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Joseph -Jacob: Hinojosa - Without Prejudice, UCC 1 - 308
c/o 2017 Ruth Street
Arlington, Texas Republic
Without the United States
Not in any federal zone, territory, possession, enclave, etc.,
and not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, et al.

Tarrant County Registry.

This Declaration is made without prejudice:

Re: the art work “JOSEPH JACOB HINOJOSA” and any/all derivatives thereof.

I/Me/Myself/Us/We/Ourselves, Joseph-Jacob: Hinojosa, the undersigned affiant, a living man upon the land of Texas and
not a corporation or legal fiction, etc., born upon the land in the Texas Republic in the united states of America on June 19 th,
1986 declare that I am of majority and competent to state the matters set forth herein with first-hand knowledge of the facts
and that they are true, correct, not misleading, and certain, admissible as evidence.

1. This plain statement of Fact being a matter that must be expressed to be resolved. In Commerce, truth is sovereign.
Truth is best expressed in law in the form of an affidavit. An uncontroverted affidavit stands as truth in commerce
and becomes the judgment, can only be challenged by a rebuttal affidavit item for item signed under penalty of
perjury, and can only be satisfied by payment, agreement, resolution, or by a trial by jury according to the common
law of Texas.

2. I/Me/Myself/Us/We/Ourselves am presenting this affidavit for truth in commerce and as a Contract for Waiver of

3. The public record being the highest form of evidence, I am creating a public record by Declaration of said
Copyright by recording with the Tarrant County Clerk in the state of Texas and in the online public record located

4. The person and name known as JOSEPH JACOB HINOJOSA, and any/all derivatives thereof being a legal
fiction(s) without form or substance, and without any resemblance to any natural born living being, is entirely an
intentional commercial Fraud created by the alleged de facto government officials and agents of the nul tiel
COMMERCIAL CORPORATION(s) doing business as, but not limited to; the UNITED STATES, USA, US,
GOVERNMENT OF WASHINGTON DC, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (including any agencies/persons claiming
jurisdiction over any US territories, possessions, enclaves, etc.), et al, FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM,
CORPORATE MUNICIPAL CITY(IES). The FICTION is created for the purpose of disenfranchising the living
man, Joseph-Jacob: Hinojosa, of his life, liberty, property, and the pursuit for happiness for the unjust enrichment

5. A copyright, copy-claim, and trademark is hereby placed on the art of “JOSEPH JACOB HINOJOSA”© and
any/all derivatives thereof.

Any indentures, debentures, bonds, securities, judgments, warrants or any other kind of commercial paper issued or
predicated on the art “JOSEPH JACOB HINOJOSA”©, shall become a Security Agreement between the issuing party and
the affiant and shall make the issuer liable for fees, damages and penalties as follows:

1. Any usage shall incur a debt of $15,000 in US Silver Dollar Coin convertible at the legal and lawful ratio
prescribed by law of 24:1 of Silver Dollars to Federal Reserve Notes per usage per signatory;

2. Failure to correct the unjust usage in a timely manner upon notice will result in the additional penalty of $1,000.00
US in Silver Specie convertible at the legal and lawful ratio prescribed by law of 24:1 of Silver Dollars to Federal
Reserve Notes per day until paid.

3. Failure to render the appropriate funds in a timely manner will result in a Lien/Levy against the property of the
person violating said copyright as no controversy will exist.

Anyone placing the copyrighted, copy-claimed and trademarked “JOSEPH JACOB HINOJOSA”© or any derivations
thereof on any document which is in any way associated with Me, the living soul, Joseph-Jacob: Hinojosa, shall, by such
document acting prima facie as evidence of violation, become liable for penalties payable in legal and lawful tender of:

a. Ten ($10.00) dollars US silver coin per day until Notice is delivered:

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b. One hundred ($100.00) dollars US silver coin per day for each day AFTER Notice is received until the offending
document is destroyed and a public retraction is made in the local newspaper in a double-wide column of not less
than three (3”) inches in length, if such notice is published within thirty (30) days of Notice;
c. One thousand ($1,000.00) dollars US silver coin per day for each day after Notice if such retraction is not
published within thirty (30) days of said Notice; and,
d. Notice will be based upon the records of the commercial business that affects delivery.

“JOSEPH JACOB HINOJOSA”© is the perfected proprietary security for the living soul, Joseph-Jacob: Hinojosa, under
original common law for one hundred (100) years and is private property for the protection of My estate, life, liberty, and

Unauthorized possession or use of “JOSEPH JACOB HINOJOSA”© and any/all derivatives thereof may be a violation of
State Code for Fraudulent Use or Possession of Identifying Information which is punishable by prison and fine.

Any use of “JOSEPH JACOB HINOJOSA”© and any/all derivative(s) thereof, with or without scienter, at the expense of
any right, liberty, property, or any part of My estate, absent full disclosure and lacking written prior consent is strictly
forbidden and chargeable to each of the users/issuers in the amount of the sum certain of one million ($1,000,000.00)
dollars of legal and Lawful Silver Dollar Coin of the United States, convertible at the legal and lawful ratio of 24:1 to
Federal Reserve Note Dollars as prescribed by law and is not limited by any past, present, or future restriction for each
instance of said unauthorized use.

Placement of “JOSEPH JACOB HINOJOSA”© on any document associated in any manner with My estate or Me, Joseph-
Jacob: Hinojosa, without My written prior consent is all of the evidence required for enforcement of this agreement/contract
and is evidence that any and all users and issuers are in full agreement and have accepted this agreement/contract without
controversy under the conditions and terms so stated and set forth herein.

I/Me/Myself/Us/We/Ourselves, Joseph-Jacob: Hinojosa, am not an expert in the law; however, I do know right from wrong.
If there is any living soul that is being unjustly damaged by any statements herein, he/she will inform Me by facts in the
form of a signed and sworn Affidavit. Therefore, I hereby and herein reserve the right to amend and make amendment to
the attached Instrument as necessary in order that the truth may be ascertained and proceedings justly determined. If any
living soul has information that will controvert and overcome this signed and sworn Declaration in this commercial matter,
you must advise Me of the facts in the form of a signed and sworn Commercial Affidavit within ten (10) days from
recording hereof, proving with particularity by stating all requisite actual evidentiary fact and all requisite actual law and not
merely the ultimate facts of conclusions of law that this affidavit, by Declaration, is substantially and materially false
sufficiently to change materially My or the fictions status and factual declaration. Your silence stands as consent to, and tacit
approval of, the factual declarations here being established as fact as a matter of law and this affidavit by Declaration will
stand as final judgment in this matter; and for the sum certain herein stated and will be in full force and effect against all
parties, due, payable and enforceable by law. The criminal penalties for commercial fraud is determined by jury and by law,
the monetary value is set forth by Me for violation of My Private Property and for breach of the law, the contract, the
Constitutions, in the amount of the sum certain stated herein of two million five hundred fifty thousand ($ 2,550,000.00)
dollars specie of Gold coin or lawful coinage of the united States as defined by Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution of
We, the People, for the united States of America and will be due, payable on the eleventh day, and any day thereafter as use
occurs after filing by Me, in the public records of the county of Tarrant County in the Texas Republican state.

Notice to the agent is notice to the principal. Notice to all agents of the State of TEXAS and all subdivisions thereof is made
by the filing of this document with the Tarrant County Clerk and in the online public website

Further affiant sayeth not!


FOR COPY-CLAIM the art of “JOSEPH JACOB HINOJOSA”© and any/all derivatives thereof.


Debtor, Grantor


By _________________________________________________ no dolus
Honorable Joseph-Jacob: Hinojosa, living soul, sui juris, Agent, a lawful Man and article 9 entity.

This document was prepared by Joseph-Jacob: Hinojosa.

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Tarrant County
united states of America
original jurisdiction

The above affiant, personally known to Me, or proved to Me on the basis of satisfactory evidence, to be the one whose
address (name) and autograph is subscribed to the within instrument. Affiant swears under the pains and penalties of perjury
that all statements made herein are true, correct, certain, and are not misleading.

Duly subscribed and sworn on this __________ day of ______________________, Two thousand and nineteen A. D.

Notary Public

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