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Environmental Impact Assessment Review 73 (2018) 20–30

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Seven good practices for the environmental licensing of coastal T

interventions: Lessons from the Italian, Cuban, Spanish and Colombian
regulatory frameworks and insights on coastal processes

Cristina Pereiraa, , Camilo M. Boterob, Ivan Correaa, Enzo Pranzinic
Department of Earth Sciences, EAFIT University, Carrera 49 No. 7 sur-50, Medellin 050022, Colombia
School of Law, University Sergio Arboleda, Calle 18 No. 1, Santa Marta 4A-18, Colombia
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Florence, Borgo Albizi 28, Firenze 50122, Italy


Keywords: Environmental licensing is the regulatory procedure that enforces the environmental impact assessment (EIA) of
Environmental impact assessment (EIA) human activities inside a given country. Despite worldwide acceptance of EIA as a valid tool, its application in
Environmental licensing procedure (ELP) coastal environments is still too diverse and limited regarding the specificity of the natural processes influencing
Environmental impact statement (EIS) the shore. This paper compares the Environmental Licensing Procedure (ELP) of four countries, focusing on the
Terms of reference (ToR)
activities that could affect the coastal geomorphology. The acquisition and validation of information were done
Earth sciences
through interviews with EIA representatives in each country, who signalized the official documents of en-
Coastal processes
vironmental licensing and coastal management to be considered in the documentary review. The results present
those differences and similarities among ELP stages in each country, based on the principles of the International
Association of Impact Assessment and the national documents analyzed. In sum, 59 interventions associated with
human uses and activities in the coastal zone were compared according to the prescriptive character of the
environmental licensing in Italy, Spain, Cuba and Colombia. The natural processes influencing coastal geo-
morphology were also analyzed within the technical criteria included in the official guidelines for the EIA,
finding a generalized weakness in processes associated with geochemical courses on coastal environments. By
way of discussion, seven good practices are illustrated, according to their pertinence to the impact assessment of
the coastal zone: 1) The integration of screening and scoping; 2) Evaluation focusing on the environment rather
than the intervention; 3) Binding the coastal zone delimitation; 4) Institutional articulation; 5) Accreditation of
environmental consultancies; 6) Official guidelines by types of environment; 7) The integration of environmental
geographic information. Finally, general conclusions to assist EIA practitioners operating in the four countries
and recommendations to lead further research are provided, introducing a novel process-oriented approach for

1. Introduction zone, and those which are regulated but disregard the importance of
coastal processes. Consequently, this article seeks to identify, compare
Despite environmental impact assessment (EIA) being widely ac- and synthetize good practices for improving a specific component of the
cepted, the procedure regarding coastal interventions is not entirely EIA, the Environmental Licensing Procedure (ELP), from the regulatory
homogeneous among different countries and even different regions framework of four countries exposed to numerous coastal interventions.
within the same country (Li and Zhao, 2015; Zhang et al., 2013). As a In fact, several human interventions are affecting coastal environ-
demonstration, a compared analysis of the EIA regulatory framework in ments as built structures and land use changes derive into coastal in-
four countries, two European (Italy and Spain) and two Latin American stability, armoring, ecosystem malfunctioning and, in the main, dis-
(Cuba and Colombia), is presented in this article. Italy presents a fed- ruption of the natural balance (Frihy, 2001; Cooper and Pilkey, 2012).
erated system, while Spain is semi-centralized. The other two are cen- Even though most coastal geomorphological changes are attributed to
tralized, but have different political ideologies. The issues addressed projects directly installed on the littoral, human transformation of
here include interventions which are not regulated but affect the coastal watershed also plays an important role in the assessment (Anfuso et al.,

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. Pereira).
Received 26 January 2018; Received in revised form 6 May 2018; Accepted 15 June 2018
Available online 05 July 2018
0195-9255/ © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
C. Pereira et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 73 (2018) 20–30

2011; Restrepo et al., 2016). This situation exemplifies the highly dy- importance of coastal environments among the four countries. Still,
namic and interconnected character of coastal environments, where none of them incorporate coastal interventions as a category within the
natural flows of energy and materials from highlands, lowlands and administrative structure of the environmental licensing. This reveals a
marine areas overlap in space, as do their management challenges weakness in conventional EIA procedures, as the assessment con-
(Vallega, 1999). centrates on interventions and omits the specificity of the socio-natural
In this context, coastal geomorphology results from the interaction environment. Given the inter-connected character of coastal environ-
among natural processes and human transformations acting on the ments, many interventions outside coastal boundaries still influence
environment (Alcántara et al., 2014; Correa et al., 2005). As Cavallin their morphology. Therefore, coastal interventions hereafter would be
et al. (1994) state, the relationship of geomorphology with human in- understood as all types of interventions affecting the coastal zone.
terventions works in two directions: first, the morphometry of the lo- Lastly, many studies comparing countries use EIS as the contrasting
cations needs to be suitable for a project or activity, but also geomor- subject through documentary review of study cases for specific types of
phological hazards can pose a risk to the integrity and functioning of interventions (Barker and Wood, 1999; Canelas et al., 2005; Bassi et al.,
interventions; second, the project's infrastructure and operation present 2012). For example, Guerra et al. (2015) analyze the need for im-
threats to the geomorphological assets of the area and its surroundings. plementing a mandatory EIA procedure for three types of marine in-
Likewise, coastal interventions have a strong geomorphological bias as terventions in Portugal through the comparison of 12 EIS's within seven
they are framed by diverse processes influencing coastal morphology countries with important maritime commercial zones. This kind of
(i.e. Geological, Geochemical, Climatic, Eolic and Biogenic) (Pranzini, comparison is only possible when case studies are very specific or
2008; Masselink and Hughes, 2003). As a result, the measurement of narrow because the universe of human activities and types of en-
impact on geomorphological resources, assets and processes could be a vironments is too broad for a single research project. On the contrary,
useful approach, albeit difficult to apply, for the environmental impact the comparison made here is focused on EIA legal codes, analyzing the
assessment and control (Rivas et al., 1997; Frihy, 2001). Environmental Licensing Procedure (ELP) and Terms of Reference
In consequence, environmental licensing is a tool for controlling the (ToR) for EIS preparation within geomorphological criteria addressing
effects of human interventions through a regulatory framework because coastal processes. Finally, the conceptualization of good practices was
legal and administrative arrangements are necessary to ensure the EIA inspired in the conceptual approach of Morgan (2017), who defines best
legitimacy in every country (Wood, 2003). According to the Interna- practices as a form of knowledge used for specific ends and recognizes
tional Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA), the EIA is a “process of the character of best practice materials as narrative (examples and case
identifying, predicting, evaluating and mitigating the biophysical, so- studies), institutional (legal and administrative processes), or technical
cial, and other relevant effects of development proposals prior to major (substantive and practice-focused).
decisions being taken” (IAIA and IEA, 1999). Meanwhile, the environ-
mental licensing is understood as the documental or bureaucratic pro- 2. Methods
cedure that enforces EIA implementation. While environmental impacts
are alike everywhere, regulations are restricted to national jurisdic- Stemming from the heterogeneity of the ELP of coastal interventions
tions, and every country has its own particularities and limitations. For in the four countries analyzed, semi-structured interviews were con-
instance, the Colombian EIA regulation has been reported as ineffective ducted in the period from April to October 2017 with representatives of
due to a limited scope, inadequate administrative support and in- Italian, Spanish, Cuban and Colombian public administrations along
sufficient control mechanisms (Toro et al., 2010). Meanwhile, the with other agencies engaged in the ELP at various levels. A total of 19
longest administrative timing among European countries has been re- interviews were conducted on representatives of public administration
ported in Spain, where the scope definition of Environmental Impact both at the national and regional government level, and representatives
Statements (EIS) has been voluntary since 2013 (Fuentes-Bargues, of scientific research bodies advising EIA procedures. Appendix I shows
2014; Enríquez-de-Salamanca et al., 2016). On the other hand, the the full list of interviewed organizations with a brief description and
decision making during environmental licensing procedures in Italy reasons for the choice.
faces difficulties in transparency and effectiveness, which have led to Because of their role or involvement, these people were expected to
strengthening mechanisms for proactive public participation and the give the full picture of the current legal and policy practices, and the
provision of official guidelines (Bassi et al., 2012; Del Furia and challenges for environmental licensing in their respective compe-
Wallace-Jones, 2000). Lastly, the experience in EIA procedures in Cuba tencies. The topics of discussion in the interviews were:
is rarely found in the scientific literature, however, the regulatory fra-
mework of this country presents an additional compelling argument for a. Their role within the institution.
this paper, regarding the definition of coastal interventions. b. Competencies and activities within EIA in the coastal environment.
Among the four countries, Cuba is the most explicit when de- c. Technical criteria for validating project's influence areas and char-
termining coastal interventions. The Decree-Law 212/00 distinguishes acterizing the environment.
at least 15 activities or facilities typical of the coast, which means those d. Existing regulations and guidelines to orient environmental licen-
whose location cannot be other than the coastal zone (article 15). The sing and coastal management practices.
Spanish coastal law (2/2013) also refers to a similar categorization by e. Information systems designed for EIA procedures and monitoring
singularizing three types of interventions: creation and regeneration of criteria for project's follow-up.
beaches, promenades, and wastewater treatment facilities (article 44). f. Existing challenges or good practices related to the EIA and follow-
The definition of coastal interventions in Italy is not explicit in the legal up of projects and human activities.
code, although a thorough document was recently prepared by a group
of national experts to establish clear guidelines for assessing erosive Information coming from the transcribed interviews was integrated
phenomena and their environmental aspects (MATTM-Regioni, 2017). with other documentary evidence, such as legal acts at the interna-
Furthermore, guidelines related to the protection of coastal habitats in tional, national and regional levels, other types of policy documents
the Liguria Region (Italy) distinguish nine types of coastal works and (e.g. local plans and programs), and official guidelines for EIS ela-
four types of coastal activities within the criteria for environmental boration. The EIA representatives interviewed in each country signa-
protection. On the other hand, Colombia does not make such a dis- lized the official documents of environmental licensing and coastal
tinction despite having two national policies for coastal areas (CCO, management to be considered in the documentary review. The whole
2007; MMA, 2000). review was registered in matrices to reconstruct practices in ELP and
The former precisions indicate distinct levels of awareness in the coastal management. Appendix II gathers all documents reviewed.

C. Pereira et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 73 (2018) 20–30

For the comparative analysis, the flow of the procedure in the en- and the responsibilities of parties involved in each country as specified
vironmental licensing of each country was extracted from their re- in appendix III.
spective legal codes. Furthermore, types of coastal interventions under The Cuban procedure comprehends only five of the reference stages,
ELP in each country were analyzed according to the prescriptions es- within which scoping, EIS preparation and follow-up are distributed in
tablished in their respective regulations. An additional comparison was two stages each, while screening and alternative examination stages are
made from the guidelines formulated and adopted by each country, not included. The two stages of EIS preparation take place in different
circling around technical criteria for environmental characterization moments because some environmental licenses do not require an ex-
within the elaboration of the EIS. The guidelines used for this com- tended EIS; therefore, this second study is requested only when the area
parison correspond to projects or activities to be emplaced on the of interest is not widely characterized with the former EIS's or the
shoreline, such as shore protection structures, beach nourishment, complexity of the project requires it. The ELP in Spain presents a similar
dredgings and ports. This approach was selected to enrich the relation configuration to the Italian flowchart mainly because both countries are
of technical criteria with the natural processes influencing the coastal bound to apply the European Union Environmental Impact Assessment
morphology, using Prothero and Schwab (2013), Pranzini (2008) and Directives (2011/92/EU and 2014/52/EU). Last, the Colombian flow-
Morton and Pieper (1977) as conceptual references. Finally, the dis- chart comprehends all the IAIA stages except the screening, because
cussion regarding good practices for the environmental licensing of there is no structured procedure to decide whether certain interventions
coastal interventions is based on EIA materials of institutional and require undergoing a full EIA procedure or not. Instead, the licensing
technical character among the four countries (Morgan, 2017). procedure in Colombia starts with the environmental alternative diag-
nosis, which is a separate environmental analysis to select the alter-
native that must apply a conventional EIA.
3. Results and analysis In addition, there are some features in Fig. 1 representing simila-
rities among the four countries. Two highlighted figures in the flow-
3.1. Environmental licensing procedures charts of Italy and Cuba indicate that both countries incorporate the
same practice of articulating the proposed intervention with territorial
The conceptual reference used for comparing the stages of en- planning strategies (i.e. urban, coastal, basin). A second feature em-
vironmental licensing among countries are the operating principles of phasized is the dotted lines within the stages of EIS preparation at Italy
EIA best practices, defined by the IAIA (IAIA and IEA, 1999). Seven of and Spain, indicating that the examination of alternatives is inside the
the ten operating principles were considered common stages of the li- structure of the EIS documents in both countries. Finally, all of the
censing procedure, using a specific flowchart symbol for each stage flowcharts stress the practice of consulting the public or communities
(Fig. 1). The other three principles (Impact analysis, Mitigation and concerned by using bold letters in the stage of each procedure where it
impact management, and Evaluation of significance) were gathered takes place or is more relevant.
under the label Valuation of environmental impact, since they are not
considered a procedure stage themselves. The shape and color in the
flowchart of the IAIA are the references to recognize the analogous 3.2. Types of interventions subjected to environmental licensing
stage followed by each country, as well as the indication of the order in
which the EIA takes place. The stages for each country were determined Coastal interventions and their compliance with the ELP in each
by the recognition of the IAIA practices, the name of specific procedures country are summarized in Table 1, according to the competence level

Fig. 1. Licensing procedure in Italy, Cuba, Spain and Colombia within the IAIA framework. (*Stages that take place only if the environmental authority requires it).

C. Pereira et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 73 (2018) 20–30

Table 1 Table 1 (continued)

Type of intervention in the coastal zone subject to EIA procedures in Italy,
Cuba, Spain and Colombia. Intervention with effects on the coastal zone IT CU SP CO

Intervention with effects on the coastal zone IT CU SP CO Industrial and energy Offshore platforms Ø Ø N*/R* Ø
installations Geothermal plants N Ø Ø N/R
Edifications Low-density R* Ø N*/R* Ø Wind power plants N/R* Ø N*/R* N/R
settlements Solar energy plants Ø Ø N*/R* Ø
High-density Ø R Ø Ø Transformation and N/R* N/R N*/R* N
settlements storage of fossil fuel
Palatial settlements Ø Ø Ø Ø Manufacture N/R* N/R N*/R* N/R
Luxury settlements Ø Ø Ø Ø Geological storage N*/R Ø N*/R* Ø
Sun and Beach Tourism R* R N/R Ø Thermoelectric plants N*/R N/R N/R N/R
Military installations R* Ø Ø Ø
on land
Works of shore Breakwaters and R* Ø N*/R* N/R ∑ Interventions under either competence for EIA 21 7 41 24
protection and artificial reefs ∑ Interventions under national competence for 2 9 – 7
control Groins R* Ø N*/R* N/R EIA
Walls R* Ø N*/R* N/R ∑ Interventions under regional competence for 15 12 – 4
Walks and ridges Ø Ø Ø N/R EIA
Beach nourishment R* Ø N*/R* N/R ∑ Interventions of non-compulsory national EIA 36 43 18 28
Marine navigation and Inlet navigation Ø Ø Ø Ø ∑ Interventions of non-compulsory regional EIA 23 40 18 31
facilities channels ∑ Interventions subject to national screening 13 – 35 –
Public Docks Ø Ø Ø Ø ∑ Interventions subject to regional screening 30 – 35 –
Luxury settlement with Ø Ø Ø Ø
pier IT = Italy; CU = Cuba; SP = Spain; CO = Colombia; N = national competence;
Sun and beach tourism Ø R Ø Ø R = regional competence; Ø = not licensing required. * = Project subject to a
with pier screening for the national or regional competence; bold letters mean inter-
Deepwater ports N*/R* N N/R N
ventions with ToR or guidelines.
without shelter
Shallow water ports N*/R* N Ø R
without shelter
Sheltered ports N*/R* N N/R N and procedure complexity indicated in the legal codes. The structure of
Fishing ports Ø N N/R N coastal uses and activities proposed by Botero et al. (2014) was adapted
Naval military Ø Ø Ø Ø to categorize the main types of projects that can be emplaced on the
Internal Maritime N*/R* Ø N/R Ø
coastal zone or can influence coastal processes even outside the
Transport shoreline (i.e. River basin). The distinction between the national and
Marinas N*/R* N Ø Ø regional competence of environmental licensing depends on certain
Cruise tourism N Ø Ø Ø characteristics of the project or activity. Therefore, Table 1 marks the
Linear infrastructure Roads, double roads, N/R* R N*/R* N/R
shared competence with the letters representing both national and re-
highways, bridges
Railways and facilities N/R* R N*/R* N/R gional, and differentiates the screening stage with the asterisk on the
Tunnels Ø Ø Ø N/R corresponding competence. As an example in Italy, the type of inter-
Airports and runways N*/R* N N*/R* N/R vention “thermoelectric plants”, included in the annexes of the Italian
Electric lines and N*/R* R N*/R* N/R Decree 104/2017, reveals that thermal plants with total power higher
Basic sanitation pipes N*/R* R N*/R* Ø
than 300 MW are subject to national competence. Meanwhile, plants
Conduction of fluids N*/R* N N*/R* N with total power between 300 and 150 MW go under regional compe-
through pipelines tence, and those between 150 and 50 MW follow a national screening.
Basic sanitation Desalination plants Ø Ø N*/R* Ø Total sums in Table 1 show that 36% (n = 21) of coastal interven-
facilities Solid waste R* R N*/R* R
tions undergo an ELP at a national or regional level in Italy, while
exploitation and
disposal another 36% are not under compulsory EIA or must follow an EIA by
Submarine emissary Ø Ø Ø Ø either competence exclusively (29%; n = 17). Regarding Cuba, 12%
Wastewater treatment R* Ø N*/R* R (n = 7) of interventions can be processed at a national or regional level,
plants while the 36% (n = 21) must undergo an ELP exclusively under one
Extensive land use and Farming R* N/R N*/R* Ø
livestock Golf course Ø N Ø Ø
competence, being the majority at the regional level. The Spanish
Mariculture Ø N/R Ø N/R regulation makes no explicit distinction regarding competence level
Aquaculture R* N/R N*/R* N/R because such distribution depends on the sectoral body that confers the
Thematic parks and R* Ø N*/R* N utmost authorization; therefore, 69% (n = 41) of intervention are
considered under national or regional competence, while the remaining
Extractive activities Exploration and mining N/R* N/R N*/R* N/R
Exploration and N*/R N N*/R* N 31% (n = 18) are exempt of ELP. Lastly, Colombia sums 41% (n = 24)
extraction of of interventions regulated by either national or regional level, whereas
hydrocarbons 19% (n = 11) are subject to an exclusive competence, being the ma-
Marine dredging Ø Ø N*/R* N/R jority at the national level; the remaining 40% (n = 24) are exempt
River dredging Ø Ø N*/R* N/R
Drainage basin Transfer of basins N/R* R N*/R* N/R
from environmental licensing. Briefly put, Spain has the highest per-
alterations Underground water R Ø N*/R* Ø centage of types of interventions under the ELP, closely followed by
movement Italy and Colombia, while Cuba presents the highest proportion of
Irrigation districts R* R N*/R* N/R projects or activities exempt from ELP.
An additional analysis regards the coverage given by the EIA reg-
Changes in land use Ø R N*/R* Ø
Modification of Ø Ø N*/R* N/R ulations within gross categories of coastal interventions. Percentages
channels pictured in Fig. 2 refer to the portion of interventions subject to ELP by
Dams and reservoirs N/R R N*/R* N/R category in each country. This means, for example, that three out of a
Installations in fluvial Ø Ø N*/R* N/R total of six types of interventions in the category of Edifications are
Hydroelectric terminals N/R* Ø N*/R* R
subject to environmental licensing in Italy, comprising coverage of

C. Pereira et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 73 (2018) 20–30

Fig. 2. Proportion of interventions with an effect on the coastal zone by country and category.

50%. In the same category, Cuba and Spain each equal 33% of the in- 3.3. Criteria for characterization of the coastal environment
terventions regulated, all sharing the typology of ‘sun and beach
tourism’ with Italy. Such projects in particular are associated with im- Perhaps one of the major decisions within the environmental li-
portant impacts on the coastal zone, especially when poor land plan- censing is to define which criteria must be used to characterize the
ning is also reported (Davenport and Davenport, 2006; Burak et al., natural system. Stemming from the review of the regulatory framework
2004; Jennings, 2004). On the other hand, Colombia makes no direct and technical guidelines for EIS preparation, a detailed categorization
mention of these types of edifications, despite the increasing amount of of criteria influencing processes linked with coastal morphology was
real estate developments and resorts along the Caribbean Coast in the done, and several findings were extracted and represented in Fig. 3.
last years (Cochero and Manjarrez, 2014; Rangel-Buitrago et al., 2012). Appendix V gathers the resulting categorization in the four territories
It is worth mentioning that Spain and Italy present differences even with reference to the guidelines reviewed in each one. Some criteria
though they both transposed the same EU directives, meanwhile Co- may be found in more than one process because criteria description and
lombia and Cuba are similar despite holding different political ideolo- reference to their controlling mechanisms often relates to several kinds
gies. of processes. Cuba is not included in the comparison because, unlike the
The category of interventions about shore protection and control other countries, environmental authorities have not formulated or
presents the highest regulation coverage in Colombia, the second adopted official guidelines for EIS preparation. Additionally, the Italian
highest in Italy and the third highest in Spain. This great level of region of Liguria was included in the analysis as a separate territory
awareness is consistent with the extensive lists of impacts (such as since their own guidelines are different from the ones adopted by the
coastal armoring, intensification of erosion processes or deterioration of national authority. This was not the case for the other two Italian re-
coastal scenery) associated with such interventions, (Pranzini et al., gions interviewed (Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany), whose authorities
2015; Rangel-Buitrago et al., 2017). Meanwhile, Cuba includes none of refer to the same national guidelines prepared by ISPRA,1 the technical
this intervention in their environmental licensing framework, since and scientific advisor of the Italian Ministry of Environment regarding
shore protection structures are considered environmental contra- EIA competences.
ventions (Law 200/1999). Moreover, Cuba is the only country that Initially, three processes related to hydrodynamic controls (erosion,
includes golf courses in the ELP, which are common interventions in deposition and sediment transport) present the highest frequency of
coastal areas, also linked to sea, sand and sun tourism. references within reviewed documents, mostly due to the bias of the
On the other hand, interventions in the category of extractive ac- guidelines. Documents selected for analysis focus on projects or activ-
tivities are included in all four countries, and their influence on coastal ities linked to shore protection structures and marine works, therefore
processes is when they trigger subsidence trends (Morton and Pieper, the studies lean on the stability of littoral sediments. The processes that
1977). Regarding the category of drainage basin alterations, Spain is the follow in frequency are biogenic sediment fixation and the geomor-
one with full coverage, followed in order by Colombia (75%), Italy phological sediment output; the latter is linked to sediment losses from
(63%) and Cuba (50%). Although interventions in this category tend to the littoral balance such as submarine canyons or channels (Pranzini,
be geographically far from the coastal zone, they matter due to the link 2008; Correa et al., 2005). Criteria sorted by these two processes also
of physical processes modeling watersheds. Finally, the category of stress controlling mechanisms for the stability of littoral sediment,
industrial/energy installations is also barely associated with effects in the which is the utmost purpose of the interventions for which the analyzed
coastal zone unless the intervention is emplaced directly in this en- EIS guidelines are formulated.
vironment, which is a very probable situation. Their coverage in the EIA Processes related to physical/chemical courses (sediment formation
regulation of Italy, Spain and Colombia is above 50%, while Cuba is and weathering) and global climatic phenomena (sea level changes)
below this threshold.

Italian acronym of the Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research

C. Pereira et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 73 (2018) 20–30

Fig. 3. Frequency of technical requirements for the EIS preparation of coastal protection works by territory according to a scheme of natural processes influencing
coastal morphology.

present the lowest frequencies. The pattern in the former group can be the introduction, Morgan (2017) was the main reference for good EIA
attributed to limited scientific and technical knowledge regarding practices, complemented by Joseph et al. (2015), who reviewed ex-
transformation rates and measurement techniques in the coastal context isting literature on the best practices of environmental assessment,
(Rivas et al., 1997). This situation evidences a need to address applied synthesized guidance from additional relevant literature in other fields
research about the influence of natural processes on coastal dynamic for and identified 74 good EIA practices. The following seven good prac-
EIA purposes. On the contrary, the low frequency of the latter group of tices are filtered from this catalog, according to the experiences of the
criteria is owing to the local character of EIA, in which global phe- four countries and how such experiences highlight the practices that
nomena are left in the background because they transcend the context favor the specificity of the coastal environment along the ELP.
of the influence area (Hapuarachchi et al., 2016). This situation reflects
an additional mistaken approach where the EIA dismisses global scale
phenomena because the impact of projects lacks magnitude and in- 4.1. The integration of screening and scoping stages within the ELP
tensity at this gross observation level. However, the relevance of global
processes relies on the environment-project relationship, rather than According to Joseph et al. (2015), screening and scoping improve
project-environment, as a good precautionary EIA practice involves the the quality of the EIS and latter stages of environmental assessment and
management of risks to which the intervention would be naturally ex- decision making. As an example, Guerra et al. (2015) reported the in-
posed (Cavallin et al., 1994; Joseph et al., 2015). Nevertheless, cov- tegration of the screening and scoping stages within 12 case studies of
erage of processes influencing coastal morphology is different in each interventions in the marine environment of eight countries. Italy and
territory, being Colombia the only one with the highest number in all Spain integrate the screening through the lists of projects subject to
criteria. Spain presents the lowest coverage missing 28% of the pro- these pre-assessments because it is transposed by the EIA European
cesses, followed by Liguria with 22% of its processes disregarded, while Directives, whereas Colombia disregards this initial review at any level
Italy only misses 2 (11%) within the technical criteria considered. (Bassi et al., 2012; Fuentes-Bargues, 2014). Even if Cuba does not have
An additional element worth mentioning is the Italian document a distinction of interventions subject to screening, this stage can be
‘Guidelines for the Preparation of the Environmental Monitoring Project considered embedded in an advanced stage of the EIA procedure rather
(PMA) for Works Subject to EIA Procedures’ (ISPRA, 2015), in which than a preliminary review. The requirement of an extended EIS from
references are systematically given to orientate the sampling of tech- the environmental authority, when the area of interest has not been
nical criteria for environmental monitoring at different project timings: previously characterized by other projects or activities, is a way to
before (characterization of the environment), during and after (opera- impose a detailed review for potentially acceptable interventions in
tion). Most of the criteria proposed in this document are described Cuba.
according to the minimum lapse of observation, spatial coverage and Still, effective screening requires thresholds and criteria, in addition
suggested techniques. This is the only document of its kind within the to a list of activities, to determine if an intervention needs to be eval-
guidelines found among the four countries analyzed; no other official uated (Jay et al., 2007; Wood, 2003). A good EIA practice relying on
document of ToR gives such a level of technical detail to orientate the Earth Science can be inspired by the European model. Both Italy and
environment characterization and monitoring. Spain singularize coastal zones and wetlands into the specific areas that
represent a sensitive location for intended projects; therefore, this may
account for detailed scrutiny according to the EIA regulation. The
4. Good practices for environmental licensing of coastal amendment of the EIA Directive of 2014 has complemented this geo-
interventions graphical approach with riparian areas, river mouth and marine en-
vironments (Lonsdale et al., 2017). Such precisions insinuate the need
Good practices were extracted from the systematic analysis of si- for defining the susceptibility of such specific environments to the effect
milarities and differences among the four countries and further con- of human interventions, by considering the particularities of their
trasted with acknowledged international good practices. As stated in physical-natural processes.

C. Pereira et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 73 (2018) 20–30

Additionally, Section 3.1 marked the public involvement as a good based on Earth Sciences. Despite the lack of uniformity for setting
practice when setting criteria and relevant issues for the EIS elabora- coastal boundaries within countries (Milanes, 2018), the schemes of
tion, which comprehend the scoping stage. It has been proven that early Cuba and Liguria can work as technical bases for defining the influence
consultations with the public improve the quality of EIS's because area of an intervention in the coastal zone. Both systems have a com-
proponents can identify all potentially impacted receptors and collect plementary effect since they address the cross-shore and longshore
information about the local environment (Barker and Wood, 1999; delimitations of coastal segments respectively. Colombia is the only
Lonsdale et al., 2017; Del Furia and Wallace-Jones, 2000). Further- country that specifies influence area delimitation in their ToR, re-
more, residents of coastal areas treasure empirical knowledge about the quiring an iterative exercise for adjusting the final influence area from
hydrodynamics and long-term processes modeling the zone where they preliminary definitions segmented by the group of components (biotic,
have lived for decades, as highlighted by Correa and Gonzalez (2000). abiotic, socioeconomic). However, technical criteria specific to coastal
Therefore, local communities' observations could orientate the en- environments are not detailed in the Colombian EIA guidelines.
vironment characterization and possible forecasting by highlighting the Spain and Italy define the coastal zone from the boundaries of the
more pertinent elements for the impact assessment. maritime public domain, which correspond to the land portion shaped
In consequence, Spain and Italy include a public information pro- by marine action (Lami et al., 2010). Overall, both European countries
cedure to collect observations and complaints from the individuals af- make these boundaries known to the public, while the public domain
fected before approving any environmental license and especially for delimitation and acknowledgment in Colombia are restricted to the
defining the level of detail required in the assessment (Bassi et al., National Maritime Authority (DIMAR by its acronym in Spanish). In
2012; Enríquez-de-Salamanca et al., 2016). On the other hand, Cuba Cuba, criteria for the limits of coastal and protection zones are set in
and Colombia do not prioritize public consultation in the scoping pro- Decree-Law 212/2000, according to coastal geomorphological features
cess because the former relies on the concept of public administrations, (dune, lagoon, swamp, cliff or river mouth) and hydrodynamic trends
and the latter backs on terms of reference, which is the most explicit (riverine tidal influence and historic sea-flooding). In this sense, Cuba
definition of scoping (Joseph et al., 2015). sets a technical reference for framing the reach of the impact of human
interventions in the coastal zone. However, it is insufficient because the
4.2. Evaluation focused on the environment rather than the intervention limits offshore are too wide for impact assessment purposes since they
set it as the insular platform (usually 100 to 200 m. water depth). In this
The analysis in Section 3.2 stresses that EIA procedures should be regard, the local experience of the Liguria Region represents both the
aligned by the type of environment affected (rather than the type of technical complement of delimitation criteria and the example of
intervention to be developed), and this is partially reinforced in some of practice in ELP. Liguria has sectorized its coast to support the en-
the regulatory frameworks studied. Among the four countries, Cuba is vironmental licensing of coastal protection works by setting three levels
the only one that makes real distinctions about the kind of environment of longshore delimitation: physiographic units, intermediate units
where an intervention is projected. In brief, Article 19 of Decree-Law (paraggio) and littoral cells. When the EIS is elaborated or reviewed, the
212/2000 establishes that projects and activities within the coastal and Coastal Marine Environment Protection Plan is a binding reference that
protection zones undergo compulsory environmental licensing. More defines all physiographic units, paraggio and littoral cells, which are
specifically, within the list of interventions subject to environmental also mapped and costless available online.
licensing in resolution 33/2015, three statements specified restrictions Finally, EIS preparation guidelines for coastal defense works and
defined by the coastal environment rather than the characteristic of the sand nourishment in Liguria and Colombia requires the framing of the
intervention itself. As an example, permanent facilities in cays (a intervention within similar analysis units, such as watersheds, littoral
coastal environment) are always subject to environmental licensing, as or coastal cells, environmental coastal units, ecosystems or territorial
well as any facilities located in their protection zone. units. The advantage in the Liguria Region is the availability of a pre-
Allusions to the location in the regulatory framework of Italy and defined coastal delimitation considered for EIA procedures, which can
Colombia, related to natural protected areas rather than the kind of be configured as a relevant good practice in Earth Sciences. The Emilia-
intervention, already exist. However, such precision does not detail the Romagna Region also has a pre-defined delimitation of littoral cells,
coastal zone context because it comprises natural parks in Colombia, be established in a robust program for managing shore erosion; however,
it marine or terrestrial, and indistinctive sites of interest for the this information system is not binding in the EIA procedure (Montanari
European Community according to the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC). and Marasmi, 2014). All in all, the described practices of Liguria Region
On the other hand, within the criteria conceived for the screening and Cuba poses good references on how technical criteria, scientifically
procedure in Italy and Spain, specific attention is given to the carrying proven, are introduced in the regulation that orient EIA procedure.
capacity of some marine and coastal environments, although there is no
methodological reference for such estimation. Loro et al., (2014) de- 4.4. The institutional articulation in the ELP
veloped a method for estimating territorial carrying capacity in the
context of EIA; however, it is not specific for coastal environments. In The ability of organizations involved in the environmental licensing
the main, it is worth highlighting that the emplacement of projects in to achieve their interests and objectives largely determines the perfor-
coastal environments increases the magnitude of the environmental mance of the EIA (Kolhoff et al., 2018). Therefore, the articulation of
assessment regardless of the characteristics of the intervention within the institutions involved in consulting procedures contributes to an
European procedures. integrated assessment and control of human perturbations in the en-
vironments. The fragmented approach conventionally used for char-
4.3. The inclusion of the coastal zone delimitation in the environmental acterizing the environment and assessing the impacts implies a com-
licensing petence distribution among several agencies and institutions involved
in the components of soil, water, atmosphere, biota and society. If the
An important activity in the generic impact assessment is related environmental impact evaluation, monitoring and control are not co-
with the definition of the projects' influence area because this is the ordinated by type of environments (i.e. coasts, highlands, continental
geographical limits of the measurements for characterizing the en- water, submarine, fluvial), institutions in charge of each environmental
vironment, estimating the effects of the intervention and implementing component must be represented in the EIA procedure. Among the four
the environmental monitoring program (MAVDT, 2010). In con- countries analyzed, the institutional articulation has proven important
sequence, consideration of coastal dynamic principles in the definition in the stages of screening, scoping and follow-up.
of the intervention's influence area could be considered a good practice Section 3.1. signalized that all the four countries conduct

C. Pereira et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 73 (2018) 20–30

consultations with public administrations during the initial stages of the technical support and selective experience.
EIA procedure; the institutions considered in each country are listed in Therefore, ensuring the aptitude of experts preparing the EIS of
appendix IV. It is interesting to notice that only Cuba and Spain specify coastal interventions through a certification could be considered a good
a list of institutions whose consultation is compulsory, according to practice in which Earth Sciences are relevant. Moreover, such aptitude
their EIA legal code, being the former the longer of the two. The needs to rely on the scientific and practical experience of the con-
character of compulsory institutions in Cuba suggests that consultancies sultancy in the particularities of the coastal environment and its natural
mainly verify technical viability and sufficiency of existing facilities to processes. In this regard, the Cuban experience encourages a solid ar-
absorb the demand of a new activity in terms of supplies, human health, ticulation of cutting-edge scientific knowledge with the ELP.
security and risk management. In Spain, half of the compulsory agen-
cies are responsible for the management of hydraulic, terrestrial and 4.6. Pertinent official guidelines for sensitive EIA stages according to types
maritime domains, which favors the coastal zone. Concerning Co- of environments
lombia, mandatory institutions to consult during EIA are not estab-
lished, although this country has a pool of organizations that could be The most sensitive EIA stage requiring orientation is the EIS ela-
involved in such procedures within the National Environmental System boration. Guidelines in this stage are important because they set the
(SINA by its acronym in Spanish). SINA comprehends five scientific pillars for characterizing a perturbed environment and defining the
institutions, one of them with special relevance to marine and coastal coverage of the impacts. Additionally, guidelines allow the impact va-
environments. luation to be normalized with other interventions in the area through a
Institutional articulation may also optimize environmental licensing validated assessment methodology; but they also participate in the
through the verification of the environmental compliance reports of design of the management plan through the definition of follow-up
licensed projects. This means that the assessment of management parameters. Thus, the availability of comprehensive guidelines for ap-
measures and its monitoring programs is distributed among the entities plying impact assessment methods has been considered a good EIA
involved in the consultation procedures instead of only being reviewed practice in other studies (Joseph et al., 2015). Among the countries
by the environmental authority. This is the case of the cooperative analyzed, Cuba is the only one without guidelines, having only the
surveillance in the Cuban system. It also happens in the Italian system, indications about the EIS content in Chapter III of Resolution 132/2009.
where the project executor presents the evidence of environmental However, in all four countries, this legal indication concerns the
prescription directly to the institutions assigned in the license for the structure of the document rather than details about characterizing the
verification. This mechanism ensures that the most suitable technical environment, methodologies for defining the influence area and eval-
staff review the outcomes of the parameters assessed, because every uating impacts, or parameters for monitoring (Toro et al., 2010; Bell
institution masters their specialties (biodiversity conservation, mar- et al., 2017). Regarding the structure of the EIS content, some differ-
itime domain, water supply, sanitary pollution, geological hazards). At ences among countries have been found. For instance, the Spanish
the same time this implies a challenge in terms of integration of an framework is still missing the element of risk management, whereas the
environmental compliance judgment, because the concepts are spread amended EIA directive (2014/52/EU) and the other three countries
among the entities consulted; therefore, a higher level of coordination include the risk to accidents, disasters and climate change in the as-
and awareness of institutional competences is required. As a second sessment and decision making.
positive side, this practice overcomes the limitations that technical Colombia stands out in terms of quantity of guidelines because up to
staffs of environmental authorities usually have when facing the follow- 2017 the ministry of environment has published three manuals for the
up of interventions in a variety of environments. institutional EIA procedure (MMA and SECAB, 2002a; MMA and
SECAB, 2002b; MAVDT, 2010) and another 40 ToR for environmental
4.5. Accreditation of environmental consultancies for conducting EIS studies of projects and activities. Although the guidelines analyzed in
Section 3.3. were downloaded from the website of the ministries of
Consultants have a key role in good EIA practices as they hold the environment of Colombia, Italy, Spain and the Liguria Region, it was
most practical knowledge, and because they also face the challenge of not verified precisely how extensive is the list of guidelines in Spain and
maintaining good relationships with their clients and at the same time a Italy because these documents are not gathered in a single repository, as
good professional reputation (Kågström, 2016). Therefore, accredited the national environmental licensing authority of Colombia do (ANLA,
impact assessment staff is a legal and procedural incentive, considered 2017). Despite of this, Section 3.3 already revealed that EIS guidelines
to be a good practice because it ensures accurate and high-quality as- in Colombia are exhaustive because they include a very extensive list of
sessment without bias (Joseph et al., 2015). Within the four countries information requirements. However, such exhaustiveness may lead to
analyzed, Cuba is the only one where consultants in charge of EIS redundancies due to the conventional segmentation of criteria by
elaboration are periodically certified by the Ministry of Science, Tech- components rather than processes. Therefore, this cannot be considered
nology and Environment (Chapter VII of Resolution 132/2009). This is entirely as a good EIA practice for coastal interventions because man-
a meritocratic certification, rather than merely procedural, since it is agement principles stress that it is better to be more pertinent than
supported by scientific requirements and selective experience. exhaustive (Vallega, 1999).
During the accrediting application in Cuba, consultancies need to Another sensitive stage in the environmental licensing linked to
submit a list of projects or activities, for which the entity is considered official guidelines relates to the follow-up, despite being conceived
competent, and demonstrate experience in the field of environmental during the EIS preparation. Drafting monitoring programs to verify the
sciences. Evidence of such requirements is post-graduate courses taught environmental compliance is a constant recommendation for ELP,
and/or scientific publications made by the consultant team. Another which should be legitimated in legislation and guidelines to scope the
requirement relevant to this argument is the demonstration of technical follow-up (Bassi et al., 2012; Elliott, 2011). In this regard, Italy is the
potential for EIS elaboration through the list of duly qualified specialists only country that fulfills this good practice because it establishes
employed for carrying out these studies. In this regard, Italy and Spain standard survey, monitoring methods and interpretation references, as
limit the EIS assessment and review to competent experts, which should suggested by Lonsdale et al. (2017). While Liguria has criteria for
force authorities to have sufficient expertise in projects and environ- monitoring shore protection works and periodical beach nourishment at
ments under licensing (Lonsdale et al., 2017). In the main, EIA analysis the regional level, the guideline of ISPRA (2015) applies for any kind of
in Italy, Spain and Colombia focus on the limitations and challenges of intervention because it is structured by environmental components or
environmental authorities for controlling EIS quality, while Cuba ad- ambits. The structure of this last national guideline defines specific
dresses the issue by certifying consultancies with standards of scientific- methodological indications for six ambits and a list of parameters that

C. Pereira et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 73 (2018) 20–30

can be used in the monitoring program according to the purpose of the environmental licensing on the coastal zone. As an innovative ap-
follow-up stage. In summary, these criteria are the closest experience proach, the comparison included ToR and guidelines, apart from the
resembling the good practice of focusing EIA guidelines on the kind of EIA legal code of each country, because studies so far have only con-
environment rather than the type of intervention. centrated on EIS and legal approaches. The main findings regard the
identification of strengths and shortcomings of Italian, Cuban, Spanish
4.7. The integration of environmental geographic information and Colombian ELP. According to critical interventions and pertinent
criteria for characterizing processes influencing the coastal mor-
Another good EIA practice, normally associated with the follow-up phology, a set of seven good practices were conceptualized.
stage, is recording the outputs of monitoring activities for future en- The study enhances the importance of technical criteria in defining
vironmental assessment and implementing data management platforms coastal boundaries to scope environmental impacts and gauge the effect
for this purpose (Joseph et al., 2015; Bassi et al., 2012). EIA practi- of interventions on natural processes. These suggest a changing ap-
tioners in the four countries analyzed use information services for proach in the way impact assessment is performed, by shifting from a
characterizing the environment during the EIS preparation and, pos- fragmented-oriented analysis with environmental components to a
sibly, as data supply for the monitoring program. Still, authentic good process-oriented analysis of natural flows within a kind of environment
practices in Earth Sciences resemble the data model enforced in Co- and its neighboring connections. In this sense, geomorphological pro-
lombia for presenting the geographical information of projects along cesses play a core role in identifying, assessing and monitoring the in-
the ELP. fluence of human interventions on coastal environments.
Of the four countries, Colombia has the most advanced environ- Improvements that might be redressed by implementing the sug-
mental information system through the National Geographic gested good EIA practices include the provision of official methodolo-
Environmental Data Storage Model, created and updated by the gical guidelines for EIS elaboration, articulation of EIA information
National Agency of Environmental Licensing (ANLA) since 2012 systems and accreditation of environmental consultants to homogenize
(Resolution 1415/2012; Resolution 0188/2013; Resolution 2182/ good practices in Earth sciences for the Italian procedure. In Cuba, the
2016). Such integration of the information has allowed the im- provision of official methodological guidelines for EIS, articulation of
plementation of a strategy for estimating the synergic effect of inter- information systems for EIA procedures and the proactive participation
ventions with overlapping influence areas, called Regionalization of the public within the scoping and screening stages are suggested. On
(Solarte, 2017). Geographic products and services derived from this the other hand, Spain could improve the availability of official meth-
strategy are still restricted to the internal staff of the environmental odological guidelines for EIS elaboration, articulation of information
authorities, aiming to support decision making and optimizing EIA systems for EIA procedures, criteria definition for influence area and
procedures. Despite these advantages, the data storage model is not accreditation of environmental consultants. Lastly, Colombia needs to
sufficient for coastal environments because the attributes established in improve the ELP by integrating a screening stage, binding the coastal
the structure do not address current information gaps in the marine- delimitation for scoping the influence area of interventions, accrediting
coastal context. For example, less than 10% of the feature class in the environmental consultants and articulating institutions during the
data structure is gathered in two data sets under the names of Biotic- follow-up.
Continental-Coastal and Marine. This reflects Colombia's ongoing need In consequence, a new perspective with respect to the conventional
for a better understanding of coastal processes in EIA procedures for environmental licensing scheme is suggested. Procedures and guide-
pinpointing the complex dynamic of the land-sea interphase. lines must be oriented by types of environments rather than types of
In the cases of Spain, Italy and Cuba, the integration of environ- interventions because the characteristics of impacts are better corre-
mental information for EIA purposes exhibits only initial levels of im- lated to natural processes than to project design. In the end, these de-
plementation. At European level, the Inspire Directive (2007/2/EC) signs are adaptable, while natural processes are inherent to the kind of
aims to create a European Union spatial data infrastructure for the environment. In addition, geomorphological processes present en-
purposes of EU environmental policies. However, the interviews in Italy gineering challenges to the human interventions, in terms of risk
and Spain reported no protocol of spatial data validation or integration management, and frame the character of the environmental impact.
within this directive, which indicates that its institutionalization has All in all, the seven good practices defined in this study are re-
not penetrated effectively into the local environmental management commended as principles to homologate the environmental licensing of
level. In Spain, EIA representatives mentioned the existence of a geo- interventions with influence in the coastal zone. Further research
graphic information system where many layers are compiled, however, should be done around the definition of coastal susceptibility to the
only environmental authorities can consult it and the specificity in effect of human interventions and its articulation with territorial
marine and coastal issues is cataloged as poor. In Italy, the 21 regional planning instruments; it will greatly optimize the environmental as-
environmental protection agencies (ARPA/APPA) and ISPRA are con- sessment, monitoring and control of projects, built structures and ac-
figuring a network to integrate the monitoring and control of en- tivities. Moreover, methodological approaches for estimating territorial
vironmental quality within the Italian territory. This National System carrying capacity of human intervention in the coastal zone shall be
for Environmental Protection (SNPA by its acronym in Italian) was investigated, with the goal of complementing the assessment stage
created as an attempt to recover the control and homogeneity of what is during ELP.
done in every region. Finally, EIA practitioners in Cuba can only consult
isolated information that has not been synthesized due to an incomplete Acknowledgements
database. However, the office of the Ministry of Environment in the
Matanzas Region is testing a computerized system, called SARGAE, This work is part of a Ph.D. project supported by the EAFIT
designed to systematize the environmental information and obligations University [grant number 767-000015]. Authors would like to thank
of projects in situ. The program would generate a report with the en- the people interviewed in Italy, Cuba, Spain and Colombia for their
vironmental diagnostic, which in the future will be linked to the in- availability and openness in sharing the information for the purposes of
formation system of the competent environmental authority. this research. We would like to thank also Rafael Sardá from the
National Council of Scientific Research of Spain, Alfredo Cabrera from
5. Conclusions Matanzas University (Cuba), Giorgio Anfuso from Cadiz University
(Spain), Stefania Magri from the Environmental Protection Agency of
Four countries have been compared for the first time according to Liguria (Italy) and Rubén Imbol from the Ministry of Environment in
EIA best practices and their application in their respective Colombia for their assistance in coordinating interviews and sharing

C. Pereira et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 73 (2018) 20–30

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