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The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

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Original article

Improved resource governance through transparency: Evidence from

D. Boldbaatara, N.C. Kunzb,c, , E. Werkerd

Mongolia Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Secretariat, Tuushin Tower #314, PM A.Amaryn street, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar 14200, Mongolia
UBC School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, The University of British Columbia, 6476 NW Marine Dr, V6T 1Z2 Vancouver, BC, Canada
Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering School, The University of British Columbia, 2329 West Mall, V6T 1Z4 Vancouver, BC, Canada
Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University, 500 Granville St, V6C 1W6 Vancouver, BC, Canada


Keywords: Transparency and accountability initiatives have emerged as a potential solution to combat corruption and
Transparency and accountability increase public benefits from the extractive sector in resource-abundant countries. The Extractive Industries
Contract transparency Transparency Initiative (EITI) is one such initiative, through which 49 resource-rich countries have disclosed a
Effectiveness cumulative 282 fiscal years of government revenues amounting to US$1.9 trillion since 2003. This paper ex-
Resource governance
plores the potential for promised benefits of increased disclosure to be realized, in the form of improved resource
governance. Building on the social accountability literature, a framework is proposed and then applied to the
Benefit-sharing Mongolian context to examine which stages of the framework work well, and which fail to perform. Two types of
EITI contracts are analyzed, water usage agreements and community benefit-sharing agreements. Although Mongolia
is recognized as a leading performer by international EITI standards, the analysis concludes that the framework’s
latter stages from disclosure to improved resource governance are incomplete. The policy implication is that
greater attention to mobilization and citizen empowerment is needed to ensure that contract transparency can
meaningfully contribute towards improved governance.

1. Introduction solutions to the so-called resource curse (Senate Foreign Relations

Committee, 2008; World Bank, 2003). This practice raises the question
Natural resource extraction in the presence of poor governance or about what resource curse mitigations can realistically be expected
economic volatility has been linked to destructive patronage politics from increased transparency. Supporters of transparency advocate for
(Collier, 2007), corruption (Bhattacharyya and Hodler, 2010; Gauthier its importance during the early stages of resource development to
and Zeufack, 2011), inferior economic growth (van der Ploeg and promote fair competition between firms and mitigate corruption risks
Poelhekke, 2010v), and a less inclusive business environment (Pritchett during licensing, contract awarding, and auctions by reducing in-
et al., 2017). Moreover, it has resulted in misaligned budget spending formation asymmetry and by extension ensuring the credibility of
(Gauthier and Zeufack, 2011), destabilized public financial manage- government negotiations (Biastoch, 2017; Humphreys et al., 2007).
ment systems (NRGI, 2014), violent conflict (Ross, 2012), and threats to Transparency in resource taxes paid to governments, and in sovereign
democracy (Humphreys et al., 2007), among other pathologies. wealth fund savings and transfers, can allow citizens to hold their
In order to minimize the negative impacts of extractive develop- government accountable for its expenditures (Bauer et al., 2014). At a
ment, many governmental and non-state actors – including host and broader level, evidence indicates that transparency can attract foreign
donor governments, inter-governmental and non-governmental orga- investment (Frynas, 2010), increase trust and help to combat corrup-
nizations, philanthropic foundations, and investors – have promoted a tion (Eigen, 2007), and promote democratic participation through in-
focus on contract and revenue transparency as one of many potential formation sharing (Florini, 2007; Karl, 1997).1

Corresponding author at: UBC School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, The University of British Columbia, 6476 NW Marine Dr, V6T 1Z2 Vancouver, BC,
E-mail address: [email protected] (N.C. Kunz).
Bauer et al (2014) consider 22 natural resource funds worldwide; Florini (2007) analyzes effective publicly-driven disclosure in India, China, Central and Eastern
Europe and Nigeria; Frynas (2010) analyzes the issue of revenue transparency based on the case of CSR of 20 multinational oil and gas companies; Eigen (2007)
highlights the benefit of EITI implementation as described through cases in Azerbaijan, Nigeria and others.
Received 11 March 2018; Received in revised form 20 December 2018; Accepted 28 December 2018
2214-790X/ © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

Please cite this article as: Boldbaatar, D., The Extractive Industries and Society,
D. Boldbaatar et al. The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

However, there is growing evidence that disclosure or transparency the country at greater risk of corruption (NRGI, 2015). NRGI believes
alone cannot ensure better public service delivery to improve social and that the benefits of monitoring obligations in contracts between cor-
economic outcomes, including improved resource governance (Gaventa porations and governments include ensuring the fairness of deals and
and Mcgee, 2013; Heald, 2006; Kosack and Fung, 2014; Mejía Acosta, laws as well as improving trust between society and contractors. OCP
2013; Mol, 2013; Rustad et al., 2017; Sovacool and Andrews, 2015)2. and partners (OCP, 2016) in turn highlight that the positive impacts of
Indeed, the study of social accountability (SAcc), which is concerned contract transparency could result in better deals and better-managed
with how to “improve institutional performance by bolstering both ci- expectations between society, government, and companies.
tizen engagement and the public responsiveness of states and cor- Recent studies on EITI’s success (Rustad et al., 2017; Sovacool and
porations” (Fox, 2015), has emerged as a promising and growing lit- Andrews, 2015) have concluded that EITI has achieved international
erature in the study of governance. One strategy in the SAcc toolkit is transparency norms, made datasets available, and promoted a multi-
transparency or disclosure of information to citizens or consumers stakeholder dialogue platform and a collaborative approach to resource
(O’Meally, 2013). governance. However, the key operational goal of increasing public
The effectiveness of increased disclosure may increase with active understanding and engaging citizens has been evaluated as only par-
media, or “infomediaries” who can translate disclosed data into tially successful, with a relative failure in terms of empowering the
meaningful information that improves government accountability to public to hold governments and companies accountable (Rustad et al.,
citizens (Fox, 2007), and political motivation (Epremian et al., 2016; 2017). For example, Rustad et al. (2017) were not able to answer the
Frynas, 2010; Gaventa and Mcgee, 2013; Mejía Acosta, 2013). More- question of whether EITI has made an impact in terms of its develop-
over, for transparency to lead to improved accountability, the state mental objectives such as reducing corruption and improving living
must have the capacity to measure and publish relevant information, standards, because it was challenging to identify the correct measure-
and must establish incentives for disclosure (Florini, 2007). The effec- ments for goals beyond what the initiative formally seeks to achieve.
tiveness of the judicial system, a country’s history, institutional culture, Sovacool and Andrews (2015), through an empirical study on Azer-
and political economy all influence the relationship between increased baijan and Liberia (the first two countries to achieve EITI candidacy),
flow and availability of information on the one hand, and enhanced were likewise unable to attribute governance improvements with EITI
accountability in the governance of natural resources on the other implementation and thus advocated the need for a broadened view of
(Epremian et al., 2016). influential factors. The latest validation of EITI’s progress (SDSG, 2017)
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), launched in conducted in fourteen member countries found that efforts to promote
2003, is one example of an effort to reverse the resource curse and greater disclosure had led to critical changes in reporting practices and
strengthen resource governance. Under this initiative, 49 resource-rich institutional mechanisms for a constructive dialogue platform. Never-
countries have disclosed, in open data format, a cumulative 282 fiscal theless, most of the countries focused primarily on disclosure and ne-
years of government revenues amounting to US$1.9 trillion between glected to measure impact.5 Validators also identified room for im-
2003 and 2016 (EITI, 2016a). The initial reporting reconciled in- provement in terms of stakeholder engagement, capacity building for
formation on resource companies’ payments to governments and gov- civil activists in remote areas, and nuanced measurement of EITI’s
ernments’ receipt of such payments. According to the broadened EITI impact.
standard that has been in effect since 2013, information disclosure now In sum, practitioners are dedicating considerable effort and re-
also applies to contextual performance such as licenses and contracts, sources to increasing the level of information disclosure while strug-
production and sales, beneficial ownership, and state participation gling to measure the impacts of their initiatives. Meanwhile, scholars
(EITI, 2016b). Under the new standard, an even larger volume of fi- have called for a multi-scalar approach that untangles the complex
nancial and contextual information is being disclosed to the general drivers of success or failure for meeting desired EITI goals in specific
public (EITI, 2016c). contexts (Rustad et al., 2017). Related gaps in understanding the impact
The broadened EITI standard has been accompanied by the ela- of transparency have also been identified as: a) how to deal with in-
boration of arguments explaining the importance of contract disclosure formation overload (Humphreys et al., 2007), and b) understanding
and more detailed guidance for companies and governments to meet under what circumstances transparency improves governance outcomes
reporting requirements. For instance, to meet contract disclosure re- (Kosack and Fung, 2014).
quirements, international non-governmental organizations including In this paper, a framework is proposed that builds upon existing
Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI)3 and Open Contracting knowledge from the social accountability, resource governance, and
Partnership (OCP)4 have published policy papers explaining why con- transparency literature. This framework is designed to steer informa-
tracts should be disclosed and why this is important for local citizens. tion disclosure towards improved resource governance deliverables.
NRGI argues that because the citizens of the country are co-owners of The framework is then applied to a detailed case study of contract
the resources, they have a right to understand the terms of the ex- transparency in Mongolia to examine which stages are effective com-
traction. When contracts remain secret, citizens and oversight agencies pared to those that fail to perform. The goal of the application is to
cannot properly monitor the implementation of transactions, placing identify stages in the framework that might be underdeveloped for
improving resource governance.
Mongolia is an ideal case study for studying the relationship be-
Gaventa and Mcgee (2013); Mejía Acosta (2013), and Kosack and Fung tween transparency and resource governance for three main reasons.
(2014) review a number of experimental studies on transparency and ac- First, it is a resource-rich country with an economy heavily dependent
countability initiatives in the education and health sectors, most of which took on mining. In 2016, the extractive sector contributed 20% of Mongolia’s
place in India, Uganda, Indonesia and Kenya; Mol (2013) investigates the new GDP, 19% of its budget, and 86% of its exports (KPMG Audit LLC
challenges for value chain transparency in the case of environemental dis- (Mongolia) and KPMG (France), 2017). Second, Mongolia is recognized
closure projects such as Eco-label and EU tracking; Rustad et al., (2017) eval- as a leader in EITI participation. Third, the country is one of the first to
uates EITI goals reviewing meta-data collected from EITI implementing coun-
successfully implement the new EITI standards (EITI, 2017) and has
tries; Sovacool and Andrews (2015) measured EITI governance impact in
received the EITI International Board Chair’s Award twice (in 2011 and
Azerbaijan and Liberia.
Headquartered in U.S and opened country offices in U.K, Ghana, Peru,
Indonesia, Tanzania and Mongolia.
4 5
Established in 2012 and initially the World Bank Group served their host Only two countries showed satisfactory progress out of 14 countries in
until the end of 2014. Headquartered in Washington D.C as well as in Canada, measuring EITI impact according to standard 7.4, Sustainable Development
Columbia, Lithuania, Mexico and U.K. Strategies Group, Synthesis Report 2017, page 10.

D. Boldbaatar et al. The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

2016) for its consistent improvement in making data available and wagon wheel in which each of political and civil society, as well as
accessible during its eleven years of membership (EITI, 2016d, 2011). intra-elite, intra-society, and state-society relations contribute to the
However, despite these achievements, there is evidence that Mongolia environment for the effectiveness of any given SAcc intervention.
still encounters challenges in resource governance including weak- Writing about an educational intervention in Kenya to promote student
nesses in revenue management, national budgeting, an absence of in- learning, Lieberman et al (2014) describe a 10-step path from citizens
vestment in future generations through sovereign wealth funds, and being informed about something to taking actions. Kosack and Fung
lack of government effectiveness as measured by the 2017 Resource (2014) describe different paths from transparency to accountability that
Governance Index (NRGI, 2017). Moreover, the country ranked in the can emerge, depending on the response of different actors in the sphere
middle of the field, scoring 36 out of 100 (0 is highly corrupt) according of the intervention. Fung et al (2007), which is the closest to the fra-
to Transparency International’s corruption perception index (Trans- mework in this paper, propose a 4-step transparency “action cycle” that
parency International, 2018). goes from information disseminated about a service provider to whe-
This paper explores Mongolia as a case study in five sections. ther that service provider responds constructively.
Following the introduction, section 2 introduces the study’s framework, The contributions of our framework to the literature are threefold.
describing the process and proposed stages necessary to progress from The goal is not to propose a wholly new framework for understanding
contract disclosure towards improved resource governance. Section 3 the impact of transparency, but rather (1) to adopt the elements of the
outlines the methodology used to position Mongolia along the frame- wider SAcc insights and apply them to the case of a particular inter-
work. Section 4 analyzes the current level of disclosure of resource vention in the resource governance space, that of contract disclosure
contracts in Mongolia and then evaluates the strength of the framework between extractives firms and local government. To do this, (2) the
against two specific contract types: water usage and community ben- drivers and enablers that are required for the transformation to be ef-
efit-sharing agreements. We find that progress towards improved gov- fective are described for each stage of the framework. In articulating
ernance is limited in the water usage agreements case, and only par- these drivers and enablers, (3) the framework offers a tractable, prac-
tially complete in the benefit-sharing agreements case. Section 5 tical overview for policymakers or activists seeking to maximize the
discusses the findings, particularly their external validity. The paper impact of transparency efforts in the resource contract space.
concludes by returning to the broader, global agenda of utilizing In the following paragraphs we define seven “transformations”:
transparency for improved governance in resource-abundant devel- beginning with disclosure and culminating, hopefully, in improved
oping countries. governance. Fig. 1 depicts the overall framework, with the stages of the
framework in the top row, the drivers in the second row, and the en-
ablers in the bottom row. Drivers and enablers build on the model of
2. Defining a framework from disclosure to improved resource
demand (mostly citizen-led) and supply (mostly government-led) that
characterized the World Bank-led SAcc models in the late 2000s, but
which invoke the unrealistic market assumption that demand will beget
Drawing upon established literature, a framework is proposed to
supply (Fox, 2015). In Fig. 1 and the text, the transformations are
explain how increased disclosure might lead to improved governance
presented as a linear causal chain, an assumption that we challenge in
outcomes, by considering the activities and actors that allow this
section 5. While this is one way to interpret the framework, and the
transformation to occur. This is by no means the first articulation of a
easiest to analyze in a pilot case study, it could also be presented as a
causal chain from exposure of information to some more complex form
wagon wheel or a more complex multi-directional, multi-channel model
of action and governance. One of the aims of the SAcc field has been to
as in Dewachter et al (2018).
understand what models or frameworks predict improvements in ser-
vice delivery, and a variety of linear and non-linear models have been
proposed (Fox, 2015). O’Meally’s (2013) generic SAcc model is a sort of

Fig. 1. The Framework from Disclosure to Improved Resource Governance. Stages are depicted in the top row, drivers in the second row, and enablers in the bottom
Source: Authors

D. Boldbaatar et al. The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

2.1. Transformation 1: from non-disclosure to disclosure are capable users and when disclosers benefit from the practice. In
other words, competent and resourced groups are needed both in civil
Transparency can be defined as “an increased flow of timely and society as well as in government to facilitate an informed and mutually
reliable economic, social, and political information, which is accessible beneficial conversation.
to all relevant stakeholders” (Kaufmann and Bellver, 2005), p.4). Civil Driver: Capable CSOs and other independent groups such as aca-
society organizations (CSOs) or non-government organizations (NGOs) demic institutions have the ability to interpret and synthesize the in-
– which we distinguish from citizens more broadly by their organiza- formation disclosed.
tion around an area of interest – are a particularly important con- Enabler: Government is capable of engaging in respectful debate
stituency for demanding transparency (Florini, 2007), including for with its constituencies.
issues relating to natural resource governance. Transparency demand
may also emerge from other private sector actors such as industry as- 2.4. Transformation 4: from mobilized disclosure to voice
sociations, non-corrupt private sector actors seeking to bid on compe-
titive contracts, or government agencies seeking to improve revenue To transform the transparency conversation from specialized com-
capture. Besides the driver-side incentives coming from civil society munities of experts to common citizens, broader and inclusive instru-
actors, enabler-side requirements are also important mechanisms ments are necessary. A collaborative and consultative platform and an
(Humphreys et al., 2007; Mejía Acosta, 2013). Based on the above, we active media can facilitate citizen engagement in policy formulation
predict the emergence of disclosure of resource-related information as a (Collier, 2007; Goetz and Gaventa, 2001). Indeed, if the media or key
function of citizens’ demand, the government’s capacity or willingness opinion leaders (who need not be subject matter experts on resource
to release information, and companies’ requirements to disclose. governance) cultivate discussion on disclosed information, then in-
Driver: Civil society organizations and other interested stake- formed public debate can take hold. On the supply side, procedural
holders are aware of resource governance issues, placing pressure on transparency characterized by early engagement on potential govern-
government and companies to disclose information. ment policy decisions, perhaps through a dialogue platform, can sup-
Enabler: Government capacity to collect and publish information, port the development of citizen voice. Citizens who are engaged can
and requirements on companies to disclose information. play a part in policy formulation, yet many transparency and ac-
countability initiatives such as the International Budget Partnership’s
2.2. Transformation 2: from disclosure to useful disclosure Open Budget Index, EITI and the Right of Information Campaign in
India, focus solely on citizens’ “downstream” role in monitoring policies
For disclosure to become meaningful, or “useful,” to data con- that were formulated without their involvement. Gaventa and Mcgree
sumers, information needs to be comparable and disaggregated (Fung (2013) thus argue that procedural transparency and stakeholder en-
et al., 2007). Consider the demand for information around campaign gagement in the early stages of policy formulation can improve ac-
financing; if the government released an aggregated statistic of the total countability and citizen engagement.
donations received by political parties, data consumers would not know Driver: Active media and opinion leaders take the conversations
whether it advantaged one party, or whether the donations came from a around disclosed information to the citizenry.
particular interest group. Without clear identification of which data Enabler: Government pursues proactive engagement with stake-
should be transparent, and why, the call for increased transparency may holders though effective dialogue platforms.
have little meaning (Fung et al., 2007; Humphreys et al., 2007). The
usability of information disclosed also depends on its technicality; for 2.5. Transformation 5: from voice to empowerment
example, some information might be disclosed but incomprehensible
except to a small cadre of experts. Larsson (1998) and Heald (2006) For citizens to exercise voice and fulfill their role in accountability
distinguish transparency from openness by this character of usability. relationships they not only need to be aware of their rights and have the
The quality and reliability of information is a necessity for effective requisite skills and tools to exercise them, but also feel empowered
transparency (Mejía Acosta, 2013). Based on these findings, we define (O’Neil et al., 2007). This stage in the framework is the one that pro-
the concept of “useful disclosure” as content that reflects timely, ac- duces broad-based informed interest groups, or constituencies, that
cessible, reliable, comparable, and disaggregated data disclosure that favor reforms that might be pinpointed as a result of disclosed in-
occurs when there is technical capacity amongst data consumers to formation. Demanding and securing transparency or accountability can
make sense of the information. be a crucial step in citizen’s empowerment and ability to contribute
Driver: Data consumers exist and can make sense of disclosed in- towards local political decisions (Gaventa and Mcgee, 2013). Citizen
formation. empowerment is arguably the most important element of all these ef-
Enabler: High quality, clear, disaggregated, and relevant informa- forts and actions for stronger accountability in resource governance
tion is disclosed. because it affects the political calculus around new policies. Citizens'
participation can improve service delivery outcomes, leading to a better
2.3. Transformation 3: from useful disclosure to mobilized disclosure match with local needs, improving service quality and access, and re-
ducing corruption and resource misallocation (Babajanian, 2014).
For transparency to have a chance at having a real impact on im- However, it is not only civil society that needs to be empowered, but
proved resource governance, the disclosed information needs to reach a industry and government agencies must be prepared for effective and
competent constituency outside of the initial decision-making process collaborative action through strengthening their internal organizational
whose decisions and policies might be influenced by the availability of structures (e.g. grievance mechanism) and developing strategic part-
disclosed information. According to Florini (2007) “it is the degree to nership policy with end users of disclosed information (Ansell and
which information is available to outsiders that enables them to have an Gash, 2008; Veenstra et al., 2017). Institutional design and change
informed voice in decisions and/or to assess the decision made by in- agents create ground rules for collaboration, which are critical for the
siders” (p.5). Meaningful transparency not only requires the receiver’s procedural legitimacy of the collaborative process (Ansell and Gash,
capacity to obtain and process the information, but also adequate re- 2008). Therefore, at this stage, improved corporate governance or so-
sources to act on it (Gaventa and Mcgee, 2013). For example, CSOs cial responsibility and integrated government process are defined as
must not just be technical consumers of the data released, but trust- key enablers.
worthy synthesizers and publicizers of disclosed information. Trans- Driver: Informed and aware citizens are organized into con-
parency is only sustainable, according to Fung et al. (2007), when there stituencies for reform.

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Enabler: Strong corporate governance with effective grievance 3. Case study methodology
mechanisms and procedural legitimacy within collaborative forums.
We applied the framework in Mongolia to examine the country’s
progress in deriving benefits from resource contract disclosure. Two
2.6. Transformation 6: from empowerment to collaborative action separate cases, water usage agreements and benefit-sharing agree-
ments, were used to test the framework.
If the citizenry’s voice is empowered, corporate governance is im- To position these two cases along the framework, we evaluated their
proved, and government agencies’ processes seek meaningful stake- levels of disclosure using the metrics defined in Table 1. Level of disclosure
holder engagement then transparency can bring about positive changes was also considered in terms of whether drivers were voluntary or man-
in resource governance. This transformation is realized when the con- dated according to EITI standards and national law. To analyze the level of
stituencies for reform that emerge in the empowerment phase are able disclosure, we reviewed the disclosure practices during five years of EITI
to successfully link their desires with political processes, and when the reconciliation reports from 2010 to 2015, EITI working group meeting
government itself has the capabilities to respond to those desires minutes and presentations, and publicly-available websites for contract
through effective collaborative action, service delivery and policy for- databases that were developed under the EITI working group. We also drew
mation. Collaborative governance is becoming a trendy solution to cope from the first author’s expert knowledge as a practitioner for EITI for eight
with resource governance’s complex issues (Batdorj, 2018). However, it years to inform our analysis. Our measures for the level of disclosure are
requires effective enablers and drivers to bring about sought-after calculated from the data collected by the EITI team tasked with getting
outcomes, for example: the extent to which stakeholders’ participation contracts from extractive companies and government officials.
is institutionalized; how well local and scientific knowledge is mobi- Second, after determining the level of disclosure for resource contracts,
lized to promote understanding of complex environmental issues (Reed, we applied the seven stages of the transparency framework to the cases of
2008); clear incentives for participation in collaborative forums; as well disclosure of water usage agreements (WUAs) and benefit-sharing agree-
as fair rules of play about who is represented, who leads, and the extent ments (BSAs).6 We chose these two types of agreements for a number of
to which shared understanding exists among participants (Ansell and reasons. Importantly, there is demand from civil society for their disclosure.
Gash, 2008; Emerson et al., 2012). Trust and a willingness to allow each That means that the first stage of the framework makes them “live” issues.
partner to play their strengths are also recognized as critical attributes Water and benefit-sharing agreements (or local community relations more
of success in collaborative partnerships (Fraser and Kunz, 2018). As broadly) represent a trigger for community-company conflict in Mongolia,
such, we define the drivers for this phase as an interested actor’s action as they are in many mining communities around the world (Fraser and
and leadership, and the enablers as government action and policy that Kunz, 2018). A recent baseline study from the local community in Mongolia
ensures stakeholders are well-selected for participation, shared knowl- revealed that this information was in high demand (ASI, 2017; Boldbaatar,
edge and trust building. 2015). These agreements were also interesting from a research perspective
Driver: Effective action and leadership from interested actors, e.g. as there was no regulatory basis specifying how the contracts should be
political actors or trusted third parties such as CSOs, academia, or disclosed. The framework thus provided a basis for evaluating the effec-
multilateral institutions. tiveness of current disclosure practices. Moreover, there are dramatically
Enabler: Clear procedural design for citizen participation in deci- different levels of disclosure between the two types of agreements, in-
sion-making, trust among stakeholders, and shared baseline knowledge dicating that level of disclosure may represent a variable which influences
among participants in collaborative decision-making. how data disclosure contributes to enhanced resources governance.7
We conducted qualitative analysis in the 20 publicly-available BSAs
as well as the one WUA (as of September 2017) using content analysis
2.7. Transformation 7: from collaborative action to improved resource to assess the effectiveness of disclosure according to the framework.
governance The main questions we asked were:

At the final step of the framework, transparency can aspire to • What information does the agreement contain?
meaningful outcomes such as improved resource governance. • How is the contract information made accessible?
Meaningful and full transparency can identify issues for improvement, • To what extent is the information disaggregated to facilitate better
build trust among CSOs and government, and encourage citizen’s active monitoring?
participation and oversight in the political process. As wider groups of • How often is the information mobilized by civil society and media?
citizens become part of the process and influence the trajectory of state • What were the key concerns or challenges for civil society?
institutions and capabilities (Pritchett and Werker, 2012), account-
ability can increase, resource contracts can be written with a max- The accessibility of contract information is rated on a five-point
imized benefit to the public, public expenditure efficiency can increase, Likert-scale, where “Absolutely no data” was coded as 1 and “Complete
environmental damage can decrease, and corruption can decrease. Most and disaggregated data” as 5.
importantly, in order for these outcomes to occur, relevant issues need Table 1 describes inquiry focused on the earlier stages of the fra-
to be linked to effective political processes (Kemp et al., 2005). Linking mework. We focused our research on the earlier stages of the frame-
happens through collective actions taken by different stakeholders, work, stopping when we found one or two incomplete stages.
including government, industry associations, data journalism and in-
fluential CSO coalitions. Understanding the incentives structures that
shape the behavior of powerful politicians, and which interests they
represent, is of paramount importance in addressing corruption and There is an overlapping rubric of terminology to describe the broad class of
governance failures (Gray and Kaufman, 1998). Thus, we define key agreements between companies and communities that specify how commu-
nities will be compensated for the investment activity. Different scholars refer
drivers as effectively-led constituencies able to engage with the political
to BSAs as community development agreements, impact benefit agreements, or
process and to participate in collective action that links relevant issues
participation agreements, among others (Browne and Robertson, 2009).
to effective political processes. 7
A final reason that we chose to analyze water and benefit-sharing agree-
Driver: Effectively led constituencies that link issues to effective ments in particular is because the second author has a research agenda on
political processes. mining and water, and the third author has one on benefit-sharing agreements.
Enabler: CSOs that have political will and competent institutions We can thus forward credibly promise that we did not “cherry pick” these types
that can undertake political reform to strengthen the rule of law. of agreements based on the characteristics of the outcomes.

D. Boldbaatar et al.

Table 1
Metrics used to measure the level of disclosure according to the framework.
Transparency Framework Metric Method Measurement Scope and source

Baseline of data disclosure Are there any publicly available Quantitative - Desk review Yes/No EITI contract data base
Disclosure Civil society constant demand for Qualitative – observation and Yes/No Expert knowledge and MSWG meeting minutes; mini focus group interview
disclosure? mini focus group interview Level of responsiveness for disclosure conducted in September 2017 with local community from Gurvantes soum,
Company reaction? Quantitative – desk review Umnugovi aimag
Government willingness? Mongolia EITI Reports for the year of 2011-2015;
Ad-hoc working group reports, meeting minutes
Useful disclosure for better What is in it? Qualitative analysis by coding, Code and select the most important contents of WUAs Analysis of publicly available 20 BSAs and 1 WUA
outcome How accessible and disaggregated is prioritizing, content analyzing and BSAs and then analyze the measurability of
the contract information? Desk review contents EITI Data Portal –
Likert: Mongolia EITI Reports 2014-2015
1 - absolutely no data Ministry of Environment – Water data base
2 - information is partially available in aggregated River basins -

3 - information is available in a disaggregated format;
4 - most information is available in a disaggregated
5 - all company's information is available in
disaggregated format;
Mobilized disclosure Are the disclosed contracts Desk review Yes/No Media monitoring and Mongolian Mining Journal
monitored by civil society and Qualitative analysis if yes how many contracts? Ratio for disclosed/ Contract monitoring reports of Publish What You Pay Coalition and Natural
media? mobilized contracts Resource Governance Institute of Mongolia Office
What are key concerns or challenges The frequency of challenges stated in the monitoring
for civil society? reports
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Table 2
Level of responsiveness of extractive companies for local contracts.
Source: Compiled by the authors from EITI Mongolia Reconciliation Reports 2011–2015, EITI Mongolia Data Portal – Government Reports 2011–2015, www.
# Items 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Ave

A Number of mining license holders – 1823 1660 1553 1939 1743

B Number of active companies (which paid royalty and extracted the resource)a 442 203 170 177 174 233
C Number of companies included in the EITI contract survey 200 200 250 236 202 217
D Number of companies providing contract information to EITI 21 32 68 42 54 43
E Level of responsiveness (percentage of eligible companies who provided contract information E = D/C) 11% 16% 27% 18% 27% 20%
F Total number of contracts declared to EITIb 26 132 97 167 141
G Of which
H Benefit-sharing agreements 10 22 26 44 80
I Water usage agreement 6 21 30 20 20

EITI Mongolia Data Portal, Government receipts report for the year of 2011–2015, initial disclosure.
Declaration does not imply contract disclosure. Because we do not have data on the total number of resource contracts established in the extractive sector, the
level of disclosure is not defined. What we can measure is the level of responsiveness, which might indicate the willingness of industry to promote better transparency
or at least engage with EITI.

4. Results 2015 reconciliation reports, a consultation forum with petroleum

companies in May 2016, and its follow up actions confirms that the
4.1. Level of disclosure of resource contracts in Mongolia PSAs remain secret (EITIM, 2016a; Hart Nurse Ltd (UK) and
Ulaanbaatar Audit Corporation LLC (Mongolia), 2016, 2014).
Contracts established in the extractive sector set out the key terms of Local contracts are covered in Mongolia EITI’s annual reports during
agreement in many oil, gas, and mining investments. Among other the last five years. According to Article 42.1 of Minerals Law of
things, contracts may include information on a project’s fiscal terms, Mongolia, extractive companies may establish BSAs with the local au-
local content, environmental impact, infrastructure, and production thority for infrastructure development, job creation, and environmental
timing – information that is crucial for citizens to understand, monitor, protection. In addition to the BSAs, companies are required by
and hold their governments (and, if applicable, investors) accountable Mongolian law to establish sub-contracts on matters such as land and
to their obligations. The EITI standard 2.4 has encouraged the public water usage and waste management on an annual basis. Only one in
disclosure of resource contracts since 2013, although the actual re- five companies surveyed has disclosed the existence of their contracts to
quirements depend on each country’s initiatives. However, it remains EITI (see Table 2, row E), despite there being no confidential clauses in
EITI practice to document the policy and legal framework for disclosure these types of agreements nor legal restrictions against their disclosure.
and actual practices in the annual EITI report. The key performance Moreover, the Multi-Stakeholders Group entity has requested local
indicator for such requirements comes from the international in- governors to disclose BSAs twice. Their disclosure rate was just 50%,
dependent validation exercise, which confirmed that Mongolia has despite being obliged by government resolution #222 to provide these
made satisfactory progress on enabling the legal environment and agreements upon request (EITIM, 2016b).
creating online databases for open resource contracts (EITI, 2016e). Although nine types of agreements in the extractive sector were
The 2015 Mongolia EITI report found that there are nine types of identified, comprehensive statistics for contracts proved difficult to
agreements being established in the extractive sector between industry acquire. It is important to note that just because a company has dis-
and government (Hart Nurse Ltd (UK) and Ulaanbaatar Audit closed their contract information or declared the existence of a contract
Corporation LLC (Mongolia), 2016). An analysis of the relevant policy to EITI, it does not mean that the contract itself has been shared and is
and legal frameworks regarding mandatory and voluntary requirements publicly available.
provides a baseline for subsequent assessment on the level of extractive
sector contract disclosure in Mongolia. According to the Development 4.2. Completeness of the transparency framework in Mongolia
Center for Mining in Mongolia, the Government of Mongolia supports
public disclosure of extractive contracts through its policies, but there In this section, the elements of the framework from disclosure to
are no specific legal terms about contract transparency in the major improved resource governance are applied to case studies of WUAs and
extractive sector laws such as the minerals, petroleum, nuclear energy, BSAs. As described in the methodology section above, we analyzed the
and investment laws (KPMG Audit LLC (Mongolia) and KPMG (France), content of the 21 publicly-available agreements that were available as
2015). This legal omission means that companies have some autonomy of September 2017. Our analysis set out to determine the completeness
around disclosure of contracts. Should companies wish, they could (and of the different stages of the framework.
they frequently do) keep these contracts hidden, citing corporate con-
fidentiality law. 4.3. Water usage agreements
Among agreements with the national government, there is one in-
vestment agreement publicly available on the company’s website on a Every community on earth depends on water. More than a billion
voluntary basis (Hart Nurse Ltd (UK) and Ulaanbaatar Audit people currently live in water-scarce regions, and as many as 3.5 billion
Corporation LLC (Mongolia), 2016). Concession agreements and stabi- could experience water scarcity by 2025 (WRI, 2013). Mongolia has
lity certificate information (not the certificates themselves) were also been estimated to be one of 36 high-water-risk countries in the world by
made accessible on the National Development Agency website as re- the World Resource Institute (WRI, 2013). The Mongolian annual water
quired by the law8 (NDA, 2017a, 2017b). Regarding the disclosure of usage averages around 500 million cubic meters, and 80 percent is
production-sharing agreements in the oil sector, Mongolia's 2013 and sourced from underground water (Bayanmunkh, 2014; Nyamdavaa
et al., 2017). Usage in the mining sector averaged around 17 percent of
total usage; in the South Gobi region in particular, usage is increasing
Glass Account law 2014, Article 6.4; 6.5.9, Concession agreements in- because of the expansion of mining operations (Bayanmunkh, 2014).
formation established with SOEs shall be publicly available. Thus, any information related to water resource governance in the

D. Boldbaatar et al. The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 2. Water related data accessibility in Mongolia.

Source: Authors compiled from EITI Mongolia ( ;
Extractive contract data base in Mongolia ( ;
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (, http:// River
basins (

mining sector, including usage, pollution, and rehabilitation, is likely to environmental management, including the Ministry of Environment
be of interest to many Mongolians. and Tourism and the Office for River Basins. Using content analysis, we
In the resource contract database developed by the Open Society evaluated the accessibility of relevant data portals, and compared these
Foundation’s Mongolia office,9 only one water usage agreement was with the key indicators of the WUAs. Although the Ministry of
published. Local authorities are obliged to establish these agreements Environment and Tourism has set up a water information online data
with extractive entities annually, as per the Water Law. Yet the current portal, its sub-sections on water usage and pollution are under-
legal environment has not guaranteed regular publication of such developed, incomplete, broken, and limited (see Fig. 2).
agreements. Through annual surveys with mining license holders in One of key organizations responsible for water license allocation
Mongolia over the past three years, the independent administrator for and monitoring is the Office for River Basins. This organization is also
Mongolia identified the total number of WUAs, although the agree- responsible for creating a database and informing the public (Water
ments themselves were not disclosed. According to Mongolia EITI’s Law, Article 17.1.5), but its website has not disclosed any data as of
2015 report, only 20 out of 174 companies that were operating and October 2017. Accessibility to water-related data is currently very
extracting resources in 2015 disclosed the existence of water usage limited in Mongolia, despite bag (town) level citizens’ khural (parlia-
agreements to EITI’s independent auditor. The gap of 154 operating but ment) rights to know and be informed about the implementation of
not reporting companies raises questions about why the existence of laws and regulations on water (Water Law, Article 14.1.1; Legal
WUAs was not disclosed. This lack of transparency may cause some to Information Portal, 2012). In contrast, our content analysis revealed a
question whether companies have established water usage agreements high availability of water payment information, because the Govern-
according to legal requirements (see Table 2). ment of Mongolia has disclosed all extractive revenues by each com-
WUAs disclose water use permission, intended use, quantity, pany since 2012 through the EITI report, including water payments.
quality, location of the source, wastage, usage fees, pollution fees, Fig. 2 assesses the accessibility of WUA-related data. The accessibility of
water source protection plans, disbursed costs, as well as the roles and contract information is rated on a five-point Likert-scale, where “ab-
responsibilities of the parties involved (Legal Information Portal, 2012). solutely no data” was coded as 1 and “complete and disaggregated
According to content analysis on the only WUA that was publicly data” as 5.
available, the contract contains essential information related to the Despite the significance of the information, the disclosure of WUAs
water usage commitment and financial compensation, but would prove has not been well implemented in Mongolia. This means that water-
challenging for local citizens to decipher and compare. Concerned ci- related transparency in Mongolia still struggles at the first stage of the
tizens would not have easy insight into how fair the payment formula transparency framework, i.e. transforming from “no disclosure” to
was or whether the water usage target is reasonable. They would find “disclosure.” Only one agreement was publicly available whereas 170
no plans on environmental remediation, pollution, or rehabilitation. companies were operating in 2015. Other data sources related to water
The only information from the contract that can be monitored is that could potentially aid in monitoring were not sufficiently in-
payment, because the actual payment information is accessible in the formative, accessible, or cohesive to compensate for this lack of data.
company’s EITI report. According to the company’s EITI report for
2015, it paid 245 million Mongolian tugrik (equivalent to US$124,000
using the exchange rate of 2015) for its water usage (EITIM, 2016c). But 4.4. Benefit-sharing agreements
the EITI report template does not provide the water usage amount,
which would be necessary to better understand the potential impacts of The need for BSAs is especially acute in mining, where environ-
mining on available water supplies. There is also no information about mental and social costs are often borne by communities while main tax
whether the company met or exceeded its water allocation. revenues are collected in the national budget and global financial
We also examined other data sources related to water. To assess the centers, leading to conflict between local people, government, finan-
level of disclosure and useful disclosure, we considered whether the ciers, and miners (O’Faircheallaigh, 2013). BSAs have become an in-
government provides information about water to the general public. To creasingly common tool for mining companies to secure access to
achieve that, we rated the quality of information contained in web mining sites. In Canada and Australia, BSAs are a response to In-
portals of government organizations that are responsible for digenous groups’ claims over their territory and natural resources.
Against an evolving claims background, hundreds of BSAs have been
negotiated in the past couple of decades in Canada (Browne and
9 Robertson, 2009). The resulting changes in the distribution of power

D. Boldbaatar et al. The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 3. BSA content measurability, by percentage.

Source: Analyzed by authors from publicly available 20 BSAs,, see Annex A, Table A1.

between communities and companies mean that companies increas- mining towns. The topics of highest interest were: (1) current en-
ingly need a “social license to operate” (Prno and Slocombe, 2012). vironmental impacts and rehabilitation (29%); (2) contribution to
BSAs are one vehicle to achieve that. For their part, communities can soum/district economy (20%); and (3) employment opportunities
use BSAs to minimize the negative impact of mining and get companies (18%). The surveys reveal mining communities’ sincere demand for
to make commitments for local employment, contracting, and devel- BSA-related information against a backdrop of incomplete disclosure,
opment projects. BSAs have been increasingly used outside of Australia despite there being no legal hurdles preventing disclosure from taking
and Canada. At the turn of the millennium, BSAs were “virtually un- place (Dalaibuyan, 2016).
known” in Africa, South America, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, and the We analyzed the content and usability of BSAs in Mongolia, based
former Soviet Union, but are now regularly negotiated in those areas on a dataset of 20 publicly-available contracts as of September 2017
(O’Faircheallaigh, 2013). (see Annex A, Table A1). The contracts covered many types of com-
BSAs have evolved over the years to include provisions covering a munity benefit issues including job creation, environmental re-
wide array of matters in impact mitigation and benefit sharing habilitation, a local development fund, tax payment, local procurement,
(O’Faircheallaigh, 2013). Items covered in these agreements include: access to infrastructure, charitable donations, and emergency re-
preferential employment and business contracting opportunities, sponses. The three topics that concerned the locals most (ASI, 2017;
training and education (including apprenticeships and scholarships), Boldbaatar, 2015) were selected for analyses: job creation, contribution
equity participation, revenue sharing, cash compensation, social and to local economy via procurement, and donations.
environmental monitoring and/or mitigation measures, archaeological The data show that 13 BSAs (65%) contained a measurable com-
site preservations, access to facilities and infrastructure, information mitment to, or articles on, job creation, while 50% of local procurement
exchange, agreement management, and dispute resolution mechanisms. responsibility clauses did not lend themselves to statistical measure-
Given the potential range of issues covered, it is not difficult to see the ment (e.g. “best efforts” type clauses as opposed to targets), making
value BSA disclosure has to community members, both to help under- measurement through monitoring much more difficult. Nine companies
stand the benefits they should expect as well as to incentivize their were committed to support local development through monetary do-
leaders to negotiate a good deal. nations, whereas seven companies did not propose measurable con-
In Mongolia, BSAs are mandated by the Minerals Law (Article 42.1), tributions (see Fig. 3).
which states that a license holder shall work in cooperation with local To monitor or mobilize the given contract information, we eval-
administrative bodies and conclude agreements on issues of environ- uated the availability and accessibility of data regarding donations, job
mental protection, infrastructure development related to mine sites, creation, and procurement. A comprehensive database for such in-
and job creation. A previous study found that these agreements were formation was unavailable in Mongolia at the time of writing of this
absent from the public domain—not because of their confidentiality article. Under the EITI standards, donations and job creation data in the
sections, but because the norms of transparency are not widely adopted mining sector are collected and published annually by each company
in Mongolia (Dalaibuyan, 2015). BSAs have increased eight-fold within through the EITI e-reporting system. However, employment informa-
last five years in Mongolia (see Table 2). In 2015, 80 BSAs were re- tion is limited to the 200 companies with the largest revenue stream
ported, of which Oyu Tolgoi copper mine and South Gobi Sands coal based on taxation payments to the government, which were reconciled
mine together had signed 17. The remaining 40 companies each had annually by the EITI reports. Furthermore, procurement data in
only one or two BSAs held with local governments (Hart Nurse Ltd (UK) Mongolia does not contain the depth found in commonly-used reporting
and Ulaanbaatar Audit Corporation LLC (Mongolia), 2016). frameworks (see Fig. 4) (Kielty, 2016).
Has the disclosure of BSAs in Mongolia positively contributed to Regarding donations, the BSAs mostly provided one-time charitable
improved resource governance? According to EITI’s baseline study donations in place of benefits to the local economy as stipulated in the
conducted in 2014/15 with 250 local citizens, 72% of survey partici- companies’ legal obligations. In general, their information depth was
pants expressed interest in being informed about mining activities. The better than nothing, but was neither complete (i.e. across mining
three subjects that generated the most interest from the survey were: communities) nor extensive enough to allow for effective monitoring or
(1) local benefits (20%); (2) environmental rehabilitation (19%); and comparison.
(3) job creation (15%) – all of which can potentially be regulated by Disclosure of the actual agreements, and the status on meeting their
BSAs. This finding was confirmed by needs assessment focus group obligations under them, is a good start for civil society to ensure that
interviews led by Adam Smith International in 2017 in five different companies fulfill their contractual obligations under BSAs. Nine civil

D. Boldbaatar et al. The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

found to be only at the early stages of the framework. This finding raises
questions, which have been raised elsewhere regarding the effective-
ness of transparency initiatives (e.g. Haufler 2010), around how re-
source contract disclosure can be made more relevant for increasing
public benefits from the extractives sector and for enhancing local-level
This research finds very little public disclosure of WUAs or water-
related information in general in Mongolia. This observation is im-
portant to address because the expansion of mining operations has been
met with community opposition over water-related impacts (IFC and
ICMM, 2017; IRIM, 2014). Research by the EITI Mongolia Secretariat
also confirms that local citizens are demanding water-related in-
formation (ASI, 2017; Boldbaatar, 2015). Although local authorities are
Fig. 4. Local procurement, donation and job creation related data accessibility required to establish WUAs with extractive entities under the Water
in Mongolia. Law, these agreements are not necessarily made publicly available to
Source: Authors from EITI Mongolia Reconciliation Reports 2014–2015; EITI
communities unless local governments or companies willingly provide
Mongolia data portal –;
them to the EITI independent auditor or multi-stakeholder working
group. Although the Government of Mongolia supports public dis-
society organizations, members of the Publish What You Pay coali- closure of resource contracts through its policies, disclosure is not
tion,10 monitored ten local BSAs in 2016 (Mongolian Economy, 2017). mandated in the law, meaning that there are few (if any) mechanisms
According to their report, key challenges for monitoring were limited for punishing non-disclosure. However, even if WUAs were made
data access, corporate bureaucracy, and unresponsiveness.11 They publicly available, this action alone would not be sufficient to progress
found that local communities were unfamiliar with BSAs and their them further along the framework stages, principally towards mobilized
participation was not ensured during contract negotiation. Moreover, disclosure and citizen voice. Our analysis of the one publicly-available
BSAs too often included wording that created non-verifiable commit- WUA contract concluded that the information therein was challenging
ments such as “if needed,” “as much as possible,” and “voluntary basis,” to interpret. This highlights the important role that needs to be played
thus creating difficulties for monitoring contract accomplishments. by other actors (e.g. subject experts, civil society and academia) to
Besides NGO and CSO monitoring efforts, one investigative journal analyze EITI data and communicate trends that are of importance and
article on MoEnCo LLC’s BSA established with the Khovd Province was interest to local citizens.
published in the Mongolian Mining Journal. The article strongly criti- Furthermore, even to subject-matter experts, WUAs lack the con-
cized the MoEnCo’s implementation of its BSA, alleging insufficient textual information needed to evaluate the resource contract’s fairness
monitoring and a lack of transparency (Mongolian Mining Journal, in relation to conditions such as payment rates or water use allocation.
2015). For example, increased disclosure on water use by mining is irrelevant
In sum, compared with WUAs, BSAs are much further along in the if there is limited information about overall water availability and/or
framework, but by no means have completed it. NGOs are capacitated the use of water by other industries. Judgement about whether mining
and engaged in monitoring, and reporting their results to the public, or any other sector is using “too much” water is impossible without
suggesting elements of “mobilized disclosure.” The media has reported sound baseline knowledge of how much water is available in the first
on the degree of compliance under the disclosed agreement, which in place. It is for exactly this reason that international NGOs have recently
our framework is also indicative of the beginnings of “voice” in the pushed for implementation of context-based water targets as a me-
continuum. But overall, very few contracts were disclosed. Disclosed chanism towards improved water governance (CDP, 2017). To address
contracts and data contain important information about job creation, the need for contextual information and minimize the reporting burden
environmental rehabilitation, and economic contribution at the local that this could create, it may be beneficial for EITI data to be linked
level. Transparency of BSAs remains insufficient, and the usability of with other databases at the national and subnational level. This was
disclosed information varies. For example, data for job creation and recently acknowledged by the EITI international secretariat, who ad-
donations were occasionally comparable and disaggregated. Thus, from vocated linking environmental reporting to existing data sources (EITI
a supply-side perspective, there was not even complete “disclosure” of International Secretariat, 2017).
information, let alone “useful disclosure.” Moreover, we did not find In contrast to WUAs, the research found substantially more dis-
any evidence that the civil society and media monitoring reached cor- closure, discussion, and monitoring of BSAs in Mongolia. This finding
porate and government decision-makers, or whether stakeholders had was driven primarily by strong drivers: communities wanting to know
been engaged in a collaborative approach, thus suggesting a lack of what mining companies were doing for them, and sophisticated NGOs
“mobilized disclosure” of information as well on the supply-side and CSOs facilitating the understanding of BSA content and com-
(Fig. 5). pliance. For example, CSOs under the Publish What You Pay initiative
were actively monitoring a handful of BSAs. Despite these impressive
achievements, the level of BSA disclosure was still incomplete, and with
5. Discussion the exception of just one media article there was little graduation of
BSA disclosure from an issue for experts to one that informs citizens
Mongolia’s experience in implementing improved transparency and more broadly. Perhaps as a result, we saw little evidence of the enablers
accountability for resource contracts through the EITI provides a useful that would be expected according to the framework. In other words,
case study for testing the utility of the proposed framework from dis- government and business were not really part of the conversation and
closure to improved resource governance. Although Mongolia is re- there was no evidence that the practice of signing BSAs had changed as
cognized as a leading EITI performer by international standards, it is a result of disclosure. This finding echoes one of the conclusions of Fox’s
(2015) meta-study, that locally-based “tactical” SAcc approaches in
PWYP Coalition has around 30 active CSO members and has actively en- which citizen voice is the “sole driver” and it is assumed that “in-
gaged with the EITI since the beginning of 2006. formation provision alone will inspire collective action with sufficient
Monitoring reports, Working Document of Publish What You Pay Coalition power to influence public sector performance” are unlikely to bring
and NRGI Mongolia, September 2017. about any real improvement in governance outcomes.

D. Boldbaatar et al. The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 5. The completeness (shaded boxes) of framework stages from disclosure to improved resource governance.
Source: Authors

One aspect of the Mongolian case that has consequences for external there are a host of other factors that influence the level of empower-
validity is that many of the key organizations inside Mongolia that are ment besides those that stem from the disclosure of information.
working towards transparency, and are anchored by EITI Mongolia, are Indeed, good resource governance itself requires much more than the
recipients of outside funding. This commonality may explain both the effective and thorough use of transparency. The second challenge is
level and the pattern of activity along the disclosure-to-improved re- that, as we alluded to before introducing the framework, although we
source governance framework. External funding to critical NGOs and have described and documented a logical progression along the stages
CSOs should increase their activity levels relative to similar groups of the framework, there is potential for causality to also run in the other
without funding, particularly for those in the stages of the framework direction at any particular transformation. In other words, under some
that depend on civil society organizations as opposed to citizens more conditions, “voice” (or any other stage of the framework) could lead to
broadly. That said, we should not necessarily expect that countries “mobilized disclosure” rather than just the other way around. What
without such funding will be able to turn latent demand from local these challenges mean is that one cannot approach the problem as a
populations into sophisticated databases and monitoring programs. closed system that can be easily engineered.
Two findings may be at least partially explained by the outside Finally, we note that the findings here may be relevant to trans-
funding of critical NGOs and CSOs. First, we observed more pressure for parency efforts outside the natural resource space. A growing body of
disclosure and monitoring of BSAs than of WUAs, which may be driven evidence attempts to measure the impact of different SAcc efforts, re-
by Mongolian CSO and NGOs’ focus on BSAs rather than any inherently cently analyzed in Fox (2015). Mongolia’s experience with transpar-
greater level of community demand. Second, the framework is more ency in local-level extractive sector contracts adds to this evidence base,
complete for BSAs on the driver-side than the enablers. The leading providing a cautionary tale that requiring disclosure on its own is not
drivers of demand along the first three transformations of our frame- likely to lead to full-scale transformation. Additional efforts to develop
work are civil society organizations, whereas information supply re- civil society capacity, government attention, and ultimately broader
quires action from government. While a well-resourced funder could participation by media and citizens in the conversation are critical.
“push” disclosure to be more useful or mobilized on the demand-level,
the same efforts may be blocked by inactive government, or non-re-
sponsive media and opinion leaders. Thus, information suppliers may 6. Conclusion
fail to translate disclosure into meaningful outcomes.
However, donor interest in transparency of local-level extractive The promise of transparency as a defense against the most perni-
sector contracts in Mongolia may not be purely a case of outside-funded cious elements of the resource curse has some compelling logic. Shining
NGOs driving local outcomes (Werker and Ahmed, 2008). Indeed, such a light on transactions, contracts, and compliance in a sector where
donors may be attracted to Mongolia’s potential for transparency to deals and corruption are rife can change the calculus of would-be rent
make a difference.12 The country’s relative dependence on the ex- seekers and bring about accountability in government, and between
tractive sector for economic growth means that getting natural resource companies and the citizens that are being compensated to extract their
governance right is crucial. Its relatively strong democracy and civil resources.
society indicates potential for citizen-driven accountability. And its This paper has focused on the disclosure of local-level contracts on
inexperienced institutions for regulating and monitoring mining imply water use and community development, using Mongolia as a case study
that there is still a need, and a prospectively high return, for non- to test a framework that builds on social accountability research as well
governmental oversight. Mongolia therefore serves as a “critical case” as critical literature highlighting deficiencies in the transparency
(Flyvbjerg, 2006) for studying the impacts of transparency on devel- agenda. The proposed framework contributes to this knowledge base by
opment. In other words, if it isn’t working here, it may not have much laying out the steps needed to take the disclosure of resource contracts
chance of working anywhere else. Developed countries may have better through the various stages of transformation needed to achieve the
developed frameworks but often lack transparent BSAs. Moreover, they promise of improved resource governance. A test of the framework in
can depend on courts or regulatory processes to hold firms accountable. Mongolia – a country likely to obtain high returns from transparency –
So, the framework’s observed incompleteness in Mongolia should serve indicates that, despite decent efforts to promote disclosure, it remains
as a wake-up call to advocates for transparency in resource contracts as incomplete as a driver of improved resource governance. The promise
a means to promote broader resource-led development. of transparency remains just that, as predicted by Fenster (2006), who
Regardless of the question of external validity, we note that there challenged the concept of transparency in that it “assumes too much of
are at least two challenges with operationalizing this framework or the state, of government information, and of the public” to be able to
relying on it for policymaking. The first challenge is that with each meet that promise.
successive stage in the framework, it becomes harder to assign causal Going forward, it might be more useful to apply the framework of
attribution for a policy action. As the stage progresses from disclosure disclosure to improved resource governance, rather than focusing on
through to improved governance, the concepts become progressively transparency alone. The framework exercise piloted in this paper offers
more difficult to measure as well as multi-causal. Not only is “em- one simple methodology for identifying and prioritizing interventions
powerment” harder to measure than “disclosure,” for example, but linked to the broader agenda of transparency and accountability in
natural resource governance. However, as one progresses further along
steps in the framework it becomes harder to assign causal attribution
One potential channel to social accountability in Dewachter et al (2018) is since the concepts become progressively more nebulous and inter-
the “civil society” track, which they observe in a number of successful cases of related (e.g. there are many factors that contribute to resource gov-
clean water provision in Uganda. ernance that do not stem exclusively from disclosure).

D. Boldbaatar et al. The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Finally, as a practical recommendation based on the analysis in this Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada [Insight
paper, in Mongolia the EITI standards and templates can be linked with Development Grant number 430-2016-00652].
other databases at the national and subnational level, and even put into
simple data “dashboards” for specific content to increase the usability Acknowledgements
of disclosed information. Utilizing these dashboards might better en-
able constituencies for reform to emerge that could put smart, engaged The authors would like to acknowledge the Canadian International
pressure on government and resource companies for better outcomes. Resources and Development Institute (CIRDI) for funding a 3-month
fellowship for Delgermaa Boldbaatar to undertake this research project.
Funding We are also grateful to Julian Dierkes, Philippe Le Billon, Stephen
Kosack, Bo Wang, Cecilia Campero, Amanda Oldring and Jorji Temple
This work was supported by the Canadian International Resources for comments and editorial assistance on an earlier version of this
and Development Institute [International Fellows Program] and the manuscript.

Annex A

See Table A1.

Table A1
Publicly disclosed local level contracts in Mongolia by September 2017.
Code# The contractor (company side) The contractor (government side) Level Contract date Duration

1 Berkhiin nuramt LLC Dashinchilen soum Governor of Bulgan aimag Soum 2016.06.21 02016.12.31
2 Mongolia gladville uvs petroleum LLC Uvs aimag Aimag 2015.06.26 N/A
3 SS Mongolia LLC Bayan-ulgii Governor Aimag 2015.03.30 2016.12.30
4 Taishen development LLC Dundgovi aimag Governor Aimag 2015.08.27 End of production
5 GPF LLC Dundgovi aimag Governor Aimag 2014.12.05 Until the allocation of license to operate
6 Altain khuder LLC Govi-altai aimag governor Aimag 2014.05.19 2016.05.19
7 Khan-shashir LLC Khentii, Bayan-Ovoo soum Governor Soum 2015.06.22 2017.06.22
8 SMKI LLC Khentii, Bor-undur soum Governor Soum 2014.10.27 2015.10.27
9 Zunrun LLC Orkhon, Jargalant Soum Governor Soum 2013.06.20 2017.07.01
10 Bolor orgil mining LLC Bulgan, Dashinchilen soum governor Soum 2016.03.28 blank
11 Evseg saikhan LLC Bulgan, Buregkhangai soum governor Soum 2016.04.13 2016.12.31
12 GBNB LLC Bulgan, Buregkhangai soum governor Soum 2016.04.13 2016.12.31
13 Khuslemj LLC Bulgan, Buregkhangai soum governor Soum 2016.04.13 2016.12.31
14 Monpolymet LLC Bulgan, Buregkhangai soum governor Soum 2016.04.13 2016.12.31
15 Tusulch LLC Bulgan, Buregkhangai soum governor Soum 2016.04.13 2016.12.31
16 Uguuj bayan khangai LLC Bulgan, Buregkhangai soum governor Soum 2016.04.13 2016.12.31
17 Urmun uul LLC Bulgan, Buregkhangai soum governor Soum 2016.04.13 2016.12.31
18 Bayan-airag exploration LLC Zavkhan, Erdenesaikhan soum governor Soum 2014.03.23 End of production
19 Mo En Co LLC Khovd aimag governor Aimag 2014.03.06 2016.12.31
20 Petrochina dachin tamsag LLC Dornod, Matad soum Governor Soum 2016.08.18 2017.08.18
21 Bayan airag exploration LLC Zavkhan, Hyargas lake river basin administration Aimag

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