Tribal Population in Dahod District of Gujarat: An Evaluation of Socio-Economic Profile

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© IJCIRAS | ISSN (O) - 2581-5334

February 2019 | Vol. 1 Issue. 9


Kshirod Ch. Sunani1, Vijay Kumar Mishra2
1Ph.D. Scholar (Economics) Central University of Gujarat
2Ph.D. Scholar (CGTPS) Central University of Gujarat

is concentrated in the south-eastern region of the state.

The state has consisted 14.8 per cent tribal population
The Indian tribes as elsewhere in the world is known out of total population (census 2001). Mostly, they
for their unique ways of living and specific culture areBhil, Charan, Dhanka, Dhodia, Dubla, Bharwad, Gamit,
which provide them a distinct identity on national Kali, Kolcha, Parashi, Rabari, Siddi, Vasava, Vagari and
picture. The peculiar life style, basic and traditional Wari, etc.The State of Gujarat comprises of a total of 43
technology and their tendency to inhabitant the talukas in 12 Scheduled Tribe dominant districts. These
private and isolated from the mainstream of talukas comprise of a population of 75 lack ST
national life. Dahod district of Gujarat is covered by individuals and declared as Tribal Sub Plan region of the
forest and inhabited by scheduled tribes. This paper state.
reports the socio-economic profile of the scheduled
tribes in this region. Present study has taken the
sample of tribal households from Patelia and Bhils Dahod is located at south-eastern part of Gujarat and
tribes. Seventy per cent of sample tribal populations was divided from Panchamahals District in 1979.This
are illiterate. More than 90 percent were engaged in district comprises with 7 talukas and 696 villages. Dahod
agriculture. Most of the families’ income depends on is the head quarter of the district and shared its border
primary sector and 48 percent tribal heads have with Rajasthan state in north and Madhya Pradesh in
income around 5,000.00 to 10,000.000. At present south-east. According to 2011 Census Dahod had total
both government and NGOs have put more attention population of 2,126,558 out of which the male
on health and education for them. population was 1,070,843 and female population was
1,055,715 respectively. As against of 1,636,433 of which
Keyword: Socio-Economic, Scheduled Tribes, male were 824,208 and remaining 812,225 were female
Government, NGOs. in 2001. Out of total population in 2001, the total
1182509 wasSTs Population.
India holds a unique position on the tribal map of the
world. The Indian constitution includes 571 tribal Dahod district has swelling topography, hard rocky
communities in article 342. From those, 108 are found in environment, and medium black soil having low fertility
the north- east, 176 in central India, and 95 in Western with altitude varying from 75m to 300m. Due to loss of
India, and 12 tribal’s group in various islands. In addition, vegetable cover soil is subjected to constant erosion in
Central zone consisting of West Bengal, Jharkhand, the hilly area of the region. The main rivers of the district
Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra consisting of are Machan, Ana’s, Khan, Kali I and II, Hadaf, Panam and
more than 85 per cent of total tribal population. Kabutri. The rivers Sapi, Dausi, Wankdi, SukhiNadi are
sub-revers of river Hadap. The Welwa and NalisherNadi
The Scheduled Tribes are the early inhabitants of
are tributaries of Panam. Among all revers of the district,
separate demarcated land of Gujarat. Tribal population

© IJCIRAS | ISSN (O) - 2581-5334
February 2019 | Vol. 1 Issue. 9

the Anas is a perennial river where as the other are The study has taken 50 households respondent from
seasonal rivers. Dahod talukas of Dahod district.


Human Development Index (HDI) most backward

talukasin Gujarat it must to be the tribal talukas. The Table –1 Distribution of Sample Size of the Tribal
Human Development Indexposition is very poor in term Community
of education, health, and quality of life. Agriculture,
forest and construction are the main livelihood source in Talukas Tribal community percent
Dahod district. The maximum share of revenue comes
from primary sector i.e. agro-based product in the Dahod Bhil Patelia Total
district. As a result, agriculture plays an important role
for improve the socio-economic condition of the region. 25 25 50
Nearly, 90 per cent tribalpopulations are dependent on
agriculture in monsoon session. It has also recognized
that paddy, maize, are the chief Kharif crops
whereasRabi crops are wheat,gram, ground nutand The Bhil and Patelia tribes are numerically, the largest
soybeanin summer. In addition, horticulture, floriculture, scheduled tribal groups of eastern Gujarat. So, that
is cultivated in this region. Due to less efficiency of majority of tribal populations are found in Dahod district
agriculture productivity a couple of tribal population alone. They are identified in the form of (i) culturally and
have migrated to industrial area like Surat, Ahmedabad, geographically isolated (ii) relatively non-hierarchical
Gandhinagar, as a result it which leads to increase the and non-differentiated (iii) low level of technology and
unemployment and poverty. Nearly, 46 per cent tribal development.
population are literate, this is very less than the national
average even neighboring districts i.e. Vadodara and 7.FAMILY SIZE AND COMPOSITION
Basically, the tribal families of Dahod district are
This paper aims to provide a brief profile of tribal classified in to two categories i.e. nuclear and joint. The
population of Dahod district of North-eastern Gujarat. nuclear families consist of parents with two or three
More specifically it describes certain characteristics of children whereas; joint family includes parents,
the demographicproblems, socio-cultural, economic grandparents, and children etc. Based on the household
and livelihood of the scheduled tribes living in the survey conducted, the distribution of tribal households
district. by the type of the family is shown in table 2.


Table-2 Distribution of Tribal Households by
The primary study has applied on tabulation analysis for Types of Family
clear understanding the nature and problemsof
tribalpopulation. Sample percentage, ratio, and average, Sr.No Types of Number of Per cent
have taken for quantitative support of the existing family households
tribe’s socio-economic condition in Dahod district of
Gujarat. The data is based on primary and secondary 1 Joint 12 24
sources. Primary is collected from tribal households,
relating to various parameters of socio-economic status,
2 Nuclear 38 76
through well designed and structured questionnaire.
Secondary data collected from Ministry of Tribal
Development Department of Gujarat Office, various 3 Total 50 100
Books and Journals etc.
Source- Field survey, 2012

© IJCIRAS | ISSN (O) - 2581-5334
February 2019 | Vol. 1 Issue. 9

Out of the 50 households, this study hasfound 12 joint is considered as a determining factor of economic
families (24 per cent) and whereas 38 families were status.
interested to live in a nuclear family set up. It forms (76
per cent) of total. Table-4 Distribution of Age of Head of
The size of the family is a crucial factor in determining the Tribal Households
the well-being of each and every tribal individual.
Distributions of tribal households by the family size are Sr.No Age of the Head of the Percent
shown in the following table. respondents households

Table-3 Distribution of Tribal Households 1 Below – 35 27 54

by the Family Size
2 35 -54 15 30
Sr.No Family No. of Per cent of
size households households 3 45 -60 7 14

1 2–4 14 28 4 Above 60 1 2

2 4–6 17 34 5 Total 50 100

3 6–8 9 18 Source- Field survey, 2012

It is clear that, 98 per cent of the heads of the tribal

4 8 to 10 20
households are the economically active age group. Only
2 per cent are in the age group of above sixty.


Traditionally, the tribal people earn their livelihood

Source- Field survey, 2012 through agriculture. A new source of income besides
land is employment in government and private sectors.
It is noticed at the time of survey that majority of the
Very few tribes are technically educated and only a
tribal people surveyed are middle age couples who do
limited number hold good jobs.
not have any idea of reducing the birth rate. But it was
observed that newly couples are aware of the need of
reducing birth.


Recent trends in migration and occupation have

changed the concept of the head of family among the
tribal group of Dahod district. Traditionally, there was
male domination in tribal communities. However, of late
some radical changes have taken place about 66 per
cent female are traditional headship of the family. Owing
to scarcity of agricultural land and several other factors,
family heads often leave their village seasonally and
migrate to the neighbor place .There are several such
female headed families and head of the household’s age

© IJCIRAS | ISSN (O) - 2581-5334
February 2019 | Vol. 1 Issue. 9

Table-5 Distribution of Family 1.( primary ) 8 6 16 12 14

2.(upper 8 6 16 12 14
Sr.No Income No. of Per primary)
households cent
3.(secondary 9 2 18 4 11
1 2000 - 5000 8 16 )

2 5000 -10,000 24 48 4.(higher 5 1 10 2 6

3 10,000 -15,000 8 16
5. ( illiteracy 20 35 40 70 55
4 15,000 10 20 rate )

5 Total 50 100 Total 50 50 100 100 100

Source-Field survey, 2012 Source- Field survey, 2012

It was observed that, income of the family depends on At present, the most tribal parents are concerned about
size of family. However, the income of the households is the schooling of their children and drop-out-rate is also
spent on necessity goods only. not much; it was 18 per cent.


More than 70per cent of male and female workers in The most important indicator of socio-economic status
Dahod district are agricultural labourers. The male namely habitation and housing condition would provide
a better understanding of the social life of tribes. It is
workers wage is ( 100) and female working groups are
observed that, most of tribe lives in remote areas and
( 80) per day. transport available to the villages.

It was found that the problem of illiteracy is acute

among the tribal community of Dahod district. The Table-7 Types of Houses
literacy rates of tribal population are only 45 per cent,
the low literacy is considered to be the root cause of Sr.No Categories of House Per
their socio-economic backwardness. It is observed that Houses Holds cent
there are very few beneficiaries of the literacy mission.
The literacy rate of tribes is shown in the table no 6.
1 Kachha 46 92

Table-6 Education Profile of Scheduled Tribes

2 Semi-Puccaa 3 6

Sr.No Mal Femal Per Per Tota

3 Pacca 1 2
e e cent cent l per
of of cent
mal femal 4 Total 50 100
e e
Source- Field survey- 2012

© IJCIRAS | ISSN (O) - 2581-5334
February 2019 | Vol. 1 Issue. 9

Table No. 7 shows that, the large numbers of tribal the tribes are slowly following the footsteps of the non-
family having kachha houses and only six per -cent of tribes. Both government and non-government are
family have semi-pucca houses. providing irrigation facilities to the tribal villages.

Table-9 Irrigation Facilities
Broadlytribal peasantry has been divided in to two
categories viz- landed and landless. Distribution of tribal Sr.No Categories Households Per cent
households according to the possession of land is
presented in the table 8 below. This following table
1 Irrigated 28 56
shows that 92 per cent of tribal populations are land
2 Unirrigated 18 36
Table -8 Land Holdings ( in Guntha)
3 Landless 4 8
Sr.No Categories Households Per cent
4 Total 50 100
1 Land less 4 8
Source-Field survey, 2012
2 Less than 1 Guntha 9 18 This data shows fifty six per cent of tribal farmers have
benefited through source of irrigation.
3 1-2 13 26

4 2-4 2 4
Table 10- Source of Irrigation

5 4-6 7 14
Sr.No Categories No. of tribal percent
farmers (uses)
6 6 to above 15 30
1 Tank 8 16
7 Total 50 100
2 Bore well 10 20
Source- Field survey 2012


Agriculture provides employment to more than half of

4 Un irrigated 18 36
the working population in Dahod district. Cropping
pattern is the central element of agricultural land use.
Expansion of irrigation facilities, introduction of high 5 Landless 4 8
yielding variants of crops, agricultural tools and
machines, creation of a wide market and development 6 Total 50 100
of infrastructural facilities in the form of link roads
influence the cropping pattern to a large extent. But it Source-Field survey, 2012
noticed that most of tribal people are not aware of the
modern agricultural development and practices. The The source of irrigation facilities providing through
main cultivation of non-tribe is wheat and paddy which Canal, Tank, and Burwell these irrigation facilities
is considered as a modern crop by the tribes and now provides two cropping session Kharif and Rabi session.

© IJCIRAS | ISSN (O) - 2581-5334
February 2019 | Vol. 1 Issue. 9

15.AVAILABILITY OF BASIC AMENITIES IN THE but double cropping (Kharif and Rabi) is also regular
HOUSE practice of a highest number of tribal farmers. At some
places third crop is also growing due to availability of
A house that is well set with the minimum level of basic
adequate irrigation facilities. As a result, there is greater
amenities is very necessary for a healthy living but the
contribution on wheat and vegetable and thus, food
housing conditions of the tribes very poor. Some of the
security is ensured from five to seven months in a year.
basic luxurious items like television, refrigerator, and
It is clear that, agriculture is an important livelihood
vehicle etc. are the indicators of economic condition,
source for tribal people in Dahod district. Nearly 95
and it also depends on income size of the tribal families.
percent of tribal populations are engaged in this sector.
The details about the availability of basis amenities in
In the study area land holding variation are not found
house are given in following table.
much and majority of tribal’s have not more than 6
Guntha of land from which they can earns an income of
Table-11 Availability of Basic Amenities 1500 /- per Guntha. This income is not sufficient for
their subsistence livelihood. A couple numbers of tribal
Sr.No Amenities Per cent are migrating to other regions for getting employment
and income sources in off season.
1 Electricity 23 46 The study has found that the greater market orientation
of commodities like mango, guava, banana, amla, etc.
2 TV 10 20 Almost 62 percent of female workers are still engaged
in the agricultural and allied activities cum forest-based
3 Toilet 1 2 economies. Thus, women workers play an important role
in overall activities for the survival of their families. No
doubt, both Government and NGO policies have
4 Bicycle 10 20
brought positive impact on agricultural, horticultural
and floricultural activities. But from this above analysis,
5 Bike 4 8 it is clear that, both government and NGOs policies are
not giving more emphasize on related activities in allied
6 Fan 13 26 sector like fisheries etc and the multiple or additional
income can’t be generated by tribal people.
Source-Field survey 2012
Due to degradation of environment and the intervention
It was observed that, tribal person who is financially of non-tribal, they face problems and challenges to
strong is interested in maintaining good house secure a sustainable livelihood opportunities and a
automatically purchases these items. However tribal gracious life. As a result a number of NGOs are involved
people who are financially weak are not able to afford in order to ensure women’s empowerment, women
such kind of amenities due to their low economic productivity, and effective participation in agro-based
condition. activities. VanitaMahilaSatsang a non-government
organization which is also taking an initiative to provide
16.CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION an alternative education to tribal women for cultivation
The scheduled tribes of Dahod have a long history of of medical plants which helps to secure livelihood
struggle. In this region, the main sources of their opportunities and secure biodiversity. Thus, agro-
livelihood are agriculture and forest. Not a single forestry plays an effective role in the proper utilization
activity ensures to provide sufficient income for their of the natural resources in a most effective and efficient
livelihood completely. In fact, the small size of land manner for sustainable crop production and socio-
holdings by tribal people and low productivity are the economic upliftment with livelihood opportunities &
root causes of diversified occupations. Agriculture in this health security and employment & income generation
region is mainly based on rain fed and mono-cropped within the tribal economy. It has helped to reduce the
poverty and migration rate of the district.

© IJCIRAS | ISSN (O) - 2581-5334
February 2019 | Vol. 1 Issue. 9

Most of tribal people are still not conscious about higher better social and economic opportunities with access to
education, and medical facilities. Their income level is so financial services and awareness of right and duties. As
low that they are unable to avail these facilities. It was a result, a few tribal’s have started the practice of saving
also noticed, that some tribal people of remote villages money in banks and other financial institution as a small
are getting basic health facilities by government investment. Human Development Index is very low in
schemes. Female literacy rate is very poor as compared term of education attainment and per capita income. It
of male literacy rate. It can be noted, 70 percent of can be noted that the educational attachment index is
female are found to be illiterate in this region. The 0.266 and income index is 0.116 in Dahod district. There
literacy rate is quite less than state average; it was 45 is wide variation in educational attainment and per
percent against of 62 percent of total. The dropout rate capita income index from other regions of the country.
is not that much and the enrollment of children in
It is found that, the effect of education and health care
primary school is praiseworthy. Various government
interventions of Government and NGOs have not been
programmes like; mid-day meal programme,
able to improve of tribal people’s education and health
kanyaKelvaniRath, Katurba Gandhi ValikaVidyalaya
status. Due to various schemes / programmes adopted
scheme all have been implemented at grass root level.
by government, some NGOs are conducting research
The children have been instrumented to go to school in
and training and innovative and effective programmes
the region with the help of various schemes. The social
in the field of education, health, micro finance and
awareness is very poor, even Government and Non-
income and employment generation activities. These
governmental organizations are not giving emphasis on
factors have played an important role to eradicate
it. Hence, tribes are not aware of education, technology,
various socio-economic problems of this region.
and agricultural practices and so on. Some NGOs are
However, the NGOs are making efforts for improvement
providing training for modern agricultural practices in
in promoting and culturally appropriate approaches to
Dahod district. But it is not effective due to poor social
improve education and health seeking behavior of STs
awareness. It was observed, only 20 percent households
People. Gradually, these efforts have created a positive
have T.V out of 46 percent electrified tribal families.
impact on the tribal’s education and health status in the
The Dahod district has got less industrial area. This is many parts of the Dahod district.
lack of small scale or cottage industries like weaving,
spinning and sugar industries etc. The idea and use of
economic phenomena viz-investment, marketing, and To eradicate poverty, the livelihood security is to be
storage are not clear to tribal people. The wage rate is needed. In that case, alternative sustainable source of
comparatively very low in agricultural sector among the livelihood should be adopted through proper
scheduled tribes as compared to the wage rate of implementation of policies. Forest of the villages must
generally industrial or any other workers of the state. At be maintained properly with active participation of tribal
present, the transport and communication facilities are women. Different training should be provided for agro
praiseworthy. As a result, social awareness of the tribals based livelihood sources, like mushroom cultivation,
is gradually increasing. Housing conditions of majority vegetable crops, which will support tribal women to be
of Tribal people are poor and their houses do not have self-reliant and their empowered. The literacy rate of
special rooms or separate arrangement for kitchen, tribal women is very poor as compared to men. So, only
bathroom, toilet etc. It was observed that 92 percent of formulation of development policies for tribal is not
tribal families have got kachha houses. Drinking water enough. The main attention should be paid to create
facilities are not adequate and because of inadequate enough social awareness, which will bring self-reliance
facilities mainly common diseases are found among the among tribal people. Tribal women should also get the
scheduled tribes. opportunities for the leadership training. So, that they
become self-confident and empowered.
The attitude towards saving among the scheduled tribes
is not very satisfactory, because most of them are For tribal development Government programmes
engaged in agricultural field. In that case, Prayas, a non- should be implemented properly. And for that we need
government organization is working which promotes

© IJCIRAS | ISSN (O) - 2581-5334
February 2019 | Vol. 1 Issue. 9

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