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Techlog for Operations

Greater integration and knowledge application while drilling

Applications The Techlog* wellbore software platform provides unique capabilities, integrating all wellbore
■■ Information capture while drilling data and disciplines to solve complex reservoir and drilling challenges. With Techlog software
■■ Borehole quality analysis you can visualize, analyze, interpret, and edit all of your wellbore data.
■■ Log analysis It is now more critical than ever to be able to survey and act on drilling operations. Daily reports
and real-time data providers are common methods for receiving data and well information from
the rig. However, geoscientists and engineers involved in drilling face many challenges and have
■■ Increase productivity—
different needs and responsibilities. Complex targets, safety regulations, and demanding financial
highly intuitive interface
environments are driving the need to achieve greater integration and knowledge sharing
■■ Improve integration and between the various stages of the drilling process.
knowledge application
■■ Ensure safer working conditions Oil and gas companies interact with a wide variety of vendors providing many services and data
through improved pressure management types. Techlog software is able to incorporate all of this data into a single wellbore software platform.
■■ Reduce operational risk via results Data integration and real-time workflows
correlation in zones of interest Data such as mud logs, drilling parameters, LWD and MWD, and wireline logs are
■■ Simplify processes—all drilling captured during the various operations stages and are essential for the log analysis phase.
information captured in a single platform An understanding of the borehole quality is critical for effective analysis of these data.
The basic quick-look workflows within the Techlog platform can be applied in real time,
■■ Enable faster turnaround from data
extending the active reach of the geoscience departments to the wellsite. Capturing all
acquisition to formation evaluation
relative drilling information in one platform simplifies your processes, ensuring the fastest
Features turnaround time possible between the data acquisition stage and the completion of the
■■ Interpret data from multiple sources initial formation evaluation.
■■ Apply quick-look workflows in real time Improved operational safety
■■ Visualize, analyze, interpret, and edit all The complexity of current operations demands that all operators ensure the highest safety
wellbore data standards are achieved—pressure management is a significant drilling hazard. Pore pressure
■■ Calculate safe mud-weight windows prediction workflows are key to ensuring safe operations, but require constant validation
through the integration of several, regularly-updated data types (e.g., logs, mud logs, cuttings,
■■ Work in an integrated, intuitive platform
and formation integrity tests).


Rate of Collar rotation

penetration (ft/h) (rpm) Stick & Slip (c/min)

Hole depth (ft) Standpipe pressure (psi)


Surface weight Hookload Shock risk
on bit
Equivalent circulating density (lbm/gal)
Continuous inclination


Continuous azimuth

The Real Time module displays live data updates while drilling.
Techlog for Operations
The safe mud-weight window can be computed in Techlog software
using several methodologies for pore pressure, including Amoco Gulf
of Mexico correlation, Gardner equation, and Miller equation, as well
as constant K0, Eaton, and Matthews and Kelly methods for fracture
gradient. The cut-offs and parameters required for these calculations
can be interactively selected in the pore pressure and fracture gradient
workflows. Furthermore, multiwell capabilities and visualization of
geomechanical outputs (e.g., horizontal stress and rock properties)
allow rapid correlation of the results in the zones of interest,
enhancing your ability to identify areas of operational risk.

Schlumberger Information Solutions

Schlumberger Information Solutions (SIS) is an operating unit of
Schlumberger that provides software, information management,
Safe mud-weight window analysis in the Techlog Pore Pressure Prediction module. IT, and related services. SIS collaborates closely with oil and gas
companies to solve today’s tough reservoir challenges with an open
business approach and comprehensive solution deployment. Through
our technologies and services, oil and gas companies empower their
people to improve business performance by reducing exploration and
development risk and optimizing operational efficiencies.

E-mail [email protected] or contact your local Schlumberger

representative to learn more.

Pore pressure calculation from sonic data using the Eaton method.

Comparison of the basic petrophysics in multiple wells using the Techlog

Quanti module.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2011 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 11-IS-0352

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