 65 77 C 49.41 Avnet o AVT 41.04 0.61 1,569 +18 sector rotation. little reaction, perhaps with the
37 57 24 E 106.5 CaptlOne o COF 79.62 0.56 3,451 +12 90 73 78 C+ 72.65 Commvault CVLT 62.28 0.52 420 +11 The interesting part is that the knowledge that the standoff is de-
leadership is shared and broad, layed but not solved.
55 56 70 D 32.74 Kroger o KR 28.12 0.59 7,759 +12 96 96 91 E 363.2 OReillyAuto o ORLY 337.4 2.50 751 +10

Psychological Market Indicators Top Fidelity Sector Funds

YTD 4 Wk
% Chg % Chg
Top Sector ETFs Groups Highest % Of
YTD Stocks At New High
Symbol % Chg
12 MONTH HISTORY 5 YEAR HISTORY HOURLY NYSE VOLUME & MARKET CHANGES 1. ITServices + 9% + 10% SPDR S&P O&G Equip XES +23% Telcom svc-wirles 23%
Date Low Date High Date Low Date High Current NYTime Fri Thu Chg S&P500 Dow Jones Ind. 2. ConsmrDisc + 7% + 9% HT Oil Service OIH +22% Insurance-brokers 20%
CBOE VOLATILITY S&P 500(over 45 is bullish) 10 AM 421 348 +72 +20.5 +213.3 24766.5 3. Industrial + 7% + 8% Inv Solar TAN +17% Elec-contract mfg 19%
..... 11 AM 961 855 +105 +27.2 +284.8 24838.1 4. Automotive + 7% + 7% FrstTr ISE Rev NatGas FCG +17% Media-books 17%
Ratioof price premiums in Puts versus Calls 12 PM 1455 1277 +178 +26.5 +237.8 24791.0 5. AirTrnsprt + 6% + 7% FrstTr NYSEArc Biotch FBT +15% Utility-elctric pwr 16%
..... 01 PM 1867 1589 +277 +23.3 +169.4 24722.6 6. MedEq&Sys + 6% + 8% SPDR S&P O&G Expl XOP +15% Finance-blank check 10%
Mutual Fund Share Purchases/Redemptions (X-Money Market Funds) 02 PM 2181 1886 +294 +25.5 +204.9 24758.1 7. Retailing + 6% + 8% SPDR KBW Bank KBE +14% Telcom-cbl/sat eqp 10%
11/01/18 03 PM 2567 2232 +334 +23.3 +192.9 24746.1
..... 8. Sftwr&Cmp + 6% + 7% SPDR S&P Biotech XBI +14% Comptr-data strge 10%
04 PM 3767 3369 +397 +22.4 +183.9 24737.2
NewIssues in Last Year as % of All Stocks on NYSE 9. Telecommun + 6% + 7% SPDR KBW Regnl Bnk KRE +14% Wholesale-food 10%
....... ...............3767
................................................ 10. ConsumeStpl + 5% + 5% FrstTr Energy Alphdx FXN +14% Insrnce-divrsified 9%
Price-to-Book Value of Dow Jones Industrial Average
Price to Earnings Ratio of Dow Jones Industrial Average NYTime Fri Thu Chg Nasdaq Composite.
Russell2K IWM Close 147.34+1.87 (+1.29%) Since Jan 1, +10.04% N.Y.S.E. Comp Close 12127.3+97.79 (+0.81%) Since Jan 1, +6.62%
..... 10 AM 344 341 +2 +61.8 7135.3 32% of NYSE stocks are above their 200 day moving average price line
Current % Dividend Yield of Dow Jones Industrial Average 11 AM 742 738 +4 +83.1 7156.6
01/26/18 1.98 12/25/18 2.62 01/26/18 1.98 02/11/16 2.93 2.34 12 PM 1031 1019 +12 +90.4 7163.9
01 PM 1276 1245 +31 +90.4 7163.8
Market Indexes list sorted by % gain in last 02 PM 1488 1456 +32 +95.9 7169.3
3 months. (: on left, top 4 indexes since Jan. 1 03 PM 1729 1691 +37 +85.6 7159.1
on right, top 4 indexes yesterday.)
............................................................................................... 04 PM 2391 2342 +49 +91.4 7164.8
Since 3 Month Yesterdays TOTAL
Jan 1 % Chg Index Value % Chg
+ 0.1% +14.7% Gold Index 50.54 + 3.5% :
+ 7.0% + 4.2% Insurance Index 927.82 + 0.6% NASDAQ BLOCK TRADES (10,000 SHARES OR MORE)
+ 4.4% + 3.3% Senior Growth Index 1013.61 + 0.8% S&P 400 MDY Close 330.99+3.69 (+1.13%) Since Jan 1, +9.36%
+ 9.3% + 3.2% IBD New America Index 450.94 + 1.9% : 25th 24th 23rd 22nd 18th
+ 8.7% + 3.1% N.Y.S.E. Finance 7578.21 + 1.0% N/A 12371 12072 10637 12046
+ 5.0% + 2.7% Medical/Healthcare 11212.20 + 0.8% .................................................................................
+ 9.9% : + 1.4% Value Line Index 5916.88 + 1.2% IBD Composite Rating
+ 9.3% : + 1.3% S&P Midcap 400 1818.57 + 1.1% Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
+ 9.1% + 0.7% New Issues Index 1240.15 + 1.5% : Relative Price Strength Rating
+10.0% : 0.1% Russell 2000 1482.85 + 1.3% Sales+Profit Margins+ROE
2094 STOCKS ADVANCED ON 1,880,992,000
+ 8.2% 0.4% Dow Jones Trans 9921.78 + 0.8% Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos)
+ 0.8% 0.7% Defensive Index 2230.58 1.0%
+ 9.2% 1.0% S&P 600 922.98 + 1.1% 803 STOCKS DECLINED ON 493,247,000 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P
+10.0% : 2.4% U.S. Defense Index 2575.18 + 0.6% 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
+ 6.2% 2.5% Consumer Index 1604.30 + 1.5% : 147 STOCKS UNCHANGED ON 16,932,000 69 19 95 E B+ 20.2 ArrayBio ARRY 17.90 +0.37 +1 11m ..
0.7% 3.0% Dow Jones Utility 708.20 1.4% 41 30 52 B D- 41.8 AstraZn 3.8 AZN 35.75 -0.80 +36 28m 11
IBD Composite Rating 63 31 91 C C- 28.5 BauschHealth BHC 23.79 +0.70 -28 14m 6
Earnings Per Share Growth Rating 88 64 74 B B- 78.4 BaxterI 1.1 r BAX 70.33 -0.30 -30 12m 24
Relative Price Strength Rating 92 82 77 A C 265 BectDic 1.3 BDX 243.1 +0.98 -22 3.7m 22
Sales+Profit Margins+ROE 93 83 86 A D+ 388 Biogen BIIB 336.8 -0.65 -15 4.5m 13
Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) 69 43 75 C C- 106 Biomarin BMRN 95.44 -2.25 +19 4.5m 99
97 84 92 A B 39.4 BostonSci BSX 37.45 -0.24 -38 19m 26
52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 79 94 29 A B- 70.1 BrstMyr 3.4 BMY 48.93 -1.19 +24 72m 12o
6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 90 46 99 D B- 30.8 Caredx CDNA 28.77 +4.15 +13 3.3m ..
SECTOR LEADER | NSDAQ 63 73 27 A B- 47.9 Catalent CTLT 36.00 +0.39 -3 4.1m 19
98 99 98 A D 74.7 7BioTelemetry BEAT 70.00 +1.65 -2 2.2m 41 98 89 82 A A 106 Celgene r CELG 87.62 +1.35 -9 40m 10
KEY DATA: EPS 3 Q Avg 122%, LQ 121%, Next Q 34%, Sales 3Q Avg 55%, 96 92 85 B C- 148 Centene CNC. 129.0 +2.38 -44 4.0m 19
LQ 23%, Next Yr EPS 87%, Pretax 11%, ROE 16%, EPS due 02/22 95 87 82 A C- 139 CharlesRvLb CRL 118.8 -0.45 -37 1.0m 20
88 88 69 B B- 227 CIGNA .0 CI 196.3 +1.45 -23 9.2m 14
SECTOR LEADER | NSDAQ 94 74 92 B A- 17.7 CivitasSols CIVI 17.66 +0.06 +30 2.1m 10k
96 95 97 .. A- 20.0 7Innoviva INVA 19.83 +0.16 -31 2.9m 10 80 58 98 D C 23.1 Codexis CDXS 17.19 +0.19 -41 1.0m ..o
KEY DATA: EPS 3 Q Avg 54%, LQ 39%, Next Q 18%, Sales 3Q Avg 24%, 96 71 90 A C 283 CooperC .0 COO 275.6 +5.98 -42 1.0m 23o
LQ 27%, Next Yr EPS 33%, Pretax 77%, ROE ...%, EPS due 02/08 68 99 23 A D- 26.0 CorceptTh CORT 12.29 -2.65 +79 11m 15
SECTOR LEADER | NSDAQ 89 56 83 B B- 110 Danaher .6 DHR 106.3 -1.12 -20 9.0m 24k
99 99 91 A B- 459 Abiomed ABMD 349.4 +15.63 -6 2.2m 99 93 53 98 D B- 152 DexCom DXCM 145.0 -4.51 -12 5.8m ..o
KEY DATA: EPS 3 Q Avg 86%, LQ 84%, Next Q 34%, Sales 3Q Avg 38%, 98 90 95 A B- 175 EdwardsLifesci EW 170.6 +2.23 -4 5.3m 38
LQ 37%, Next Yr EPS 112%, Pretax 27%, ROE 19%, EPS due 02/01 93 78 94 A B- 119 EliLil 2.2 LLY. 115.0 -1.62 -1 20m 21
7IPO within last 15 years and EPS & RS 80 or higher 84 76 87 B D- 73.9 EmergBio r EBS 60.02 -2.32 -22 1.4m 25k
Most Active NYSE Stocks NYSE Most % Up In Price 90 92 78 B C 82.5 Encompa 1.6 EHC 67.43 +0.95 +31 3.7m 19
95 85 93 B B- 77.8 7AddusHC ADUS 62.41 -1.18 -55 453 33 74 9 97 D A- 82.9 ExactSci EXAS 81.98 +3.18 +8 7.4m ..
Cmp EPS Rel Acc Closing Vol Vol% EPS Rel Closing Net Vol% 89 80 97 C D+ 49.0 7Ensign .4 ENSG 42.54 +1.84 -33 976 24k 96 69 95 A B 31.8 Exelixis EXEL 23.27 +0.62 -10 15m 19o
Rtg Rnk Str Dis Stock Name Price Change (mil) Chg Rnk Str Stock Name Symbol Price Up Chg 85 96 93 .. B- 147 7HCAHlt 1.1 HCA 132.9 -1.64 -10 6.7m 14 51 15 86 E B 68.6 Fibrogen FGEN 54.64 +1.92 +19 3.2m ..o
14 13 16 D Freeport Mcmoran 11.24 +0.54 35.69 +63 72 92 Huya HUYA 22.37 +2.29 +111 97 91 96 B C 23.4 7HorizonPhrm HZNP. 21.41 -0.43 -16 5.2m 14o 97 72 98 D C+ 92.2 GenomicHlth GHDX 72.10 -0.60 -19 1.3m 87
92 92 74 B Bank Of America 29.58 +0.50 71.67 11 63 98 Arcorn Intl ATV 24.48 +2.24 30 93 90 91 B C+ 135 7Iqvia IQV 126.0 -1.21 -23 4.5m 23k 46 48 37 B D+ 89.5 GileadS 3.3 GILD 68.90 -0.28 0 33m 9
2 98 Canopy Growth CGC 48.48 +4.27 +122 96 93 96 B C- 38.8 7Iradimed IRMD 25.76 -0.04 -33 269 53k 54 38 51 A C- 42.4 GlaxoSm 5.5 GSK 38.42 -0.64 -20 13m 12k
76 24 94 A Nokia 6.60 +0.44 58.80 +159 76 89 23 A C 57.8 GlobusMed GMED 43.56 +0.07 -42 1.9m 26
98 94 97 B B- NH 7LHCGroup LHCG 107.6 +4.43 -3 1.0m 35o
15 19 10 C General Electric 9.16 +0.38 110.69 11 5 94 Bluelinx BXC 28.31 +1.96 49 97 91 94 A A- 126 7Masimo MASI 121.9 +1.26 +40 2.7m 41o 59 61 35 B B 25.1 Grifols 1.9 GRFS 19.14 -0.22 -15 2.8m 15
20 26 25 C Ford 8.86 +0.26 51.99 +10 29 15 Arcelor Mittal MT 22.98 +1.55 +39 98 96 97 A C- 65.1 7Medpace r MEDP 61.21 -0.15 -37 1.9m 27 84 65 89 C C- 117 Haemonetic HAE 97.01 -3.91 -24 1.4m 44k
2 36 1 C Weatherford Intl .60 +0.06 34.12 0 57 21 Gardner Denver GDI 24.18 +1.53 +54 96 92 87 A C 121 7PRAHealth PRAH 102.0 +0.32 -53 1.0m 25 83 65 93 E A- 24.5 Hanger HNGR 20.81 -0.53 -35 909 ..
27 63 12 C Chesapeake Energy 2.78 +0.03 47.30 +10 83 91 Canada Goose GOOS 49.11 +3.06 +24 97 92 92 A B- 54.0 7SyneosHealth SYNH 49.99 +0.65 -30 1.8m 19 67 79 61 C D+ 91.4 HenrySchn r HSIC 77.25 -2.05 -16 5.4m 19k
70 70 77 E Pfizer 40.64 0.31 33.25 +29 60 21 Deluxe DLX 47.24 +2.93 +128 96 85 93 B B+ NH HillRom .8 HRC 102.2 +4.02 +76 3.7m 21
81 68 89 A E 74.9 AbbottL 1.8 ABT 71.15 -0.27 -10 27m 24o 92 76 90 B C NH Hologic HOLX 44.83 +0.71 -30 7.1m 20
51 39 48 B Vale Sa 13.66 1.20 157.44 +584 67 70 Lear LEA 158.8 +9.79 +69 70 94 26 A D 125 AbbVie 5.3 r ABBV 80.54 -8.96 +52 40m 10o 75 82 56 C D- 355 Humana .7 HUM 300.7 +5.12 -9 4.4m 21
23 60 1 D PG&E 11.77 2.18 71.87 +148 81 22 Applied Indust Tech AIT 58.79 +3.47 +207 58 24 91 D C 33.0 AcadiaPhm ACAD 22.61 +1.54 -30 6.0m ..o 91 78 82 A D 155 Icon ICLR 135.6 +2.42 -16 1.1m 22k
97 88 66 A B- 140 Alexion ALXN 121.4 +4.39 +14 8.3m 16 86 98 44 A C 321 ICUMedical ICUI 243.2 +5.10 -58 434 24
Most Active Nasdaq Stocks Nasdaq Most % Up In Price 84 92 23 A B 398 AlignTech ALGN 227.2 +7.13 -17 4.5m 46 90 92 75 .. B+ 256 IdexxLabs IDXX 208.9 +7.98 -19 1.9m 52
44 66 34 C E 197 Allergan 1.8 AGN 160.7 +0.44 -22 8.6m 9 94 95 86 A D- 372 Illumina ILMN 293.9 -18.87 -17 3.5m 50
Cmp EPS Rel Acc Closing Vol Vol% EPS Rel Closing Net Vol%
Rtg Rnk Str Dis Stock Name Price Change (mil) Chg Rnk Str Stock Name Symbol Price Up Chg 96 98 98 B C- 140 Amedisys AMED 129.0 +1.88 -39 1.1m 39o 97 88 92 B B 96.4 Incyte INCY 79.95 +1.53 +11 7.6m 99
85 79 85 A E 210 Amgen 2.9 AMGN 198.8 -5.11 -7 12m 14 84 99 36 A C 287 Inogen INGN 149.9 -0.21 -27 1.2m 69o
54 90 20 E Apple 157.8 +5.06 32.96 23 1 37 Scholar Rock SRRK 16.59 +2.35 +111 85 44 94 D B+ 23.0 Amphastar AMPH 22.40 +0.46 -34 722 99o 55 7 94 .. B+ 31.6 Insmed INSM 24.79 +0.80 -10 3.9m ..
16 38 10 B Western Digital 43.16 +3.02 37.61 +449 15 99 Phunware Inc PHUN 110.0 +15.50 53 83 88 85 C E 300 Anthm 1.1 ANTM 272.7 +6.56 -4 6.3m 18 71 13 98 .. A- 57.9 InspireMedSys INSP 52.85 -2.55 -18 1.1m ..k
69 90 37 B Micron Tech 38.96 +2.37 60.63 +73 1 7 OSTK 18.38 +2.57 +402 55 16 92 E C 50.1 ArenaPhrm ARNA 44.57 +1.40 -31 1.6m .. 54 57 45 D D 108 Insulet PODD 78.45 +3.50 +23 3.5m ..
.. .. 57 D Inv Qqq Trust Sr 1 165.2 +1.95 35.81 40 6 92 Agilysys AGYS 16.42 +2.28 +433 5 5 5 5 5 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 5 5 5 5 5 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P
94 66 98 B ADV Micro Devices 21.93 +1.08 109.76 +10 51 95 OSI Syst OSIS 86.06 +10.22 +637 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
86 29 62 A Marvell Tech 18.57 +1.07 29.52 +159 72 99 Attunity ATTU 23.35 +2.02 +72 Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos)
96 74 83 D Microsoft 107.2 +0.97 31.12 23 9 61 Accelerate Diagnostics AXDX 18.93 +1.58 +91 Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE
46 72 21 B Caesars Entmt 8.87 +0.22 30.83 +51 33 63 Enanta Pharma ENTA 82.24 +6.73 +25 Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating
67 93 48 D Sirius XM 5.82 +0.07 30.38 +19 49 54 Emclaire Finl EMCF 31.88 +2.54 94 Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
83 89 56 B Intel 47.04 2.72 85.15 +211 83 18 Old Point Finl OPOF 22.28 +1.73 49 IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating

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a a a a __

Top 40 Groups (6 mos.) Worst 40 Groups (6 mos.)

Days best blue, worst red. Full Group List on Income Investor page.
Rank 3 6 Group Days Rank 3 6 Group Days
This Wks Wks Industry Composite YTD % This Wks Wks Industry Composite YTD %
Wk | Ago | Ago | Name | Rating | %Chg. | Chg Wk | Ago | Ago | Name | Rating | %Chg. | Chg
1 1 4 TelcomSvcWirles 91 +8.9 +0.2 158 159 149 Oil&GasIntlExplPr 60 +14.6 +1.8
2 9 25 CmpSftwrDbase 91 +10.5 +2.0 159 138 129 Oil&GasIntegrated 58 +8.7 +1.0
3 33 72 ComptrSftwrEntr 92 +13.0 +2.4 160 155 118 FinanceCmrclLoan .. +9.4 +0.5
4 24 59 CmpSftwrSpcEntr 93 +10.6 +1.5 161 165 159 BldgMntnance&S 76 +9.8 +0.6
5 106 79 CmpterTechSrvcs 87 +19.7 +2.5 162 178 191 BldgWoodPrds .. +8.4 +1.6
6 2 1 Retail/WslAutoPrt 88 1.7 0.3 163 148 175 InsrnceAcc&Heal .. +8.4 +0.4
7 4 17 Auto/TrckRplcPrts .. +1.9 1.9 164 135 122 Oil&GasRfing/Mkt 55 +10.6 +1.8
8 5 2 BevNonAlcoholic 81 +13.3 0.8 165 174 142 LeisrTys/Gms/Hbby .. +15.7 +1.4
9 36 15 MediaRadio/Tv 94 +9.8 +1.0 166 157 156 CompterNetwrking 64 +9.1 +1.0
10 28 60 RetailDiscnt&Vari 94 +13.3 +2.0 167 147 173 ChemicalsBasic 72 +8.2 +2.2
11 42 21 ComlSvcsAdvrtsng 89 +11.5 +1.3 168 171 127 CmpSftwrGaming .. +7.0 +1.2
12 78 87 FinMrtg&RelSvc 92 +23.4 +1.0 169 164 168 MedicalGenercDrgs .. +7.0 +1.3
13 13 29 InsuranceBrokers 92 +10.0 +0.9 170 145 117 ConsumerProdElec .. +13.3 +0.9
14 7 7 CommlSvcsHlthcre 89 +5.6 +0.5 171 154 169 BldgCment/Cncrt .. +3.0 +0.5
15 20 28 CmptrIntgrtdSyst .. +9.4 +1.9 172 163 161 TransportLogistics .. +6.7 +1.5
16 11 30 MediaDiversified 83 +5.0 +0.6 173 170 157 TransportationShip .. +3.2 +0.4
17 12 10 UtilityWaterSupply 85 +2.0 1.1 174 177 182 Oil&GasRoyaltyTrust 63 +17.4 +2.0
18 23 20 TelcomSvcCbl/Sat 86 +6.2 +0.6 175 167 179 Oil&GasMchnry/Eq 66 +19.2 +1.7
19 85 95 ElecSemiconFblss 90 +12.1 +2.4 176 146 153 MetalProc&Fabrica 62 +8.0 +1.6
20 3 6 Soap&ClngPreparat .. 0.5 0.1 177 162 170 BanksSuprRgional 67 +17.1 +2.4
21 15 9 UtilityElctricPwr 84 +2.5 1.5 178 172 68 CmpHrdwre/Perip .. +5.8 +2.1
22 76 88 FoodMeatProducts .. +11.0 +0.3 179 176 172 MetalPrdsDistribtr .. +11.5 +2.8
23 27 45 ComptrSftwrScrity 92 +12.7 +1.4 180 191 184 Oil&GasFieldServic 61 +23.0 +3.6
24 56 24 FinancePropertyReit .. +7.7 +1.1 181 192 174 Oil&GasDrilling .. +20.1 +2.5
25 92 64 ElecScntific/Msrng 89 +13.1 +1.7 182 175 171 RetailDprtmntStrs .. +3.8 +3.5
26 34 36 TelcomFibrOptcs 87 +12.1 +2.0 183 134 163 CommlSvcsStffng 78 +11.1 +0.9
27 17 14 RetailSpr/MiniMkts 82 +5.4 0.4 184 188 192 ChemicalsPlastics .. +15.0 +3.2
28 44 40 MedicalSystems/Eqp 82 +9.2 0.1 185 187 186 RetailCnsmrElec .. +14.0 +1.8
29 21 5 UtilityDiversified 81 +1.6 1.2 186 182 181 TrnsprtAirFreight .. +9.7 +0.8
30 25 71 ApparelShoes&Rel 89 +3.9 +1.1 187 185 189 ComptrDataStrge 57 +9.4 +4.3
31 10 8 TelecomSvcsForeign 75 +6.0 +0.1 188 184 162 Oil&GasUSExplPro 53 +13.1 +1.7
32 31 23 MedicalProducts 82 +7.0 +0.5 189 190 187 CommlSvcDocMgmt .. +19.5 +1.6
33 40 42 EnergyAlt/Other 72 +5.5 0.5 190 168 94 Tobacco .. +2.7 +1.2
34 18 18 FoodConfectionery .. 0.1 1.2 191 189 183 TrnsprtEqpMfg .. +4.9 1.0
35 52 12 UtilityGasDstribtn 83 +2.7 1.3 192 193 193 SteelSpcltyAlloys .. +20.5 +3.2
36 110 114 ElecContractMfg .. +10.5 +1.8 193 186 188 SteelProducers 64 +15.8 +2.9
37 41 76 MachineryFarm 82 +5.2 +1.1 194 194 194 Oil&GascdnExplPro .. +10.9 +2.0
38 100 53 ComptrSftwrMdcl 92 +8.8 +1.5 195 196 196 BldgMbile/Mfg&Rv .. +21.6 +1.4
39 19 58 ComptrSftwrDsktp 92 +5.3 +0.6 196 195 195 Retail/WhlsleJwlry .. +9.3 +2.1
40 66 57 RetailRestaurants 86 +10.2 +0.5 197 197 197 FoodDairyProducts .. +27.1 5.7

IPO Best Price Change IBD 50s Best Price % Chg

EPS & RS Rating 80 or more Comp Closing Price Vol
Comp Closing Price Vol Rtg Stock Name Symbol Price % Chg % Chg
Rtg Stock Name Symbol Price % Chg % Chg 92 Kemet KEM 20.59 +5.3% +46%
87 Canada Goose GOOS 49.11 +6.6% +24% 95 Twitter TWTR 32.90 +4.1% +3%
98 Tableau Software DATA 128.96 +5.9% +56% 99 Xilinx XLNX 110.37 +4.1% +168%
99 Globant GLOB 68.04 +5.2% +70% 98 Kirkland Lake Gold KL 29.23 +4.0% +9%
95 New Orientl Edu&tec EDU 77.49 +4.7% +60% 97 Match MTCH 52.37 +3.8% -39%
99 Healthins Innvationa HIIQ 37.52 +4.6% -50% 99 Veeva Systems VEEV 109.20 +3.5% -16%
90 Daqo New Energy DQ 34.54 +4.2% +141%
95 Twitter TWTR 32.90 +4.1% +3% 99 CyberArk Software CYBR 80.15 +3.5% +19%
97 Match MTCH 52.37 +3.8% -39% 99 Paycom Software PAYC 143.05 +3.3% -8%
95 Boot Barn BOOT 22.62 +3.8% -41% 98 BioTelemetry BEAT 70.00 +3.1% +64%
96 Iradimed IRMD 25.76 +3.7% -63% 99 Monolithic Pwr Sys MPWR 130.71 +3.1% -1%



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Is Lululemon Set Leaderboard Chart

Lululemon Athletica (LULU) $151.89 -0.12

Try Leaderboard free for 2 weeks at

Volume: 7,194,300

To Run Again? Retail-Apparel/Shoes/Acc

Avg. Weekly Volume:
Volume % Change:

IBD STOCK CHECKLIST Weekly Chart 8% below 180

BY MATTHEW GALGANI 164.89 buy point
Market & Industry Performance 170
Composite Rating 98 160
Helped by a No. 1 ranking among its industry Market in confirmed uptrend
peers, Lululemon AthleticaLULU has also 150
Industry Group Rank (1 to 197) 58
earned a position on both the IBD 50 and IBD 140
Big Cap 20 screens. Fundamental Performance
With a 98 Composite Rating, the maker of CURRENT EARNINGS 130
yoga, running and other athletic apparel EPS Due Date 03/27/2019
shares top billing among clothing retailers 120
EPS Rating 89
with Burlington StoresBURL. EPS % Chg (Last Qtr) 34%
Last week, the Vancouver, B.C.-based com- 110
Last 3 Qtrs Avg EPS Growth 62%
pany raised guidance for net revenue in fiscal x
2018 Q4 (ending Feb. 3). Lululemon now ex-
# Qtrs of EPS Acceleration 0 100
EPS Est % Chg (Current Qtr) 30% Strong rebound
pects $1.14 billion to $1.15 billion in net reve-
Estimate Revisions off lows to retake 90
nue, up from its previous projection of $1.12
Last Quarter % Earnings Surprise 7.1% 10-week line
billion to $1.13 billion. Q4 results are expected
in late March. ANNUAL EARNINGS
On Dec. 6, Lululemon announced financial 3 Yr EPS Growth Rate 22% x
results for its fiscal 2018 third quarter, ended Consecutive Yrs of Annual EPS Growth 2
Oct. 28. Revenue rose 21% to $747.7 million, EPS Est % Chg for Current Year 44%
marking a third straight quarter of 20%-plus SALES, MARGIN, ROE
gains, albeit a slowdown from 25% increases SMR Rating A
in Q1 and Q2. Sale % Chg (Last Qtr) 21%
Earnings growth also slowed from an 82% 60
3 Yr Sales Growth Rate 15% x
spike in Q2 to a still-solid 34% rise in the third Annual Pre-Tax Margin 19.1%
RS line just below
quarter. Lululemon has now posted average 52-week high ahead
Annual ROE 23.9% x
EPS growth of 62% over three quarters. of potential breakout
Boosted by a 19% annual pretax profit mar- Debt/Equity Ratio 0% 50
gin and 24% return on equity, Lululemon Technical Performance 46
sports a strong A SMR Rating, which tracks 44
sales growth, profit margins and return on eq- Price $152.24 42
uity as a whole. RS Rating 97 40
Seven quarters of rising fund ownership Good volume on
% Off 52 Week High -8% 38
point to institutional demand. Plus, 75 of the rebound off lows
best mutual funds, with an A+ rating from Price vs. 50-Day Moving Average 18% 36
IBD, own Lululemon shares. 50-Day Average Volume 2.9 mil
From a low of 47.26 hit in May 2017, Lululem- SUPPLY AND DEMAND
on rose 249% before starting its current base Market Capitalization $20.2 B 25,000,000
in October 2018. Within the consolidation, the Accumulation/Distribution Rating B-
stock corrected 33%, an acceptable decline. Up/Down Volume 1.2
In the right side of the pattern, the stock post- % Change In Funds Owning Stock 3%
ed two gap-ups in above-average volume, on Qtrs Of Increasing Fund Ownership 7 3,000,000
Jan. 14 and 18, indicating demand by large in-
vestors. Lululemon rose over 2% Friday to Pass
close the week 8% below the 164.89 buy point, Neutral
with its RS line already at a new 52-week high. Fail x Dec 16 Mar 17 Jun 17 Sep 17 Dec 17 Mar 18 Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18 Mar 19

IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating
Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating
Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE
Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos)
52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P
6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
91 80 95 C D+ 90.0 IntegerHoldngs ITGR 80.22 -0.45 -14 684 21k 89 80 48 A C 91.6 J2Global 2.3 JCOM 73.97 +0.15 -36 1.0m 12k 89 88 92 B B- 56.0 Aarons .3 r AAN 50.00 +1.56 -25 1.7m 16 Daily Since
78 89 15 A B- 67.5 IntegraLfsci IART 46.66 -0.38 -32 1.5m 19 81 75 61 D B 16.1 KTCorp KT 13.98 -0.07 -4 2.8m 3k 86 64 89 C B- 186 AdvAuto .2 AAP 153.2 -14.39 +21 5.7m 22 11. BUSINS SVC +1.1% Change +7.99%Jan. 1
73 29 98 D B 133 InterceptPhrm ICPT 119.6 +6.10 +31 2.4m .. 97 99 50 A C 74.4 Lumentum LITE 49.04 +2.01 -40 3.8m 10 74 75 46 A C 211 Alibaba BABA 159.2 +2.19 -17 58m 30 SECTOR LEADER | NSDAQ
97 72 87 A B- 581 IntSurg ISRG 515.0 -27.51 +21 4.1m 46 66 85 77 .. C- 133 Motorola 2.0 MSI 116.2 +0.58 -22 3.3m 17 90 99 82 B D+ 2051 Amazon AMZN 1671 -25.63 -29 21m 99 99 97 99 A C+ 161 7TradeDeskA TTD 137.8 -1.21 -34 3.0m 64k
77 29 99 D B+ 18.4 Invitae NVTA 14.79 -0.15 +39 5.9m .. 45 58 32 D D- 18.6 Orange 4.2 ORAN 15.30 -0.10 +6 1.8m 19 73 91 52 B D- 29.9 AmerEag 2.6 AEO 21.10 +0.44 -43 12m 14o KEY DATA: EPS 3 Q Avg 63%, LQ 86%, Next Q 48%, Sales 3Q Avg 55%,
88 30 95 A B 59.8 IonisPhrm IONS 58.74 +0.71 -9 3.3m 99o 88 57 85 B C+ 55.2 RogersC 2.8 RCI 52.68 -2.02 +50 2.4m 12o 63 98 11 A D 41.0 AtHome HOME 22.43 +0.84 -31 4.3m 16 LQ 50%, Next Yr EPS 51%, Pretax 28%, ROE 34%, EPS due 02/22
63 84 17 A C- 184 JazzPharm JAZZ 126.9 -2.14 -29 2.1m 9o 59 7 90 .. B- NH SBAComm SBAC 177.3 +4.22 -8 3.0m ..o 82 88 91 .. E 896 Autozone r AZO 814.6 -29.68 -15 1.3m 15o
82 61 65 D B+ 22.1 ShawCmm 4.5 SJR 19.83 -0.45 -12 2.3m 99o 7IPO within last 15 years and EPS & RS 80 or higher
63 63 43 A D+ 148 Johnson 2.8 JNJ 128.2 -2.46 -16 37m 15o 64 71 48 B B- 63.6 BeacnRoof BECN 35.09 +0.89 -56 2.3m 13
58 79 19 B C- 190 LabCorpAmer LH 137.4 -0.30 -41 2.6m 12 97 72 97 E A+ 51.4 Shenand .6 SHEN 47.72 +0.43 -35 573 61o 74 97 44 C D 76.5 BJSRest .9 BJRI 52.39 -1.78 -9 1.8m 23 82 83 89 B E 52.9 7BoozAll 1.6 BAH 48.35 +0.76 -36 2.9m 20
57 99 8 A E 278 LigandPhar LGND 114.8 -3.06 -26 2.3m 17 93 84 80 B B- 28.7 SKTelecom SKM 26.69 +0.12 -18 2.1m 5k 96 94 84 B D+ 96.8 7CDW 1.4 CDW 81.96 +0.27 -28 3.2m 16
75 54 92 C D- 17.1 Bojangles BOJA 16.09 +0.05 -33 1.5m 21o 99 91 93 A B- 144 7EpamSyst EPAM. 140.8 +2.21 -21 1.0m 34
55 3 99 E B- 233 LoxoOncol LOXO 233.8 +0.28 -33 3.1m .. 79 73 81 D C- 17.3 Telefoni 7.2 VIV 12.68 +0.23 +32 7.4m 8
93 72 96 E B NH TeleDat 1.8 TDS 36.50 +0.20 -31 2.4m 32 73 61 86 .. B- 54.1 Brinker 3.3 EAT 46.55 -2.02 +8 5.1m 12 99 92 97 A B NH 7Globant GLOB 68.04 +3.04 +16 1.0m 41k
74 79 84 C C- 36.7 Mallinckrodt MNK 21.65 +1.02 -41 5.5m 3o 95 76 92 C B- 137 CaseysG .9 CASY 133.7 -0.37 -16 1.1m 28o
74 59 65 B D+ 100 Medtron 2.3 MDT 87.02 -0.28 -23 21m 17 74 50 61 B C- 37.8 Telus 4.8 TU 34.91 +0.10 -11 1.4m 12 88 94 87 .. D+ 47.2 7PremierA PINC 40.07 +0.52 -28 2.3m 15k
65 63 48 D B+ 23.1 TIMPart 2.4 TSU 16.54 +0.10 +3 3.4m 11k 89 92 87 C B+ 42.0 CntrlGarden CENTA 35.87 -0.29 -23 1.0m 18k 88 87 87 A E 125 7Verisk VRSK 117.2 +1.54 -18 2.9m 29
77 52 90 A D- 80.2 Merck 3.0 MRK 72.95 -2.92 +2 57m 17 92 55 96 B B+ NH Chipotle CMG 543.4 +30.13 +23 3.4m 63
81 78 82 B D+ 61.6 Verizon 4.3 VZ 56.40 -0.69 -13 63m 13
85 68 86 B C 19.8 Meridia 3.0 VIVO 16.66 -0.16 +27 1.8m 21o 96 93 75 A E 67.1 Copart CPRT 50.08 +0.02 -54 3.3m 26 78 76 83 C B+ 40.0 ABMIndu 2.1 ABM 34.01 -1.97 -12 2.6m 18o
97 61 87 A B- 12.8 Viavi r VIAV. 10.95 +0.30 -25 5.8m 21
99 90 80 B C 66.3 MeritMed MMSI 54.58 +0.98 -25 1.0m 35 86 88 87 D B+ 40.1 CoreMrk 1.5 CORE 28.70 -0.04 +20 1.7m 22 78 66 52 A D- 175 Accentu 1.9 ACN 151.9 +1.40 -28 7.6m 21o
22 20 15 D C 31.3 Vodafone 9 VOD 17.97 -1.33 -11 28m 17
71 10 99 .. A+ NH MiratiThera MRTX 66.80 +1.88 -29 1.8m ..o 69 72 65 B E 245 Costco 1.1 COST 209.1 -4.52 -16 9.1m 29o 93 83 79 A C+ 94.3 Allegion 1.0 ALLE 84.19 +0.68 -30 2.0m 19k
90 84 96 D B- 154 MolinaHlth MOH 135.3 -1.64 -42 2.1m 16 88 93 92 B B- 68.2 AMNHlthcr AMN 63.97 +1.20 -41 1.1m 20k
Daily 85 63 82 B B- 185 Cracker 3.0 CBRL 168.1 -0.37 -37 1.2m 19
84 47 85 B B+ 38.0 NatusMed r BABY 33.88 -0.21 -24 1.1m 24 7. MISC +0.6% Change -0.78%Since
Jan. 1 47 81 34 C D- 83.9 CVSHea 3.1 CVS 65.45 -0.07 -24 33m 9 55 87 23 C B- 46.1 Aramrk 1.4 ARMK 32.51 +0.62 -60 6.2m 14
94 91 97 D C 19.0 NeoGenomics NEO 16.62 +0.80 -36 4.3m 99 95 92 84 A C 124 DardenR 2.8 DRI 106.4 -2.59 -34 4.2m 19o 84 89 82 A D- 153 AutoDat 2.3 ADP 136.4 +1.23 -22 8.1m 29
55 59 40 D B 126 Neurocrine NBIX 90.36 -1.17 -37 3.2m 99 62 66 51 A D- 259 3M 2.8 MMM 195.9 +0.04 -19 8.1m 20
88 89 59 A D 67.1 Dave&Bus 1.2 PLAY 48.28 -2.43 -25 3.1m 17o 89 92 87 B C 76.5 AxonEnterp AAXN 49.10 -1.09 -42 1.8m 61
71 45 75 B B- 94.2 Novartis 2.9 NVS 85.95 -3.04 -16 8.3m 16 90 92 84 C B 82.2 AlbnyInt 1.1 AIN 68.07 -1.14 -40 329 25k
91 90 92 .. C 18.9 Dennys DENN 17.77 -0.39 +6 1.4m 26 72 63 56 C C 200 CACIIntl CACI 157.5 +2.53 -34 902 15
67 57 56 A C 58.3 NovoNrd 1.9 NVO 46.36 -1.69 +2 6.6m 18 73 51 95 B E NH Ball .8 r BLL 51.75 +1.49 -15 12m 23k
96 78 89 B B 66.5 CGIA GIB 65.44 -0.02 -13 725 15
82 68 86 C B 53.0 Bemis 2.5 BMS 48.74 +1.40 +10 2.4m 17k 85 78 81 C B 39.8 DicksSp 2.6 DKS 34.62 +0.37 -50 5.3m 10o
82 22 99 D B+ 53.7 Novocure NVCR 49.79 +3.34 +46 4.2m .. 80 35 89 A C- 95.1 DineBr 3.2 DIN 79.24 +0.60 -13 1.1m 18 89 95 82 B C+ 217 Cintas 1.1 CTAS 185.0 +0.07 -45 1.5m 27o
82 88 70 D C 335900 BerkHthwyA BRKA 303531 - 2969 -42 0.7 22
81 88 35 Cogniza 1.1 CTSH
60 78 26 B D 72.4 NuVasive NUVA 49.29 +1.27 -15 2.4m 23o 89 90 89 .. D+ 118 DollarG 1.0 DG 114.2 +0.67 -29 8.1m 20o A D- 85.1 70.02 +2.20 -6 14m 15
67 41 84 E D- 29.3 NxstageMed NXTM 28.44 -0.06 +2 2.6m .. 90 75 84 B B- 60.4 BerryGlobal BERY 51.03 +0.61 -29 4.3m 15 95 95 82 B B 448 CostarGrp CSGP 384.0 +3.91 -19 693 57k
81 88 70 D D+ 224 BerkHthwyB BRKB 202.8 -1.73 -22 17m 22 94 77 84 B B- 116 DollarTree DLTR 96.92 +2.26 -32 9.3m 17o
91 85 93 B D- 79.5 Omnicell OMCL 66.07 -1.54 -52 648 34 88 76 79 B B- 36.7 Criteo r CRTO 24.87 -0.08 -44 1.3m 8
87 77 77 B C- 129 Carlisl 1.5 r CSL 108.2 -0.48 -31 971 18k 92 77 90 B C 34.6 DSW 3.7 DSW 26.78 -0.37 -67 2.6m 12o
95 72 97 D A- 14.9 Osiris OSIR 14.55 +0.05 -40 264 90 66 43 90 .. B+ 145 DunBrad 1.4 DNB 144.7 +0.23 +20 2.6m 18
95 83 85 A B- 59.5 CrownHldg CCK 49.42 +1.15 -1 5.7m 9 79 93 76 .. E 77.1 Dunkin 2.0 r DNKN 69.34 +0.44 -6 3.1m 24
98 72 91 C A- 167 Penumbra PEN 143.8 +1.76 -5 1.2m 99 52 56 15 A D- 96.8 DXCTech 1.2 r DXC 63.34 +0.72 -23 9.1m 7k
54 60 56 D B- 54.5 Domtar 3.8 UFS 45.34 -0.05 -40 2.0m 12 77 54 81 A B- 47.0 eBay EBAY 33.72 +2.72 +84103m 15
94 83 86 A C+ 98.3 Perkine .3 PKI. 86.49 +0.09 -26 1.8m 25 76 87 20 B B+ 23.0 Emerald 2.0 r EEX 14.23 +0.51 -63 570 10k
53 52 37 A D- 79.7 Emerson 3.1 EMR 63.94 +0.26 -27 14m 20 96 74 98 C A 18.5 ElPolloLoco LOCO 17.43 +0.20 +78 2.7m 25o 90 81 89 A C- 54.6 Exponnt 1.0 EXPO 50.41 -2.55 -12 796 41k
70 70 77 B E 46.5 Pfizer 3.5 PFE 40.64 -1.89 +12115m 13 57 95 29 D E 37.6 ElancoAnimal ELAN 30.60 -0.92 +54 8.3m 30k
79 79 56 B C- 160 Honywell 2.3 HON 141.7 -0.14 -11 12m 17 85 78 82 A D- 237 Factset 1.2 FDS 214.3 -0.20 -12 1.1m 24o
88 56 87 B B 39.5 QiagenNV QGEN 37.16 +0.23 +11 4.9m 27 91 61 99 B C 58.3 Etsy ETSY 55.00 -0.83 -41 5.7m 99o
63 86 37 B C+ 66.9 IntlPap 4.3 r IP 46.97 +1.29 -24 11m 9 77 85 65 B B- 28.3 FedSignl 1.5 FSS 21.80 -0.11 -46 651 17
53 82 24 C C- 116 QuestDi 2.5 DGX 85.41 -1.63 -22 4.4m 13 93 85 91 A C 61.1 Fastenal 2.9 FAST 59.53 +0.18 +6 13m 25o
48 55 44 C C- 41.5 JohnsnCon 3.2 JCI 32.71 -0.02 -27 16m 11k 88 81 91 C B- 81.9 FTIConsult FCN 67.94 -0.46 -34 831 17k
93 98 44 A B- 77.6 Quidel QDEL 55.08 +2.09 -41 799 19k 92 72 79 .. A+ 10.4 MdrnMdiaAcq MMDM 10.26 +0.02 +35 680 99k 74 96 36 A C+ 58.3 Floor&DecorA FND 33.08 +1.12 -9 5.1m 34
69 28 99 E B 23.9 RaPharma RARX 19.77 -0.23 -72 656 .. 71 87 52 A E 161 Gartner IT 131.9 +2.13 -37 1.7m 34
70 38 82 B B- 23.6 OwensIlli .3 OI 19.62 +0.13 -22 4.5m 7 78 65 94 .. B 59.4 FootLoc 2.4 FL 56.75 -1.62 -38 7.9m 13o 84 72 77 B C- 56.2 HlthcrS 1.8 HCSG 43.56 -0.22 -35 1.6m 44k
97 92 94 A C 421 RegenernPh REGN 418.3 -0.55 +4 3.1m 19 74 90 32 A B 131 PackagCp 3.4 PKG 94.26 +2.36 -8 3.4m 12 76 51 94 D B 51.9 Genesco r GCO 48.46 +0.11 -21 1.2m 15o
91 62 96 A E 70.5 Repligen RGEN. 57.95 -0.38 -9 1.6m 79 68 98 36 A E 101 HealthEquity HQY 64.24 +3.02 -8 3.7m 61o
93 89 65 A C- 312 RoperTe .7 ROP 283.2 +1.11 -12 1.6m 25 92 73 61 A C- 107 Genuine 3.0 GPC 96.80 -1.13 -9 3.3m 17 76 79 59 C D 19.5 HewPack 2.9 HPE 15.35 +0.67 -14 41m 9
70 60 37 A C+ 118 Resmed 1.6 RMD 94.56 -23.28 +104 7.8m 25o 79 81 61 B C 49.6 SealAir 1.7 SEE 37.95 +0.21 -26 6.0m 16 70 94 23 B B+ 37.0 GMSInc GMS 19.15 +0.52 +5 3.1m 7 98 89 96 A C+ 38.2 HMSHldng HMSY 29.59 +0.01 -33 1.9m 23
48 42 57 C D+ 45.9 Sanofi 2.9 SNY 41.77 +0.29 0 4.0m 14 93 72 79 .. A 10.2 SentinelEner STNL 10.11 +0.03 +406 4.3m 91 72 79 69 A E 372 Graingr 1.9 GWW 291.8 -13.56 +67 4.0m 17o 58 38 47 B C 168 IBM 4.7 r IBM 134.0 +10.15 +86 43m 9o
76 27 95 D B+ 84.4 SeattleGen SGEN 72.74 -0.87 -21 3.1m .. 81 71 70 B B- 31.1 SilganH 1.5 SLGN 26.43 +0.33 -13 1.5m 13k 77 48 84 C B 27.0 Guess 4.0 GES 22.44 +0.31 -44 2.2m 25o 88 47 92 B D+ 10.7 Infosys 2.7 INFY 10.55 -0.12 -21 34m 21
74 26 85 B B- 39.9 Smith&Ne 1.9 SNN 37.85 -0.12 -12 2.6m 19k 76 73 77 B D- 58.7 SonocoP 3.0 SON 54.85 +0.04 -7 1.5m 16k 74 95 52 A E 215 HmDepot 2.3 HD 180.4 +0.82 -15 19m 19 97 99 94 A C+ 121 Insperi .8 NSP 105.2 +4.52 -40 1.2m 29k
92 70 98 C B- 54.0 StaarSurg STAA 35.69 +0.53 -10 1.5m 99o 65 65 31 B C- 144 UnitedT 2.5 UTX 115.8 +1.91 +23 32m 15o 62 73 56 .. C+ 96.0 JackInB 1.9 JACK 82.74 +1.60 -40 1.7m 21 89 93 61 B C 26.0 Interpu 3.7 IPG 22.41 +0.16 -12 16m 12
96 83 92 C B+ 121 Steris 1.2 STE 116.1 +3.33 -31 1.2m 26k 77 62 92 E B 34.6 VersoCorp VRS 25.29 +0.09 -36 776 7 56 34 88 B C 37.0 IronMtn 4.3 IRM 36.05 +0.41 -8 7.0m 32
90 73 70 A C+ 179 Stryker 1.3 SYK 165.8 -1.79 +1 6.2m 23 80 89 42 A B 64.6 KARAct 2.7 KAR 51.78 -0.14 -21 2.9m 17
55 56 70 .. D 32.7 Kroger 2.0 r KR 28.12 -1.31 -3 27m 12o 89 64 82 B C 80.7 LamrAdv 5.0 LAMR 73.44 -0.72 -41 1.1m 24o
72 99 15 A C- 61.3 SuprnsPhrm SUPN 36.34 -1.71 -20 2.0m 17o Daily Since 57 16 95 E E 51.5 Liveramp r RAMP 43.36 +0.30 -63 2.7m ..k
96 75 98 B B- 73.2 TactileSysTch TCMD 65.26 +2.05 -22 787 99
8. FOOD/BEV -1.2% Change +1.33%Jan. 1 75 80 61 B C- 39.2 LaZBoy 1.8 LZB 29.00 -1.13 -44 1.1m 14
92 48 97 B A- 58.8 LuxoftA r LXFT 57.68 +0.03 -9 2.9m 21
77 39 97 D .. NH TakedaPhrm TAK 20.56 +0.78 -28 20m 25k 78 85 20 A D+ 43.9 LKQ r LKQ 26.08 -0.17 -10 12m 12
50 82 47 D D- 52.1 ArchrDan 3.1 ADM 43.72 -0.54 -33 9.6m 12 69 63 80 C D- 72.5 Maximus 1.4 r MMS 69.15 -0.25 -44 1.0m 21
89 44 99 D B 52.6 TandemDiab TNDM 44.43 +0.88 -20 4.9m .. 80 51 80 B D 50.8 CocaCo 3.3 KO -23 44m 23
68 80 61 B D 117 Lowes 2.0 r LOW 93.82 -1.16 -10 19m 18o
47.37 -0.24 58 83 65 .. D 187 Moodys 1.1 MCO 156.5 -2.87 -15 4.2m 21
97 85 80 A B- 288 Teleflex .5 TFX 268.8 +10.91 -44 1.3m 28k 87 44 86 B B- 49.4 CocaCola 2.8 CCEP 45.08 -1.12 -20 4.3m 16k 91 68 88 A C 190 McDonal 2.5 MCD 184.0 +1.43 -7 13m 24 93 83 85 A B 110 MSASaf 1.5 MSA 99.8 -1.04 -25 503 21k
96 81 86 A B+ 253 ThermoF .3 r TMO 240.9 +0.24 -11 7.3m 22 84 72 61 E B 17.3 Cott 1.6 r COT 15.05 -0.03 -46 2.4m 99o 90 71 87 C D+ 84.4 Monro 1.1 MNRO 71.71 -1.43 -20 1.2m 29k
68 51 94 E B- 26.1 Navigant .8 NCI 25.40 -0.12 -40 1.1m 40k
95 90 85 B C+ 287 UnitedH 1.3 UNH 268.1 +2.55 -27 13m 20o 64 51 48 C D+ 101 Fomento 1.5 FMX 91.56 -1.85 0 1.9m 31 71 73 57 A C- 99 MSCIndu 3.1 MSM 82.26 -1.06 +31 2.2m 16o 83 81 44 B B 17.6 NIC 2.3 r EGOV 14.15 +0.34 -3 1.5m 15
85 90 89 C D- 139 Univrsl .3 UHS 131.1 -0.83 -36 2.3m 14o 87 68 80 B B- 111 Hershey 2.8 HSY 104.3 -3.84 -6 4.6m 20 88 44 87 B C+ 89.7 MrphyUSA MUSA 82.77 +0.35 -3 1.3m 13 87 65 83 B C+ 83.3 Omnicom 3.1 OMC 76.40 +0.40 -32 6.3m 13
95 72 98 D B 33.4 VandaPhar VNDA 29.80 -1.25 -19 2.4m 58 66 96 23 D B- 46.6 NatlVision EYE. 32.85 -0.40 -50 2.0m 51 88 79 85 A C 76.0 Paychex 3.2 PAYX 70.39 +0.49 -19 7.1m 27o
89 80 88 B D- 46.3 HormelF 2.0 HRL 41.46 -2.38 -8 13m 23
89 43 90 A B NH VarianMed VAR 131.0 +3.12 +53 4.9m 29o 96 96 91 A E 363 OReillyAuto r ORLY 337.4 -14.06 -14 2.4m 22 99 70 98 A A- 19.2 QuinStreet QNST 19.04 +0.25 -14 2.8m 38
53 64 29 C B- 133 JMSmuc 3.4 SJM 101.4 -3.35 -43 3.1m 12
81 31 99 E B+ 18.1 Veracyte VCYT 17.77 +0.49 -5 1.4m .. 95 97 98 E B+ 25.2 PCM PCMI 21.15 +1.32 -25 322 11 73 88 61 B C+ 79.9 RobrtHa 1.8 r RHI 60.99 +0.12 -19 3.7m 18
78 28 99 D B+ 18.9 Vericel VCEL 17.30 -0.69 -43 1.8m ..o 91 47 95 B B 28.8 KeurigD 2.3 KDP 26.30 -0.37 -43 7.4m 4k
87 74 79 A C- 83.9 LambWe 1.1 r LW 71.10 +0.22 -46 5.8m 25 76 87 52 C B 54.8 Penske 3.2 PAG 46.58 -0.95 -3 1.6m 9 79 82 85 A D- 43.0 Rollins 1.1 ROL 38.13 -0.55 +111 13m 52
97 73 91 A B- 195 VertexPhar VRTX 189.5 -5.20 +12 7.1m 55 60 6 97 D A- 30.5 PinduoduoA PDD 29.50 +4.51 +55 29m ..k 89 91 80 A D+ 217 S&PGlo 1.1 SPGI 189.3 +0.67 +23 9.2m 23
60 65 74 A E 156 McCormi 1.9 MKC 121.4 -18.08 +143 14m 24o
93 73 89 B B- 324 WellcareHlth WCG 275.1 +10.77 -41 2.4m 28 58 75 45 B E 29.1 QurateRetlA QRTEA 21.61 +0.04 -33 7.8m 10 73 65 81 B C- 45.6 Servicemstr SERV 39.40 +1.41 +40 5.6m 17o
86 87 85 B C+ 125 WestPha .6 WST 106.7 +1.48 -24 1.1m 39k 84 70 81 C C- 46.5 Mondlz 2.4 MDLZ 42.72 -0.64 -1 33m 18
98 89 89 A B+ 65.2 Restaurnt 3.2 QSR 63.09 +5.63 +124 15m 24 56 18 93 D B- 51.8 ThomReu 2.7 r TRI 51.04 +0.15 -41 1.8m 50
78 36 95 D B- 30.8 WrightMed WMGI 29.46 +0.60 +4 5.2m ..o 97 91 61 A B- 70.2 MonstrBev r MNST 55.85 +0.27 -29 10m 31
90 94 95 D C+ 164 RH RH 135.4 +0.12 +8 5.1m 18o 88 35 97 B B 42.4 Vocera VCRA 40.14 +1.85 -6 1.4m 72
89 92 67 A D- 96.6 Zoetis .8 r ZTS 84.69 +0.10 +22 12m 27 79 91 18 A B- 127 NatlBevrge FIZZ 81.87 -0.04 -16 915 22o
80 81 64 B D- 21.5 NomadFds NOMD 17.64 -0.33 -25 2.4m 12 94 78 90 A A 38.8 Ritchie 2.0 RBA 36.23 -0.02 -31 1.2m 35
63 53 61 B D- 122 PepsiCo 3.4 PEP 109.4 -0.72 -12 19m 19 84 89 82 .. B 104 RosStor 1.0 r ROST 92.51 -0.50 -43 8.2m 22o 12. REAL EST Daily
+1.1% Change +6.33%Since
Jan. 1
6. TELECOM +0.5% Change +5.98%Since
Jan. 1 95 96 89 B B- 102 PostHoldgs r POST 92.27 -9.79 +8 3.1m 22 87 92 46 A C 70.1 ShakeShack SHAK 48.25 -1.14 -30 2.0m 64
89 81 96 D B+ 45.0 ShoeCar .8 r SCVL 38.78 -1.38 -26 1.2m 15o 7IPO within last 15 years and EPS & RS 80 or higher
7IPO within last 15 years and EPS & RS 80 or higher 80 62 95 C C- 21.0 SimplyGoodFds r SMPL 18.94 -1.45 -3 1.8m 36
31 54 15 C D- 80.6 KraftH 5.3 KHC 46.75 -0.78 -16 23m 13 88 78 50 B B+ 29.7 SproutsFarm SFM 24.15 -0.80 -53 3.9m 19 97 82 91 A D- 12.8 7ArborRl 9 ABR 11.47 +0.14 -42 3.2m 8
97 93 87 C B- 70.9 7T-MobileUS TMUS 68.48 +1.52 -18 13m 22 67 28 95 E B+ 60.6 TreeHseFds THS 56.88 -1.75 -43 1.8m 25 96 81 93 A D+ 69.0 Starbuc 2.1 SBUX 67.09 +2.39 +56 79m 26o 99 92 87 A C+ NH 7GranitePt 8.7 GPMT 19.28 +0.31 -13 1.5m 13k
98 91 96 A C- 115 7UbiquitiNe .9 UBNT. 107.3 +2.15 -30 975 27 69 94 60 A D- 52.4 StitchFixA SFIX 23.08 +0.16 -57 4.0m 53 97 80 91 A C+ 24.1 7HannonA 5.8 HASI 22.62 +0.47 -20 2.0m 17
68 82 34 C C- 81.5 TysonFds 2.5 TSN 60.72 -0.24 -13 10m 9
93 88 83 B C- 129 Synnex 1.6 SNX 96.03 +4.43 -28 1.6m 8o 95 81 87 A D 18.0 7LadderC 5.5 LADR 16.67 +0.15 -41 2.4m 8o
86 51 97 C B 47.3 AcaciaComms r ACIA 44.05 +1.42 -22 1.4m 61k 43 54 44 .. C+ 58.1 Unilever 3.4 UL 52.19 -0.14 -39 3.1m 18
60 86 34 C D- 76.0 Sysco 2.5 SYY 62.02 -0.66 -20 11m 18 96 92 92 B B+ 41.5 7Marcs&Milli MMI 38.41 +0.39 -23 645 18
85 58 93 E B 20.6 AlticeUSAA ATUS 19.10 +0.03 +20 24m .. 48 57 47 .. B- 58.7 Unilever 2.9 UN 53.13 -0.17 +4 6.2m 19
52 71 37 B D- 90.4 Target 3.5 TGT 72.39 +1.71 -29 20m 13o
49 28 48 C B 19.9 AmerMov 2.0 AMX 15.77 -0.08 -17 9.8m 35k 97 91 94 B B 108 TechData r TECD 95.56 +2.33 -54 1.1m 9o
82 71 53 B B- 19.8 AgncInv 11 AGNC 18.12 +0.11 -29 19m 18
54 90 20 A E 233 Apple 1.9 AAPL 157.8 +0.94 -35111m 13 9. RETAIL +0.7% Change +7.73%Since
Jan. 1 81 69 53 B C- 75.2 TxRoadh 1.6 TXRH 62.78 -4.22 +12 3.0m 29 82 58 66 A C+ 11.3 AnnalyC 11 NLY 10.31 +0.08 -24 52m 7
68 53 95 C D- NH ArrisIntl ARRS 31.10 +0.29 -18 13m 10 90 68 84 B B 14.8 AresRlE 8.8 ACRE 14.17 +0.25 +30 895 10
64 72 52 C D 39.3 AT&T 6.7 T 30.66 -0.30 -30116m 8 7IPO within last 15 years and EPS & RS 80 or higher 90 77 80 A D+ 56.6 TJXCos 1.6 TJX 48.87 -0.29 -37 21m 21o 81 46 80 A D 35.7 Blackst 7.4 BXMT 33.51 +0.18 -52 2.2m 13
96 98 98 B B+ NH Audioco 1.5 AUDC 13.32 +0.72 +90 1.4m 22 85 88 90 B D 97.7 Tractor 1.4 TSCO 89.60 +0.12 -15 4.9m 21 82 84 78 B E 50.4 CBREGrpA CBRE 44.65 +0.10 -20 6.1m 14k
90 96 94 .. C+ 32.9 7BJsWhlClub BJ. 26.19 +1.59 -36 3.9m 18
68 47 69 B D+ 47.2 BCE 5.4 BCE 42.35 +0.31 -27 3.4m 12 50 84 19 B D- 52.5 UrbnOutfit URBN 32.24 -0.31 -31 7.6m 12o 86 35 83 A B 19.4 CherryHi 10 CHMI 18.63 +0.12 -9 578 8
95 93 81 C B- 31.6 7BootBarn BOOT 22.62 -0.23 -30 3.0m 20
77 58 65 B B- 18.0 BTGroup 6.0 BT 15.52 +0.12 +5 3.4m 4k 70 79 61 B E 86.3 Walgreens 2.4 r WBA 71.89 -0.54 -30 19m 11o 79 36 84 B B 19.3 Chimera 10 CIM 18.91 +0.32 -12 5.1m 7
98 99 91 A D 180 7BurligtnStrs BURL 168.0 -1.48 -58 2.0m 28o
90 72 98 E A NH Calix CALX 11.11 +0.92 +5 1.7m .. 54 59 74 C E 109 Walmart 2.1 WMT 96.94 -0.79 -16 30m 18 95 59 90 A B- 22.1 Jerniga 6.7 JCAP 21.03 +0.01 -68 352 10
96 98 92 .. B 305 7Dominos .8 DPZ 284.2 +16.70 +48 3.7m 36
52 75 57 E E 396 CharterCom CHTR 291.4 +0.01 +19 6.7m 59 96 80 74 A B 18.7 Wendy's 2.0 r WEN 17.11 +0.68 +15 16m 32 86 94 83 B C+ 22.3 KenndyW 4.3 r KW 19.41 +0.37 -44 1.1m 6
99 94 98 A C 136 7FiveBelow FIVE 126.2 +3.53 -39 3.1m 58o
84 48 88 B B 53.2 ChinaMb 3.8 CHL 51.76 +0.34 +126 10m 12 50 71 52 B E 74.0 WillSon 3.3 r WSM 52.92 -0.97 -19 5.8m 13o 89 46 92 C A+ 11.9 Medeqties 7.6 MRT 11.12 +0.21 -1 2.7m 30k
93 94 83 A C- 46.3 7HDSupply HDS 40.72 +0.69 -27 6.4m 16o
78 44 92 D B- 55.8 ChinaTel 2.4 CHA 55.39 +2.91 +5 196 15 79 68 88 .. C+ 94.1 YumBran 1.6 YUM 92.71 +0.35 -29 6.7m 24 92 62 89 A C+ 21.4 Pennymac 9 PMT 19.96 +0.55 -37 1.1m 11
98 89 97 A B 164 7Lululemon LULU 151.9 -0.18 -41 7.2m 45o
99 92 98 C B NH Ciena CIEN 39.96 +1.46 -24 9.8m 28o 88 85 50 A B 48.8 YumChi 1.4 YUMC 35.41 -0.75 +13 7.5m 22k 92 84 67 A B- 17.3 ReadyCap 10 RC 15.23 +0.47 -8 415 8
98 98 89 A E 97.6 7OlliesBargain OLLI 78.12 +2.44 -16 3.5m 47o
85 98 62 .. B- 57.7 Cogent 4.4 CCOI 48.15 -0.53 -31 846 83k 89 85 86 C B 39.5 7PerfrmFdGp r PFGC 34.39 -0.21 -14 2.2m 21k
74 59 81 C B 32.7 Zumiez ZUMZ 23.87 +0.12 -34 1.4m 17o 69 42 67 B D- 23.0 Starwd 9 STWD 21.32 +0.18 -47 5.4m 9o
97 90 70 B D 44.0 Comc 2.3 CMCSA 35.78 -0.43 +47131m 13 95 99 86 A E 43.9 7PetiqA PETQ 28.92 +1.18 -45 900 21
72 93 37 C D+ 48.2 DishNetwk DISH 30.08 +0.28 +19 16m 6 98 96 92 A D+ 322 7UltaBeauty ULTA. 290.7 -0.78 -45 2.4m 29o 10. OFFICE -1.8% Change +2.06%Since
Jan. 1 13. ELECTRNCS
+1.4% Change +9.98%Since
Jan. 1
70 30 96 D B- 23.7 Finisar FNSR 21.90 +0.18 -45 5.6m 31o 87 96 81 D C 40.9 7USFoodsCorp USFD 33.96 +0.28 -38 4.9m 17k
73 77 37 B A- 175 Harris 1.9 HRS 143.5 +0.70 -14 4.0m 21 95 96 96 .. B- 72.2 7Wingstop .5 WING 67.44 -0.51 +26 2.8m 78 71 87 51 B D+ 123 AveryDe 2.1 AVY 97.20 +0.63 -36 2.0m 16k 93 59 90 A D+ 75.1 Agilent .9 A 73.65 +1.72 -25 7.7m 26
81 25 94 B C 24.4 IridiumCm IRDM 18.71 -1.00 -18 3.1m 17 85 71 92 B B 47.4 BradyA 1.9 BRC 44.48 -1.46 +31 2.1m 20k 79 85 61 A C- 97.6 Ampheno 1.1 APH 86.30 +3.81 +28 8.6m 22o
5 5 5 5 5 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 5 5 5 5 5 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 5 5 5 5 5 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 5 5 5 5 5 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P
High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos)
Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE
Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating
Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating

Copyright 2019 Investor's Business Daily Inc.

YTD +14%
64 Comp. Rating 77 EPS 61 RS
o$49.37 AES (AES)
9% ROE 649.1M Shares 87 Comp. Rating
YTD +10%
55 EPS 94 RS
o$15.88 Chimera Invstmt (CIM)
39% ROE 185.1M Shares 79 Comp. Rating
YTD +6%
Holding company for Branch Banking and Trust Co operating 2,049 branches Engaged in the generation and distribution of electricity to over 10.11 mil REIT investing in residential mortgage loans, mortgage-backed securities and
36 EPS 84 RS
14% ROE Aristocrats Index
Gets New Blood
in 13 states and Washington, D.C. customers worldwide. real estate-related securities.
Ann. EPS Growth +12% PE 12 Avg. Daily Vol 5,262,600 Debt 80% Ann. EPS Growth 0% PE 12 Avg. Daily Vol 6,501,600 Debt 188% Ann. EPS Growth +5% PE 8 Avg. Daily Vol 1,431,400 Debt 264%
Last Qtr Eps +25%aNext Qtr Eps Est +6% Last Qtr Sales +8% Last Qtr Eps +52%`Next Qtr Eps Est -21% Last Qtr Sales +5% Last Qtr Eps -3%aNext Qtr Eps Est -6% Last Qtr Sales +8%
3 Q's Avg Eps +29% PreTax Mgn 33% 3 Q's Avg Eps +39% PreTax Mgn 14% 3 Q's Avg Eps +3% PreTax Mgn 37%
Eps Due 4/18 Group 177 Eps Due 2/25 Group 21 Eps Due 2/12 Group 45
Yield 3.28% Yield 3.4% Yield 10.58% BY APARNA NARAYANAN

Dow Jones stocks CaterpillarCAT and United

Acc/Dis C Acc/Dis C- Acc/Dis B TechnologiesUTX are the newest members of
the S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats an elite
group of dividend-paying companies. Cater-
pillar stock and United Technologies stock
are being added to the Dividend Aristocrats
Forming cup within a larger base; 52.20 entry. First-stage consolidation shows 16.38 entry. Getting closer to 19.42 buy point as cup forms. after an annual rebalancing of the index.
Other additions for 2019 included ChubbCB
Verizon Comm (VZ) YTD n.a. o$56.40 Southern Co (SO) YTD +8% o$47.50 Global Net Lease (GNL) YTD +12% $19.81 and Peoples United FinancialPBCT, S&P Dow
4090M Shares 81 Comp. Rating 78 EPS 82 RS 47% ROE 1018M Shares 79 Comp. Rating 50 EPS 82 RS 12% ROE 75.3M Shares 62 Comp. Rating 12 EPS 77 RS 2% ROE Jones Indices announced Thursday. No
Provides local exchange, network access, data, wireless/information services Holding company engaged in generation, transmission and distribution of REIT that owns 321 single tenant net-leased commercial properties in U.S.
in the U.S./over 150 countries electricity in AL, FL, GA and MS. and Europe stocks were dropped.
Ann. EPS Growth 0% PE 13 Avg. Daily Vol 18,218,700 Debt 264% Ann. EPS Growth +5% PE 14 Avg. Daily Vol 6,009,200 Debt 174% Ann. EPS Growth -45% PE 94 Avg. Daily Vol 761,500 Debt 107% The Dividend Aristocrats index tracks the
Last Qtr Eps +24%aNext Qtr Eps Est +27% Last Qtr Sales +3% Last Qtr Eps +2%aNext Qtr Eps Est -53% Last Qtr Sales -1% Last Qtr Eps -67%aNext Qtr Eps Est +478% Last Qtr Sales +11% performance of companies within the S&P
3 Q's Avg Eps +17% PreTax Mgn 19% 3 Q's Avg Eps +15% PreTax Mgn 20% 3 Q's Avg Eps -47% PreTax Mgn 10% 500 index that have raised dividends every
Eps Due 1/29 Group 83 Eps Due 2/19 Group 21 Eps Due 2/27e Group 24 year for at least 25 years. Companies must
Yield 4.27% Yield 5.05% Yield 10.75% also meet certain other requirements, includ-
ing at least $3 billion float-adjusted market
capitalization. Each component stock has an
Acc/Dis D+ Acc/Dis C Acc/Dis B- equal weight in the index.
As of 2018, it held 53 stocks across 11 sectors.
Caterpillar stock rose Friday,building on a
four-week rally above the 50-day moving av-
The stock of this Dow Jones Industrial Aver-
Cup with handle forming; 58.79 buy point. Forms a long saucer; potential buy point at 49.53. Double-bottom base shows 22.03 entry. age component offers a $3.44 annual divi-
dend, yielding 2.6%. The heavy-equipment
Dividend Leaders Utility Leaders REIT Leaders maker has been growing the dividend at a 6%
Closing Yield Dividnd Closing Yield Dividnd Closing Yield Dividnd rate in the past three to five years.
Name Ticker Price % Grwth % Name Ticker Price % Grwth % Name Ticker Price % Grwth % Caterpillar said it was pleased to be
Pattern Energy Grp Cl A PEGI 20.68 8.12 7 P P L Corporation PPL 30.67 5.35 4 Uniti Group Inc UNIT 19.2 12.5 1 named to the S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats
M P L X Lp MPLX 34.02 7.5 16 Southern Co SO 47.5 5.05 3 Global Net Lease Inc GNL 19.81 10.75 4 for the first time. Caterpillar earnings for Q4
A T & T Inc T 30.66 6.65 2 Dominion Energy D 69.16 4.83 9 Chimera Investment Corp CIM 18.91 10.58 35 are due Monday before the open.
Enterprise Products Ptnr EPD 27.72 6.28 5 Duke Energy Corp DUK 85.85 4.32 4 Apollo Comm Real Estate ARI 17.76 10.36 3 The S&P 500 index currently yields 2.14%.
Enbridge Inc ENB 36.09 6.1 13 Entergy Corp ETR 87.1 4.18 2 Arbor Realty Trust Inc ABR 11.47 9.42 17 United Technologies stomped earnings
B C E Inc BCE 42.35 5.36 3 Consolidated Edison Inc ED 75.95 3.9 3 Sabra Healthcare Reit SBRA 19.97 9.01 5 views on Wednesday. Shares have rebound-
Transcanada Corp TRP 41.85 4.99 8 Centerpoint Energy Inc CNP 29.79 3.86 4 Geo Group Inc Reit GEO 22.14 8.49 5 ed from a two-year low on Dec. 26 but are
Verizon Communications VZ 56.4 4.27 2 O G E Energy Corp OGE 40.31 3.62 10 Hospitality Prop Trust HPT 25.74 8.24 2 meeting resistance at the still-falling 50-day
Kimberly-Clark Corp KMB 108.12 3.81 5 American Electric Power AEP 76.8 3.49 6 Kite Realty Group Trust KRG 15.86 8.01 6
Leggett & Platt Inc LEG 39.97 3.8 6 Public Svc Enterprise Gp PEG 52.65 3.42 5 Redwood Trust Inc RWT 16.08 7.46 1 line.
Interpublic Group Of Cos IPG 22.41 3.75 22 A E S Corp AES 15.88 3.4 19 Blackstone Mortgage Trst BXMT 33.51 7.4 5 United Technologies stock bears a $2.94 an-
Metlife Inc MET 45.47 3.69 5 Pinnacle West Capital PNW 86.94 3.39 5 Brookfield Ppty Prtns BPY 17.76 7.09 6 nual dividend, yielding 2.5%. Dividends have
Toronto Dominion Bank TD 55.06 3.65 6 been growing at a 5% annual rate.
Pfizer Inc PFE 40.64 3.54 7 The Dividend, Utility and REIT Leaders highlight companies with steady and growing With a $2.92 cash dividend, Chubb yields
Fidelity Natl Fn Fnf Gp FNF 35.11 3.42 15 dividends as well as steady profit growth. Stocks must also meet price, volume and other 2.2%. The leading property and casualty in-
Pepsico Inc PEP 109.35 3.39 8 technical and fundamental requirements. surer is growing dividends 6% annually.

IBDs Industry Group Rankings Rank

3 6 Group Days
3 6 Group Days
3 6 Group Days
Ranks 1 to 197 on 6-month price performance. This Wks Wks Industry Composite YTD % This Wks Wks Industry Composite YTD % This Wks Wks Industry Composite YTD %
Daily top 10 performers are boldfaced; worst 10 are italic. Wk | Ago | Ago | Name | Rating | %Chg. | Chg Wk | Ago | Ago | Name | Rating | %Chg. | Chg Wk | Ago | Ago | Name | Rating | %Chg. | Chg
73 125 144 RtailHmeFrnshngs .. +11.1 +2.4 114 96 90 MediaPeriodicals .. +14.5 0.4 156 139 132 LeisreTrvlBking 67 +4.8 +0.4
Rank Rank 74 45 26 MedcalHospitals .. +11.3 +0.7 115 119 128 CommlSvcsLeasing 81 +10.4 +2.0 157 161 148 ElecParts 81 +11.4 +1.1
3 6 Group Days 3 6 Group Days 105 140 RetlWhsleBldgPrds 82 +7.4 +2.0 159 149 Oil&GasIntlExplPr 60 +14.6 +1.8
This Wks Wks Industry Composite YTD % This Wks Wks Industry Composite YTD % 75 60 48 PollutionControl 83 +7.8 +1.0 116 158
Wk | Ago | Ago | Name | Rating | %Chg. | Chg Wk | Ago | Ago | Name | Rating | %Chg. | Chg 76 84 115 FinanceConsLoan 75 +9.6 +0.8 117 150 151 ElecSemiconMfg 86 +10.3 +2.5 159 138 129 Oil&GasIntegrated 58 +8.7 +1.0
77 32 37 Cosmetics/PersnlCre 78 0.9 +0.3 118 103 73 TelcomCbl/SatEqp .. +7.2 +1.4 160 155 118 FinanceCmrclLoan .. +9.4 +0.5
1 1 4 TelcomSvcWirles 91 +8.9 +0.2 37 41 76 MachineryFarm 82 +5.2 +1.1 119 166 155 MdcalWhlsleDrg .. +11.8 +1.3 161 165 159 BldgMntnance&S 76 +9.8 +0.6
78 86 134 Trucks&PartsHvyD 87 +12.3 +2.0
2 9 25 CmpSftwrDbase 91 +10.5 +2.0 38 100 53 ComptrSftwrMdcl 92 +8.8 +1.5 120 98 138 MiningMetalOres 70 +10.5 +2.9 162 178 191 BldgWoodPrds .. +8.4 +1.6
79 58 56 FinanceEtf/Etn .. +5.2 +0.7
3 33 72 ComptrSftwrEntr 92 +13.0 +2.4 39 19 58 ComptrSftwrDsktp 92 +5.3 +0.6 121 117 113 Security/Sfty 86 +10.2 +1.6 163 148 175 InsrnceAcc&Heal .. +8.4 +0.4
80 121 112 ComptrSftwrFincl 86 +10.8 +1.4
4 24 59 CmpSftwrSpcEntr 93 +10.6 +1.5 40 66 57 RetailRestaurants 86 +10.2 +0.5 122 80 119 BldgA/C&HeatingP 70 +5.2 0.0 164 135 122 Oil&GasRfing/Mkt 55 +10.6 +1.8
81 183 185 LeisreMvies&Rel 86 +20.5 +2.0
5 106 79 CmpterTechSrvcs 87 +19.7 +2.5 41 55 46 ConsumrProdSpeci .. +16.7 +2.7 123 99 98 BanksNortheast 75 +4.7 +0.3 165 174 142 LeisrTys/Gms/Hbby .. +15.7 +1.4
82 46 61 ChemicalsSpecialty 78 +5.3 +2.0
6 2 1 Retail/WslAutoPrt 88 1.7 0.3 42 90 111 WholesaleElect 89 +14.2 +2.9 48 35 TelcomSvcIntegrtd .. +3.2 +0.9 124 130 152 BldgRsidnt/Comml 72 +4.7 0.2 166 157 156 CompterNetwrking 64 +9.1 +1.0
7 4 17 Auto/TrckRplcPrts .. +1.9 1.9 43 54 65 MiningGld/Silvr/Gms 78 +0.8 +3.3 84 82 116 FinPublInvFdGl .. +7.4 +0.7 125 112 135 MachnryTools&Re .. +7.5 +2.6 167 147 173 ChemicalsBasic 72 +8.2 +2.2
8 5 2 BevNonAlcoholic 81 +13.3 0.8 44 6 43 FinanceBlankCheck 77 +1.0 +0.1 85 133 146 HsholdofficFurnitr 75 +9.5 +0.6 126 136 141 CommlSvcOutsourci 82 +7.3 +1.3 168 171 127 CmpSftwrGaming .. +7.0 +1.2
9 36 15 MediaRadio/Tv 94 +9.8 +1.0 45 50 33 FinanceMrtgReit 86 +8.7 +0.6 86 59 74 Oil&GasTrnsprt/Pip 71 +10.6 +1.2 127 91 166 OfficeSuppliesMfg .. +10.5 +1.9 169 164 168 MedicalGenercDrgs .. +7.0 +1.3
10 28 60 RetailDiscnt&Vari 94 +13.3 +2.0 46 49 39 TelcomInfrastr .. +9.3 +1.5 87 83 108 FinInvestBnk/Bkrs 85 +9.6 +0.4 128 101 121 BldgHandTools .. +7.5 +0.5 170 145 117 ConsumerProdElec .. +13.3 +0.9
11 42 21 ComlSvcsAdvrtsng 89 +11.5 +1.3 47 37 27 MedLongTrmCare .. +4.7 +2.0 88 108 78 CmmlSvcsMrktRch 84 +8.9 +1.0 129 107 51 ConsumrSvcEdcation 88 +4.2 +0.9 171 154 169 BldgCment/Cncrt .. +3.0 +0.5
12 78 87 FinMrtg&RelSvc 92 +23.4 +1.0 48 111 82 HoushldApplncs/Hw .. +12.5 +1.2 89 89 91 InsrnceDivrsified .. +7.4 +0.3 130 122 139 BanksSoutheast 78 +8.3 +1.3 172 163 161 TransportLogistics .. +6.7 +1.5
13 13 29 InsuranceBrokers 92 +10.0 +0.9 49 71 49 MedicalServices 69 +11.0 +1.1 90 77 66 CmmlSvcsCnsltng 88 +4.4 +0.8 131 149 164 MchnryMtlHdlg .. +8.7 +1.3 173 170 157 TransportationShip .. +3.2 +0.4
14 7 7 CommlSvcsHlthcre 89 +5.6 +0.5 50 95 105 RetailApprl/Shoes/Acc 85 +8.7 +1.4 132 132 126 RetailInternet 83 +12.4 +1.4 174 177 182 Oil&GasRoyaltyTrust 63 +17.4 +2.0
91 88 92 ElectricalPower/Eqpmt 79 +8.3 +1.5
15 20 28 CmptrIntgrtdSyst .. +9.4 +1.9 51 70 34 MedManagedCare 84 +8.3 +1.2 133 67 83 MediaNewspapers .. 2.5 +0.4 175 167 179 Oil&GasMchnry/Eq 66 +19.2 +1.7
92 123 120 BldgHeavyConstr 75 +10.9 +1.5
16 11 30 MediaDiversified 83 +5.0 +0.6 52 30 55 RetailLeisurePrds .. +2.7 0.1 134 73 54 MediaBooks .. +7.6 +0.4 176 146 153 MetalProc&Fabrica 62 +8.0 +1.6
93 87 131 InternetContent 84 +7.6 +2.3
17 12 10 UtilityWaterSupply 85 +2.0 1.1 53 61 50 RetailSpecialty .. +13.9 +1.0 135 109 110 ChemicalsAg 69 +8.6 +1.2 177 162 170 BanksSuprRgional 67 +17.1 +2.4
94 93 104 FnceInvsmntMgt 77 +8.4 +1.0
23 20 TelcomSvcCbl/Sat 86 +6.2 +0.6 54 14 52 TrnsprttinAirlne 77 +9.1 +0.6 136 142 178 MchinryCnstr/Mng .. +10.5 +3.0 178 172 68 CmpHrdwre/Perip .. +5.8 +2.1
18 95 75 63 RetailMjrDscChns .. +5.4 0.4
55 63 62 FinanceCard/Pmtpr 84 +10.8 +1.5 137 181 190 Auto/TrckOrgnlEqp 83 +17.4 +2.4 179 176 172 MetalPrdsDistribtr .. +11.5 +2.8
19 85 95 ElecSemiconFblss 90 +12.1 +2.4 96 64 16 RetailMailOrder&Di .. +17.0 +3.5
56 26 13 FoodPackaged 73 +2.0 0.7 138 113 123 Auto/TrckTirs&M .. +3.1 +0.8 180 191 184 Oil&GasFieldServic 61 +23.0 +3.6
20 3 6 Soap&ClngPreparat .. 0.5 0.1 97 74 89 MchnryGenIndstrl 79 +8.0 +1.3
57 94 125 CompterSftwrDsgn 89 +10.4 +2.6 139 127 145 LeisureLodging 67 +2.9 +0.6 181 192 174 Oil&GasDrilling .. +20.1 +2.5
21 15 9 UtilityElctricPwr 84 +2.5 1.5 98 68 107 InsuranceLife .. +7.6 +0.6 140 118 133 BanksWst/Sthwst 75 +9.5 +0.8 182 175 171 RetailDprtmntStrs .. +3.8 +3.5
22 76 88 FoodMeatProducts .. +11.0 +0.3 58 62 100 WholesaleFood .. +2.6 0.1 99 104 86 EnergyCoal 60 +6.1 +1.5 141 120 136 IntrntNetwkSltns .. +6.7 +0.9 183 134 163 CommlSvcsStffng 78 +11.1 +0.9
23 27 45 ComptrSftwrScrity 92 +12.7 +1.4 59 35 11 MdcalOutpnt/HmCr 88 +8.1 +0.9 100 22 3 FoodMiscPrep .. 1.6 0.7 142 179 177 CmptrSftwrEdu .. +8.8 +1.2 184 188 192 ChemicalsPlastics .. +15.0 +3.2
24 56 24 FinancePropertyReit .. +7.7 +1.1 60 47 75 BanksForeign 76 +7.3 +0.9 101 115 102 FincePubInvFdBl .. +8.0 +0.4 143 131 143 BanksMoneyCntr 78 +13.6 +1.2 185 187 186 RetailCnsmrElec .. +14.0 +1.8
25 92 64 ElecScntific/Msrng 89 +13.1 +1.7 61 29 41 DvrsifiedOprtions 80 +9.3 +0.5 102 129 77 EnergySolar 77 +20.7 +3.4 144 158 130 LeisureProducts 78 +7.5 +0.5 186 182 181 TrnsprtAirFreight .. +9.7 +0.8
26 34 36 TelcomFibrOptcs 87 +12.1 +2.0 62 53 44 Aerospace/Defense 85 +7.9 +1.0 103 151 150 Paper&PaperProduc 75 +18.3 +1.0 145 169 180 TrnsportationTrck 79 +12.5 +1.9 187 185 189 ComptrDataStrge 57 +9.4 +4.3
27 17 14 RetailSpr/MiniMkts 82 +5.4 0.4 63 51 67 FnancepblInvFdbnd .. +4.5 +0.1 104 126 109 FinancPblInvFdeqt .. +9.8 +0.7 146 153 167 ElecSemicndctrEqp 87 +15.0 +3.3 188 184 162 Oil&GasUSExplPro 53 +13.1 +1.7
28 44 40 MedicalSystems/Eqp 82 +9.2 0.1 64 57 38 Containers/Packaging 80 +7.8 +0.9 105 160 165 LeisreGamng/Equip 71 +14.8 +0.9 147 156 154 ApprelClthingMfg 79 +11.4 +2.1 189 190 187 CommlSvcDocMgmt .. +19.5 +1.6
29 21 5 UtilityDiversified 81 +1.6 1.2 65 81 70 MedicalBiomed/Bth 73 +11.3 +1.8 106 114 69 MedicalSupplies .. +6.8 +1.1 148 180 176 FoodGrain&Related .. +11.7 +0.1 190 168 94 Tobacco .. +2.7 +1.2
30 25 71 ApparelShoes&Rel 89 +3.9 +1.1 66 8 19 MedicalEthicalDrgs 73 1.8 +0.2 107 43 32 RetailDrugStores .. +2.6 +0.6 149 152 93 TelcomConsProd .. +2.5 +2.3 191 189 183 TrnsprtEqpMfg .. +4.9 1.0
31 10 8 TelecomSvcsForeign 75 +6.0 +0.1 67 102 81 ElecMiscProducts 83 +8.9 +1.6 108 143 106 RealStateDvlpmt/Ops 81 +11.4 +0.9 150 137 137 BanksMidwest 75 +7.5 +0.7 192 193 193 SteelSpcltyAlloys .. +20.5 +3.2
32 31 23 MedicalProducts 82 +7.0 +0.5 68 72 85 TransportationRail 86 +12.5 +0.9 109 69 103 AutoManufacturers 68 8.3 +1.0 151 144 99 BeveragesAlcoholic 52 +3.3 +0.8 193 186 188 SteelProducers 64 +15.8 +2.9
33 40 42 EnergyAlt/Other 72 +5.5 0.5 69 16 22 MedicalDiversified .. 1.0 +0.7 110 116 101 FinancSvings&Lo 81 +7.1 +0.9 152 140 147 BldgCnstrPrds/Msc 72 +11.0 +0.6 194 194 194 Oil&GascdnExplPro .. +10.9 +2.0
34 18 18 FoodConfectionery .. 0.1 1.2 70 65 80 FinancialSvcSpec 82 +5.8 +0.9 111 124 97 AgriculturalOprtions .. +6.9 0.3 153 79 84 ChemicalsPaints .. 0.1 +0.7 195 196 196 BldgMbile/Mfg&Rv .. +21.6 +1.4
35 52 12 UtilityGasDstribtn 83 +2.7 1.3 71 39 31 MedResrchEqp/Svc 87 +7.6 +0.5 112 128 158 Retail/WhlsleAuto 83 +7.7 +0.7 154 173 160 FuneralSvcs&Rel .. +9.0 +0.4 196 195 195 Retail/WhlsleJwlry .. +9.3 +2.1
36 110 114 ElecContractMfg .. +10.5 +1.8 72 38 47 InsrncePrp/Cas/Titl 76 +1.9 +0.1 113 141 124 LeisureServices 66 +6.3 +0.7 155 97 96 RtailWhlsleOffcSup .. +2.3 +0.5 197 197 197 FoodDairyProducts .. +27.1 5.7

IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating
Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating
Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE
Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos)
52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P
6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
69 67 82 C C- 86.5 ArrowElec r ARW 75.57 +0.26 -27 1.7m 9 51 82 20 B B+ 124 Westlak 1.3 r WLK 75.10 -2.73 -11 2.9m 9 75 88 29 B B+ 50.7 AirLease 1.4 AL 37.12 -0.39 -30 3.0m 8 81 70 54 A B- 28.7 KKR&C 2.2 KKR 22.83 +0.01 -34 11m 7
61 65 77 D C- 49.4 Avnet 1.9 AVT 41.04 -1.45 +11 5.9m 10o 57 87 19 A D- 262 Allianc 1.3 r ADS 177.7 +5.19 -18 2.1m 8 99 96 73 A C 21.4 KKRRealEs 8.5 KREF 20.14 -0.06 -29 1.0m 12
96 81 89 B B+ 36.4 Bruker .5 BRKR 34.77 +0.25 -37 2.1m 25k Daily 90 90 85 A D- 31.2 AlliBer 9 AB 30.15 +0.06 -39 1.3m 9 99 97 95 A B+ 404 Lendingtree TREE 293.5 +5.00 -39 575 55
71 66 40 B B 69.7 Cognex .5 r CGNX 43.77 +0.83 -13 4.7m 34k
15. AEROSPACE +0.4% Change +6.84%Since
Jan. 1
73 89 59 C D- 31.3 AllyFi 2.6 ALLY 25.77 -0.37 +2 14m 8 55 43 33 A B 67.7 Moelis 4.3 MC 43.80 +0.71 0 2.1m 15
69 64 56 B D 36.6 Corning 2.4 GLW 30.36 -0.27 +49 33m 17 92 70 97 B B+ NH Aerojet AJRD 39.04 +0.36 +72 4.9m 24 18 3 48 E C 82.5 Altaba AABA 65.22 +0.58 -19 25m 99k 73 77 66 B D- 96.8 Nasdaq 2.1 NDAQ 85.69 +2.55 -8 3.5m 18
93 76 99 C C NH Fabrinet FN 57.76 +3.43 +31 2.1m 18 89 90 80 B C- 394 Boeing 2.3 r BA 364.2 -0.53 -26 13m 23 79 61 65 A D+ 114 AmerExp 1.5 AXP 100.8 +0.29 -17 15m 13o 76 38 79 A C+ 14.3 NewMtnFn 9 NMFC 13.76 +0.13 -7 1.5m 11o
80 69 70 B D- 31.8 Jabil 1.2 JBL 25.83 +0.41 -36 5.6m 9o 96 79 90 B B 21.7 CAE 1.4 CAE 20.96 +0.67 -16 566 18k 57 83 24 B D 180 Amerpri 3.0 AMP 121.1 +0.01 -21 3.5m 8 98 74 94 A C 24.5 NMIHdgsA NMIH 21.70 +1.70 +37 1.9m 15
92 99 89 A C- 29.9 Kemet 1.0 KEM 20.59 +1.59 +14 4.8m 8 69 73 65 D C 77.4 Cubic .4 CUB 63.98 +1.63 -30 944 99k 71 63 62 A D- 17.6 AresCap 9 ARCC 16.10 -0.14 -9 10m 10 84 86 63 A C 69.6 NoahHlgs NOAH 44.81 -4.02 +35 1.4m 18
98 78 96 A B+ NH KeysightTech r KEYS 71.07 +1.49 +44 10m 21o 74 88 34 B B- 143 CurtsWr .5 r CW 112.1 +0.05 -41 727 18 46 62 28 B C 592 Blackro 3.2 BLK 410.0 -9.50 -9 3.0m 15o 70 99 16 A D- 40.0 PagseguroA PAGS 22.93 +0.54 -33 7.4m 28
73 63 63 C C 18.3 Knowles KN 14.71 +0.49 +33 5.7m 14 73 53 97 D D 122 Esterline ESL 121.4 -0.20 -61 882 29 80 74 67 A D- 40.6 Blackst 6.7 BX 32.99 +0.08 -40 16m 7 97 90 92 A B NH Paypal r PYPL 94.28 +3.16 -6 34m 41
95 84 85 A C- 697 MettlerToldo MTD 614.6 +12.45 -24 478 31k 52 76 22 B C- 63.9 FLIRSys 1.4 FLIR 46.91 +1.52 -24 3.4m 21 64 86 38 A E 138 Broadri 1.9 BR 101.8 +0.53 -47 2.4m 22 75 76 52 A D+ 102 RaymndJ 1.7 RJF 81.06 -0.20 +8 5.6m 12o
98 94 92 A D+ 78.9 Novanta NOVT 69.71 +0.28 -40 415 34o 59 72 29 A D- 230 GenDyna 2.2 r GD 171.2 +2.64 -27 4.9m 15 58 39 80 B E 45.0 BrkfldAs 1.4 BAM 42.04 -0.12 -25 3.8m 16 84 72 97 E A- 17.7 RentACntr RCII 17.35 +0.35 -35 6.8m 57
52 95 18 B D- 28.7 ResideoTech REZI 20.85 -0.95 -52 2.9m 5k 89 85 85 A E 94.1 Heico .1 HEI 80.16 -0.11 -25 1.1m 49 65 82 24 A C 138 CboeGlbl 1.3 r CBOE 96.03 +0.94 -6 3.0m 22 71 59 83 C D 21.8 Santnde 4.2 SC 19.23 +0.12 -17 5.0m 7
80 72 58 B B 57.4 Sensata ST 47.29 -0.15 -15 3.1m 13 91 85 82 A D 78.5 HeicoA .2 HEIA 63.89 -0.68 +17 1.0m 39 89 96 56 A C- 60.2 CharlesSc 1.1 r SCHW 47.97 -0.01 -21 27m 19o 92 91 74 A D 12.5 SLM 1.1 SLM 11.02 +1.63 +159 38m 10o
81 91 82 B B- 37.7 Stoneridge SRI 26.59 -0.34 -50 584 13 93 74 80 B B 73.4 Hexcel .9 r HXL 65.86 +3.64 +58 3.5m 21o 90 89 90 B C- 197 CMEGrp 1.5 CME 185.9 +2.51 -30 5.8m 30 97 71 96 A B 101 SquareA SQ 77.97 +5.73 +22 86m 99o
82 66 65 A C 45.7 Trimble TRMB 37.22 +0.63 -27 3.5m 20 68 99 26 B D- 276 HuntgtnI 1.7 HII 202.1 +1.79 -41 1.1m 11 88 73 84 B B- 18.0 CowenA r COWN 15.50 -0.28 -6 1.4m 7k 57 72 12 B C- 32.5 StonecoA STNE 23.09 +0.90 -41 3.1m 99k
69 79 44 B C- 191 UnivDis .2 OLED 102.4 +2.38 -30 2.8m 57 87 72 95 D B+ 16.1 KratosDef KTOS 14.99 +0.36 -45 2.4m 62o 98 97 88 A B- 467 CreditAcpt CACC 409.9 -19.19 +2 427 13 53 67 27 A D- 127 TRoweP 3.0 TROW 94.55 -2.06 -26 5.1m 14
86 90 70 B B 26.5 VishayI 1.7 VSH 19.59 +0.65 -43 4.5m 10 55 64 30 C C 223 L3Tech 1.7 LLL 184.5 +1.20 -7 2.9m 19 80 84 41 A C 81.9 Discover 2.4 r DFS 66.73 +0.36 +71 17m 8o 85 94 61 C B- 100 TotalSys .6 TSS 88.31 +0.37 -6 5.7m 20
94 71 93 A B- 230 Waters WAT 229.2 +22.22 +104 5.2m 27o 77 88 29 B C 363 Lockheed 3.1 LMT 287.0 +4.17 -17 5.6m 16 75 99 30 A D 66.5 ETrade 1.2 ETFC 47.77 -2.89 +47 17m 12o 98 87 64 A D+ 21.1 TpgReFinT 8.9 TRTX 19.43 +0.19 -1 688 11
98 98 95 A C+ 184 ZebraTech ZBRA 175.9 -1.93 -19 1.5m 17 97 84 92 B B 57.3 Mercury MRCY 48.50 -0.47 -27 808 33k 50 73 16 A C 61.0 EatonVa 3.5 EV 39.79 +0.09 -11 4.5m 12o 89 94 46 A C 79.5 TransUn .5 TRU 60.37 -0.21 -29 3.7m 25
87 93 34 A B- 360 Northrp 1.8 r NOC 272.8 +5.09 -43 3.3m 15 68 66 50 A D 39.0 EnovaIntl ENVA 22.96 -0.41 -41 748 9k 96 97 91 A B- 39.6 Triton 5.9 TRTN 35.39 -0.96 -27 1.3m 8
Daily 67 86 25 B B- 229 Raytheon 2.1 RTN 167.6 +2.20 -17 7.0m 17 92 96 67 B C+ 64.8 Envestnet ENV 53.99 +0.59 -44 622 31k 83 96 44 A B 190 UntdRental r URI 127.3 +3.94 +61 12m 7o
14. CHEMICAL +1.5% Change +3.83%SinceJan. 1 70 84 35 B B 105 SpiritA .6 SPR 79.70 +0.23 +4 3.2m 13 60 57 47 B B- 138 Equifax 1.5 EFX 105.6 +1.39 -20 4.2m 18o 91 76 90 A A- 37.9 VirtuF 3.7 VIRT 25.89 -1.01 -39 2.2m 17
98 98 68 A B- 50.1 EssentGrp ESNT 38.38 +0.60 -44 1.2m 9k 85 85 48 A C 203 WEX WEX 162.2 +0.33 +18 2.1m 21k
66 47 74 B D+ 175 AirProd 2.9 APD 160.9 +2.29 +1 5.4m 21o 94 81 85 B B 250 Teledyne TDY 221.3 -3.88 +29 745 25
80 88 59 B D 103 WorldplayA WP -21 9.4m 21
96 93 94 A C 121 Euronet EEFT. 115.4 +2.41 -25 1.6m 21 83.20 -0.68
65 52 77 C C 86.6 Ashland 1.3 ASH 75.92 -2.29 +7 2.8m 21 73 70 86 .. D+ 377 TransDigm TDG 351.9 -4.03 -39 912 26
71 86 33 A C+ 117 Evercore 2.4 EVR 84.65 -1.57 -15 1.7m 12k
73 95 38 A C+ 119 Celanese 2.2 CE 97.27 -0.54 -33 5.5m 9 Daily
66 85 43 A C 77.1 DowDuPo 2.6 DWDP 57.76 -0.30 -21 38m 14k 16. FINANCE +1.1% Change +8.68%Since
Jan. 1 93 62 97 A C+ 30.2 Evertec .7 EVTC. 28.50 +0.50 +15 2.9m 17 17. INSURNCE Daily
+0.1% Change +1.61%Since
Jan. 1
76 70 92 .. C- 30.5 EvoPaymntA EVOP 25.00 +0.99 -43 709 86k
70 74 51 A C 93.2 FMC 2.0 FMC 79.37 -1.28 -12 3.5m 13 SECTOR LEADER | NSDAQ 84 79 83 C C 110 Fidelity 1.2 FIS 105.4 -0.41 -10 5.5m 21 7IPO within last 15 years and EPS & RS 80 or higher
74 70 47 B B+ 59.6 FullerHB 1.3 FUL 46.50 +0.97 +2 2.0m 15o 97 95 80 A B- 63.0 TDAmtr 2.1 AMTD 56.26 +0.89 +20 9.7m 15o 78 21 96 C A 26.6 FirstData FDC 25.11 +2.16 +49 97m 17o
89 56 77 A B- 75.6 GraceWR 1.3 GRA 71.12 +2.06 +23 3.5m 17 KEY DATA: EPS 3 Q Avg 71%, LQ 39%, Next Q 27%, Sales 3Q Avg 37%, 99 93 91 A C 63.1 7HlthInsInvs HIIQ 37.52 +1.74 -54 2.4m 17
93 89 91 A B+ NH Fiserv r FISV 85.07 +7.25 +143 42m 28k
91 69 88 A C 106 Ingevity r NGVT 91.61 -1.17 -37 636 26k LQ 21%, Next Yr EPS 19%, Pretax 45%, ROE 25%, EPS due 04/23 92 91 63 A B 230 FleetcorTech FLT 199.8 +1.45 -39 1.8m 19 67 70 86 CD 48.2 AFLAC 2.2 AFL 47.57 -0.13 -10 14m 11k
67 58 56 A C 169 Linde 2.1 r LIN 158.8 -1.95 -28 7.0m 24 7IPO within last 15 years and EPS & RS 80 or higher 85 93 71 C C- 129 GlobalP .0 GPN 113.2 -1.36 +38 7.7m 22 63 78 32 C B- 102 Allstate 2.1 ALL 86.15 +0.45 -7 9.4m 9
49 76 22 A C 121 Lyndelb 4.6 r LYB 86.21 -1.65 -8 9.7m 7 96 92 91 A C 93.0 7GreenDotA GDOT 78.66 -0.81 -37 1.8m 26 92 72 96 C B+ 33.5 Greenhi .7 GHL 29.66 -1.16 +11 1.4m 37k 75 83 48 CC 38.6 AmerEqu .9 AEL 31.07 +0.16 -27 1.6m 6k
75 74 29 A B- 83.2 Mthnx 2.3 r MEOH 57.64 -1.32 -22 1.8m 7 98 86 93 A B 73.3 7LPLFncl 1.4 LPLA 70.23 -0.65 +60 4.6m 16 95 88 78 A B 50.2 HFF HF 40.10 +0.35 -29 513 14 65 95 27 C C- 121 AmerFncl 1.7 AFG 94.75 -1.21 -37 1.1m 10k
61 74 34 D B 38.8 Olin 3.4 OLN 23.73 +0.14 -19 7.4m 12 94 86 88 A B+ 231 7Marktxs .8 MKTX 219.5 +0.27 -24 784 47k 89 88 68 B B 53.2 Houliha 2.5 HLI 43.97 +0.37 -44 641 16k 96 86 82 A B- 166 Aon 1.0 AON 154.4 -0.02 -25 3.1m 19
92 95 72 A C- 36.6 OrionEngn 3.0 OEC 27.05 -0.49 +21 1.7m 12k 97 93 87 A D 225 7Masterc .7 r MA 202.9 +0.94 -23 15m 33 82 62 79 B D+ 56.0 IhsMarkit INFO 51.52 -0.09 -17 8.1m 22o 85 79 78 CB 31.4 ArchCaptl ACGL 28.83 +0.35 -22 3.4m 13k
86 75 69 A C 22.6 SolarisOi 2.6 SOI 15.51 -0.09 -19 1.4m 10 95 94 89 A D+ 184 7MSCI 1.4 MSCI 163.8 -2.14 -24 2.3m 32 49 87 28 A E 80.3 InterBr .8 IBKR 50.56 -4.07 +39 3.9m 22o 77 70 81 E B- 46.1 AspenIns 2.3 AHL 41.86 -0.41 +53 4.9m ..
67 86 25 A B- 54.1 Chemour 2.8 CC 35.73 +0.78 -36 5.3m 6 94 99 92 A B- 13.5 7VictoryCapA r VCTR 10.52 -0.45 -69 222 6 81 83 76 B D 82.7 Intercont 1.3 r ICE 75.76 +0.13 -24 9.3m 22k 68 49 57 CB 111 Assurant 2.5 r AIZ 95.24 -1.14 -35 1.1m 11k
74 62 81 .. A- 25.1 Valvoli 1.9 VVV 22.11 +0.21 -41 3.0m 17k 96 94 81 A C 151 7Visa .7 V 138.7 +0.17 -34 28m 30 88 72 96 D B- 30.3 InvTech .9 r ITG 30.23 +0.10 -42 1.6m 36
80 87 39 A B- 41.4 VersumMa 1.0 VSM 31.65 +1.36 +27 4.4m 13k 51 85 14 A C- 41.6 JanusHn 6.3 JHG 22.35 +0.15 -45 2.3m 7k Research Tables continued on B12
5 5 5 5 5 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 5 5 5 5 5 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 5 5 5 5 5 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 5 5 5 5 5 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P
High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos)
Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE
Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating
Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating

Copyright 2019 Investor's Business Daily Inc.



Sector Leaders 705.1%
S&P 500 286.7% Performance vs. the S&P 500 since 3/6/2009

Abiomed (ABMD) YTD +7% o$349.37 Atlassian (TEAM) YTD +8% o$95.86 BioTelemetry (BEAT) YTD +17% o$70.00 Fortinet (FTNT) YTD +4% o$73.59
43.2M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 99 EPS 91 RS 19% ROE 102.0M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 98 EPS 98 RS 14% ROE 2015 IPO 30.3M Shares 98 Comp. Rating 99 EPS 98 RS 16% ROE 139.7M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 97 EPS 93 RS 26% ROE 2009 IPO
Develops medical devices designed to assist or replace the pumping function Australian company that designs and develops software to help teams in Provides medical devices, monitoring svcs and centralized core laboratory ser- Develops unified threat management systems to provide security and network-
of the heart management, collaboration, integration vices for clinical research. ing functions
Ann. EPS Growth +57% PE 113 Avg. Daily Vol 581,600 Debt 0% Ann. EPS Growth +27% PE 141 Avg. Daily Vol 1,760,200 Debt 92% Ann. EPS Growth +51% PE 41 Avg. Daily Vol 571,500 Debt 79% Ann. EPS Growth +49% PE 47 Avg. Daily Vol 2,250,400 Debt 0%
Last Qtr Eps +84%`Next Qtr Eps Est +34% Last Qtr Sales +37% Last Qtr Eps +92%`Next Qtr Eps Est +80% Last Qtr Sales +39% Last Qtr Eps +121%`Next Qtr Eps Est +34% Last Qtr Sales +23% Last Qtr Eps +75%`Next Qtr Eps Est +63% Last Qtr Sales +21%
3 Q's Avg Eps +86% PreTax Mgn 27% 3 Q's Avg Eps +63% PreTax Mgn 20% 3 Q's Avg Eps +122% PreTax Mgn 11% 3 Q's Avg Eps +74% PreTax Mgn 18%
Eps Due 1/31 Group 32 Eps Due 4/17 Group 4 Eps Due 2/20 Group 49 Eps Due 2/6 Group 23
R&D 13% R&D 48% R&D 4% R&D 14%

Acc/Dis B- Acc/Dis B Acc/Dis D Acc/Dis C

UpDown Vol 1.2 UpDown Vol 1.3 UpDown Vol 1.1 UpDown Vol 0.7
Sup/Demand 79 Sup/Demand 87 Sup/Demand 79

In lower half of a large, wide-and-loose base. Rebounding from 89.92 buy point after brutal reversal. Daily chart shows a handle with a 70.58 buy point. Back above 10-week moving avg. as base keeps forming.
Innoviva (INVA) YTD +14% o$19.83 Kirkland Lake Gold (KL) YTD +12% $29.23 Palo Alto Networks (PANW) YTD +11% o$209.72 Paycom Software (PAYC) YTD +17% o$143.05
66.7M Shares 96 Comp. Rating 95 EPS 97 RS 0% ROE 201.3M Shares 98 Comp. Rating 99 EPS 98 RS 16% ROE 91.1M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 98 EPS 91 RS 43% ROE 2012 IPO 48.6M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 97 EPS 96 RS 76% ROE 2014 IPO
Develops small molecule drugs for the treatment of respiratory diseases in Canadian firm engaged in the provision of mining and mineral exploration Provides network security infrastructure products for enterprises, service Provides cloud-based human capital software that manages employment
partnership with Glaxo Group Ltd. in Canada and Australia. providers and government entities. life cycle for employers.
Ann. EPS Growth +243% PE 11 Avg. Daily Vol 1,057,800 Debt n/a Ann. EPS Growth +165% PE 25 Avg. Daily Vol 1,095,800 Debt 2% Ann. EPS Growth +54% PE 49 Avg. Daily Vol 1,606,600 Debt 142% Ann. EPS Growth +88% PE 61 Avg. Daily Vol 573,800 Debt 25%
Last Qtr Eps +39%aNext Qtr Eps Est +18% Last Qtr Sales +27% Last Qtr Eps +71%`Next Qtr Eps Est +32% Last Qtr Sales +26% Last Qtr Eps +56%`Next Qtr Eps Est +42% Last Qtr Sales +31% Last Qtr Eps +33%aNext Qtr Eps Est +93% Last Qtr Sales +32%
3 Q's Avg Eps +54% PreTax Mgn 77% 3 Q's Avg Eps +114% PreTax Mgn 28% 3 Q's Avg Eps +52% PreTax Mgn 22% 3 Q's Avg Eps +53% PreTax Mgn 34%
Eps Due 2/6 Group 65 Eps Due 2/21e Group 43 Eps Due 2/25 Group 23 Eps Due 2/5 Group 3
R&D 1% R&D 6% R&D 18% R&D 7%

Acc/Dis A- Acc/Dis C Acc/Dis B Acc/Dis C-

UpDown Vol 1.3 UpDown Vol 1.8 UpDown Vol 1.1 UpDown Vol 1.3
Sup/Demand 86

3-weeks tight shows 20.06 entry. Clears 23.96 buy point in 4-month cup; now well extended. Climbing right side of cup-shaped base after 33% pullback. Forming right side of cup-shaped base; wait for new entry.
Realpage (RP) YTD +14% o$54.86 (CRM) YTD +9% o$149.74 ServiceNow (NOW) YTD +7% o$191.08 TD Ameritrade (AMTD) YTD +15% o$56.26
70.4M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 96 EPS 81 RS 17% ROE 2010 IPO 719.1M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 97 EPS 93 RS 13% ROE 175.7M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 99 EPS 92 RS 47% ROE 2012 IPO 280.6M Shares 97 Comp. Rating 95 EPS 80 RS 25% ROE
Provides on-demand software for managing, screening, leasing and account- Provides on-demand customer relationship management software applica- Develops cloud-based IT software for workflow automation, data consolida- Provides securities brokerage, financial services through the Internet and
ing in the rental housing industry tions and services to businesses. tion, business administration. branch networks.
Ann. EPS Growth +38% PE 40 Avg. Daily Vol 816,500 Debt 70% Ann. EPS Growth +44% PE 74 Avg. Daily Vol 7,470,800 Debt 7% Ann. EPS Growth +87% PE 92 Avg. Daily Vol 2,089,600 Debt 108% Ann. EPS Growth +35% PE 15 Avg. Daily Vol 2,011,900 Debt 30%
Last Qtr Eps +73%`Next Qtr Eps Est +46% Last Qtr Sales +33% Last Qtr Eps +29%aNext Qtr Eps Est +17% Last Qtr Sales +26% Last Qtr Eps +79%aNext Qtr Eps Est +83% Last Qtr Sales +37% Last Qtr Eps +39%aNext Qtr Eps Est +27% Last Qtr Sales +21%
3 Q's Avg Eps +67% PreTax Mgn 19% 3 Q's Avg Eps +48% PreTax Mgn 17% 3 Q's Avg Eps +94% PreTax Mgn 18% 3 Q's Avg Eps +71% PreTax Mgn 45%
Eps Due 2/25 Group 4 Eps Due 2/26 Group 3 Eps Due 1/30 Group 3 Eps Due 4/22 Group 87
R&D 13% R&D 15% R&D 20%

Acc/Dis C Acc/Dis B Acc/Dis C+ Acc/Dis B-

UpDown Vol 1.5 UpDown Vol 1.3 UpDown Vol 1.3 UpDown Vol 0.8

Nearing resistance around 56 price level, as new base forms. New handle displays a 153.37 buy point. Forms awkward double bottom and tight handle; 192.89 entry. Back above 10-week line as it builds right side of base.
Trade Desk (TTD) YTD +19% $137.78 Veeva Systems (VEEV) YTD +22% o$109.20
35.2M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 97 EPS 99 RS 34% ROE 2016 IPO 123.9M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 99 EPS 98 RS 19% ROE 2013 IPO

Self-service platform for ad buyers to purchase and manage data-driven Develops cloud-based software for sales/marketing functions of companies
digital advertising campaigns in the life sciences industry.
Ann. EPS Growth +63% PE 65 Avg. Daily Vol 1,130,300 Debt 11% Ann. EPS Growth +41% PE 78 Avg. Daily Vol 1,506,800 Debt 0%
Last Qtr Eps +86%`Next Qtr Eps Est +48% Last Qtr Sales +50% Last Qtr Eps +80%`Next Qtr Eps Est +74% Last Qtr Sales +27%
3 Q's Avg Eps +63% PreTax Mgn 28% 3 Q's Avg Eps +62% PreTax Mgn 33% Your Next Smart
Eps Due 2/20 Group 11 Eps Due 2/25 Group 38
R&D 17% R&D 19% m;vm] ;1bvbom
Acc/Dis C+ Acc/Dis C We invite you to take a
UpDown Vol 1.6 UpDown Vol 1.4
Sup/Demand 92 1olrbl;m|-u=ou;;h|ub-
1.800.648.7285 l

2018 Investors Business Daily, Inc. Investors Business Daily, IBD,

CAN SLIM, Leaderboard and corresponding logos are registered
Possible double bottom shows potential entry at 149.10. Extended above double bottom base's 101.49 buy point. trademarks owned by Investors Business Daily, Inc.

On the downside, weaker-than-expected earnings can shaped bases 156.95 buy point before topping Sept. 13.
SECTOR LEADERS REVIEW cause sharp sell-offs, as seen Friday in IntelsINTC almost 7% Meanwhile, Fortinet extended a win streak to three trad-
decline and ResmedsRMD 17% drop. ing sessions Friday with a more than 1% gain. The stock re-
This past week, Palo Alto Networks received at least two an- gained both its 50- and 200-day line this week. Fortinet is
alyst upgrades, providing a much-needed boost for the cyber- building the right side of a new base formation. The bases de-
Longtime IBD Sector Leaders Palo Alto NetworksPANW and security stock. The analysts were bullish on the companys cline reached as much as 31% on Dec. 24.
FortinetFTNT were perking up Fridays stock market. Both top market-share gains in the firewall market. On Thursday, Fortinets quarterly earnings are due Feb. 6 after the close.
stocks to watch were on pace for solid weekly gains of at least Wedbush upgraded the stock from neutral to outperform Analysts estimate year-over-year earnings and sales growth
4% apiece, as new buy points emerge. with a 265 price target. The analyst firm said that Palo Alto of 62% and 19%.
The IBD Sector Leaders idea list is IBDs most stringent Networks is one of the clear leaders in cybersecurity. Group member CyberArkCYBR is one of the top stocks to
screen that emphasizes top-notch fundamentals and strong Palo Alto Networks isnt expected to announce its current watch, as it nears a cup with handles 81.98 buy point. Shares
relative price strength. quarterly results until the end of February. Analysts expect are about 4% away from the buy point.
Earnings season remains a key factor driving the stock mar- the companys earnings to grow 42% year-over-year to $1.22 CyberArk is one of the No. 1 ranked stocks in the Computer
ket. Positive earnings can result in strong breakouts to the up- per share on revenue growth of 26% to $682 million. Software-Security industry. It boasts a highest-possible 99
side, known as breakaway gaps. Palo Alto is quickly moving up the right side of a cup-shaped IBD Composite Rating. The CR is a blend of key fundamental
Leaderboard stock XilinxXLNX staged a breakaway gap base.The buy point is 239.60, but be on the lookout for a poten- and technical metrics designed to gauge a stocks leadership
Thursday when it surged more 18% to break out above a tial handle that would lower the risk-optimal entry. potential. CyberArk is ranked No. 4 on the IBD 50 list of pre-
95.28 buy point. Last year, the stock gained as much as 52% from a cup- mier stocks.
R Acc 52-Wk Closing Vol% % R Acc 52-Wk Closing Vol% % R Acc 52-Wk Closing Vol% % R Acc 52-Wk Closing Vol% %
REITs S Dis High Stock Symbol Price Chg Chg Yld S Dis High Stock Symbol Price Chg Chg Yld S Dis High Stock Symbol Price Chg Chg Yld S Dis High Stock Symbol Price Chg Chg Yld
84 B 19.3 Chimera CIM 18.91 0.12 -23 10.6 84 B 20.5 Gladstone GOOD 19.64 0.20 -29 7.6 41 D- 8.0 MhBCap LOAN 6.00 0.02 -63 8.0 72 B 23.8 SabraHlthcr SBRA 19.97 0.33 -28 9.0
R Acc 52-Wk Closing Vol% % 45 B- 33.8 ChspkeLdge CHSP 27.30 0.47 -37 5.9 39 D- 13.8 GladstoneLd LAND 11.47 0.02 -55 4.6 84 B- 105.0 MidAmAp MAA 101.07 1.10 -24 3.8 84 B- 4.4 SachemCap SACH 4.03 -0.01 -45 16.9
S Dis High Stock Symbol Price Chg Chg Yld
85 B- 18.1 CIM ComrcTr CMCT 17.40 -0.29 23 2.9 77 B- 22.5 GlobalNetLs GNL 19.81 -0.22 177 10.8 20 C 17.8 MonmouthRE MNR 13.29 0.12 -43 5.1 43 D- 20.2 SafetyIncGrow SAFE 16.60 -0.17 13 3.6
For Friday, January 25, 2019
54 B- 13.2 CityOfficeReit CIO 11.23 0.01 -48 8.4 43 C- 4.6 GlobalSlfStr SELF 3.93 0.02 -51 6.6 90 B- 81.6 NatlHlthInv NHI 80.21 0.60 -24 5.0 70 A- 60.6 SaulCenters BFS 52.80 1.02 -42 4.0
89 D 28.5 4Corners FCPT 27.09 0.24 -21 4.2 95 B- 14.4 ClipperRealty CLPR 13.23 0.11 -40 2.9 93 C+ 10.1 GlobMedReit GMRE 9.63 -0.01 -11 8.3 93 E 51.5 NatlRetailPty NNN 50.84 1.25 -32 3.9 15 D 19.2 SeniorHouse SNH 13.00 -0.19 6 12.0
80 B- 29.3 AcadiaRlty AKR 27.18 0.62 -27 4.1 14 E 23.2 ColCredRlEst CLNC 15.76 0.14 -38 11.0 84 B 37.0 Gmg/LesPptys GLPI 36.46 0.56 -24 7.5 79 C- 32.3 NatlStrgAff NSA 27.32 0.63 -32 4.4 79 B 51.9 SeritageGrw A SRG 39.84 0.87 -50 2.5
63 E 19.7 AGMortgage MITT 17.55 0.06 -63 11.4 29 E 10.1 ColonyCap CLNY 5.61 0.18 -52 7.8 87 C+ 19.3 GranitePtMort GPMT 19.28 0.14 21 8.7 46 D- 18.8 New Resi Inv NRZ 16.65 0.19 -35 12.0 83 B- 191.5 SimonPrpty SPG 177.11 1.84 -20 4.5
53 B- 19.8 AgncInvest AGNC 18.12 0.11 -28 11.9 54 B 25.1 ColumPrpTrst CXP 21.22 0.41 -50 3.8 59 B+ 13.9 GreatAjax AJX 12.91 0.12 -74 9.9 12 E 8.9 NewSeniorInv SNR 4.93 0.08 -47 10.5 75 C+ 15.2 Site Centers SITC 12.82 0.21 -47 6.2
94 C+ 63.0 AgreeRealty ADC 62.90 1.08 -37 3.5 91 B- 32.8 CommHlthTr CHCT 31.84 0.04 -37 5.1 40 B 21.2 Gyrodyne GYRO 18.71 0.00 -100 .. 94 B 38.2 NexPointRes NXRT 35.80 -0.23 -37 3.1 41 C 106.5 SLGreenRlty SLG 89.23 2.88 16 3.8
29 C+ 401.8 Alexanders ALX 319.88 3.26 30 5.6 19 D- 11.3 CondorHosp CDOR 8.52 -0.08 -67 9.2 91 C+ 24.1 HannonArm HASI 22.62 0.24 -45 5.8 94 C 16.8 NStarRlty NRE 16.25 0.11 -69 3.7 48 E 7.6 SothrlyHotls SOHO 6.36 -0.02 -21 7.9
75 B- 130.5 AlexndriaEq ARE 125.41 2.16 -33 3.1 18 E 26.1 Corecivic CXW 19.17 -0.02 -37 9.0 94 B 30.3 HCP HCP 30.37 0.55 -36 4.9 78 E 6.5 NYMrtg NYMT 6.20 0.01 -53 12.9 37 B- 9.8 SpiritMtaReit SMTA 7.65 0.12 -34 17.3
92 B- 42.9 AmerAssets AAT 41.35 0.53 -61 2.7 49 C- 39.5 CorEnrgyInfra CORR 35.33 0.36 -16 8.5 88 C 31.7 HealthcreRlty HR 31.39 0.48 -3 3.8 9 B 70.2 OfficePropsIn OPI 31.73 0.02 -32 21.7 62 B+ 42.6 SpiritRealty SRC 38.25 0.79 -31 6.5
90 A- 44.2 AmerCm ACC 44.67 0.62 9 4.1 5 E 28.3 CorepointLdg CPLG 12.07 -0.05 -70 6.6 57 D- 24.2 HershaHosp HT 18.12 0.36 -16 6.2 96 B- 38.7 OmegaHlthcre OHI 38.92 0.34 -50 6.8 83 D 29.1 StagIndust STAG 27.12 0.51 -38 5.3
34 D 18.5 AmerFinTr A AFIN 13.02 0.29 -1 8.4 38 B 117.8 CoresiteRlty COR 94.20 0.18 74 4.7 52 B+ 52.0 Highwood HIW 43.78 0.58 14 4.2 87 C+ 29.4 OneLiberty OLP 27.38 0.35 -37 6.6 67 D- 23.0 Starwd STWD 21.32 0.10 -49 9.0
96 B 28.9 AmericoldRlty COLD 27.93 0.16 -31 2.7 25 D+ 31.0 CorpOffice OFC 24.13 0.38 9 4.6 83 C+ 29.2 HlthcTrAmer HTA 27.49 0.30 -53 4.5 49 B- 8.3 Orchid Island ORC 6.94 0.09 -7 13.8 91 B- 31.1 Store Capital STOR 30.61 0.50 86 4.3
92 C+ 168.6 AmerTower AMT 167.41 1.76 -30 2.0 61 C 9.9 CousinsPrpty CUZ 8.61 0.13 -28 3.0 65 B+ 16.3 HMG HMG 13.67 0.38 -25 3.7 87 D- 22.8 Outfrnt Media OUT 20.53 0.14 -56 7.0 18 C 15.9 SummitHotl INN 10.75 0.20 -48 6.7
81 C 23.3 AmHm4 AMH 21.49 0.39 -4 0.9 86 B- 117.6 CrownCstlA CCI 113.70 1.79 8 4.0 52 D- 29.8 Hosp Prop Tr HPT 25.74 -0.15 -10 8.2 55 D+ 16.1 Paramount G PGRE 13.96 0.35 -21 2.9 89 B- 108.9 SunCommty SUI 105.65 0.88 -11 2.7
66 C+ 11.3 AnnalyCap NLY 10.31 -0.01 -27 11.6 27 D+ 22.5 HostHtls HST 17.49 0.30 6 4.6 64 C+ 34.3 Park HotlsRes PK 28.79 0.72 -24 8.0 45 C+ 16.9 SunstoneHotl SHO 13.94 0.21 15 4.9
81 C+ 33.2 Cubesmart CUBE 29.48 0.38 -45 4.3
48 E 5.3 AnworthMrtg ANH 4.51 0.08 -31 11.5 63 E 36.1 HudsonPac HPP 31.30 0.55 -66 3.2 23 D- 41.6 Pebblebrook PEB 30.37 0.48 -55 1.7 66 C 25.7 TangerFact SKT 22.74 0.22 -22 6.2
25 E 69.0 CyrusOne CONE 49.97 -0.27 77 3.7
92 B- 47.7 ApartmntInv AIV 48.04 0.53 -41 3.2 68 C 3.8 HuntCosFinTr HCFT 3.30 0.00 -47 7.3 12 A- 12.4 PennREIT PEI 7.43 0.20 -56 11.3 24 B- 65.5 TaubmanCtr TCO 49.63 0.73 46 5.3
45 D+ 125.1 DigitalRlty DLR 104.17 0.08 35 3.9
53 E 19.6 ApolloComm ARI 17.76 0.05 -48 10.4 84 B- 10.6 IndepnRealtyTrIRT 10.25 0.09 -38 7.0 89 C+ 21.4 Pennymac PMT 19.96 0.25 -33 9.4 88 B 39.6 TerrenoRlty TRNO 39.08 0.57 -62 2.5
30 E 13.0 DmndrockHsp DRH 9.88 0.14 29 5.1
31 D- 20.2 ApplHosp APLE 15.69 0.37 -30 7.6 40 D 24.7 IndLogisProp ILPT 20.37 0.07 -37 6.5 87 C 18.1 PhysicinsRlty DOC 17.25 0.26 -9 5.3 86 B- 25.0 TierReit TIER 22.26 0.36 -28 3.2
67 A- 40.9 DouglasEmmt DEI 36.77 0.57 -49 2.8
91 D- 12.8 ArborRlty ABR 11.47 0.19 -42 9.4 99 B+ 59.9 InnovatvInd IIPR 59.94 2.04 -3 2.3 76 B+ 20.6 PiedmontOff PDM 18.79 0.35 -11 4.5 10 E 15.8 TremontMtg TRMT 8.90 -0.01 -50 4.9
83 C+ 29.5 DukeRlty DRE 28.96 0.52 -1 3.0
84 B 14.8 AresRlEst ACRE 14.17 0.06 1 8.8 88 C 3.7 Innsuites IHT 1.68 -0.01 39 0.6 79 C+ 18.5 PlymthIndReit PLYM 15.79 0.19 -53 9.5 53 D- 16.3 TwoHarbors TWO 14.49 0.10 -35 13.0
65 C- 7.0 DynexCap DX 6.21 0.00 -42 3.9
68 C 16.2 ArmadaHfflr AHH 14.51 0.11 -29 5.5 76 D- 17.8 InvescoMrtg IVR 16.05 0.10 -48 10.5 24 D+ 51.4 Potlatchdeltic PCH 35.48 0.08 -6 4.5 91 D+ 43.0 UDR INC UDR 42.42 0.52 -45 3.0
33 D+ 21.5 EastGovProp DEA 17.49 0.39 54 5.9
41 E 25.0 ArmourRes ARR 21.14 0.06 -23 10.8 55 B 24.0 InvitatnHome INVH 21.61 0.44 -12 2.0 22 D- 6.9 PowerReit PW 5.16 0.00 -100 .. 32 B+ 16.7 UMHPrptys UMH 12.85 0.19 -12 5.6
87 C- 102.0 Eastgroup EGP 99.68 1.69 -36 2.9
14 B- 8.7 AshfordHsp AHT 4.71 0.09 -59 10.2 84 A 60.0 InvRealEstTr IRET 57.30 0.14 -31 4.9 67 B- 18.6 PrefdAptCmn APTS 15.99 -0.14 -27 6.5 88 D- 23.4 Uniti Grp UNIT 19.20 0.35 -38 12.5
81 B 12.1 EllngRdnMtg EARN 11.35 -0.03 19 12.0
88 B 191.9 AvalonBay AVB 186.65 1.70 -11 3.2 27 D- 11.4 Istar STAR 9.36 0.00 -3 3.8 75 B- 69.0 Prologis PLD 66.01 1.28 -7 2.9 78 D+ 77.0 UnivrslHR UHT 67.37 0.76 -36 4.0
31 D 19.6 EmpireState ESRT 14.92 0.28 24 2.8
80 D 35.7 BlackstnMtg BXMT 33.51 0.13 -64 7.4 90 B- 22.1 JerniganCap JCAP 21.03 0.03 -64 6.7 91 B+ 143.6 PSBusParks PSB 140.42 2.38 -27 3.0 46 A- 24.3 Urban Edge UE 20.09 0.29 -42 4.4
91 B+ 72.2 EPRPrpty EPR 71.28 0.35 -45 6.3 86 B- 40.7 JpgSmth JBGS 37.99 0.53 -40 2.4 74 C- 234.9 PublicStor PSA 205.64 3.01 -18 3.9 75 B- 23.2 UrstadBddleA UBA 20.52 0.33 -44 5.4
92 B 10.7 BluerockRsGr BRG 10.28 -0.21 -18 6.3
90 C- 104.0 EqLifestyle ELS 102.07 1.03 -33 2.2 57 D- 77.7 Kilroy Rlty KRC 68.56 0.95 -2 2.7 59 B- 51.3 QTS Realty QTS 39.61 -0.43 -22 4.1 40 B 18.5 UrstadtBiddle UBP 16.13 0.00 -23 6.1
80 B- 132.8 BostonPrpty BXP 123.48 2.41 -8 3.1
30 D+ 458.6 Equinix EQIX 369.44 -1.84 24 2.5 86 B+ 18.0 KimcoRlty KIM 16.70 0.30 21 6.7 32 C+ 39.7 Rayonier RYN 29.80 0.21 -13 3.6 91 B 65.7 Ventas VTR 62.43 0.48 -45 5.1
63 C- 12.1 BraemerHotl BHR 10.22 0.18 -49 6.3
87 C 32.1 Equity Cmwlth EQC 31.43 0.33 6 .. 66 D- 18.3 KiteRealty KRG 15.86 0.30 -36 8.0 67 B- 17.3 ReadyCapital RC 15.23 0.28 17 10.5 84 B- 8.0 Vereit VER 7.66 0.07 13 7.2
81 B- 18.7 BrixmorProp BRX 16.50 0.29 -46 6.8
26 D- 23.9 BrkfldPrpReitA BPR 17.81 0.23 -47 7.1 90 A- 72.8 EquityRes EQR 70.67 0.32 26 3.1 87 D 18.0 Ladder Cap A LADR 16.67 0.06 -41 5.5 92 B- 66.9 RealtyIncome O 65.22 0.96 -18 4.1 83 B 22.4 Vici Props VICI 21.45 0.32 -35 4.6
47 A+ 18.1 BrndywineRty BDN 14.88 0.26 10 5.1 88 B 267.4 EssexPrpty ESS 262.82 1.22 38 2.8 91 13.2 LegacyHousingLEGH 13.15 0.24 -93 .. 75 D- 17.5 Redwood RWT 16.08 0.07 -17 7.5 51 D+ 77.6 VornadoRlty VNO 66.20 0.47 -12 4.0
31 D 22.3 BrookfldProp BPY 17.76 0.18 -21 7.1 91 B 15.2 EssPrpRealTr EPRT 15.27 0.08 -46 5.5 90 B 9.5 LexngtonRlty LXP 9.25 0.10 11 7.7 70 C 66.9 RegencyCntrA REG 62.75 1.31 -36 3.5 17 D 8.4 WashingtnPrmWPG 5.49 0.16 -64 18.2
85 A- 14.2 BRT Apts BRT 12.85 0.12 -24 6.2 66 B 12.1 ExantasCap XAN 10.32 0.02 -25 4.6 87 D+ 46.9 LibertyPpty LPT 45.62 0.65 -48 3.5 3 D+ 10.6 RegionalHlth RHE 1.21 0.06 -52 .. 22 D 31.9 Washington WRE 24.59 0.61 126 4.9
84 B 95.7 CamdenPrpty CPT 93.52 1.20 -13 3.3 84 B 102.0 ExtraSpace EXR 93.15 1.12 -14 3.7 82 B- 102.9 Life Storage LSI 94.83 1.15 -55 4.2 82 B+ 36.3 Retail Value RVI 30.47 0.66 -6 17.1 74 C+ 30.3 Weingarten WRI 27.40 0.37 -2 5.8
32 C- 9.4 CapsteadMtg CMO 7.23 0.02 -52 4.4 15 E 9.2 Farmlnd Ptnrs FPI 5.57 0.09 -74 3.6 90 D 47.1 LTC Ppty LTC 45.32 0.77 2 5.0 58 D 19.8 RetailOpp ROIC 17.27 0.33 -31 4.5 95 B- 74.8 Welltower WELL 74.94 0.63 -10 4.6
96 B+ 20.9 CareTrust CTRE 21.15 0.41 25 3.9 85 D 135.7 FederalRlty FRT 128.46 1.77 -30 3.2 19 C- 68.8 Macerich MAC 46.14 1.15 -4 6.5 72 B+ 13.4 RetailPrpsAm RPAI 11.97 0.20 21 5.5 18 C+ 38.4 Weyerhaus WY 25.70 0.53 -16 5.3
17 C 13.7 CatchMarkT CTT 8.85 0.20 68 6.1 78 B- 34.0 FirstIndust FR 31.84 0.46 -36 2.7 78 C+ 22.3 MackCali CLI 20.08 -0.46 47 4.0 73 C- 4.9 RevenHousReitRVEN 3.70 0.00 -100 1.1 1 E 6.8 WheelerReit WHLR 1.10 0.11 87 ..
6 D+ 6.0 CBLAssoc CBL 2.35 0.03 -43 12.8 28 C 10.7 FranklnSt FSP 7.15 0.21 -55 5.0 29 9.8 MedalDivrReit MDRR 8.31 0.58 -78 2.0 89 B+ 33.5 Rexford Indus REXR 33.12 0.58 -14 1.9 89 B- 14.5 Whitestone WSR 14.02 0.05 -35 8.1
18 B+ 5.5 CedarRealty CDR 3.40 -0.04 -53 5.9 83 D+ 13.1 FrontYardResi RESI 10.33 0.15 -73 5.8 95 B- 17.5 Medical Props MPW 17.54 0.38 -9 5.7 25 D- 24.0 RLJLodging RLJ 18.20 0.34 -52 7.3 89 B+ 71.3 WPCarey WPC 71.78 1.09 -39 5.7
54 C 23.5 ChathamLdg CLDT 19.66 0.30 -38 6.7 40 E 28.1 GeoGrpReit GEO 22.14 -0.11 -49 8.5 65 C 8.2 MFAFincl MFA 7.28 0.04 -41 11.0 65 E 14.4 RPT Realty RPT 12.80 0.24 -21 6.9 49 E 11.4 WstrnAsset WMC 9.60 0.00 9 12.9
83 B 19.4 CherryHilMrt CHMI 18.63 0.03 18 10.5 92 B+ 32.1 GettyRlty GTY 31.01 0.30 -44 4.5 86 A- 31.6 MgmGrwProps MGP 30.16 0.55 8 5.7 61 A- 90.0 RymanHspPrp RHP 76.68 1.71 -46 4.4 23 D 25.9 XeniaHotel XHR 18.27 0.20 -31 6.0
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24.9M Shares 98 Comp. Rating 96 EPS 97 RS 11% ROE 77.6M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 72 EPS 99 RS -5% ROE 58.6M Shares 91 Comp. Rating 53 EPS 97 RS -57% ROE 70.2M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 86 EPS 86 RS 3% ROE
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2018 Investors Business Daily, Inc. Investors Business Daily, IBD, CAN SLIM, Leaderboard and corresponding logos are regis-
tered trademarks owned by Investors Business Daily, Inc. MarketSmith is a registered trademark of MarketSmith, Incorporated.
In buy range from long flat base's 14.85 entry. Trying to move back above 10-week moving average line.
IBD scans for new issues that have been trading less than three years. They must have a record of strong recent earnings and sales growth as well as sponsorship among top-rated mutual funds.

IPO Analysis market winner over the last decade.

Its too early in the stocks trading history to have an aver-
100% and 65%, respectively, vs. the year-ago period.
Most analysts are bullish on Tencent Musics growth pros-
age volume, but Tuesdays volume at 16.6 million shares trad- pects. On Jan. 7, Bank of America placed a buy rating on the
ed outpaced all but the first three trading sessions since the stock with a 17.10 price target. Then KeyBanc Capital Mar-
stocks Dec. 12 debut. Tencent Music closed at 15.91 Thurs- kets initiated coverage on Jan. 8 with an overweight rating
The stock market sold off early in the week, but hot IPO stock day, up more than 6%. and a 19 price target, citing a massive opportunity for reve-
Tencent Music EntertainmentTME shrugged off the mar- Tencent Music provides an online music entertainment nue growth.
kets weakness to break out past a buy point. The IPO Leader platform, similar to that of SpotifySPOT. But Tencent Music fo- HSBC gave the stock a buy rating and a 16 price target on
is in buy range after following up on Tuesdays breakout. cuses on increasing its users engagement with the site. Ten- Jan. 18. That analyst action boosted the stock more than 10%
The IPO Leaders list focuses on the markets newest com- cent Music allows users to buy virtual gifts and give them to to close just below the 14.85 buy point.
panies. Designed to find up-and-coming winners, the stock their favorite artists and performers during their live- Tencent Music broke out in heavy volume Tuesday above
idea list emphasizes strong fundamental and technical met- streamed performances. an IPO bases 14.85 entry. The stock is within the 5% buy
rics. Tencent Music says it is the largest online music provider range that tops out at 15.59. It has climbed as high as 16.20 in
Tencent Music, also part of IBD Leaderboard, is a spinoff of in China, boasting more than 800 million monthly average a strong breakout week. An alternative entry also appeared
Chinese internet giant TencentTCEHY. Tencent was a big stock users. In the most recent quarter, earnings and sales grew at 12.33, and Tencent Music is extended from that entry.

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Full list of low-priced and thinly traded stocks at 81 57 97 B 7.9 GrtLakesDD GLDD 7.20 -0.04 -65 74 67 69 B 14.0 MidSoBancrp MSVB 12.19 0.17 -64 83 35 97 B 8.9 Sensus Health SRTS 8.18 -0.01 -77 76 93 35 D 38.0 GreenCnty GCBC 30.79 0.29 -28 93 58 88 B+ 2.5 MdCTI MNDO 2.47 -0.02 -47 93 98 81 B- 9.9 Severn SVBI 8.37 0.04 -87
SmartSelect Composite Rating SmartSelect Composite Rating 71 63 40 B 3.9 G S E Sys GVP 2.96 0.06 -9 73 2 97 A- 21.4 Misonix MSON 18.82 0.35 67 68 72 59 C 5.0 SibanyeGold SBGL 3.03 0.15 -34
E E 87 25 96 A 8.9 GSITech GSIT 8.86 0.41 677 77 78 76 D+ 29.4 MMA Capital MMAC 26.90 -0.01 -63 95 72 89 A- 20.8 SiebertFncl SIEB 12.56 0.32 16
P R Acc 52-Wk Closing Vol% P R Acc 52-Wk Closing Vol% 78 74 61 D- 37.4 GuarantyBnc GNTY 30.15 0.15 -23 86 55 91 B 5.7 Mobileiron MOBL 5.00 -0.01 -24 78 60 75 B 2.5 SifyTech SIFY 1.56 0.02 -48
6 S S Dis Hi Stock Symbol Price Chg Chg 6 S S Dis Hi Stock Symbol Price Chg Chg 88 59 98 B- 9.7 GWG Hldgs GWGH 8.21 -0.09 47 81 95 20 C 17.8 MonmouthRE MNR 13.29 0.12 -43 79 50 93 A- 8.5 SigaTech SIGA 6.88 0.01 -58
For Friday, January 25, 2019 82 77 66 B+ 29.0 CitizNrthn CZNC 24.95 -0.54 -24 72 72 92 C 6.3 Harmonic HLIT 5.12 0.15 -36 88 72 79 B 10.0 MosaicAcq A MOSC 9.97 0.03 -87 77 22 98 A 3.0 Sigma Labs SGLB 2.07 0.00 45
90 72 95 B- 14.4 ClipperRealty CLPR 13.23 0.11 -40 80 19 99 A- 6.8 HarrowHealth HROW 6.28 0.14 -48 78 46 91 A- 11.5 Motif Bio MTFB 9.86 0.05 9 74 56 97 B- 17.9 Sirius Intl SG 14.50 0.00 -65
97 72 94 B- 5.3 3Pea Intl TPNL 4.55 0.24 216 83 87 82 C 24.9 HwthB HWBK 23.00 0.00 -92 70 89 53 E 21.9 MSBFncl MSBF 17.99 0.20 -95 98 60 99 A+ 5.8 SMTC SMTX 5.88 0.34 395
72 95 40 D- 18.9 CoastalFinl CCB 15.01 -0.20 72
78 40 86 B+ 7.5 A10 Netwrks ATEN 6.61 0.02 -14 86 66 88 C 31.7 HealthcreRlty HR 31.39 0.48 -3 68 89 40 B- 20.1 MVB Finl MVBF 17.05 -0.35 -77 68 94 28 D 48.8 SthrnFst SFST 35.79 0.04 215
69 40 81 C+ 5.8 CoffeeHldg JVA 4.69 0.26 325
78 72 92 D- 15.6 AcmResrch A ACMR 10.02 0.27 21 91 75 87 C- 4.5 Highpwr Intl HPJ 3.05 0.20 248 85 50 86 D 45.1 NACCO NC 35.80 0.39 -20 78 90 57 D+ 41.5 SthrnMO SMBC 34.99 0.52 32
79 97 53 C 13.1 ComVehicl CVGI 7.13 -0.03 -28
92 88 89 B- 41.5 ACNB ACNB 36.88 0.35 -28 81 68 52 B+ 52.0 Highwood HIW 43.78 0.58 14 88 48 90 B- 81.6 NatlHlthInv NHI 80.21 0.60 -24 75 75 27 B- 13.3 Spark Energy SPKE 8.01 -0.01 52
98 72 91 B- 32.8 CommHlthTr CHCT 31.84 0.04 -37
83 43 97 A+ 4.3 AerpioPharm ARPO 3.93 0.14 172 95 95 83 C+ 29.2 HlthcTrAmer HTA 27.49 0.30 -53 93 82 93 E 51.5 NatlRetailPty NNN 50.84 1.25 -32 74 66 62 B+ 42.6 SpiritRealty SRC 38.25 0.79 -31
84 36 98 A- 3.8 CompEnrgtca CIG 3.84 0.02 -30
81 35 99 A- 4.1 AEternaZen AEZS 3.63 0.09 -81 67 97 24 E 48.5 HomeBnc HBCP 36.20 0.30 -50 71 34 79 C- 32.3 NatlStrgAff NSA 27.32 0.63 -32 72 53 76 B- 6.5 SprtsWrh SPWH 5.26 0.07 -34
72 37 91 B 2.0 Aethlon AEMD 1.37 -0.02 -84 72 72 86 B+ 3.3 ComphSidrg SID 2.71 0.05 40
69 77 79 D 16.5 HometownBnk HMTA 13.33 0.10 -53 86 83 74 A- 339.6 NatlWestLife NWLI 302.70 -1.80 -58 80 44 85 B 6.6 Sprint S 6.18 -0.07 -26
75 28 98 A+ 6.2 Agenus AGEN 3.50 0.01 -53 89 89 38 B 117.8 CoresiteRlty COR 94.20 0.18 74
78 90 52 D- 29.8 Hosp Prop Tr HPT 25.74 -0.15 -10 96 98 88 B 12.2 NaturalAlter NAII 11.00 -0.05 -14 71 29 83 D 29.1 StagIndust STAG 27.12 0.51 -38
95 57 94 C+ 63.0 AgreeRealty ADC 62.90 1.08 -37 75 40 97 B+ 5.2 CorrevioPhrm CORV 3.59 0.27 8
69 69 63 E 36.1 HudsonPac HPP 31.30 0.55 -66 87 72 90 B+ 10.5 NetSolTch NTWK 6.64 -0.22 -65 81 65 84 B 39.5 StandrdAvbFinl STND 32.05 0.05 -24
85 72 96 A 2.4 AlskCom ALSK 2.05 0.01 -8 72 62 61 C 9.9 CousinsPrpty CUZ 8.61 0.13 -28
86 40 99 A+ 5.8 Icad ICAD 6.05 0.27 326 76 44 78 E 6.5 NYMrtg NYMT 6.20 0.01 -53 98 86 91 B- 31.1 Store Capital STOR 30.61 0.50 86
72 37 80 B+ 9.9 AllegroMrgr ALGR 9.80 -0.01 -98 93 81 81 C+ 33.2 Cubesmart CUBE 29.48 0.38 -45
73 24 94 B 6.9 Identiv INVE 5.35 0.15 -45 72 5 94 B 38.2 NexPointRes NXRT 35.80 -0.23 -37 74 48 98 C+ 3.9 Strata Skin SSKN 2.81 -0.02 91
79 57 81 C 10.4 Amber Road AMBR 8.79 0.36 -34 73 72 94 B 8.5 CypressEnrg CELP 7.95 0.20 60
86 36 88 C 6.8 ImgeSens ISNS 5.00 0.13 -96 89 67 73 A+ 58.6 Nicolet Banc NCBS 54.76 1.05 19 69 76 45 B- 28.0 SumitFncl SMMF 22.00 0.40 -41
85 41 90 A- 44.2 AmerCm ACC 44.67 0.62 9 71 55 87 B 3.5 Destinatn XL DXLG 2.61 0.13 -86
83 81 85 D 40.7 Independence IHC 35.86 0.01 -54 76 24 94 A 6.4 Nokia NOK 6.60 0.44 159 99 93 89 B- 108.9 SunCommty SUI 105.65 0.88 -11
97 75 80 B 6.5 Amer1stMult ATAX 6.14 -0.13 5 84 55 98 A 2.6 DigitalTurb APPS 2.19 0.06 74
87 38 84 B- 10.6 IndepnRealtyTr IRT 10.25 0.09 -38 77 72 92 C+ 8.1 NortechSys NSYS 4.35 0.18 -3 69 82 45 C+ 16.9 SunstoneHotl SHO 13.94 0.21 15
80 45 92 B- 42.9 AmerAssets AAT 41.35 0.53 -61 79 74 62 A- 38.3 DNBFcl DNBF 34.00 0.00 23
87 77 79 D 23.3 InfraReit HIFR 21.03 -0.02 -63 86 78 65 C- 41.9 NthnTch NTIC 30.15 -0.15 106 69 59 94 B 2.9 Taitron TAIT 1.95 -0.01 -69
76 37 81 C 23.3 AmHm4 AMH 21.49 0.39 -4 92 49 97 B+ 5.0 Dogness A DOGZ 3.82 0.02 -58
77 34 93 A- 2.0 Innodata INOD 1.52 0.00 -63 73 22 94 C 16.8 NStarRlty NRE 16.25 0.11 -69 92 73 91 B+ 13.0 Taylr Dvice TAYD 12.94 0.19 -44
92 72 96 B 28.9 AmericoldRlty COLD 27.93 0.16 -31 94 91 67 A- 40.9 DouglasEmmt DEI 36.77 0.57 -49
99 72 99 B+ 59.9 InnovatvInd IIPR 59.94 2.04 -3 75 57 65 E 4.8 OceanBio OBCI 3.70 0.07 44 96 65 88 B 39.6 TerrenoRlty TRNO 39.08 0.57 -62
88 41 99 B 8.8 ApyxMedical APYX 8.75 0.29 -19 72 72 97 D 3.5 DoverDG DDE 2.67 -0.03 42 77 44 99 A- 6.0 Inseego INSG 4.99 -0.26 86 84 57 96 B- 38.7 OmegaHlthcre OHI 38.92 0.34 -50 94 56 99 A- 6.0 Meet Group MEET 5.68 0.01 -15
88 63 98 C+ 33.6 AcornInt n ATV 24.48 2.24 -30 70 60 96 C+ 7.2 DryShip DRYS 5.58 -0.04 -38 72 30 98 B+ 8.8 IntechPhrm NTEC 7.80 0.43 -55 72 72 93 C- 9.4 OnDeckCap ONDK 6.94 0.12 -68 88 72 82 B+ 9.9 TiberiusAcq TIBR 9.93 0.01 -76
87 50 91 A- 10.3 ArcosDorad ARCO 8.81 0.03 -30 67 34 65 C- 7.0 DynexCap DX 6.21 0.00 -42 83 49 94 C+ 12.5 IntrntIntv IIJI 11.81 0.26 -47 80 55 94 C+ 3.7 OneGrpHosp STKS 3.17 0.01 -95 77 37 86 B- 25.0 TierReit TIER 22.26 0.36 -28
80 49 86 A- 4.2 Arotech ARTX 3.44 -0.15 80 80 80 65 B 31.0 Eastern EML 27.69 0.64 -53 74 96 50 D- 29.9 Investar Hdg ISTR 23.53 1.25 98 82 51 87 C+ 29.4 OneLiberty OLP 27.38 0.35 -37 70 90 38 D 39.5 Timberland TSBK 28.10 0.42 -56
70 50 92 B+ 7.2 Arqule ARQL 3.59 -0.01 -65 95 75 87 C- 102.0 Eastgroup EGP 99.68 1.69 -36 87 56 84 A 60.0 InvRealEstTr IRET 57.30 0.14 -31 80 50 86 B- 6.4 OptiCable OCC 3.64 0.04 -40 71 18 94 A+ 7.8 Titan Medical TMDI 3.56 -0.66 203
84 67 91 B- 23.9 Astronova ALOT 19.95 0.20 -29 68 48 75 D 151.9 ElbitSys ESLT 124.60 0.97 -74 92 91 80 B- 198.1 InvstrTitle ITIC 174.30 1.88 -53 87 92 93 B- 70.0 PAM Trans PTSI 52.40 0.40 -72 68 5 80 A+ 10.0 TottnhmAcq TOTA 9.93 0.00 -96
71 26 99 B+ 8.2 Astrotech ASTC 5.15 0.10 -93 71 59 68 B 6.6 Enel Chile ENIC 5.22 0.05 -48 75 53 93 B- 6.9 Israel Chem ICL 5.84 0.09 -47 83 41 97 B+ 9.5 ParaEnrgCopel ELP 9.44 -0.02 -37 83 92 92 B- 25.4 Transcat TRNS 21.44 -0.20 77
78 47 93 B 2.6 Atlantic Power AT 2.56 0.06 -44 81 72 99 B 7.6 EnphasEnrgy ENPH 6.72 0.06 -5 69 60 62 B 16.3 Itau CorpBnc ITCB 14.55 0.01 -98 76 72 46 A 3.6 Pareteum TEUM 2.31 0.03 25 80 23 95 B+ 6.1 TcenterAmerica TA 5.24 0.10 24
91 72 94 C+ 796.6 Atrion ATRI 780.00 -3.64 -7 97 71 91 B+ 72.2 EPRPrpty EPR 71.28 0.35 -45 67 27 86 B- 9.6 J.Jill JILL 6.34 0.10 -40 90 66 67 D+ 11.8 Park City Grp PCYG 8.39 0.58 1 73 77 52 B- 9.4 TrustcoBnk TRST 7.91 -0.03 -55
88 72 65 B 12.5 AuroraCannabis ACB 6.72 0.10 24 77 57 87 C 32.1 Equity Cmwlth EQC 31.43 0.33 6 82 72 86 B- 40.7 JpgSmth JBGS 37.99 0.53 -40 82 76 64 C+ 34.3 Park HotlsRes PK 28.79 0.72 -24 76 89 53 C+ 19.9 TwoRivrBanc TRCB 16.00 0.14 -66
68 13 99 A- 9.2 AxsmeThera AXSM 8.60 0.26 -72 95 81 90 C- 104.0 EqLifestyle ELS 102.07 1.03 -33 78 43 92 B- 9.6 Joint Corp JYNT 8.18 0.12 -9 74 87 32 C 24.8 ParkeBanc PKBK 19.47 1.09 69 94 80 75 B- 40.0 UFP Tech UFPT 32.73 0.67 17
95 80 87 C+ 3.3 B2Gold BTG 2.90 0.07 -10 70 49 91 C- 9.4 EricssonLmTl ERIC 8.88 0.36 207 75 36 89 B+ 3.6 KCAP Finl KCAP 3.54 0.00 -40 80 18 96 A 2.4 PaymntData PYDS 2.23 -0.02 -46 83 95 70 C+ 10.9 Ultralife ULBI 7.89 0.00 -30
90 95 56 B- 52.3 BankFirstNatl BFC 48.10 -1.90 13 78 99 40 B- 29.4 EsquireFinl ESQ 21.96 -0.39 -70 71 55 93 A- 1.0 Kelso Tech KIQ 0.60 0.00 -41 82 96 77 D 12.2 PB Bancorp PBBI 11.02 -0.12 -89 75 78 52 C 12.0 UnitdCmty UCFC 9.35 0.21 66
77 16 98 A 4.4 BioDlvry BDSI 4.33 0.26 2 68 22 95 A 5.8 EssaPharma EPIX 4.09 0.03 624 69 20 95 B+ 18.7 Kenon KEN 17.85 -0.18 -87 96 86 87 C 18.1 PhysicinsRlty DOC 17.25 0.26 -9 91 53 80 B+ 20.8 Utd Guardn UG 18.61 -0.14 31
68 30 97 B+ 4.1 BioScrip BIOS 3.65 -0.04 -77 98 71 91 B 15.2 EssPrpRealTr EPRT 15.27 0.08 -46 73 54 70 B 38.8 Kewaune KEQU 31.15 -1.02 -41 78 42 76 B+ 20.6 PiedmontOff PDM 18.79 0.35 -11 76 84 44 C 11.6 USecBc UBFO 10.33 -0.03 -50
69 34 47 A+ 18.1 BrndywineRty BDN 14.88 0.26 10 87 80 87 B- 75.0 FidD&dBanc FDBC 60.99 -0.98 -67 94 72 94 B 8.9 LatticeSemi LSCC 7.78 0.26 26 83 98 48 D- 29.4 Plumas PLBC 25.28 0.98 10 68 57 88 D- 23.4 Uniti Grp UNIT 19.20 0.35 -38
93 74 92 B- 4.5 BrasilagroBra LND 4.25 -0.05 -87 89 79 91 B 47.4 FirstCaptl FCAP 44.50 0.62 -74 76 66 87 D+ 36.9 Lawson LAWS 29.25 0.15 -30 68 18 95 A 7.6 Plx Pharma PLXP 5.02 0.05 21 72 96 30 C- 25.5 UnityBanc UNTY 19.93 0.09 -9
76 22 99 A- 32.8 BridgFds BRID 28.15 -0.35 -59 75 90 38 B+ 26.3 FrstCmty FCCO 20.70 0.22 -70 86 72 79 B+ 9.9 LegacyAcq A LGC 9.93 0.01 -76 83 37 95 B+ 82.9 PrimeEnergy PNRG 87.00 4.07 -31 81 71 78 D+ 77.0 UnivrslHR UHT 67.37 0.76 -36
92 89 81 B- 18.7 BrixmorProp BRX 16.50 0.29 -46 74 89 52 C+ 27.0 FrstCons FCCY 19.58 -0.17 -76 91 34 91 .. 13.2 LegacyHousing LEGH 13.15 0.24 -93 76 36 98 B+ 2.9 ProteonThera PRTO 2.75 0.27 -59 87 77 46 A- 24.3 Urban Edge UE 20.09 0.29 -42
73 67 31 D 22.3 BrookfldProp BPY 17.76 0.18 -21 88 64 78 B- 34.0 FirstIndust FR 31.84 0.46 -36 83 72 89 B- 2.4 Leju Holdings LEJU 1.64 0.06 -97 94 82 78 A- 19.9 PrudntlBnc PBIP 18.18 -0.02 -68 75 72 86 C+ 4.8 Urban One A UONE 2.43 0.03 -79
68 97 26 D- 23.9 BrkfldPrpReitA BPR 17.81 0.23 -47 69 87 17 B 80.0 FrstSvgs FSFG 51.95 0.00 -62 82 44 90 B 9.5 LexngtonRlty LXP 9.25 0.10 11 96 92 91 B+ 143.6 PSBusParks PSB 140.42 2.38 -27 79 72 71 B- 2.4 Urban One D UONEK 2.12 -0.13 -75
91 44 85 A- 14.2 BRT Apts BRT 12.85 0.12 -24 85 79 95 C+ 9.7 FstBancHld FBP 9.74 0.10 -46 71 37 80 B+ 10.1 LfCapAcq A LFAC 9.86 -0.02 -95 68 61 47 C- 22.3 Psychemed PMD 18.05 0.05 -69 83 62 75 B- 23.2 UrstadBddleA UBA 20.52 0.33 -44
74 96 31 C- 30.0 BusnssFrstBnc BFST 23.09 -0.11 -66 98 72 99 A 4.8 Fluent FLNT 4.79 0.02 17 78 49 87 D+ 46.9 LibertyPpty LPT 45.62 0.65 -48 95 72 83 B 11.7 PureCycl PCYO 9.85 0.36 -25 70 64 40 B 18.5 UrstadtBiddle UBP 16.13 0.00 -23
80 39 84 B 95.7 CamdenPrpty CPT 93.52 1.20 -13 81 35 97 B 9.6 Fluidigm FLDM 9.05 0.12 24 84 62 82 B- 102.9 Life Storage LSI 94.83 1.15 -55 72 21 98 B 9.0 Quotient QTNT 8.24 0.41 18 79 53 65 B 117.7 UtahMPr UTMD 92.20 3.60 -47
98 97 57 A 11.1 Camtek CAMT 7.10 -0.07 74 69 32 85 B 12.0 FncbBancrp FNCB 9.55 -0.14 179 94 95 90 D 47.1 LTC Ppty LTC 45.32 0.77 2 77 56 92 D+ 3.0 RandCap RAND 3.00 0.74 999 74 41 96 C+ 3.4 VaalcoEn EGY 1.86 0.03 -63
75 86 78 D 17.7 CantbryPk CPHC 15.35 -0.03 -5 91 70 89 D 28.5 4Corners FCPT 27.09 0.24 -21 88 56 91 B- 4.3 LunaInno LUNA 3.41 0.01 -54 85 51 75 D- 17.5 Redwood RWT 16.08 0.07 -17 99 99 83 B 22.4 Vici Props VICI 21.45 0.32 -35
99 93 96 B+ 20.9 CareTrust CTRE 21.15 0.41 25 71 57 80 B 1.8 FuelTech FTEK 1.19 0.01 8 69 98 28 C- 12.9 Macatwa MCBC 9.73 0.03 -51 91 72 77 A 9.9 Regalwood A RWGE 9.98 0.03 -87 81 75 75 C 35.5 VillageBnk VBFC 33.00 -1.23 52
68 84 45 C+ 10.0 CarolnaTrust CART 7.98 -0.03 -11 88 54 93 A 7.9 GWilliF WILC 8.07 0.20 313 68 48 71 C 17.6 Mackinc MFNC 15.86 -0.13 -76 82 72 72 B+ 13.4 RetailPrpsAm RPAI 11.97 0.20 21 70 53 61 B- 10.9 Weidai Ltd Ads WEI 9.98 0.48 -53
68 22 96 A- 1.6 CbakEnrgy CBAT 1.09 -0.01 289 75 51 98 B- 13.4 GamPtrs GPIC 13.00 0.00 -98 70 72 66 C+ 6.5 MagalScrty MAGS 5.39 0.30 458 99 83 89 B+ 33.5 Rexford Indus REXR 33.12 0.58 -14 83 65 74 C+ 30.3 Weingarten WRI 27.40 0.37 -2
78 78 31 B- 60.1 CBSCIA CBSA 49.27 0.21 -73 93 66 84 B 37.0 Gmg/LesPptys GLPI 36.46 0.56 -24 72 63 56 E 9.3 MagicSoft MGIC 8.15 -0.06 -59 92 72 98 B- 12.8 RF Indstries RFIL 8.27 0.14 -58 68 91 49 E 34.5 Wellesley WEBK 29.14 0.97 -50
84 27 98 A- 9.0 CnElBras EBR 9.04 0.05 83 87 59 99 B 10.6 GenieEnrgy B GNE 8.88 0.14 26 76 93 30 B+ 27.3 MalvernBanc MLVF 19.89 -0.07 -87 94 94 86 B- 31.3 RGC Resc RGCO 28.73 -0.86 116 78 42 78 A- 980.9 WhiteMtns WTM 896.57 4.41 -27
87 27 98 A+ 9.9 Centrais EBRB 9.93 0.04 -97 78 65 97 B 5.0 Genworth GNW 4.78 -0.08 -21 93 58 87 C+ 9.3 MAM Sftwr MAMS 8.13 -0.02 80 72 78 52 A- 52.8 RushEntB RUSHB 39.25 0.56 -81 84 56 89 B- 14.5 Whitestone WSR 14.02 0.05 -35
78 98 41 D 16.9 CntrlFedral CFBK 12.73 0.25 -76 95 56 92 B+ 32.1 GettyRlty GTY 31.01 0.30 -44 74 77 41 D- 8.0 MhBCap LOAN 6.00 0.02 -63 92 68 61 A- 90.0 RymanHspPrp RHP 76.68 1.71 -46 95 96 94 B- 40.0 WilsLease WLFC 38.44 1.24 -44
89 80 70 C 84.5 CtryBc CNBKA 77.00 2.71 75 77 27 84 B 20.5 Gladstone GOOD 19.64 0.20 -29 78 11 97 A+ 3.9 Marchx MCHX 3.94 0.18 147 98 98 72 B 23.8 SabraHlthcr SBRA 19.97 0.33 -28 89 94 88 B 187.1 Winmark WINA 158.00 0.55 -73
93 82 96 B- 5.0 Ceragon CRNT 3.92 0.11 -25 79 20 93 C+ 10.1 GlobMedReit GMRE 9.63 -0.01 -11 77 65 75 B- 156.7 MCormV MKCV 122.00 -0.63 100 72 72 43 D- 20.2 SafetyIncGrow SAFE 16.60 -0.17 13 82 47 85 B- 5.9 Wipro WIT 5.46 0.03 -19
71 7 96 B+ 5.9 Cerecor CERC 5.10 0.11 -52 72 46 99 B 9.8 GluMobile n GLUU 9.33 0.02 -29 99 97 95 B- 17.5 Medical Props MPW 17.54 0.38 -9 78 76 52 B 51.8 Salisbury SAL 39.20 1.89 -38 91 60 89 B+ 71.3 WPCarey WPC 71.78 1.09 -39
79 72 98 D+ 17.9 ChampnsOnc CSBR 9.90 0.25 -81 94 93 91 A- 4.5 GoldFields GFI 3.79 0.04 -39 81 72 68 D- 5.7 Med Transc MTBC 4.23 0.01 -71 89 70 70 A- 60.6 SaulCenters BFS 52.80 1.02 -42 71 29 98 B+ 6.5 Xbiotech XBIT 6.07 -0.02 -21
78 88 45 B- 33.8 ChspkeLdge CHSP 27.30 0.47 -37 98 85 88 C 18.2 GrayTelA GTNA 14.70 0.50 0 79 59 65 C 8.2 MFAFincl MFA 7.28 0.04 -41 88 72 95 B- 10.7 Seaspan SSW 9.45 0.25 -2 69 54 96 C+ 3.9 XTL Biopharm XTLB 2.59 0.20 8
83 43 85 B- 18.1 CIM ComrcTr CMCT 17.40 -0.29 23 84 57 59 B+ 13.9 GreatAjax AJX 12.91 0.12 -74 99 86 86 A- 31.6 MgmGrwProps MGP 30.16 0.55 8 92 90 83 C 5.6 SecrtyNtl SNFCA 5.30 -0.04 -27 98 82 95 A- 7.1 Zix ZIXI 6.79 0.07 15

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Research Tables continued from B9 73 80 62 B D- 22.8 Jetblue JBLU 17.71 +0.11 +29 24m 11o 66 91 39 B B- 28.3 TaylorMoris TMHC 17.99 +0.46 -37 3.8m 7k 73 64 81 B C- 79.2 Prosper 2.3 PB 70.79 -1.10 +3 1.9m 16
77 65 70 B C 120 KCSouth 1.3 KSU 108.9 -1.61 +17 5.2m 18o 77 97 44 A C+ 52.4 TollBros 1.3 TOL 34.98 +0.03 -49 6.6m 7o 71 71 56 A C- 86.2 RoyalCa 3.9 r RY 74.89 +0.57 +103 7.1m 8
70 58 85 C D 43.4 Assured 1.6 AGO 40.24 +0.30 -33 1.6m 8
51 78 24 B B 51.9 Knight-S .8 KNX 30.78 -6 9.6m 14 73 76 70 B D- 67.6 Toro 1.5 TTC 59.20 -1.03 -11 1.7m 22k
-1.86 84 86 83 A C 35.0 Seacoast SBCF 28.24 -0.51 +17 1.6m 17
57 80 34 C C- 53.9 AtheneA r ATH 42.87 -0.62 -41 4.0m 6k
87 95 66 A B- 128 Landstar .6 LSTR 103.1 -1.45 +2 1.3m 18k 95 97 91 A B- 90.7 Trex TREX 66.70 -3.37 -23 1.8m 31k 63 89 44 B C+ 75.1 Suntrust 3.2 r STI 61.90 +1.18 +1 19m 10o
62 46 62 D C 60.7 AXISCap 2.9 AXS 54.87 -0.18 -46 1.9m 13
63 53 61 D A- 17.4 LatamAir .3 LTM 11.64 -0.40 -47 987 7 77 65 80 B B+ 43.5 USG r USG 43.16 +0.05 -32 3.6m 23 74 98 34 A B- 333 SVBFncl SIVB 242.1 +11.10 +5 3.2m 13o
73 65 74 D B 80.7 Berkely .8 WRB 75.00 -0.68 -23 1.3m 14
83 93 65 C A 29.6 MartenT .5 MRTN 19.83 +0.44 +89 1.7m 19 63 94 44 C B- 141 VulcanM 1.1 VMC 100.8 -2.84 -3 4.3m 26 59 95 17 B B- 57.4 Synovus 2.8 SNV 35.65 +0.17 -15 10m 9o
83 80 70 B E 31.6 Brwn&Br 1.1 BRO 28.20 -0.44 +4 4.5m 24k
38 16 76 C C 17.3 ChinaLi 2.1 LFC 12.52 +0.33 -6 2.5m 18o 90 84 82 B C- 186 NorflkS 2.1 NSC 165.1 -3.93 +28 12m 17o 63 94 47 B E 27.3 TCFFncl 2.8 TCF 21.58 -0.27 -20 3.5m 11k
62 63 61 D B- 157 ChubbL 2.2 CB 132.3 -1.30 -12 6.4m 13 91 96 70 A C+ 170 OldDom .4 ODFL 134.6 -2.07 -11 1.9m 20 Daily 50 85 13 A D+ 103 TexasCap TCBI 60.02 +1.46 +33 4.5m 10o
91 89 74 B B- 64.0 Southwe 1.2 LUV 54.98 +3.41 +49 27m 12o
24. MACHINE +1.4% Change +5.88%Since
Jan. 1 68 77 51 A D- 62.0 Toronto 3.7 TD 55.06 +0.55 -12 5.8m 8o
85 70 83 C B- 82.9 Cincinnati 2.7 CINF 79.35 -1.00 -17 2.2m 24 24 49 22 B E 20.9 UBSGrp 5.3 UBS 13.10 -0.51 +2 13m 9
89 22 99 E A+ NH eHealth EHTH 55.30 +9.05 +308 6.0m ..o 96 66 96 A B 65.4 SpiritAir SAVE. 57.96 -1.40 -12 4.6m 15 7IPO within last 15 years and EPS & RS 80 or higher
71 87 28 A B- 42.7 UnionB 2.8 UBSH 32.30 -0.20 +3 1.6m 11
69 77 53 C C 42.5 FidelNatlF 3.4 r FNF 35.11 +0.68 -7 4.8m 13o 94 82 91 A B 165 UnionPa 2.0 UNP 161.0 +2.61 +45 27m 20o 93 98 93 C C+ 23.9 7KornitDigital KRNT 19.76 -0.33 +50 2.0m 61k 76 76 74 A C 40.0 UntdBnk 3.9 UBSI 34.69 -0.39 -26 1.5m 14k
76 89 58 C B- 62.3 FirstAm 3.4 FAF 48.98 +1.27 -24 2.3m 11k 97 91 89 B B- 97.9 UntdContntl UAL 84.14 -1.45 0 17m 9o
70 64 44 A B- 34.2 UntdCmty 2.4 UCBI 26.32 +1.63 +30 2.9m 12
94 79 78 B C- 79.0 Gallaghr 2.2 AJG 73.50 -0.91 -13 4.1m 19 48 82 28 A D+ 133 UPS 3.6 UPS 100.8 -0.77 +7 16m 14 37 56 26 B D 28.7 ABB 4.0 ABB 19.49 +0.04 0 11m 14 62 74 56 B D+ 58.5 USBanco 2.9 USB 51.37 +1.15 -16 30m 12o
55 79 37 C E 59.2 Hartford 2.6 HIG 46.76 +0.08 -32 8.3m 10 72 93 37 B B- 44.0 WernerE 1.1 WERN 32.46 -0.64 -16 2.2m 10k 76 76 65 A D- 81.9 Ametek .8 AME 71.32 -1.04 -17 4.9m 22 68 65 40 A C- 13.4 ValleyN 4.2 VLY 10.38 +0.01 -43 5.3m 13
15 45 20 .. D- 20.4 ING 5.2 ING 12.14 +0.20 -21 13m 8 85 80 77 A C- 173 Caterpi 2.5 CAT 136.9 +0.26 -13 19m 12 84 91 47 A B- 69.6 Webster 2.3 WBS 57.23 +2.50 +57 3.7m 15o
91 70 85 C B- 87.0 Kemper 1.3 KMPR 74.22 -0.37 -37 725 18k Daily 74 66 80 D B- 72.5 CleanHarbors CLH 58.54 +1.20 -26 1.7m 61
56 68 29 B D 86.7 Lincoln 2.5 LNC 59.49 +0.33 -29 6.9m 7
20. APPAREL +1.8% Change +5.28%Since
Jan. 1
74 62 56 A B- 59.4 Donalds 1.6 DCI 47.68 -0.60 -36 1.6m 22
35 55 31 B C- 66.3 WellsFa 3.6 r WFC 50.13 +0.12 -14 88m 11o
64 96 21 A D 64.1 WstrnAllinc WAL 45.55 +0.23 +41 6.2m 11o
59 66 56 C D+ 53.6 Loews .5 L 47.79 +0.26 -29 3.4m 10 7IPO within last 15 years and EPS & RS 80 or higher 58 53 56 C B- 90.3 Dover 2.4 DOV 79.48 -1.21 -32 3.8m 16 30 31 30 C D+ 25.6 Westpac 7.3 WBK 18.61 -0.33 -25 1.4m 10k
87 68 70 A D 89.6 MarshM 2.0 MMC 83.52 -0.54 -21 5.9m 19 87 83 91 A D- 72.3 7CanadaGseA GOOS 49.11 -0.97 +46 14m 50k 84 55 92 B B+ 89.7 EnerSys .8 ENS 84.11 -0.68 -19 943 17k 74 85 52 B B- 59.2 ZionsBn 2.5 r ZION 48.68 +1.63 +42 16m 11o
71 70 82 D C+ 61.8 Mercury 4.9 MCY 51.46 -2.76 +52 1.8m 24k 95 91 85 B B 71.5 ESCOTech .5 ESE 64.81 -1.17 -38 329 23k
68 64 75 C D+ 55.2 MetLife 3.7 r MET 45.47 +0.16 -28 21m 9 84 90 84 B C- 95.7 Columbia 1.1 r COLM 87.65 +1.56 -16 1.2m 24 65 67 55 A D- 88.3 Fortive .4 FTV 72.25 -0.78 -34 4.8m 21k Daily
83 82 65 A C+ 15.9 MGIC r MTG 12.05 +0.29 -21 10m 6o 95 64 99 C B- 31.9 Crocs CROX 28.90 -0.49 -19 4.4m 96o 72 93 43 A D 20.3 GatesIndust GTES 14.55 -0.55 -14 1.7m 12 26. LEISURE +0.7% Change +4.57%Since
Jan. 1
83 95 68 D B- 28.9 Nationa .7 NGHC 24.09 +0.06 -47 682 11 94 74 94 BB 137 Deckers DECK 125.4 +6.49 +3 2.7m 18 93 78 88 A C 60.7 Generac GNRC 53.62 -1.12 -11 1.3m 11 7IPO within last 15 years and EPS & RS 80 or higher
87 69 92 D C+ 71.5 NavigGrp .4 NAVG 69.74 -0.02 -25 557 23k 77 51 91 BB 34.4 Gildan 1.3 GIL 33.22 +0.45 -21 1.5m 19 76 82 52 A D- 49.7 Graco 1.5 GGG 42.14 -0.96 -40 1.7m 23k
54 86 44 D D- 23.1 OldRepu 3.9 ORI 20.07 -1.54 +58 10m 10o 96 76 90 AB 86.0 NikeB 1.1 NKE 80.61 +0.16 -31 23m 31o 90 89 84 B B+ 44.0 7Cinemar 3.2 CNK 39.93 -0.99 -22 3.9m 16
78 81 47 A C- 149 Hubbell 3.2 HUBB 105.6 -1.98 -19 1.4m 14k 98 97 97 A C 76.8 7FoxFactory FOXF 60.76 -3.15 -39 784 30
87 67 83 B C+ 73.7 Progres 3.8 PGR 65.30 +0.88 +11 16m 14o 51 56 32 A D- 43.1 SkechersA SKX 26.63 +0.04 -28 7.6m 15 89 85 70 A B 157 IDEX 1.3 IEX 137.3 -3.51 -21 1.2m 26k
18 31 28 D D- 55.4 Prudentia 3.2 PUK 39.69 +0.63 -30 1.3m 17k 87 74 82 BD 39.3 SteveMa 1.7 SHOO 32.40 +0.24 -44 1.3m 18 92 98 97 .. B 59.5 7PlanetFitnes PLNT 57.57 -0.93 -12 4.3m 50
67 86 47 A D- 179 Illinois 3.0 ITW 133.3 -3.42 -24 5.0m 17 89 98 85 B B- 21.5 7YetiHldgs YETI 17.75 -0.33 -27 3.8m 29k
91 96 78 A C- 23.5 Radian .1 r RDN 18.44 +0.40 -14 4.4m 7 74 60 74 AB 97.0 VFCorp 2.4 VFC 83.50 +1.16 +29 14m 21o
67 69 78 D D 163 Reinsinsr 1.6 RGA 148.4 -0.69 -7 1.3m 13 82 77 80 CD 39.8 Wolveri .9 WWW 34.20 +0.91 -37 1.7m 16k 83 86 74 B D+ 107 IngrslR 2.2 r IR 94.47 -1.64 -11 5.8m 17
65 83 51 C D 93.6 Torchma .8 TMK 83.27 +1.29 -22 2.0m 14 76 75 65 B B- 63.0 ITT 1.0 ITT 51.78 -1.43 -26 1.8m 16 75 60 99 E B 25.4 BelmondA BEL 24.87 +0.05 -56 4.4m 85o
44 52 47 C D- 150 Travele 2.5 TRV 125.0 +0.97 +11 7.7m 13o Daily Since 80 72 95 C C+ 23.0 Materialise MTLS 16.25 -1.34 -33 930 99 60 82 41 A D- 2229 BookingHdgs BKNG 1802 +41.94 +28 2.3m 20
66 86 59 E C+ 55.3 VoyaFi .1 VOYA 46.74 +1.39 +9 7.4m 12
21. INTERNET +1.9% Change +6.60 %Jan. 1 66 58 65 A D 150 Nordsn 1.1 r NDSN 127.7 -0.58 -46 722 21k 51 84 22 C B 40.4 BoydGm .9 r BYD 26.72 +0.01 -10 6.7m 21
92 90 84 C C 164 WillisT 1.5 r WLTW 158.7 +0.03 -22 2.7m 19k 56 49 61 B C 211 ParkHan 1.9 PH 161.0 -1.50 -12 3.5m 19 55 74 37 B C- 72.7 Carnival 3.6 r CCL 55.51 +0.63 -1 18m 13o
7IPO within last 15 years and EPS & RS 80 or higher
63 74 35 B B+ 72.3 Carniva 3.7 r CUK 54.71 +0.41 -27 1.1m 12
97 97 96 A B- 58.0 7MatchGroup MTCH 52.37 +4.15 -45 5.0m 42 82 78 88 C C- 78.5 RepblS 2.0 RSG 76.24 -0.02 -44 4.0m 26
94 97 75 B B+ 314 Churchl .6 r CHDN 267.0 -0.14 -19 361 24
18. CHIPS Daily
+2.4% Change +9.80%Since 95 99 89 B C 47.8 7Twitter TWTR 32.90 -0.37 -16 73m 45 69 72 36 B B 32.1 Rexnord RXN 24.76 -0.49 +39 3.2m 14
Jan. 1 88 72 97 C B 12.0 Clarus .9 CLAR 11.18 +1.01 +120 1.0m 18
66 75 47 A D 206 Rockwell 2.3 r ROK 166.4 +1.61 -3 4.1m 20
76 61 93 C B- 50.6 EldoradoRsrts r ERI 44.39 +0.01 -32 2.9m 47
7IPO within last 15 years and EPS & RS 80 or higher 50 60 26 B C- 89.9 WUBA 61.80 +1.54 -13 3.4m 24o 81 66 88 C D- 81.4 WasteCon .8 WCN 80.98 +0.55 -38 2.0m 33k
60 88 44 B D 139 Expedia 1.1 EXPE 117.1 -1.37 -21 4.6m 21
99 92 93 A B 273 7Broadcom 4.0 r AVGO. 267.9 +7.12 -19 13m 12o 71 86 52 B C 83.1 Akamai AKAM 65.44 -0.35 -36 4.2m 20 90 87 89 B B- NH WsteMg 2.0 WM 94.90 +0.43 -17 7.0m 24
90 87 78 B B- 89.3 Woodwrd .7 WWD 77.75 -0.38 0 1.1m 20 48 72 27 B B- 47.8 HiltonGrnVaca r HGV 29.77 -0.73 -2 5.0m 12
98 98 88 A D+ 99 7Mellanox MLNX 85.34 +2.30 -1 2.9m 19 88 87 62 A C- 1291 Alphabet GOOGL 1102 -5.79 -28 5.8m 26k 48 72 46 B E 88.1 HiltonW .8 HLT 71.76 -1.32 -7 12m 28k
99 93 88 A C- 152 7Monolit .9 MPWR 130.7 +5.94 -17 1.1m 36 90 87 63 A C 1274 AlphabetC GOOG 1091 -7.27 -33 4.9m 25 69 78 67 B E 82.4 Xylem 1.2 XYL 69.86 -1.35 +11 4.6m 25
82 86 67 A B- 49.6 Huazhu 1.0 HTHT 31.65 -3.28 +52 7.5m 39
74 72 82 D D+ 24.0 AngiHomesrvcA ANGI 16.38 -0.12 -51 1.8m ..
94 66 98 B B 34.1 AdvaMcrDv AMD 21.93 +1.16 -9361m 56 77 97 36 A D+ 119 AutohomeA 77 79 75 C B- 26.1 Imax IMAX 21.00 +0.60 -40 1.3m 21o
ATHM 76.02 +3.38 -17 3.4m 21o 25. BANKS Daily
+0.6% Change +8.28%Jan. 1
91 80 90 A B+ 103 AnalogD 2.0 ADI 97.67 +6.31 +22 15m 16o 52 86 12 A D 284 Baidu 32 31 32 B C+ 81.5 LasVegas 5.4 LVS 56.95 -0.75 +26 24m 17o
r BIDU 167.1 -4.26 +42 17m 16
65 85 44 A C+ 62.4 ApMat 2.0 AMAT 39.19 +3.48 +11 58m 8 91 30 97 A A+ 24.1 7IPO within last 15 years and EPS & RS 80 or higher 59 35 92 D D 58.3 LiveNatn LYV 53.39 -0.65 -39 3.2m ..o
CRCM 23.81 +0.36 -17 1.5m 35o 94 97 96 C B 44.6 Marcus 1.4 MCS 43.19 -0.04 -27 447 21k
74 77 44 A B- 221 ASML .8 ASML 176.7 +13.96 +18 5.2m 24o 86 69 90 A D+ 57.3 CargurusA CARG 41.35 +2.92 +6 2.7m 99
90 98 84 B C 39.8 BrooksA 1.3 BRKS 30.49 +1.42 -12 2.6m 26 71 86 61 A D 199 F5Netwrks 95 88 83 A B+ 159 7Signatu 1.8 r SBNY 125.9 +1.53 -20 1.9m 11o 49 98 24 B E 149 Marriott 1.5 MAR 109.9 +0.80 -27 6.7m 18
FFIV 158.5 -0.14 +56 4.8m 15o 59 53 61 C B 38.4 MGMResr 1.7 r MGM 28.70 +0.14 +7 39m 35
80 66 96 E B 51.8 Cree CREE 50.42 +2.01 -1 4.9m 99 76 88 33 A C+ 218 Facebook FB 149.0 -1.03 -20 85m 20 57 80 29 A C- 29.0 AssocBa 3.1 r ASB 22.03 +0.37 +18 6.7m 10
82 80 89 C D 39.3 Diodes DIOD 33.31 +1.51 -21 968 15 94 79 89 B B+ 423 Netflix NFLX 338.1 -1.05 -3 53m 99o
69 99 25 A D 149 GrubHub GRUB 80.77 -0.20 +2 8.8m 43 93 98 90 C C+ 21.6 AtlanticCap ACBI 18.43 +0.26 -41 329 23k
95 69 99 A A- 30.0 ElectroSci ESIO 29.99 ... -29 2.0m 8 85 58 93 C B 13.2 BancBrad 2.0 BBD 11.51 +0.16 -19 42m 3 76 89 54 A D 61.2 NorwegCrs r NCLH 47.93 +0.40 -43 5.3m 10
95 90 84 A B+ 39.6 Entegris .9 r ENTG 31.32 +1.28 +7 5.2m 17 77 72 92 D C+ 50.8 HuyaA HUYA 22.37 +2.06 +8 9.7m 99k
81 55 93 D B NH Santand 3.0 BSBR 13.20 +0.33 +10 4.0m 16
81 87 66 B C 135 RoyalCa 2.5 RCL 111.7 +2.39 -13 5.7m 12
89 51 94 C A- 42.3 Inphi IPHI 37.86 +2.97 -9 2.7m 49
95 86 96 A B 223 IACInterctv IAC 211.4 +11.35 -3 3.1m 35k 75 80 76 B D- 26.8 SabreC 2.4 SABR 23.02 +0.17 -42 5.7m 15
54 57 47 A D+ 66.8 BnkNova 4.6 BNS 55.62 +0.38 -32 2.6m 7o
83 89 56 A B- 57.6 Intel 2.6 r INTC 47.04 -2.15 +63178m 10o 76 91 43 A D+ 54.2 MomoA MOMO 31.05 +0.79 +5 17m 12o
92 92 74 B B 33.1 BankofA 2.0 r BAC 29.58 +0.28 -9294m 11o 73 70 97 E D+ 32.5 SeaWrldEnt SEAS 26.44 +0.04 -29 4.9m 57o
93 72 91 A .. NH TencentMusic TME 15.27 +0.92 +13 41m 42k 55 78 70 .. D- 73.4 SixFlags 5.4 SIX 60.80 +0.73 +17 4.5m 24
99 93 97 A B- 48.7 IntegDev IDTI 48.54 +0.30 -46 4.9m 27 59 98 12 A D 142 WeiboA WB 58.19 -2.61 +77 19m 22 51 75 44 B E 84.7 BankOfMont 4.1 BMO 73.48 +0.53 -40 1.6m 8o
93 92 80 A C+ 123 KLATenc 3.0 KLAC 101.4 +5.66 -1 6.5m 11 76 90 21 A B- 53.6 BankOfNtB 4.3 r NTB 35.54 +1.12 -36 844 10k 68 59 96 C C 69.0 TripAdvisor TRIP 57.23 -1.81 -18 6.7m 38
63 63 65 B B- 234 LamRsr 2.7 r LRCX 165.5 +17.94 +127 27m 9o 94 70 84 A B 44.5 Yandex r YNDX 33.60 +2.78 +26 10m 32
81 66 82 B C+ 58.7 BkNYMel 2.1 r BK 53.40 +0.74 -3 27m 13x 79 96 40 A C 67.0 Wyndham 2.0 WH 49.45 -0.53 +13 3.8m 17k
86 29 62 A A 25.2 Marvell 1.3 r MRVL 18.57 +1.69 +54 70m 14o 72 86 36 A B- 142 YY YY 73.87 -0.10 +10 3.5m 9o
67 76 32 A A- 53.7 BankOzk 2.8 OZK 31.64 -0.42 +11 7.7m 9
93 78 82 A D- 74.9 MaximI 3.3 MXIM 56.27 +2.66 -38 11m 19 64 77 61 BB&T 3.3 BBT -4 20m 12o Daily Since
81 53 76 B B+ 27.4 MaxLine MXL 18.70 +0.46 +43 2.7m 14k 22. AGRICULTRE +1.4% Change +4.47%Jan. 1
Daily Since B C 56.3 49.37 +0.08 27. AUTO +0.6% Change +2.96%Jan. 1
95 99 88 B B+ 25.8 BlueHill 3.4 BHBK 23.19 +0.33 -3 566 22
99 89 82 A A- 104 Microch 1.8 MCHP 80.63 +2.99 +2 13m 13 73 92 40 A D+ 45.6 CathyGn 3.3 r CATY 37.39 -0.28 +42 2.8m 11 7IPO within last 15 years and EPS & RS 80 or higher
61 94 35 A D+ 128 MKSInstr 1.0 MKSI 79.46 +5.30 +7 2.8m 9 79 45 85 C B- 75.1 AGCO 1.0 AGCO 63.13 -1.58 -36 2.5m 17
89 98 41 A B- 32.3 Centers 1.8 CSFL 24.22 +0.35 -10 2.3m 11 97 94 91 A A- 53.8 7AllisnT 1.2 ALSN 48.39 -1.51 -22 3.2m 11
77 97 11 A C- 292 Nvidia .4 NVDA 160.2 +3.22 +4 77m 22 65 72 66 D C+ 56.5 CFIndust 2.8 CF 42.55 -1.63 -26 9.4m 42
51 77 37 C C- 80.7 Citi 2.8 C 64.02 +0.90 -23 72m 9o
74 55 54 C A- 125 NXPSemi 1.2 NXPI 85.24 +4.45 +20 22m 14 84 59 93 C A- 11.9 CosanA .7 CZZ 10.86 +0.32 -27 5.0m 18o 72 95 31 B C 48.2 Citizens 3.6 r CFG 35.44 +0.01 -20 19m 9o 51 62 34 B B 57.7 BorgWar 1.7 BWA 40.98 +0.36 -19 5.8m 9
91 87 84 B B+ 27.1 OnSemi ON 20.12 +1.71 +26 32m 11 53 32 89 E B 22.4 DarligIngrds DAR 21.00 -0.49 -34 3.0m 28o 69 92 37 B B 102 Comerica 3.3 r CMA 82.07 +0.88 -1 9.3m 11o 83 84 69 A D- 194 Cummins 3.1 r CMI 146.8 -3.72 +7 6.0m 11
84 79 88 B C+ 65.8 Orbotech ORBK 60.41 +1.99 -9 2.0m 17 98 67 91 A B+ 175 Deere 1.9 DE 161.5 -3.11 -29 7.3m 17 82 87 74 A C- 69.1 ComercB 1.5 CBSH 60.67 -0.94 +15 2.1m 16
91 84 94 C B+ 11.0 Photronics r PLAB 10.48 +0.21 +11 2.9m 18 71 62 89 C D- 37.4 Mosaic .3 MOS 31.89 -0.31 -11 13m 20 99 88 94 B B- 97.4 Dorman DORM 88.71 -4.68 -2 938 22o
70 84 51 A E 121 CullenF 2.7 CFR 99.3 -0.65 -38 1.1m 15 88 82 85 C B+ 45.0 GenMoto 3.9 GM 38.64 +0.03 -30 35m 5
37 45 21 B E 76.5 Qualco 4.8 r QCOM 51.30 -3.97 +46101m 13 77 69 70 B B 59.0 Nutrien 3.3 NTR 51.66 +0.37 -8 5.9m 26k 80 57 65 A B 25.1 CVBFncl 2.5 r CVBF 22.09 -0.41 -20 1.7m 17
95 57 93 B B- 60.6 Semtech SMTC 49.77 -1.47 +24 2.9m 27o 92 91 80 A B 25.4 Gentex 1.9 GNTX 22.79 -0.16 0 7.2m 12
93 94 70 A B 65.4 Eagle EGBN 54.38 +0.23 -46 998 12 82 73 90 B B- 50.3 Gentherm r THRM 42.55 -1.29 -30 832 18
96 76 82 A D 110 SiliconLab SLAB 92.57 +4.32 +28 1.3m 24k 23. BUILDING Daily
0.0% Change +4.06%Since
Jan. 1 67 91 26 A C 74.0 EastWst 1.8 EWBC 52.36 +2.11 +28 5.7m 11
58 52 52 A B- 45.9 TaiwSem 2.7 TSM 38.14 +1.30 +36 55m 17o 91 78 95 B A 29.5 Fidelty 1.6 LION 29.23 +0.28 -50 425 18
64 64 61 C B- 37.3 HMCMtr HMC 30.01 +0.25 -32 2.2m 7
79 91 65 B B- 50.7 Teradyne 1.0 TER 36.75 +3.85 +88 21m 15o 7IPO within last 15 years and EPS & RS 80 or higher 61 80 44 B B- 34.7 FifthTh 3.2 FITB 27.78 +0.78 -4 23m 10o 67 67 70 C B 206 LearCorp 1.8 r LEA 158.8 +7.23 +14 3.6m 8o
87 89 80 A B- 118 TexsInst 2.9 r TXN 104.4 +4.99 +57 45m 19o 95 99 87 A C 28.7 7Atkore 93 81 92 A C+ 66.8 FstFncl 1.4 FFIN 61.96 -1.10 -22 1.2m 30
67 75 52 B B- 67.5 Magna 2.5 MGA 52.36 +1.45 -8 4.6m 7
ATKR 22.10 -0.09 -43 1.0m 7k 91 93 81 A B- 29.5 Meritor MTOR 19.30 -0.70 -14 4.1m 6
99 79 98 A B- NH Xilinx 1.3 XLNX 110.4 +16.85 +173 35m 35o 90 89 89 A B- 81.9 7LGIHomes r LGIH 57.94 +2.34 -33 1.1m 9o 67 82 65 B D- 31.8 FirstHawa 3.7 FHB 25.99 +0.74 +11 4.4m 12
70 5 96 C B 25.0 Xperi 3.8 XPER 21.03 -0.01 -46 1.2m ..k 84 77 83 B C 100 Oshkosh 1.5 OSK 70.19 -2.56 +1 3.4m 11
89 69 85 A B 106 FrstRpb .7 FRC 97.12 +1.10 -60 4.0m 20o
92 75 88 A B 73.5 ArmstrW 1.1 AWI 66.06 +1.15 -29 1.2m 19 68 85 37 A C- 17.9 FrstCmn 2.7 FCF 13.34 +0.06 -47 1.3m 12 85 85 65 A B- 79.7 Paccar 2.0 r PCAR 62.69 -0.29 -4 8.8m 10
36 34 42 D D- 387 Tesla TSLA. 297.0 -5.22 +30 39m ..
+0.9% Change +8.41%Jan. 1 59 83 36 B B 33.3 AxaltaCoat AXTA 25.55 -0.02 -23 6.9m 19
Daily Since
19. TRANSPRT 70 78 56 B B- 19.6 FultonF 2.9 r FULT 16.41 -0.02 -30 3.8m 13
62 73 61 C B- 20.7 BeazerHmes BZH 11.60 -0.02 -36 1.2m 5 89 84 85 A D- 47.7 Glacier 2.4 GBCI 42.87 -0.89 -21 1.3m 19 65 71 56 C B- 140 Toyota TM 123.7 -1.63 -46 460 7
7IPO within last 15 years and EPS & RS 80 or higher 83 98 52 B B- 59.8 Comfort .8 FIX 47.62 -0.54 -35 661 18k 39 55 24 B C+ 275 GoldmanS 1.6 GS 200.7 -1.80 -26 14m 8o
92 96 84 A B- 22.7 7ZtoExpressA ZTO. 17.43 -0.56 +47 8.7m 20 63 83 30 B B 52.7 DRHorton 1.6 r DHI 37.30 +0.12 +62 36m 9o 66 80 30 B B+ 56.4 Hancock 2.6 HWC 41.41 -0.64 -26 1.6m 10 28. COMPUTER Daily
+1.5% Change +7.79%Jan. 1
66 80 40 B D 82.2 JacobsE 1.1 r JEC 63.77 +1.26 -27 4.5m 14 85 67 71 A C- 112 HDFCBnk .5 HDB 99.1 -4.21 +31 4.1m 30o
85 90 91 C A- 27.6 AirTrnspSv ATSG 24.12 -0.09 -46 975 19o 74 95 29 A B+ 71.9 LennarA .4 r LEN 44.56 +0.46 -19 14m 7o 28 47 38 D D- 55.9 HSBCHlg 6.1 HSBC 41.86 -0.06 -28 6.5m 76 74 97 36 A C+ 313 AristaNtk ANET 227.3 -4.82 -22 2.4m 30
69 49 69 B C 74.8 AlaskaA 2.0 ALK 63.48 -1.38 0 7.6m 14o 86 85 88 B C 230 Lennox 1.1 LII 224.3 -1.07 0 989 24k 75 92 52 A C 87.6 Iberiab 2.2 r IBKC 74.51 +0.69 +29 1.8m 11 75 72 84 A E 49.5 Cisco 2.9 r CSCO46.13 +1.10 -19 86m 16
79 29 92 B A- 35.1 Azul AZUL 28.70 -0.43 -47 1.3m 15 58 93 44 C D+ 241 MartnMa 1.1 MLM 175.7 -4.77 -11 2.8m 21 61 13 86 C A- 11.2 ICICIBa .4 IBN 9.95 -0.51 +2 26m 49 57 48 84 C C 30.8 Juniper 2.5 JNPR 28.38 +0.06 -29 10m 15
86 74 75 A C- 91.9 Canadian 1.7 CNI 83.44 +1.06 +9 4.5m 16 68 75 65 C D 55.5 MasTec r MTZ 45.21 -1.33 -7 3.9m 14o 95 92 74 A B+ 95.0 Indpndn 2.0 INDB 77.93 +1.68 +3 497 16 66 87 37 B B+ 50.0 Logitech 1.2 LOGI36.16 +2.72 +176 3.8m 18o
95 91 86 A B- 224 CandPac .9 CP 205.3 +7.83 +3 2.9m 14o 80 63 70 B B 35.2 MDCHlgs 4.0 MDC 29.74 -0.09 -7 1.9m 9 59 78 43 B E 119 JPMorga 3.1 JPM 103.4 -1.20 -25 55m 11o 69 90 37 A B 64.7 MicronTech r MU 38.96 +3.20 +37192m 3o
66 82 52 B D+ 101 CHRbin 2.3 CHRW 87.05 -1.62 +17 5.9m 21 67 82 44 C B 52.9 MeritgeHme MTH 39.67 -0.57 +12 2.0m 7 83 88 56 B B+ 197 M&TBank 2.4 r MTB 168.3 +2.72 -7 3.6m 12o 86 81 61 B D+ 53.6 NatInstr 2.0 NATI 45.19 -0.68 +79 5.3m 30k
71 18 84 B A- 141 CopaHld 3.6 CPA 97.56 +5.48 +31 2.4m 12 85 96 56 A B- 35.1 PulteGrp 1.6 r PHM 26.96 +0.37 +1 25m 8 76 73 80 C B+ 51.6 MBFncl 2.1 MBFI 45.67 +1.07 -6 2.2m 16 71 51 92 C B+ NH Teradata TDC 44.33 +0.35 -10 4.2m 31
88 93 80 B E 76.2 CSX 1.3 r CSX 66.20 -1.16 +13 26m 17o 80 67 82 C D 39.6 QuantaS .5 r PWR 34.75 +1.25 +3 6.2m 14 45 72 25 B D+ 59.4 MorgnSt 2.8 r MS 42.98 -0.71 +6 62m 9o
61 83 27 B D- 61.3 DeltaAir 2.9 DAL 47.69 -0.42 +14 37m 8o 77 86 65 A C- 479 ShrwnWl .9 SHW 392.8 -5.70 -5 3.2m 24 56 88 34 A D- 115 NrthnTr 2.6 r NTRS 91.13 -0.03 +38 8.2m 14o 29. S&Ls Daily
+0.9% Change +7.93%Since
Jan. 1
84 88 80 B C+ 78.2 Expedit 1.3 EXPD 69.33 +0.04 -35 3.6m 21 87 97 82 B B 78.4 Sampson 1.5 SSD 60.02 -0.61 -13 953 21k 89 63 96 C B+ NH OFGBan 1.5 OFG 18.75 +0.57 +10 1.6m 12o
32 93 12 B E 272 Fedex 1.5 FDX 175.4 -1.55 -36 7.5m 10o 58 87 27 B C+ 68.4 SmithAO 1.8 AOS 47.60 -0.41 +14 8.2m 19k 83 94 41 A B 68.9 Pinnacle 1.2 r PNFP 54.15 -0.76 -21 1.7m 11 87 91 67 C B 18.6 Benefic 1.5 BNCL 15.72 +0.37 -35 857 26k
63 65 70 C E 92.9 GeneseWym GWR 78.26 -0.22 -22 1.7m 21k 80 85 80 C B- 189 SnapOn 2.3 SNA 163.2 -4.54 +16 3.1m 14 48 76 34 B D 163 PNCFncl 3.0 PNC 124.9 -0.33 -23 9.1m 11o 72 55 87 C C+ 14.2 CptlFed 2.5 CFFN 13.71 +0.07 -35 1.4m 20k
61 81 34 B C+ 131 JBHunt 1.0 JBHT 104.4 -1.75 +14 4.4m 22o 46 58 34 B B 175 StnlyBlk 2.2 SWK 120.6 -16.30 +144 17m 14o 89 91 90 B C- 58.6 Popular 1.9 r BPOP 53.48 +1.86 +19 3.5m 11o 86 92 47 A B 33.7 FrstFncl 3.3 r FFBC 26.80 +0.47 -23 1.5m 11
5 5 5 5 5 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 5 5 5 5 5 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 5 5 5 5 5 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 5 5 5 5 5 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P
High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos)
Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE
Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating
Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating

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Moving Average Can Give Early Signals Of Trouble

broke out into new high territory on As the close of the market trading Incyte Corporation (INCY)
Jan. 15 (2). Trading volume spiked session approached, the biotech
above average and the relative stock remained decisively below
Keeping losses small is important strength line darted to new high the five-day moving average. Fol-
for swing trading. A short-term 200-day moving
ground too (2). We put it on Swing- lowing our rules, we removed the average 75
moving average can be an early in- Trader that day and already had stock from SwingTrader 30 min-
dicator that a swing trade isnt cushion on the position by the end utes before the close (4). There 5-day
moving 10-day moving 70
going in the right direction. of the day. We used the entry day was a rally into the close, but the
average average
IncyteINCY started a move on Jan. loworadecisiveclosebelowthefive- stock still ended well below its
3, up more than 7% despite the mar- day moving average as ourstop loss. 5-day moving average line.
ket indexes having sharp losses the The first problem Incyte exhibit- The next day, things got worse. 65
same day (1). The biotech stock an- ed was no follow-through move. It Incyte dropped below its 10-day
50-day moving
nounced a new CFO, got an up- couldnt seem to surpass the high of moving average and the entry-day
average 60
gradefrom Guggenheim,and partic- the entry day (2). An attempt on low (5). Its a recurring trend weve
ipated in a broad move among bio- Jan. 18 was close, but it ended with seen lately. A stock that breaks
tech stocks after an announcement a reversal and a loss for the day (3). below the five-day moving average Relative strength 55
that Bristol-Myers SquibbBMY The next day the stock fell below its will often close below its 10-day line
would purchase CelgeneCELG. That five-day moving average line (4). moving average shortly thereafter.
put Incyte stock back above its 50- Part of the reason was the line saw Its not fun to take a loss. In this
and 200-day moving average. such a sharp incline while the stock case, our loss was just around a 1.5 mil
The strength didnt end there for went sideways. Our strategy is to quarter percent.
Incyte. It jumped 13% over the next watch the stock and see how it clos- Waiting until a breach of the 0.4 mil
three days and then consolidated es. For most of the day, Incyte went entry-day low would have made
the gains over four days. It looked above and below our entry price the loss closer to 3%. A small loss is 2 16 30 14 28 11
poised for another move when it but didnt show signs of recovery. much better than a large loss. Nov 18 Dec Jan 19

MaterialsAMAT, KLA-TencorKLAC and Analog DevicesADI. top stocks in the chip sector. It also boasts a healthy relative
IBD INDUSTRY THEMES With a Composite Rating of 87, KLA-Tencor is often men- strength line as it sits near the top of a long consolidation.
tioned as a top stock in the semiconductor equipment The megacap is just above an early entry of 261.59, but the
BY KEN SHREVE group. But its still below the 200-day moving average and breakout came in light volume. A Composite Rating of 98 is
17% off its high. Chipmaker Analog Devices is in better helped by a consistent track record of earnings and sales
The Philadelphia Semiconductor Index surged nearly 6% shape: Its only 5% off its high, and its relative strength line growth. The stock is also a holding of several highly regard-
Thursday, helped by strong earnings reports during the is near highs. ed Fidelity funds, including Fidelity Balanced Fund, Fideli-
week from XilinxXLNX, Texas InstrumentsTXN and Lam Re- So what are the top stocks in the semiconductor sector ty Magellan Fund and Fidelity OTC Portfolio.
searchLRCX. But top stocks showing relative strength in the with the best potential? Among chip designers, Xilinx was Besides Analog Devices in the chipmaker group, CreeCREE
semiconductor sector arent exactly plentiful. in a good setup ahead of its earnings report. Shares gapped also gets a nod. Its been a low-volume breakout so far, but
A 7% drop in shares of IntelINTC Friday morning didnt up powerfully Thursday after the company reported its the stock continues to show relative strength after a break-
have much effect on the Philadelphia Semiconductor fourth straight quarter of accelerating sales growth. Its ex- out from a cup-with-handle base.
Index. It was up 1% in afternoon trading Friday. Intel tended in price now, but strong price performers like Xil- Earnings from Cree are due Wednesday after the close.
missed on revenue and also issued weak first-quarter guid- inx can often present alternate entries especially if tight After several quarters in a row of declining sales, the compa-
ance. But several chip stocks followed through Friday after trading near highs is seen post-breakout. ny has delivered two straight quarters of double-digit
big gains Thursday, including ASML HoldingASML, Applied BroadcomAVGO also deserves mention in a discussion of growth.

IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating

Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
Relative Price Strength Rating
Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
Relative Price Strength Rating IBD TIMESAVER TABLE
Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE
Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Key action of NYSE and Nasdaq top-rated stocks for busy people. Composite Ratings of 98 and
99 are boxed. Italicized names are new issues within the last fifteen years.
52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Wkly Vol% Vol P
6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E EARNINGS PER SHARE EARNINGS PER SHARE
71 85 48 B B- 14.7 InvstrB 3.8 ISBC 11.69 -0.15 -39 7.1m 15 80 72 70 C D 27.7 PlainAll 5.2 PAA 23.09 -0.91 -29 9.2m 16 INDUSTRY GROUP RELATIVE STRENTGH INDUSTRY GROUP RELATIVE STRENTGH
89 97 66 B C+ 14.8 KearnyF 1.5 KRNY 13.16 -0.16 -45 857 34 86 79 79 C B- 27.0 Plains 5.1 PAGP 23.35 -0.65 -40 4.8m 20k SALES+PROFIT MARGINS+ROE SALES+PROFIT MARGINS+ROE
92 97 57 A B+ 47.2 Legacyt 2.5 r LTXB 39.73 +0.67 +42 1.5m 13 35 55 29 B E 73.9 RoyalDtc 5.4 RDSA 59.17 -1.90 -14 13m 11k ACCUMULATION/DISTRIBUTION ACCUMULATION/DISTRIBUTION
84 77 85 C B 18.6 NthtBnc 4.1 NWBI 17.74 -0.49 +12 2.8m 17 34 55 27 B E 77.0 RoyalDtc 6.2 RDSB 60.72 -2.00 -20 7.5m 11k 52-wk Close Vol% 52-wk Close Vol%
81 80 56 B B 20.3 PplsUni 4.2 PBCT 16.75 +0.38 +13 20m 12o 3 22 11 D D 79.3 Schlumb 4.4 SLB 45.00 +0.27 -4 61m 27o 6 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock Symbol Price Chg Chg 6 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock Symbol Price Chg Chg
84 96 41 A B+ 26.4 Sterling 1.4 r STL 19.45 +0.79 +13 15m 9 86 95 59 A B- 70.7 SolarEdge SEDG 40.85 +3.67 +8 2.9m 12 STOCKS UP STOCKS DOWN
75 83 50 B B 40.6 Synchrony 2.8 SYF 29.79 +3.51 +154 81m 7o 45 74 26 B D 42.6 SuncorE 3.3 SU 32.02 +0.02 -8 17m 10 99 88 94 A+ B B 97.4 Dorman DORM 88.71 2.80 +57
82 61 89 B B 33.1 Sunoco 10 SUN 30.49 +1.36 99 99 98 A A
-22 1.6m 9 C NH VeevaSysA VEEV 109.2 +3.71 16
Daily Since 90 78 84 A D 26.7 Tallgrass 8.3 TGE 24.14 +0.09 -22 3.9m 29k
99 99 92 A+ A C+ 206 ServiceNow NOW 191.1 +5.38 32 97 72 87 A A B 581 IntSurg ISRG 515.0 21.08 +135
30. ENERGY +1.4% Change +9.28%Jan. 1 70 85 28 A B+ 57.1 TCPipel 8.4 TCP 31.10 -1.74 -40 811 8 96 96 91 A+ A E 363 OReillyAuto r ORLY 337.4 2.50 +10
99 98 98 A+ A B 100 AtlassianA TEAM 95.86 +2.54 34
7IPO within last 15 years and EPS & RS 80 or higher 45 65 32 B D- 65.7 TotalSA 4.6 TOT 54.21 -0.35 -7 5.9m 10 94 97 75 C+ B B+ 314 ChurchlDwns r CHDN 267.0 1.50 40
77 84 70 C C 48.3 Transca 5.0 TRP 41.85 +0.20 99 98 97 A A
-30 4.9m 11 B 84.2 CybArkSftw CYBR 80.15 +2.71 +19
93 91 95 C C 16.6 7AmerscoA AMRC 14.71 -0.51 -38 277 17o 99 97 99 A+ A TradeDeskA TTD 94 95 86 B A D 372 Illumina ILMN 293.9 7.18 +27
71 36 89 B B+ 59.3 UGI 1.9 UGI 55.95 +0.72 -22 3.3m 20 C+ 161 137.8 +2.74 33
97 86 93 A B+ 40.6 7Cheniere 5.9 CQP 39.24 -0.74 -13 1.0m 13 68 66 65 C B- 33.7 William 5.1 WMB 26.67 +0.27 -17 35m 33 93 78 83 A C C+ 184 NexteraEnrgy NEE 174.2 6.08 +46
99 97 96 A+ A C 164 Paycom r PAYC 143.1 +4.56 8
92 70 87 B B- 11.1 AlgonqP 4.7 AQN 10.93 +0.27 -14 964 14 99 97 95 A A B NH MedicalProps MPW 17.54 +.38 9 92 67 88 A C A 87.8 OneGas OGS 81.26 2.04 13
Daily Since
53 70 40 C C 47.8 BPplc 6.1 BP 40.11 -0.65 -28 21m 11 31. METALS +1.7% Change +6.85%Jan. 1 99 97 95 A+ A 91 68 88 A A C 190 McDonalds MCD 184.0 3.37 +23
72 45 87 B B 28.8 CabotOi 1.1 r COG 25.91 +0.29 -3 28m 32 B+ 404 Lendingtree TREE 293.5 +4.15 38
90 73 70 A A C+ 179 Stryker SYK 165.8 1.54 4
49 76 18 B B- 38.2 CanadnNa 3.7 CNQ 26.38 -1.12 -9 15m 7 76 77 61 B B 30.1 Harsco r HSC 21.60 -1.22 -26 1.5m 18 99 97 93 A+ A B 161 Salesforce CRM 149.7 +2.87 39
86 72 97 C B+ NH CdnSolar CSIQ 19.51 +1.48 -7 3.0m 6o 79 98 44 B C+ 70.0 Nucor 2.8 r NUE 58.10 -0.63 +7 10m 9 99 97 93 A A C 94.4 Fortinet FTNT 73.59 +1.07 37 90 68 83 A B A 100 AtmosEnergy ATO 94.83 1.84 44
84 70 93 C A- 80.3 ChartInds GTLS 72.65 -0.61 -11 1.2m 38k 55 91 40 C D- 97.4 Relianc 2.6 RS 78.32 -0.10 -42 1.3m 8 87 72 97 D C B 64.5 Vicor VICR 46.40 1.66 8
69 60 84 .. C+ 71.0 CheniereEngy LNG 63.55 -1.25 -33 5.6m 28 62 99 19 A B 52.1 SteelDy 2.1 r STLD 35.44 +1.14 -2 11m 6o 99 96 98 A+ A B NH ALRM 62.64 +1.59 +30
79 86 61 B B+ 55.7 Timken 2.6 TKR 42.47 -1.61 -17 2.2m 11 99 96 85 A+ A B+ 332 UltimtSftwr ULTI 276.4 +9.11 +7 87 58 90 A+ .. B 118 AspenTech AZPN 98.79 2.01 +63
59 73 40 C B 132 Chevron 4.0 CVX 113.2 -1.15 -9 27m 17
99 96 81 A+ A C 66.3 Realpage r RP 54.86 +1.46 37 86 64 89 A+ C B 186 AdvAutoPrt AAP 153.2 3.09 +53
56 73 41 C C+ 102 ChinaPe 9 SNP 80.85 +1.10 +7 1.0m 8o
65 68 66 C C+ 202 CNOOC 4.1 CEO 166.5 -0.30 -6 459 14 32. ALCOHL/TOB +1.3% Change Daily
Jan. 1 99 94 98 A+ A C 136 FiveBelow FIVE 126.2 +2.15 44 85 79 85 B A E 210 Amgen AMGN 198.8 2.20 +41
49 71 18 A C- 163 ConchoResrce CXO 118.6 -6.32 -8 7.4m 27 7IPO within last 15 years and EPS & RS 80 or higher 99 93 96 A B B+ NH CareTrust CTRE 21.15 +.41 +25 85 61 86 A C B 90.8 Entergy ETR 87.10 1.53 36
74 77 70 C B- 80.2 Conocph 1.8 COP 66.99 -0.91 -15 23m 17 HlthInsInvs 84 68 77 A C B 102 IdaCorp IDA 94.59 1.88 41
49 72 18 B B 72.0 ContintlResrce CLR 47.26 -0.33 -25 8.2m 17 89 95 91 A B- 47.0 7TurningP .6 TPB 32.21 -0.80 -22 433 21 99 93 91 A+ A C 63.1 HIIQ 37.52 +1.64 50
99 93 88 A A C 152 Monolithic MPWR 130.7 +3.91 1 83 89 56 C A B 57.6 Intel r INTC 47.04 2.72 +211
55 88 21 A D+ 140 Diamond .5 FANG 102.2 -4.68 -40 8.5m 15 22 81 10 B E 71.9 AltriaG 7.2 MO 44.24 -4.07 +56 80m 11
89 85 88 B C+ 39.9 Enbridge 6.1 ENB 36.09 -0.01 -44 13m 13 19 30 20 C C+ 117 AnheusrBsh 3.4 BUD 74.86 +1.21 -1 7.7m 20o 99 92 98 A C B NH Ciena CIEN 39.96 +.47 3 82 66 85 B+ B D 175 Pool POOL 150.6 2.01 32
34 46 32 C E 40.2 ENISpa 4.1 E 33.20 -0.24 -37 716 13 18 45 6 A E 71.3 BritAme 8.3 BTI 31.41 -1.49 +7 17m 8k 99 92 97 A+ A B NH Globant GLOB 68.04 +3.37 +70 81 69 53 A B C 75.2 TxRoadhse TXRH 62.78 1.66 +61
93 81 70 A B- 30.1 EntpsPrd 6.3 EPD 27.72 +0.20 -19 21m 15 51 87 14 A C+ 236 Constela 1.8 STZ 166.8 +2.65 -12 9.7m 17o 99 92 93 A A B 273 Broadcom r AVGO 267.9 +4.39 29 79 93 76 A .. E 77.1 Dunkin r DNKN 69.34 1.85 +34
48 75 24 B D+ 133 EOGResr .9 EOG 99.1 -1.95 -20 13m 19o 61 44 70 A B- 151 Diageo 2.4 DEO 142.5 +0.35 -42 986 22 99 92 93 A+ A C+ 88.5 Paylocity PCTY 68.14 +1.00 2 79 91 18 A+ A B 127 NatlBevrge FIZZ 81.87 1.79 29
35 44 26 A D- 28.9 Equinor 3.0 EQNR 22.35 -0.41 -17 5.2m 11k 52 62 65 D B- 84.6 MolsCoo 2.5 TAP 64.40 +0.78 -21 6.1m 13
86 80 74 B D+ 23.5 EquitransMid ETRN 20.94 -0.03 -52 6.2m 38k 7 61 17 .. E 111 PhillipM 6.3 PM 72.73 -1.06 +8 33m 14 99 92 87 A A C+ NH GranitePtMort GPMT 19.28 +.14 +21 75 99 30 B A D 66.5 ETrade ETFC 47.77 1.71 +179
36 54 29 C E 89.3 ExxonMo 4.6 XOM 71.72 -1.27 -26 47m 16 99 91 93 A+ A B 144 EpamSyst EPAM 140.8 +4.93 +7 71 70 82 B D C+ 61.8 Mercury MCY 51.46 1.49 +217
72 59 90 C B- 21.9 Geopark GPRK 16.37 +0.12 -21 1.0m 30 33. MINING +2.5% Change -10.26%Since
Jan. 1 99 89 82 C A A 104 Microchip MCHP 80.63 +2.19 8 70 94 26 B A D 125 AbbVie r ABBV 80.54 5.34 +220
78 88 44 A D- 75.6 Magella 6.3 MMP 62.96 +0.79 -15 3.8m 10
99 81 96 A+ A B 130 Splunk SPLK 70 80 30 A C D+ 458 Equinix EQIX 369.4 1.84 +24
24 49 25 B E 88.5 Maratho 2.9 MPC 64.08 -2.01 -8 25m 12 SECTOR LEADER | NYSE 122.1 +2.11 50
98 99 98 A C NH KirklndLak .4 KL 29.23 +2.89 -14 3.8m 24k 70 60 37 A A C+ 118 Resmed RMD 94.56 22.74 +513
86 73 63 A C- 39.2 MPLX 7.5 MPLX 34.02 -0.09 -30 6.4m 16 KEY DATA: EPS 3 Q Avg 114%, LQ 71%, Next Q 32%, Sales 3Q Avg 19%, 99 79 98 A A B NH Xilinx XLNX 110.4 +4.31 +168
67 71 42 D B 50.7 Nextera 4.2 NEP 40.55 -2.42 +106 2.5m 14o LQ 26%, Next Yr EPS 60%, Pretax 28%, ROE 16%, EPS due 02/21 99 72 99 A+ C B 106 TwilioInc TWLO 104.2 +2.63 45 69 49 69 B+ B C 74.8 AlaskaAir ALK 63.48 2.30 +81
71 72 83 D B- 18.6 Now DNOW 13.52 -0.21 -49 2.3m 50 59 25 77 C B 49.8 AgnicoE 1.1 AEM 41.30 +2.31 -36 4.1m 99 99 72 99 A C B+ NH InnovatvInd IIPR 59.94 +2.04 3 68 99 23 B A D 26.0 CorceptTh CORT 12.29 1.52 +381
52 77 29 C D+ 87.7 Occiden 4.7 OXY 66.53 -0.50 -30 15m 15k 88 72 97 E B 13.3 Anglogol .4 AU 13.11 +1.04 -19 10m 25 99 72 98 A+ B C 49.5 Five9 FIVN 48.45 +2.14 +20 67 71 42 A D B 50.7 NexteraEnrg NEP 40.55 2.71 +278
81 83 61 B D+ 72.0 Oneok 5.5 OKE 62.44 -0.75 +14 13m 24x 66 15 85 B B 50.5 BHPGrp 4.9 BHP 48.21 +0.17 -35 8.8m 19 65 89 40 C B C 67.1 Banner BANR 54.03 1.74 +21
84 52 91 D C- 21.9 Pattern 8.1 PEGI 20.68 +0.62 -14 3.9m 14o 86 63 85 A C 45.7 BHPGrp 5.5 BBL 42.59 +0.66 -27 5.7m 17 99 72 96 A+ C B+ 72.8 Zendesk ZEN 65.79 +1.27 49
96 93 76 A C- 36.8 Pembina 5.0 PBA 33.93 -0.22 -12 2.2m 14 73 47 84 C C- 79.1 FrancoNe 1.3 FNV 72.81 +3.91 -36 1.5m 60o 99 72 95 A+ C C 114 NewRelic NEWR 96.26 +1.46 59 62 44 65 A D C+ 82.8 Allete ALE 74.88 1.95 +2
42 69 23 D C 85.0 Petchina 1.8 PTR 64.07 -0.86 +18 517 13 66 45 70 A C+ 60.7 RioTinto 5.9 RIO 52.26 +0.62 +15 13m 10 60 65 74 C+ A E 156 McCormick MKC 121.4 2.99 +116
84 72 89 D B- 17.2 Petroleo .6 PBR 15.82 +0.42 -41 47m 21o 71 61 70 C C- 98.5 RoyalGld 1.3 RGLD 83.20 +0.83 +10 2.4m 53 99 67 97 A+ A A 98.2 RingCentralA RNG 91.50 +2.23 24
BioTelemetry 59 52 69 B B D 123 KimbrlyClark KMB 108.1 3.32 +29
71 72 85 E B+ 15.5 PetrolB 2.6 PBRA 13.85 +0.37 -43 22m 19 76 45 95 D B- 12.7 SSRMining SSRM 12.55 +0.92 -34 2.3m 48k 98 99 98 B+ A D 74.7 BEAT 70.00 +2.13 +64
43 75 26 C C 123 Phillip 3.4 PSX 93.02 -2.28 -3 12m 11 69 60 70 B B 30.8 TeckRes .6 TECK 22.93 -0.16 +17 13m 5k 98 99 98 A A C NH KirklndLakeGld KL 29.23 +1.13 +9 57 50 51 A D C+ 84.3 ConsEdison ED 75.95 1.71 +13
96 99 59 A B 56.5 Phillip 6.6 PSXP 50.45 +1.09 -12 1.4m 13 51 39 48 B B- 16.1 Vale 3.8 VALE 13.66 -0.95 +150231m 8o 98 98 95 B A C+ 184 ZebraTech ZBRA 175.9 +1.22 18 51 42 57 B C C 264 EverstRe RE 213.4 2.30 +31
OlliesBargain 40 17 64 D+ D B+ 46.2 GdsHldgsA GDS 26.49 1.75 16
5 5 5 5 5 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 5 5 5 5 5 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 98 98 89 A+ A E 97.6 OLLI 78.12 +2.97 5
High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 98 98 88 A A D+ 99 Mellanox MLNX 85.34 +1.27 28 33 38 15 A C B 69.2 PapaJohns PZZA 42.18 3.52 +63
Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) 98 98 88 A A C 98.3 Qualys QLYS 81.99 +1.33 40 23 60 1 A D D 49.4 PG&E PCG 11.77 2.18 +148
Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE 98 98 83 A A C 277 AdobeInc r ADBE 245.0 +2.39 12 21 42 14 C C D 302 VailResorts MTN 183.9 3.37 17
Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating 98 96 97 B A C 65.1 Medpace r MEDP 61.21 +1.08 22 20 51 13 E B E 115 Wabtec WAB 68.54 2.49 +494
Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating 98 96 92 B+ A D+ 322 UltaBeauty ULTA 290.7 +2.73 48 .. .. 95 B .. B+ 82.5 DirxEnBear ERY 48.06 1.83 +47
98 96 70 B A B 61.0 SS&CTec SSNC 50.68 +1.20 34 .. .. 78 B .. C+ 127 VangUtil VPU 119.3 1.59 34
98 95 97 A+ C D 131 TableaSftr DATA 129.0 +7.20 +56 .. .. 67 B .. B 73.3 DxEmMkBr3x EDZ 46.94 2.00 5
98 95 86 A C B 117 CrownCstlA CCI 113.7 +1.79 +8 .. .. 54 B .. B 79.4 DXFtseChBr YANG 52.17 3.12 +63
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98 90 95 A A B 175 EdwardsLifesci EW 170.6 +1.44 20 A 150 56.97 3.49 5
Call 1.800.831.2525 98 89 97 B+ A B 164 Lululemon LULU 151.9 +3.46 43 .. .. 22 B .. D 48.8 DxDlyGldMnr DUST 22.45 2.40 +67
or go to 98 89 82 B A A 106 Celgene r CELG 87.62 +1.16 14 .. .. 21 B .. A 154 Vs2VxShtEtn TVIX 43.88 3.46 5
98 86 93 B A B 73.3 LPLFncl LPLA 70.23 +1.20 +64 .. .. 21 B .. D 95.1 DxDlyJrGldBr3 JDST 47.03 5.68 +98
2017 Investors Business Daily, Inc. Investors Business Daily, IBD, CAN SLIM, Leaderboard and corresponding 98 78 96 A A B+ NH KeysightTech r KEYS 71.07 +.42 +38 .. .. 19 B .. C 62.3 DxSpBioBr3 LABD 26.60 1.95 +31
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Nasdaq stocks in Spotlight YTD up 7.7%, NYSE stocks in Spotlight YTD up 4.7%, S&P 500 1 year up 5.4%
Atlassian: (TEAM) Group 4 o$95.86 CyberArk Software: (CYBR) Group 23 o$80.15 Nexstar Media: (NXST) Group 9 o$83.62 Attunity: (ATTU) Group 2 $23.35
99 Comp. Rating 98 EPS RS 98 ROE 14% 102.0M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 98 EPS RS 97 ROE 13% 21.7M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 99 EPS RS 92 ROE 18% 42.4M Shares 97 Comp. Rating 72 EPS RS 99 ROE -4% 16.9M Shares
Australian company that designs and develops software to Israeli provider of network security software focused on pro- Owns and operates 170 TV stations and related low power Israeli developer of enterprise data integration and manage-
help teams in management, collaboration, integration tecting privileged accounts and digital multicast signals in 100 markets ment software applications and related services.
+27% Ann. EPS Gro PE 141 Avg. D. Vol 1,760,200 Debt 92% +13% Ann. EPS Gro PE 51 Avg. Daily Vol 594,900 Debt 0% +26% Ann. EPS Gro PE 14 Avg. Daily Vol 713,600 Debt 272% ... Ann. EPS Gro PE 69 Avg. Daily Vol 388,400 Debt 0%
Last Qtr Eps +92%5 Prior Qtr +54%5 Last Qtr Sales +39% Last Qtr Eps +92%5 Prior Qtr +71%5 Last Qtr Sales +31% Last Qtr Eps +116%5 Prior Qtr +104%6 Last Qtr Sales +13% Last Qtr Eps +400%5 Prior Qtr +167%6 Last Qtr Sales +35%
7 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 2 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 6 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 3 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Eps Due 4/17 Eps Due 2/14 Eps Due 2/26 Eps Due 2/1e
R&D 48% R&D 16% R&D 23%

Acc/Dis B Acc/Dis B- Acc/Dis D Acc/Dis B-

Sup/Demand 86 Sup/Demand 84 Sup/Demand 88

Rebounding from 89.92 buy point after brutal reversal. 11-week base has handle with 81.98 buy point. Still trading below a potential buy point at 89.85. Near 23.95 entry after triggering 7%-8% loss sell rule.
Five9: (FIVN) Group 3 o$48.45 NMI: (NMIH) Group 12 o$21.70 Staar Surgical: (STAA) Group 32 o$35.69 Cornerstone Ondemand: (CSOD) Group 4 o$55.87
99 Comp. Rating 72 EPS RS 98 ROE 16% 55.2M Shares 98 Comp. Rating 74 EPS RS 94 ROE 8% 61.8M Shares 92 Comp. Rating 70 EPS RS 98 ROE 1% 42.4M Shares 98 Comp. Rating 72 EPS RS 94 ROE 103% 51.6M Shares
Develops cloud-based customer contact software that assists Provides private mortgage insurance in 50 states and the Develops visual implants/other ophthalmic products to treat Develops human capital management software used for work-
contact centers in customer service, sales and marketing District of Columbia. cataracts/glaucoma/for refractive surgery use. force training, communication/performance management.
... Ann. EPS Gro PE 110 Avg. Daily Vol 627,100 Debt 70% +300% Ann. EPS Gro PE 15 Avg. Daily Vol 342,300 Debt 28% ... Ann. EPS Gro PE 162 Avg. Daily Vol 404,400 Debt 1% +226% Ann. EPS Gro PE 82 Avg. D. Vol 393,300 Debt 999%
Last Qtr Eps +350%6 Prior Qtr+1200%5 Last Qtr Sales +30% Last Qtr Eps +130%6 Prior Qtr +208%6 Last Qtr Sales +47% Last Qtr Eps +75%6 Prior Qtr+1000%5 Last Qtr Sales +35% Last Qtr Eps +92%6 Prior Qtr +500%5 Last Qtr Sales +10%
5 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 10 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 3 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 4 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Eps Due 2/19 Eps Due 2/15e Eps Due 2/21 Eps Due 2/12
R&D 14% R&D 21% R&D 13%

Acc/Dis C- Acc/Dis C Acc/Dis B- Acc/Dis B-

Extended from l45.68 early entry of late-stage base. Shaping right side of base with 24.60 potential buy point. Regains 10-week moving average in deep potential base. Working on right side of base with 59.28 potential entry

Kirkland Lake Gold (KL) Group 43 $29.23 Palo Alto Networks (PANW) Group 23 o$209.72 ServiceNow (NOW) Group 3 o$191.08 Tableau Software (DATA) Group 2 o$128.96
98 Comp. Rating 99 EPS RS 98 ROE 16% 201.3M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 98 EPS RS 91 ROE 43% 91.1M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 99 EPS RS 92 ROE 47% 175.7M Shares 98 Comp. Rating 95 EPS RS 97 ROE 3% 70.8M Shares
Canadian firm engaged in the provision of mining and miner- Provides network security infrastructure products for enter- Develops cloud-based IT software for workflow automation, Develops visualized analytics software for various business
al exploration in Canada and Australia. prises, service providers and government entities. data consolidation, business administration. intelligence applications.
+165% Ann. EPS Gro PE 25 Avg. D. Vol 1,095,800 Debt 2% +54% Ann. EPS Gro PE 49 Avg. D. Vol 1,606,600 Debt 142% +87% Ann. EPS Gro PE 92 Avg. D. Vol 2,089,600 Debt 108% -1% Ann. EPS Gro PE 121 Avg. D. Vol 1,081,000 Debt 0%
Last Qtr Eps +71%5 Prior Qtr +58%6 Last Qtr Sales +26% Last Qtr Eps +56%5 Prior Qtr +39%6 Last Qtr Sales +31% Last Qtr Eps +79%6 Prior Qtr +123%5 Last Qtr Sales +37% Last Qtr Eps +488%5 Prior Qtr +310%6 Last Qtr Sales +35%
7 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 22 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 17 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 3 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Eps Due 2/21e Eps Due 2/25 Eps Due 1/30 Eps Due 1/30
R&D 6% R&D 18% R&D 20% R&D 38%

Acc/Dis C Acc/Dis B Acc/Dis C+ Acc/Dis D-

Sup/Demand 86 Sup/Demand 79

Clears 23.96 buy point in 4-month cup; now well extended. Climbing right side of cup-shaped base after 33% pullback. Forms awkward double bottom and tight handle; 192.89 entry. Extended after retaking 118.18 buy point.
Penumbra (PEN) Group 32 $143.76 Twilio (TWLO) Group 3 $104.18 Zendesk (ZEN) Group 3 o$65.79 New Relic (NEWR) Group 2 o$96.26
98 Comp. Rating 72 EPS RS 91 ROE 0% 30.7M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 72 EPS RS 99 ROE -5% 77.6M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 72 EPS RS 96 ROE -2% 101.7M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 72 EPS RS 95 ROE 0% 45.0M Shares
Develops medical devices used for neuro and peripheral vas- Provides a cloud-based platform that enables developers to Develops a software-as-a-service customer service platform Develops software that enables enterprises to collect, store
cular conditions and diseases. build, scale and operate real-time communications that helps organizations engage with customers. and analyze amounts of data in real time.
... Ann. EPS Gro PE 300 Avg. Daily Vol 322,000 Debt 0% ... Ann. EPS Gro PE 999 Avg. D. Vol 4,704,700 Debt 3% ... Ann. EPS Gro PE 506 Avg. D. Vol 1,864,600 Debt 0% ... Ann. EPS Gro PE 196 Avg. Daily Vol 657,100 Debt 0%
Last Qtr Eps+1600%5 Prior Qtr +400%5 Last Qtr Sales +33% Last Qtr Eps +188%5 Prior Qtr +160%5 Last Qtr Sales +68% Last Qtr Eps+1000%5 Prior Qtr +250%5 Last Qtr Sales +38% Last Qtr Eps +433%5 Prior Qtr +267%5 Last Qtr Sales +36%
4 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 2 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 3 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 4 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Eps Due 2/27e Eps Due 2/12 Eps Due 2/5 Eps Due 2/6
R&D 9% R&D 30% R&D 27% R&D 21%

Acc/Dis A- Acc/Dis B Acc/Dis B+ Acc/Dis C

Sup/Demand 96 Sup/Demand 87

Double-bottom base has a 147.80 buy point. Near new highs after rally back above 10-week line. Forming right side of a new base; 72.86 entry. Shaping right side of long base with 114.88 potential entry.
Spotlight looks for stocks with strong earnings, sales and other fundamentals and in bases or breaking out. Performance data up to prior day. Nasdaq stocks show : after name.

as deeply rooted in the workplace as spreadsheets are for a loss of 8 cents a share and a 9% rise in sales. Barclays esti-
Stock Spotlight Analysis today, Tableau said in its 2017 10-K filing. mates full-year earnings at 35 cents. It puts revenue for the
A key challenge in that strategy has been to migrate the busi- year at $1.14 billion, vs. consensus views for $978.8 million.
ness to a subscription, cloud-computing-based operation, de- A regulatory accounting change in 2019 explains a portion
livering Software-as-a-Service over the internet. That con- of that difference. But Barclays also sees cash flows rebound-
The marriage of cloud computing, database software and version is going faster than expected, according to a Jan. 17 ing from a weak year in 2018 to 60% compound annual
business intelligence marks a giant leap forward in the poten- note from Barclays. growth through 2021.
tial efficiency and productivity of businesses. The note backed guidance from Tableau management for And it expects the change to self-service SaaS business in-
Tableau SoftwareDATA sits at the crossroads of those 20% revenue growth in 2019. Consensus views project a telligence offerings should drive license revenue ahead at bet-
trends. The Seattle-based company touts products that dra- 560% surge in earnings for the year, to $1.61 per share. Bar- ter than 25% per year, from 48% of total revenue this year to
matically reduce the complexity, inflexibility and expense as- clays is just below that consensus figure, at $1.54. 51% of an estimated $1.66 billion in total revenue in 2020.
sociated with traditional business intelligence applications. For the fourth quarter, which Tableau is scheduled to re- Tableau shows no long-term debt on its balance sheet, and
We aim to make our products easy to use, ubiquitous and port after the market closes on Feb. 5, consensus views call reported $639.3 million in cash at the end of Q3.

You Can Find Winners in IBDs New High List

Stock EPS Stock EPS Stock EPS Stock EPS

Name Symbol Price Rtg Name Symbol Price Rtg Name Symbol Price Rtg Name Symbol Price Rtg
TaylrDvice TAYD 12.94 73 Aerojet AJRD 39.04 70
New Highs ENERGY
SOFTWARE CdnSolar CSIQ 19.51 72 MISC
REAL EST (8) ALRM 62.64 96
CapInvstIvA CIC 10.10 72
+ou;|"l-u|m;vm] ;1bvbom
CareTrust CTRE 21.15 93 VeevaSysA VEEV 109.20 99
Chegg CHGG 34.64 72
GranitePtMort GPMT 19.28 92
New Lows
InnovatvInd IIPR 59.94 72
MedicalProps MPW 17.54 97 AmNatl ANAT 135.71 95 CHIPS
HCP HCP 30.37 72 ErieIndmty ERIE 143.12 88 Xilinx XLNX 110.37 79 AmnealPhrma 11.94 84
WPCarey WPC 71.78 60 TivityHlth 22.95 90
ApartmntInv AIV 48.04 83
Fiserv FISV 85.07 89 Globant GLOB 68.04 92 BANKS
EssPrpRealTr EPRT 15.27 71
Paypal PYPL 94.28 90 CountyBanc 17.54 71
BANKS PenWd 36.79 81
OFG 18.75 63
Audiocodes AUDC 13.32 98
Fabrinet FN 57.76 76 CONSUMER
Calix CALX 11.11 72
KeysightTech KEYS 71.07 78 APPAREL HailiangEdu 38.00 79
Ciena CIEN 39.96 92 Delta DLA 22.24 85
TeleDataSys TDS 36.50 72 UTILITY APPAREL
USCell USM 57.89 72 CPFLEnergia CPL 16.52 64 AEROSPACE Weyco 27.17 62
NYSE (n) 45 New Highs, 3 Lows We invite you to take a
HillRom HRC 102.23 85
NASDAQ 39New Highs, 13 Lows 1olrbl;m|-u=ou;;h|ub-
Hopfed HFBC 19.63 61 AMEX (a) 5New Highs, 3 Lows
Hologic HOLX 44.83 76 1.800.648.7285 l
LHCGroup LHCG 107.62 94 MINING Boldfaced stocks show high EPS Rating 90
KirklndLakeGld KL 29.23 99 or more. On, see an IBD Chart, 2017 Investors Business Daily, Inc. Investors Business Daily, IBD and
CAN SLIM and corresponding logos are registered trademarks owned by
MACHINE archived story and Stock Checkup before buy- Investors Business Daily, Inc.
ing. Stocks in each sector listed by % volume
IntlgSys INS 22.99 72 INTERNET increase. Stocks under 10 a share or 60 EPS are
WsteMg WM 94.90 87 TencentMusic TME 15.27 72 omitted. See chart in Stock Spotlight.

sharply. 99.91 buy point of a cup without handle in heavy volume.

New High List Analysis The fast advance created a lopsided base, which is usually The maker of medical equipment beat profit expectations
a weakness for the chart. However, the swelling volume as Friday with a December-quarter adjusted profit of $1.03 a
the stock surged in the past six sessions left no doubt that in- share and sales of $683.5 million. Hill-Rom said it made
stitutional investors are scooping up Fiserv shares. The $100 million in new-product revenue.
FiservsFISV pending buyout of First DataFDC is already pay- stocks relative strength line is at a new high, which is a The stocks RS line also made a new high. Hill-Rom is in
ing off for Fiserv shareholders, who saw the stock break out good sign for the breakout. IBDs medical systems and equipment industry group,
to new highs Friday. Fiserv, a financial services technology firm, has a 93 Com- which is in the top 25 of 197 groups.
Fiserv shares topped the 82.89 buy point of a cup-without- posite Rating. EPS growth ranged from 22% to 32% in the CalixCALX climbed above the 10.85 buy point of a base-on-
handle base in heavy trading. The stock sold off Jan. 16, past four quarters, and quarterly sales growth has been in base pattern, but volume was weak. The provider of cloud-
when it agreed to acquire First Data for $22 billion in stock. single digits for years. computing and network access technology has traded
But Fiserv shares pared losses that day and began rising In health care, Hill-Rom HoldingsHRC gapped above the below 10 a share for most of the past four years.

Stocks Just Out Of Bases Stocks Pulling Back to 10-Wk Line Supply/Demand
Comp Closing Vol% Comp Closing Vol% SD Closing Vol%
Rtg Stock Name Symbol Price Chg Chg Rtg Stock Name Symbol Price Chg Chg Rtg Stock Name Symbol Price Chg Chg
99 CareTrust REIT CTRE 21.15 +0.41 +25% No stocks meet the criteria. No stocks meet the criteria.

Copyright 2019 Investor's Business Daily Inc.

19% R Acc 52-wk Div Close Vol% 19% R Acc 52-wk Div Close Vol% 19% R Acc 52-wk Div Close Vol% 19% R Acc 52-wk Div Close Vol% 19% R Acc 52-wk Div Close Vol%
Chg S Dis High Fund Symbol Yld PriceChgChg Chg S Dis High Fund Symbol Yld PriceChgChg Chg S Dis High Fund Symbol Yld PriceChgChg Chg S Dis High Fund Symbol Yld PriceChgChg Chg S Dis High Fund Symbol Yld PriceChgChg
Exchange Traded Funds continued from A18 1.9 48 D+ 59.0 SPDR Consmr Stpls XLP 3.0 51.73 -0.21 -41 8.2 59 D- 32.9 Dxt MSCI SKorea Hdg DBKO 2.9 27.55 0.88 -99 5.1 32 D+ 44.2 SPDR Euro Stoxx 50 FEZ 3.3 34.97 0.54 -2 3.5 62 B+ 18.8 Inv Financial Prfd PGF 5.5 17.97 0.07 -61
9.2 48 E 30.3 SPDR Financial XLF 1.9 26.00 0.21 -13 -2.2 58 B 27.9 Inv India PIN 1.0 23.65 -0.21 -17 7.8 32 D 62.0 WT Jpn Hedged DXJ 2.7 50.02 0.57 -66 4.2 62 C 14.8 Inv Preferred PGX 5.8 14.04 0.05 -54
-11.8 67 B+ 49.5 ProS UltSht S&P 500 SDS 1.4 37.84 -0.66 -28 0.2 62 D+ 113.5 IS Brcly TIPS TIP 2.7 109.68 -0.17 -60
8.8 48 D+ 81.0 SPDR Industrial XLI 2.0 70.07 0.88 -21 10.6 58 B- 24.3 VV Russia RSX 4.6 20.74 0.08 -33 8.9 31 B+ 34.9 Dxt CSI 300 ASHR 1.1 23.88 0.40 62
-17.3 58 B+ 38.5 DX Bear 3X Shrs SPXS 0.7 25.45 -0.62 -38 7.8 57 D+ 17.4 Inv Intl Div Achvr PID 3.5 15.23 0.15 -53 7.2 30 B 23.0 IS MSCI Belgium EWK 2.6 17.52 0.25 -88 4.1 62 C+ 87.9 IS Iboxx Hi Yd C Bd HYG 5.3 84.41 0.21 -41
9.6 48 D+ 75.5 VG Financials VFH 2.1 65.08 0.52 -34
-17.5 58 B+ 57.9 ProS UltPro Sht SP500 SPXU 1.7 38.40 -0.95 -29 7.1 57 C- 50.3 IS MSCI Pac Ex-Japn EPP 4.7 43.57 0.68 -27 6.3 30 B- 35.9 IS MSCI Germany EWG 3.0 26.95 0.50 -31 3.6 62 B 116.0 IS JPM USD Emg Mkts EMB 5.4 107.70 -0.10 26
8.1 45 D+ 209.4 IS DJ Transprtn Idx IYT 1.2 178.37 1.44 -27
-11.5 57 B+ 41.2 ProS UltSht Dow 30 DXD 1.3 31.34 -0.45 -66 7.5 54 C- 62.7 IS Core MSCI EM IEMG 2.6 50.69 0.66 -34 7.3 30 B- 34.5 IS MSCI Italy EWI 4.4 25.97 0.41 -38 4.3 62 B 37.0 SPDR Brcly HiYld Bnd JNK 5.6 35.05 0.08 -33
14.8 45 D+ 101.5 SPDR S&P Biotech XBI 0.2 82.37 1.82 -46
-13.8 49 B 56.8 ProS UltSht QQQ QID 1.6 40.99 -1.07 -24 8.3 45 C 47.2 SPDR S&P Homebldrs XHB 1.1 35.22 0.19 6 3.5 54 C- 76.5 IS MSCI EAFE Min Vol EFAV 3.2 68.96 0.21 -40 7.8 30 E 75.6 WT Euro SC Div DFE 4.6 57.51 0.57 -52 2.0 62 A- 95.3 VG LngTrm Corp Bond VCLT 4.5 86.90 0.02 -61
11.8 45 D- 51.2 ProS Ultra Dow 30 DDM 0.8 42.29 0.64 -5 9.0 45 E 53.0 SPDR S&P Retail XRT 1.4 44.67 0.71 -55 7.5 54 C 31.1 Schwab Emerg Mkt SCHE 2.5 25.30 0.26 -49 -0.3 29 D- 27.3 Innovator IBD ETF Ldrs LDRS 0.4 21.32 0.04 -18 0.3 62 B- 63.1 VV Hi Yield Muni HYD 4.4 61.23 -0.04 -18
-17.1 42 B+ 24.2 ProS UltP Shrt Dow 30 SDOW 1.4 15.91 -0.35 -43 10.0 45 D+ 26.5 UBS Etrc Alrn MLP Infr MLPI 7.4 21.74 0.22 -19 3.3 54 B- 39.8 VV Emrg Mkt Bnd EMLC 6.3 34.08 0.24 -14 3.9 16 D 11.6 GX FTSE Greece 20 GREK 2.2 7.17 0.04 -83 4.0 59 E 12.3 GX SuperDiv Preferd SPFF 7.2 11.47 0.07 -45
12.4 41 E 130.0 ProS Ultra S&P 500 SSO 0.7 104.29 1.69 -54 5.1 44 D- 64.2 SPDR Materials XLB 2.1 53.12 0.99 -52 6.5 54 D 67.6 WT Europe Hdg Eq HEDJ 2.9 60.09 0.43 -44 Leveraged 3.0 58 B 23.3 Inv Senior Loan BKLN 4.5 22.43 0.00 -55
13.9 35 C- 102.5 ProS Ultra QQQ QLD .. 76.52 1.88 -23 4.4 41 D- 51.6 FrstTr ConsmrSpl Alph FXG 2.2 44.05 -0.16 -66 8.0 53 B- 54.0 IS Ftse China 25 FXI 2.5 42.19 0.78 -7 47.5 86 B 65.3 DX Brazil Bull 3X BRZU 0.7 36.84 0.35 35 2.4 58 D- 31.3 IQ Hdg MultStrat Trckr QAI .. 29.56 0.08 -37
18.2 30 D 116.8 ProS UltPro Dow30 UDOW 0.6 84.26 1.88 2 14.9 41 C 52.0 SPDR KBW Bank KBE 1.9 42.91 0.53 40 6.8 53 B- 83.5 IS MSCI Asia Ex Jpn AAXJ 2.0 67.85 1.03 49 -21.4 67 B- 73.3 DX Emg Mkt Bear 3X EDZ 0.9 46.94 -2.00 -5 1.0 58 C- 24.4 ProS Short 20+ Yr Trs TBF 0.8 22.61 0.08 -27
-20.6 28 B- 23.3 ProS UltPro Shrt QQQ SQQQ 1.8 13.30 -0.50 -31 10.8 38 C 30.7 JPMorgan Alerian ETN AMJ 7.6 24.72 0.19 -45 7.6 53 C- 51.0 VG MSCI Em Mkt VWO 2.7 41.00 0.40 -23 -21.7 54 B- 79.4 DX FTSE China Bear 3X YANG 0.7 52.17 -3.12 63 4.6 53 B- 38.1 IS S&P US Pfd Stk PFF 6.0 35.79 0.12 -45
20.3 28 D+ 89.2 ProS Ultra Russ 2000 UWM 0.3 62.73 1.51 -50 14.3 38 D- 66.0 SPDR KBW Regnl Bnk KRE 2.0 53.47 0.63 -32 -2.7 53 C+ 29.5 WT India Earn EPI 1.2 24.14 -0.16 10 33.0 45 B+ 73.4 DX Russia Bull 3X RUSL 3.0 39.64 0.33 15 6.1 53 C- 55.0 SPDR Brcly Conv Sec CWB 5.8 49.66 0.36 -33
18.8 26 D- 56.0 DX LC Bull 3X Shrs SPXL 0.8 39.10 1.04 -14 8.7 35 B- 46.6 IS DJ US Home Const ITB 0.6 32.64 -0.04 65 8.0 52 C+ 52.1 IS MSCI Emrg Mkts EEM 2.1 42.20 0.55 6 24.4 30 B- 168.7 DX Emg Mkt Bull 3X EDC 0.6 78.12 3.12 3 Leveraged
18.6 26 E 59.0 ProS UltPro S&P 500 UPRO 0.5 41.24 0.98 -25 8.6 28 C- 39.5 IS S&P Glb Energy IXC 3.2 31.87 0.35 138 4.9 52 D- 37.8 IS MSCI Switzerland EWL 2.4 33.05 -0.01 -11 24.1 26 B- 53.9 DX FTSE China Bul 3X YINN 0.8 21.58 1.18 22 -2.7 85 C+ 20.6 DX 20+ Treas Bull 3X TMF 1.5 18.85 -0.22 -31
20.8 21 E 73.4 ProS UltPro QQQ TQQQ .. 44.76 1.54 -28 8.0 26 D- 25.9 IS MSCI Europe Fncl EUFN 6.0 18.31 0.26 -52 8.6 50 C+ 32.8 WT Europe Hdg SC EUSC 2.4 28.70 0.15 -78 -26.3 17 D- 24.5 DX Russia Bear 3X RUSS 0.9 15.07 -0.12 15 18.6 79 B- 16.1 UBS Etrc 2X MortREIT MORL 21.2 14.39 0.07 -13
31.5 17 E 97.1 DX SC Bull 3X Shrs TNA 0.3 55.34 2.04 -39 5.9 50 B- 33.0 WT Intl Hedg Div IHDG 0.7 29.45 0.02 -64 1.6 42 D+ 41.7 ProS UltSht 20+ Yr TBT 1.0 35.70 0.29 -47
11.0 26 D- 38.3 IS S&P NAm Nat Res IGE 2.4 30.18 0.51 -9 Bond/Income 2.6 33 D 23.7 DX 20+ Treas Bear 3X TMV 0.6 18.70 0.23 -32
Sector/Industry 9.7 26 E 79.4 SPDR Energy XLE 3.2 62.93 0.79 -51 6.6 49 D- 77.5 IS MSCI ACWI ACWI 2.1 68.37 0.75 -22
-0.2 76 A 122.3 IS Brcly 3-7 Yr Trsy IEI 1.9 121.17 -0.18 -33
10.4 84 D+ 64.8 FrstTr Tech Alphdx FXL 0.2 58.03 1.32 62 10.4 25 E 22.2 Fidelity MSCI Enrgy FENY 3.6 17.24 0.23 -79 10.1 49 B 56.5 IS MSCI Chile Index ECH 2.1 45.59 0.25 37
0.4 76 A- 25.0 IS Core US Trsy GOVT 1.9 24.76 -0.04 87
5.2 49 B- 42.9 SPDR S&P Intl Div DWX 4.8 36.77 0.22 -35
6.5 83 D+ 106.1 IS Cohen&Steers ICF 3.0 101.88 1.14 -47 10.2 24 E 43.8 IS DJ US Energy Idx IYE 2.9 34.33 0.47 -63 0.6 76 B+ 83.0 VG Intrmed-Term Bd BIV 2.9 81.74 -0.12 -68 10.9 89 B 39.9 United States NatGas UNG .. 27.40 0.44 -49
11.7 81 D- 147.7 FrstTr DJ Internet FDN .. 130.30 2.22 -2 12.4 24 C+ 39.6 SPDR S&P Metal&Mng XME 2.0 29.44 1.02 -22 6.6 49 C 79.7 VG Total World Stock VT 2.4 69.77 0.70 -60 -20.5 85 A+ 56.5 IP VIX S ETN VXX .. 37.28 -1.44 -26
0.3 76 A 47.8 VV Intmd Muni ITM 2.3 47.63 -0.08 -42
15.3 81 B- 159.8 FrstTr NYSEArc Biotch FBT .. 143.23 2.41 43 10.4 24 E 109.8 VG Energy VDE 3.0 85.14 1.14 -56 7.2 49 D+ 20.5 VV Vietnam VNM 0.8 15.81 0.34 286 -20.6 84 A- 46.8 ProS VIX ST Futures VIXY .. 30.64 -1.22 -6
-0.8 75 B+ 124.2 IS Brcly 20+ Yr Trsy TLT 2.6 120.53 -0.58 -36
7.6 81 D+ 24.4 FrstTr S&P REIT Indx FRI 3.0 23.26 0.28 -70 14.2 20 E 18.2 FrstTr Energy Alphdx FXN 1.2 13.15 0.27 -30 11.1 48 D 30.6 IS MSCI Canada EWC 2.4 26.62 0.36 -43 0.0 81 C 26.1 Inv DB US$ Bullish UUP 1.1 25.44 -0.21 -24
-0.4 75 A- 105.3 IS Brcly 7-10 Yr Trs IEF 2.2 103.83 -0.24 -52
7.6 81 C 83.6 IS DJ US Real Est IYR 3.3 80.64 0.93 -48 17.2 17 D+ 24.7 FrstTr ISE Rev NatGas FCG 1.2 17.23 0.35 -50 6.5 48 C 28.4 IS MSCI Singapore EWS 4.0 23.53 0.18 -31 -9.5 81 B- 23.4 IP VIX M ETN VXZ .. 20.09 -0.25 82
0.5 72 A- 105.5 Pimco TotlRtn Active BOND 3.4 103.26 -0.04 -69
8.2 81 D 40.7 PureFnds ISE CybSec HACK 0.1 36.45 0.56 -26 15.1 16 B- 45.5 SPDR S&P O&G Expl XOP 0.9 30.53 0.56 -23 10.4 48 C+ 76.5 IS MSCI So Africa EZA 3.4 55.70 0.41 -26 1.3 78 C 13.1 IS Gold Trust IAU .. 12.45 0.19 4
0.4 72 A+ 51.7 Schwab US Aggr Bnd SCHZ 2.8 50.77 -0.03 -27
22.6 10 D- 29.9 HT Oil Service OIH 1.7 17.20 0.53 -1 7.8 48 B- 79.1 IS MSCI South Korea EWY 1.2 63.46 1.77 36 1.3 78 B- 129.5 SPDR Gold Trust GLD .. 122.86 1.77 21
7.6 81 D 43.5 Schwab US REIT SCHH 3.4 41.42 0.54 -56 0.5 72 D- 30.4 SPDR Brcly St Crd Bnd SPSB 2.3 30.28 -0.01 -43
23.5 10 C+ 19.2 SPDR S&P O&G Equip XES 0.9 11.13 0.39 -48 5.0 46 D- 29.8 Dxt MSCI Eurp Hedg DBEU 3.4 26.42 0.04 -60 1.5 66 A- 16.6 IS Silver Trust SLV .. 14.74 0.38 23
1.6 78 B+ 29.1 FirstTrustUtilitiesAlphaDEX FXU 2.4 27.22 -0.35 -62 1.5 72 B+ 86.8 VG Intmd Corp Bond VCIT 3.5 84.09 -0.03 -44
Leveraged 5.4 45 D 33.0 Dxt MSCI EAFE Hedg DBEF 3.0 29.42 0.13 -37 7.8 59 B- 28.9 IS Curr Hdg MSCI EM HEEM 2.2 24.82 0.24 37
17.3 78 B- 27.1 Inv Solar TAN 0.6 21.76 0.51 -10 0.1 72 B+ 52.2 VG Mrtg Backed Sec VMBS 2.7 51.55 -0.02 -52 -0.4 53 C+
-26.1 95 B+ 82.5 DX Energy Bear 3X ERY 0.7 48.06 -1.83 47 8.2 45 A- 31.3 FrstTr Emrg Mkt Alph FEM 3.2 24.71 0.11 -50 120.7 Currencyshrs Euro FXE .. 109.02 1.00 -23
10.8 78 B 198.8 IS Phlx Sox Smcdct SOXX 1.2 173.79 3.53 36 0.8 72 D+ 79.2 VG St Corp Bond VCSH 2.6 78.55 -0.01 -61 6.6 46 D
9.9 45 D+ 76.7 IS MCSI China MCHI 1.5 57.84 1.02 41 31.6 IS CurrHdg MSCI EMU HEZU 3.3 27.66 0.21 -60
1.0 78 B- 144.7 IS US Utilities IDU 2.8 135.58 -1.74 -54 -18.4 94 A- 58.5 ProS UltSht Oil & Gas DUG 0.3 41.00 -1.08 -60 0.7 72 A+ 55.3 VG Totl Intl Bond BNDX 3.0 54.63 -0.02 -40 6.5 42 C
6.4 45 D- 53.7 IS MSCI ACWI Ex US ACWX 2.5 44.65 0.56 -50 6.0 Elmnts Rogr Intl Cmd RJI .. 5.21 0.02 -78
7.5 78 B+ 98.1 SPDR DJ Wil REIT RWR 3.9 92.49 1.17 -38 28.0 54 E 70.8 ProS Ult Ndsq Biotech BIB .. 53.87 1.65 -49 0.7 71 B- 52.2 IS Brcly 1-3 Yr Cr IGSB 2.4 52.00 -0.02 -49 5.4 42 D-
6.6 44 B- 24.2 IS MSCI Australia EWA 5.7 20.53 0.36 26 30.8 IS Curr Hdg MSCI EAFE HEFA 3.2 27.20 0.11 -56
7.9 78 D+ 84.5 VG REIT VNQ 4.4 80.46 0.99 -33 -23.0 49 A- 17.0 DX Finl Bear 3X FAZ 0.7 10.45 -0.33 -36 0.0 71 D- 83.8 IS Brcly 1-3 Yr Trsy SHY 1.7 83.60 -0.06 -64 7.0 42 C+
2.9 44 D 36.6 IS MSCI Malaysia EWM 3.7 30.64 0.28 -32 30.3 IS CurrHdg MSCI Germ HEWG 2.9 25.42 0.27 -44
1.2 78 C+ 127.1 VG Utilities VPU 3.2 119.25 -1.59 -34 27.6 33 D- 82.8 DX Finl Bull 3X FAS 1.1 57.11 1.63 -37 0.2 71 B 108.6 IS Brcly Agg Bd Fd AGG 2.7 106.68 -0.05 -47 0.8 41 C
6.9 42 B- 29.7 Dxt MSCI Germny Hdg DBGR 2.7 24.90 0.25 70 19.7 Inv DB Agriculture DBA 1.1 17.08 -0.11 -36
7.5 76 D- 49.5 SPDR DJ Glbl Real Est RWO 3.6 47.56 0.61 -59 -0.4 33 B- 38.0 DX Gld Mnr Bull 2X NUGT 0.6 17.43 1.55 20 1.8 71 A 54.4 IS Brcly Intmd CrpBnd IGIB 3.3 53.35 -0.02 47 6.2 39 D-
8.7 42 C 29.9 EGShrs EM Consmr ECON 0.9 22.15 0.19 -36 35.0 IS Curr Hdg MSCI Japn HEWJ 1.3 29.84 0.29 -28
4.0 76 C+ 181.9 VG Health Care VHT 1.3 167.03 0.69 -29 -23.2 33 C- 27.6 ProS UltSht Nsdq Biot BIS 0.5 17.74 -0.54 52 0.1 71 B 105.8 IS Brcly MBS Fixed MBB 2.6 104.71 -0.05 -31 5.1 38 B 19.9 Inv DB Base Metals DBB 1.5 16.18 0.31 -57
-13.7 26 D 37.3 ProS UltSht Real Est SRS 0.5 26.60 -0.64 -27 10.3 42 B- 24.2 FrstTr DorWr Intl Foc 5 IFV 1.7 19.22 0.22 -41
2.8 75 E 96.1 SPDR Health Care XLV 1.5 88.92 0.11 -47 0.2 71 D 110.5 IS Brcly Shrt Trsy SHV 1.6 110.51 0.00 -58 6.2 38 E 25.8 IP DJ-UBS Cmmd ETN DJP .. 22.54 0.23 -60
1.3 23 C+ 20.5 DX JrGldMnrs Bul 3X JNUG .. 9.33 0.85 19 6.3 42 D- 35.9 IS DJ Intl Selct Divnd IDV 5.6 30.51 0.28 -65
0.8 75 C 57.2 Util Sel Sec SDPR XLU 3.3 53.32 -0.74 -15 -0.1 71 B+ 110.0 IS S&P Natl Muni MUB 2.4 108.98 0.00 -28 7.3 30 D- 18.6 Inv DB Commdty Idx DBC 1.2 15.55 0.08 -34
-1.8 22 D 48.8 DX GldMnrs Bear 3X DUST 0.4 22.45 -2.40 67 13.0 42 B 46.7 IS MSCI Turkey Inve TUR 3.6 27.77 -0.12 -3
6.5 71 C- 30.2 IS DJ US Telecom IYZ 3.0 28.06 0.10 -43 0.1 71 E 91.6 SPDR Brcly 1-3MoTbill BIL 1.6 91.59 -0.01 -28 8.6 26 D- 18.8 IS S&P GSCI Cmd ETN GSG .. 15.22 0.08 -51
-6.4 21 D- 95.1 DX JrGldMnrs Br 3X JDST 0.6 47.03 -5.68 98 6.5 42 D+ 61.2 VG Total Intl Stk VXUS 3.0 50.30 0.55 -64
7.7 71 D- 45.8 IS FTSE Nareit Mort REM 9.3 43.01 0.20 -60 0.2 71 C+ 48.3 SPDR Nuv Brcly ST Bn SHM 1.2 48.17 -0.03 -57 13.4 21 C- 24.4 US Brent Oil BNO .. 17.38 0.10 -59
20.5 12 C- 47.4 ProS Ultra Oil & Gas DIG 1.9 28.12 0.67 -57 6.9 42 D+ 33.9 WT Germany Hdg DXGE 3.7 28.32 0.47 -98
13.5 71 D- 123.0 IS Nasdaq Biotech IBB 0.3 109.44 1.65 -15 0.1 71 B- 48.6 SPDR NV Brcly Muni TFI 2.2 48.16 -0.07 -67 16.2 18 E 14.2 Inv DB Oil DBO 1.3 9.84 0.07 -85
-31.6 9 C+ 17.4 DX Semicon Bear 3X SOXS 1.1 9.02 -0.62 32 3.9 41 D 39.3 IS MSCI Taiwan EWT 3.0 32.84 0.52 -38
3.6 71 C+ 204.8 IS US Healthcare IYH 1.9 187.30 0.43 -63 0.2 71 B 78.9 VG Short-Term Bond BSV 2.0 78.71 -0.06 -65 16.5 17 C+ 16.2 United States Oil LP USO .. 11.25 0.08 -51
6.5 41 E 58.9 VG Fts Wrd X-US VEU 3.1 48.52 0.59 -31
0.4 71 B- 24.9 VV Gold Miners GDX 0.5 21.18 0.68 0 30.4 7 D- 44.3 DX Energy Bull 3X ERX 2.4 19.75 0.73 -7 0.3 71 B- 81.0 VG Total Bond Mkt BND 2.8 79.45 -0.09 -33 11.3 15 E 531.4 ProS Short VIX ST Fut SVXY .. 47.07 0.87 -20
6.4 41 C+ 78.0 VG MSCI Pacifc VPL 2.9 64.54 0.88 -7
8.1 70 E 118.1 SPDR Cnsmr Discrtnry XLY 1.2 107.03 1.17 -42 56.7 3D 32.0 DX NatGas Bull 3X GASL .. 8.04 0.46 -5 0.2 68 E 60.1 FrstTr Enh Shrt Matur FTSM 2.1 59.98 0.00 -29 Leveraged
7.6 40 C 36.4 IS MSCI Spain EWP 3.4 28.85 0.26 -59
7.7 67 D- 25.0 FirstTr NAm EngyInf EMLP 4.4 23.11 0.01 -60 Global 4.4 40 D 36.7 IS MSCI Sweden EWD 5.0 29.47 0.26 -59
0.0 68 C+ 48.4 SPDR DL Totl Rtn Tact TOTL 3.4 47.38 -0.13 -37 -27.6 95 B- 33.2 ProS UltSht Crude Oil SCO .. 21.19 -0.28 -54
7.3 67 D+ 85.3 FrstTr Health Cre Alph FXH .. 73.88 0.45 31 10.1 91 B+ 30.6 IS MSCI Indonesia EIDO 1.8 27.32 0.24 -39 2.8 67 B+ 29.4 Inv Emrg Mkt Sovgn PCY 4.9 27.15 -0.05 10 1.1 89 B- 25.1 ProS UltSht Euro EUO .. 24.51 -0.50 27
5.9 39 D- 70.8 IS Core MSCI EAFE IEFA 3.3 58.27 0.65 -58
7.2 66 D- 204.4 VG Info Tech VGT 1.2 178.77 2.73 -37 9.0 86 B 39.9 IS MSCI Philippines EPHE 0.4 34.74 0.07 -8 3.4 67 A- 19.0 Inv High Yld Corp PHB 4.3 18.27 0.03 -59 -2.1 67 D- 6.8 DB Gold DS ETN DZZ .. 5.68 -0.17 202
5.8 38 D- 75.3 IS MSCI Eafe Idx EFA 3.2 62.17 0.70 -33
11.0 66 B- 114.5 VV Semicndctr SMH 1.7 96.89 1.77 20 0.7 67 C- 51.1 IS Fltng Rate Bond FLOT 2.4 50.71 -0.02 -56 -30.3 54 A 150.9 ProS Ult VIX ShrtTrm UVXY .. 56.97 -3.49 -5
14.7 85 B+ 47.9 IS MSCI Brazil EWZ 2.5 43.82 0.17 -19 6.5 38 D- 47.9 VG MSCI Eafe VEA 3.1 39.50 0.49 -64
6.4 63 B- 38.9 FrstTr Nasdq TechDiv TDIV 2.8 35.29 0.29 26 0.3 67 B 101.7 Pimco Enhn ShrtMat MINT 2.3 101.30 0.01 40 2.4 53 A- 36.5 ProS Ultra Silver AGQ .. 27.01 1.37 59
7.9 78 B- 26.9 IS MSCI Hong Kong EWH 2.7 24.36 0.33 28 6.4 37 D+ 64.7 IS MSCI Japan EWJ 1.6 53.92 0.58 -47
2.1 63 C+ 22.5 Sprott Gold Miners SGDM 0.4 17.84 0.59 6 0.8 67 B- 29.7 SPDR Brcly Intl Treas BWX 1.0 27.83 0.18 47 3.3 42 A- 129.0 VS 3X Long Silver ETN USLV .. 76.58 5.66 44
5.0 72 C- 30.2 IS MSCI Poland EPOL 1.4 24.18 0.03 -18 6.8 37 C- 34.1 IS MSCI Netherlands EWN 2.2 28.08 0.46 182
8.6 62 D- 126.5 IS DJ US Finl Indx IYF 1.7 115.48 1.06 -20 2.0 66 B 120.7 IS Iboxx $ Invgrdcp LQD 3.6 115.05 0.10 -15 10.8 33 D+ 73.7 ProS Ult Bloom Natgs BOIL .. 28.60 0.82 -23
11.3 72 A- 39.2 IS MSCI Russia Cap ERUS 4.2 34.29 -0.13 -41 6.3 35 A- 46.2 Dxt MSCI Japan Hedg DBJP 3.6 38.57 0.36 -64
1.3 62 C+ 36.1 VV Jr Gold Mine GDXJ 0.4 30.60 1.04 45 6.8 63 B- 19.4 MultAsset Div Income MDIV 6.2 17.98 0.14 -44 -38.1 21 A- 154.7 VS 2X VIX ShrtTrm ETN TVIX .. 43.88 -3.46 -5
-7.5 71 B+ 21.8 ProS Short MSCI Emrg EUM 0.9 18.87 -0.24 -62 6.0 35 C- 59.6 IS MSCI EAFE Value EFV 4.3 47.92 0.55 -55
8.6 58 B+ 45.6 FrstTr CnsmrDisc Alph FXD 1.0 40.01 0.44 -75 3.2 63 D- 101.5 Pimco 0-5Yr HiYld Crp HYS 4.8 98.20 0.04 -78 19.6 8 E 260.2 VS 3X Lng NatGas ETN UGAZ .. 48.21 2.12 51
-1.8 67 B- 39.3 IS India 50 INDY 0.6 34.70 -0.19 90 5.6 35 D- 50.8 IS S&P Europe 350 IEV 3.2 41.30 0.42 -54
7.3 58 C+ 42.5 SPDR DJ Wil Intl RE RWX 4.9 37.93 0.46 -24 3.3 63 B 27.8 SPDR Brcly St HY Bnd SJNK 5.5 26.88 0.04 -26 33.8 6 C 39.4 ProS Ultra Crude Oil UCO .. 17.79 0.24 -58
3.3 67 C 88.2 IS MSCI ACWI MinVol ACWV 2.2 83.98 0.23 52 6.3 35 D 36.4 Schwab Intl Equity SCHF 2.9 30.13 0.33 -56
0.1 63 B- 49.2 VG Shrt Trm Infl-Protc VTIP 2.4 47.99 -0.05 -17 -37.0 1 D 658.4 VS 3X Invr NatGas ETN DGAZ .. 74.53 -3.97 -17
4.7 57 E 74.3 Inv Dyn Phara PJP 1.1 65.25 0.24 -7 4.8 67 C 65.5 IS MSCI EM Min Vol EEMV 2.3 58.53 0.40 1 5.8 35 D- 63.6 VG MSCI Europn VGK 3.7 51.44 0.55 -38
7.0 57 D 197.0 IS DJ US Tech Indx IYW 0.9 171.14 2.72 -39 -2.0 63 B- 38.2 IS MSCI India INDA 0.9 32.66 -0.19 -20 7.4 33 D 69.2 IS MSCI Eafe Sml Cp SCZ 2.6 55.65 0.61 -25
6.8 54 D+ 65.2 VG Glbl X-US Real Est VNQI 4.3 56.00 0.67 -52 8.3 62 C- 25.3 Inv FTSE RAFI EM PXH 3.0 21.41 0.16 -61 6.0 32 D- 47.1 IS MSCI Emu Indx EZU 3.3 37.15 0.57 -40 ETF abbreviations: Bldrs=Builders; Brcly=Barclays; DB=Deutsche Bank; DX=Direxion;
9.9 53 D 33.0 FrstTr Financial Alpha FXO 2.4 29.68 0.28 -29 7.7 62 C+ 103.7 IS MSCI Thailand In THD 2.4 89.17 0.47 -12 4.1 32 C- 33.7 IS MSCI France EWQ 2.8 27.61 0.45 -22 Dxt=Deutsche X-trackers; FrstTr=First Trust; GS=Goldman Sachs; GX=Global X; HT=Holdrs
6.4 52 D- 76.3 SPDR Technology XLK 1.5 65.93 0.92 -44 12.2 62 A- 39.5 IS S&P Latin Am 40 ILF 2.8 34.58 0.06 10 8.8 32 B+ 54.6 IS MSCI Mexico EWW 2.1 44.81 0.20 33 Trust; Inv=Invesco; IP=iPath; IS=iShares; KS=KraneShares; Nv=Nuveen; ProS=ProShares;
RX=Rydex; VG=Vanguard; VS=VelocityShares; VV=VanEck Vectors; WT=WisdomTree
7.1 49 E 35.5 Flx Glb Upstr NatRes GUNR 3.0 31.36 0.39 -55 7.8 62 B 50.3 WT Emg Mk Hi Yld DEM 4.1 43.28 0.45 -15 5.3 32 B- 38.0 IS MSCI Untd Kingdm EWU 4.7 30.90 0.21 -4

36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV
% % After Asset Chg Performance
Chg Chg Tax%Value Rating
% % After Asset Chg Performance
Chg Chg Tax%Value Rating
% % After Asset Chg Performance
Chg Chg Tax%Value Rating
% % After Asset Chg Performance
Chg Chg Tax%Value Rating
% % After Asset Chg
Chg Chg Tax%Value
Continued from A17 PIMCO C A MidCpBlndJ + 7 + 0 +40 22.68n +.23 A MFGrEqt + 8 2 +40 20.65n +.29 E LtdTrmTxEx 0 + 2 +4 10.90n +.00 A+ Primecap r + 7 1 +62 125.14n +1.4
36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV $ 146 bil 8888774626 A SmGrIInst +11 2 +23 12.14n +.16 State Frm Asc B MidCapIdx + 9 1 +30 186.24n +2.2 A+ PrmcpCorInv + 7 1 +54 25.03n +.28
Performance % % After Asset Chg Performance % % After Asset Chg Performance % % After Asset Chg A RAEfund + 6 5 +18 5.72n +.00 A SmGrIJ +11 2 +18 8.41n +.11 $ 7.2 bil 8557337333 A MorganGr + 8 1 +46 86.96n +1.2 A SmlCap600 + 9 5 +34 276.49n +3.1
Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value Rating Chg Chg Tax%Value A StocksPlRet + 7 3 +29 8.61n +.07 A SmlS&P600I + 9 5 +25 23.69n +.27 A Growth + 3 3 +30 75.15n +.54 A+ Primecap r + 7 1 +52 129.68n +1.4 C+ StarInv + 5 + 0 +21 24.87n +.19
D CorePlusIS + 1 + 3 +14 11.33n +.00 A MidCpGrEq Z + 9 + 1 +59 20.61n +.29 A USMltCapEqY + 9 + 1 +47 39.61n +.53 PIMCO Inst l A SmlS&P600J + 9 5 +23 22.32n +.25 StateStreet E REITIdx r + 8 + 4 +28 114.08n +1.4 E STCorp 0 + 1 +5 10.46n .01
Legg Mason A A MidGrEqII S + 9 + 1 +59 20.40n +.29 Neubg Brm $ 213 bil 8009274648 Prudential A
$ 40.0 bil 8002251852 $ 1.3 bil 6177863000 E ShrtInvAdmr 0 + 1 +5 10.46n .01 C TargRet2020 + 4 + 1 +18 29.68n +.15
$ 67.4 bil 8008225544 A MidGrEqIIL + 9 + 1 +44 18.92n +.26 $ 48.9 bil 8002236448 A PlusInst + 6 5 +25 6.62n +.00
A+ RAEFund + 6 + 3 +8 9.87n +.00 A ConservGr + 8 + 0 +35 11.96 +.15 A S&P500Idx + 6 2 +40 33.74n +.28 E ShTrmBdIdx 0 + 1 +4 10.30n .01 C TargRet2025 + 4 + 1 +19 17.74n +.11
A CBApprec + 5 2 +37 22.72 +.15 A MidGrEqIIY + 9 + 1 +58 19.87n +.28 A EmgMktR6 + 7 + 5 +9 18.76n +.25 TCM Funds B+ SmallIdx +10 2 +27 69.75n +.88 C+ TargRet2030 + 5 + 0 +21 32.29n +.22
A+ StkPlsLgDur + 6 + 2 +55 5.99n +.00 D TotRetBd 0 + 3 +11 14.02 .03
A CBEqtyInc + 6 + 0 +34 22.28 +.13 A+ Select + 8 + 2 .. 19.08n +.23 A Instrinsic +13 + 8 +17 14.46n +.24
Prudential B $ 329 mil 8005363230 A SmGthAdml +11 1 +27 58.64n +.83 B TargRet2035 + 5 + 0 +22 19.80n +.15
A CBLgGrA + 8 + 0 +59 42.04 +.43 A SmlCpGrEqA +10 3 +13 10.23 +.15 A+ LgCapVal + 5 + 0 +94 28.47 +.10 A StockPlus + 9 6 +17 9.04n +.00
A StocksPlRet + 7 2 +36 9.73n +.08 $ 65.6 bil 8002251852 A+ TCMSmGr + 8 6 +28 30.07n +.42 E TotBdIdx 0 + 3 +8 10.46n .01 B TargRet2040 + 6 + 0 +23 34.16n +.30
A+ CBSmCapGr +10 2 +30 32.60 +.45 A SmlCpGrEqL +10 3 +16 11.76n +.18 A MultiCap + 6 + 0 +35 16.96 +.18 A ConservGr + 8 1 +29 9.68n +.12 Thrivent Funds A A TotStMktIdx + 7 2 +42 66.44n +.61 B TargRet2045 + 6 + 0 +24 21.44n +.20
A StocksPLUS + 6 3 +37 9.53n +.00
A S&P500IdxA + 6 2 +40 24.12n +.21 A SmlCpGrEqS +10 3 +18 13.50n +.20 A+ MultiCpOppC + 6 + 4 +39 16.98n +.18 E TotRetBd 0 + 3 +9 14.02n .02 A TxMgdCap r + 7 2 +43 136.88n +1.2 A USGrowth + 8 + 0 +53 36.29n +.51
PIMCO P $ 12.7 bil 8008474836
Legg Mason C A SmlCpGrEqY +10 3 +17 12.66n +.19 A+ ResponsC + 6 3+174 34.50n +.31
$ 317 bil 8888774626 A Utility + 3 + 4 +7 13.44n .13
$ 92.7 bil 8008225544 A SmlCpGrEqZ +10 3 +19 13.70n +.20 A+ SocResponsA + 6 3+170 34.56 +.31 A LrgCapGr + 8 1 +48 10.08 +.13 A TxMgSCAd r + 9 5 +33 60.85n +.67 D VanDevMkt r + 6 + 0 1 12.73n +.16
B AllAsset + 3 + 2 +5 11.33n +.04 Prudential C A+ MidCapStkA +10 1 +42 22.11 +.22 A USGrowth + 8 + 0 +53 93.98n +1.3 B Wellington + 4 + 0 +22 38.42n +.13
A CBEQincbld + 6 + 0 +31 21.94n +.13 MassMutual A+ SocRespR3 + 6 3+173 34.63n +.31 $ 8.7 bil 8002251852
C Income + 1 + 1 +17 11.90n +.00 A+ SmlCapStk +10 4 +27 18.08 +.19 A ValueIdx + 6 1 +40 40.43n +.22 C WellslyInc + 2 + 2 +17 24.95n +.02
A CBLgCapGr + 8 + 0 +52 33.37n +.35 $ 7.6 bil 8002722216 Neubg Brm Adv A RAEfund + 6 5 +25 6.57n +.00 A Utility + 3 + 4 +16 13.42n .13
A+ CBSmCapGr +10 2 +25 25.25n +.36 A Index + 6 2 +32 14.97n +.12 $ 11.8 bil 8002236448 Thrivent Funds Instl D VangDev r + 6 +0 12.71n +.16 B WindsorII + 7 3 +15 33.19n +.34
A StockPlus + 9 6 +17 8.96n +.00 Prudential Z&I
A ClrBrdg +11 5 +19 34.20n +.39 A IndexEqY + 6 2 +34 15.61n +.14 A+ Genesis + 8 3+186 51.77n +.41 $ 46.7 bil 8002251852 $ 5.2 bil 8008474836 C Wellesley + 2 + 2 +15 60.45n +.05 Victory Funds
A StocksPlus + 7 3 +36 9.60n +.08
D CoreBondC1 + 1 + 3 +11 11.33n +.00 Mathtew25 A+ LgCapVal + 5 + 0 +18 28.49n +.09 A StockIdxI + 6 2 +38 43.02n +.37 A LrgCapVal + 6 4 +26 20.60n +.14 B Wellington + 4 + 0 +23 66.35n +.22 $ 41.2 bil 8776604400
E TotalRetrn 0 + 2 +7 9.94n .01
Legg Mason FI $ 335 mil 8888361777 Neubg Brm Instl Pioneer D TotRetBdZ + 1 + 3 +12 13.98n .02 A+ MidCapStk +10 1 +45 25.24n +.24 C Windsor + 8 1 +9 66.39n +.74 A Index500 + 6 2 +32 19.24n +.16
$ 13.4 bil 8008225544 A Mattew +18 + 1 +10 27.01n +.06 $ 18.7 bil 8002236448 $ 15.0 bil 8002256292 A Utility + 3 + 4 +11 13.49n .13 TIAACREF FUNDS B WindsorII + 7 3 +14 58.88n +.60 A SmCoOppoA + 8 1 +29 40.51 +.33
A ClrBrdg +11 5 +25 53.92n +.62 Meridian Funds A EmgMktEq + 7 + 5 +9 18.77n +.26 A Pioneer + 5 1 +26 26.10n +.20 Putnam $ 88.5 bil 8008422252 Vanguard Index A SmCoOppR + 8 1 +27 37.78n +.31
Legg Mason I $ 2.7 bil 8004466662 A+ LgCapVal + 5 + 0 +27 28.39n +.10 Pioneer A $ 11.7 bil 8002251581 A+ EnLgGrIdx + 7 2 +47 12.81n +.16 $ 4681 bil 8776627447 A Sycasmal + 8 1 +31 40.90n +.33
$ 88.4 bil 8008225544 A+ ContraLeg + 9 3 +26 33.80n +.48 A+ MltcapOpp + 6 1 +36 16.91n +.18 $ 32.5 bil 8002256292 A+ GrwthOpp + 7 + 0 +54 33.46n +.40 A EquityIdx + 7 2 +42 19.47n +.18 A 500Index + 6 2 +44 246.24n +2.1 Virtus Funds A
A CBApprec + 5 2 +39 22.55n +.14 A+ Growth + 9 4 +29 36.18n +.52 Neubg Brm Inv A FundsA + 5 1 +24 25.98 +.20 Putnam A B Balanced + 4 + 0 +28 34.41n +.18 $ 20.6 bil 8002431574
A+ LgCapGrIdx + 7 2 +59 29.27n +.35
A CBEQincbld + 6 + 0 +36 22.90n +.13 Metro West $ 32.6 bil 8002236448 A MidCapGrw +11 + 0 +31 38.12 +.65 $ 59.4 bil 8002251581 A SocChEqPrm + 7 1 +33 17.69n +.16 BondMrkt 0 + 2 .. 10.46n .01 A+ SmlCapCore + 7 2 +56 31.03 +.22
A CBEQincbld + 6 + 0 +36 22.30n +.13 $ 267 bil 8002414671 A+ Genesis + 8 3+101 51.86n +.41 Pioneer C A+ GrowthOpp + 7 + 0 +54 31.84 +.38 A SocialEqty + 7 1 +34 17.75n +.16 B+ EmgMkSt r + 7 + 5 +2 25.76n +.24 A+ SustI + 8 + 2 +59 31.82n +.37
A CBLgCapGr + 8 + 0 +62 46.73n +.48 E TotRetBdI 0 + 3 +8 10.41n .02 A GenesisI + 8 3 +19 51.75n +.41 $ 28.9 bil 8002256292 A+ Leaders + 7 1 +44 79.65 +.87
TIAACREF Instl Retirement B+ EmgMkSt r + 7 + 5 +2 25.81n +.25 A+ VirtusSmC + 7 + 2 +91 31.17 +.36
D CorePlusI + 1 + 3 +14 11.33n +.00 E TotRetBdM 0 + 2 +7 10.41n .02 A Guardian + 6 4 +21 15.60n +.15 A Funds + 5 1 +22 22.25n +.17 A Research + 7 1 +41 29.43 +.22
0 + 3 +8 9.80n .01 A+ LgCapVal + 5 + 0 +27 28.42n +.10 A SmlCapGr + 9 3 +27 39.55 +.54 $ 105 bil 8008422252 B+ EmgMkStk r + 7 + 5 +2 85.71n +.81 Virtus Funds C
A SmlCapI +11 5 +28 56.90n +.66 E TRBdPlan Pioneer Y
LKCM Funds MFS Funds A A MidGrwth +11 + 0 +30 13.71n +.22 Putnam B A EquityIdx + 7 2 +40 19.77n +.18 D EuroStkIdx r + 6 2 6 27.46n +.32 $ 27.0 bil 8002431574
$ 30.9 bil 8002256292
$ 819 mil 8173323235 $ 217 bil 8002252606 Neubg Brm Tr A GrowthY + 5 2 +50 22.34n +.25 $ 60.1 bil 8002251581 A LgGrwth + 7 1 +51 18.61n +.23 E EuroStkIdx r + 6 2 7 27.65n +.32 A+ SmlCapCoreC + 7 2 +50 25.96n +.17
A EqtyInstl + 7 1 +29 25.09n +.24 A CoreEquity + 7 1 +36 28.76 +.30 $ 15.9 bil 8002236448 A Pioneer + 5 1 +29 26.35n +.20 A+ GrowOpp + 7 1 +48 26.58n +.32 A+ LrgCpGrIdx + 7 2 +57 29.50n +.36 B+ ExtndMkt +10 2 +26 83.32n +1.1 Virtus Funds I
Longleaf Prtnrs A EmrgMkEq + 8 + 4 +3 32.50 +.35 A+ LgCapVal + 5 + 0 +93 28.46n +.09 PMFM Funds A Leaders + 7 1 +37 59.01n +.64 A S&P500Idx + 6 2 +44 29.11n +.24 A FTSESocIndx + 7 1 +50 17.69n +.18 $ 20.5 bil 8002431574
$ 8.4 bil 8004459469 A GlobalGrow + 6 + 0 +29 39.22 +.44 A+ SocRspons + 6 3+165 34.58n +.31 $ 791 mil 8002227636 Putnam C A SocialEqty + 7 1 +32 18.05n +.17 D+ FTSEWlIdInv r + 6 + 1 1 19.15n +.22 A+ INTLsmall + 7 + 1 +31 16.21n +.23
A Intl + 8 + 4 3 16.44n +.31 A+ GrowthA + 7 + 0 +55 94.70 +1.1 Nicholas Group A StockIdxZ + 6 2 +38 43.03n +.36 $ 52.3 bil 8002251581 TIAACREF Instl Funds D FTSEWlIdIsP r + 6 + 1 3 101.28n +1.2 A+ SmlCapCore + 7 2 +58 32.70n +.22
Loomis Syls B IntlVal + 4 + 0 +24 38.91 +.34 $ 4.4 bil 8008446541 Price Advisor A+ GrowthOpp + 7 1 +48 27.09n +.32 $ 74.8 bil 8008422252 A Growth + 7 2 +50 74.03n +.89 VOYA Fds A
$ 28.6 bil 8006333330 A+ MAInvGrSk + 7 + 0 +45 26.97 +.31 A LtdEditI + 7 2 +28 25.23n +.23 $ 282 bil 8006387890 A LeadersSus + 7 1 +38 65.35n +.71 A LrgCpGrowth + 7 1 +52 18.72n +.23 A HighDivYldI + 5 1 +39 32.34n +.08 $ 17.0 bil 8553373064
A+ SmCapGrInst + 8 5 +29 24.78n +.28 A MAInvTr + 7 1 +33 28.58 +.29 NorthCoastAsstMgmt D IntlStock + 7 + 1 +6 16.10n +.22 Putnam M A+ InfoTecAdm r + 7 3 +94 91.57n +1.4 A LargeGrow + 7 1 +47 36.31 +.40
$ 80 mil 8002745448 $ 49.0 bil 8002251581 A S&P500Idx + 6 2 +45 29.28n +.24
Lord Abbett A A MidCapGr + 8 + 0 +43 16.70 +.22 A SmlCapVal + 9 4 +14 43.26n +.42 TIAACREF Instl Funds Reta E IntBd 0 + 3 +10 11.05n .02 A TRPDivMCA + 9 + 1 +32 9.93n +.14
$ 116 bil 8885222388 A NewDiscov +10 1 +13 23.61 +.36 D+ SelGr + 5 2 +10 12.87n +.06 C+ Value + 6 1 +23 31.82n +.19 A+ GrowthOpp + 7 1 +50 28.43 +.34
Northern A Research + 7 1 +38 27.92 +.20 $ 61.3 bil 8008422252 E IntBdAdm 0 + 3 +10 11.05n .02 VOYA Fds C
A CaptlStruc + 4 1 +28 13.98 +.04 A Research + 7 1 +33 38.53 +.36 Price Funds
A EquityIndex + 7 2 +40 19.84n +.19 E IntBdInst 0 + 3 +10 11.05n .02 $ 12.2 bil 8553373064
A DvlpGrwth +14 2 +15 21.00 +.36 A+ Technology + 9 + 0 +80 38.66 +.58 $ 39.2 bil 8005959111 $ 103 bil 8006387890 A+ SustanLead + 7 1 +40 66.97 +.73
Putnam Y A LrgCpGrowth + 7 1 +37 18.68n +.23 A LargeCapInv + 7 2 +44 49.38n +.43 A LargeGrow + 7 1 +41 30.29n +.33
A GrowthLdrs + 9 + 0 +42 24.99 +.31 A Util + 4 + 3 +16 20.31 .07 A EmMktsEqInd + 6 + 3 +2 11.28n +.00 A+ GlobalStk + 9 + 1 +51 37.63n +.50
+ 6 2 +26 37.53 +.28 A EmrgMrkt + 6 + 2 +2 19.41n +.17 A MidCapEqGrI + 9 + 0 +52 52.56n +.74 $ 46.1 bil 8002251581 A SocialEqty + 7 1 +32 15.79n +.15 B MdCpIdxIsPl + 9 1 +30 202.90n +2.4 VOYA Fds T,M,Q&I
E ShrtDurInc 0 + 1 +1 4.15 +.00 B ValueA
MFS Funds B A StockIndex + 6 2 +43 30.80n +.26 C Ret2020Adv + 4 + 1 +17 20.23n +.12 A+ GrowthOpp + 7 + 0 +56 33.29n +.40 Tocqueville A MegaCap + 6 1 +42 149.32n +.65 $ 11.0 bil 8553373064
Lord Abbett C
$ 104 bil 8885222388 $ 204 bil 8002252606 Oak Associates A SmCapStkAd + 9 2 +27 44.68n +.39 A+ MltCpGrw + 7 + 0 +46 86.11n +.94 $ 2.9 bil 9173187706 A MegaCapGr + 7 3 +55 226.41n +2.7 A BaronGr + 7 3 +24 29.40n +.24
A CalbDivGr + 4 1 +25 13.79n +.04 A CoreEquity + 7 1 +31 25.13n +.26 $ 3.0 bil 8884625386 PriceFds A Research + 7 1 +42 29.70n +.21 A Gold + 2 + 5 6 31.35n +1.0 A MegaCapIdx + 6 2 +48 181.37n +1.4 A LargeGrow + 7 1 +50 40.41n +.45
A DvlpGrwth +14 2 +8 13.82n +.24 A Global Grow + 6 + 0 +24 33.85n +.38 A PinOakEqty +10 + 2 +43 65.98n +.75 $ 1357 bil 8006387890 RealFds Touchstone B MidCap + 9 1 +31 41.05n +.49 A TRowPriceGr + 9 + 1 +48 84.75n +1.0
E ShrtDurInc 0 + 1 1 4.18n +.00 A Growth + 7 + 0 +49 75.65n +.84 A+ RedOak Tech + 8 + 0 +85 25.70n +.39 A+ BluChpGr + 9 + 1 +65 102.51n +1.3 $ 12.4 bil 8884738637 $ 21.3 bil 8005430407 E REIT r + 8 + 4 +31 26.74n +.33 Voyainvestment
Lord Abbett F C IntlVal + 3 + 0 +21 37.06n +.32 A WhtOakSelGr + 9 + 3 +54 91.32n +1.1 A+ BlueChipGr + 9 + 1 +63 98.49n +1.2 A GrEqInst + 7 + 0 +50 22.99n +.00 A CmmnStkA + 6 2 +35 39.04 +.34 A SmallGrow +11 1 +27 46.91n +.67 $ 1.0 bil 8003863799
$ 94.0 bil 8885222388 A MAInvGrSk + 6 + 0 +40 23.13n +.27 Oakmark I A+ BlueChipGrw + 9 + 2 +67 104.24n +1.3 B+ SmCpIdx +10 2 +25 69.73n +.88 A CorpLdrTr + 8 + 1 +23 37.72n +.18
A GrEqInv + 7 + 0 +42 22.85n +.00 A MIdcap + 6 1 +36 31.82 +.37
A Affiliated + 6 1 +23 13.98n +.07 A MidCapGr + 8 + 0 +37 13.68n +.18 $ 119 bil 8006256275 B+ CapApprAdv + 5 + 3 +36 27.71n +.18 B SmCpIdxIsPl +10 2 +24 201.33n +2.5 Wasatch
E Intl + 9 2 7 22.27n +.46 A+ ValEqInst + 6 3+262 17.84n +.00 A MidCapY + 6 1 +38 32.14n +.38
A DvlpGrwth +14 2 +16 22.03n +.37 A NewDiscov +10 1 +7 17.83n +.27 B+ CapApprc + 6 + 3 +38 28.00n +.18 E STBond 0 + 1 +3 10.30n .01 $ 7.3 bil 8005511700
Oppenheimer A Royce Funds A SandCpInsGr +12 + 4 +32 21.13n +.33
E ShrtDurInc 0 + 1 +1 4.15n +.00 A+ Technology + 9 + 0 +73 33.13n +.50 A CapOpport + 7 2 +41 25.18n +.23 E TotBdMkt 0 + 3 +8 10.46n .01 A CoreGrowth +10 3 +40 65.44n +.91
$ 167 bil 8005257048 A DiverMidGr + 9 + 1 +43 29.67n +.42 $ 12.5 bil 8002214268 A SandSelGrY +11 + 4 +27 13.14n +.20
Lord Abbett I C Value + 6 2 +22 37.35n +.27 E TotBdMrkt 0 + 3 +8 10.46n .01 A+ MicroCap + 9 4 +35 6.53n +.08
A DevelopMkt + 6 + 4 +3 40.61 +.43 A DividendGr + 5 + 0 +45 43.63n +.27 A PAMutlCnst + 9 4 1 6.72n +.10 A SandSelGrZ +11 + 4 +24 12.23n +.19
$ 86.5 bil 8885222388 MFS Funds C D+ TotInStk r + 6 +1 16.14n +.20 A MicroCapVal + 8 3 +29 2.98n +.05
$ 168 bil 8002252606 A DiscoveryA + 9 4 +22 69.28 +.95 A DividendGr + 5 + 0 +44 43.57n +.27 A PAMutlInv + 9 4 +4 8.44n +.13 Transamerica A
A Affiliated + 6 1 +23 14.03n +.07 D TotInStk r + 6 + 1 3 107.97n +1.3 A SmallCapGr +10 3 +21 35.45n +.59
A+ GlobOppA +12 3 +47 57.10 +1.2 A EmrgMktsEq + 9 + 5 +20 37.18n +.49 A+ PremierInv + 9 3 +8 12.67n +.17 $ 8.8 bil 8007972643
A CalbDivGr + 4 1 +29 14.12n +.04 A CoreEquity + 7 1 +31 24.80n +.26 D+ TotInStk r + 6 +1 26.99n +.32 A SmallValue +10 2 +36 7.28n +.07
A Convertible + 6 + 1 +15 12.56n +.11 A GlobalGr + 6 + 0 +24 33.42n +.37 A+ Gold&SpMin + 3 + 6 5 14.76 +.46 A EmrgMktStk + 9 + 5 +19 40.83n +.54 A SpecialEqI + 6 2 +5 18.55n +.15 A+ CapGrwA +10 + 2 +58 26.32 +.43
E Intl Growth + 7 1 6 37.25 +.50 A EqIndex500 + 6 2 +45 71.08n +.61 Russell Funds S Transamerica B E TotMrktIdx 0 + 2 +3 10.42n .01 A+ UltraGrow +11 + 0 +51 23.30n +.31
A DvlpGrwth +14 2 +18 25.10n +.43 A Growth + 7 + 0 +48 75.04n +.84
Oppenheimer I B+ EquityInc + 6 3 +16 28.86n +.20 $ 22.8 bil 8007877354 $ 5.1 bil 8007972643 A TotStkIdx + 7 2 +42 66.45n +.61 Wells Fargo A
E ShrtDurInc 0 + 1 +1 4.15n +.00 A MAInvGrSk + 6 + 0 +40 22.97n +.27
A MidCapGr + 8 + 0 +37 13.25n +.17 $ 35.1 bil 8005257048 B+ EquityInc + 6 2 +17 28.94n +.21 A USDefEqS + 4 1 +39 47.64n +.00 A+ CapGrwB +10 + 1 +46 20.23n +.33 A TotStMkt + 7 2 +42 66.41n +.61 $ 42.5 bil 8003593379
Lord Abbett P
$ 22.2 bil 8885222388 A NewDiscov +10 1 +7 17.88n +.27 B+ DevlpMktC + 6 + 4 37.77n +.39 B+ EquityIncR + 6 3 +15 28.81n +.21 Rydex C UBS Investment Fds A+ UtilIdxAdm r + 1 + 2 +58 59.81n .81 A DivCapBldr + 6 + 1 +37 9.52 +.08
Oppenheimer N A GlblGrowth + 9 + 3 +33 25.46n +.36 A ValueIndx + 6 1 +39 40.43n +.22 A+ EmGrw + 7 8 +19 12.60 +.00
A DvlpGrwth +14 2 +15 20.12n +.34 A+ Technology + 9 + 0 +73 33.06n +.50 $ 88.7 bil 8005257048
$ 562 mil 8008200888 $ 3.8 bil 8006471568
C Value + 6 2 +22 37.09n +.27 A+ GlobTech +12 + 8 +75 13.66n +.28 D VangDevIn r + 6 + 0 .. 19.90n +.25 A+ EndvSelA + 9 + 3 +27 6.98 +.07
Lord Abbett R3 A Discovery + 9 4 +20 63.12n +.87 A Nova + 9 4 +51 57.62n +.71 A SmMdCoGr +10 2 +14 16.65n +.23
MFS Funds I A GrowthStk + 9 + 1 +52 62.02n +.76 D VangDevM r + 6 + 0 1 9.84n +.12 A GlblOpport + 7 2 +18 36.56 +.00
$ 20.2 bil 8885222388 E IntlGrowth + 7 1 7 36.55n +.48 Rydex Dyn UBS Pace Y
$ 141 bil 8002252606 A GrowthStk + 9 + 1 +50 60.53n +.75 Vanguard Instl A GrowthA +10 + 0 +24 29.90 +.46
A DvlpGrwth +14 2 +14 20.18n +.34 Oppenheimer Y $ 1.8 bil 8008200888 $ 1.5 bil 8006471568
A+ Growth + 7 + 0 +57 100.90n +1.1 A GrowthStkR + 9 + 1 +49 58.39n +.72
$ 1439 bil 8776627447 A OmegaGrwA +10 + 1 +30 46.47 +.56
MNO A+ MAInvGrSk + 6 + 0 +47 27.77n +.32 $ 93.2 bil 8005257048 A InstGlbGrEq + 9 + 3 +34 25.92n +.36 A+ Nasd1002X +14 8+142 128.00n +3.1 A LrgCoGr
USAA Group
+ 7 1 +18 21.97n +.27
B BalanceIdx + 4 + 0 +29 34.42n +.18 A+ PrecMet + 1 + 9 3 31.78 ..
Madison Funds A Discovery + 9 4 +25 79.81n +1.1 A InstUSRsch + 7 1 +37 11.68n +.11 A+ Ndq2xStrC +14 8+129 102.29n +2.5
A MassInvTr + 7 1 +34 27.70n +.28 E ErSkInstPl r + 6 2 .. 122.69n +1.4 A PrmLgCoGr + 9 1 +32 12.05 +.16
$ 2.2 bil 8008776089 A+ GlobOppY +12 3 +49 57.99n +1.2 A Japan + 5 3 +33 12.95n +.11 Rydex H $ 75.1 bil 8005318722
A MidCapGr + 8 + 0 +45 17.74n +.24 A FTSESocIndx + 7 1 +50 17.70n +.17 A+ SpecTechA +10 + 2 +71 12.14 +.22
A+ Investors + 5 1 +4 20.11n +.24 A+ NewDiscovry +10 1 +15 26.76n +.40 E IntlGr + 7 1 5 36.98n +.50 A+ LatinAmer +11 + 9 7 24.41n +.11 $ 489 mil 8008200888 A AggressGrth + 9 + 0 +40 40.18n +.51
MainStay A Fds Oppenhmr C&M A+ LgCoreGr + 9 + 2 +70 40.86n +.50 A MidCap1.5x +14 4 +34 84.79n +1.4 A Growth + 8 + 1 +50 27.79n +.32 D FTSEWlId r + 6 + 1 3 95.64n +1.1 A Util&Telcm + 3 + 3 +37 22.08 .21
A Research + 7 1 +35 39.55n +.37
$ 29.5 bil 8006246782 $ 150 bil 8005257048 A+ LgCpGrInstl + 8 + 1 +68 38.62n +.43 Rydex Investor A+ Nasdaq100 + 7 2 +80 18.97n +.24 B+ IndexExtMkt +10 2 +26 83.27n +1.1 Wells Fargo Ad
B Value + 6 2 +27 37.74n +.28
A LrgCpGrwA + 8 + 1 +40 8.34 +.08 Morgan Stan D ActiveAlloc + 5 2 +11 13.31n +.00 A+ Media&Telcm + 9 + 2 +58 101.63n +1.2 $ 2.1 bil 8008200888 A+ PrcsMet + 2 + 9 7 11.90n +.37 A IndexGr + 7 2 +51 74.02n +.88 $ 39.9 bil 8003593379
A SP500Idx + 6 2 +35 43.02 +.37 $ 6.5 bil 8884543965 A DiscoveryC + 9 4 +15 45.97n +.63 A MidCapGr + 8 + 0 +47 82.87n +1.1 A+ Ndq100 + 7 3 +70 35.31n +.43 A S&P500 + 6 2 +44 37.48n +.32 A IndexI + 6 2 +43 242.13n +2.1 A+ CapitalGrow + 9 + 2 +26 9.60n +.11
A MidCapGr + 9 + 0 +46 80.23n +1.1
MainStay B Fds A EmergMktEq + 8 + 5 +3 14.03n +.19 A+ GlobOppC +12 3 +41 49.38n +1.1 A+ Nova + 9 4 +59 69.99n +.87 A S&P500Rwd + 6 2 +45 37.49n +.32 A IndexPlus + 6 2 +43 242.14n +2.1 A Discovery +11 2 +18 29.38n +.46
A MidCapGrR + 8 + 0 +44 77.68n +1.1
$ 30.3 bil 8006246782 A+ MltiCpOpps +11 + 3 +57 26.27n +.45 A+ Gold&SpMin + 3 + 6 8 13.42n +.41 A Sci&Tech +10 + 3 +64 24.00n +.42 A IndexValue + 6 1 +39 40.42n +.21 A+ EmrgGrw + 7 8 +20 13.07n +.00
A LrgCpGrow + 8 + 1 +32 6.62n +.08 Morgan Stan A
E IntlGrC + 7 1 8 35.39n +.47 A+ NewAmerGr + 8 + 1 +51 47.07n +.56 STU E InflaProtec 0 + 2 +5 9.98n .01 A+ EndvSelect + 9 + 3 +30 7.66n +.08
Mainstay I Fds $ 2.9 bil 8884543965 PQR A+ NewAmerGr + 8 + 1 +49 45.97n +.55 Schroder Funds VWX A LargeCapIdx + 7 2 +41 254.10n +2.2 A GlbOppAdm + 7 2 +19 38.43n +.00
$ 10.2 bil 8006246782 A+ NewHorizns + 9 3 +52 52.68n +.73 $ 4.3 bil 8004643108 Value Line
A MdCpGrP +13 + 2 +5 14.11 +.32 Pace Funds A E NewIncome 0 + 2 +8 9.17n .01 B MdCpIdx + 9 1 +31 41.14n +.49 A Growth +10 + 0 +26 34.93n +.54
A SP500Idx + 6 2 +37 43.62n +.38 A+ MltiCpGrt +11 + 3 +65 36.71 +.63 $ 8.2 bil 8006471568 A EmgMktEq + 7 + 3 +7 14.95 +.16 $ 2.2 bil 8002432729 A MktIdx + 7 2 +41 57.89n +.53 Wells Fargo C
E NewIncome 0 + 2 +7 9.15n .01
Mairs & Power Morgan Stan B A SmMdCoGr +10 2 +10 15.39 +.21 A EmgMktEq + 7 + 4 +8 14.92n +.17 A+ LargerCo +13 + 4 +55 28.63n +.47 E REITIdx r + 8 + 4 +34 17.66n +.22 $ 18.7 bil 8003593379
C+ Retire2020 + 4 + 1 +18 20.38n +.12
$ 5.9 bil 8003047404 $ 2.4 bil 8884543965 Pace Funds Y A NorthAmerEq + 5 3 +35 15.20n +.00 A PremierGrow + 7 + 1 +33 32.54n +.27 A Rs1000Id + 7 2 +40 236.53n +2.1 A DivCapBldr + 6 + 0 +33 9.49n +.07
C Retire2020R + 4 + 1 +16 20.05n +.12
A Growth + 5 1 +27 112.24n +1.1 A+ MltiCpGrt +11 + 3 +55 25.78n +.44 $ 4.6 bil 8006471568 Schwab Funds A SmallCap + 7 2 +31 45.60n +.27 A+ Rus1000GrId + 7 2 +60 276.47n +3.4 A+ EmGrw + 7 8 +14 10.83n +.00
B Retire2030 + 5 + 0 +20 23.32n +.18
A SmallCap + 9 3 +27 24.50n +.20 Morgan Stan I A LrgCoGr + 7 1 +18 21.77n +.27 B Retire2030 + 5 + 1 +21 23.52n +.19 $ 74.6 bil 8004354000 Van Eck Funds E ShInvGrd 0 + 1 +5 10.46n .01 A GlblOppC + 7 2 +11 24.55n +.00
Marsico Funds $ 2.8 bil 8884543965 Parnassus C+ Retire2030R + 5 + 0 +19 23.13n +.18 A 1000IdxInv + 7 2 +39 59.55n +.54 $ 10.5 bil 8008263444 B SmCapValIdx +10 2 +23 30.12n +.34 A OmegaGrwC +10 + 1 +22 30.29n +.37
$ 1.2 bil 8888608686 A+ MidCapGrI +13 + 2 +8 17.41n +.40 $ 15.8 bil 8009993505 A+ SciTec +13 + 2 +51 35.37n +.75 A+ IntlGoldA + 1 + 6 +1 7.69 +.28
A S&P500Idx + 6 2 +45 40.76n +.35 A SmCpGrw +11 1 +26 46.96n +.67 A+ PrecMet + 1 + 9 6 28.01n +.89
A 21stCentury + 8 2 +40 28.72n +.34 A+ MltiCapGrt +11 + 3 +68 40.81n +.70 A CoreEqInv + 5 + 0 +38 40.98n +.40 A+ SciTecAdv +13 + 2 +50 34.81n +.74
Mass Mutl Instl A StkIdxSel + 7 2 +41 46.63n +.43 A+ IntlGoldY + 1 + 6 1 7.87n +.29 B+ SmCpIdx +10 2 +25 69.75n +.88 A Util&TelC + 3 + 3 +34 22.09n .21
Morgan Stan Ins PgimInvest A SmCapGr + 9 4 +36 33.91n +.41
$ 1.3 bil 8002722216 $ 22.7 bil 8884543965 Schwartz Funds Vanguard Admiral E TotBdInstPl 0 + 3 +8 10.46n .01 Wells Fargo Inst
$ 144 bil 9733677930 A SmCapStk + 9 2 +31 22.19n +.19 $ 757 mil 7344557777 $ 2922 bil 8005231036
A PrmDiscGroA + 7 2 +31 9.61 +.12 A GlbFranchI + 3 2 +39 23.63n +.17 A ConservGr + 8 1 +29 9.74n +.12 A TotStkIdx + 7 2 +41 57.89n +.54 $ 27.6 bil 8003593379
A SmCapStk + 9 2 +29 45.12n +.39 A+ AveMarGr + 6 1 +37 29.96n +.29 A 500Index + 6 2 +44 246.26n +2.1 A TxMdCpAp r + 7 2 +44 68.02n +.61 A+ CapitalGrow + 9 + 2 +28 10.35n +.12
Mass Mutl Prem A+ GrowthInst +11 + 2 +65 43.80 +.71 A Growth + 8 1 +47 28.75n +.40 A SmCapValue + 9 4 +15 43.37n +.42
$ 20.0 bil 8002722216 A+ Instgrowth +11 + 2 +67 46.16n +.74 A Growth + 8 + 0 +54 36.65 +.51 Scout Funds B BalanceIdx + 4 + 0 +29 34.41n +.18 A TxMgSCI r + 9 5 +33 60.99n +.68 A+ EmGrw + 7 8 +22 13.81n +.00
A TotEqMktIdx + 7 2 +41 29.63n +.28
A+ Class + 8 + 2 .. 20.51n +.25 Motley Fool Funds A Growth + 8 1 +48 28.93n +.41 A TxEffEq + 9 + 1 +51 30.85n +.39 $ 4.0 bil 8777268842 A+ CapOpps r + 8 1 +60 142.71n +1.8 Vanguard Funds A Enterprise +11 + 0 +20 46.83n +.75
A DiscplnGrwL + 7 2 +33 9.94n +.12 $ 749 mil 8888638803 A GrowthZ + 8 + 0 +57 39.69n +.56 B Value + 6 1 +24 32.32n +.19 A MidCap + 8 + 0 +29 17.14n +.17 A CoDilxAd r + 8 1 +45 84.48n +.90 $ 1501 bil 8005231036 A+ GrInstl +10 + 0 +29 38.35n +.59
A DiscplnGrwS + 7 2 +34 9.76n +.12 A Indep + 7 + 1 +31 21.45n +.18 A JennFocGrA + 9 + 2 +49 14.03 +.19 PRIMECAPOdyssey A+ SmallCap +10 3 +41 27.08n +.30 B+ EmgMkSt r + 7 + 5 +2 33.88n +.32 A+ CapOpport r + 8 1 +53 61.80n +.77 William Blair I
A DiscplnGrwY + 7 2 +33 9.80n +.12 Nationwide A A JennFocGrB + 9 + 1 +41 11.15n +.15 $ 29.5 bil 8007292307 SEI Portfolios A EquityInc + 5 1 +27 69.60n +.21 A DivApprIdx + 5 1 +39 41.19n +.21 $ 13.8 bil 8007427272
Mass Mutl Select $ 10.8 bil 8003216064 A SelGwthC + 9 + 1 +41 11.15n +.15 A+ AggrGrowth +11 1 +62 42.34n +.66 $ 32.8 bil 6106761000 D EuroStkIdx r + 6 2 7 64.39n +.76 A DividendGr + 5 + 0 +40 25.63n +.11 A Growth + 7 2 +29 9.90n +.12
$ 99.4 bil 8002722216 A S&P500Idx + 6 1 +36 13.83 +.12 E TotRetBd 0 + 3 +8 14.01n .02 A+ Growth + 9 1 +62 37.75n +.50 A S&P500IdxA + 6 2 +40 61.51n +.52 A+ Explorer +10 2 +24 85.54n +1.3 A EquityInc + 5 1 +27 33.21n +.10 A+ SmCpGr +10 4 +36 28.49n +.43
A+ BlueChipGrA + 8 + 1 +54 19.13 +.23 Nationwide Funds Instl A Utility + 3 + 4 +19 13.48 .13 A Stock + 7 1 +50 30.82n +.37 Sel40 B+ ExtMktIdx +10 2 +27 83.27n +1.1 A Explorer +10 2 +23 91.95n +1.4 A+ SmlMidGr + 9 4 +48 24.03n +.29
A+ BlueChipGrL + 8 + 2 +56 20.01n +.24 $ 5.9 bil 8003216064 PIMCO A Principal Investors $ 87.4 bil 8005257048 A FinIndx r +10 1 +43 32.63n +.27 E GNMA 0 + 3 +8 10.24n .01 William Blair N
A+ BlueChipGrS + 8 + 2 +57 20.48n +.25 A S&P500Idx + 6 1 +38 13.97n +.12 $ 170 bil 8888774626 $ 278 bil 8002225852 B+ DevelopMkt + 6 + 4 +2 39.03n +.41 E GNMA 0 + 3 +8 10.24n .01 A Growth&Inc + 6 2 +32 44.36n +.37 $ 5.0 bil 8007427272
A+ BlueChipGrY + 8 + 2 +57 20.30n +.24 Nationwide Funds Service A Raefund + 6 5 +22 6.27 +.00 A CapApprecA + 6 1 +32 42.94 +.34 A DevelpMkts + 6 + 4 +4 40.00n +.42 A Growth&Inc + 6 2 +34 72.40n +.61 D HealthCare r + 6 + 1 +48 201.15n +1.4 A Growth + 7 2 +28 8.47n +.11
A+ FocusVal + 5 + 0 +24 15.41n +.08 $ 8.6 bil 8003216064 A StockPlus + 9 6 +15 8.82 +.00 A EqIncA + 5 1 +35 29.21 +.20
A+ FocusVal + 5 + 0 +25 15.75n +.08 A S&P500Ins + 6 1 +37 13.93n +.12 A StocksPLUS + 6 3 +35 8.73 +.00 A+ GlobOppR +12 3 +45 54.57n +1.2 A GrowthIdx + 7 2 +51 74.02n +.89 D+ HiYldCorp r + 4 + 1 +9 5.64n +.02 Wilmington
A EqIncC + 5 1 +31 28.42n +.20
A+ FocusVal + 5 + 0 +25 15.68n +.09 A S&P500Svc + 6 1 +36 13.84n +.12 A StocksRet + 7 3 +34 9.55 +.08 A+ LgCapGr + 8 + 0 +53 13.89n +.14 A+ GoldSpecMin + 3 + 6 6 14.04n +.43 D HlthCare r + 6 + 1 +45 84.83n +.57 E InflProtSec 0 + 1 +4 12.48n .02 $ 1.1 bil 8008362211
A+ FocusVal + 5 + 0 +24 15.18n +.08 Natixis Funds PIMCO Admin A LgS&P500 + 6 2 +42 16.54n +.14 Sentinel Group E InflProSecs 0 + 1 +5 24.50n .04 E IntInvGdInv + 1 + 2 +9 9.44n +.00 A LgCapStInst + 6 3 +41 20.90n +.00
A+ FocusValA + 5 + 2 +25 14.41 +.08 $ 62.5 bil 6174492100 $ 239 bil 8888774626 A LgS&P500A + 6 2 +41 16.56 +.14 $ 2.9 bil 8002823863 A IntlGrowth r + 7 1 +13 84.39n +1.2 A IntlGrowth r + 7 1 +16 26.53n +.39 Wilshire Funds
A IndexEqA + 6 2 +34 15.41 +.13 A+ GrowthY + 7 + 2 +64 15.27n +.17 C IncomeFd + 1 + 1 +17 11.90n +.00 A LgS&P500J + 6 2 +41 16.38n +.14 A SmallCoA +10 5 +19 4.62 +.06 D IntmdInvGrd + 1 + 2 +9 9.44n +.00 E IntmdTaxEx 0 + 3 +11 13.94n +.00 $ 1.1 bil 8556268281
A IndexEqS + 6 2 +35 15.93n +.14 A USMltCapEqA + 9 + 1 +45 33.78 +.45 A RAEfund + 6 5 +24 6.45n +.00 A+ LrgGrowIJ + 8 + 0 +49 11.17n +.11 SmeadCapMan E IntmdTaxEx 0 + 3 +12 13.94n +.00 E LtdTrmTxEx 0 + 2 +4 10.90n +.00 A LgCoGrInst + 8 + 0 +36 39.25n +.48
A IndexR5 + 6 2 +36 15.89n +.14 A USMltCapEqC + 9 + 1 +36 22.25n +.30 C Realpath + 3 + 1 +6 7.81n +.03 A MidCpBlndA + 7 + 0 +39 23.62 +.24 $ 2.8 bil 8777012883 A LargeCapIdx + 7 2 +45 61.74n +.54 A MorganGr + 8 1 +45 28.06n +.40 A LgCoGrInv + 8 + 0 +33 35.92n +.44
36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV 36 Mos Fund 2019 12 Wk 5 Yr Net NAV
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Copyright 2019 Investor's Business Daily Inc.


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p236 81 0 94 2 2 54 .... .... p1500 256 35 76 47 38 .... .... c2620 10 67 53 90 84 47 .... .... Index Optn Optn
p240 8 1 70 35 3 30 .... .... c1500 32 33 31 52 .... .... p2620
18 04 18 23 50 42 44 69 .... .... Price Price Chg. Vol
c243 48 6 30 .... .... .... .... p1510 24 70 52 65 .... .... p2625
41 06 2.8k 23 97 171 46 20 277 65 75
p245 34 2 95 20 4 76 .... .... c1510 60 13 29
.... .... .... .... c2625 68 66 15 12 88 33 10109 75 SPX500 Mar 2660 Call 2664.76 62.00 +11.50 12624
c269 .... .... 651 0 18 .... .... c1530 145 7 40
.... .... .... .... c2630 213 58 10 .... .... .... .... SPX500 Mar 2660 Put 2664.76 58.00 12.08 12622
GS Idx Close 71.17 Apr c1540 46 14 15 80 .... .... p2630
5 24 93 25 45 56 47 70 .... .... SPX500 Mar 2700 Call 2664.76 39.20 + 9.85 12488
p65 10k 0 25 .... .... .... .... c1550 159 11 13 07 .... .... p2635
3 71 58 27 20 2 46 90 .... .... GS Idx Feb 65 Put 71.17 0.25 0.35 10208
Nasd100 Close 6787.37 Apr c1560 .... 60 9 80 .... .... c2640
.... 78 50 30 4 78 88 .... .... SPX500 Mar 2650 Call 2664.76 67.10 +12.71 8121
p4900 .... .... 29 3 08 .... .... c1570 144 19 7 75 .... .... p2640
1 75 1.2k 29 84 50 68 .... .... SPX500 Mar 2650 Put 2664.76 54.00 17.51 7926
p5500 39 1 80 53 11 83 .... .... c1580 .... 37 6 29 .... .... c2650
.... 7.5k 45 20 8.1k 67 10 1.3k 89 87 SPX500 Feb 2650 Call 2664.76 45.20 +13.20 7501
p5600 47 2 70 2 14 51 1 33 75 c1600 138 72 3 67 .... .... p2650
0 56 2.6k 32 30 7.9k 54 .... .... SPX500 Feb 2700 Call 2664.76 19.23 + 6.08 6402
p5650 28 3 03 .... .... .... .... c1680 .... 33 0 49 .... .... p2655
.... 10 34 20 74 55 60 .... .... SPX500 Feb 2500 Put 2664.76 6.30 4.60 6221
p6000 66 8 50 78 36 40 3 67 40 SP100 Close 1176.10 Apr c2655 103 39 60 71 64 60 .... .... SPX500 Mar 2675 Call 2664.76 52.60 +10.60 5347
p6225 37 18 20 .... .... .... .... p1100 114 3 10 .... .... .... .... c2660 876 38 80 12k 62 .... .... SPX500 Feb 2720 Call 2664.76 12.60 + 5.05 4942
p6250 42 20 55 .... .... .... .... SPX500 Close 2664.76 Apr p2660 524 36 70 12k 58 .... .... SPX500 Apr 2675 Call 2664.76 77.00 + 8.60 4809
p6375 32 30 34 10 84 75 .... .... p2405 425 2 91 110 10 90 .... .... p2665 835 37 49 .... .... .... .... SPX500 Feb 2575 Call 2664.76 105 +22.72 4803
p6400 65 36 84 85 20 1141 85 p2410 47 3 05 15 11 40 .... .... c2665 991 35 .... .... .... .... SPX500 Feb 2725 Call 2664.76 11.50 + 5.20 4602
p6575 61 63 10 3126 95 .... .... p2415 .... .... 31 11 70 .... .... c2670 848 33 05 3.8k 55 30 .... ....
5 3 19 368 11 95 .... .... p2670 864 40 90 3.8k 62 30 .... .... SPX500 Feb 2450 Put 2664.76 4.10 3.10 4479
c6600 100 251 32319 50 16396 15 p2420 SPX500 Mar 2670 Put 2664.76 62.30 12.65 3868
p6600 90 68 60 3133 85 1199 20 p2425 2.4k 3 30 58 12 60 17 25 20 p2675 22 42 02 174 66 40 .... ....
248 3 46 23 13 45 .... .... c2675 2.9k 31 40 5.3k 52 60 4.8k 77 SPX500 Mar 2670 Call 2664.76 55.30 +10.90 3832
p6675 35 87 70 .... .... .... .... p2430 SPX500 Feb 2525 Put 2664.76 8.32 4.33 3546
p6700 35 96 53 3165 55 4221 50 p2440 601 3 84 37 13 55 .... .... c2680 601 28 20 157 49 32 .... ....
4.4k 4 10 50111 07 472 27 70 c2685 174 25 10 100 50 .... .... SPX500 Mar 2800 Call 2664.76 8.30 + 2.20 3379
c6900 66 68 73 12144 64 .... .... p2450 SPX500 Feb 2800 Call 2664.76 1.65 + 0.65 3222
c7000 211 34 50 22 93 50 2153 30 p2455 92 4 36 4 15 10 .... .... p2690 195 50 80 72 70 60 .... ....
42 78 .... .... p2460 8 4 50 213 16 .... .... c2690 34 23 63 109 46 90 .... ....
c7050 143 23 50 c2460 .... .... 46 223 61 .... .... c2695 385 20 40 .... .... .... ....
c7075 30 21 05 .... .... .... .... p2470 27 4 90 32 16 15 .... .... p2700 47 56 2.5k 76 20 .... .... 20 Most Active Stock Options
c7100 .... .... 102 59 95 2112 30 p2475 1.7k 5 245 17 20 .... .... c2700 6.4k 19 23 12k 39 20 231 60 70
Rus2000 Close 1482.85 Apr p2480 Stock Optn Optn
162 5 64 15 17 85 .... .... c2705 36 20 22 .... .... .... .... Price Price Chg. Vol
p1160 30 0 45
1 1 58 .... .... p2485 44 5 50 2 18 07 .... .... p2710 26 63 60 7 81 42 .... ....
p1170 50 0 40 .... .... .... .... p2490 84 5 70 19 18 92 .... .... c2710 190 15 68 36 35 80 .... .... iShEmMkt Feb 35 Put 42.20 0.02 .. 80116
p1200 4 0 48 31 2 45 .... .... p2495 251 5 90 .... .... .... .... c2715 349 15 119 33 60 2 55 75 iShEmMkt Mar 45 Call 42.20 0.24 + 0.09 77373
p1220 94 0 58 33 2 78 .... .... p2500 6.2k 6 30 2.1k 20 05 430 35 70 c2720 4.9k 12 60 89 30 98 .... .... iShsChi25 Mar 45 Call 42.19 0.34 + 0.15 69746
p1230 30 0 55 13 3 .... .... c2500 102 167 60 359181 80 3199 10 p2725 14 71 70 60202 63 .... .... SPDR Feb 270 Call 265.78 2.03 + 0.78 47956
p1240 130 0 69 .... .... .... .... p2505 35 6 50 4 20 34 .... .... c2725 4.6k 11 50 50165 87 .... .... Gen El Feb 10 Call 9.16 0.19 + 0.06 34392
p1250 54 0 74 32 3 57 .... .... c2505 35 165 50 .... .... .... .... c2730 145 10 10 9 28 95 .... .... iShRs2000 Mar 140 Put 147.34 1.82 0.60 31488
p1260 61 0 75 29 3 90 .... .... p2510 143 6 92 84 21 55 .... .... p2730 70 75 25 95 40 .... .... iSh EAFE Feb 60 Put 62.17 0.21 0.13 26748
p1280 35 1 31 4 85 .... .... c2510 3 164 88 83176 10 .... .... c2735 18 8 90 314 27 40 .... .... iSh EAFE Feb 60 Call 62.17 2.41 + 0.45 26000
p1300 58 1 25 42 5 90 .... .... c2525 43 152 25 126163 75 .... .... c2740 82 7 90 26 23 57 .... .... SPDR Feb 265 Call 265.78 4.52 + 1.35 22430
p1310 51 1 50 41 6 50 .... .... p2525 3.5k 8 32 38 23 07 146 39 35 c2745 106 7 187 21 98 .... ....
p1320 17 1 96 46 7 20 .... .... p2530 ColgPl May 65 Call 61.84 1.73 0.39 20581
124 8 70 22 23 72 .... .... c2750 1.8k 6 1.3k 20 55 27 38 Apple Feb 210 Put 157.76 53.00 4.82 20441
p1330 147 2 06 145 7 78 .... .... p2535 34 9 20 1 24 64 .... .... c2755 98 5 15 12 18 83 51 38 30
p1340 167 2 34 224 8 57 .... .... p2540 P Strike Last Last Last P Strike Last Last Last P Strike Last Last Last Apple Feb 215 Put 157.76 58.00 5.35 20429
469 9 45 272 25 60 .... .... c2760 3.0k 4 59 46 16 95 .... .... C Price Vol. Price Vol. Price Vol. Price C Price Vol. Price Vol. Price Vol. Price C Price Vol. Price Vol. Price Vol. Price iShEmMkt Mar 40 Put 42.20 0.43 0.14 19308
p1350 67 2 76 28 9 54 .... .... p2545 164 10 20 15 27 30 .... .... c2765 556 4 2 16 40 .... ....
c1350 .... .... 42 140 72 .... .... p2550 Feb Mar Feb Mar Feb Mar SPDR Feb 240 Put 265.78 0.29 0.21 18707
2.4k 10 80 1.8k 28 1.0k 45 25 p2770 8 106 92 .... .... 35134 20
p1360 175 3 05 27 10 92 .... .... c2550 176 125 08 11142 20 .... .... c2770 821 3 40 56 15 83 .... .... c65 03
11 0 11k 0 46 0 19 87
c23 4.3k 1 2.3k 2 09 454 3 20
p9 8.9k 0 88 3.8k 1 18 66 1 95 SPDR Mar 270 Call 265.78 4.08 + 1.56 18107
p1370 91 3 76 41 12 11 .... .... p2555 26 11 68 1.5k 28 45 .... .... c2775 1.0k 3 30 1.5k 13 50 1 29 10 iSh Kor Close 63.46 Apr c24 1.4k 0 87 2.8k 1 53 106 2 68 p10 12k 1 25 1.5k 1 65 307 2 37 Intel Apr 50 Call 47.04 0.98 1.60 17532
p1380 89 4 29 223 13 49 .... .... p2560 86 11 75 177 29 10 .... .... c2780 468 2 69 1 13 90 .... .... p55 no tr no tr 3.0k 0 49 c25 2.4k 0 52 3.0k 1 15 1.0k 2 30 c18 2.4k 0 60 26 0 85 6 1 75 SPDR Feb 235 Put 265.78 0.21 0.12 17040
p1390 77 5 28 454 15 12 .... .... c2560 49 116 20 200136 72 .... .... c2790 23 1 95 101 11 27 .... .... iSh20 TB Close 120.53 Jun c28 28 0 08 2.4k 0 38 118 1 30 c21 23 0 38 no tr 3.1k 1 27 SPDR Feb 260 Put 265.78 1.91 0.99 16995
p1400 306 6 11 528 16 48 .... .... p2565 67 12 50 12 30 40 .... .... c2795 37 2 15 79 9 35 .... .... p117 109 0 12 5.0k 0 43 no tr c30 no tr 2.4k 0 19 1.8k 0 87 PS SrLoan Close 22.99 Apr SPDR Feb 265 Put 265.78 3.34 1.50 16969
c1400 36 88 80 .... .... .... .... c2565 .... .... 92 132 71 .... .... p2800 18 136 73 77144 14 .... .... c124 748 0 15 2.5k 0 45 17 1 56 JPMorgCh Close 103.39 Jun p21 no tr 4.0k 0 05 5 0 08 SpdGld nya Mar 125 Call 122.86 1.06 + 0.51 16704
p1410 71 7 45 163 18 20 .... .... p2570 476 13 45 55 31 93 .... .... c2800 3.2k 1 65 3.3k 8 30 65 20 90 c125 108 0 09 5.0k 0 33 30 1 33 p105 165 2 68 80 3 55 4.2k 6 10 p22 no tr 4.1k 0 14 469 0 20
8 92
10 53
12 42
48 20 73 .... .... c2575
324 23 .... .... p2575
204 25 10 .... .... p2580
4.8k 105 57 5125 70 15146 10 c2805
1.8k 14 407 33 10 1 50 50 c2810
155 14 60 509 33 60 .... .... c2815
189 1 40 135 7 80 .... ....
2 1 63 255 7 70 .... ....
50 1 45 56 6 45 .... ....
iShBrazil Close 43.82 Jun
c44 7.1k 1 21 551 1 91 11 3 53
c45 9.8k 0 161 1 36 84 3 05
KimbClk Close 108.12 Apr
p105 2.5k 0 95 no tr no tr
KindMorg Close 17.74 Jun
PwNasd100 Close 165.15 Jun
p138 65 0 10 7.7k 0 41 no tr
p140 2.2k 0 780 0 49 348 2 25
c1440 2 54 88 48 70 40 .... .... c2580 13 105 232115 10 .... .... c2820 65 0 95 2 6 91 .... .... c46 50 2.5k 0 30 5 0 84 5 2 45 c18 5.0k 0 17 116 0 35 284 0 78 p145 10k 0 20 1.8k 0 76 36 2 77
p1450 73 15 25 491 28 .... .... p2585 Total Total Call Put
60 15 65 98 34 43 .... .... c2825 200 0 97 976 5 70 4 16 40 c47 5.1k 0 18 1.4k 0 69 3 2 18 Kohls Close 70.70 Apr p148 1.6k 0 28 3.4k 1 22 3 30
c1450 31 47 80 .... .... .... .... p2590 132 16 38 11 36 20 .... .... c2830 .... .... 436 5 34 .... .... iShEmMkt Close 42.20 Jun c75 3.4k 0 60 46 2 25 14 2 95 32
p149 2.9k 0 592 1 no tr 08 Call Put Open Open
c1455 27 43 81 .... .... .... .... c2595 .... .... 91 104 45 .... .... p2850 .... .... 70 188 49 .... .... p35 80k 0 02 9 0 06 30 0 38 Lilly Close 114.97 Apr p150 6.6k 0 37 1.4k 1 21 145 3 65 Index Vol. Vol. Interest Interest
p1460 134 17 52 .... .... .... .... p2595 23 17 30 119 37 69 .... .... c2850 238 0 59 779 3 48 2 11 25 p36 4.7k 0 1 0 11 no tr
50 03
p110 3.0k 1 13 15 2 14 34 2 83 p152 2.4k 0 53 210 1 44 21 4 10
c1460 27 40 84 .... .... .... .... p2600 2.7k 18 20 300154 86 .... .... c2860 1 0 45 63 3 10 .... .... p39 791 0 08 10k 0 29 3 0 99 McDnlds Close 184.00 Jun p155 4.8k 0 73 8.2k 1 91 93 4 81 SPX500 114,425 78,733 1,350,831 1,266,385
p1470 78 20 84 25 34 80 .... .... c2600 213 80 75 695 101 1125 50 c2875 168 0 40 276 2 28 109 8 10 p40 15k 0 16 19k 0 43 9 1 27 c190 2.1k 1 75 238 2 47 47 5 87 p157 2.2k 0 98 311 2 25 307 5 33 Rus2000 1,669 6,387 40,610 69,506
c1470 31 33 65 41 48 37 .... .... p2610 98 20 93 60 41 75 .... .... c2900 2.2k 0 20 1 84 10 327 4 80 c41 3.8k 1 56 207 1 99 2 3 05 Merck Close 72.95 Apr p158 5.4k 1 15 1.2k 2 48 4 5 63 GS Idx 0 10,208 0 40,000
c1480 53 27 75 .... .... .... .... c2610 2 73 43 98 61 .... .... p2900 .... .... 60 238 28 .... .... p42 50 4.1k 0 85 no tr no tr p65 1 0 13 1.7k 0 41 3.0k 0 64 p160 9.3k 1 50 3.6k 2 96 110 6 15 Nasd100 1,159 1,360 13,204 11,272
p1480 123 24 90 .... .... .... .... c2615 8 71 95 85 87 87 .... .... c2910 .... .... 60 1 53 .... .... p42 23k 0 61 2.7k 1 01 22 2 01 p67 50 5.1k 0 27 1.2k 0 60 2 1 15 72
p161 1.1k 1 5.8k 3 15 6 22 67

c42 54k 0 85 5.5k 1 34 279 2 42 MGM Mir Close 28.70 Jun p162 2.3k 2 551 3 55 29 6 84 Total Total Call Put
c42 50 133k 0 59 1.3k 1 06 64 2 15 c30 343 0 54 290 0 89 2.5k 1 90 p163 702 2 25 3.0k 3 88 48 7 07 Call Put Open Open
Option Totals c43 59k 0 37 38k 0 82 48 1 86
c43 50 5.7k 0 23 1.0k 0 61 15 1 69
MicronT Close 00.00 Apr
p32 550 0 17 445 0 53 2.9k 1 03
c164 4.1k 3 991 5 161 9 Index81

p164 4.4k 2 62 1.1k 4 19 3 7 58

Vol. Vol. Interest Interest
c44 11k 0 13 108k 0 46 47 1 42 p34 4.2k 0 33 6.2k 0 86 4.1k 1 52 c165 5.9k 3 41 2.1k 5 21 242 9 18 DJ Inds 905 259 6,906 3,662
c45 143 0 04 77k 0 24 5.3k 1 03 p35 3.9k 0 46 1.3k 1 09 938 1 84 p165 4.5k 3 2.4k 4 54 101 7 95 SP100 2 114 140 69
P Strike Last Last Last P Strike Last Last Last P Strike Last Last Last c46 20 0 01 12k 0 11 95 0 73 p36 1.4k 0 67 6.0k 1 37 485 2 19 49
p168 147 4 4.4k 5 3 9 85 38
C Price Vol. Price Vol. Price Vol. Price C Price Vol. Price Vol. Price Vol. Price C Price Vol. Price Vol. Price Vol. Price 40 SP100Eur 2 0 20 0
iShiBxHYB Close 84.41 Jun c37 2.8k 2 98 1.0k 3 84 382 4 78 82
c168 1.8k 1 5.5k 3 19 7 56

Feb Mar Feb Mar Feb Mar p76 9.0k 0 04 no tr no tr p37 10k 0 93 1.9k 1 72 143 2 54 p170 159 5 74 9.1k 6 95 39 10 25
21stCFoxA Close 49.24 Apr c33 31 0 01 4.3k 0 06 109 0 35 c190 60 0 04 3.9k 0 16 86 1 60 p77 9.0k 0 no tr no tr c39 2.4k 1 77 1.1k 2 65 428 3 74 c170 2.4k 1 10 10k 2 61 73 6 28 P Strike Last Last Last P Strike Last Last Last

c50 2 0 04 no tr 5.1k 0 85 BrMySq Close 48.93 Jun FootLockr Close 56.75 May p78 30k 0 06 9 0 11 no tr p40 2.6k 2 25 190 3 02 239 3 97 c171 3.9k 0 81 561 2 76 4 5 87 C Price Vol. Price Vol. Price Vol. Price C Price Vol. Price Vol. Price Vol. Price

ACapAgcy Close 18.12 Jun c50 3.0k 1 14 840 1 95 232 3 60 p55 50 3.0k 1 15 no tr no tr p79 30k 0 04 10 0 16 no tr c40 3.4k 1 32 4.8k 2 22 3.7k 3 25 Qualcom Close 51.30 Apr Feb Mar Feb Mar
c18 3.4k 0 19 106 0 23 no tr p50 2.6k 2 173 3 31 4 74
FordMot Close 8.86 Jun p82 6.0k 0 13 16k 0 37 no tr c42 2.6k 0 70 510 1 46 615 2 44 c57 50 3.4k 0 20 446 0 43 327 0 73
p83 1.2k 0 25 27k 0 59 4 1 94 c43 5.6k 0 47 513 1 17 653 2 11 Realogy Close 17.06 Jun p265 16k 3 34 2 17 53 474 10 45 Target Close 72.39 Apr
Alcoa Close 00.00 Apr c52 50 7.4k 0 63 2.1k 1 22 2.6k 2 71 p8 891 0 05 3.2k 0 13 1.9k 0 41 c265 22k 4 52 28 20 88 145 12 10 c72 50 8.3k 1 58 8.6k 2 73 122 3 51
c30 13k 0 75 no tr 148 2 c55 2.4k 0 30 2.6k 0 77 372 2 c8 16k 0 84 281 0 87 367 1 05 c84 3.0k 0 61 227 0 75 no tr c44 348 0 35 2.1k 0 93 448 1 78 p17 50
no tr 4.1k 1 no tr 25
c75 655 0 13k 1 72 94 2 45
p84 5.4k 0 52 73 0 99 no tr c45 574 0 23 3.5k 0 74 1.9k 1 53 RioTinto Close 52.26 Apr p266 6.5k 3 4.6k 6 22 133 10 85
Alibaba Close 159.21 Apr c60 no tr 555 0 27 2.5k 0 95 p9 246 0 40 2.3k 0 52 618 0 83 85 c266 8.6k 3 88
2.7k 6 39 55 11 46 TeslaMotr Close 297.04 Jun
Bruns Close 49.93 Jun c9 7.4k 0 11 1.6k 0 24 2.1k 0 50 p95 5.9k 10 98 no tr no tr c50 963 0 05 13k 0 23 602 0 65 10
p45 3.4k 0 no tr 14 0 p50 380 0 03 2.9k 0 12 76 3 68
p125 368 0 58 4.1k 0 99 31 1 53 c95 5.9k 0 02 no tr no tr c55 no tr 10k 0 08 137 0 29 c267 10k 3 37 1.7k 5 69 9 10 87
p130 3.8k 0 75 284 1 33 40 2 13 c55 no tr 5.2k 0 98 no tr c10 63 0 02 3.6k 0 05 4.9k 0 18 Schlmb Close 45.00 May p267 5.6k 4 23 1.5k 6 73 176 11 30 11
p95 2.2k 0 no tr 3 2 37
c60 no tr 5.2k 0 31 no tr p10 1 1 29 3.1k 1 29 216 1 55 iShMexico Close 44.81 Jun Microsft Close 106.20 Apr c45 2.9k 1 08 1.4k 1 59 1.1k 2 67 c268 9.9k 2 85 3.1k 5 09 6 10 61 p105 2.9k 0 15 no tr no tr
p135 8.5k 1 08 392 1 85 14 2 90 p42 96 0 21 2.5k 0 59 no tr p100 2.7k 0 87 2.6k 1 69 93 2 44 ServcNow Close 191.08 May c269 5.5k 2 40 2.0k 4 57 61 9 75
p140 11k 1 51 141 2 56 505 3 80 CenovusEn Close 7.79 Jun FrptMcM Close 11.24 May c330 2.4k 8 17 814 14 17 30 65
c8 no tr 2.3k 0 59 74 0 97 c11 1.7k 0 58 2.6k 0 82 103 1 25 p45 no tr 8.8k 1 61 no tr p105 2.6k 2 1.9k 3 15 199 4 10
c200 2.4k 3 70 no tr no tr p270 3.4k 5 80 1 19 85 1 21 54 c390 2.3k 0 99 29 2 96 121 13 44
p145 10k 2 20 204 3 61 85 4 90 c45 2.5k 0 72 8.8k 1 23 1 2 74 c110 3.4k 1 66 2.9k 2 54 962 3 60 SiriusXM Close 5.82 Jun c270 47k 2 03 18k 4 08 1 20 24
p150 14k 3 15 no tr 524 6 38 c9 no tr 14k 0 30 737 0 65 c12 2.4k 0 2.1k 0 37 298 0 75
TevaPh Close 19.56 Jun
ChesEng Close 2.78 Apr c13 424 0 04 2.2k 0 15 86 0 45 iShRlEst Close 80.64 Jun c115 4.8k 0 40 1.3k 1 01 1.2k 1 84 p8 20k 2 21 no tr no tr c271 7.3k 1 59 1.9k 3 69 157 8 72 p16 2.5k 0 10 120 0 21 20 0 59
p155 2.6k 4 70 no tr 346 8 35 p76 15 0 17 13k 0 39 no tr MktVGold Close 21.18 Jun c8 20k 0 01 2 0 01 10 0 05 c272 8.4k 1 31 3.4k 3 25 2.5k 8 21
c155 3.9k 9 542 10 98 133 13 15 p2 50 769 0 06 51 0 12 5.0k 0 19 Gap Close 25.68 Jun p19 17 0 64 0 92 11k 1 60

c3 3.2k 0 08 935 0 17 559 0 24 p26 no tr 5.5k 1 77 no tr p79 249 0 43 13k 0 87 no tr p20 50 12k 0 23 no tr no tr SP Fncl Close 26.00 Jun c273 8.4k 1 06 6.6k 2 81 91 7 93 TurqHillRs Close 1.66 Jun
c160 8.1k 6 25 1.1k 8 35 305 10 35 c83 10 0 11 13k 0 56 no tr c21 5.5k 0 60 2.0k 0 87 578 1 52 p25 4.4k 0 14 2.7k 0 34 90 0 80 c274 2.2k 0 82 5.1k 2 47 78 7 08
c165 2.1k 4 1.2k 6 15 1.0k 7 85 Cigna Close 196.28 Apr Gen El Close 9.16 Jun c2 no tr 258 0 05 3.0k 0 16
c200 3.4k 4 50 no tr 6 8 82 p7 11k 0 06 1.1k 0 10 1.9k 0 25 iShRs2000 Close 147.34 May p21 4.4k 0 38 3.7k 0 61 8 1 13 c26 635 0 1.9k 0 68 3.1k 1 36 c275 10k 0 65 1 15 22 3 17 59
Twitter Close 32.90 Jun
AmAirlGrp Close 34.98 Apr p125 304 0 08 16k 0 40 21 1 20 c21 50 3.7k 0 35 no tr no tr SpdGld nya Close 122.86 Jun c277 10k 0 39 2.0k 1 53 74 5 64
c38 175 0 32 11k 0 77 no tr Citigrp Close 64.02 Jun p8 18k 0 4.9k 0 23 796 0 48
16 p28 87 0 51 2.8k 0 77 11 1 95
c62 50 278 2 12 3.2k 2 92 1 8 15 c9 5.0k 0 62 3.4k 0 73 1.5k 1 12 p130 212 0 12k 0 63 1 1 70
c22 1.4k 0 19 4.7k 0 43 1.8k 1 08 p119 8.3k 0 13 752 0 39 no tr c278 16k 0 31 3.2k 1 30 4.2k 5 53 c35 4.8k 1 27 413 1 71 77 3 35
c40 203 0 15 11k 0 38 no tr p132 10k 0 22 3.4k 0 78 40 2 MktVJrGld Close 30.60 May c122 4.0k 1 542 2 39 94 4 33 c279 2.6k 0 11 648 1 09 141 4 88
UnPacif Close 160.95 May
Amarin Close 17.34 Jun c65 3.2k 0 83 6.9k 1 56 413 3 34 p9 4.3k 0 44 2.4k 0 55 311 0 86 p134 241 0 28 2.5k 0 93 no tr c31 2.6k 0 58 883 1 2 1 74 c123 6.5k 1 13 2.6k 1 86 303 3 85 c280 5.3k 0 18 1 12 69 562 4 40
c67 50 95 0 25 5.9k 0 73 236 2 30 c10 34k 0 19 8.5k 0 33 2.8k 0 69 c165 44 1 47 10k 2 95 59 6 50
c20 417 0 42 2.2k 1 18 153 2 49 p136 5.4k 0 37 2.8k 1 18 no tr MV OilSvc Close 17.20 Jun c125 629 0 48 16k 1 06 59 2 91 c281 85 0 15 3.3k 0 77 65 4 14 US OilFd Close 11.25 Apr
AMD Close 21.93 Apr c75 no tr 86 0 04 3.1k 0 56 c13 no tr 2.3k 0 02 1.5k 0 12 p140 9.0k 0 76 31k 1 82 26 3 62 c18 5.8k 0 23 no tr no tr c126 1.4k 0 33 3.0k 0 80 563 2 59 c282 81 0 13 2.9k 0 64 7 4 07 p10 50 5.2k 0 10 41 0 25 4 0 43
p17 304 0 22 5.6k 0 40 708 0 64 CliffsNatR Close 9.61 Apr c15 no tr 1.0k 0 01 3.6k 0 05 p140 50 3.6k 0 77 no tr no tr MV Semic Close 96.89 Jun SPDR Close 265.78 Jun c287 c11 2.4k 0 402 0 70 169 0 91
p18 608 0 36 3.3k 0 62 2.7k 0 90 p9 365 0 34 no tr 15k 0 65 GenMotors Close 38.64 Jun 9 0 03 10k 0 27 1 2 37
p143 3.0k 1 25 2.5k 2 51 no tr p79 5.0k 0 11 no tr no tr p197 no tr 2.2k 0 13 no tr c290 111 0 04 2.1k 0 17 303 1 83 c11 50 4.3k 0 24 146 0 46 69 0 65
p20 1.3k 0 88 2.2k 1 23 415 1 59 c11 409 0 2.2k 0 27 1.4k 0 41
p38 5.0k 0 89 3.4k 1 41 4.0k 2 59 p144 4.9k 1 49 4.4k 2 79 3 4 75 34
p86 2.6k 0 no tr no tr 08 38
p220 1.3k 0 3.3k 0 14 7 Spdr OGEx 70
p11 5.7k 0 25 45 0 43 10 0 62
c20 1.8k 2 83 2.1k 3 20 825 3 63 ColgPl Close 61.84 May c38 5.1k 1 54 161 2 no tr Close 30.53 Jun
p145 1.6k 1 78 4.0k 3 11 10 5 10 p95 2.4k 1 77 no tr 14 5 48 p225 4.5k 0 11 1.2k 0 75 4 8 62 p24 28 0 01 40k 0 08 8 0 43 c12 5.5k 0 11 401 0 26 122 0 47
c21 2.2k 2 20 1.7k 2 64 1.0k 3 08 c62 50 505 0 95 20k 1 65 1 2 50 GnMills Close 43.29 Apr c146 2.2k 3 53 304 5 09 no tr c96 3.3k 3 10 181 4 45 9 7 40 p226 364 0 12 17k 0 50 189 2 59 p25 US Silica Close 14.04 Jun
c22 2.5k 1 70 985 2 11 912 2 58 c65 2.0k 0 34 59 0 74 20k 1 73 c42 50 2.3k 1 64 225 2 09 29 2 84 9 0 3.5k 0 13 1.0k 0 61
p147 50 2.3k 2 68 no tr no tr Netflix Close 338.05 Jun p227 581 0 13 3.4k 0 54 52 2 65 p27 1.0k 0 09 no tr 25k 1 p11 3.5k 0 10 1 0 30 no tr
c23 2.1k 1 26 1.1k 1 68 337 2 15 ComcastA Close 75.32 Apr c45 12k 0 1.2k 0 94 617 1 37
c147 50 2.5k 2 63 no tr no tr c350 2.2k 7 23 411 14 19 21 69 p228 561 0 13 7.6k 0 59 no tr p28 233 0 19 no tr 37k 1 29 USA Tech Close 5.49 Jun
Apple Close 157.76 Apr c35 5.7k 1 25 168 1 69 186 1 95 c47 50 no tr 11k 0 41 486 0 60 p147 2.6k 2 45 841 3 80 35 5 86 NevroCp Close 47.36 May p229 150 0 14 8.2k 0 63 45 2 85 p30 2.4k 0 69 415 1 13 139 2 11 p5 no tr 6.2k 0 65 no tr
p140 2.3k 0 69 581 1 42 108 2 29 ConocPhil Close 66.99 May HiCrush Close 4.51 Apr c148 21k 2 36 571 3 89 1 5 99 c45 3.0k 4 20 no tr no tr p230 2.2k 0 15 6 8 18 397 9 55 c31 5.6k 0 70 5.0k 1 16 no tr USSteel Close 21.64 Apr
p145 2.2k 1 28 1.3k 2 34 333 3 40 c70 3.1k 0 57 89 1 21 149 2 70 c4 6.0k 0 70 10 0 76 66 1 c149 2.1k 1 87 350 3 36 no tr Nike Close 80.61 Apr p233 20k 0 18 476 1 09 103 3 29 Square p19 3.0k 0 42 91 0 58 27 0 83
p150 2.7k 2 35 4.6k 3 57 583 5 dbXHrvChi Close 23.88 Apr c5 6.1k 0 18 29 0 40 no tr Close 77.97 Jun c23 827 0 62 0 91 3.1k 1 20
c150 11k 1 45 326 2 88 40 5 04 c85 6.0k 0 24 423 0 86 101 2 07 p235 17k 0 21 35 9 21 2 10 57 p65 971 0 45 2.7k 1 67 607 4 22
p155 2.9k 4 01 1.7k 5 40 1.3k 6 67 c25 71 no tr no tr 5.3k 0 41 IBM Close 133.97 Apr c151 12k 1 12 852 2 45 no tr NokiaCp Close 6.60 Apr 23 96 79
p237 10k 0 239 0 91 3 p70 3.1k 0 1.3k 2 84 471 5 90 99 Vale SA Close 13.66 Jun
c155 3.1k 6 35 1.4k 7 92 751 9 50 c27 71
no tr no tr 3.6k 0 15 p110 3.1k 0 11 247 0 19 48 0 59 c154 50 3.8k 0 34 no tr no tr c6 1.3k 0 70 314 0 74 5.6k 0 83 p238 10k 0 26 388 1 01 95 3 99 c75 4.3k 5 45 2.4k 7 80 1.7k 11 68 p12 no tr 9.0k 0 34 1.0k 0 74
c160 6.2k 3 70 4.0k 5 26 1.1k 7 DelphiAuto Close 73.00 May c135 5.4k 1 1.0k 2 46 744 4 60
c154 20k 0 39 763 1 38 no tr Novavax Close 2.19 Apr p239 5.9k 0 28 301 1 05 638 4 15 p75 2.1k 2 35 977 4 58 96 8 02 p13 33k 0 19k 0 65 3.5k 1 16

c165 6.2k 1 86 2.9k 3 29 3.5k 4 85 c20 91 0 20 2.1k 0 65 no tr c140 727 0 23 6.0k 0 88 559 2 57 iShsChi25 Close 42.19 May p2 578 0 25 no tr 5.4k 0 80 p240 18k 0 29 6 10 10 11 52 c80 3.9k 2 81 4.0k 5 27 1.0k 9 35 p14 3.1k 0 80 2.9k 1 21 307 1 68
c170 3.6k 0 82 3.8k 1 90 1.1k 3 17 Disney Close 111.09 Apr Intel Close 47.04 Apr p39 50 8.5k 0 11 27 0 41 no tr NRG Engy Close 40.93 Jun c240 25 26 62 5.0k 27 59 10 31 42 c85 2.6k 1 35 3.1k 3 40 500 7 30 c14 9.1k 0 49 11k 0 61 1.5k 0 91
c175 3.3k 0 36 3.3k 1 05 572 2 06 c120 1.6k 0 11 305 0 48 2.2k 1 18 p40 607 0 06 no tr 3.5k 0 41 p39 5.2k 0 09 57 0 33 5 0 79 p34 no tr no tr 20k 0 90 p242 372 0 35 2.2k 1 28 10 4 55 c100 no tr 566 0 76 2.1k 3 30 c15 9.7k 0 18 5.7k 0 29 1.9k 0 59
p200 2.5k 43 05 no tr 12 43 09 DR Horton Close 37.30 May p42 1.5k 0 5.5k 0 38 320 0 68
p41 50 6.1k 0 51 no tr no tr Nvidia Close 160.15 Apr p244 8.2k 0 41 511 1 49 94 4 94 sT Biotch c17 no tr 10k 0 08 1.2k 0 24
Close 82.37 Jun VangREIT Close 80.46 Jun
p205 2.5k 48 05 2 48 65 no tr c38 2.5k 0 53 1.0k 1 32 1 2 06 p44 3.0k 0 28 1.3k 0 73 357 1 12 p41 5.6k 0 36 170 0 79 2 1 35 c160 2.4k 9 35 984 11 85 no tr p245 14k 0 44 5 11 32 5 13 01 p68 19 0 08 2.5k 0 40 no tr
c210 3.4k 0 02 195 0 05 114 0 12 eBay Close 33.72 Apr p45 5.2k 0 47 2.0k 0 96 1.0k 1 43 p74 no tr 30k 0 25 no tr
c42 9.4k 0 91 3.5k 1 43 no tr c170 5.6k 5 1.1k 7 44 no tr
20 48
p246 3.0k 0 2.2k 1 85 5 p69 68 29
17 0 11k 0 52 no tr
p77 no tr 15k 0 60 no tr
p210 20k 53 59 52 87 5 53 06 c32 5.0k 2 25 25 2 55 191 2 94 p46 5.6k 0 78 2.1k 1 35 468 1 86 p42 1.8k 0 69 5.3k 1 16 no tr Overstk Close 18.38 Jun p250 13k 0 69 6 12 73 2.1k 6 09 p75 3.3k 0 54 1.7k 1 40 no tr
p215 20k 58 10 58 85 8 57 95 c34 3.4k 1 08 no tr 444 1 76 c47 5.0k 0 98 4.2k 1 63 1.2k 2 25 Vipshop Close 7.62 May
c43 50 3.4k 0 31 8.0k 0 76 no tr p15 198 0 64 4.0k 1 70 8 2 50 p251 2.8k 0 75 995 2 30 105 6 33 p78 73 1 06 2.6k 2 19 no tr p7 5.1k 0 18 no tr no tr
AT&T Inc Close 30.66 Apr Edgewell Close 39.25 May c48 3.7k 0 61 2.0k 1 06 1.3k 1 63 c43 13k 0 45 3.5k 0 94 534 1 73 PayPal Close 94.28 Apr p252 4.6k 0 85 3.0k 2 45 206 6 59 p80 644 1 64 11k 2 77 5 5 80
c40 3.0k 0 95 10 1 40 no tr p50 621 3 35 no tr 5.1k 4 30 c8 5.7k 0 no tr 120 0 90
c32 7.6k 0 24 625 0 45 760 0 60 p43 318 1 27 3.0k 1 69 no tr c100 10k 1 15 1.3k 1 96 189 2 97 p253 3.5k 0 93 1.1k 2 60 176 6 82 c85 48 1 34 2.5k 2 62 1 5 17 WDigit Close 43.16 Apr
BcoBrad Close 11.51 Jun c45 3.0k 0 10 no tr no tr c50 7.3k 0 16 5.6k 0 51 17k 0 98 c44 2.5k 0 20 15k 0 58 2 1 30 Penney Close 1.35 May p254 4.0k 1 05 1.2k 2 79 161 7 09 Starbcks Close 67.09 Apr p40 5.8k 0 87 no tr 497 2 28
c12 2.2k 0 22 2 0 45 no tr EQT Inc Close 19.97 Jun c52 50 5.7k 0 03 2.7k 0 16 2.9k 0 39 c44 50 2.6k 0 12 129 0 46 no tr c1 50 5.0k 0 03 no tr 98 0 18 p255 15k 1 14 4 14 18 3 16 09 p55 101 0 01 48 0 08 2.2k 0 24 c45 2.3k 1 20 no tr 853 2 79
BcoMacro Close 55.00 Apr c20 no tr 46 1 25 2.1k 1 90 c55 601 0 02 1.2k 0 05 12k 0 16 c45 242 0 09 69k 0 34 14 0 96 Petrobrs Close 15.82 Apr 27 18 55
p256 5.1k 1 771 3 97 7 p60 2.1k 0 576 0 27 638 0 59 06
WellsFrgo Close 50.13 Apr
c60 2.5k 0 60 no tr no tr Facebook Close 149.01 Jun IntlGmeTch Close 16.07 Apr c46 15 0 04 8.6k 0 20 no tr p12 no tr 1 0 06 3.5k 0 16 p257 8.7k 1 40 1.3k 3 40 136 7 90 p62 50 470 0 18 3.8k 0 57 134 0 96 c50 2.3k 0 81 341 1 35 79 2 01
BedBath Close 14.80 May p130 657 0 80 2.2k 1 65 227 4 65 c14 3.9k 2 17 no tr no tr iShSilver Close 14.74 Apr p13 3.5k 0 no tr 280 0 30
p258 9.0k 1 56 1.1k 3 64 96 8 08 c67 50 1.5k 0 75 6.1k 1 44 544 2 12 WisdTrInv Close 6.42 Jun
c15 2.1k 0 54 56 0 81 36 1 65 p135 649 1 2.2k 2 50 102 6 05
iSh EAFE Close 62.17 Jun c15 8.9k 0 14 1.7k 0 26 8.8k 0 40 c16 3.0k 0 46 2.1k 0 81 87 1 15 p259 3.9k 1 74 3.0k 4 66 140 8 45 c70 825 0 12 2.4k 0 52 1.0k 1 12 c8 no tr 2.5k 0 10 no tr
Bk of Am Close 29.58 May p140 7.8k 2 63 600 3 80 84 7 80 p50 no tr 20 0 03 5.0k 0 24 iShsIndia Close 32.66 Jun c17 1.1k 0 15 425 0 44 3.1k 0 73 p260 16k 1 91 2 15 93 1 17 82 SwstAirl Close 54.98 Jun XPO Logist Close 62.13 Apr
c29 50 2.3k 0 67 no tr no tr c140 9.1k 12 10 194 13 44 1 29 01 p55 10k 0 03 3.3k 0 10 39 0 62 p27 no tr no tr 7.5k 0 45 Pfizer Close 40.64 Jun p261 10k 2 16 2.2k 4 42 170 9 10 c55 no tr 2.7k 2 05 305 3 84 c60 3.2k 4 30 no tr no tr
p29 2.4k 0 39 no tr 743 1 27 c150 3.0k 5 76 6.8k 7 34 1 24 70 c60 26k 2 41 no tr no tr p30 no tr no tr 7.5k 1 05 c43 3.7k 0 14 263 0 29 149 0 93 37 76
p262 9.0k 2 3.0k 4 116 9 SynchrnyF 44
Close 29.79 Jun Yamana Close 2.57 Apr
c29 3.9k 0 99 3.0k 1 27 295 1 86 p150 515 6 50 4.2k 7 75 1 19 65 p60 26k 0 21 2.5k 0 53 no tr Close 23.63 Jun PG&E Cp Close 11.77 Jun p263 6.9k 2 65 3.9k 5 11 183 9 67 c39 no tr no tr 3.2k 0 20 c2 50 2.2k 0 17 no tr 1.0k 0 27
c30 7.0k 0 42 2.0k 0 72 1.0k 1 34 c155 3.8k 3 60 1.1k 5 15 2 21 25 c62 2.1k 0 87 325 1 37 no tr p20 1.3k 0 16 941 0 49 2.4k 1 20 p7 no tr 11k 0 60 412 1 20 49
p264 4.6k 3 3.5k 5 177 10 T J X Close 48.87 Apr Yelp Close 37.06 May
c31 2.1k 0 14 1.2k 0 35 601 0 90 c165 1.1k 1 06 2.2k 2 12 2 17 69 c64 338 0 12 6.1k 0 41 34 1 25 p21 5.5k 0 28 127 0 69 103 1 52 p8 7.5k 0 60 7.1k 0 85 50 1 52 c264 2.5k 5 12 993 7 60 46 13 06 c50 5.2k 0 43 no tr 101 1 65 p32 10k 1 29 no tr 6 2 88
Exp. Strike Last Exp. Strike Last Exp. Strike Last Exp. Strike Last Exp. Strike Last Exp. Strike Last Exp. Strike Last Exp. Strike Last Exp. Strike Last Exp. Strike Last
LEAPS Date Price Vol Price Date Price Vol Price Date Price Vol Price Date Price Vol Price Date Price Vol Price Date Price Vol Price Date Price Vol Price Date Price Vol Price Date Price Vol Price Date Price Vol Price

Exp. Strike Last pJan21 10 256 0 96

cJun21 125 74 43 75 cJan21 25 64 6 40 cJan21 50 36 6 80 Fitbit 6.22 pJan21 10 55 2 36 pJan21 30 1.0k 1 31 cJan21 43 85 6 30 pJan21 25 101.8k cJan21 23 53 4 75
Date Price Vol Price cJan21 20 53 8 05
cJan21 130 54 38 10 pJan21 28 60 3 25 Celgene 87.62 cJan21 10 50 1 15 cJan21 3 39 6 40 iShEmMkt 42.20 Netflix 338.05 2 10 cJan21 20 36 5 95
AK Steel 2.80 cJan21 30 289 4 77
cJan21 210 54 7 70 pJan21 30 37 4 20 cJan21 85 38 13 FordMot 8.86 cJan21 10 327 1 98 pJan21 40 150 3 70 pJan21 300 67 50 92 SpdGld nya 122.86 Verizon 56.40
pJan21 3 120 1 02 pJan21 20 65 5
cJan21 165 678 20 05 pJan21 35 55 7 34 CenturLink 14.99 cJan21 15 201 0 14 cJan21 8 238 2 88 iShSilver 14.74 Nvidia 160.15 cJan21 147 101 3 75 pJan21 45 40 2 52
Alibaba 159.21 cJan21 18 142 8 85
cJan21 190 61 12 10 BerkHath B 202.75 pJan21 15 52 4 cJan21 12 157 0 44 GenMotors 38.64 pJan21 14 42 1 05 pJan21 145 68 25 25 SPDR 265.78 Visa 138.67
70 cJan21 15 46 10 35
cJan21 150 115 27 60 cJan21 160 152 58 49 cJan21 15 175 2 28 cJan21 7 329 2 19 cJan21 50 56 2 23 23.63 pJan21 150 89 27 50 cJan21 265 289 27 82 cJan21 140 128 19 65
pJan21 155 50 22 pJan21 150 36 20 20
cJan21 160 102 32 92 cJan21 10 4.0k 13 52
cJan21 155 87 07
25 pJan21 200 209 17 08 ChesEng 2.78 pJan21 15 33 6 45 Goldcorp 10.80 cJan21 40 43 2 05 pJan21 135 971 20 70 pJan21 265 262 23 34
cJan21 23 1.4k 6 90
pJun21 75 88 1 23 pJan21 160 122 6 65 cJan21 2 50 45 1 04 pJan21 12 400 4 cJan21 10 81 2 20 pJan21 40 40 17 02 pJan21 140 385 22 85 Square 77.97 Vodafone 17.97
cJan21 170 145 28 40 6 20
AnnalyCap 10.31 cJan21 145 91 30 17 cJan21 200 199 31 03 pJan21 2 50 120 0 65 cJan21 10 1.1k 0 85 HessCp 53.10 cJan21 20 41 8 Pfizer 40.64 cJan21 85 315 19 61 pJan21 22 85
Altria 44.24 1 97
cJan21 10 58 0 50 cJan21 135 44 35 98 Bk of Am 29.58 pJan21 3 50 68 1 27 pJan21 7 4.3k 0 94 pJan21 52 50 51 9 30 JPMorgCh 103.39 cJan21 40 51 4 35 pJan21 75 51 17 30 pJan21 15 37
cJan21 40 1.5k 7 50 23 70 pJan21 25 60 8 72
AppldMat 39.19 cJan21 250 99 3 04 pJan21 30 95 4 06 Cisco 46.13
pJan21 5 9.5k 0 40 IBM 133.97 pJan21 90 60 7 41 PG&E Cp 11.77 cJan21 75 41
cJan21 42 50 65 6 cJan21 35 79 9 85 pJan21 160 50 22 35 cJan21 35 56 2 12 2 48 pJan21 10 56 3 70 pJan21 85 41 22 60 cJan21 15 45 3 65
cJan21 45 33 6 80 pJan21 10 191 cJan21 120 41 20 91 KindMorg 17.74
cJan21 30 50 14 50 Apple 157.76 pJan21 135 1.5k 11 48 cJan21 28 517 5 10 FrptMcM 11.24 pJan21 100 35 5 89 pJan21 15 360 1 43 pJan21 8 53 2 60 cJan21 50 37 36 89 WDigit 43.16
cJan21 37 50 64 8 65 Citigrp 64.02 cJan21 40 102 10 45
cJan21 140 61 32 75 cJun21 230 43 7 08 cJan21 30 569 3 99 cJan21 12 116 2 38
Intel 47.04 cJan21 15 412 3 41 cJan21 10 150 6 10 pJan21 65 103 12 05 cJan21 22 50 43 21 05
AmAirlGrp 34.98 pJan21 155 1.3k 19 60 cJan21 175 162 cJan21 45 50 20 65 FstMajSilv
16 80 pJan21 20 34 0 90 5.55 cJan21 35 66 14 25 cJan21 13 42 4 95 cJan21 5 129 8 85 pJan21 30 56 87
1 pJan21
pJan21 30 43 4 10 CliffsNatR 9.61 pJan21 40 179 8 60
cJan21 200 127 9 65 pJan21 130 52 10 cJan21 45 260 0 44 10 150 4 76 pJan21 38 90 3 16 cJan21 17 169 2 28 ProUlQQQ 141.58 cJan21 80 320 21 80 cJan21 42 50 120 9 60
pJan21 33 108 5 45 pJan21 140 58 13 30 cJun21 170 104 pJan21 8 50 1 62 Gen El
21 20 cJan21 20 126 10 50 9.16 pJan21 45 185 5 86 LamRs 165.49 pJan21 45 38 13 11 cJan21 100 141 14 90 Weibo
DeutschBk 9.24 pJan21 58.19
pJan21 35 44 6 50 cJan21 180 47 15 pJan21 235 50 79 41 pJan21 32 207 5 12 5 60 0 40 cJan21 30 39 17 60 pJan21 135 101 15 96 PwNasd100 165.15 cJan21 140 104 7 47 pJan21 50 80 9 94
AMD 21.93 pJan21 145 500 15 35 AT&T Inc 30.66 Blackstone 32.99 pJan21 8 47 1 pJan21 3 39 0 20 pJan21 35 102 2 36 Microsft 106.20 cJan21 170 265 18 41 TeslaMotr 297.04 WellsFrgo 50.13
pJan21 18 92 4 30 Disney 111.09
cJan21 170 1.5k 18 75 cJan21 20
30 80 3 cJan21 35 332 3 60
cJan21 12 276 1 31 pJan21 40 4.5k 3 70 cJan21 115 777 12 90 cJan21 165 358 21 74 cJan21 300
103 86 cJan21 40 50 12 10
pJan21 25 44 8 15 pJun21 135 35 12 98 cJan21 32 74 2 29 BP PLC 40.11 cJan21 60 651 53 cJan21 15 201 0 73 pJan21 43 123 5 cJan21 80 34 33 Qualcom 51.30 Twitter 32.90 pJan21 40 51 2 84
35 Facebook 149.01 pJan21
pJan21 15 232 2 57 pJan21 225 50 70 18 pJan21 15
25 52 2 pJan21 35 65 3 8 276 1 35 cJan21 40 136 10 60 cJan21 100 40 19 85 cJan21 52 50 77 6 40 pJan21 25 55 3 73 Yamana 2.57
cJan21 28 115 5 22 cJan21 160 68 22 80 cJan21 35 33 1 42 BrMySq 48.93 pJan21 130 111 13 pJan21 12 34 3 68 cJan21 45 381 7 60 MorgStan 42.98 SP Fncl 26.00 USSteel 21.64 pJan21 2 50 0 31
Copyright 2019 Investor's Business Daily Inc.
1 Veeva Systems (VEEV) Grp 38 o$109.20 ServiceNow (NOW) Grp 3 o$191.08
123.9M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 99 EPS RS 98 ROE 19% 2 175.7M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 99 EPS RS 92 ROE 46% 3 43.2M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 99 EPS RS 91 ROE 19%
Abiomed (ABMD) Grp 32 o$349.37
Develops cloud-based software for sales/marketing functions of Develops cloud-based IT software for workflow automation, data Develops medical devices designed to assist or replace the pump-
companies in the life sciences industry. consolidation, business administration. ing function of the heart
+41% Ann. EPS Gro PE 78 Avg. D. Vol 1,506,800 Debt 0% +87% Ann. EPS Gro PE 92 Avg. D. Vol 2,089,600 Debt 108% +57% Ann. EPS Gro PE 113 Avg. Daily Vol 581,600 Debt 0%
Last Qtr Eps +80%5 Prior Qtr +63%5 Last Qtr Sales +27% Last Qtr Eps +79%6 Prior Qtr +123%5 Last Qtr Sales +37% Last Qtr Eps +84%5 Prior Qtr +73%6 Last Qtr Sales +37%
3 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 17 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 10 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Eps Due 2/25 Eps Due 1/30 Eps Due 1/31
R&D 19% R&D 20% R&D 13%
Acc/Dis C Acc/Dis C+ Acc/Dis B-
Sup/Demand 79

B I G CA P 2 0 Extended above double bottom base's 101.49 buy point. Forms awkward double bottom and tight handle; 192.89 entry. In lower half of a large, wide-and-loose base.

4 Palo Alto Networks (PANW) Grp 23 o$209.72 (CRM) Grp 3 o$149.74
91.1M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 98 EPS RS 91 ROE 43% 5 719.1M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 97 EPS RS 93 ROE 13% 6 399.1M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 92 EPS RS 93 ROE 40%
Broadcom (AVGO) Grp 19 o$267.94

SMARTSELECT COMPOSITE RATING Rel Annual LastQtrNextQtr LastQtr Mgt Spn- Provides network security infrastructure products for enterprises, ser- Provides on-demand customer relationship management software ap- Designer of analog ICs for telecom, industrial, automotive and comput-
EPS Str EPS Est EPS EPS Sales Pretax Own shp vice providers and government entities. plications and services to businesses. ing markets.
Rank Company Price Rtg Rtg %Chg %Chg %Chg %Chg ROE mrgn % Rtg
6 +54% Ann. EPS Gro PE 49 Avg. D. Vol 1,606,600 Debt 142% +44% Ann. EPS Gro PE 74 Avg. D. Vol 7,470,800 Debt 7% +36% Ann. EPS Gro PE 13 Avg. D. Vol 4,149,100 Debt 66%
B Last Qtr Eps +56%5 Prior Qtr +39%6 Last Qtr Sales +31% Last Qtr Eps +29%6 Prior Qtr +47%6 Last Qtr Sales +26% Last Qtr Eps +27%5 Prior Qtr +21%6 Last Qtr Sales +12%
1 Veeva Systems 109.2 99 99 98 +67 +80 +74 +27 19 32
7Cloud computing company serves top pharmaceuticals, biotechs.
22 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Eps Due 2/25
8 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Eps Due 2/26
21 Qtrs EPS ) 15% Yield 3.96%
Eps Due 3/15e
B R&D 18% R&D 15% R&D 18%
2 ServiceNow 191.1 99 99 92 +78 +79 +83 +37 46 17
7Develops cloud-based IT software for workflow automation.
Acc/Dis B Acc/Dis B Acc/Dis B
Sup/Demand 86
3 Abiomed 349.4 99 99 91 +111 +84 +34 +37 19 27
Products include minimally invasive heart-assist devices.
4 B

4 PaloAltoNetworks 209.7 99 98 91 +33 +56 +42 +31 43 22

7Top player in computer network security software.
3 C
Climbing right side of cup-shaped base after 33% pullback. New handle displays a 153.37 buy point. In buy range from handle's 261.69 buy point.

5 149.7 99 97 93 +69 +29 +17 +26 13 16

Demand for cloud-based applications driving growth.
6 B 7 Microchip Tech (MCHP) Grp 117 o$80.63 Splunk (SPLK) Grp 2 o$122.06
229.4M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 89 EPS RS 82 ROE 41% 8 146.3M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 81 EPS RS 96 ROE 12% 9 250.5M Shares 99 Comp. Rating 79 EPS RS 98 ROE 27%
Xilinx (XLNX) Grp 19 o$110.37
Manufactures digital signal microcontrollers, flash memory products, Makes software that enables organizations to search, correlate, ana- Designs field programmable gate arrays and complex programmable
and mixed signal and interface devices lyze, monitor/report on data in real time. logic devices

6 Broadcom 267.9 99 92 93 +9 +27 +3 +12 40 47

Thanks to merger, it's one of the biggest amid industry consolidation.
2 B +38% Ann. EPS Gro PE 13 Avg. D. Vol 3,087,900 Debt 54%
Last Qtr Eps +28%5 Prior Qtr +23%5 Last Qtr Sales +42%
+78% Ann. EPS Gro PE 161 Avg. D. Vol 2,268,300 Debt 0%
Last Qtr Eps +36%5 Prior Qtr -27%5 Last Qtr Sales +40%
+13% Ann. EPS Gro PE 36 Avg. D. Vol 3,226,900 Debt 52%
Last Qtr Eps +42%5 Prior Qtr +30%5 Last Qtr Sales +34%
10 Qtrs EPS ) 15% Yield 1.8% 1 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 3 Qtrs EPS ) 15% Yield 1.3%
7 Microchip Tech 80.63 99 89 82 +20 +28 +16 +42 41 36 2
Serves computing, automotive, consumer and industrial control markets.
C Eps Due 2/5
R&D 13%
Eps Due 2/27
R&D 24%
Eps Due 4/25e
R&D 25%

8 Splunk 122.1 99 81 96 +69 +36 +105 +40 12 10

7Its software helps organizations analyze machine data.
1 B Acc/Dis A-
Sup/Demand 79
Acc/Dis B-
Sup/Demand 84
Acc/Dis B-
Sup/Demand 78

9 Xilinx 110.4 99 79 98 +30 +42 +45 +34 27 29

Chip designer focuses on gate arrays, 3D circuits, systems on a chip.
1 B

Near 80.71 buy point of base within large correction. Moving up right side of a new base; 130.10 entry. Extended after breakout from cup-without-handle base.
10 Adobe 245.0 98 98 83 +15 +45 +4 +23 27 37
Forms partnership with Microsoft on cloud computing.
1 B

10 Adobe (ADBE) Grp 39 o$244.95 Ulta Beauty (ULTA) Grp 53 o$290.72

483.3M Shares 98 Comp. Rating 98 EPS RS 83 ROE 27% 11 58.1M Shares 98 Comp. Rating 96 EPS RS 92 ROE 33% 12 410.7M Shares 98 Comp. Rating 95 EPS RS 86 ROE 4%
Crown Castle Intl (CCI) Grp 24 o$113.70

11 Ulta Beauty 290.7 98 96 92 +33 +30 +29 +16 33 13

Retailer is a leader in personal skin care, beauty, hair products.
2 B Provides design, imaging and publishing software for print, web, mo- Operates 1,074 beauty stores in 48 states offering hair care, cosmetics REIT that owns wireless towers in the U.S., Australia and Puerto Rico
bile and dynamic media production
+48% Ann. EPS Gro PE 36 Avg. D. Vol 4,316,300 Debt 22%
and salon services.
+29% Ann. EPS Gro PE 29 Avg. D. Vol 1,079,800 Debt 0%
for wireless service providers.
-3% Ann. EPS Gro PE 85 Avg. D. Vol 2,258,500 Debt 130%
12 Crown Castle Intl 113.7 98 95 86 +338 +159 +576 +15 4 10
REIT owns wireless towers, small cell nodes fiber in major markets.
1 B Last Qtr Eps +45%6 Prior Qtr +57%6 Last Qtr Sales +23%
17 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Last Qtr Eps +30%6 Prior Qtr +33%6 Last Qtr Sales +16%
19 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Last Qtr Eps +159%5 Prior Qtr +57%5 Last Qtr Sales +15%
3 Qtrs EPS ) 15% Yield 3.96%
Eps Due 3/14 Eps Due 3/14 Eps Due 4/18e
13 EdwardsLifesces 170.6 98 90 95 +23 +27 +24 +10 29 29
Company is a leader in heart valve replacements.
2 B R&D 17%

Acc/Dis C- Acc/Dis D+ Acc/Dis B-

Sup/Demand 88
14 Lululemon 151.9 98 89 97 +44 +34 +31 +21 23 19
Continues to innovate in field of yogawear, athletic apparel.
1 C

15 RestaurantBrands 63.09 98 89 89 +25 +9 +2 +14 64 32 5

Burger King and Popeye's parent company has stores in 100 countries.
Double bottom forms with 260.82 entry; retakes 10-week line. Cup-with-handle base shows 294.54 entry. Breakout from yearlong base fails; carving new cup.

16 Deere 161.5 98 67 91 +22 +47 +28 +17 29 10

Farm and equipment construction firm also offers financing services.
1 C
13 Edwards Lifesciences (EW) Grp 32 o$170.64 Lululemon (LULU) Grp 50 o$151.89
204.9M Shares 98 Comp. Rating 90 EPS RS 95 ROE 29% 14 87.1M Shares 98 Comp. Rating 89 EPS RS 97 ROE 23% 15 236.2M Shares 98 Comp. Rating 89 EPS RS 89 ROE 64%
Restaurant Brands Intl (QSR) Grp 40 o$63.09
Develops products to treat cardiovascular disorders including heart Operates and franchises 406 athletic apparel stores in U.S., Canada, Franchises and operates 24,000 restaurants under Burger King and Tim
B valve and peripheral vascular disease. Australia, UK, New Zealand Hortons restaurants brands
17 Workday 175.6 98 54 98 +23 +29 +14 +34 16 11 1
7HR management software firm expands into finance management software. +27% Ann. EPS Gro PE 38 Avg. D. Vol 1,370,400 Debt 15%
Last Qtr Eps +27%5 Prior Qtr +15%6 Last Qtr Sales +10%
+22% Ann. EPS Gro PE 45 Avg. D. Vol 3,021,000 Debt 0%
Last Qtr Eps +34%6 Prior Qtr +82%5 Last Qtr Sales +21%
+37% Ann. EPS Gro PE 24 Avg. D. Vol 1,682,000 Debt 530%
Last Qtr Eps +9%6 Prior Qtr +29%6 Last Qtr Sales +14%
B 1 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 5 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 0 Qtrs EPS ) 15% Yield 3.17%
18 TD Ameritrade 56.26 97 95 80 +19 +39 +27 +21 24 45
Got a lot bigger in revenue after 2017 buy of Scottrade.
Eps Due 1/31
R&D 16%
Eps Due 3/27e Eps Due 2/11

19 T-Mobile U.S. 68.48 97 93 87 +22 +22 +15 +8 11

Provides unlimited talk, text, Web cell and smart phone plans.
7 1 B
Acc/Dis B- Acc/Dis B
Sup/Demand 91
Acc/Dis B+

20 RegeneronPhrma 418.3 97 92 94 +33 +47 +11 +11 35 44 10

Eylea macular degeneration treatment driving drugmaker's growth.

First-stage consolidation shows 175.10 buy point. Forming cup with handle base with 152.91 buy point. Gap up leaves stock near 65.27 buy point in big cup.
Deere (DE) Grp 37 o$161.50 Workday (WDAY) Grp 3 o$175.58
16 316.7M Shares 98 Comp. Rating 67 EPS RS 91 ROE 29% 17 217.8M Shares 98 Comp. Rating 54 EPS RS 98 ROE 16% 18 TD280.6MAmeritrade (AMTD) Grp 87 o$56.26
Shares 97 Comp. Rating 95 EPS RS 80 ROE 24%

Mastercards Pullback Manufactures tractors, combine, cotton/sugarcane harvesters, spray- Provides enterprise cloud based applications for finance and human Provides securities brokerage, financial services through the Internet
ers, mowers and backhoe loaders
+21% Ann. EPS Gro PE 17 Avg. D. Vol 2,557,400 Debt 241%
Last Qtr Eps +47%5 Prior Qtr +45% Last Qtr Sales +17%
+221% Ann. EPS Gro PE 143 Avg. D. Vol 2,617,200 Debt 73%
Last Qtr Eps +29% Prior Qtr +29%5 Last Qtr Sales +34%
and branch networks.
+35% Ann. EPS Gro PE 15 Avg. D. Vol 2,011,900 Debt 30%
Last Qtr Eps +39%6 Prior Qtr +88%5 Last Qtr Sales +21%

Mirrored The Market 7 Qtrs EPS ) 15% Yield 1.88%

Eps Due 2/15
R&D 4%
2 Qtrs EPS ) 15%
Eps Due 2/25
R&D 42%
6 Qtrs EPS ) 15% Yield 2.13%
Eps Due 4/22

Acc/Dis B+ Acc/Dis B- Acc/Dis B-

bear-market country. A growth Sup/Demand 76
stock usually corrects more than
the indexes in a serious pullback.
Large-cap payment processor Mas- Mastercard avoided that fate.
tercardMA recently popped in and If Mastercard adds more to the Basing for almost a year; 175.36 standard buy point. Clears alternate 169.61 and 172.77 entries in light volume. Back above 10-week line as it builds right side of base.
out of the Big Cap 20 its first ap- right side of the consolidation, an
pearance since mid-December.
In mid-December, IBDs chart
entry is possible at the 208 to 210 19 T-Mobile U.s. (TMUS) Grp 1 o$68.48 Regeneron Pharma (REGN) Grp 65 o$418.29
296.9M Shares 97 Comp. Rating 93 EPS RS 87 ROE 11% 20 71.2M Shares 97 Comp. Rating 92 EPS RS 94 ROE 35%
area. That same area is where Mas- Provides unlimited digital wireless broadband voice and data services Develops drugs to treat eye diseases, inflammatory diseases and can- The Big Cap 20 is a computer-
analysis noted that Mastercard ap- tercard found resistance when it to subscribers in U.S. markets. cer. generated watch list of leading
proached a 208.96 buy point in a twice tried to recover but failed. A +63% Ann. EPS Gro PE 22 Avg. D. Vol 3,843,100 Debt 130% +38% Ann. EPS Gro PE 20 Avg. Daily Vol 751,700 Debt 11% growth stocks. IBD uses earn-
double-bottom base and then re- move above that area in strong vol- Last Qtr Eps +22%6 Prior Qtr +37%5 Last Qtr Sales +8% Last Qtr Eps +47%5 Prior Qtr +31%6 Last Qtr Sales +11% ings, sales & other fundamental
versed lower. ume could offer an alternative 2 Qtrs EPS ) 15% 11 Qtrs EPS ) 15% facts plus strong price action to
Mastercard then fell further, even- entry. Eps Due 2/6 Eps Due 2/6 create your weekly snapshot. Do
R&D 35% not buy a stock solely on it being
tually bottoming on Christmas Eve The key thing to look for is a
at 171.89, which was 23.7% off the stocks change in character. Over- Acc/Dis B- Acc/Dis C in the list. Scan charts for stocks
stocks Oct. 1 high. Notice that Mas- coming old resistance would fit near buy points. See Inves-
tercard notched its closing low the that bill. to research stocks fur-
same day, when the major indexes ther. Be sure to read archived sto-
and many stocks stopped falling Possible Sector Rotation ries & analyze company with
Back above 10-week line with potential entry at 71.04. Clears 416.59 buy point of base within large correction. IBDs Stock Checkup.
and started advancing. Another factor that could work in
From Christmas Eve, Mastercard Mastercards favor is sector rota-
rose 14%, roughly in line with the in- tion. Going into Fridays session,
dexes. the finance sector was up 7.51% so
far in 2019. Only four other sectors
The Current Consolidation are up more this year electronics,
Mastercards current consolida- energy, banks and software.
tion isnt ideal. The weekly chart Granted, its very early in the

shows the pattern has formed most- game to be declaring new sector
ly under the 10-week moving aver- leadership, but it is something to
age. In 17 weeks of basing work, watch.
Mastercard closed under the
10-week line in 13 of the weeks.
Bulls like to see a base form while
After the stock market itself, the
next big thing that can affect an indi-
vidual stock is the sector. Disci-
the stock closes mostly above the
10-week moving average.
However, some bulls might give
plined investors like to have tail-
winds working in their favor. A
strong market and a strong sector
more weight to Mastercards more can provide tailwinds.
recent action. Why? The Nasdaq Earnings season also can provide
and the S&P 500 were en route to some gusts. A stock that beats or
declines of 23.9% and 20.2% off misses the Streets estimates will
their highs as Mastercard was fall- often respond accordingly. Master-
ing 23.7%. card will report Q4 and full year 1. Get ideas with Growth 250
So, Mastercard was holding up 2018 results before the open Thurs-
about as well as can be expected in day.
2. Evaluate them with
premium stock charts

3. Time your trading with

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a complimentary
two-week trial.

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Gasoline Glut,
Contract Open Contract Open
High Low Interest Open High Low Settle Chg. High Low Interest Open High Low Settle Chg.
97.77 96.69 Mar 21 604,394 97.48 97.49 97.42 97.44 0.05

Venezuela Cuts Meats CATTLE (CME) 40,000 lbs. cents per lb.
97.77 96.70 Jun 21 419,209 97.50 97.50 97.44
97.76 96.70 Sep 21 338,499 97.50 97.50 97.44
97.72 96.70 Dec 21 351,202 97.47 97.47 97.41
May Hit Refiners 127.95 109.10 Feb 19 50,079 125.22 126.35
127.80 110.42 Apr 19 155,587 126.35 127.42
117.85 105.05 Jun 19 110,293 116.92 117.50
97.69 96.70 Mar 22 269,697 97.47 97.47 97.41
97.67 96.71 Jun 22 228,153 97.45 97.45 97.39
97.64 96.70 Sep 22 174,980 97.42 97.42 97.36
115.30 104.30 Aug 19 43,087 113.80 114.05 113.22 113.50 0.45 97.61 96.69 Dec 22 142,472 97.39 97.39 97.33 97.34 0.045
BY BLOOMBERG NEWS 116.62 106.32 Oct 19 19,165 115.37 115.45 114.70 115.07 0.35 97.57 96.69 Mar 23 79,603 97.36 97.36 97.30 97.31 0.045
118.72 112.05 Dec 19 6,414 117.50 117.72 117.00 117.27 0.40 97.53 96.67 Jun 23 79,701 97.32 97.33 97.27 97.28 0.045
U.S. gasoline producers can run but 119.60 114.15 Feb 20 1,449 118.47 118.87 118.37 118.65 0.35 97.50 96.66 Sep 23 81,000 97.29 97.30 97.24 97.25 0.045
120.00 117.10 Apr 20 1,058 118.47 118.75 118.40 118.70 0.30
they cant hide from a plunge in re- Contract Open Contract Open 97.45 96.64 Dec 23 33,979 97.25 97.25 97.20 97.22 0.045
112.27 110.82 Jun 20 10 111.80 111.80 111.80 111.80 0.40
fining profit margins that sanctions Est. Vol. 65,900 Vol. 55,618 open int 388,529 na High Low Interest Open High Low Settle Chg. High Low Interest Open High Low Settle Chg. 97.42 96.63 Mar 24 8,537 97.22 97.22 97.19 97.19 0.04
97.39 96.61 Jun 24 6,077 97.17 97.18 97.14 97.16 0.04
against Venezuelan crude would FEEDER CATTLE (CME) 50,000 lbs. cents per lb. 2.338 1.4420 Jun 19 41,304 1.6500 1.6500 1.6210 1.6389 +0.0033 97.35 96.58 Sep 24 3,547 97.14 97.14 97.13 97.13 0.04
only worsen, analysts said. 156.57 134.30 Jan 19 2,944 143.82 143.85 0.40 142.60 143.37 Oils Est. Vol. 111,364 Vol. 191,585 open int 431,042 na 97.30 96.56 Dec 24 2,696 97.11 97.11 97.08 97.08 0.045
The biggest U.S. refiners are ex- 155.50 133.27 Mar 19 27,998 144.65 144.87 143.30 143.62
0.70 LIGHT SWEET CRUDE (NYM) 1,000 bbl. dollars per bbl. 97.24 96.52 Jun 25 1,101 97.07 97.07 97.03 97.03 0.045
pected to report strong fourth-quar- 155.70 135.05 Apr 19 6,382 145.45 145.80 0.65 144.47 144.72 Woods And Fibers 97.20 96.49 Sep 25 492 97.04 97.04 97.00 97.00 0.045
76.29 42.67 Mar 19 481,966 53.17 53.94 52.91 53.69 +0.56
ter earnings thanks to profits from 155.35 141.85 May 19 7,492 145.67 145.90 0.50 144.80 145.07 LUMBER (CME) 110,000 bd. ft. $ per 1,000 bd. ft. Est. Vol. 2,036,887 Vol. 1,587,040 open int 12,303,117 na
76.01 43.00 Apr 19 159,179 53.45 54.21 53.19 53.98 +0.56
157.00 145.82 Aug 19 5,097 149.82 150.02 149.00 149.37
0.35 75.80 43.46 May 19 149,643 53.84 54.55 53.52 54.31
diesel processing in a strong U.S. +0.53 528.70 307.70 Mar 19 2,414 382.70 392.20 380.10 381.50 +0.40 US DOLLAR INDEX (ICE) 1000 x index
156.70 145.75 Sep 19 756 149.95 150.40 149.47 149.82
0.23 75.65 43.80 Jun 19 242,082 54.20 54.92 53.86 54.66 +0.52 97.19 87.30 Mar 19 57,051 96.20 96.23 95.42 95.46 0.83
economy, as well as a drop of about 494.30 318.80 May 19 730 389.90 396.20 386.50 386.50 1.00
152.25 145.50 Oct 19 198 149.55 150.40 149.52 149.60
0.37 75.20 44.20 Jul 19 138,554 55.00 55.16 54.23 54.96 +0.51 96.65 92.35 Jun 19 1,335 95.68 95.69 94.93 94.95 0.82
462.10 330.00 Jul 19 200 394.50 396.70 387.00 387.10 4.90
40% in crude prices. But thats all ex- Est. Vol. 10,803 Vol. 13,584 open int 51,447 na 74.86 44.46 Aug 19 71,946 54.67 55.33 54.45 55.16 +0.50 96.02 91.92 Sep 19 201 95.24 95.24 94.48 94.48 0.83
434.60 338.90 Sep 19 32 393.00 395.40 391.30 391.30 5.60
pected to change this year as gaso- HOGS LEAN (CME) 40,000 lbs. cents per lb. 74.44 44.66 Sep 19 86,486 55.45 55.45 54.59 55.27 +0.49 Est. Vol. 1,132 Vol. 927 open int 3,384 108 Est. Vol. 30,301 Vol. 34,201 open int 58,653 1,815
line stockpiles surge. 69.32 51.22 Feb 19 25,487 59.37 59.40 58.05 58.37 1.45 74.04 44.84 Oct 19 63,213 55.41 55.41 54.58 55.32 +0.47 COTTON 2 (ICE) 50,000 lbs. cents per lb. AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR (IMM) 100,000 dollars, $ per A $
73.27 57.80 Apr 19 86,480 63.12 63.17 61.62 62.12 1.38 73.52 45.05 Nov 19 47,941 55.34 55.48 54.61 55.32
+0.99 0.7402 0.6843 Feb 19
And a shortage of heavy crude +0.44 473 0.7082 0.7182 0.7080 0.7182 +0.0091
94.50 70.65 Mar 19 117,835 73.25 74.24 73.25 74.13
78.00 65.07 May 19 1,511 70.00 70.00 68.57 68.90 1.40 73.40 45.14 Dec 19 179,312 54.77 55.52 54.50 55.29 +0.41 0.8128 0.6825 Mar 19 122,446 0.7095 0.7190 0.7082 0.7185 +0.0091
from Venezuela wouldnt make re- 85.52 68.75 Jun 19 38,702 78.02 78.02 76.72 77.15 1.22 72.64 45.44 Jan 20 40,485 55.24 55.24 54.81 55.24
94.25 72.12 May 19 44,462 74.78 75.66 74.77 75.57 +0.98
0.7367 0.6857 Apr 19 231 0.7103 0.7190 0.7103 0.7187 +0.0091
finers lot any easier. +0.39 94.00 73.49 Jul 19 28,767 76.00 76.95 76.00 76.87 +0.96
85.95 70.05 Jul 19 19,131 79.75 79.75 78.85 79.22 1.13 72.22 45.60 Feb 20 21,395 54.79 55.19 54.76 55.19 +0.37 0.8129 0.6861 Jun 19 1,040 0.7105 0.7194 0.7097 0.7194 +0.0091
84.50 70.81 Dec 19 35,579 74.30 74.68 74.13 74.43 +0.39
Its really the first quarter thats 84.75 70.05 Aug 19 22,576 80.07 80.07 79.05 79.35 1.00 71.83 45.76 Mar 20 34,870 54.92 55.14 54.92 55.14 +0.35 Est. Vol. 116,395 Vol. 67,522 open int 122,237 na
84.04 71.29 Mar 20 2,476 75.32 75.55 75.31 75.33 +0.37
the big concern among investors 75.55 58.20 Oct 19 12,668 67.97 68.02 67.25 67.52 0.63 71.00 46.12 Jun 20 56,926 54.43 55.12 54.27 54.96 +0.31 Est. Vol. 25,000 Vol. 17,946 open int 230,713 938
BRITISH POUND (IMM) 62,500 pounds, $ per pound
right now, Matthew Blair, an ana- 63.85 54.32 Dec 19 2,699 62.62 63.17 62.30 62.42 0.55 68.86 47.04 Dec 20 98,101 54.54 54.83 54.00 54.63 +0.27 1.3317 1.2537 Feb 19 1,330 1.3082 1.3213 1.3082 1.3213 +0.0144
lyst at Tudor Pickering Holt & Co., 67.77 61.00 Feb 20 399 66.22 66.75 66.22 66.37 0.48 67.56 47.54 Mar 21 3,578 54.30 54.41 54.30 54.41 +0.26 Indexes 1.4552 1.2512 Mar 19 201,309 1.3100 1.3247 1.3093 1.3231 +0.0144
71.47 64.80 Apr 20 264 70.25 70.45 69.95 70.00 0.50 66.61 47.95 Jun 21 16,214 54.19 54.28 54.08 54.28 +0.25 1.4612 1.2591 Jun 19 1,614 1.3186 1.3295 1.3171 1.3290 +0.0144
said Thursday in a phone interview. Est. Vol. 49,740 Vol. 49,818 open int 207,159 na S&P COMP. INDEX (CME) 250 x index 1.4673 1.2680 Sep 19 348 1.3251 1.3347 1.3251 1.3347 +0.0144
65.05 48.65 Dec 21 22,860 54.17 54.19 53.77 54.11 +0.20
The spread between benchmark 62.32 49.19 Dec 22 11,374 53.90 53.90 53.68 53.88 +0.16 2948.1 2317.7 Mar 19 59,908 2635.5 2660.5 2635.3 2659.8 +25.8 Est. Vol. 137,109 Vol. 116,964 open int 208,517 na
gasoline prices and oil futures, an in- Foods Est. Vol. 868,178 Vol. 1,025,530 open int 2,052,646 na Est. Vol. 10 Vol. 724 open int 59,866 na CANADIAN DOLLAR (IMM) 100,000 dollars, $ per Cdn. dlr
dication of how profitable it is for re- COCOA (ICE) 10 metric tons $ per ton NATURAL GAS (NYM) 10,000 mm btu's, $ per mm btu S&P MINI INDEX (CME) 50 x index 0.7807 0.7331 Feb 19 648 0.7507 0.7563 0.7507 0.7563 +0.0069
finers to produce the motor fuel, 4.849 2.878 Feb 19 29,174 3.160 3.207 3.047 3.178 +0.079 2955.5 2316.8 Mar 19 2,621,690 2636.3 2672.5 2634.5 2661.0 +27.0 0.8183 0.7330 Mar 19 147,470 0.7496 0.7571 0.7494 0.7568 +0.0070
2855.0 2008.0 Mar 19 81,735 2256.0 2265.0 2218.0 2225.0 31.0 0.8190 0.7347 Jun 19 2,961 0.7534 0.7586 0.7526 0.7584 +0.0070
plummeted to as low as $5.693 a bar- 4.608 2.771 Mar 19 305,531 3.042 3.090 2.946 3.072 +0.074 2961.3 2319.3 Jun 19 68,854 2641.8 2677.0 2639.3 2639.3 ...
2840.0 2023.0 May 19 53,413 2294.0 2299.0 2257.0 2264.0 25.0 0.8196 0.7360 Sep 19 1,104 0.7590 0.7602 0.7584 0.7598 +0.0070
3.060 2.523 Apr 19 154,316 2.860 2.889 2.806 2.884 +0.040 2967.5 2350.0 Sep 19 2,664 2657.8 2680.3 2657.8 2678.5 +33.5
rel on Thursday, the narrowest 2832.0 2043.0 Jul 19 37,241 2281.0 2317.0 2277.0 2284.0 22.0
Est. Vol. 1,282,346 Vol. 1,578,691 open int 2,696,404 na 0.8203 0.7376 Dec 19 618 0.7555 0.7612 0.7555 0.7612 +0.0071
2.923 2.495 May 19 177,417 2.845 2.873 2.802 2.868 +0.030
since October 2013. 2833.0 2063.0 Sep 19 26,883 2329.0 2330.0 2299.0 2303.0 20.0
2.934 2.529 Jun 19 54,659 2.891 2.913 2.852 2.907 +0.022 MINI DOW JONES (CBOT) $5 x DJIA index Est. Vol. 68,245 Vol. 58,591 open int 151,653 na
Demand for gasoline in the U.S. 2833.0 2083.0 Dec 19 26,271 2343.0 2343.0 2314.0 2318.0 18.0
2.956 2.560 Jul 19 90,066 2.940 2.956 2.902 2.951 +0.019 27015 21452 Mar 19 77,988 24476 24830 24458 24676 +218.0 MEXICAN PESO (IMM) 500,000 pesos, $ per peso
2836.0 2101.0 Mar 20 18,731 2335.0 2347.0 2325.0 2329.0 16.0
has flatlined over the past two 2597.0 2110.0 May 20 4,340 2362.0 2362.0 2334.0 2337.0 16.0 2.954 2.565 Aug 19 53,350 2.937 2.954 2.905 2.953 +0.021 26988 21550 Jun 19 1,302 24502 24862 24487 24688 +205.0 0.0529 0.0459 Mar 19 209,524 0.0522 0.0526 0.0521 0.0522 +0.00003
years, while output is up. Refiners 2.925 2.542 Sep 19 62,075 2.911 2.927 2.877 2.927 +0.024 27031 21736 Sep 19 16 24670 24670 24670 24670 +165.0 0.0522 0.0452 Jun 19 47 0.0517 0.0517 0.0515 0.0515 +0.00003
2508.0 2124.0 Jul 20 1,453 2353.0 2354.0 2340.0 2344.0 16.0 Est. Vol. 40,886 Vol. 43,576 open int 208,965 na
have been focused on benefiting 2.951 2.574 Oct 19 116,002 2.932 2.951 2.897 2.951 +0.026 Est. Vol. 190,736 Vol. 250,249 open int 79,347 na
Est. Vol. 39,035 Vol. 29,924 open int 251,896 479
2.997 2.633 Nov 19 41,123 2.974 2.998 2.944 2.998 +0.026 NASDAQ 100 INDEX (CME) $100 x index JAPANESE YEN (IMM) 12.5 million yen, $ per 100 yen
from better demand for diesel in a COFFEE C (ICE) 37,500 lbs. cents per lb.
119.00 4.000 Mar 19 na 7.000 7.000 7.000 7.000 ... 0.9424 0.8824 Feb 19 634 0.9145 0.9145 0.9121 0.9137 +0.0004
3.147 2.778 Dec 19 49,315 3.123 3.146 3.095 3.146 +0.024
strong U.S. economy. 139.40 98.55 Mar 19 124,759 106.10 107.15 105.20 106.80 +1.50
3.245 2.870 Jan 20 40,529 3.210 3.239 3.187 3.239 +0.025 Est. Vol. 1,216 Vol. open int na na 0.9804 0.8845 Mar 19 202,759 0.9161 0.9169 0.9130 0.9157 +0.0004
But the combination of a shale 141.10 101.00 May 19 72,415 109.05 110.20 108.35 109.90 +1.45
3.174 2.837 Feb 20 14,985 3.127 3.164 3.126 3.164 +0.021 MINI NASDAQ 100 INDE (CME) $20 x index 0.9438 0.8891 Apr 19 758 0.9187 0.9187 0.9165 0.9180 +0.0004
142.85 103.35 Jul 19 41,138 111.75 112.85 111.05 112.65 +1.45
boom, which contributes lighter oil, 2.980 2.738 Mar 20 22,835 2.944 2.980 2.944 2.980 +0.017 7765.0 5820.0 Mar 19 214,432 6684.0 6810.0 6676.0 6788.0 +113.0 0.9882 0.8925 Jun 19 1,082 0.9221 0.9229 0.9202 0.9226 +0.0004
144.35 105.75 Sep 19 27,668 114.70 115.55 113.75 115.40 +1.50
along with output cuts from OPEC 2.699 2.431 Apr 20 24,171 2.607 2.619 2.607 2.618 ... 7767.0 5847.0 Jun 19 1,752 6705.0 6834.0 6705.0 6815.0 +115.0 Est. Vol. 102,067 Vol. 103,761 open int 205,552 na
147.10 109.30 Dec 19 16,819 118.30 119.35 117.60 119.20 +1.55
and Canada, which means less 2.684 2.391 May 20 15,056 2.562 2.568 2.561 2.568 ... 7793.0 6099.0 Sep 19 382 6779.0 6831.0 6779.0 6831.0 +103.0 SWISS FRANC (IMM) 125,000 francs, $ per franc
149.80 112.90 Mar 20 6,502 122.00 123.00 121.35 122.90 +1.55 1.1229 1.0018 Mar 19 64,090 1.0079 1.0126 1.0073 1.0118 +0.0039
2.711 2.450 Jun 20 10,361 2.590 2.593 2.585 2.592 +0.001 Est. Vol. 434,083 Vol. 515,320 open int 214,740 na
heavy oil, compounds the problem. 151.55 115.20 May 20 3,351 124.10 125.30 123.60 125.15 +1.55
2.740 2.500 Jul 20 7,181 2.611 2.618 2.611 2.618 ... RUSSELL 2000 (CME) 500 x index 1.1325 1.0126 Jun 19 103 1.0205 1.0207 1.0205 1.0207 +0.0038
Thats because light oil yields 156.75 121.35 Dec 20 2,176 131.20 132.30 130.65 132.30 +1.50
2.742 2.502 Aug 20 5,651 2.618 2.620 2.615 2.619 ... 1630.5 1299.7 Mar 19 7,694 1473.1 1480.1 1472.5 1474.7 +11.6
1.1521 1.0323 Dec 19 9 1.0366 1.0393 1.0351 1.0393 +0.0041
more gasoline than diesel, so as fuel Est. Vol. 51,741 Vol. 44,589 open int 300,120 +7,332 Est. Vol. 19,548 Vol. 15,693 open int 63,736 na
2.736 2.489 Sep 20 5,523 2.603 2.606 2.601 2.606 ... Est. Vol. 239 Vol. 90 open int 7,694 +12
producers seek to ramp up diesel ORANGE JUICE (ICE) 15,000 lbs. cents per lb. 2.796 2.505 Oct 20 10,566 2.631 2.631 2.625 2.631 ... EURO 125,000 Euros, $ per Euro
production, they are piling up on ex-
171.25 117.00 Mar 19 15,141 118.45 120.00 118.00 119.40 +0.25 3.078 2.795 Jan 21 2,600 2.966 2.966 2.966 2.966 ... Financials 1.1722 1.1317 Feb 19 5,234 1.1324 1.1435 1.1324 1.1435 +0.0114
171.55 118.10 May 19 2,524 119.70 120.60 119.10 120.30 +0.10 3.053 2.763 Feb 21 1,249 2.911 2.911 2.898 2.898 0.001 1.2928 1.1337 Mar 19 508,574 1.1352 1.1466 1.1347 1.1462 +0.0114
cess gasoline. 171.70 120.00 Jul 19 1,312 121.15 122.25 120.85 121.95 0.10 US TREASURY BONDS (CBOT) $100,000 prin pts & 32nds of 100 pct 1.1638 1.1373 Apr 19 1,226 1.1400 1.1491 1.1400 1.1491 +0.0115
3.008 2.670 Dec 21 928 2.850 2.850 2.825 2.825 +0.005
171.75 122.10 Sep 19 441 123.40 123.95 123.40 123.80 0.30 3.114 2.775 Jan 22 950 2.945 2.945 2.945 2.945 +0.005 148-27 136-05 Mar 19 975,789 145-22 145-27 144-29 145-03 22 1.3003 1.1432 Jun 19 9,101 1.1449 1.1552 1.1449 1.1552 +0.0115
Est. Vol. 599 Vol. 1,063 open int 19,939 +148 3.094 2.741 Feb 22 201 2.890 2.890 2.885 2.885 +0.005 147-31 135-25 Jun 19 7,932 144-28 144-30 144-10 144-15 22 1.3201 1.1618 Dec 19 4,203 1.1623 1.1734 1.1623 1.1734 +0.0116
Contract Open SUGAR 16 (ICE) 112,000 lbs. cents per lb. Est. Vol. 222,537 Vol. 284,356 open int 964,503 na Est. Vol. 233,995 Vol. 140,043 open int 530,541 na
3.041 2.669 Mar 22 184 2.765 2.765 2.765 2.765 +0.005
High Low Interest Open High Low Settle Chg. 26.72 25.14 Mar 19 2,156 26.05 26.11 0.58 25.42 25.42 2.777 2.414 Apr 22 139 2.500 2.525 2.500 2.525 +0.010 10 YEAR TREASURY (CBOT) $100,000 prinpts & 32nds & a half 32nd 30 DAY FEDERAL FUNDS (CBOT) $5 million pts. of 100 pct.
26.84 25.50 May 19 2,364 26.05 26.09 0.48 25.57 25.57 2.921 2.548 Nov 22 67 2.653 2.653 2.653 2.653 +0.010 123-08 117-06 Mar 19 3,989,850 121-22 121-25 121-11 121-13 11 98.08 97.59 Jan 19 309,936 97.60 97.60 97.60 97.60 ...
For Friday, January 25, 2019
26.85 25.75 Jul 19 2,752 26.40 26.60 0.30 26.10 26.10 3.068 2.688 Dec 22 59 2.820 2.820 2.815 2.815 +0.010 123-18 117-12 Jun 19 47,625 121-29 121-30 121-20 121-22 115 98.05 97.58 Feb 19 254,436 97.59 97.60 97.59 97.59 ...
Grains 26.85 25.80 Sep 19 1,465 26.61 26.70 0.22 26.32 26.32 Est. Vol. 339,643 Vol. 374,814 open int 1,333,941 na Est. Vol. 1,213,268 Vol. 1,385,699 open int 3,997,047 na 98.00 97.40 Apr 19 265,452 97.59 97.59 97.59 97.59 0.0050
26.85 25.90 Nov 19 418 26.26 26.26 26.26 26.26
0.11 HEATING OIL (NYM) 42,000 gal, cents per gal 5 YEAR TREASURY (CBOT) $100,000 prinpts & 32nds & a half 32nd 97.98 97.38 May 19 174,627 97.59 97.59 97.58 97.58 0.01
WHEAT (CBOT) 5,000 bu minimum cents per bushel 26.53 25.80 Jan 20 435 26.25 26.25 26.25 26.25
0.06 245.42 163.80 Feb 19 35,191 188.70 190.50 187.53 189.19 115-12 111-24 Mar 19 4,406,748 114-12 114-13 114-05 114-06 067 97.93 97.23 Jul 19 155,897 97.56 97.56 97.53 97.53 0.025
627.50 501.25 Mar 19 213,611 520.50 523.00 516.75 520.00 1.50 26.50 25.74 Mar 20 362 26.40 26.40 26.40 26.40
+0.20 244.68 162.35 Mar 19 102,857 188.13 189.87 186.90 188.67 115-11 111-25 Jun 19 87,441 114-12 114-12 114-08 114-09 073 97.91 97.20 Aug 19 132,620 97.56 97.56 97.53 97.53 0.025
630.00 508.75 May 19 90,770 527.50 529.75 523.50 527.00 1.25 26.50 25.82 May 20 487 26.50 26.50 26.50 26.50
+0.13 243.31 161.21 Apr 19 58,844 187.01 188.71 185.88 187.77 Est. Vol. 737,451 Vol. 818,711 open int 4,473,763 na 97.81 97.11 Oct 19 106,635 97.55 97.55 97.52 97.52 0.03
619.00 517.00 Jul 19 75,938 533.25 535.25 529.25 533.00 1.00 Est. Vol. 1,348 Vol. 782 open int 10,850 498 2 YR. TREASURY NOTES (CBOT) $200,000 prinpts & 32nds & a quarter 32nd 97.80 97.09 Nov 19 105,143 97.55 97.55 97.52 97.52 0.035
242.00 161.07 May 19 30,041 188.05 188.12 185.79 187.61 +0.88
624.25 526.50 Sep 19 23,696 542.00 543.50 537.75 541.00 1.25 SUGARWORLD 11 (ICE) 112,000 lbs. cents per lb. 242.00 161.52 Jun 19 37,892 187.54 188.49 186.20 187.98 106-13 105-02 Mar 19 2,566,242 105-31 105-31 105-29 105-29 0.00000 97.81 97.03 Jan 20 180,254 97.57 97.57 97.53 97.54 0.04
634.50 540.50 Dec 19 35,322 554.50 556.25 550.75 553.75 1.50 15.27 10.80 Mar 19 337,542 12.99 13.01 12.37 12.44 0.54 242.06 163.26 Jul 19 19,810 187.16 188.96 187.16 188.90 106-16 105-02 Jun 19 98,315 106-01 106-01 105-31 105-31 0.00000 Est. Vol. 149,167 Vol. 244,356 open int 2,033,975 na
637.00 551.25 Mar 20 5,713 564.50 564.50 559.75 563.00 1.25 15.25 10.94 May 19 223,173 13.09 13.14 12.52 12.59 0.52 241.80 164.57 Aug 19 9,622 188.35 189.83 188.35 189.79 Est. Vol. 486,568 Vol. 331,406 open int 2,639,236 na
627.50 538.50 Jul 20 3,424 562.25 562.25 562.00 562.00 2.00 15.26 11.10 Jul 19 147,133 13.28 13.28 12.69 12.75 0.51 242.43 165.77 Sep 19 EURODOLLARS (IMM) $1 millionpts of 100 pct.
9,726 190.82 190.99 189.56 190.77 +0.94 Futures Tables & Charts Footnotes:
Est. Vol. 86,150 Vol. 76,335 open int 449,494 na 15.46 11.45 Oct 19 115,164 13.60 13.60 13.01 13.07 0.51 242.83 166.75 Oct 19 97.32 97.14 Feb 19 290,461 97.29 97.31 97.29 97.31 +0.013
6,152 190.10 191.66 190.10 191.66 +0.93
CORN (CBOT) 5,000 bu minimum cents per bushel 15.87 12.12 Mar 20 61,470 14.25 14.26 13.73 13.79 0.48 242.87 166.94 Nov 19 4,958 191.01 192.49 191.01 192.49 +0.93 97.71 97.06 Mar 19 1,440,696 97.31 97.32 97.31 97.32 +0.0050 CBOT: Chicago Board of Trade. CME: Chicago Mercantile
437.00 354.75 Mar 19 704,466 377.00 380.50 376.00 380.25 +3.25 15.76 12.30 May 20 12,512 14.21 14.24 13.76 13.82 0.45 243.57 167.70 Dec 19 25,661 192.10 193.46 191.46 193.21 +0.94 97.37 97.03 Apr 19 63,384 97.31 97.31 97.31 97.31 ... Exchange. CMX: Comex division of Nymex. IMM: International
441.25 363.25 May 19 289,012 385.50 389.00 384.25 388.75 +3.25 15.72 12.42 Jul 20 11,310 14.20 14.23 13.78 13.84 0.43 243.13 168.40 Jan 20 4,924 192.87 193.86 192.87 193.86 +0.95 97.39 97.08 May 19 29,742 97.30 97.31 97.29 97.30 0.0050 Monetary Market at CME. KBOT: Kansas City Board of Trade. NYBT:
445.00 370.00 Jul 19 255,232 393.25 396.75 392.00 396.50 +3.00 15.86 12.61 Oct 20 14,956 14.29 14.33 13.90 13.97 0.40 238.06 171.14 Jun 20 5,015 191.11 192.25 191.11 192.25 +0.95 97.64 96.90 Jun 19 1,249,296 97.28 97.28 97.27 97.28 0.0050 N.Y. Board of Trade. NYM: N.Y. Mercantile Exchange. CME market
421.25 375.75 Sep 19 147,168 396.25 399.00 394.50 399.00 +2.50 Est. Vol. 250,939 Vol. 126,889 open int 929,526 +10,189 234.42 174.35 Dec 20 4,773 192.70 193.22 192.70 193.22 +0.96 97.59 96.78 Sep 19 1,177,028 97.28 97.28 97.25 97.27 0.02 data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. and its
423.75 383.25 Dec 19 225,342 400.75 403.50 398.50 403.25 +2.50 Est. Vol. 93,267 Vol. 166,874 open int 364,668 na 97.53 96.71 Dec 19 1,676,514 97.27 97.27 97.23 97.24 0.03 licensors. All rights reserved.
432.00 395.00 Mar 20 34,877 409.00 412.00 407.25 412.00 +2.75 Metals NY HARBOR GAS BLEND (NYM) 42,000 gallons dollars per gallon 97.64 96.68 Mar 20 969,313 97.35 97.36 97.30 97.31 0.045 Charts: Daily future prices are displayed with price momentum
435.00 402.00 May 20 2,442 414.50 417.00 412.75 417.00 +2.50 2.155 1.2300 Feb 19 46,766 1.3891 1.4036 1.3760 1.3894 +0.0018 97.70 96.67 Jun 20 946,220 97.41 97.41 97.34 97.36 0.045 and volume. Price momentum equals rate of change of high, low
438.75 406.50 Jul 20 6,299 420.25 421.75 418.75 421.75 +2.50 GOLD (CMX) 100 troy oz. dollars per troy oz.
2.173 1.2424 Mar 19 143,473 1.4037 1.4193 1.3907 1.4047 +0.0012 97.75 96.67 Sep 20 783,487 97.44 97.45 97.38 97.39 0.05 and close for last 14 days. Change of short-term price direction
424.00 401.00 Dec 20 8,230 412.25 415.00 411.75 414.75 +2.00 1393.7 1173.2 Feb 19 159,801 1280.1 1299.8 1278.9 1298.1 +18.3
2.348 1.4254 Apr 19 63,611 1.6085 1.6236 1.5944 1.6121 +0.0035 97.74 96.67 Dec 20 891,020 97.44 97.44 97.38 97.39 0.05 may be indicated when % F (dark line) crosses % S (thin line).
425.00 410.50 Dec 21 304 417.00 418.50 416.00 418.50 +1.00 1302.6 1278.7 Mar 19 1,006 1282.4 1302.6 1281.7 1300.7 +18.4
423.00 415.75 Dec 22 2 418.00 419.00 418.00 418.75 +1.00 1399.0 1182.7 Apr 19 256,302 1286.0 1305.8 1284.8 1304.2 +18.3
Est. Vol. 241,094 Vol. 239,837 open int 1,659,540 na 1399.2 1189.3 Jun 19 59,207 1292.8 1311.9 1291.7 1310.6 +18.3
OATS (CBOT) 5,000 bu minimum cents per
317.50 239.00 Mar 19 4,833 291.00 292.75 290.25 291.00
bushel 1405.9 1202.0 Aug 19 22,665 1298.8 1317.9 1298.1 1316.8
+0.25 1412.5 1210.8 Oct 19 2,939 1316.0 1323.5 1316.0 1322.9
Key Commodity Futures
311.75 242.25 May 19 1,107 291.50 291.50 288.25 288.75 +0.50 1420.5 1208.6 Dec 19 11,032 1313.1 1330.6 1312.3 1329.1 +18.3
Est. Vol. 206 Vol. 329 open int 6,188 na 1425.5 1225.8 Feb 20 6,046 1324.4 1335.4 1324.4 1335.2 +18.2 CORN Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=57.1 %S=53.2 CLOSE 3.80 SOYBEANS Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=72.1 %S=60.7 CLOSE 9.25
SOYBEANS (CBOT) 5,000 bu minimum cents per bushel 1373.6 1232.2 Apr 20 1,723 1334.0 1341.5 1334.0 1341.3 +18.4 CBOT CBOT
1054.5 839.75 Mar 19 314,869 915.75 926.25 913.00 925.25 +9.25 1442.0 1238.8 Jun 20 977 1340.2 1347.1 1340.2 1347.1 +18.4
1051.8 853.00 May 19 154,456 929.25 939.75 926.75 939.00 +9.25 1461.0 1258.0 Dec 20 1,023 1360.0 1364.0 1360.0 1364.0 +19.1
1050.0 863.25 Jul 19 133,069 942.25 952.25 939.50 951.75 +9.25 Est. Vol. 379,418 Vol. 292,931 open int 524,802 na
1040.3 868.25 Aug 19 13,222 948.00 957.25 944.75 956.25 +8.75 MINI GOLD (CBOT) 33.2 troy oz. dollars per troy oz.
1023.3 868.00 Sep 19 5,840 949.25 958.75 946.75 958.00 +8.25 1386.0 1189.5 Feb 19 245 1277.6 1298.1 1277.4 1298.1 +18.3
1010.0 864.75 Nov 19 61,515 955.75 964.75 953.50 964.25 +7.75 1298.4 1226.0 Mar 19 na 1295.9 1300.7 1291.9 1300.7 +18.4
1013.8 878.50 Jan 20 5,085 967.25 975.00 964.50 974.75 +7.50 1392.4 1195.0 Apr 19 108 1285.6 1304.5 1285.6 1304.2 +18.3
1014.3 887.00 Mar 20 2,087 972.00 978.50 969.75 978.00 +5.75 1399.0 1200.9 Jun 19 17 1294.9 1311.6 1294.9 1310.6 +18.3
1024.3 900.00 Jul 20 1,843 983.00 989.00 983.00 988.75 +5.25 Est. Vol. 367 Vol. 184 open int 377 6
Est. Vol. 165,231 Vol. 107,852 open int 693,916 na PLATINUM (NYM) 50 troy oz. dollars per troy oz.
SOYBEAN MEAL (CBOT) 100 tons dollars per ton 1035.5 759.40 Jan 19 27 800.80 815.10 800.80 813.50 +14.5 CATTLE Apr 19 PRICE MO %F=72.9 %S=75.9 CLOSE 126.85 HOGS LEAN Apr 19 PRICE MO %F=17.7 %S=26 CLOSE 62.12
373.70 303.40 Mar 19 182,761 312.20 314.10 310.80 313.90 +1.60 1030.5 767.00 Apr 19 80,146 805.00 822.50 803.90 818.30 +13.3 OPEN INTEREST 155587 OPEN INTEREST 86480
950.30 783.00 Jul 19 4,410 809.80 826.40 809.80 823.60 +13.4 CME CME
365.90 303.70 May 19 107,184 315.80 318.00 314.60 317.90 +1.70
364.60 306.10 Jul 19 78,148 319.80 321.90 318.60 321.70 +1.50 896.20 802.70 Jan 20 48 831.30 834.00 831.30 833.50 +13.3
361.60 307.50 Aug 19 13,302 321.30 323.20 320.00 323.20 +1.50 Est. Vol. 18,422 Vol. 14,036 open int 85,436 na
357.50 308.00 Sep 19 13,553 322.60 324.50 322.00 324.50 +1.50 PALLADIUM (NYM) 100 troy oz dollars per oz
350.90 307.10 Oct 19 12,445 322.20 325.00 322.20 324.90 +1.40 1396.4 828.30 Mar 19 21,843 1282.3 1322.3 1269.1 1319.8 +39.1
350.40 307.00 Dec 19 35,227 325.10 326.70 323.90 326.60 +1.30 1381.2 828.00 Jun 19 4,519 1270.0 1311.3 1257.0 1308.7 +40.1
350.50 308.00 Jan 20 5,255 326.00 327.60 326.00 327.60 +1.10 Est. Vol. 5,799 Vol. 5,065 open int 26,884 294
351.30 310.00 Mar 20 5,540 326.30 327.70 326.20 327.70 +0.70 SILVER (CMX) 5,000 troy oz. cents per troy oz.
351.30 310.20 May 20 482 327.80 328.00 327.60 328.00 +0.50 1788.3 1392.5 Jan 19 356 1525.0 1563.9 1525.0 1563.9 +40.1
Est. Vol. 60,536 Vol. 64,403 open int 455,236 na 1585.0 1412.0 Feb 19 445 1525.0 1567.5 1525.0 1564.7 +39.8
SOYBEAN OIL (CBOT) 60,000 lbs cents per lb 1797.5 1398.5 Mar 19 135,752 1532.0 1575.0 1530.0 1569.9 +39.9
COFFEE C Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=71.2 %S=60.1 CLOSE 106.80 SUGAR-WORLD 11 Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=56.4 %S=72.9 CLOSE 12.44
34.17 27.42 Mar 19 201,335 29.55 30.05 29.47 30.03 +0.52 1806.5 1410.0 May 19 22,139 1541.5 1583.5 1541.5 1579.1 +39.9 OPEN INTEREST 124759 OPEN INTEREST 337542
34.23 27.70 May 19 118,944 29.84 30.36 29.77 30.34 +0.54 1815.6 1417.5 Jul 19 16,218 1554.5 1589.0 1553.5 1588.0 +40.1 ICE ICE
34.37 28.00 Jul 19 87,417 30.21 30.66 30.06 30.64 +0.53 1824.6 1432.5 Sep 19 4,271 1563.0 1596.9 1563.0 1596.9 +40.2
34.27 28.14 Aug 19 13,749 30.22 30.79 30.22 30.77 +0.54 1835.2 1440.5 Dec 19 6,613 1570.5 1610.5 1569.5 1610.1 +40.2
34.26 28.28 Sep 19 13,079 30.42 30.91 30.39 30.89 +0.53 1812.6 1461.5 Mar 20 402 1584.5 1623.4 1584.5 1623.4 +40.3
34.18 28.38 Oct 19 9,451 30.53 31.00 30.49 30.99 +0.54 Est. Vol. 83,387 Vol. 59,281 open int 187,993 na
34.51 28.55 Dec 19 40,959 30.65 31.20 30.65 31.19 +0.55 MINI SILVER (CBOT) 1,000 oz. cents per oz.
34.44 28.85 Jan 20 3,968 31.01 31.44 31.01 31.42 +0.53 1797.5 1399.3 Mar 19 826 1527.0 1569.9 1527.0 1569.9 +39.9
34.67 29.15 Mar 20 6,914 31.22 31.74 31.22 31.69 +0.53 1806.5 1419.3 May 19 25 1574.4 1579.1 1574.4 1579.1 +39.9
34.76 29.45 May 20 2,280 31.67 32.02 31.67 31.98 +0.52 Est. Vol. 120 Vol. 59 open int 904 na
Est. Vol. 125,458 Vol. 100,584 open int 500,636 na HI GRADE COPPER (CMX) 25,000 lbs. cents per lb.
WHEAT (CBOT) 5,000 bu minimum cents per bushel 335.70 254.65 Feb 19 3,406 265.00 273.05 265.00 273.05 +8.30
644.50 482.25 Mar 19 168,017 510.00 513.25 506.25 509.50 2.00
337.25 254.30 Mar 19 144,219 264.50 273.30 264.45 272.90 +8.45 GOLD Apr 19 PRICE MO %F=49.8 %S=47.8 CLOSE 1304.20 SILVER Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=42.7 %S=38.8 CLOSE 15.69
648.75 495.50 May 19 53,273 520.25 523.00 516.00 519.50 1.50 OPEN INTEREST 256302 OPEN INTEREST 135752
336.90 255.15 Apr 19 1,587 267.65 273.70 267.65 273.35 +8.45 CMX CMX
640.00 508.75 Jul 19 52,159 529.75 532.25 525.00 529.25 1.00
338.15 255.20 May 19 59,760 265.35 274.00 265.35 273.60 +8.30
645.00 523.00 Sep 19 11,578 539.25 542.75 536.25 539.50 1.50
338.65 255.90 Jun 19 1,097 266.45 274.10 266.45 274.10 +8.15
659.50 541.25 Dec 19 11,884 554.50 557.50 552.00 555.00 1.50
338.65 256.10 Jul 19 27,623 267.15 274.50 266.80 274.25 +8.10
659.00 553.00 Mar 20 597 562.50 567.00 562.50 564.50 1.25
338.60 256.80 Aug 19 1,222 274.50 274.75 274.50 274.75 +8.05
Est. Vol. 40,993 Vol. 45,884 open int 298,754 483 338.90 256.80 Sep 19 18,362 267.75 275.00 267.75 274.75 +7.90
ROUGH RICE (CBOT) 2,000 CWT dollars per CWT 339.60 259.50 Nov 19 926 275.30 275.45 275.30 275.45 +7.75
12.40 10.00 Mar 19 7,216 10.68 10.78 10.65 10.67 0.0050 339.70 258.20 Dec 19 13,885 269.45 275.65 269.45 275.25 +7.75
12.40 10.24 May 19 178 10.88 10.93 10.83 10.84 0.0050 340.40 259.95 Mar 20 1,289 270.00 275.70 268.50 275.70 +7.60
Est. Vol. 244 Vol. 314 open int 7,440 na Est. Vol. 112,990 Vol. 79,298 open int 274,760 na

HI GRADE COPPER Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=66.1 %S=63 CLOSE 272.90 LIGHT SWEET CRUDE Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=82.9 %S=83.5 CLOSE 53.69
Spot Prices Metals
AluminumperlbLME 0.8395 0.8515

Current Previous CopperCathodefullplate 2.6692 2.6853

Food GoldHandy & Harman 1293.90 1283.70
Flourhard winterKCcwt 15.40 ... SilverHandy& Harman 15.700 15.334
Coffeeparana exdockNYper lb. 1.0245 1.0227 MolybdenumpermetrictonLME 24,000 24,000
Coffeemedlin exdockNYper lb. 1.2951 1.2926 Platinumpertroy oz.Handy & Harman 812.00 795.00
Cocoabeans NYper ton 2283 2276 PlatinumMercspot pertroyoz. 799.00 799.00
Cocoabutter Africanstyl $met ton 5500 5500 Gold
HogsIowa/Minn barrows & giltswtdav 50.48 51.47 London morning fixing 1282.95 off 0.75
Feedercattle 500550lbOkl avcwt 157.88 157.88 London afternoon fixing 1293.90 up 10.20 HEATING OIL Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=81.1 %S=83.6 CLOSE 188.67 NATURAL GAS Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=41.1 %S=44.1 CLOSE 3.072
Porkloins1319 lbFOB Omahaavcwt 81.15 77.30 NY Handy & Harman 1293.90 up 10.20 OPEN INTEREST 102857 OPEN INTEREST 305531
NY Engelhard 1299.85 up 11.01
NY Merc. spot month 1297.40 up 18.30
CornNo.2yellowChi processorbid 3.74 3.67
SoybeansNo.1 yellow 8.83 8.74 Textiles & Fibers
SoybeanMealCenIll48pctproteinton 311.30 Cotton 1116 in. strict low middling 69.88
WheatNo.2 Chisoft 5.25 5.31 Coal Central Appalachia $ per short ton 79.50 79.50
WheatN.1 dk 14pcproMpls. 7.04 Raw Products
OatsNo.2heavy or Better 3.00 2.96 Natural Gas Henry Hub, $ per mmbtu 3.180 3.110
Cornoilcrudewet/dry .27 .27 aAsked,bBid,nNormal,rRevised,nqNot
Soybeanoilcrude Decaturlb. .28 .28 Quoted,n.a.Not Available.
Copyright 2019 Investor's Business Daily Inc.
Key Financial And Commodity Futures Banks Presence Shrinks
Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=86.9 %S=89.2 CLOSE 2663.50 MINI NASDAQ 100
Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=81.2 %S=82.9 CLOSE 6791.00

In Corporate Bond Market

Bonds tied to banks returned 1.22%
through Wednesday, compared
The biggest issuers of U.S. corpo- with 1.05% for broader investment-
rate bonds are easing up on selling grade securities.
new securities, which could trans- Banks are just one part of what is
late to gains for investors holding likely to be a big slowdown for new
the debt. corporate bond issuance in 2019, as
MINI DOW JONES Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=88.8 %S=89.8 CLOSE 246.96 US TREASURY BONDS Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=30.1 %S=24.4 CLOSE 145-03
OPEN INTEREST 77988 OPEN INTEREST 975789 Banks and other financial compa- tax cuts give companies more cash
nies have sold around $50 billion of flow to pay down debt.
bonds so far this year, down more Investment-grade corporate
than 40% from the same period a bond sales so far this year have fall-
year ago. For the largest U.S. banks en more than 15% from the same pe-
the decline has been even steeper riod last year, according to data
they sold just $12 billion of debt compiled by Bloomberg.
after earnings, about a third of sales Analysts at JPMorgan Chase &
at the same point last year. Co.JPM, Bloomberg Intelligence,
and Nomura Holdings forecast
Debt sales are falling after banks
10 YEAR TREASURY Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=12 %S=14.9 CLOSE 121-13 US DOLLAR INDEX Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=66 %S=62.6 CLOSE 95.46 that overall issuance this year will
OPEN INTEREST 3989850 OPEN INTEREST 57051 have largely sold enough debt to
fall by about 10%. Declining sales of
CBOT ICE meet the requirements of a Federal
new securities could be one of the
Reserve regulation, and tax cuts biggest near-term tailwinds for a
have lifted their cash flow, reduc- market that faces serious long-
ing their borrowing needs. Many term risks, including that around
foreign banks, typically major Janu- half of all outstanding investment-
ary issuers, have sat out amid Brex- grade debt is in the tier just above
it jitters and rising hedging costs in junk.
currency markets. U.S. and foreign
The few banks that have tapped
financial companies represent the market have been greeted with
BRITISH POUND Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=92.3 %S=89.5 CLOSE 1.3231 MEXICAN PESO Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=80.3 %S=83.3 CLOSE 0.5222 about a third of the $5 trillion high- fervid investor demand. A $500 mil-
OPEN INTEREST 201309 OPEN INTEREST 209524 in 10th
IMM IMM grade bond market. lion bond from Bank of Ameri-
Issuance will be more strategic caBAC for socially beneficial projects
and more opportunistic, said Rob- sold Tuesday drew 11 times the or-
ert Smalley, a credit desk analyst at ders it needed, according to people
UBS GroupUBS. While lower issu- familiar with the matter.
ance from bank holding companies The demand let the lender sell
was widely expected in the market, the debt with lower risk premiums
once you see it in black and white than existing bonds. And JPMor-
it finally hits home, he said. gan drew $6.5 billion in orders for a
JAPANESE YEN Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=17.2 %S=24.7 CLOSE 0.9157 SWISS FRANC Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=13.7 %S=16.6 CLOSE 1.0118 That could translate to gains in $2 billion unsecured bond sale this
OPEN INTEREST 202759 in 100th OPEN INTEREST 64090 bank bonds for the year, at least week.
based on risk premiums, after the Similar hunger for a Morgan Stan-
securities weakened at the end of ley bond last week meant the bank
2018. Strategists at research firm paid a yield just 0.01 percentage
CreditSights called the bonds of point above that of its existing debt
large U.S. banks a top trade for 2019 for its new securities. The average
thanks to muted new issuance and for this year is closer to 0.12 per-
the lenders strong balance sheets. centage point.

EURO Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=25.7 %S=27.7 CLOSE 1.1462 EURODOLLARS Dec 19 PRICE MO %F=21.4 %S=20.6 CLOSE 97.24

COCOA Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=14.3 %S=22.9 CLOSE 2225.0 ORANGE JUICE Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=19 %S=16 CLOSE 119.40

GAS BLEND Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=52.5 %S=63.9 CLOSE 1.4047 COTTON 2 Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=70.2 %S=67 CLOSE 74.13

WHEAT Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=63.5 %S=66 CLOSE 5.20 SOYBEAN MEAL Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=28.5 %S=30.2 CLOSE 313.90

SOYBEAN OIL Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=93 %S=85.1 CLOSE 30.03 PLATINUM Apr 19 PRICE MO %F=40.8 %S=36 CLOSE 818.30

LUMBER Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=88 %S=85.8 CLOSE 381.50 NIKKEI 225 AVGS. Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=75.4 %S=78 CLOSE 20795



CANADIAN DOLLAR Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=55.9 %S=62.2 CLOSE 0.7568 5 YEAR TREASURY Mar 19 PRICE MO %F=61.6 %S=48 CLOSE 114-06
IMM CBOT obmv=ou-1olrbl;m|-ubm;vm];71-om|o;-um
-0o|vbm]|u-7bm]-m7bm;vm]bm]uo|_v|o1hv At the
=uolm;v|ouvvbm;vv -b

Feb 2, 2019 ........... St. Louis

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Sempra Energy SRE 4.22%
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IBD Composite Rating

Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
Relative Price Strength Rating
IBD Composite Rating
Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
Relative Price Strength Rating
IBD Composite Rating
Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
Relative Price Strength Rating
IBD Composite Rating
Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
Relative Price Strength Rating
Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE
Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos)
52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P
6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
.. .. 33 .. C 33.1 AdMadrn 1.6 FWDI 26.25 +.57 70 0.3 ..k 46 30 93 E D 7.3 AllotLtd ALLT 6.50 +.10 38 65 ..k 69 3 96 D C NH Anaplan PLAN 31.80 +1.82 8 515 ..
7000 stocks in alphabetical order .. .. 19 .. C+ 23.4 AdvisrNewTech FNG 16.49 +.32 52 8 ..k 86 82 41 B B+ 15.6 Allscripts MDRX 12.01 .14 21 2.1m 17 9 4 17 E E 134 Anaptysbio ANAB 67.47 +.46 +6 305 ..
.. .. 68 .. D 48.5 AdshsNw 2.8 MINC 47.65 +.04 33 14 ..k 63 78 32 C B 102 Allstate 2.1 ALL 86.15 .10 31 1.7m 9 8 19 9 .. E 4.4 AnavexLifSci AVXL 1.82 +.06 61 100 ..
.. .. 49 .. D 9.0 AdShRngEqBr HDGE 7.64 .13 48 250 .. 73 89 59 C D 31.3 AllyFi 2.6 ALLY 25.77 +.36 +22 4.3m 8 33 59 16 B D 54.5 Andeavor 11 ANDX 36.16 +.61 3 793 16k
T .. .. 72 .. C+ 103 ASSage 1.9 HOLD 99.4 +.03 0 3 ..k 49 20 89 .. B 1.0 AlmadMin AAU .76 +.05 34 155 ..o 40 23 70 E B 41.7 Anders 2.0 ANDE 34.76 .02 41 62 28
34 43 12 D C+ 21.4 GrupoTe .6 TV 12.38 +.27 +44 2.7m 22 .. .. 59 .. A+ 32.3 AdvShSt .4 VEGA 30.20 +.19 +16 2 ..k 14 8 28 E D 153 AlnylamPh ALNY 83.05 +2.26 +6 936 .. .. .. 56 .. B 10.9 AnfieldC 3.2 DALT 9.62 +.08 +503 117 ..k
51 79 38 C C 81.2 Grp1Auto 1.7 r GPI 60.38 +.34 19 171 6 30 46 38 C E 39.9 AecomTech ACM 30.55 +.54 49 542 11 .. .. 29 .. D 32.9 AlphArcInt .7 IMOM 24.66 +.14 93 0.6 ..k .. .. 69 .. B 10.7 AnfieldUn 2.0 AFIF 9.97 +.01 30 19 99
14 4 17 D C+ 16.8 111A YI 8.70 .10 58 6 ..k 23 55 15 E D 26.8 Aegion AEGN 18.37 +.08 52 78 16 .. .. 36 .. D 35.0 AlphArcInt 2.6 IVAL 27.83 +.53 69 4 ..k 74 72 82 D D+ 24.0 AngiHomesrvcA ANGI 16.38 +.09 47 497 ..
16 10 8 C D 8.3 1347PropIns PIH 4.45 +.14 86 2 44 44 15 83 D D 12.0 AegleaBiothr AGLE 8.56 +.21 70 33 .. .. .. 46 .. B 34.4 AlphArchU .0 QMOM 27.85 +.49 86 2 ..k 86 79 87 D D 24.5 AngioDynm ANGO 21.28 +.29 39 132 25o
39 20 61 E A 2.5 180DegreeCap TURN 2.00 .01 36 34 ..k 29 63 17 E C+ 7.5 Aegon 5.2 AEG 5.19 +.06 70 622 5 .. .. 46 .. B 33.5 AlphArcUsQ 1.5 QVAL 28.18 +.70 78 4 ..k 88 72 97 E B 13.3 Anglogol .4 AU 13.11 +.45 2 3.1m 25
36 14 69 D .. 10.5 1895BncWisc BCOW 9.59 .05 94 3 ..k 2 5 4 C E 2.9 AehrTest AEHR 1.10 +.03 48 64 .. .. .. 34 .. B 31.4 AlphArchiV .9 VMOT 25.16 +.24 94 2 ..k 19 30 20 C C+ 117 AnheusrBsh 3.4 BUD 74.86 +.61 34 1.3m 20o
90 71 93 B D+ 50.2 21stCen .7 FOXA 49.24 +.34 41 6.8m 24 39 27 59 .. B 3.1 Aemetis AMTX .96 +.01 66 31 .. 86 54 79 C B 17.7 AlphaOmg AOSL 12.39 +.85 14 88 10k 61 82 35 A C 72.8 ANIPharma ANIP 53.51 +.32 55 36 11
91 71 93 B B 49.7 21stCen .7 FOX 48.97 +.31 54 2.4m 24 46 63 30 C B 58.3 AerCap r AER 46.99 +1.30 44 982 6 93 91 94 C A 4.4 AlphaProT r APT 4.13 +.11 61 10 15 36 38 26 C A 69.8 AnikaTherp ANIK 37.01 +.56 21 105 32k
32 41 27 D D 4.2 22ndCentry XXII 2.21 +.05 +11 1.8m ..o 11 1 16 .. D 74.8 AeriePharma AERI 45.74 +1.21 +8 565 ..o 88 87 62 A C 1291 Alphabet GOOGL 1102 +17.51 42 1.2m 26k 52 1 88 E B+ 6.9 AnixaBiosci ANIX 4.45 .49 +418 292 ..
22 24 18 C D 98.6 2U TWOU 56.58 +1.88 29 442 ..o 4 5 8 E D 17.4 Aerocentury ACY 10.27 +.02 87 0.4 .. 90 87 63 A C 1274 AlphabetC GOOG 1091 +17.09 40 1.1m 25 40 59 31 C B 88.9 Anixter AXE 61.24 +2.14 +75 333 10k
30 34 14 D .. 17.5 360FinanceA QFIN 12.64 .86 26 71 ..k 32 72 36 E D 4.8 AerohiveNets HIVE 3.70 +.06 +19 307 99k .. .. 72 .. B 51.3 Alphacln .2 ALFA 45.65 +.57 46 1 ..k 82 58 66 A C+ 11.3 AnnalyC 11 NLY 10.31 .01 27 12m 7
62 66 51 A D 259 3M 2.8 MMM 195.9 +3.38 13 2.2m 20 92 70 97 B B+ NH Aerojet AJRD 39.04 .46 +17 842 24 .. .. 36 .. E 27.8 Alphamark SMCP 22.63 +.13 81 0.7 ..k 92 82 80 A B 190 Ansys r ANSS 161.7 +3.55 48 327 32k
97 72 94 A B 5.3 3PeaIntl TPNL 4.55 +.24 +216 183 75 70 38 92 B D 121 AeroVirnmt AVAV 78.70 +2.51 25 231 43o 5 21 4 .. E 4.2 Alphatec ATEC 1.61 +.01 +8 121 16 56 22 92 E D 3.9 Antares ATRS 3.06 +.04 50 501 ..o
60 25 97 D A 23.2 500.comA WBAI 13.49 +.32 2 43 ..o 83 43 97 .. A+ 4.4 AerpioPharm ARPO 3.93 +.14 +172 270 ..k 50 18 83 E B+ 11.7 AlpineImmne ALPN 7.02 .08 +98 33 .. 24 72 12 .. D 22.3 AnteroMid 5.0 AMGP 13.12 +.31 +20 1.4m 50k
73 92 57 A C+ 114 51Job JOBS 68.00 .45 +26 301 23o 87 55 94 B C 16.3 AES 3.4 AES 15.88 .02 30 4.5m 12o .. .. 77 .. B+ 27.0 AlpsClnEnr .3 ACES 25.03 +.34 6 6 99 64 89 18 A D 34.5 AnteroMi 7.6 AM 24.85 +.60 20 651 14
50 60 26 B C 89.9 WUBA 61.80 +1.32 +19 1.2m 24o 81 35 99 D A 4.1 AEternaZen AEZS 3.63 +.09 81 105 6 .. .. 77 .. B+ 30.5 AlpsDisrup .3 DTEC 26.83 +.42 25 11 ..k 26 76 6 B E 22.7 AnteroRsrcs AR 10.41 +.41 8 5.2m 11
73 5 89 D B+ 23.5 8X8 EGHT 20.08 +.15 31 559 .. 72 37 91 E B 2.0 Aethlon AEMD 1.37 .02 84 66 ..k .. .. 63 .. B 27.4 AlpsEmS 4.8 EDOG 22.30 +.15 17 13 ..k 83 88 85 C E 300 Anthm 1.1 ANTM 272.7 +7.08 +18 1.9m 18
7 34 1 .. E 2.7 AeviGenom GNMX 45 1.1m .. .. .. 58 .. B 73.8 AlpsEqSc 2.2 EQL 62 62 48 A E 5.3 Anworth 11 ANH 4.51 +.08 31 361 12k
A .21 +.00 67.86 +.57 57 2 99
96 86 82 A B 166 Aon 1.0 AON 154.4 +.48 39 640 19
55 37 68 E B+ 14.8 AMrkPrc 2.4 AMRK 13.24 .11 53 4 ..k 26 56 13 A E 217 AffilMan 1.1 AMG 109.6 +1.87 25 519 7 .. .. 46 .. E 30.3 AlpsIntl 4.2 IDOG 25.47 +.31 67 35 ..k
39 18 98 E D 7.4 Affirmed AFMD 3.33 .03 63 245 .. .. .. 33 .. E 39.6 AlpsMed 2.4 SBIO 31.87 +.61 49 45 .. 35 72 14 C E 50.0 Apache 3.1 APA 32.06 +.22 13 4.5m 18
78 40 86 E B+ 7.5 A10Netwrks ATEN 6.61 +.02 14 334 ..o 94 83 92 C B NH Apartmn 3.2 AIV 48.04 +.53 41 896 8
15 36 1 D B 13.0 AACHldgs AAC 2.38 +.11 66 138 9 .. .. 31 .. C 27.4 AffnWrl 2.6 WLDR 21.80 +.24 +688 19 99 .. .. 42 .. D 49.3 AlpsSct 3.7 SDOG 41.97 +.46 55 139 ..k
15 1 22 .. B 32.0 ApellisPhrm APLS 13.65 +.49 55 158 ..
.. .. 51 .. C 28.2 Aam500H 3.4 SPDV 25.16 +.24 59 5 ..k 67 70 86 C D 48.2 AFLAC 2.2 AFL 47.57 +.24 28 2.9m 11k 6 37 1 .. E 10.8 AltaMesaReA AMR 1.09 +.02 68 716 ..
38 61 23 B C 46.1 Apergy APY 34.11 +.14 62 230 21k
.. .. 69 .. .. 25.8 AamSpDev 3.0 DMDV 25.61 +.28 81 0.5 99 67 52 63 A E 19.7 AGMortg 11 MITT 17.55 +.06 63 67 7 18 3 48 E C 82.5 Altaba AABA 65.22 +1.22 7 7.2m 99k
53 65 6 A B 13.5 Aphria APHA 7.16 +.22 52 4.1m 21
.. .. 60 .. B 28.4 AamEmMk 4.5 EEMD 23.42 +.14 73 0.3 99k 79 45 85 C B 75.1 AGCO 1.0 AGCO 63.13 +1.44 34 632 17 86 71 56 B B 44.0 AltairEngin ALTR 31.25 +.41 33 158 99
21 61 21 .. C+ 50.9 ApogeE 2.1 APOG 33.75 .01 40 199 10o
61 42 78 B C+ 44.9 AAON .9 AAON 35.71 1.08 +9 180 45 2 2 2 .. D 12.5 AgeagleAerial UAVS .48 +.00 76 80 .. 94 46 99 D B 73.7 AlteryxA AYX 69.90 .59 +104 2.0m 99k
55 34 53 A E 19.6 ApolloC 10 ARI 17.76 +.05 48 674 12
75 28 98 D A+ 6.2 Agenus AGEN 3.50 +.01 53 1.0m ..o 85 58 93 E B 20.6 AlticeUSAA ATUS 19.10 +.19 +31 6.6m ..
53 66 20 C B 51.5 AAR .8 AIR 37.21 +.10 72 86 17x 10 14 6 E C 9.7 ApolloEndo APEN 3.61 +.16 97 2 ..
47 17 99 .. .. 6.0 AgexThera AGE 4.16 +.15 81 42 ..k 14 25 3 D B+ 58.6 Altimmune ALT 3.41 .01 +16 695 ..
89 88 92 B B 56.0 Aarons .3 r AAN 50.00 +.59 18 476 16 32 39 26 B D 37.4 ApolloM 6.9 APO 27.91 +.71 53 559 9
.. .. 72 .. B 25.7 AgHdgDvI 6.9 DIVA 24.06 +.10 6 3 ..k 15 19 18 C D 37.9 Altisource ASPS 23.21 +.38 13 91 10k
37 56 26 B D 28.7 ABB 4.0 ABB 19.49 +.54 26 2.0m 14 25 33 32 C D 18.0 ApollInv 12 AINV 14.64 +.20 0 499 8k
.. .. 46 .. D 30.5 AgfUsMkMorn MOM 23.45 .15 37 3 ..k 39 77 13 B D 53.7 AltraI 2.3 AIMC 29.36 +.83 61 258 11
81 68 89 A E 74.9 AbbottL 1.8 ABT 71.15 +.29 35 4.8m 24o 70 31 68 A C 30.0 ApolloMed AMEH 18.81 .20 86 8 26
.. .. 58 .. C 20.4 AgfUsMkNeuSi SIZ 19.23 +.05 +100 1 ..k 22 81 10 B E 71.9 AltriaG 7.2 MO 44.24 +.91 +10 14m 11
70 94 26 A D 125 AbbVie 5.3 r ABBV 80.54 5.34 +220 21m 10o .. .. 34 .. E 18.7 ApolloSnrF 8.3 AFT 14.53 +.13 44 66 ..k
.. .. 42 .. B 26.8 AgfUsMkN .8 CHEP 22.12 +.19 33 0.4 ..k 21 27 19 .. D 10.5 AltusMidstrA ALTM 8.10 ... 58 108 99
12 5 6 D C 22.0 Abeona ABEO 7.04 +.13 26 457 ..o .. .. 63 .. C 15.0 ApolloTact 9 AIF 14.15 +.03 50 52 ..k
.. .. 84 .. D 23.4 AgfUsNeuA .4 BTAL 21.07 .17 84 11 ..k 13 29 15 E B+ 18.7 AlmnmChina ACH 9.13 +.14 +9 57 26
41 51 57 .. D 29.7 AbercrmF 3.8 ANF 21.27 +.88 42 1.9m 17o 96 70 93 B C 91.5 Appfolio APPF 63.37 +1.38 55 58 99
66 36 90 .. A+ 3.9 AgileThera AGRX .85 .04 64 120 .. 13 18 20 E E 26.1 AMAGPhr AMAG 16.45 +.03 11 526 ..o
.. .. 40 .. E 5.0 AberdnA 10 FAX 4.01 +.04 53 497 ..k 46 4 93 .. C+ 43.6 AppianA APPN 31.90 +.72 10 401 ..k
93 59 90 A D+ 75.1 Agilent .9 A 73.65 +1.47 15 2.2m 26 96 98 91 C A 23.0 AmalgaB 1.2 AMAL 19.87 +.08 6 74 21k
.. .. 27 .. C+ 6.8 AberdnA 11 IAF 5.14 +.09 7 76 ..k 54 90 20 A E 233 Apple 1.9 AAPL 157.8 +5.06 23 33m 13
59 6 92 E B 17.5 Agilysys AGYS 16.42 +2.28 +433 307 .. 54 2 99 .. B+ 23.3 Amarin AMRN 17.34 .39 +2 8.8m ..o
.. .. 18 .. D 14.6 AberInCred 12 ACP 11.19 +.07 30 88 ..k 41 50 31 C D 20.2 ApplHosp 7.6 APLE 15.69 +.37 30 1.1m 21
16 19 10 E D 99 AgiosPharma AGIO 52.22 +.29 39 378 .. 90 99 82 B D+ 2051 Amazon AMZN 1671 +15.64 32 4.9m 99
.. .. 61 .. B 8.7 AbEmMkE 2.3 AEF 7.06 +.09 15 94 ..k 4 5 8 C B 1.7 ApplRecy ARCI .51 .01 81 69 ..
53 5 99 B B+ 52.0 AgmGroupA AGMH 24.00 4.15 36 5 99k 40 22 68 E B 23.3 AmbacFinl AMBC 18.60 +.31 62 166 2o
.. .. 41 .. B 11.6 AbGbDyD 8.2 AGD 9.46 +.07 60 28 ..k 3 14 2 E B 1.8 ApplDnaSci APDN .52 .04 +304 2.1m ..k
82 71 53 B B 19.8 AgncInv 11 AGNC 18.12 +.11 28 4.8m 18 54 27 59 C B 55.5 Ambarella AMBA 38.42 +1.20 11 688 36o
.. .. 33 .. D 7.0 AbGbPrm 10 AWP 5.46 ... 25 285 ..k 17 34 6 E D 7.5 AppldGenTec AGTC 3.06 .01 75 44 ..k
59 25 77 C B 49.8 AgnicoE 1.1 AEM 41.30 +1.70 32 1.1m 99 79 57 81 E C 10.4 AmberRoad AMBR 8.79 +.36 34 57 ..k
55 81 22 A D 82.4 AppldInd 2.1 AIT 58.79 +3.47 +207 571 13
.. .. 37 .. D 9.3 AberdnG 10 FCO 7.76 .01 59 15 ..k
27 28 26 B B+ 7.4 Ambev 2.9 ABEV 4.53 +.05 20 19m 23o
95 57 94 A C+ 63.0 AgreeRe 3.5 ADC 62.90 +1.08 37 261 31 65 85 44 A C+ 62.4 ApMat 2.0 AMAT 39.19 +1.37 +32 17m 8
.. .. 30 .. B 9.0 AbdnJapn .9 JEQ 6.77 +.05 40 18 ..k
65 23 95 B B 8.0 AmbowEductn AMBO 6.05 .16 +106 10 24k
9 7 6 D D+ 8.8 Agrofresh AGFS 3.95 ... 61 55 .. 24 46 7 C E 50.3 AppliedOptlc AAOI 17.45 +.73 +22 804 8
.. .. 39 .. E 26.0 AbStBlo 1.1 BCI 22.60 +.23 88 17 ..k
19 23 36 D E 20.7 AMCEnt 5.7 AMC 14.01 .24 45 773 ..o
5 12 23 E E 5.8 AHBelon 7.9 AHC 4.06 +.13 29 22 13 7 34 3 D E 3.7 ApprchRes AREX .97 .04 +4 303 ..
.. .. 43 .. C 28.4 AbStdBlm 1.5 BCD 24.36 +.19 92 0.1 ..k 97 78 93 A B 69.0 AMCNtwks r AMCX 64.76 +.60 6 548 7o
.. .. 60 .. A 24.4 AIPwrdIn .8 AIIQ 22.51 +.32 56 0.7 99 79 69 70 B D+ 112 Aptargr 1.4 ATR 97.39 +.26 60 112 25k
.. .. 96 .. C+ 135 AbStdPhyPal PALL 129.0 +3.48 +55 45 ..k 44 53 21 B D 71.7 Amdocs 1.8 DOX 55.44 +.15 +67 1.8m 13
6 10 2 .. D 9.9 AileronThera ALRN 1.13 +.03 61 67 .. 1 12 2 D E 6.4 ApteveThera APVO 1.43 +.02 33 72 ..
.. .. 38 .. C 97.9 AbStdPhyPlat PPLT 77.49 +1.47 +426 397 ..k 96 98 98 B C 140 Amedisys AMED 129.0 +1.17 46 245 39o
13 8 14 .. D+ 42.0 Aimmune AIMT 22.93 +1.08 8 742 .. 1 6 1 E E 32.3 Aptinyx APTX 5.38 .01 33 246 ..k
.. .. 81 .. B 68.1 AbStdPhyPrcMtl GLTR 64.44 +1.21 12 25 ..k 56 67 35 B B+ 19.3 AmerAxle AXL 14.71 +.33 33 1.4m 3
26 54 10 E D 2.0 AirIndustries AIRI .97 ... 95 4 .. 46 60 26 A B 103 Aptiv 1.2 APTV 73.00 +1.18 +14 2.4m 14
.. .. 67 .. B 17.2 AbStdPhySilShr SIVR 15.27 +.39 +1 147 .. 85 41 90 C A NH AmerCm 4.1 ACC 44.67 +.62 +9 882 58
75 88 29 B B+ 50.7 AirLease 1.4 AL 37.12 +.79 36 692 8 38 2 69 .. .. 15.9 AptorumGrpA APM 14.24 .36 70 2 ..k
.. .. 79 .. B+ 132 AbStdPhySwGl SGOL 125.3 +1.81 +12 48 .. 76 48 87 C D 81.1 AmerEle 3.5 AEP 76.80 .95 0 2.6m 19o
66 47 74 B D+ 175 AirProd 2.9 APD 160.9 +4.41 +54 2.1m 21o 14 5 18 .. C+ 4.6 AptoseBiosci APTO 2.07 +.05 +153 453 ..
.. .. 38 .. C 10.0 AbTotDy 8.6 AOD 8.01 +.08 37 429 ..k 75 83 48 C C 38.6 AmerEqu .9 AEL 31.07 +.44 47 287 6k
25 28 52 C D 44.3 AirT AIRT 30.60 .18 34 2 26k .. .. 27 .. C 37.3 AptusBeh .9 BEMO 28.16 .06 +40 23 ..k
.. .. 25 .. C+ 31.2 AbStdBlmEngCm BEF 24.34 +.11 89 0.1 ..k 43 58 24 B B 42.9 AmNtlB 3.1 AMNB 32.59 +.04 64 5 12
85 90 91 C A 27.6 AirTrnspSv ATSG 24.12 +.46 38 282 19o .. .. 77 .. B+ 26.2 AptusDe 1.4 DRSK 25.43 +.04 +74 43 99
9 19 8 E C 14.6 Ability ABIL 2.12 ... 81 315 ..k 98 95 87 B B+ NH AmNatl 2.4 ANAT 135.7 +.26 21 27 5k
51 54 71 C D 24.5 Aircast 5.9 AYR 20.49 +.20 36 258 7 .. .. 47 .. C 30.4 AptusFor .4 FTVA 25.63 +.34 +127 34 ..k
99 99 91 A B 459 Abiomed ABMD 349.4 +.87 29 415 99 64 96 27 A B 148 AmWdmrk AMWD 67.50 +.73 +3 211 11o
54 37 88 C C 14.2 Airgain AIRG 11.01 +.02 60 14 78k 88 41 99 D B NH ApyxMedical APYX 8.75 +.29 19 160 ..
78 76 83 C B+ 40.0 ABMIndu 2.1 ABM 34.01 +.05 6 697 18o
34 1 33 D A 1.4 Airmedia r AMCN .50 +.03 +72 344 ..k 54 40 75 C D+ 386 Amerco UHAL 351.8 +6.92 55 24 20k 76 53 56 B C+ 38.2 AquaAm 2.5 WTR 34.20 .42 43 439 24o
24 61 5 A E 3.3 Abraxas AXAS 1.26 +.04 70 414 6o
6 43 6 .. E 6.5 AKSteel AKS 2.80 +.18 +11 11m 6 88 78 90 C D+ 71.0 AmerenCo 2.8 AEE 67.94 .81 19 1.2m 19 25 19 33 E C 4.2 AquaMetals AQMS 2.22 .05 +9 440 ..
47 12 90 D D 17.4 AcImmune ACIU 10.86 +.56 56 78 ..
71 86 52 B C 83.1 Akamai AKAM 65.44 +.87 29 1.2m 20 93 91 95 C C 16.6 7AmerscoA AMRC 14.71 .03 67 36 17o 23 27 17 E C+ 4.3 Aquabounty AQB 2.29 +.06 +52 37 ..
86 51 97 C B 47.3 AcaciaComms r ACIA 44.05 +.86 17 380 61k 28 20 39 .. C+ 3.5 AkariThera AKTX 1.88 .02 50 11 .. 23 56 2 E C+ 3.3 AmeriHldngs AMRH .23 .01 +88 1.9m .. 48 46 34 .. B+ 18.5 Aquantia AQ 9.28 .13 +78 357 ..k
36 27 28 B C+ 4.4 AcaciaResrch ACTG 3.05 .04 64 50 .. 53 1 94 D B 40.8 AkceaTherap AKCA 28.70 +.49 67 64 .. 97 75 80 A B 6.5 Amer1st 8.1 ATAX 6.14 .13 +5 101 10 93 32 97 D A 21.6 Aquaventure WAAS 21.22 .08 62 33 ..
28 59 11 C D 45.4 AcadiaHlthcr ACHC 27.56 .22 48 891 11 17 18 7 D D+ 15.8 AkebiaThera AKBA 5.89 .01 50 589 ..o 56 39 48 C B+ 19.9 AmMvlA 2.1 AMOV 15.60 .06 1 7 35k 3 4 4 .. D+ 20.7 AquestiveThr AQST 7.92 +.20 45 80 ..k
58 24 91 D C 33.0 AcadiaPhm ACAD 22.61 +.97 20 1.7m ..o 18 44 3 E B 7.8 AkersBiosci AKER 1.30 .06 72 226 .. 49 28 48 C B 19.9 AmerMov 2.0 AMX 15.77 +.09 15 2.5m 35k 11 30 6 .. C 16.9 AquinxPhrm AQXP 2.31 .01 85 15 ..
66 21 80 C B 29.3 AcadiaR 4.1 AKR 27.18 +.62 27 377 50k 1 5 2 E D 33.3 Akorn AKRX 4.19 +.13 33 2.3m ..o 29 34 31 B D 57.4 American 1.1 AAL 34.98 +1.32 +76 16m 7o 55 87 23 C B 46.1 Aramrk 1.4 ARMK 32.51 +.52 63 1.4m 14
54 5 96 .. A 1.8 Acasti ACST 1.09 +.06 32 338 ..k 43 5 98 D B 9.5 Akoustis AKTS 7.20 +.20 +137 419 ..k 80 45 92 C B 42.9 AmerAss 2.7 AAT 41.35 +.53 61 95 96 33 54 18 D D 7.2 AratanaThera PETX 4.22 ... 7 672 ..o
42 9 61 D C 30.4 AccelrtDiagn AXDX 18.93 +1.58 +91 743 .. 76 80 34 B B+ 120 Alamo .6 ALG 86.41 .39 38 45 15 .. .. 56 .. D 41.4 AmrCnQlDiv .8 QINT 36.99 +.36 56 0.8 99 17 45 3 E D 15.3 Aravive ARAV 3.47 +.12 23 31 3
25 25 36 E D 59.6 AcclernPhrm XLRN 41.64 +.35 +66 888 ..o 27 6 15 C B 6.5 Alamos .5 AGI 4.03 +.16 10 2.8m 99 .. .. 51 .. D+ 41.8 AmerCnS 2.2 VALQ 37.67 +.25 52 1 99 97 82 91 A D 12.8 7ArborRl 9 ABR 11.47 +.19 42 788 8
78 66 52 A D 175 Accentu 1.9 ACN 151.9 +1.70 35 1.7m 21o 99 96 98 A B NH ALRM 62.64 +1.59 +30 638 48o .. .. 60 .. B 40.6 AmrCnUs .5 QGRO 36.85 +.49 23 2 99 8 3 10 D C+ 12.6 Arbutus ABUS 3.96 +.45 +483 1.2m ..o
51 60 32 A B 30.4 AccessN 2.8 ANCX 24.21 +.34 0 69 13 69 49 69 B C 74.8 AlaskaA 2.0 ALK 63.48 2.30 +81 3.4m 14o .. .. 69 .. B 50.1 AmerCentD 3.2 KORP 48.66 .01 29 1 99 48 72 81 D D+ 3.6 ARCDoc ARC 2.44 .01 14 195 14o
33 52 14 B B 14.6 AccoBrn 2.7 r ACCO 8.83 +.15 63 279 7k
85 72 96 E A 2.4 AlskCom ALSK 2.05 +.01 8 126 29 .. .. 55 .. B+ 34.5 AmerCusS 1.5 ACSI 30.96 +.09 47 2 ..k 2 21 4 E D 2.6 ARCGpWw ARCW .99 +.09 65 18 ..k
57 21 88 E B 6.2 Accuray ARAY 4.47 +.22 +102 1.7m ..o
90 92 84 C B 82.2 AlbnyInt 1.1 AIN 68.07 .04 55 62 25k 73 91 52 B D 29.9 AmerEag 2.6 AEO 21.10 +.88 31 3.6m 14o 18 43 8 .. D+ 2.0 ARCABio ABIO .42 +.01 65 50 ..
18 29 29 E D 5.1 AcelrxPharm ACRX 2.51 .01 44 1.1m ..o
37 63 14 B D 118 Albemar 1.7 ALB 76.58 +2.56 +42 2.2m 14o 54 25 92 D B 2.5 AmElctTchn AETI .91 +.04 90 198 .. 5 43 7 E D+ 66.6 ArcadiaBio RKDA 3.70 +.07 64 41 ..
64 38 93 .. B 34.1 AcerThera ACER 24.26 +.36 54 14 ..
66 5 77 .. A+ 9.9 AlbertonAcq ALAC 9.84 +.02 81 25 99 .. .. 43 .. B 27.7 AmerEnrg 4.8 USAI 23.41 +.31 50 1 99 81 90 84 D B 51.5 Arcbest .8 ARCB 38.93 +1.00 30 186 11
2 5 3 E C+ 12.0 Aceto 3.1 ACET 1.30 +.05 64 99 ..k 11 7 14 D E 39.9 AlbireoPhrm ALBO 23.30 +.23 63 15 .. 79 61 65 A D+ 114 AmerExp 1.5 AXP 100.8 +1.05 23 3.5m 13o 15 29 15 B D 37.5 ArcelrMi .3 r MT 22.98 +1.55 +39 3.7m 4k
5 10 1 E E 15.0 Achaogen AKAO 1.38 +.15 +65 1.9m ..o 61 39 87 C C+ 8.4 Alcentra 10 r ABDC 6.80 +.06 87 8 6 27 3 34 D D 18.5 AmerFin 8.4 AFIN 13.02 +.29 1 424 .. 85 79 78 C B 31.4 ArchCaptl ACGL 28.83 +.03 29 778 13k
9 21 2 .. C+ 32.0 AchieveLifeSci ACHV 1.46 .00 +96 262 .. 14 14 10 B C 62.4 Alcoa r AA 29.02 +1.06 +72 6.5m 8 65 95 27 C C 121 AmerFncl 1.7 AFG 94.75 .27 60 178 10k 61 52 66 B D 102 ArchCoal 1.8 ARCH 86.97 +1.45 30 178 6k
24 27 13 E B 4.3 Achillion ACHN 2.28 +.09 31 2.1m .. 25 22 27 E C 20.9 AlderBioph ALDR 13.03 +.42 55 449 ..o 76 37 81 C C 23.3 AmHm4 .9 AMH 21.49 +.39 4 1.9m ..k 50 82 47 D D 52.1 ArchrDan 3.1 ADM 43.72 +.05 48 1.8m 12
80 54 94 C C 30.3 ACIWwde ACIW 29.23 +.62 27 526 33 33 8 76 .. D 16.7 AldeyraThera ALDX 8.66 +.13 58 91 .. 16 25 24 E D 65.1 AmerInt 3.0 AIG 43.18 +.24 40 4.5m 18 35 72 24 D E 13.8 Archrock 5.5 AROC 9.42 +.28 57 583 85
4 6 3 D E 25.4 Aclaris ACRS 6.70 +.43 1 636 .. .. .. 45 .. E 11.9 Alerian 8.3 AMLP 9.78 +.11 16 24m .. 20 53 4 E D+ 15.3 AmMidst 10 AMID 3.82 +.04 64 178 ..o 37 17 64 E B+ 5.3 Arcimoto FUV 3.22 +.00 90 5 ..
78 72 92 B D 15.6 AcmResrchA ACMR 10.02 +.27 +21 24 16 .. .. 54 .. D 24.2 AlerianEr 3.5 ENFR 20.71 +.31 88 6 ..k 51 72 71 D E 16.0 AmerOutdoor AOBC 12.09 .09 46 468 16 51 22 77 B D 25.6 ArcoPlatfrmA ARCE 23.13 .37 91 4 99k
17 35 19 C D 25.0 Acme Un 2.9 ACU 16.50 +.60 94 0.8 12 66 48 76 C B+ 29.2 Alexandr&Bald ALEX 22.55 +.50 66 119 19 35 62 38 D C+ 46.2 AmPublcEd APEI 30.67 +.96 28 68 19 36 51 20 C B 30.9 Arconic 1.3 ARNC 18.54 +.14 +26 7.8m 13k
92 88 89 A B 41.5 ACNB 2.5 ACNB 36.88 +.35 28 9 13 25 72 21 E E 21.6 AmerRltyInv ARL 13.01 +.25 82 0.4 8 88 63 98 B C+ 33.6 AcornIntn ATV 24.48 +2.24 30 2 2
49 40 29 B C+ 401 Alexand 5.6 ALX 319.9 +3.26 +30 7 25x
27 30 11 C B 36.4 AcordaThrp ACOR 15.95 +.39 28 622 6 17 61 10 .. E 24.1 AmericanRenal ARA 12.13 .03 63 52 17 87 50 91 C A 10.3 ArcosDo 1.1 ARCO 8.81 +.03 30 392 18o
96 69 75 B B 130 Alexndr 3.1 ARE 125.4 +2.16 33 509 29k
41 35 50 .. B 0.9 ActiniumPhr ATNM .55 +.05 +9 776 ..o 52 65 32 C B 17.5 AmrRvr 1.4 AMRB 13.88 +.52 70 1 16 63 21 86 D B+ 34.9 Arcosa .7 ACA 29.35 +.35 40 237 20k
26 34 18 D D 1.8 AlexcoRgn AXU .95 +.05 +39 246 ..o
26 67 9 B D+ 84.7 Activsn .7 ATVI 47.80 +.53 45 6.1m 17 57 95 29 D D 4.0 AmShrd AMS 2.52 +.16 12 7 10 8 19 25 E E 10.0 ArcturusThera ARCT 5.06 +.14 45 9 ..
97 88 66 A B 140 Alexion ALXN 121.4 +3.53 21 1.4m 16
34 69 32 C E 31.0 Actuant .2 ATU 22.28 +.23 40 245 18 33 25 27 B E 18.9 AmSft 4.0 AMSWA 11.02 +.12 65 35 29k 21 21 21 D D 22.1 ArcusBiosci RCUS 10.25 +.89 53 122 ..k
92 70 87 B B 11.1 AlgonqP 4.7 AQN 10.93 +.11 +4 292 14
51 79 35 B C 173 AcuityB .4 r AYI 118.8 +1.44 49 228 12o 76 43 99 E B NH AmSprcnd AMSC 12.77 +.59 +51 394 .. 14 17 13 .. B 20.5 ArdaghA 4.7 ARD 11.93 +.22 75 41 6k
74 75 46 A C 211 Alibaba BABA 159.2 +3.35 7 16m 30
43 24 68 C C 27.9 Acushnet 2.2 GOLF 23.27 +.04 44 103 17 79 49 90 C D+ 69.6 AmState 1.7 AWR 65.61 .97 42 124 37o 7 26 5 E E 8.1 Ardelyx ARDX 2.02 +.01 27 258 ..
26 22 47 E C 34.7 Alico .8 ALCO 29.82 .56 +95 13 ..k
8 10 2 D D 44.0 AdamsPhrm ADMS 8.78 +.12 27 409 .. 94 64 92 B C+ 168 AmerTow 2.0 AMT 167.4 +1.76 30 1.5m 62o 6 1 17 E D 8.8 ArdmoreShipg ASC 5.68 +.07 72 66 ..
84 92 23 A B 398 AlignTech ALGN 227.2 +6.55 2 1.3m 46
29 14 44 E B 5.1 AdamisPhr ADMP 3.08 +.17 +53 661 ..o 64 77 37 C B 24.0 AmerVan .5 AVD 17.37 +.13 70 44 23 55 16 92 E C 50.1 ArenaPhrm ARNA 44.57 +1.52 22 448 ..
23 39 18 E E 1.3 AlimeraS ALIM .87 +.01 21 70 5
.. .. 69 .. C 14.8 AdmDivE 1.5 ADX 13.58 +.12 39 224 ..k 85 67 85 C D+ 98.2 AmWtWk 2.0 AWK 93.27 1.37 25 802 28 71 63 62 A D 17.6 AresCap 9 ARCC 16.10 +.05 35 1.9m 10
9 7 8 D C 3.7 AlioGold ALO .80 +.05 +33 269 39k
.. .. 27 .. E 20.4 AdmNatR 2.3 PEO 15.98 +.23 32 122 ..k 90 68 84 B B 14.8 AresRlE 8.8 ACRE 14.17 +.06 +1 174 10
14 8 11 E D 6.0 AlithyaGrp ALYA 2.89 .06 +40 42 .. 92 85 94 B B 89.9 AmCarMrt CRMT 71.48 .03 45 53 13k
70 72 69 C C+ 50.3 AdamsRes 2.1 AE 41.81 +.90 80 1 35 .. .. 36 .. E 16.7 AresDyn 9.0 ARDC 14.38 +.04 31 92 ..k
3 10 11 D D 3.5 AljRegional ALJJ 1.41 +.01 70 5 ..k 24 22 6 E B+ 4.7 AmericasSlvr USAS 1.64 +.09 +242 430 ..
21 34 6 D C 14.6 Adaptimune ADAP 4.69 +.20 83 100 ..o 22 7 68 D E 26.0 AresMgm 5.3 ARES 20.97 +.32 +42 1.2m 37
36 37 10 E .. 5.6 AlkalineWater WTER 3.60 .04 36 333 ..k 23 35 10 B B 48.4 Amerigas 12 APU 29.89 .43 47 372 11
95 85 93 B B 77.8 7AddusHC ADUS 62.41 +.51 73 68 33
74 76 71 C C 47.5 Argann 2.4 AGX 42.33 +.73 12 121 10o
39 72 13 C D 71.2 Alkermes ALKS 34.07 +.99 19 752 58 92 72 96 D B 28.9 Americold 2.7 COLD 27.93 +.16 31 993 75
56 6 97 E B+ 114 Argenx ARGX 105.8 +.70 46 132 ..
30 2 78 E B 1.8 ADDvantg AEY 1.41 +.01 18 14 ..k 35 2 94 .. E 65.5 Allakos ALLK 44.81 +1.67 39 170 ..k 57 83 24 B D 180 Amerpri 3.0 AMP 121.1 +1.34 28 793 8
65 44 87 D C 70.0 ArgoGro 1.7 ARGO 63.99 +.49 +45 234 23k
22 37 25 E C 10.3 Adecoagro AGRO 7.17 .09 18 299 .. 76 54 80 D D+ 659 Alleghany Y 618.3 +1.08 28 44 20k 61 97 14 A D 59.1 Ameris 1.1 r ABCB 36.51 +1.24 +96 855 10
19 18 9 D D 13.9 AridisPharma ARDS 8.70 .01 90 0.6 ..k
35 4 73 D C 10.8 Adesto IOTS 5.04 .01 +51 254 ..k 55 51 65 D B+ 30.2 AlleghnyTech ATI 26.63 +.99 3 1.5m 17o 60 63 48 C C+ 64.0 Amerisa 1.5 AMSF 57.60 +.79 +31 135 16
74 97 36 A C+ 313 AristaNtk ANET 227.3 +.81 4 732 30
53 2 99 .. A 9.4 AdialPharma ADIL 5.84 .11 95 103 ..k 58 98 29 B E 46.9 AllegBanchs r ABTX 35.53 +.02 +33 86 14 57 82 52 C D 4.6 Amerise 2.0 r ASRV 4.09 .04 +123 35 9
.. .. 81 .. B 34.7 ArkGenom ARKG 28.19 +.51 40 88 ..k
13 48 3 C C+ 73.6 Adient 5.6 ADNT 19.60 +.71 42 1.5m 3k 47 50 49 B E 181 Allegia 2.3 ALGT 121.8 +.33 12 186 11k 48 69 30 B C 106 Amerisr 2.0 ABC 79.66 +.96 34 924 12
.. .. 55 .. D 37.5 ArkIndInnv ARKQ 32.18 +.70 +99 52 ..k
22 32 7 D B+ 7.0 AdmaBio ADMA 3.22 .01 20 229 .. 93 83 79 A C+ 94.3 Allegion 1.0 ALLE 84.19 +1.19 24 543 19k 31 66 28 B E 32.2 AmesNtl 3.6 ATLO 25.25 +.07 +2 11 14k
.. .. 79 .. B 49.9 ARKInnvEtf ARKK 42.57 +.99 37 242 ..k
98 98 83 A C 277 AdobeInc r ADBE 245.0 +2.39 12 3.8m 36o 72 37 80 .. B+ 9.9 AllegroMrgr ALGR 9.80 .01 98 3 99k 76 76 65 A D 81.9 Ametek .8 AME 71.32 +.12 18 1.2m 22
.. .. 69 .. B+ 22.3 ArkIsrael 2.8 IZRL 20.24 +.22 28 3 99
6 43 2 .. E 2.1 Adomani ADOM .24 +.01 10 268 .. 11 2 20 .. D 17.6 AllenaPhrma ALNA 8.02 +.13 43 18 .. 85 79 85 A E 210 Amgen 2.9 AMGN 198.8 2.20 +41 4.4m 14
30 50 16 D D 27.2 ArkRstr 5.4 ARKR 18.64 +.23 86 0.5 14k
21 39 20 E C+ 13.0 ADTInc 1.9 ADT 7.19 +.13 +4 2.1m ..o 44 66 34 C E 197 Allergan 1.8 AGN 160.7 +3.09 38 1.7m 9 25 9 24 D C 17.6 Amicusn FOLD 11.64 +.50 9 2.4m ..o .. .. 87 .. D 53.0 ArkWebx.o ARKW 49.07 +1.24 47 91 ..k
47 52 75 C E 58.8 Adtalem r ATGE 49.66 +.59 64 179 17k 62 44 65 D C+ 82.8 Allete 3.0 ALE 74.88 1.95 +2 251 25k 10 10 10 E B+ 4.4 AmirNatFds ANFI .92 .02 64 270 .. 26 17 32 D D+ 11.2 Arlingtn 17 AI 8.34 +.18 18 331 ..
33 8 48 E A 19.3 Adtran 2.6 ADTN 14.04 +.48 +170 974 ..o .. .. 83 .. B 14.1 AllcCAMu 3.6 AKP 13.74 .02 +24 18 ..k 45 28 78 D B 11.7 AmkorTech AMKR 7.75 +.37 18 787 11 5 7 2 C E 23.8 ArloTech ARLO 6.80 .24 +2 1.1m ..k
7 18 4 E C+ 9.9 AduroBio ADRO 2.64 +.06 59 490 .. 57 87 19 A D 262 Allianc 1.3 r ADS 177.7 +3.08 26 480 8 88 93 92 B B 68.2 AMNHlthcr AMN 63.97 +.37 45 251 20k 52 25 68 D C 16.2 ArmadaH 5.5 AHH 14.51 +.11 29 186 38k
94 66 98 B B 34.1 AdvaMcrDv AMD 21.93 +1.08 +10 110m 56 5 21 5 E B 0.9 AllianceMma AMMA .17 .00 18 309 .. 37 84 7 A E 24.5 AmnealPhrma AMRX 11.94 .05 +105 2.1m 7 54 38 41 A E 25.0 ArmourR 10 ARR 21.14 +.06 23 676 5
86 64 89 C B 186 AdvAuto .2 AAP 153.2 3.09 +53 1.8m 22 47 30 61 B D 21.9 Allianc 11 ARLP 18.79 .08 +11 669 6 1 3 5 D C 15.6 AmpcoPit AP 3.83 +.15 +8 62 .. 38 72 43 E B 20.5 ArmstrongFloor AFI 13.26 +.12 25 101 23
56 39 77 D C 27.9 AdvDisposlSvc ADSW 24.88 +.58 41 257 42k 90 90 85 A D 31.2 AlliBer 9 AB 30.15 +.14 37 342 9 85 44 94 D B+ 23.0 Amphastar AMPH 22.40 +.38 60 108 99o 92 75 88 A B 73.5 ArmstrW 1.1 AWI 66.06 +.77 46 236 19
60 96 42 C C+ 33.5 Advancd 1.3 WMS 24.56 .13 +27 249 21k .. .. 38 .. D+ 13.8 AllizNFJ 7.7 NFJ 11.67 +.07 46 220 ..k 79 85 61 A C 97.6 Ampheno 1.1 APH 86.30 +1.08 +8 1.8m 22o 80 49 86 C A 4.2 Arotech ARTX 3.44 .15 +80 186 15o
82 41 93 C A 12.4 AdvEmisn 8.7 r ADES 11.49 .02 +144 225 7 73 54 74 C D 46.6 AlliantE 3.3 LNT 43.10 .82 16 1.7m 20 23 72 5 .. D 3.9 AmpioPhrm AMPE .49 +.00 63 461 .. 70 50 92 E B+ 7.2 Arqule ARQL 3.59 .01 65 483 ..o
46 60 40 B C 77.3 AdvEngy r AEIS 51.00 +2.45 +13 357 10 .. .. 51 .. D 9.5 AllnzCnvI 6.3 CBH 8.70 +.09 +7 108 ..k .. .. 16 .. E 20.4 AmpAdBaM 1.6 BATT 12.53 +.23 +47 5 99 69 19 95 E B+ 20.2 ArrayBio ARRY 17.90 +.22 +1 2.6m ..
19 21 31 B C 44.4 Advansix ASIX 29.93 +.83 14 162 14k .. .. 28 .. C+ 6.4 AllizConI 13 NCZ 5.19 +.01 43 246 ..k .. .. 69 .. B 25.7 AmpBlkSwn .6 SWAN 24.93 .00 +69 27 99 68 53 95 C D NH ArrisIntl ARRS 31.10 +.25 1 4.1m 10
9 37 2 E C+ 3.3 Advaxis ADXS .37 +.06 18 746 ..o .. .. 28 .. D 7.3 AllizCon 13 NCV 5.96 +.05 6 493 ..k .. .. 65 .. B 26.3 AmpEasTa .4 EASI 24.02 .01 9 7 99 .. .. 46 .. C+ 19.2 ArrwDJG 7.7 GYLD 16.46 +.12 78 4 ..k
.. .. 35 .. C 16.5 AdvClCv 10 AVK 13.70 +.05 35 127 ..k .. .. 39 .. D+ 25.3 AllianzDv 9 ACV 20.78 +.10 37 30 ..k .. .. 77 .. E 54.6 AmplifyOnline IBUY 46.09 +1.10 63 53 ..k .. .. 73 .. E 52.8 ArrowDogs 8.0 DOGS 50.70 +.76 73 0.6 99
8 13 7 E E 8.6 AdverumBio ADVM 3.21 +.11 71 97 .. .. .. 45 .. C+ 24.0 AllizEq&Co 7.6 NIE 20.07 +.16 3 114 ..k .. .. 29 .. E 21.5 AmplifyT 1.1 BLOK 16.68 +.36 49 26 99 69 67 82 C C 86.5 ArrowElec r ARW 75.57 +1.56 12 499 9
.. .. 25 .. C+ 27.7 AdvsShrVic 1.6 ACT 22.43 +.06 27 3 99k .. .. 48 .. B 12.7 AlliBGl 7.5 AWF 11.08 +.12 37 233 .. .. .. 55 .. B 31.0 AmpYldC 7.5 DIVO 27.97 +.18 +999 30 ..k 55 82 37 B E 40.2 ArrwFl 3.2 AROW 32.70 +.44 37 12 13k
.. .. 50 .. C 42.8 AdvCrnrs .1 SCAP 35.03 +.40 43 0.4 ..k 21 17 28 E C+ 5.3 AlldHlth AHPI 1.96 ... 94 0.3 ..k 4 22 3 E D+ 1.7 Ampliphi APHB .23 .02 56 180 .. .. .. 69 .. B+ 100 ArroResrvC 1.8 ARCM 100.0 +.03 71 2 ..k
.. .. 42 .. B+ 75.6 AdvDblV 1.2 DBLV 63.16 +.86 50 3 ..k 94 89 88 B B+ 55.5 AlldMot .3 AMOT 43.40 +2.06 5 53 24 23 7 56 D D 9.9 Amrep AXR 6.80 .04 75 1 30 46 13 98 E D+ 22.4 ArrowheadPhr ARWR 13.72 +.67 +45 2.4m ..
.. .. 65 .. D 34.1 AdDorWrig .1 DWSH 25.89 .52 79 9 99 45 15 93 D B 5.2 AlliquaBio ALQA 2.44 +.16 95 107 .. 9 22 18 C D 11.4 Amtech r ASYS 4.75 +.13 49 47 14 46 12 95 .. A 28.7 Arsanis ASNS 3.02 .04 98 60 ..
.. .. 19 .. D 63.3 AdvShDors 1.0 AADR 43.10 +.50 88 5 ..k 97 94 91 A A 53.8 7AllisnT 1.2 ALSN 48.39 +.60 28 745 11 5 32 4 .. E 9.3 Amyris AMRS 3.19 .14 42 746 .. 65 67 44 C C 40.2 ArtsRs 2.7 ARTNA 35.03 .71 42 9 21
.. .. 55 .. D 34.8 AdvFocus .5 CWS 30.54 +.42 82 0.7 ..k .. .. 75 .. B 13.3 AllBNtl 4.4 AFB 12.63 .04 54 58 ..k 27 72 11 D D 76.7 Anadarko 2.6 r APC 46.89 +.64 41 3.1m 22 30 61 11 A E 41.5 ArtsnPt 10 APAM 22.93 +.03 37 294 7k
.. .. 49 .. C+ 57.2 AdMadDm .6 FWDD 50.21 +.65 55 0.5 ..k 44 5 95 .. D 35.6 AllogeneThera ALLO 29.54 +.89 53 237 ..k 91 80 90 A B+ 103 AnalogD 2.0 ADI 97.67 +2.92 +36 4.2m 16o 9 17 11 E E 5.5 ArtsWay ARTW 2.01 +.01 84 2 ..k
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Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating
Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE
Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos)
52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P
6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
42 5 86 D D 21.3 Arvinas ARVN 17.06 +.81 46 45 ..k 52 86 12 A D 284 Baidu r BIDU 167.1 +4.40 3 3.0m 16 99 99 96 A C+ 68.0 BioSpecif BSTC 64.02 +.04 +8 43 26 70 50 81 A D 74.1 Bottomline EPAY 50.98 +.70 19 303 39
.. .. 56 .. A 12.2 AsaGld& .3 ASA 9.63 +.29 +70 167 .. 90 73 77 A D 18.8 BainCpSp 9.0 BCSF 18.24 +.24 36 140 23k 98 99 98 A D 74.7 7BioTelemetry BEAT 70.00 +2.13 +64 937 41 .. .. 56 .. D 11.8 BldrGIn 11 BIF 10.51 +.09 61 98 ..k
11 11 12 E D+ 1.4 AsankoGold AKG .69 +.03 54 136 .. 25 72 13 C E 37.8 BakerHu 3.1 BHGE 23.49 +.45 +3 6.5m 44 3 16 2 D E 3.2 BioTimen BTX .94 .02 38 405 .. 91 98 74 C B+ 17.0 BowlAm 4.5 BWLA 15.50 .01 46 0.7 23k
86 94 71 B C 77.8 AsburyAut ABG 69.88 +.96 62 93 8k 48 76 30 B D 117 Balchem .6 BCPC 82.39 +1.00 43 71 28 13 2 13 .. B 14.8 BioxcelThera BTAI 5.53 +.03 90 17 ..k 57 38 59 E C+ 29.8 BoxA BOX 20.20 +.35 23 1.8m ..o
19 26 27 E D 5.3 AscenaRtl ASNA 2.59 +.02 47 1.7m ..o 73 51 95 B E NH Ball .8 r BLL 51.75 +.89 14 2.9m 23k 1 9 11 E D 2.8 BirksA BGI .95 .04 56 14 ..k 12 4 55 E B 17.4 BoxlightA BOXL 2.66 .23 17 802 ..
67 30 94 E B+ 77.0 Ascendis ASND 73.72 .18 +126 338 .. 2 7 2 E D+ 5.7 Ballanty BTN 1.63 .18 84 3 .. 48 13 81 .. D 10.5 BisonCapAcq BCAC 10.46 +.08 96 2 ..k 51 84 22 C B 40.4 BoydGm .9 r BYD 26.72 +.74 +17 2.2m 21
1 5 1 E C 10.7 Ascent ASCMA .61 +.02 24 138 ..o 37 2 66 E B 4.6 BallardPw BLDP 3.25 +.05 +65 898 ..o 38 74 15 B D 39.4 Bitauto r BITA 18.11 +.86 +2 1.2m 14o 53 70 40 C C 47.8 BPplc 6.1 BP 40.11 ... 30 5.0m 11
44 72 17 B D 7.7 ASETech ASX 3.90 +.09 43 706 4k 19 41 20 D E 21.8 BancOfC 3.5 BANC 14.79 +.27 +11 577 39o 74 97 44 C D 76.5 BJSRest .9 BJRI 52.39 +.08 +34 667 23 79 99 22 A B 23.0 BpMidstr 6.9 BPMP 16.35 +.09 6 198 13
63 98 21 A C+ 94.3 ASGNInc ASGN 62.16 +.70 41 214 13k 73 91 37 A C 65.7 Bancfir 2.2 BANF 53.57 +.05 45 28 14 90 96 94 .. C+ 32.9 7BJsWhlClub BJ. 26.19 +.92 41 893 18 46 52 37 A C+ 37.2 BPPrdh 21 BPT 23.59 .58 44 221 5o
42 74 12 B E 102 Ashford AINC 56.40 +1.90 +19 8 7 27 60 25 .. D 9.5 Bilbao 3.9 BBVA 6.10 +.17 6 4.4m 8 46 30 88 D D 4.8 BkTech 1.9 BKTI 4.11 +.04 85 3 .. 85 71 92 B B 47.4 BradyA 1.9 BRC 44.48 .81 +55 625 20k
20 14 14 E B 8.7 Ashford 10 AHT 4.71 +.09 59 271 ..o 85 58 93 C B 13.2 BancBrad 2.0 BBD 11.51 +.13 18 11m 3 74 48 88 C D 68.2 BlackHi 3.1 BKH 64.50 .53 40 250 18k 52 30 63 D C 12.1 Braemer 6.3 BHR 10.22 +.18 49 77 11
65 52 77 C C 86.6 Ashland 1.3 ASH 75.92 +.26 +14 730 21 88 58 93 D A 13.1 BancBra .4 BBDO 10.30 +.22 61 9 3k 85 80 64 B B 56.5 BlackKnightA BKI 48.15 +.45 62 346 27k 36 7 76 .. D+ 5.4 BrainstrmCell BCLI 3.54 +.02 44 34 ..o
42 61 24 C B 2.9 AsPWr&Cb 15 APWC 2.11 +.06 +63 10 5 58 35 71 C D+ 34.7 BancoCh .1 BCH 30.90 +.15 71 17 17k 49 3 79 .. B+ 12.1 BlackRidgAcq BRAC 10.08 .04 86 7 .. .. .. 47 .. A+ 16.7 BrandVal 1.7 BVAL 14.91 +.04 +999 202 ..k
8 9 6 E D 10.4 AsianPhrma ASLN 3.65 .34 32 20 ..k 27 14 25 C C+ 30.5 BancoLa 8.3 BLX 18.50 +.08 69 55 66 58 45 55 A B 19.3 BlckStn 8.9 BSM 16.65 +.30 +2 189 16o 69 34 47 C A+ 18.1 Brndywin 5.1 r BDN 14.88 +.26 +10 2.3m 18
74 77 44 A B 221 ASML .8 ASML 176.7 +7.76 +24 1.3m 24o 36 32 28 B B+ 114 BancMcr 5.0 BMA 55.00 +1.02 25 216 6 63 78 16 A D 120 Blackba .7 BLKB 70.14 +.50 33 250 27k .. .. 54 .. B 13.4 BrndyGlbI 6.6 BWG 11.07 +.04 44 42 99
9 2 13 D D 9.0 AspenGroup ASPU 5.12 +.06 38 36 .. 63 33 70 C B 35.1 Santand 3.5 BSAC 31.95 +.17 44 160 16k 28 42 16 E E 13.6 BlackBryLtd BB 8.10 +.33 40 2.7m 47 93 74 92 A B 4.5 Brasilagr 4.2 LND 4.25 .05 87 2 3
3 5 7 E B 5.6 AspenArgls ASPN 2.75 +.04 90 9 ..k 24 42 32 C D 7.6 BancoSa 4.0 SAN 5.02 +.09 46 4.2m 10 94 72 90 C D+ 58.1 Blackline BL 45.54 +.48 33 296 99k 31 31 48 E B 31.3 Braskem 6.7 BAK 26.42 +.39 40 249 10o
77 70 81 E B 46.1 AspenIns 2.3 AHL 41.86 .21 +135 1.9m .. 42 22 54 D B 8.8 BancSan 5.5 BSMX 7.33 +.16 +42 2.2m 60 .. .. 57 .. C+ 13.7 BlacrkC 4.3 BFZ 12.41 +.02 48 69 ..k .. .. 10 .. D 25.7 BrkwaveDryBulk BDRY 15.10 .17 67 0.1 99
87 58 90 .. B 118 AspenTech AZPN 98.79 2.01 +63 968 36o 81 55 93 D B NH Santand 3.0 BSBR 13.20 +.06 10 802 16 .. .. 81 .. D+ 11.8 BlkLTMu 5.2 BTA 11.45 .01 77 15 ..k 35 4 57 E B+ 11.9 BRFSA BRFS 6.57 +.12 +29 3.2m ..
11 9 8 D D 67.4 AsemblyBio ASMB 21.15 +.23 66 67 .. 55 47 78 D D 51.4 Bancolo 2.7 CIB 43.58 .07 19 257 11k .. .. 71 .. C 15.0 BlkMDMu 4.1 BZM 13.56 +.11 +45 6 ..k 32 36 26 B B 38.0 BridgeB 3.2 BDGE 28.43 +.09 35 27 17k
47 99 7 C D+ 9.5 AssertioThera ASRT 4.18 +.24 46 550 4 52 67 28 B C+ 12.0 Bancorp TBBK 8.74 .19 +62 302 5 .. .. 84 .. A 14.6 BlkMuIT2 4.9 BLE 14.08 .02 1 100 ..k 1 2 2 E D+ 3.8 BridgelineDig BLIN .25 +.01 77 77 ..k
47 29 77 C C 16.6 Bancorp34 BCTF 15.00 +.37 97 0.1 99 .. .. 66 .. C+ 14.2 BlkMunI 5.4 BBF 12.85 +.03 12 35 ..k 45 58 58 D B 13.6 BrdgpntEd BPI 8.31 +.23 +15 150 12k
57 80 29 A C 29.0 AssocBa 3.1 r ASB 22.03 +.72 +80 2.5m 10
.. .. 82 .. B 22.3 Bancrft 32 BCV 20.49 +.13 28 16 99 .. .. 75 .. C+ 14.0 BlacrkM 5.4 BFK 12.94 +.04 35 112 ..k 82 96 40 A B 13.9 BridgewaterBnc BWB 11.15 +.30 7 143 12
50 28 88 E C 46.9 AssoCap .5 AC 40.35 +.41 76 4 ..k
90 43 96 B B 57.5 BandwidthA BAND 45.73 +1.53 36 77 80k .. .. 66 .. C+ 14.7 BlkNYMu2 4.5 BFY 12.86 .03 11 15 ..k 76 22 99 C A 32.8 BridgFds BRID 28.15 .35 59 0.7 26
68 49 57 C B 111 Assurant 2.5 r AIZ 95.24 1.11 6 404 11k
90 95 56 A B 52.3 BankFirst 1.7 BFC 48.10 1.90 +13 6 12 .. .. 66 .. B 13.9 BlacrkN 4.2 BNY 12.54 +.02 +69 74 ..k 10 27 9 D E 27.3 BriggSt 4.6 r BGG 12.08 +.53 +265 1.6m 11o
70 58 85 C D 43.4 Assured 1.6 AGO 40.24 +.08 36 394 8
54 57 47 A D+ 66.8 BnkNova 4.6 BNS 55.62 +.57 43 550 7o .. .. 30 .. B 20.3 BlkVAMu 4.2 BHV 15.41 +.10 93 0.5 ..k 85 88 87 B D 123 BrigtHrzFm BFAM 114.5 .73 45 139 37k
6 9 22 E D 64.8 AstecInd 1.2 r ASTE 37.49 +1.08 47 118 ..k
92 92 74 B B 33.1 BankofA 2.0 r BAC 29.58 +.50 11 72m 11o 46 62 28 B C 592 Blackro 3.2 BLK 410.0 +3.39 30 573 15o 28 26 15 A C 21.9 BrightScholar r BEDU 10.83 .32 60 109 31
7 32 4 E D 2.4 AsteriasBio AST .69 .04 +3 210 ..
75 86 48 B B 13.2 BkCmrc 1.4 BOCH 11.15 +.11 36 14 12 .. .. 45 .. C 11.1 BlackrckC 8.8 HYT 9.77 .01 +13 777 ..k 28 36 46 E C+ 10.8 Brightcove BCOV 7.61 +.10 39 68 ..
41 30 52 B D 41.8 AstraZn 3.8 AZN 35.75 .04 +33 6.8m 11
69 83 44 B C 88.9 BnkHawa 3.2 BOH 76.79 +1.11 +84 537 15k .. .. 51 .. E 9.9 BlkRk22Gl 6.9 BGIO 8.65 +.07 61 42 ..k 23 41 21 B E 67.6 BrighthousFinl r BHF 37.67 +1.24 41 908 2k
50 69 22 C D+ 47.6 AstronicsA ATRO 30.61 .03 42 87 35
83 72 86 A D 45.4 BankMar 3.3 BMRC 42.09 +.29 42 23 22k 65 39 76 C B+ 6.5 BlackrCa 11 BKCC 6.05 .03 16 340 9 56 72 36 A D 18.6 Brightsph 3.2 BSIG 12.37 +.04 37 384 6k
84 67 91 C B 24.0 Astrono 1.4 ALOT 19.95 +.20 29 7 26
51 75 44 B E 84.7 BankOfMont 4.1 BMO 73.48 +.94 54 309 8o .. .. 71 .. C 13.9 BlkCore 6.1 BHK 12.87 .01 40 111 ..k 41 75 22 D A 23.4 Brightview BV 14.85 +.18 41 346 17k
71 26 99 E B+ 8.2 Astrotech ASTC 5.15 +.10 93 31 ..k
76 90 21 A B 53.6 BankOfNtB 4.3 r NTB 35.54 +.83 35 213 10k .. .. 53 .. C+ 13.2 BlckrkCrAl 6.8 BTZ 11.76 +.03 74 112 ..k 73 61 86 .. B 54.1 Brinker 3.3 EAT 46.55 .56 +42 1.7m 12
33 35 3 B D+ 19.8 AsureSoft ASUR 5.63 .07 23 212 10
81 66 82 B C+ 58.7 BkNYMel 2.1 r BK 53.40 .31 +17 8.2m 13x .. .. 45 .. E 16.0 BlkLtdDu 6.8 BLW 14.07 +.02 57 72 ..k 57 65 51 B C 86.9 Brinks .8 BCO 71.89 +1.06 14 310 22k
3 15 6 E D 9.2 ASVHldngs ASV 2.98 .16 +29 33 ..
56 70 37 A D 23.0 BnksCar 3.2 BKSC 18.55 +.25 81 1 14 .. .. 19 .. E 15.8 BlkEngy 8.1 BGR 11.55 +.14 +8 249 ..k 79 94 29 A B 70.1 BrstMyr 3.4 BMY 48.93 .09 +34 20m 12o
63 98 11 A D 41.0 AtHome HOME 22.43 +.82 54 715 16
1 8 1 E C 18.9 Bristow BRS 4.17 +.73 +288 4.8m ..
44 64 54 B E 18.0 JamesFn 1.7 r BOTJ 14.30 +.69 +321 16 11 .. .. 41 .. D+ 9.7 BREnhEq 6.8 BDJ 8.27 +.07 50 330 ..k
64 72 52 C D 39.3 AT&T 6.7 T 30.66 +.06 31 28m 8
18 45 6 A E 71.3 BritAme 8.3 BTI 31.41 .07 15 3.5m 8k
67 76 32 A A 53.7 BankOzk 2.8 OZK 31.64 .17 +20 2.1m 9 .. .. 35 .. C 12.9 BlckEnhG 7.5 BOE 10.06 +.01 40 277 ..k
50 53 98 E B 3.4 ATA ATAI 1.07 +.09 +273 262 5 77 58 65 B B 18.0 BTGroup 6.0 BT 15.52 +.12 20 647 4k
46 66 27 B C+ 20.7 Bank7 BSVN 15.15 .10 50 19 9k .. .. 35 .. D+ 6.9 BlckEnhIn 7.6 BGY 5.28 .01 74 143 ..k
34 11 63 .. C 54.5 AtaraBio ATRA 35.93 +1.14 30 413 ..o 92 89 81 C B 18.7 7Brixmor 6.8 BRX 16.50 +.29 46 1.7m 13
80 93 57 B D 18.6 Bankfncl 2.7 r BFIN 14.99 +.31 +27 51 12 .. .. 66 .. D 14.5 BlkFL20 2.2 BFO 14.13 +.02 +45 24 ..k
13 47 5 D C 10.1 Atento ATTO 4.08 .01 24 136 5 81 88 70 D D+ 224 BerkHthwyB BRKB 202.8 +1.73 30 3.8m 22
54 60 38 B C+ 45.0 Bankuni 2.5 BKU 33.92 .06 33 647 11 .. .. 81 .. D+ 44.0 BlkrkHl 6.2 BME 38.61 .16 23 29 ..k
96 99 81 B B 163 7Athenhltn ATHN 134.3 +.03 +4 827 29 99 92 93 A B 273 7Broadcom 4.0 r AVGO. 267.9 +4.39 29 2.9m 12o
80 88 42 B B+ 35.1 Bankwll 1.7 BWFG 28.95 +.25 +12 31 12k .. .. 74 .. B 6.0 BlkrckI 7.0 BKT 5.83 +.04 15 129 ..k
57 80 34 C C 53.9 AtheneA r ATH 42.87 +.46 57 728 6k 64 86 38 A E 138 Broadri 1.9 BR 101.8 +1.04 65 391 22
65 89 40 B C 67.1 Banner 2.8 BANR 54.03 1.74 +21 268 13 .. .. 48 .. B 14.5 BRMaTax 4.4 MHE 11.91 ... +83 14 ..k
24 12 20 C D 20.9 Athenex ATNX 12.01 +.54 48 205 .. 10 28 13 E B 3.4 Broadvision BVSN 1.51 +.06 54 4 ..k
65 86 37 A D 35.6 Bancors 2.3 BXS 29.01 +.28 38 402 13 .. .. 71 .. B 13.9 BRMuInc 4.8 BYM 13.03 .12 57 36 ..k
25 31 26 D E 3.1 Athersysn ATHX 1.71 +.10 +67 1.1m ..o 13 32 17 D D+ 2.5 BroadwyFncl BYFC 1.30 +.03 91 1 65
79 94 16 B C+ 67.4 BaozunA BZUN 34.44 +1.55 20 1.6m 44o .. .. 66 .. A 14.7 BRMuInc 5.3 BAF 13.28 .02 63 11 ..k
95 99 87 A C 28.7 7Atkore ATKR 22.10 +.42 25 331 7k 14 22 10 E E 3.3 BrdwindE BWEN 1.52 +.00 85 5 ..
40 50 24 B C 31.0 BarHarb 3.4 BHB 23.21 ... 40 18 10 .. .. 46 .. E 18.3 BlackrockM 8.7 BIT 16.09 +.14 18 153 ..k
20 6 27 E B 3.9 Atlantc .8 AAME 2.66 .16 +61 6 .. 37 21 57 E B 10.4 BrkdlLiving BKD 8.28 +.11 57 914 ..
.. .. 25 .. B 106 BrcEtEnhEur50 FFEU 78.58 +1.31 37 17 99 .. .. 70 .. B 14.7 BRMnHIn 5.3 MFL 12.75 +.07 49 96 ..k
93 98 90 C C+ 21.6 AtlanticCap ACBI 18.43 +.04 48 73 23k 58 39 80 B E 45.0 BrkfldAs 1.4 BAM 42.04 +.48 37 803 16
.. .. 51 .. E 122 BrcEtnEnhGlb FIYY 91.57 +.52 80 6 99 .. .. 75 .. D+ 16.4 BlkMuni 5.3 MHD 15.18 +.05 21 39 ..k
78 47 93 E B 2.6 AtlanticPower AT 2.56 +.06 44 231 ..o
.. .. 75 .. C+ 14.6 BlkMuni 5.4 MUH 13.63 +.01 44 32 ..k 49 72 23 C D+ 46.6 Brookfiel .8 BBU 33.06 +.28 67 8 ..k
29 67 24 E D+ 12.6 Barclays 2.7 BCS 8.62 +.14 47 2.4m 99
56 72 33 E C 21.4 AtlanticaY 7.4 AY 18.04 .56 +76 803 ..
.. .. 66 .. B 15.4 BlkMu20 2.5 BKK 14.91 ... 58 33 ..k .. .. 46 .. C 13.6 BrookfldGl 8.5 INF 11.47 +.02 18 60 ..k
.. .. 20 .. C+ 180 BarEtnFiEnhEur FLEU 115.3 +1.12 94 0.2 99
66 32 97 D B 4.9 Atlanticus ATLC 3.33 .27 73 1 .. .. .. 81 .. B+ 22.1 BlkrkMuni 3.4 BTT 21.67 .02 74 71 ..k 46 24 58 B D 43.4 Brookfi 4.8 BIP 38.99 +.66 54 174 62
.. .. 59 .. B 22.8 BarEtnS 5.8 ATMP 19.70 +.20 86 50 ..k
49 87 30 B C 75.3 AtlsArWd AAWW 51.30 +.54 56 134 7 .. .. 75 .. B 15.0 BlkMuni 5.4 BBK 14.17 +.02 63 13 ..k 73 67 31 A D 22.3 Brookfld 7.1 BPY 17.76 +.18 21 1.4m 8
.. .. 63 .. B 162 BrcEtnShillr CAPE 119.7 +1.12 93 1 ..k
24 34 39 E C 21.4 AtlasFinl AFH 9.86 .08 +42 33 .. .. .. 78 .. B 13.9 BlkMuIn 4.0 MUI 13.31 .09 85 30 ..k 68 97 26 C D 23.9 BrkfldPrpR 7.1 BPR 17.81 +.23 47 1.1m 15k
.. .. 45 .. B 35.8 BiPCocoa NIB 25.68 .36 +67 49 ..
99 98 98 A B 100 7AtlassianA TEAM 95.86 +2.54 34 1.2m 99o .. .. 66 .. A 13.2 BRMnHdg 5.1 MUS 11.86 .07 13 41 ..k .. .. 36 .. C 23.9 Brookfield 11 RA 20.57 +.16 42 133 ..k
.. .. 23 .. D 18.4 BarcGsci36 GSP 14.35 +.09 53 24 ..k
90 68 83 B A 100 AtmosEn 2.2 ATO 94.83 1.84 44 531 23 .. .. 82 .. C 14.6 BlkMuni 4.7 MUA 13.74 ... 38 53 ..k 43 8 54 D C 33.9 BrookRen 6.7 BEP 29.11 +.46 33 135 ..
.. .. 55 .. E 70.3 BarWomenLdr WIL 64.38 +.59 86 0.1 ..k
76 56 90 E B 88.8 ATNIntrnat .9 ATNI 74.83 .36 26 53 52k
24 10 62 D E 10.8 Barings 4.1 BBDC 9.72 +.01 52 149 38 .. .. 66 .. D 14.0 BRMnHCa 4.4 MUC 12.84 ... 28 127 99 68 90 30 B C+ 19.4 Brookli 2.9 r BRKL 14.48 +.11 55 167 14k
13 17 21 E B 8.0 Atomera ATOM 3.99 +.29 +41 54 ..k .. .. 65 .. C 15.7 BaringsCor 8.0 MCI 14.96 .04 21 20 ..k .. .. 70 .. B 14.1 BRMnHNj 4.8 MUJ 12.99 +.02 66 36 99 90 98 84 B C 39.8 BrooksA 1.3 BRKS 30.49 +.95 5 704 26
16 41 8 .. D 10.7 AtossaGen ATOS 1.35 +.01 97 34 .. .. .. 39 .. B 20.0 BarGlbS 10 BGH 16.98 .05 28 91 ..k .. .. 66 .. B 13.3 BRMHNQ 4.3 MHN 12.27 .03 70 30 ..k 83 80 70 B E 31.6 Brwn&Br 1.1 BRO 28.20 .11 +15 1.2m 24k
75 16 96 D B 36.5 AtriCure ATRC 31.07 .17 33 147 ..o .. .. 84 .. B+ 16.5 Barings 7.0 MPV 15.41 +.03 16 12 ..k .. .. 66 .. C 13.6 BRMnHQu 4.8 MUE 12.00 .07 46 51 99 37 51 23 A B 69.1 BrownFo 1.4 r BFA 46.07 .22 3 30 26
91 72 94 B C+ 796 Atrion .7 ATRI 780.0 3.64 7 10 41 50 73 47 B D+ 72.7 Barnes 1.1 B 57.98 +1.08 41 124 18k .. .. 70 .. C 9.7 BlkMunv 5.2 MVF 8.78 +.04 34 132 ..k 39 51 27 A B 59.6 BrownFo 1.5 r BFB 45.50 .11 0 1.5m 26
20 21 18 .. A 1.3 AttisInds ATIS .32 .01 4 285 ..k 51 15 89 E B 7.8 BarnesN 9 BKS 6.33 .10 55 744 ..o .. .. 61 .. B 14.5 BRMnYCa 4.8 MCA 12.96 .03 22 101 ..k 45 87 9 B C 48.5 BrpInc .9 DOOO 29.58 +.93 +129 104 2
97 72 99 C B 26.3 Attunity ATTU 23.35 +2.02 +72 669 68k 42 57 36 E B 8.3 Brn&NobEd BNED 5.71 +.12 38 309 4o .. .. 66 .. C 13.8 BRMnYMi 4.8 MIY 12.80 ... 67 30 ..k 91 44 85 B A 14.2 BRTApts 6.2 BRT 12.85 +.12 24 26 7k
14 32 6 .. B 4.0 AtyrPharm LIFE .56 +.03 89 37 .. 2 12 16 E D 3.0 Barnwell BRN 1.47 +.07 76 1 ..k .. .. 70 .. B+ 12.8 BRMYNQ 4.3 MYN 11.82 .01 87 18 ..k 96 81 89 B B+ 36.4 Bruker .5 BRKR 34.77 +.34 62 321 25k
47 8 84 C C 4.9 AUOptro 8.6 AUO 4.18 +.07 32 451 8k 30 65 26 C C 98.8 Barrett 1.6 BBSI 63.32 +.62 65 14 15 .. .. 61 .. C 14.4 BRMnYPa 4.8 MPA 13.06 .05 19 34 ..k 41 72 27 B E 69.8 Brunswi 1.7 BC 49.93 +.82 20 732 11
22 49 17 B D 54.0 AuburnN 2.9 r AUBN 33.16 .34 +9 4 14k 28 10 44 D D 15.5 Barrick 2.3 GOLD 12.25 +.40 24 13m 23 .. .. 70 .. B+ 13.4 BRMnY 4.9 MYI 12.32 .13 48 157 ..k 64 84 25 A C 50.4 BrynMwr 2.7 BMTC 37.60 +.10 30 52 10
21 16 12 .. B+ 46.2 Audentes BOLD 23.76 +.60 46 303 .. .. .. 46 .. D 46.3 Barron's .8 BFOR 39.01 +.51 11 10 ..k .. .. 47 .. B 14.8 BlkMuny 5.6 MYF 13.32 .07 +60 95 ..k 97 97 87 A A 36.5 BSBBanc BLMT 32.88 +.78 +296 291 13k
96 98 98 B B+ NH Audioco 1.5 AUDC 13.32 +.30 +140 432 22 .. .. 78 .. C+ 14.7 BlMunyl 4.6 MYC 13.41 .03 78 18 ..k .. .. 22 .. B 40.6 BtciSh 11 COMT 32.17 +.32 82 43 ..k
2 4 3 D C 24.1 BasicEn BAS 5.15 +.04 49 211 ..
86 15 98 D A 12.4 Audioeye AEYE 11.85 +.65 +9 75 ..k 18 44 14 D C 36.8 Basset 2.7 r BSET 18.65 +.18 28 22 19 .. .. 78 .. C 14.4 BlkMuni 5.2 MYD 13.42 .07 39 107 ..k 11 9 18 C B 57.2 Buckeye 16 BPL 30.86 +.04 24 955 ..
45 6 90 D D 7.9 Aurinia AUPH 6.13 .19 +4 1.1m .. .. .. 82 .. B 15.5 BlkMuni 5.3 MVT 14.41 +.07 11 79 ..k 32 45 28 C D 27.8 Buckle 5.6 BKE 17.90 +.42 33 409 8o
63 31 91 C C 28.5 BauschHealth BHC 23.79 +.46 36 3.1m 6
22 44 8 .. B+ 5.2 AurisMedical EARS .44 ... 65 844 .. .. .. 61 .. C+ 15.5 BlkMuny 5.3 MYJ 13.48 +.04 30 60 ..k 67 40 84 D C 16.8 Buenavn .5 BVN 15.49 +.37 49 995 48o
88 64 74 B B 78.4 BaxterI 1.1 r BAX 70.33 +.38 54 1.9m 24
88 72 65 B B 12.5 AuroraCannabis ACB 6.72 +.10 +24 19m 24k .. .. 80 .. A 13.9 BRMnYInv 5.3 MFT 13.10 +.06 +8 37 ..k 3 2 7 D E 10.5 BldBear BBW 5.21 ... 49 49 ..o
60 68 37 A C 26.9 Baycom BCML 21.52 +.62 63 13 17k
41 31 34 D D 11.7 AuroraMoblA r JG 6.82 +.16 20 38 ..k .. .. 40 .. C 17.1 BlkMuny 4.3 MZA 12.90 .05 32 11 99 34 66 19 B D 23.3 BldrsFirst BLDR 12.69 +.09 54 533 6o
11 37 6 C E 4.9 Baytex BTE 1.69 +.05 32 1.7m ..o
10 8 20 .. D+ 1.9 AurynResrc AUG 1.04 +.02 27 51 6 .. .. 75 .. B+ 13.4 BRNYMuI 3.8 BSE 12.51 .06 +26 26 ..k 18 47 14 E C 83.2 Bunge 3.8 BG 53.29 +.20 23 1.2m 16
64 77 61 B C 56.3 BB&T 3.3 BBT 49.37 +.12 29 3.7m 12o
91 72 91 D C 159 Autodesk ADSK 142.1 +6.03 17 1.9m 99o .. .. 78 .. A 14.2 BlkNYMu 4.1 BQH 13.30 .23 72 2 ..k 98 99 91 A D 180 7BurligtnStrs BURL 168.0 +.77 49 594 28o
32 14 24 C A 26.1 BBVABan 3.6 BFR 12.73 +.23 +62 628 10
77 97 36 A D+ 119 AutohomeA ATHM 76.02 +2.69 +3 1.1m 21o .. .. 29 .. C 10.2 BRRes&C 7.9 BCX 7.77 +.08 57 210 ..k 74 96 31 B C 30.0 BusnssFrs 1.4 r BFST 23.09 .11 66 7 23
32 62 18 B D 10.2 BBXCap .7 BBX 6.09 .02 50 144 4
42 64 28 C B 115 Autoliv 3.1 ALV 80.97 +2.66 7 609 9k .. .. 79 .. C 36.2 Blackroc 5.8 BST 30.77 +.77 40 86 ..k .. .. 64 .. C+ 39.3 BuzzUsSe .5 BUZ 34.34 +.57 +168 7 ..k
38 30 17 A B 16.1 BCBBanc 5.1 BCBP 11.08 +.03 19 27 12k
30 1 65 E C 53.2 Autolus AUTL 26.00 +.55 58 39 ..k .. .. 75 .. D 13.7 BlackSt 5.4 BSD 12.61 .01 38 16 ..k 26 36 11 B D+ 72.2 BwxTech 1.4 BWXT 45.08 +.83 61 392 21o
68 47 69 B D+ 47.2 BCE 5.4 BCE 42.35 +.49 26 851 12
.. .. 78 .. C 14.5 BlacIvQ 4.9 BKN 13.80 .06 33 37 ..k 49 73 21 A D 24.8 BylineBanc BY 17.88 +.53 +227 252 12
84 89 82 A D 153 AutoDat 2.3 ADP 136.4 +1.66 39 1.6m 29 64 71 48 B B 63.6 BeacnRoof BECN 35.09 +.32 55 597 13
33 75 16 D C 62.0 Autonation AN 37.20 +.39 4 643 8 49 68 6 C B 13.3 BeaslyA 4.2 BBGI 4.75 +.15 54 20 8k .. .. 81 .. B+ 22.8 BlkrkTa 6.5 BBN 21.92 +.11 35 141 ..k C
30 5 75 E B 8.6 Autoweb AUTO 3.31 .05 69 21 .. 62 73 61 C B 20.7 BeazerHmes BZH 11.60 .14 33 322 5 46 32 63 B E 15.5 BlkRckTc 10 TCPC 14.23 ... 40 212 8 53 68 25 A D 7.7 CNFinance CNF 6.54 .28 67 9 3k
82 88 91 .. E 896 Autozone r AZO 814.6 .15 14 319 15o 92 82 77 A C 265 BectDic 1.3 BDX 243.1 +2.34 4 1.2m 22 .. .. 76 .. B 21.7 BlckUtlIn 7.2 BUI 20.19 +.12 35 28 ..k 45 79 38 C D 67.4 C&FFncl 2.9 r CFFI 50.50 +1.61 8 5 9
6 5 3 D B 11.9 AvadelPhrm AVDL 2.47 .03 81 34 .. 25 17 30 C B+ 24.1 BedBthB 4.3 BBBY 14.80 +.11 15 6.7m 6o .. .. 35 .. E 14.1 BlkFloa 6.1 BGT 12.10 +.12 12 164 ..k 18 36 11 C D+ 35.3 C&JEnergy CJ 16.45 +.55 51 504 11k
61 10 85 E B 59.4 Avalara AVLR 40.80 +.70 22 260 ..k 16 4 46 E D 220 Beigene BGNE 126.1 +1.01 59 288 .. 80 74 67 A D 40.6 Blackst 6.7 BX 32.99 +.48 39 4.0m 7 .. .. 46 .. D 16.8 CtrkM/ 7.1 MLPC 13.60 +.17 44 0.5 ..k
40 67 52 E C 20.2 AvalonHld AWX 2.86 +.01 68 18 19 51 61 56 D B 25.8 BelFus 1.3 BELFA 18.78 +.58 43 0.8 17k .. .. 35 .. E 17.1 BlckstnG 9 BGX 14.76 +.15 32 66 ..k 95 79 92 A D 924 CableO .9 CABO 864.8 +6.60 50 17 32
94 76 88 B B 191 AvalonB 3.2 AVB 186.7 +1.70 11 572 31 60 62 75 D C 29.0 BelFus 1.3 BELFB 21.90 +.89 +11 21 18k .. .. 35 .. E 18.5 BlkstFRt 8.0 BSL 16.10 +.03 17 89 ..k 49 55 20 A C 68.6 Cabot 2.8 r CBT 46.92 +1.55 51 210 11k
50 2 98 D B+ 13.5 AvalonGlobo AVCO 4.23 +.23 +999 2.4m ..k 41 63 20 B B 87.0 Belden .4 BDC 53.42 +1.51 40 326 9 81 46 80 A D 35.7 Blackst 7.4 BXMT 33.51 +.13 64 420 13 89 94 57 A B+ 123 CabotMi 1.6 CCMP 99.6 +1.90 40 141 19
83 66 68 C B 54.6 Avangrid 3.6 AGR 49.15 .52 +5 471 21k 1 41 2 E E 1.7 BellatrixExplo BXE .40 +.00 +83 219 .. .. .. 31 .. E 16.2 Blackstne 9 BGB 13.93 +.06 46 163 ..k 72 45 87 B B 28.8 CabotOi 1.1 r COG 25.91 +.43 +10 8.0m 32
38 72 23 D C 73.0 AvanosMed AVNS 45.31 +.44 50 226 94 8 22 4 .. D 3.3 Bellerophon BLPH .66 ... +68 669 .. 38 47 89 .. B 8.7 BlinkCharg BLNK 2.39 +.03 +93 1.1m 1 72 63 56 C C 200 CACIIntl CACI 157.5 +1.42 50 169 15
27 30 21 .. C+ 23.8 Avaya AVYA 16.21 +1.60 +87 1.9m 15 19 28 7 E C+ 10.3 Bellicum BLCM 3.29 +.09 27 378 ..o .. .. 38 .. D 11.7 BlkDebt 8.0 DSU 10.30 +.01 24 241 ..k 59 73 92 .. D 41.0 CactusA WHD. 32.99 +.64 67 137 20
64 15 98 .. B+ 6.8 AvenueThera ATXI 6.00 ... 25 52 .. 75 60 99 E B 25.4 BelmondA BEL 24.87 ... 77 565 85o .. .. 41 .. D+ 17.4 BlkEnhC 6.6 CII 15.05 +.11 24 115 ..k 62 97 13 A B 31.4 Cadence 3.2 CADE 18.85 +.43 +10 1.9m 9
19 47 12 E D 3.6 AveoPhrm AVEO 1.81 +.08 43 913 ..o 82 68 86 C B 53.0 Bemis 2.5 BMS 48.74 +1.02 +37 765 17k .. .. 71 .. B 13.6 BlEnhGv 3.8 EGF 12.96 +.04 13 8 ..k 97 93 83 A D 47.4 Cadence CDNS 46.59 +.65 6 1.5m 26
71 87 51 B D+ 123 AveryDe 2.1 AVY 97.20 +1.22 44 432 16k 52 34 61 D B 32.5 Benchmr 2.5 r BHE 24.34 +.46 47 226 15 .. .. 32 .. D+ 14.6 BlkFltR 6.2 FRA 12.41 +.06 41 170 ..k 17 24 19 .. B 14.8 Cadiz CDZI 10.25 .01 39 72 ..
7 7 11 D E 9.8 Avianca 6.9 AVH 4.63 +.18 42 50 .. 87 91 67 C B 18.6 Benefic 1.5 BNCL 15.72 .08 65 117 26k .. .. 75 .. B 13.4 BlkMuNY 3.8 MNE 12.78 .17 66 5 ..k 96 79 90 B B 21.7 CAE 1.4 CAE 20.96 +.24 51 83 18k
42 40 38 D C+ 19.1 AviatNetw r AVNW 14.21 +.04 98 0.2 21k 77 29 99 .. B+ 55.4 Benefitfocus BNFT 53.88 +1.43 23 281 ..o .. .. 74 .. A 11.3 BlkMuni 5.5 MEN 10.44 +.02 7 120 ..k 46 72 21 D B 14.5 CaesarsEnt r CZR 8.87 +.22 +51 31m 2o
10 21 28 E E 8.4 AvidBioservc CDMO 4.02 +.39 +29 379 .. 4 12 5 D E 4.9 BenitecBio BNTC 1.46 .06 1 7 ..k .. .. 66 .. B 15.0 BlMunyQ 4.9 MQY 13.62 .05 81 24 ..k 19 23 26 C B 22.1 Caesars 4.0 CSTE 14.82 +.01 63 57 13k
23 52 30 .. E 7.0 AvidTech AVID 4.61 .04 51 101 .. 73 65 74 D B 80.7 Berkely .8 WRB 75.00 +.33 +21 528 14 .. .. 70 .. A 12.9 BlMunQl 4.8 MQT 11.90 .10 63 20 ..k 79 49 85 A C+ 31.7 CAIIntl r CAI 24.17 +.30 60 54 6
14 48 1 E C 8.3 Avinger AVGR .33 +.01 37 1.4m .. 82 88 70 D C 335900 BerkHthwyA BRKA 303531 + 1851 33 0.2 22 36 16 94 E C+ 2.2 BlonderTong BDR 1.10 +.09 83 4 .. 30 36 32 .. D 52.3 CalMneF 1.9 CALM 41.74 .66 47 185 11o
12 8 8 D C 1.6 AvinSilvGold ASM .59 .01 +41 331 11 37 70 14 B E 44.3 BrkshrH 3.3 BHLB 27.49 +.63 +8 341 10 19 42 4 .. E 38.0 BloomEnrgA BE 11.53 .05 +30 571 .. 36 12 87 .. D 11.7 Caladrius CLBS 4.77 +.12 50 13 ..
22 66 13 C E 50.9 AvisBudget CAR 26.23 +1.11 6 1.5m 7 90 75 84 B B 60.4 BerryGlobal BERY 51.03 +.44 21 1.2m 15 62 64 39 C B 25.0 BlmnBrd 1.9 BLMN 18.96 +.01 24 952 11 .. .. 35 .. D+ 13.7 CalaCvHi 9 CHY 10.77 +.10 54 184 ..k
47 77 16 D D+ 52.9 AvistaC 3.6 AVA 41.01 +.21 +91 1.8m 21k 23 69 16 E D 18.6 BerryPe 4.4 r BRY 10.95 +.50 +83 969 25k 73 52 75 B B 41.4 Blucora BCOR 29.66 +.27 72 91 15 .. .. 35 .. D 12.9 Calamos 9 CHI 9.98 +.09 67 146 ..k
61 65 77 D C 49.4 Avnet 1.9 AVT 41.04 .61 +18 1.6m 10o 10 43 7 .. D+ 13.5 BestIncA BSTI 4.79 +.18 41 550 .. 12 24 20 E B 4.2 BlueApronA APRN 1.42 +.06 +62 5.7m ..k .. .. 39 .. C 23.0 CalamDy 10 CCD 18.81 +.08 22 77 ..k
29 12 65 .. B 3.0 AvonPrdt AVP 1.98 +.03 40 2.4m 24 21 89 18 .. E 84.4 BestBuy 3.0 BBY 59.34 +1.74 40 2.8m 11o 42 78 63 .. C 27.0 BlueBird r BLBD 20.06 .25 35 62 12k .. .. 26 .. D+ 9.9 CalamGl 11 CHW 7.48 +.02 53 166 ..k
4 1 3 .. E 53.7 Avrobio AVRO 12.71 .48 30 102 ..k 19 32 13 .. D 34.0 Beyondspring BYSI 18.00 .10 42 3 ..k 6 26 9 E E 13.2 BlueCap 17 BCRH 6.97 +.43 +2 23 15k .. .. 23 .. C 16.3 CalaGTR 10 CGO 11.34 +.02 56 22 ..k
82 87 87 B B 21.5 AVX 2.6 AVX 17.65 +.66 +81 519 12 81 96 90 B C 29.6 BGStaf 5.1 BGSF 23.37 +.75 31 35 14 95 99 88 B B+ 25.8 BlueHill 3.4 BHBK 23.19 .02 28 104 22 .. .. 48 .. D 13.6 ClmsStr 8.5 CSQ 11.68 +.09 64 177 ..k
28 24 37 E D+ 4.7 Aware r AWRE 3.57 .04 17 8 ..k 59 80 19 A D+ 9.4 BGCPtrs 11 BGCP 6.22 +.02 66 1.3m 4 19 6 33 D E 236 BluebirdBio BLUE 129.8 +7.01 +3 795 .. 14 52 10 B E 25.5 CalAmp r CAMP 14.71 +.93 +56 793 12o
6 8 7 E D+ 9.8 Big5Spt 5.6 BGFV 3.55 +.06 37 231 ..o 30 57 12 B B 26.2 BluegrnVac 5.2 r BXG 13.00 .20 30 74 11 47 75 28 C C+ 108 Calavo 1.2 CVGW 82.94 +.68 43 120 33o
61 93 37 B E 23.2 AxaEquit 2.8 r EQH 18.65 +.21 60 1.8m 3k
30 44 11 C D 64.4 BigLots 3.7 BIG 32.50 +.53 44 893 8o 14 5 8 B D 5.6 Blueknig 16 BKEP 1.93 +.09 38 170 ..o 43 66 16 B D 9.9 Caledon 4.7 CMCL 5.77 +.13 +20 11 3
59 83 36 B B 33.3 AxaltaCoat AXTA 25.55 +.17 32 1.5m 19
8 18 6 E E 443 BiglariB BH 126.0 +7.24 11 6 .. 50 5 94 B C 46.4 BlueLinx BXC 28.31 +1.96 49 85 .. 33 66 25 .. C 41.1 Caleres 1.0 r CAL 28.76 +.10 59 181 12o
67 74 57 B B 28.4 AxcelisTch r ACLS 20.05 +1.25 +18 278 12k
14 18 8 E D 1285 BiglariA BHA 625.2 +3.20 50 0.2 .. 37 13 68 D C+ 109 BlueprntMed BPMC 69.32 +2.22 37 218 .. 78 42 91 C D+ 49.1 CalifWt 1.6 CWT 46.86 1.23 46 121 38o
62 46 62 D C 60.7 AXISCap 2.9 AXS 54.87 +.03 65 309 13
62 11 98 D B+ 22.7 BilibiliZ BILI 17.44 +.55 18 3.8m ..k 78 14 92 D B 10.7 Bluerock 6.3 r BRG 10.28 .21 18 191 ..k 16 59 10 .. D 50.3 CalifRes CRC 20.32 +.87 22 1.9m 54
9 6 4 D E 56.9 AxoGen AXGN 17.01 +.75 13 829 ..o
6 31 13 E D 3.6 BioKeyIntl BKYI 1.19 +.05 +596 111 .. .. .. 77 .. C 36.8 BluestrTa .3 ITEQ 33.87 +.49 35 6 ..k 19 11 14 D C 9.4 CalitheraBio CALA 4.21 +.11 64 83 ..o
89 92 87 B C 76.5 AxonEnterp AAXN 49.10 +.67 58 319 61
31 46 27 D C+ 345 BioRadA BIO 240.3 +3.24 2 205 62o 61 95 36 C B 23.8 BMCStock r BMCH 16.92 +.44 38 271 9 90 72 98 E A NH Calix CALX 11.11 +.36 +32 548 ..
43 4 74 E E 17.0 AxonicsModul AXNX 14.99 +.15 78 27 ..k
6 20 1 D E 61.8 BioPthHdgs BPTH 1.90 .02 14 255 .. .. .. 10 .. D+ 87.7 BmoRexMicSec3 FNGU 35.87 +2.49 34 176 99 52 99 25 C D 24.7 CallGolf .2 r ELY. 16.57 .01 51 604 13
57 88 21 A D 45.2 AxosFinl AX 28.11 +.32 +30 690 10k
84 64 74 A B 206 BioTec .8 TECH 164.3 +2.05 51 117 36k .. .. 22 .. B 57.8 BmoRexMisFng FNGD 28.54 2.18 48 45 99 59 98 11 A B 14.7 CallnPet CPE 8.21 +.09 32 3.9m 10o
10 34 6 .. E 6.6 AxovantSci AXON 1.02 +.06 32 839 ..
18 5 19 D C+ 2.6 BioanlySys BASI 1.35 .00 +141 33 ..k 89 90 80 B C 394 Boeing 2.3 r BA 364.2 +5.93 29 3.2m 23 2 18 4 E C 8.8 Calumt CLMT 3.17 +.38 33 261 ..o
68 13 99 .. A 9.2 AxsmeThera AXSM 8.60 +.26 72 690 ..
6 3 9 .. D 3.8 Bioblast ORPN 1.07 +.03 15 83 ..k 58 56 38 D C+ 36.0 BoingoWlss WIFI 23.39 +.60 37 281 .. 4 18 15 E C 26.6 Calyxt CLXT 12.08 +.51 46 51 ..
11 38 7 C E 9.5 AXTI AXTI 4.14 .04 24 307 11
11 39 4 E B 18.5 Biocept BIOC 1.94 .10 +97 4.4m .. 22 67 9 C E 49.3 BoiseCa 1.4 BCC 26.05 +.43 15 375 8 1 46 1 .. E 85.9 CamberEnrg CEI .54 +.01 41 877 ..k
12 23 3 E B 77.2 AytuBioSci AYTU 1.12 +.12 +173 789 ..k
64 13 99 E B+ NH Biocryst BCRX 9.72 +.91 +56 1.2m ..o 75 54 92 C D 17.1 Bojangles BOJA 16.09 .01 50 277 21o 40 60 16 B D 69.4 Cambrex CBM 43.95 +1.23 43 222 15
79 29 92 B A 35.1 Azul AZUL 28.70 +.20 41 357 15
77 16 98 E A 4.4 BioDlvry BDSI 4.33 +.26 +2 650 ..o 44 77 27 B E 107 BOKFncl 2.4 BOKF 81.78 +1.18 54 124 13 .. .. 81 .. B 27.2 CambriaCor 1.9 CCOR 26.30 +.09 +415 73 ..k
24 54 9 D D 17.2 AzurePower AZRE 9.42 +.08 42 11 28k
56 28 79 D B 18.0 Biofrontera BFRA 13.16 .13 +196 7 .. 45 74 21 A D+ 40.4 BonanzaCrk BCEI 24.56 +.51 35 169 6 .. .. 46 .. B 36.5 CamEmSh 3.6 EYLD 29.52 +.30 48 1 ..k
33 31 23 .. B+ 3.8 Azurrx AZRX 2.25 .10 +119 168 ..
93 83 86 A D+ 388 Biogen BIIB 336.8 +3.90 26 969 13 13 10 11 E B 5.0 BonsoElec BNSO 2.25 .11 66 1 56k .. .. 36 .. E 27.9 Cambria 4.8 FYLD 22.92 +.24 38 8 ..k
63 57 56 C B 56.1 AZZ 1.5 AZZ 44.72 +.44 43 90 25o
45 14 88 .. D 44.3 Biohaven BHVN 35.84 +1.32 61 197 .. 60 82 41 A D 2229 BookingHdgs BKNG 1802 +6.53 +1 459 20 .. .. 42 .. B+ 29.4 CmbGlb 1.9 GMOM 24.65 +.05 +283 71 ..k
B 16 19 14 .. C+ 5.8 BiohitechGlb BHTG 2.52 +.01 95 0.7 .. 95 93 81 C B 31.6 7BootBarn BOOT 22.62 +.82 41 631 20 .. .. 55 .. C 28.6 CamGlAst 2.8 GAA 25.85 +.12 64 4 ..k
3 10 3 E E 20.5 BComms BCOM 4.45 .12 90 0.2 .. 34 28 48 E B 3.0 Biolase BIOL 1.42 +.08 17 38 .. 82 83 89 B E 52.9 7BoozAll 1.6 BAH 48.35 +.89 25 863 20 .. .. 42 .. D 28.5 CamGlVa 2.5 GVAL 22.81 +.14 +55 58 ..k
66 15 85 B B 50.5 BHPGrp 4.9 BHP 48.21 +1.59 +11 3.8m 19 88 72 97 D C+ 26.4 BiolifeSol BLFS 13.43 +.36 +64 240 99 51 62 34 B B 57.7 BorgWar 1.7 BWA 40.98 +.87 16 1.5m 9 .. .. 42 .. D 41.0 CambrSh 2.3 SYLD 35.34 +.46 58 6 ..k
86 63 85 A C 45.7 BHPGrp 5.5 BBL 42.59 +1.74 5 1.8m 17 11 15 11 .. D+ 1.8 Biolinerx BLRX .60 .01 70 123 .. 25 57 18 .. E 11.2 BorqsTech BRQS 3.90 .30 83 2 97 .. .. 50 .. B 29.5 CambriaSo 3.3 SOVB 25.23 +.02 43 1 ..k
39 78 11 B E 23.7 BRileyFinl RILY 14.03 .13 6 81 7 69 43 75 C C 106 Biomarin BMRN 95.44 +2.76 +29 1.2m 99 44 48 66 C C 3.1 BOSBetter BOSC 2.26 .05 +56 57 7 .. .. 60 .. C+ 26.6 Cambria 1.6 TAIL 20.94 .24 89 3 ..k
17 17 16 E D 4.7 Bsquare BSQR 2.18 +.05 52 25 ..k 3 4 11 E D 4.7 Biomerica BMRA 2.54 +.03 40 10 .. 54 49 75 B E 329 BostonBeer SAM 248.9 +5.75 30 85 38 .. .. 60 .. E 25.7 CamTrinit 2.1 TRTY 23.93 +.10 71 4 99
46 52 53 B E 33.9 B&GFoo 7.1 r BGS 26.67 .41 +4 753 12o 19 7 22 .. C+ 7.7 Biondvax BVXV 5.05 +.13 20 4 .. 67 21 89 D D 31.7 BostnOmhaA BOMN 24.98 +.20 54 15 .. .. .. 33 .. D 28.1 CambVal 1.0 VAMO 22.31 +.21 60 8 ..k
95 80 87 B C+ 3.3 B2Gold BTG 2.90 +.07 10 4.0m 22 15 37 7 E B 0.4 Biopharmx BPMX .11 .00 60 1.5m .. 70 32 80 C B 132 BostonP 3.1 BXP 123.5 +2.41 8 722 36 52 74 27 A D 95.1 Cambridg 2.8 CATC 73.61 2.64 25 4 12
1 17 1 E D 7.7 BabcockWilc BW .44 .03 +41 1.6m ..o 68 30 97 .. B+ 4.1 BioScrip BIOS 3.65 .04 77 258 ..o 30 57 18 C C 17.9 BostonP 4.1 BPFH 11.63 +.16 26 397 12k 73 77 44 B A 47.9 CamdenN 3.0 r CAC 40.01 +.20 9 26 12k
87 83 90 B C 57.1 BadgerM 1.1 BMI 53.18 +.39 55 60 37k 17 2 13 .. C 7.1 BiosigTechs BSGM 4.25 +.13 14 43 ..k 97 84 92 A B 39.4 BostonSci BSX 37.45 +.22 49 3.9m 26 80 39 84 C B 95.7 CamdenP 3.3 CPT 93.52 +1.20 13 522 44k
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Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating
Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE
Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos)
52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P
6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
62 53 93 E C 12.8 Cameco .5 CCJ 12.11 +.45 28 1.4m 24 18 27 15 C B 24.8 CenturyAl CENX 9.03 +.18 20 1.3m 16 54 17 54 C B 13.2 CityOffice 8.4 CIO 11.23 +.01 48 168 11 25 50 5 B E 39.4 Conagra 4.0 CAG 21.01 .14 25 6.0m 9o
39 39 21 B D+ 48.1 Campbls 4.1 CPB 34.24 .48 17 2.5m 12 89 80 70 A C 84.5 CtryBc .6 CNBKA 77.00 +2.71 +75 12 11 9 15 9 D C 4.6 Civeo CVEO 2.32 +.10 +26 1.0m .. 6 16 3 D D+ 8.0 ConatusPhrm CNAT 1.78 .01 62 327 ..o
21 54 7 B D 47.1 CampingW 2.2 CWH 14.58 ... 33 676 7 38 6 82 D D+ 9.6 CenturyCsno CNTY 7.70 +.07 50 47 .. 49 92 20 A E 25.9 Civista 1.9 CIVB 18.94 .14 65 16 10 26 11 23 B C+ 26.2 ConcertPhrm CNCE 14.51 +.12 50 87 ..
98 97 57 B A 11.1 Camtek CAMT 7.10 .07 +74 169 13 66 96 17 B B 35.5 CenturyCom r CCS 21.62 +.38 18 348 5k 94 74 92 B A 17.7 CivitasSols CIVI 17.66 ... 55 181 10k 49 71 18 A C 163 ConchoResrce CXO 118.6 +2.47 38 1.3m 27
87 83 91 A D 72.3 7CanadaGseA GOOS 49.11 +3.06 +24 3.1m 50k 29 50 16 C E 24.2 Century 14 CTL 14.99 +.28 +19 17m 15 88 72 97 C B 12.0 Clarus .9 CLAR 11.18 +.25 +19 137 18 26 10 38 E B 4.2 ConcMed CCM 3.35 .15 +194 16 ..k
86 74 75 A C 91.9 Canadian 1.7 CNI 83.44 +1.38 27 753 16 93 82 96 C B 5.0 Ceragon CRNT 3.92 +.11 25 360 18 33 42 53 E E 4.1 CleanEgyFuel CLNE 1.94 +.01 39 515 ..o 6 27 17 .. E 15.3 ConcretePump BBCP 8.02 +.36 85 7 ..
49 76 18 B B 38.2 CanadnNa 3.7 CNQ 26.38 +.21 5 3.9m 7 71 7 96 B B+ 5.9 Cerecor CERC 5.10 +.11 52 40 .. 74 66 80 D B 72.5 CleanHarbors CLH 58.54 +1.00 40 342 61 38 42 19 C D 11.3 CondorH 9 CDOR 8.52 .08 67 5 14
95 91 86 A B 224 CandPac .9 CP 205.3 +3.21 19 564 14o 74 34 93 E C 45.0 Ceridian CDAY. 39.40 +.51 16 487 ..k 47 4 86 .. C 6.4 ClearChannel CCO 5.48 +.19 29 83 .. 17 60 10 E C 23.4 Conduent CNDT 12.84 +.41 25 2.0m 11k
86 72 97 C B+ NH CdnSolar CSIQ 19.51 +1.37 +40 1.1m 6o 55 57 34 B D 69.9 Cerner CERN 54.90 +.44 31 1.5m 22 .. .. 24 .. D+ 17.4 ClrbrMlp 9 CEM 12.23 +.14 76 194 ..k 21 32 5 E C 2.5 Conformis CFMS .57 +.01 25 453 ..k
62 59 40 A D 99 CandianI 4.9 CM 83.30 +1.10 35 286 7 42 28 52 D C 8.1 Cerus CERS 5.74 +.14 36 545 ..o .. .. 64 .. C 31.9 ClrbrdgAll .6 CACG 28.98 +.29 80 7 ..k 25 48 18 E E 7.2 Conifer r CNFR 4.80 +.25 94 0.7 68
3 11 2 E C 2.2 CancerGentcs CGIX .32 +.00 +21 2.2m .. 8 13 7 E C+ 3.3 CescaThera KOOL .33 +.02 63 140 ..k .. .. 21 .. E 13.3 ClearEnMd 9 EMO 9.31 +.07 66 218 ..k 76 49 83 C C+ 83.5 Conmed 1.1 CNMD 69.89 +.24 +452 1.3m 32o
25 47 17 D E 2.8 CanfiteBioPh CANF 1.14 .01 24 124 .. 59 42 48 C B+ 47.2 CEVA r CEVA 27.94 +1.04 38 108 49 .. .. 23 .. E 13.2 ClrbrMlpMd 9 CTR 9.39 +.12 66 124 ..k 68 84 23 A A 31.4 Connect 1.5 CNOB 20.14 .25 3 149 9
61 50 76 E B 21.9 Cannae CNNE 18.73 +.37 20 304 .. 65 72 66 D C+ 56.5 CFIndust 2.8 CF 42.55 +1.29 36 2.0m 42 78 72 65 D C 15.3 Clearfield CLFD 12.15 +.10 52 13 37 17 74 7 E D 42.7 Conns CONN 19.01 +.16 +35 931 8o
22 35 29 D B 40.7 Canon CAJ 28.63 +.43 27 312 14k 96 78 89 B B 66.5 CGIA GIB 65.44 +.98 0 209 15 14 4 14 E A 8.9 ClearOne 13 CLRO 2.12 +.29 +999 12m .. 74 77 70 C B 80.2 Conocph 1.8 COP 66.99 +.87 36 4.2m 17
68 2 98 D A 59.3 CanopyGrwth CGC 48.48 +4.27 +122 19m ..k 66 82 52 B D+ 101 CHRbin 2.3 CHRW 87.05 +.51 +13 1.4m 21 5 13 1 D E 15.3 ClearsideBio CLSD 1.16 .01 47 277 .. 74 67 84 B D 21.1 ConsolC 11 CCR 17.95 .04 +12 37 7k
64 81 20 B C 130 CantelD .3 CMD 78.18 +.41 70 75 30 79 72 98 D D+ 17.9 ChampnsOnc CSBR 9.90 +.25 81 18 99 17 31 8 E E 3.0 ClearsgComb CLIR 1.15 .01 93 6 .. 31 17 47 B C 48.1 ConsolEnrg CEIX 34.70 +.87 61 119 6k
75 86 78 C D 17.7 Cantbry 1.8 CPHC 15.35 .03 5 4 13 .. .. 69 .. D 20.8 ChngFin 1.1 CHGX 19.05 +.21 85 0.3 ..k 71 57 96 D A 49.8 ClrwtrPaper CLW 33.50 +.91 0 140 11 15 5 23 C D 14.2 ConsolC 14 CNSL 10.41 +.02 67 291 ..o
98 60 95 A A 24.2 CapSW 6.4 CSWC 21.41 .09 51 49 18k 57 43 95 C B 24.1 Changyou CYOU 19.70 +.62 +23 291 10 34 37 16 D C 20.7 ClearwayE 8.5 CWENA 14.79 .69 +9 403 15 57 50 51 D C+ 84.3 ConsEdi 3.9 ED 75.95 1.71 +13 2.8m 17
66 71 56 A D 14.3 CapitalBancrp CBNK 11.95 +.56 96 2 12k 53 46 46 D C+ 15.6 ChanlAdvisr ECOM 10.96 .09 72 39 99k 36 35 17 D B 20.8 ClearwayE 8.3 CWEN 15.14 1.01 +48 1.3m 14 81 75 52 D B 15.4 ConsWtr 2.7 CWCO 12.77 +.12 11 32 18o
82 92 78 C C 27.0 CapCity 1.5 CCBG 24.14 +.29 42 15 21k 20 38 8 E C 4.5 Chanticleer BURG 1.84 .00 53 11 .. 34 40 29 .. C+ 19.6 Clementia CMTA 12.92 .42 67 19 .. 65 4 82 .. A+ NH ConstellAlpha CNAC 10.28 ... 92 4 ..k
37 57 24 C E 106 CaptlOne 2.0 COF 79.62 .56 +12 3.5m 7o 2 17 4 .. B 19.5 ChaparralEnA CHAP 7.99 +.17 62 70 .. 10 33 8 E D 4.0 ClevBioL CBLI 1.47 .02 86 1 .. 19 7 15 .. B 12.2 ConstellPhrm CNST 6.69 +.04 67 10 ..k
18 17 11 C D 3.6 CapProd 8.2 CPLP 2.20 +.03 7 757 18 31 6 17 B B+ 12.0 CharahSols CHRA 7.31 +.65 +69 121 ..k 62 71 86 .. D 13.1 CleveCl 2.1 r CLF 9.61 +.69 +76 14m 5 31 76 13 .. A 14.1 ConstellmA CSTM 8.25 +.22 19 989 4
6 2 13 E D 13.4 CaptlSrLvng CSU 7.35 +.08 46 140 .. 22 39 30 D B 1.6 ChrlClvrd CTHR .98 +.08 71 8 .. 90 72 95 E B 14.4 ClipperRe 2.9 CLPR 13.23 +.11 40 20 99 51 87 14 A C+ 236 Constela 1.8 STZ 166.8 +2.01 15 2.3m 17o
58 47 72 D B 9.1 CapitlaFi 12 CPTA 8.09 +.01 29 48 8 95 87 82 A C 139 CharlesRvLb CRL 118.8 +.75 44 227 20 83 61 86 B E 167 Clorox 2.6 r CLX 147.7 1.48 +3 1.1m 25 91 55 91 B A 14.1 ConstructionA ROAD 11.81 +.21 61 38 11k
72 55 87 C C+ 14.2 CptlFed 2.5 CFFN 13.71 +.11 57 238 20k 89 96 56 A C 60.2 CharlesSc 1.1 r SCHW 47.97 +.59 16 7.2m 19o 37 24 66 D C+ 4.7 CnsmrPrt CPSS 3.65 .07 27 19 6k
3 34 1 E D 5.4 CloudPeak CLD .41 +.05 +245 9.8m ..
87 72 79 .. A NH CapInvstIvA CIC 10.10 +.08 50 30 99 84 70 93 C A 80.3 ChartInds GTLS 72.65 .12 26 247 38k 39 25 68 D B 12.4 ContainerStore TCS 6.95 +.32 4 245 22
46 43 40 .. C+ 22.4 Cloudera CLDR 13.38 +.32 21 2.7m ..
52 75 57 E E 396 CharterCom 1 5 14 E E 7.3 Contango MCF 3.69 +.07 80 58 ..o
31 69 9 A D 76.0 CapriHldgs CPRI 42.41 +1.34 43 1.8m 8k CHTR 291.4 +3.83 9 1.3m 59 .. .. 26 .. D 13.8 CloughGlb 11 GLV 10.70 +.05 79 7 ..k
57 69 27 A D 131 Chase .8 CCF 100.1 57 97 25 B C 39.6 ContinntlBld CBPX 24.95 .09 23 282 13
4 16 4 C E 2.3 Capricor CAPR .50 .05 +123 751 .. +3.77 +30 23 22 .. .. 24 .. C 15.8 CloughG 10 GLQ 12.02 +.06 72 17 ..k
18 27 21 D C 20.0 ContlMtrls CUO 14.46 +.15 +11 2 ..
43 54 39 B D+ 21.3 Capstar 1.0 r CSTR 15.54 +.47 72 6 13 60 49 54 D C 23.5 Chatham 6.7 CLDT 19.66 +.30 38 177 25o .. .. 24 .. C 11.5 ClghGOp 12 GLO 9.05 +.09 76 46 ..k
49 72 18 B B 72.0 ContintlResrce CLR 47.26 +.92 0 2.8m 17
38 15 32 B C 9.4 Capstea 4.4 CMO 7.23 +.02 52 457 15 21 40 11 .. D+ 19.8 CheckCap CHEK 3.41 +.65 +530 444 .. 25 10 21 D B+ 65.2 ClovisOnclg CLVS 24.48 +.54 8 2.6m ..o
4 2 1 .. E 2.9 Contrafect CFRX .52 .00 38 565 ..
25 28 38 E C 1.9 CapstnTrbn CPST .90 +.01 58 224 ..k 85 66 78 A D 120 Checkpoint CHKP 108.0 +.64 28 694 19 34 31 25 B B 17.4 ClpsInc CLPS 5.82 +.05 41 57 32k
6 14 2 .. D 2.9 Contravir CTRV .33 +.01 66 48 ..
29 7 50 E C+ 24.3 CaraThera CARA 15.44 +.47 12 547 ..o 46 15 93 E B 6.3 CheckpointTher CKPT 3.38 +.13 63 27 .. 56 71 31 A D 9.9 CMFina 13 CMFN 7.34 +.09 42 19 5k
44 84 13 A D+ 37.6 Control4 CTRL 19.40 +.45 48 196 13
16 42 9 D D 12.5 CarboCeramic CRR 4.65 .11 44 213 .. 45 50 25 C C 60.2 Cheesca 2.9 CAKE 44.91 +.19 36 519 19 82 72 82 .. B 11.0 CmSevnStar CMSS 10.23 ... 89 5 46
39 68 25 .. D 79.0 ConturaEnrg r CTRA 64.99 +1.11 30 90 4k
16 9 11 D E 35.0 CarbonBlack CBLK 14.29 +.42 +26 1.2m ..k 63 87 8 B B+ 17.2 CheetahMb r CMCM 6.77 .07 54 698 4o 90 89 90 B C 197 CMEGrp 1.5 CME 185.9 .38 33 1.4m 30
12 28 5 D E 22.6 CoolHldgs AWSM 2.49 +.30 +90 733 ..
94 99 30 A B+ 43.6 Carbonite r CARB 28.13 +.65 47 210 18 79 73 95 D C 39.3 Chefs'Wrhse CHEF 33.88 .62 41 130 49k 87 65 85 C B 53.8 CMSEnrgy 3.0 CMS 50.81 .88 20 2.0m 20
96 71 90 A C 283 CooperC .0 COO 275.6 +3.64 44 254 23o
29 59 25 C E 75.8 Cardinal 3.9 CAH 49.35 +.83 +31 4.7m 9 97 72 98 B A NH Chegg CHGG 34.64 +.56 1 1.2m 78 73 69 51 C B+ 53.8 CNAFncl 3.1 CNA 45.04 .19 26 157 10k
63 36 94 D B+ 40.1 CooperT 1.2 CTB 34.11 +.36 32 391 16
54 28 66 D C+ 40.0 CardiovS CSII 29.24 +.43 32 180 99k 31 11 15 D B+ 11.6 ChembioDiag CEMI 6.84 .12 53 31 .. 51 76 28 A E 32.9 CNBFncl 2.7 CCNE 24.78 .12 51 10 12k
23 56 9 C C+ 146 CooperStdrd r CPS 75.06 +1.42 48 111 7
64 18 88 .. A 28.3 Cardlytics CDLX 17.64 +.70 +8 216 .. 82 91 61 B D 335 Chemed .4 r CHE 291.3 +.74 49 62 26k 43 68 29 C B 15.7 CNHInd 1.7 CNHI 10.22 +.27 17 929 14
97 72 97 D B+ 13.3 CootekCaymnA r CTK 11.55 .25 66 41 99k
70 41 94 C C 39.1 Cardtronicsplc CATM 30.77 +1.01 33 271 12 51 90 19 B D 59.8 ChemFncl 3.2 CHFC 42.47 +.44 11 389 11 32 52 24 C C 25.8 CNOFncl 2.3 CNO 17.68 +.21 40 813 9k 71 18 84 B A 141 CopaHld 3.6 CPA 97.56 +1.84 +46 664 12
91 30 97 A A+ 24.1 CRCM 23.81 +.28 34 303 35o 64 13 92 B C 15.1 ChemoCentryx CCXI 12.43 +.50 +131 553 49o 65 68 66 C C+ 202 CNOOC 4.1 CEO 166.5 +2.64 25 92 14 96 93 75 A E 67.1 Copart CPRT 50.08 +.57 62 677 26
90 46 99 D B 30.8 Caredx CDNA 28.77 +1.49 +19 872 .. 66 93 50 C D+ 54.0 ChmgFn 2.5 CHMG 42.40 ... 35 3 10 61 68 33 A C 21.0 CnxMids 8.4 CNXM 17.08 +.04 25 228 10k 54 5 87 E A 10.0 CorbusPhrm CRBP 7.03 .23 +330 3.3m ..
39 72 34 D C 19.1 CareerEd CECO 12.94 .03 13 261 17 97 86 93 A B+ 40.6 7Cheniere 5.9 CQP 39.24 +.99 17 240 13 81 91 61 C B 68.0 ConsTom .7 CTO 59.99 .58 70 4 13k 68 99 23 A D 26.0 CorceptTh CORT 12.29 1.52 +381 7.6m 15
99 93 96 B B+ NH CareTru 3.9 CTRE 21.15 +.41 +25 1.3m 37 69 60 84 .. C+ 71.0 CheniereEngy LNG 63.55 +.33 35 1.4m 28 50 49 35 C B 18.4 CNXRsrces CNX 13.19 +.30 54 1.3m 9
21 53 8 A D 130 CoreLabs 3.2 CLB 68.08 +1.89 +20 798 28
86 69 90 A D+ 57.3 CargurusA CARG 41.35 +1.17 34 426 99 36 34 92 E C 1.8 Cheroke CHKE .76 +.01 46 27 .. 5 19 2 E E 6.7 CoDiagnostics CODX 1.02 +.06 31 70 ..
86 88 87 D B+ 40.1 CoreMrk 1.5 CORE 28.70 .19 +24 424 22
87 77 77 B C 129 Carlisl 1.5 r CSL 108.2 +.54 28 255 18k 86 35 83 A B 19.4 CherryHi 10 CHMI 18.63 +.03 +18 187 8 72 95 40 A D 18.9 CoastalFinl CCB 15.01 .20 +72 27 21k 8 7 16 C C 21.2 CoreMld 2.3 CMT 8.63 +.28 75 5 86
29 16 21 B C+ 25.9 Carlyle 7.0 CG 17.84 +.21 44 452 7 27 63 12 D C 5.6 ChesapkeEnr CHK 2.78 +.03 +10 47m 3 80 51 80 B D 50.8 CocaCo 3.3 KO 47.37 .32 21 11m 23 27 33 18 C E 26.1 Coreciv 9.0 CXW 19.17 .02 37 496 13
48 91 24 C E 81.7 CarMax KMX 60.31 +.87 21 1.5m 13o 10 13 22 B E 1.9 ChspkGr 15 CHKR 1.35 .02 79 16 5 49 15 66 E B 79.4 CocaCoF 2.7 KOF 63.86 .03 45 46 ..k 53 73 18 C D+ 55.8 CoreLogic CLGX 36.26 +.47 26 303 12
55 74 37 B C 72.7 Carnival 3.6 r CCL 55.51 +.49 31 3.2m 13o 90 53 90 B B 93.4 Chesapke 1.7 CPK 89.23 +.08 +16 72 28 89 49 95 B B 221 CocaCol .5 COKE 211.6 2.14 27 27 62 63 50 49 C C 39.5 CorEnrgyI 8.5 CORR 35.33 +.36 16 94 20
63 74 35 B B+ 72.3 Carniva 3.7 r CUK 54.71 +.44 17 317 12 78 88 45 D B 33.8 ChspkeL 5.9 CHSP 27.30 +.47 37 238 14k 87 44 86 B B 49.4 CocaCola 2.8 CCEP 45.08 1.18 18 1.1m 16k 9 5 5 C E 28.3 Corepoin 6.6 CPLG 12.07 .05 70 110 10k
73 84 44 A D 45.6 Carolina .8 r CARO 34.20 +1.09 5 74 15 59 73 40 C B 132 Chevron 4.0 CVX 113.2 .29 26 5.5m 17 41 17 93 .. D 6.5 CocrystalPhrm COCP 3.01 .19 56 26 .. 89 89 38 A B 117 Coresite 4.7 COR 94.20 +.18 +74 641 44k
68 84 45 C C+ 10.0 CarolnaTrust CART 7.98 .03 11 17 15 30 46 3 D D+ 67.2 CHFSolutions CHFS 9.11 +.74 49 19 .. 80 58 98 D C 23.1 Codexis CDXS 17.19 +.25 30 297 ..o 58 14 89 D C 1.7 CorindusVasc CVRS 1.23 +.03 +22 514 ..
40 61 27 C B 61.5 Carpenter 1.8 CRS 43.91 +1.19 47 192 16k 57 12 99 .. B+ 4.9 Chiasma CHMA 3.72 +.03 34 59 .. 32 55 18 B E 31.9 CodrsVly 2.9 r CVLY 22.35 +.37 43 7 10 72 23 99 E A 2.4 CorMedix CRMD 1.71 .03 20 2.2m ..o
32 37 23 C A 29.0 Carriag 1.5 CSV 19.43 .32 59 70 14k 24 50 29 D E 34.9 ChcgoRi 3.0 CVR 27.86 .22 60 0.6 10 20 31 11 D D 8.9 CoeurMining CDE 4.67 +.27 33 2.2m .. 98 72 94 A B 59.2 Cornerstone CSOD 55.87 +1.21 +60 629 82
32 77 5 A E 31.6 Carrizo CRZO 11.34 .11 +150 7.0m 3o 52 23 51 B B 11.0 ChickSoupSoul CSSE 7.95 +.03 91 2 4 69 40 81 D C+ 5.8 CoffeeHldg JVA 4.69 +.26 +325 46 26k .. .. 24 .. E 16.2 Cornrst 20 CLM 11.74 +.01 49 297 ..k
30 50 11 D C+ 16.4 CarrolsR TAST 9.28 +.06 15 196 29 18 22 10 D B 10.9 ChicosF 5.6 CHS 6.06 +.11 53 2.4m 11o 85 98 62 .. B 57.7 Cogent 4.4 CCOI 48.15 +.36 35 200 83k .. .. 23 .. E 16.2 CrnstTo 20 CRF 11.46 +.06 75 96 ..k
51 66 47 B C 32.9 r CARS 25.89 +.55 28 618 13 46 75 9 A D 161 ChildrsP 2.1 PLCE 93.33 .61 21 525 11o 71 66 40 B B 69.7 Cognex .5 r CGNX 43.77 +1.55 31 934 34k 69 64 56 B D 36.6 Corning 2.4 GLW 30.36 +.50 +51 8.4m 17
27 56 18 B D+ 129 Carters 2.2 CRI 82.98 +1.10 9 659 14 79 36 84 B B 19.3 Chimera 10 CIM 18.91 +.12 23 1.1m 7 81 88 35 A D 85.1 Cogniza 1.1 CTSH 70.02 +1.90 +6 4.1m 15 6 5 9 E B+ 18.0 CorpAmerAirp CAAP 6.98 +.10 +18 199 ..
37 7 96 D D 72.6 CarvanaA CVNA 39.80 +1.40 23 1.4m .. 3 19 5 E E 5.9 Chimerix CMRX 2.31 .18 38 176 .. 8 7 8 .. D 10.8 Cohbar CWBR 3.08 .12 +55 87 .. 36 36 25 D D+ 31.0 CorpOff 4.6 OFC 24.13 +.38 +9 1.1m 37k
56 9 95 E C 2.7 CASMedSys CASM 1.86 .10 +124 81 .. 40 40 93 E B 10.2 ChinaAdvcd CADC 3.65 ... 54 22 13k .. .. 28 .. C 10.2 CohStGl 9 INB 8.03 ... 16 80 ..k 75 40 97 E B+ 5.2 CorrevioPhrm CORV 3.59 +.27 +8 235 ..
38 58 14 B B 34.2 CasaSystems CASA 12.27 +.14 38 264 9 10 10 19 D B 4.9 ChinaAuto CAAS 2.87 +.05 79 11 14o 74 59 76 A C 41.9 CohenSt 3.6 CNS 37.07 +.25 +14 170 15 96 82 93 B D+ 70.7 Corvel CRVL 63.50 +.15 35 26 28k
45 19 88 .. D+ 34.5 CslaWstA CWST 30.41 +.94 +25 280 47o 5 15 3 C E 9.0 ChinaBat GLG 1.55 .05 +234 102 .. .. .. 49 .. B 26.1 C&SLtPr 8.1 LDP 23.11 .02 15 159 ..k 8 33 3 .. E 13.9 Corvus CRVS 3.99 +.13 +43 172 ..
95 76 92 C B 137 CaseysG .9 CASY 133.7 .29 +24 419 28o 86 52 88 B B 107 ChinaBiolog CBPO 81.19 +1.19 50 75 19o .. .. 29 .. D+ 11.4 Cohen&St 10 MIE 8.86 +.06 60 74 ..k 84 59 93 C A 11.9 CosanA .7 CZZ 10.86 +.02 57 730 18o
16 3 28 .. C 8.9 CasiPharma CASI 3.47 +.05 56 182 .. 7 1 30 E B 6.5 ChinaCeram CCCL 1.76 .08 55 691 ..k .. .. 63 .. C+ 28.6 Cohen&St 8.0 PSF 25.85 +.31 73 9 ..k 14 15 22 C B 8.4 Costsma 7.8 CMRE 5.14 ... +9 525 11o
74 59 70 B D 62.1 CassInfo 1.7 CASS 51.73 .07 40 30 25k 72 99 43 A C 35.1 ChinCusRelCntr CCRC 11.24 .06 69 26 13k .. .. 70 .. B 13.1 CohenSt 8.0 RFI 12.07 +.03 23 84 ..k 95 95 82 B B 448 CostarGrp CSGP 384.0 +8.89 +7 229 57k
16 20 14 D C+ 1.4 CastleBr ROX .85 .02 55 98 99k 53 71 26 A C+ 10.7 ChinaDist DL 6.90 +.04 57 13 14 .. .. 53 .. C+ 13.5 CohSClo 8.7 FOF 11.93 .01 62 51 ..k 69 72 65 B E 245 Costco 1.1 COST 209.1 1.24 17 2.2m 29o
41 53 18 D B 6.0 CastlghHlthB CSLT 2.61 +.05 69 172 .. 47 34 41 B B 45.3 ChinaEA 1.2 CEA 30.31 .09 9 11 18 .. .. 78 .. B+ 45.1 CohStGRl 2.9 GRI 44.30 +.60 93 0.2 ..k 84 72 61 E B 17.3 Cott 1.6 r COT 15.05 +.08 58 473 99o
28 40 11 E A 23.8 Catabasis CATB 6.18 +.10 7 90 .. 13 32 4 E B 2.7 ChinaFnc JRJC 1.03 ... 89 9 .. .. .. 76 .. C+ 23.8 CohStIn 8.2 UTF 22.63 +.23 50 154 ..k 12 53 5 D E 21.7 CotyA 6.8 COTY 7.31 +.31 +25 12m 10
63 73 27 A B 47.9 Catalent CTLT 36.00 +.40 +13 1.2m 19 .. .. 48 .. A 24.8 ChinaFu .8 CHN 18.86 +.39 +123 87 ..k .. .. 62 .. C+ 12.6 CohStrQ 8.4 RQI 11.40 ... 25 416 ..k 6 4 6 E E 5.0 Counterpath CPAH 1.46 +.01 73 3 ..k
23 40 7 D B 37.0 CatalystBio CBIO 7.67 .30 +75 386 .. 12 36 9 E B 1.7 ChinaGreen CGA .60 +.00 +50 159 ..k .. .. 75 .. B+ 20.3 CohStRE 7.8 RNP 18.89 .11 +27 213 ..k 28 71 10 B E 31.5 County 1.6 ICBK 17.54 .02 +10 9 8k
17 9 19 .. D+ 4.1 CatalystPhr CPRX 2.54 +.06 81 434 ..o 12 27 12 B D+ 2.6 ChinaHGS HGSH 1.03 +.01 72 5 7k 30 62 16 B C+ 288 Coherent COHR 125.0 +4.02 1 358 9 97 72 98 .. B 84.5 CoupaSoftwr COUP 80.44 +2.35 34 893 99
62 3 99 .. A 14.3 Catasys CATS 11.10 .15 +30 82 .. 22 65 1 B E 48.0 ChinaIntrntNF CIFS 1.02 +.08 23 169 ..k 41 29 55 E B 20.7 CoherusBio CHRS 12.22 +.75 +26 846 ..o 72 62 61 D C 9.9 CousinsP 3.0 CUZ 8.61 +.13 28 3.7m 40k
27 12 17 E C 13.7 CatchMa 6.1 CTT 8.85 +.20 +68 758 .. 60 16 97 E B+ 2.5 ChiJoJo CJJD 2.16 .03 +15 402 ..k 32 64 18 B D 27.8 Cohu 1.4 COHU 17.69 +.65 +13 388 11k 47 19 74 E D 18.1 Covanta 6.3 CVA 15.83 +.04 42 496 ..
85 80 77 A C 173 Caterpi 2.5 CAT 136.9 +4.13 +21 6.4m 12 2 5 17 .. B 7.8 ChinaLending CLDC 1.18 .14 +73 357 ..k 35 60 16 C B 41.1 Colfax CFX 24.69 +.53 +10 2.5m 11 60 91 28 C B+ 35.2 CovenantTr CVTI 23.84 +.34 +21 165 10
73 92 40 A D+ 45.6 CathyGn 3.3 r CATY 37.39 +.22 +7 524 11 38 16 76 C C 17.3 ChinaLi 2.1 LFC 12.52 +.45 2 656 18o 34 43 47 .. B 77.4 ColgteP 2.7 r CL 61.84 .36 +80 8.4m 20o 9 8 4 B D 32.0 CoviaHldgs CVIA 5.09 +.19 60 270 ..
35 63 25 E C+ 26.9 CatoA 8.5 r CATO 15.52 +.35 45 165 12 84 48 88 B B 53.2 ChinaMb 3.8 CHL 51.76 .60 +77 2.0m 12 11 25 21 C E 29.4 Collectrs 5.1 CLCT 13.60 +.12 +112 69 25k 88 73 84 B B 18.0 CowenA r COWN 15.50 +.07 +20 443 7k
49 99 18 B C 261 CavcoInd CVCO 152.6 +3.03 +51 104 19k 25 24 19 .. B 3.7 ChinaNRes CHNR 1.73 .05 +29 6 ..k 70 86 40 A D+ 84.2 Collier .2 CIGI 62.48 +.93 46 22 16k 91 64 95 C A NH CPFLEne .7 CPL 16.52 +.10 66 9 15
29 24 17 B C 37.0 CBFinl 3.6 CBFV 24.30 .05 69 2 18k 3 22 6 D D+ 1.6 ChNBorun BORN .75 +.01 71 14 ..k 33 20 20 E B 9.0 Collplant CLGN 5.10 +.33 +97 13 ..k 34 52 24 D B 11.8 CPIAero CVU 6.98 ... 75 7 10
68 22 96 D A 1.7 CbakEnrgy CBAT 1.09 .01 +289 575 .. 20 34 16 .. C+ 12.5 ChinaOnlineEdu COE 7.60 +.24 +28 10 .. .. .. 74 .. A+ 9.8 ColInvG 4.9 CXH 9.30 ... 48 12 ..k 57 27 92 .. C 4.2 CPICard PMTS 2.99 +.03 57 7 ..
69 60 66 C B 24.4 CBIZ CBZ 19.88 .17 50 96 17k 56 73 41 C C+ 102 ChinaPe 9 SNP 80.85 +1.05 38 145 8o .. .. 70 .. B 5.2 ColnHiI 5.7 CXE 4.91 +.04 +14 121 ..k 38 13 63 D B 2.2 CPSTech CPSH 1.39 .06 95 0.7 ..
12 3 6 D D+ 6.0 CBLAssoc 12 CBL 2.35 +.03 43 1.8m .. 20 31 42 E B+ 0.8 ChinaPhHn CPHI .29 +.01 82 52 .. .. .. 27 .. D 3.0 Colonial 10 CIF 2.28 +.01 +30 139 ..k 59 88 26 C C 58.8 CRAIntl 1.9 CRAI 41.91 +.46 36 24 15k
65 82 24 A C 138 CboeGlbl 1.3 r CBOE 96.03 .06 8 743 22 2 10 3 .. D 6.1 ChinaRapidA r XRF 1.28 +.02 79 15 .. .. .. 74 .. B 4.7 ColMuni 5.6 CMU 4.46 +.04 0 88 ..k 85 63 82 B B 185 Cracker 3.0 CBRL 168.1 .68 28 332 19
.. .. 64 .. B 44.1 CboeVst5 1.9 KNG 39.67 +.17 +6 9 99 13 3 4 D C 3.8 ChiRecyE CREG .85 +.02 73 92 .. 21 5 29 B E 10.1 ColonyC 7.8 r CLNY 5.61 +.18 52 1.6m ..o 15 27 24 E C 21.0 CraftBrwAll BREW 16.37 +.21 37 46 54o
82 84 78 B E 50.4 CBREGrpA CBRE 44.65 +.59 21 1.5m 14k 57 40 52 B B+ 70.5 ChinaSt 2.0 ZNH 34.81 +.54 43 25 15 47 69 14 A E 23.2 ColCredR 11 CLNC 15.76 +.14 38 209 18 68 77 29 A D 102 Crane 1.8 CR 79.37 +1.45 18 279 14
.. .. 41 .. D 7.9 CbreClario 8.9 IGR 6.75 +.04 31 406 ..k 18 14 8 B .. 23.4 ChinSxtPhrma SXTC 3.80 .08 83 21 95k 52 64 34 A C 46.0 Columbia 2.9 COLB 36.32 .07 +68 710 15 57 29 88 C C 9.5 Crawfor 3.0 CRDA 9.29 .11 44 19 11
77 78 32 A C 60.1 CBSCIB 1.5 CBS 49.17 +.19 53 1.6m 10 3 1 6 E B+ 4.1 ChinaTcF CNTF 1.22 .14 +172 99 ..k .. .. 63 .. B 19.4 ColuBeynd 5.3 BBRC 16.85 +.22 86 5 ..k 53 27 87 C D+ 10.2 Crawfor 2.1 CRDB 9.50 .09 72 7 12
78 78 31 A B 60.1 CBSCIA 1.5 CBSA 49.27 +.21 73 2 10k 78 44 92 D B 55.8 ChinaTel 2.4 CHA 55.39 +.70 51 23 15 .. .. 73 .. B 20.0 ColDvFxInc 3.5 DIAL 19.28 +.02 63 17 ..k 34 13 70 E B 28.6 Cray CRAY 22.56 +.68 9 251 ..
89 90 79 B B 38.7 Cbtx .6 CBTX 32.30 .05 52 30 19k 36 24 41 D C+ 15.2 ChinaUn .6 CHU 11.64 +.13 46 445 45 .. .. 59 .. B 30.2 ColEmCorEx 2.4 XCEM 25.57 +.13 53 2 ..k 48 43 24 E B 3.4 CreatvRealiti CREX 2.41 ... 95 0.9 ..k
8 5 15 C E 3.3 CCAInds CAW 2.24 .01 74 1 99 24 24 22 B B 4.7 ChinaXD CXDC 2.89 +.29 62 22 1o .. .. 42 .. C 29.9 ColEmMktC .9 ECON 22.15 +.19 36 213 ..k 80 57 82 B C 239 Credico 1.9 BAP 236.2 +1.50 25 161 15k
69 92 19 B D 75.0 CDKGlo 1.2 CDK 51.39 .31 16 900 14 30 25 30 D B+ 25.3 ChinYuc 4.6 CYD 15.88 +.40 25 70 4o 52 56 47 C D 17.7 ColumbiaFinl CLBK 14.84 .07 75 38 99 98 97 88 A B 467 CreditAcpt CACC 409.9 +4.36 34 68 13
96 94 84 B D+ 96.8 7CDW 1.4 CDW 81.96 +.80 26 833 16 10 1 28 E B 2.4 Chinacache CCIH 1.14 .01 70 57 ..k .. .. 46 .. E 50.0 ColIndiaCn .1 INCO 40.99 1.04 19 13 ..k .. .. 29 .. B+ 302 CrdSusFiLgCp FLGE 218.3 +4.73 +9 8 ..k
58 42 92 E B 9.2 CecoEnv CECE 6.84 .07 59 41 45o 18 8 8 D B+ 4.2 ChinaNet CNET 1.62 .03 66 58 .. .. .. 22 .. D+ 102 CrSuiEnhEur50 FEUL 75.70 +1.38 83 2 99
.. .. 18 .. C 24.4 ColuIndiaSmCp SCIN 13.90 .28 +54 6 ..k
29 6 52 B C 70.8 CedarFa 6.7 FUN 55.15 .34 44 111 .. 63 41 91 D C+ 18.4 Chipmos .8 IMOS 16.73 +.18 81 6 27 34 70 20 E C 20.0 CreditSuisse CS 12.48 +.17 52 2.3m 13
53 27 54 E B 25.1 ColumPrp 3.8 CXP 21.22 +.41 50 345 99k
55 72 18 D B+ 5.6 CedarRe 5.9 CDR 3.40 .04 53 312 ..k 92 55 96 B B+ NH Chipotle CMG 543.4 +9.98 4 668 63 .. .. 37 .. D 3.3 CrSuis 9 CIK 2.90 +.01 27 157 ..k
84 90 84 B C 95.7 Columbia 1.1 r COLM 87.65 +1.23 1 349 24
50 17 98 .. C+ 4.4 CelSci CVM 2.75 +.05 21 205 ..k 58 89 70 .. D 85.4 ChoiceH 1.1 CHH 75.91 +.45 32 232 20k .. .. 14 .. C+ 33.0 CrdSusXl 13 USOI 21.56 +.07 35 1 99
.. .. 43 .. C 30.7 ColumSusIn 4.0 ESGN 25.35 +.41 94 0.1 ..k
73 95 38 A C+ 119 Celanese 2.2 CE 97.27 +1.59 45 1.1m 9 11 9 11 E B 1.4 ChrisBnk CBK .60 .01 38 198 .. .. .. 67 .. B 9.3 CrdXlGd 5.3 GLDI 8.61 +.05 5 24 ..k
58 76 52 B D+ 45.9 ClmbMck .6 CMCO 34.20 +.49 2 110 14k
33 18 60 .. D 31.0 Celcuity CELC 22.46 .25 67 3 .. 20 2 21 D B 5.8 Chromadex CDXC 3.38 .07 41 128 .. .. .. 18 .. C+ 23.6 CredSuXlnk 19 AMJL 14.27 +.33 46 3 99
97 90 70 B D 44.0 Comc 2.3 CMCSA 35.78 .46 +7 24m 13
45 44 35 C A 12.6 Celestica CLS 9.64 +.29 +12 412 9 62 63 61 D B 157 ChubbL 2.2 CB 132.3 .12 20 1.5m 13
.. .. 84 .. B 26.1 CrdSuiXl 21 REML 24.46 +.16 44 21 99
69 92 37 B B 102 Comerica 3.3 r CMA 82.07 +.38 12 2.1m 11o
98 89 82 A A 106 Celgene r CELG 87.62 +1.16 14 9.5m 10 .. .. 54 .. A 8.2 CrdXlSl 6.2 SLVO 6.97 +.18 13 22 ..k
53 36 52 C C 39.3 Chunghwa 3.5 CHT 34.58 +.06 2 101 22k 83 98 52 B B 59.8 Comfort .8 FIX 47.62 .21 30 176 18k
.. .. 32 .. C 2.8 CredtSw 9 DHY 2.29 ... 11 387 ..k
15 5 14 E C 9.9 Cellcom CEL 5.02 +.05 78 2 .. 95 80 94 A D 69.5 ChurchD 1.4 CHD 63.59 .71 +40 2.7m 28k 51 27 94 E B 3.6 CommandSec MOC 2.80 ... 74 3 99k
80 66 96 E B 51.8 Cree CREE 50.42 +1.85 +50 1.9m 99
18 38 8 D B 2.9 CelldexTh CLDX .35 +.04 +6 2.2m ..o 55 3 88 .. B 10.5 ChurchillCapA CCC 10.40 ... 49 474 99 82 87 74 A C 69.1 ComercB 1.5 CBSH 60.67 +.28 3 447 16
15 67 3 D D 9.2 CrescntPt 1.0 CPG 3.08 +.01 35 1.7m 7o
6 21 3 .. E 9.4 CellectBiot APOP 2.70 .20 +24 19 .. 94 97 75 B B+ 314 Churchl .6 r CHDN 267.0 1.50 40 66 24 43 75 21 B C+ 26.7 ComcrlM 2.8 CMC 17.20 +.78 +22 1.6m 11o
33 17 71 D B 40.6 CrestEqt 7.4 CEQP 32.47 +.75 42 237 ..
12 30 4 .. C 14.0 CellectarBio CLRB 2.03 .02 78 14 .. 55 64 15 C A 34.1 Chuy'sHlgs CHUY 20.81 +.30 33 108 21 79 97 53 B C 13.1 ComVehicl CVGI 7.13 .03 28 91 5o
52 75 37 C B 21.8 Cresud CRESY 13.30 +.09 +47 146 2k
11 46 6 E E 38.9 Cellectis CLLS 16.31 +.78 +1 151 .. 10 21 8 .. D 8.6 Cidara CDTX 2.90 .01 73 37 .. 50 72 27 B C 53.0 CmtyTrst 3.5 CTBI 41.66 +.08 39 23 12
44 82 30 B D 39.3 CRHPlc 2.8 CRH 29.07 +.75 35 608 11
37 8 86 E C 25.0 CellrBiomed CBMG 17.07 1.21 14 81 .. 99 92 98 C B NH Ciena CIEN 39.96 +.47 3 3.1m 28o 54 90 24 B D 10.1 CmtyBnkrs ESXB 7.39 .04 5 40 12
84 69 81 B E 4.5 CRHMedical CRHM 3.15 +.06 79 14 35
26 38 32 E C 3.5 Celsion CLSN 2.19 +.03 31 85 .. 88 88 69 B B 227 CIGNA .0 CI 196.3 +3.21 34 2.0m 14 50 47 31 A B 38.4 Commnity 1.7 TCFC 29.86 +.22 33 6 12k
21 2 60 D E 42.0 Crinetics CRNX 24.28 .66 44 35 ..k
26 3 18 D C 6.1 CelsiusH CELH 3.67 .08 19 41 .. 83 43 85 B B 18.1 CIMCom 2.9 CMCT 17.40 .29 +23 8 99 36 16 85 E C 6.4 CommtyHlth CYH 3.74 .05 51 1.1m .. 12 7 23 D D 73.9 CrisprThera CRSP 33.20 +.91 37 561 ..
9 11 13 E C+ 48.2 Celyad CYAD 22.40 .06 83 2 ..k 47 68 17 A B 125 Cimarex 1.0 XEC 75.70 +2.43 13 1.3m 10 98 72 91 B B 32.8 CommHlt 5.1 CHCT 31.84 +.04 37 60 81k 88 76 79 B B 36.7 Criteo r CRTO 24.87 +.36 70 181 8
23 30 39 D B 13.4 CemntsP 5.1 CPAC 9.91 .24 95 1 28k 21 17 35 B D 171 Cimpress CMPR 119.4 +2.24 20 125 99 31 47 23 B D 13.0 CmWest 2.0 CWBC 10.00 .10 +289 35 11 95 64 99 C B 31.9 Crocs CROX 28.90 +.09 55 598 96o
15 27 21 D D 8.5 CemexSab CX 5.32 +.07 39 5.3m 17 5 5 5 .. E 18.2 CinciBell CBB 8.35 .08 65 186 ..k 26 54 8 B D 41.6 Commscope COMM 19.04 +.05 44 1.5m 8 87 11 99 B A NH Cronos CRON 16.02 +.32 +45 15m ..
2 5 4 E D 3.6 Cemtrex CETX .84 +.09 +439 351 ..k 18 45 13 .. B+ 1.8 Cinedigm CIDM .94 +.03 85 25 ..k 11 37 11 E D 4.2 CommSys 3.4 JCS 2.36 +.04 50 10 .. 17 46 28 D C 14.3 CrossCntry CCRN 9.53 +.06 65 95 31
11 5 19 D D 11.5 Cenovus 1.8 CVE 7.79 +.18 +4 4.5m .. 90 89 84 B B+ 44.0 7Cinemar 3.2 CNK 39.93 .03 16 1.1m 16 78 73 82 B C 67.1 CmtyBkSy 2.5 CBU 60.15 +.02 6 245 18 44 62 21 A C 16.0 CrossTim 11 CRT 12.49 .51 4 24 9
96 92 85 B C 148 Centene CNC. 129.0 +2.27 22 1.4m 19 34 62 26 C C+ 29.4 CinerRe 9 CINR 23.00 +.45 51 10 9k 64 64 51 C B+ 12.3 CommuFirBnc CFBI 10.70 .25 +28 12 56k 32 38 33 D B 24.9 CrossAme 12 CAPL 17.04 +.51 +13 84 99o
34 72 10 B D 23.1 CentennRsDv CDEV 13.07 +.28 32 2.4m 17 85 70 83 C B 82.9 Cincinnati 2.7 CINF 79.35 +.23 6 628 24 90 73 78 C C+ 72.7 Commvault CVLT 62.28 .52 +11 420 45 95 83 85 A B 59.5 CrownHldg CCK 49.42 +.61 +26 1.8m 9
.. .. 26 .. D 11.5 CenterC 15 CEN 8.12 +.14 63 134 ..k 89 95 82 B C+ 217 Cintas 1.1 CTAS 185.0 +2.46 42 399 27o 65 19 91 E B+ NH Companh 1.2 CBD 25.25 +.22 56 333 28k 98 95 86 C B 117 CrownCs 4.0 CCI 113.7 +1.79 +8 2.4m 84o
79 23 88 B B NH Centerpt 3.9 CNP 29.79 .33 +1 5.4m 33 32 58 8 C C+ 54.9 Circor CIR 26.31 +.65 45 77 12 90 22 97 C A+ 12.0 Saneame 1.9 SBS 11.32 ... 32 1.8m 14o 64 23 74 B C+ 7.5 Crowncr 5.5 CRWS 5.77 .01 89 1 13k
89 98 41 A B 32.3 Centers 1.8 CSFL 24.22 +.51 23 480 11 60 39 56 C C+ 52.5 Cirrus CRUS 38.20 +1.77 +2 912 11 84 36 98 D A NH CompEnr 3.6 CIG 3.84 +.02 30 3.0m 14o 82 42 86 B C 36.1 Cryolife CRY 27.97 .34 36 89 90o
84 27 98 E A NH CnElBras EBR 9.04 +.05 +83 1.1m .. 75 72 84 A E 49.5 Cisco 2.9 r CSCO 46.13 +.52 14 23m 16 72 72 86 D B+ 3.3 ComphSi 5.9 SID 2.71 +.05 +40 2.1m 3o 33 18 68 D C 16.9 Cryoport CYRX 9.68 +.48 21 146 ..
87 27 98 E A+ NH Centrais EBRB 9.93 +.04 97 0.8 .. 46 61 39 .. D 18.3 Cision CISN 12.69 +.62 43 354 15k 56 58 75 D C+ 30.0 CompCer 1.9 CCU 27.45 +.13 37 115 21 48 59 34 B B 48.8 CSGSys 2.3 CSGS 35.96 +.33 +96 298 13k
.. .. 85 .. C 27.1 Cent&East 4.1 CEE 24.48 +.23 18 6 ..k 43 50 32 B B 56.1 CITGroup 2.3 CIT 44.25 +.81 +9 1.2m 11 29 16 30 D C 18.4 Compass 9 CODI 14.62 +.42 29 208 ..o 7 19 3 D E 7.7 CSIComp 1.6 CCLP 2.55 +.05 +14 319 ..o
28 43 19 .. D 4.9 CntrlEuro CETV 3.16 +.02 43 240 16k 51 77 37 C C 80.7 Citi 2.8 C 64.02 +1.31 32 16m 9o 16 16 21 C C 75.5 Compass 5.8 CMP 49.63 +.94 20 386 22 .. .. 33 .. B 20.5 CsopFtC 1.7 AFTY 14.50 +.29 80 2 ..k
78 98 41 A D 17.0 CntrlFedral CFBK 12.73 +.25 76 1 14 37 71 14 D D+ 34.9 CitiTre 1.5 CTRN 21.00 +.59 69 38 13o 54 26 92 E C 5.0 Compgn CGEN 3.64 +.09 +32 210 .. 14 7 13 E D 18.9 CSP 6.3 CSPI 9.60 .12 +33 6 ..k
90 92 89 C B+ 45.0 CntlGardn CENT 39.48 ... 53 70 20 15 41 4 .. D 4.6 CitiusPharm CTXR 1.06 .02 46 64 ..k 73 50 48 B A 34.7 CmptrPr 1.5 CPSI 26.92 .29 65 45 11k 5 6 5 D E 27.6 CSSIndst 9 CSS 8.56 +.08 +97 78 ..k
89 92 87 C B+ 42.0 CntrlGarden CENTA 35.87 .13 45 188 18k 17 5 34 E C 8.8 Citizens CIA 7.20 .12 +10 92 ..o 34 51 21 D E 9.6 ComputerTask r CTG 4.59 +.16 61 10 17k 86 68 87 C A 57.2 CSWIndus r CSWI 51.23 .29 52 27 21k
70 84 44 B B 31.6 Centrst 3.2 CPF 26.50 +.07 58 63 14 36 35 44 C C 24.0 Citizens 4.5 CIZN 21.31 +.17 +76 3 16k 95 95 91 C B 16.5 CompxIn 1.4 CIX 14.65 +.24 33 2 12 88 93 80 B E 76.2 CSX 1.3 r CSX 66.20 +1.15 +34 7.8m 17o
82 99 27 A B 19.2 CentPue 2.8 CEPU 10.08 .10 27 120 5 45 53 23 B C+ 14.3 CitznsC 1.8 CZWI 11.38 .22 85 1 14 40 29 76 E C 25.7 ComScore SCOR 19.22 +.70 22 148 .. 90 59 82 B D+ 70.3 CTWtrSe 1.9 CTWS 67.10 .20 29 41 31
.. .. 69 .. B 28.8 CentSec 2.1 CET 26.31 +.29 65 12 ..k 72 95 31 B C 48.2 Citizens 3.6 r CFG 35.44 +.29 44 3.3m 9o 19 9 78 .. E 6.6 Comstock CHCI 2.08 +.05 50 7 .. 3 14 3 D E 5.4 CTIBiopharm CTIC 1.08 +.01 15 272 ..
66 85 62 B E 22.3 CtrlVal 2.0 r CVCY 19.99 +.44 41 14 12 82 77 66 B B+ 29.0 CitizNr 4.3 CZNC 24.95 .54 24 10 13x 24 36 5 E B+ 0.5 ComstkMing LODE .14 +.01 +27 775 ..k 19 24 14 E C 5.0 CTIInd CTIB 3.09 .05 80 1 ..
24 4 99 E E 6.9 Centric CTRC 3.87 +.27 54 30 .. 85 66 70 A C 116 CitrixS 1.4 CTXS 102.7 +.79 +26 2.5m 18 8 25 17 .. D 12.3 ComstckRes CRK 6.42 +.28 54 216 .. 30 61 24 .. B+ 51.9 Ctrip CTRP 32.31 +.62 13 3.9m 22o
33 13 35 .. A 4.2 CentrusEnrg LEU 2.68 +.08 +15 58 .. 69 58 61 B B 83.3 CityHlg 2.9 CHCO 72.11 +1.59 52 37 16 45 63 34 D C 36.9 Comtch 1.6 CMTL 25.57 +.49 56 75 26 77 87 51 B B 39.2 CTS .6 CTS 28.36 +.42 50 79 18k
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IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating
Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating
Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE
Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos)
52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P
6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
93 81 81 B C+ 33.2 7Cubesma 4.3 CUBE 29.48 +.38 45 817 34 9 7 9 E D 35.5 Digimrc DMRC 19.65 +.89 18 70 ..k 47 47 48 D B 2.3 DoverMot 4.0 DVD 1.99 .01 +55 18 14 56 48 37 D B+ 64.4 ElPasoEle 2.8 EE 51.33 .93 58 135 21
69 73 65 D C 77.4 Cubic .4 CUB 63.98 +.83 35 217 99k 5 27 4 E E 2.7 Digirad 29 DRAD .75 +.00 76 38 ..k 66 85 43 A C 77.1 DowDuPo 2.6 DWDP 57.76 +1.43 36 7.7m 14k 96 74 98 C A 18.5 ElPolloLoco LOCO 17.43 .57 +19 453 25o
7 3 7 .. D+ 18.0 CueBioPhrma CUE 5.31 .13 59 45 ..k 29 10 94 E D 5.0 DigtlAlly DGLY 3.19 +.58 +999 1.1m .. 8 30 1 D D 2.4 DPwHldngs DPW .10 +.00 +83 4.4m .. .. .. 50 .. C 24.0 ElSpecLgCpScMo EEH 19.05 +.16 86 0.1 ..k
6 16 12 E D 3.3 CUIGlobal CUI 1.64 +.04 89 7 .. 62 49 45 C D+ 125 Digital 3.9 DLR 104.2 +.08 +35 1.9m 78 63 83 30 B B 52.7 DRHorton 1.6 r DHI 37.30 1.00 +186 16m 9o 57 95 29 D E 37.6 ElancoAnimal ELAN 30.60 +.37 +7 1.4m 30k
70 84 51 A E 121 CullenF 2.7 CFR 99.3 +.81 40 263 15 84 55 98 D A 2.6 DigitalTurb APPS 2.19 +.06 +74 820 .. 72 70 90 D B 40.0 DrRedyL .7 RDY 37.48 .40 14 211 25 62 3 94 D D 83.8 Elastic ESTC 78.72 +1.70 51 181 ..
10 23 11 D D 32.8 Culp 2.2 CULP 18.47 +.11 26 38 16 11 28 34 .. C 98.8 Dillards .6 r DDS 67.24 +3.35 27 375 11o 12 10 14 D D 3.4 Drdgold 2.5 DRD 2.01 .06 19 43 89k 68 48 75 B D 151 ElbitSys 1.4 ESLT 124.6 +.97 74 4 19
18 15 38 E E 7.3 CumbPh CPIX 5.65 .20 88 1 .. 67 45 89 C B 22.0 DimeCty 2.8 r DCOM 19.76 +1.15 +100 339 14 .. .. 36 .. D 9.9 DreyfAl 7.7 DCF 8.31 +.02 59 31 ..k 6 1 4 .. E 3.0 ElbitImg EMITF 1.19 ... 82 2 ..k
83 84 69 A D 194 Cummins 3.1 r CMI 146.8 +2.95 30 983 11 80 35 89 A C 95.1 DineBr 3.2 DIN 79.24 .16 13 267 18 .. .. 41 .. B 3.4 DreyfHi 9 DHF 2.91 ... 28 163 ..k 9 5 6 D D+ 7.4 EldoradoGld EGO 2.69 +.02 +90 2.0m ..o
35 74 9 .. D 26.0 Cumuls CMLS 11.99 +.14 +1 20 .. 82 80 89 C D 39.3 Diodes DIOD 33.31 +1.35 23 236 15 .. .. 65 .. B 8.8 Dreyfus 5.3 DMF 7.91 .07 1 74 ..k 76 61 93 C B 50.6 EldoradoRsrts r ERI 44.39 +.66 41 624 47
24 38 7 E B 5.2 Curis CRIS 1.27 .05 +18 531 .. 28 41 7 C C 28.7 DiplomatPhr DPLO 13.83 +.12 68 254 24o .. .. 76 .. C 12.9 DryMnBd 5.0 DMB 12.50 +.03 61 30 ..k 6 15 2 E B 7.5 Electrameccan SOLO 1.28 .01 82 57 ..k
31 58 10 B D 32.2 CuroGroup CURO 12.26 +.34 52 109 6k .. .. 33 .. D 23.7 Direxn20 .6 TMV 18.70 +.23 32 502 .. .. .. 65 .. B 8.5 DryfStr 5.7 DSM 7.36 .02 6 166 ..k 95 69 99 A A 30.0 ElectroSci ESIO 29.99 +.01 38 423 8
74 88 34 B B 143 CurtsWr .5 r CW 112.1 +1.59 49 156 18 .. .. 85 .. C+ 20.6 Dirxn20 1.5 TMF 18.85 .22 31 295 ..k .. .. 74 .. B 8.7 DryfStr 5.5 LEO 7.60 ... 38 139 ..k 4 11 3 E D 20.3 Electrocore ECOR 5.99 +.10 49 69 ..k
.. .. 19 .. B 10.0 Cushing 6.6 SRF 7.31 +.06 +3 16 ..k .. .. 54 .. B+ 22.0 DX20+Tr 1.3 TYBS 20.48 +.08 56 0.4 ..k 4 5 18 E C 59.0 DrilQuip DRQ 37.66 +.96 34 382 .. 78 92 33 C D+ 7.3 Electromed ELMD 5.29 .04 42 8 21k
.. .. 23 .. C 13.1 CushMl& 11 SRV 9.77 +.02 44 30 ..k .. .. 85 .. A 46.0 Direxn7 1.1 TYD 42.60 .43 12 8 .. 9 5 20 D D 8.1 DriveShack DS 4.53 +.10 27 173 .. 54 79 20 A B 151 ElecArts EA 91.74 +.26 8 4.1m 17
.. .. 36 .. C 20.6 CushingR 10 SZC 16.22 +.27 +8 50 ..k .. .. 35 .. C 16.1 Direxn7 .3 TYO 13.93 +.06 +148 14 ..k 61 71 40 C E 43.5 DropboxA DBX 23.90 +.51 11 2.7m 99k 20 46 19 C C 35.6 ElecImag EFII 24.97 +.58 64 261 12k
.. .. 61 .. .. 25.3 CushUti 4.9 XLUY 24.41 +.04 67 0.2 99 .. .. 42 .. D+ 43.8 DXAlCp 2.1 KNOW 37.39 +.46 +54 71 ..k 22 19 5 D B 5.1 DropCar DCAR .39 .03 28 226 ..k .. .. 53 .. A 3.9 ElmnMlcxGrn GRU 3.31 .02 55 0.9 ..k
63 71 47 C D+ 19.5 Cushmn&Wake CWK 16.18 +.20 40 400 16k .. .. 55 .. D+ 26.1 DirxAuspcB 2.3 COM 24.18 +.15 85 2 ..k .. .. 15 .. C 100 DirxDMB 1.7 DZK 53.78 +1.59 74 1 ..k 17 10 7 C C 11.3 ElevateCredit ELVT 4.64 ... 56 66 23k
27 40 17 B B 32.3 CustmrsBnc CUBI 20.03 .67 +21 343 11 .. .. 86 .. B 65.3 DirexBzl .7 BRZU 36.84 +.35 +35 2.4m ..k .. .. 30 .. B 168 DirxEMB .6 EDC 78.12 +3.12 +3 297 .. 22 61 7 B E 22.0 ElfBeauty ELF 8.44 +.20 62 189 12
14 9 3 B E 56.1 Cutera CUTR 13.46 .24 54 106 21 .. .. 47 .. .. 25.9 DxComSvBear3 MUTE 23.98 .92 5 12 99 .. .. 38 .. B 209 DrxSOXB 1.0 SOXL 108.9 +6.54 +9 1.1m .. 93 78 94 A B 119 EliLil 2.2 LLY. 115.0 .02 8 4.6m 21
80 57 65 A B 25.1 CVBFncl 2.5 r CVBF 22.09 +.18 26 388 17 .. .. 11 .. B 69.1 DxCsChina 1.2 CWEB 24.00 +1.46 +147 217 ..k .. .. 35 .. B+ 38.4 DirxTcB .9 TECS 22.33 .94 50 341 ..k 61 67 33 B B 116 EllieMae ELLI 73.23 +1.28 50 287 39
1 5 8 D E 10.9 CVDEquip CVV 4.48 +.18 +65 29 .. .. .. 87 .. D+ 41.1 DxCsiCh .7 CHAD 36.42 .60 28 14 ..k .. .. 15 .. E 173 DirxTcB .5 TECL 100.0 +4.08 34 319 .. 87 62 86 A D+ 16.8 Ellingt 10 EFC 16.33 +.12 10 87 13k
61 67 76 C D 47.7 CVREner 7.8 CVI 38.60 +1.09 +5 640 18 .. .. 93 .. B 20.2 DxDvMkt .7 DPK 15.23 .53 17 19 ..k 70 60 96 D C+ 7.2 DryShip 1.6 DRYS 5.58 .04 38 375 99 64 11 81 C B 12.1 EllngRd 11 EARN 11.35 .03 +19 81 ..k
45 17 79 E B 4.4 CVRPrtners UAN 3.64 +.06 72 56 .. .. .. 16 .. C 64.5 DxA&dBu .8 DFEN 37.91 +.92 +12 79 ..k 70 43 82 E B 13.5 DSPGroup DSPG 12.46 +.17 54 33 49k .. .. 47 .. B 10.6 Ellswor 5.8 ECF 8.92 +.06 40 24 ..k
29 73 6 C D+ 24.8 CVRRefi 34 CVRR 10.49 +.01 +66 921 3 .. .. 96 .. .. 36.0 DxConStpBr3 LACK 29.87 +.23 94 0.2 99 92 77 90 B C 34.6 DSW 3.7 DSW 26.78 +.54 78 452 12o 33 35 32 C C 21.0 ElmiraSv 5.1 ESBK 18.05 +.82 +88 8 14
47 81 34 C D 83.9 CVSHea 3.1 CVS 65.45 +.47 21 8.6m 9 .. .. 17 .. B+ 37.5 DxDly30 .7 CHAU 17.01 +.53 22 222 .. 95 86 82 B B 121 DTEEner 3.3 DTE 114.1 1.37 20 1.0m 17 .. .. 49 .. E 6.5 ElemnRiciAg RJA 5.75 +.02 50 17 ..k
14 5 27 E C 5.8 Cyanotech CYAN 3.27 +.23 30 2 ..k .. .. 13 .. B 47.1 DXDlyFtE 2.6 EURL 23.41 +.66 65 11 ..k .. .. 65 .. C 14.0 DTFTxF 3.3 DTF 12.92 +.07 +56 42 ..k .. .. 28 .. C+ 3.6 ElmnRiciEnrg RJN 2.79 +.02 83 3 ..k
99 98 97 A B 84.2 7CybArkSftw CYBR 80.15 +2.71 +19 708 51 .. .. 22 .. D 48.8 DxDlyGl .4 DUST 22.45 2.40 +67 4.7m ..k 77 48 94 D C+ 45.6 Ducmmun DCO 39.31 +.53 +14 49 25 .. .. 58 .. D 9.2 ElmnRiciMetal RJZ 8.01 +.15 +357 10 ..k
82 42 89 D B 22.3 Cyberoptic CYBE 19.70 +.16 +23 30 82k .. .. 17 .. C 44.5 DxIdusBu 1.1 DUSL 25.12 +.91 +1 9 ..k .. .. 54 .. D 16.2 D&PGlob 10 DPG 13.68 +.07 50 84 ..k .. .. 42 .. C 6.0 ElmnRiciTotRe RJI 5.21 +.02 78 56 ..k
24 43 4 E B 1.9 Cyclacel CYCC .75 +.03 56 49 .. .. .. 14 .. C 96.5 DirxDlyJpBl3 JPNL 50.30 +1.25 35 4 ..k .. .. 56 .. B 8.8 DuffPhU 5.1 DUC 8.25 +.01 68 17 ..k 25 4 48 E C 24.6 EloxxPhrma ELOX 11.10 +.65 65 24 ..k
13 13 17 E E 15.6 Cymabay CBAY 8.78 +.47 +43 790 .. .. .. 21 .. D 95.1 DxDlyJrGl .6 JDST 47.03 5.68 +98 915 ..k .. .. 21 .. C 7.2 DufPhlSe 12 DSE 4.86 +.08 62 68 ..k 24 34 10 E D 4.8 Eltek ELTK 2.50 .07 99 0.1 ..
94 60 88 B A 5.5 Cynergistek CTEK 4.67 .05 13 20 8 73 44 85 C C 91.4 DukeEne 4.3 DUK 85.85 .85 37 2.3m 17 22 53 6 D E 2.1 eMagin EMAN .86 .04 38 89 ..
.. .. 23 .. C+ 20.5 DirxDlyGldBll JNUG 9.33 +.85 +19 11m ..k
73 72 94 E B 8.5 Cypress 10 CELP 7.95 +.20 +60 29 9 98 92 83 B C+ 29.5 DukeRlty 3.0 DRE 28.96 +.52 1 2.4m 27k 69 54 52 D A 31.8 EmbtldB 1.8 AKOB 23.61 .21 42 13 19k
.. .. 8 .. B 27.4 DxMsMex 4.3 MEXX 12.20 +.15 66 12 ..k
65 64 47 A B 18.9 Cypress 3.1 CY 14.00 +.54 2 4.6m 10 63 42 73 B D 35.7 DuluthB DLTH 22.62 +.69 27 188 35o 17 5 32 E D 28.6 Embraer .6 ERJ 20.70 +.20 36 604 ..o
.. .. 23 .. A 72.9 DXDlySK 1.1 KORU 30.41 +2.42 +897 353 ..k
39 21 28 E B+ 3.8 Cyren CYRN 2.56 .12 +50 25 ..k 66 43 90 .. B+ 145 DunBrad 1.4 DNB 144.7 +.04 +50 819 18 63 46 95 D D 33.3 EMCInsr 2.9 EMCI 31.58 .13 71 17 23k
.. .. 22 .. E 63.7 DXSmBu 1.3 SMLL 43.16 +1.05 88 0.1 ..k
38 49 25 D E 69.0 CyrusOne 3.7 CONE 49.97 .27 +77 1.8m 45 79 93 76 .. E 77.1 Dunkin 2.0 r DNKN 69.34 1.85 +34 1.1m 24 35 49 54 B E 38.7 Emclaire 3.5 EMCF 31.88 +2.54 94 0.2 13
.. .. 58 .. B+ 38.5 DXDSp5 .7 SPXS 25.45 .62 38 4.8m ..k
35 29 35 E C+ 10.3 Cytokinet CYTK 7.05 +.12 54 156 ..k 40 88 24 C E 83.5 EmcorGrp .5 EME 64.41 +.48 45 193 13k
.. .. 36 .. C 59.3 DXSp5B 1.9 SPUU 46.20 +.68 69 7 ..k 7 20 5 .. B 6.9 DunxinFinl DXF 2.69 +.11 84 0.9 5k
19 12 22 D B 35.0 Cytomx CTMX 16.85 +.21 34 250 .. 6 5 26 E C 7.0 Emcore EMKR 4.54 +.02 50 40 ..k
.. .. 26 .. D 56.0 DXDSp5B .8 SPXL 39.10 +1.04 14 6.6m ..k 3 14 4 D E 2.6 Durect DRRX .61 +.02 46 241 ..o
24 40 5 E B 5.2 Cytori CYTX .35 +.01 +81 359 .. 76 87 20 B B+ 23.0 Emerald 2.0 r EEX 14.23 +.24 59 157 10k
.. .. 15 .. A 41.4 DxTransB .9 TPOR 23.59 +.68 49 11 ..k .. .. 74 .. B+ 11.7 DwsMuni 5.2 KTF 10.93 .03 23 108 ..k
15 5 15 D E 15.0 Cytosorbents CTSO 7.22 +.40 28 143 ..o 19 27 11 D B 9.5 EmergeErgy EMES 2.83 +.18 +23 348 4o
.. .. 79 .. C 34.1 DxUtlsB 2.0 UTSL 26.86 1.25 +148 41 ..k .. .. 74 .. B 11.5 DwsStrat 5.5 KSM 10.86 .04 29 31 ..k
18 40 5 E C 2.3 CytRx CYTR .58 .01 25 120 .. 84 76 87 B D 73.9 EmergBio r EBS 60.02 +.39 33 296 25k
.. .. 43 .. .. 38.4 DxConDisBr3 PASS 23.67 .70 88 0.6 99 52 56 15 A D 96.8 DXCTech 1.2 r DXC 63.34 +1.22 36 1.9m 7k
53 52 37 A D 79.7 Emerson 3.1 EMR 63.94 +.90 56 2.0m 20
D .. .. 47 .. .. 26.2 DxConDisBull3 WANT 23.63 +.67 +38 4 99 55 69 37 C B 49.5 DXPEntrp DXPE 32.26 +.23 50 48 19
22 18 52 E C 1.5 EmersonRad MSN 1.41 +.02 85 2 ..k
21 27 40 E E 10.1 Daktron 3.7 DAKT 7.65 +.22 33 133 47 .. .. 17 .. .. 25.8 DxConStpBull NEED 19.85 .16 85 0.8 99 22 55 9 .. D 123 Dycom r DY 59.18 +2.42 33 363 21o
42 37 32 B E 5.8 EmmisA EMMS 3.77 .20 +32 20 1
59 85 22 B A 34.1 DanaInc 2.2 DAN 17.78 +.50 31 1.2m 6 .. .. 38 .. B 120 DirxDlyInd .2 INDL 62.82 1.10 39 32 .. 5 21 3 C D+ 12.2 Dynagas 24 DLNG 4.02 .11 32 205 9
51 1 87 D A+ 31.0 EmpireRsrt NYNY 12.95 +.91 68 5 ..
89 56 83 B B 110 Danaher .6 DHR 106.3 +.28 1 2.8m 24k 60 72 22 C A 1.6 Dynasil DYSL 1.05 +.02 97 2 7k
.. .. 67 .. B 73.3 DxEmMkB .9 EDZ 46.94 2.00 5 244 .. 43 52 31 D D 19.6 EmpireS 2.8 ESRT 14.92 +.28 +24 1.6m 40k
13 53 9 B E 2.5 Danaos DAC .84 .01 15 57 ..k 59 59 37 D C+ 3.6 Dynatrncs DYNT 2.58 .02 83 0.7 ..k
.. .. 7 .. D 44.3 DirxEnB 2.4 ERX 19.75 +.73 7 3.6m .. 79 97 53 C C 48.0 Employe 1.9 EIG 42.01 .59 19 146 10k
90 83 88 A A 71.5 7DaqoEnergy DQ 34.54 +1.38 +141 411 3o 24 7 15 D B 22.8 Dynavax DVAX 11.06 +.37 +29 1.3m ..o
.. .. 11 .. C+ 33.4 DxEurStox5 2.6 EUXL 15.12 +.70 80 0.7 ..k 34 6 81 E D 1.5 EmxRoyalty EMX 1.12 ... 19 54 ..
95 92 84 A C 124 DardenR 2.8 DRI 106.4 .99 29 1.1m 19o 67 34 65 B C 7.0 DynexCap 3.9 DX 6.21 ... 42 326 8k
.. .. 49 .. A 17.0 DxFinlBe .7 FAZ 10.45 .33 36 2.6m .. 68 38 68 B B 19.3 EnableMi 8.3 ENBL 15.30 +.24 +26 857 15
14 16 12 .. B 3.6 DareBiosci DARE .84 +.02 96 13 .. .. .. 33 .. D 82.8 DirxFin 1.1 FAS 57.11 +1.63 37 1.5m .. E 52 33 63 B D+ 127 EnantPharm ENTA 82.24 +6.73 +25 338 22
19 31 5 .. D+ 2.2 Dariohealth DRIO .75 .04 +3 67 ..
.. .. 54 .. B 79.4 DXFtse .7 YANG 52.17 3.12 +63 426 ..k 75 99 30 A D 66.5 ETrade 1.2 ETFC 47.77 1.71 +179 8.1m 12o 89 85 88 B C+ 39.9 Enbridge 6.1 ENB 36.09 +.49 58 2.6m 13
53 32 89 E B 22.4 DarligIngrds DAR 21.00 +.12 60 454 28o
.. .. 26 .. B 53.9 DXFtseC .8 YINN 21.58 +1.18 +22 3.2m .. .. .. 49 .. C 15.8 ET2xLv 17 BDCL 13.25 +.11 54 76 99 35 59 6 B B+ 14.3 Encana .9 r ECA 6.98 +.06 +22 31m 10
87 59 94 D B 15.6 DasanZhone DZSI 13.04 +.04 88 2 28
.. .. 33 .. B 38.0 DxGldMn .6 NUGT 17.43 +1.55 +20 11m ..k .. .. 79 .. B 16.1 ETr2xM 21 MORL 14.39 +.07 13 287 ..k 90 92 78 B C 82.5 Encompa 1.6 EHC 67.43 +1.60 +110 1.5m 19
7 28 5 .. C+ 14.1 Daseke DSKE 4.42 +.18 65 198 99
.. .. 63 .. D 68.6 DXHlthcr .6 CURE 51.17 +.18 42 172 .. .. .. 45 .. E 26.1 ETrcAl 7.1 MLPG 21.85 +.22 90 0.1 ..k 45 52 23 A B 47.8 EncoreCap ECPG 28.75 +.38 39 190 6
52 46 74 C B 11.8 DataIO DAIO 6.00 .08 62 15 25k
.. .. 12 .. C+ 110 DxHmSpB .3 NAIL 30.45 .21 +39 77 ..k .. .. 42 .. B 19.2 ETAlerMl 7.5 AMU 15.66 +.18 64 129 ..k 95 85 90 C B+ 58.7 EncorWi .2 WIRE 52.66 +.41 50 38 16k
26 20 40 E .. 4.5 Datasea DTSS 3.59 +.29 49 5 ..k
.. .. 79 .. B+ 21.3 DxMcBear3x MIDZ 13.26 .42 +67 30 ..k .. .. 42 .. E 17.0 ETDjBlmCdt DJCI 14.95 +.14 68 5 ..k 94 85 60 A D+ 31.5 EndavaA DAVA 23.70 .30 +27 38 40k
88 89 59 A D 67.1 Dave&Bus 1.2 PLAY 48.28 +.18 40 624 17o
.. .. 82 .. .. NH DxMsCycOvDef RWCD 51.91 +.84 +41 12 99 .. .. 31 .. E 77.9 ETMth2x 8.6 DVYL 61.99 +.32 74 2 ..k 18 4 20 C D 3.4 EndvSilv EXK 2.06 +.11 +11 922 ..o
2 8 3 .. E 5.4 DavidsTea DTEA 1.33 ... 60 202 ..
.. .. 69 .. .. 50.7 DxMsDefOvCy RWDC 49.74 .22 +33 11 99 .. .. 59 .. D 92.8 ETM2xLv 5.9 SDYL 79.48 +.19 18 1 ..k 43 24 75 B D 18.5 EndoIntl ENDP 9.87 +.35 34 2.3m 3o
.. .. 39 .. C 25.6 DavsSel 1.2 DFNL 22.04 +.12 61 17 99
.. .. 76 .. C+ 48.0 DXNs100 .7 QQQE 44.68 +.82 +70 95 ..k 93 94 70 A B 65.4 Eagle EGBN 54.38 +.08 69 144 12 3 7 2 E D 6.7 Endologx ELGX .75 +.03 37 585 ..k
.. .. 43 .. B 20.6 DavisSelIn .4 DINT 16.72 +.21 40 28 99
.. .. 97 .. B 79.4 DxNtGas .4 GASX 31.28 2.09 43 12 ..k 54 51 54 C B 21.3 EagleBa 2.1 EBMT 17.45 .20 38 8 16k 11 5 6 E D 5.8 EndraLife NDRA 1.85 +.09 80 52 ..
.. .. 36 .. B 26.5 DavsSelUs .7 DUSA 21.80 +.23 86 10 ..k
.. .. 3 .. D 32.0 DirxNtgs3Bll GASL 8.04 +.46 5 553 .. 38 72 26 D C 6.1 EagleBlk EGLE 4.43 .06 35 216 63o 45 47 42 E C 11.0 EndurancIntl EIGI 7.98 +.18 5 361 ..
.. .. 36 .. D+ 27.7 DavsSelWr .6 DWLD 21.82 +.32 91 13 ..k
.. .. 27 .. C 38.4 DxPhr&Med .8 PILL 24.27 +.18 97 0.2 99 .. .. 67 .. B 7.9 EagleCa 1.0 GRF 7.20 +.12 90 0.9 ..k 81 29 87 C A 12.1 EnelAmer 3.0 ENIA 10.12 +.04 20 1.3m 13
25 44 20 C E 79.6 DaVita DVA 57.09 +.70 3 1.6m 15
.. .. 90 .. B 57.9 DxRgBkB .4 WDRW 31.16 1.19 27 5 ..k .. .. 36 .. B+ 16.9 EagleGr 6.9 EGIF 13.84 .16 70 9 ..k 71 59 68 E B 6.6 EnelCh 3.3 ENIC 5.22 +.05 48 166 10
1 16 6 E E 8.4 DawsonGeo DWSN 3.78 .03 43 51 .. 32 79 14 B D 120 EagleMt .6 EXP 67.24 +.69 18 552 14 46 74 17 B D 65.6 Energiz 2.6 ENR 46.18 +.86 7 937 13
71 21 99 .. A+ 21.7 Daxor .2 DXR 15.49 +.62 55 20 99k .. .. 13 .. B 95.9 DxRegBk 1.4 DPST 46.43 +1.67 16 37 ..k
16 39 10 B D 85.7 EaglePharm EGRX 42.85 +1.08 16 180 11 15 27 8 E B+ 23.5 Energous WATT 7.58 +.17 54 855 ..
.. .. 35 .. C 3.2 DbAgriDbLg DAG 2.25 +.05 68 3 ..k .. .. 14 .. C 53.3 DirxRetai .9 RETL 29.49 +1.31 70 21 ..
.. .. 25 .. B 19.0 EaglePoint 15 ECC 15.35 +.22 56 81 ..k 1 25 2 E E 3.1 EnergyFocus EFOI .73 +.01 7 34 ..
.. .. 20 .. B 11.6 DbBaseDbLg BDD 6.94 +.03 +280 4 ..k .. .. 7 .. B 25.0 DxRoboArt .3 UBOT 9.28 +.53 +110 85 99
16 27 9 D C 11.4 Earthstone ESTE 6.40 +.38 +7 245 20 40 24 95 E D+ 4.1 EnergyFuels UUUU 2.91 +.19 25 729 ..o
.. .. 91 .. B 108 DbCrudShrEtn DTO 67.84 1.79 49 2 ..k .. .. 77 .. .. NH DxRsLgOvSmCp RWLS 50.97 +.26 +34 11 99
67 91 26 A C 74.0 EastWst 1.8 EWBC 52.36 +.44 +14 1.3m 11 57 63 58 B E 10.3 EnrgyRec r ERII 7.57 +.17 44 129 34o
.. .. 77 .. .. NH DxRsSmOvLgCp RWSL 51.42 +.68 +43 11 99
.. .. 87 .. C 29.0 DbGoldDblLng DGP 24.99 +.27 1 34 ..k 45 39 33 C D+ 21.5 EastGov 5.9 DEA 17.49 +.39 +54 646 99 48 94 24 .. C 19.2 EnergyTra 8.5 ET 14.34 +.22 5 14m 10k
.. .. 74 .. .. 51.3 DxRs1000GrVal RWGV 51.08 +.73 +29 11 99
.. .. 67 .. D 6.8 DbGoldDbShr DZZ 5.68 .17 +202 37 ..k 80 80 65 B B 31.0 Eastern 1.6 r EML 27.69 +.64 53 6 13k 26 38 16 A D 13.9 Enerplus 1.0 ERF 8.70 +.03 16 886 11
.. .. 77 .. .. 51.4 DxRs1000ValOvG RWVG 51.06 +.10 +22 11 99
.. .. 67 .. E 15.6 DbGoldShrt DGZ 14.15 .18 79 1 ..k 95 75 87 B C 102 Eastgro 2.9 EGP 99.7 +1.69 36 131 39k 84 55 92 B B+ 89.7 EnerSys .8 ENS 84.11 +1.30 41 172 17k
.. .. 17 .. D 24.5 DXRuss .9 RUSS 15.07 .12 +15 166 ..k
4 25 1 .. D 26.9 DBVTech DBVT 6.26 +.34 72 253 .. 32 54 28 B B 112 Eastman 3.1 EMN 80.86 +2.80 14 1.2m 9 23 41 18 E C 1.5 ENGlobal ENG .75 .05 39 12 ..
.. .. 45 .. B+ 73.4 DXRusBu 3.0 RUSL 39.64 +.33 +15 160 ..k
33 39 23 D D 46.7 DCPMid 9 DCP 33.24 +.60 25 594 77k 14 37 18 C C 11.3 EastmKodk KODK 2.80 +.15 9 283 18o 34 46 32 C E 40.2 ENISpa 4.1 E 33.20 +.60 53 135 13
.. .. 77 .. C 34.2 Dx500Br 1.3 SPDN 29.96 .24 64 17 ..k
.. .. 61 .. B 13.4 DEInvMN 3.7 VMM 12.17 ... 70 13 ..k 23 9 40 D B 9.3 EastsidDistill EAST 6.02 .03 39 38 .. 26 46 9 C E 20.0 EnlikMid 10 ENLC 10.53 .39 +999 24m 21
.. .. 19 .. C 62.3 DxSpBio 1.3 LABD 26.60 1.95 +31 3.3m ..k
.. .. 86 .. C 14.4 DEInv 8.8 DDF 12.36 +.22 27 27 ..k .. .. 67 .. C 23.0 EVNMuOp 5.0 EOT 20.69 +.02 47 44 ..k 40 72 13 C E 19.5 EnlinkMid 12 ENLK 12.05 .47 +999 26m 44
2 17 4 D B 11.2 DeanFds 2.7 DF 4.51 .46 +92 3.7m 16o .. .. 9 .. E 116 DxSpBio .4 LABU 47.68 +2.95 24 3.6m ..
44 53 37 B D 89.9 EatonC 3.7 ETN 71.07 +.91 2 2.6m 13 74 55 80 C B 23.0 Ennis 4.5 EBF 20.06 +.21 26 118 15
45 3 92 .. B 45.6 Deciphera DCPH 27.33 +.88 13 257 .. .. .. 96 .. B 26.2 DxSpO&g .9 DRIP 10.95 .66 +1 4.0m ..k
.. .. 66 .. C 18.0 EVEnEqI 7.3 EOS 16.20 +.02 35 144 ..k 20 2 25 .. .. 9.5 EnochianBiosci ENOB 7.25 .35 +39 71 ..k
94 74 94 B B 137 Deckers DECK 125.4 +2.43 1 640 18 .. .. 3 .. D+ 47.6 DxSpO&g .1 GUSH 11.54 +.60 3 5.2m ..k
.. .. 41 .. C+ 16.5 EVEnhEq 7.9 EOI 13.59 +.11 56 79 ..k 68 66 50 A D 39.0 EnovaIntl ENVA 22.96 +.44 53 148 9k
98 67 91 A B+ 175 Deere 1.9 DE 161.5 +3.07 29 1.8m 17 .. .. 81 .. A+ 18.7 DxScBea .8 TZA 11.27 .44 45 8.5m ..
.. .. 33 .. C+ 10.1 EVRiskM 10 ETJ 8.52 +.02 69 172 ..k 81 72 99 E B 7.6 EnphasEnrgy ENPH 6.72 +.06 5 1.5m 99o
.. .. 40 .. B 25.7 DefiFutrTc .6 AUGR 21.59 +.45 29 0.5 99 .. .. 9 .. C+ 17.4 DxSmiBe 1.1 SOXS 9.02 .62 +32 7.3m ..k
.. .. 23 .. D 12.6 EVTxGBW 9.0 ETW 9.70 +.02 24 326 ..k 54 79 35 C D 92.7 EnPro 1.5 NPO 64.32 +1.57 9 121 17k
.. .. 51 .. D 24.9 DefianceQ .7 QTUM 22.18 +.55 77 0.7 99 .. .. 31 .. D 17.9 DXZcksM 11 ZMLP 13.57 +.12 63 20 ..k
1 2 10 E D 9.5 EnscoA .9 ESV 4.69 +.14 22 12m ..o
.. .. 32 .. C 17.0 EVTMBWI 9 ETB 14.30 +.02 +49 186 ..k
15 12 15 D C 18.9 DelFrisco's DFRG 7.90 .10 41 336 23o .. .. 86 .. .. 26.9 DxComSvBull3 TAWK 25.79 +.93 1 12 99
2 9 8 D D+ 1.5 Enservco ENSV .53 .01 +778 528 ..
.. .. 48 .. C+ 16.4 EVTMBWO 9 ETV 14.44 +.12 61 146 ..k
64 77 46 D D+ 14.8 DelTaco TACO 10.94 .01 32 180 21o .. .. 77 .. .. 51.3 DxFtRsUsOvInt RWUI 51.09 +.33 +24 11 99
89 80 97 C D+ 49.0 7Ensign .4 ENSG 42.54 +.79 39 221 24k
.. .. 26 .. E 26.8 EVTAdGl 10 ETO 21.02 +.21 42 47 ..k
.. .. 20 .. B+ 12.7 DEEnhG 11 DEX 9.30 +.06 +23 102 ..k .. .. 69 .. .. 51.3 DxFtRusIntOvUs RWIU 51.08 +.64 +24 11 99 31 11 32 C B 223 Enstar ESGR 177.4 +2.42 45 22 50
.. .. 76 .. D 10.0 EVTxABdO 7.0 EXD 9.12 .03 66 20 ..k
.. .. 57 .. C+ 15.1 DEInvCO 4.3 VCF 13.85 +.07 66 4 ..k .. .. 77 .. .. 50.8 DxMsDvOvEmMk RWDE 50.49 +.45 +30 11 99 14 15 7 D B 0.5 Ensync ESNC .19 .02 +428 692 ..k
.. .. 66 .. B 11.5 EVCAMu 4.6 EVM 10.24 .05 63 28 ..k
.. .. 66 .. B+ 13.4 DelaNatl 4.8 VFL 12.39 .02 76 5 ..k .. .. 82 .. .. NH DxMsEmOvDvMk RWED 52.05 +.62 +31 11 99 7 18 10 .. E 13.7 EntasisThera ETTX 5.66 +.32 88 4 ..k
.. .. 75 .. B+ 12.1 EatnVCA 4.4 CEV 11.46 .03 55 16 ..k
59 69 63 .. C+ 35.5 DelekLog 10 DKL 29.70 +.91 +28 60 11o .. .. 95 .. B+ 82.5 DirxEnB .7 ERY 48.06 1.83 +47 399 ..k 64 91 31 B C 30.7 EntegraFinl ENFC 23.23 +1.21 +93 60 11
.. .. 71 .. B+ 12.4 EVMuniBd 4.4 EIM 11.60 .09 19 229 ..k
26 73 15 C E 61.6 DelekUS 3.3 r DK 31.34 +.70 28 1.4m 8o .. .. 22 .. B+ 55.7 DirMCBu .5 MIDU 36.37 +1.09 36 37 .. .. .. 81 .. B+ 12.0 EatnVNJ 4.6 EVJ 11.77 +.03 8 13 ..k 95 90 84 A B+ 39.6 Entegris .9 r ENTG 31.32 +.41 +18 1.4m 17
28 75 1 B D+ 193 DellTechsC DELL 45.91 +.95 15 2.6m 5 .. .. 26 .. B 49.1 DirLatB 1.1 LBJ 26.70 +.09 24 17 ..k .. .. 78 .. C 12.1 EVNYMu 4.7 ENX 11.37 .10 68 19 ..k 10 15 8 .. E 7.6 EnteraBio ENTX 3.80 +.10 27 17 ..k
13 36 5 .. D 1.6 DelmarPhrm DMPI .40 .01 +47 157 ..k .. .. 17 .. B 15.6 DirREBe .5 DRV 8.73 .33 32 93 .. .. .. 66 .. C 12.7 EatnVNY 4.4 EVY 11.83 .05 65 6 ..k 44 34 41 B E 11.6 Enterco 5.0 ETM 7.23 +.16 4 1.1m 11o
18 42 5 B B 58.7 DelphiT 3.9 DLPH 17.41 +.90 +28 1.9m 3k .. .. 85 .. C 24.4 DirREBu 2.5 DRN 20.54 +.68 51 20 ..k 50 73 16 A C 61.0 EatonVa 3.5 EV 39.79 +.43 11 1.1m 12o 85 61 86 C B 90.8 Entergy 4.2 ETR 87.10 1.53 36 973 11
61 83 27 B D 61.3 DeltaAir 2.9 DAL 47.69 +.17 +45 12m 8o .. .. 17 .. E 97.1 DirxSCB .3 TNA 55.34 +2.04 39 3.0m ..k .. .. 52 .. C+ 13.6 EVLtdDur 6.5 EVV 12.23 .11 67 134 ..k 65 94 41 B D 44.1 Enterpr 2.0 EBTC 31.96 +.65 41 7 13
89 85 94 D A NH Delta DLA 22.24 +.87 +76 23 13k 80 84 41 A C 81.9 Discover 2.4 r DFS 66.73 +.55 +158 6.5m 8o .. .. 39 .. B 17.1 EatonVa 6.5 EFF 14.76 .02 76 11 ..k 86 86 57 A A 58.2 Entrprise 1.2 EFSC 46.51 +.60 +106 247 12
14 1 39 E C 1.9 DeltaTech DELT 1.05 ... +36 58 ..k 94 75 78 A D 34.9 DiscoveryA DISCA 27.68 +.36 38 2.6m 11o .. .. 51 .. B 9.8 EaVFlRt 5.8 EFL 8.93 ... 50 69 ..k 93 81 70 A B 30.1 EntpsPrd 6.3 EPD 27.72 +.37 18 5.3m 15
.. .. 47 .. C+ 57.1 DeltSp400 1.3 DMRM 50.05 +.23 71 0.7 ..k 92 75 79 A E 31.6 DiscoveryC DISCK 25.77 +.31 60 1.2m 10o .. .. 35 .. D+ 15.3 EVFltRt 6.4 EFT 13.18 +.11 28 175 ..k 30 25 14 B D+ 7.5 Entravsn 5.0 EVC 3.97 +.16 32 370 20
.. .. 55 .. B 59.0 DelSp50 1.2 DMRL 52.67 +.16 99 0.1 ..k 72 93 37 C D+ 48.2 DishNetwk DISH 30.08 .04 20 2.7m 6 .. .. 75 .. B 12.2 EVMuni2 4.1 EIV 11.75 +.19 +163 76 ..k 48 20 83 .. D+ 0.6 EntreeResrc EGI .42 +.03 +220 178 ..
.. .. 51 .. B 62.1 DelSp600 1.2 DMRS 52.10 +.22 83 0.4 ..k .. .. 74 .. D 26.8 DistlUsFnd .4 DSTL 24.43 +.29 95 1 99 .. .. 70 .. B 12.2 EtnVMnTr 4.9 EVN 11.50 +.01 +88 210 ..k 92 96 67 B C+ 64.8 Envestnet ENV 53.99 +.76 63 103 31k
.. .. 40 .. B 56.7 DelSpInt 3.6 DMRI 46.74 +.22 75 0.9 ..k 4 4 3 E D+ 9.6 Diversi 7.1 DVCR 3.11 +.01 95 0.7 .. .. .. 68 .. C 20.7 EVMuniI 4.4 ETX 19.46 .36 +132 69 ..k 79 64 77 C C 33.2 Enviva 8.6 EVA 29.58 +.12 65 21 99k
35 60 21 B C+ 78.3 Deluxe 2.5 DLX 47.24 +2.93 +128 1.1m 8o 21 2 19 D C 1.7 DivrsRestau SAUC 1.06 .06 51 21 .. .. .. 48 .. D 14.3 EatnVSh 6.2 EVG 12.62 +.07 34 36 ..k 7 3 22 E D+ 8.0 EnzoBio ENZ 3.70 ... 74 59 ..
50 4 97 .. C+ 25.8 DenaliThera DNLI 21.85 +.41 47 226 .. .. .. 32 .. C 14.3 Div&Inco 2.3 DNI 10.81 +.11 29 52 ..k .. .. 41 .. D 6.9 EVSrInc 6.3 EVF 6.04 +.02 49 113 ..k 48 75 24 B D+ 133 EOGResr .9 EOG 99.1 +1.86 39 2.4m 19o
27 72 5 B D+ 6.8 DenbryRes DNR 2.07 +.05 36 8.6m 4 1 3 3 E E 4.0 DixieGroup DXYN .90 ... 85 6 .. .. .. 28 .. D+ 18.5 EVTxAdG 8.4 ETG 14.68 +.13 42 184 ..k 4 19 2 E E 3.5 EPEnergyA EPE .70 .02 52 487 ..o
39 24 78 E C+ 0.7 DenisnMngn DNN .53 +.05 +148 1.4m .. 53 93 30 B C 6.3 DLHHldngs DLHC 4.95 .16 50 6 12k .. .. 35 .. D 13.1 EVTxDiv 9 ETY 10.87 +.01 27 382 ..k 99 91 93 A B 144 7EpamSyst EPAM. 140.8 +4.93 +7 338 34
91 90 92 .. C 18.9 Dennys DENN 17.77 .12 11 292 26 70 74 83 C D+ 51.1 DMCGlo .2 BOOM 36.15 +.62 21 59 21o .. .. 38 .. C 15.0 EVSrFlt 6.5 EFR 13.03 +.15 8 241 ..k 35 75 19 C D 28.0 Ecopetr 3.4 EC 17.94 +.02 25 827 8o
34 32 47 C B 63.0 Dentsply .8 XRAY 41.41 +.82 32 1.7m 18o 79 74 62 B A 38.3 DNBFcl .8 DNBF 34.00 ... +23 8 13 .. .. 32 .. C+ 24.9 EVTxAdv 8.5 EVT 20.54 +.07 40 154 ..k 30 26 23 E B+ 21.4 Epizyme EPZM 9.66 +.54 49 478 ..o
6 38 5 D E 31.4 Dermira DERM 6.22 .01 +117 1.4m .. .. .. 70 .. C 11.2 DNPSlct 7.1 DNP 10.99 ... 22 388 ..k .. .. 24 .. E 9.8 EVTxMGlo 9 EXG 7.80 +.05 42 639 ..k 58 65 34 C C 107 ePlus r PLUS 77.73 +1.36 42 43 16k
93 87 75 B C 35.9 DescSys DSGX 30.64 .11 +231 303 78 4 12 14 E D+ 2.2 DocSecurty DSS .97 +.01 46 38 .. .. .. 55 .. D 10.1 EatnVHI 5.2 EHT 9.39 +.05 21 82 ..k 97 71 91 A B+ 72.2 EPRPrpty 6.3 EPR 71.28 +.35 45 291 21o
10 7 12 B C+ 36.6 DESP 15.00 +.45 +13 408 30 94 72 91 D B 68.4 Docusign DOCU 48.57 +1.86 29 1.9m 99 77 54 81 A B 47.0 eBay EBAY 33.72 +1.07 +21 17m 15 47 72 25 B C+ 32.4 EQT .6 EQT 19.97 +1.08 35 4.4m 7
71 55 87 E B 3.5 DestinatnXL DXLG 2.61 +.13 86 12 ..o 92 49 97 B B+ 5.0 DognessA DOGZ 3.82 +.02 58 20 19k 79 89 15 A C+ 89.1 Ebix .6 EBIX 53.50 +.76 58 206 15o 41 52 23 B D 77.6 EQTMids 9 EQM 46.29 +.80 54 466 9
20 29 26 E C 6.8 DestMtrnty DEST 3.15 +.09 +3 71 .. 55 46 62 C D 74.3 DolbyLab 1.2 DLB 63.94 +.32 54 169 21 26 24 45 C B 2.3 ECAMarc 17 ECT 1.74 .05 66 12 6 60 57 47 B B 138 Equifax 1.5 EFX 105.6 +1.81 50 647 18o
39 14 57 B B 3.5 Deswell 2.0 DSWL 3.04 ... 49 6 8k 89 90 89 .. D+ 118 DollarG 1.0 DG 114.2 +.45 51 1.4m 20o 40 90 22 C D 36.8 EchoGlbLog ECHO 23.55 +.40 35 168 13 8 3 9 .. E 19.7 Equillium EQ 9.87 1.04 61 20 ..k
7 29 13 E D 20.0 Deutsch 1.0 DB 9.24 +.38 31 4.6m .. 94 77 84 B B 116 DollarTree DLTR 96.92 +2.36 30 2.4m 17o 46 76 24 C C 62.3 EchoStar SATS 39.46 +.55 +54 565 9k 70 80 30 C D+ 458 Equinix 2.5 EQIX 369.4 1.84 +24 761 92
20 41 11 B D 46.5 DevonEn 1.2 r DVN 27.25 +.65 20 7.1m 20 8 27 7 .. B 5.8 DolphinEntr DLPN 1.35 .06 +783 179 .. 40 72 19 C B 2.6 EclipseRes ECR 1.14 +.05 50 739 11o 35 44 26 A D 28.9 Equinor 3.0 EQNR 22.35 +.17 +24 1.9m 11k
93 53 98 D B 152 DexCom DXCM 145.0 +.93 26 1.2m ..o 78 66 56 B C 77.2 Dominion 4.8 D 69.16 +.03 1 5.4m 17 91 62 85 B B 162 Ecolab 1.2 ECL 153.9 +1.97 39 703 30 86 80 74 B D+ 23.5 EquitransMid ETRN 20.94 +.08 49 1.6m 38k
2 11 7 D C 1.3 DGSE DGSE .44 +.02 +60 103 14 55 47 46 A B 31.9 DominionM 8.6 DM 17.19 .06 +37 1.9m 11 26 14 47 D D 14.5 EcolgyE 3.3 EEI 12.00 +.03 94 0.4 24k 60 89 25 A D+ 44.3 EquityBancA EQBK 32.00 .15 +132 171 12
48 27 94 D B 3.3 DHIGrp DHX 2.06 ... +170 252 12k 96 98 92 .. B 305 7Dominos .8 DPZ 284.2 +7.28 +45 910 36 61 23 86 E B 4.3 EDAPTMS EDAP 2.82 .03 23 58 .. 77 57 87 E C 32.1 EquityCmwlth r EQC 31.43 +.33 +6 735 17
26 3 53 E B 5.6 DHTHld 1.9 DHT 4.13 .10 +39 1.2m .. 83 29 97 E B 28.9 DornoB DOMO 26.33 +.64 +15 581 .. 40 23 24 A B 63.3 Edenorn EDN 27.24 .54 +313 277 14 95 81 90 A C 104 EqLifes 2.2 ELS 102.1 +1.03 33 241 43k
21 5 33 D C+ 4.0 DHXMed 2.9 DHXM 2.05 .07 32 125 ..k 54 60 56 D B 54.5 Domtar 3.8 UFS 45.34 +.60 63 310 12 12 39 2 .. C 17.8 EdgeThera EDGE .42 +.02 53 356 .. 94 75 90 C A 72.8 EquityR 3.1 EQR 70.67 +.32 +26 2.2m 39
61 44 70 A B 151 Diageo 2.4 DEO 142.5 .41 46 230 22 74 62 56 A B 59.4 Donalds 1.6 DCI 47.68 +.78 32 412 22 19 35 17 D D 60.7 Edgewell EPC 39.25 +.80 16 458 11 .. .. 31 .. B 23.8 EqtyCmpRi 2.1 ERM 19.93 +.02 20 3 99
50 5 97 .. .. 4.3 DiamedicaThera DMAC 3.85 +.12 93 7 ..k 21 17 38 E E 17.9 DonglA 4.3 DGICA 13.33 +.11 16 14 ..k 40 40 20 B E 71.0 EdisonI 4.4 EIX 55.43 +.29 +3 3.0m 12 .. .. 18 .. E 24.0 EqtyCmpT 1.9 TERM 18.15 .16 65 5 99
60 81 28 A C 206 DiamHill r DHIL 157.3 +1.62 51 7 9k 32 55 20 C D 22.2 DonnelleyFinl DFIN 14.62 +.58 4 210 8 28 5 23 B C 11.6 EdisonNation EDNT 5.10 +.15 +14 13 ..k 8 4 22 E D 2.4 EquusTotR EQS 1.85 .04 +265 39 ..
.. .. 50 .. E 34.9 DiaHilV 1.8 DHVW 30.77 +.28 29 3 ..k 58 60 48 A C 21.2 Dorches 12 DMLP 16.81 .68 15 47 11x 21 22 11 D C 45.0 EditasMed EDIT 21.46 +.13 +5 1.1m .. 9 21 31 E D 14.2 ERAGroup ERA 10.26 +.23 58 33 ..
2 5 9 E D+ 21.9 DiamndOffshr DO 11.63 +.41 36 1.6m .. 19 14 12 E B 8.8 DorianLPG LPG 5.80 +.12 44 88 ..k 37 95 11 C D 14.4 EduDevlp 2.5 EDUC 8.06 .09 31 8 9 70 49 91 E C 9.5 Ericsson .8 ERIC 8.88 +.36 +207 18m 99o
55 88 21 A D+ 140 Diamond .5 FANG 102.2 +.65 34 2.3m 15 99 88 94 B B 97.4 Dorman DORM 88.71 2.80 +57 377 22o 98 90 95 A B 175 EdwardsLifesci EW 170.6 +1.44 20 1.1m 38 99 88 92 A B+ NH ErieInd 2.5 ERIE 143.1 +1.01 49 23 26k
40 63 30 D E 13.0 Dmndroc 5.1 DRH 9.88 +.14 +29 4.3m 22 .. .. 47 .. B 53.2 DorsWrMlp 6.6 BMLP 46.07 +.67 92 0.1 99 36 41 41 .. C 19.1 Egain EGAN 7.05 +.28 60 74 78 23 34 29 D D 15.0 ErosA EROS 9.61 +.36 46 214 ..
7 23 4 B D+ 3.7 DianaContnr r DCIX .84 .01 73 252 ..k .. .. 50 .. E 20.6 Doubleln 9 DSL 18.83 +.11 49 299 ..k 89 22 99 E A+ NH eHealth EHTH 55.30 +.69 +93 713 ..o .. .. 51 .. C 18.9 ErsharEnt .1 ENTR 15.80 +.29 94 0.3 ..k
35 72 20 D C 5.2 DianaShpg DSX 3.22 .01 +29 390 .. .. .. 49 .. B 22.4 Doublelin 6.8 DBL 19.42 .01 71 43 ..k 26 1 16 C B+ 14.7 EhiCarSvcsA EHIC 9.77 .13 14 62 75k .. .. 91 .. .. NH ErshrNoUsSmCp ERSX 16.56 +.19 90 1 99
34 41 22 D C+ 18.0 DicernaPhrm DRNA 10.15 .11 21 425 .. 45 84 19 B C+ 49.5 DouglD 3.0 PLOW 35.80 +.10 39 66 18 10 2 11 .. D+ 24.8 EidosThera EIDX 11.98 .11 82 27 ..k 13 5 16 .. B 23.5 ErytechPhrm ERYP 8.57 +.28 92 0.4 ..
85 78 81 C B 39.8 DicksSp 2.6 DKS 34.62 +.30 54 1.2m 10o 94 91 67 C A 40.9 Douglas 2.8 DEI 36.77 +.57 49 481 51k 56 19 97 .. B 18.0 EigerBiophrm EIGR 14.30 +.74 +48 220 .. 40 66 40 D C 15.3 Escalade 4.3 ESCA 11.56 .12 42 6 7
16 5 7 D B 19.1 Diebld 9 DBD 4.26 +.11 21 1.4m .. 4 2 2 .. E 37.0 DovaPhrma DOVA 7.98 +.82 15 306 ..k 42 32 36 E B 3.3 EksoBionics EKSO 1.70 .04 3 220 .. 95 91 85 B B 71.5 ESCOTech .5 ESE 64.81 .16 46 72 23k
12 19 2 .. D 11.2 DiffusionPhrm DFFN 2.26 .05 94 18 .. 58 53 56 C B 90.3 Dover 2.4 DOV 79.48 +.30 33 920 16 .. .. 79 .. B 27.0 ElDogsofDow DOD 23.91 +.10 +95 13 ..k 17 21 26 .. E 82.7 EsperionTher ESPR 44.70 +1.38 37 427 ..
50 56 61 C C 14.7 Digi DGII 11.40 +.36 +40 204 99 72 72 97 E D 3.5 DoverDG DDE 2.67 .03 +42 49 66 .. .. 77 .. B 34.7 ElMrstrWdMt WMW 32.09 +.29 77 0.9 ..k 54 35 61 B D 32.6 EspeyMfg 3.8 ESP 26.13 +.22 91 0.2 22k
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52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P
6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
78 99 40 A B 29.5 EsquireFinl r ESQ 21.96 .39 70 3 17 1 6 3 .. C 4.2 Ferrell 38 FGP 1.04 +.03 67 193 ..o .. .. 42 .. C+ 13.3 FtIndGlbN 3.9 FTRI 11.74 +.14 63 1 ..k .. .. 54 .. C+ 65.6 FxshrMo 2.8 TLTE 52.01 +.61 80 13 ..k
.. .. 46 .. E 37.3 EssDpVal 2.6 DVP 32.04 +.72 44 58 ..k 62 83 21 A D+ 24.9 Ferro FOE 16.68 +.40 19 471 11o .. .. 60 .. B 30.9 FrTrIdxInn 1.1 LEGR 27.98 +.45 86 1 99 .. .. 59 .. C+ 45.7 FSQualDv 1.9 QDEF 41.57 +.29 61 15 ..k
.. .. 68 .. A 57.7 EssVide 2.8 VBND 47.57 .12 46 32 ..k 6 28 1 C D+ 17.4 Ferrogl 10 r GSM 2.34 +.19 56 1.2m 5o .. .. 55 .. B+ 20.2 FtInstPre 5.5 FPEI 18.63 +.09 37 49 ..k .. .. 46 .. B 47.2 FSQlDvD 2.6 QDYN 41.12 +.39 93 1 ..k
64 76 58 C D 16.5 ESSABp 2.6 ESSA 15.34 +.06 78 2 15 23 8 34 D B 10.7 FGLHoldings FG 7.78 +.05 60 441 9 .. .. 54 .. B 23.9 FTIntDurP 8.2 FPF 20.92 .02 58 147 ..k .. .. 42 .. B 48.1 FSQualDi 2.8 QDF 42.09 +.31 53 82 ..k
68 22 95 .. A 5.8 EssaPharma EPIX 4.09 +.03 +624 40 ..k .. .. 43 .. E 191 FiEnhGlbHiYl FIHD 153.4 +1.20 32 24 99 .. .. 55 .. B 39.9 FtrIntl 1.6 FPXI 33.17 +.43 +5 4 ..k .. .. 67 .. A 77.7 FlexRdAc 2.2 RAVI 75.39 +.03 86 8 ..k
38 41 90 E D 17.1 Essende 4.5 ESND 12.48 +.02 1 238 43 .. .. 16 .. E 247 FIGloHiYldEtn FIEG 129.5 3.00 +150 0.5 ..k .. .. 33 .. B 63.4 FTJapnAl 1.5 FJP 50.39 +.46 80 10 ..k .. .. 72 .. B 50.0 FlexStxG 2.9 NFRA 46.57 +.20 32 40 ..k
98 98 68 A B 50.1 EssentGrp ESNT 38.38 +.47 31 379 9k 64 95 31 C B 25.0 FiatChrysler FCAU 16.74 +.25 42 2.7m 4 .. .. 76 .. B 23.2 FTLatAm 2.6 FLN 20.89 +.16 +531 75 ..k .. .. 54 .. B 121 FlxUsMkt 1.8 TILT 108.2 +1.21 13 46 ..k
98 71 91 B B NH EssPrpRe 5.5 EPRT 15.27 +.08 46 259 49k 22 15 19 E B+ 5.2 Fribrocell FCSC 1.92 .01 51 56 .. .. .. 49 .. B 63.3 FTLCpCr 1.2 FEX 56.19 +.50 57 81 ..k .. .. 73 .. C 24.9 FlxCorS 2.8 BNDC 24.19 +.01 9 14 ..k
94 76 88 C B 267 EssexPr 2.8 ESS 262.8 +1.22 +38 469 46 51 15 86 E B 68.6 Fibrogen FGEN 54.64 +1.18 +5 713 ..o .. .. 53 .. D 70.9 FTLgCpGrw .3 FTC 61.68 +.63 72 42 ..k .. .. 64 .. C+ 29.4 FlxRlAst 2.8 ASET 27.19 +.23 50 2 ..k
81 55 93 .. C+ 30.7 EstabLabs ESTA 27.55 +.92 53 20 ..k .. .. 68 .. C 50.6 FidCorp 3.6 FCOR 48.40 +.03 59 2 ..k .. .. 55 .. B 23.3 FtLgCpUsE 1.7 RNLC 20.87 +.18 98 0.2 ..k .. .. 50 .. B 36.4 FxUsQlL 1.7 QLC 32.25 +.33 98 0.5 ..k
72 80 48 A D 158 EsteeLa 1.3 EL 128.1 +2.84 +1 2.3m 26 87 80 87 B B 75.0 FidD&dB 1.7 FDBC 60.99 .98 67 0.9 19k .. .. 49 .. B 57.7 FTLCpVa 2.1 FTA 49.95 +.46 32 104 ..k 11 23 18 D D 48.0 Flexste 3.5 FLXS 24.80 +.69 72 9 12
73 53 97 D D 122 Esterline ESL 121.4 .35 62 214 29 .. .. 60 .. D 32.8 FidDivRis 3.8 FDRR 30.06 +.17 42 66 ..k .. .. 59 .. B 41.7 FTLong/Sh .8 FTLS 37.97 +.12 53 29 ..k 52 76 22 B C 63.9 FLIRSys 1.4 FLIR 46.91 +1.31 2 1.1m 21
8 46 1 .. D+ 13.4 EstreAmbien ESTR 1.80 .02 88 3 ..k .. .. 64 .. C+ 31.1 FidelHi 4.7 FDVV 28.94 +.14 59 45 ..k .. .. 60 .. B+ 20.9 FrTrLntUsF 1.2 FCTR 19.10 +.18 65 3 99 74 96 36 A C+ 58.3 Floor&DecorA FND 33.08 +.95 2 1.4m 34
.. .. 31 .. D 43.5 EtctEmMk EMQQ 29.74 +.64 50 86 ..k .. .. 69 .. C 50.8 FidHiYl 4.4 FDHY 49.76 +.06 44 2 99 .. .. 72 .. B 53.3 FTManag 2.6 FMB 52.63 .03 29 76 ..k 11 12 41 E B 6.8 FlotekInd FTK 2.53 +.05 45 800 ..
.. .. 36 .. B 21.6 EtfIndEx 3.1 TETF 17.46 +.12 30 1 ..k .. .. 40 .. B 25.8 FidelIntH 4.1 FIDI 20.70 +.15 +62 20 99 .. .. 35 .. D+ 46.4 FTMatlr 1.3 FXZ 36.48 +.68 81 11 ..k 47 44 52 C C 22.8 Flowers 3.7 FLO 19.25 .11 72 361 20
.. .. 36 .. C+ 39.6 EtMgDron .3 IFLY 32.14 +.35 51 3 ..k .. .. 43 .. D 25.8 FidelIntV 3.1 FIVA 21.20 +.27 50 3 99 .. .. 58 .. C+ 73.1 FTMCpCr .9 FNX 64.28 +.85 57 35 ..k 38 65 47 C E 56.9 Flowser 1.8 FLS 42.76 +1.05 38 798 25
.. .. 79 .. D 43.5 EtfMgPri .1 IPAY 39.47 +.54 +12 155 ..k .. .. 72 .. B+ 51.0 FidLtdTe 2.5 FLTB 49.57 +.01 67 8 ..k .. .. 63 .. C 47.2 FTMdCpG .0 FNY 40.37 +.43 26 40 ..k 98 72 99 D A NH Fluent FLNT 4.79 +.02 +17 367 68
.. .. 46 .. C+ 55.0 EtfMgVi 1.4 GAMR 42.58 +.61 +60 29 ..k .. .. 73 .. E 53.2 FidLoDur 2.3 FLDR 50.10 .01 84 4 99 .. .. 55 .. B+ 23.1 FtMdCpUsE 1.5 RNMC 20.57 +.24 96 0.3 ..k 81 35 97 E B 9.6 Fluidigm FLDM 9.05 +.12 +24 793 ..
.. .. 81 .. D 40.7 EtfMgPrimC .1 HACK 36.45 +.56 26 196 .. .. .. 68 .. C+ 34.0 FidLoVolF 2.1 FDLO 31.53 +.19 72 15 ..k .. .. 58 .. C+ 38.0 FTMdCpVa 1.6 FNK 33.91 +.58 82 3 ..k 15 44 12 E D+ 62.1 Fluor 2.3 FLR 37.32 +.50 26 1.6m 14
.. .. 23 .. C 12.4 EtfMgPrim 1.6 SILJ 8.38 +.37 +322 227 ..k .. .. 60 .. B 35.7 FidMomnF 1.4 FDMO 31.77 +.31 59 17 ..k .. .. 54 .. C+ 37.5 FTMgCpA 1.2 FMK 33.49 +.28 95 0.7 99 62 68 37 C B+ 29.6 Flushing 3.6 r FFIC 22.37 +.30 35 38 12k
.. .. 81 .. C+ 45.4 EtfmgAlt 1.7 MJ 32.00 +.79 +36 969 ..k .. .. 25 .. E 22.2 FidMscE 3.6 FENY 17.24 +.23 79 95 .. .. .. 29 .. D+ 15.9 FTMLPEn 10 FEI 11.32 +.02 67 148 ..k 37 80 18 C E 15.3 FlyLeasing FLY 10.87 +.14 36 70 3o
41 49 34 D B 25.6 EthanAl 4.1 r ETH 18.76 +.28 28 241 13 .. .. 50 .. D+ 43.9 FidMsFin 2.8 FNCL 37.87 +.32 54 173 ..k .. .. 39 .. D 51.5 FrstTrMn 1.6 FMF 44.84 .24 93 0.2 ..k 70 74 51 A C 93.2 FMC 2.0 FMC 79.37 +1.57 23 763 13
.. .. 73 .. C+ 38.4 EthoCli .8 ETHO 34.59 +.34 99 0.1 ..k .. .. 72 .. B 47.2 FidMsHlth 2.0 FHLC 42.99 +.17 42 277 .. .. .. 66 .. B 14.3 FTMort 5.4 FMY 13.37 +.09 87 0.9 ..k 61 76 37 B C 14.9 FNBCorp 4.2 FNB 11.56 +.12 40 1.8m 10o
37 12 69 .. E 6.7 EtonPharma ETON 6.20 ... 60 7 ..k .. .. 50 .. B 41.3 FidMsIn 2.3 FIDU 35.69 +.43 41 67 ..k .. .. 53 .. C 31.1 FTMStrDv 3.8 FDL 28.08 .01 55 144 ..k 69 32 85 B B 12.0 FncbBan 2.1 FNCB 9.55 .14 +179 18 19
.. .. 23 .. B 42.4 Et2xMlev 17 MLPQ 27.53 +.54 43 38 ..k .. .. 59 .. E 60.9 FidMscInf 1.5 FTEC 52.85 +.83 37 329 .. .. .. 58 .. C+ 77.8 FTMulCp .2 FAD 66.57 +.64 62 8 ..k 9 20 10 E D 7.6 FoamixPhrm FOMX 3.68 +.02 39 230 ..o
.. .. 36 .. A 26.4 EtAlerMlp 7.3 MLPB 21.77 +.26 +500 1 ..k .. .. 42 .. C+ 37.1 FidMsMa 2.6 FMAT 30.20 +.58 +12 67 ..k .. .. 49 .. B 59.3 FTMulCp 1.8 FAB 52.51 +.61 73 1 ..k 60 97 12 A D 49.5 FocusFinl FOCS 28.39 +.60 66 65 22k
.. .. 77 .. A 35.0 EtGoldTotRtn UBG 32.71 +.43 +150 0.5 ..k .. .. 68 .. E 45.8 FidMscCon 1.5 FDIS 41.52 +.41 36 181 ..k .. .. 77 .. B 18.6 FtrMuniCe 3.5 MCEF 17.87 .03 53 2 ..k 64 51 48 C D+ 101 Fomento 1.5 FMX 91.56 .37 2 468 31
.. .. 50 .. A+ 16.2 EtTotRtrnSrB UCIB 14.47 +.17 +400 0.5 ..k .. .. 50 .. D 35.5 FidMsCn 3.7 FSTA 31.18 .07 66 94 ..k .. .. 67 .. D 25.0 FTNAEnr 4.4 EMLP 23.11 +.01 60 549 ..k 76 80 22 B B+ 30.1 Fonarrs FONR 21.63 +.40 51 10 6k
.. .. 43 .. B 16.4 EtTotalReturn UCI 14.53 +.14 97 1 ..k .. .. 79 .. D 25.5 FidelRe 5.8 FREL 24.11 +.27 36 270 ..k .. .. 36 .. E 32.4 FtNasBan 3.0 FTXO 25.59 +.23 30 168 ..k 78 65 94 .. B 59.4 FootLoc 2.4 FL 56.75 +.14 42 1.8m 13o
.. .. 31 .. B 24.9 EtrMonPay 21 SMHB 22.25 +.38 30 55 99 .. .. 81 .. B 32.0 FidMsTe 3.0 FCOM 30.56 +.26 9 155 ..k .. .. 72 .. D+ 28.9 FtNasCy .2 CIBR 25.33 +.42 21 151 ..k 20 26 25 C C 12.2 Ford 6.8 F 8.86 +.26 +10 52m 6o
.. .. 22 .. D 19.0 ETMthPy 16 LMLP 12.94 +.23 15 32 ..k .. .. 79 .. C 37.6 FidMsciUt 3.8 FUTY 35.26 .48 18 254 ..k .. .. 43 .. D+ 21.3 FtNasFo 1.3 FTXG 18.62 .10 69 0.4 ..k 40 57 47 .. B 41.0 ForescoutTch FSCT 29.29 +.61 10 406 ..k
.. .. 39 .. C+ 21.1 EtracMnth 15 DVHL 17.25 +.12 40 5 ..k 69 77 53 C C 42.5 FidelNatlF 3.4 r FNF 35.11 +.35 18 1.0m 13o .. .. 20 .. E 26.1 FtNasO& 1.9 FTXN 18.44 +.29 +262 107 ..k 4 5 7 .. C 5.5 ForesightAuto FRSX 1.75 .03 51 9 ..
.. .. 27 .. D 18.0 ETMonthP 19 CEFL 13.35 +.10 56 78 ..k 84 79 83 C C 110 Fidelity 1.2 FIS 105.4 +.27 5 1.4m 21 .. .. 34 .. C 23.9 FtNasPh .9 FTXH 20.00 .06 +124 4 ..k 32 24 33 D B 4.3 Foresgh 6.5 FELP 3.39 +.01 64 10 7o
.. .. 64 .. A 15.9 EtMp2xlMrt 22 MRRL 13.73 +.12 +96 238 ..k .. .. 57 .. C 319 FidNASD 1.3 ONEQ 280.2 +3.38 51 34 ..k .. .. 50 .. D 25.1 FtNasRe .8 FTXD 21.73 .01 69 3 ..k 33 75 12 C C 26.4 Forestar FOR 15.24 +1.07 45 45 14
.. .. 79 .. B 27.3 EtMp2xUs 8.7 LRET 23.23 +.49 87 0.2 ..k .. .. 64 .. C 35.1 FidQualF 2.0 FQAL 31.87 +.26 78 10 ..k .. .. 77 .. C 36.2 FtNasSe .6 FTXL 29.40 +.96 6 7 ..k 72 53 92 C B 16.8 Formfactor FORM 14.65 +.74 1 538 15
.. .. 55 .. B 30.7 EtMp2xUsHi 11 HDLV 24.74 +.38 57 2 ..k 91 78 95 B A 29.5 Fidelty 1.6 LION 29.23 +.86 20 171 18 .. .. 49 .. C 55.9 FtNasSmr 1.2 FONE 45.84 +.97 +75 1 ..k .. .. 55 .. B+ 30.4 FormFol .6 FFHG 26.45 +.08 66 7 ..k
.. .. 50 .. B+ 21.0 EtMp2xSml 19 SMHD 16.18 +.37 49 31 ..k .. .. 38 .. D 58.6 FTNqAba 1.7 QABA 47.74 +.38 73 19 ..k .. .. 55 .. D 27.6 FormFoli 4.2 FFTI 23.39 .01 38 46 ..k
.. .. 72 .. B 50.0 FidTotlB 2.9 FBND 48.97 .01 61 41 99
.. .. 51 .. C 25.1 EtrMpay2xL 10 PFFL 23.43 +.18 +4 3 99 .. .. 67 .. E 21.6 FTNqClG .9 QCLN 19.14 +.39 16 15 ..k .. .. 51 .. C 27.4 FormfoliSm 1.6 FFSG 24.61 +.25 75 3 ..k
.. .. 55 .. C 35.5 FidValF 2.5 FVAL 31.98 +.40 44 28 ..k
.. .. 50 .. B 20.9 EtrWfBus 9.0 BDCZ 19.02 +.18 0 0.1 ..k .. .. 42 .. D+ 53.7 FTNqClSm 1.2 GRID 43.35 +.92 56 2 ..k .. .. 43 .. B 26.6 Formfoli 2.2 FFTG 23.04 +.20 34 10 ..k
.. .. 26 .. C+ 15.4 Fid/ClayEn 12 FMO 10.47 +.18 73 89 ..k
.. .. 45 .. D+ 26.5 ETrAlr 7.4 MLPI 21.74 +.22 19 1.3m ..k .. .. 38 .. C 45.0 FTNqGlb 2.6 CARZ 34.36 +.82 80 2 ..k 75 61 85 C C 50.0 Forrest 1.8 FORR 44.27 .13 69 19 37k
41 33 63 B E 15.5 FidusInv 11 FDUS 13.55 +.05 67 38 10
91 61 99 B C 58.3 Etsy ETSY 55.00 +.66 43 1.4m 99o .. .. 71 .. B 64.3 FTN100 .5 QQEW 59.84 +.98 19 52 ..k 16 72 16 E E 10.5 Forterra FRTA 4.87 +.16 44 164 14
24 47 7 D D 30.9 FiestaRest FRGI 15.21 .30 44 137 29o
14 2 37 E B 7.6 EuroTech CLWT 2.94 +.03 91 1 13k .. .. 71 .. E 53.5 FTN100E .3 QQXT 49.89 +.62 63 4 ..k 99 97 93 A C 94.4 7Fortinet FTNT 73.59 +1.07 37 1.4m 47
61 80 44 B B 34.7 FifthTh 3.2 FITB 27.78 +.13 38 3.8m 10o
27 39 31 C C 14.5 Eurodry EDRY 8.07 .21 91 3 42k .. .. 71 .. C+ 83.4 FTN100 .8 QTEC 74.88 +1.70 +71 431 ..k 78 58 83 C D 35.9 Fortis 3.9 FTS 35.01 +.21 40 230 13k
66 82 35 B B 34.4 FnclInst 3.5 FISI 27.16 +.26 59 17 11k
23 6 25 D D+ 10.1 Euronav 1.6 EURN 7.53 +.07 +15 452 .. .. .. 22 .. D+ 13.5 FTNwOpM 10 FPL 8.73 +.07 49 131 ..k 65 67 55 A D 88.3 Fortive .4 FTV 72.25 +1.26 24 1.4m 21k
70 30 96 D B 23.7 Finisar FNSR 21.90 +.28 46 1.4m 31o
96 93 94 A C 121 Euronet EEFT. 115.4 +1.04 27 382 21 .. .. 81 .. B 159 FTNyArcaBio FBT 143.2 +2.41 +43 304 .. 21 22 6 D B 5.5 FortressBio FBIO 1.06 ... 68 133 ..o
32 27 27 B D+ 5.5 FinjanHdgs r FNJN 2.68 +.05 +98 393 2
.. .. 27 .. D 10.9 EuroEqFd .9 EEA 8.19 +.11 32 8 ..k .. .. 54 .. C 20.0 FirstTrPr 5.9 FPE 18.52 +.08 42 1.0m ..k 41 70 22 C E 19.4 FortresT 9.0 FTAI 14.72 +.05 39 107 66o
45 5 74 .. .. NH FintcAqCrpIIIA FTAC 9.65 ... +94 206 99
13 47 3 D D+ 3.9 Eursea ESEA .78 +.03 83 39 .. .. .. 39 .. D 28.7 FTTrRba .4 AIRR 23.73 +.25 42 28 ..k 37 52 15 B D 6.1 FortunaSilver FSM 3.60 +.13 14 776 13o
88 72 84 E B+ 20.6 FireEye FEYE 17.65 +.45 23 3.3m 99
50 81 16 A D 49.2 EvansBc 2.6 EVBN 34.72 +.55 83 2 11k .. .. 36 .. D 64.9 FtRifrDyAs 2.3 RFAP 51.29 +.55 +999 55 99 35 79 18 B D 73.6 Fortune 2.1 r FBHS 41.95 .05 28 1.4m 12
76 89 58 C B 62.3 FirstAm 3.4 FAF 48.98 +.41 11 671 11k
11 2 13 .. C 16.8 EveloBiosci EVLO 8.62 +.17 9 77 ..k .. .. 33 .. D+ 69.0 FtRifrDyDe 2.4 RFDI 55.03 +.55 84 16 ..k 43 4 85 .. B 23.8 FortySeven FTSV 14.94 +1.25 +98 361 ..k
66 81 26 A C 15.0 FirstBan 1.0 FRBA 11.49 +.01 +23 44 11
27 1 65 D D 40.3 EventbriteA EB 30.78 .05 76 58 ..k .. .. 33 .. C 70.6 FtRifrD 2.6 RFEU 56.28 +.43 53 9 ..k 16 59 3 D D 18.0 ForumEnrgy FET 5.06 +.31 20 1.1m ..k
51 62 44 B D 31.6 FrstBan 4.4 FNLC 26.48 +.48 19 8 13
.. .. 56 .. E 23.8 EvntShU .4 PLCY 20.46 +.17 52 4 ..k .. .. 59 .. D 32.0 FtRisngDiv 1.5 RDVY 29.07 +.38 44 139 ..k 54 5 77 .. B+ 9.9 ForumMrgrIIA FMCI 9.78 ... 57 45 99
93 95 74 A B 43.1 FstBanc 1.1 FBNC 38.03 +1.04 +152 304 12
51 30 88 C C+ 4.5 EverGlory EVK 3.81 .01 73 0.9 4 .. .. 81 .. D+ 24.4 FTREITn 3.0 FRI 23.26 +.28 70 21 ..k 72 83 61 B D+ 72.8 FrwdAr 1.2 FWRD 58.69 +.69 56 56 20k
76 88 38 A B 43.5 Fstbanc .6 FBMS 31.57 +.23 66 12 14
71 2 98 D C+ 63.0 Everbridge EVBG 61.13 +3.38 +46 683 ..k .. .. 53 .. D 70.5 FTSmCpC 1.0 FYX 59.93 +.74 31 62 ..k 42 50 20 B C 3.3 ForwardInd FORD 1.46 +.05 34 23 9k
45 51 38 B C 27.0 FrstBus 2.7 r FBIZ 20.96 +.26 +89 29 11
71 86 33 A C+ 117 Evercore 2.4 EVR 84.65 +1.01 47 268 12k .. .. 54 .. E 53.2 FTSmCpG .1 FYC 43.82 +.51 49 67 ..k 7 5 4 .. C 5.8 ForwardPhrm FWP 1.16 +.10 85 6 ..k
63 89 26 A C 33.3 FrstBus 3.2 BUSE 25.95 +.12 41 66 12k
51 42 57 C C 264 EverstRe 2.6 RE 213.4 2.30 +31 409 8 .. .. 49 .. B+ 40.3 FTSmCpV 1.6 FYT 34.74 +.56 55 8 ..k 46 72 85 E C 32.2 Fossil FOSL 17.49 +.25 31 1.1m 99
89 79 91 B B 47.4 FirstCa 2.1 FCAP 44.50 +.62 74 0.7 16
92 61 82 A C 61.1 Evergy 3.3 EVRG 56.78 .36 0 1.9m 22k .. .. 51 .. E 9.5 FtSrFlR 5.6 FIV 8.85 +.03 +27 177 ..k 31 72 15 D E 16.3 FoundtnBldMat FBM 9.49 +.11 54 36 21
35 34 27 A C 33.5 FirstChoic 3.7 FCBP 21.55 +.05 54 8 18k
48 72 48 E D 9.8 Everi EVRI 6.97 .07 42 547 ..o .. .. 41 .. C 14.8 FirstTrS 4.8 FDD 12.55 +.05 60 93 ..k 91 70 89 B D 28.5 4Corners 4.2 FCPT 27.09 +.24 21 290 21k
80 95 61 B D 488 FstCitz .4 FCNCA 415.7 +4.05 40 23 12k
5 8 2 D E 22.1 EverquoteA EVER 5.61 ... 49 70 ..k .. .. 63 .. B 52.2 FTStrat 4.9 FDIV 48.29 +.33 84 3 ..k 18 16 5 B C+ 8.6 FourSeasns FEDU 2.70 .05 61 3 19k
75 90 38 B B+ 26.3 FrstCmty 2.1 FCCO 20.70 +.22 70 5 14
91 59 87 B C+ 70.5 Eversou 3.0 ES 67.28 1.18 32 1.2m 20 .. .. 46 .. D 56.7 FTSzAl 2.1 FSZ 46.70 .28 60 4 ..k 98 97 97 A C 76.8 7FoxFactory FOXF 60.76 .22 50 160 30
87 84 90 B B 36.1 FrstCommu 2.4 FCBC 35.08 +.29 +26 46 15
.. .. 63 .. C 48.8 FTTacticl 5.5 HYLS 46.73 +.14 49 161 ..k 1 5 1 D E 8.5 Francseca FRAN .79 +.03 48 1.3m ..o
24 29 31 D D 11.5 Everspin MRAM 6.89 +.33 53 19 .. 74 89 52 B C+ 27.0 FrstCons 1.5 FCCY 19.58 .17 76 2 13k
.. .. 84 .. D+ 64.8 FTTechl .2 FXL 58.03 +1.32 +62 530 ..k 73 47 84 C C 79.1 FrancoNe 1.3 FNV 72.81 +1.75 16 501 60o
93 62 97 A C+ 30.2 Evertec .7 EVTC. 28.50 +.85 44 353 17 78 21 96 C A 26.6 FirstData FDC 25.11 +.68 +32 22m 17o
.. .. 53 .. B 36.6 FTTotUsMk TUSA 31.83 +.37 44 2 ..k 12 25 16 E E 9.8 Frank'sIntl FI 5.85 +.22 66 250 ..
40 63 20 B E 48.5 EviInds EVI 32.32 +.57 37 19 92k 88 84 70 B A 35.0 FrstDef 2.7 FDEF 28.46 .12 +38 75 12
.. .. 39 .. D 43.4 FTUkAl 4.6 FKU 35.27 +.47 79 1 ..k 48 19 78 E B+ 30.9 FranklinCovy FC 24.54 .04 28 23 ..o
3 13 5 E C+ 1.7 EvineLiveA EVLV .62 .03 50 224 .. 59 85 34 B B 53.1 FrstFncl 2.4 THFF 41.92 +.19 35 26 11k
.. .. 51 .. C+ 23.0 FtUsEqDi 3.8 RNDV 20.68 +.26 11 2 ..k 82 55 85 B B 51.5 FrankEl 1.2 FELE 46.50 +.21 45 79 21k
76 70 92 .. C 30.5 EvoPaymntA EVOP 25.00 +.40 48 162 86k 86 92 47 A B 33.7 FrstFncl 3.3 r FFBC 26.80 +.81 25 355 11
.. .. 66 .. D 76.0 FrstTruUs .8 FPX 68.97 +.99 34 73 ..k 48 58 29 B B 41.5 Franklin .5 FSB 30.25 +.50 +73 168 12
28 25 29 .. A 10.7 EvofemBiosci EVFM 3.43 .22 77 36 .. 93 81 92 A C+ 66.8 FstFncl 1.4 FFIN 61.96 .57 +18 452 30
.. .. 78 .. B+ 29.1 FTUtils 2.4 FXU 27.22 .35 62 124 ..k .. .. 60 .. D+ 24.7 FrnkAsia 2.2 FLAX 20.91 +.31 97 0.2 99
62 24 92 .. B 3.4 EvokePharm EVOK 2.80 .03 47 19 .. 64 66 62 B D 21.8 FtFnNw 2.1 r FFNW 15.53 +.12 +27 31 10
.. .. 66 .. B 32.2 FstTrVL 2.4 FVD 30.54 +.04 40 708 ..k .. .. 51 .. E 27.1 FrnkFtA 4.0 FLAU 23.56 +.36 93 0.4 ..k
36 25 43 D E 29.1 EvolentA EVH 17.50 .09 1 955 ..o 55 69 21 A B 20.4 FirstFound r FFWM 14.44 +.29 23 136 15k
.. .. 28 .. B 25.0 FstTrVL .7 FVL 19.62 +.10 +239 22 ..k .. .. 85 .. A+ 29.5 FrnkBra 3.2 FLBR 27.18 +.06 57 2 ..k
38 1 95 .. B 39.5 Evolus EOLS 14.91 +.52 6 350 .. 55 64 29 B A 28.5 FirstGua 2.9 FGBI 21.88 +.38 72 2 13k
.. .. 63 .. B 38.9 FTVIFTN 2.8 TDIV 35.29 +.29 +26 166 ..k .. .. 56 .. B 26.4 FrnkCana 2.7 FLCA 23.35 +.31 78 1 ..k
43 72 15 A E 12.8 EvolPet 5.4 EPM 7.41 +.01 +7 211 14k 67 82 65 B D 31.8 FirstHawa 3.7 FHB 25.99 +.92 +125 2.2m 12
.. .. 63 .. B 19.4 FTVIMlt 6.2 MDIV 17.98 +.14 44 80 ..k .. .. 47 .. D+ 29.5 FrnkFtC 1.7 FLCH 22.34 +.49 50 4 ..k
16 17 4 B E 5.8 EvlvSyrs EVOL 1.28 .02 +343 161 8 43 65 22 A E 20.5 FstHori 3.3 FHN 14.71 +.30 31 2.6m 10o
.. .. 49 .. B 17.4 FTAEmOp 7.9 FEO 13.31 .13 63 10 ..k .. .. 36 .. D+ 27.3 FrnkEuro 3.6 FLEE 22.09 +.23 83 1 ..k
21 33 6 C B 25.4 EvoquaWater AQUA 10.30 +.03 55 554 19k 88 64 78 B B 34.0 FirstIn 2.7 FR 31.84 +.46 36 472 18k
.. .. 53 .. A 11.9 FtTrAbG 8.6 FAM 9.81 .01 62 18 ..k .. .. 69 .. D 24.9 FrnkIndi .9 FLIN 21.65 .15 8 5 99
74 9 97 D A 82.9 ExactSci EXAS 81.98 +3.20 +17 2.0m .. 20 53 9 B E 40.0 FirstInte 1.2 r INBK 20.06 1.09 +219 141 7
.. .. 43 .. B 79.0 FirstTrRiE 2.2 RFEM 60.66 +.81 29 20 99 .. .. 34 .. D 27.9 FrnkItal 2.8 FLIY 21.73 +.35 77 0.3 ..k
85 72 66 C B 12.1 Exantas 4.6 XAN 10.32 +.02 25 126 .. 62 80 38 A C 47.1 FstIntr 2.9 FIBK 38.78 +.28 10 188 13k
.. .. 46 .. B+ 24.0 FirTrBuyW 4.6 FTHI 21.04 +.15 64 5 ..k .. .. 40 .. D+ 28.6 FrnkFtJap 1.4 FLJP 23.83 +.18 +204 219 ..k
25 42 8 .. D 7.3 ExelaTech XELA 3.61 +.10 +47 187 .. 50 59 32 B B+ 29.7 FrstLng 3.3 r FLIC 20.91 +.11 12 55 13k .. .. 50 .. B 23.0 FtrCefIn 4.6 FCEF 20.34 +.10 86 5 ..k .. .. 37 .. C 27.3 FrnkFtMe 2.3 FLMX 22.76 +.08 98 0.1 ..k
96 69 95 A B 31.8 Exelixis EXEL 23.27 +.63 14 3.7m 19o 25 2 30 D D+ 8.5 FirstMajstic AG 5.55 +.29 +28 3.8m ..o .. .. 41 .. B 43.9 FirsTrChi 1.5 FNI 33.58 +.59 51 14 ..k .. .. 93 .. C+ NH FrnkFtSoAf .4 FLZA 28.20 +.25 75 0.2 99
84 58 90 C C 47.4 Exelon 3.0 EXC 46.43 .53 +13 6.4m 14 67 93 24 A C+ 50.4 FrstMer 2.3 FRME 37.86 +.27 51 80 12 .. .. 81 .. D+ 57.1 FirTrClou .3 SKYY 52.93 +.67 0 345 .. .. .. 51 .. B 27.4 FrnkFtTaiwan FLTW 23.49 +.35 58 1 ..k
31 10 38 D C+ 4.7 EXFO EXFO 3.28 +.18 11 12 99 52 68 29 A D 42.5 FirstMid 2.2 FMBH 33.09 +.40 +3 26 13 .. .. 73 .. D 24.0 FtDw30E 1.7 EDOW 22.49 +.10 97 3 ..k .. .. 37 .. D 27.6 FrnkFtsU 3.7 FLGB 22.77 +.17 100 0.1 ..k
54 54 41 B C 67.1 Exlservice EXLS 56.96 +.67 65 52 21 67 88 37 B D+ 27.7 FrstMdw 2.2 FMBI 22.12 +.19 40 450 13 .. .. 59 .. C 46.0 FtEMkLc 5.6 FEMB 37.94 +.31 71 7 ..k .. .. 64 .. C 24.3 FrnkSwitzrlnd FLSW 22.30 .07 96 0.2 99
37 27 83 E D+ 10.9 ExOneCo XONE 7.72 +.24 3 110 ..o 81 89 63 C B 17.7 FstNorw .8 FNWB 15.23 .18 9 20 26k .. .. 1 .. .. 25.1 FrTrLngDurOp LGOV 25.13 +.01 0 0.1 99 .. .. 64 .. B 24.7 FrankLibI 3.8 FLCO 23.50 .01 45 1 ..k
25 28 20 D B 19.7 ExpWorld r EXPI 10.43 +.22 64 73 ..k 89 69 85 A B 106 FrstRpb .7 FRC 97.12 +1.78 61 971 20o .. .. 68 .. C+ 51.8 FirTrLo 2.6 LMBS 51.02 .01 1 446 ..k .. .. 69 .. E 25.2 FnkLibIntl 2.4 FLIA 24.55 +.06 +200 0.3 99
60 88 44 B D 139 Expedia 1.1 EXPE 117.1 .31 18 1.2m 21 69 87 17 A B 80.0 FrstSvgs 1.2 FSFG 51.95 ... 62 0.8 10 .. .. 74 .. .. 21.5 FrTrLoDurS 3.2 LDSF 20.25 +.01 +60 9 99 .. .. 68 .. B 97.4 FrnkLibShr 2.6 FTSD 94.52 .15 58 5 ..k
84 88 80 B C+ 78.2 Expedit 1.3 EXPD 69.33 +.72 55 610 21 25 6 53 E B+ 81.7 FirstSolar FSLR 49.86 +1.26 23 1.3m 81 .. .. 73 .. B+ 51.1 FtMuniH 3.5 FMHI 50.03 .00 5 9 99 .. .. 68 .. A 33.5 FrankLibUs 1.2 FLLV 30.87 +.19 89 0.3 ..k
90 81 89 A C 54.6 Exponnt 1.0 EXPO 50.41 .07 36 146 41k .. .. 39 .. B 31.5 FtAltAbs .6 FAAR 26.52 ... +36 13 ..k .. .. 17 .. D+ 24.7 FirTrNa 1.2 FCG 17.23 +.35 50 181 ..k .. .. 69 .. B 25.5 FrnkLibHy 6.8 FLHY 24.84 +.04 89 0.1 99
11 62 8 .. E 11.7 Express EXPR 5.37 +.26 6 2.6m 11o .. .. 45 .. B 38.1 FTAsiaPc 2.6 FPA 29.77 +.57 48 4 ..k .. .. 54 .. B 19.8 FrTrSpInt 5.1 FID 16.75 +.17 82 2 ..k .. .. 64 .. B+ 25.8 FrnkLibSr 3.7 FLBL 24.89 .03 92 0.1 99
46 73 29 B C 22.6 Extnded 5.3 STAY 16.52 +.12 +49 2.1m 14 .. .. 54 .. B 33.6 FstTBI 1.8 BICK 26.96 +.43 +113 18 ..k .. .. 41 .. D 13.4 FirstTrstS 6.1 FCT 11.74 +.04 53 86 ..k .. .. 69 .. B 31.6 FrnkLib 1.7 FLQL 29.25 +.13 93 6 ..k
24 72 9 D D 32.2 Exterran EXTN 17.65 .04 44 92 56 .. .. 84 .. B 17.7 FTBrazAl 3.5 FBZ 15.17 +.14 49 28 ..k .. .. 59 .. B 48.4 FTSnLnF 4.2 FTSL 46.86 +.04 64 157 ..k .. .. 64 .. D 30.5 FrnkLibUs 1.3 FLQM 28.22 +.40 96 0.1 ..k
96 87 84 A B 101 7ExtraSp 3.7 EXR 93.15 +1.12 14 835 22 .. .. 73 .. C 53.0 FtCaMuniH 3.0 FCAL 49.98 .01 85 0.7 99 .. .. 73 .. B 31.1 FtSsiStr 1.7 FCVT 29.07 +.23 +47 130 ..k .. .. 64 .. B 30.8 FrnkLibUs 1.1 FLQS 26.98 +.18 +338 18 ..k
16 69 2 D E 17.4 ExtractOil&Gas r XOG 4.35 .04 50 2.0m .. .. .. 36 .. B+ 27.3 FTCanAl 1.5 FCAN 22.43 +.35 67 2 ..k .. .. 73 .. C 27.8 FTTcwUnP 3.1 UCON 25.14 +.06 70 27 99 .. .. 50 .. C 35.6 FrkLibE 3.7 FLQE 29.50 +.20 91 3 ..k
41 55 32 B B+ 15.6 ExtremeNtk r EXTR 6.77 +.11 17 1.2m 11 .. .. 57 .. C+ 56.0 FTCapStr 1.2 FTCS 50.45 +.49 +36 602 ..k .. .. 73 .. A 50.3 FtTcwOpF 2.8 FIXD 49.52 +.05 48 61 ..k .. .. 46 .. C 26.0 FrkLibInt 1.3 FLQH 23.29 +.11 86 0.8 ..k
36 54 29 C E 89.3 ExxonMo 4.6 XOM 71.72 +.32 43 9.0m 16 .. .. 35 .. C 34.8 FTChinAl 2.9 FCA 25.51 +.25 85 0.9 ..k .. .. 67 .. E 51.7 FirTrWate .7 FIW 47.10 +.20 67 11 ..k .. .. 30 .. E 12.0 FrnkLtdDu 12 FTF 9.38 +.03 60 66 ..k
61 43 88 E B 1.2 EyegatePhrm EYEG .48 .01 78 81 .. .. .. 58 .. B+ 45.6 FTCnsmD 1.0 FXD 40.01 +.44 75 26 ..k 61 90 44 C C 24.3 FrstUntd 2.1 FUNC 16.99 .14 50 5 11 40 50 52 B E 42.0 FrankRes 3.3 BEN 31.59 +.26 40 2.4m 9
5 2 5 .. E 10.7 Eyenovia EYEN 2.85 +.02 78 15 .. .. .. 41 .. D 51.6 FTCnsSt 2.2 FXG 44.05 .16 66 37 ..k 20 16 16 D C 13.1 FrstUsBnc 1.0 r FUSB 8.27 +.05 15 6 33k 47 72 28 E C 10.7 Frankln 5.0 FSP 7.15 +.21 55 237 99k
41 1 95 E D+ 3.9 EyepointPhrma EYPT 2.42 +.09 +4 418 ..k .. .. 47 .. C 55.1 FtDevIntlE 2.2 RNDM 47.54 +.34 81 0.8 99 42 68 19 D A 21.0 FrstWstrnFinl MYFW 13.94 +.09 +102 34 19 .. .. 61 .. C 7.1 Frankli 5.8 FT 6.59 ... 26 47 ..k
24 27 20 C D 15.1 EzcorpA EZPW 9.39 +.19 28 470 12 .. .. 35 .. B 67.2 FTDevl 2.0 FDT 53.31 +.83 68 83 ..k 85 79 95 C C+ NH FstBanc 1.2 FBP 9.74 +.10 46 1.0m 17 42 32 80 E C+ 3.9 Freds FRED 2.74 .04 29 333 ..o
F .. .. 26 .. B 48.5 FTDevMk 1.8 FDTS 35.83 +.55 91 0.6 ..k 79 71 86 D B 95.4 Firstca 1.2 r FCFS 84.77 +.77 21 216 25k 14 13 16 B D 20.3 Freeport 1.8 FCX 11.24 +.54 +63 36m 7o
36 45 29 C B 8.2 FsKkrCap 12 FSK 6.26 +.09 27 1.8m 7 .. .. 45 .. C+ 28.1 FTDJGlD 5.4 FGD 23.57 +.26 44 93 ..k 91 69 90 B B 39.9 Firsten 3.9 FE 38.79 .49 44 2.9m 13 2 14 3 E E 20.1 Freightcar RAIL 7.16 +.07 +95 226 ..
71 86 61 A D 199 F5Netwrks FFIV 158.5 +2.41 8 714 15o .. .. 81 .. D 147 FTDJInt FDN 130.3 +2.22 2 904 .. .. .. 89 .. B+ 17.7 FirsthdTchVl SVVC 13.40 +.53 80 7 99 64 38 94 E B 12.0 FreqElec FEIM 11.38 +.59 +51 17 ..
93 76 99 C C NH Fabrinet FN 57.76 +1.93 +109 859 18 .. .. 74 .. C 20.4 FrTrDjIntIntr FDNI 20.29 +.59 89 0.2 99 94 96 90 B B+ 90.2 Firstser .7 FSV 80.46 +1.87 12 37 32k 20 50 14 C E 57.9 FresenM 1.2 FMS 36.03 +1.30 49 246 15
76 88 33 A C+ 218 Facebook FB 149.0 +3.18 16 22m 20 .. .. 41 .. B 53.3 FTDJMic 1.1 FDM 44.56 +.56 32 30 ..k 55 79 31 B C 59.3 FrstSrce 2.2 SRCE 45.85 +1.25 +11 65 14 16 13 16 D C+ 52.4 FreshDe 1.9 r FDP 30.88 +.24 56 99 38
85 78 82 A D 237 Factset 1.2 FDS 214.3 +.39 28 229 24o .. .. 60 .. D 22.0 FrTrDorWr .3 DALI 18.72 +.31 48 20 99 93 89 91 A B+ NH Fiserv r FISV 85.07 +2.28 +131 10m 28k 67 16 97 D B 40.6 Freshpet FRPT 35.41 .66 32 161 ..o
94 83 93 A C+ 241 FairIsaac r FICO 218.0 +2.87 51 122 34 .. .. 64 .. C 29.8 FtDorWrDy .2 FVC 25.83 +.30 +71 265 ..k 49 34 95 E B 7.8 FitbitA FIT 6.22 +.03 41 2.7m ..o 68 72 65 C B+ 11.5 FriedmI 2.3 FRD 7.35 .03 +28 22 6k
7 6 20 .. D+ 11.7 FalconMin 4.6 FLMN 8.19 +.09 68 105 54 .. .. 42 .. B 24.2 FTDorWrIn 1.7 IFV 19.22 +.23 41 186 ..k 99 94 98 A C 136 7FiveBelow FIVE 126.2 +2.15 44 698 58o 55 20 83 D D+ 13.1 FrontYard 5.8 RESI 10.33 +.15 73 165 ..o
27 71 14 E E 9.0 FmsDaves DAVE 4.60 ... 92 1 12 .. .. 63 .. B 30.9 FtDorWrtPp1.2 DWPP 28.11 +.47 +289 32 ..k 7 2 11 D D 15.0 FivePointA FPH 7.12 .01 +100 391 71 28 56 13 A D+ 49.9 Frontdoor FTDR 28.60 +.27 50 254 15k
15 40 6 E B 5.7 FangA SFUN 1.71 +.01 71 668 8o .. .. 68 .. D 31.8 FirsTrDo .1 FV 28.03 +.49 1 465 ..k 15 28 15 D E 22.8 FivePrimTher FPRX 11.64 +1.29 19 337 ..o 2 41 2 E E 11.6 FrontierCm FTR 1.98 .12 +116 7.2m ..
64 92 21 D C+ 38.3 Fanhua 3.9 r FANH 24.05 +.73 32 241 16 .. .. 25 .. E 20.2 FtDynEu 10 FDEU 13.84 +.14 57 47 ..k 5 1 9 E D+ 1.6 FiveStarSnrLv FVE .68 .02 73 49 .. 36 42 61 E C 8.3 Frontline FRO 5.46 .13 19 416 ..
47 5 73 .. B 9.8 FarPntAcqA FPAC 9.75 .02 +164 261 99 .. .. 73 .. B 59.3 FtEmMkE 2.0 RNEM 51.41 +.30 +32 3 ..k 99 72 98 B C 49.5 Five9 FIVN 48.45 +2.14 +20 750 99 39 22 37 B B 67.7 FRPHdgs FRPH 48.67 +1.17 +31 27 99
17 9 22 D E 32.4 FarfetchLtdA FTCH 20.63 +.78 71 258 ..k .. .. 33 .. D 47.5 FTEMkSC 4.1 FEMS 34.58 +.22 82 11 ..k 65 86 34 B B 38.6 FlagstarBanc FBC 30.08 .07 8 305 9 68 85 37 A C 17.9 FrstCmn 2.7 FCF 13.34 +.18 53 283 12
33 5 34 D A 34.0 FarmerBrs FARM 24.75 +.13 +28 76 ..k .. .. 45 .. A 31.3 FTTrEmM 3.2 FEM 24.71 +.11 50 148 ..k .. .. 78 .. C 12.1 FlrtyPf 6.6 PFO 11.43 .15 1 35 ..k .. .. 53 .. B 6.7 FTSpcFn 11 FGB 5.95 +.05 57 31 ..k
34 84 13 B E 50.0 Farm&Merc 1.9 FMAO 31.91 +1.01 18 8 19k .. .. 45 .. C 27.0 FTEnrgIn 11 FEN 20.92 +.01 40 108 ..k .. .. 54 .. D 25.8 Flaherty& 7.7 DFP 22.26 +.23 52 53 ..k 65 61 42 A A 66.4 FSBanc 1.1 FSBW 48.86 .07 +2 18 11
69 93 36 B C 16.9 FmsNtl 2.4 FMNB 13.21 +.26 20 26 11k .. .. 20 .. E 18.2 FTEnrgy 1.2 FXN 13.15 +.27 30 433 ..k .. .. 71 .. B 14.3 Flaherty& 6.9 PFD 13.13 .08 24 32 ..k .. .. 40 .. C 20.0 FtDorWrM 1.0 DVLU 17.12 +.15 +197 11 99
44 72 15 B E 9.2 FarmlndP 3.6 FPI 5.57 +.09 74 99 69 .. .. 42 .. B 18.7 FrstTrEnr 8.9 FIF 14.91 +.03 76 31 ..k .. .. 66 .. D 19.5 Flah&Crm 7.4 FFC 18.06 +.12 62 91 ..k .. .. 60 .. B 21.0 FtDrWrMoL .7 DVOL 18.96 +.05 61 4 99
39 20 13 A A 10.3 Farmmi FAMI 4.19 +.11 8 236 14k .. .. 68 .. E 60.1 FTEhnShr 2.1 FTSM 59.98 ... 29 753 ..k .. .. 53 .. B 20.8 Flah&CrmT 7.6 FLC 18.15 +.05 72 15 ..k .. .. 73 .. B 32.9 FtNsArtInt .4 ROBT 28.95 +.54 44 14 99
27 38 14 D E 70.2 FaroTech FARO 41.43 .35 +3 75 60k .. .. 35 .. D 16.7 FstTrEnh 8.1 FFA 14.05 +.07 +9 61 ..k 70 77 37 D B 29.0 Flanigan 1.0 BDL 24.25 .21 63 0.6 13k .. .. 42 .. C+ 25.9 FtDorWrM 3.0 DDIV 22.58 +.07 20 7 ..k
93 85 91 A C 61.1 Fastenal 2.9 FAST 59.53 +.72 21 2.5m 25o .. .. 33 .. C+ 42.5 FTEuroA 2.4 FEP 33.80 +.47 75 64 ..k 92 91 63 A B 230 FleetcorTech FLT 199.8 +3.19 20 580 19 11 22 10 E B+ 7.1 FTDCos FTD 2.43 +.05 32 107 ..o
29 16 22 B E 10.0 FatBra 8.8 FAT 5.46 +.06 76 3 60 .. .. 31 .. E 48.4 FtEuroz 2.3 FEUZ 36.98 +.72 64 14 ..k 34 49 21 C D+ 19.5 Flex r FLEX 8.78 +.24 21 5.7m 7 7 5 1 .. D 26.3 FTENetworks r FTNW 1.94 .09 +41 268 ..
43 9 97 E D+ 18.0 FateTherptics FATE 14.49 +.34 41 511 .. .. .. 53 .. D 33.0 FTFincl 2.4 FXO 29.68 +.28 29 255 ..k 4 28 2 E D+ 9.0 FlexPharm FLKS .33 +.01 74 393 .. 88 81 91 C B 81.9 FTIConsult FCN 67.94 +.19 54 147 17k
32 46 26 B E 26.9 Fauquier 2.5 FBSS 19.40 +.20 88 0.3 11 .. .. 76 .. C 46.7 FTrFTSE 3.1 FFR 45.10 +.59 50 6 ..k 13 12 10 E C 29.1 FlexionThera FLXN 13.72 +.32 14 607 ..o 1 32 6 .. D 22.6 FtsIntl FTSI 8.11 +.35 36 470 2
47 68 23 A D+ 44.7 FBFinl .9 FBK 34.03 .72 +237 226 13 .. .. 36 .. C+ 21.9 FTGlTa .7 FTGC 18.68 +.12 61 44 ..k 7 10 5 E B 4.8 Flexshopper FPAY .83 +.01 85 57 .. 71 57 80 D B 1.8 FuelTech FTEK 1.19 +.01 +8 46 ..
49 64 48 C C 85.7 FBLFncl 2.6 FFG 69.49 +.12 34 16 14k .. .. 33 .. D 63.9 FirTrGlbE 1.6 FLM 49.71 +.53 75 0.5 ..k .. .. 67 .. B 24.4 Flx3yTgt 2.5 TDTT 23.86 .02 69 107 ..k 10 18 3 E D+ 2.1 FuelClErgy FCEL .54 +.02 38 996 ..o
85 78 32 A B 99 FedAgri 3.3 AGM 70.95 +.38 52 17 9 .. .. 67 .. D+ 14.1 FTWindE 2.4 FAN 12.40 +.07 26 16 ..k .. .. 63 .. A 24.8 Flx5yTg 2.6 TDTF 24.12 .06 76 88 ..k 44 21 84 E D 5.6 FulgentGene FLGT 4.27 +.15 96 0.9 ..
9 2 14 E .. 15.0 FederalLifeGrp FLF 11.51 1.09 82 0.3 ..k .. .. 29 .. D+ 55.5 FTGmAl 2.0 FGM 41.30 +.80 +11 9 ..k .. .. 72 .. B+ 50.3 FlexCrSc 2.8 SKOR 49.46 +.15 100 0.1 ..k 65 19 81 B B 5.2 FulingGlobl FORK 3.73 +.18 92 7 15k
83 48 85 B D 135 Federal 3.2 FRT 128.5 +1.77 30 315 40 .. .. 46 .. A 23.6 FirTrHdgBy 3.1 FTLB 20.99 +.13 88 1 ..k .. .. 72 .. D 23.6 FlxDcDr 3.2 MBSD 23.04 +.01 70 4 ..k 16 50 17 E E 3.7 FullHseR FLL 2.39 .06 13 39 ..
77 85 65 B B 28.3 FedSignl 1.5 FSS 21.80 +.13 68 95 17 .. .. 67 .. D+ 85.3 FTHlthCrn FXH 73.88 +.45 +31 420 ..k .. .. 68 .. B+ 63.9 FlxGlbR 3.0 GQRE 60.04 +.70 +4 23 ..k 74 70 47 B B+ 59.6 FullerHB 1.3 FUL 46.50 +1.45 24 371 15o
57 55 48 B C+ 36.8 FedInvs 4.2 FII 25.48 +.39 +83 1.6m 11o .. .. 45 .. B 16.9 FirstTrHig 8.9 FSD 14.10 +.04 49 98 ..k .. .. 49 .. E 35.5 FlxGlbU 3.0 GUNR 31.36 +.39 55 475 ..k 70 78 56 B B 19.6 FultonF 2.9 r FULT 16.41 +.27 17 1.1m 13
.. .. 71 .. B 14.0 FedPMu 4.9 FMN 13.08 .09 45 24 ..k .. .. 55 .. D+ 36.3 FtrHorMgV 2.7 HDMV 32.18 +.07 4 26 ..k .. .. 51 .. B 50.5 FlxHiYlVl 10 HYGV 47.47 +.09 83 2 99 77 73 98 B C 31.1 FunkoA FNKO 17.85 +.80 +55 569 30
32 93 12 B E 272 Fedex 1.5 FDX 175.4 +1.26 34 1.9m 10o .. .. 73 .. B 24.3 FtrHorMgV 1.4 HUSV 23.16 +.06 34 30 ..k .. .. 39 .. C+ 28.6 FlxshrQlt 5.4 IQDF 22.58 +.22 68 105 ..k 5 1 6 E D 5.9 FusionConnct FSNN 1.97 +.26 +16 190 ..
48 73 41 D D 26.8 Fednat 1.8 r FNHC 18.07 .04 38 27 7 .. .. 49 .. D+ 39.7 FrTrInNfy50Eq NFTY 34.12 .35 0 0.6 ..k .. .. 42 .. C+ 27.0 FlxQltyD 4.8 IQDE 21.73 +.14 86 7 ..k 12 36 4 E E 5.0 FutFinTech FTFT .84 +.04 79 15 ..
17 16 16 .. C 15.0 Fennec FENC 6.79 .02 64 22 .. .. .. 53 .. D 43.2 FTIndPr 1.1 FXR 37.47 +.49 53 125 ..k .. .. 33 .. B 30.7 FlxIntlQlD 5.5 IQDY 23.47 +.30 76 8 ..k 82 72 94 C C 19.0 Futuref 1.4 FF 16.90 +.20 68 49 13o
61 71 39 A C 149 Ferrari .8 RACE 111.2 1.15 25 339 30 .. .. 38 .. D+ 30.0 FtIndGlb 2.0 FTAG 23.73 +.46 29 0.5 ..k .. .. 36 .. B 73.7 FxshrMo 2.9 TLTD 59.33 +.65 67 50 ..k 24 40 28 D B 4.7 FuweiFilm FFHL 2.32 .05 83 9 ..
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Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating
Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE
Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos)
52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P
6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
79 99 40 A C 21.2 FVCBankcorp FVCB 17.42 .14 +111 52 16 .. .. 39 .. D 10.9 GlobalX 8.8 MLPA 8.68 +.09 56 759 ..k 42 79 20 C B 23.6 Griffon 2.1 GFF 13.69 .13 +76 469 17 95 88 78 A B 50.2 HFF HF 40.10 +.03 53 85 14
G .. .. 54 .. C 14.6 GXMlp& 5.2 MLPX 12.52 +.18 54 384 ..k 59 61 35 B B 25.1 Grifols 1.9 GRFS 19.14 .15 39 509 15 29 54 3 A E 15.8 HiCrshP 19 HCLP 4.51 +.13 36 1.2m 2
.. .. 35 .. B 38.5 GxMsArg 1.2 ARGT 26.90 +.48 +220 172 ..k 1 2 6 E C 20.5 GrindrodShip GRIN 6.00 .85 83 1 ..k 15 25 15 D D 29.6 HibbettSpt HIBB 16.61 +.65 55 369 10o
88 54 93 C A NH GWilliF r WILC 8.07 +.20 +313 26 12
.. .. 77 .. .. NH GxMsChHltCr CHIH 15.07 +.52 +33 0.4 99 21 2 43 .. C+ 32.9 GritstoneOnc GRTS 14.18 +.33 39 105 ..k .. .. 74 .. D+ 9.1 HiIncSe 3.8 PCF 9.01 .01 +33 69 ..k
8 13 6 .. D 69.6 G1Therapeutic GTHX 21.17 +.56 34 316 ..k
.. .. 89 .. .. NH GxMsChLgCp50 CHIL 26.49 +.84 +50 0.3 99 34 55 38 D C 5.7 Groupon GRPN 3.77 +.14 +30 8.9m 23 .. .. 45 .. D+ 37.2 HighYld 7.9 HYLD 34.46 +.07 79 12 ..k
.. .. 28 .. B 7.0 Gabelli 9 GCV 4.92 +.02 76 20 ..k
.. .. 45 .. D+ 34.1 GxMsChi .2 CHIC 24.81 +.67 73 3 ..k 69 99 25 A D 149 GrubHub GRUB 80.77 +3.53 5 2.1m 43 .. .. 29 .. E 16.6 HighlFltng 6.7 HFRO 13.76 +.02 45 166 ..k
.. .. 32 .. E 25.0 GabDvIn 6.6 GDV 20.12 +.13 27 212 ..k
.. .. 38 .. C+ 21.0 GxMsChi 4.3 CHIX 15.92 +.24 55 5 ..k 77 76 53 A B 58.1 GrupoAe 3.1 OMAB 44.88 .11 4 88 16k .. .. 50 .. E 18.4 Highlnd/i 5.0 SNLN 17.47 ... 45 226 ..k
.. .. 37 .. E 6.7 GabelliE 13 GAB 5.67 +.02 52 452 ..k
.. .. 62 .. A 16.5 GxMsChin 2.4 CHII 13.79 +.11 +140 1 ..k 71 76 30 A B 111 GrupoAe 3.9 PAC 89.83 +.85 12 71 18k 24 59 6 D B 7.6 HighpointRsrcs HPR 2.89 +.11 56 867 ..
.. .. 46 .. D 13.2 GabGlbSmMd GGZ 11.03 +.01 65 13 ..k
.. .. 21 .. D+ 24.1 GxMsChin 4.8 CHIM 15.33 +.20 64 0.4 ..k 76 49 71 B B+ 212 GrupoAer 1.6 ASR 180.7 +.73 9 54 17k 91 75 87 A C 4.5 HighpwrIntl HPJ 3.05 +.20 +248 104 3
.. .. 45 .. A 22.0 GabGlUt 6.6 GLU 18.30 +.06 43 30 ..k
.. .. 16 .. D 11.6 GxMscGr 2.2 GREK 7.17 +.04 83 63 .. 52 78 27 D C 9.5 GrupoAv 4.7 AVAL 6.84 +.14 38 168 8 2 21 10 D D 6.6 Highway 11 HIHO 2.99 +.02 78 2 11k
.. .. 16 .. D+ 24.7 GabelliG 5.4 GGO 14.80 +.27 63 0.3 ..k
.. .. 28 .. C+ 11.5 GXMscCo 2.6 GXG 8.77 +.07 60 23 ..k 71 40 71 B A 71.8 GrupoFi 1.0 GGAL 34.34 +.83 6 736 9 81 68 52 C B+ 52.0 Highwood 4.2 HIW 43.78 +.58 +14 809 26k
.. .. 60 .. E 11.2 GabHltW 5.3 GRX 9.89 +.03 19 42 99
.. .. 19 .. D 26.2 GXMscNig 5.2 NGE 17.10 +.58 +85 13 ..k 34 39 13 B B+ 33.9 GrupoSuprv 1.1 SUPV 9.44 +.20 8 637 9k 21 2 49 E C 4.4 HillIntl HIL 3.40 +.07 59 80 ..
.. .. 34 .. C+ 10.1 GabelliMul 12 GGT 7.98 .01 20 62 ..k
.. .. 26 .. E 15.5 GxNrwy 4.4 NORW 12.27 +.01 4 79 ..k .. .. 69 .. B+ 49.8 GsAccInfPr 2.6 GTIP 49.53 .09 89 0.3 99 96 85 93 B B+ NH HillRom .8 HRC 102.2 +4.78 +254 1.8m 21
.. .. 82 .. E 7.2 GabUtil 9 GUT 6.34 +.02 34 112 ..k
.. .. 18 .. B 13.7 GXMsPa 5.0 PAK 9.08 +.29 14 19 ..k 61 46 74 .. C 10.8 GsAcquistnA GSAH 9.86 .01 +91 101 99k 28 53 21 B D 53.4 Hillenb 2.1 HI 40.05 .17 41 195 16k
.. .. 65 .. D 25.3 GadDynMlt 2.4 GDMA 24.56 +.05 +347 64 99
.. .. 29 .. C+ 13.3 GlxMsPor 4.3 PGAL 10.71 +.12 89 2 ..k 71 63 40 B B 3.9 GSESys GVP 2.96 +.06 9 18 17 29 42 26 D B+ 28.3 Hilltop 1.5 HTH 18.71 .66 +228 1.2m 14o
.. .. 74 .. B 27.8 GadDynG 2.3 GDG 25.18 .10 +419 132 99
.. .. 46 .. B 19.1 GxMsSupD 6.2 EFAS 16.23 +.22 18 3 ..k 87 25 96 E A NH GSITech GSIT 8.86 +.41 +677 281 .. 48 72 27 B B 47.8 HiltonGrnVaca r HGV 29.77 +.67 24 972 12
16 13 15 D D 22.8 GaiaInc GAIA 11.36 +.22 36 54 ..
.. .. 50 .. B 17.9 GxSupDv 6.0 SDEM 13.92 +.09 43 26 ..k 22 25 22 E D 9.4 GSVCapital GSVC 5.78 +.18 +42 103 .. 48 72 46 B E 88.1 HiltonW .8 HLT 71.76 +.70 6 3.1m 28k
31 40 25 D E 8.5 GainCap 3.7 GCAP 6.52 ... 70 87 10o
.. .. 42 .. B 26.2 GxMsNxE 3.1 EMFM 20.86 +.13 66 1 99 15 3 11 D B 62.3 GTTComms GTT 29.49 +.87 7 460 ..o 23 36 7 D B 9.2 HimaxTe 8.1 HIMX 3.96 +.09 11 2.4m 24
69 53 77 D D 122 Galapagos GLPG 102.6 +1.63 22 77 ..k
.. .. 36 .. C 25.5 GxNas10 11 QYLD 21.87 +.14 46 97 99 7 20 1 .. D+ 25.6 GTxInc GTXI .90 .01 59 158 .. 37 75 22 B E 233 Hingham .8 HIFS 182.0 1.10 +103 6 13
50 31 89 .. C+ 9.5 GalectinTher GALT 4.84 +.29 +63 379 ..o
.. .. 23 .. E 27.3 GxRoboArtI 1.3 BOTZ 18.51 +.42 37 662 ..k 56 27 73 .. B 10.3 GtyTechA GTYH 10.17 .03 99 2 99 7 21 1 .. D 3.4 Histogenics HSGX .14 .00 56 3.6m ..
94 79 78 B C 79.0 Gallaghr 2.2 AJG 73.50 .01 12 1.0m 19
.. .. 55 .. C 36.5 Gx500Ca 1.7 CATH 32.54 +.23 96 2 ..k 30 44 26 C C 34.9 Guangshn 2.6 GSH 20.78 +.13 52 4 17 95 95 83 B C+ 29.2 HlthcTr 4.5 r HTA 27.49 +.30 53 737 24
20 38 23 D E 27.1 GalmdPharm GLMD 7.64 .01 30 83 ..
.. .. 60 .. A 26.1 GxSp500Q 2.8 QDIV 23.88 +.31 95 0.6 99 78 74 61 A D 37.4 GuarantyBnc r GNTY 30.15 +.15 23 11 16 46 1 65 E B+ 16.3 HMG 3.7 HMG 13.67 +.38 25 0.9 3
.. .. 26 .. D 5.5 GamcoGl 14 GGN 4.07 +.07 0 893 ..k
.. .. 39 .. C+ 53.3 GxSpCov 6.0 HSPX 45.65 +.12 45 15 ..k 66 81 40 A C 27.4 Guarnty 2.3 GFED 22.50 +.04 96 0.1 13 56 63 61 C E 21.9 HMNFncl HMNF 19.55 +.17 +10 3 12k
.. .. 35 .. D 6.9 GamNtRs 10 GNT 5.47 +.15 44 49 ..k
.. .. 50 .. B 27.1 GXSciBet 4.7 SCIX 23.55 +.30 26 2 ..k 55 18 94 D D 49.6 GuardantHlth GH 39.25 .22 +22 709 ..k 98 89 96 A C+ 38.2 HMSHldng HMSY 29.59 +.14 39 425 23
30 75 18 .. B 30.1 GAMCO .4 GBL 19.12 +.31 48 13 4k
.. .. 27 .. D 29.8 GXSciBe 5.4 SCID 23.45 +.21 81 1 ..k 77 48 84 C B 27.0 Guess 4.0 GES 22.44 +.73 37 603 25o 65 51 74 C B 45.4 HNI 3.0 HNI 38.95 +.18 15 155 20k
60 47 88 C B 17.5 Gamestop 9 GME 15.90 +.10 48 1.9m 5o
.. .. 50 .. B 33.5 GXSciBe 2.2 SCIU 29.73 +.14 0 24 ..k .. .. 33 .. D+ 23.1 GugCredA 11 GGM 19.34 +.14 37 26 ..k 84 98 50 A C 19.6 HoeghL 10 HMLP 17.27 +.14 48 61 8
41 1 97 .. D 15.4 GamidaCell GMDA 11.40 +.25 +19 29 ..k
.. .. 54 .. B 39.0 GxSocMedia SOCL 30.65 +.77 +62 58 .. .. .. 32 .. D+ 9.4 GugEnhEq 12 GPM 7.55 +.09 78 59 ..k 75 52 76 B C+ 34.0 HollyEn 8.8 HEP 30.38 +.28 27 176 16
75 51 98 D B 13.4 GamPtrs GPIC 13.00 ... 98 0.3 23
.. .. 72 .. C 16.0 GXSuprDv 7.8 SRET 14.83 +.15 37 53 ..k .. .. 45 .. C 22.4 GuggStra 11 GOF 19.17 +.24 42 121 ..k 37 67 34 C D 83.3 HollyFrn 2.4 r HFC 55.06 +1.21 2 2.2m 11
93 66 84 B B 37.0 Gmg/LesP 7.5 GLPI 36.46 +.56 24 1.1m 20
.. .. 59 .. E 12.3 GXSprIn 7.2 SPFF 11.47 +.07 45 48 ..k .. .. 84 .. B 22.4 Gggnheim 6.8 GBAB 22.20 +.06 36 42 ..k 82 65 62 A A 28.4 HollySys .9 HOLI 21.00 .85 +49 304 11
69 62 91 D B 12.2 Gannett 5.7 GCI 11.23 +.16 42 984 9
.. .. 59 .. A 15.7 GxSuprD 7.2 ALTY 14.42 +.05 28 6 ..k 92 96 79 B E 107 Guidewire GWRE 86.26 +1.76 58 307 55o 92 76 90 B C NH Hologic HOLX 44.83 +.25 33 1.7m 20
40 60 25 B E 35.6 Gap 3.8 GPS 25.68 +.43 46 3.0m 10o
.. .. 38 .. C 22.6 GXSupe 8.3 SDIV 18.91 +.23 49 175 ..k 23 23 52 E B 13.9 GulfIslndFab GIFI 9.59 +.51 44 26 .. 67 97 24 A E 48.5 HomeBnc 2.2 HBCP 36.20 +.30 50 7 10
49 57 21 A B 37.0 GardnerDnvr GDI 24.18 +1.53 +54 2.2m 13k
.. .. 50 .. D 25.6 GXSuperd 6.7 DIV 23.58 .04 +12 112 ..k 30 5 78 E B 1.6 GulfResrc GURE 1.18 +.10 +542 260 .. 65 94 23 A C+ 25.2 HmBnc 2.6 r HOMB 18.26 +.03 27 710 10
76 63 89 B C+ 70.8 Garmin 3.1 GRMN 68.58 +.56 20 727 19
.. .. 56 .. D 25.2 GxTargI 6.5 TFIV 23.84 +.11 83 0.1 99 40 42 28 A B 13.4 Gulfport r GPOR 8.83 +.07 55 2.4m 4 74 95 52 A E 215 HmDepot 2.3 HD 180.4 +3.11 22 4.5m 19
35 70 37 .. D 18.7 GarrettMotion GTX 15.19 +.17 +17 1.3m ..k
.. .. 67 .. B 15.0 GlbXUra .4 URA 12.66 +.38 14 205 .. 47 16 76 D B 179 GWPharma GWPH 138.6 +.31 34 340 .. 22 28 29 D B 31.9 Homestrt HMST 24.32 .11 28 122 16
22 28 31 B E 9.0 Garrison 12 GARS 7.28 +.08 58 20 6
.. .. 64 .. E 26.2 GxUsPref 5.9 PFFD 23.55 +.17 59 55 99 88 59 98 B B 9.7 GWGHldgs GWGH 8.21 .09 +47 14 2 69 77 79 C D 16.5 Hometow 1.2 HMTA 13.33 +.10 53 2 19k
71 87 52 A E 161 Gartner IT 131.9 +1.50 48 341 34
.. .. 83 .. B 12.6 GxYldco&R 4.7 YLCO 12.29 +.13 39 3 ..k 91 93 67 B B 30.0 Homtrst .9 r HTBI 26.45 .15 20 42 17k
43 34 42 D B 23.1 GasLog 3.4 r GLOG 17.53 +.32 2 348 99 H
.. .. 38 .. B 20.0 GxMsChnCn 2.4 CHIQ 14.61 +.41 45 22 ..k 34 1 91 .. C+ 26.5 HomologyMed FIXX 21.70 ... 12 162 ..k
27 24 23 C B 26.0 GasLog 10 GLOP 21.05 +.07 32 150 10k 51 58 41 B B 44.2 HEEquip 4.2 HEES 26.19 +.30 34 261 11
27 40 15 B D 12.0 GlobCordB 1.3 CO 5.98 .02 66 51 19 64 64 61 C B 37.3 HMCMtr HMC 30.01 +.37 47 432 7
72 93 43 A D 20.3 GatesIndust GTES 14.55 +.27 +7 524 12 46 32 65 B E 29.8 H&RBlo 3.9 HRB 25.91 +.21 9 2.9m 9o
87 69 95 D D 4.8 GlblScp 1.3 GSB 4.57 +.02 48 22 99 79 79 56 B C 160 Honywell 2.3 HON 141.7 +.53 8 3.0m 17
53 58 74 C D 91.1 GATX 2.4 r GATX 74.24 +2.20 +35 354 14o 75 69 59 C B 18.3 HabitRest HABT 11.01 .01 31 203 84o
81 19 98 E A+ 1.2 Globalstr GSAT .69 +.02 65 1.9m 17 51 88 19 C C 49.9 HookerF 1.9 HOFT 28.88 +.39 +38 65 9
12 6 23 D D 10.8 GazitGl 5.2 GZT 7.74 .15 0 5 29 87 68 75 B B 22.8 Hackett 1.9 HCKT 17.97 +.36 38 61 16k
99 92 97 A B NH 7Globant GLOB 68.04 +3.37 +70 376 41k 48 57 38 B B 19.9 HopeBan 3.8 r HOPE 14.66 +.10 15 952 10
37 19 37 A E 65.8 GCILibrtyA GLIBA 44.26 +.97 39 397 86 84 65 89 C C 117 Haemonetic HAE 97.01 .33 1 458 44k
22 53 5 D B+ 13.8 GlobsMritm GLBS 3.62 +.10 90 16 .. 85 61 96 C B+ NH Hopfed 1.4 HFBC 19.63 +.09 72 16 24
31 52 29 B D 34.4 GCPApplied GCP 24.97 +.30 50 261 29 40 79 6 A E 88.9 HailiangEdu HLG 38.00 2.25 22 10 28k
76 89 23 A C 57.8 GlobusMed GMED 43.56 +.26 54 385 26 70 45 75 D A 47.5 HoraceM 2.7 HMN 41.70 .10 +18 205 27k
.. .. 71 .. B 10.0 GDLFund 4.3 GDL 9.26 .04 70 12 ..k 6 19 7 D D 40.4 HainCelest HAIN 17.99 +.10 61 711 17
55 73 28 A B 22.1 Horizon 2.4 HBNC 16.63 +.09 54 46 13
12 15 7 C B+ 0.3 Glowpoint r GLOW .13 +.00 70 82 ..
40 17 64 D B+ 46.2 GdsHldgsA GDS 26.49 1.75 16 675 .. 1 40 2 E E 8.7 HalconRsrcs HK 1.82 +.08 32 3.4m ..
12 7 1 C C 13.1 HorizonGlobal HZN 1.71 .03 53 222 ..
72 46 99 D B 9.8 GluMobilen GLUU 9.33 +.02 29 1.6m ..
10 16 6 D A 3.3 GEEGroup JOB 1.49 +.11 80 6 ..k 13 16 12 E D 26.1 Glycomimtcs GLYC 9 13 20 E D 8.0 Hallado 2.9 HNRG 5.44 +.07 61 25 20 97 91 96 B C 23.4 7HorizonPhrm HZNP. 21.41 +.01 12 1.4m 14o
10.81 +.35 48 172 ..
13 36 3 .. C 11.4 Gemphire GEMP 1.07 +.01 86 17 .. 70 94 23 B B+ 37.0 GMSInc 11 24 13 B D 56.8 Hallibu 2.2 HAL 32.10 +.89 18 10m 16o 75 45 89 B D 12.1 Horizon 10 HRZN 11.52 .05 62 29 10o
GMS 19.15 +.17 +23 923 7
24 72 7 D E 20.1 GencoShip GNK 8.23 .18 47 132 28 20 11 32 C C 5.7 GNCHdgs 50 72 40 E C 11.6 Hallmark HALL 9.86 +.11 37 17 29 89 80 88 B D 46.3 HormelF 2.0 HRL 41.46 .12 3 3.3m 23
GNC 3.19 +.12 4 1.4m 4
93 78 88 A C 60.7 Generac GNRC 53.62 +.16 18 293 11 68 44 64 C D 85.0 GodaddyA 42 13 53 B C 21.5 Halozyme HALO 16.57 +.44 2 741 53 1 8 2 D E 6.1 HornbeckOff HOS 1.37 ... 28 211 ..
GDDY 66.40 +1.46 37 919 99
.. .. 43 .. B 34.9 GenlAmI 1.0 GAM 30.61 +.24 57 32 ..k 19 27 7 E D+ 10.8 Gogo 94 77 94 C B+ 31.3 HamBeachB 1.3 HBB 27.00 +.04 42 21 14 78 90 52 C D 29.8 HospPro 8.2 HPT 25.74 .15 10 623 13x
GOGO 4.02 +.01 68 718 ..
59 72 29 A D 230 GenDyna 2.2 r GD 171.2 +.40 34 1.1m 15 58 4 96 .. A 14.5 GolInAir 70 80 36 A C 54.6 Hamilton 2.2 HLNE 36.79 +.49 71 41 18k 58 84 27 C D+ 22.5 HostHtls 4.6 HST 17.49 +.30 +6 6.8m 14
GOL 12.80 +.18 18 618 ..
15 19 10 D C 17.4 General 5.2 GE 9.16 +.38 11 111m 12 39 72 16 C D 35.5 Golar 16 15 6 .. C+ 5.6 HancockJaff HJLI 1.66 +.04 72 11 ..k 36 21 39 C C+ 15.0 HostessA TWNK 11.25 .20 +112 1.5m 20
2.8 GLNG 21.71 +.15 44 752 25o
18 20 32 D D 16.2 GenFin GFN 9.38 .17 69 18 ..k 30 50 15 B B 23.5 GolrLgP 12 r GMLP 66 80 30 B B+ 56.4 Hancock 2.6 HWC 41.41 +.60 40 330 10 54 21 98 E B NH HoughtMif HMHC 10.30 .15 65 241 ..
13.17 +.05 56 218 8o
34 47 37 .. B 60.7 GeneralM 4.5 GIS 43.29 .23 +2 6.9m 13o 94 93 91 D A 4.5 GoldFie 23 52 17 B D 23.3 Hanesbr 3.9 HBI 15.20 +.49 21 5.1m 8 89 88 68 B B 53.2 Houliha 2.5 HLI 43.97 +.39 57 123 16k
1.1 GFI 3.79 +.04 39 2.6m 12
11 20 14 .. C 0.5 GenMoly GMO .22 +.01 62 84 .. 32 27 21 B C+ 7.3 GoldRes 83 65 93 E A 24.5 Hanger HNGR 20.81 +.16 63 129 .. 21 25 30 D C+ 0.5 HoustnEnn HUSA .21 +.00 56 116 ..
.4 GORO 4.49 +.16 +94 898 28o
88 82 85 C B+ 45.0 GenMoto 3.9 GM 38.64 +.48 33 8.4m 5 19 20 12 .. D 2.0 GoldStrdVentr GSV 44 49 38 B B 32.4 HanmiFn 4.3 r HAFC 22.23 +.38 39 161 12 40 72 28 D B 9.3 HousW HWCC 6.05 +.25 +217 126 10
1.22 +.04 38 219 ..k
76 51 94 D B 51.9 Genesco r GCO 48.46 +.81 4 364 15o 25 6 52 E C+ 15.3 Goldcorp 97 80 91 A C+ 24.1 7HannonA 5.8 HASI 22.62 +.24 45 339 17 3 60 2 .. E 2.7 Hovnanian HOV .61 .02 33 1.0m ..o
.7 GG 10.80 +.32 +5 11m 77
63 65 70 C E 92.9 GeneseWym GWR 78.26 +1.09 39 326 21k 65 5 98 D B 9.5 GoldenBull 71 79 75 D D 126 Hanover 2.1 THG 112.6 1.23 18 228 16k 26 28 17 B C 21.8 HowardBanc HBMD 14.12 .84 22 17 20k
DNJR 8.78 +.96 +51 7 ..k
26 5 40 C D 25.5 Genesis 10 GEL 21.50 +.48 +10 863 .. 20 25 14 C D 34.5 GoldnEntmnt r GDEN 47 85 21 C D 20.0 HarboroneBnc HONE 15.25 .48 44 20 33 18 43 26 E D 142 HowardHghs HHC 106.8 +1.75 58 93 68o
18.42 +.02 38 187 ..o
58 42 95 .. C+ 2.9 GenesisHlth GEN 1.62 .02 60 112 ..o 64 34 88 E B+ 0.5 GoldenMin AUMN .33 +.03 +83 287 ..
39 66 27 B D+ 56.5 HarleyDa 4.0 r HOG 36.88 +.38 19 1.7m 9 30 49 51 .. D 27.1 HPInc 2.9 HPQ 22.10 +.33 37 7.3m 10
13 41 7 E D 2.0 GeneticTc GENE .83 ... 95 3 ..k 29 72 11 C E 10.1 GoldenO 10 GOGL 5.96 +.08 +175 468 9k
72 72 92 E C 6.3 Harmonic HLIT 5.12 +.15 36 334 73o .. .. 55 .. B+ 29.4 HrtMltfLow 2.7 LVIN 25.86 +.18 +50 0.3 ..k
87 59 99 D B 10.6 GenieEnr 3.4 GNE 8.88 +.14 +26 256 25o 34 9 44 .. A 4.2 GoldStr GSS 3.41 +.11 9 353 12k
30 5 48 D C 2.5 HrmnyGld HMY 1.78 +.02 +29 3.3m 12 28 47 38 D D 55.9 HSBCHlg 6.1 HSBC 41.86 +.45 29 1.6m 76
51 11 64 D B 3.4 GeniusBrnds GNUS 2.43 .14 32 24 .. 39 58 7 C B 5.1 Goldfield GV 2.64 +.03 4 143 13o
73 77 37 B A 175 Harris 1.9 HRS 143.5 +1.55 22 913 21 20 42 7 D D 5.8 HTGMolec HTGM 2.20 .05 +60 431 ..
60 29 89 E D 8.8 GenMark GNMK 6.26 +.28 +26 486 .. 39 55 24 B C+ 275 GoldmanS 1.6 GS 200.7 +2.94 33 3.1m 8o
80 19 99 D A 6.8 HarrowHealth HROW 6.28 +.14 48 228 .. 96 99 90 A B 15.1 7HuamiA HMI 10.75 +.38 41 56 10
27 45 13 E B 1.3 GenoceaBio GNCA .56 .01 77 65 ..k .. .. 69 .. C+ 50.0 GldSchAcIn 3.2 GIGB 48.11 +.02 1 47 ..k
76 77 61 B B 30.1 Harsco r HSC 21.60 .28 27 358 18 73 28 87 D B 31.0 Huaneng 2.0 HNP 26.33 .43 58 15 99
97 72 98 D C+ 92.2 GenomicHlth GHDX 72.10 +.10 7 379 87 .. .. 64 .. C 50.0 GSAcHy 5.5 GHYB 47.86 +.07 76 1 ..k
5 1 2 E D 12.2 HarteHanks HHS 3.00 ... 72 8 .. 82 86 67 A B 49.6 Huazhu 1.0 HTHT 31.65 +.68 44 691 39
58 56 62 B D 34.8 Genpact 1.0 G 29.37 +.32 32 362 17 .. .. 59 .. B 39.4 GsActEm 1.9 GEM 32.44 +.41 55 85 ..k
55 79 37 C E 59.2 Hartford 2.6 HIG 46.76 +.09 27 2.2m 10 57 83 48 C B 56.6 HubGroup HUBG 44.10 +.82 35 200 18
5 2 5 .. D+ 19.5 Genprex GNPX 1.62 +.08 82 8 .. .. .. 39 .. D 33.9 GoldScActE 3.2 GSEU 27.97 +.22 +187 40 ..k
.. .. 55 .. D 31.0 HartMltDe 1.9 RODM 27.30 +.21 +28 1.1m ..k 78 81 47 A C 149 Hubbell 3.2 HUBB 105.6 +1.16 58 180 14k
93 91 78 B B+ 17.5 Gencorn GENC 13.65 +.17 29 14 15k .. .. 43 .. B 32.0 GoldScAcI 2.5 GSIE 27.05 +.30 57 187 ..k
.. .. 68 .. E 28.1 HartMlt 2.4 ROAM 23.77 +.20 +999 312 ..k 97 72 96 C C 162 HubSpot HUBS 151.5 +1.62 1 524 99
92 91 80 A B 25.4 Gentex 1.9 GNTX 22.79 +.20 28 1.3m 12 .. .. 39 .. C 36.0 GoldScActJ 3.1 GSJY 30.48 +.23 +692 59 ..k
.. .. 46 .. C 33.4 HartMltGlb 2.6 ROGS 29.11 +.31 +14 10 ..k 60 27 91 B B+ 9.6 HudbayM .2 HBM 5.75 +.28 2 697 9
82 73 90 B B 50.3 Gentherm r THRM 42.55 +.49 4 285 18 .. .. 59 .. B 59.5 GSActU 1.8 GSLC 53.48 +.44 50 282 ..k
.. .. 77 .. B 16.2 HartMltRei 3.9 RORE 14.96 +.15 84 0.9 ..k 36 74 14 D E 23.2 HudsonA HUD 13.55 +.01 45 239 15
92 73 61 A C 107 Genuine 3.0 GPC 96.80 +1.26 16 757 17 .. .. 55 .. B 49.7 GldSchActU 1.1 GSSC 42.52 +.49 24 27 ..k .. .. 55 .. B 33.7 HartMlt 1.7 ROUS 30.01 +.33 48 47 ..k 2 2 19 D E 2.4 HudsonGl HSON 1.45 +.07 36 18 ..
78 65 97 E B 5.0 Genworth GNW 4.78 .08 21 3.5m 3 .. .. 73 .. B 105 GsSctTr 1.7 GBIL 100.2 .01 44 243 ..k
.. .. 77 .. A 42.5 HartfrdMun 2.3 HMOP 39.96 .02 +105 12 ..k 69 69 63 D E 36.1 HudsonP 3.2 HPP 31.30 +.55 66 388 42k
44 54 40 C E 28.1 GeoGrpR 8.5 r GEO 22.14 .11 49 308 16k 62 66 68 A E 22.8 GoldScB 8.8 GSBD 20.43 +.43 17 151 10k
34 67 7 C E 6.7 HarvrdBio HBIO 2.97 ... +10 94 15 24 5 24 B C 7.0 HudsonTch HDSN 1.20 +.02 74 156 ..o
72 59 90 C B 21.9 Geopark GPRK 16.37 +.45 +1 328 30 .. .. 60 .. B 47.2 GsEqual 1.4 GSEW 42.73 +.43 65 16 99 65 33 79 C B+ 11.8 Harvest 10 HCAP 11.13 .02 77 4 11 .. .. 29 .. A 28.6 HullTctU .9 HTUS 23.74 +.12 28 11 99
53 45 94 E C 15.9 GeospaceTch GEOS 14.86 +.26 7 61 ..k .. .. 60 .. B 59.0 GolSchHdIndVip GVIP 53.02 +.59 32 16 99 39 56 51 C D 109 Hasbro 2.8 r HAS 90.13 +.73 30 914 19 75 82 56 C D 355 Humana .7 HUM 300.7 +.15 46 645 21
50 72 48 D B 5.3 GerdauA 1.6 GGB 4.30 +.08 29 8.3m 11o .. .. 56 .. C+ 42.7 GsJtUsL 2.1 JUST 38.24 +.28 80 3 99 73 60 83 D B+ 22.3 HavertyF 3.6 r HVT 20.13 +.44 48 50 14k 53 32 68 D C 3.8 HuntCosF 7.3 HCFT 3.30 ... 47 30 99
63 77 32 A B 38.2 GermAm 2.0 GABC 30.22 .06 23 35 15k .. .. 50 .. C+ 10.3 GSMlpI 9 GMZ 8.58 +.12 71 126 ..k 84 55 80 C B 39.4 HawaiiE 3.4 HE 36.59 .33 +31 565 20 52 79 34 B D 16.6 Huntgt 4.1 HBAN 13.55 +.10 7 12m 11o
2 22 5 E E 7.0 Geron GERN 1.10 +.08 22 2.4m ..o .. .. 25 .. B 7.3 GSMlpE 11 GER 5.40 +.08 53 318 ..k 54 65 21 B C+ 44.3 HawHldgs 1.6 HA 30.95 .55 +48 1.1m 5 68 99 26 B D 276 HuntgtnI 1.7 HII 202.1 +3.03 40 268 11
95 56 92 A B+ 32.1 GettyRl 4.5 GTY 31.01 +.30 44 74 26 .. .. 24 .. B+ 34.9 GSCnct GSC 22.41 +.25 97 0.2 ..k 81 78 94 C D+ 44.0 Hwkns 2.2 HWKN 41.31 +.67 54 20 21k 44 82 19 A D+ 36.1 Huntsmn 3.0 r HUN 21.73 +1.12 5 3.1m 6
14 44 6 E D 24.7 Gevo GEVO 2.71 .05 58 186 .. 63 48 67 B D 19.9 GolubCap 7.0 GBDC 18.24 .12 48 156 14k 83 87 82 B C 24.9 HwthB 1.7 HWBK 23.00 ... 92 0.7 14k 55 84 25 B C 50.5 Hurco 1.2 HURC 37.60 +.27 37 12 10
50 86 40 C B 49.1 Gibraltar ROCK 35.12 .29 41 103 16k 27 48 8 D E 5.3 GoodTimes GTIM 2.40 .19 82 6 ..k 64 11 83 .. A 10.2 HaymakerAcq HYAC 10.16 .01 23 165 .. 67 61 90 C E 57.0 HuronCons HURN 47.49 +.35 +28 112 22
19 3 57 E B 3.9 Gigamedia GIGM 2.90 +.01 93 1 .. 58 49 83 D C 15.8 GoodrPet GDP 13.59 +.09 44 14 .. 42 72 30 D C+ 45.1 Haynes 2.8 HAYN 31.54 +1.02 59 38 ..k 6 5 9 E D 39.7 HutchisnChina HCM 22.28 +.42 72 165 ..k
28 57 30 C D 51.2 GIIIApparel GIII 34.93 +.71 60 341 13o 22 41 22 C B 36.1 Goodyear 3.1 GT 20.53 +.33 +53 6.2m 7 23 72 7 D D 7.8 HC2 HCHC 3.50 +.05 63 223 1o 4 14 4 E E 7.4 HuttingBld HBP 2.32 .18 74 20 ..
51 34 75 D B 10.7 GilatSatNet GILT 8.80 .02 47 6 27k 52 37 95 .. E 38.2 GooseheadInsrA GSHD 27.67 +.76 +2 163 ..k 85 96 93 .. B 147 7HCAHlt 1.1 HCA 132.9 +.21 +3 1.9m 14 77 72 92 D C+ 50.8 HuyaA HUYA 22.37 +2.29 +111 4.7m 99k
77 51 91 B B 34.4 Gildan 1.3 GIL 33.22 +.64 30 339 19 9 5 25 E B 7.6 GoProA GPRO 4.93 .03 +2 3.3m .. 77 54 92 E B 59.3 HCIGro 3.4 r HCI 47.41 +.04 61 30 10o 44 87 35 D D 84.9 HyattHo .9 H 67.61 +.41 42 398 41
46 48 37 B D+ 89.5 GileadS 3.3 GILD 68.90 +1.04 +6 8.8m 9 43 5 77 .. D 9.8 GoresIIIA GRSH 9.75 +.03 100 0.6 ..k 93 72 94 D B NH HCP 4.9 HCP 30.37 +.55 36 2.5m 86 36 14 48 E B 10.3 Hydrgnc HYGS 6.81 +.65 +28 79 ..o
89 84 85 A D 47.7 Glacier 2.4 GBCI 42.87 .40 +19 492 19 83 69 85 C B 36.0 GormanR 1.6 GRC 33.39 +.25 63 19 20k 93 94 83 A C 46.3 7HDSupply HDS 40.72 +.73 49 1.1m 16o 52 6 98 .. A 6.5 Hyrecar HYRE 4.56 +1.02 +96 438 ..k
44 45 38 A D 9.9 GldstnC 10 GLAD 8.32 +.08 53 90 9 23 38 22 D B 25.9 GPStrat GPX 15.10 +.10 62 24 12 85 67 71 A C 112 HDFCBnk .5 HDB 99.1 .11 6 731 30o 47 19 76 C B 90.0 HystrYa 1.8 HY 68.22 +.59 41 28 24o
77 27 84 C B 20.5 Gladsto 7.6 GOOD 19.64 +.20 29 104 .. 89 56 77 A B 75.6 GraceWR 1.3 GRA 71.12 +1.07 +17 829 17 86 66 88 D C 31.7 Healthcre 3.8 HR 31.39 +.48 3 688 99 I
38 12 66 B D 12.3 GladstI 7.5 GAIN 10.61 +.01 49 79 48k 76 82 52 A D 49.7 Graco 1.5 GGG 42.14 +.27 50 361 23k 84 72 77 B C 56.2 HlthcrS 1.8 HCSG 43.56 .22 14 523 44k 80 37 96 D B 27.1 13VerticalsA IIIV 24.33 +.48 65 31 ..k
50 37 39 C D 13.9 Gladsto 4.6 LAND 11.47 +.02 55 67 54k 45 5 80 .. C 9.8 GrafIndustrial GRAF 9.75 +.01 +818 409 99 68 98 36 A E 101 HealthEquity HQY 64.24 +1.62 15 854 61o 95 86 96 A B 223 IACInterctv IAC 211.4 +6.36 +35 1.1m 35k
7 14 7 D B 23.9 Glatfel 4.2 GLT 12.43 +.24 39 255 24k 38 72 20 C D+ 23.2 Graftech 2.7 EAF 12.81 +.27 5 1.3m 5 99 93 91 A C 63.1 7HlthInsInvs HIIQ 37.52 +1.64 50 663 17 15 27 8 D E 6.5 Iamgold IAG 3.09 +.20 +22 6.3m 38
52 6 98 D E 70.9 Glaukos GKOS 62.35 +.16 39 291 .. 94 85 92 D A 690 GrahamB .8 GHC 664.2 +2.04 45 15 15k 77 71 70 D C 31.9 HlthStream HSTM 25.56 +.09 68 42 55k 75 92 52 A C 87.6 Iberiab 2.2 r IBKC 74.51 +2.17 +95 683 11
54 38 51 A C 42.4 GlaxoSm 5.5 GSK 38.42 +.05 29 2.8m 12k 65 68 74 D D+ 29.0 Graham 1.7 GHM 23.47 +.27 70 8 48k 70 78 78 D C 23.8 Heartln .4 r HTLD 19.85 +.20 2 377 22 21 31 18 E B+ 3.5 Ibio IBIO .84 .04 65 24 ..k
.. .. 60 .. B 25.4 GlxAdaptUs 2.7 AUSF 23.67 +.15 78 8 99 72 79 69 A E 372 Graingr 1.9 GWW 291.8 +5.61 +35 803 17o 54 76 26 A C+ 62.0 Hrtland 1.4 HTLF 47.40 +.33 0 100 14k 58 38 47 B C 168 IBM 4.7 r IBM 134.0 +1.44 3 5.6m 9o
.. .. 83 .. .. NH GxMsChInfoTch CHIK 15.78 +1.02 85 0.2 99 34 72 14 C E 4.0 GranTragn GTE 2.38 .02 42 742 13o 28 42 21 D C 4.3 HeatBiolgcs HTBX 1.36 +.04 69 158 .. 86 40 99 E A+ NH Icad ICAD 6.05 +.27 +326 648 ..o
.. .. 86 .. .. NH GxMsChRealEst CHIR 15.69 +.56 50 0.2 99 28 27 36 E B 4.1 GranaMontero GRAM 3.07 ... 94 7 ..k 20 27 18 E B 4.5 Hecla .4 HL 2.49 +.13 16 4.5m 99 45 5 70 C C 81.9 IcahnE 10 IEP 67.27 +.74 38 68 22o
.. .. 87 .. .. NH GxMsChUtils CHIU 15.62 +.13 0 0.1 99 47 89 23 B D 130 GrandCanyn LOPE 93.89 +.83 5 332 19 89 85 85 A E 94.1 Heico .1 HEI 80.16 +.53 37 235 49 24 44 29 D E 16.8 ICCHdgs ICCH 13.51 .07 +322 8 64k
.. .. 24 .. C 29.3 GlbXCpM 2.4 COPX 19.57 +.64 37 12 ..k 53 89 22 C B 68.6 Granite 1.2 GVA 43.93 +.79 64 136 18 91 85 82 A D 78.5 HeicoA .2 HEIA 63.89 +.19 +15 255 39 50 78 45 C E 82.3 ICIIntl .9 ICFI 63.46 .36 +8 107 18
.. .. 42 .. D 34.1 GlbXSil 1.2 SIL 25.49 +.97 37 85 .. 99 92 87 A C+ NH 7GranitePt 8.7 GPMT 19.28 +.14 +21 542 13k 81 99 84 C D+ 45.3 Heidrick 1.6 HSII 32.53 .41 41 81 15 75 86 68 B B 34.5 IchorHldngs r ICHR 20.23 +.98 +5 443 6k
42 58 32 D B 13.6 GlenBur 3.7 GLBZ 10.93 +.43 +17 2 17k .. .. 79 .. B+ 136 GranitShGold BAR 129.6 +1.79 83 8 ..k 75 63 86 B D+ 145 HelenTroy HELE 115.0 .23 29 221 14o 61 13 86 C A 11.2 ICICIBa .4 IBN 9.95 .34 +60 10m 49
42 10 90 .. D 68.1 GlobalBlood GBT 46.86 +.75 68 417 .. .. .. 43 .. D 101 GraniteShrPlat PLTM 81.38 +1.50 22 2 99 7 43 1 D E 2663 Helios&Math HMNY .01 +.00 +192 109m .. 57 40 73 D B+ 8.7 IclickInter r ICLK 4.55 +.52 +221 295 ..
58 77 39 A C 39.1 GlobBrs& 1.2 BRSS 29.19 +.47 55 49 9 .. .. 43 .. C 27.4 GrnitBl .9 COMB 24.20 +.22 86 3 ..k 19 18 19 .. E 13.2 HeliusMedTchA HSDT 7.13 .48 +268 354 .. 91 78 82 A D 155 Icon ICLR 135.6 +3.66 13 281 22k
54 25 96 E C+ 3.2 GlobalEagleEt ENT 2.56 +.12 9 187 ..o .. .. 55 .. B 18.3 GranHipsUs 7.9 HIPS 16.37 +.14 33 1 ..k 38 72 20 D B 10.9 HelixEnrgy HLX 7.06 +.15 61 548 26k 7 11 3 C A 2.1 Iconix ICON .15 +.00 12 1.1m ..o
42 51 23 E B+ 43.5 GlobInde 3.0 GBLI 33.14 .16 +34 15 28 61 67 41 B C+ 16.7 GraphPkg 2.5 GPK 12.17 +.09 +5 5.1m 16 28 60 18 D D 75.0 Helmrich 5.3 HP 53.42 +.85 7 1.6m 99 86 98 44 A C 321 ICUMedical ICUI 243.2 +2.86 66 87 24
79 20 93 C C+ 10.1 GlobMed 8.3 GMRE 9.63 .01 11 169 99 92 73 97 A B 54.5 GravityCo GRVY 39.01 +.35 57 11 13 72 5 91 E A 14.3 HmsphrMed r HMTV 13.33 +.05 23 27 .. 32 30 32 D C 8.1 IDSystems IDSY 6.00 +.05 48 47 99
62 12 77 C B 22.5 GlobalN 10 GNL 19.81 .22 +177 2.1m 94 98 85 87 A B 20.2 GrayTV GTN 16.48 +.38 38 552 9o 13 14 15 E B 0.6 Hemisphrx HEB .22 .00 64 111 .. 84 68 77 C B 102 IdaCorp 2.7 IDA 94.59 1.88 41 151 20k
85 93 71 C C 129 GlobalP .0 GPN 113.2 +1.00 +28 1.8m 22 98 85 88 A C 18.2 GrayTelA GTNA 14.70 +.50 0 0.4 8 40 91 10 A E 20.0 HenssyA 4.2 HNNA 10.50 +.15 25 8 4 11 24 4 E B+ 1.5 IdealPower IPWR .37 +.01 84 26 ..
42 27 62 C D 21.1 GlobalP 10 GLP 17.62 +.33 38 56 12o 84 57 59 B B+ 14.0 GreatAj 9 AJX 12.91 +.12 74 14 9 67 79 61 C D+ 91.4 HenrySchn r HSIC 77.25 +.65 42 931 19k 73 24 94 D B 6.9 Identiv INVE 5.35 +.15 45 15 ..o
66 72 43 D C 4.6 GlobalSl 6.6 SELF 3.93 +.02 51 8 65 58 69 35 B C+ 10.0 GreatE 12 GECC 7.94 .01 +47 54 4 91 66 93 A C 60.4 HerbalifeNu r HLF 58.95 .20 36 773 20k 3 42 1 E E 17.4 IderaPhm IDRA 2.72 +.26 +90 634 ..
17 39 16 D C 1.5 GlbShipL GSL .85 .01 81 27 2 81 57 97 E B 7.9 GrtLakesDD GLDD 7.20 .04 65 119 32 30 62 17 D C 73.0 HercHoldings HRI 35.38 +.54 33 216 23 89 85 70 A B 157 IDEX 1.3 IEX 137.3 +.50 29 263 26k
55 30 59 B D 11.6 GlobWatr 3.0 GWRS 9.36 +.08 1 26 52 15 3 14 D B 1.4 GrtPanthrSilvr GPL .69 +.05 +10 666 ..k 62 43 66 B D 13.7 Hercules 9 r HTGC 12.68 +.02 19 483 10 90 92 75 .. B+ 256 IdexxLabs IDXX 208.9 +2.69 18 478 52
.. .. 37 .. C 15.8 GlbXAut 2.5 DRIV 12.83 +.26 20 4 99 85 90 56 B A 61.7 GrtSthrn 2.4 GSBC 52.90 .28 +36 40 11 60 91 28 A D 18.1 HrtgCmm 3.2 HTBK 13.64 +.92 +51 247 16 42 28 90 D D 11.2 IDT 4.9 IDT 7.29 +.31 3 135 15o
.. .. 68 .. B 21.5 GlobxConsc 1.7 KRMA 19.73 +.11 19 7 ..k 49 67 36 A C 46.0 GrtWstB 2.8 GWB 35.27 +.20 22 354 11 70 77 57 B C 37.4 HrtgFcl 1.9 HFWA 31.25 +1.06 7 131 17 .. .. 58 .. D 31.3 IQHdgMult QAI 29.56 +.08 37 255 ..k
.. .. 27 .. E 34.0 GxDaxGr 3.1 DAX 25.16 +.47 11 4 ..k 41 52 24 A D 12.5 GreenBrick r GRBK 8.65 +.08 24 68 6 54 42 50 B C 18.3 Heritge 1.6 r HRTG 14.70 .07 42 67 6 90 38 98 C B NH IECElec IEC 7.20 +.12 +77 89 48k
.. .. 74 .. .. 16.1 GxEcommEtf EBIZ 15.75 +.18 80 0.3 99 96 92 91 A C 93.0 7GreenDotA GDOT 78.66 +.11 58 305 26 97 97 93 C B+ 28.7 7HeritgCrystl HCCI 26.94 .06 51 47 34 76 98 52 C B 20.2 IES IESC 16.70 .24 +14 27 14k
.. .. 42 .. C+ 11.0 GXFert/P 1.7 SOIL 9.43 +.16 98 0.1 ..k 21 12 18 E D 21.9 GreenPl 3.4 GPRE 14.11 +.26 35 403 .. 29 31 34 D D 42.9 HeronThera HRTX 26.45 +.71 32 638 ..o 34 37 38 C D 25.0 IFBanco 1.3 r IROQ 20.00 ... 35 8 24k
.. .. 81 .. C+ 29.3 GlxFintech FINX 25.65 +.55 17 126 ..k 50 62 36 A D 19.0 GreenPl 12 GPP 14.84 +.40 +17 86 8k 36 8 57 C D 24.2 HershaH 6.2 HT 18.12 +.36 16 388 ..k 4 2 4 E C 17.0 Ifresh IFMK 1.40 +.02 +102 108 ..k
.. .. 69 .. B+ 22.5 GxFoudr .2 BOSS 18.30 +.31 29 1 ..k 18 39 19 B C 64.9 Greenbri 2.4 GBX 40.97 +.26 12 390 11o 87 68 80 B B 111 Hershey 2.8 HSY 104.3 1.07 +34 1.7m 20 82 62 79 B D+ 56.0 IhsMarkit INFO 51.52 +.51 +46 3.5m 22o
.. .. 38 .. D+ 24.5 GXFtseNor 3.4 GXF 20.25 +.10 64 1 ..k 76 93 35 A D 38.0 GreenCn 1.3 GCBC 30.79 +.29 28 2 16 44 53 68 E D+ 24.9 HertzGlobal HTZ 16.24 +.92 12 2.4m ..o 43 73 21 B D 50.8 IIVI IIVI 33.98 +.49 +4 929 17
.. .. 63 .. B 18.4 GxFtsSo 2.9 ASEA 16.09 +.04 43 5 ..k 92 72 96 C B+ 33.5 Greenhi .7 GHL 29.66 +.05 +52 480 37k .. .. 32 .. B 7.1 HerzfldC 5.5 CUBA 5.48 +.01 37 11 ..k 67 86 47 A D 179 Illinois 3.0 ITW 133.3 +2.32 27 1.2m 17
.. .. 64 .. A 16.0 GxFutAna .4 AIQ 14.34 +.26 4 14 99 7 9 11 E C 21.5 Greenlight GLRE 10.18 +.13 43 172 .. 88 63 82 C A 114 Heska HSKA 96.00 .35 +15 45 67 94 95 86 A D 372 Illumina ILMN 293.9 7.18 +27 1.3m 50
.. .. 58 .. C 24.2 GlbXGoldExp GOEX 20.60 +.80 38 6 ..k 11 20 2 D B 23.0 GrnproCap GRNQ 3.60 +.21 68 4 ..k 38 59 34 E B 74.8 Hess 1.9 r HES 53.10 +2.10 3 5.0m .. 86 36 88 A C 6.8 ImgeSens ISNS 5.00 +.13 96 0.2 13
.. .. 63 .. E 33.0 GXGuruId .5 GURU 30.08 +.47 44 3 ..k 48 71 9 A B 27.0 GreenskyA GSKY 11.33 +.19 55 587 16k 45 31 43 B C 24.5 HessMid 7.1 HESM 20.28 +.36 52 68 16k 77 79 75 C B 26.1 Imax IMAX 21.00 +.20 44 291 21o
.. .. 83 .. C+ 19.9 GxHlt&Well .4 BFIT 18.70 +.17 97 0.3 ..k 78 75 79 A D+ 25.1 GreentreeHosA GHG 12.14 +.19 76 17 25k 76 79 59 C D 19.5 HewPack 2.9 HPE 15.35 +.59 +48 17m 9 37 36 57 D C 17.7 Immersion IMMR 9.50 +.12 7 228 5
.. .. 50 .. D+ 21.4 GxIntOfT 1.1 SNSR 17.93 +.37 63 9 ..k 39 68 14 B D 62.8 Greifin 4.4 GEF 40.14 +.03 50 124 11 93 74 80 B B 73.4 Hexcel .9 r HXL 65.86 .17 +22 669 21o 63 14 85 D B 9.3 Immucell ICCC 8.09 +.44 +214 11 ..k
.. .. 26 .. D 38.9 GxLiBattr 2.4 LIT 28.20 +.51 37 120 .. 44 57 17 B B 67.7 GreifB 5.7 GEFB 45.55 +.34 52 7 12 31 77 1 B D 12.9 Hexindai 10 HX 2.51 +.04 70 194 2k 15 34 9 E B 5.1 ImuneDesign IMDZ 1.53 +.02 57 210 ..
.. .. 79 .. B 22.8 GxLongev .6 LNGR 20.69 +.29 61 1 ..k 11 1 2 E D 14.0 GridsumB GSUM 2.24 +.09 34 123 ..k 17 1 1 .. .. 5.6 Hexo HEXO 5.12 .03 +60 2.5m 99 12 17 8 .. C 13.4 Immunogn IMGN 5.03 +.20 +21 3.2m ..
.. .. 81 .. E 24.0 GxMillen .3 MILN 21.82 +.38 36 7 ..k 10 5 24 E D 46.5 GriffnI 1.4 GRIF 32.41 .11 44 2 ..k 55 21 94 .. B 15.7 HFFoodsGrp HFFG 13.36 .02 63 4 12 14 9 10 E C+ 27.3 Immunmd IMMU 14.53 +.37 +7 3.9m ..
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52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P
6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
24 46 23 D E 16.7 Immuron IMRN 6.89 +.41 93 0.2 ..k 30 56 17 E B+ 5.3 IntrepidPot IPI 3.11 +.03 29 365 99o .. .. 34 .. B 27.9 InvPbFtDv 3.2 PBDM 22.82 +.27 25 0.3 ..k 88 30 95 A B 59.8 IonisPhrm IONS 58.74 +1.69 9 833 99o
20 13 31 D E 4.2 Immutep IMMP 2.10 +.02 16 30 ..k 3 5 6 E E 20.2 Intrexon XON 7.91 +.06 31 1.2m ..o .. .. 73 .. D 24.8 InvPbUsA 1.7 PBND 24.25 +.02 86 0.1 ..k 18 25 15 .. D+ 19.9 IovanceBio IOVA 8.97 +.30 55 575 ..
9 5 6 E D 10.5 ImpacM IMH 4.20 ... 66 14 .. 36 70 19 B E 76.8 IntriCon IIN 26.18 .11 +5 201 39k .. .. 62 .. C 14.8 InvPref 5.8 PGX 14.04 +.05 54 1.4m ..k 48 29 95 E .. NH iPass IPAS 2.56 +.04 74 21 ..k
.. .. 60 .. B 20.9 ImpShrN 1.3 NACP 19.14 +.11 75 0.2 99 92 72 89 A C 231 Intuit .9 INTU 214.3 +2.14 42 1.1m 36 .. .. 57 .. D 187 InvQqqT .8 QQQ 165.2 +1.95 40 36m .. .. .. 38 .. E 25.8 IpthDjUBSCm DJP 22.54 +.23 60 299 ..
.. .. 51 .. C+ 20.5 ImpShrYw 1.4 WOMN 18.81 +.13 89 0.1 99 97 72 87 A B 581 IntSurg ISRG 515.021.08 +135 2.0m 46 .. .. 75 .. B 12.4 Invsco 5.3 IQI 11.83 .07 44 102 99 .. .. 35 .. C 31.5 IPPrBtaBdCm BCM 27.30 +.25 +19 3 ..k
48 73 25 C B 34.6 Imperia 2.0 IMO 27.89 +.49 +11 453 12 43 13 99 E B 1.6 Inuvo INUV 1.23 .02 62 43 ..k .. .. 35 .. D+ 49.5 InvRayJamesEq RYJ 41.01 +.36 84 3 ..k .. .. 51 .. A 54.5 IpSrBlomAgri JJA 46.37 +.06 +40 0.7 99
5 18 23 E E 28.5 Impinj PI 15.07 +.01 +241 846 ..k .. .. 72 .. B 21.2 InvBl2019 1.9 BSCJ 21.10 +.02 45 258 99 .. .. 55 .. B 29.1 InvRus100 2.5 USEQ 26.04 +.25 100 0.1 ..k .. .. 37 .. B 58.4 IpSrBlmAlumin JJU 44.34 +.40 75 0.2 99
29 3 56 E E 7.2 ImvInc IMV 5.67 +.16 86 1 ..k .. .. 72 .. D 21.3 InBl2020 2.2 BSCK 21.09 ... 15 528 ..k .. .. 59 .. B 33.9 InvRus100 1.5 USLB 30.44 +.43 86 4 ..k .. .. 23 .. B+ 50.0 IpSrBlomCoffee JO 39.36 +.11 0 31 99o
25 48 30 .. E 14.3 IncomeOppty IOR 10.54 .16 97 0.1 6 .. .. 76 .. B 32.4 Inv130Lad 2.1 PLW 31.82 .10 +156 79 ..k .. .. 66 .. E 41.1 InvRus20 .6 PXSG 34.06 +.38 77 6 99 .. .. 56 .. C 56.4 IpSrBlomGrains JJG 48.23 +.22 88 0.5 99
97 88 92 B B 96.4 Incyte INCY 79.95 +2.94 +48 2.5m 99 .. .. 81 .. C+ 85.9 InvActvUsR 2.5 PSR 81.54 +.94 5 2 99 .. .. 45 .. B 33.6 InvRus200 2.3 PXSV 29.13 +.31 80 3 ..k .. .. 43 .. E 53.1 IpSrBlomIndMtl JJM 43.56 +.91 75 0.1 99
95 92 74 A B+ 95.0 Indpndn 2.0 INDB 77.93 +.08 31 84 16 .. .. 75 .. A 11.3 InvAdvMu 5.6 VKI 10.52 .13 47 99 ..k .. .. 87 .. B 55.9 InvRusMd .2 PXMG 50.59 +.86 6 81 ..k .. .. 79 .. D 50.4 IpSrBlomLivstk COW 48.72 .30 27 2 99
83 81 85 B D 40.7 Independ .8 IHC 35.86 +.01 54 4 10 .. .. 48 .. D 62.2 InvAeroD .8 PPA 53.88 +.54 36 60 ..k .. .. 57 .. B 32.2 InvRusMdcp 2.7 PXMV 29.77 +.19 87 2.. .. .. 86 .. E 67.2 IpthSrBlmNatGs GAZ 43.95 +.71 76 0.4 ..k
k .. .. 40 .. B 64.1 IpSrBlomNickel JJN 47.76 +.55 +200 2 99
87 38 84 C B 10.6 IndepnReal 7.0 IRT 10.25 +.09 38 330 48k .. .. 60 .. A 13.9 InvBlMltAs 2.5 PSMB 13.12 +.07 87 0.2 ..k
.. .. 54 .. B 40.7 InvRusT20 2.9 PXLV 36.82 +.19 +39 24 ..k .. .. 43 .. E 51.5 IpSrBlomCopper JJC 42.13 +1.32 +517 7 99
68 94 19 A B 79.0 Indepnd 1.1 IBTX 52.78 +.28 +12 290 12k .. .. 63 .. B 24.5 InvBl19HyC 4.1 BSJJ 23.95 +.04 43 215 99
.. .. 67 .. B 55.1 InvRusT2Pu .9 PXLG 49.17 +.44 +41 40 99 .. .. 51 .. B+ 51.8 IpSrBlomSugr SGG 43.16 1.70 31 5 99
80 95 56 A D 27.1 Indpndnt 3.2 r IBCP 22.48 +.21 1 123 13k .. .. 63 .. B 24.7 InvBl20 4.8 BSJK 23.86 +.07 12 321 ..k
.. .. 55 .. B+ 35.2 InvSp100 1.8 OEW 32.03 +.40 86 0.1 ..k
.. .. 39 .. B+ 21.5 Indexiq5 4.1 HFXE 17.99 +.10 99 0.1 ..k .. .. 63 .. B+ 25.3 InvBl20 4.8 BSJL 24.34 +.06 +119 386 ..k .. .. 83 .. B 53.3 IpSrBlomTinSbd JJT 51.83 .79 71 0.2 99
.. .. 45 .. C 22.9 InvSp500B 1.4 PBP 20.26 +.07 76 48 ..k
.. .. 43 .. D+ 22.8 Indexiq50 3.1 HFXI 19.24 +.22 63 52 ..k .. .. 74 .. B 25.2 InvBl21Usd 5.3 BSAE 25.11 .02 52 2 99 .. .. 87 .. D 23.1 IpSrBlomSpVxMd VXZB 20.01 .34 +763 23 99
.. .. 64 .. D+ 36.9 InvSp500ex 1.7 XRLV 33.97 +.20 83 9 ..k
.. .. 58 .. B 29.3 IQGlblRsrcs GRES 26.79 +.35 8 21 ..k .. .. 63 .. A 25.2 InvBl20 5.3 BSJM 24.04 +.07 9 108 99 .. .. 17 .. C 79.2 IpSrSpGscCrud OIL 55.17 +.36 59 14 ..k
.. .. 49 .. C 46.0 InvSp500H 1.7 SPHB 39.63 +.78 +30 214 ..k
.. .. 72 .. B+ 36.0 IndxqGl .9 CROP 32.25 +.22 39 1 ..k .. .. 77 .. B 25.2 InvBl22Usd 5.5 BSBE 25.16 ... +17 2 99 .. .. 28 .. D+ 26.4 IPthUsT10yB DTYS 20.24 +.44 82 6 ..k
.. .. 76 .. D 50.6 InvSp500L 2.1 SPLV 48.50 +.09 34 2.7m ..k
.. .. 35 .. E 39.8 IPUsTr5YrBr DFVS
.. .. 58 .. B 27.2 IQHedge MCRO 25.61 +.21 75 0.2 ..k .. .. 64 .. C+ 26.6 InvBl20 5.4 BSJN 25.54 +.08 +60 70 99 33.26 +.55 88 0.2 ..k
.. .. 53 .. C+ 33.0 InvSp500 1.7 SPHQ 29.49 +.28 12 404 99
.. .. 81 .. B 23.4 IpathMidTrFut VXZ
.. .. 55 .. B+ 25.4 IndexLdrs 2.7 QGTA 22.95 +.14 80 0.7 ..k .. .. 77 .. C NH InvBl23Usd 5.5 BSCE 25.16 +.08 50 0.8 99 20.09 .25 +82 228 ..k
.. .. 53 .. D 211 InvSp500T 1.9 XLG 189.4 +1.19 1 52 ..k
.. .. 85 .. A+ 56.5 IpathShTrFut VXX 26 31m ..k
.. .. 79 .. C+ 32.2 IQMrgArbtrg MNA 32.16 +.08 47 159 ..k .. .. 60 .. B 25.8 InvBl24HyC 5.2 BSJO 24.31 +.04 +676 127 ..k 37.28 1.44
.. .. 67 .. C+ 43.3 InvSpHiDv 4.1 SPHD 40.46 +.21 3 825 99
.. .. 62 .. B 28.2 IQRealRe 1.3 CPI 27.14 +.04 99 0.1 ..k .. .. 72 .. B 20.8 InvBl2025 3.2 BSCO 20.17 .04 +152 268 99 .. .. 85 .. E 58.1 IpSrBlomSpVx VXXB 37.23 1.45 +632 12m 99
.. .. 62 .. B 11.8 InvSpGlDvO 3.4 LVL 10.72 +.08 95 0.5 99
.. .. 58 .. D 27.4 IndxqRl 6.2 ROOF 24.08 +.28 86 2 ..k .. .. 77 .. A 25.2 InvBl24Usd 6.4 BSDE 25.16 .04 59 0.9 99 49 70 12 B C 264 IPGPhoton IPGP 135.3 +4.73 32 356 17
.. .. 55 .. B 30.8 InvSpIntl 4.7 IDHD 26.86 +.07 28 3 ..k
.. .. 69 .. C 25.3 IndxHiYld 4.2 HYLV 24.11 +.04 60 2 ..k .. .. 60 .. B 25.1 InvBl20 5.5 BSJP 23.52 +.12 +36 27 99 15 18 9 .. B 17.0 iPicEnterA IPIC 5.22 +.84 +169 36 ..
.. .. 36 .. E 30.5 InvSpIntD 3.0 IDMO 24.27 +.41 50 0.3 ..k
.. .. 61 .. B 25.4 IndiaFd 12 IFN 20.52 +.03 66 49 ..k .. .. 65 .. B 25.3 InvBlt26H 5.6 BSJQ 24.55 +.08 72 2 99 .. .. 83 .. .. NH Iq500Intl .1 IQIN 26.34 +.02 98 2 99
.. .. 49 .. B 25.5 InvSpIntl 2.5 IDHQ 21.78 +.27 78 3 ..k
17 36 15 D D 5.3 IndepnConDrill ICD 3.35 +.11 +20 279 .. .. .. 69 .. B 19.9 InvBl2027 3.4 BSCR 19.09 +.03 16 17 99 .. .. 43 .. D 27.8 IqChaikUs 1.8 CLRG 23.37 +.31 59 103 99
.. .. 76 .. B+ 49.5 InvSpMdCp 2.0 XMLV 47.00 +.12 29 351 99
10 24 5 D E 2.7 IndSvAm IDSA 1.13 +.02 86 1 99 .. .. 73 .. A 19.5 InvBlShr26 3.2 BSCQ 18.85 +.02 +237 119 99 .. .. 40 .. C 30.0 IQChaikUs .8 CSML 24.82 +.28 +3 106 ..k
.. .. 54 .. C 72.1 InvSpSc 1.3 PSCD 60.11 +.39 30 4 ..k
31 25 18 C B 64.4 IndstBac 1.9 IBA 45.07 +.08 86 3 10k .. .. 72 .. B 21.1 InvBl2021 2.5 BSCL 20.81 +.01 +24 492 ..k .. .. 68 .. B 19.4 IqEnhCorBo 2.7 AGGE 18.56 .04 59 29 ..k
.. .. 54 .. D 87.2 InvSpScCn .9 PSCC 74.45 +.10 71 5 ..k
32 36 40 .. D 24.7 IndLogis 6.5 ILPT 20.37 +.07 37 396 18x .. .. 72 .. B+ 21.1 InvBl2022 2.7 BSCM 20.74 .01 +50 442 ..k .. .. 64 .. D 19.8 IqEnhCorPl 3.2 AGGP 18.93 .01 79 16 ..k
.. .. 72 .. B+ 20.9 InvBl2023 2.9 BSCN 20.33 .01 +31 277 ..k
.. .. 9 .. E 18.8 InvSpSc .2 PSCE 10.37 +.22 85 8 ..k
24 44 7 E C+ 12.4 Infinran INFN 4.37 +.20 36 1.5m .. .. .. 77 .. B 25.3 IqMckMnc 2.4 MMIT 25.07 ... +37 12 ..k
.. .. 73 .. B+ 20.5 InbBl2025 3.2 BSCP 19.97 .02 +141 164 ..k
.. .. 49 .. C 60.6 InvSpScF 2.8 PSCF 52.06 +.25 14 11 ..k
31 56 7 D D+ 2.9 InfinityPhr INFI 1.27 +.02 65 140 ..o .. .. 73 .. C 29.9 IqMckMncI 2.8 MMIN 25.06 ... +22 17 ..k
.. .. 74 .. B 20.2 InvBlt28 3.2 BSCS 20.03 +.01 30 8 99
.. .. 58 .. E 145 InvSpScHl .0 PSCH 117.1 +1.24 69 48 ..
53 14 94 .. C+ 42.8 Inflarx IFRX 36.11 +2.26 +21 82 .. 38 35 56 D C 46.2 IqiYiA IQ 19.95 +.98 +19 9.8m ..k
.. .. 61 .. E 19.6 Invesco 4.7 VBF 17.42 +.12 6 27 ..k
.. .. 42 .. C+ 76.2 InSpScInd .6 PSCI 60.68 +.44 53 5 ..k
65 70 71 C D 5.5 InfoSvcs III 4.19 +.05 55 27 13 93 90 91 B C+ 135 7Iqvia IQV 126.0 +.87 36 944 23k
.. .. 58 .. D 63.5 InvBuyBkAc 1.2 PKW 56.46 +.45 83 41 ..k
.. .. 63 .. C+ 89.8 InvSpScInf .4 PSCT 76.29 +1.83 27 21 ..k
88 47 92 B D+ 10.7 Infosys 2.7 INFY 10.55 +.12 18 8.8m 21 96 93 96 B C 38.8 7Iradimed IRMD 25.76 +.93 63 36 53k
.. .. 71 .. B 26.2 InvCaAmt 2.5 PWZ 25.62 .07 10 65 ..k
.. .. 33 .. B 57.1 InvSpScM 1.1 PSCM 45.33 +1.12 52 1 ..k
.. .. 17 .. E 9.0 Infracap 22 AMZA 5.78 +.06 25 855 ..k 56 7 95 D D 98.4 IrhythmTech IRTC 84.64 +1.69 41 190 ..k
.. .. 75 .. B 12.4 InvCAVal 5.2 VCV 11.83 .01 52 69 ..k .. .. 58 .. C 58.2 InSpScUtl 2.2 PSCU 51.96 +.06 59 5 ..k
.. .. 60 .. B 26.3 Infracap 6.1 PFFR 23.52 +.16 40 3 99 9 17 10 E E 9.5 Iridex IRIX 4.47 .13 92 3 ..
.. .. 45 .. B 24.1 InvCefInc 7.8 PCEF 21.29 +.05 68 95 ..
.. .. 60 .. B 27.3 InvSpSmCp 5.0 XSHD 23.96 +.15 80 2 ..k
87 77 79 B D 23.3 InfraRe 4.8 HIFR 21.03 .02 63 187 14 81 25 94 B C 24.4 IridiumCm IRDM 18.71 +.13 21 759 17
.. .. 35 .. C+ 39.9 InvChinAllCp YAO 30.06 +.50 19 1 .. .. .. 63 .. B 51.3 InvSpSmCp 2.6 XSLV 45.69 +.24 26 196 99
27 11 29 .. D+ 11.3 Infrast&EngAlt IEA 8.80 +.12 86 6 .. 96 99 91 A D 118 7iRobot r IRBT 86.02 +.45 27 443 31
.. .. 49 .. B 33.4 InvChinR 7.2 TAO 26.29 +.36 28 10 99o .. .. 46 .. B 34.5 InSpDow 1.5 PHDG 26.56 +.11 94 0.3 99
55 8 95 E B 3.7 Infusystem INFU 3.58 .02 17 13 .. 56 34 88 B C 37.0 IronMtn 4.3 IRM 36.05 +.14 14 1.6m 32
.. .. 26 .. B 33.2 InvChin 5.0 HAO 24.02 +.29 59 7 99 .. .. 57 .. D 108 InvSp50 1.9 RSP 98.88 +1.04 35 926 ..k
15 45 20 .. D 20.4 ING 5.2 ING 12.14 +.36 35 2.6m 8 14 8 12 E B 21.2 IronwdPhr IRWD 12.85 +.36 +68 2.4m ..
.. .. 58 .. B 45.3 InvCleant .5 PZD 40.14 +.72 25 7 99 .. .. 76 .. D 207 InvSpEq .5 RYH 191.1 +.99 74 11 ..k
83 86 74 B D+ 107 IngrslR 2.2 r IR 94.47 +.57 33 1.1m 17 36 99 15 D D 30.0 IRSAInvGlb IRS 13.84 +.06 52 20 2k
.. .. 64 .. A 13.0 InvConsrvM 3.4 PSMC 12.49 +.01 39 15 ..k .. .. 45 .. D+ 47.4 InvSpEqWa 2.3 RYF 40.25 +.26 55 36 ..k
91 69 88 A C 106 Ingevity r NGVT 91.61 +3.08 54 116 26k 47 98 8 B B 56.5 IrsaPr 2.1 IRCP 21.79 +.76 74 6 4k
.. .. 53 .. C+ 120 InvCurrshrEur FXE 109.0 +1.00 23 219 .. .. .. 49 .. B 118 InvSpEqW 1.7 RTM 100.1 +2.02 81 2 ..k
58 64 37 C B 37.7 InglsM 2.2 IMKTA 29.62 .49 13 58 9k .. .. 56 .. B 27.2 IsLgbtEm .7 PRID 24.48 +.16 88 0.2 99
.. .. 53 .. C+ 81.4 InvCurAu 1.0 FXA 71.82 +.85 37 15 .. .. .. 71 .. D 171 InvSpEqWt .9 RYT 154.4 +3.06 27 75 ..k
29 49 28 C C 146 Ingredi 2.6 INGR 97.31 .15 25 427 13 .. .. 31 .. D+ 26.5 IsNxGnVehic EKAR 20.39 +.40 83 0.1 99
.. .. 67 .. B 139 InvSurrBritPnd FXB 128.1 +1.50 65 25 .. .. .. 83 .. B 28.8 InvSp500E 2.6 EWRE 27.93 +.40 66 4 99
5 39 5 D C 10.4 Innerwrkng INWK 4.51 .02 75 90 50o .. .. 72 .. A 50.1 IS05YrIn 2.5 SLQD 49.84 ... 2 194 ..k
.. .. 68 .. C+ 75.9 InvCurSing .3 FXSG 72.61 +.25 60 0.2 ..k .. .. 68 .. D 41.0 InvSp50 1.0 SPMO 36.41 +.31 4 32 99
77 34 93 E A 2.1 Innodata INOD 1.52 ... 63 22 .. .. .. 63 .. B 47.5 IS05YrH 5.7 SHYG 46.00 +.10 68 394 ..k
.. .. 57 .. C+ 80.5 InvCurrCa .4 FXC 74.58 +.71 +60 64 .. .. .. 45 .. D 71.3 InvSp500 2.3 RPV 62.57 +.85 37 151 ..k
23 29 13 B C+ 50.4 Innophos 6.7 IPHS 28.70 +.40 49 72 12k .. .. 67 .. A 100 IS05Tip 2.4 STIP 98.31 .05 23 209 ..k
.. .. 71 .. C 91.6 InvCurrsJapYen FXY 87.19 +.09 55 90 .. .. .. 53 .. D 129 InvSpEqWt 1.4 RGI 112.2 +1.42 73 6 ..k
70 60 52 B B 83.2 Innospec 1.3 IOSP 68.72 +1.22 48 50 14k .. .. 71 .. D 83.8 IS13Tr 1.7 SHY 83.60 .06 64 1.6m ..
.. .. 49 .. B 121 InvCurrSwKrona FXS 103.4 +.38 67 1 ..k .. .. 41 .. D 138 InSpEqW 2.4 RHS 119.3 .09 64 32 ..k
9 36 2 E D 50.5 InnovateBio INNT 2.30 +.10 66 170 .. .. .. 78 .. C 135 IS1020T 2.2 TLH 132.6 .42 43 74 ..k
.. .. 62 .. C 102 InvCurSwissFr FXF 93.84 +.33 55 10 .. .. .. 23 .. D+ 65.3 InvSpEqW 1.9 RYE 49.39 +.90 15 99 ..k
.. .. 60 .. A 27.0 InnoShr .9 KOIN 23.82 +.29 57 0.9 99 .. .. 75 .. B+ 124 IS20+Tr 2.6 TLT 120.5 .58 36 6.4m ..
.. .. 53 .. B 23.3 InvDbUs$ 1.2 UDN 21.06 +.17 +9 45 .. .. .. 78 .. B 95.9 InvSpEqWt 3.1 RYU 88.94 1.03 47 41 99
99 72 99 C B+ NH Innovat 2.3 IIPR 59.94 +2.04 3 242 88 .. .. 76 .. A 122 IS37Tr 1.9 IEI 121.2 .18 33 615 ..k
.. .. 81 .. C 26.1 InvDbUs$ 1.1 UUP 25.44 .21 24 619 .. .. .. 57 .. D+ 121 InvSp500Pu .4 RPG 107.2 +1.12 45 115 99 .. .. 75 .. A 105 IS710Tr 2.2 IEF 103.8 .24 52 2.8m ..
14 3 12 E B+ 3.8 InnovSltn ISSC 2.10 .09 +363 104 ..k
.. .. 62 .. C+ 28.1 InvDivAc 2.2 PFM 25.84 +.13 85 9 ..k .. .. 58 .. D 108 InvSpEqWtC 1.5 RCD 97.93 +1.27 79 2 ..k .. .. 72 .. A 52.4 ISAAA/A 3.0 QLTA 50.79 .06 56 38 ..k
.. .. 39 .. B 38.8 InnovIbd50 FFTY 30.38 +.48 44 177 ..k
.. .. 28 .. C 74.3 InvDwBasi 1.1 PYZ 57.54 +1.33 47 4 ..k .. .. 59 .. D+ 28.5 InvSpHiI 5.0 GHII 25.33 +.14 +196 36 ..k .. .. 36 .. C+ 30.6 IsAdapt 3.2 DEZU 25.64 +.25 90 0.1 ..k
.. .. 29 .. D 27.3 InnovIBDEt .4 LDRS 21.32 +.04 18 11 ..k
.. .. 58 .. B 60.4 InvDyCnsm .4 PEZ 50.58 +.39 65 8 ..k .. .. 45 .. D 169 InvSpCp4 .7 RFG 145.7 +1.75 83 2 99 .. .. 71 .. C 112 ISAgnc 2.1 AGZ 112.1 .10 2 34 ..k
.. .. 51 .. D+ 26.8 InnLoupFrnTch LOUP 22.83 +.61 +22 4 99
.. .. 53 .. C 73.7 InvDwCnsm .7 PSL 66.63 .11 60 17 ..k .. .. 53 .. B 73.7 InvSpMdC 1.2 RFV 65.35 +1.48 62 7 99 .. .. 53 .. D 56.9 ISAggA 2.3 AOA 51.07 +.38 34 188 ..k
.. .. 64 .. C+ 34.4 InnLunLwVo 1.6 LVHB 30.94 +.11 28 11 ..k
.. .. 35 .. B 29.7 InvDvMkMo 1.0 PIZ 24.28 +.18 53 27 ..k .. .. 49 .. C 139 InvSpCp6 .4 RZG 113.8 +1.32 77 3 99 .. .. 53 .. B 73.0 ISAsia5 2.3 AIA 59.57 +1.23 55 50 ..k
.. .. 86 .. .. NH Innv500Buffr BJAN 26.43 +.14 50 30 99
.. .. 28 .. B 22.2 InvDwEm 3.1 PIE 16.41 +.16 63 31 ..k .. .. 38 .. C 81.7 InvSpCp6 1.7 RZV 66.88 +1.19 46 19 99 .. .. 59 .. D 51.4 ISAsa/Pa 5.8 DVYA 43.44 +.74 45 3 ..k
.. .. 60 .. D 26.0 InnSp500PwrBf POCT 23.65 +.10 79 6 99
.. .. 17 .. C 46.6 InvDwEnr .8 PXI 31.91 +.60 +39 46 ..k .. .. 58 .. B 23.3 InvSnrL 4.5 BKLN 22.43 ... 55 5.4m .. .. .. 60 .. D 50.2 IsBrdUsd 6.2 USHY 47.58 +.08 83 15 ..k
.. .. 83 .. .. 26.2 Innv500PwrBf PJAN 26.09 +.12 80 43 99
.. .. 35 .. C 37.3 InvDwaFin 1.8 PFI 30.80 +.26 33 3 99 .. .. 60 .. D+ 37.5 Inv500E 2.3 SPVU 33.57 +.40 95 0.5 99 .. .. 71 .. A 59.0 ISCaAmt 2.2 CMF 58.32 .09 71 43 ..k
.. .. 61 .. E 24.7 InnSp500UltBf UOCT 23.46 +.10 72 24 99
.. .. 53 .. D 99 InvDwHlthcare PTH 78.34 +.66 +43 53 ..k .. .. 44 .. D+ 4.5 InvSrInc 6.1 VVR 4.08 +.03 8 897 ..k .. .. 53 .. B 54.0 ISChina 2.5 FXI 42.19 +.78 7 34m ..
.. .. 82 .. .. NH Innv500UltBf UJAN 25.90 +.08 98 2 99
.. .. 41 .. C+ 66.6 InvDwInds .3 PRN 54.82 +.71 +28 9 ..k .. .. 72 .. B 30.1 InvTaxMu 4.2 BAB 29.46 .02 8 125 ..k .. .. 72 .. B 51.6 ISCMBS 2.7 CMBS 50.37 .11 64 16 ..k
96 95 97 .. A 20.0 7Innoviva INVA 19.83 +.18 41 626 10
.. .. 53 .. D 60.2 InvDwaM .2 PDP 51.59 +.31 56 98 ..k .. .. 59 .. B 53.5 InvTotRe 3.4 GTO 50.48 +.06 +1 9 ..k .. .. 64 .. C 60.3 IsConvert 3.7 ICVT 55.41 +.50 51 50 ..k
.. .. 60 .. B 25.7 InnSp500UltBf UJUL 24.31 +.10 80 12 99
.. .. 50 .. C 32.2 InvDwaTacS .0 DWTR 26.89 +.32 87 2 99 .. .. 66 .. C 13.6 InvTrInv 5.2 VTN 12.60 +.04 39 39 ..k .. .. 83 .. D+ 106 IsCohenS 3.0 ICF 101.9 +1.14 47 101 ..k
.. .. 64 .. C 24.1 InnSpInvG 5.4 EPRF 22.61 +.07 +19 4 ..k
.. .. 78 .. D+ 68.7 InvDwTe .1 PTF 58.38 +1.06 +356 47 ..k .. .. 75 .. A 13.1 InvTrInvG 5.0 VGM 12.14 +.05 +15 263 ..k .. .. 62 .. D+ 35.3 ISConsrA 2.6 AOK 33.46 +.12 46 156 ..k
45 5 88 E C 3.7 Innsuit .6 IHT 1.68 .01 +39 9 ..
.. .. 86 .. B 31.4 InvDwaU 1.8 PUI 29.88 .42 87 19 ..k .. .. 67 .. E 50.3 InvUltShr 2.4 GSY 50.11 +.01 39 378 99 .. .. 63 .. D 94.2 ISCorH 3.6 HDV 86.37 +.21 18 984 ..k
.. .. 21 .. B+ 25.4 InnovIbdBrkout BOUT 18.92 +.23 12 12 99
.. .. 71 .. D+ 60.5 InvDynBio .0 PBE 52.28 +.80 46 16 99 .. .. 50 .. A+ 32.5 InvUsLgCpOptV OVLC 29.77 +.25 83 0.1 ..k .. .. 52 .. C 205 ISCorS 1.6 IJH 181.7 +1.96 43 1.3m ..
84 99 36 A C 287 Inogen INGN 149.9 +2.69 39 262 69o
.. .. 28 .. D 36.4 InvDyBldC .5 PKB 25.47 +.26 76 10 99 .. .. 78 .. A 14.7 InvValMunI 5.0 IIM 14.26 +.08 +8 234 ..k .. .. 71 .. B 108 ISCoreU 2.7 AGG 106.7 .05 47 3.5m ..
96 61 97 C A 14.9 Inovalon INOV 14.40 +.12 53 304 55
.. .. 38 .. D+ 12.0 InvDynCr 7.0 VTA 10.65 +.10 42 307 99 .. .. 54 .. E 25.6 InvVarRat 5.1 VRP 23.87 +.05 57 377 ..k .. .. 50 .. D 27.3 IsCrHdCa 2.8 HEWC 24.56 +.12 29 15 99
56 31 88 E B 6.3 InovioPhm INO 5.10 +.09 3 835 ..o
.. .. 18 .. D 28.3 InvDyEnr 1.1 PXE 19.42 +.38 79 14 99 .. .. 64 .. C 25.3 InvVarRtIn 2.9 VRIG 24.76 +.01 77 38 99 .. .. 31 .. E 32.4 IsCrHdE 2.5 HSCZ 27.04 +.15 95 0.8 ..k
89 51 94 C A 42.3 Inphi IPHI 37.86 +1.32 +9 801 49
.. .. 45 .. D 35.0 InvDynFoo 1.3 PBJ 30.92 .12 57 5 ..k .. .. 67 .. D 26.2 InvVrdoTx 1.1 PVI 24.91 .02 +42 13 ..k .. .. 27 .. E 20.8 IsCrHdM 2.4 HEWW 16.91 +.04 96 0.2 ..k
17 45 1 E D 431 Inpixon INPX 2.26 .05 65 324 ..
.. .. 53 .. D 48.5 InvDyLe .7 PEJ 42.26 +.02 78 6 ..k .. .. 76 .. B+ 32.5 InvWatrR .4 PHO 30.65 +.43 +42 61 ..k .. .. 46 .. A 27.7 IsCrHdSwi 2.4 HEWL 25.42 .14 58 2 ..k
77 44 99 E A 6.0 Inseego INSG 4.99 .26 +86 1.6m ..o
.. .. 48 .. D 40.5 InvDyLgC 2.2 PWV 35.00 +.15 41 151 ..k .. .. 78 .. B 27.2 InvWhClea 1.8 PBW 24.54 +.44 20 15 ..k .. .. 42 .. D 30.8 IsCurHd 3.2 HEFA 27.20 +.11 56 547 ..k
88 87 84 B C 56.9 InsightEnt NSIT 45.63 +1.10 61 76 11k
.. .. 44 .. B 107 InvDynM 1.4 PWC 93.37 +.65 82 0.6 ..k .. .. 49 .. C 27.7 InvWhPrg .6 PUW 24.02 +.37 +11 3 99 .. .. 39 .. E 25.5 IsCurHd 4.9 HEWU 21.73 .09 86 2 ..k
.. .. 51 .. D 20.5 InsightSe 4.5 INSI 17.92 .10 42 12 ..k
.. .. 81 .. B 34.1 InvDynM .8 PBS 31.40 +.55 +191 54 ..k .. .. 83 .. A 49.0 InvWils 3.2 WREI 46.27 +.52 95 0.1 ..k .. .. 59 .. B 29.0 IsCrHed 2.2 HEEM 24.82 +.24 +37 129 ..k
38 61 10 D E 2.4 InsigniaSys r ISIG 1.22 +.08 +539 125 9
.. .. 76 .. E 60.0 InvDyNetw 1.1 PXQ 51.84 +.79 71 4 ..k .. .. 33 .. C 39.7 InvWilsMicCp WMCR 30.84 +.35 71 1 ..k .. .. 42 .. C+ 30.3 IsCrHdM 2.9 HEWG 25.42 +.27 44 119 ..k
55 7 94 .. B+ 31.6 Insmed INSM 24.79 +1.32 14 928 ..
.. .. 13 .. E 10.9 InvDyOilG .7 PXJ 7.00 +.21 91 2 ..k .. .. 38 .. B 21.0 InvZackM 2.1 PZI 17.54 +.20 95 0.1 ..k .. .. 39 .. D 35.0 IsCrHdM 1.3 HEWJ 29.84 +.29 28 691 ..k
97 99 94 A C+ 121 Insperi .8 NSP 105.2 +2.99 51 250 29k
.. .. 57 .. E 74.3 InvDyPh 1.1 PJP 65.25 +.24 7 35 ..k 3 23 2 E D 20.0 Invacare .9 IVC 5.33 +.13 +14 989 .. .. .. 55 .. C 28.0 IsCurMs 2.3 HAWX 25.11 +.16 77 9 ..k
.. .. 60 .. B 29.7 Inspire10 1.5 BIBL 25.43 +.22 85 2 99
.. .. 38 .. C+ 43.1 InvDynRe 1.2 PMR 35.39 +.17 58 1 ..k 17 44 12 B E 38.4 Invesco 6.3 IVZ 19.02 +.24 +16 6.2m 6 .. .. 46 .. D 31.6 ISCurrH 3.3 HEZU 27.66 +.21 60 394 ..k
.. .. 69 .. D 28.3 InspCorp 2.0 IBD 24.45 .01 61 7 ..k
.. .. 71 .. C 58.2 InvDySem .7 PSI 49.43 +1.39 34 28 ..k .. .. 41 .. D 37.7 InvBldrAs 2.6 ADRA 30.54 +.84 80 0.2 ..k .. .. 57 .. D+ 147 ISDjUsIn 1.8 IYY 132.8 +1.16 53 27 ..k
.. .. 51 .. B 30.4 InspireGlo 1.5 BLES 26.59 +.34 3 25 ..k
.. .. 90 .. B 89.2 InvDySoftware PSJ 81.78 +1.24 +250 256 ..k .. .. 38 .. C 25.3 InvBldDe 3.7 ADRD 20.62 +.22 97 1 ..k .. .. 77 .. B 33.4 IsEdMsc 1.6 SMMV 30.74 +.21 10 41 ..k
71 13 98 .. A 57.9 InspireMedSys INSP 52.85 .20 29 232 ..k
.. .. 66 .. B 48.7 InvDynLg .9 PWB 44.29 +.37 77 21 99 .. .. 44 .. B 48.9 InvBldEm 2.0 ADRE 39.22 +.42 73 2 ..k .. .. 68 .. C 39.0 IsEdgAsi 1.8 AXJV 35.01 +.42 54 1 99
.. .. 47 .. B 31.8 InspSmMd .7 ISMD 25.40 +.34 95 1 ..k
.. .. 67 .. B+ 29.4 InvEmMk 4.9 PCY 27.15 .05 +10 2.1m .. .. .. 53 .. C 42.0 InvBric 2.8 EEB 35.15 +.25 76 2 ..k .. .. 50 .. C 31.4 IsEdgIn 2.6 IQLT 27.31 +.28 86 61 ..k
38 20 88 .. C 8.2 InspiredEnt INSE 6.75 .35 +13 15 ..k
.. .. 62 .. B+ 18.8 InvFinl 5.5 PGF 17.97 +.07 61 398 ..k .. .. 20 .. B 8.8 InvCanE 4.4 ENY 6.54 +.10 96 0.7 ..k .. .. 39 .. D 28.4 IsEdgIn 2.6 IVLU 23.45 +.32 73 39 ..k
25 48 5 E B+ 9.2 InspireMD NSPR .19 .00 39 698 ..k
.. .. 67 .. C+ 25.4 InvFndIg 2.9 PFIG 24.76 .07 8 28 ..k .. .. 30 .. D+ 66.9 InvChina .4 CQQQ 44.12 +1.28 +4 216 ..k .. .. 43 .. C 31.2 IsEdgMf 2.4 INTF 25.72 +.30 67 194 ..k
70 94 39 A B 75.8 InstalledBldg IBP 39.69 .01 37 160 16
.. .. 41 .. C 19.7 InvDbAgri 1.1 DBA 17.08 .11 36 280 ..
.. .. 49 .. B+ 62.7 InvFtAp 4.9 PAF 52.20 +1.26 88 0.3 ..k .. .. 54 .. C 76.5 IsEdgMsM 3.2 EFAV 68.96 +.21 40 984 ..k
22 73 9 B E 43.8 Insteel .6 IIIN 21.29 +.60 +44 243 12
.. .. 38 .. B 19.9 InvDbBase 1.5 DBB 16.18 +.31 57 43 ..k
.. .. 46 .. C+ 32.0 InvFtInt 2.3 IDLB 27.36 +.17 92 2 ..k .. .. 50 .. D 26.7 IsEdgMv 2.8 EUMV 23.58 +.05 74 4 ..k
46 22 88 E C 49.2 Instructure INST 39.29 +.30 +32 420 ..k
.. .. 21 .. D 18.9 InvDbEnr 1.4 DBE 13.84 +.05 77 61 ..k
.. .. 35 .. E 36.6 InvRafiDv 2.1 PDN 29.49 +.45 81 55 ..k .. .. 68 .. B+ 99 IsEdgUsF 3.6 FIBR 96.78 .26 64 7 ..k
54 57 45 D D 108 Insulet PODD 78.45 +1.59 +36 960 ..
.. .. 71 .. D+ 25.9 InvDbG10 1.1 DBV 24.23 +.03 97 0.2 ..k
.. .. 38 .. D 48.8 InvRafiDev 3.2 PXF 39.87 +.44 87 69 99 .. .. 69 .. B+ 50.0 IsEdgInvG 3.5 IGEB 47.95 .07 89 3 ..k
1 5 4 E E 11.7 InsysThera INSY 3.81 +.03 +153 1.5m ..o
.. .. 67 .. B+ 43.3 InvDbGold 1.4 DGL 40.01 +.61 89 5 ..k
.. .. 62 .. C 25.3 InvFtRafi 3.0 PXH 21.41 +.16 61 270 ..k .. .. 60 .. A 51.2 IsEdgHi 5.9 HYDB 48.23 +.10 77 1 ..k
60 57 56 A D 155 IntlFla 2.1 IFF 137.8 +.59 59 352 21 .. .. 30 .. D 18.7 InvDbComm 1.2 DBC 15.55 +.08 34 1.4m ..
.. .. 49 .. D 121 InvFtsRafi 2.1 PRF 108.4 +.80 67 119 99 .. .. 46 .. B 33.2 IsEdgMf 1.9 ACWF 28.08 +.26 94 14 ..k
72 30 98 .. B+ 8.8 IntechPhrm NTEC 7.80 +.43 55 146 .. .. .. 18 .. E 14.2 InvDbOil 1.3 DBO 9.84 +.07 85 145 ..
.. .. 45 .. E 146 InvFtRafi 1.2 PRFZ 124.5 +1.32 78 39 ..k .. .. 43 .. C 34.2 IsEdgMf 3.1 LRGF 29.78 +.32 52 239 ..k
91 80 95 C D+ 90.0 IntegerHoldngs ITGR 80.22 +3.09 25 150 21k .. .. 67 .. B 40.3 InvDbPrec 1.2 DBP 36.80 +.61 92 3 ..k
.. .. 35 .. D 13.5 InvGlListP 9 PSP 10.91 +.09 54 80 99 .. .. 67 .. C 88.2 IsEdgeM 2.2 ACWV 83.98 +.23 +52 667 ..k
78 89 15 A B 67.5 IntegraLfsci IART 46.66 .23 43 315 19 .. .. 62 .. B 27.0 InvDbSilv 1.4 DBS 23.38 +.65 71 0.9 ..k
.. .. 53 .. C+ 13.8 InvGlbCln 1.7 PBD 11.46 +.16 21 12 ..k .. .. 72 .. B 57.7 IsEdMsM 2.0 USMV 54.42 +.19 9 5.2m ..k
47 1 98 D B 44.0 IntegrtdMedia IMTE 6.62 +.52 74 2 13k .. .. 62 .. B 50.4 InvDefn 1.3 DEF 46.42 +.24 60 14 ..k
.. .. 76 .. B+ 21.0 InvGlGld .6 PSAU 17.81 +.55 +177 55 ..k .. .. 54 .. C 120 IsEdgUs 1.2 MTUM 105.0 +.68 37 1.2m ..k
83 89 56 A B 57.6 Intel 2.6 r INTC 47.04 2.72 +211 85m 10o .. .. 68 .. B 37.0 InvDwJnI 2.5 DJD 34.53 .04 17 85 ..k
.. .. 63 .. D 24.0 InvGloShTr 5.4 PGHY 23.04 .03 31 41 99 .. .. 54 .. C+ 91.5 IsEdUsQ 1.9 QUAL 81.32 +.88 61 723 ..k
10 11 9 E B 36.0 IntelliaThera NTLA 14.76 +.38 13 535 .. .. .. 62 .. D 27.2 InvGlobl 1.9 PIO 24.73 +.22 67 5 ..k .. .. 46 .. B 34.3 InvDwMom 1.6 DWLV 29.44 +.26 46 6 ..k .. .. 59 .. C 45.0 IsEdgUs 1.0 SMLF 39.25 +.49 75 21 ..k
59 28 91 E B+ 2.9 Intellicheck IDN 2.55 +.05 88 2 .. .. .. 30 .. B 51.1 InvGoldDrg .3 PGJ 36.00 +1.03 27 14 ..k .. .. 46 .. C 59.5 InvDwSm .2 DWAS 47.54 +.67 77 16 ..k .. .. 46 .. E 89.7 IsEdUsa 2.5 VLUE 78.89 +.78 68 288 ..k
97 72 99 C A NH IntlgSys INS 22.99 +2.21 +207 98 63 .. .. 60 .. A 14.5 InvGrMltAs 1.9 PSMG 13.49 +.07 88 0.6 ..k .. .. 59 .. B 27.3 InvDwTacMl6.1 DWIN 24.40 +.05 78 4 ..k .. .. 76 .. B 46.1 ISEMkD 5.2 DVYE 41.02 +.46 +11 177 ..k
2 13 1 E D+ 8.9 Intelliphn IPCI .29 +.02 89 171 ..k .. .. 77 .. E 10.1 InvHiInc 5.9 IHTA 9.47 +.06 +100 65 ..k .. .. 33 .. D 16.6 InvFrontr 1.8 FRN 12.83 +.22 +217 155 99 .. .. 63 .. B 50.3 ISEMkH 6.5 EMHY 46.36 .03 +91 207 ..k
30 1 99 .. E 37.7 IntelsatGlbl I 22.42 +1.31 +1 2.2m ..o .. .. 73 .. D 10.8 InvHiIn 6.0 IHIT 9.98 .03 20 46 ..k .. .. 45 .. D 28.9 InvGlbA 1.3 PAGG 25.44 +.32 30 2 ..k .. .. 62 .. B 116 ISEmMkU 5.4 EMB 107.7 .10 +26 5.9m ..
91 76 93 B B 67.5 InterPa 1.7 IPAR 63.40 +1.26 25 85 38 .. .. 48 .. E 18.6 InvHiYld 4.1 PEY 16.69 +.04 57 94 ..k .. .. 49 .. B 67.2 InvInsdS 1.0 NFO 60.35 +.44 78 0.6 ..k .. .. 73 .. B+ 25.2 Is15YrU 2.6 SUSB 24.61 .03 84 4 ..k
49 87 28 A E 80.3 InterBr .8 IBKR 50.56 +.91 43 399 22o .. .. 61 .. C 14.7 InvHiIn 8.5 VLT 13.60 ... +40 35 ..k .. .. 58 .. C 69.7 InvMid 1.2 CZA 63.54 +.55 27 10 ..k .. .. 43 .. C+ 72.5 IshEsgM 2.5 ESGD 60.60 +.56 +456 642 ..k
73 29 98 D B 133 InterceptPhrm ICPT 119.6 +3.10 +33 604 .. .. .. 67 .. A 19.0 InvHiYld 4.3 PHB 18.27 +.03 59 282 ..k .. .. 30 .. D 34.7 InvMsGlb 3.0 CUT 27.30 +.60 23 15 99 .. .. 60 .. B 40.8 IshEsgM 2.0 ESGE 33.26 +.50 +190 450 ..k
81 83 76 B D 82.7 Intercont 1.3 r ICE 75.76 +.55 16 2.6m 22k .. .. 58 .. B 28.0 InvIndi 1.0 PIN 23.65 .22 17 47 ..k .. .. 57 .. B 23.5 InvMltAss 4.0 CVY 21.18 +.21 79 15 ..k .. .. 60 .. C 64.8 IshEsgM 1.7 ESGU 58.28 +.46 54 15 ..k
48 44 52 B D 85.9 InterDi 1.9 IDCC 72.10 .32 36 180 18 .. .. 54 .. B 28.8 InvIntlCr 1.6 PICB 25.65 +.19 73 7 ..k .. .. 38 .. B 49.3 InvRus200 1.2 EQWS 40.33 +.56 27 2 ..k .. .. 69 .. B 25.3 IsUsdCr 3.3 SUSC 24.18 .05 89 1 ..k
43 61 16 B B 26.3 Interfa 1.6 TILE 15.95 +.12 54 211 13k .. .. 31 .. B 40.1 InvIntlBuy 2.4 IPKW 31.04 +.38 65 26 ..k .. .. 62 .. A 51.7 InvRusMdC1.5 EQWM 46.69 +.53 68 0.6 ..k .. .. 35 .. D 50.8 ISEurop 3.2 IEV 41.30 +.42 54 474 ..k
3 27 3 C E 7.0 InterlinkElec LINK 1.98 .06 +999 34 17 .. .. 59 .. D 35.4 InvIntDvL 3.7 IDLV 31.62 +.33 8 199 ..k .. .. 58 .. C+ 57.0 InvRusT20 2.1 EQWL 51.91 +.44 82 0.8 99 .. .. 77 .. C 28.8 IshEvlUsD 2.0 IEDI 26.07 +.19 29 0.5 99
52 53 46 E B 2.0 Intermoleculr r IMI 1.17 ... 72 42 99k .. .. 57 .. D+ 17.4 InvIntlD 3.5 PID 15.23 +.15 53 137 ..k .. .. 59 .. E 33.7 InvRuss10 1.5 EQAL 30.39 +.26 93 17 99 .. .. 85 .. C 30.1 IshEvolU 1.8 IEHS 27.72 +.10 88 0.8 99
8 10 5 E C 18.0 Internap INAP 5.65 +.08 62 156 .. .. .. 45 .. A 18.6 InvInMlAs 4.2 HGI 15.51 +.16 +40 3 99 .. .. 54 .. B+ 27.6 InvSpEmMk 5.2 EELV 24.08 +.25 79 23 ..k .. .. 79 .. C 27.9 IshEvolUs 1.4 IEIH 25.09 +.13 84 0.4 99
2 7 1 E E 10.1 IntrntGold IGLD .57 .03 +9 56 .. .. .. 46 .. D 60.4 InvKbwB 2.2 KBWB 50.50 +.46 67 149 ..k .. .. 21 .. B 22.5 InvSpEm .7 EEMO 15.86 +.08 +63 10 ..k .. .. 73 .. B+ 28.1 IshEvolUsM 1.2 IEME 25.15 +.17 60 0.4 99
83 49 94 C C+ 12.5 IntrntIntv IIJI 11.81 +.26 47 2 20k .. .. 58 .. D+ 23.8 InvKbwH 8.4 KBWD 21.79 +.16 39 39 ..k .. .. 58 .. B 36.4 InvSpGl 2.0 CGW 33.01 +.13 36 45 ..k .. .. 56 .. B+ 26.2 IshEvolUs 4.1 IECS 23.80 +.03 62 0.8 99
35 76 35 .. D 72.9 Intercontl 2.0 IHG 56.78 .96 35 99 19k .. .. 63 .. B 65.5 InvKbwPc 2.0 KBWP 59.54 +.51 88 0.5 ..k .. .. 35 .. B 56.7 InvSpSpi .9 CSD 47.64 +.94 44 12 ..k .. .. 60 .. C 25.5 IshEvolUs 2.1 IEFN 22.62 +.29 73 0.3 99
33 36 14 D D+ 1.8 Interpace IDXG .85 .05 +756 2.6m .. .. .. 46 .. D 62.0 InvKbReg 2.1 KBWR 50.91 +.67 77 5 ..k .. .. 28 .. D 12.4 InvShip 2.9 SEA 8.94 +.08 71 17 ..k .. .. 66 .. D 211 IsExpTc .5 IGM 186.5 +2.89 59 36 ..k
89 93 61 B C 26.0 Interpu 3.7 IPG 22.41 +.17 33 3.0m 12 .. .. 49 .. E 36.8 InvKbYldEq 7.3 KBWY 31.07 +.35 38 55 ..k .. .. 78 .. B 27.1 InvSolar .6 TAN 21.76 +.51 10 106 .. .. .. 85 .. C 206 IsExpTc .1 IGV 189.1 +2.83 32 293 ..
32 6 39 E B 43.0 IntersectEnt XENT 29.00 +.06 +37 364 .. .. .. 72 .. B+ 25.4 InvLadder 2.2 LDRI 24.61 .04 39 2 ..k .. .. 69 .. A+ 109 InvTrsyCo 3.8 CLTL 105.4 .01 +9 26 ..k .. .. 64 .. D+ 39.2 ISExpo 1.3 XT 35.81 +.53 16 149 ..k
45 47 49 B C 69.0 Interxion INXN 58.88 +.34 17 467 80o .. .. 64 .. C 13.5 InvModCnMl 2.6 PSMM 12.85 +.04 79 0.9 ..k .. .. 63 .. B 24.7 InvYuanDim 4.0 DSUM 22.26 +.19 96 1 ..k .. .. 43 .. C 53.8 IsFacSlc 2.5 EMGF 42.03 +.61 72 27 ..k
78 94 48 A D+ 9.5 Intest INTT 7.22 +.20 37 25 6 54 33 76 C D 17.8 Invesco 10 IVR 16.05 +.10 48 480 9 .. .. 47 .. C+ 25.6 InvSpEqW .9 EWCO 23.75 +.22 89 3 99 .. .. 33 .. C 34.7 ISFcSlc 2.0 ISCF 27.90 +.37 91 4 ..k
27 5 85 E B 7.6 Intevac IVAC 5.46 +.16 +279 234 .. .. .. 58 .. C 37.8 InvMsEmM 2.5 EWEM 31.90 +.21 59 0.7 ..k 74 96 50 A D 29.9 Investar .8 ISTR 23.53 +1.25 +98 24 15 .. .. 55 .. B 27.8 ISFallAng 5.7 FALN 25.46 .09 56 13 ..k
99 93 97 A B 48.7 IntegDev IDTI 48.54 +.11 6 2.2m 27 .. .. 72 .. E 25.3 InvMulStra .1 LALT 21.75 ... 46 2 ..k 87 56 84 E A 60.0 InvRealE 4.9 IRET 57.30 +.14 31 57 .. .. .. 67 .. C 51.1 ISFltng 2.4 FLOT 50.71 .02 56 1.3m ..k
45 74 28 B D 48.0 IntlBanc 2.3 IBOC 35.89 +.30 30 152 11 .. .. 56 .. D 8.2 Invsco 5.2 OIA 7.44 .02 71 25 ..k 77 29 99 D B+ 18.4 Invitae NVTA 14.79 +.36 +43 1.5m .. .. .. 48 .. D+ 62.6 IsGlobCom 4.0 IXP 53.58 +.51 +43 72 ..k
40 83 20 C D 57.0 IntlFcstone INTL 38.68 +.09 +31 95 9k .. .. 75 .. B+ 12.2 InvMuOpp 5.6 VMO 11.73 .03 50 156 ..k 56 37 55 .. B 24.0 Invitatn 2.0 INVH 21.61 +.44 12 2.0m ..k .. .. 44 .. D 49.5 ISGlob10 2.4 IOO 44.32 +.33 39 97 ..k
19 44 11 D B 31.0 IntlGam 5.0 IGT 16.07 +.30 9 3.0m 21o .. .. 75 .. B 12.4 InvMuni 5.4 VKQ 11.76 +.02 27 163 99 13 45 4 .. D 24.5 Invivo NVIV 1.51 +.06 67 20 .. .. .. 53 .. B 121 ISGlobCns 1.6 RXI 108.4 +1.07 36 26 ..k
50 22 86 .. C 13.4 IntlMoneyExp IMXI 11.40 .10 20 44 .. .. .. 62 .. C+ 147 InvNasInternet PNQI 123.1 +2.43 +28 49 ..k .. .. 54 .. C 69.8 InvSpMdC 1.3 EWMC 61.70 +.84 93 0.5 ..k .. .. 41 .. C 54.6 ISGlobCns 2.9 KXI 47.10 +.06 61 77 ..k
63 86 37 B C+ 66.9 IntlPap 4.3 r IP 46.97 +.70 24 2.7m 9 .. .. 67 .. B+ 25.5 InvNatAmt 3.2 PZA 24.89 .06 +25 681 ..k .. .. 49 .. B 64.3 InvSpSmCp6 1.2 EWSC 53.27 +.55 85 0.5 ..k .. .. 28 .. C 39.5 ISGlob 3.2 IXC 31.87 +.35 +138 1.7m ..k
3 7 27 E E 24.8 IntlSeaways INSW 17.44 +.43 56 54 .. .. .. 71 .. C+ 24.5 InvNyAmtFr 2.9 PZT 23.80 .08 +160 24 ..k 88 72 96 D B 30.3 InvTech .9 r ITG 30.23 +.04 71 201 36 .. .. 41 .. D 76.0 ISGlobF 2.9 IXG 61.92 +.72 +25 155 ..k
75 67 87 D B 50.0 IntlSpe 1.1 ISCA 43.72 .31 29 119 21 .. .. 29 .. D+ 19.5 InvOptYld .9 PDBC 16.16 +.08 66 619 99 71 85 48 B B 14.7 InvstrB 3.8 ISBC 11.69 +.04 40 1.8m 15 .. .. 82 .. .. 51.2 IshGloGree 1.2 BGRN 51.22 .00 80 0.8 99
52 20 85 .. C+ 0.8 IntTowergn THM .57 +.05 +140 209 .. .. .. 75 .. B+ 12.1 InvPAVal 5.7 VPV 12.05 +.06 +18 70 ..k 92 91 80 C B 198 InvstrT .9 ITIC 174.3 +1.88 53 3 12k .. .. 66 .. D+ 63.8 ISGlobH 2.0 IXJ 58.41 +.07 50 155 ..k
9 7 10 E D 25.8 IntraCellular ITCI 12.41 +.32 1 415 ..o .. .. 69 .. D 25.0 InvPb05 2.3 PBTP 24.44 .01 40 3 ..k 3 4 6 E A 32.5 IONGephy IO 9.92 +.24 +3 167 ..k .. .. 45 .. B+ 99 ISGlobI 2.1 EXI 83.89 +1.19 46 15 ..k
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IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating
Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating
Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE
Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos)
52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P
6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
.. .. 62 .. D+ 46.8 ISGlobIn 3.3 IGF 42.05 +.25 +230 1.6m ..k .. .. 45 .. D+ 159 iShMstSV 2.2 JKL 137.2 +1.52 20 13 ..k J 86 94 83 B C+ 22.3 KenndyW 4.3 r KW 19.41 +.45 48 252 6
.. .. 38 .. D+ 75.2 ISGlobMat 2.6 MXI 60.87 +1.20 +81 52 ..k .. .. 26 .. D 38.3 ISNANa 2.4 IGE 30.18 +.51 9 399 ..k 69 20 95 E B+ 18.7 Kenon 10 KEN 17.85 .18 87 0.8 2
38 55 18 D C 13.4 JAlexanders JAX 8.66 .18 42 38 14
.. .. 76 .. D+ 26.5 ISGlobRei 5.3 REET 25.34 +.37 77 88 ..k .. .. 71 .. D+ 56.7 ISNATech .6 IGN 50.90 +.54 84 3 ..k 18 18 26 D C+ 9.7 KntckyF 5.4 KFFB 7.38 +.31 76 0.8 61k
.. .. 74 .. .. 25.4 JpmUsAgg 1.9 JAGG 25.28 .05 99 0.6 99
.. .. 48 .. C+ 177 ISGlobTec .9 IXN 154.6 +2.61 +17 136 ..k .. .. 71 .. B+ 110 ISNatAmt 2.4 MUB 109.0 ... 28 1.3m .. 91 47 95 B B 28.8 KeurigD 2.3 KDP 26.30 .07 58 1.3m 4k
.. .. 74 .. E 50.4 JpmUltShMu 1.4 JMST 50.34 ... 67 4 99
.. .. 78 .. C+ 52.4 ISGlobUt 3.1 JXI 50.50 .26 +92 79 ..k .. .. 71 .. D 55.5 ISNyAmt 2.5 NYF 54.80 .07 +3 42 ..k 73 54 70 B B 38.8 Kewaune 2.4 KEQU 31.15 1.02 41 5 13
52 47 52 C D+ 162 J&JSnac 1.4 JJSF 144.6 1.25 +24 91 33k
.. .. 76 .. B+ 49.3 IshGnma 2.4 GNMA 48.78 .02 85 8 ..k .. .. 78 .. B 198 iShPhlx 1.2 SOXX 173.8 +3.53 +36 1.0m .. 4 20 1 E E 18.4 KeyEngyn KEG 2.06 ... 9 170 ..
67 27 86 B B 9.6 J.Jill JILL 6.34 +.10 40 205 7
.. .. 78 .. C 13.1 IsharesGoldTr IAU 12.45 +.19 +4 15m .. .. .. 72 .. C 49.7 ISCor1 2.6 ISTB 49.28 ... 54 205 ..k 37 53 25 E E 8.6 KeyTronic KTCC 6.30 .04 +53 24 12k
89 80 48 A C 91.6 J2Global 2.3 JCOM 73.97 +.15 40 235 12k
.. .. 80 .. C 51.3 IshGoldS .7 IAUF 49.56 +.72 41 1 99 .. .. 67 .. A 64.0 ISCor10Y 4.1 ILTB 59.87 .09 32 25 ..k 46 83 25 B D+ 22.4 Keycorp 4.0 r KEY 16.81 .07 +17 14m 9o
80 69 70 B D 31.8 Jabil 1.2 JBL 25.83 +.33 +5 2.3m 9o
.. .. 71 .. B 113 ISGov/Crd 2.6 GBF 110.9 .02 90 0.8 ..k .. .. 73 .. B+ 49.7 IsCore5 3.0 IMTB 48.30 .10 +43 13 ..k 98 78 96 A B+ NH KeysightTech r KEYS 71.07 +.42 +38 2.5m 21o
76 88 56 A D 163 JackHen 1.1 JKHY 132.5 +1.30 44 299 33k
.. .. 58 .. E 46.8 ISGrowA 2.4 AOR 42.88 +.23 44 256 ..k .. .. 68 .. C 37.9 ISCorD 2.3 DGRO 34.81 +.16 14 2.0m ..k 38 38 25 D C+ 10.1 KEYWHldg KEYW 6.68 +.10 24 351 ..
62 73 56 .. C+ 96.0 JackInB 1.9 JACK 82.74 +.20 59 287 21
.. .. 74 .. B 26.0 IsIbdDec28 5.8 IBDT 25.20 .05 33 20 99 .. .. 39 .. D 70.8 ISCrMsc 3.3 IEFA 58.27 +.65 58 7.4m ..k 31 1 65 .. B 36.3 KezarLifeSci KZR 19.24 +.17 +74 100 ..k
66 80 40 B D 82.2 JacobsE 1.1 r JEC 63.77 +1.59 25 1.2m 14
.. .. 73 .. C 24.9 IsIbond1 2.1 IBDK 24.84 .01 38 152 ..k .. .. 54 .. C 62.7 IsCrMEm 2.6 IEMG 50.69 +.66 34 17m .. 73 95 84 C D+ 43.5 Kforce 2.2 KFRC 32.81 +.21 35 94 15
47 72 16 A C+ 15.0 JaggedPeak JAG 10.49 +.17 32 711 17
.. .. 72 .. D+ 25.5 ISiBnd 2.3 IBDL 25.12 ... +12 288 ..k .. .. 36 .. B 54.0 ISCorMs 3.6 IEUR 43.64 +.46 64 460 ..k 56 50 57 C D 77.7 Kilroy 2.7 KRC 68.56 +.95 2 595 53k
2 15 2 D D 6.6 JaguarHlth JAGX .27 +.01 43 272 ..
.. .. 73 .. A+ 24.7 IsIbond2 2.6 IBDM 24.47 .01 +5 245 ..k .. .. 42 .. D 64.0 ISCorMsP 2.8 IPAC 53.93 +.63 77 36 ..k 82 47 86 C B+ 18.0 KimcoRl 6.7 KIM 16.70 +.30 +21 5.0m 16
6 13 20 E C 3.3 JakksPacif JAKK 2.04 .03 72 10 ..
.. .. 73 .. A 24.8 IsBondD 2.8 IBDN 24.49 ... 8 142 ..k .. .. 39 .. C 62.5 IshCorMsI 3.0 IDEV 51.89 +.64 64 105 ..k 49 44 31 C B 20.9 KimballElec KE 16.22 .14 23 58 13k
21 58 10 .. C+ 18.8 JamesHa 2.8 JHX 10.87 +.14 73 17 18k
.. .. 73 .. B 25.0 IsBondD 3.1 IBDO 24.44 ... 44 87 ..k .. .. 57 .. C 296 ISCorS 2.1 IVV 267.5 +2.36 50 3.3m .. 57 64 22 B B+ 19.2 KimbllB 2.3 KBAL 14.19 ... 62 43 14k
80 69 72 C A 43.5 JamesR 3.1 JRVR 38.27 .13 74 43 20k
.. .. 77 .. C 25.3 IshIbndD 1.6 IBML 25.23 ... 51 16 ..k .. .. 48 .. D+ 90.6 ISCorS 1.4 IJR 75.76 +.82 37 3.8m .. 22 27 23 C D 24.5 Kimbell 10 KRP 16.50 +.35 74 18 99
.. .. 74 .. C 50.7 JanHndMtg 3.6 JMBS 50.38 .04 14 189
59 52 69 B D 123 KimbrlyC 3.8 KMB 108.1 3.32 +29 3.1m 16o
.. .. 73 .. A 24.9 IsBondD 3.3 IBDP 24.23 ... 26 90 ..k .. .. 57 .. C 67.6 ISCorS 2.0 ITOT 60.65 +.53 52 2.0m .. 9
.. .. 73 .. A 24.8 IsBondD 3.4 IBDQ 24.12 .03 36 68 ..k .. .. 57 .. C 62.6 IsCoreSp 1.2 IUSG 55.74 +.33 52 889 ..k .. .. 64 .. B 50.3 JanHndShr 2.4 VNLA 49.30 +.06 61 130 ..k 61 59 80 D D 19.6 KindrMr 4.5 KMI 17.74 +.26 14 15m 19o
.. .. 73 .. B+ 24.3 IsIbndD 3.5 IBDR 23.43 .06 48 36 ..k .. .. 52 .. E 58.6 IsCoreSpU 2.5 IUSV 52.63 +.48 52 751 ..k .. .. 79 .. B 51.3 JanSmCp .7 JSML 39.73 +.55 67 3 ..k
20 4 39 .. D+ 15.8 KindredBiosci KIN 10.06 .07 40 96 ..o
.. .. 69 .. B 24.7 IsiBndDec 3.6 IBDS 23.69 .02 71 11 ..k .. .. 72 .. A 50.7 ISCorTotU 3.0 IUSB 49.47 .04 12 310 ..k 10 55 7 B E 2.0 KingldJwlry KGJI .75 +.01 +35 68 ..
.. .. 68 .. D 47.9 JanSmMd .5 JSMD 40.74 +.53 69 6 ..k
.. .. 72 .. C+ 27.1 IsiBdMr2 2.2 IBDC 26.02 +.03 67 5 ..k .. .. 79 .. D 51.3 IsCorUs 5.2 USRT 48.35 +.63 45 184 ..k 65 59 41 B E 21.7 Kingsto 2.4 KINS 16.39 +.79 +923 295 29
51 85 14 A C 41.6 JanusHn 6.3 JHG 22.35 +.39 45 581 7k
.. .. 72 .. A+ 25.3 ISiBndMar 1.9 IBCD 24.47 ... 62 2 ..k .. .. 89 .. B 68.1 ISResiRea 3.4 REZ 66.67 +.66 +19 41 ..k 15 19 9 E B+ 6.0 Kingsway KFS 2.29 ... 78 11 ..k
.. .. 40 .. D+ 10.9 JpnSmCap 1.0 JOF 8.76 +.14 74 19 ..k
.. .. 72 .. B 26.6 ISIBdMa 3.0 IBDD 25.81 .02 68 2 ..k .. .. 73 .. C 25.5 IsRoboAr .6 IRBO 22.55 +.48 19 10 99 50 6 95 .. B 32.9 KiniksaPhrmA KNSA 22.37 +.44 80 20 ..k
2 7 5 D E 3.9 JasonInds JASN 1.40 +.04 33 65 ..
.. .. 72 .. B+ 24.1 ISiBndMar 2.8 IBCE 23.75 .01 63 1 ..k .. .. 48 .. D 93.0 iSRMCV 2.3 IWS 82.71 +.78 41 905 .. 35 9 56 E B 4.8 KinrsGold KGC 3.23 +.09 33 12m 32
63 84 17 A C 184 JazzPharm JAZZ 126.9 +1.20 2 729 9o
.. .. 73 .. A 25.7 IshBndsD 1.3 IBMJ 25.51 .02 38 33 ..k .. .. 62 .. D+ 157 iShaR10 1.2 IWF 140.0 +1.66 40 2.1m .. 97 94 83 A B 65.0 7Kinsale .5 KNSL 57.69 1.32 34 56 34
61 81 34 B C+ 131 JBHunt 1.0 JBHT 104.4 +1.65 4 927 22o
.. .. 77 .. B 25.8 IshBndsD 1.5 IBMK 25.73 .03 23 33 ..k .. .. 52 .. D+ 131 iShaR10 2.6 IWD 117.9 +.62 58 2.3m .. 31 64 27 C E 94.1 Kirby KEX 68.71 +1.31 32 327 25k
82 72 86 .. B 40.7 JpgSmth 2.4 JBGS 37.99 +.53 40 422 99
.. .. 79 .. C 25.6 IshBndD 1.9 IBMM 25.59 ... 1 19 99 .. .. 64 .. A 29.0 IsRus1000 2.4 AMCA 26.62 +.33 +162 10 ..k 98 99 98 A C NH KirklndLak .4 KL 29.23 +1.13 +9 1.2m 24k
1 5 8 E D 4.8 JCPenney JCP 1.35 +.07 40 5.8m ..o
.. .. 72 .. B+ 25.4 ISiBnSep 1.0 IBMH 25.41 .01 55 26 ..k .. .. 57 .. B 164 ISRuss100 1.9 IWB 147.8 +1.32 36 1.5m .. 31 13 62 D C 13.5 Kirklands r KIRK 10.29 .10 70 77 41
24 10 15 B B 50.7 JD.comA r JD 23.63 +1.53 +43 28m 65o
.. .. 72 .. B 25.4 ISiBndSep 1.2 IBMI 25.41 .02 32 46 ..k .. .. 48 .. E 173 ISRuss200 1.3 IWM 147.3 +1.87 27 21m .. 48 37 66 E D 18.3 KiteRea 8.0 KRG 15.86 +.30 36 372 ..
18 13 27 D D 27.9 Jefferies 2.5 JEF 20.37 +.34 38 1.6m 22
.. .. 66 .. B 120 ISharesIb 3.6 LQD 115.1 +.10 15 8.5m .. .. .. 57 .. C 174 ISRuss300 1.8 IWV 156.9 +1.38 28 700 .. 19 36 14 .. D 3.8 KitovPhrma KTOV 1.36 +.11 40 1.5m ..k
36 55 13 B B 41.0 JeldWen r JELD 16.88 +.20 57 340 11k
.. .. 68 .. C 51.4 ISIboxxH 5.9 HYXE 49.81 +.16 +310 4 ..k .. .. 57 .. D 56.2 ISRussMi 1.8 IWR 50.62 +.60 41 1.6m ..k .. .. 42 .. D+ 17.0 KKRIncO 10 KIO 15.00 +.05 41 93 ..k
31 26 51 C C 11.0 JerashH 3.0 JRSH 6.65 .10 74 4 17k
.. .. 67 .. B 39.3 ISIndi .6 INDY 34.70 .19 +90 252 ..k .. .. 58 .. B+ 68.5 ISRussTo 1.8 IWL 61.70 +.41 13 37 ..k 99 96 73 A C 21.4 KKRRealEs 8.5 KREF 20.14 +.01 +2 367 12
95 59 90 A B 22.1 Jerniga 6.7 JCAP 21.03 +.03 64 99 10
.. .. 62 .. B+ 42.3 ISIntDev 4.1 WPS 37.09 +.44 40 8 ..k .. .. 53 .. E 131 ISS&P10 2.0 OEF 117.8 +.87 +16 1.2m ..k 93 92 80 A C+ 123 KLATenc 3.0 KLAC 101.4 +3.10 +9 1.8m 11
73 80 62 B D 22.8 Jetblue JBLU 17.71 .41 +79 8.5m 11o
.. .. 54 .. B 99 ISIntRtH 3.3 LQDH 93.03 +.28 61 16 ..k .. .. 62 .. C+ 178 ISSP500Gr 1.2 IVW 159.2 +1.10 41 964 ..k 59 72 60 C B 36.1 KlxEnrgySvcs KLXE 27.45 +.45 49 129 14
46 62 32 B D+ 10.0 JwttCmr JCTCF 7.45 +.30 5 4 11
.. .. 55 .. D 27.0 IshIntRt 4.9 EMBH 25.21 +.02 92 0.5 ..k .. .. 52 .. C+ 121 ISSP50 2.6 IVE 108.2 +1.11 +19 2.9m .. 51 78 24 B B 51.9 KnightS .8 KNX 30.78 +.97 15 2.2m 14
43 27 60 D B+ 9.5 JianpuTechA JT 5.40 .12 +22 374 ..
.. .. 59 .. D+ 94.1 IsIntRt 6.2 HYGH 88.55 +.36 91 8 ..k .. .. 26 .. D 18.8 iShGSCom GSG 15.22 +.08 51 516 ..k 79 86 48 A B 24.3 Knoll 3.1 KNL 19.59 +.08 24 295 11k
70 64 96 E B+ 23.8 JinkoSol JKS 15.24 +1.68 +198 1.8m 10o
.. .. 43 .. B 27.2 IshIntRtH 4.1 IGBH 24.56 +.08 92 3 ..k .. .. 53 .. D 102 ISSelc 3.4 DVY 93.57 +.31 38 1.0m .. 28 52 39 .. E 22.6 KNOTOf 10 KNOP 19.04 +.23 57 54 6
53 64 29 C B 133 JMSmuc 3.4 SJM 101.4 .33 54 620 12
.. .. 71 .. B+ 109 ISIntrGov 2.2 GVI 108.4 .07 39 152 ..k .. .. 73 .. B 50.7 IsShMatr 1.4 MEAR 49.95 +.01 13 47 ..k 73 63 63 C C 18.3 Knowles KN 14.71 +.46 23 827 14
28 40 24 C E 5.7 JMPGrp 8.1 JMP 4.47 .07 33 14 13k
.. .. 73 .. B 53.0 IsIntlAg 3.0 IAGG 52.46 +.04 45 100 ..k .. .. 68 .. E 50.3 IsShoMa 2.2 NEAR 50.05 +.01 26 1.2m ..k .. .. 46 .. B 35.7 KnwlLdrD .9 KLDW 31.24 +.38 78 7 ..k
5 30 2 D C+ 11.9 JMULtd JMU .77 .04 +11 62 ..
.. .. 50 .. D 62.0 IsIntlD 2.8 IGRO 52.64 +.71 51 9 ..k .. .. 71 .. D NH ISShrtTr 1.6 SHV 110.5 ... 58 1.4m ..k 12 4 16 .. E 11.1 KodiakSci KOD 8.00 +.14 84 13 ..k
57 97 12 A D 123 JohnBean .5 r JBT 78.46 +.33 69 71 20
.. .. 39 .. C+ 57.6 IsIntlHi 3.9 HYXU 49.01 +.45 86 2 ..k .. .. 71 .. B 52.2 IsShTrmC 2.4 IGSB 52.00 .02 49 774 ..k 44 78 75 .. E 83.3 Kohls 3.5 KSS 70.70 +2.36 47 2.2m 13o
.. .. 44 .. D 41.0 JhnHckFi 6.4 BTO 34.53 +.97 44 59 ..k
5 19 6 E E 3.0 KonaGrill KONA 1.10 .01 14 15 ..o
.. .. 30 .. B 19.8 ISIntlPf 4.5 IPFF 15.90 +.32 86 3 ..k .. .. 66 .. A 16.6 iShSilver SLV 14.74 +.38 +23 11m ..
.. .. 26 .. B 17.7 JHHedgE 10 HEQ 13.85 .01 +82 135 ..k 48 65 37 C D 46.7 Koninkl 2.1 PHG 37.05 +.65 7 944 25
.. .. 42 .. D 35.9 ISIntlSel 5.6 IDV 30.51 +.28 65 484 ..k .. .. 71 .. B 105 IshStNatl 1.3 SUB 105.5 +.07 4 256 ..k
.. .. 40 .. B 18.0 JhnHkIn 7.9 JHI 15.25 .06 +8 21 ..k 2 11 4 E D+ 4.0 Kopin KOPN 1.32 +.04 47 187 ..o
.. .. 71 .. A 54.4 IsIntmTrC 3.3 IGIB 53.35 .02 +47 1.1m ..k .. .. 62 .. D+ 113 ISTipsBn 2.7 TIP 109.7 .17 60 577 ..
.. .. 83 .. B 25.2 JnHnckMf .4 JHEM 25.09 +.31 99 0.8 99 33 43 7 B B 47.9 Koppers KOP 21.96 +.66 7 284 6o
.. .. 68 .. A 51.8 IsJpmEmC 4.5 CEMB 48.81 .08 54 7 ..k .. .. 45 .. D+ 209 ISTran 1.2 IYT 178.4 +1.44 27 199 ..
.. .. 43 .. E 28.8 JhMltfct 2.9 JHMS 25.04 .06 100 0.1 ..k 65 8 84 D A 17.6 KoreaElecPwr KEP 14.82 +.21 16 406 ..
.. .. 54 .. B 50.8 IsJpmEmLolCur LEMB 44.50 +.19 68 64 ..k .. .. 72 .. E 50.9 ISTreasF 1.6 TFLO 50.35 ... +180 628 ..k
.. .. 47 .. C+ 32.6 JhnHanMltf 1.9 JHMD 27.27 +.30 97 9 ..k .. .. 65 .. B+ 37.1 Korea 2.0 KF 30.55 +.55 66 3 ..k
.. .. 35 .. B 70.1 IshJpNi 1.5 JPXN 57.84 +.62 84 2 ..k .. .. 73 .. E 50.3 IsUltShrt 2.2 ICSH 50.20 .01 28 211 ..k
.. .. 23 .. E 33.9 JhnHnckMlt 2.1 JHME 25.61 +.43 +185 30 ..k 49 90 35 B D 69.0 KornFe .9 KFY 45.11 +.75 50 247 14o
.. .. 62 .. A 39.5 ISLatAm4 2.8 ILF 34.58 +.06 +10 1.4m ..k .. .. 49 .. C 218 ISUSAe 1.0 ITA 188.6 +1.68 50 188 ..k
.. .. 73 .. C+ 36.5 JhMltft .7 JHMH 33.26 +.15 83 2 ..k 93 98 93 C C+ 23.9 7KornitDigital KRNT 19.76 +.71 7 311 61k
.. .. 58 .. B 62.7 IshLong 4.5 IGLB 57.37 .09 80 19 ..k .. .. 41 .. E 108 ISUSBasc 1.6 IYM 88.77 +1.89 39 59 ..k
.. .. 55 .. B 38.0 JnMltfct 1.8 JHMI 33.00 +.40 93 0.1 99 6 2 10 D D+ 9.8 Kosmos KOS 4.91 +.13 35 3.1m ..
.. .. 71 .. B 105 ISMBS 2.6 MBB 104.7 .05 31 1.1m ..k .. .. 53 .. B 70.6 ISUSBrok 1.4 IAI 61.05 +.54 +72 117 ..k
.. .. 59 .. B 38.0 JhMltfc 1.5 JHML 34.21 +.30 74 33 ..k 10 46 24 E E 4.7 Koss KOSS 2.01 ... 81 1 ..
.. .. 38 .. D 110 ISMicroC .9 IWC 90.38 +1.26 56 39 ..k .. .. 41 .. C 130 ISUSCon 2.7 IYK 110.9 +.37 62 21 ..k
.. .. 36 .. C 38.2 JhMltfct 1.6 JHMA 30.39 +.71 77 0.3 99 .. .. 40 .. C 25.5 KranElecV 1.2 KARS 19.73 +.58 +27 3 99
.. .. 62 .. D 39.1 ISModrtA 2.5 AOM 36.64 +.09 57 305 ..k .. .. 71 .. B 213 ISUSCnsm .8 IYC 193.8 +1.56 65 24 ..k
.. .. 55 .. B 37.2 JhMltfc 1.2 JHMM 33.09 +.34 46 129 ..k .. .. 43 .. C 28.2 KranMsOne 2.7 OBOR 22.50 +.18 59 3 ..k
.. .. 64 .. B 26.0 IsMstaA 5.5 IYLD 24.32 +.12 +11 72 ..k .. .. 60 .. C 28.1 IshUsDv&B 2.2 DIVB 25.32 +.23 87 0.7 ..k
.. .. 56 .. D 29.6 JnHanMlt 1.0 JHSC 24.92 +.30 71 7 99 .. .. 29 .. D 39.2 KraneBos 1.9 KBA 26.77 +.47 25 103 ..k
.. .. 71 .. D 45.8 ISMortg 9 REM 43.01 +.20 60 149 ..k .. .. 24 .. E 43.8 ISUSEnr 2.9 IYE 34.33 +.47 63 366 ..k
.. .. 64 .. B 48.4 JhMltfct .8 JHMT 43.00 +.71 86 1 ..k .. .. 21 .. B 68.4 KraneCs .1 KWEB 42.73 +1.33 +47 3.4m ..
.. .. 49 .. D 77.5 iShACWI 2.1 ACWI 68.37 +.75 22 5.3m .. .. .. 62 .. D 126 ISUSF 1.7 IYF 115.5 +1.06 20 428 ..
.. .. 81 .. B 31.0 JhMltfct 2.3 JHMU 28.73 .34 96 2 99 .. .. 59 .. C 37.9 KSEfdC 4.8 KCNY 34.34 +.27 88 0.2 ..k
.. .. 45 .. D 53.7 iSACWX 2.5 ACWX 44.65 +.56 50 2.3m ..k .. .. 48 .. D 142 ISUSFinl 1.6 IYG 124.7 +1.24 71 54 ..k
.. .. 50 .. D 39.7 JhMltfc 1.6 JHMF 34.44 +.27 83 1 ..k .. .. 40 .. B 29.0 KrnEmMkCnTech KEMQ 21.02 +.47 66 2 ..k
.. .. 50 .. B+ 125 ISMsAci 2.3 CRBN 110.7 +.99 58 18 ..k .. .. 71 .. C+ 204 ISUSHeal 1.9 IYH 187.3 +.43 63 66 ..
.. .. 71 .. D 21.9 JohnHan 8.3 HPF 20.35 +.29 29 43 ..k .. .. 20 .. C 33.2 KraneChHl 24 KURE 18.69 +.02 59 3 99
.. .. 40 .. B 32.9 IshAr&Glb 1.0 AGT 23.02 +.39 +999 56 ..k .. .. 66 .. E 203 ISUSHlt 3.7 IHF 177.6 +1.83 56 52 ..
.. .. 62 .. E 19.2 JohHanPfd 8.4 HPS 17.46 +.19 58 43 ..k .. .. 39 .. A+ 29.9 KrnMsChin 1.9 KALL 22.88 +.43 85 0.4 ..k
.. .. 22 .. B 27.4 IshMsAus 3.7 EWO 19.90 +.47 34 46 ..k .. .. 35 .. B 46.6 ISUSHom .6 ITB 32.64 .04 +65 4.8m ..
.. .. 61 .. B 16.9 JHancPre 7.6 PDT 15.42 +.10 50 51 ..k .. .. 15 .. D 37.5 KrnCiocCh 2.9 KFYP 23.78 +.57 +50 0.9 ..k
.. .. 30 .. B 23.0 IshMsBel 2.6 EWK 17.52 +.25 88 5 99 .. .. 52 .. E 160 ISUSI 1.3 IYJ 140.4 +1.91 63 48 ..k
.. .. 65 .. C+ 15.0 JhnHnkS 5.4 JHS 13.48 .12 44 19 99 24 57 12 C B 54.0 Kraton KRA 27.37 +1.08 34 178 8k
.. .. 85 .. B+ 47.9 IshMsBrazi 2.5 EWZ 43.82 +.17 19 22m .. .. .. 53 .. C 70.0 ISUSIns 2.2 IAK 61.68 +.24 60 8 ..k
.. .. 24 .. C+ 9.7 JHTxAd 9 HTY 6.81 ... 62 16 ..k 87 72 95 D B+ 16.1 KratosDef KTOS 14.99 +.33 42 646 62o
.. .. 53 .. B 50.9 ISMscBri 2.1 BKF 40.65 +.44 +31 27 ..k .. .. 55 .. B 51.6 IsUsIntHiY 5.4 GHYG 47.60 +.17 87 7 ..k
.. .. 66 .. C 23.8 JonHncTx 7.4 HTD 22.44 .19 3 110 ..k 55 56 70 .. D 32.7 Kroger 2.0 r KR 28.12 .59 +12 7.8m 12o
.. .. 86 .. B 18.1 iSHMsci 4.2 EWZS 16.41 +.17 +90 115 ..k .. .. 85 .. D+ 228 ISUSMed .2 IHI 211.3 +.01 +29 262 ..
.. .. 62 .. E 22.9 JhnHnkP 8.2 HPI 20.57 +.37 18 58 ..k 17 29 9 B D 28.7 KronosW 5.2 KRO 13.16 +.51 57 248 6o
.. .. 49 .. B 56.5 IshMsChil 2.1 ECH 45.59 +.25 +37 588 .. .. .. 11 .. D+ 40.9 ISUSOi 1.4 IEZ 24.87 +.77 25 191 ..k
63 63 43 A D+ 148 Johnson 2.8 JNJ 128.2 +1.20 32 7.6m 15o 56 17 99 .. B 28.8 KrystalBio KRYS 23.17 .12 51 24 ..
.. .. 29 .. C 35.7 IsMsChi .7 CNYA 24.73 +.44 25 8 ..k .. .. 21 .. C 78.7 ISUSOilG 1.5 IEO 57.87 +1.09 24 140 ..k
48 55 44 C C 41.5 JohnsnCon 3.2 JCI 32.71 +.44 45 3.0m 11k 81 75 61 D B 16.1 KTCorp KT 13.98 .18 +51 1.1m 3k
.. .. 45 .. D+ 76.7 ISMscCh 1.5 MCHI 57.84 +1.02 +41 11m .. .. .. 53 .. B 38.1 ISUsPf 6.0 PFF 35.79 +.12 45 2.5m ..
40 64 32 B C 107 JhnsnOt .9 JOUT 63.93 +.11 20 44 13k 39 52 47 B D 28.7 Kulicke 2.2 r KLIC 21.63 +.40 29 457 8
.. .. 26 .. E 56.5 iSHMsci 5.8 ECNS 41.24 +.43 +104 5 ..k .. .. 41 .. C 170 ISUSPh 1.2 IHE 144.8 +1.19 60 9 ..
78 43 92 D B 9.6 JointCorp JYNT 8.18 +.12 9 26 .. 45 13 89 .. C 24.0 KuraOncolgy KURA 16.09 +.47 61 95 ..
.. .. 29 .. A 16.5 IshMsCo 2.2 ICOL 12.49 +.03 78 4 ..k .. .. 81 .. C 83.6 ISUSRea 3.3 IYR 80.64 +.93 48 5.1m ..
56 70 44 B C 178 JonesLa .6 JLL 140.8 .30 39 182 12k 56 44 66 E B 14.2 KVHIndus KVHI 11.45 +.33 +185 72 88
.. .. 39 .. C 71.1 IshMsDe 1.9 EDEN 58.73 +.18 99 0.2 ..k .. .. 41 .. D 54.7 ISUSRe 2.2 IAT 45.56 +.41 20 260 ..k
.. .. 38 .. D 75.3 ISMscEaf 3.2 EFA 62.17 +.70 33 31m .. .. .. 57 .. D 196 ISUST .9 IYW 171.1 +2.72 39 160 ..k
2 8 4 E D+ 29.3 JouceThera JNCE 3.62 .28 56 141 .. L
59 78 43 B E 119 JPMorga 3.1 JPM 103.4 +.65 21 14m 11o 9 21 17 .. D 53.4 LBrands 8.7 r LB 27.65 .11 18 4.4m 11o
.. .. 35 .. C 59.6 ISMscEafe 4.3 EFV 47.92 +.55 55 932 ..k .. .. 71 .. C 30.2 ISUSTel 3.0 IYZ 28.06 +.10 43 484 ..
.. .. 64 .. B+ 26.9 JpmUsDi 3.9 JDIV 24.87 +.08 94 0.1 ..k 55 64 30 C C 223 L3Tech 1.7 LLL 184.5 +2.01 34 518 19
.. .. 52 .. C+ 52.1 iShEMkt 2.1 EEM 42.20 +.55 +6 102m .. .. .. 76 .. A 25.0 IsUsTrea 1.9 GOVT 24.76 .04 +87 7.4m ..k
.. .. 60 .. D 25.2 JpmBetaBi 2.1 BBCA 23.04 +.31 59 112 99 4 6 1 E E 41.4 LaJollaPhrm LJPC 6.14 +.05 21 790 ..
.. .. 67 .. C 65.6 ISMEVl 2.3 EEMV 58.53 +.40 +1 880 ..k .. .. 78 .. B 144 ISUSUti 2.8 IDU 135.6 1.74 54 55 ..k
.. .. 74 .. C 25.6 JpmBetBld 2.5 BBAX 24.18 +.36 86 78 99 58 79 19 B C 190 LabCorpAmer LH 137.4 +1.04 55 497 12
.. .. 49 .. C 81.3 ISMEMA 2.0 EEMA 64.77 +.85 29 84 ..k .. .. 57 .. B 121 ISUsaEs 1.6 SUSA 109.8 +1.23 63 22 ..k
.. .. 47 .. B 25.2 JpmBetB 2.5 BBJP 22.35 +.20 85 300 99 95 81 87 A D 18.0 7LadderC 5.5 LADR 16.67 +.06 41 613 8o
.. .. 42 .. C+ 57.4 ISMsciE 2.9 EEMS 43.94 +.38 85 14 ..k .. .. 68 .. B+ 24.9 ISYldOpt 4.1 BYLD 24.09 +.02 26 9 ..k
.. .. 47 .. D+ 25.4 JpmBetB .9 BBEU 22.46 +.24 81 379 99 56 72 38 D B 3.8 Ladenbr 1.7 LTS 2.87 .02 57 101 ..
.. .. 60 .. B+ 58.5 IsMsEMkE 2.5 EMXC 48.95 +.51 +42 6 ..k .. .. 51 .. B 48.8 IsRus250 1.3 SMMD 42.03 +.52 82 6 ..k
.. .. 64 .. D 51.6 JpmDiscH 4.9 JPHY 49.19 +.03 85 9 99 11 2 10 D B 16.5 LaixA LAIX 8.51 .17 98 0.6 ..k
.. .. 30 .. C 62.4 ISMsEur 2.9 IEUS 48.96 +.50 +64 61 ..k .. .. 48 .. C+ 76.5 iSSoAfr 3.4 EZA 55.70 +.41 26 643 ..
.. .. 64 .. D+ 26.5 JpmDivAlter JPHF 24.50 +.09 55 21 ..k 85 89 61 A B 51.3 Lakeland 2.3 LKFN 45.04 +.68 26 88 14
.. .. 32 .. D 47.1 IsMsEur 3.3 EZU 37.15 +.57 40 4.8m .. .. .. 75 .. B 137 iSRMCG .9 IWP 124.7 +1.75 45 486 ..k
.. .. 59 .. C 64.4 JPmDvEm 2.6 JPEM 54.08 +.36 15 58 ..k 64 81 24 B B+ 21.2 Lakeland 2.9 LBAI 15.82 .18 50 70 12
.. .. 55 .. C 45.0 IshMsFin 3.5 EFNL 38.86 +.89 83 1 ..k .. .. 52 .. D 209 iSSCGth .8 IJT 174.2 +1.60 65 87 ..k
.. .. 59 .. D+ 75.8 JpMrDvR 2.0 JPUS 69.22 +.53 59 26 ..k 10 20 18 C D 16.9 LakeIand LAKE 10.95 .06 +382 110 24
.. .. 32 .. C 33.7 ISMscFrn 2.8 EWQ 27.61 +.45 22 887 ..k .. .. 78 .. B 26.9 iShrHon 2.7 EWH 24.36 +.33 +28 6.2m ..
.. .. 43 .. C+ 64.3 JpmDvRtrE 2.8 JPEU 53.80 +.47 96 1 ..k 63 63 65 B B 234 LamRsr 2.7 r LRCX 165.5 +4.29 +136 7.1m 9o
.. .. 42 .. D 36.2 ISMsciFrn 4.0 FM 28.16 +.19 42 76 ..k .. .. 49 .. B 69.7 iSKokus 2.6 TOK 62.05 +.50 6 5 ..k
.. .. 55 .. B 68.0 JpmDvRt 2.3 JPGE 57.84 +.61 +11 27 ..k 89 64 82 B C 80.7 LamrAdv 5.0 LAMR 73.44 +.42 38 299 24o
.. .. 29 .. D+ 70.4 IsMsGerm 3.3 EWGS 53.29 +.97 73 2 ..k .. .. 72 .. C 35.3 iShSPEM 2.4 EMIF 29.91 +.12 62 2 ..k
.. .. 50 .. B 63.2 JpmDvRtr 2.5 JPIN 54.30 +.54 54 171 ..k 87 74 79 A C 83.9 LambWe 1.1 r LW 71.10 .26 47 1.4m 25
.. .. 30 .. B 35.9 ISMscGer 3.0 EWG 26.95 +.50 31 3.1m .. .. .. 40 .. D 52.9 IshBlomRol 1.6 CMDY 45.73 +.41 20 17 99
.. .. 60 .. C+ 33.4 JpmDvRtr 1.1 JPSE 29.21 +.23 +5 60 ..k 79 71 90 B E 194 LancstrC 1.6 LANC 161.8 5.48 +13 167 32
.. .. 63 .. D 31.0 ISMsciG 1.9 VEGI 28.06 +.33 90 0.4 ..k .. .. 67 .. A+ 55.7 IsBrdUsdI 3.4 USIG 53.65 .03 +66 568 ..k
.. .. 60 .. B 68.4 JpmDvRtUs 1.7 JPME 61.79 +.48 50 11 ..k 22 12 34 D B 15.6 Landec LNDC 12.52 +.24 +93 171 39
.. .. 30 .. D 24.8 ISMsGlE 2.9 FILL 19.93 +.19 43 19 ..k .. .. 82 .. A+ 26.1 IshDec25Tr 2.7 IBMN 26.06 .02 +22 12 99
.. .. 55 .. B 51.5 JpmGlob 5.3 JPGB 48.43 +.18 55 8 ..k 50 69 30 B C 28.1 Landmrk 3.1 LARK 23.92 +.48 70 2 10k
.. .. 67 .. B 20.4 ISMsGlb .7 RING 16.59 +.54 8 169 ..k .. .. 60 .. C 28.9 IshEsgMsUs 1.3 ESML 25.14 +.32 52 7 99
.. .. 82 .. E 51.8 JpmMuncp 2.7 JMUB 51.65 ... 94 0.1 99 80 78 55 A B 18.5 LndmrkI 10 LMRK 14.47 .05 40 64 3k
.. .. 30 .. B 37.9 ISMsGb 4.4 PICK 28.92 +.56 +39 288 ..k .. .. 45 .. D 42.6 iShEuro 4.5 IFEU 37.19 +.49 30 2 ..k
.. .. 73 .. D 51.0 JpmUltsh 2.0 JPST 50.27 +.02 33 1.6m ..k 36 41 54 E D 31.2 LandsEnd LE 17.42 +.32 62 126 72o
.. .. 33 .. B 11.3 ISMsGlbS 1.2 SLVP 8.51 +.22 43 29 ..k .. .. 67 .. C 31.8 iShGlbR 3.8 IFGL 29.01 +.32 +162 362 ..k
.. .. 56 .. B 28.8 JpmUsMo 1.3 JMOM 25.67 +.21 96 0.3 ..k 87 95 66 A B 128 Landstar .6 LSTR 103.1 +2.23 3 318 18k
.. .. 64 .. D+ 62.8 IshMsGlI 2.3 SDG 56.24 +.31 51 3 ..k .. .. 62 .. C+ 87.9 iShHYCB 5.3 HYG 84.41 +.21 41 16m ..
.. .. 64 .. B+ 28.6 JpmUsQlt 2.0 JQUA 26.18 +.15 72 3 ..k 66 66 95 B B 23.4 Lannett LCI 8.29 +.43 11 1.4m 2
.. .. 41 .. D+ 85.8 ISMscGr 1.9 EFG 72.42 +.70 67 227 .. .. .. 62 .. D 108 iShrsKL 1.5 DSI 99.2 +.76 49 73 ..k
.. .. 60 .. A 27.4 JpmUsVal 2.4 JVAL 25.04 +.21 98 0.6 ..k 75 61 90 .. C 24.5 Lantheus LNTH 16.94 +.27 52 104 20
.. .. 63 .. B 38.2 ISMscIndi .9 INDA 32.66 .19 20 4.2m .. .. .. 53 .. B 83.5 iShAsia 2.0 AAXJ 67.85 +1.03 +49 2.3m ..k
.. .. 69 .. C 50.2 JpmUsdE 4.8 JPMB 47.19 .02 82 1 99 42 34 86 C D 6.5 Lantronx LTRX 3.04 +.31 +66 89 17
.. .. 29 .. D+ 54.1 ISMsInd 3.0 SMIN 36.65 .40 +125 151 ..k .. .. 44 .. B 24.2 iShrsAu 5.7 EWA 20.53 +.36 +26 3.7m ..
.. .. 38 .. C 30.7 JPMAler 7.6 AMJ 24.72 +.19 45 2.5m .. 32 77 4 A D 11.7 LaredoPetrol r LPI 3.69 +.07 3 4.7m 3
.. .. 36 .. B 33.0 ISMsIntlD 2.2 IMTM 26.83 +.19 76 13 ..k .. .. 48 .. D 30.6 iShrCan 2.4 EWC 26.62 +.36 43 1.8m ..
.. .. 80 .. A 82.7 JpmBetMs 3.5 BBRE 77.75 +.96 85 2 99 .. .. 37 .. B+ 159 LgCpGrIdxLnk FRLG 94.69 +2.09 46 23 99
.. .. 42 .. C 67.9 ISMsciInt 2.8 IXUS 55.98 +.61 69 573 ..k .. .. 26 .. D 25.9 iShEurFn 6.0 EUFN 18.31 +.26 52 649 ..
52 72 72 E C 3.5 JumeiIntlA r JMEI 2.23 +.05 29 375 4 32 31 32 B C+ 81.5 LasVegas 5.4 LVS 56.95 +.58 8 4.4m 17o
.. .. 30 .. E 50.1 IshMsIre 1.4 EIRL 40.07 +.61 52 5 ..k .. .. 91 .. B+ 30.6 iShIndo 1.8 EIDO 27.32 +.24 39 949 ..k
57 48 84 C C 30.8 Juniper 2.5 JNPR 28.38 +.20 38 2.2m 15 63 53 61 D A 17.4 LatamAir .3 LTM 11.64 +.04 66 160 7
.. .. 71 .. B 58.4 IshMsIsrae .8 EIS 52.58 +.57 76 5 ..k .. .. 33 .. D 85.3 iShJpSC 1.4 SCJ 68.82 +.53 81 11 ..k
18 55 2 B E 26.7 Jupai 14 JP 3.87 +.12 36 98 2 94 72 94 D B 8.9 LatticeSemi LSCC 7.78 +.26 +26 1.5m 28
.. .. 30 .. B 34.5 IshMsIt 4.4 EWI 25.97 +.41 38 424 ..k .. .. 44 .. D 36.6 iShrMal 3.7 EWM 30.64 +.28 32 884 ..k
52 21 79 .. B 5.1 JustEn 9 JE 3.71 +.12 +38 343 1 60 56 84 E B 17.2 LaureateEdu LAUR 15.84 +.13 26 858 9
.. .. 37 .. D+ 64.7 ISMscJap 1.6 EWJ 53.92 +.58 47 7.1m ..k .. .. 37 .. C 34.1 iShrNth 2.2 EWN 28.08 +.46 +182 692 ..k
76 66 87 C D+ 36.9 Lawson LAWS 29.25 +.15 30 7 27k
.. .. 54 .. C 72.4 IsJpMin 1.4 JPMV 65.26 +.31 93 0.6 ..k .. .. 52 .. D 37.8 iShrsSw 2.4 EWL 33.05 .01 11 958 .. K 39 59 20 A D+ 60.0 Lazard 4.5 LAZ 38.93 +.62 +27 1.3m 8
.. .. 32 .. B+ 54.7 IshMsMe 2.1 EWW 44.81 +.20 +33 5.7m .. .. .. 42 .. B 46.7 iShTurky 3.6 TUR 27.77 .12 3 705 .. 81 70 54 A B 28.7 KKR&C 2.2 KKR 22.83 +.47 36 2.8m 7
.. .. 38 .. B 17.6 LazGlbTR 7.3 LGI 14.51 .05 67 21 ..k
.. .. 84 .. C 51.1 IshrsMs 3.4 ENZL 49.03 +.80 55 16 ..k .. .. 71 .. D 122 iShaNdq .3 IBB 109.4 +1.65 15 2.0m ..k 86 42 98 D A+ 30.5 K12 LRN 29.40 .80 +113 795 31o
.. .. 32 .. D 12.6 LAzWldDv 7.4 LOR 9.34 +.03 84 5 ..k
.. .. 34 .. D 29.7 IshMsNo 2.6 ENOR 24.62 +.02 20 16 ..k .. .. 52 .. E 220 iShR200 .7 IWO 185.1 +2.59 55 488 .. 58 62 30 A B 111 Kadant 1.0 r KAI 85.63 +.65 50 37 18k
75 80 61 B C 39.2 LaZBoy 1.8 LZB 29.00 +.01 45 259 14
.. .. 45 .. B+ 45.0 IshMsPer 1.5 EPU 36.90 +.54 78 7 ..k .. .. 44 .. D 137 iShR200 1.8 IWN 118.1 +1.29 69 532 .. 25 54 13 .. B+ 5.9 Kadmon KDMN 2.33 +.12 30 628 ..
8 7 16 .. B 11.7 Lazydays LAZY 6.11 .67 83 2 32k
.. .. 86 .. B 39.9 iSHMsPh .4 EPHE 34.74 +.07 8 300 ..k .. .. 53 .. A 55.8 iSRTop2 2.5 IWX 50.21 +.14 60 19 ..k 67 87 44 B C 119 KaiserA 2.5 r KALU 96.98 +1.89 26 90 16k
37 66 24 D C 30.3 LBFoster FSTR 18.04 +.28 40 16 19
.. .. 72 .. C 30.2 IshMsPo 1.4 EPOL 24.18 +.03 18 391 ..k .. .. 58 .. B 86.2 iSRTop2 1.2 IWY 76.11 +.87 39 80 ..k 8 8 5 .. D+ 18.3 KalaPhrma KALA 5.52 +.22 +31 255 ..
71 79 61 A B+ 131 LCIInds 2.9 r LCII 83.86 +.98 29 181 13k
.. .. 90 .. B 19.9 IshMsQata 4.3 QAT 19.62 +.01 90 3 ..k .. .. 53 .. B 87.7 ISC13I 1.8 ISHG 80.00 +.50 +23 8 ..k 62 31 98 D D 25.6 Kalvista KALV 18.12 +1.18 23 48 ..
51 50 33 B B 20.7 LCNB 4.1 LCNB 16.44 +.08 68 7 12k
.. .. 72 .. A 39.2 IshMsRu 4.2 ERUS 34.29 .13 41 182 ..k .. .. 57 .. C 171 iShaMCV 1.8 IJJ 152.7 +1.63 51 146 ..k 45 8 68 C C 6.5 Kamada KMDA 5.35 +.21 91 0.8 19k
.. .. 51 .. A 25.8 LdrsrAlfUs .7 LSAF 22.81 +.19 12 7 99
.. .. 48 .. B 79.1 IshMsSK 1.2 EWY 63.46 +1.77 +36 5.9m .. .. .. 44 .. C 174 iShSCVal 1.6 IJS 146.0 +1.82 45 173 ..k 35 43 37 D C+ 75.1 Kaman 1.4 KAMN 57.86 +.35 49 86 22 28 30 25 E C+ 12.1 LeafGroup LEAF 7.67 +.05 70 15 ..
.. .. 87 .. B+ 32.1 IshMsSa 2.3 KSA 31.81 +.30 +470 487 ..k .. .. 81 .. B 10.1 iShGCln 2.4 ICLN 9.21 +.06 +6 100 ..k 60 27 92 D B 6.6 KandiTech KNDI 5.22 .10 49 148 34o 11 29 4 .. D 10.3 LeapThera LPTX 2.94 +.20 54 29 ..k
.. .. 48 .. C 28.4 IshMsSng 4.0 EWS 23.53 +.18 31 417 ..k .. .. 33 .. D 83.9 iSGTmb 2.5 WOOD 65.59 +1.59 77 7 .. 77 65 70 B C 120 KCSouth 1.3 KSU 108.9 +1.57 29 787 18o 67 67 70 C B 206 LearCorp 1.8 r LEA 158.8 +9.79 +69 1.3m 8o
.. .. 39 .. E 31.9 IsMsSKr 1.6 HEWY 26.09 +.32 33 12 ..k .. .. 67 .. B 52.2 iShCiti .3 IGOV 48.93 +.36 36 72 99 80 89 42 A B 64.6 KARAct 2.7 KAR 51.78 .13 43 526 17 48 67 65 .. B 3.3 LeeEntrp LEE 2.68 +.11 31 163 7k
.. .. 40 .. C 36.4 IshMsSpai 3.4 EWP 28.85 +.26 59 436 .. .. .. 48 .. C 238 iShMCGth 1.0 IJK 207.1 +2.15 64 68 ..k 13 14 10 D D 21.7 Karyopharm KPTI 9.09 +.08 +65 981 ..o 86 72 79 .. B+ NH LegacyAcqA LGC 9.93 +.01 76 24 99
.. .. 40 .. D 36.7 IshMsSwed 5.0 EWD 29.47 +.26 59 216 ..k .. .. 60 .. B 28.0 IshUsInfra 3.1 IFRA 24.87 +.13 31 2 99 .. .. 26 .. D 15.3 KaynAnd 8.2 KMF 11.03 +.15 67 141 ..k 91 34 91 A .. 13.2 LegacyHousing LEGH 13.15 +.24 93 13 11k
.. .. 41 .. D 39.3 IshMsTa 3.0 EWT 32.84 +.52 38 4.0m ..k 11 19 16 E E 1.2 IsoRayn ISR .39 ... 69 49 ..k .. .. 23 .. C 20.4 KayneAn 9 KYN 15.30 ... 19 960 .. 4 13 2 .. D 10.5 LegacyResrvs LGCY 1.64 +.13 13 824 ..
.. .. 62 .. C+ 103 IshMsThai 2.4 THD 89.17 +.47 12 210 ..k .. .. 33 .. D 69.2 iSEafeSC 2.6 SCZ 55.65 +.61 25 1.7m ..k 43 25 75 E B+ 6.7 KaziaThera KZIA 3.35 .35 +196 13 ..k 92 97 57 A B+ 47.2 Legacyt 2.5 r LTXB 39.73 +.42 +33 345 13
.. .. 58 .. B 60.4 IsMsUsa 1.8 EUSA 54.19 +.59 79 7 ..k 75 53 93 C B 6.9 Israel 3.1 ICL 5.84 +.09 47 111 15k 55 69 19 A C 63.9 KBFncl KB 41.36 +.92 45 111 5 21 35 27 C D 47.1 LeggMas 4.7 LM 29.22 +.49 43 506 7
.. .. 31 .. D 18.0 IshMsUa 5.4 UAE 14.15 +.16 96 1 ..k .. .. 57 .. C 50.3 iSPacxJ 4.7 EPP 43.57 +.68 27 383 ..k 41 90 21 D C 35.3 KBHome .5 KBH 20.06 .38 1 1.8m 7o .. .. 50 .. E 30.6 LgMaEmMk 4.8 LVHE 26.48 .22 61 0.7 ..k
.. .. 32 .. B 38.1 iShrsUK 4.7 EWU 30.90 +.21 4 3.3m ..k 26 30 18 B C 21.9 IssuerDi 1.6 ISDR 12.64 +.49 99 0.1 19 38 31 35 C C 22.2 KBR 1.9 KBR 17.23 +.09 38 1.4m 12 .. .. 77 .. B 30.1 LgMsGlobI 3.7 INFR 28.05 +.20 +133 1 ..k
.. .. 36 .. D 46.2 IsMsUkSm 3.2 EWUS 37.42 +.10 91 0.7 ..k 40 39 27 B D 11.4 Istar 3.8 STAR 9.36 ... 3 513 4o 18 45 27 E B 11.7 KBSFashion KBSF 3.70 +.20 88 2 .. .. .. 43 .. D+ 28.5 LegIntLwVl 5.6 LVHI 25.40 .01 72 2 ..k
.. .. 63 .. D 89.8 ISMsciUs 2.2 SIZE 83.00 +.92 78 12 99 2 11 12 E E 1.8 ITTechPackg ITP .72 +.00 98 0.6 .. 75 36 89 C B+ 3.6 KCAPFi 11 KCAP 3.54 ... 40 85 12 .. .. 68 .. D+ 32.0 LmLwVlHD 3.6 LVHD 29.91 +.05 33 67 99
.. .. 49 .. C 94.2 ISMscWl 2.2 URTH 83.84 +.85 53 116 ..k 69 60 62 E B 16.3 ItauCor .6 ITCB 14.55 +.01 98 0.2 21 38 72 12 C B 18.4 KeaneGrp r FRAC 9.77 +.47 58 491 8 .. .. 51 .. B 31.0 LegMsSmCp 1.0 SQLV 26.73 +.46 +21 2 ..k
.. .. 45 .. E 170 ISMstar 2.1 JKD 149.5 +1.27 8 34 ..k 66 26 86 C B 11.3 ItauUni .4 ITUB 10.01 +.16 22 12m 14k 89 97 66 B C+ 14.8 KearnyF 1.5 KRNY 13.16 ... 51 192 34 70 59 70 A D+ 48.2 LegetPl 3.8 LEG 39.97 +.36 21 1.0m 16
.. .. 57 .. C 112 iShMrnLV 2.8 JKF 101.4 +.30 35 26 ..k 9 20 16 E E 7.2 Iteris ITI 3.85 +.01 16 78 ..k 39 51 22 B D 75.0 Kellogg 3.9 K 57.78 +.12 33 1.7m 13 39 65 28 C D 72.3 LeidosH 2.2 r LDOS 57.05 +.68 49 497 13
.. .. 71 .. C 187 iShMstLG .8 JKE 170.0 +1.89 18 30 ..k 15 1 17 E C 13.0 IterumThera ITRM 6.85 +.13 +15 11 ..k 28 60 31 D C 32.3 KellyA 1.3 KELYA 23.01 +.26 59 53 10k 83 72 89 D B 2.4 LejuHoldings LEJU 1.64 +.06 97 2 ..
.. .. 53 .. D 172 iShMstMV 2.4 JKI 150.7 +1.44 68 4 ..k 61 68 32 B E 77.4 Itron ITRI 53.82 +1.16 +154 550 19 71 55 93 D A 1.0 KelsoTech KIQ .60 +.00 41 32 .. 59 85 13 B C 41.3 LeMaitr 1.2 LMAT 23.47 +.05 36 82 22
.. .. 57 .. C+ 194 ISMstar 1.6 JKG 176.7 +2.37 24 12 ..k 76 75 65 B B 63.0 ITT 1.0 ITT 51.78 +.92 64 215 16 92 99 89 A C 29.9 Kemet 1.0 KEM 20.59 +1.03 +46 1.5m 8 42 40 43 D D+ 4.6 Lendingclub LC 3.10 +.11 45 1.5m 38
.. .. 71 .. C 238 iShMstMG .3 JKH 212.9 +2.73 24 8 ..k 73 70 57 A B 36.7 Ituran 2.9 ITRN 32.80 +.40 79 10 15 91 70 85 C B 87.0 Kemper 1.3 KMPR 74.22 .66 32 196 18k 99 97 95 A B+ 404 Lendingtree TREE 293.5 +4.15 38 146 55
.. .. 48 .. D 186 ISMstarSm 1.5 JKJ 162.6 +1.68 67 2 ..k .. .. 42 .. E 14.7 IvyHiInO 9 IVH 12.98 .02 77 23 ..k 6 9 17 .. E 8.4 Kempharm KMPH 2.76 +.15 74 44 .. 74 95 29 A B+ 71.9 LennarA .4 r LEN 44.56 .31 +6 4.7m 7o
.. .. 62 .. D 217 iShMstSG .4 JKK 185.3 +2.68 76 2 ..k 15 9 22 E A 5.0 IzeaWrldwde IZEA 1.63 +.02 51 139 .. 67 61 65 B C 50.3 Kenname 2.1 KMT 37.45 +1.22 24 514 13k 67 95 26 A B 58.7 LennarB .4 r LENB 35.92 .32 30 51 5
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Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating
Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE
Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos)
52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P
6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
86 85 88 B C 230 Lennox 1.1 LII 224.3 1.27 4 237 24k 78 88 44 A D 75.6 Magella 6.3 MMP 62.96 +1.10 2 1.1m 10 99 90 80 B C 66.3 MeritMed MMSI 54.58 +.45 55 155 35 66 48 40 C B 28.5 Motorcar MPAA 20.34 +.03 +29 251 12
64 5 79 .. A+ 10.0 LeoHldgsA LHC 9.88 .06 +999 736 99k 8 9 7 .. E 16.3 MagentaThera MGTA 7.24 +.24 53 56 ..k 67 82 44 C B 52.9 MeritgeHme MTH 39.67 .69 +124 1.0m 7 66 85 77 .. C 133 Motorola 2.0 MSI 116.2 +1.39 33 716 17
59 24 90 .. B 8.5 LevelBrands LEVB 4.49 +.12 78 54 ..k 72 63 56 B E 9.3 MagicSo 3.8 MGIC 8.15 .06 59 13 14 91 93 81 A B 29.5 Meritor MTOR 19.30 +.59 53 561 6 19 8 31 E B+ 10.7 MotusGi MOTS 4.10 .03 67 25 ..
64 79 27 B C 30.8 LevelOn .5 LEVL 24.48 +.57 87 4 14k 67 75 52 B B 67.5 Magna 2.5 MGA 52.36 +1.36 11 1.1m 7 23 11 38 .. C+ 11.7 MerrmckPhr MACK 5.17 +.09 66 27 .. 23 8 5 B C 2.9 MtnProv 10 MPVD 1.15 .02 24 50 ..
2 21 4 E E 14.0 LexiPhrm LXRX 4.46 .11 +96 1.4m .. 17 40 9 .. C 13.1 Magnachip MX 6.46 +.15 46 110 7 1 4 3 E D 24.0 MersanaTher MRSN 4.25 +.61 +49 208 .. 24 46 24 B D 53.7 Movado 2.4 MOV 33.41 +1.18 52 110 13
48 72 14 A D+ 20.0 LexinfintechA LX 9.31 +.25 4 305 9 25 35 6 D B 2.9 MagnegasApld MNGA .20 +.01 55 4.8m .. 20 38 11 E D 26.7 Merus MRUS 11.92 +.03 77 11 .. 12 20 21 .. C+ 3.8 Moxian MOXC .70 .03 25 99 ..k
82 44 90 C B 9.5 Lexngton 7.7 LXP 9.25 +.10 +11 1.8m 9 46 34 86 .. B 15.2 MagnolO&gCrA MGY 12.30 .09 +181 3.2m 4k 29 58 10 C E 16.4 MesaAir MESA 8.74 +.26 29 163 6k 86 73 63 A C 39.2 MPLX 7.5 MPLX 34.02 +.51 24 1.7m 16
71 37 80 .. B+ 10.1 LfCapAcqA LFAC 9.86 .02 95 2 99k 3 3 1 E E 9.1 Maiden 17 MHLD 1.17 .03 32 574 ..o 72 30 96 E C 224 MesaLbs .3 MLAB 220.0 +.67 75 8 ..k 68 35 74 B C 20.1 Mr.Cooper COOP 14.73 +.41 5 886 ..
36 5 66 D B 15.9 LGDisplay LPL 9.13 +.27 +21 434 .. .. .. 51 .. C+ 30.1 MainSec .8 SECT 26.25 +.25 39 52 ..k 22 15 25 B B 19.7 MesaRyl 8.5 MTR 13.10 +.15 49 3 10 42 72 26 D B 23.0 MRCGlobal MRC 15.47 +.24 52 467 22
90 89 89 A B 81.9 7LGIHomes r LGIH 57.94 +.29 39 245 9o 61 55 58 A E 40.8 MainStC 6.4 MAIN 36.80 +.07 41 178 14 91 76 80 A C+ 32.7 Mesabi 10 MSB 28.72 +.08 +275 185 8o .. .. 79 .. D+ 20.3 MsMkyDef 5.2 MMD 19.73 +.07 +30 82 ..k
87 72 95 D B 8.0 LGLGroup LGL 7.18 +.10 +197 29 31 86 72 93 D B 9.3 Majesco MJCO 7.46 +.08 81 3 74k 24 10 14 D B 8.8 Mesoblast MESO 4.74 +.03 4 45 .. 93 83 85 A B 110 MSASaf 1.5 MSA 99.8 +.96 29 118 21k
.. .. 43 .. B 26.5 LhaMktSt .3 MSUS 22.76 +.26 89 0.4 99 31 34 58 E B 41.7 Makemytrip MMYT 27.80 +.45 +162 969 ..o 54 81 14 B C 39.3 MetaFncl .9 CASH 22.32 +.47 46 196 12k 70 89 53 B E 22.0 MSBFncl MSBF 17.99 +.21 95 0.3 21k
98 94 97 B B NH 7LHCGroup LHCG 107.6 .61 39 165 35o 23 54 16 B E 51.4 Makita MKTAY 35.33 +.83 66 17 18k 75 74 29 A B 83.2 Mthnx 2.3 r MEOH 57.64 +2.22 41 332 7 71 73 57 A C 99 MSCIndu 3.1 MSM 82.26 +1.00 19 346 16o
12 2 10 E B 3.7 LianluoSmrt LLIT 1.28 .12 52 4 ..k 88 97 84 A D 59.6 7MalibuBtsA MBUU 38.70 +.43 43 110 13k 28 44 13 B B 45.5 Methode 1.7 MEI 25.93 +.46 60 167 8o 95 94 89 A D+ 184 7MSCI 1.4 MSCI 163.8 +2.09 36 482 32
22 57 9 E D+ 11.5 Libbey 9 LBY 4.87 +.23 62 53 ..o 74 79 84 C C 36.7 Mallinckrodt MNK 21.65 +1.08 7 2.2m 3o 68 64 75 C D+ 55.2 MetLife 3.7 r MET 45.47 +.45 44 4.0m 9 45 55 54 .. E 28.1 MSGNtwrks MSGN 22.19 .08 57 192 8
.. .. 34 .. D 6.9 LbtyAllSt 10 USA 5.70 +.03 53 511 ..k 76 93 30 B B+ 27.3 MalvernBanc MLVF 19.89 .07 87 2 14k 61 89 25 B B 55.0 MetroBankHd MCB 36.50 +.60 24 16 11 54 27 79 .. C+ 11.8 MTechAcqA MTEC 10.16 +.01 +177 93 99k
.. .. 22 .. C+ 7.7 LbtyAllS 8.2 ASG 4.87 +.07 8 243 ..k 93 58 87 A C+ 9.3 MAMSftwr MAMS 8.13 .02 +80 11 24k 95 84 85 A C 697 MettlerToldo MTD 614.6 +8.90 26 117 31k 48 51 44 D D+ 57.0 MTSSys 2.5 MTSC 48.26 +.51 72 36 14k
79 72 55 A D 99 LibertyBrdC LBRDK 74.94 +.54 +7 569 8k 35 25 76 E B 32.6 MacomTech MTSI 17.92 +.64 +12 725 34 27 72 14 D B 14.5 MexcoEn MXC 3.48 .12 89 1 34k 65 5 79 .. A+ 10.0 MudrickCpAqA MUDS 9.95 +.00 +85 124 99k
80 72 55 A D 98.5 LibertyA LBRDA 74.83 +.68 53 92 8k 43 72 22 B C+ 42.3 Mammoth 2.1 TUSK 23.52 +1.36 +2 215 4k .. .. 34 .. B 17.2 Mexico 4.7 MXF 14.50 +.20 86 6 99 30 50 27 C D+ 35.5 Mueller 1.6 MLI 25.13 +.24 57 106 15k
27 15 36 D B 50.8 LibExpediaA LEXEA 40.52 .01 17 252 ..k .. .. 59 .. C 25.5 ManagSitRis RISE 24.29 +.12 90 2 ..k .. .. 65 .. B 13.1 MXEqtyIn .0 MXE 11.06 +.05 3 6 ..k 35 79 28 .. C 12.6 MllrWtr 2.1 MWA 9.59 +.16 36 613 17
31 47 19 E D+ 37.9 LibertyGblC LBTYK 22.35 +.33 +41 5.6m .. 38 49 42 D B 27.7 Mnchstr .9 MANU 19.11 +.06 41 68 99k .. .. 80 .. B 6.9 MFSMun 5.3 MFM 6.74 +.01 25 91 ..k 37 74 11 B C+ 81.1 MultiCo .4 LABL 44.77 +.47 +3 196 11k
33 47 19 E C 39.7 LibrtyGbA LBTYA 23.15 +.43 +28 2.6m .. 77 55 78 B D 62.4 ManhAsc MANH 48.42 +.98 47 242 27 79 59 65 B C 8.2 MFAFincl 10 MFA 7.28 +.04 41 1.6m 10 41 72 22 D C+ 36.5 MrphOil 3.6 MUR 27.46 +.45 33 1.4m 26
74 77 41 A D 8.0 MhBCap 8.0 r LOAN 6.00 +.02 63 10 12 .. .. 80 .. D 22.6 MfamSmCpGrw MFMS 20.90 +.37 +282134 88 44 87 B C+ 89.7 MrphyUSA MUSA 82.77 +1.21 +41 467 13
25 24 25 E C 24.0 LibLatAmA LILA 16.17 +.03 +4 516 ..k
23 69 9 D E 13.3 Manitex MNTX 6.69 .19 +2 82 20 99 8 17 5 .. D 12.7 MustangBio MBIO 3.08 +.04 54 35 ..
27 24 27 E C 23.9 LibLatAmC LILAK 16.41 +.02 44 427 ..k
13 31 8 D D+ 44.0 Manitowoc MTW 15.40 +.51 +37 643 46k 61 32 94 E B 7.8 MFCBancorp MFCB 6.72 .04 12 10 .. 59 84 14 A C+ 40.0 MutualF 2.9 r MFSF 27.95 +.34 2 9 12k
82 46 89 D C 28.0 LibMdSrCLibbr BATRK 26.75 +.12 5 151 ..
47 5 87 E B 22.4 Mannate 10 r MTEX 19.49 +.61 92 0.4 .. .. .. 84 .. A 11.2 MFSCaM 4.2 CCA 10.83 +.10 30 11 ..k 68 89 40 C B 20.1 MVBFinl .7 MVBF 17.05 .35 77 4 19
80 83 39 C B 48.6 LibMdSrCLibsrLSXMK 38.84 +.73 +24 1.1m 9
17 14 22 C B 4.4 Manning 3.8 MN 2.08 +.09 62 45 9k .. .. 56 .. C 8.4 MFSCh 9 MCR 7.62 +.02 70 47 ..k 56 72 35 C C+ 10.8 MVCCap 6.8 MVC 8.80 .03 87 4 41
85 46 90 D B 27.9 LbMdSrALbVr BATRA 26.90 +.11 +56 67 ..
21 36 10 .. C 4.1 MannKind MNKD 1.29 +.01 +41 3.3m .. .. .. 61 .. E 4.8 MFSGvMk 7.7 MGF 4.41 +.03 +20 75 ..k 38 61 13 A C+ 12.6 MVOil 20 MVO 7.22 .02 25 39 6o
85 72 50 B B 39.4 LibMdSrCFrm FWONK 31.25 +.74 55 616 5
30 80 19 C D 136 Mnprgrp 2.7 r MAN 74.74 +2.11 28 433 9 .. .. 52 .. E 4.0 MFSIntr 9 MIN 3.68 +.02 +17 326 ..k 13 30 11 .. B 3.0 MySize MYSZ .84 +.02 59 90 ..
78 72 59 B E 37.3 LbMdSrAFrm FWONA 30.44 +.69 16 138 5
84 68 62 C B 68.1 Mantech 1.8 MANT 55.07 .28 +6 124 27k .. .. 52 .. D 6.0 MFSMlti 9 MMT 5.36 ... 46 119 ..k 50 71 31 C B 25.7 MyersIn 3.3 MYE 16.49 +.29 45 75 21
75 83 39 C D+ 48.6 LbMdSrALbsr LSXMA 38.67 +.83 +128 1.5m 9
53 91 30 D C 22.2 Manulife 4.7 MFC 15.75 +.12 35 1.4m 5 .. .. 34 .. C 6.8 MFSSpV 10 MFV 5.17 +.01 17 13 ..k 20 63 17 C E 47.2 Mylan MYL 29.04 +.83 +39 6.3m 6o
34 37 21 B B 23.9 LibrtyOilf 1.3 r LBRT 15.64 +.54 24 501 8
37 72 20 C D 24.2 Maratho 1.3 MRO 15.90 +.10 30 9.3m 24 85 56 82 C A 69.0 MGEEner 2.1 MGEE 63.60 1.85 +3 110 26k 29 22 13 D B 4.1 MyndAnalyt MYND 1.40 .02 88 27 ..k
78 49 87 C D+ 46.9 Liberty 3.5 LPT 45.62 +.65 48 638 31k
24 42 2 B C 3.6 MarathnPat MARA .38 .02 59 137 .. 83 82 65 A C+ 15.9 MGIC r MTG 12.05 +.10 47 1.7m 6o 22 22 16 D D 67.8 Myokardia MYOK 42.34 +.30 +75 544 ..
59 33 97 E B 20.6 LibrtyTripA LTRPA 16.57 +.17 31 358 ..k
24 49 25 B E 88.5 Maratho 2.9 MPC 64.08 +.97 +13 7.8m 12 99 86 86 B A 31.6 7MgmGrwP 5.7 MGP 30.16 +.55 +8 711 38k 21 26 10 E D+ 5.6 Myomo MYO 1.67 +.04 73 20 ..
84 62 82 C B 102 LifeSto 4.2 LSI 94.83 +1.15 55 147 32
78 11 97 E A+ NH Marchx MCHX 3.94 +.18 +147 333 ..k 59 53 61 C B 38.4 MGMResr 1.7 r MGM 28.70 +.81 1 9.1m 35 60 27 96 D B+ 2.5 MyosRens MYOS 1.67 .16 96 29 ..
32 15 28 D B+ 17.6 LifetimeB 1.6 LCUT 10.34 .05 66 9 99
94 97 96 C B 44.6 Marcus 1.4 MCS 43.19 +.18 35 100 21k 45 63 30 B C+ 99 MGPIngr .5 MGPI 70.02 .20 46 113 34 43 1 83 .. B 27.5 Myovant MYOV 19.01 +.99 10 55 ..k
82 47 99 B B 17.1 Lifevantage LFVN 14.61 +.85 +56 280 29k
96 92 92 B B+ 41.5 7Marcs&Milli MMI 38.41 .04 33 141 18 80 97 40 B B 36.0 MIHomes r MHO 25.17 .08 12 208 6k 41 73 38 D B 40.8 MYRGrp MYRG 30.62 +.10 74 16 19
1 5 12 E D+ 8.1 LifewayFd LWAY 2.72 +.02 88 3 ..
53 20 97 E C 12.0 MarinSoftwr MRIN 5.95 +.04 88 220 ..k 23 62 17 .. D 27.9 MichaelsCos r MIK 14.95 .46 30 1.6m 6o 33 62 10 C D 50.4 MyriadGen MYGN 27.70 .22 +4 985 19
57 99 8 A E 278 LigandPhar LGND 114.8 +1.79 30 532 17
19 31 5 B B 4.9 MarinP 19 MARPS 1.95 .02 76 3 5k 99 99 89 B C+ 31.4 MicroFo 4.5 MFGP 19.67 +.01 37 446 ..k N
6 25 8 E E 4.8 Lightbridge LTBR .71 +.04 52 102 ..
36 87 14 A E 24.8 MarineP 3.4 MPX 13.93 .70 +92 107 16 53 18 92 .. B+ 19.4 MicrobatMed MBOT 9.46 +.01 +36 3.4m ..
1 3 5 E D+ 2.7 LightInTheBx LITB .77 .02 70 97 .. 12 21 3 D A 8.9 NaborsI 8.3 NBR 2.90 +.05 34 13m ..o
52 83 30 C E 26.1 MarineMax HZO 18.40 ... +12 469 10o 99 89 82 A A 104 Microch 1.8 MCHP 80.63 +2.19 8 2.8m 13
30 24 20 D C 2.8 LightP LPTH 1.74 +.09 66 25 87k 9 16 8 E C+ 6.9 NabrivaThera NBRV 1.92 .01 +8 568 ..
8 8 6 .. D+ 10.5 MarinsPhrm MRNS 3.28 +.16 67 474 .. 32 51 11 E B 4.0 MicronSolutns MICR 2.54 .18 +300 19 ..
4 29 4 .. E 6.3 LilisEnergy LLEX 1.79 +.06 58 223 .. 85 50 86 A D 45.1 NACCO 1.8 r NC 35.80 +.39 20 10 8
60 72 40 C D 1228 Markl MKL 1039 .14 +6 50 20 69 90 37 A B 64.7 MicronTech r MU 38.96 +2.37 +73 61m 3o
3 7 4 E E 14.8 Limbach LMB 5.51 +.06 60 26 .. 1 11 4 E D 11.4 NakedBrand NAKD .82 .01 61 77 ..k
46 17 96 .. C+ 13.6 MarkerThera MRKR 5.98 ... 5 225 .. 96 74 83 A D 116 Microso 1.7 MSFT 107.2 +.97 23 31m 25
17 61 8 C E 5.5 Limelight LLNW 2.84 +.12 27 691 16 3 5 17 E E 13.9 NamTaiP 3.2 NTP 8.73 +.25 +109 37 ..k
94 86 88 A B+ 231 7Marktxs .8 MKTX 219.5 +.70 27 186 47k 78 33 88 D B+ 151 MicroStrat MSTR 139.4 +1.12 52 53 47
66 51 57 A C+ 17.7 LimestoneBnc LMST 14.25 ... +43 10 11 22 36 8 D D 3.7 NanoDimnsn NNDM 1.25 .01 47 45 ..
.. .. 76 .. A 49.2 MktVeckChina CNY 44.80 .18 +200 12 ..k 25 41 10 E C 1.8 Microvision MVIS .78 .01 82 102 ..
91 99 82 A B 48.3 Nanomtrcs NANO. 30.67 +1.66 +28 233 12k
24 32 33 D C 33.4 Limonei 1.4 LMNR 21.50 .42 5 84 37o
65 83 23 B B+ 32.0 Marlin 2.4 MRLN 23.13 +.11 40 12 11k .. .. 74 .. B 78.0 MicFng+In2Inv FNGZ 53.48 2.63 +456 15 99
56 6 99 E B 22.0 NanoStrgTec NSTG 20.32 +.50 24 213 ..o
51 38 97 E D+ 3.2 LinclnEdu LINC 2.80 .06 91 2 ..
49 98 24 B E 149 Marriott 1.5 MAR 109.9 +1.61 34 1.5m 18 .. .. 83 .. A+ 63.7 MicFng+IndInvr GNAF 53.21 1.30 +106 3 99 28 35 16 E C 5.0 Nanovibronix NAOV 3.43 +.08 89 0.5 ..
76 69 70 A D 101 LinclnE 2.2 LECO 85.18 +2.76 2 263 18k
38 65 15 B D 154 MarriottV 2.1 VAC 85.56 +2.21 14 523 13o 10 4 11 E B 1.9 Mict MICT .87 .02 91 70 .. 10 24 8 .. D 1.1 Nanoviricids NNVC .28 +.01 50 55 ..k
56 68 29 B D 86.7 Lincoln 2.5 LNC 59.49 +1.05 46 1.3m 7
28 46 29 .. B+ 3.4 MarroneBio MBII 1.42 +.05 33 107 .. 83 56 84 C B 104 MidAmAp 3.8 MAA 101.1 +1.10 24 476 40 4 27 1 E E 3.9 Nanthealth NH .55 .02 14 146 ..
54 30 88 D C+ 15.9 LindbladExp LIND 12.79 +.15 +312 416 44
87 68 70 A D 89.6 MarshM 2.0 MMC 83.52 +.52 34 1.2m 19 16 36 14 E B 2.5 MidConErg MCEP 1.13 +.02 67 30 .. 7 16 2 E E 5.4 Nantkwest NK 1.16 ... 33 182 ..o
67 58 56 A C 169 Linde 2.1 r LIN 158.8 +1.47 50 1.2m 24
83 93 65 C A 29.6 MartenT .5 MRTN 19.83 .32 +108 466 19 74 67 69 C B 14.0 MidSoBancrp MSVB 12.19 +.17 64 2 40k 93 90 96 C B 17.7 NAPCOSec r NSSC 16.06 +.01 3 32 35k
47 37 52 C D 109 Lindsay 1.4 LNN 87.90 .15 18 87 29
58 93 44 C D+ 241 MartnMa 1.1 MLM 175.7 .34 12 683 21 7 29 1 E E 1.8 Midatech MTP .13 .03 +999 4.4m ..k 73 77 66 B D 96.8 Nasdaq 2.1 NDAQ 85.69 +.70 22 728 18
45 7 64 B B 47.8 LineCorp LN 35.58 +.31 +17 95 99k
43 21 52 D A 17.0 MartMid 15 MMLP 13.25 .03 11 195 42 95 80 70 A C 138 Middleby MIDD 117.0 +1.43 50 187 20o .. .. 51 .. B 26.0 Nas&Hand 6.9 HNDL 22.75 +.18 93 0.2 99
13 17 16 C E 34.4 LionsGa 2.1 LGFB 17.07 .32 57 358 15k
86 29 62 A A 25.2 Marvell 1.3 r MRVL 18.57 +1.07 +159 30m 14o 58 64 36 B B+ 54.9 Midlfiel 2.5 MBCN 44.42 .01 +159 8 11 81 69 96 D D+ 24.5 NatGrcsVit NGVC 14.81 .88 25 157 40
12 17 14 C E 36.5 LionsG 2.0 LGFA 18.01 .34 24 827 15k
46 93 37 .. C 46.2 Masco 1.5 MAS 31.62 +.15 41 2.5m 13 96 93 96 C B 60.3 Middlese 1.7 MSEX 56.12 1.85 39 39 30 18 18 25 E D 29.6 Natera NTRA 13.60 +.41 1 639 ..o
57 35 92 .. B 2.6 Lipocine LPCN 1.59 .02 59 292 ..o
97 91 94 A A 126 7Masimo MASI 121.9 +.56 40 294 41o 59 93 16 A B 36.1 MidlandSt 3.8 MSBI 23.25 .01 +13 93 9 58 76 34 .. A 107 NathnsF 1.4 NATH 73.50 .29 22 6 27k
77 41 99 E B 2.2 LiqTechIntl LIQT 1.86 +.05 +40 959 ..
46 82 29 C D+ 73.8 MasonitIntl r DOOR 54.03 +.57 32 135 14k 39 49 17 A D 36.8 MidPenn 2.5 MPB 23.97 +.16 38 6 12 80 98 42 A C 41.4 NtlBHld 2.1 NBHC 32.09 .32 +111 302 14
20 10 4 E B 10.3 LiquidMedia YVR 2.26 ... 70 5 ..k
68 75 65 C D 55.5 MasTec r MTZ 45.21 +.56 29 747 14o 19 27 21 E B 16.2 Midsouth .3 MSL 11.78 +.23 +81 50 47k 79 91 18 A B 127 NatlBevrge FIZZ 81.87 1.79 29 195 22o
42 32 90 .. C 38.5 LiquidiaTech LQDA 15.00 +.38 64 10 ..k
82 89 93 B D+ 11.5 MastechDig MHH 8.00 .02 58 5 10k 23 39 46 D B 18.4 MidstatesPet MPO 9.79 +.04 22 206 13 18 52 15 B E 49.8 NatlBank 3.6 NKSH 34.69 +.39 56 5 14k
62 40 97 E B+ 9.2 Liquidity LQDT 8.31 .06 27 128 ..k
97 93 87 A D 225 7Masterc .7 r MA 202.9 +3.15 3 4.7m 33 29 66 23 C E 35.2 Midwest 3.1 MOFG 26.25 +.55 38 16 9 25 23 45 .. D 10.9 NatCinm 9 NCMI 6.85 .19 34 290 15o
68 86 34 B C+ 127 LithiaMo 1.3 LAD 87.04 +1.04 47 167 9
53 95 17 A E 39.5 MastercrBoat MCFT 21.06 .30 53 103 9k 39 61 16 B B 22.6 Milacron r MCRN 13.48 +.53 +31 643 7k 90 91 55 A B 48.6 NatlComrc NCOM 39.63 +.64 35 66 15
13 31 11 E D+ 8.1 LithiumAmer LAC 3.15 +.06 30 89 ..
39 75 7 A D 35.2 Matador MTDR 19.29 +.57 14 2.0m 12 16 10 5 E A 1.1 MilestoneSci MLSS .40 .01 22 119 .. 26 37 15 .. D 14.4 NatlEnrgSvcRe NESR 8.01 +.01 74 14 12
85 85 61 A B 238 Littelf .9 LFUS 186.1 +1.30 +4 148 19k
97 97 96 A B 58.0 7MatchGroup MTCH 52.37 +1.92 39 1.4m 42 15 34 15 E D 17.4 MillendoThera MLND 10.04 .26 71 4 .. 73 41 82 B D+ 59.2 NatlFue 3.0 NFG 56.92 +.25 30 364 16
39 20 25 A D 131 Livanova LIVN 88.95 +1.12 +50 848 26o
80 72 95 C C+ 23.0 Materialise MTLS 16.25 +.49 64 123 99 74 84 61 B E 41.9 MillerH 2.3 MLHR 33.79 +.09 40 241 12o 83 95 68 D B 28.9 Nationa .7 NGHC 24.09 .02 55 145 11
59 35 92 D D 58.3 LiveNatn LYV 53.39 +.51 44 728 ..o
35 81 22 C D+ 65.1 Matern .9 MTRN 47.39 +.65 56 49 21k .. .. 46 .. B 13.3 MillHow 12 HIE 11.12 +.13 30 77 ..k 41 27 44 C D 59.8 National 5.9 NGG 52.26 .69 42 577 14
22 68 6 B E 33.0 LiveOak .9 LOB 13.92 +.67 +80 510 10
66 22 99 E B 1.5 MatinasBphrm MTNB 1.02 +.04 40 623 .. 98 97 93 C B 30.0 MillerI 2.4 MLR 29.80 +.48 44 21 10 28 27 52 E D+ 5.0 NatlHdgs NHLD 3.12 +.06 98 0.9 ..k
18 11 11 B C 16.1 LiveVentures r LIVE 7.26 .33 74 2 3k
47 30 90 E C+ 25.8 Matrix MTRX 21.21 +.93 29 130 99 61 75 47 .. .. 74.7 Millicom TIGO 63.70 .85 +16 46 44k 88 48 90 B B 81.6 NatlHlt 5.0 NHI 80.21 +.60 24 165 21
49 60 19 A D 19.9 Livent LTHM 13.42 +.90 26 810 22k
65 74 77 C C 42.0 Matson 2.5 MATX 33.37 .02 44 115 14k 84 72 73 C C 46.9 Mimecast MIME 34.64 +1.15 11 317 99k 86 81 61 B D+ 53.6 NatInstr 2.0 NATI 45.19 +.25 +21 890 30k
75 16 96 D B+ 27.4 Liveperson LPSN 22.84 +.73 +30 606 99
13 32 22 E C 18.0 Mattel MAT 12.43 +.16 +11 5.6m .. 93 58 88 B B+ 2.6 MdCTI 12 MNDO 2.47 .02 47 13 7k 89 55 89 B B 140 NatlPresto NPK 122.3 1.42 60 13 15k
57 16 95 E E 51.5 Liveramp r RAMP 43.36 +.99 67 607 ..k
49 73 44 C B 61.3 Mthws 1.8 MATW 44.49 +.96 46 82 11 61 4 79 C B 45.5 MindbodyA MB 36.40 ... +76 2.9m .. 98 95 89 B A 42.9 NatlRese 1.7 NRC 40.00 +.10 56 11 47k
53 2 99 D B+ 11.1 LiveXLive LIVX 6.43 +.36 72 44 ..k
31 3 75 C D 16.5 MauiLandPin MLP 11.94 +.64 +15 20 ..k 40 58 24 B D+ 80.8 MinrlsT .4 MTX 56.05 +2.03 37 100 11k 93 82 93 B E 51.5 NatlRetai 3.9 NNN 50.84 +1.25 32 959 26
78 85 20 A D+ 43.9 LKQ r LKQ 26.08 .16 32 2.3m 12
33 94 1 A E 64.0 MaxarTe 19 MAXR 5.60 +.31 +1 1.3m 1k 17 12 27 .. D 13.0 MinervaNeur NERV 7.08 .04 +6 142 .. 71 34 79 C C 32.3 NatlStr 4.4 NSA 27.32 +.63 32 300 99
17 36 19 D D 29.9 Collegium COLL 15.90 +.65 16 377 ..
93 78 82 A D 74.9 MaximI 3.3 MXIM 56.27 +1.73 43 2.5m 19 3 17 4 .. D 8.9 Miragen MGEN 2.85 .25 +102 538 .. 66 96 23 D B 46.6 NatlVision EYE. 32.85 +.40 59 398 51
50 81 41 D D+ 4.2 Lloyds 5.2 LYG 3.07 +.07 63 5.1m 11
69 63 80 C D 72.5 Maximus 1.4 r MMS 69.15 .08 64 162 21 71 10 99 .. A+ NH MiratiThera MRTX 66.80 +1.52 31 449 ..o 86 83 74 D A 339 NatlWest .1 NWLI 302.7 1.80 58 4 8
11 57 2 E D 25.7 LMFundAmr LMFA 1.51 .08 86 158 ..
81 53 76 B B+ 27.4 MaxLine MXL 18.70 +1.04 +182 1.4m 14k 73 2 97 D A 21.4 Misonix MSON 18.82 +.35 +67 27 ..k
.. .. 41 .. C+ 14.8 LMPCap 10 SCD 12.05 +.03 20 58 ..k .. .. 47 .. E 25.7 NtnwdMxD 1.3 MXDE 21.89 +.36 0 0.2 99
6 10 10 E B+ 6.3 MaxwllTech MXWL 2.85 .03 8 323 .. 19 59 11 D C 23.6 Mistras MG 14.80 .16 +67 114 25
77 88 29 B C 363 Lockheed 3.1 LMT 287.0 +1.79 39 1.0m 16 .. .. 55 .. B 29.8 NtnwMaxDiv 1.6 MXDU 26.37 +.16 +280 10 ..k
41 12 74 E B+ 43.7 MaysJW MAYS 39.88 .83 27 1 99 44 17 82 E B+ 4.6 MitchamInd MIND 3.93 +.16 13 14 ..
59 66 56 C D+ 53.6 Loews .5 L 47.79 +.37 44 666 10 .. .. 43 .. A 27.9 NtnwRskBdI 2.7 RBIN 24.05 +.16 27 7 ..k
76 73 80 C B+ 51.6 MBFncl 2.1 MBFI 45.67 +.19 +17 686 16 99 73 97 A A 11.9 MitekSys MITK 11.05 +.01 47 249 38
10 2 20 .. D 18.0 LogicbioThera LOGC 8.40 +.21 61 26 ..k .. .. 69 .. E 25.1 NatixisL 2.5 LSST 24.74 ... 91 0.3 ..k
49 34 82 D E 11.6 MBIA MBI 9.40 +.09 66 332 ..o 28 41 20 C B 8.0 Mitsubishi MUFG 5.35 +.02 52 959 8k
66 87 37 B B+ 50.0 Logitech 1.2 LOGI 36.16 +.61 +7 367 18o .. .. 43 .. C+ 47.1 NatxSeeInt 1.0 MVIN 41.38 +.24 98 0.1 ..k
67 89 48 B D+ 12.5 MBTFncl 3.8 MBTF 10.40 +.15 30 33 13 97 86 76 B B 21.0 MiXTelm 1.1 MIXT 14.86 +.18 52 41 21k
96 94 53 A B 134 LogMeIn 1.3 LOGM 90.93 +2.12 42 389 17 69 67 90 D E 84.9 NatlHlt 2.6 NHC 77.53 +1.77 4 37 20k
10 4 18 E B 10.7 McClatchy MNI 7.11 +.09 +299 27 ..k 33 48 35 C D 3.9 Mizuho MFG 3.26 +.01 69 274 7k
53 46 77 C B+ 24.8 LornaNegrCia LOMA 12.43 +.08 57 156 21 27 72 15 D D 49.1 NatlOil .7 r NOV 30.44 +1.06 17 3.5m ..
60 65 74 A E 156 McCormi 1.9 MKC 121.4 2.99 +116 3.0m 24o 61 94 35 A D+ 128 MKSInstr 1.0 MKSI 79.46 +2.56 +17 777 9
.. .. 27 .. B 32.3 LoncarCancer CNCR 20.34 +.45 72 6 ..k 96 98 88 B B 12.2 NaturalAlter NAII 11.00 .05 14 8 8k
77 65 75 A B 156 MCormV 1.9 MKCV 122.0 .63 +100 2 24 77 78 76 C D+ 29.4 MMACapital MMAC 26.90 .01 63 3 11 2 12 15 E C+ 29.4 NatrlGasSvcs NGS 17.20 +.20 +7 36 99
.. .. 47 .. C 25.9 LoncarChnBio CHNA 20.59 +.02 +9 4 99
22 49 5 B C 27.2 McDermott MDR 9.13 +.26 14 3.4m 7k 38 1 93 .. .. 11.4 MmtecInc MTC 6.62 +.22 75 27 ..k 40 60 20 B D+ 27.2 NatlHlt 3.2 NHTC 16.26 +.01 +42 191 5
8 7 15 B D 11.2 LonestarRsourc LONE 4.99 +.19 +29 190 9
91 68 88 A C 190 McDonal 2.5 MCD 184.0 3.37 +23 4.4m 24 52 85 30 C D 50.4 MobileM 2.8 MINI 35.67 .13 38 130 23k 84 41 91 A A+ 39.9 NaturalR 4.9 NRP 36.91 .13 56 17 7
66 5 80 .. A+ 10.1 LongevityAcq LOAC 9.97 .02 +129 77 99
19 6 15 D E 2.6 McEwenMg .6 MUX 1.72 +.08 17 1.6m .. 43 23 41 B C 12.0 MobilTe 7.8 MBT 8.31 .05 25 2.5m 8o 26 31 24 E B 12.2 NaturesSun NATR 8.15 +.08 38 7 ..
10 21 13 .. B 17.5 LoopInds LOOP 8.65 +.05 33 37 ..
70 84 47 B B 68.8 Mcgrath 2.7 MGRC 49.50 +.51 53 50 17 86 55 91 E B 5.7 Mobileiron r MOBL 5.00 .01 24 332 .. 84 47 85 B B+ 38.0 NatusMed r BABY 33.88 +.12 +15 413 24
34 72 20 .. D 48.8 LoralSpace LORL 35.11 ... +21 72 11
46 67 40 C B 178 McKesson 1.2 MCK 127.1 +1.58 43 1.0m 9 55 55 31 D B 20.3 ModelN MODN 14.55 .11 63 90 99k 25 34 24 E B 1.8 Natuzzi NTZ 1.25 +.05 42 10 2
50 59 47 A C 32.2 LouisPac 2.2 r LPX 24.01 +.34 36 1.2m 7
80 63 70 B B 35.2 MDCHlgs 4.0 MDC 29.74 .58 +24 634 9 92 72 79 .. A+ 10.4 MdrnMdiaAcq MMDM 10.26 ... 45 69 99k 12 40 6 C C 17.2 Nautilus r NLS 7.64 +.01 +53 629 10
50 12 88 .. B 28.9 LoveSac LOVE 22.90 +.05 77 22 ..
10 5 13 .. C+ 9.9 MDCPrtners MDCA 2.92 +.06 73 134 ..k 18 12 18 D .. 22.8 Moderna MRNA 14.91 +.27 46 942 ..k 1 11 5 .. E 0.4 NavideaBiph NAVB .13 +.00 66 216 ..
68 80 61 B D 117 Lowes 2.0 r LOW 93.82 +2.02 12 4.7m 18o
8 5 11 D .. 7.9 MdjmLtd MDJH 3.35 .33 82 9 ..k 33 56 24 B C 25.8 Modine r MOD 13.18 +.30 46 130 8k 36 47 31 C C 15.0 Navient 5.5 r NAVI 11.54 +.10 15 2.2m 5o
55 3 99 E B 233 LoxoOncol LOXO 233.8 +.15 36 747 ..
47 46 44 C C+ 29.6 MDUResr 3.2 MDU 25.25 .15 23 776 18 55 43 33 A B 67.7 Moelis 4.3 MC 43.80 +.79 21 403 15 68 51 94 E B 26.1 Navigant .8 NCI 25.40 +.04 42 251 40k
98 86 93 A B 73.3 7LPLFncl 1.4 LPLA 70.23 +1.20 +64 1.2m 16
13 64 13 .. D+ 5.4 MechelPao MTL 2.47 +.01 68 31 1 13 10 13 E D 4.0 MogoFinance MOGO 2.28 .00 21 11 ..k 87 69 92 D C+ 71.5 NavigGrp .4 NAVG 69.74 +.03 29 133 23k
24 15 44 D B 3.6 LRAD LRAD 2.53 +.01 20 48 ..k
36 5 29 D .. 9.8 MedalDivr 2.0 MDRR 8.31 +.58 78 0.7 ..k 40 24 95 E .. 25.7 MoguA MOGU 16.19 .62 90 41 ..k 29 37 22 E C 13.6 NavigtrHdgs NVGS 9.49 +.10 19 104 ..
27 5 74 E B 10.0 LSBIndust LXU 7.28 +.29 27 72 ..
33 2 70 D B 7.3 Medallion MFIN 5.30 +.05 72 26 ..o 29 58 16 B B 281 MohawkInd r MHK 127.6 +.41 +18 1.1m 9 4 42 2 E E 13.8 Navios NM 2.57 +.01 89 8 ..
9 22 12 B C+ 18.6 LscCom 12 LKSD 8.19 +.22 +13 550 5k
89 46 92 C A+ 11.9 Medeqties 7.6 MRT 11.12 +.09 51 333 30k 23 39 14 D D 12.0 MolecularTmp MTEM 4.31 .06 78 22 .. 19 68 7 C C 2.4 NaviosM 7.0 NMM 1.15 .06 31 527 4
3 42 8 E E 8.9 LSIIndu 6.0 LYTS 3.32 +.03 +16 92 23
99 97 95 A B NH 7MedicalP 5.7 MPW 17.54 +.38 9 3.3m 6 23 22 36 .. D 3.3 MoleculinBio MBRX 1.38 ... 90 43 .. 2 1 11 E D 14.2 NaviosAc 20 NNA 5.78 +.07 51 33 ..k
94 95 90 C D 47.1 LTCPpty 5.0 LTC 45.32 +.77 +2 224 12o
81 72 68 C D 5.7 MedTransc MTBC 4.23 +.01 71 20 13 90 84 96 D B 154 MolinaHlth MOH 135.3 +1.62 56 401 16 28 72 15 .. .. 4.9 NaviosMari NMCI 2.90 +.05 19 11 5k
23 2 20 E A+ 3.2 Lubys LUB 1.56 .25 +221 311 ..k
14 26 12 E E 41.6 Medicines MDCO 21.45 +1.29 +12 1.6m .. 52 62 65 D B 84.6 MolsCoo 2.5 TAP 64.40 +1.01 24 1.5m 13 43 67 25 .. C 47.7 Navistar NAV 32.20 +1.37 40 391 9o
98 89 97 A B 164 7Lululemon LULU 151.9 +3.46 43 1.7m 45o
27 12 58 .. E 14.5 MediciNv MNOV 9.32 +.13 66 28 ..k 2 5 10 E E 32.2 MomentaPh MNTA 11.58 +.09 34 591 .. 73 81 56 B C 41.9 NBT 2.9 NBTB 36.21 .08 56 48 15k
8 38 7 E E 31.2 LumbrLiqdtr LL 11.69 +.16 6 955 46o
91 92 53 A C+ 88.9 Medidata MDSO 69.00 +1.10 27 352 41 76 91 43 A D+ 54.2 MomoA MOMO 31.05 +1.52 8 3.8m 12o 36 99 5 B D 23.4 NCIBldg r NCS 8.03 +.12 44 504 5o
.. .. 25 .. D 16.0 ColuIndI 1.5 INXX 11.00 .11 50 3 ..k
86 92 57 A C 260 Medifast 2.4 MED 123.8 +1.81 5 298 31o 35 15 85 E B 5.1 MonakerGrp MKGI 2.31 .15 59 14 .. 44 34 40 C C 38.7 NCR NCR 26.58 +.63 1 942 9
.. .. 33 .. D+ 24.2 ColmbiaSe 9 STK 18.85 +.20 51 42 ..k
15 15 7 D D 10.2 Medigus MDGS 2.29 +.05 74 12 .. 78 82 66 C B 49.6 MonrchCs MCRI 42.74 +.33 65 17 24k 7 32 3 C E 19.0 NCSMultisg NCSM 6.01 +.08 76 42 25
97 99 50 A C 74.4 Lumentum LITE 49.04 +1.30 41 927 10
26 29 25 E D 7.4 Mediwound MDWD 4.76 +.20 58 168 .. 84 70 81 C C 46.5 Mondlz 2.4 MDLZ 42.72 .31 33 5.5m 18 39 48 21 B B 96.2 Neenah 2.4 r NP 69.67 +.52 50 51 17
48 24 86 D D+ 35.4 Luminex .9 LMNX 27.37 +.43 46 147 42
2 10 13 D E 5.3 MedleyC 13 MCC 2.99 +.04 81 61 13k 1 26 2 .. D 13.2 Moneygram MGI 2.29 +.22 +220 1.7m 2o 23 27 24 D B 111 NektrTh NKTR 43.92 +.69 33 1.5m 11o
88 56 91 C B 4.3 LunaInno LUNA 3.41 +.01 54 20 68
15 43 15 .. B 7.1 MedleyM 20 MDLY 3.99 .01 37 27 3 75 23 99 D D 93.2 MongodbA MDB 86.90 +2.63 46 808 .. 56 54 53 B E 64.0 Nelnet 1.4 NNI 53.00 .10 59 30 10
30 2 96 E .. 98.4 LuokungTech LKCO 12.00 +.20 +51 31 ..k
42 59 19 C B 63.0 Mednax MD 36.86 +.80 37 642 9 81 95 20 A C 17.8 Monmout 5.1 MNR 13.29 +.12 43 373 24k 12 20 2 .. C 6.8 NemauraMed NMRD 1.04 .01 37 75 ..k
42 47 37 B C 13.6 LutherB 2.3 r LBC 10.01 +.22 +68 159 12
98 96 97 A C 65.1 7Medpace r MEDP 61.21 +1.08 22 589 27 99 93 88 A C 152 7Monolit .9 MPWR 130.7 +3.91 1 323 36 66 71 37 B C+ 97.4 Neogen NEOG 60.88 +.17 65 86 52
89 79 92 B C 28.1 Luxfer 2.5 LXFR 20.01 +.83 48 98 12
74 59 65 B D+ 100 Medtron 2.3 MDT 87.02 .21 26 4.9m 17 47 71 16 C B 26.8 Monotype 2.8 TYPE 16.42 +.06 17 207 21k 94 91 97 D C 19.0 NeoGenomics NEO 16.62 +.24 42 986 99
92 48 97 B A 58.8 LuxoftA r LXFT 57.68 .02 14 675 21
29 13 48 E C+ 5.1 MEIPharma MEIP 2.67 .03 32 189 .. 90 71 87 C D+ 84.4 Monro 1.1 MNRO 71.71 .42 31 252 29k 5 5 5 .. E 16.2 NeonThera NTGN 4.82 +.14 +19 132 ..k
31 54 8 B B 50.6 Lydall LDL 25.17 +.21 42 89 9
11 1 17 .. D 15.5 MeiragtxHdgs MGTX 10.02 +.05 48 30 ..k 41 53 31 A E 14.7 Monroe 11 MRCC 11.73 +.11 75 60 7 9 23 11 E C 7.0 Neonode NEON 2.49 .01 42 31 ..
49 76 22 A C 121 Lyndelb 4.6 r LYB 86.21 +2.25 2 2.6m 7
50 24 67 D A 33.0 MelcoRes 2.5 MLCO 21.64 +.37 32 2.0m 27k 97 91 61 A B 70.2 MonstrBev r MNST 55.85 +.49 52 1.8m 31 42 35 87 E D 9.5 Neophtncs NPTN 7.29 +.29 48 369 ..o
M 10 48 1 .. E 15.2 Melinta MLNT .94 +.01 74 165 .. 58 83 65 .. D 187 Moodys 1.1 MCO 156.5 +2.41 34 813 21 5 30 2 E D 11.5 NeosThera NEOS 2.16 +.14 59 212 ..
83 88 56 B B+ 197 M&TBank 2.4 r MTB 168.3 .11 29 687 12o 98 98 88 A D+ 99 7Mellanox MLNX 85.34 +1.27 28 530 19 84 71 86 C D+ 93.9 MoogA 1.2 MOGA 83.18 +3.54 +129 348 17 9 41 1 E D 66.5 Neovasc NVCN .69 .04 19 1.2m ..
69 98 28 A C 12.9 Macatwa 2.9 MCBC 9.73 +.03 51 21 12 53 56 50 C B 20.5 Melrose MELR 18.85 +.52 75 0.6 29 .. .. 84 .. B 20.0 MorgSAs .9 APF 17.47 +.07 73 9 ..k 45 4 76 C B+ 5.1 NeptuneWell NEPT 3.33 .09 +11 787 ..
31 42 19 D C 68.8 Macerich 6.5 MAC 46.14 +1.15 4 1.3m 82 10 8 11 D D+ 39.9 MenioThera MNLO 5.56 +.08 88 14 .. .. .. 30 .. B 7.9 MrStCsM 10 MLPY 6.00 +.10 33 3 ..k 14 21 5 C C 12.7 Net1UEPS UEPS 4.40 .09 +41 532 2
53 18 78 E C+ 22.3 MackCali 4.0 CLI 20.08 .46 +47 963 55 43 5 86 E B+ 6.5 MERTle MTSL 1.94 .08 50 62 ..k .. .. 45 .. B+ 8.3 MSEMDDb 9 EDD 6.56 .01 42 309 ..k 39 44 45 E B 14.4 NetElement NETE 5.86 .09 79 26 ..
68 48 71 B C 17.6 Mackinc 3.0 MFNC 15.86 .13 76 5 13k 48 5 81 B C+ 417 Mercadolib MELI 342.9 +3.73 22 469 .. .. .. 78 .. A 19.9 MorgSEm .8 MSF 17.43 +.13 81 5 ..k 48 84 32 A E 88.1 Netapp 2.5 NTAP 63.73 +1.76 21 2.6m 14
.. .. 45 .. B 13.6 MacQFst 11 MFD 10.61 +.10 14 32 ..k 26 94 8 C D 259 MercantleBnkA AMTB 13.47 +.07 58 14 10k .. .. 61 .. B 9.9 MSEMkDb 5.9 MSD 8.85 +.05 53 51 ..k 70 51 71 B A 343 NetEase .7 r NTES 242.6 +2.21 +19 979 25
.. .. 45 .. C 25.9 MacQGInf 8.1 MGU 20.71 +.06 42 30 ..k 86 78 78 B A 38.5 Merct 3.0 MBWM 34.35 +.21 17 44 13 .. .. 34 .. B+ 27.0 MorgSIn .2 IIF 19.27 .40 +17 76 ..k 94 79 89 B B+ 423 Netflix NFLX 338.1+11.38 19 11m 99o
32 26 53 C C+ 67.8 Macquar 9 MIC 41.67 .03 9 737 21 71 85 44 A C 19.1 MercrInt 3.5 MERC 14.32 +.09 37 333 7 .. .. 53 .. D 25.3 MSChina .3 CAF 19.49 +.25 2 99 ..k 62 43 84 C B 48.6 Netgear NTGR 39.09 +.92 68 162 14
20 29 6 D E 32.7 MacroGnics MGNX 11.70 +.26 +236 1.5m .. 66 83 47 A E 29.2 Merchant 1.1 MBIN 21.22 +.11 53 17 10k 45 72 25 B D+ 59.4 MorgnSt 2.8 r MS 42.98 +.93 10 13m 9o 62 24 70 D B+ 31.8 Netscout NTCT 26.13 +.41 29 398 19
20 71 15 C E 42.0 Macys 5.9 M 25.51 +1.00 10 8.7m 4o 77 52 90 A D 80.2 Merck 3.0 MRK 72.95 .22 9 13m 17 86 84 76 B C+ 144 Mrgstr .9 MORN 120.3 .16 8 88 33 10 5 17 E B+ 9.9 Netshoes NETS 2.52 +.13 41 37 ..
46 11 87 D B 330 MadSqureGrd MSG 278.9 +1.41 21 234 99 71 70 82 D C+ 61.8 Mercury 4.9 MCY 51.46 1.49 +217 958 24k 71 39 93 D C 35.9 Morphosys MOR 29.71 +1.16 +3 36 ..k 87 72 90 C B+ 10.5 NetSolTch NTWK 6.64 .22 65 22 13k
.. .. 28 .. D 7.9 MadsnCov 10 MCN 6.62 +.05 43 59 ..k 97 84 92 B B 57.3 Mercury MRCY 48.50 +.28 36 176 33k 71 62 89 C D 37.4 Mosaic .3 MOS 31.89 +.88 12 3.3m 20 42 43 46 D D+ 3.3 Net1Tech 3.8 NTIP 2.60 ... 83 5 8
12 29 9 .. E 325 MadrigalPhrm MDGL 111.1 +1.77 51 148 ..o 81 41 74 A D 69.4 Meredith 4.0 MDP 53.98 .99 +3 380 16 88 72 79 .. B 10.0 MosaicAcqA MOSC 9.97 +.03 87 9 99 .. .. 66 .. C 14.0 NeuBerC 4.2 NBW 12.58 .07 +19 24 ..k
35 39 38 .. D 12.3 MAGSlvgn MAG 8.35 +.46 17 264 ..o 53 81 51 C E 19.5 Meridian MRBK 16.80 +.08 +66 6 15k 35 72 2 D D 2.2 Mosys MOSY .17 +.01 74 346 .. .. .. 26 .. C+ 10.3 Neubrgr 8.8 NML 7.47 +.08 58 186 ..k
70 72 66 D C+ 6.5 MagalScrty MAGS 5.39 +.30 +458 102 35 85 68 86 B C 19.8 Meridia 3.0 VIVO 16.66 .31 28 260 21o 78 46 91 .. A 11.5 MotifBio MTFB 9.86 +.05 +9 3 ..k .. .. 84 .. B 14.7 NeuBerM 5.2 NBH 14.18 +.27 +9 109 ..
60 59 25 B A 112 MagellnHlth MGLN 64.78 +1.31 41 230 11 53 80 28 B C 21.8 Meridia 1.8 EBSB 15.70 +.19 14 141 14o .. .. 69 .. D+ 22.5 Motley100 .6 TMFC 19.92 +.28 +29 62 99 .. .. 66 .. D 12.2 NeuBerN 4.1 NBO 11.49 .01 50 11 ..
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IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating
Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating
Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE
Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos)
52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P
6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
.. .. 38 .. D+ 5.3 NeBrRES 10 NRO 4.49 +.03 49 129 ..k 51 28 84 D E 25.2 Nuvectra NVTR 14.58 +.46 49 98 .. 86 29 99 D B+ NH OktaA OKTA 79.62 +.29 7 2.3m .. .. .. 51 .. C 27.7 PacerWlt 1.1 PWS 23.96 .11 62 20 99
.. .. 53 .. D+ 11.6 NeuBHYld 7.5 NHS 10.50 +.07 +31 136 ..k .. .. 19 .. C 9.5 NuvAllC 11 JMLP 6.27 +.09 15 103 ..k 91 96 70 A C+ 170 OldDom .4 ODFL 134.6 +2.98 48 278 20 .. .. 31 .. C 33.4 PacrTrndp 1.8 PTEU 25.11 +.04 25 47 ..k
4 15 2 D D 2.2 Neurlstmn CUR .40 +.03 46 95 .. .. .. 75 .. D+ 13.5 NuvAmtFr 5.0 NEA 12.87 .05 44 507 ..k 72 91 28 A C 35.7 OldLine 1.4 OLBK 27.68 .14 +12 54 12 29 45 15 A D+ 3.0 PacCoas 16 ROYT 1.83 +.02 48 93 6o
55 59 40 D B 126 Neurocrine NBIX 90.36 +1.36 43 733 99 .. .. 75 .. B+ 15.3 NuvAmtFre 5.4 NVG 14.47 +.01 33 419 ..k 62 78 44 B D+ 21.0 OldNtlB 3.1 ONB 16.61 +.51 +15 1.1m 12o 64 23 99 E C+ 7.8 PacifBiosci PACB 7.17 .06 68 718 ..
30 56 12 E B 2.0 NeuroMtrx NURO .94 .05 1 164 .. .. .. 72 .. B 16.9 NvnAmt 4.3 NUW 15.47 .02 54 24 ..k 41 83 18 D D+ 31.5 OldPoint 2.0 OPOF 22.28 +1.73 49 4 22k 64 84 22 A B 21.0 PacificCi .8 PCB 15.60 +.54 41 21 10
7 5 6 .. D 39.4 Neuronetics STIM 15.09 +1.11 27 96 ..k .. .. 56 .. D+ 14.2 NuvAzQlt 4.0 NAZ 12.22 +.03 78 9 ..k 54 86 44 D D 23.1 OldRepu 3.9 ORI 20.07 .47 +86 3.1m 10o 41 27 93 E .. 16.0 PacificDrillng PACD 15.22 +1.22 38 11 ..k
8 15 5 .. D 11.9 Neurotrope NTRP 4.01 .01 66 13 .. .. .. 62 .. B 15.0 NuvCaAm 4.6 NKX 13.15 ... 74 42 ..k 84 92 61 A C 16.3 OldSeco .3 OSBC 14.20 +.76 3 98 12 7 4 6 E C 4.6 PacEthanl PEIX 1.34 +.11 21 326 ..o
27 12 15 D B 94.3 NevroCorp NVRO 47.36 +1.40 +26 885 .. .. .. 67 .. D 17.0 NCalMV2 4.1 NCB 15.61 .01 95 0.3 ..k 61 74 34 D B 38.8 Olin 3.4 OLN 23.73 +.65 52 1.1m 12 47 50 38 A C 10.5 PacificMerc PMBC 8.06 +.04 80 9 7k
73 19 97 D B+ 4.6 NevsunRes NSU 4.51 +.02 86 46 ..o .. .. 65 .. E 10.1 NuCAVal 3.6 NCA 9.34 +.06 54 37 ..k 98 98 89 A E 97.6 7OlliesBargain OLLI 78.12 +2.97 5 982 47o 58 78 26 A B 46.1 PacfcPrem r PPBI 29.25 +.48 +63 608 15k
61 3 99 E A 10.0 NewAgeBev NBEV 6.61 +.10 38 9.0m .. .. .. 70 .. B 14.2 NuvCaQlt 5.0 NAC 13.16 .02 48 266 ..k 49 76 28 C C 25.8 Olympic .4 ZEUS 18.54 +1.04 +7 74 5 65 74 49 C D 55.0 PacirPhrm PCRX 38.86 +.15 53 253 40o
.. .. 40 .. C 9.4 NewAmHi 8.3 HYB 8.00 .03 67 27 ..k .. .. 66 .. C 15.1 NuCASel 3.6 NXC 13.61 +.04 +13 21 .. 66 88 57 A C 95.0 OmegaFlx 1.5 OFLX 64.60 +.72 +13 18 34k 74 90 32 A B 131 PackagCp 3.4 PKG 94.26 +1.94 17 766 12
33 48 30 .. B 72.6 NewEngld 2.1 NEN 59.84 +.38 55 2 1 .. .. 64 .. E 9.8 NuvCredOp 6.0 JCO 9.26 +.05 18 81 ..k 84 57 96 D B NH OmegaHlt 6.8 OHI 38.92 +.34 50 1.1m 27 41 84 23 B E 55.9 Pacwest 6.1 PACW 39.03 +.42 56 650 10o
.. .. 44 .. B 17.0 NewGerm 1.8 GF 13.50 +.35 49 16 ..k .. .. 52 .. B 8.2 NVCrdStgy 6.0 JQC 7.64 ... 38 572 ..k 6 1 16 .. D+ 27.0 Omeros OMER 13.22 +.21 6 641 ..o 70 99 16 A D 40.0 PagseguroA PAGS 22.93 +.08 3 2.7m 28
28 4 35 C B 3.4 NewGold NGD 1.13 +.08 +35 4.3m .. .. .. 75 .. B 11.9 NuvCtQl 4.2 NTC 11.65 ... 64 18 .. 91 85 93 B D 79.5 Omnicell OMCL 66.07 +1.39 58 141 34 21 41 5 .. B+ 10.9 PainThera PTIE 1.15 .03 51 142 ..k
13 45 19 D E 13.0 NewHome r NWHM 7.00 ... +9 78 9k .. .. 39 .. C+ 20.2 NvDow30 7.2 DIAX 17.20 +.06 43 73 ..k 87 65 83 B C+ 83.3 Omnicom 3.1 OMC 76.40 .29 36 1.5m 13 21 10 10 B D+ 1.6 Palatin PTN .68 .00 56 399 17k
.. .. 19 .. D 13.1 NewIrln 13 IRL 8.74 +.08 66 7 ..k .. .. 32 .. A 12.7 NvDvsfD 9 JDD 10.07 +.09 24 62 ..k 44 53 41 C C 11.9 OmnovaSol OMN 8.39 +.20 48 107 14k 99 98 91 A B 239 7PaloAltNts PANW 209.7 .75 27 1.2m 48o
75 21 88 B C+ 51.8 NJResou 2.5 NJR 47.10 .77 32 334 17 .. .. 56 .. C+ 9.7 NvEmMkDb 5.5 JEMD 8.20 +.07 16 55 ..k 72 72 93 D C 9.4 OnDeckCap ONDK 6.94 +.12 68 209 14 87 92 93 C B 70.0 PAMTrans PTSI 52.40 +.40 72 3 11
23 24 18 D C+ 19.1 NwMed 11 NEWM 13.41 +.09 51 213 22o .. .. 72 .. B 14.5 NEnMuV 5.0 NEV 13.38 .06 7 80 ..k 91 87 84 B B+ 27.1 OnSemi ON 20.12 +1.13 +60 10m 11 27 4 22 B B 71.0 PampaEn PAM 34.58 1.03 +13 344 ..
76 38 79 A C+ 14.3 NewMtnFn 9 NMFC 13.76 +.01 10 353 11o .. .. 25 .. D 13.0 NuveenEr 10 JMF 9.14 +.12 47 144 ..k 18 14 12 D E 1.4 OnTrack OTIV .75 .01 8 99 .. 28 24 24 C C 18.8 PanAmSl 1.0 PAAS 13.82 +.54 18 1.4m 26
95 87 84 A A 108 7OrientlEdTec EDU 77.49 +3.51 +60 2.9m 32o .. .. 55 .. B+ 32.0 NvEsgEm 1.9 NUEM 25.65 +.32 48 2 ..k 10 45 2 E D 24.4 Onconova ONTX 2.42 +.07 +202 330 .. 44 22 96 E D+ 10.1 Pandora P 8.32 +.10 +8 8.4m ..
99 72 95 C C 114 NewRelic NEWR 96.26 +1.46 59 270 99 .. .. 36 .. E 28.8 NvEsgInt 2.3 NUDM 23.59 +.21 90 2 ..k 24 34 33 .. D 4.6 Oncocyte OCX 1.92 +.10 +3 32 .. 37 48 63 C C 3.9 Pangaea PANL 3.02 +.05 62 3 5
53 32 46 A D 18.8 NewResi 12 NRZ 16.65 +.19 35 3.1m 6k .. .. 55 .. C 30.9 NvEsgLg 2.0 NULV 27.92 +.10 54 6 ..k 92 67 88 C A 87.8 OneGas 2.5 OGS 81.26 2.04 13 251 21k 4 9 19 D D 22.3 PanhanO 1.0 PHX 15.80 +.21 29 20 99k
8 7 12 E E 8.9 NewSenio 10 SNR 4.93 +.08 47 438 .. .. .. 51 .. B 37.7 NvEsgLgCpGrw NULG 32.16 +.38 +6 9 ..k 80 55 94 E C+ 3.7 OneGrpHosp STKS 3.17 +.01 95 0.8 99 33 38 15 C B 69.2 PapaJoh 2.1 PZZA 42.18 3.52 +63 1.4m 24o
32 18 66 C D+ 14.5 NYCtyBc 6.4 NYCB 10.70 +.10 60 3.3m 13 .. .. 64 .. B 33.1 NvEsgMdC .2 NUMG 28.31 +.26 92 0.7 ..k 6 28 1 D B+ 3.0 OneHorizon OHGI .11 +.00 64 1.0m .. 27 16 46 E E 5.8 PapaMurph FRSH 4.67 .01 67 10 8
76 44 78 A E 6.5 NYMrtg 12 NYMT 6.20 +.01 53 1.0m 7k .. .. 60 .. B+ 28.7 NvEsgMdC 2.4 NUMV 25.95 +.21 88 0.5 ..k 82 51 87 C C+ 29.4 OneLibe 6.6 OLP 27.38 +.35 37 28 21 41 27 32 B A 21.3 ParPacific PARR 16.09 +.11 +129 642 14
79 70 88 C B 28.7 NYTimes .6 NYT 26.10 +.34 9 1.7m 29 .. .. 64 .. C 31.1 NvEsgSm 1.0 NUSC 27.30 +.32 73 7 ..k 12 37 9 D D 6.3 OneStopSys OSS 2.30 ... 87 3 .. 69 14 99 E B 26.4 ParTech PAR 24.70 +.83 37 55 ..
28 45 6 A D 29.7 NewaterTech NEWA 6.35 +.24 85 4 6k .. .. 32 .. C 11.3 NuvFlRt 7.6 JRO 9.53 +.08 49 127 ..k 57 39 91 D C 15.0 One800FlrA FLWS 13.35 +.20 46 95 37 53 37 55 D D+ 16.1 Paramou 2.9 PGRE 13.96 +.35 21 1.3m ..k
4 14 30 E B 12.8 NewConEngy GBR 1.72 .01 83 21 .. .. .. 35 .. B 11.2 NuvFltRt 7.6 JFR 9.51 .09 14 327 ..k 41 28 63 D C+ 30.3 OconeeF 1.5 OFED 26.05 .26 52 2 50k 21 35 12 E E 1.6 ParaGoldNv PZG .93 +.01 65 13 ..k
45 28 80 E C 31.8 Newell 4.3 NWL 21.32 +.34 53 3.8m 14 .. .. 66 .. B 12.4 NuvGaQlt 3.6 NKG 11.25 .02 98 0.9 .. 47 36 54 C D 37.3 OneMain OMF 29.36 +.45 35 444 10 83 41 97 D B+ NH ParaEnrgC 4.6 ELP 9.44 .02 37 359 8
59 94 12 A B+ 34.6 NewfieldExp NFX 18.48 +.17 +7 7.7m 5 .. .. 42 .. E 17.2 NuvGlobH 8.8 JGH 14.54 +.08 7 82 ..k 81 83 61 B D+ 72.0 Oneok 5.5 OKE 62.44 .21 0 2.8m 24x 12 9 10 D D 16.2 Paratek PRTK 6.88 +.23 27 286 ..o
.. .. 59 .. C 25.3 NewfltMl 4.7 NFLT 23.75 .03 43 19 99 .. .. 73 .. C 10.1 NuvHiIncD 4.0 JHD 9.87 +.01 +114 166 ..k 54 87 47 .. B 16.0 Onesmart r ONE 9.05 +.30 79 31 24k 76 72 46 D A 3.6 Pareteum TEUM 2.31 +.03 +25 1.1m ..
5 36 3 E E 9.0 NewlinkGen NLNK 1.41 +.06 +46 524 ..o .. .. 83 .. .. 12.3 NuvHiInc 6.0 JHAA 10.40 ... +21 29 99 31 31 20 C B 25.5 Onespan OSPN 13.67 +.17 3 219 35k 90 66 67 A D+ 11.8 ParkCityGrp PCYG 8.39 +.58 +1 35 39k
30 15 15 B B+ 17.0 Newmark 3.7 NMRK 9.77 .03 28 1.6m 12k .. .. 73 .. E 9.9 NuvHiIn 5.7 JHB 9.63 +.08 42 120 ..k 8 20 4 .. E 7.4 Oncolytics ONCY 2.04 +.07 29 51 .. 74 60 94 .. A 24.2 ParkElc 1.8 PKE 22.49 +.02 +42 242 77o
72 40 77 B B 437 Newmkt 1.8 r NEU 398.8 +2.53 50 19 22k .. .. 81 .. B 10.3 NuvHiIn 4.5 JHY 10.17 +.26 +24 60 ..k 20 57 2 .. C 3.6 OncoMedPhr OMED .76 +.04 74 152 4 82 76 64 C C+ 34.3 ParkHotl 8.0 PK 28.79 +.72 24 1.3m 12
38 28 44 D C 42.0 Newmont 1.7 NEM 33.16 +.98 +46 10m 24 .. .. 79 .. C+ 12.9 NVIntDur 3.0 NIQ 12.70 .03 67 16 .. 13 30 3 .. D+ 2.2 OncosecMed ONCS .72 .02 66 449 .. 52 69 37 B B 119 ParkNatl 4.2 PRK 92.52 +.58 32 23 13k
57 72 37 C A 11.7 NewparkRes NR 8.38 +.19 36 402 24k .. .. 79 .. D 12.9 NVIntrDu 4.0 NID 12.69 .08 23 90 .. 41 5 93 D C 17.5 Ooma OOMA 15.22 +.01 60 29 ..o 29 63 22 B E 47.1 ParkOhio 1.6 PKOH 31.60 +.33 83 5 8
25 52 26 C E 17.2 NewsCo 1.6 NWSA 12.69 +.25 +6 2.9m 23 .. .. 66 .. B+ 14.2 NuvMaQlt 3.9 NMT 12.46 +.01 34 13 .. 64 97 19 A E 14.1 OPBancorp OPBK 9.34 +.33 +46 46 10 74 87 32 A C 24.8 ParkeBa 2.9 PKBK 19.47 +1.09 +69 29 8
34 52 26 D C 17.6 NewsCo 1.6 NWS 12.80 +.24 +232 1.9m 23k .. .. 75 .. C+ 12.5 NuvMdQl 4.3 NMY 12.15 +.02 58 25 .. 95 82 80 A B 40.3 OpenText 1.7 OTEX 35.81 +.58 +70 756 13k 56 49 61 B C 211 ParkHan 1.9 PH 161.0 +2.92 +7 1.1m 19
38 12 78 D E 24.2 Newtek 9 NEWT 18.95 +.24 40 132 ..o .. .. 75 .. C+ 13.2 NuvMiQl 4.2 NUM 12.74 ... 32 36 ..k 27 40 15 B C 15.6 OperaLtd OPRA 7.54 .10 +36 185 24k 38 74 9 A C 33.4 ParsleyEnrgA PE 18.46 +.32 44 3.9m 12
4 6 9 C E 21.6 NexaRs 6.4 NEXA 9.41 +.20 34 101 22k .. .. 46 .. D 15.2 NuvMinn 4.9 NMS 12.45 .08 +104 51 ..k 66 3 82 .. A+ NH OpesAcq OPES 10.08 +.05 95 1 ..k 30 7 41 D C 6.0 PrtnrComm PTNR 4.25 +.10 82 0.7 ..
19 25 39 D D+ 12.6 NexeoSols NXEO 9.13 +.07 36 334 12k .. .. 48 .. B 14.7 NuvMoQlt 4.2 NOM 12.18 .15 90 0.6 .. 31 44 27 E A 7.6 Opgen OPGN 1.54 .05 +240 542 .. 47 72 23 C D 17.0 PartyCity PRTY 11.30 +.06 +1 1.5m 8o
14 3 31 .. D 2.5 NexgenEnrgy NXE 1.80 +.06 34 248 .. .. .. 66 .. B 13.7 NvMuHiI 5.4 NMZ 12.38 +.01 22 203 ..k 8 14 4 .. D 4.5 Ophthotech OPHT 1.27 +.01 53 114 ..o 49 52 44 C D 16.6 Pathfin 1.7 PBHC 14.39 .01 67 1 16k
72 5 94 C B 38.2 NexPoin 3.1 NXRT 35.80 .23 37 84 ..k .. .. 56 .. D+ 7.8 NuvnMult 5.2 JMM 6.92 +.02 97 0.5 ..k 25 22 20 .. B 32.3 Opiant OPNT 14.93 +.33 62 9 ..k 50 99 13 A C 72.3 PatrickInds r PATK 39.39 +.41 9 344 8k
.. .. 45 .. B 25.1 NextptStr 11 NHF 21.43 +.09 49 68 ..k .. .. 75 .. C+ 15.0 NuvMuniCr 5.6 NZF 14.23 .03 48 275 ..k 38 31 70 E C 6.4 OpkoHlthn OPK 3.81 +.12 28 3.5m ..o 39 69 55 E D 23.8 PatriotTrn PATI 18.75 ... 93 0.1 29k
99 99 92 A D 89.8 NexstarM 1.8 NXST 83.62 +.51 32 487 13o .. .. 56 .. C 13.3 NuMuniI 4.1 NMI 10.51 +.01 +25 34 ..k 38 32 44 D B 34.2 OppenHl 1.6 OPY 26.85 +.06 57 37 11k 84 52 91 D C 21.9 Pattern 8.1 PEGI 20.68 .15 38 694 14o
22 23 10 .. C 8.4 Nextdecade NEXT 4.28 +.09 +18 27 .. .. .. 74 .. B 10.0 NuMuniV 3.9 NUV 9.58 .04 17 444 ..k .. .. 60 .. D+ 30.7 OppEmMk 2.8 REEM 25.23 +.32 82 0.3 ..k 15 23 28 D D 38.2 Pattrsn 4.7 r PDCO 22.29 +.35 52 738 16o
93 78 83 C C+ 184 NexteraE 2.5 NEE 174.2 6.08 +46 3.6m 22o .. .. 73 .. B 9.9 NuvMni20 2.0 NHA 9.56 .32 41 14 .. .. .. 55 .. C+ 33.1 OppEsgR 2.3 ESGL 29.84 +.30 80 1 ..k 13 33 7 D D 24.7 Patterso 1.3 PTEN 12.00 +.27 +57 6.3m ..
67 71 42 D B 50.7 Nextera 4.2 NEP 40.55 2.71 +278 1.2m 14o .. .. 33 .. D+ 28.2 NvNas10 7.8 QQQX 21.66 +.25 35 123 ..k .. .. 46 .. B 33.6 OppGlbEs 2.6 ESGF 28.34 +.36 45 0.6 ..k 27 34 11 .. C 1.9 PAVmed PAVM 1.01 +.01 55 79 ..
.. .. 70 .. C 12.9 NuvNcQlt 3.5 NNC 12.20 .01 68 17 .. .. .. 40 .. E 30.0 OppIntlR 3.0 REFA 24.39 +.02 +295 9 ..k 88 79 85 A C 76.0 Paychex 3.2 PAYX 70.39 +.77 14 1.9m 27o
85 65 90 C B 23.7 NextgenHlthcr NXGN 18.25 .08 +4 325 23
.. .. 78 .. B 13.6 NuvNjQlt 4.9 NXJ 13.19 ... 45 63 ..k .. .. 53 .. B 55.3 OppSp50 1.8 RWL 49.86 +.43 43 65 ..k 99 97 96 A C 164 7Paycom r PAYC 143.1 +4.56 8 527 60
39 15 99 E B 25.0 NFEnergySav NFEC 9.71 1.08 19 126 ..
.. .. 71 .. D 12.7 NuvNyAm 4.5 NRK 12.06 .01 74 64 ..k .. .. 49 .. C+ 74.6 OppSpFi 1.6 RWW 63.23 +.51 56 2 ..k 99 92 93 A C+ 88.5 7Paylocity PCTY 68.14 +1.00 2 228 80k
44 18 67 D B+ 17.7 NGLEne 13 NGL 11.59 +.42 12 1.0m ..
.. .. 81 .. B 14.4 NNYMV2 3.6 NYV 14.02 .05 57 4 ..k .. .. 53 .. C 65.1 OppSpMd 1.1 RWK 57.27 +.77 42 20 ..k 80 18 96 D A 2.4 PaymntData PYDS 2.23 .02 46 19 ..
49 51 47 B D 17.9 NIHdgs r NODK 15.25 +.02 72 6 11
.. .. 78 .. B 9.8 NuNYVal 3.8 NNY 9.42 .08 +71 46 ..k .. .. 42 .. D+ 79.5 OppSpSm 1.3 RWJ 65.36 +1.13 32 27 ..k 97 90 92 A B NH Paypal r PYPL 94.28 +2.08 +27 12m 41
83 81 44 B B 17.6 NIC 2.3 r EGOV 14.15 .01 48 202 15
.. .. 75 .. C 13.6 NuvNyQlt 4.5 NAN 12.75 +.09 12 71 ..k .. .. 54 .. D 39.9 OppSpUl 4.0 RDIV 36.00 +.25 60 195 ..k 82 96 77 C D 12.2 PBBanc 2.5 PBBI 11.02 .12 89 1 21k
95 84 85 A D 119 NiceLtdAds NICE 107.6 +.84 17 159 23
.. .. 75 .. D+ 13.6 NuNYSel 3.9 NXN 12.98 .03 +46 15 .. .. .. 83 .. C NH OppEmUlD 3.6 REDV 24.20 +.13 88 0.1 99 26 34 33 C E 53.9 PBFEner 3.4 PBF 35.04 +.52 25 1.4m 16
89 67 73 A A+ 58.6 NicoletBanc NCBS 54.76 +1.05 +19 15 13
.. .. 75 .. C 14.7 NuvOhQlt 3.9 NUO 13.95 +.07 64 20 ..k .. .. 60 .. D+ 29.2 OppRus10 1.3 OMFL 26.31 +.20 41 23 ..k 54 50 83 .. D+ 22.7 PBFLogis 9 PBFX 21.58 +.04 12 95 12k
21 18 45 C D 39.3 Nielsen 5.5 NLSN 25.68 +.40 12 3.2m 21
.. .. 42 .. C 15.9 NuPaMV 3.8 NPN 12.73 +.08 32 4 ..k 44 2 91 D B 9.8 Optibase OBAS 9.70 +.30 90 0.2 .. 77 69 88 D B 43.1 PCConnect r CNXN 32.48 +.54 72 20 15k
35 12 79 .. D+ 29.6 NightstarTher NITE 13.35 .23 13 83 ..
.. .. 70 .. D 13.1 NuvPaQl 4.5 NQP 12.55 ... 57 34 ..k 80 50 86 C B 6.4 OptiCable OCC 3.64 +.04 40 7 28 17 7 41 E B 7.6 PCTel 4.2 PCTI 5.30 ... 50 39 99
42 3 99 E C 8.5 NIIHldg NIHD 4.91 +.05 55 610 ..
.. .. 71 .. B+ 9.8 NuvPf&In 7.5 JPS 8.97 +.07 50 559 ..k 57 72 34 D C 18.4 Optimizerx OPRX 10.95 .19 70 24 .. 95 97 98 E B+ 25.2 PCM PCMI 21.15 +.91 19 86 11
96 76 90 A B 86.0 NikeB 1.1 NKE 80.61 +.17 47 4.4m 31o
.. .. 55 .. D+ 25.0 NuvPfIn 6.4 JPT 22.22 +.15 61 12 ..k 5 24 12 E D 7.2 OptimumBk OPHC 3.50 +.02 94 0.1 3 .. .. 44 .. D+ 12.0 PCMFund 9 PCM 10.34 .11 +1 46 ..k
37 72 17 D C+ 40.4 NineEnrgSvc NINE. 24.77 +1.17 40 94 ..
.. .. 57 .. D 10.1 NuvPrf&In 8.0 JPC 9.17 +.05 64 172 ..k 5 4 2 E E 30.0 Optinosse OPTN 6.16 .13 55 115 .. 85 94 77 C D 22.3 PCSBFi .6 PCSB 20.05 +.55 +46 88 36
33 3 80 .. B 13.8 NioA NIO 6.65 +.07 47 6.7m ..k
.. .. 49 .. C 24.4 NuvPrf&In 7.4 JPI 21.75 +.13 67 36 ..k 16 21 29 D C 31.0 OpusBa 2.1 OPB 20.90 .07 +38 264 17k 17 37 9 D C+ 66.2 PDCEnergy PDCE 33.43 .11 41 682 27o
74 51 82 C D+ 28.1 Nisource 3.0 NI 26.36 .49 22 2.3m 20
.. .. 75 .. B 13.7 NvQlMuniI 4.9 NAD 13.11 ... 59 325 ..k .. .. 51 .. B 26.2 OpusSmCp 2.0 OSCV 23.29 +.18 +269 23 99 36 11 62 D B 14.9 PDFSltions PDFS 9.82 +.21 15 159 42
36 41 43 .. B 10.2 NiuTechA NIU 7.61 +.10 74 39 ..k
61 12 94 C C 3.2 PDLBio r PDLI 3.18 +.10 +23 2.3m 7o
.. .. 30 .. D 16.5 NvCorEq 8.6 JCE 12.97 +.11 +71 122 ..k 85 59 80 A D 53.5 Oracle 1.5 ORCL 49.80 +.60 28 16m 14o
14 5 5 B C 14.3 NLIndust NL 4.18 +.06 70 9 37
32 42 31 D C 16.2 PdlCommBanc PDLB 12.93 +.06 70 6 99
.. .. 57 .. B+ 10.9 NuRealE 8.7 JRS 9.46 .14 3 127 ..k 30 16 66 .. C+ 4.2 Oragenics OGEN .95 +.03 51 1.2m ..k
38 72 22 C C 43.6 Nlight LASR 19.46 +.63 31 389 45k
63 21 93 E E 47.9 PDVWireles PDVW 39.65 +.90 66 21 ..k
.. .. 46 .. B 17.9 NuvRlAs 8.3 JRI 15.22 +.11 54 77 ..k 6 13 8 E E 8.6 OramdPhrm ORMP 3.48 .02 50 17 ..
98 74 94 A C 24.5 NMIHdgsA NMIH 21.70 +.82 +41 484 15 36 29 41 C B 47.8 PeabdyE 1.5 BTU 35.44 +.47 46 585 7k
.. .. 41 .. D+ 14.6 Nv500By 7.6 BXMX 12.83 .01 13 274 ..k 45 58 32 D D 18.6 Orange 4.2 ORAN 15.30 +.26 10 393 19
27 63 5 C B 29.5 NNInc 3.3 NNBR 8.58 +.39 45 396 6o 15 10 33 E D 5.7 PeakRes 6.0 SKIS 4.65 .07 +22 21 ..
.. .. 28 .. C+ 19.9 Nv500Dy 7.6 SPXX 14.83 +.11 28 46 ..k 67 92 14 B C+ 22.2 OrasureTech OSUR 12.43 +.42 16 499 28k
84 86 63 A C 69.6 NoahHlgs NOAH 44.81 +.69 +85 496 18 51 77 24 A D 38.0 Peapack .7 PGC 27.11 +.04 16 71 11
.. .. 75 .. C 10.0 NuSelMa 3.2 NIM 9.78 +.03 +78 69 .. 26 36 28 D E 11.8 Orbcomm ORBC 8.23 +.13 29 312 ..
3 8 3 E B 1.7 Nobilis HLTH .44 .01 80 84 4 61 61 84 D D 13.2 Pearson 1.9 PSO 11.89 ... 32 167 15
.. .. 70 .. C 13.9 NuSelTx 3.7 NXQ 13.56 .04 2 36 .. 84 79 88 B C+ 65.8 Orbotech ORBK 60.41 +.94 32 371 17
2 9 9 E D 7.4 NobleCorp NE 3.41 +.14 41 3.1m .. 46 73 23 D D 41.7 Pebbleb 1.7 PEB 30.37 +.48 55 1.1m 19
.. .. 75 .. D+ 15.0 NuSelTx 3.6 NXR 14.56 +.03 18 19 .. 17 1 25 .. D+ 19.2 OrchardThera ORTX 12.05 1.15 68 17 ..k
30 72 11 C C 37.8 NobleEn 2.0 r NBL 21.93 +.64 36 4.1m 19 50 39 99 E A 4.4 Pedevco PED 1.48 .03 89 28 ..
.. .. 78 .. B 15.0 NuSelTa 3.8 NXP 14.31 .03 6 31 ..k 46 27 49 C B 8.4 OrchidIs 13 ORC 6.94 +.09 7 671 ..k
53 60 13 A B 57.9 NobleMid 6.8 NBLX 32.75 +1.55 +30 231 7k 55 19 75 B B 68.0 Pegasyst .2 r PEGA 55.40 +.88 61 149 99
.. .. 38 .. E 17.8 NuvShDur 8.1 JSD 15.26 +.13 34 44 ..k 2 3 2 D D 15.7 OrchidPap TIS 1.08 .09 61 250 ..
76 24 94 C A NH Nokia 2.3 NOK 6.60 +.44 +159 59m 22 96 93 76 A C 36.8 Pembina 5.0 PBA 33.93 +.83 12 547 14
.. .. 79 .. B 28.1 NvShrTrm 3.4 NURE 26.72 +.32 77 5 ..k 49 34 96 .. .. 310 OrganogenesisA ORGO 16.34 .58 +999 284 56
80 81 64 B D 21.5 NomadFds NOMD 17.64 +.04 19 661 12 37 73 26 .. B 36.9 PenNatlGam r PENN 24.19 ... 52 1.1m ..
.. .. 35 .. B 6.7 NuSrIncm 7.4 NSL 5.71 .05 71 60 ..k 24 32 23 E C 2.1 Organovo ONVO 1.01 ... 42 329 ..
8 12 16 C E 6.8 Nomura NMR 4.16 .01 62 188 15k 61 76 40 A C 96.1 PennVA PVAC 54.24 +.41 69 55 7
.. .. 63 .. B 21.3 NuvTaxMu 6.2 NBB 19.80 .03 4 124 .. 20 30 7 D D+ 16.8 Oregenesis ORGS 4.49 .21 24 24 ..
35 46 31 E B 13.5 Noodles NDLS 7.40 +.14 +95 1.1m 99o 53 43 54 A E 14.1 Pennant 3.9 PFLT 12.77 +.04 68 60 15k
.. .. 65 .. A 14.2 NuvTxQl 4.2 NTX 12.72 .03 31 16 ..k 21 42 12 E B 15.2 OriginAg SEED 6.25 .12 54 15 ..k
43 45 43 A D 42.2 Norbord 17 OSB 28.31 +1.02 34 126 4k 58 42 76 C C+ 7.8 Pennant 10 PNNT 7.08 .03 34 216 9k
.. .. 24 .. D+ 14.7 NvTxAdv 9 JTA 11.14 +.06 66 24 ..k 64 86 43 B D 42.3 OriginB .4 OBNK 34.95 +.14 +120 202 15
16 18 32 E D+ 3.5 NordicTa 3.3 NAT 2.09 +.02 66 481 .. 47 81 26 B E 47.0 PenWd 5.1 PWOD 36.79 .06 +8 5 ..k
.. .. 30 .. D+ 18.4 NvTxDvn 9 JTD 14.85 .02 73 13 ..k 14 31 9 E C+ 9.8 OrionGrpHld ORN 4.41 +.01 55 85 23
4 15 3 E E 1.3 NordicA 8.5 NAO .47 +.02 +72 413 ..k 25 15 12 E A 12.5 PennREIT 11 PEI 7.43 +.20 56 587 ..
.. .. 70 .. C 12.8 NuvVaQlt 4.3 NPV 12.10 .02 51 24 .. 42 31 78 E C 1.3 OrionEnn OESX .90 +.01 89 15 ..k
66 58 65 A D 150 Nordsn 1.1 r NDSN 127.7 +1.38 44 190 21k 68 45 79 B E 25.2 PennymacFinl PFSI 20.75 +.41 19 313 8k
.. .. 49 .. E 24.3 NuMtgOp 6.0 JLS 22.60 +.02 +50 66 ..k 92 95 72 A C 36.6 OrionEngn 3.0 OEC 27.05 +1.06 +2 361 12k
13 46 22 .. C 67.8 Nordstr 3.1 r JWN 47.08 +.36 23 2.6m 15o 92 62 89 A C+ 21.4 Pennymac 9 PMT 19.96 +.25 33 291 11
16 1 53 D B 26.5 NuverraEnvi NES 12.50 +.96 +41 8 .. 79 55 85 B B+ 17.3 Oritani 6.0 ORIT 16.65 .13 +143 528 13
90 84 82 B C 186 NorflkS 2.1 NSC 165.1 .82 +96 4.4m 17o 72 34 79 .. A 10.2 PensareAcq WRLS 10.16 .03 99 1 ..k
.. .. 49 .. B 23.6 NuMtOp2 6.1 JMT 22.04 .15 +31 21 ..k 40 51 38 D C+ 100 Orix IX 78.23 +1.10 58 28 7k
1 20 14 .. E 9.4 NoEuroO 11 NRT 6.08 +.10 +21 27 8k 76 87 52 C B 54.8 Penske 3.2 PAG 46.58 +.59 4 397 9
46 14 84 E B 2.8 NVGoldCas UWN 2.46 +.03 +460 179 40 67 48 66 C D 70.7 OrmatTe .7 ORA 55.46 .43 55 71 27
77 72 92 E C+ 8.1 NortechSys r NSYS 4.35 +.18 3 7 .. 41 46 47 D B 50.0 Pentair 1.8 PNR 41.06 +.60 +6 1.7m 18
94 90 88 A B 96.7 NV5Globl NVEE 70.39 .97 29 64 23 43 50 17 B B 27.1 Orrstwn 3.1 ORRF 19.08 .11 56 9 10
85 72 98 C B 12.7 NorAmrC .6 NOA 10.49 +.30 50 66 20 98 72 91 C A 167 Penumbra PEN 143.8 +5.06 0 321 99
67 54 86 B B 135 NVE 4.2 NVEC 95.30 1.41 +26 29 29 72 74 34 C B 63.6 OrthofixMed OFIX 53.09 +.42 32 83 29
46 70 25 B D 24.8 Northea .2 NBN 18.20 +.16 +74 34 10k 81 80 56 B B 20.3 PplsUni 4.2 PBCT 16.75 +.35 +27 5.6m 12o
.. .. 62 .. B 14.2 NuNJMV 4.2 NJV 12.84 .12 66 2 ..k 57 6 97 .. B 39.8 Orthopediatrcs KIDS 34.10 .61 39 40 ..
48 31 90 .. B+ 1.6 NoDynMnrl NAK .71 +.01 50 448 ..o 83 97 50 A C 38.7 People's 1.4 PUB 31.43 .85 +18 24 15
60 47 79 C D 29.8 NventElec 2.8 r NVT 24.91 +.64 22 559 13k .. .. 46 .. B 26.9 OshEurQ 3.3 OEUR 22.66 +.14 32 8 99k
51 65 88 .. C 4.5 NorthOilGas NOG 2.63 +.06 +42 7.0m 5 51 63 34 C B+ 33.5 Peoples 1.9 PEBK 27.05 +.11 73 2 12k
77 97 11 A C 292 Nvidia .4 NVDA 160.2 +2.31 +56 29m 22 .. .. 55 .. C 29.2 OshRusSc 2.4 OUSM 25.53 +.25 90 4 ..k
86 78 65 A C 41.9 NthnTch 1.5 NTIC 30.15 .15 +106 16 18 65 66 40 A B 39.6 Peoples 3.6 PEBO 32.98 +.25 +38 49 12
77 96 44 A C+ 3683 Nvr r NVR 2517 4.24 +30 38 12 .. .. 64 .. C 33.4 OsharUs 2.9 OUSA 31.11 +.13 70 71 ..k
56 88 34 A D 115 NrthnTr 2.6 r NTRS 91.13 +1.76 +21 1.8m 14o 60 80 39 C B 52.0 PeoplesF 3.2 PFIS 41.60 .33 54 3 13k
74 55 54 C A 125 NXPSemi 1.2 NXPI 85.24 +.99 +22 5.6m 14 .. .. 51 .. D+ 29.8 OshGlbIntGiant OGIG 21.50 +.50 32 16 99
79 83 58 C B 17.3 Nrthfld 2.7 NFBK 14.56 +.17 36 80 18 63 53 61 B D 122 PepsiCo 3.4 PEP 109.4 .15 7 5.1m 19
67 41 84 E D 29.3 NxstageMed NXTM 28.44 +.16 +8 698 .. 84 77 83 B C 100 Oshkosh 1.5 OSK 70.19 +1.26 5 812 11
48 83 40 D D+ 45.4 Nrthrim 3.2 NRIM 34.03 +.04 8 16 12k 23 30 28 C E 12.3 Percptrn PRCP 8.00 .45 26 5 25
25 47 21 E C+ 3.3 NXTId NXTD 1.12 +.07 8 206 .. 83 51 95 C C NH OSISystem r OSIS 86.06+10.22 +637 1.0m 22
87 93 34 A B 360 Northrp 1.8 r NOC 272.8 +3.02 37 917 15 89 68 84 C B 31.1 Perficient PRFT 25.24 +.22 61 89 16
27 31 28 .. B 4.6 NymoxPhar NYMX 2.17 .04 40 60 ..o 95 72 97 D A 14.9 Osiris OSIR 14.55 +.16 22 85 90
73 22 94 C C 16.8 NStarRl 3.7 NRE 16.25 +.11 69 85 23o 89 85 86 C B 39.5 7PerfrmFdGp r PFGC 34.39 .17 32 437 21k
.. .. 25 .. D 27.8 NyPickOil .5 BOON 21.44 +.41 80 0.2 99 53 11 68 C B 12.0 OsiskoGol 1.7 OR 9.01 +.24 16 484 ..k
84 77 85 C B 18.6 NthtBnc 4.1 NWBI 17.74 .10 +14 711 17 19 8 33 E B 3.4 PeformtFinl PFMT 2.05 +.05 46 24 ..
51 25 61 D B 71.8 NorthwestN 3.0 NWN 62.30 +.03 5 135 29k O 50 51 56 E D 9.9 OsmoticaPhrm OSMT 7.99 +.36 89 10 ..k
48 32 91 D B 4.1 PerionNetwk PERI 3.19 .01 54 43 4
96 96 91 A E 363 OReillyAuto r ORLY 337.4 2.50 +10 751 22 35 94 9 C B 8.9 OssenInnv OSN 1.72 .03 61 7 1k
60 32 92 E A 25.1 NwestPipe NWPX 21.53 .03 61 18 .. 94 83 86 A C+ 98.3 Perkine .3 PKI. 86.49 +1.35 21 493 25
82 57 88 D B 65.7 Northwes 3.5 NWE 62.03 63 60 84 .. C+ 17.8 OtelcoA OTEL 16.30 .31 69 3 10
.69 60 140 18k 54 24 82 E C 2.4 O2Micro OIIM 1.65 .01 74 8 12k 47 47 40 E B 10.4 PermaPipe PPIH 8.53 .10 +11 11 ..
10 35 7 E D+ 6.5 Otonomy OTIC 2.00 .06 69 55 ..
76 89 54 A D 61.2 NorwegCrs r NCLH 47.93 +.94 49 1.2m 10 60 79 33 B C+ 25.7 OakVall 1.5 OVLY 18.00 +.04 62 3 12x 38 72 22 E B 5.2 PermaFix PESI 3.42 .11 +26 16 99
35 50 26 B D 40.6 NorwdF 3.3 NWFL 29.42 63 78 68 C E 14.7 OttawaB 1.5 r OTTW 13.57 +.04 +27 6 24k
+.21 21 6 13 34 27 49 B E 46.8 Oaktree 7.4 OAK 40.37 .13 21 229 16 29 34 17 A D 10.3 Permian 9 PBT 6.90 +.08 37 76 10
83 72 83 C C 51.9 OtterTa 2.8 OTTR 47.48 1.00 37 51 21k
11 27 3 B D 2.6 NovaLifesty NVFY .71 +.01 64 21 2 59 48 81 C D 5.1 Oaktree 8.0 OCSL 4.76 +.10 42 255 11k 36 62 12 A E 4.4 Permianvil 16 PVL 2.38 +.02 74 23 1
81 71 62 A B 32.0 NovaMeas r NVMI 24.68 +1.03 1 93 12k 56 28 76 C D+ 8.9 OakStra 7.3 OCSI 8.45 +.05 84 10 12k 53 12 87 C D 22.8 OutfrntM 7.0 OUT 20.53 +.14 56 453 34o
4 1 8 .. C 16.7 PrmrkRoy 17 PRT 9.39 .06 75 37 99
33 31 49 E B+ 4.0 NovaBayn NBY 1.97 +.25 +257 92 .. 60 66 51 A D 24.2 OasisMid 9 OMP 18.87 +.62 33 80 7 18 14 11 .. A 1.3 OutlookThera OTLK .67 +.01 +457 299 ..k
2 15 1 .. C 3.3 PernixTh PTX .41 +.02 83 129 ..
35 31 26 .. B 5.1 NovaGold NG 3.64 +.13 5 1.3m ..o 25 72 6 C D+ 14.6 OasisPetro OAS 6.26 +.04 14 9.9m 15o 12 43 6 E D 4.2 OverseasShip OSG 1.83 +.05 84 92 2
5 27 6 C C 95.9 Perrigo 1.7 PRGO 45.90 +1.03 45 1.1m 9o
12 34 5 E D 3.7 Novan NOVN 1.46 +.01 83 21 .. 60 36 95 D C 5.7 OasmiaPhr OASM 2.60 .16 14 10 ..k 1 1 7 E C 82.9 Overstk OSTK 18.38 +2.57 +402 10m ..o
18 13 8 .. B 2.5 PershingGold PGLC 1.15 +.11 49 44 ..
98 94 92 A D+ 78.9 Novanta NOVT 69.71 +2.25 44 98 34o 16 20 10 D D 4.6 ObalonThera OBLN 1.70 ... 93 24 .. 6 9 3 .. E 11.5 OvidThera OVID 3.27 +.01 90 9 ..
31 33 21 .. E 26.6 Perspec 1.0 PRSP 19.96 +.29 41 606 9k
71 45 75 B B 94.2 Novartis 2.9 NVS 85.95 .45 +32 3.3m 16 56 29 88 .. B 20.4 Obseva OBSV 14.48 +.86 1 53 .. 3 28 4 D D 22.9 OwensMi 3.9 OMI 7.60 +.09 41 986 5
.. .. 88 .. C 14.9 PrthMntPhysGld AAAU 12.99 +.19 74 19 99
60 28 97 E C+ 2.8 Novavax NVAX 2.19 +.10 6 8.7m ..o 4 15 4 E E 1.2 ObsidianEnrg OBE .45 .00 56 481 .. 44 81 19 B B 96.5 OwensCo 1.8 OC 48.31 +.91 50 731 10
95 99 86 A E 43.9 7PetiqA PETQ 28.92 +.62 47 220 21
5 21 5 D E 5.9 Novelion NVLN .94 .03 91 72 .. 52 77 29 C D+ 87.7 Occiden 4.7 OXY 66.53 +1.55 36 3.5m 15k 70 38 82 B B 23.6 OwensIlli .3 OI 19.62 +.27 28 1.1m 7
30 67 9 B C+ 51.0 PetMedE 4.8 PETS 22.65 +.37 +41 1.1m 11o
67 57 56 A C 58.3 NovoNrd 1.9 NVO 46.36 .43 17 1.3m 18 75 57 65 C E 4.8 OceanBio OBCI 3.70 +.07 +44 9 10 84 39 97 C B NH OwensRe 3.9 ORM 20.75 +.11 62 12 99
42 69 23 D C 85.0 Petchina 1.8 PTR 64.07 +.85 46 59 13
82 22 99 D B+ 53.7 Novocure NVCR 49.79 +1.46 +99 1.4m .. 78 82 30 A B+ 30.9 Oceanfi 2.9 OCFC 23.80 +.20 +30 255 12 15 39 9 E B 3.0 OxbridgeRe OXBR 1.00 ... 63 5 9
84 72 89 D B 17.2 Petroleo .6 PBR 15.82 +.30 37 13m 21o
7 14 2 D D 4.5 NovumeSolutns NVMM .66 .04 49 47 .. 10 18 3 E E 1.5 OcnPwTchn OPTT .30 .00 +65 421 .. 64 40 88 E C 19.2 OxfordImun r OXFD 14.58 .06 0 103 ..
71 72 85 E B+ 15.5 PetrolB 2.6 PBRA 13.85 +.35 36 6.1m 19
13 32 10 .. E 8.6 NovusThera NVUS 2.89 .01 52 14 .. 2 5 13 E E 28.6 Oceanrng OII 16.18 +.58 42 748 .. 22 52 31 .. C 97.2 OxfordI 1.8 OXM 76.86 +.03 41 130 18o
17 26 14 D C 8.4 Pfenex PFNX 3.53 +.01 47 39 ..
71 72 83 D B 18.6 Now DNOW 13.52 +.38 67 376 50 3 7 14 .. D+ 28.5 OchZif 1.0 OZM 12.76 +.16 54 37 3 .. .. 63 .. D+ 11.7 OxfordL 15 OXLC 10.27 .06 46 244 ..k
70 70 77 B E 46.5 Pfizer 3.5 PFE 40.64 .31 +29 33m 13
37 2 55 .. B 11.0 NRCGroup NRCG 9.24 +.05 87 4 .. 9 31 10 E E 8.3 OcularThera OCUL 3.84 +.18 47 321 ..o 59 46 83 C D 7.5 OxfordS 12 r OXSQ 6.51 +.12 58 97 10
36 85 13 D B 11.9 PFSweb PFSW 6.05 .19 20 58 12
79 63 95 E E 43.1 NRGEne .3 NRG 40.93 .80 11 4.3m ..o 7 11 3 E E 4.8 OcwenFncl OCN 1.74 +.01 73 394 ..o P 23 60 1 D D 49.4 PG&E PCG 11.77 2.18 +148 72m 3
25 17 7 E B 8.4 NTNBuzz NTN 2.71 .16 85 12 .. 26 1 47 .. B 32.0 OdonateThr ODT 17.33 +.24 68 23 ..k 59 72 65 D D 8.9 P&FIndu 2.5 r PFIN 7.85 +.04 +26 4 99 .. .. 63 .. E 14.5 PgGlbShrDu 7.3 GHY 13.56 +.03 42 129 ..k
65 67 32 A B 88.7 NuSkin 2.3 r NUS 63.38 +.06 28 291 13 22 37 30 .. C 13.8 OdyssyMar OMEX 5.67 +.07 75 12 .. 85 85 65 A B 79.7 Paccar 2.0 r PCAR 62.69 +.90 8 2.1m 10 .. .. 60 .. D 15.0 PgimShrD 7.5 ISD 13.66 +.01 57 87 ..k
73 63 48 B C 18.6 Nuance NUAN 15.60 +.35 61 1.2m 13 64 54 92 C C 3.6 OfficeD 3.3 r ODP 3.03 +.06 57 2.3m 8o .. .. 77 .. B 27.1 PacBnData 2.6 SRVR 25.17 +.08 6 3 99 .. .. 69 .. D 51.0 PgimUltSh 2.5 PULS 50.04 .01 +38 98 99
25 43 6 .. B 32.0 Nucana NCNA 12.25 +.84 +486 316 .. 26 6 9 D B 70.2 OfficePro 21 OPI 31.73 +.02 32 454 ..x .. .. 87 .. A NH PacBnInd 2.1 INDS 26.61 +.40 71 0.4 99 57 96 19 A D+ 26.4 PGTInnova PGTI 15.94 .28 +9 616 13
79 98 44 B C+ 70.0 Nucor 2.8 r NUE 58.10 +1.23 +39 3.4m 9 89 63 96 C B+ NH OFGBan 1.5 OFG 18.75 +.10 +21 447 12o .. .. 83 .. C 28.6 PcrBnRet 3.8 RTL 26.90 +.41 67 0.1 99 8 1 14 .. E 6.0 PhasebioPhrm PHAS 3.80 +.32 +234 124 ..k
.. .. 68 .. B 24.4 NuEnhYl 3.6 NUAG 23.32 +.04 56 8 ..k 84 63 76 A B 12.8 OFSCap 12 r OFS 11.26 .03 46 30 8 .. .. 55 .. B+ 31.0 PacDevMtIn 2.3 ICOW 26.58 +.44 57 10 ..k 2 1 1 E D 13.4 PHI PHIIK 2.77 +.40 +265 1.1m ..k
.. .. 73 .. C 25.9 NushrEsg 2.8 NUBD 24.33 ... 46 6 ..k 14 1 27 .. E 19.0 OfsCred 12 OCCI 16.17 .28 55 4 99 .. .. 55 .. C+ 33.3 PacrGlCas 3.7 GCOW 29.52 +.36 65 15 ..k 2 1 1 E D 14.0 PHIvtg PHII 3.17 +.49 +787 134 ..k
.. .. 73 .. A 24.7 NshEnh15 3.0 NUSA 24.39 .02 86 0.4 99 79 48 92 C C 41.8 OGEEner 3.6 OGE 40.31 .80 48 930 18k .. .. 73 .. D 36.4 PacrTrn .4 PTNQ 32.73 +.01 47 62 ..k 32 58 13 B D 54.6 PhibroA 1.5 PAHC 31.65 .02 24 92 18k
46 40 84 C D 35.9 NustarE 9 NS 26.27 +.55 24 500 18 32 57 22 C B 56.2 OhioVal 2.4 OVBC 34.90 1.54 +153 15 15k .. .. 59 .. D 31.9 PacerTrUs 1.0 PTLC 28.81 ... 39 373 ..k 7 61 17 .. E 111 PhillipM 6.3 PM 72.73 +1.18 32 5.1m 14
82 29 96 D B+ 64.9 Nutanix NTNX 52.23 +.39 24 2.0m .. 20 31 24 E B 1.7 OHAInve 7.0 OHAI 1.15 .05 66 13 22 .. .. 59 .. D+ 34.0 PacerTrUs .9 PTMC 30.88 +.01 49 88 ..k 43 75 26 C C 123 Phillip 3.4 PSX 93.02 +1.69 36 2.0m 11
77 69 70 B B 59.0 Nutrien 3.3 NTR 51.66 +.70 2 1.6m 26k 18 45 4 .. D 0.4 OHRPharma OHRP .11 .01 61 461 ..k .. .. 64 .. B 31.4 PacrUsCa 1.5 COWZ 28.64 +.52 42 59 ..k 96 99 59 A B 56.5 Phillip 6.6 PSXP 50.45 +1.29 10 361 13
90 80 95 B C 48.1 NutriSy 2.3 NTRI 43.42 .05 12 1.3m 22o 35 47 15 D B+ 46.7 OilDriA 3.5 r ODC 27.60 +.03 74 4 18 .. .. 51 .. B 25.7 PcrUsEx .5 PEXL 22.89 +.39 82 0.2 99 12 41 3 E D+ 6.8 PhioPharma PHIO .36 +.02 +73 657 ..
60 78 26 B D 72.4 NuVasive NUVA 49.29 +.46 36 442 23o 10 54 7 D E 39.0 OilStates OIS 17.79 +1.01 18 550 ..k .. .. 60 .. B+ 32.4 PacUsSmC 1.2 CALF 25.70 +.41 70 13 ..k 15 5 29 E B 7.0 Phoenix FENG 3.45 +.03 76 35 ..
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Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE
Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos)
52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P
6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
91 84 94 C B+ 11.0 Photronics r PLAB 10.48 +.16 9 604 18 .. .. 51 .. A+ 27.5 PrincContr 1.4 PVAL 24.37 +.28 75 0.2 ..k .. .. 67 .. B+ 49.5 PrUShSP 1.4 SDS 37.84 .66 28 6.1m .. 81 89 71 B B 169 RBCBearng ROLL 135.1 +1.39 48 56 30k
58 15 99 .. A 550 Phunware PHUN 110.0+15.50 53 3 ..k .. .. 55 .. C 41.9 PrincEd 4.8 YLD 38.73 +.05 +116 19 ..k .. .. 45 .. C 17.8 PrUShTch .6 REW 12.57 .42 65 13 ..k 38 68 14 A D+ 34.8 RCIHospit .5 r RICK 22.12 +.37 47 31 10o
96 86 87 C C 18.1 7Physicins 5.3 DOC 17.25 +.26 9 1.2m 59o 40 68 32 C D+ 75.6 Principal 4.3 r PFG 50.08 +.98 15 1.6m 8 .. .. 35 .. C+ 31.2 PrUShUtl SDP 22.32 +.61 88 0.6 ..k 25 16 20 D C 6.6 RCMTech RCMT 3.88 +.01 31 9 19
22 25 20 E D+ 13.4 PicoHldgs PICO 9.85 +.09 60 33 .. .. .. 60 .. D 39.3 PrincMille .7 GENY 34.67 +.55 66 1 ..k .. .. 71 .. E 79.4 ProUltShYen YCS 73.74 .31 82 2 ..k 76 45 80 B B 17.5 ReadgIntA RDI 15.76 +.08 +56 80 21
78 42 76 D B+ 20.6 Piedmon 4.5 PDM 18.79 +.35 11 976 43k .. .. 73 .. D 35.6 PrincPric 1.2 PSET 33.00 +.46 +218 16 ..k .. .. 79 .. A 28.2 PSVixMtFut VIXM 24.05 .32 68 20 .. 92 84 67 A B 17.3 ReadyCap 10 RC 15.23 +.28 +17 132 8
8 20 8 .. D+ 18.0 PiedmontLithm PLL 7.50 +.19 +186 8 ..k .. .. 68 .. B 18.9 PrincRea 7.7 PGZ 17.05 +.13 71 9 ..k .. .. 84 .. A 46.8 PSVixStFut VIXY 30.64 1.22 6 1.4m ..k 36 17 83 E A 1.6 RealGdsSolar RGSE .53 +.02 50 3.2m ..
5 4 3 .. A 3.9 Pier1Im 30 PIR .92 +.06 +11 5.3m ..o .. .. 55 .. B 100 PrincSpe 5.3 PREF 92.72 +.05 +104 5 ..k 64 58 76 C E 7.6 Prospec 10 PSEC 6.80 +.12 +2 2.8m 8 .. .. 59 .. C+ 32.2 ReShrDv .9 DIVY 26.07 +.04 57 9 ..k
19 39 4 D D 9.8 Pieris PIRS 2.74 +.19 40 350 .. .. .. 69 .. B 28.7 PrinciUsMe 2.2 USMC 26.34 +.14 +114 23 ..k 73 64 81 B C 79.2 Prosper 2.3 PB 70.79 +.13 +33 623 16 .. .. 73 .. B 28.6 RealityShD .5 DFND 27.57 +.26 +767 3 ..k
40 18 40 B B 31.0 PilgrmsP r PPC 18.93 .05 50 518 10 .. .. 46 .. B 36.9 PrincUs 1.2 PSC 30.31 +.35 97 0.6 ..k 19 18 29 E B+ 24.0 ProtagonstTher PTGX 8.00 +.19 37 76 .. .. .. 68 .. B 34.9 RealityShr 1.2 LEAD 32.01 +.40 6 8 99
.. .. 48 .. C 18.9 PimCoIn 9 PTY 16.30 +.24 61 223 ..k 80 72 85 .. B 36.0 PrincipiaBio PRNB 30.15 +.43 75 24 99k 8 13 19 E D 0.8 Protalixn PLX .43 ... 47 207 ..o .. .. 51 .. D+ 25.1 RlShrNsq 1.0 BLCN 21.39 +.35 +98 38 99
.. .. 30 .. E 19.3 PimCoIncS 8.8 PCN 15.36 +.08 40 143 ..k 3 5 6 .. D 13.0 PriorityTech PRTH 6.10 .10 +55 9 .. 14 27 16 D E 25.7 Protectv 6.2 PTVCB 18.15 +.41 35 22 ..k .. .. 65 .. E 25.6 RealShrFdD 1.4 DQML 24.09 +.36 29 2 99
.. .. 63 .. D 101 Pim0/5YrH 4.8 HYS 98.20 +.04 78 97 ..k 90 62 99 D C 16.0 ProDexInc PDEX 13.19 ... 72 12 99k 76 36 98 .. B+ 2.9 ProteonThera PRTO 2.75 +.27 59 23 .. .. .. 55 .. B+ 26.8 RealityShr .7 GARD 23.81 .01 +423 18 ..k
.. .. 72 .. B 50.3 PIMCO1 1.7 TUZ 50.16 .01 78 3 ..k 43 42 40 D B 56.0 Proassur 2.9 PRA 42.23 ... 54 118 22k 6 28 10 E E 10.4 Proteostasis PTI 2.99 +.10 +3 925 .. 44 8 91 E A 3.9 RealNtwk RNWK 3.01 +.03 +277 160 ..k
.. .. 67 .. D 52.1 Pimc15 2.4 STPZ 50.98 .04 10 66 ..k 79 47 90 B B 96.9 ProctrG 3.1 PG 93.60 .70 3 11m 21o 12 17 15 E D+ 46.1 Prothena PRTA 11.78 +.36 18 367 .. 15 50 15 D E 28.1 Realogy 2.1 RLGY 17.06 +.54 38 1.2m 9o
.. .. 49 .. B 68.6 Pim15TI 3.3 LTPZ 62.18 .28 73 4 ..k 4 14 5 E B 4.9 ProfDvrsNet IPDN 1.54 +.11 +43 30 .. 86 90 76 A D 166 ProtoLabs PRLB 120.4 +2.27 51 75 41 99 96 81 A C 66.3 7Realpage r RP 54.86 +1.46 37 510 39o
.. .. 79 .. C 117 Pim25yr 2.9 ZROZ 111.7 .67 30 17 .. 20 42 8 A D 5.3 ProfireEnergy r PFIE 1.81 +.01 36 152 13 6 2 8 .. D 8.0 Provention PRVB 2.50 +.20 55 24 ..k 92 61 92 C B 66.9 RealtyIn 4.1 O 65.22 +.96 18 1.9m 54
.. .. 72 .. A 105 PimActv 3.4 BOND 103.3 .04 69 54 ..k 24 14 14 D C 9.4 Progenics PGNX 4.65 +.08 22 1.1m ..o 48 56 45 D E 83.9 ProvdncSrvc r PRSC 64.88 +1.26 35 46 31
47 2 99 .. B 99 ReataPharm RETA 74.70 1.01 7 219 ..
.. .. 62 .. D 57.9 PimBrdT 2.4 TIPZ 56.05 .09 56 4 ..k 78 79 52 B D 51.1 ProgSftw 1.8 PRGS 35.21 +.58 4 394 14o 44 56 46 C D+ 30.8 ProvidntBanc PVBC 23.43 +.93 +999 92 23 .. .. 81 .. B+ 37.0 ReavesU 2.1 UTES 34.19 .61 70 0.8 99
.. .. 71 .. D 9.0 PimcoCA 5.1 PCK 8.23 +.01 21 75 ..k 87 67 83 B C+ 73.7 Progres 3.8 PGR 65.30 +.06 14 3.2m 14o 67 63 57 B B 29.1 Provide 3.4 PFS 24.80 .07 57 97 15 .. .. 76 .. E 31.8 ReavesUt 6.7 UTG 30.26 +.02 32 140 ..k
.. .. 83 .. B 11.1 PimcoCA 5.2 PZC 10.37 .02 21 35 ..k 97 81 75 A B 69.0 Prologis 2.9 PLD 66.01 +1.28 7 2.6m 23o .. .. 58 .. C 24.4 ProSht2 .8 TBF 22.61 +.08 27 444 .. 44 9 90 E B 13.1 RecroPharma REPH 8.01 +.36 55 62 ..
.. .. 84 .. C+ 17.3 PimcCAM 5.5 PCQ 16.70 +.07 3 34 ..k 86 54 67 A C 130 Proofpoint PFPT 97.63 +2.02 +23 741 78 .. .. 23 .. D 138 ProUPM4 .2 UMDD 90.64 +2.83 23 4 .. 98 87 96 A D 179 RedHat r RHT 176.5 +.15 55 1.1m 51o
.. .. 72 .. D 34.0 PimDynm 8.4 PDI 31.41 +.04 52 175 ..k 55 73 47 C C+ 22.6 Propetro PUMP 16.54 +.25 33 951 10 .. .. 17 .. D 114 ProUPR2K .2 URTY 65.21 +2.34 39 155 ..
20 34 28 E C+ 14.8 RedLionH RLH 9.64 .02 45 66 26
.. .. 63 .. D+ 24.7 PimcoDCMt 8.7 PCI 22.51 +.37 57 388 ..k 49 13 97 D C 4.5 Prophase PRPH 3.10 +.07 87 1 .. 25 24 16 D A 67.1 RedRobin RRGB 33.63 +.81 46 131 16
.. .. 42 .. B+ 24.2 PrUPShD 1.4 SDOW 15.91 .35 43 4.1m ..
.. .. 68 .. B 101 PimEnhLw 3.0 LDUR 99.0 .03 47 12 ..k 57 38 99 .. D 24.0 ProqrThera PRQR 15.24 +.63 60 159 .. 38 51 31 C B 37.0 RedRock 1.6 RRR 24.89 +.10 36 415 29
.. .. 79 .. B 16.2 PrUPSM4 .1 SMDD 10.07 .32 89 1 ..
.. .. 67 .. B 101 PimEnhS 2.3 MINT 101.3 +.01 +40 2.0m ..k 71 30 83 E B 41.1 ProsHldg PRO 34.05 .10 33 143 ..k 62 40 95 D C+ 11.2 RedViolet RDVT 7.85 +.43 +128 56 ..k
.. .. 79 .. A 48.5 PrUPShR .9 SRTY 29.29 1.11 48 399 ..
.. .. 76 .. B 16.4 PimGlSt 10 PGP 13.81 +.03 8 50 ..k .. .. 78 .. C 26.1 PrUShMC .6 MZZ 18.97 .41 43 7 ..o 13 11 23 .. D 26.0 Redfin RDFN 16.71 +.58 51 391 ..k
.. .. 58 .. B+ 57.9 ProUSSP 1.7 SPXU 38.40 .95 29 4.2m ..k
.. .. 84 .. B 9.0 PimcHiI 11 PHK 8.48 +.02 4 626 ..k .. .. 18 .. C 50.5 ProUltJ .0 EZJ 32.18 +1.06 93 0.2 ..k 62 32 88 D B 11.5 RedHillBio RDHL 7.56 .23 28 94 ..k
.. .. 81 .. A 57.2 Pro710 1.7 UST 55.27 .26 91 5 ..
.. .. 67 .. B+ 105 PimcoIG 3.4 CORP 100.4 .11 77 20 ..k .. .. 56 .. B 41.5 ProOnlnRetail ONLN 34.87 +.85 80 6 99 85 51 75 A D 17.5 Redwood 7.5 RWT 16.08 +.07 17 619 9k
.. .. 54 .. E 70.8 PSUltNBio BIB 53.87 +1.65 49 107 ..o
.. .. 57 .. D 12.5 PimcInc 9 PFL 11.23 +.02 10 99 ..k .. .. 61 .. B 41.0 ProPetCar .3 PAWZ 39.07 +.00 85 0.7 99
4 4 1 .. E 10.4 Reebonz RBZ 1.36 .02 +16 297 ..
.. .. 33 .. C 27.6 PrUltSN .5 BIS 17.74 .54 +52 175 ..o
.. .. 53 .. E 10.9 PimIncS 9 PFN 9.98 +.08 43 165 ..k 60 20 89 .. B+ 4.0 Reedsn REED 2.50 +.04 63 14 ..o
.. .. 63 .. C+ 68.5 PSSP500 2.3 NOBL 62.58 +.26 9 992 .. .. .. 45 .. B 17.9 ProShtRE .5 REK 15.35 .18 54 5 ..
.. .. 62 .. C 28.0 PimIncO 8.9 PKO 25.56 +.13 +145 167 ..k
75 72 70 C B 86.8 RegalBe 1.5 RBC 75.77 +1.18 62 100 13k
.. .. 84 .. D 44.4 PSShortEuro EUFX 43.34 .42 88 0.2 ..k .. .. 30 .. D 116 ProUltP .6 UDOW 84.26 +1.88 +2 1.7m ..
91 72 77 .. A NH RegalwoodA RWGE 9.98 +.03 87 10 83
.. .. 72 .. C 53.6 PimIntm 2.5 MUNI 52.95 .15 32 37 ..k .. .. 59 .. C 47.8 ProUltGold GDXX 31.62 +1.95 4 7 ..k .. .. 28 .. B 23.3 PrUPShQ 1.8 SQQQ 13.30 .50 31 29m ..o
77 49 70 B C 66.9 RegencyC 3.5 REG 62.75 +1.31 36 719 41k
.. .. 83 .. C 13.8 PimcoMu 5.8 PML 13.35 +.02 1 165 ..k .. .. 23 .. D 50.3 ProUltE .1 EFO 34.02 +.62 18 0.9 ..k .. .. 42 .. D+ 41.7 ProUSL2 1.0 TBT 35.70 +.29 47 1.4m ..
97 92 94 A C 421 RegenernPh REGN 418.3+10.36 11 665 19
.. .. 78 .. C 11.8 PimcoMu 5.7 PMX 11.57 .09 51 44 ..k .. .. 42 .. B+ 114 ProUltEM .1 EET 71.90 +1.85 +662 97 ..k .. .. 49 .. D+ 24.0 ProUSL7 .6 PST 22.00 +.09 86 10 .. 38 47 43 D D 85.1 Regenxbio RGNX 43.09 +.15 +37 700 18
.. .. 83 .. B 13.5 PimcMun 5.4 PMF 13.20 .05 28 65 ..k .. .. 17 .. C+ 28.8 PsUltStNsqBi ZBIO 14.68 .82 +3 24 ..k .. .. 83 .. B 79.8 Pro20y 1.6 UBT 75.28 .61 59 12 .. 2 1 3 .. D+ 10.6 RegionalHlth RHE 1.21 +.06 52 167 ..
.. .. 83 .. C+ 11.9 PimcoNY 5.3 PNI 11.29 +.11 53 11 ..k .. .. 96 .. C 59.2 ProUlt3xShrtCr OILD 29.48 .63 46 188 ..k .. .. 91 .. C 36.7 PrUlSMSCI EWV 30.16 .68 24 5 .. 66 81 33 B D+ 37.2 RegnlMgmt RM 26.90 .22 42 33 9k
.. .. 86 .. B 10.3 PimcoNY 5.2 PYN 9.68 +.05 76 2 ..k .. .. 26 .. E 59.0 ProUltS .5 UPRO 41.24 +.98 25 5.2m .. 18 31 28 D D 55.4 Prudentia 3.2 PUK 39.69 +.45 63 174 17k 47 81 27 B C 20.2 Regions 3.6 RF 15.65 +.14 34 9.9m 10o
.. .. 85 .. B+ 12.9 PimcNYM 5.4 PNF 12.58 .09 8 16 ..k .. .. 2 .. D+ 75.0 ProUlt3xCruOil OILU 20.58 +.43 54 551 ..k 94 82 78 B A 19.9 Prudntl 1.1 PBIP 18.18 .02 68 3 18 65 44 88 E C 22.4 Regis RGS 18.97 +.02 5 313 25k
.. .. 55 .. B 28.3 PimRafiDyn2.8 MFEM 23.49 +.15 85 3 ..k .. .. 55 .. C 78.9 PsInvGr 4.0 IGHG 73.24 +.19 68 30 ..k 37 61 38 C D 127 Prudent 3.9 PRU 92.91 +1.53 9 2.3m 7 3 38 1 E E 16.7 RegulusThera RGLS .98 +.05 54 119 ..
.. .. 40 .. C 28.4 PimRafDyn 2.8 MFDX 23.66 +.16 75 3 ..k .. .. 82 .. C 40.4 ProDeclRe .6 EMTY 34.05 .48 41 3 99 96 92 91 B B+ 143 PSBusPa 3.0 PSB 140.4 +2.38 27 66 23k 67 69 78 D D 163 Reinsinsr 1.6 RGA 148.4 +1.04 25 272 13
.. .. 51 .. B 30.2 PimRafMf 1.9 MFUS 26.79 +.23 +1 14 ..k .. .. 68 .. B 44.2 ProshDjBr 3.4 TOLZ 41.14 +.30 60 15 ..k 68 61 47 B C 22.3 Psychem 4.0 PMD 18.05 +.05 69 5 20 55 91 40 C D 97.4 Relianc 2.6 RS 78.32 +1.86 54 251 8
.. .. 72 .. C 50.2 PimStMu 1.7 SMMU 49.93 .08 +194 25 ..k .. .. 34 .. D 52.1 ProEqtFo 2.2 EQRR 42.10 +.80 85 0.3 ..k 72 66 65 B E 107 PTCInc PTC 81.45 +1.70 +59 2.3m 47o 62 83 33 A C 30.0 Reliant 1.6 r RBNC 21.95 +.65 50 7 16
.. .. 84 .. B 10.3 PimStratI 8.8 RCS 9.75 .03 14 127 ..k .. .. 36 .. C+ 38.0 PsGlbList 4.3 PEX 32.19 +.21 +19 4 ..k 31 18 39 D C 53.0 PTCThera PTCT 29.42 .03 +89 1.5m ..o 13 4 30 E D 6.2 Reliv RELV 4.39 +.12 72 0.8 ..
60 6 97 D A 30.5 PinduoduoA PDD 29.50 +.76 +17 5.5m ..k .. .. 63 .. D+ 46.3 PSHdgRep .5 HDG 44.30 +.18 52 4 .. 87 80 74 B C 234 PublicS 3.9 PSA 205.6 +3.01 18 884 27 41 27 75 .. B 23.1 RelxPlc 2.5 RELX 21.46 .07 37 360 19k
45 40 23 A B 4.2 Pingtan 1.8 PME 2.22 +.03 1 39 7 .. .. 55 .. C 69.6 PsHiYldI 6.1 HYHG 65.23 +.15 91 4 ..k 77 56 70 C C 56.7 PubSvcEn 3.4 PEG 52.65 .59 22 2.6m 16 17 55 6 E B 12.5 RemarkHdg MARK 2.20 ... 57 136 ..
83 94 41 A B 68.9 Pinnacle 1.2 r PNFP 54.15 +.62 45 294 11 .. .. 16 .. B 28.8 ProK1Free .5 OILK 19.83 +.09 64 10 ..k 57 72 27 C .. 6.3 PuhuiWlthInv PHCF 5.18 .17 +88 22 99k 64 86 23 A B 61.3 RmaxHl 2.1 RMAX 38.37 +1.05 48 100 17k
81 55 85 C C 92.6 Pinnacl 3.4 PNW 86.94 1.04 +16 1.4m 19 .. .. 85 .. C 51.8 ProLgOnl/ShSto CLIX 46.70 +.84 70 3 99 9 38 3 E E 2.2 Pulmatrix PULM .21 .01 +70 602 .. .. .. 59 .. B 31.7 RenaissIp .4 IPO 26.98 +.60 +156 11 ..k
44 59 29 .. E 15.1 PintecTechA PT 10.99 .01 92 0.4 ..k .. .. 55 .. C 72.9 PsLrgCap 1.4 CSM 65.20 +.53 40 39 ..k 29 11 34 .. C+ 22.7 PulseBiosci PLSE 12.70 +.45 13 65 .. 65 41 78 C B 142 Renaissa 1.0 RNR 133.1 .32 24 219 13k
.. .. 41 .. D+ 15.7 PionDvH 8.4 HNW 13.59 +.04 91 4 ..k .. .. 64 .. D 44.5 PsMgdFut 1.2 FUT 39.45 .13 91 0.4 ..k 85 96 56 A B 35.1 PulteGrp 1.6 r PHM 26.96 +.26 +18 7.2m 8 63 85 30 A C+ 49.8 RenaSant 2.4 RNST 35.56 +.06 2 230 11
4 31 3 D E 6.4 PioneerEnrg PES 1.43 +.05 +1 752 .. .. .. 59 .. D 38.7 PsMrnSt 1.6 ALTS 36.52 +.03 42 0.7 ..k 28 55 5 D C+ 83.2 PumaBiotech PBYI 26.84 +.64 6 970 ..o 11 15 15 D B 1.9 ReconTch RCON 1.01 .19 +190 521 ..k
.. .. 41 .. E 11.8 PionFlt 7.0 PHD 10.31 +.07 55 60 ..k .. .. 46 .. D+ 40.4 ProMsEaf 2.2 EFAD 35.38 +.32 57 14 ..k 53 5 79 .. B+ 9.9 PureAcquisA PACQ 9.94 +.04 93 13 99k 21 8 18 C B+ 3.0 ReneSolan SOL 1.75 +.03 +36 58 87
.. .. 38 .. D 9.8 PionrHI 9 PHT 8.48 +.02 50 75 ..k .. .. 77 .. A 64.5 PsMsEmD 1.2 EMDV 56.98 +.49 18 3 ..k 95 72 83 C B 11.7 PureCycl PCYO 9.85 +.36 25 16 99 56 8 98 B E 32.5 RenwblEnrg REGI 27.27 +.43 58 250 8o
.. .. 78 .. B 11.8 PionrMu 5.5 MHI 11.42 .07 +20 122 ..k .. .. 58 .. B 37.7 ProRafiLg 1.8 RALS 35.91 .02 93 0.6 .. 42 72 36 C C 29.1 PureStorage PSTG 18.39 +.68 18 2.9m 91o 66 5 95 E A 3.4 RenminTianli BIQI 2.61 +.06 +145 149 ..
37 77 18 B E 213 Pioneer .2 r PXD 140.2 +1.92 34 1.2m 22 .. .. 76 .. B 60.4 ProRs20 1.9 SMDV 56.67 +.03 +53 140 ..k 16 24 13 .. C+ 13.9 PurpleInnov PRPL 5.64 .11 41 6 ..k .. .. 66 .. C 2.0 RennFund RCG 1.54 .03 +230 67 ..k
34 52 30 C D 8.0 PioneerPwr PPSI 5.00 .07 6 5 8 .. .. 59 .. C+ 56.1 Ps500Ex 1.9 SPXT 50.91 +.36 91 0.1 ..k .. .. 47 .. D 4.8 PutMstI 8.2 PIM 4.38 +.01 +17 136 ..k 34 8 49 D B+ 3.2 Renren 99 RENN 1.61 +.02 67 31 ..k
.. .. 75 .. C+ 11.3 PioMuAd 5.8 MAV 10.86 .04 29 86 ..k .. .. 76 .. B 58.5 ProMd40 2.0 REGL 54.81 .01 25 63 ..k .. .. 78 .. E 7.3 PtMgMu 5.4 PMM 7.10 +.05 8 153 ..k 84 72 97 E A 17.7 RentACntr RCII 17.35 .26 64 945 57
34 45 35 C D+ 99 PiperJa 2.2 PJC 69.12 +.05 62 30 11k .. .. 55 .. C 60.6 Ps500ExHl 1.8 SPXV 55.04 +.04 +200 0.9 ..k .. .. 80 .. C 12.3 PutMnO 5.3 PMO 11.80 +.01 43 66 ..k 91 62 96 A E 70.5 Repligen RGEN. 57.95 +2.14 +10 489 79
20 34 20 A C 14.8 PitneyB 10 PBI 7.13 +.16 7 2.4m 6 .. .. 58 .. D 29.8 PSShrt7 .7 TBX 28.61 +.10 +307 137 .. .. .. 47 .. E 5.5 PutPrmI 8.6 PPT 4.90 +.03 29 278 ..k 12 5 15 .. C 23.6 Replimune REPL 11.01 +.41 65 17 ..k
49 39 51 .. B 31.2 PivotalSftwr PVTL 17.55 +.23 59 716 .. .. .. 76 .. E 22.1 PSShrtFts .3 YXI 19.50 .29 +20 9 .. 4 13 3 .. D 35.0 PuxinLtd NEW 5.55 +.20 65 26 ..k 50 70 37 C C 20.5 Repsol 2.7 REPYY 17.09 +.06 41 190 9
31 37 14 C E 6.5 Pixelwrks PXLW 3.25 .01 60 88 54 .. .. 63 .. D+ 24.1 PSShrtH .7 SJB 22.62 .04 82 38 ..o 33 59 15 B B 169 PVH .1 PVH 108.4 +2.38 60 570 11o 83 98 57 B D+ 50.7 Republ 2.5 RBCAA 41.82 +2.26 4 21 12
80 94 31 A B 61.2 PJTPar .5 PJT 43.64 +.56 34 68 16k .. .. 71 .. B+ 21.8 PrShtEM .9 EUM 18.87 .24 62 521 .. 7 2 19 E B 3.7 PyxisTank PXS 1.10 +.04 90 39 .. 44 62 24 C C 9.3 RpblcFrst FRBK 6.50 +.03 +89 201 46k
80 72 70 C D 27.7 PlainAll 5.2 PAA 23.09 .21 26 2.4m 16 .. .. 85 .. C 30.6 ProShtE .4 EFZ 27.91 .34 68 20 ..k 2 19 9 E C 52.4 PyxusIntl PYX 12.67 +.30 +32 859 .. 82 78 88 C C 78.5 RepblS 2.0 RSG 76.24 +.40 54 821 26
86 79 79 C B 27.0 Plains 5.1 PAGP 23.35 +.26 34 1.3m 20k .. .. 66 .. B+ 37.2 ProShtQ 1.0 PSQ 32.09 .38 54 1.6m ..o 64 82 21 A B 12.9 PzenaIn 1.4 PZN 8.50 +.02 34 32 10k 63 8 99 E A 2.6 RschFront REFR 2.45 +.16 +93 115 ..o
92 98 97 .. B 59.5 7PlanetFitnes PLNT 57.57 .05 +3 1.3m 50 .. .. 66 .. C+ 66.0 ProShtD .9 DOG 57.80 .42 6 1.0m .. 52 95 18 B D 28.7 ResideoTech REZI 20.85 +.46 53 716 5k
19 59 5 E B+ 11.5 PlanetGreen PLAG 2.65 .13 77 14 .. .. .. 71 .. C 27.1 ProSShFn .4 SEF 23.32 .20 76 7 ..k
Q 70 60 37 A C+ 118 Resmed 1.6 RMD 94.5622.74 +513 5.8m 25o
22 48 7 A E 82.3 Plantro 1.6 PLT 37.10 +.72 39 449 10 .. .. 78 .. C 53.6 ProShtMC .4 MYY 46.03 .48 95 3 .. 90 72 92 D B+ 67.1 Q2Holdings QTWO 57.33 +1.49 38 197 99k
52 37 90 .. B+ 39.3 ResoluteEn REN 32.55 +.07 77 146 35o
68 72 68 D B 13.5 PlatformSpec r PAH 11.06 +.14 +111 4.1m 31o .. .. 71 .. B+ 33.6 ProShtSP 1.1 SH 29.50 .23 53 4.8m .. 68 72 63 .. D+ 61.8 QADInc .7 QADA 43.01 +1.27 30 41 ..
63 74 56 D B 13.6 ResolutFrst RFP 9.11 +.18 64 194 4
67 37 82 .. B 11.8 PlatEagleAcq EAGL 10.15 ... 84 19 92k .. .. 81 .. A 49.9 ProSR2K .9 RWM 42.43 .53 46 540 ..o 64 72 52 .. C+ 49.4 QADIB .8 QADB 32.00 +1.00 11 2 ..
21 28 16 E B+ 6.3 Resonant r RESN 3.10 +.30 +454 2.2m ..
28 42 35 .. B+ 5.6 PlatnmGr PLG 1.53 +.06 +112 200 .. .. .. 78 .. D+ 39.6 ProShtSC SBB 33.87 .39 96 0.2 .. 59 77 26 A B 49.6 QCRHldg .7 QCRH 35.15 +1.18 37 22 11
86 83 78 B B 19.5 ResrceC 3.1 RECN 16.55 .03 +5 195 16o
17 24 16 .. C 11.5 PlayaHotels PLYA 7.66 .01 70 114 16 .. .. 15 .. E 531 PSShVShTm SVXY 47.07 +.87 20 2.5m ..k 37 72 19 D C+ 13.8 QEPResources QEP 8.28 .06 17 6.4m ..o
98 89 89 A B+ 65.2 Restaurnt 3.2 QSR 63.09 .56 1 1.7m 24
80 57 90 D A 32.8 Playags AGS 25.62 .07 64 91 .. .. .. 86 .. B 56.2 PSUItshAust CROC 53.14 1.41 60 1 ..k 88 56 87 B B 39.5 QiagenNV QGEN 37.16 +.31 30 765 27
12 18 3 .. D+ 8.2 RestoratnRobo HAIR 1.02 .11 +32 427 ..
58 43 47 C B 32.7 PLDTAdr 3.3 PHI 25.65 +1.27 +150 412 4 71 28 79 A C+ 20.1 QiwiPlcB QIWI 15.40 .01 +109 333 15o 6 1 9 .. E 21.1 Restorbio TORC 8.28 +.42 +14 99 ..
.. .. 74 .. .. 40.5 PrUlCmSvSel XCOM 39.91 +.98 67 0.1 99
69 68 44 C D 66.5 Plexus PLXS 54.69 +.59 37 149 16 53 76 37 B D+ 86.8 Qorvo r QRVO 65.76 +2.38 +5 1.4m 12 65 50 58 C D 19.8 RetailO 4.5 ROIC 17.27 +.33 31 609 46
.. .. 65 .. .. 42.1 PrUlCmmSvcSel SCOM 39.86 1.51 +250 0.7 99
29 16 11 D B 2.3 PlugPwr PLUG 1.36 .01 42 1.9m ..o 38 5 59 E B 51.3 QTSRea 4.1 QTS 39.61 .43 22 324 ..k 82 72 72 E B+ 13.4 RetailPr 5.5 RPAI 11.97 +.20 +21 2.1m 99k
.. .. 11 .. D 67.8 PsUlStB .4 BZQ 26.71 .18 +112 176 ..k
83 98 48 A D 29.5 Plumas 1.4 PLBC 25.28 +.98 +10 8 9 8 35 9 C D 31.3 Graphic 8.6 QUAD 13.92 +.42 +13 507 7 59 19 82 E B+ 36.3 RetailV 17 RVI 30.47 +.66 6 69 ..k
.. .. 76 .. D 118 ProUltHC .3 RXL 98.16 +.34 76 7 ..k
63 23 97 .. B 38.4 PluralsightA PS 29.43 +.29 +13 1.1m ..k 91 80 94 B A 217 QuakerC .8 KWR 196.5 +5.66 37 43 33 29 59 6 B B 10.8 RetoEcoSols RETO 2.11 .02 59 35 8k
.. .. 88 .. B 107 PSUltMsc .1 UBR 82.26 +.47 +187 9 ..
32 17 38 E B 1.6 PluristThn PSTI 1.14 .01 46 157 .. 37 45 21 B E 76.5 Qualco 4.8 r QCOM 51.30 +.49 +13 19m 13 27 23 41 E B+ 1.1 RetrctbTec RVP .70 +.01 +18 40 ..
.. .. 12 .. C 47.4 ProUOG 1.9 DIG 28.12 +.67 57 104 ..
68 18 95 E A 7.6 PlxPharma PLXP 5.02 +.05 +21 80 .. 32 69 13 A D 13.5 Qualstar r QBAK 5.62 .07 70 4 5 7 5 17 D E 33.0 Retrophin RTRX 20.74 +.10 10 365 ..o
.. .. 28 .. D+ 89.2 ProUltR .3 UWM 62.73 +1.51 50 146 ..
48 4 79 .. C+ 18.5 PlymthInd 9 r PLYM 15.79 +.19 53 21 .. 98 98 88 A C 98.3 7Qualys QLYS 81.99 +1.33 40 223 52 11 64 5 C D 31.7 RevGro 2.4 REVG 8.23 +.24 21 393 7
.. .. 41 .. E 129 ProUltSP .7 SSO 104.3 +1.69 54 1.4m ..o
48 76 34 B D 163 PNCFncl 3.0 PNC 124.9 +1.11 36 1.9m 11o 28 51 27 D B 21.6 Quanex 2.1 NX 14.99 +.10 49 137 23 15 19 8 D E 34.8 RevanceTher RVNC 17.27 +.04 24 329 ..o
.. .. 33 .. C 54.1 ProUSemi .8 USD 34.65 +.45 18 30 ..k
83 66 87 C C 45.4 PNMResr 2.8 PNM 41.99 1.17 39 279 20 80 67 82 C D 39.6 QuantaS .5 r PWR 34.75 +1.11 +28 1.9m 14 .. .. 64 .. B 17.2 RevrCapWgt 1.0 RVRS 15.56 +.20 35 3 ..k
.. .. 28 .. B 134 ProUltSC .2 SAA 92.23 +2.08 75 0.4 ..
62 57 64 C C+ 19.4 Quantenna QTNA 14.56 +.14 +19 422 44k 53 32 89 .. B 29.6 Revlon REV 24.59 .05 63 43 ..o
.. .. 43 .. D+ 29.8 PointBrd 1.9 MAGA 25.45 +.25 +273 6 ..k .. .. 81 .. E 55.0 ProUltU 1.9 UPW 48.17 1.36 10 6 ..k
60 12 93 D D 24.8 Quanterix QTRX 20.50 +.48 32 61 .. 1 15 1 E D 4.9 RevoltnLight RVLT .68 +.07 24 167 ..k
65 44 82 B B 19.1 PointerTel PNTR 13.48 +.08 50 9 11 .. .. 31 .. C 46.4 PsUltNsBiot UBIO 28.37 +1.20 42 46 .. .. .. 60 .. C 31.1 QntxDyBt 1.0 XUSA 28.57 +.21 96 1 ..k 20 36 1 E A 1.4 RewlkRbtics RWLK .28 .01 +260 18m ..
34 72 19 D C+ 18.5 PointsIntl PCOM 10.21 +.01 66 24 22 .. .. 21 .. E 73.4 ProUltPQQQ TQQQ 44.76 +1.54 28 17m .. .. .. 60 .. B 29.3 QntRskMn .5 QXGG 27.63 .04 5 19 ..k 65 52 47 C B+ 90.0 RexAmerican REX 71.71 +.50 76 7 9
34 27 36 D C 6.9 PolarPwr POLA 5.06 +.15 +76 25 .. .. .. 33 .. C 33.1 PSUltproS .4 TTT 26.15 +.32 61 23 ..k .. .. 43 .. B 26.8 QntRskMltA .4 QXTR 24.00 +.01 41 10 ..k .. .. 31 .. B 26.1 RexBkcmEtf BKC 21.00 +.28 25 1 99
39 60 25 B C 137 Polaris 2.8 PII 87.11 +.64 +12 658 13 .. .. 32 .. C 47.1 ProUltMC .5 MVV 36.01 +.72 82 36 ..
45 30 66 E B 41.2 Polarityte PTE 17.00 +.50 63 92 ..o
3 5 11 E B 1.9 Quarter 3.1 QTRH .98 +.09 44 42 .. 5 3 3 .. E 2.5 RexahnP RNN .62 +.01 +148 1.7m ..
.. .. 20 .. D 82.8 PrUBasM .8 UYM 52.92 +2.30 21 6 ..k 35 47 12 A D 17.8 QudianA r QD 5.11 +.07 27 2.3m 4
16 20 24 .. D 1.4 PolyMet PLM .77 .00 +29 450 .. 99 83 89 B B+ 33.5 7RexfordI 1.9 REXR 33.12 +.58 14 628 77k
.. .. 6 .. C 39.4 ProUlBlmCrud UCO 17.79 +.24 58 2.0m ..k 53 82 24 C C 116 QuestDi 2.5 DGX 85.41 .19 17 1.2m 13
36 66 22 B C 47.5 Polyone 2.4 POL 32.12 +.82 +17 566 13 69 72 36 B B 32.1 Rexnord RXN 24.76 .03 +45 836 14
.. .. 33 .. D+ 73.7 ProUltBlNatg BOIL 28.60 +.82 23 156 ..k 15 35 12 E C 3.1 QuestResrce QRHC 1.52 +.06 91 2 ..
82 66 85 B D 175 Pool 1.2 POOL 150.6 2.01 32 148 36k 92 72 98 A B 12.8 RFIndst 1.0 RFIL 8.27 +.14 58 25 13
.. .. 58 .. C 111 ProUCnS .1 UCC 88.95 +1.20 94 0.1 ..k 21 22 13 E D 2.2 Quicklogic QUIK .87 .00 28 151 .. 94 94 86 C B 31.3 RGCResc 2.3 RGCO 28.73 .86 +116 18 30k
89 91 90 B C 58.6 Popular 1.9 r BPOP 53.48 +.83 25 547 11o .. .. 45 .. D 51.2 ProUltD .8 DDM 42.29 +.64 5 1.2m ..o 93 98 44 A B 77.6 Quidel QDEL 55.08 +1.15 62 128 19k 90 94 95 D C+ 164 RH RH 135.4 +5.41 20 942 18o
.. .. 39 .. E 43.8 Portpls 1.4 PPSC 34.36 +.48 77 0.3 ..k .. .. 35 .. C 19.0 ProUltEuro ULE 14.91 +.27 56 3 ..
99 70 98 A A 19.2 QuinStreet QNST 19.04 +.69 39 506 38 52 53 65 D .. 11.9 RhinebackBnc RBKB 11.63 +.05 81 48 14k
.. .. 50 .. D 40.7 PortplsS 2.0 PPLC 35.30 +.35 95 0.6 ..k .. .. 41 .. E 47.9 ProUltFn 1.1 UYG 38.26 +.67 30 93 ..k 12 39 9 D E 10.7 QuintanaEnrg QES 4.67 +.41 64 5 .. 39 5 69 .. B 37.2 RhythmPhrm RYTM 28.01 .44 38 85 ..
90 83 86 D B 50.4 Portlan 3.1 POR 47.07 .46 0 681 18 .. .. 35 .. B 113 PSUltFt .1 XPP 65.90 +2.51 +90 14 ..
60 54 80 E D 3.2 Qumu QUMU 2.31 +.14 35 11 .. 47 35 35 B D+ 7.9 RibbonComms RBBN 5.57 +.02 19 220 9
30 18 46 E C 55.5 PortolaPharm PTLA 27.24 +1.40 27 1.4m ..o .. .. 18 .. C 67.0 PSUltr .1 UPV 42.37 +1.04 94 0.1 ..
3 24 9 E E 10.0 QuorumHealth QHC 3.42 .08 37 118 .. 58 40 99 E B 3.6 RicebranTech RIBT 3.32 +.07 +59 181 ..
52 95 22 B B 93.1 POSCO PKX 59.96 +1.63 +3 220 2 .. .. 76 .. C+ 44.4 ProSUltGold UGL 38.09 +1.07 +3 65 .. 72 21 98 E B 9.0 Quotient QTNT 8.24 +.41 +18 400 ..k 20 27 27 .. D 10.4 Richard 3.2 RELL 7.47 .08 24 27 39
95 96 89 B B 102 PostHoldgs r POST 92.27 +.25 +6 763 22 .. .. 72 .. E 68.4 PSUltraH 3.0 UJB 64.58 +.48 0 0.4 ..k
18 29 15 D E 16.0 Quotient QUOT 10.21 +.21 +42 920 .. 20 20 8 D C+ 4.7 RigelPh RIGL 2.13 +.04 +29 3.3m ..o
32 72 12 D D 14.2 Potbelly r PBPB 8.70 +.05 70 85 26 .. .. 35 .. D+ 83.6 ProUltI .3 UXI 62.72 +1.87 28 1 ..k
58 75 45 B E 29.1 QurateRetlA QRTEA 21.61 +.35 53 1.4m 10 29 28 26 D E 24.1 Rignet RNET 13.33 +.65 +105 138 ..
60 53 24 A D+ 51.4 Potlatchde 4.5 r PCH 35.48 +.08 6 517 12 .. .. 35 .. C 102 ProUltQQQ QLD 76.52 +1.88 23 1.8m ..
39 5 47 D B 20.4 QutoutiaoA QTT 9.15 +.94 +60 2.0m ..k 43 58 14 .. C+ 8.9 Rimini RMNI 5.63 +.18 60 12 ..
33 67 34 D E 19.8 Provdnt 3.4 r PROV 16.24 +.13 +16 9 19k .. .. 85 .. C 70.3 ProUltRE 1.3 URE 64.86 +1.47 +19 24 ..k 27 70 5 A D 17.4 RingEnergy REI 5.77 +.36 21 636 14o
46 72 27 D C 41.4 Powelln 3.7 POWL 27.89 .15 71 11 ..k .. .. 53 .. A 36.6 ProSUltSilv AGQ 27.01 +1.37 +59 212 ..
R 99 67 97 A A 98.2 RingCentralA RNG 91.50 +2.23 24 666 99
63 48 87 B D 80.5 PowrInt 1.0 POWI 66.40 +2.33 30 124 22k .. .. 33 .. D 124 ProUTech .3 ROM 89.63 +2.70 +33 108 ..k 51 44 65 C E 14.4 RPTRea 6.9 RPT 12.80 +.24 21 619 29
66 45 70 A C+ 60.7 RioTinto 5.9 RIO 52.26 +2.39 +60 4.5m 10
17 25 5 A E 8.7 PdaiGroupA r PPDF 3.34 +.24 23 744 6 .. .. 54 .. A 150 PSUltVixShT UVXY 56.97 3.49 5 7.0m ..k 23 46 16 E D 5.6 RTWRetailwnds RTW 3.06 +.07 30 95 13
13 17 2 D B 20.0 RiotBlckchain RIOT 1.76 .13 41 396 ..
39 48 47 B D+ 121 PPGIndu 1.9 PPG 103.5 +1.28 20 1.3m 17o 66 11 86 D B 11.0 R1RCM RCM 7.98 .08 0 827 ..
.. .. 62 .. C 65.8 ProUltYen YCL 57.43 +.08 71 0.7 ..k 32 48 10 A D 18.6 RiseEducation r REDU 8.84 .05 44 49 22
74 47 77 B D 32.5 PPL 5.3 PPL 30.67 .11 32 4.0m 12 18 10 5 .. B 22.0 RaMedSys RMED 8.17 .28 85 12 ..k
.. .. 36 .. C 23.1 ProUltShGold GDXS 14.17 1.03 4 8 ..k 94 78 90 A A 38.8 Ritchie 2.0 RBA 36.23 +.37 50 223 35
52 73 43 D B 18.7 PQGroup PQG 14.77 ... 69 65 16k 69 28 99 E B 23.9 RaPharma RARX 19.77 +.28 66 201 ..
.. .. 19 .. C 134 PsUltprF .6 FINU 73.43 +1.65 56 10 ..k 3 14 8 E E 2.3 RiteAid RAD .95 +.00 8 13m 99o
26 35 20 C D 43.8 PRAGroup PRAA 28.73 +.23 37 219 20 50 9 80 B D 3.2 RadaElec RADA 2.74 +.07 67 47 68
9 34 2 .. E 4.0 RitterPharm RTTR .65 .01 +567 736 ..
.. .. 72 .. B 13.6 PsUltrprS .4 FINZ 8.02 .16 59 8 ..k
96 92 87 A C 121 7PRAHealth PRAH 102.0 +1.26 49 281 25 18 58 6 B E 21.8 Radcom RDCM 8.03 .06 82 7 17k
.. .. 55 .. B 34.1 RivrUsDi 2.3 RFDA 30.41 +.28 20 18 ..k
.. .. 91 .. B 44.1 PSUltsF .2 EPV 36.43 .80 5 18 ..k
14 12 11 E D 3.0 PranaBio PRAN 1.54 +.06 97 10 ..k 91 96 78 A C 23.5 Radian .1 r RDN 18.44 +.16 42 732 7 .. .. 46 .. B 36.6 RivrUsFle 1.2 RFFC 31.52 +.43 +125 65 ..k
.. .. 88 .. A+ 40.2 PrUShBM SMN 30.70 1.43 21 7 ..k
21 47 5 D D+ 1.8 Precipio PRPO .21 +.00 29 1.4m .. 80 90 87 C B 6.2 RaditLogst r RLGT 4.88 .01 +251 690 14k .. .. 68 .. C 25.2 RiverfrntS 4.4 RIGS 24.40 .02 +18 79 ..k
.. .. 95 .. B 33.2 ProUltBlmCrud SCO 21.19 .28 54 1.3m ..k
8 11 7 D E 4.1 PrecDrill PDS 1.93 +.02 +88 2.7m .. 21 29 14 D D 41.2 RadiusHlth RDUS 18.19 +1.09 +5 771 ..o .. .. 68 .. B 26.2 RiverFrntD 2.8 RFCI 23.86 .07 +38 65 ..k
.. .. 4 .. C 47.5 ProUltsBlNat KOLD 17.09 .55 32 253 ..
58 19 81 E B 1.6 PrecisionThr AIPT .97 +.03 +88 131 .. 64 51 61 C C+ 16.5 RadNet RDNT 12.98 +.32 +23 239 68 .. .. 60 .. D 26.1 RiverFrntD 4.8 RFUN 24.59 +.04 83 4 ..k
.. .. 87 .. D+ 20.3 PrUShCnG .5 SZK 16.51 .13 97 0.2 ..k
63 17 67 C B 18.6 PrefdAp 6.5 APTS 15.99 .14 27 212 .. 68 67 82 D B 28.5 Radware RDWR 23.77 +.39 24 149 59 .. .. 29 .. D 21.6 Riverno 12 RIV 16.75 +.05 +6 76 ..k
.. .. 57 .. B+ 41.2 PrUShDow 1.3 DXD 31.34 .45 66 637 ..
69 94 23 A B 69.5 Preferd 2.4 PFBC 49.20 +1.49 +192 234 10 64 22 99 E A 19.9 RafaelHdgsB RFL 17.64 +.39 4 35 .. 35 1 74 .. C 21.3 RvrnrOpMu 5.5 RMI 20.07 .04 65 4 99
.. .. 89 .. B 25.1 ProUShEuro EUO 24.51 .50 +27 136 ..
39 82 13 C C 96.8 PrfrmLn 1.5 PLPC 54.55 +.35 62 4 10 32 59 37 C D 147 RalphLau 2.2 RL 113.6 +2.70 28 818 16 .. .. 60 .. B+ 18.3 Rivernor 13 OPP 16.70 .07 67 27 ..k
.. .. 67 .. B+ 28.0 PrUShFn SKF 20.51 .41 34 43 ..k
88 94 87 .. D+ 47.2 7PremierA PINC 40.07 +.71 48 418 15k 44 72 14 D B 8.9 RamacoRsr METC 5.49 .07 66 26 11 59 94 22 B D 10.0 Rivervi 2.2 RVSB 7.36 +.19 48 17 10
.. .. 62 .. B 85.8 PSUltshFtC50 FXP 65.27 2.54 +11 84 ..
27 64 24 C E 21.4 Premier 4.1 PFBI 14.74 +.42 +10 19 10 34 32 17 C B 14.3 Rambus RMBS 8.90 +.21 +146 2.1m 28 49 72 29 B D+ 14.6 RivrVwF 3.5 RIVE 11.46 .24 27 2 10
.. .. 58 .. B 86.2 ProSUShGld GLL 71.31 2.18 +295 42 ..k
77 56 92 D D+ NH RandCap 3.00 +.74 +999 1.9m 99
.. .. 60 .. B 31.6 Premise .9 TCTL 29.01 +.02 83 0.8 ..k RAND 35 44 47 C E 80.0 RLI 1.3 RLI 66.01 +.17 +40 214 32
16 38 1 E D 5.5 Presbia LENS .48 .02 83 13 .. .. .. 35 .. D+ 32.1 PrUShHc .2 RXD 23.76 .09 93 0.3 ..k 9 5 27 E E 17.5 RandolphBnc r RNDB 13.62 .13 72 2 .. 48 51 25 C D 24.0 RLJLodg 7.3 RLJ 18.20 +.34 52 730 22
87 61 79 C B+ 18.9 Presidio 1.1 PSDO 14.99 +.09 29 150 11k .. .. 71 .. C 23.4 PrUShInd .4 SIJ 16.65 .47 92 1 ..k 40 72 12 B B 18.6 RangeRe .7 RRC 11.27 +.46 23 6.3m 9o .. .. 57 .. A 19.1 RMRRealEs 7.8 RIF 16.86 +.12 23 37 ..k
27 63 13 B E 46.4 PrestigeCnHlth PBH 27.32 .10 15 449 10k .. .. 71 .. C+ 58.7 PrUltSE .4 EEV 44.09 1.09 +44 27 .. 42 59 55 .. B 11.4 RangerEnrgA RNGR 7.98 +.10 49 3 .. 1 5 4 E D 7.8 Roadrunner RRTS .50 .02 +50 559 ..o
66 70 49 B E 9.8 Pretium PVG 7.29 +.40 3 2.0m 14o .. .. 91 .. A+ 32.1 ProUShE .2 EFU 26.88 .52 37 3 .. 78 35 95 D C 39.4 Rapid7 RPD 36.48 +.65 41 291 .. 25 65 8 B E 16.4 RoanRsrcsA ROAN 10.68 +.19 83 66 16k
52 34 82 C C 10.3 PRGXGlob PRGX 8.99 .01 48 31 64 .. .. 94 .. A 58.5 PrUShOG .3 DUG 41.00 1.08 60 30 .. 38 72 12 D D+ 1.8 RaveRestrnt RAVE 1.08 .07 3 29 6k 73 88 61 B C+ 79.9 RobrtHa 1.8 r RHI 60.99 +.65 27 824 18
32 47 20 C B 94.5 Pricesm 1.1 PSMT 65.05 .66 25 132 22o .. .. 49 .. B 56.8 PrUShQQQ 1.6 QID 40.99 1.07 24 3.0m .. 75 60 47 A B 49.8 Raven 1.4 RAVN 37.60 +.70 55 56 25 .. .. 39 .. E 46.1 RoboGlR .3 ROBO 36.16 +.79 51 176 ..k
83 37 95 A B+ NH PrimeEnergy r PNRG 87.00 +4.07 31 1 9 .. .. 81 .. B+ 23.6 ProUSR2K .9 TWM 16.92 .41 48 820 ..o 75 76 52 A D+ 102 RaymndJ 1.7 RJF 81.06 +.64 14 1.1m 12o 21 34 23 .. E 26.0 RocketPhrma RCKT 15.06 +.38 58 137 ..
87 93 79 A E 128 Primeri .9 PRI 109.2 +.98 42 125 15k .. .. 26 .. D 37.3 PrUShRE .5 SRS 26.60 .64 27 28 99 59 72 36 A C 23.0 Rayonie 2.0 RYAM 14.22 +.96 17 539 7 66 75 47 A D 206 Rockwell 2.3 r ROK 166.4 +3.62 4 1.0m 20
73 83 33 C B 20.7 PrimoWtr PRMW 13.52 .47 14 253 39 .. .. 81 .. B 20.1 ProUShSc .6 SDD 14.67 .34 +7 8 .. 49 43 32 C C+ 39.7 Rayonier 3.6 RYN 29.80 +.21 13 515 30 10 14 9 E E 6.9 RockwellMed RMTI 3.17 +.18 +8 263 ..o
36 46 20 C C 28.9 Primoris 1.2 PRIM 20.15 +.03 52 100 16 .. .. 33 .. D 23.8 PrUShSem .7 SSG 16.64 .16 29 17 ..k 67 86 25 B B 229 Raytheon 2.1 RTN 167.6 +1.29 39 1.3m 17 82 67 91 E B 33.5 Rocky 1.7 r RCKY 27.45 +.36 26 26 15k
.. .. 51 .. C 29.5 PrincActvG 2.6 GDVD 25.75 +.20 25 0.6 ..k .. .. 71 .. D 45.8 ProSUSSilv ZSL 36.17 2.02 8 19 ..k 57 83 13 A B 33.6 RBBBanc 2.1 RBB 18.72 +.53 58 17 9k 27 22 25 C C 12.6 RyMtCh 5.6 RMCF 8.60 ... 59 7 21
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IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating
Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating
Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE
Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos)
52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P
6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
48 56 44 B B 172 Rogers ROG 120.7 +4.55 33 87 22 52 8 90 .. B 15.3 SeabrGld SA 13.42 +.37 +1 418 ..o 28 57 14 D B 33.8 SMEnergy .5 SM 19.48 +.35 +18 3.2m 99 .. .. 57 .. D 34.5 SpPortL 2.1 SPLG 31.22 +.28 27 798 ..k
.. .. 65 .. C 30.8 RogrAIGl 1.5 BIKR 24.07 +.06 60 0.4 99 6 2 9 D B 3.5 SeaChng SEAC 1.63 +.04 94 12 27 48 56 63 D B 9.8 Smart&Final SFS 5.87 .12 10 329 11o .. .. 76 .. C 35.8 SpPortLgT 2.7 SPTL 34.73 .17 48 687 ..k
88 57 85 B C+ 55.2 RogersC 2.8 RCI 52.68 .38 +49 593 12o 84 86 83 A C 35.0 Seacoast SBCF 28.24 +.09 +85 637 17 32 68 13 A D 56.7 SmartGlobal SGH 23.82 +.99 7 666 3 .. .. 58 .. B 28.4 SpPftLt 4.4 SPLB 25.80 .05 14 221 ..k
53 55 69 .. B 77.6 RokuA ROKU 43.69 +.40 +6 11m ..k 37 73 21 C D 59.0 SeacorHldg CKH 42.17 +1.35 34 54 23 33 70 6 B E 10.8 SmartSand SND 2.50 ... 42 238 3 .. .. 49 .. D 37.1 SpPortMi 1.7 SPMD 32.18 +.35 74 194 ..k
79 82 85 A D 43.0 Rollins 1.1 ROL 38.13 +.35 +33 2.0m 52 12 32 10 D D 26.2 SeacorMarine SMHI 14.36 +.50 52 22 .. 72 94 23 A B 27.7 Smartfin'l SMBK 19.13 +1.01 +154 88 12 .. .. 52 .. B 32.5 SpPftSp50 2.8 SPYV 29.06 +.31 24 1.6m ..k
93 89 65 A C 312 RoperTe .7 ROP 283.2 +4.45 +26 558 25 1 1 4 E E 26.7 Seadrill SDRL 9.15 +.13 32 453 ..o 75 12 96 D B 34.0 SmartsheetA SMAR 28.17 +.38 +69 1.3m .. .. .. 50 .. B 34.2 SpPortS 1.6 SPSM 29.15 +.35 68 230 ..k
9 24 4 C E 9.5 RosehillResA ROSE 3.25 .05 33 72 .. 1 33 2 C E 3.9 SeadrillP 3.6 SDLP 1.12 +.09 +167 1.3m .. 74 26 85 B B 39.9 Smith&Ne 1.9 SNN 37.85 +.10 45 401 19k .. .. 72 .. C+ 29.8 SpPtStTmT 2.0 SPTS 29.59 .02 57 292 ..k
7 2 42 E E 21.5 RosettaStn RST 14.89 .21 24 122 ..o 53 79 34 A C 62.7 Seagate 5.8 r STX 43.66 +2.69 +142 9.4m 6 58 87 27 B C+ 68.4 SmithAO 1.8 AOS 47.60 +1.20 +39 2.5m 19k .. .. 57 .. C 36.6 SpPftTot 1.8 SPTM 33.10 +.31 47 571 ..k
84 89 82 .. B 104 RosStor 1.0 r ROST 92.51 +1.31 54 1.7m 22o 79 81 61 B C 49.6 SealAir 1.7 SEE 37.95 +.42 29 1.4m 16 26 72 13 E D 2.9 SmithMicro SMSI 1.79 .01 72 56 .. .. .. 72 .. A 34.1 SpPtInt 3.0 SPIB 33.43 ... +116 2.8m ..k
3 1 18 E B 20.9 RowanCos RDC 12.51 +.49 29 1.9m ..o 14 34 7 D C 1.2 Seanergy SHIP .55 .03 72 22 .. 98 60 99 D A+ NH SMTC SMTX 5.88 +.34 +395 605 .. .. .. 62 .. D+ 38.6 SpPtf50 1.4 SPYG 34.36 +.22 55 1.2m ..k
71 71 56 A C 86.2 RoyalCa 3.9 r RY 74.89 +.81 +23 1.1m 8 20 40 31 .. D+ 4.0 SearsHm&Ot SHOS 2.14 ... 51 37 ..o 16 27 10 D D+ 21.2 SnapA SNAP 6.40 +.23 +11 20m ..k .. .. 59 .. D+ 38.8 SpPtfSp500 4.5 SPYD 36.07 +.23 10 612 ..k
43 34 53 C B 8.7 RoyalSco .8 RBS 6.50 +.10 57 635 15 88 72 95 B B 10.7 Seaspan 5.3 SSW 9.45 +.25 2 758 10o 80 85 80 C B 189 SnapOn 2.3 SNA 163.2 .15 +14 759 14 .. .. 72 .. D 30.4 SpPftStTr 2.3 SPSB 30.28 .01 43 707 ..k
81 87 66 B C 135 RoyalCa 2.5 RCL 111.7 +1.99 27 1.2m 12 56 17 90 E C+ 20.8 Seaspine SPNE 14.80 +.39 43 62 .. 78 72 73 .. C 10.3 SocialCapHedA IPOA 10.05 .01 97 3 99k .. .. 83 .. D 34.5 SpdRlEst 3.5 XLRE 33.13 +.38 54 3.0m ..
35 55 29 B E 73.9 RoyalDtc 5.4 RDSA 59.17 +.33 39 2.3m 11k 76 27 95 D B+ 84.4 SeattleGen SGEN 72.74 +1.70 2 972 .. 16 3 13 E B 6.2 SocialRealityA r SRAX 2.69 .16 65 37 .. .. .. 45 .. E 53.0 SpdrRetl 1.4 XRT 44.67 +.71 55 3.5m ..
34 55 27 B E 77.0 RoyalDtc 6.2 RDSB 60.72 +.27 35 1.5m 11k 73 70 97 E D+ 32.5 SeaWrldEnt SEAS 26.44 +.67 17 1.4m 57o 32 43 28 B C 58.7 Sociedad 2.6 SQM 42.40 +.15 34 541 25 .. .. 68 .. A 78.1 SpRussL 2.0 ONEV 72.01 +.42 76 2 ..k
71 61 70 C C 98.5 RoyalGld 1.3 RGLD 83.20 +2.20 19 432 53 10 11 25 .. D 15.5 SecooHldgA SECO 8.87 +.12 +69 162 12 8 5 19 E A 4.2 SocketMob SCKT 1.91 .05 52 5 ..k .. .. 46 .. C 77.5 SpRussM 1.6 ONEO 67.67 +.64 7 3 ..k
.. .. 39 .. B+ 11.7 RycGlbVl .4 RGT 9.56 .01 86 4 ..k 87 57 98 .. B 19.0 Secureworks r SCWX 18.08 +.70 +2 268 .. 39 76 22 B D 15.5 SogouA SOGO 6.59 +.47 +42 1.4m 20k .. .. 55 .. B 75.3 SpRussY 3.4 ONEY 66.80 +.54 85 1 ..k
.. .. 26 .. D 10.7 RoyceMC 10 RMT 8.20 +.10 47 118 ..k 92 90 83 D C 5.6 SecrtyNtl r SNFCA 5.30 .04 27 9 2 11 36 18 E C+ 46.4 SOHU 19.89 +.68 48 209 .. .. .. 54 .. C 132 SdSp150 1.5 MMTM 114.8 +.59 64 2 ..k
.. .. 24 .. E 17.2 RoyceV 9 RVT 13.28 +.19 57 248 ..k 9 35 2 .. D 100 SeelosThera SEEL 4.15 +.30 +999 442 .. 12 23 11 .. D 16.5 SolgelTech SLGL 5.71 .09 78 3 .. .. .. 49 .. D 109 SpdSP150 2.4 VLU 98.10 +.67 97 0.1 ..k
10 10 11 B C+ 23.0 RPC 3.4 r RES 11.60 +.69 +22 2.3m 15o 46 87 18 A E 78.4 SEIInvst 1.3 r SEIC 49.30 +.47 26 618 16k 56 49 63 B D+ 22.0 SolarCap 8.1 SLRC 20.30 +.20 +3 144 11k .. .. 48 .. B 57.2 Spdr400 1.2 MDYG 49.65 +.51 5 206 ..k
39 45 61 B D 68.1 RPMIntl 2.5 RPM 55.37 .03 60 453 21o 79 95 45 B B 14.3 SelectBancrp SLCT 11.97 +.08 82 7 15 65 47 58 A D 18.1 SolarSr 8.7 SUNS 16.26 +.06 86 7 11k .. .. 57 .. C+ 54.9 Spdr400 2.1 MDYV 49.01 +.53 +12 255 ..k
4 13 27 D D 9.7 RRDonne 2.4 RRD 5.01 +.10 43 499 5o 43 72 8 C E 21.5 SelectEnrgA WTTR 8.79 +.41 50 370 17 86 95 59 A B 70.7 SolarEdge SEDG 40.85 +.61 6 639 12 .. .. 57 .. D 293 SPDR 1.9 SPY 265.8 +2.23 24 96m ..
.. .. 31 .. B 24.5 RsNsNxgnEcoChn BCNA 19.21 +.26 +200 2 99 23 37 9 D C+ 13.0 SelIntrCptA SIC 7.77 .28 49 24 ..k 86 75 69 A C 22.6 SolarisOi 2.6 SOI 15.51 +.24 13 368 10 .. .. 64 .. D+ 68.2 Spd500B 1.3 SPYB 62.01 +.65 71 1 ..k
56 67 44 E B 5.1 RTISurgical RTIX 4.25 .04 +22 159 42 45 57 28 B D+ 21.7 SelMedH SEM 15.58 +.40 18 594 13k 41 14 93 D E 19.0 Solarwinds SWI 17.14 +.33 73 187 ..k .. .. 48 .. D+ 78.3 Spdr600Sm 1.4 SLY 65.54 +.75 71 53 ..k
62 6 98 E B 4.9 RubiconPrjct RUBI 4.32 +.10 14 318 ..o 4 15 1 E E 16.6 SelectaBiosci SELB 1.64 +.09 +192 1.0m .. 24 23 19 .. C 3.6 SolenoThera SLNO 1.65 .02 96 4 .. .. .. 52 .. D 70.0 Spdr600S 1.0 SLYG 58.25 +.57 48 189 ..k
60 72 88 E E 9.5 RubiconTech r RBCN 8.34 +.18 60 2 .. 33 8 77 .. D+ 54.8 SolidBiosci SLDB 24.81 +.89 +65 519 .. .. .. 41 .. C+ 71.2 Spdr600 1.9 SLYV 59.54 +.67 24 269 ..k
80 91 65 C C 67.2 Selectiv 1.3 SIGI 59.91 .04 27 143 18
6 2 9 .. E 33.0 RubiusThera RUBY 14.04 +.37 +15 240 ..k 8 34 9 E D 3.7 Soligenix SNGX .93 .04 +48 279 .. .. .. 58 .. D+ 101 SpdrSPAe 1.1 XAR 86.57 +.76 11 195 ..k
26 43 20 .. B 11.1 SellasLifeSci SLS 1.52 .02 53 180 ..
49 81 38 B D 34.6 RudolphTech r RTEC 21.81 +.54 40 141 13 5 11 10 .. E 0.7 SolitarioZnc XPL .28 .00 32 34 .. .. .. 41 .. C 52.0 SpdSPBan 1.9 KBE 42.91 +.53 +40 4.8m ..
30 37 12 D B 30.4 Semgrp 11 SEMG 16.57 +.27 59 515 ..o
31 1 82 D D+ 11.0 RumbleonB RMBL 6.11 .07 +100 154 .. 22 43 16 D B 23.6 SonicAu 1.6 SAH 15.45 +.18 34 133 8 .. .. 41 .. D 62.5 SpdSPCpM 2.4 KCE 52.28 +.49 +9 28 ..k
31 33 32 D B+ 7.7 SemiMfg SMI 4.74 +.06 45 93 31k
53 78 41 C C 55.4 RushEnt 1.2 r RUSHA 38.50 +.49 68 68 14k 76 73 77 B D 58.7 SonocoP 3.0 SON 54.85 +.11 8 368 16k .. .. 45 .. B 123 SpdChin 1.8 GXC 93.16 +1.71 +661 908 ..k
2 4 10 E C+ 8.8 Semileds LEDS 2.87 +.07 +10 39 ..
14 31 2 E D 5.5 SonomaPhrm SNOA .76 +.02 78 37 ..k .. .. 42 .. A 55.8 SpdrEMS 3.1 EWX 43.44 +.24 +145 252 ..k
72 78 52 C A 52.8 RushEntB 1.2 r RUSHB 39.25 +.56 81 1 14k 83 71 74 C C 127 SmpraEn 3.2 SRE 113.1 .25 18 1.6m 20o
7 23 10 E D 23.6 Sonos SONO 10.98 +.12 39 613 ..k .. .. 49 .. B 116 SpEmAsP 2.1 GMF 93.18 +1.17 +22 44 ..k
81 93 28 A C 34.0 Ruths 1.8 RUTH 23.79 .03 54 113 17 95 57 93 B B 60.6 Semtech SMTC 49.77 +1.37 +16 688 27o
70 64 51 B D 61.0 Sony SNE 48.76 +.39 19 782 10 .. .. 76 .. A 36.6 SpdrS&P 3.1 EDIV 32.12 +.10 +126 331 ..k
39 58 10 A D 127 Ryanair RYAAY 69.96 +1.49 +73 1.1m 10k 16 20 4 E D 2.6 SecondSight EYES .84 +.01 45 337 ..o
7 9 4 .. D+ 4.1 SophirisBio SPHS 1.14 +.02 82 60 .. .. .. 59 .. C 71.6 SpdSpFoss 1.8 SPYX 64.64 +.55 75 4 ..k
3 10 2 C D 23.8 RYBEducA r RYB 6.65 +.06 54 104 .. 98 72 99 C B 51.1 Sendrid SEND 50.43 +1.37 +2 722 99
22 60 6 B D 7.1 SorlAuto SORL 2.62 .04 57 34 2o .. .. 62 .. C+ 53.1 SpdrSPGb 3.1 GII 48.21 +.15 82 11 ..k
41 66 18 C B 89.5 RyderSys 3.9 R 55.02 +.93 40 477 10 28 4 61 E D 35.9 SenecaA SENEA 29.40 +.46 44 11 ..
4 1 5 C E 10.7 SorrentTher SRNE 2.37 +.21 +5 1.6m ..o .. .. 33 .. D 53.3 SpdrS&P 3.3 GNR 44.15 +.69 74 87 ..k
19 66 11 .. D 13.0 RyersonHldg RYI 7.17 +.24 +102 270 8 51 33 87 D C 2.4 Senestech SNES .79 .02 +3 120 ..
29 30 18 C C 60.2 Sothebys BID 39.03 +.47 +33 745 17o .. .. 54 .. D 74.1 SpdrSPG 4.2 WDIV 65.56 +.20 14 33 ..k
92 68 61 B A 90.0 RymanHs 4.4 RHP 76.68 +1.71 46 167 22k 48 75 15 C D 19.2 SeniorH 12 SNH 13.00 .19 +6 2.1m 6x
41 24 48 D E 7.6 SothrlyH 7.9 SOHO 6.36 .02 21 27 .. .. .. 76 .. D 89.1 SpdrS&PH .1 XHE 75.54 +.61 64 43 ..k
S 12 5 22 D C+ 8.9 SenmiaoTech AIHS 4.18 +.02 +25 26 ..k
61 93 36 B E 40.9 SoundFi 1.7 SFBC 33.50 .10 52 1 12 .. .. 67 .. E 77.4 SpdrSPHt .3 XHS 68.80 +.81 68 8 ..k
89 91 80 A D+ 217 S&PGlo 1.1 SPGI 189.3 +.74 46 1.0m 23 80 72 58 B B 57.4 Sensata ST 47.29 +.94 +5 954 13
.. .. 56 .. C 39.0 SourceC 2.9 SOR 34.64 +.44 31 28 ..k .. .. 62 .. D+ 32.8 SpdSPIn 1.7 KIE 30.13 +.07 +52 537 ..k
75 69 56 B B+ 47.8 S&TBanc 2.7 r STBA 40.64 .06 58 48 14 20 5 17 D D 5.3 Senseonics SENS 2.70 .01 41 852 ..
57 27 65 C D+ 36.7 SJersey 3.7 SJI 30.67 .03 +184 1.9m 19k .. .. 86 .. B 100 SpdSpInte .2 XWEB 85.73 +2.15 58 6 ..k
13 34 11 D E 4.4 SWSeed SANW 2.33 .01 70 10 ..k 42 56 37 C C 78.4 Sensient 2.3 SXT 61.64 +.13 9 280 17k
55 72 23 A B 93.3 SouthS 2.2 SSB 65.41 +.32 +17 258 12k .. .. 49 .. B 42.9 SpdrIntD 4.8 DWX 36.77 +.22 35 87 ..k
.. .. 47 .. D 23.0 SabaClsE 9 CEFS 18.89 +.03 33 9 ..k 83 35 97 D B 8.9 SensusHealth SRTS 8.18 .01 77 12 ..k
2 19 4 E E 2.2 SouthcrsEnrg SXE .36 +.01 89 14 .. .. .. 28 .. C 38.0 SpdrInt 2.8 GWX 29.62 +.38 69 115 ..k
78 5 77 B A+ 10.2 SabanCaptl SCAC 10.20 ... 92 11 .. 93 72 79 .. A 10.2 SentinelEner STNL 10.11 ... +999 2.9m 91
79 50 82 C C 49.4 Souther 5.1 SO 47.50 .46 26 4.5m 14 .. .. 52 .. E 374 SpdSpMd 1.3 MDY 331.0 +3.69 42 897 ..
75 64 61 A B 50.0 SabineRo 8.3 SBR 41.39 +1.34 2 24 14 14 12 9 E C 2.2 Sequans SQNS 1.09 +.04 36 99 ..k
.. .. 33 .. D 37.8 SpNorAm 1.8 NANR 30.77 +.65 42 18 ..k
9 41 7 C D 2.5 SequentlBrd SQBG 1.03 .01 59 60 3 26 45 11 A D 58.1 SthrnCo 4.3 SCCO 32.24 +1.18 13 961 14
98 98 72 A B 23.8 SabraHl 9 SBRA 19.97 +.33 28 1.3m 9 .. .. 32 .. B 50.0 SpdrPhrm .6 XPH 39.81 +.50 58 41 ..k
.. .. 64 .. A+ 30.0 SerenShrIm 1.4 ICAN 27.29 +.29 40 0.6 ..k
68 94 28 A D 48.8 SthrnFst SFST 35.79 +.04 +215 46 12
75 80 76 B D 26.8 SabreC 2.4 SABR 23.02 +.29 48 1.3m 15 .. .. 38 .. D 66.0 SpdS&PRe 2.0 KRE 53.47 +.63 32 6.9m ..
6 8 18 E E 11.4 SeresThera MCRB 6.01 +.60 +214 302 ..
78 90 57 A D+ 41.5 SthrnMO 1.5 SMBC 34.99 +.52 +32 19 12
98 91 84 A B 4.4 7SachemC 16 SACH 4.03 .01 45 31 7
75 93 33 A B+ 18.2 SthrnNtl 2.2 SONA 14.37 +.22 +8 78 10 .. .. 86 .. B 97.6 SpdrSPSo .3 XSW 83.70 +1.41 +13 19 ..k
1 17 1 E D 73.8 SAExplortn SAEX 3.76 +.09 86 123 .. 51 16 79 E B 51.9 SeritageG 2.5 SRG 39.84 +.87 50 227 ..o .. .. 36 .. C+ 82.2 SpdSpTch .5 XTH 68.70 +1.82 93 0.2 ..k
81 59 81 A C+ 37.3 Southsi 3.5 SBSI 34.26 .10 48 85 16k
30 72 8 C C 4.0 SafeBulk SB 1.89 .04 +12 348 17 75 77 85 B E 47.1 Service 1.6 r SCI 42.50 +.15 48 548 24 .. .. 58 .. C 77.4 SpdrS&PTe 1.8 XTL 67.87 +.54 55 12 ..k
91 89 74 B B 64.0 Southwe 1.2 LUV 54.98 +.77 +60 7.3m 12o
9 2 1 E D 13.2 SafeTGrpLtd SFET 2.89 .06 96 11 ..k 73 65 81 B C 45.6 Servicemstr SERV 39.40 +.69 +69 1.7m 17o .. .. 49 .. E 69.3 SpdrS&P .9 XTN 59.09 +.80 77 7 ..k
72 68 61 B C 26.0 SthwstG 2.2 SGB 21.45 .05 +6 2 11
35 51 34 .. C 14.0 SafeguardSci SFE 9.56 .15 63 36 .. 99 99 92 A C+ 206 7ServiceNow NOW. 191.1 +5.38 32 1.4m 91 .. .. 83 .. C 79.4 SpdrSemi 1.0 XSD 72.09 +2.28 25 75 ..k
87 70 70 C B 86.0 Southw 2.7 SWX 77.18 1.14 69 106 20
72 72 43 C D 20.2 SafetyInc 3.6 SAFE 16.60 .17 +13 38 50k 12 10 5 D D+ 4.5 Servicesrce SREV 1.16 +.10 12 507 16k .. .. 33 .. D+ 70.0 SpSolGer 2.8 ZDEU 54.93 +1.03 29 0.5 ..k
65 96 25 A E 45.0 Servisf 1.8 SFBS 34.28 +.03 21 133 13 59 72 44 A C 6.2 SWEnergy SWN 4.53 +.18 9 18m 5o
59 62 66 D D 99 Safety 3.9 SAFT 82.79 +.05 80 8 16 .. .. 39 .. D 83.5 SpSolJap 2.5 ZJPN 71.16 +.68 95 0.1 ..k
88 96 88 C D 12.7 Servotro 1.5 SVT 10.85 .13 80 0.8 8 74 93 57 D B+ 41.4 SPPlus SP 34.07 .18 32 64 15
62 64 32 B D 42.4 SagaCom 3.6 SGA 33.50 +1.23 45 3 8 .. .. 36 .. E 56.4 SpSolUk 4.6 ZGBR 47.22 +.31 87 0.4 ..k
9 38 4 E E 3.5 SesenBio SESN .75 .01 72 538 .. 26 41 4 C E 2.0 SparGrp SGRP .57 .02 75 18 7
29 19 42 .. C 195 SageTherptcs SAGE 132.0 .21 22 486 .. .. .. 86 .. A NH SpSolHon .7 ZHOK 61.87 +.89 +171 2 99
7 2 3 D D+ 5.8 Ideanomics IDEX 1.25 ... +40 382 .. 75 75 27 A B 13.4 SparkEn 9.0 SPKE 8.01 .01 +52 238 11
58 91 32 B C 87.1 Saia SAIA 59.68 +2.39 +1 249 16k .. .. 59 .. C 34.7 SpdrSsga 3.9 INKM 31.82 +.09 64 10 ..k
93 98 81 B B 9.9 Severn 1.4 SVBI 8.37 +.04 87 1 14k 31 72 16 .. D 15.4 SparkNetwrks LOV 9.04 +.01 42 6 ..k
93 72 94 B D+ 34.6 SailpointTech SAIL 27.23 +.66 50 453 99k .. .. 54 .. E 40.4 SpdSsga 2.3 GAL 36.26 +.28 15 82 ..k
13 27 9 D C 5.9 SgBlocks SGBX 3.05 +.09 +103 45 ..
26 49 13 D D 96.6 SparkThera ONCE 43.44 +1.18 33 394 ..
12 10 15 E D 6.3 SalMedia 9 SALM 2.73 +.07 71 18 68 .. .. 64 .. B 74.5 SpSsgaG 1.9 SHE 67.81 +.69 23 12 ..k
87 92 46 A C 70.1 ShakeShack SHAK 48.25 +.34 21 571 64
54 5 77 .. B+ 10.0 SpartanEnrgA SPAQ 9.75 .01 99 1 99k
99 97 93 A B 161 7Salesforce CRM 149.7 +2.87 39 4.5m 73o .. .. 68 .. E 40.4 SpdrSsgaU 2.1 ULST 40.27 +.02 71 18 ..k
44 82 6 C C 19.5 Spartan 1.2 SPAR 8.08 .14 0 226 16o
.. .. 31 .. B+ 12.2 SalntMi 7.7 SMM 8.78 +.05 51 87 ..k 63 46 81 E B 5.2 Sharps SMED 3.90 +.27 +433 99 99 .. .. 59 .. B 100 SpSsgUs 2.9 SMLV 89.10 +.77 4 17 ..k
66 44 75 D B 27.0 Spartan 3.5 SPTN 20.58 .27 73 56 10
78 76 52 B B 51.8 Salisbu 2.9 SAL 39.20 +1.89 38 2 13 72 7 99 D C+ 14.9 Sharpspring SHSP 13.91 +.44 27 20 .. .. .. 72 .. A 99 SpSsgaU 2.0 LGLV 92.75 +.36 +70 64 ..k
83 52 93 D B 23.2 Sparton SPA 18.39 .03 48 90 15
58 69 85 .. E 23.6 SallyBeauty SBH 18.02 +.32 9 2.0m 7 82 61 65 D B+ 22.1 ShawCmm 4.5 SJR 19.83 +.05 29 451 99o .. .. 35 .. E 38.5 SpdrStx 3.9 FEU 30.89 +.27 2 63 ..k
.. .. 45 .. D+ 101 SpdrBiot .2 XBI 82.37 +1.82 46 3.5m ..
.. .. 73 .. B 25.8 SltHiTrubU .3 SLT 23.93 +.96 83 0.4 99 71 89 33 A D 30.4 ShellMi 7.7 SHLX 20.65 +.70 24 795 14o .. .. 52 .. D 76.3 SPDRTech 1.5 XLK 65.93 +.92 44 10m ..
.. .. 59 .. D 47.7 SpdrBlkS 4.8 SRLN 45.87 +.03 79 319 ..k
15 10 14 B B+ 10.5 SanJuanB 7.0 SJT 4.89 .07 42 118 10o 97 72 97 E A+ 51.4 Shenand .6 SHEN 47.72 +.18 32 149 61o .. .. 75 .. C 57.2 SPDRUtil 3.3 XLU 53.32 .74 15 18m ..
.. .. 53 .. C 55.0 SpdConv 5.8 CWB 49.66 +.36 33 926 ..k
4 31 1 .. E 6.0 SanchezEngy SN .32 +.00 77 639 ..o 77 86 65 A C 479 ShrwnWl .9 SHW 392.8 +2.57 +8 902 24 .. .. 58 .. B+ 43.9 SpdrWFPf 6.2 PSK 41.45 +.17 68 64 ..k
.. .. 67 .. C+ 32.1 SpBlmBrc 3.6 CBND 30.95 .01 96 0.7 ..k
1 10 1 .. E 12.7 SnchzMid 26 SNMP 2.25 .11 34 96 .. 4 15 2 D E 6.4 ShiftPixy PIXY 1.28 +.08 7 389 .. .. .. 61 .. D 14.1 SpecOpps 11 SPE 12.75 +.06 30 20 ..k
.. .. 54 .. B 36.9 SpBlmIntl .7 IBND 33.15 +.28 91 6 ..k
55 9 87 E B 136 SandrFa 1.1 SAFM 118.0 +1.00 44 248 99 5 27 12 D D 12.3 ShilohInds SHLO 6.07 +.02 15 44 15 8 20 10 D B 118 Spectrum 3.1 SPB 53.97 +.37 63 277 3
.. .. 71 .. C 25.9 SpBlmMr 3.3 MBG 25.43 .02 71 30 ..k
6 12 8 D D 20.3 Sandrdgen SD 8.28 +.29 18 377 10k 13 24 4 B D+ 2.5 Shineco TYHT .53 +.01 14 67 1k 8 5 10 E B 25.3 SpectrmPh SPPI 11.24 +.40 30 1.1m ..o
.. .. 58 .. B 33.5 SpBlmStIn 1.1 BWZ 30.93 +.21 85 8 ..k
8 20 30 C D 2.3 Sandridge 18 SDT .96 +.01 +25 97 5 54 38 30 A B+ 49.8 Shinhan SHG 37.34 +.39 50 81 6k 56 70 52 D C 21.2 Speedwy 3.7 TRK 16.34 +.24 45 27 13
.. .. 63 .. B 27.8 SpStHiY 5.5 SJNK 26.88 +.04 26 2.5m ..k
11 21 23 C D+ 2.0 SanbrdgM 20 SDR 1.00 .02 +184 355 4 44 58 24 C C 16.0 ShipFnce 11 SFL 11.80 +.07 53 379 10o 39 20 56 D B+ 19.0 SperoThera SPRO 9.75 +.16 35 48 ..
.. .. 62 .. D 56.0 SpdrBlom 2.8 IPE 53.98 .09 54 88 ..k
40 25 67 B C 2.7 Sandrdg 20 PER 2.24 .08 +27 211 4o 89 81 96 D B+ 45.0 ShoeCar .8 r SCVL 38.78 .22 45 231 15o 29 39 25 E B+ 23.5 Sphere3D ANY 2.73 .10 98 42 ..
.. .. 68 .. B 21.0 SpBlBarc 1.9 TIPX 18.89 .03 79 22 ..k
65 30 89 D B 5.6 SandstrmGld SAND 4.74 +.16 +9 1.2m 99 82 35 94 C D 176 Shopify SHOP 162.8 +4.41 41 980 99 8 18 13 E D 2.4 Spherix SPEX .77 +.01 96 14 ..
.. .. 62 .. B 37.0 SpdBarcH 5.6 JNK 35.05 +.08 33 13m ..
63 71 28 A B 43.9 SndySpg 3.4 r SASR 32.93 +.15 +32 150 11o 71 96 28 B B 20.1 ShoreBa 2.4 SHBI 15.25 +.02 68 9 10 2 3 7 E C+ 12.0 SPIEnergy SPI 2.40 .18 +228 766 ..k
.. .. 67 .. B 29.7 SpdBlIntl 1.0 BWX 27.83 +.18 +47 1.1m ..k
37 40 37 C B 79.4 Sanfili .9 JBSS 62.64 .48 +16 65 25k 50 16 98 .. B 66.1 Shotspotter SSTI 46.59 +2.58 3 129 ..k 68 29 85 C C+ 81.1 Spire 3.1 SR 77.03 .60 20 195 20k
.. .. 76 .. A 59.9 SpBlomBrI 2.0 ITE 59.27 .12 93 53 ..k
19 21 14 D D 27.5 Sangamo SGMO 11.52 +.42 4 1.7m .. 30 67 11 C E 100 Shutterfly SFLY 46.80 +.92 26 670 73 70 84 35 B B 105 SpiritA .6 SPR 79.70 +.48 29 552 13
.. .. 71 .. E 91.6 SpdrBlom 1.6 BIL 91.59 .01 28 1.9m ..k
78 49 82 D B+ 34.3 Sanmina SANM 27.32 +.78 13 346 12 61 77 46 B C 55.8 Shuttershck SSTK 41.46 +2.23 +41 298 32 96 66 96 A B 65.4 SpiritAir SAVE. 57.96 +.50 6 1.2m 15
.. .. 58 .. B 30.9 SpdEmerL 4.6 EBND 27.22 +.15 2 179 ..k
48 42 57 C D+ 45.9 Sanofi 2.9 SNY 41.77 +.55 19 819 14 62 87 38 D C+ 15.6 SIFncl 1.9 SIFI 12.96 +.15 85 19 14 29 5 37 .. B 9.8 SpiritMta 17 SMTA 7.65 +.12 34 277 99
.. .. 67 .. E 30.9 SpBlmIn 2.4 FLRN 30.58 +.05 53 1.0m ..k
90 93 77 C B 23.5 SpiritOfTexas STXB 21.67 +.34 84 13 26k
71 59 83 C D 21.8 Santnde 4.2 SC 19.23 +.42 26 1.1m 7 55 28 74 E D 23.0 SiBone SIBN 19.57 +.04 65 41 ..k
.. .. 63 .. B 26.5 SprBfCrs 4.0 CJNK 25.21 +.05 39 10 ..k
74 66 62 E B+ 42.7 SpiritRe 6.5 SRC 38.25 +.79 31 985 29k
72 52 48 A D+ 127 SAP 1.1 SAP 106.0 +.61 +28 1.0m 19 68 72 59 D C 5.1 Sibanye 9 SBGL 3.03 +.15 34 2.5m 41
.. .. 53 .. D 60.3 SpCitiInt 3.9 WIP 53.75 +.28 68 13 ..k 99 81 96 A B 130 7Splunk SPLK 122.1 +2.11 50 1.1m 99o
90 74 92 C B 14.5 Sapiens 3.3 SPNS 12.28 +.17 41 26 23 95 72 89 A A 20.8 SiebertFncl SIEB 12.56 +.32 +16 21 46
.. .. 70 .. E 118 SPDRCon 1.2 XLY 107.0 +1.17 42 4.4m .. 37 8 44 E B 16.2 SpokHl 3.6 SPOK 14.00 .11 78 23 99
86 84 83 A D 28.3 Saratoga 9 SAR 22.65 +.10 48 17 8 4 11 1 .. E 21.5 SiennaBio SNNA 2.80 +.06 +7 226 ..
.. .. 48 .. D+ 59.0 SPDRCnS 3.0 XLP 51.73 .21 41 13m .. 72 53 76 B B 6.5 SprtsWrh SPWH 5.26 +.07 34 185 9o
46 8 96 D E 176 SareptaThera SRPT 122.8 +1.74 40 562 ..o 22 27 15 D E 26.8 Sientra SIEN 12.39 +.46 +103 838 ..
.. .. 68 .. B 50.3 SpDbEmM 3.3 EMTL 48.67 .01 71 5 ..k 28 34 25 E B 198 SpotifyTech r SPOT 134.7 +1.97 32 1.0m ..k
10 9 24 D C 39.7 Sasol 2.3 SSL 30.74 +.65 37 134 27k 80 78 52 A B+ 31.2 Sierra 2.7 BSRR 26.91 +.78 +29 53 13
.. .. 68 .. A 49.8 SpDbShD 2.5 STOT 48.81 .07 7 16 ..k 12 9 10 B D 29.0 SpragueR 15 SRLP 17.41 +.27 53 21 17
89 70 70 B A 60.7 SaulCen 4.0 BFS 52.80 +1.02 42 22 33 18 29 10 B D 3.0 SierraMetals SMTS 1.73 .10 +142 137 11
.. .. 68 .. C+ 48.4 SpDblne 3.4 TOTL 47.38 .13 37 342 ..k 40 34 59 E D 16.0 SpringBank SBPH 10.98 +.63 83 5 ..k
15 18 14 E D 14.1 Savara SVRA 7.70 +.27 34 144 .. 11 17 7 .. D+ 3.7 SierraOnco SRRA 1.35 +.02 94 22 ..
.. .. 71 .. D 100 SpdrDiv 2.6 SDY 93.79 +.25 35 882 ..k 80 44 85 E B 6.6 Sprint S 6.18 .07 26 9.6m 47
59 53 48 B B+ 20.5 SBFinl 1.9 SBFG 18.12 .38 +73 10 11 32 72 23 C E 22.6 SierraWr SWIR 15.11 +.18 15 206 16
.. .. 76 .. D 49.5 SpdrDjG 3.6 RWO 47.56 +.61 59 112 ..k .. .. 34 .. D+ 8.0 SprottF 18 FUND 6.47 +.13 66 30 ..k
57 88 18 A D 32.9 SBOneB 1.4 SBBX 21.31 +.08 46 7 12k 78 60 75 C B 2.5 SifyTech .6 SIFY 1.56 +.02 48 30 15k
.. .. 58 .. C+ 42.5 SpdrDjI 4.9 RWX 37.93 +.46 24 557 ..k .. .. 63 .. C+ 22.5 SprottGl .4 SGDM 17.84 +.59 +6 62 ..k
59 7 90 .. B NH SBAComm SBAC 177.3 +.74 +17 957 ..o 79 50 93 .. A 8.5 SigaTech SIGA 6.88 +.01 58 144 1
.. .. 78 .. B+ 98.1 SpdrDjR 3.9 RWR 92.49 +1.17 38 182 ..k .. .. 39 .. C+ 34.5 SprottGldMrs SGDJ 25.53 +.92 +39 13 ..k
83 62 82 C B 44.3 Scansource SCSC 38.66 +.81 58 62 11k 77 22 98 E A 3.0 SigmaLabs SGLB 2.07 +.00 +45 75 ..
.. .. 46 .. C 25.8 SpdDorWrF 3.7 DWFI 22.70 +.02 59 17 ..k .. .. 76 .. A 11.2 SprottGld PHYS 10.47 +.12 +81 1.1m ..k
3 22 11 D D 79.3 Schlumb 4.4 SLB 45.00 +1.44 0 16m 27o 5 5 3 E E 9.4 Sigmatron SGMA 2.55 ... 53 16 ..
.. .. 61 .. E 269 SpdrDow 2.1 DIA 247.4 +1.92 26 4.1m .. .. .. 74 .. A 13.8 SprottPhysGld CEF 12.73 +.22 +24 861 99
48 8 88 E C+ 4.1 Schmitt SMIT 2.83 +.03 29 6 .. 95 88 83 A B+ 159 7Signatu 1.8 r SBNY 125.9 +1.54 37 370 11o
.. .. 26 .. E 79.4 SPDREne 3.2 XLE 62.93 +.79 51 10m .. .. .. 93 .. B 10.9 SprottPhysicl SPPP 10.53 .06 +66 101 ..k
41 96 27 .. C 30.5 Schneid 1.1 SNDR 21.06 +.46 64 251 15k 1 16 4 C E 71.1 SignetJ 5.9 SIG 25.15 +.60 +35 2.9m 6o
.. .. 32 .. D+ 44.2 SpdrEur 3.3 FEZ 34.97 +.54 2 5.2m .. .. .. 67 .. B 6.5 SprttPhySilv PSLV 5.70 +.16 +76 798 ..k
26 35 15 A D+ 38.2 Schnitzr 3.2 SCHN 23.79 +1.15 46 204 6o 81 71 70 B B 31.1 SilganH 1.5 SLGN 26.43 +.29 26 317 13k
.. .. 36 .. B 69.5 SpdrEurS 3.0 SMEZ 54.51 +.75 95 0.2 ..k 88 78 50 B B+ 29.7 SproutsFarm SFM 24.15 .22 43 1.2m 19
16 1 37 E E 30.0 ScholarRock SRRK 16.59 +2.35 +111 154 ..k 15 33 12 B C+ 77.4 Silicom SILC 32.85 .50 23 30 13k
.. .. 84 .. B 107 SpFactstI .1 XITK 93.46 +2.42 24 14 ..k 97 98 93 C D+ 100 7SPSCommr SPSC 88.89 +1.90 49 97 53k
45 36 80 E C 47.9 Scholas 1.4 r SCHL 41.95 .08 46 74 27 96 76 82 A D 110 SiliconLab SLAB 92.57 +2.65 +25 316 24k
.. .. 48 .. E 30.3 SPDRFin 1.9 XLF 26.00 +.21 13 63m .. 37 38 37 C C 39.3 SPX SPXC 29.31 +.34 34 192 15k
33 1 69 .. .. 18.0 SchltzSpcPur SAMA 9.60 ... +59 7 99 48 95 21 B C 61.9 Silicon 3.2 r SIMO 37.60 +1.45 44 223 11k .. .. 52 .. B 91.8 SpdrGlblD 2.3 DGT 80.76 +.79 47 3 ..k 29 67 14 D D 54.9 SPXFlow FLOW 32.70 +.40 46 143 14k
.. .. 60 .. C 29.0 Schw100 1.7 SCHK 26.19 +.23 56 245 ..k 61 73 19 B B 3.1 Silvrcp .9 SVM 2.13 +.05 +21 394 8k .. .. 83 .. C+ NH SpGoldMiniTr GLDM 12.99 +.19 +29 910 99 97 71 96 A B 101 SquareA SQ 77.97 +4.03 +41 25m 99o
.. .. 59 .. D 54.6 SchwDvE 2.9 SCHD 49.10 +.18 47 935 ..k 22 9 20 B C+ 34.8 SilverbowRes SBOW 24.34 .01 41 16 6 .. .. 78 .. B 129 SpdrGoldShrs GLD 122.9 +1.77 +21 11m .. 29 52 6 A C 13.3 SRCEnergy SRCI 5.16 +.10 39 2.4m 5k
.. .. 54 .. C 31.1 SchEMkt 2.5 SCHE 25.30 +.26 49 1.2m ..k 67 88 31 A D+ 18.3 Silvercre 4.1 SAMG 13.79 .06 80 3 11 .. .. 75 .. E 96.1 SPDRHlt 1.5 XLV 88.92 +.11 47 7.2m .. 98 96 70 A B 61.0 SS&CTec .6 SSNC 50.68 +1.20 34 1.4m 20
.. .. 54 .. D 33.1 SchwFdt 2.8 FNDE 28.05 +.33 54 252 ..k 62 2 98 .. B+ NH SilvercrestMtl SILV 3.50 +.22 +167 200 ..k .. .. 45 .. C 47.2 SpdrHome 1.1 XHB 35.22 +.19 +6 5.1m .. 28 1 72 E B 1.7 SGOCOGroup SGOC 1.05 +.02 31 20 ..k
.. .. 36 .. E 32.5 SchFdtIn 3.2 FNDF 26.85 +.30 77 289 ..k 13 10 7 D C+ 4.6 SilversunTec SSNT 2.33 .01 92 0.5 .. .. .. 48 .. D+ 81.0 SPDRInds 2.0 XLI 70.07 +.88 21 13m .. 6 1 2 D B 5.8 Sslj.comA SSLJ .45 .03 +4 65 ..k
.. .. 31 .. E 38.2 SchwFdtI 2.5 FNDC 30.40 +.29 72 144 ..k 63 91 30 A D 33.5 SimonsF 2.4 SFNC 25.09 +.44 +19 488 10 .. .. 89 .. B NH SpKenCln 1.3 XKCP 31.87 +.31 +150 0.5 99 76 45 95 D B 12.7 SSRMining SSRM 12.55 +.52 3 846 48k
.. .. 50 .. C 40.3 SchwFdt 2.2 FNDB 35.89 +.31 55 22 ..k 92 80 83 A B 191 SimonPr 4.5 SPG 177.1 +1.84 20 1.2m 23 .. .. 64 .. B 37.6 SpKenFu 1.6 XKFS 31.79 +.57 +110 7 ..k 56 54 34 B B+ 20.0 StJoe JOE 15.13 +.20 39 159 25o
.. .. 50 .. D 40.4 SchwFdt 2.2 FNDX 36.12 +.26 59 374 ..k 4 3 1 .. E 11.9 SimplictyEsprt WINR 1.87 .42 +6 84 .. .. .. 51 .. B 32.0 SpKenInte .7 XKII 27.20 +.42 82 0.3 ..k 92 70 98 C B 54.0 StaarSurg STAA 35.69 +1.51 +17 472 99o
.. .. 50 .. E 41.8 SchwFdt 1.5 FNDA 36.17 +.43 70 208 ..k 80 62 95 C C 21.0 SimplyGoodFds r SMPL 18.94 .35 +11 513 36 .. .. 74 .. D 31.0 SpKenNwE .5 KOMP 29.25 +.81 93 0.1 99 39 21 90 D B 5.7 Staffing360 STAF 2.30 +.05 +4 344 ..
.. .. 35 .. D 36.4 SchwInt 2.9 SCHF 30.13 +.33 56 3.8m ..k 87 97 82 B B 78.4 Sampson 1.5 SSD 60.02 .31 37 173 21k .. .. 44 .. D 64.2 SPDRMat 2.1 XLB 53.12 +.99 52 4.9m .. 71 29 83 C D 29.1 StagInd 5.3 STAG 27.12 +.51 38 579 57
.. .. 30 .. D 39.1 SchwInt 2.3 SCHC 31.22 +.40 78 166 ..k 92 71 86 B B 24.0 Simulat 1.2 SLP 19.49 +.25 27 52 48 .. .. 72 .. B+ 82.4 SpdrMfsSy 1.5 SYE 76.36 +.54 25 6 ..k 1 1 3 .. E 3.3 StageSt 22 SSI .90 +.02 42 242 ..o
.. .. 76 .. B+ 53.3 SchwbIn 2.1 SCHR 52.80 .08 +11 711 ..k 44 87 12 A E 124 Sina SINA 58.93 +4.32 +43 1.1m 19k .. .. 50 .. D 87.5 SpdrMfsSy .7 SYG 77.13 +1.02 62 0.8 ..k 59 84 20 A C 285 Stamps STMP 177.3 +1.65 35 245 13
.. .. 72 .. B 50.0 SchbShT 1.8 SCHO 49.88 .03 31 922 ..k 99 82 87 B B 40.0 Sinclair 2.6 r SBGI 31.03 +.31 18 1.2m 9o .. .. 50 .. D 70.6 SpdrMfsSy 2.0 SYV 63.51 +.36 23 3 ..k 81 65 84 B B 39.5 StandrdAvb 2.7 r STND 32.05 +.05 24 6 17
.. .. 72 .. A+ 51.7 SchwUsA 2.8 SCHZ 50.77 .03 27 666 ..k 5 5 7 D D 2.7 SinoGlob SINO .80 +.02 +113 134 ..k .. .. 49 .. C+ 84.3 SprMsAc 1.8 ACIM 74.53 +.83 94 2 ..k 57 32 86 B B 19.7 StandrdDivrsA SDI 14.00 .26 18 9 38
.. .. 63 .. B 58.8 SchUMC 1.4 SCHM 52.49 +.63 60 287 ..k 44 81 26 B D+ 69.8 Sinopec 8.9 SHI 46.89 +.67 55 20 4 .. .. 50 .. B 96.4 SpMsAcL 2.4 LOWC 84.67 +.61 87 0.9 ..k 77 49 80 D C 56.5 StdrdMt 1.7 r SMP 49.71 .29 42 52 19k
.. .. 81 .. D 43.5 SchwUsR 3.4 SCHH 41.42 +.54 56 538 .. 62 54 19 A B 8.8 Sinovac SVA 6.40 .06 65 7 9k .. .. 31 .. B+ 26.6 SpdrMscC 1.3 XINA 17.98 +.29 +109 5 ..k 41 51 16 B A 114 Standex 1.0 SXI 78.21 +1.50 22 61 15k
.. .. 63 .. C 55.1 SchwbUS 2.6 SCHP 53.36 .06 46 377 ..k 11 14 3 E C 4.1 Sintx SINT .21 +.01 56 89 .. .. .. 39 .. C 77.8 SpdEafFosF 2.9 EFAX 63.80 +.55 61 2 ..k 46 58 34 B B 175 StnlyBlk 2.2 SWK 120.6 +2.34 1 1.7m 14o
.. .. 58 .. D 71.4 SchUSM 2.0 SCHB 64.08 +.58 57 1.1m ..k 74 56 97 .. B 18.0 SiriusIntl SG 14.50 ... 65 2 16 .. .. 46 .. D+ 68.9 SpdrMsci 3.1 QEFA 59.31 +.50 65 18 ..k 37 34 32 C B+ 29.3 Stantec 1.7 STN 23.56 .22 25 10 14k
.. .. 58 .. C 70.5 SchwUSL 2.0 SCHX 63.57 +.57 46 1.3m ..k 67 93 48 .. D 7.7 Sirius .7 SIRI 5.82 +.07 +19 30m 26 .. .. 59 .. B+ 69.9 SpdrMsciE 2.7 QEMM 58.32 +.59 +21 18 ..k 35 72 12 C D+ 15.4 StarBulkn r SBLK 8.77 .32 +47 950 8
.. .. 62 .. C 82.7 SchwLCG 1.2 SCHG 73.89 +.91 17 724 ..k 42 3 75 E C+ 15.2 SiteCen 6.2 r SITC 12.82 +.21 47 783 ..k .. .. 41 .. B 42.0 SpdMSxUS 2.6 CWI 34.77 +.40 71 305 ..k 36 25 44 B C+ 11.1 StarGr 5.1 SGU 9.30 +.06 1 81 12x
.. .. 54 .. D+ 58.0 SchwLCV 2.9 SCHV 52.15 +.24 55 583 ..k 61 95 16 B C 95.5 SiteOneLndscp SITE 55.96 +.68 16 396 34k .. .. 64 .. B+ 84.6 SpdUsaS 2.0 QUS 77.13 +.47 +63 47 ..k 96 81 93 A D+ 69.0 Starbuc 2.1 SBUX 67.09 +2.35 +69 22m 26o
.. .. 49 .. E 78.3 SchUSSC 1.5 SCHA 67.12 +.86 46 503 .. 10 5 9 E C 6.5 SitoMobile SITO 1.40 +.05 +115 251 .. .. .. 54 .. A 80.3 SpdrMsciW 2.2 QWLD 72.39 +.50 80 0.6 ..k 38 63 31 D B 9.0 StarrettLS SCX 5.63 +.01 26 10 10k
33 42 20 B B 47.5 SchtzM 5.6 SWM 31.32 +.05 27 195 9k 55 78 70 .. D 73.4 SixFlags 5.4 SIX 60.80 +.54 14 828 24 .. .. 24 .. C+ 39.6 SpdMetM 2.0 XME 29.44 +1.02 22 2.2m .. 23 5 52 E C 14.3 Startek SRT 7.14 +.12 16 73 ..
55 92 29 B D 93.3 Science 1.8 SAIC 67.40 +3.13 +12 516 14 74 64 47 B C 68.4 SJWGro 1.9 SJW 58.50 .44 76 72 20k .. .. 42 .. E 27.6 SpdrMultA 2.6 RLY 24.30 +.30 41 41 ..k 69 42 67 B D 23.0 Starwd 9 STWD 21.32 +.10 49 1.3m 9o
7 14 13 .. C+ 62.8 ScientifcGame SGMS 24.49 .01 24 1.4m ..o 93 84 80 B B 28.7 SKTelecom SKM 26.69 .09 52 301 5k .. .. 71 .. B 48.6 SpdNuvB 2.2 TFI 48.16 .07 67 281 ..k 67 34 89 E B+ 35.1 StateAu 1.2 STFC 34.14 .17 34 28 36k
25 57 13 D E 8.5 ScorpioBu 1.5 SALT 5.32 +.03 14 308 ..k 51 56 32 A D 43.1 SkechersA SKX 26.63 +.62 27 1.9m 15 .. .. 67 .. C+ 57.0 SpdrNS& 4.1 HYMB 55.48 .04 14 228 ..k 39 53 27 B C 114 StateSt 2.6 STT 72.64 +1.32 41 2.0m 10o
31 7 63 D B 32.5 Scorpio .2 STNG 20.43 +.23 15 619 .. 27 67 12 E B 1.4 SkySolar SKYS .60 .01 67 25 ..k .. .. 71 .. C+ 48.3 SpNuvBa 1.2 SHM 48.17 .03 57 399 ..k 22 29 18 D D 4.6 StlthGas GASS 3.05 ... 76 16 43k
21 24 25 C E 108 Miracle 3.2 SMG 68.74 .26 1 559 18 14 49 8 D E 35.7 SkylineChamp SKY 16.20 +.35 21 536 17k .. .. 12 .. D 98.3 SpNyseTec .9 XNTK 65.35 +1.37 75 29 ..k 37 14 22 D D 2.5 SteelCnnct STCN 1.69 +.01 42 18 ..
7 11 10 .. E 18.0 Scpharma SCPH 3.79 +.15 47 19 .. 71 97 30 C B 65.8 Skywst .8 SKYW 48.57 +.34 45 144 10 .. .. 10 .. C+ 19.2 SpdrOGEq .9 XES 11.13 +.39 48 976 .. 62 99 19 A B 52.1 SteelDy 2.1 r STLD 35.44 +.73 21 2.3m 6o
91 44 96 C C+ NH Scripps 1.1 SSP 18.78 +.26 +1 466 44o 42 68 19 A C 115 Skywks 2.1 r SWKS 72.47 +2.44 12 2.0m 10 .. .. 16 .. B 45.5 SpdrOGEx .9 XOP 30.53 +.56 23 19m .. 24 11 21 D B+ 20.7 SteelPar 10 SPLP 14.05 ... 27 31 ..
17 40 6 E B 2.2 Scynexis SCYX .74 +.00 37 282 .. 43 42 41 E C 106 SLGreen 3.8 r SLG 89.23 +2.88 +16 908 34o .. .. 71 .. C+ 28.5 SpPortAgg 2.9 SPAB 27.92 .01 53 601 ..k 90 75 90 C B 19.4 Steelca 3.2 SCS 16.65 +.01 36 412 15o
58 3 89 D A 17.2 SeaLtdA SE 13.63 +.51 +129 3.4m ..o 65 30 89 B D 41.1 SleepNumber SNBR 35.56 +.70 47 277 25k .. .. 41 .. C+ 33.8 SpdPortDe 2.9 SPDW 28.19 +.34 51 1.2m ..k 8 23 9 E D 4.0 SteinMart SMRT 1.15 +.03 83 49 ..o
44 22 44 C B 4402 Seabrd .2 SEB 3710 209 +50 0.6 26k 92 91 74 A D 12.5 SLM 1.1 SLM 11.02 +.29 +134 8.7m 10o .. .. 58 .. B 42.5 SpPortE 2.2 SPEM 34.68 +.28 61 391 ..k 27 42 9 C D+ 7.6 StellarBiotec SBOT 1.26 +.07 +43 394 ..k
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Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos)
52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P
6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
87 46 89 A B NH StellusCa 9 SCM 13.91 .03 51 57 11 52 71 37 B D 90.4 Target 3.5 TGT 72.39 +1.78 21 5.5m 13o 21 39 2 D C+ 8.7 TitanPhrm TTNP 1.45 +.13 +497 2.4m ..o .. .. 21 .. E 202 UbsAgFEuro50 FIEE 133.3 +3.26 88 0.9 99
20 16 7 E B 20.6 StemlineThr STML 10.27 +.05 +54 1.1m ..o 61 56 77 C B 105 TaroPharm TARO 92.24 +.19 63 24 13k 46 90 8 A E 44.4 TivityHlth TVTY 22.95 +.22 +105 2.6m 11k .. .. 29 .. D+ 303 UbsAgFiEn FBGX 217.2 +4.68 48 3 ..k
85 71 82 C B+ 91.0 Stepan 1.2 SCL 84.98 +.59 32 62 17k 7 6 8 D B 1.9 Taseko TGB .59 +.02 26 321 .. 13 5 37 E C+ 16.0 Tivo 6.4 TIVO 11.29 +.25 57 383 ..o .. .. 58 .. D 21.0 UBSAgT 9.0 BDCS 19.05 +.16 38 19 ..k
24 43 12 C C+ 76.7 Stericycle SRCL 43.49 +.27 46 1.0m 9 22 5 22 E A 11.1 TATTech TATT 6.75 .23 7 3 .. 90 77 80 A D+ 56.6 TJXCos 1.6 TJX 48.87 +.19 45 4.7m 21o .. .. 2 .. B 47.6 UbEtProDly3Lg WTIU 13.16 +.28 82 23 99
96 83 92 C B+ 121 Steris 1.2 STE 116.1 +1.38 26 327 26k 7 6 12 C B 31.9 TataMotor TTM 12.37 +.11 +15 1.7m 85 59 5 80 .. A 10.0 TkkSymphAcq TKKS 9.76 .01 84 21 99 .. .. 96 .. C+ 21.2 UbEtProDly3Inv WTID 10.55 .22 85 6 99
84 96 41 A B+ 26.4 Sterling 1.4 r STL 19.45 +.57 +12 3.7m 9 54 51 24 B B 65.5 Taubman 5.3 TCO 49.63 +.73 +46 676 40 .. .. 52 .. B+ 12.0 Templtn 12 TEI 10.17 +.02 63 129 ..k 24 49 22 B E 20.9 UBSGrp 5.3 UBS 13.10 +.03 9 2.9m 9
62 99 11 A D+ 15.0 Sterling .5 SBT 8.30 +.30 39 42 7k 92 73 91 C B+ NH TaylrDvice TAYD 12.94 +.19 44 2 33 30 24 55 .. E 15.8 Tocagen TOCA 10.02 +1.22 15 249 .. 94 90 91 D D+ 43.0 UDRINC 3.0 UDR 42.42 +.52 45 1.1m 61
77 62 89 C C 16.1 SterlingCons r STRL 13.48 +.41 19 139 16 66 91 39 B B 28.3 TaylorMoris TMHC 17.99 +.05 36 974 7k 77 97 44 A C+ 52.4 TollBros 1.3 TOL 34.98 .44 46 1.8m 7o 94 80 75 C B 40.0 UFP Tech UFPT 32.73 +.67 +17 22 17
87 74 82 B D 39.3 SteveMa 1.7 SHOO 32.40 +.34 43 341 18 70 85 28 A B+ 57.1 TCPipel 8.4 TCP 31.10 .63 12 298 8 72 68 47 A B+ 92.0 Tompkns 2.7 r TMP 74.50 4.25 +62 48 13 71 36 89 B B+ 59.3 UGI 1.9 UGI 55.95 .59 29 745 20
45 95 17 B E 12.5 Stewrds 1.4 SSFN 8.61 .25 +9 7 9k 63 94 47 B E 27.3 TCFFncl 2.8 TCF 21.58 +.09 2 1.1m 11k 5 19 1 .. E 51.1 TonixPharm TNXP 1.98 +.08 81 195 .. 98 96 92 A D+ 322 7UltaBeauty ULTA. 290.7 +2.73 48 561 29o
75 68 77 D B+ 46.9 Stewart 2.7 STC 43.84 +.05 1 147 23k 40 50 36 A E 17.7 TCGBdc 10 CGBD 14.79 +.19 31 264 8 69 40 87 D D 35.9 Tootsie 1.1 TR 33.36 .86 +13 147 37k 99 96 85 A B+ 332 UltimtSftwr ULTI 276.4 +9.11 +7 256 54k
67 87 44 B D 68.8 StifelF 1.0 r SF 48.58 +1.16 5 457 9 .. .. 61 .. D 5.7 TCWStrat 6.3 TSI 5.38 +.03 +83 198 ..k 20 25 5 E C 1.2 TopImage TISA .55 ... 97 1 ..k 27 49 17 B B 25.5 UltraClean UCTT 11.00 +1.09 +65 1.1m 5
69 94 60 A D 52.4 StitchFixA SFIX 23.08 +.90 60 940 53 97 95 80 A B 63.0 TDAmtr 2.1 AMTD 56.26 +.93 +25 2.5m 15o 19 15 8 D B+ 3.5 TOPShprs TOPS .99 .02 50 423 ..k 1 10 3 .. D 8.6 UltraPetro UPL .82 .01 11 2.6m ..o
66 93 32 A C 26.4 STmicro 1.2 STM 16.43 +.81 +83 5.4m 11o 1 5 1 E E 5.9 TDHHoldings PETZ .68 +.01 68 14 ..k 60 98 20 B B 87.2 Topbuild BLD 48.88 .63 15 259 12o 35 28 39 D C+ 91.0 Ultragenyx RARE 50.75 +1.32 39 339 ..
96 85 80 A A 41.0 StockYrd 2.8 SYBT 35.23 +.52 9 51 14 41 58 38 A D 108 TeConnc 2.2 r TEL 80.15 +1.39 15 2.0m 14o 41 25 59 D A 1.5 TorchlghtEnr TRCH .97 .01 50 87 .. 83 95 70 D C+ 11.0 Ultralife ULBI 7.89 ... 30 20 17k
.. .. 46 .. C 16.0 StoneHrb 14 EDI 12.50 +.33 22 52 ..k 13 13 13 E C+ 25.6 Team TISI 14.51 .39 +56 421 .. 65 83 51 C D 93.6 Torchma .8 TMK 83.27 +.76 35 424 14 40 23 87 C B 26.5 Ultrapar 2.6 UGP 15.37 +.25 23 712 28
.. .. 33 .. B 17.0 StnHrbr 17 EDF 12.48 +.13 28 93 ..k 97 91 94 B B 108 TechData r TECD 95.56 +1.49 58 249 9o 73 76 70 B D 67.6 Toro 1.5 TTC 59.20 .48 +32 635 22k 66 72 65 B D+ 82.1 UMBFcl 1.8 r UMBF 68.12 +.84 52 117 15k
49 57 50 C C 24.9 Stonecst 7.5 BANX 20.15 +.35 38 12 12 28 72 6 D C+ 10.8 TechComm TCCO 2.71 +.02 18 15 54k 68 77 51 A D 62.0 Toronto 3.7 TD 55.06 +.64 54 761 8o 49 24 32 D B+ 16.7 UMHPrpt 5.6 UMH 12.85 +.19 12 168 ..
57 72 12 B C 32.5 StonecoA STNE 23.09 +.19 46 729 99k 7 18 14 D C 35.0 Technip 2.2 r FTI 23.30 +.44 +12 5.2m 21 .. .. 16 .. D 13.8 Tortoise 19 NDP 8.95 .01 +15 176 ..k 43 84 21 B D 24.9 Umpqua 4.8 UMPQ 17.56 +.21 +62 3.5m 12o
1 11 3 E E 7.0 Stonemr STON 2.25 .03 82 14 .. 59 91 10 B D+ 34.5 TechTargt TTGT 14.21 +.85 +104 601 21k .. .. 32 .. D 32.4 TortEnI 10 TYG 24.48 +.41 53 301 ..k 36 23 94 D E 25.0 UnderArmour UAA 21.44 +.70 33 3.6m 99k
81 91 82 B B 37.7 Stoneridge SRI 26.59 +.27 59 119 13 69 60 70 B B 30.8 TeckRes .6 TECK 22.93 +.73 +82 5.0m 5k .. .. 60 .. B 30.6 TortoiseG 1.2 TBLU 27.50 +.06 71 0.2 ..k 37 22 95 D D 23.3 UndrArmourC UA 19.49 +.63 24 2.3m 99k
98 86 91 B B 31.1 7StoreCap 4.3 STOR 30.61 +.50 +86 3.5m 30 58 71 63 C D 10.3 Tecnogl 6.6 TGLS 8.48 +.15 20 16 12 .. .. 24 .. D 21.1 TortMidEn 11 NTG 14.17 +.20 67 286 ..k 15 22 13 D B 38.7 Unifi r UFI 21.40 .05 62 35 23
74 48 98 E C+ 3.9 StrataSkin SSKN 2.81 .02 +91 82 .. 59 4 93 D A 4.2 Tecogen TGEN 3.74 .21 +45 21 .. .. .. 68 .. D 24.7 TortoisN 4.1 TPYP 22.40 +.24 75 73 ..k
39 68 24 C B 193 Unifirst .3 UNF 138.0 +1.01 +3 96 20
56 38 90 D B 26.2 Stratasys SSYS 22.32 +.79 +26 577 47o 21 17 17 B D 21.3 TeekayL 4.2 TGP 13.19 +.02 52 280 16 .. .. 29 .. C 20.1 Tortoise 10 TTP 14.96 +.16 52 42 ..k
43 54 44 .. C+ 58.1 Unilever 3.4 UL 52.19 .06 44 719 18
78 75 70 B D 154 StratgcEd 1.8 STRA 113.6 +2.59 30 127 27 24 37 4 D C+ 3.1 TeekayO 3.3 TOO 1.22 +.03 51 238 99 48 57 47 .. B 58.7 Unilever 2.9 UN 53.13 .04 18 1.2m 19
.. .. 72 .. B 21.3 TortPE 8.0 TPZ 18.70 +.26 20 31 ..k
.. .. 46 .. B 44.9 StrShrEco .3 HECO 39.81 ... +6 13 ..k 9 41 4 E D 9.6 Teekay 6.0 TK 3.65 +.13 39 636 .. 49 5 82 .. B 10.7 UnionAcquistn LTN 10.07 ... 70 18 ..
45 65 32 B D 65.7 TotalSA 4.6 TOT 54.21 +.87 +30 2.1m 10
.. .. 33 .. B+ 41.5 StrShrUsM .2 HUSE 34.66 +.16 +288 118 ..k 43 13 53 D B 1.4 TeekTnk 11 TNK 1.06 +.03 52 678 .. 63 62 48 B C 55.0 UnionBa 2.5 UNB 47.19 .41 +21 4 20x
85 94 61 C B 100 TotalSys .6 TSS 88.31 +.56 1 1.5m 20
58 48 78 D B 45.3 Strattec 1.6 STRT 34.81 2.40 +77 13 9 90 68 80 B C+ 15.6 Tegna 2.4 TGNA 11.91 +.20 14 1.6m 8o 71 87 28 A B 42.7 UnionB 2.8 UBSH 32.30 +.51 45 209 11
68 5 80 .. A+ 10.0 TottnhmAcq TOTA 9.93 ... 96 0.9 ..k
27 34 24 D D 26.3 TejonRanch TRC 18.36 .02 68 31 99 94 82 91 A B 165 UnionPa 2.0 UNP 161.0 +.61 +66 7.8m 20o
5 11 18 E E 35.9 StratsPrptys STRS 24.50 ... 87 1 .. 17 6 43 .. .. 5.6 ToughbuiltInds TBLT 3.04 .59 +97 2.7m ..k
.. .. 68 .. D 19.0 TeklaHlt 7.8 THQ 17.35 +.08 60 71 ..k 25 75 10 D C 9.7 UniqueF 10 UFAB 5.50 .09 76 4 7
41 7 80 E B 2.2 Streamline STRM 1.25 +.03 64 13 .. 90 80 82 B A 36.7 Tower 1.8 TOWR 29.16 +.25 21 103 6k
.. .. 47 .. D 24.9 TeklaHlth 9 HQH 20.62 +.22 60 102 ..k 52 15 95 E C+ 43.2 Uniqure QURE 31.71 +.41 49 185 ..o
26 11 36 D C 9.3 StrngBrdgBio SBBP 4.79 +.19 23 180 .. 15 32 9 C D+ 35.4 TowerSemi TSEM 14.75 +.25 +47 910 8
.. .. 37 .. E 21.6 TeklaLif 9 HQL 17.44 +.25 48 68 ..k 47 63 69 .. E 21.0 Unisys UIS 13.00 +.17 50 393 5
90 73 70 A C+ 179 Stryker 1.3 SYK 165.8 1.54 4 1.5m 23 15 54 13 .. E 14.9 TownSports CLUB 6.07 .01 64 30 8o
.. .. 50 .. D 14.7 TeklaW 11 THW 12.68 +.13 56 80 ..k 30 72 10 C D+ 29.1 Unit UNT 17.02 +.41 50 179 18
16 42 17 E D 28.6 StudioCityIntl MSC 13.00 ... 58 3 ..k 62 85 23 A C 33.9 Townbk 2.5 TOWN 25.40 +.17 24 104 12
74 22 99 E A 5.7 TelInstrmnt TIK 5.01 .08 93 20 ..k 61 74 48 B C 24.0 UnitdBc 2.3 UBOH 21.21 +.33 90 0.2 8
42 44 44 C C+ 70.0 SturmRu 2.0 RGR 54.21 +.26 30 121 19 48 64 25 D B 9.8 TownsqM 5.0 TSQ 5.96 ... 65 20 5
66 19 95 D C 89.1 TeladocHlth TDOC 63.00 +1.97 46 907 ..o 50 84 26 B E 14.0 UnitedB 4.6 UBCP 11.34 +.08 91 0.3 12
32 23 52 C C 25.8 SuburbP 10 SPH 23.01 +.14 45 216 18 65 71 56 C B 140 Toyota TM 123.7 +.89 62 80 7
48 36 33 D B+ 5.3 Telaria TLRA 3.20 .01 17 151 .. 76 76 74 A C 40.0 UntdBnk 3.9 UBSI 34.69 +.26 18 421 14k
37 50 32 B C 9.6 Sumitom SMFG 7.36 +.06 52 1.1m 7 82 72 77 .. B 10.4 TPGPaceA TPGH 10.10 .01 98 2 99k
16 9 12 D C 9.6 TelItali 5.1 TIA 4.55 +.11 81 23 .. 75 78 52 A C 12.0 UnitdCm 3.0 UCFC 9.35 +.21 +66 189 12
17 9 28 E D+ 2.0 SummerInf SUMR 1.05 .01 78 12 ..k 98 87 64 A D+ 21.1 TpgReFinT 8.9 TRTX 19.43 +.17 50 87 11
15 9 11 D C 11.3 TelItalia TI 5.19 +.16 +191 808 ..o 70 64 44 A B 34.2 UntdCmty 2.4 UCBI 26.32 +.38 22 431 12
69 76 45 A B 28.0 SumitFn 2.5 r SMMF 22.00 +.40 41 8 10 60 48 76 A E 21.2 TpgSpec 8.0 TSLX 19.45 +.18 19 240 9k
94 81 85 B B 250 Teledyne TDY 221.3 5.80 +64 238 25 97 91 89 B B 97.9 UntdContntl UAL 84.14 +.11 +13 4.7m 9o
64 89 18 B C 16.0 SummitH 6.7 INN 10.75 +.20 48 391 15k 86 45 95 B B 32.2 TpiComposites TPIC 29.32 +.03 6 217 53
97 85 80 A B 288 Teleflex .5 TFX 268.8 +2.83 47 298 28k 51 61 32 B D+ 18.3 UntFinl 3.3 UBNK 14.75 +.05 37 85 12
14 27 16 C C+ 34.1 SummitMat SUM 14.85 +.49 45 1.0m 19 85 88 90 B D 97.7 Tractor 1.4 TSCO 89.60 +2.01 +1 1.5m 21
67 46 65 C C+ 10.6 Telefon 4.4 TEF 8.82 +.06 61 790 11 65 54 80 D C+ 58.5 UnitedF 2.4 UFCS 50.87 1.19 51 45 17k
13 8 12 D C+ 22.8 SumitMd 17 SMLP 12.78 +.08 +179 1.0m .. 99 97 99 A C+ 161 7TradeDeskA TTD 137.8 +2.74 33 755 64k
79 73 81 D C 17.3 Telefoni 7.2 VIV 12.68 +.04 33 949 8 91 53 80 A B+ 20.8 UtdGua 5.9 UG 18.61 .14 +31 10 17
62 76 24 B B 16.1 SummitSt 3.9 SSBI 12.30 +.35 30 5 13k 17 12 3 D B+ 3.2 TraconPhrm TCON .82 .05 58 152 ..
60 30 80 D B 31.6 Telekom 2.9 TLK 27.57 .04 31 236 20 36 52 17 D C 22.4 UnitedI 1.5 UIHC 16.01 +.09 67 43 17
11 25 3 D B 15.9 SumitThera SMMT 1.40 .10 +76 62 .. 3 6 5 E D 1.8 TransWrld TWMC .59 .07 70 5 ..
16 5 12 D C 38.1 TelecmA 20 TEO 16.34 +.09 46 99 ..o 17 43 23 D D 3.1 UntdMic 5.7 UMC 1.93 +.04 51 485 12
5 1 6 .. D 5.6 SummitWrlssTc WISA 2.80 .05 28 10 ..k 37 85 14 C B 16.0 Transact 3.4 TACT 10.62 +.35 66 15 15
33 14 35 E B 6.6 TeleNav TNAV 4.53 +.02 49 38 ..k 17 45 3 C E 50.0 UnitdNatFds UNFI 13.11 +.35 57 1.1m 4o
42 2 56 E A 6.1 Transal 2.3 TAC 5.30 ... 31 46 ..
99 93 89 C B 108 SunComm 2.7 SUI 105.7 +.88 11 328 82k 93 72 96 E B NH TeleDat 1.8 TDS 36.50 .22 10 783 32 48 82 28 A D+ 133 UPS 3.6 UPS 100.8 +1.13 14 3.3m 14
77 84 70 C C 48.3 Transca 5.0 TRP 41.85 +.55 40 1.0m 11
33 31 9 A C 70.8 SunHydrau 1.0 SNHY 34.44 +.58 +7 143 21 9 34 5 E C 4.5 Teligent TLGT 1.84 +.07 25 330 .. 83 96 44 A B 190 UntdRental r URI 127.3 +3.94 +59 3.1m 7o
83 92 92 C B 25.4 Transcat TRNS 21.44 .20 +77 27 23k
51 66 32 A D 44.5 SunLife 4.1 SLF 35.93 +.31 15 414 7 20 14 34 E B 12.5 Tellurian TELL 8.11 +.06 32 1.2m .. 76 84 44 A C 11.6 USecBc 4.3 UBFO 10.33 .03 50 8 12
73 70 86 .. D+ 377 TransDigm TDG 351.9 +3.10 37 235 26
45 74 26 B D 42.6 SuncorE 3.3 SU 32.02 +.33 18 3.8m 10 74 50 61 B C 37.8 Telus 4.8 TU 34.91 +.27 17 331 12 .. .. 21 .. B 28.5 US12Mon USL 20.61 +.17 +128 43 ..k
60 30 89 D D+ 7.0 Transenterix TRXC 2.82 +.07 55 1.4m ..o
9 12 4 D C 8.6 SundncEnrgAus SNDE 3.01 +.07 88 3 .. .. .. 65 .. D 6.5 TempltG 7.0 GIM 6.27 .02 22 334 99 .. .. 2 .. B 92.5 Us3xOilFd USOU 24.91 +.54 53 68 ..k
14 25 29 C D 4.1 TransGlb 1.6 TGA 1.86 +.07 74 43 ..
13 38 1 E C 7.7 Sunesis SNSS .53 +.00 +774 5.0m .. .. .. 48 .. C+ 22.7 TmpDragn 2.2 TDF 18.26 +.36 59 37 ..k .. .. 96 .. D+ 15.3 Us3xShOil USOD 7.62 .18 5 35 ..k
8 4 9 .. D+ 16.6 TranslateBio TBIO 5.71 +.23 47 65 ..k
49 40 42 D A+ 14.3 SuncokeEnrg SXC 10.93 +.32 31 268 21k .. .. 80 .. B 17.0 TmpltnEm 1.4 EMF 14.43 +.15 78 17 ..k .. .. 21 .. C 24.4 USBrent BNO 17.38 +.10 59 173 ..
79 31 84 B A 42.6 Transmo 7.8 TLP 41.52 +.09 +26 291 24
18 48 17 C C 22.0 SunCoke 13 SXCP 12.94 +.15 23 92 7 75 36 90 C A 64.2 TempurSealy TPX 53.96 +.79 23 818 22 .. .. 12 .. B+ 37.2 USGasFdn UGA 24.33 .02 73 10 ..
43 72 40 E C+ 52.0 TrnscontRlty TCI 32.00 1.41 73 0.7 17
18 5 27 .. A 14.1 SunlandOnlnA r STG 5.47 +.27 29 40 ..k 32 6 37 .. B 39.4 Tenable TENB 26.81 +1.30 +2 319 ..k .. .. 17 .. C+ 16.2 USOilFnd USO 11.25 +.08 51 18m ..
17 12 31 E C 2.0 SunlinkH r SSY 1.20 .01 90 6 ..k
3 7 14 E C+ 14.5 Transocean RIG 8.94 +.26 24 14m ..
41 74 13 B C+ 40.6 Tenaris 3.3 TS 25.03 +1.00 +40 3.6m 18 65 65 31 B C 144 UnitedT 2.5 UTX 115.8 +.25 30 4.5m 15o
82 61 89 B B 33.1 Sunoco 10 SUN 59 15 66 B B+ 23.8 TransGa 4.4 TGS 16.45 +.09 +122 413 13
30.49 +.52 15 442 9 5 17 1 .. E 12.6 TenaxThera TENX 1.21 +.05 75 192 .. 56 55 48 B C 143 UnitdThrp UTHR 115.9 +1.63 10 341 7k
89 94 46 A C 79.5 TransUn .5 TRU 60.37 +1.46 25 991 25
4 2 5 E D 9.1 SunOpta STKL 4.14 .10 49 262 ..o 93 72 91 A .. NH TencentMusic TME 15.27 .64 36 5.8m 42k 95 90 85 B C+ 287 UnitedH 1.3 UNH 268.1 +1.92 35 2.8m 20o
80 23 95 D B+ 6.1 TcenterAmerica TA 5.24 +.10 +24 213 ..o
7 19 14 E D 10.0 Sunpower SPWR 5.51 +.02 11 1.5m .. 40 72 27 C C 39.7 TenetHlthcr THC 22.05 +.35 12 1.3m 8o 68 57 88 .. D 23.4 UnitiG 12 UNIT 19.20 +.35 38 1.2m 99
44 52 47 C D 150 Travele 2.5 TRV 125.0 +.60 +11 1.9m 13o
86 65 74 C B+ 53.1 Unitil 3.0 UTL 48.83
57 6 95 B C+ 16.5 Sunrun RUN 12.19 +.18 49 779 22o 49 72 70 D D 2.5 Tengasco TGC .91 +.02 82 5 13 1.42 24 32 21k
61 86 76 .. B 20.3 Travelp 1.9 TVPT 15.82 +.22 +4 3.3m 10
69 82 45 D C+ 16.9 Sunstone 4.9 SHO 13.94 +.21 +15 2.7m 17k 36 72 20 C D 86.0 Tennant 1.5 TNC 57.37 +.75 56 35 29k 12 6 22 E D 24.6 UnityBiotech UBX 11.59 .12 51 159 ..k
83 83 98 D A 21.2 Travelzoo r TZOO 13.38 +.62 +81 144 51
63 89 44 B C+ 75.1 Suntrust 3.2 r STI 61.90 +.68 11 4.2m 10o 35 62 17 B B 60.8 Tenneco 2.9 TEN 34.72 +.86 25 472 4 72 96 30 A C 25.5 UnityBa 1.4 UNTY 19.93 +.09 9 13 9
20 45 21 C C 26.5 Tredegar 2.6 TG 16.73 +.36 63 37 13k
6 23 7 E C+ 1.3 Sunworks SUNW .39 +.02 74 25 .. 54 5 80 .. B+ 10.5 TenzingAcq TZAC 9.97 +.02 55 20 99 47 82 15 C C+ 31.5 Univar UNVR 20.49 +.30 34 1.0m 12
67 28 95 E B+ 60.6 TreeHseFds THS 56.88 .53 68 254 25
22 32 28 D B 3.6 Supercom SPCB 1.75 +.12 24 68 14 71 51 92 C B+ NH Teradata TDC 44.33 +.31 +4 1.2m 31 35 60 44 C D+ 77.0 Univers 5.5 UVV 54.84 +1.17 +160 467 11
14 19 10 .. E 15.8 Tremont 4.9 TRMT 8.90 .01 50 6 ..x
9 30 13 D C 5.1 SuperiorDrill SDPI 1.71 .03 64 91 56 79 91 65 B B 50.7 Teradyne 1.0 TER 36.75 +.71 +43 4.0m 15o 69 79 44 B C 191 UnivDis .2 OLED 102.4 +3.53 35 650 57
5 13 8 C D 15.6 TrecoraRes TREC 8.63 +.09 35 46 33
5 39 3 D E 12.7 SuperiorEngy SPN 3.95 +.28 0 4.0m .. 27 65 18 C E 50.2 Terex 1.3 r TEX 29.99 +.95 45 652 11 8 34 12 C D 55.9 UnivElec UEIC 28.09 +.19 +27 111 12k
12 43 3 E E 3.6 Trevana TRVN .54 +.01 48 645 ..
48 81 20 A E 28.5 Superior 2.3 SGC 17.52 .09 79 4 13k 64 96 24 A C 42.4 Ternium 3.8 TX 29.12 +.54 69 147 4 52 90 30 C D 39.4 UnivFor 1.3 UFPI 28.75 .06 44 193 12k
95 97 91 A B 90.7 Trex TREX 66.70 +.01 38 355 31k
3 23 2 B E 23.0 Superio 6.7 SUP 5.38 ... 53 189 10o 62 19 84 E C+ 12.1 Terrafr 6.7 TERP 11.39 .07 16 584 ..o 85 90 89 C D 139 Univrsl .3 UHS 131.1 +1.31 55 407 14o
56 77 26 B B 19.1 TRIPointe r TPH 12.34 .05 +44 2.7m 6
16 38 4 D B 12.9 SupTech SCON 1.45 +.04 32 39 .. 96 65 88 B B 39.6 Terreno 2.5 TRNO 39.08 +.57 62 126 43k 83 96 61 A D 50.5 UnivInsu 1.7 r UVE 37.87 +.31 62 77 8
.. .. 61 .. C+ 27.2 TriContin 4.0 TY 25.08 +.13 29 70 ..k
72 99 15 A C 61.3 SuprnsPhrm SUPN 36.34 +.26 10 560 17o 49 70 45 C D 32.0 Territrl 3.2 r TBNK 27.45 +.16 36 11 13 34 73 15 B D 37.7 UniversalL 2.0 ULH 20.65 +.38 45 37 11k
92 50 94 D A 46.0 Tribune 2.2 TRCO 45.70 .06 74 764 19o
54 72 41 D B 3.2 Support SPRT 2.56 +.06 77 11 32 36 34 42 D D 387 Tesla TSLA. 297.0 +5.53 6 7.1m .. 33 29 52 D B 3.5 UnivSecurty UUU 1.37 +.08 +50 149 ..k
18 37 10 C C 24.7 TribunePub TPCO 11.65 .22 26 113 27
49 2 97 E A 4.2 UnivTech UTI 3.90 +.13 29 26 ..k
4 6 5 D D 18.2 SurfaceOncol SURF 5.32 +.24 64 64 ..k 43 43 75 D B 24.9 Tessco 5.1 TESS 15.70 +.85 +32 27 23
10 1 16 .. D 40.1 Tricida TCDA 21.09 .16 26 125 ..k
81 71 78 C D+ 77.0 Univrsl 4.0 UHT 67.37 +.76 36 24 48
33 12 39 C B 20.0 SurgeryPtnrs SGRY 13.00 +.10 68 89 ..o 56 88 32 C D 72.6 TetraTe .9 TTEK 52.22 +.19 38 227 19k
70 62 52 B B+ 40.4 TricoBa 2.1 TCBK 35.44 +.03 +11 102 15k 69 79 30 B B+ 30.2 Univest 3.4 UVSP 23.59 .31 +4 112 13
60 35 81 C D+ 82.4 Surmodics SRDX 47.87 1.84 +103 194 97k 9 24 7 D D 5.1 TetraTech TTI 2.29 +.19 53 595 ..o
9 28 2 .. D 8.9 Trillium TRIL 1.76 +.18 13 180 .. .. .. 93 .. B 11.8 USNatGas UNL 11.08 +.06 99 0.2 ..k
5 2 11 E E 15.9 SutroBiophrma STRO 10.55 +.38 91 5 ..k 7 38 3 D E 6.5 Tetraphase TTPH 1.19 +.05 50 355 ..o
44 15 96 .. D 2.3 TrilogyMetals TMQ 2.12 +.03 +95 364 .. 34 81 20 C D 57.1 Unum 3.0 r UNM 34.37 +.18 41 1.3m 6x
67 5 98 B .. 26.7 SuzanoPapel SUZ 25.53 1.00 20 59 ..k .. .. 49 .. E 25.7 TeucriumAgri TAGS 20.72 .14 72 0.5 ..k
73 56 81 C D 31.8 Trimas TRS 28.59 +.45 34 106 17 2 7 2 E D 17.7 UnumThera UMRX 3.92 +.07 +4 239 ..k
74 98 34 A B 333 SVBFncl SIVB 242.1+13.73 +65 1.3m 13o .. .. 54 .. B 18.6 TeucrCorn CORN 16.31 +.07 67 14 ..
82 66 65 A C 45.7 Trimble TRMB 37.22 +.51 23 928 20 24 72 12 D D 31.2 UnivStnlss USAP 17.21 +.69 +22 60 13
38 9 40 E D+ 20.0 Svmk SVMK 13.23 +.05 68 162 ..k .. .. 63 .. B 19.5 TeucrmSoyb SOYB 16.67 +.10 32 33 ..
.. .. 50 .. D 38.9 TrimTbAll .6 TTAC 33.52 +.25 40 12 ..k 97 64 88 A B 38.3 UplandSoftw UPLD 30.90 +.76 +19 240 20
.. .. 34 .. C 8.9 SwssHlv 95 r SWZ 7.29 ... 87 9 ..k .. .. 42 .. B 9.3 TeucrmSgFd CANE 7.38 .27 +56 52 ..k
.. .. 40 .. B+ 29.0 TrimAllCp .8 TTAI 23.68 +.27 38 0.5 99 31 3 47 D C+ 23.5 Upwork UPWK 18.98 +.08 59 173 ..k
12 7 10 E D+ 17.0 SwitchA .6 SWCH 8.06 +.04 52 606 .. .. .. 49 .. C+ 7.3 TeucrmWht WEAT 6.10 .01 76 23 ..
72 95 42 B B 60.2 TrinetGrp TNET 45.29 +.79 40 174 15 60 14 96 D B 1.7 UQMTech UQM 1.65 +.01 +299 2.1m ..
43 57 32 C B 31.8 SykesEnt SYKE 27.01 .05 51 81 14 23 24 52 D C 26.0 TevaPharm TEVA 19.56 +.22 35 7.4m 5
14 38 11 D E 6.5 TrinityBio TRIB 2.78 +.28 88 8 25 43 40 78 E C 0.9 UrEnergy URG .70 +.03 +17 340 35
54 41 37 A C 29.2 Symntc 1.5 SYMC 20.38 +.35 +8 6.3m 11 50 85 13 A D+ 103 TexasCap TCBI 60.02 +2.35 +17 992 10o
29 41 61 D C 28.3 Trinity 2.3 TRN 22.49 +.24 51 1.0m 14 27 30 35 .. B 1.9 UraniumEn UEC 1.29 +.05 25 748 ..o
31 12 76 D C 2.5 Synacor SYNC 1.85 +.02 85 11 ..o 87 89 80 A B 118 TexsInst 2.9 r TXN 104.4 +2.32 +52 11m 19o
62 5 79 .. A+ 10.1 TrinityMrgrA TMCX 10.07 .01 99 2 99 87 77 46 B A 24.3 UrbanE 4.4 UE 20.09 +.29 42 490 27k
43 74 21 C D 24.8 Synalloy 1.7 SYNL 14.83 .04 59 12 7 89 98 70 A B 877 TexPacL .2 TPL 640.0+15.00 60 12 31k
17 11 9 D B 7.5 TrinityPlace TPHS 4.26 .10 +63 49 .. 75 72 86 .. C+ 4.9 UrbanOneA UONE 2.43 +.03 79 0.3 4
45 46 52 C C 55.3 Synaptics SYNA 40.13 +2.33 9 473 9 81 69 53 B C 75.2 TxRoadh 1.6 TXRH 62.78 1.66 +61 1.1m 29
35 81 12 B D+ 85.4 Trinseo 3.3 TSE 47.87 +1.25 5 440 5k 79 72 71 .. B 2.4 UrbanOneD UONEK 2.12 .13 75 11 ..
63 9 88 E B+ 7.7 Synchronos SNCR 7.21 ... 34 225 ..o 35 28 28 C B+ 26.5 Textainer TGH 12.92 +.05 10 107 13
15 65 6 D D 6.8 TrioTech TRT 2.97 +.03 47 5 16k 50 84 19 B D 52.5 UrbnOutfit URBN 32.24 +.75 1 2.7m 12o
75 83 50 B B 40.6 Synchrony 2.8 SYF 29.79 .02 +49 12m 7o 47 74 29 D C+ 72.9 Textron .2 TXT 52.60 +.68 +69 3.5m 15o
68 59 96 C C 69.0 TripAdvisor TRIP 57.23 +.54 39 1.2m 38 19 2 40 D D 69.6 Urogen URGN 42.50 ... +77 337 ..
20 18 16 D B 15.2 Syndax SNDX 5.44 +.25 61 95 .. 76 56 90 C B 17.0 TFSFncl 6.0 TFSL 16.71 +.04 58 108 52k
14 5 24 E C+ 44.0 TripleSMgmt GTS 19.87 +.08 6 125 ..o 15 1 13 .. B 14.3 UrovantSci UROV 8.62 .40 54 20 ..k
97 92 92 A B 54.0 7SyneosHealth SYNH 49.99 +.65 +1 654 19 3 16 6 E D 17.4 TGTheraptcs TGTX 4.43 +.24 +36 1.7m ..o
61 60 59 A E 14.0 TriVenG 11 TPVG 12.32 +.17 53 104 7 83 62 75 B B 23.2 UrstadBd 5.4 UBA 20.52 +.33 44 56 30
25 35 4 D A 2.8 SynrgyPhm SGYP .41 +.03 3 16m ..o .. .. 36 .. E 27.2 3dPrintEtf PRNT 21.54 +.37 58 5 ..k
67 97 19 A C 30.1 TriStateCap TSC 21.16 +.15 35 109 12 70 64 40 B B 18.5 UrstadtBi 6.1 UBP 16.13 .00 23 2 24
25 44 18 D E 14.6 Synlogic SYBX 7.72 +.47 69 35 .. .. .. 34 .. D 29.9 AIPowrd .3 AIEQ 24.27 +.40 19 47 ..k
96 97 91 A B 39.6 Triton 5.9 TRTN 35.39 +.68 44 249 8 49 46 98 E D 1.1 USAntimny UAMY .67 ... 48 27 ..
93 88 83 B C 129 Synnex 1.6 SNX 96.03 +2.84 9 518 8o 55 43 51 B B 35.5 BankPrinc .4 BPRN 29.93 .01 66 4 15
33 38 19 C C+ 30.1 Triumph .9 TGI 17.06 +.34 +113 1.8m 6 17 8 7 C D 2.6 USAutoP PRTS 1.06 .03 63 63 53
93 66 84 A B 103 Synopsys SNPS 93.55 +2.13 13 1.2m 23 67 86 25 A B 54.1 Chemour 2.8 CC 35.73 +1.81 23 1.6m 6
57 86 22 A D+ 44.7 TriumphBanc r TBK 30.86 +1.28 +27 259 14 62 74 56 B D+ 58.5 USBanco 2.9 USB 51.37 +.48 30 6.2m 12o
59 95 17 B B 57.4 Synovus 2.8 SNV 35.65 +.89 14 2.5m 9o .. .. 43 .. C 52.1 ComSvcSec 1.2 XLC 44.60 +.56 12 3.3m 99
40 34 83 E B 10.1 TrivagoA TRVG 5.98 .07 +80 640 ..k 88 72 98 E C+ NH USCell USM 57.89 1.17 30 133 37
.. .. 87 .. .. 43.3 SyntaxStrat SSPY 43.09 +.42 97 2 99 31 54 15 C D 80.6 KraftH 5.3 KHC 46.75 +.21 23 5.4m 13
35 21 76 E D 2.2 TrnsatlPt TAT 1.35 ... 19 71 .. .. .. 33 .. E 45.4 USComdIdx USCI 38.76 +.20 10 61 ..k
2 13 3 D D 3.9 SynthEnn SES .79 +.04 75 28 ..k .. .. 91 .. C+ 27.9 LongTerCar 2.1 OLD 27.27 +.32 44 6 ..k
25 72 6 D D 21.7 Tronox 2.0 TROX 8.96 +.23 29 1.3m 14o 23 49 21 B D 85.0 USConcrete USCR 36.23 +.21 40 235 14o
6 29 2 .. E 19.2 SyntheticBiolg SYN .63 +.00 64 128 ..k 94 56 99 A A 6.0 MeetGroup MEET 5.68 +.01 15 991 16o
10 44 4 E D+ 5.7 Trovagene TROV .58 +.01 44 162 .. .. .. 42 .. D 21.0 USCoppIndx CPER 17.07 +.51 38 8 ..k
44 2 92 .. .. 18.5 Synthorx THOR 13.97 +.07 9 103 ..k .. .. 60 .. D 40.0 Obesity .4 SLIM 33.08 .13 37 2 ..k
44 86 40 D C 29.9 TrueBlue TBI 23.96 +.11 48 120 10k .. .. 83 .. A 29.2 UsDiversR 2.3 PPTY 27.83 +.34 71 5 99
28 48 21 E D 1.9 Sypris SYPR 1.15 ... 74 4 .. .. .. 20 .. E 36.0 Organic 1.1 ORG 26.04 .13 8 2 ..k
36 72 23 D E 14.6 Truecar TRUE 9.40 +.12 +110 1.2m 72 85 80 80 B C 77.2 USEcolo 1.1 ECOL 63.39 +.83 33 68 26k
11 25 8 E E 13.9 SyrosPharma SYRS 5.96 +.04 60 62 .. 67 66 27 A B+ 98.0 RMRGro 2.1 RMR 66.18 +3.20 21 43 28x
63 28 95 B B 3.2 TruetHrstA THST 2.13 ... 72 4 11k 4 37 12 E D 2.0 US Energy USEG .86 +.01 47 8 ..
60 86 34 C D 76.0 Sysco 2.5 SYY 62.02 .51 32 2.2m 18 26 50 10 B D 39.0 StarsGroup TSG 18.00 +.20 34 1.4m 7
17 37 23 D E 46.7 Trupanion TRUP 25.33 .12 30 234 .. 87 96 81 D C 40.9 7USFoodsCorp USFD 33.96 .39 51 963 17k
90 97 57 B B 37.9 Systemax 1.8 SYX 23.87 +.20 58 56 17o 5 3 18 .. B 8.1 Th9Ltd NCTY 1.24 +.02 72 30 ..k
73 77 52 B B 9.5 Trustco 3.4 TRST 7.91 .03 55 131 12 .. .. 69 .. B 13.5 UsGlbGoG .4 GOAU 11.77 +.30 61 4 ..k
24 4 42 E B+ 7.7 TherptcsMD TXMD 5.24 .02 26 2.3m ..
T 16 16 13 .. B 9.3 TherapixBio TRPX 3.58 .07 69 23 ..
56 54 65 C B 36.3 Trstmark 2.9 TRMK 31.34 +.58 2 469 14 3 15 8 E D 4.1 USGlbl 2.4 GROW 1.26 +.02 43 41 ..
53 67 27 A D 127 TRoweP 3.0 TROW 94.55 +.69 44 967 14 26 1 62 E C 4.1 TsakosE 5.9 TNP 3.41 ... 78 43 ..o .. .. 64 .. C 34.1 UsGlobJ .5 JETS 30.04 +.20 14 38 ..k
57 29 89 D D 35.5 TheravncPhr TBPH 27.61 +.24 73 51 ..
97 93 87 C B 70.9 7TMobileUS TMUS 68.48 .18 +28 4.9m 22 57 40 74 E C 9.4 TSR TSRI 6.10 +1.12 +999 59 99 14 19 17 .. B 2.9 USGold USAU 1.05 .01 +53 157 ..
96 81 86 A B+ 253 ThermoF .3 r TMO 240.9 +.32 2 2.0m 22
14 32 8 D E 10.0 T2Biosys TTOO 3.53 +.03 64 119 ..o 62 29 88 B B+ 42.3 TTecH 1.7 TTEC 32.64 +.19 67 25 21 .. .. 39 .. E 17.8 UsInfrs .7 PAVE 14.80 +.24 68 21 ..k
63 46 67 B C+ 28.0 ThermonGrp THR 23.27 +.27 4 94 25k
98 95 97 C D 131 7TableaSftr DATA 129.0 +7.20 +56 1.7m 99 57 97 13 B E 19.9 TTMTech TTMI 11.23 +.29 41 598 6 31 50 37 C D+ 86.0 USLimMn .8 r USLM 69.37 +.02 84 0.6 19k
40 5 92 E C+ 2.5 TheStreet TST 2.13 +.02 88 58 4
94 72 95 B E 91.2 TabulaRasa TRHC 62.36 +1.27 24 206 95 26 51 19 .. D 7.9 TuancheLtdAds TC 6.35 .15 31 42 ..k .. .. 89 .. B 39.9 USNGFdn UNG 27.40 +.44 49 2.8m ..k
16 6 23 C D+ 14.9 ThirdPtReinsr TPRE 10.39 .05 68 205 49
96 75 98 B B 73.2 TactileSysTch TCMD 65.26 .16 59 103 99 91 82 95 A A 72.7 TucowsA r TCX 70.94 +.36 +46 120 45 92 86 90 B D+ 129 USPhysT .9 USPH 107.0 +.28 1 98 44
21 31 22 C D 9.0 THLCred 16 TCRD 6.75 +.13 59 70 6
34 3 81 E D 5.6 TahoeResrcs TAHO 3.60 +.13 54 1.8m .. 6 32 5 E E 4.1 TuesMrn TUES 1.74 .01 31 178 ..k 23 34 9 B E 38.2 USSilica 1.8 SLCA 14.04 +.63 19 1.9m 6
.. .. 36 .. C 17.8 THLCredi 7.9 TSLF 15.25 +.03 38 28 ..k
11 51 5 .. E 35.9 TailoredB 5.9 TLRD 12.20 +.19 55 975 4o 16 59 9 E C 8.7 TuniuA TOUR 4.70 +.06 59 54 .. 26 66 9 C D 47.6 USSteel .9 r X 21.64 +.93 +47 13m 4
56 18 93 D B 51.8 ThomReu 2.7 r TRI 51.04 +.06 43 439 50
69 59 94 D B 2.9 Taitron 6.2 TAIT 1.95 .01 69 2 13 37 35 34 B B 66.3 Tupperw 7.2 TUP 37.76 +.23 29 387 8 29 72 7 .. B 16.9 UsXpressEntA USX 7.56 ... +19 527 9k
23 54 12 C B+ 161 ThorInd 2.4 r THO 65.41 +.80 21 905 8o
.. .. 47 .. A 20.0 TaiwanFd 4.1 TWN 15.97 +.17 +54 27 ..k 51 14 66 C A 11.1 Turkcell 4.8 TKC 6.73 .02 4 770 18 24 5 29 C B 19.3 USACom 14 USAC 14.76 .54 67 143 ..x
25 43 32 D C 21.8 ThreeDSys DDD 11.51 +.40 32 1.0m 99o
52 21 92 E C+ 11.0 TaiwLiposme TLC 6.40 .02 54 5 ..k 89 95 91 A B 47.0 7TurningP .6 TPB 32.21 .06 58 58 21 42 72 12 C C+ 16.8 USATechn USAT 5.49 +.34 +21 1.2m 61
59 5 83 .. A 10.1 ThundrBrdgA TBRG 10.06 +.01 67 59 ..k
58 52 52 A B 45.9 TaiwSem 2.7 TSM 38.14 +.50 +46 15m 17o 19 51 12 C D+ 3.3 TurquoiseHill TRQ 1.66 +.10 12 3.5m 8o 56 72 37 D A 29.2 USA Truck USAK 18.71 +.34 +37 85 15k
88 72 82 .. B+ NH TiberiusAcq TIBR 9.93 +.01 76 5 99k
31 42 30 B D 139 TakeTwoIS TTWO 103.7 +2.21 29 1.8m 37 72 72 99 D C+ 34.5 TurtleBeach HEAR 15.22 +.14 11 693 5 .. .. 69 .. B 49.7 UsaaCorInt 3.0 UITB 48.42 .03 +7 16 ..k
3 14 14 E D 36.1 Tidewater TDW 23.01 +.65 +56 347 ..
77 39 97 D .. NH TakedaPhrm TAK 20.56 +.36 46 3.8m 25k 29 50 37 E C 26.9 TutorPerini TPC 17.44 +.20 +1 392 11o .. .. 51 .. B 56.1 UsaaMsEmM 2.2 UEVM 44.54 +.55 44 4 ..k
77 37 86 D B 25.0 TierReit 3.2 TIER 22.26 +.36 28 209 99k
88 97 54 A B+ 47.6 TALEduc TAL 30.60 +.79 +81 7.2m 45 32 5 87 E B 12.0 VianetA VNET 8.93 +.20 15 284 ..o .. .. 36 .. B 55.5 UsaaIntlV 2.6 UIVM 44.70 +.46 42 9 ..k
24 51 16 A C 141 Tiffany 2.5 TIF. 88.88 +1.36 17 2.1m 18o
31 29 11 D C 73.5 Talend TLND 37.30 .09 11 529 ..k 99 72 99 C B 106 TwilioInc TWLO. 104.2 +2.63 45 2.6m 99k .. .. 56 .. B 57.3 UsaaSmCa 1.3 USVM 49.63 +.56 38 5 ..k
.. .. 69 .. D+ 25.7 TigChnUsIntTi TTTN 25.49 +.80 75 0.8 99
90 78 84 A D 26.7 Tallgrass 8.3 TGE 24.14 +.48 6 1.2m 29k 22 35 17 B D 32.0 TwinDsc TWIN 17.98 +.32 52 16 15k .. .. 47 .. B 55.2 UsaaMsUsV 1.6 ULVM 48.35 +.56 +12 12 ..k
40 24 72 C C+ 10.4 TileSh 2.7 TTS 7.30 +.19 8 409 40
16 37 7 .. B 40.2 TalosEnergy TALO 20.14 1.19 21 114 .. 47 11 99 .. C 34.5 TwistBiosci TWST 23.17 +.53 56 77 ..k .. .. 73 .. B 49.9 UsaaCorSh 2.3 USTB 49.63 .02 +27 3 ..k
21 51 15 .. D 25.5 Tillys TLYS 11.66 +.03 27 486 14o
89 44 99 D B 52.6 TandemDiab TNDM 44.43 +.61 0 1.5m .. 95 99 89 B C 47.8 7Twitter TWTR 32.90 +1.29 +3 22m 45 94 87 90 A B+ 137 USANA USNA 114.5 .39 45 64 23k
41 2 99 .. B 300 TilrayCl2 TLRY 75.35 +1.39 27 2.1m ..k
28 39 15 D B 8.4 TandyLthr TLF 5.77 .03 +101 33 11 66 43 53 A D 16.3 TwoHarb 12 TWO 14.49 +.10 35 1.3m 7k .. .. 34 .. D 23.5 UscfSumr .9 SDCI 19.46 +.08 95 0.3 99
65 63 48 D B+ 23.1 TIMPart 2.4 TSU 16.54 ... 26 612 11k
50 16 66 C C 25.7 TangerF 6.2 r SKT 22.74 +.22 22 910 39 76 89 53 B C+ 19.9 TwoRivr 1.4 TRCB 16.00 +.14 66 4 13k .. .. 19 .. C 28.8 UscfSumS .6 BUY 20.75 +.45 +29 0.9 ..k
70 90 38 A D 39.5 Timberl 2.1 TSBK 28.10 +.42 56 7 11x
53 69 39 B C+ 3.8 Tantech TANH 1.78 .04 +5 308 9k 81 90 29 A D 252 TylerTech TYL 189.8 +1.92 +2 257 41k 74 25 81 A B 12.0 USDPart 12 USDP 11.09 +.11 +41 99 14
79 86 61 B B+ 55.7 Timken 2.6 TKR 42.47 +.80 9 607 11
62 20 92 .. A 0.7 TanzRy TRX .48 +.08 +473 1.2m .. 15 7 23 .. C 5.4 TymeTech TYME 2.33 +.10 74 351 ..k 77 65 80 B B+ 43.5 USG r USG 43.16 +.01 19 1.1m 23
34 72 19 D C+ 19.8 Timkensteel TMST 12.16 +.47 41 196 ..
40 56 12 Taoping TAOP 68 82 34 C C 81.5 TysonFds 2.5 TSN 60.72 +.63 +7 3.1m 9 79 53 65 A B 117 UtahMPr 1.2 UTMD 92.20 +3.60 47 7 22k
A C+ 2.9 1.09 ... 74 48 7k 58 54 50 E B 7.1 Tiptree 2.4 TIPT 5.89 +.04 17 21 ..
37 49 18 A C 55.5 Tapestry 3.6 TPR 37.50 +1.38 12 3.4m 13k 23 53 8 D A 14.5 Titan .3 TWI 5.75 +.01 66 130 30 U 23 14 14 C C 6.2 Utstarcom UTSI 3.38 +.01 59 13 48
11 5 10 TarenaA 1.5 TEDU 17 47 5 E D+ 10.5 UxinLtdA UXIN 3.42 .15 25 4.9m ..k
B E 13.9 6.70 .09 18 66 .. 81 73 93 E B+ 25.1 TitanMach TITN 18.76 +.56 +40 267 31o 23 27 15 .. A 11.1 UsWellSvcsA USWS 7.68 +.40 1 85 ..
35 55 22 D C 59.2 TargaRs 8.6 TRGP 42.55 +1.29 23 2.3m 99 71 18 94 .. A+ 7.8 TitanMedical TMDI 3.56 .66 +203 957 ..k 98 91 96 A C 115 7UbiquitiNe .9 UBNT. 107.3 +.13 21 278 27 V
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IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating IBD Composite Rating
Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating
Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE
Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos)
52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P
6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
74 41 96 A C+ 3.4 VaalcoEn EGY 1.86 +.03 63 104 4o .. .. 72 .. D 51.4 VangTaxEx 2.2 VTEB 51.09 .06 53 378 99 40 18 59 .. C+ 4.0 Volitionrx VNRX 2.32 ... 85 11 .. .. .. 44 .. E 8.4 WFIncO 9 EAD 7.51 +.04 +34 392 ..k
9 8 6 .. D+ 12.0 Vaccinex VCNX 4.98 .02 18 4 ..k .. .. 71 .. B 81.0 VngBdMk 2.8 BND 79.45 .09 33 2.1m ..k 51 39 80 E A+ 4.6 VoltInfoSci VISI 3.69 +.08 56 25 .. .. .. 45 .. D 13.3 WFMltSe 10 ERC 11.75 +.07 32 119 ..k
21 42 14 C D 302 VailRes 3.2 MTN 183.9 3.37 17 458 33o .. .. 69 .. A 84.6 VanTotCor 3.5 VTC 81.13 +.03 80 2 99 44 59 12 C C 14.7 Vonage VG 9.16 .05 57 1.0m 25 .. .. 66 .. D 13.0 WFUtil&H 7.5 ERH 12.02 +.01 45 14 ..k
51 39 48 B B 16.1 Vale 3.8 VALE 13.66 1.20 +584 157m 8o .. .. 72 .. A+ 55.3 VngrdTot 3.0 BNDX 54.63 .02 40 991 .. 55 48 51 C D+ 77.6 Vornado 4.0 VNO 66.20 +.47 12 902 39x 55 24 78 C B 22.9 Wheaton 1.8 WPM 19.57 +.71 20 2.2m 33
18 42 1 .. B 4.6 Valeritas VLRX .40 +.01 84 305 .. .. .. 42 .. D+ 61.2 VGTotlIt 3.0 VXUS 50.30 +.55 64 661 .. 1 9 10 E E 5.2 Voxeljet VJET 2.14 +.04 51 31 ..o 5 16 1 E E 6.8 WheelerReit WHLR 1.10 +.11 +87 144 ..
29 52 21 C D+ 126 ValeroE 3.9 VLO 82.19 +3.24 +35 6.2m 13 .. .. 74 .. A+ 75.6 VanTotWr 5.0 BNDW 75.24 +.01 +9 28 99 26 34 52 E C 6.9 VoxxIntlA VOXX 5.12 .01 67 27 99o 58 66 51 C C 187 Whirlpo 3.7 WHR 125.1 +2.17 24 655 8
40 43 19 A A 9.2 Valhi 2.7 VHI 3.01 +.07 37 206 2 .. .. 57 .. D 151 VangrdT 1.9 VTI 136.5 +1.27 47 3.0m .. .. .. 45 .. B 11.4 VoyAsia 9 IAE 8.89 +.08 38 38 99 78 42 78 D A 980 WhiteMt .1 WTM 896.6 +4.41 27 10 79k
.. .. 46 .. C+ 30.4 Validea 1.4 VALX 26.81 +.56 74 0.5 ..k .. .. 64 .. C 84.9 Port+UsLiq 1.3 VFLQ 75.89 +.69 94 0.1 99 .. .. 63 .. A 9.9 VoyEmMkH 9 IHD 8.01 .04 +30 155 ..k 58 24 76 B D+ 15.8 WhiteHrs 10 WHF 13.46 .08 52 20 12
68 65 40 A C 13.4 ValleyN 4.2 VLY 10.38 +.10 27 1.7m 13 .. .. 64 .. D 85.9 VnUsMin 2.2 VFMV 78.23 +.37 +62 6 99 66 86 59 E C+ 55.3 VoyaFi .1 VOYA 46.74 +1.14 24 1.3m 12 84 56 89 C B 14.5 Whitest 8.1 WSR 14.02 +.05 35 213 38o
29 42 44 C C 170 Valmont 1.2 r VMI 126.2 +1.88 24 99 17k .. .. 51 .. B 87.9 VnUsMoF .6 VFMO 73.67 +.52 81 1 99 .. .. 38 .. C 11.9 VoyGlbAd 8.9 IGA 10.06 +.04 43 53 ..k 31 72 14 C D 56.5 WhitigPetro WLL 28.56 +1.20 28 3.7m 12k
58 92 27 A E 30.6 Value 3.9 r VALU 19.69 +.67 +59 6 11x .. .. 51 .. C+ 84.1 VnUsMul 1.1 VFMF 72.88 +.53 73 4 99 .. .. 28 .. C+ 8.1 VoyaGlb 11 IGD 6.37 +.02 36 315 ..k 34 50 22 .. C 12.9 Wideopenwest WOW 7.58 .21 71 119 5
74 62 81 .. A 25.1 Valvoli 1.9 VVV 22.11 +.46 35 827 17k .. .. 64 .. D 87.1 VanUsQua 1.2 VFQY 76.41 +.88 92 0.4 99 .. .. 35 .. C 15.7 VoyInfraIn 9 IDE 12.12 +.06 58 43 ..k 36 24 18 E B 0.7 Widepoint WYY .45 +.00 +87 203 ..
.. .. 79 .. C 13.4 VanEcMkGld OUNZ 12.75 +.18 35 32 ..k .. .. 51 .. B 82.3 VanUsVa 1.5 VFVA 71.88 +1.00 66 5 99 .. .. 24 .. D 7.7 VoyIntlHi 11 IID 5.62 .02 25 30 ..k 49 75 27 A C+ 29.7 WildhorseRes WRD 17.86 +.32 +275 4.7m 10
.. .. 78 .. C+ 127 VangUtil 3.2 VPU 119.3 1.59 34 179 ..k .. .. 19 .. D 6.9 VoyNatR 13 IRR 4.90 +.07 +24 192 ..k 29 33 24 B B 71.8 WileyJo 2.6 JWA 51.70 +.76 57 119 16
95 72 98 D B 33.4 VandaPhar VNDA 29.80 +.93 36 469 58
.. .. 57 .. D+ 113 VangValu 2.6 VTV 103.6 +.56 36 2.0m ..k .. .. 44 .. E 5.2 VoyPrime 6.2 PPR 4.71 +.06 51 350 ..k 23 33 22 B C 71.4 WileyJo 2.6 JWB 51.05 +.30 33 0.2 16
.. .. 81 .. B+ 136 VanEckBio .4 BBH 127.0 +1.72 68 11 ..k
56 20 79 .. B 10.2 VantageEnrg VEAC 10.14 +.02 +42 538 99 9 21 4 D E 31.9 VoyagrThera VYGR 8.45 +.45 +68 518 .. 27 54 28 C E 8.6 WllmVlyVn WVVI 7.05 .10 +95 8 15
.. .. 77 .. D+ 27.0 VnVcMrnGl .4 GOAT 25.95 +.17 78 0.6 99
46 9 80 E D 22.1 Vapotherm VAPO 16.42 .18 64 29 ..k .. .. 21 .. D 18.1 Vs1xLngVstxFut EVIX 8.76 .10 88 0.4 99 91 89 94 C B+ 39.0 7WilldanGrp WLDN 33.99 +.13 +33 89 20
.. .. 35 .. B 27.4 VanEckAfr 1.6 AFK 20.97 +.19 +71 14 ..k
39 21 27 B B+ 43.8 VarexImagng VREX 27.77 +.10 33 205 21k .. .. 22 .. D 59.3 Vs1xSrtVstxFut EXIV 28.68 +1.08 55 5 99 33 63 7 B B 32.4 WmLyonHms WLH 12.48 +.42 10 501 5
.. .. 59 .. B+ 17.4 VvBdcIn 9 BIZD 15.76 +.15 55 66 ..k
89 43 90 A B NH VarianMed VAR 131.0 +2.14 +27 1.0m 29o .. .. 21 .. A 154 Vs2VxShtEtn TVIX 43.88 3.46 5 14m ..k 68 66 65 C B 33.7 William 5.1 WMB 26.67 +.17 12 9.4m 33
.. .. 81 .. B 25.9 VaneckBr 2.5 BRF 22.49 +.24 42 16 ..k
36 11 27 C D+ 83.1 VaronisSys VRNS 55.12 +1.34 36 159 99k .. .. 96 .. D 19.5 Vs3InvCrudeEtn DWT 9.65 .23 27 4.9m 99 50 71 52 B E 74.0 WillSon 3.3 r WSM 52.92 +1.05 33 1.2m 13o
.. .. 79 .. A 26.4 VvCefMun 4.8 XMPT 25.16 +.01 +11 46 ..k
20 31 8 E B+ 7.6 VascularBio VBLT 1.27 +.08 +515 932 .. .. .. 54 .. C 60.6 Vs3xInvGold DGLD 45.14 2.07 +154 119 ..k 95 96 94 C B 40.0 WilsLease WLFC 38.44 +1.24 44 4 11
.. .. 19 .. C+ 37.1 VanEckChinSme CNXT 22.57 +.42 +94 12 ..k
92 90 84 C C 164 WillisT 1.5 r WLTW 158.7 +.90 42 508 19k
.. .. 63 .. B 24.6 VvEmMktH 5.5 HYEM 22.96 .04 63 51 ..k 6 27 4 E D+ 9.5 Vaxart VXRT 1.87 +.04 74 22 ..k .. .. 1 .. D 658 Vs2xInvNtGs DGAZ 74.53 3.97 17 3.4m ..k
26 52 11 D D 18.2 WillscotA WSC 10.32 .07 +24 959 ..
.. .. 54 .. A 30.4 VvFallAng 5.7 ANGL 27.87 +.02 +10 517 ..k 16 16 9 E C+ 4.2 VBIVaccines VBIV 1.64 +.04 63 259 .. .. .. 58 .. D+ 39.6 Vs3xInvSilvr DSLV 26.76 2.35 +222 319 ..k
13 41 6 E C 9.2 Windstr 99 WIN 2.82 .17 +7 952 ..k
.. .. 39 .. C+ 14.9 VvHiIncI 8.0 YMLI 12.04 +.11 73 2 ..k 1 29 7 .. E 21.0 VectorG 16 VGR 9.95 +.14 62 740 21 .. .. 2 .. C+ 50.8 Vs3LngCrude UWT 13.64 +.28 29 9.0m 99 95 96 96 .. B 72.2 7Wingstop .5 WING 67.44 .34 12 482 78
.. .. 25 .. B 25.5 VvHiIn 10 YMLP 18.98 +.12 49 7 ..k 85 62 82 C B 72.3 Vectren 2.7 VVC 72.01 .13 31 626 23 .. .. 76 .. B 126 Vs3xLongGold UGLD 98.46 +4.15 +81 194 ..k 89 94 88 .. B 187 Winmark .4 WINA 158.0 +.55 73 1 22
.. .. 89 .. C 26.9 VvIndon 2.0 IDX 23.92 +.16 +20 28 ..k 31 67 17 C D+ 41.5 Vectrus VEC 24.47 +.47 56 31 8 .. .. 8 .. E 260 Vs2xLgNtGs UGAZ 48.21 +2.12 +51 6.7m ..k 45 61 31 B B+ 54.2 Winneba 1.5 WGO 29.65 .25 54 420 9o
.. .. 54 .. B 26.2 VvIntlH 4.6 IHY 23.94 +.12 43 30 ..k 28 23 24 B B 19.0 Vedanta 20 VEDL 11.07 +.11 21 480 7 .. .. 42 .. A 129 Vs3xSilver USLV 76.58 +5.66 +44 300 ..k 1 7 3 D E 165 WinsFinanc WINS 25.00 +.12 43 2 48
.. .. 59 .. C+ 34.3 VvIsrae .7 ISRA 30.25 +.35 99 0.1 ..k 32 70 19 C C+ 20.6 VeecoInst VECO 9.75 +.60 23 314 15 .. .. 21 .. D 31.6 Vs4LngEurUsd UEUR 19.31 +.70 51 2 99 66 90 28 A B 99 Wintrust 1.0 WTFC 72.61 +.27 29 330 12
.. .. 67 .. B 24.8 VvMortRe 7.6 MORT 22.90 +.05 45 25 ..k 99 99 98 A C NH 7VeevaSysA VEEV 109.2 +3.71 16 1.3m 78o .. .. 47 .. B 32.6 Vs4LngGbpUsd UGBP 21.54 +.96 79 1 99 82 47 85 C B 5.9 Wipro .2 WIT 5.46 +.03 19 776 20
.. .. 65 .. D+ 26.7 VnVcMrnD 2.6 DURA 25.08 +.04 90 0.6 99 5 30 2 B D 23.8 Venator VNTR 4.44 +.19 33 692 1k .. .. 60 .. C+ 39.2 Vs4LngJpyUsd UJPY 25.43 +.06 86 0.1 99 26 27 30 D C+ 2.6 WirlssTel WTT 1.72 +.04 +64 39 ..
.. .. 43 .. D 36.9 VvMstar 3.5 MOTI 30.43 +.42 83 4 ..k 80 30 91 C B 65.7 Ventas 5.1 VTR 62.43 +.48 45 1.3m 45 .. .. 91 .. C 32.0 Vs4LngUsdAud DAUD 28.65 1.49 43 0.4 99 .. .. 53 .. B 34.1 WtUsTotal 2.6 EXT 30.68 +.31 20 19 ..k
.. .. 72 .. D 47.4 VvMstar 1.6 MOAT 44.35 +.38 42 305 ..k 19 27 21 E E 3.8 VeonAdr 8.7 VEON 2.53 .03 49 1.4m ..k .. .. 94 .. B 31.1 Vs4LngUsdEur DEUR 29.71 1.12 97 0.1 99 .. .. 72 .. B 47.0 WTAsia 2.1 ALD 44.26 +.17 99 0.1 ..k
.. .. 56 .. C+ 28.5 VanVecNd 1.0 LFEQ 25.61 +.10 69 10 99 7 2 17 E B 57.9 Veoneer VNE 31.03 +1.07 66 225 ..k
.. .. 85 .. D 32.1 Vs4LngUsdGbp DGBP 25.69 1.23 57 0.3 99 .. .. 57 .. B 75.3 WTAsiaPc 4.2 AXJL 65.01 +.82 14 2 ..k
.. .. 33 .. D+ 36.2 VvOilRef 1.8 CRAK 28.90 +.48 81 5 ..k 8 40 16 D E 17.4 VeraBradley VRA 9.35 +.08 64 175 13o
.. .. 73 .. D+ 26.5 Vs4LngUsdJpy DJPY 23.00 .07 82 0.2 99 .. .. 45 .. C 62.0 WTAustr 4.5 AUSE 51.30 +.77 64 2 ..k
.. .. 67 .. B 21.8 VvPolan 1.4 PLND 17.34 +.04 68 1 ..k 81 31 99 E B+ 18.1 Veracyte VCYT 17.77 +.16 10 339 ..
.. .. 42 .. E 91.5 VSInvrsVxMed ZIV 67.00 +1.02 29 53 ..k .. .. 79 .. C 27.8 WTBlmUsDlr USDU 26.85 .15 44 12 99k
.. .. 72 .. C+ 24.6 VvPreRef 1.4 PRB 24.48 .01 96 0.2 ..k 13 31 9 .. D 10.4 Verastem VSTM 3.30 .28 +83 4.3m ..o
.. .. 86 .. B+ 23.9 VsVxShrtEtn VIIX 15.76 .59 +70 152 ..k .. .. 31 .. D 30.8 WTCS&P5 .9 PUTW 26.06 +.10 56 57 ..k
.. .. 59 .. C+ 19.8 VvPrfex 6.2 PFXF 18.69 +.06 43 96 ..k 51 3 84 E B 8.0 Vereit 7.2 VER 7.66 +.07 +13 9.5m ..
30 76 21 D D 56.0 VSE 1.0 VSEC 32.30 +1.82 +5 29 10 .. .. 31 .. B 96.8 WtChexS 1.3 CXSE 67.19 +1.38 70 8 ..k
.. .. 8 .. D 32.2 VvRareE 11 REMX 14.42 +.34 60 37 ..k 78 28 99 D B+ 18.9 Vericel VCEL 17.30 .01 35 513 ..o
62 40 95 .. B 8.4 VTVThera VTVT 2.93 .11 +111 6.0m .. .. .. 67 .. B 27.7 WTChinYuan CYB 25.91 +.17 +72 4 99k
.. .. 64 .. D 26.7 VanVecRlAs .5 RAAX 24.88 +.06 55 3 99 93 65 86 B B 52.5 VerintSys VRNT 47.10 +.91 6 395 14o
63 94 44 C B 141 VulcanM 1.1 VMC 100.8 +.73 24 856 26 .. .. 49 .. D 19.9 WtContinuCm GCC 18.11 +.09 12 69 ..k
.. .. 26 .. C 44.2 VaneckRss 4.0 RSXJ 30.41 +.30 16 5 ..k 92 83 95 .. B 176 Verisign VRSN 166.0 +2.48 45 465 36
19 20 8 D C 11.4 Vuzix VUZI 4.40 .13 +23 294 ..o .. .. 43 .. C+ 32.0 WisdomTr 4.2 DDWM 27.40 +.08 65 31 ..k
.. .. 72 .. B 24.7 VvShrHiY 3.1 SHYD 24.30 .03 41 37 ..k 88 87 87 A E 125 7Verisk VRSK 117.2 +1.09 43 500 29
.. .. 31 .. E 26.2 WtDyCrH .8 DHDG 21.80 +.08 70 7 ..k
.. .. 16 .. D 18.2 VvUnconv .6 FRAK 12.48 +.26 +175 224 .. 69 94 33 A C 33.1 VeritexHdg VBTX 23.57 +.15 26 220 17k W .. .. 43 .. D+ 34.7 WisdomTr 1.9 DDLS 29.10 +.14 36 5 ..k
.. .. 77 .. D 30.8 VanVcVid .0 ESPO 29.77 +.43 4 5 99 50 42 76 E B 51.0 Veritiv VRTV 33.21 +.93 +7 104 .. 32 65 24 .. C 9.9 WTOffshre WTI 5.37 +.03 48 1.5m 5o
.. .. 27 .. C 36.0 Wisdomtr 2.1 DYLS 28.91 +.09 +138 211 ..k
.. .. 49 .. D+ 20.5 VvVietna .8 VNM 15.81 +.34 +286 805 ..k 22 32 3 E D 24.8 Veritone VERI 5.26 +.27 +6 815 .. 49 67 25 B A 26.5 Wabash 2.2 r WNC 14.77 .15 +14 537 10
.. .. 46 .. D 26.9 WtDynBrUsEq DYB 24.46 .22 +44 10 ..k
.. .. 64 .. E 27.5 VanVecGree 1.2 GRNB 25.65 +.15 92 0.2 ..k 81 78 82 B D+ 61.6 Verizon 4.3 VZ 56.40 .67 4 18m 13 57 62 41 A B 159 Wabco r WBC 112.6 +2.43 +11 461 14
.. .. 58 .. C+ 20.1 WTEmCurr CEW 18.49 +.06 +90 8 99k
.. .. 62 .. B 66.6 VanEck 1.6 MOO 61.25 +.79 89 13 ..k 16 22 12 C D 40.6 Vermilion 8.9 VET 23.38 +.57 58 202 ..o 20 51 13 B E 115 Wabtec .7 WAB 68.54 2.49 +494 6.3m 18
.. .. 67 .. B+ 73.4 WTEMCB 4.1 EMCB 69.72 +.11 9 3 ..k
.. .. 76 .. A 47.8 VanEckIn 2.3 ITM 47.63 .08 42 195 ..k 46 23 75 E B 1.7 Vermillion VRML .71 .02 94 11 .. 33 54 24 B D 23.8 WaddllR 5.7 WDR 17.59 +.16 31 680 8 .. .. 55 .. C 36.7 WtEmMkD 3.3 DVEM 30.72 +.30 71 3 ..k
.. .. 76 .. B 17.4 VanEckFr 1.4 SMB 17.39 .01 1 68 ..k 16 56 3 .. E 25.6 VeronaPhrma VRNA 5.97 .42 31 11 .. 18 6 8 C B+ 62.2 Wagewrks WAGE 30.30 +.62 71 150 17 .. .. 62 .. B 50.3 WtEMHiD 4.1 DEM 43.28 +.45 15 468 ..k
.. .. 67 .. B 20.1 VaneckAmt 3.1 MLN 19.46 .09 +35 90 ..k 63 5 79 .. A 11.1 VerraMobility VRRM 10.32 +.17 55 324 99 58 2 93 .. A 15.1 WaitrHldgs WTRH 12.30 +.25 +158 420 .. .. .. 54 .. B+ 40.1 WsdtrEm 6.1 ELD 34.31 +.15 54 23 ..k
.. .. 19 .. D 54.3 VaneckChin .9 PEK 34.25 +.50 82 2 ..k 11 2 12 .. C 23.3 VerricaPhrm VRCA 11.07 +.73 26 35 ..k 70 79 61 B E 86.3 Walgreens 2.4 r WBA 71.89 +.57 25 5.0m 11o .. .. 59 .. C 29.0 WtEMQaDv 2.5 DGRE 23.84 +.32 66 9 ..k
.. .. 26 .. D+ 18.5 VaneckCoa 5.9 KOL 13.95 +.18 61 11 .. 77 62 92 E B 34.6 VersoCorp VRS 25.29 +.26 42 176 7 64 84 45 A C+ 61.4 WalkrDu 2.1 WD 48.24 +.09 61 89 9 .. .. 53 .. B 57.0 WTESCDv 3.9 DGS 45.33 +.44 +91 306 ..k
.. .. 33 .. B 41.0 VaneckE 1.6 EGPT 28.60 +.02 78 1 ..k 80 87 39 A B 41.4 VersumMa 1.0 VSM 31.65 +1.48 12 769 13k 54 59 74 C E 109 Walmart 2.1 WMT 96.94 1.42 22 6.9m 18 .. .. 42 .. B 28.9 WtEMCn 3.5 EMCG 21.37 +.21 61 6 ..k
.. .. 54 .. B 39.8 VaneckLo 6.3 EMLC 34.08 +.24 14 2.3m ..k 64 33 94 D D+ 2.0 VertexEnrg VTNR 1.44 +.07 90 8 .. 94 87 74 A D+ 120 WaltDis 1.6 DIS 111.1 +.54 36 5.3m 15 .. .. 50 .. E 35.1 WTEmEx 1.4 XSOE 27.63 +.43 66 46 ..k
.. .. 28 .. D+ 50.4 VanEckGm 3.1 BJK 36.67 +.57 48 7 ..k 97 73 91 A B 195 VertexPhar VRTX 189.5 +2.92 12 1.4m 55 58 11 87 B B 31.7 WarriorMet .7 r HCC 27.10 +.98 19 690 3k .. .. 69 .. B+ 24.9 WtEmMkM1.3 EMMF 23.58 +.23 44 3 99
.. .. 78 .. D 64.3 VanEckGl .6 GEX 59.50 +.90 70 2 ..k 34 5 40 E C+ 2.4 Veru VERU 1.40 +.05 22 67 ..k 41 62 22 D D 31.9 Washing 4.9 WRE 24.59 +.61 +126 995 91 .. .. 36 .. C+ 28.5 WtEurQD 2.8 EUDG 23.37 +.13 86 4 ..k
.. .. 71 .. B 24.9 VaneckV .5 GDX 21.18 +.68 0 49m .. .. .. 51 .. B 25.1 VspUsLgCpStRv UTRN 22.89 .00 +317 10 99 34 38 17 C D 8.4 Washingt 18 WPG 5.49 +.16 64 957 13 .. .. 30 .. E 75.6 WTEurSC 4.6 DFE 57.51 +.57 52 57 ..k
.. .. 63 .. B 25.4 VaneckI 2.6 FLTR 24.99 +.04 49 156 ..k 74 60 74 A B 97.0 VFCorp 2.4 VFC 83.50 +.16 18 2.1m 21o 81 84 61 A B 63.3 WashTr 3.5 WASH 53.36 +.37 35 25 14k .. .. 54 .. D 67.6 WisTrErH 2.9 HEDJ 60.09 +.43 44 570 ..
.. .. 62 .. B 63.1 VaneckHi 4.4 HYD 61.23 .04 18 394 ..k 87 72 74 D B 62.5 Viad .8 VVI 52.64 .01 54 39 24k 81 66 88 C D 81.4 WasteCon .8 WCN 80.98 +.72 41 464 33k .. .. 50 .. C+ 32.8 WTEurH 2.4 EUSC 28.70 +.15 78 10 ..k
.. .. 21 .. D 70.1 VaneckInd .1 SCIF 40.18 .62 42 21 ..k 47 49 38 C E 40.6 ViacomA 2.4 VIA 32.98 .17 59 20 8k 90 87 89 B B NH WsteMg 2.0 WM 94.90 +.49 13 1.8m 24 .. .. 72 .. B 27.9 WistrFl 1.7 USFR 25.08 +.01 71 469 99k
.. .. 62 .. C+ 36.1 VaneckGl .4 GDXJ 30.60 +1.04 +45 18m .. 62 49 45 C C+ 34.6 ViacomB 2.8 VIAB 28.99 .15 20 3.5m 7 94 71 93 A B 230 Waters WAT 229.2 +5.45 +52 975 27o .. .. 68 .. C+ 54.1 WtFndUs 5.6 WFHY 49.31 +.07 40 0.9 ..k
.. .. 45 .. C 39.7 VaneckNa 2.6 HAP 34.54 +.53 83 3 ..k 33 5 34 D C 79.1 Viasat VSAT 61.25 .26 15 315 .. 70 80 57 C C 18.1 Watrst 2.9 r WSBF 16.56 +.06 +54 90 14k .. .. 42 .. D+ 33.9 WtGrmH 3.7 DXGE 28.32 +.47 98 0.3 ..k
.. .. 10 .. D 29.9 VaneckOi 1.7 OIH 17.20 +.53 1 10m .. 97 61 87 A B 12.8 Viavi r VIAV. 10.95 +.11 15 1.7m 21 43 76 32 C D 192 Watsco 4.4 WSO 145.9 +1.20 45 153 23k .. .. 41 .. B 62.8 WtGlxUs 2.4 DNL 52.58 +.53 59 4 ..k
.. .. 48 .. E 64.9 VaneckPhr 1.9 PPH 57.36 +.28 76 17 ..k 12 38 10 E E 1.8 Vical VICL .96 +.02 +37 319 .. 59 81 52 C D+ 93.4 WttsWtr 1.2 WTS 73.00 +1.16 41 78 20k .. .. 67 .. C 34.9 WTGlXUs 4.1 DRW 30.23 +.43 57 15 ..k
.. .. 62 .. D 112 VaneckRet 1.0 RTH 99.5 +.77 51 22 ..k 99 99 83 A B 22.4 ViciPr 4.6 VICI 21.45 +.32 35 3.5m 18 22 9 18 D C+ 56.0 WaveLifeSci WVE 34.26 1.47 +593 1.8m .. .. .. 43 .. B+ 31.7 WtGlbEx 3.8 XMX 27.80 +.25 54 0.6 ..k
.. .. 58 .. B 24.3 VaneckRuss 4.6 RSX 20.74 +.08 33 6.9m .. 94 99 92 A B 13.5 7VictoryCapA r VCTR 10.52 .01 59 74 6 34 1 87 D D+ 151 WayfairA W 102.2 +2.33 44 1.3m .. .. .. 49 .. C 51.2 WtGlbHi 3.9 DEW 44.14 +.18 78 3 ..k
.. .. 21 .. C+ 51.9 VaneckSte 5.6 SLX 38.83 +.76 36 20 ..k .. .. 42 .. C+ 39.9 VicShDev 2.7 CIZ 31.36 +.17 83 6 ..k 38 35 16 B D 15.2 WaysdT 6.3 WSTG 10.75 +.29 98 0.1 8 .. .. 53 .. C+ 29.5 WTIndia 1.2 EPI 24.14 .16 +10 1.7m ..
.. .. 62 .. B 53.9 VaneckUra 3.9 NLR 49.99 .23 65 1 ..k .. .. 69 .. B+ 28.4 VicShrEm 4.5 CEY 24.36 +.25 23 16 ..k .. .. 39 .. D 25.4 WbBlBrG 3.4 WBIH 22.02 +.12 +74 57 ..k .. .. 65 .. B 25.1 WtIntMltf 2.2 DWMF 23.84 +.01 95 0.7 99
.. .. 66 .. B 114 VaneckVtS 1.7 SMH 96.89 +1.77 +20 9.1m .. .. .. 43 .. B 38.0 VicShIn 4.7 CID 31.67 +.51 63 8 ..k .. .. 72 .. B 25.2 WbBlBrG 3.8 WBII 24.17 +.02 55 21 ..k .. .. 38 .. D+ 54.2 WTIntLC 3.8 DOL 44.72 +.34 79 12 ..k
.. .. 41 .. E 58.9 VangAllW 3.1 VEU 48.52 +.59 31 4.1m .. .. .. 43 .. C 43.3 VictShIn 2.7 CIL 36.50 +.46 96 0.4 ..k .. .. 39 .. C 26.8 WbBlBrG 1.2 WBIR 23.18 +.04 +6 7 ..k .. .. 38 .. E 59.6 WtIntlE 3.7 DWM 49.04 +.33 29 116 ..k
.. .. 49 .. C 79.7 VangTotW 2.4 VT 69.77 +.70 60 1.6m .. .. .. 36 .. B 52.8 VicUs50 1.5 CFO 44.71 +.06 +32 232 ..k .. .. 36 .. D 29.2 WbBlBrQ .9 WBIL 24.75 +.15 +24 6 ..k .. .. 50 .. B 33.0 WtIntlHi .7 IHDG 29.45 +.02 64 53 ..k
.. .. 66 .. C 182 VangCns 1.3 VCR 163.3 +1.87 33 106 ..k .. .. 55 .. B 52.9 VicUs50 1.4 CFA 47.35 +.41 +49 203 ..k .. .. 31 .. D 25.6 WbBlBrQ 1.0 WBID 21.01 +.07 +34 8 ..k .. .. 41 .. C 47.4 WtIntlHi 4.4 DTH 39.12 +.34 10 42 ..k
.. .. 53 .. C 151 VangCns 2.7 VDC 134.2 .30 39 182 ..k .. .. 31 .. B 50.8 VicShrsUsD 1.3 CSF 40.49 +.11 65 10 ..k .. .. 50 .. C+ 28.4 WbBlBrRi .9 WBIE 25.39 +.18 +813 64 ..k .. .. 41 .. E 73.7 WTIntMC 3.1 DIM 60.76 +.45 +124 73 ..k
.. .. 66 .. C 112 VangDvAp 2.0 VIG 102.9 +.55 51 873 .. .. .. 42 .. B 48.8 VicUsEq 3.3 CDC 42.99 .02 37 101 ..k .. .. 29 .. D+ 26.5 WbBlBrRi 1.0 WBIA 21.16 +.03 +17 8 ..k .. .. 36 .. C 32.8 WtIntlQa 1.8 IQDG 26.74 +.20 57 10 ..k
.. .. 68 .. B 80.3 VangrdE 4.4 VWOB 76.55 .10 31 117 ..k .. .. 59 .. B 47.4 VicUsLg 3.1 CDL 43.74 +.06 77 20 ..k .. .. 50 .. B 31.1 WbBlBrV 1.0 WBIF 27.60 +.09 0 6 ..k .. .. 32 .. B 81.6 WTIntSC 3.4 DLS 64.42 +.68 30 138 ..k
.. .. 24 .. E 109 VangEngy 3.0 VDE 85.14 +1.14 56 285 .. .. .. 59 .. D 48.8 VicUsSm 3.2 CSB 43.18 +.23 39 11 ..k .. .. 31 .. B 27.3 WbBlBrV 1.0 WBIB 21.41 +.06 +12 7 ..k .. .. 54 .. D 24.4 WtInRtH 5.4 HYZD 23.14 +.01 68 72 ..k
.. .. 60 .. B 52.3 VanEsgIntl 1.4 VSGX 47.67 +.51 65 17 99 .. .. 55 .. A 51.8 VicUsSm 1.3 CSA 44.14 +.41 98 0.2 ..k .. .. 31 .. B 28.0 WbBlBrY 1.5 WBIG 23.41 +.01 +4 13 ..k .. .. 68 .. A 49.5 WtIntRt 2.6 AGZD 47.45 +.09 81 5 ..k
.. .. 51 .. A 51.5 VanEsgUs 1.0 ESGV 46.07 +.41 70 24 99 .. .. 39 .. D+ 32.0 VicEmMk 2.2 CEZ 25.52 +.18 86 0.9 ..k .. .. 33 .. D 24.2 VbBlBrY 1.5 WBIC 20.01 +.11 +34 15 ..k 42 64 10 A C 12.7 Wisdmtr 1.9 WETF 6.42 .08 6 971 21
.. .. 78 .. B 117 VangExD 2.9 EDV 112.3 .54 66 51 ..k .. .. 64 .. B 30.4 VicshrsUsM 2.3 VSMV 27.88 +.07 99 0.6 ..k .. .. 36 .. E 28.1 WbiPowe 4.7 WBIY 24.04 +.37 74 13 ..k .. .. 36 .. C 30.2 WtJpHdQ 1.3 JHDG 25.21 +.23 83 0.8 ..k
.. .. 57 .. B 125 VangrdE 1.5 VXF 109.7 +1.44 52 320 ..k .. .. 42 .. C+ 35.6 VidentCo 1.4 VUSE 30.58 +.38 23 49 ..k 16 12 22 D D 10.2 WCFBanc 2.5 WCFB 8.00 .06 71 0.5 61 .. .. 32 .. D 62.0 WTJapH 2.7 DXJ 50.02 +.57 66 903 ..
.. .. 48 .. D+ 75.5 VangFinl 2.1 VFH 65.08 +.52 34 745 .. .. .. 50 .. B 30.3 VidentIn 2.6 VIDI 24.65 +.20 +13 103 ..k 83 81 92 B E 187 WD40 1.4 WDFC 172.5 .04 2 109 36o .. .. 33 .. C 47.6 WTJpnHg 2.4 DXJS 38.95 +.32 6 18 ..k
35 6 31 .. A 13.2 Viewray VRAY 7.73 +.19 58 503 .. 2 36 1 E C 4.4 Weatherford WFT .60 +.07 0 34m .. .. .. 30 .. C 85.6 WTJpnSC 1.8 DFJ 67.79 +.50 76 23 ..k
.. .. 38 .. D 47.9 VGFtseDv 3.1 VEA 39.50 +.49 64 9.6m ..
37 35 89 .. E 24.0 VikingTher VKTX 8.26 .19 21 2.2m .. .. .. 46 .. C 45.0 Weather 1.5 FLAG 39.21 +.28 +8 3 ..k .. .. 49 .. B 41.5 WTMngdFut WTMF 38.28 .26 48 49 ..k
.. .. 53 .. C 51.0 VGFtse 2.7 VWO 41.00 +.40 23 18m ..
.. .. 35 .. D 63.6 VGFtseEur 3.7 VGK 51.44 +.55 38 4.0m .. 81 75 75 D C 35.5 VillageBnk VBFC 33.00 1.23 +52 4 22k 84 91 47 A B 69.6 Webster 2.3 WBS 57.23 +.98 +25 727 15o .. .. 59 .. D 45.1 WistreeNe 2.8 AGND 42.93 +.23 +182 44 ..k
.. .. 41 .. C+ 78.0 VGFtsePa 2.9 VPL 64.54 +.88 7 499 ..k 78 62 77 D B+ 31.5 VilgMk 3.8 VLGEA 26.57 .02 25 20 15 84 63 86 C B 75.5 WECEne 3.3 WEC 71.04 1.18 12 1.5m 20 .. .. 50 .. D+ 22.5 WtNegDur 5.4 HYND 20.25 +.11 86 6 ..k
.. .. 54 .. D+ 65.2 VGGlbR 4.3 VNQI 56.00 +.67 52 237 ..k 57 53 87 B D 24.2 VinceHdg VNCE 12.03 +.20 68 11 .. 59 98 12 A D 142 WeiboA WB 58.19 +3.82 +31 3.5m 22
.. .. 45 .. D+ 92.9 WtUsDivE 3.9 DTN 82.02 +.91 41 14 ..k
.. .. 57 .. C 162 VangGrw 1.2 VUG 143.8 +1.69 43 839 ..k 44 27 27 B C+ 11.0 ViomiTechA VIOT 7.85 +.23 36 48 58k 70 53 61 A B 10.9 WeidaiLtdAds WEI 9.98 +.48 53 6 7k
.. .. 58 .. B 33.3 WtUsEar 1.9 EPS 30.18 +.30 69 25 ..k
51 77 50 B E 44.0 ViperEn 7.8 VNOM 29.89 +.92 44 442 13 .. .. 62 .. C 75.3 WtUsHiD 3.6 DHS 68.93 +.37 72 11 ..k
.. .. 76 .. C+ 181 VangHlCr 1.3 VHT 167.0 +.69 29 284 ..k 12 62 3 .. E 105 WghtWatchr WTW 32.71 .03 20 2.0m 12o
56 54 63 B B+ 19.1 VipshpHldgs VIPS 7.62 +.43 +53 11m 12 .. .. 57 .. C 97.3 WtUsLgC 2.8 DLN 88.98 +.50 66 47 ..k
.. .. 53 .. D 90.9 VanHiDY 3.2 VYM 81.59 +.17 57 1.1m .. 83 65 74 B C+ 30.3 Weingar 5.8 WRI 27.40 +.37 2 1.2m 8k
43 42 56 E C 5.4 Virco 1.4 VIRC 4.18 +.04 97 0.2 .. .. .. 58 .. D 42.5 WtUsMdCp 1.4 EZM 38.09 +.52 40 81 ..k
.. .. 48 .. C 151 VangIndl 1.7 VIS 131.1 +1.59 64 98 ..k 82 63 87 E B+ 57.8 WeisMrk 2.5 WMK 48.67 .32 31 63 20
87 72 97 C B 64.5 Vicor VICR 46.40 1.66 8 224 73 .. .. 55 .. E 31.1 WtUsMfF 1.3 USMF 27.78 +.22 81 16 ..k
.. .. 66 .. D 204 VangInfT 1.2 VGT 178.8 +2.73 37 633 .. 26 36 8 A D 23.9 Welbilt WBT 13.65 +.34 38 895 15
.. .. 62 .. D+ 37.6 WtUsMidC 2.3 DON 34.47 +.44 29 362 ..k
.. .. 50 .. B 70.4 VanIntlDv 1.9 VIGI 60.56 +.31 66 53 ..k 52 9 98 E B+ 6.4 Virnetx VHC 5.20 .06 60 495 ..o 93 73 89 B B 324 WellcareHlth WCG 275.1 +3.43 59 419 28
.. .. 62 .. B 88.8 WisdUsQaS 1.8 QSY 81.40 +.90 +270 7 ..k
.. .. 43 .. D 72.3 VanIntlHi 4.1 VYMI 59.49 +.61 79 40 ..k 29 70 15 C C 7.4 Virtra VTSI 3.90 .18 74 4 13k 68 91 49 B E 34.5 Wellesl .8 WEBK 29.14 +.97 50 0.9 12
.. .. 54 .. C+ 45.0 WtUsQlt 2.3 DGRW 40.12 +.20 28 357 ..k
.. .. 76 .. B 63.9 VanIntrT 2.1 VGIT 63.30 .11 60 305 ..k 91 76 90 A A 37.9 VirtuF 3.7 VIRT 25.89 .21 41 534 17 35 55 31 B C 66.3 WellsFa 3.6 r WFC 50.13 +.15 22 20m 11o
.. .. 53 .. C 30.8 WtUsSmC 3.2 DES 27.08 +.26 +52 528 ..k
.. .. 76 .. B+ 83.0 VangInt 2.9 BIV 81.74 .12 68 496 ..k .. .. 73 .. C+ 25.6 VirtusCu 3.2 CUMB 24.80 .02 94 0.1 99 83 45 95 D B NH Welltow 4.6 WELL 74.94 +.63 10 1.9m 99k
.. .. 58 .. C 41.1 WtUsSmCp 1.6 EES 35.81 +.42 34 83 ..k
.. .. 67 .. A 93.9 VangLTB 3.9 BLV 87.86 .10 72 124 ..k .. .. 26 .. D+ 16.1 VirtusGl 12 VGI 11.80 +.09 50 37 ..k 96 80 74 A B 18.7 Wendy's 2.0 r WEN 17.11 .26 +74 6.1m 32
.. .. 59 .. D 38.7 WtUsSCQ 2.3 DGRS 34.27 +.38 83 6 ..k
.. .. 57 .. C 135 VangLgCp 2.0 VV 122.2 +1.05 38 523 ..k .. .. 30 .. D 14.2 VirtsGlb 13 ZTR 9.77 +.08 +14 137 ..k 72 93 37 B B 44.0 WernerE 1.1 WERN 32.46 +.45 45 362 10k
.. .. 57 .. B 97.8 WtUsTota 2.8 DTD 89.73 +.65 0 22 ..k
.. .. 76 .. D 76.3 VanLngTr 2.7 VGLT 74.21 .31 +131 560 ..k .. .. 43 .. D 28.6 VirtGlov 4.9 EMEM 22.61 +.25 50 0.8 ..k 30 76 25 C E 14.2 WescoAir WAIR 8.30 .04 53 226 11k
.. .. 68 .. C+ 50.3 WtYldEn 3.4 AGGY 48.51 ... 12 76 ..k
.. .. 62 .. A 95.3 VanLTCpB 4.5 VCLT 86.90 +.02 61 98 ..k .. .. 51 .. B 27.4 VrtInfCp 9 PFFA 23.68 +.13 19 10 99 70 80 44 B D+ 51.1 Wesbnc 2.9 WSBC 39.70 +.35 +20 134 13k
.. .. 73 .. A 49.5 WtYldUsS 2.6 SHAG 48.98 .02 84 2 99k
.. .. 41 .. C+ 144 VangMatl 1.9 VAW 118.0 +2.25 78 60 ..k 63 75 15 A B 138 VirtusI 2.4 VRTS 89.92 +1.81 36 51 7k 39 60 44 D B 69.4 WescoIntl WCC 52.94 +.74 +7 463 11
.. .. 68 .. C 51.4 WisdomTr 5.0 SFHY 49.46 +.05 81 1 ..k
.. .. 71 .. B 143 VangMCG .8 VOT 130.9 +1.76 61 106 ..k .. .. 19 .. C 36.3 VirtusBioCli BBC 24.78 +.64 84 2 ..k 57 68 26 A B+ 27.0 WestBnc 3.9 WTBA 20.75 +.70 +73 54 11
94 72 95 C D 121 WIX 106.5 +2.62 60 322 99
.. .. 45 .. E 117 VangMCV 2.5 VOE 103.1 +1.00 36 450 .. .. .. 72 .. C 46.8 VirtusBioPrd BBP 40.61 +.99 85 0.6 ..k 86 87 85 B C+ 125 WestPha .6 WST 106.7 +1.27 32 242 39k
86 74 78 A B+ 54.4 WNSHldgs WNS 49.37 +1.15 +26 239 18
.. .. 58 .. C 101 VGMegCa 2.0 MGC 91.97 +.72 55 49 ..k .. .. 60 .. C 25.7 VirtusNe 5.5 BLHY 23.76 +.05 31 14 ..k 67 47 83 B B 65.4 Wstam 2.6 r WABC 62.06 .13 9 107 23
82 77 80 C D 39.8 Wolveri .9 WWW 34.20 +.39 50 345 16k
.. .. 58 .. D 129 VangMeg 1.0 MGK 114.0 +1.35 52 129 .. .. .. 34 .. B 11.6 VirtTotRt 15 ZF 9.12 +.07 54 66 ..k 11 25 16 D C+ 3.6 WestellA WSTL 2.28 +.15 +53 65 13k
90 87 78 B B 89.3 Woodwrd .7 WWD 77.75 .13 +55 428 20
.. .. 62 .. C 82.0 VangMeg 2.5 MGV 75.30 +.35 54 74 ..k .. .. 40 .. B+ 27.8 VirtusWm 2.0 VGFO 24.13 +.33 98 0.1 ..k .. .. 38 .. D 10.7 WestAss 6.8 TLI 9.30 ... +30 92 ..k
98 54 98 A B 176 Workday WDAY. 175.6 +4.38 47 1.4m 99o
.. .. 57 .. C+ 167 VangMid 1.7 VO 150.3 +1.77 46 562 .. 92 82 58 B B 58.6 Virtusa VRTU 48.60 +1.32 57 77 23k .. .. 45 .. E 15.2 WstAssH 7.7 HYI 13.68 +.01 +5 93 ..
10 36 7 E B+ 3.5 Workhorse WKHS .91 ... 3 304 ..
.. .. 45 .. B 93.4 VanComSv 2.6 VOX 79.78 +.71 7 326 .. 96 94 81 A C 151 7Visa .7 V 138.7 +.97 8 9.7m 30 55 37 49 A E 11.4 WstrnAs 12 WMC 9.60 ... +9 457 7
87 32 98 E B+ 40.8 WorkivaA WK 39.17 .42 +30 275 ..
.. .. 78 .. D+ 84.6 VanReal 4.4 VNQ 80.46 +.99 33 5.7m .. 86 90 70 B B 26.5 VishayI 1.7 VSH 19.59 +.72 29 1.4m 10 .. .. 66 .. C+ 13.5 WestAst 6.1 WEA 12.69 +.12 47 27 ..k
.. .. 54 .. D+ 40.0 Workpla 1.5 EQLT 34.97 +.34 71 0.6 ..k
.. .. 58 .. C 135 VGRuss1 1.8 VONE 122.0 +.95 50 46 ..k 99 97 86 B B 45.0 VishayPrec VPG 33.06 +.96 51 32 16k .. .. 74 .. C+ 15.2 WestAss 5.0 PAI 13.80 +.06 0 29 ..k
73 53 86 B C 125 WrldAccpt WRLD 110.8 .96 62 30 15
.. .. 63 .. B 161 VGRs1Gr 1.1 VONG 143.8 +1.77 58 65 ..k 52 31 70 .. B 0.9 VistaGld VGZ .64 +.05 +55 202 ..o .. .. 48 .. D 12.0 WstAstLn 3.8 WIA 10.77 .03 69 24 ..k 29 30 34 C B 33.2 WorldFue 1.0 INT 24.37 +.44 22 374 13
.. .. 54 .. C 114 VGRuss1 2.4 VONV 103.3 +.52 20 143 ..k 2 6 12 E D 20.0 VistaOutdr VSTO 11.01 +.01 8 416 .. .. .. 48 .. D+ 11.7 WstAstLnk 4.1 WIW 10.37 .05 20 128 ..k 97 96 98 B C 97.7 WrldWrs .6 WWE 83.36 +1.79 60 453 94
.. .. 49 .. D 139 VGRuss2 1.3 VTWO 118.3 +1.41 +15 232 ..k 55 32 89 E C+ 2.4 VistaGenThera VTGN 1.59 .03 64 51 ..k 31 20 35 .. A 1.0 WestrnCoppr WRN .70 +.06 +432 385 .. 80 88 59 B D 103 WorldplayA WP 83.20 +1.14 31 2.1m 21
.. .. 54 .. C 160 VGRs2Gr .6 VTWG 134.4 +1.84 53 12 ..k 28 48 15 C B+ 139 Visteon VC 75.32 +1.43 46 371 12 16 38 10 B B 106 Western 4.6 WDC 43.16 +3.02 +449 38m 3o 31 54 22 B C 49.9 Worthin 2.4 WOR 37.56 +.69 6 271 14o
.. .. 45 .. C+ 119 VGRuss2 1.9 VTWV 102.6 +1.06 69 10 ..k 88 39 91 D B+ 26.3 VistraEnergy VST 24.65 +.01 29 3.3m .. 47 62 42 B E 42.8 WstrGas 7.7 WGP 31.39 +.49 56 279 18 91 60 89 C B+ NH WPCarey 5.7 WPC 71.78 +1.09 39 1.1m 26
.. .. 58 .. B 135 VGRuss3 1.8 VTHR 121.7 +1.00 58 11 ..k 6 19 1 .. D 9.8 VitalTherapies VTL .21 +.00 50 611 ..o 44 18 81 C E 54.2 Western 8.2 WES 48.02 +.87 28 579 32 43 47 20 B B 103 WPP 6.9 WPP 57.78 +.70 54 142 7k
.. .. 58 .. D+ 270 VnGd50 1.9 VOO 244.3 +2.06 24 3.7m .. 11 21 19 E C 14.0 VitaminShop VSI 5.12 +.17 55 201 18o 45 77 21 C D 11.3 WstNwEn 1.8 WNEB 8.92 +.12 59 26 16k 29 72 12 D D 20.8 WPXEnergy WPX 12.48 +.25 33 4.9m 99
.. .. 63 .. C 160 VnGd50 1.3 VOOG 142.7 +.92 32 119 ..k .. .. 40 .. D+ 17.1 VivaldiO 10 VAM 13.70 ... 93 0.1 99 60 48 49 B B 21.4 WestrnU 4.2 WU 18.23 +.05 +16 5.7m 9 11 2 16 .. .. 5.2 WrapTechs WRTC 3.72 +.12 +3 56 ..k
.. .. 54 .. D+ 116 VnGd50 2.5 VOOV 104.4 +1.05 54 46 ..k 16 29 2 E E 4.8 ViveveMedical VIVE 1.12 +.02 83 53 .. 64 96 21 A D 64.1 WstrnAllinc WAL 45.55 +.85 +150 2.7m 11o 78 36 95 D B 30.8 WrightMed WMGI 29.46 +.49 +127 2.8m ..o
.. .. 49 .. D 147 VnGdMc4 .9 IVOG 127.8 +1.32 53 13 ..k 19 27 33 D E 7.4 VivintSolar VSLR 4.09 +.15 53 482 ..o 51 82 20 B B+ 124 Westlak 1.3 r WLK 75.10 +2.36 4 795 9 .. .. 41 .. D 46.4 WTIntD 4.0 DOO 39.64 +.34 85 4 ..k
.. .. 54 .. D 131 VnGdMc 1.7 IVOV 116.3 +1.31 14 16 ..k 9 38 6 .. C 6.7 Vivopower VVPR .91 .02 60 13 ..k 39 22 50 B C 27.8 WestlkC 7.1 WLKP 22.70 +.15 +1 64 14 .. .. 81 .. B 20.1 WisdTrM 4.1 GULF 19.72 +.02 90 1 ..k
.. .. 54 .. D 138 VnGdMc 1.4 IVOO 122.4 +1.27 43 28 ..k 41 13 75 E B+ 9.9 Vivus VVUS 4.26 .07 63 75 .. 30 31 30 C D+ 25.6 Westpac 7.3 WBK 18.61 +.32 56 206 10k 72 92 30 A C 57.7 WSFSFl 1.0 WSFS 42.51 .31 0 181 11
.. .. 49 .. C 165 VnGd60 1.2 VIOO 137.5 +1.57 46 49 ..k 93 84 95 .. C 151 7VMware VMW 149.4 +1.28 39 1.2m 24o 19 35 7 E D+ 3.8 WestportFuel WPRT 1.55 +.01 43 369 ..o 57 64 44 A D+ 37.4 WashFd 2.7 WAFD 29.41 +.14 39 305 12
.. .. 58 .. E 179 VnGd600 .7 VIOG 149.7 +1.51 81 4 ..k .. .. 33 .. C 127 VangAll 2.6 VSS 100.6 +1.14 49 265 .. .. .. 49 .. B 24.9 WMtDOp 10 DMO 20.83 +.13 +12 63 ..k .. .. 62 .. A 10.1 WAstGlb 8.1 EHI 9.06 .01 76 70 ..
.. .. 45 .. B 150 VnGd60 1.6 VIOV 125.8 +1.40 77 6 ..k .. .. 72 .. B+ 86.8 VanIntC 3.5 VCIT 84.09 .03 44 1.3m ..k 40 75 18 C B 71.6 Westrck 4.3 WRK 42.29 +.46 +9 2.8m 10 .. .. 52 .. E 7.0 WstAstH 8.7 HIX 6.18 +.04 17 356 ..k
.. .. 71 .. B 78.9 VangSTB 2.0 BSV 78.71 .06 65 1.4m ..k .. .. 72 .. B+ 52.2 VnMtgB 2.7 VMBS 51.55 .02 52 407 ..k 8 36 4 .. C 1.0 Westwater WWR .14 .01 24 481 .. .. .. 65 .. B+ 9.3 WstnAsI 3.8 SBI 8.58 .10 42 44 ..k
.. .. 72 .. C 60.2 VanShrTr 1.8 VGSH 60.09 .03 41 905 ..k .. .. 72 .. D+ 79.2 VnSTCpB 2.6 VCSH 78.55 .01 61 1.2m ..k 26 45 11 B C 69.6 WtwdHd 7.7 WHG 37.58 .21 72 15 7k .. .. 82 .. D 14.0 WAMMu 5.3 MMU 13.01 .04 55 55 ..
.. .. 66 .. D 190 VangSmC .7 VBK 166.7 +2.32 54 135 ..k 41 44 33 A C+ 6.3 VOCEner 12 VOC 4.72 +.20 9 60 8o 85 85 48 A C 203 WEX WEX 162.2 +2.88 +41 633 21k .. .. 53 .. D+ 17.5 WstAVari 5.9 GFY 15.81 +.02 59 3 ..k
.. .. 48 .. C 143 VangSmC 2.1 VBR 125.4 +1.32 55 281 ..k 88 35 97 B B 42.4 Vocera VCRA 40.14 .25 3 355 72 37 62 19 D D 39.9 Weyco 3.4 WEYS 27.17 .23 44 10 16 .. .. 57 .. E 5.1 WAHiInOp 6.7 HIO 4.63 ... 17 373 ..k
.. .. 57 .. D 166 VangSmCp 1.5 VB 145.5 +1.80 45 593 .. 22 20 15 D C 31.3 Vodafone 9 VOD 17.97 .59 +35 11m 17 43 49 18 B C+ 38.4 Weyerha 5.3 WY 25.70 +.53 16 5.2m 18 .. .. 65 .. B 7.4 WstAMun 4.2 MHF 7.15 ... +46 60 ..k
.. .. 63 .. B 49.2 VangStTm 2.4 VTIP 47.99 .05 17 665 ..k 50 27 84 E D+ 9.3 VolarisAviaA VLRS 7.54 +.05 41 183 ..k .. .. 41 .. D 6.1 WFGlbD 12 EOD 5.08 .06 +35 311 ..k .. .. 70 .. B+ 15.1 WAMuPt 4.9 MNP 14.10 .10 5 33 ..k
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Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating Earnings Per Share Growth Rating
Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating Relative Price Strength Rating
Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE Sales+Profit Margins+ROE
Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos) Accumulation/Distribution (3 mos)
52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P 52-wk Dividend Stock Close Vol% Vol P
6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E 6 6 6 6 6 High Stock % Yield Symbol Price Chg Chg 1000 E
.. .. 57 .. B+ 15.8 WstAEMD 9.0 EMD 13.36 +.12 59 139 ..k .. .. 90 .. .. NH XmsEmMkEsg.5 EMSG 25.73 +.38 97 0.3 99 23 32 8 E B 1.2 Xpresspa XSPA .19 ... 51 522 .. Z
.. .. 62 .. D 22.5 WAMunD 4.6 MTT 20.31 +.05 5 49 ..k .. .. 46 .. D 32.2 XmEurHd 2.4 DBEZ 28.24 +.21 +37 17 .. 10 48 4 E E 11.5 Xtant XTNT 2.36 +.17 29 7 ..
10 18 5 .. D 12.4 Zafgen ZFGN 4.53 +.15 68 132 ..
.. .. 49 .. B 23.7 WAsDfOp 5.5 IGI 18.68 +.06 28 32 ..k .. .. 46 .. D 29.8 XmEurHd 3.4 DBEU 26.42 +.04 60 229 .. 69 54 96 .. C+ 3.9 XTLBiopharm XTLB 2.59 +.20 +8 11 4
51 52 22 A B 19.4 Zagg ZAGG 11.17 +.32 3 333 7o
.. .. 54 .. B 17.9 WsADfOp 7.7 GDO 15.75 +.07 79 13 ..k .. .. 42 .. B 29.7 XmsGermH 2.7 DBGR 24.90 +.26 +70 6 .. .. .. 64 .. C 50.3 XtrakShDur 5.3 SHYL 48.67 +.07 82 3 99
53 6 96 .. B 27.3 ZaiLab ZLAB 25.68 +.21 10 156 ..k
.. .. 13 .. E 26.7 WtCboRu 3.2 RPUT 18.40 +.12 50 0.8 99 .. .. 35 .. A 46.2 XmsJapnH 3.6 DBJP 38.57 +.36 64 157 .. 5 49 2 D E 16.8 XunleiLtd. XNET 3.40 ... 24 228 99o
31 40 16 C D+ 39.7 ZayoGroup r ZAYO 26.70 .21 +22 6.9m 55
.. .. 37 .. D 35.7 WtIcbccsC 2.3 WCHN 25.37 +.44 79 1 ..k .. .. 59 .. D 32.9 XmSKorH 2.9 DBKO 27.55 +.88 99 0.1 .. 69 78 67 B E 82.4 Xylem 1.2 XYL 69.86 +1.23 14 900 25
61 40 86 E C+ 18.9 ZealandPhrm ZEAL 14.70 ... 74 2 4
54 50 49 B B 59.7 Wyndham 4.0 WYND 41.12 +.87 47 475 8k .. .. 68 .. D 26.9 XmuniInfR 2.8 RVNU 26.18 .05 45 3 .. Y 98 98 95 A C+ 184 ZebraTech ZBRA 175.9 +1.22 18 389 17
79 96 40 A C 67.0 Wyndham 2.0 WH 49.45 +.31 +46 1.2m 17k .. .. 55 .. D+ 34.2 Xruss1000 1.6 DEUS 30.62 +.26 56 23 ..k 20 1 40 .. D 31.0 YmabsThera YMAB 21.55 +.13 86 14 ..k 30 16 64 E A 4.3 ZedgeB ZDGE 2.42 +.18 75 4 ..
38 45 26 A D 203 Wynn 2.5 WYNN 118.5 +4.12 30 2.0m 17 .. .. 64 .. B 27.9 XRuss100 1.7 QARP 24.84 +.16 92 3 99 31 30 37 E C+ 3.8 Yamana .8 AUY 2.57 +.16 +53 16m 17 99 72 96 C B+ 72.8 Zendesk ZEN 65.79 +1.27 49 955 99
.. .. 46 .. C 40.4 Xrus200Cm 1.6 DESC 32.38 +.30 17 1 ..k 94 70 84 A B 44.5 Yandex r YNDX 33.60 +1.58 +62 3.3m 32 25 39 11 C D 65.4 Zillow ZG 32.39 +1.40 30 634 56
X .. .. 64 .. B 50.8 XusHiYlC 5.7 HYLB 48.62 +.13 65 348 ..k 4 12 2 .. E 13.6 YangRivrPrtLg YRIV 2.63 +.05 80 126 .. 28 39 12 C C 65.7 ZillowC Z 32.55 +1.42 16 2.5m 57
.. .. 50 .. B 25.0 XinvGrdB 3.5 IGIH 23.12 +.07 52 1 ..
.. .. 29 .. B 10.8 XaiOctaFlR 9 XFLT 8.40 .03 84 7 ..k 18 47 34 E E 8.2 YatraOnline YTRA 5.06 +.07 +75 289 ..k 46 49 30 B D 134 Zimmer .9 ZBH 107.4 +2.17 18 1.1m 14
.. .. 73 .. B+ 49.7 XbarIntT 1.0 IGVT 49.34 .05 67 0.1 ..k
71 29 98 .. B+ 6.5 Xbiotech XBIT 6.07 .02 21 81 .. 44 59 31 D B 52.5 Yelp r YELP 37.06 +1.22 56 1.1m 82 11 58 1 .. C 5.8 ZionOG ZN .49 +.00 61 273 ..o
.. .. 64 .. B 24.6 XemMkBdI 4.4 EMIH 23.39 +.04 90 0.2 ..
21 38 4 C C+ 3.5 XcelBrands XELB 1.32 ... 94 3 4 89 98 85 B B 21.5 7YetiHldgs YETI 17.75 .16 50 664 29k 74 85 52 B B 59.2 ZionsBn 2.5 r ZION 48.68 +.08 1 2.8m 11o
37 73 4 A E 20.3 XFinancialA XYF 5.15 .21 51 16 5k
76 55 85 C D 54.1 XcelEne 3.0 XEL 50.54 .85 27 3.5m 20 34 22 39 .. D+ 27.2 Yext YEXT 14.84 +.79 41 540 .. 15 21 13 E D+ 5.0 Ziopharm ZIOP 2.12 +.03 62 837 ..o
.. .. 46 .. D 31.8 XfDevExU 2.6 DEEF 26.82 +.33 84 5 ..k 59 33 84 D C 48.4 Xencor XNCR 32.97 +.87 44 106 ..o 12 41 8 E B 3.1 Yield10Biosci YTEN .98 .02 64 29 .. 98 82 95 A A 7.1 Zix ZIXI 6.79 +.07 +15 320 21k
.. .. 50 .. C 31.0 XftEmCm 3.5 DEMG 24.86 +.27 38 1 ..k 33 29 34 D B 9.0 XeneticBio XBIO 2.08 .03 70 15 .. .. .. 49 .. E 19.7 YieldShrsH 9 YYY 17.20 +.08 67 24 ..k 4 2 3 C E 10.5 ZKIntlGrp ZKIN 1.67 +.10 79 3 3k
.. .. 31 .. B+ 34.9 XhrvCs300C 1.1 ASHR 23.88 +.40 +62 3.5m ..o 45 51 23 C D 25.9 XeniaHo 6.0 XHR 18.27 +.20 31 418 19 30 5 46 C B 10.9 Yintech 5.7 YIN 7.04 +.13 10 53 .. 89 92 67 A D 96.6 Zoetis .8 r ZTS 84.69 +1.03 +64 3.9m 27
.. .. 50 .. B 23.6 XhiYldCpB 7.3 HYIH 22.03 .03 80 1 ..k 46 10 94 E B 15.9 Xenon XENE 7.92 +.11 83 29 .. 42 91 4 A D 44.7 Yirendai 2.3 r YRD 11.15 +.35 37 169 2 43 29 67 E C 62.8 Zogenix ZGNX 41.75 +.88 38 345 ..o
.. .. 39 .. C+ 31.7 XJapnNikk4 .8 JPN 26.21 +.32 55 14 99 13 1 13 D D 28.0 XerisPharma XERS 15.00 +.09 +178 136 ..k 3 11 2 E D 3.1 Yogaworks YOGA .55 +.01 83 17 .. 15 12 5 .. B+ 3.0 Zomedica ZOM 1.07 .02 +14 48 ..
.. .. 86 .. .. NH XmsAcwExU .3 ACSG 25.28 +.30 97 0.3 99 13 35 22 C D 37.4 Xerox 4.1 r XRX 24.54 +.62 16 3.4m 7k 77 52 78 B D+ 36.1 YrkWtr 2.1 YORW 32.26 .02 +21 27 31 17 45 6 .. E 25.7 Zosano ZSAN 2.58 +.15 +15 129 ..
.. .. 39 .. C 42.4 XmAllCh 1.9 CN 31.07 +.55 57 3 .. 3 19 5 D E 1.6 XGTech XGTI .37 +.02 65 45 .. 42 14 97 E B 16.3 Youngevity YGYI 6.66 .07 42 79 .. 91 53 97 D C 48.2 Zscaler ZS. 45.89 +.83 +40 2.5m ..
.. .. 50 .. C 27.4 XmAllWrld 3.7 HDAW 23.84 +.25 +13 8 .. .. .. 25 .. C 37.0 XHrv500ChSCp ASHS 23.72 +.12 37 7 .. 36 72 24 E A 26.7 YPFScie .4 YPF 15.63 .03 57 539 5o 92 96 84 A B 22.7 7ZtoExpressA ZTO. 17.43 +.14 +27 1.9m 20
.. .. 50 .. D 29.0 XmAllWdU 2.8 DBAW 25.76 +.16 89 3 .. 99 79 98 A B NH Xilinx 1.3 XLNX 110.4 +4.31 +168 8.7m 35o 5 18 7 .. B+ 17.6 YRCWldW YRCW 5.78 +.13 53 598 .. 74 59 81 C B 32.7 Zumiez ZUMZ 23.87 +.58 52 243 17o
.. .. 69 .. D 24.1 XMsEfEsgL 1.5 EASG 23.56 +.29 +33 0.4 99 51 39 71 D B+ 8.0 Xinyuan 8.5 XIN 4.73 +.03 13 138 8 79 68 88 .. C+ 94.1 YumBran 1.6 YUM 92.71 .20 38 1.5m 24 58 10 85 D B 37.8 ZuoraA ZUO 21.36 +.97 +3 1.5m ..
.. .. 45 .. D 33.0 XmsEafHd 3.0 DBEF 29.42 +.13 37 1.3m .. 2 5 9 .. E 34.4 Xoma XOMA 12.65 .03 26 54 .. 88 85 50 A B 48.8 YumChi 1.4 YUMC 35.41 +.12 12 1.5m 22k 69 36 93 D B 29.0 Zymeworks ZYME 15.84 +.03 78 38 99
.. .. 46 .. E 25.3 XmsEaHiD 3.3 HDEF 21.90 +.25 66 56 .. 70 5 96 C B 25.0 Xperi 3.8 XPER 21.03 +.17 25 415 ..k 1 20 1 E E 1.6 YumaEnrgy YUMA .12 .00 23 717 .. 10 17 4 E D+ 13.0 Zynerba ZYNE 3.77 +.12 51 147 ..
.. .. 49 .. B 26.3 XmsEmMk 2.7 DBEM 22.06 +.21 70 14 .. 20 64 8 C E 116 XPOLogstc r XPO 62.13 +1.25 50 2.4m 21 72 86 36 A B 142 YY YY 73.87 +1.90 2 779 9o 49 8 93 D A 4.6 ZyngaA ZNGA 4.38 .03 +4 13m 99

Stock EPS Stock EPS Stock EPS Stock EPS Stock EPS
52-Week New Highs & Lows Name
Symbol Price Rtg Name
Symbol Price Rtg
MCHX 3.94 11
Symbol Price Rtg Name
Symbol Price Rtg
RWED 52.05
Name Symbol Price Rtg

Stock EPS IntlgSys INS 22.99 72 Globant GLOB 68.04 92 GSITech GSIT 8.86 25 New Lows
NYSE (n) 45 New Highs, 3 Lows Name Symbol Price Rtg SpGoldMiniTr GLDM 12.99
AmSprcnd AMSC 12.77 43 Fluent FLNT 4.79 72 Xilinx XLNX 110.37 79
NASDAQ 39New Highs, 13 Lows TakedaPhrm TAK 20.56 39 GxMsChUtils CHIU 15.62 MEDICAL
WsteMg WM 94.90 87
AMEX (a) 5New Highs, 3 Lows Ball BLL 51.75 51 AmnealPhrma 11.94 84
TaylrDvice TAYD 12.94 73 BANKS AEROSPACE
TELECOM (8) TivityHlth 22.95 90
Boldfaced stocks carry an EPS Rating of at OFGBancorp OFG 18.75 63 OSISystem OSIS 86.06 51 GxMsChRealEst CHIR 15.69
least 90. High EPS stocks hitting new highs Nokia NOK 6.60 24 FINANCE SantandrBr BSBR 13.20 55 Aerojet AJRD 39.04 70 InvBl23UsdEmMk BSCE 25.16
merit further research at Check BANKS
Audiocodes AUDC 13.32 98 RandCap RAND 3.00 56 FstBancHld FBP 9.74 79
an IBD Chart, archived story and Stock Check- CountyBanc 17.54 71
Calix CALX 11.11 72 Fiserv FISV 85.07 89 S&Ls Innv500Buffr BJAN 26.43
up before buying. Sectors with the most new PenWd 36.79 81
highs typically lead the market and often con- SBAComm SBAC 177.27 7 Paypal PYPL 94.28 90 MINING Hopfed
HFBC 19.63 61 CapInvstIvA CIC 10.10 72
tain the big winners. Stocks in each sector are ArrisIntl ARRS 31.10 53 StellusCapInv SCM 13.91 46 SilvercrestMtl SILV 3.50 2 ISShrtTrsBnd SHV 110.51
listed by % volume increase. See chart in Stock Ciena CIEN 39.96 92 KirklndLakeGld KL 29.23 99 COMPUTER PacBnIndRlEs INDS 26.61
Spotlight. Vodafone 17.97 20
TeleDataSys TDS 36.50 72 ELECTRNCS Teradata TDC 44.33 51 FrnkFtSoAfrica FLZA 28.20
USCell USM 57.89 72 SMTC SMTX 5.88 60 MEDIA TiberiusAcq TIBR 9.93 72 LEISURE
Stock EPS Stock EPS
Name Symbol Price Rtg Name Symbol Price Rtg Fabrinet FN 57.76 76 ScrippsEWA SSP 18.78 44 APPAREL LegacyAcqA LGC 9.93 72 StudioCityIntl 13.00 42
EssPrpRealTr EPRT 15.27 71 UTILITY (6) IECElec IEC 7.20 38 HoughtMif HMHC 10.30 21 Delta DLA 22.24 85 GxMsChInfoTch CHIK 15.78
New Highs CnElBras EBR 9.04 27 KeysightTech KEYS 71.07 78 RegalwoodA RWGE 9.98 72 CONSUMER
OmegaHlthcre OHI 38.92 57
OwensRealty ORM 20.75 39 CenterptEngy CNP 29.79 23 INTERNET OppEmUlDvRev REDV 24.20 HailiangEdu 38.00 79
CompEnrgtca CIG 3.84 36 RETAIL TencentMusic TME 15.27 72 ErshrNoUsSmCp ERSX 16.56
REAL EST (12) SpSolHongKng ZHOK 61.87
ParaEnrgCopel ELP 9.44 41 GWilliF WILC 8.07 54 iPass IPAS 2.56 29 AUTO
CareTrust CTRE 21.15 93 MEDICAL (9) SpKenClnPowr XKCP 31.87
CPFLEnergia CPL 16.52 64 Chipotle CMG 543.37 55
GranitePtMort GPMT 19.28 92 Icad ICAD 6.05 40 FintcAqCrpIIIA FTAC 9.65 5 ConstellAlpha CNAC 10.28 4 ChcgoRivet 27.86 50
Centrais EBRB 9.93 27 Companhia CBD 25.25 19 ENERGY OpesAcq OPES 10.08 3
AmerCm ACC 44.67 41 HillRom HRC 102.23 85 GxMsChLgCp50 CHIL 26.49
CdnSolar CSIQ 19.51 72 XmsAcwExUsEsg ACSG 25.28 APPAREL
InnovatvInd IIPR 59.94 72 Biocryst BCRX 9.72 13 DxRsSmOvLgCp RWSL 51.42
SOFTWARE INSURNCE PrimeEnergy PNRG 87.00 37 Weyco 27.17 62
MedicalProps MPW 17.54 97 VarianMed VAR 130.96 43 ALRM 62.64 96 eHealth EHTH 55.30 22 DxMsCycOvDef RWCD 51.91 XmsEmMkEsgLtEq EMSG 25.73
Welltower WELL 74.94 45 ApyxMedical APYX 8.75 41 OktaA OKTA 79.62 29 AmNatl ANAT 135.71 95 CONSUMER MISC
HCP HCP 30.37 72 MiratiThera MRTX 66.80 10 Anaplan PLAN 31.80 3 ErieIndmty ERIE 143.12 88 Cronos CRON 16.02 11 DxRsLgOvSmCp RWLS 50.97 Iq500IntlEtf IQIN 26.34 PsUlStBzlCp 26.71
WPCarey WPC 71.78 60 Hologic HOLX 44.83 76 VeevaSysA VEEV 109.20 99 Chegg CHGG 34.64 72 Innv500UltBf UJAN 25.90 WTMngdFut 38.28
ApartmntInv AIV 48.04 83 LHCGroup LHCG 107.62 94 BUSINS SVC GxMsChHltCr CHIH 15.07 DxConDisBr3 23.67

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