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Customer ID Number:

Smart Option Student Loan® Application: 1SCL1102

Application and Promissory Note Prom Note: 3SCL1102
Section A: Student Information Please read instructions before completing this application 900905
Social Security Number Last Name First Name MI
121-62-1194 VERDI CRISSIE
Primary Phone Number Home Secondary Phone Number ✘ Home E-mail address Date of Birth

(954) 918-0649 ✘ Cell (954) 918-0649 Cell [email protected] 01-29-1973

Citizenship (select one) Country (Foreign Citizens only)
✘ U.S. Citizen Non-Citizen Permanent US Resident Foreign Citizen

Permanent Address (Street Address only-No P.O. Boxes allowed) City State Zip Code
8400 NW 26TH ST SUNRISE FL 33322-2910
Prior Address (if you have been at your permanent address less than one year, please provide prior address) City State/Province Zip Code
US Address
Non-US Address
Current Mailing Address (if this is the same as your permanent address, you can leave this section blank) City State/Province Zip Code
US Address
Non-US Address
Repayment Option School Name School City School State
Degree/Certificate of Study Major (Course of Study) Anticipated Graduation/Completion Date Enrollment Status
Associates NUR 12-15-2013 ✘ Full Time Half-Time Less Than Half-Time
Requested Loan Amount Cumulative GPA Scale: Academic Period for the Loan Grade Level (select one)
4.0 5.0 6.0 other From (mm/dd/yyyy) To (mm/dd/yyyy) Undergraduate ✘1 2 3 4 5 R
$________________________________ 08-15-2011 08-15-2012 Graduate A B C D
Employment Status Current Employer Name Occupation Work Phone Number Extension Length of Time at Current Employer
Employed FT WALGREENS PHARMACY Other (954) 748-5000 12 9
Years___________ Months ___________
You do not need to reveal alimony, child support or maintenance income if you do not wish to have it considered as a basis for loan repayment.
Gross Annual Income Gross Annual Additional Income Source of Additional Income Gross Annual Additional Household Income Source of Additional Household Income

$_____________________ $______________________ $_____________________________
Do you have one or more of the accounts listed below? Residence Type Monthly Mortgage/Rent Amount
Checking ✘ Yes No ✘ Own Rent Live with parent(s) Dorm Other 899
Other Savings/Assets Yes ✘ No
Personal Contacts: You must provide two (2) adult references, one of which should be a relative. You may not list the cosigner as a reference.
Last Name First Name Relationship to Student
Address City State Zip Code Primary Phone Number
9281 SUNRISE LAKES B SUNRISE FL 33322 (954) 873-1307
Last Name First Name Relationship to Student
Address City State Zip Code Primary Phone Number

9281 SUNRISE LAKES B SUNRISE FL 33322 (954) 572-7555

Section B: Cosigner Information
Social Security Number Last Name First Name MI
053-30-2500 goldstein adrienne
Primary Phone Number ✘ Home Secondary Phone Number Home E-mail address Date of Birth

954-572-7555 Cell Cell [email protected] 05/26/1936

Citizenship (select one) Relationship to Student
✘ U.S. Citizen Non-Citizen Permanent US Resident
Permanent Address (Street Address only-No P.O. Boxes allowed) City State Zip Code
9281 sunrise lakes b bldg#96 apt#102 sunrise FL 33322
Previous Address (if you have been at your permanent address less than one year, please provide prior address) City State Zip Code

Employment Status Current Employer Name Occupation Work Phone Number Extension Length of Time at Current Employer
Retired Years___________ Months ___________
You do not need to reveal alimony, child support or maintenance income if you do not wish to have it considered as a basis for loan repayment.
Gross Annual Income Gross Annual Additional Income Source of Additional Income Gross Annual Additional Household Income Source of Additional Household Income

$_____________________ $______________________ $_____________________________

I have the following assets (enter “0” if not applicable) Residence Type Monthly Mortgage/Rent Amount
Checking $________________________
1,600.00 ✘ Own Rent Other
Other Savings/Assets $________________________
1,500.00 327.00
Section C: Student and Cosigner Signature
CAUTION – IT IS NOTICE TO CUSTOMER (a) DO NOT SIGN THIS BEFORE I declare that the information provided above is true and complete to the best of my
IMPORTANT THAT YOU READ THE PROMISSORY NOTE EVEN IF OTHERWISE knowledge and belief. I have read the Promissory Note accompanying this application and
YOU THOROUGHLY ADVISED. (b) DO NOT SIGN THIS IF IT CONTAINS ANY each applicable Notice to Cosigner and agree to the terms therein. I understand and agree
that you may obtain a consumer credit report in connection with this application and in
connection with any updates, renewals or extensions of any credit as a result of this
CONTRACT BEFORE COPY OF ANY AGREEMENT YOU SIGN. (d) YOU HAVE THE application. Promise to Pay: Jointly and severally with the other signers below, I promise
YOU SIGN IT RIGHT AT ANY TIME TO PAY IN ADVANCE THE UNPAID to pay the lender or any other holder of this loan all sums disbursed under the terms of the
BALANCE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT AND YOU MAY BE Promissory Note, plus interest and all other fees, charges, and costs that may become
ENTITLED TO A PARTIAL REFUND OF THE FINANCE due. The terms and conditions set forth in the Promissory Note constitute the entire
CHARGE. agreement between us.

Student Signature ___________________________________(seal)
629154F8FBAA3F36952C1C69E1B7C2FE Date______________
04/02/2011 Cosigner Signature______________________________(seal) Date_______________
Return Application
Application To:Sallie
To: Sallie Mae
Mae • P.O.
• P.O. Box9435
Box 9435• Wilkes-Barre,
• Wilkes-Barre,PA
18773-9435 (Copyright Sallie Mae 2000-2011 )

*FMI4811121XSPP* *C015O0000JB550000* *B20ERII104*

Smart Option Student Loan Promissory Note - 3SCL1102/3SOL1102
See Section N below for important federal law notices, including a federal Notice to Cosigner, important state law notices, including a Notice
to Consumer for Iowa and Kansas residents and a Vermont Notice to Cosigner, and important notices regarding Available Financing Options
Under Title IV of the Federal Higher Education Act and regarding Loan Sales and Availability of Borrower Benefits. See Section T below for an
important Arbitration Agreement, including a notice regarding the right to reject arbitration.

In this Promissory Note (“Note”) the words “I,” “me,” “my,” “mine” 5. Additional Terms - The terms “Interest,” “Forbearance Fee,”
and “we” mean the borrower and cosigner(s) who signed the “Deferment Fee,” “Late Charge,” “Supplemental Fee,” “Payment
application, unless the language specifically refers to only one or the Return Fee,” and “Collection Costs” are defined in the Note
other. “You,” “your,” and “yours” mean the lender as listed below and sections so titled. “Variable Rate,” “Index,” and “Margin” are
any subsequent holder of this Note. “School” means the school I defined under Section C, Interest, of this Note.
identified in the loan application.
1. Accrual of Interest - Interest on this Note will accrue at the Variable
Rate (as defined below), beginning on the first Disbursement Date,
on the principal balance advanced and Capitalized Interest, Fees
MURRAY UT and Other Amounts, until the principal balance and all accrued
A. PROMISE TO PAY; BILLING STATEMENTS interest are paid in full. The Variable Rate will be used to calculate
1. Promise to Pay - I promise to pay to your order according to the interest during the entire term of this Note, and following the
terms below the sum of: the Loan Amount Requested, to the maturity of, or any default under, this Note; there is no initially
extent it is advanced to me, or on my behalf, which includes the discounted, premium or other rate that will be used to calculate
Supplemental Fee at Disbursement (together, identified on the interest under this Note.
Smart Option Student Loan Final Disclosure as the “Total Loan 2. Variable Rate - I will pay interest at a Variable Rate equal to the
Amount”); other interest, fees and charges accrued or capitalized “Index”, rounded up to the nearest one-eighth of one percent
on the Loan Amount as described in this Note; and, in the event of (0.125%), plus or minus the percentage identified on my
default, reasonable attorney’s fees, and collection agency, court Disclosure (the “Margin”). The Variable Rate may change each
and other collection costs, to the extent permitted by law. billing cycle on the Change Date if the Index changes. The Change
2. Billing Statements and Billing Cycles - You may send me a billing Date is the twenty-fifth day of each month, or if the twenty-fifth day
statement for each billing cycle showing the first and last day of of the month is not a New York business day, the next New York
the billing cycle, the amount and payment due date for my next business day. The Index is the one-month London Interbank
monthly payment, and any transactions regarding my loan that Offered Rate (“LIBOR”), which is the average of interbank offered
occurred during the billing cycle. Billing cycles will end on the rates for one-month U.S. dollar-denominated deposits in the
same day each month but due to variations in the number of days London market, as published by Reuters on its Reuters Screen
in a month and an irregular initial billing cycle, the number of days LIBOR01 Page, or any successor page used for the purpose of
in each cycle may vary. Billing cycles will be determined by the displaying that rate. The Index is determined on the most recent
payment due dates shown on the Smart Option Student Loan Final business day that is at least two New York and two London
Disclosure, although the first day of the initial billing cycle will be business days prior to the Change Date. A New York business day
earlier than the date of the first disbursement on the loan. is defined as any day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, holiday or
other day on which banking institutions in New York, New York are
B. DEFINITIONS authorized or ordered by law to close. A London business day is
defined as any day on which commercial banks in London,
1. Capitalized Interest, Fees and Other Amounts - Interest, fees,
England carry on interbank dealings in the London market. For
charges and costs due and not yet paid may be added, without
example, if January 22, 23, and 24 are New York business days,
notice, to the principal amount of the loan, as provided in this
but only January 22 and 23 are London business days, then the
Note. This addition is called “capitalizing.” Since interest accrues
Index for the rate as of January 25 would be determined by the
on the outstanding principal balance, capitalizing increases the
one-month LIBOR on January 22.
total cost of the loan.
3. Substitute Source and Substitute Index - If the Reuters Screen
2. Default - You may declare my loan in default following an event
LIBOR01 Page is unavailable, then the Index will be determined by
described in Section K except as follows: IDAHO, IOWA, KANSAS,
you using another source for the one-month LIBOR, such as
another Reuters service that displays that rate, should one
default if I fail to make a payment as required by this Note (or
continue to do so; any substantially similar service that displays
within 10 days of the time required by this Note, for Iowa
that rate, such as Bloomberg, should it continue to do so; or any
residents) or if the prospect of my payment or performance is
substantially similar source that displays that rate, such as the
significantly impaired (for Iowa residents, if, following an event
Money Rates section of The Wall Street Journal, should it continue
described in Section K, the prospect of my payment is materially
to do so. As an alternative to using another source, you may
impaired). The burden of establishing the prospect of such
decide to calculate the rate using a methodology that is
impairment is on you.
substantially similar to that used to determine the rate when it was
WISCONSIN RESIDENTS ONLY: I will be in default: published by Reuters. If no substitute source is available, or
(a) if I permit to be outstanding an amount exceeding 1 full provides the rate on a timely basis, and if you are unable to
payment which has remained unpaid for more than 10 days calculate the rate, or decide not to do so, then you will choose a
after its scheduled due date or deferred due date, or I fail to pay comparable substitute Index.
the first payment or the last payment within 40 days of its
scheduled due date or deferred due date: or (b) if I fail to D. TERMS OF REPAYMENT
observe any other provision of this Note, the breach of which 1. Repayment Schedule for My Loan - You and I agree that the
materially impairs my ability to pay the amounts due under the repayment schedule for my loan will be established as follows:
Note. prior to the first disbursement you will provide me with a
3. Disbursement Date - The date shown on the loan check or the date Disclosure that sets forth my estimated payments and the
the loan funds are electronically transferred to the School. payment due dates for my loan. The repayment schedule will
4. Disclosure - The Smart Option Student Loan Final Disclosure that assume that the student borrower meets your enrollment
will be sent before the time of my first disbursement and which is requirements while in school and that the student borrower
hereby incorporated into this Note. graduates on time and makes all payments on time.

Copyright © 2000-2011 Sallie Mae 3SCL1102/3SOL1102

2. In School and Separation Period Repayment Options - Several option, I will not have to make my regularly scheduled payments
repayment options may be available while the student borrower is during the payment holiday, but I will have to resume making
in school and during a separation period of six billing cycles payments once the payment holiday is over. During the payment
thereafter. Depending on the school where the student borrower is holiday interest will continue to accrue. Any interest that remains
enrolled, the repayment options may include Interest Payment, unpaid due to the payment holiday will not be capitalized; however,
Fixed Payment and Deferred Payment. The repayment options it will be added to the outstanding principal balance to calculate
available to me were provided during the application process. The future payments on my loan.
repayment schedule set forth in my Disclosure will reflect the
repayment option that applies to my loan for billing cycles while E. DEFERMENT AND DEFERMENT FEES; FORBEARANCE AND
the student borrower is in school and for the separation period. FORBEARANCE FEES; WAIVER OF DEBT
For loans with the Fixed and Deferred Repayment Options, you will 1. In School Principal Deferment - If at any time after the separation
capitalize interest that accrues and remains unpaid at the end of period, you are notified that I have returned to school, you may, at
the separation period. your sole discretion and without notice to me, grant me a
3. Principal and Interest Payments - For billing cycles after the deferment of regularly scheduled payments of principal and
separation period ends, the repayment schedule will provide for interest (“Principal Deferment”), for a maximum period of time set
principal and interest payments. In addition to other amounts then by you. If at any time after the separation period I return to school,
due, during these billing cycles you will require me to pay principal I may request and you, at your sole discretion, may grant me a
and interest in the amounts necessary to repay my loan at the Principal Deferment, for a maximum period of time set by you. If
Variable Rate then in effect over the remaining term of the loan, so I receive a Principal Deferment, I will still be required to make
that my payments will include the interest that will accrue from my payments during the Deferment Period on the same terms as the
last payment due date to my next payment due date. However, repayment option that applied to my loan during the in school and
notwithstanding the repayment schedule, if at any time the student separation period.
borrower fails to meet your enrollment requirements for the 2. Residency or Internship Principal Deferment - If at any time after
School, then the separation period will begin immediately. If my the separation period I am enrolled in a residency or internship
loan is made after the date that the student borrower graduates or program, I may request and you at your sole discretion may grant
ceases to meet your enrollment requirements, the separation me a Residency or Internship Principal Deferment, for a maximum
period will be calculated from that date, and principal and interest period of time set by you. If I receive a Residency or Internship
payment may begin immediately. To find out the enrollment Principal Deferment, then I may defer regularly scheduled
requirements, call 1-888-272-5543. payments of principal and interest. However, I will still be required
4. Rate Changes, Billing Cycles, and Payments - Because my interest to make payments during the Deferment Period on the same terms
rate may change on the Change Date each month and the length as the repayment option that applied to my loan during the in
of each billing cycle may be different, the amount of interest that school and separation period. If I request such a Deferment, I
accrues during any billing cycle may be different than the amount agree to pay any Deferment Fee that you assess, even if the
of the interest portion of the payment shown on my Disclosure, Deferment is not granted. The Deferment Fee will be disclosed to
even if I make all my payments on time. As a result, the payment me prior to the Deferment Fee being assessed.
that you will require me to make may be different than the payment 3. Hardship or Other Forbearance - At any time, I may request and
shown on my Disclosure. The changes in the amounts of my you, at your sole discretion, may grant me a Forbearance, for a
monthly payments will be reflected in any statements that you maximum period of time set by you. If I receive a Forbearance
send me and in the amounts of any payments made by automatic while in school or during the separation period, then I may defer
debit. regularly scheduled payments. If I receive a Forbearance after the
5. Consecutive Monthly Payments - I will make consecutive monthly separation period, then I may defer regularly scheduled payments
payments in the required amounts, and on or before the required of principal and interest. However, I may be required to make
payment due dates, until I have paid all of the principal and interest lesser payments on terms set by you. If I request such a
and any other fees, charges, and costs I may owe under this Note. Forbearance, I agree to pay a Forbearance Fee, even if the
6. Amounts Owing on the Final Payment Due Date - If for any reason Forbearance is not granted. The Forbearance Fee will be disclosed
I owe additional principal and interest and any other fees, charges, to me prior to the Forbearance Fee being assessed. You will
and costs on the final payment due date for my Loan, I will pay all capitalize unpaid accrued interest at the end of any such
such amounts at that time. Forbearance Period. If I request and you approve a Forbearance, I
understand that you will cancel future loan disbursements.
7. Minimum Principal and Interest Payments - Notwithstanding any
other provisions of this Section, after the separation period ends, 4. Waiver if Student Borrower Dies or Becomes Totally and
you may require me to make minimum principal and interest Permanently Disabled - If the student borrower identified on the
payments of up to $50 per month, or the entire unpaid balance, application for this loan dies or becomes totally and permanently
whichever is less. disabled, you agree to waive the remaining balance of this loan,
including all principal, fees and other charges, whether current or
8. Application of Payments - Payments will be applied first to past due (the “Total Owed”), less any tuition refund granted by the
applicable fees, charges, and costs; then to interest; and the School. Total and permanent disability means the inability to work
remainder to principal, as permitted by applicable law. in any occupation due to a condition that began or deteriorated
Additionally, payments in excess of the amount due will be after the date of the Disclosure and the disability is expected to be
credited against the payment(s) that would otherwise be required permanent. An application for the disability waiver must be made
in the next billing cycle(s) unless the excess payment is made to you and accompanied by a physician’s statement and such
during the first billing cycle prior to any payment being due, in other information or documentation that you may require.
which case it will be applied to principal and not credited against Payments must be made up until the time the disability application
the next payment(s). To find out how this “pay in advance” feature is completed to your satisfaction. If approved, the waiver will be
works, call 1-888-272-5543. effective as of the date of the completed application. The disability
9. Payment in Full - If I wish to make a payment in satisfaction of a review process may take up to 12 months from when you receive
disputed amount or balance, I must send it to P.O. Box 3800, a completed disability application and the final determination will
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18773-3800 with a letter of explanation. To the be made by you in your sole and complete discretion. I understand
extent permitted by law, you may accept late payments, partial that interest will continue to accrue while you review my
payments, or payments marked “payment in full,” or having application for a disability waiver, and, if my application for a
similar language, without waiving your rights under this Note. disability waiver is denied, you will capitalize all unpaid accrued
10. Information About My Payments - Information about my interest and I will have to resume making my payments as
payments, the unpaid accrued interest, and the outstanding described herein. If I receive a tuition refund, you will apply it to
principal on the loan will be available online. the Total Owed to fully satisfy my obligations under this Note. If I
or my estate receive a tuition refund and fail to pay it to you, the
11. Payment Holiday - At any time you, at your sole discretion, may failure to do so will be considered a default under this Note, and
notify me that I have the option to take a payment holiday, for a you will have the right to collect from me or my estate the amount
maximum period of time set by you. If I take advantage of this

Copyright © 2000-2011 Sallie Mae 3SCL1102/3SOL1102

of the tuition refund, plus interest, and any fees and charges that principal balance, accrued interest, and all other amounts payable to
accrue because of the failure to pay you the amount of the tuition you under the terms of this Note will become due and payable at once
refund. This waiver is not available for residents of Alaska or and you may cease to make any further disbursements to me. After
Montana. default, interest will accrue at the Variable Rate applicable to this loan
prior to default and the Variable Rate will be subject to adjustment in
F. LATE CHARGE the same manner as before.
I will pay a Late Charge if I fail to make any part of an installment
payment within 15 days after it becomes due. The amount of the Late L. COLLECTION COSTS
Charge will be identified on my Disclosure. Unless prohibited by applicable law, I agree to pay you all amounts,
including reasonable attorneys’ fees, and collection agency, court and
G. SUPPLEMENTAL FEES other collection costs that you incur in enforcing the terms of this Note
1. Supplemental Fee at Disbursement - You may charge me a (collectively, “Collection Costs”). The Collection Costs that I agree to
Supplemental Fee, and add it to the Loan Amount, at disbursement pay also include fees and costs incurred in connection with any
of my loan. If there is more than one disbursement, at the time you appellate or bankruptcy proceedings.
issue each disbursement, you may add to the principal loan
balance an amount equal to the pro rata portion of the M. NOTICE OF CLAIM; RIGHT TO RESOLVE:
Supplemental Fee. The amount of the Supplemental Fee, if Prior to initiating, joining or participating in any judicial or arbitration
charged, will be identified on my Disclosure, under the Itemization proceeding, whether individually, as a class representative or
of Amount Financed, as the amount of the Disbursement Fee. participant or otherwise, regarding a legal dispute or claim that in any
2. Supplemental Fee at End of Separation Period - You may charge way arises from or relates to this Note (as more fully defined in the
me a Supplemental Fee, which will be identified on my Disclosure, Arbitration Agreement below, “Claim”), the party asserting the Claim
and add it to the Loan Amount, either at the end of the separation shall give the other party written notice of the Claim and a reasonable
period, upon total repayment of my loan, or upon an event opportunity, not less than 30 days, to resolve the Claim. Any claim
described in Section K, whichever is earlier. The amount of this notice I send must include my name, address, telephone number and
Supplemental Fee, if charged, will be identified on my Disclosure, loan or account number. Any claim notice must explain the nature of
as the amount of the “Fee when you begin repaying the loan” (here the Claim and the relief that is demanded. I may only submit a claim
“you” means the borrower and cosigner(s) ). notice on my own behalf and not on behalf of any other party. The party
3. When Earned - I understand and agree that the Supplemental Fees, giving a claim notice must reasonably cooperate in providing any
if any, are earned when assessed, are due even if the amounts on information about the Claim that the other party reasonably requests.
which they are assessed are later refunded, and are not subject to
rebate if I prepay my loan. N. NOTICES
If any payment made on my loan is returned or refused for any reason, MAY BE WAIVED IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. TO THE EXTENT
I agree to pay the charge identified in my Disclosure as the “Returned PERMITTED BY LAW, YOU AND I KNOWINGLY AND
check charge” for each payment so returned. VOLUNTARILY WAIVE ANY RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY IN THE
If I request and you agree to provide optional services to me in ARBITRATION AGREEMENT SET FORTH BELOW, WHICH
connection with my loan, you may charge me and I agree to pay the CONTAINS ITS OWN SEPARATE JURY TRIAL WAIVER.
fees for such services. The fee will be disclosed to me before I accept 2. Joint and Several Liability - Each borrower and cosigner is
any such service. Optional services may include, but are not limited to: jointly and severally responsible for repaying the full amount
(1) allowing me to make an expedited payment on my loan; (2) sending owed under this Note.
documents to me by express delivery or facsimile transmission; and
(3) changing my repayment option on my loan. 3. Change in Information - I will send written notice to you, within 10
days after any change in my name, address, email address,
J. RIGHT TO PREPAY permanent phone number, cellular phone number, or, if this Note
is executed by more than one person, the status (i.e. death) of any
I have the right to prepay all or any part of my loan at any time other person (i.e. the Borrower or any Cosigner), or within 10 days
without penalty. If I prepay my loan, I am not entitled to a refund of after any change in the School enrollment status of the Student,
any finance charge. which includes, but is not limited to, non-attendance.
4. Communications and Notices from You - Unless otherwise stated
K. DEFAULT; WHOLE LOAN DUE; INTEREST RATE AFTER therein, or otherwise provided by law, any communication
DEFAULT between you and any borrower or cosigner will be binding on all
Subject to applicable law, and the definition of “Default” in Section borrowers and cosigners and any notice required to be given to
Babove, you may declare my loan in default if: me by you will be effective when mailed to the latest address you
1. I fail to make any payment to you when due; or have for me.
2. I fail to provide a notice required in paragraph 3 of Section N on 5. Reports to Credit Bureaus - You may report the status of this loan
time; or to the School and to any credit bureaus. Late payments, missed
payments, or other defaults on my account may be reflected in
3. I break any of my other promises in this Note; or my credit bureau report.
4. Any bankruptcy proceeding is begun by or against me, or I assign 6. Not Negotiable - This is a non-negotiable consumer note.
any of my assets to or for the benefit of my creditors; or
7. Not Dischargeable - This loan may not be dischargeable in
5. I make any false written statement in applying for this loan or at bankruptcy.
any time thereafter; or
8. Federal Notices - I understand that the following notice is required
6. Any cosigner dies; or by federal law when a new account is opened:
7. I am in default on any other loans I may have, now or in the future,
with you, with any Sallie Mae affiliate or subsidiary, or with any
successor company of any of the foregoing.
If you do so, then after you provide me with such notices and cure
periods as are required by applicable law, if any, the whole outstanding

Copyright © 2000-2011 Sallie Mae 3SCL1102/3SOL1102

FOR OPENING A NEW ACCOUNT for a separate account.
To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money CALIFORNIA and UTAH RESIDENTS ONLY: As required by
laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to California and Utah law, I am hereby notified that a negative credit
obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person report reflecting on my credit record may be submitted to a credit
who opens an account. reporting agency if I fail to fulfill the terms of my credit obligations.
What this means for me: In applying for this education loan, you will IOWA and KANSAS RESIDENTS ONLY: For purposes of this
ask for my name, address, date of birth, Social Security Number, notice, the word “you” means the borrower and cosigner(s).
and other information that will allow you to identify me. You may NOTICE TO CONSUMER: 1. Do not sign this paper before you read
also ask to see my driver’s license or other identifying documents. it. 2. You are entitled to a copy of this paper. 3. You may prepay
the unpaid balance at any time without penalty and may be entitled
to receive a refund of unearned charges in accordance with law.
I understand that the following notice is also required by federal law
and that for purposes of this notice, the words “you” and “yours” mean MARYLAND RESIDENTS ONLY: You elect to make this loan
the cosigner(s) who signed the application. pursuant to Subtitle 10 (Credit Grantor Closed End Credit
provisions) of Title 12 of the Maryland Commercial Law Article
only to the extent that such provisions are not inconsistent with
NOTICE TO COSIGNER your authority under federal law (12 U.S.C. §85, §1463(g), or
You are being asked to guarantee this debt. Think carefully §1831d, as appropriate) and related regulations and
before you do. If the borrower doesn’t pay the debt, you will have interpretations, which authority you expressly reserve.
to. Be sure you can afford to pay if you have to, and that you want MASSACHUSETTS RESIDENTS ONLY: Massachusetts law
to accept this responsibility. prohibits discrimination based upon marital status or sexual
You may have to pay up to the full amount of the debt if the
borrower does not pay. You may also have to pay late fees or MISSOURI RESIDENTS ONLY: ORAL AGREEMENTS OR
collection costs, which increase this amount. COMMITMENTS TO LOAN MONEY, EXTEND CREDIT OR
The lender can collect this debt from you without first trying to FORBEAR FROM ENFORCING REPAYMENT OF DEBT
collect from the borrower. The lender can use the same INCLUDING PROMISES TO EXTEND OR RENEW SUCH
collection methods against you that can be used against the DEBT ARE NOT ENFORCEABLE. TO PROTECT YOU
borrower, such as suing you, garnishing your wages, etc. If this (BORROWER(S)) AND US (CREDITOR) FROM
debt is ever in default, that fact may become a part of your credit MISUNDERSTANDING OR DISAPPOINTMENT, ANY
This notice is not the contract that makes you liable for the debt. ARE CONTAINED IN THIS WRITING, WHICH IS THE
I understand that the following notice is only applicable to loans issued AGREEMENT BETWEEN US, EXCEPT AS WE MAY LATER
to finance educational expenses at for-profit educational institutions or AGREE IN WRITING TO MODIFY IT.
institutions otherwise subject to the FTC Holder Rule under 16 C.F.R. NEVADA RESIDENTS ONLY: This is a loan for study.
§433.2. NEW JERSEY RESIDENTS ONLY: The section headings of the Note
are a table of contents and not contract terms. Portions of this
NOTICE Note with references to actions taken to the extent of applicable
law apply to acts or practices that New Jersey law permits or
ANY HOLDER OF THIS CONSUMER CREDIT CONTRACT IS requires. In this Note, acts or practices (i) by you which are or may
SUBJECT TO ALL CLAIMS AND DEFENSES WHICH THE be permitted by “applicable law” are permitted by New Jersey law,
DEBTOR COULD ASSERT AGAINST THE SELLER OF GOODS and (ii) that may or will be taken by you unless prohibited by
OR SERVICES OBTAINED WITH THE PROCEEDS HEREOF. “applicable law” are permitted by New Jersey law.
EXCEED AMOUNTS PAID BY THE DEBTOR HEREUNDER. understand and agree that you may obtain a consumer credit
report in connection with this application and in connection with
any updates, renewals or extensions of any credit as a result of
I understand that the following notice is permitted by federal law and this application. If I ask, I will be informed whether or not such a
that for purposes of this notice, the word “we” means the Lender, its report was obtained and, if so, the name and address of the
agents and any subsequent holder of this Note and the word “you” agency that furnished the report. I also understand and agree that
means the borrower and cosigner(s) who signed the application. you may obtain a consumer credit report in connection with the
review or collection of any loan made to me as a result of this
NOTICE application or for other legitimate purposes related to such loans.
If you believe that any information about your loan that we have OHIO RESIDENTS ONLY: The Ohio laws against discrimination
reported to a credit bureau is inaccurate, or if you believe that require that all creditors make credit equally available to all
you have been the victim of identity theft in connection with any creditworthy customers, and that credit reporting agencies
other Sallie Mae loan made by us, write to us at P.O. Box 3779 maintain separate credit histories on each individual upon request.
Wilkes Barre, PA 18773-3779. In your letter, (i) provide your The Ohio Civil Rights Commission administers compliance with
name and the loan or account number, (ii) identify the specific this law.
information that is being disputed, (iii) explain the basis for the UTAH RESIDENTS ONLY: This Note is the final expression of the
dispute, and (iv) provide any supporting documentation you have agreement between me and you and it may not be contradicted by
that substantiates the basis of the dispute. If you believe that you evidence of an alleged oral agreement.
have been the victim of identity theft, submit an identity theft VERMONT RESIDENTS ONLY: For purposes of this notice, the
affidavit or identity theft report. word “you” means the Cosigner(s). NOTICE TO COSIGNER:
9. State Notices - I understand that the following notices are required EQUALLY LIABLE FOR REPAYMENT OF THIS LOAN. IF THE
by or necessary under state law and that these notices may not BORROWER DOES NOT PAY, THE LENDER HAS A LEGAL
describe all of the rights that I have under state and federal law. RIGHT TO COLLECT FROM YOU.
Unless otherwise indicated, each notice applies to borrowers and
cosigners who live in the indicated state on the date that they WISCONSIN RESIDENTS ONLY: If I am a married Wisconsin
signed the application and to borrowers and cosigners who are resident: (1) My signature confirms that this loan obligation is
residents of that state. being incurred in the interest of my marriage or family. (2) No
provision of any marital property agreement, unilateral statement
Copyright © 2000-2011 Sallie Mae 3SCL1102/3SOL1102
under §766.59 of the Wisconsin Statutes or court decree under (d) Federal Perkins Loan Program
§766.70 adversely affects your interest unless, prior to the time • Fixed interest rate of 5%
that the loan is approved, you are furnished with a copy of the • 9-month grace period following at least half-time
marital property agreement, statement, or decree or have actual enrollment
knowledge of the adverse provision. (3) My spouse has actual • Deferment and forbearance options, with a 6-month grace
knowledge that this credit is being extended to me and has waived period following deferment
the requirements of §766.56(3)(b) of the Wisconsin Statutes, as • Interest does not accrue during in-school, grace, and
acknowledged by his or her signature on the Notice to Married deferment periods
Wisconsin Residents that I received with this Note. • 10-year repayment plan
10. Notice to Borrowers of Available Financing Options Under Title • Origination fees do not apply
IV of the Federal Higher Education Act Title IV of the Federal 11. Notice to Borrowers Regarding Loan Sales and Availability of
Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (20 U.S.C. 1001 et Borrower Benefits
seq.), provides borrowers with federal financial aid options to pay
for or finance their higher education expenses. Usually, the terms I understand that my student loans may be sold while the loans are
of loans available under these federal programs are more outstanding. I further understand that you have an agreement to sell to
advantageous to the borrower than the terms available under an affiliate of Sallie Mae, Inc. no less than 80% of the volume of private
private loan programs. Borrowers should therefore maximize their loans that you make that are originated and disbursed through Sallie
use of these federal loan programs before obtaining private loans. Mae, Inc., and that as a result, my loan may be included in the loans
All borrowers are advised to discuss federal financing options and that are sold to that entity. Any such sale will not result in any change
programs and their potential eligibility with their school before to the loan terms or the loss of any advertised borrower benefits, which
applying for a private student loan. Not all federal financing will continue subject to their original terms and conditions. However,
options are available to all borrowers, and loan amounts available student loan terms and advertised borrower benefits may change if I
to borrowers may vary based upon the year in school and the choose to consolidate my loans.
amounts previously borrowed. For further information on federal
financial aid options, visit the U.S. Department of Education O. WHEN BOUND; RIGHTS TO CANCEL
website at Financing options under 1. When Bound - I understand that when you accept the attached
Title IV of the Federal Higher Education Act include the options application, you are not agreeing to lend me money and I am
below. Borrowers are urged to contact their schools to determine not bound by these credit terms, and there will be no such
whether these financing options have since been modified. agreement until my right to cancel as set forth in the Disclosure
(a) Grants - Financial aid that does not need to be repaid. has expired.
(b) Federal Work-Study Programs 2. My Right to Cancel this Note - Upon receipt of the Disclosure, I
(c) William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program will review it and if I am not satisfied with the terms of my loan
as approved, I may cancel this Note and all disbursements. To
The William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program includes the cancel this Note, I will follow the instructions set forth in the
following loans below. Federal loan fees may apply. Consult Disclosure.
with your school’s financial aid office and the U.S. Department
of Education for more information. 3. Your Right to Cancel this Note - I agree that you may cancel this
Note and all disbursements without advance notice to me if the
– Federal Direct Stafford/Ford Loan Disclosure is returned as undeliverable, for any reason, or if, in
• Fixed interest rate for undergraduate students as follows: your sole discretion, whether based on information provided by
- 4.5% for loans first disbursed July 1, 2010 - June 30, the School or otherwise, you reasonably conclude that the
2011 student borrower will not attend the School or that the proceeds
- 3.4% for loans first disbursed July 1, 2011 - June 30, of the loan are no longer needed to meet the education costs of
2012 the student borrower at the School.
• Fixed interest rate of 6.8% for all graduate students, and 4. Your Right to Cancel Future Disbursements - You also have the
for undergraduate students with loans first disbursed right to cancel any future disbursement, without advance notice
before July 1, 2008 and on or after July 1, 2012 to me, if:
• 6-month grace period following at least half-time
enrollment (a) the student borrower ceases to be enrolled at least half
• Deferment and forbearance options time, if required, or to meet the restrictions for less than
• Interest subsidized by the government during in-school, half-time enrollment, if applicable:
grace, and deferment periods (b) an event occurs as described in Section K;
• Flexible repayment plans such as graduated, income (c) the student borrower or any cosigner notifies you that he or
contingent, income-based, and extended repayment she has arranged for other financing for the education costs
options to be paid for by this loan or that he or she no longer wants
– Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford/Ford Loan to repay the amount not yet disbursed;
• Fixed interest rate of 6.8% (d) the classes in which the student borrower has enrolled have
• 6-month grace period following at least half-time been cancelled or delayed;
enrollment (e) the School ceases to be eligible to participate in the Smart
• Deferment and forbearance options Option Student Loan Program; or
• Flexible repayment plans such as graduated, income
contingent, income-based, and extended repayment (f) I request a Forbearance.
– Federal Direct PLUS Loan
1. Use of Loan Proceeds; Acceptance of Borrower or Cosigner;
• Fixed interest rate of 7.9% Amount Lent - The proceeds of this loan will be used to pay
• Deferment and forbearance options educational expenses at the School, including living expenses. You
• Flexible repayment plans such as graduated, income have the right to accept or reject any Cosigner(s) or my application
contingent, and extended repayment options and/or to lend an amount less than the Loan Amount Requested if
– Federal Direct Consolidation Loan I only qualify for a lesser amount, if the School certifies a lower
• Interest rate based on the lesser of the weighted average cost of attendance or balance due, or if you have reason to believe
of the interest rates on the loans consolidated, rounded up that the cost of attendance is less than the amount certified by the
to the nearest one-eighth of 1 percent, or 8.25% school.
• Deferment and forbearance options 2. Rights of Assignee of Lender - You have the right to assign this
• Repayment period based on the total amount of the Note at any time. If this Note is assigned, the assignee will become
Consolidation Loan and the unpaid balance on other the owner of this Note and will have all your rights to enforce this
student loans Note against me.
Copyright © 2000-2011 Sallie Mae 3SCL1102/3SOL1102
3. Governing Law - I understand that the Lender is located in the 13. Waivers by You - By accepting past due payments you do not
State listed in the introductory paragraph of this Note and this Note waive or affect any right to accelerate this Note.Your failure to
will be entered into in the same State. Consequently, the provisions exercise any right hereunder does not constitute a waiver thereof.
of this Note will be governed by federal laws and the laws of that All waivers must be in writing.
State to the extent not preempted, without regard to conflict of law 14. United States Dollars - All dollar amounts stated in this Note are in
rules United States dollars. I will make all payments in United States
4. Late Payments, Partial Payments and Payments in Full: Waivers – dollars with no deduction for currency exchange.
Without losing any of your rights under this Note, you may accept 15. Failure to Attend or Dissatisfaction with Education Program -
late payments, or, as permitted by law, partial payments, even if Except as otherwise provided herein, if the Student does not attend
marked “payment in full”, “without recourse,“ or similar language. or is dissatisfied with the education program paid for with this loan,
If I wish to make a payment in satisfaction of a disputed amount the Borrower and Cosigner(s) are not relieved of any obligation
or balance, I must send the payment to P.O. Box 3800, Wilkes within or pursuant to this Note.
Barre, PA 18773-3800 with a letter of explanation. You may
delay exercising, fail to exercise, or waive any of your rights on any 16. Suretyship - I hereby waive all my defenses to this Note based on
future occasion without losing your entitlement to exercise any suretyship.
right at any future time or on any future occasion. I waive any 17. Communicating with Me About the Application, My Loan, Current
notice of dishonor, notice of protest, presentment, demand for Loans or Future Loans - To the extent permitted by applicable
payment, and all other notices or demands in connection with this law, and without limiting any other rights you may have, I
Note and consent to any and all extensions, renewals, or releases expressly consent and authorize you, your affiliates or agents,
of any person liable on this loan or any other loans I have and Sallie Mae, Inc., and its affiliates or agents, to
outstanding with you, or any waiver or modification that may be communicate with me, in connection with the application or my
granted by you, all without affecting or releasing any other person loan, and in connection with all other current or future loans
liable on this loan. owned or serviced by you, your affiliates or agents, and/or by
5. Conflict Between Disclosure and Note - I understand and agree Sallie Mae, Inc., and its affiliates or agents, using any phone
that if the information in my Disclosure conflicts with the number or email address that I provided in the application, or
information in this Note, the information in my Disclosure shall using any phone number or email address that I provide in the
apply with respect to items required to be disclosed under federal future. You, your affiliates or agents, and Sallie Mae, Inc., and
law. its affiliates or agents, may communicate with me using any
current or future means of communication, including, but not
6. Failure to Receive Coupon Book or Statement; Failure of Automatic limited to, automated telephone dialing equipment, artificial or
Debit - Neither my failure to receive a coupon book or statement pre-recorded voice messages, SMS text messages, email
nor the failure of any automatic debit relieves me of my obligation directed to me at a mobile telephone service, or email
to make my required loan payments in accordance with the terms otherwise directed to me.I AUTHORIZE THE USE OF SUCH
7. Waivers by Borrower and Cosigner; Consents; Responsibility for RECEIVE SUCH PHONE MESSAGES, TEXT MESSAGES, OR
Repayment - I waive any notice of dishonor, notice of protest, EMAILS.
presentment, demand for payment, and all other notices or 18. Limits on Interest, Fees, Charges, or Costs - If a law which applies
demands in connection with this Note. I consent to the addition of to this loan and which sets maximum limits on interest, fees,
a party who will be liable upon this loan or any other loans I have charges, or costs is finally interpreted so that the interest, fees,
outstanding under the program, to any and all extensions, charges, or costs collected or to be collected in connection with
renewals, or releases of any party liable upon this loan or any other this loan exceed permitted limits, then:
loans I have outstanding under the program, and to any waiver or
modification that may be granted by you, all without affecting or (a) any such interest, fees, charges, or costs shall be reduced by
releasing any borrower or cosigner from such loans. My the amount necessary to comply with the permitted limits; and
responsibility for repaying this loan is not affected by the liability (b) any sums already collected from me which exceed permitted
of any other person to you or by your failure to notify me that a limits will be refunded to me. You may choose to make this
payment has not been made. refund by reducing the amounts I owe under this Note.
8. Severability - If any provision of this Note is held invalid or
unenforceable, that provision shall be considered omitted from Q. CERTIFICATIONS, AUTHORIZATIONS AND CONSENT TO
this Note without affecting the validity or enforceability of the INFORMATION SHARING
remainder of this Note. 1. Certification - I certify that the information contained in the
9. Modification - Any provision of this Note may be modified if jointly application is true, complete and correct to the best of my
agreed upon in writing by you and the borrower or cosigner. knowledge and belief and is made in good faith, that I am eligible
Any such modification does not require the consent of any other for this loan and that I will repay it according to the terms of this
borrower or cosigner. In addition, I agree that any provision of the Note. If this loan is being obtained through the Financial Aid Office
Disclosure may be modified by you, without redisclosure, if of the School, then I also certify that a Financial Aid Officer at the
permitted by law. Such modifications may include, but are not School made all disclosures to the student borrower, regarding the
limited to, any change that is unequivocally beneficial to me or any available financing options under Title IV of the Federal Higher
reduction in the Total Loan Amount based on a certification or Education Act, that are required by applicable law. I understand
other information from the School or from me. Such modification and agree that my Lender is listed in the introductory paragraph of
does not set forth any new cancellation period. The modification of this Note. I hereby authorize the School, and if the School is
any provision of this Note will not affect the validity or closed, any third party, such as a custodian, receiver, bankruptcy
enforceability of the remainder of this Note. You will send me trustee, trustee for a performance bond or a tuition recovery fund,
notification of any modification. to pay to you any refund that may be due me up to the amount of
this loan. I authorize you to credit such refunds to the amount due
10. Communications Under Federal Bankruptcy Code - Any on my loan without advancing the payment due date(s) on my
communication with you required or permitted under the Federal loan. I understand that I must immediately repay any funds that
Bankruptcy Code must be in writing, must include my account cannot reasonably be attributed to meeting the educational
number, and must be sent to Sallie Mae, P.O. Box 9500, Wilkes- expenses of the student borrower related to attendance at the
Barre, PA 18773-9500. School and I hereby authorize the School at its discretion to refund
11. Receipt of Copy of Note - I acknowledge that I have received a true any portion of my loan that exceeds direct institutional charges. At
and exact copy of this Note. your option, and in accordance with the disbursement schedule
12. Assignments; Estate Bound - I may not assign this Note or any of established by you and the School, I authorize you to transmit
its benefits or obligations. You may assign this Note at any time. funds directly to the School on my behalf. You may transmit such
The obligations of this Note will be binding on my estate. funds electronically, by a master check payable to the School
where my funds are grouped together with other student borrower

Copyright © 2000-2011 Sallie Mae 3SCL1102/3SOL1102

funds, by a check jointly payable to me and the School, or by a and/or any other cosigner applicant, then you may release said
check made payable to the Borrower. Once the funds have been cosigner applicant from the application and from any liability
received, whether by electronic transmission or by proper hereunder, but this Note will still bind the borrower and any
endorsement and payment of any master check, joint check, or remaining cosigner.
individual check, I authorize the School to transfer the funds to my 2. Release of Borrower - As cosigner, I agree that if the borrower is
account at the School. I understand that, except as otherwise released from liability on this loan for any reason, including
provided herein, neither the student borrower’s failure to complete infancy, I hereby consent to such release and to my continued
the educational program that he or she has undertaken, nor the liability for this loan after such release.
student borrower’s dissatisfaction with the educational program
that he or she has undertaken, relieves me of any obligation under T. ARBITRATION AGREEMENT
this Note.
To the extent permitted under federal law, you and I agree that either
2. Authorization - I authorize the School and any custodian of the party may elect to arbitrate – and require the other party to arbitrate –
School’s records to release to you, the U.S. Department of any Claim under the following terms and conditions. This Arbitration
Education, the guarantor, if any, or their agents, any requested Agreement is part of the Smart Option Student Loan Promissory Note
information pertinent to this loan (e.g., employment, (“Note”).
enrollment status, current address) and to advise you whether I
am eligible for a future loan. I authorize you, your affiliates, 1. RIGHT TO REJECT: I may reject this Arbitration Agreement by
your agents, and the guarantor or its agents, if any, to check my mailing a personally signed rejection notice to P.O. Box 9480
credit and employment history, and to request and receive from Wilkes-Barre, PA 18773-9480 within 60 days after the date of
others credit-related information about me, for this loan, for any my first disbursement. Any Rejection Notice must include my
future loans that may be offered to me, for any updates, name, address, telephone number and loan or account number.
renewals or extensions of this loan or any future loans that may No other person may submit a rejection notice for me.
be offered to me, for any hardship forbearance of this loan or 2. IMPORTANT WAIVERS: If you or I elect to arbitrate a Claim, you
any future loans that may be requested by me, and for any and I both waive the right to: (1) have a court or a jury decide
review or collection of this loan or any future loans that may be the Claim; (2) PARTICIPATE IN A CLASS ACTION IN COURT OR
offered to me. I also authorize you, your affiliates, your agents, IN ARBITRATION, WHETHER AS A CLASS REPRESENTATIVE,
and the guarantor or its agents, if any, to answer questions CLASS MEMBER OR OTHERWISE; (3) ACT AS A PRIVATE
about your and their credit experience with me, and to release ATTORNEY GENERAL IN COURT OR IN ARBITRATION; OR (4)
the results of the credit review process to the School or its JOIN OR CONSOLIDATE CLAIM(S) WITH CLAIMS INVOLVING
agents. I further authorize you to release any other information ANY OTHER PERSON IN COURT OR IN ARBITRATION. Other
on this loan to the School or its agents, to other schools I have rights are more limited in arbitration than in court or are not
attended for which I have taken out a student loan or their available in arbitration. The waivers in subsections (2)-(4)
agents, to any subsequent holder of this Note, or its agents, and above are called the “Class Action and Multi-Party Waivers.”
to the guarantor or its agents, if any. Finally, to the extent The arbitrator shall have no authority to conduct any arbitration
permitted by applicable law, I authorize you and your affiliates inconsistent with the Class Action and Multi-Party Waivers.
to share credit and other information about me, as well as 3. DEFINITIONS: In this Arbitration Agreement, the following
copies of the application, this Note, and the Disclosure, with definitions will apply:
each other, consumer reporting agencies, and other third
parties. I understand that I will receive a privacy policy, and, “I,” “me” and “my” mean each and every Borrower and
when required, an affiliate-sharing policy, that will advise me of Cosigner on the Note; the Student on whose behalf the proceeds
my rights under applicable law. I also understand that you, your of the Note have been advanced; and the heirs, executors and
affiliates, your agents and the guarantor or its agents, if any, assigns of all of the foregoing. “You,” “your” and “yours” mean
may contact any references or personal contacts that I provide the Lender; any subsequent holder of this Note; Sallie Mae, Inc.;
to you as needed to enforce my obligations to you, and as all of their parents, wholly or majority owned subsidiaries and
permitted by law. affiliates; any predecessors, successors and assigns of these
entities; and all officers, directors, employees, agents, controlling
3. Borrower and Cosigner Consent to Information Sharing - I persons and representatives thereof. These terms also include any
consent to the sharing of any information about this loan with party named as a co-defendant with you in a Claim asserted by
my parent, guardian, child, spouse or sibling who complies me, such as investors or potential investors, credit bureaus, credit
with your procedures unless I revoke this consent or unless insurance companies, closing agents, escrow agents, insurance
prohibited by law. I understand that I may revoke this consent by agents, loan originators, rating agencies, loan servicers, debt
contacting the servicer at 1-888-272-5543 or P.O. Box 9500, collectors, loan guarantors, performance bond trustees, tuition
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18773-9500. recovery funds, the School, and any of the School’s financial aid
4. What I Have Read - I also certify that: I have read the materials offices or officers. “Claimant” means the party who first asserts
explaining the loan program that have been provided to me; I have a Claim in a lawsuit or arbitration proceeding. “Administrator”
read, understand and agree to the provisions of the program, my means either the American Arbitration Association (the “AAA”),
responsibilities and my rights under this program, and the terms 335 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017,, or
of this Note, including this Section Q. JAMS, 620 Eighth Avenue, 34th Floor, New York, NY 10018,, provided that the Administrator must not have
R. CORRECTION OF ERRORS in place a formal or informal policy that is inconsistent with and
All parties to this Note agree to fully cooperate and adjust all purports to override the Class Action and Multi-Party Waivers set
typographical, computer, calculation or clerical errors discovered in any forth above (see Section T.2). I get to select the Administrator if I
or all of the loan documents including the Application, Note, Smart give you written notice of my selection with my notice that I am
Option Student Loan Application and Solicitation Disclosure, Smart electing to arbitrate any Claim or within 20 days after you give me
Option Student Loan Approval Disclosure, Smart Option Student Loan notice that you are electing arbitration of any Claim (or, if later,
Final Disclosure, any Notice to Cosigner, and any Notice to Married within 20 days after any dispute over the validity of this Arbitration
Wisconsin Residents. Errors in the names and/or addresses of the Agreement is finally resolved). If I do not select the Administrator
parties will be corrected by notice to all parties. In the event this on time, you will do it. If for any reason the Administrator I or you
procedure is used for any other errors, all parties involved will be select is unable or unwilling to serve or continue to serve as
notified and receive a corrected copy of the changed document. Administrator, the other company will serve as Administrator. If
neither the AAA nor JAMS is able or willing to serve as
S. COSIGNER/BORROWER RELEASE Administrator, I and you will mutually agree upon an Administrator
or arbitrator or the court will appoint the Administrator or
1. Release of Cosigner Applicant - I agree that, if any cosigner arbitrator or arbitrators (in the case of a three-arbitrator panel
applicant fails to qualify for this loan, but you approve the provided for in Section T.8, below), subject to the limitations set
application on the basis of the creditworthiness of the borrower forth above regarding the Class Action and Multi-Party Waivers.

Copyright © 2000-2011 Sallie Mae 3SCL1102/3SOL1102

4. “CLAIM” means any legal claim, dispute or controversy between 9 U.S.C. §§1 et seq. (the “FAA”). For any arbitration-related
you and me that arises from or relates in any way to this Note, proceedings in which courts are authorized to take actions under
including any dispute arising before the date of this Arbitration the FAA, each party hereto expressly consents to the non-
Agreement and any dispute relating to: (1) the imposition or exclusive jurisdiction and venue of any state court of general
collection of principal, interest, attorneys’ fees, collection costs or jurisdiction or any state court of equity that is reasonably
other fees or charges relating to this Note; (2) other provisions of convenient to me, provided that the parties to any such judicial
this Note; (3) any application, disclosure or other document proceeding shall have the right to initiate such proceeding in
relating in any way to this Note or the transactions evidenced by federal court or remove the proceeding to federal court if
this Note; (4) any insurance or other service or product offered or authorized to do so by applicable federal law. The arbitrator’s
made available by or through you in connection with this Note, and award will be final and binding, except for: (1) any appeal right
any associated fees or charges; (5) your methods of soliciting my under the FAA; and (2) Claims involving more than $50,000. For
business; (6) your use or failure to protect any personal Claims involving more than $50,000 (including claims where the
information I give you in connection with this Note; and (7) any cost of any requested injunctive or declaratory relief would
documents, instruments, advertising or promotional materials that potentially exceed $50,000), any party may appeal the award to a
contain information about this Note or any associated insurance or three-arbitrator panel appointed by the Administrator, which will
other service or product. This includes, without limitation, reconsider de novo any aspect of the initial award that is appealed.
disputes concerning the validity, enforceability, arbitrability or The panel’s decision will be final and binding, except for any appeal
scope of this Arbitration Agreement or this Note; disputes right under the FAA. Costs of any appeal will be governed by
involving alleged fraud or misrepresentation, breach of contract or Section T.6 above.
fiduciary duty, negligence or other torts, or violation of statute, 9. GOVERNING LAW: This Arbitration Agreement is made pursuant
regulation or common law. It includes disputes involving requests to a transaction involving interstate commerce and shall be
for injunctions, other equitable relief or declaratory relief. However, governed by the FAA, and not by any state law concerning
“Claim” does not include any individual action brought by me in arbitration. The arbitrator shall follow applicable substantive law to
small claims court or my state’s equivalent court, unless such the extent consistent with the FAA, applicable statutes of limitation
action is transferred, removed, or appealed to a different court. and applicable privilege rules, and shall be authorized to award all
Also, except as provided in the next sentence, it does not remedies permitted by applicable substantive law, including,
include any dispute about the validity, enforceability, coverage without limitation, compensatory, statutory and punitive damages
or scope of this Arbitration Agreement or any part thereof (subject to constitutional limits that would apply in court),
(including, without limitation, the Class Action and Multi-Party declaratory, injunctive and other equitable relief, and attorneys’
Waivers, the next-to-last sentence in Section T.10, captioned fees and costs. Upon the timely request of either party, the
“Survival, Severability, Primacy,” and/or this sentence); all arbitrator shall write a brief explanation of the basis of his or her
such disputes are for a court and not an arbitrator to decide. award. The arbitrator will follow rules of procedure and evidence
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the term “Claim” includes any consistent with the FAA, this Arbitration Agreement and the
dispute about the validity or enforceability of this Note as a Administrator’s rules.
If there is an arbitration agreement in place (a “Prior Arbitration Agreement shall survive my full payment of the Note; your sale or
Agreement”) governing a prior promissory note from me (a “Prior transfer of the Note; any legal proceeding to collect a debt owed
Note”), “Claim” also includes all disputes relating to the Prior Note by me; any bankruptcy or insolvency; any Forbearance or
to the same extent it would apply to disputes relating to this Note. Modification granted pursuant to the Note; any cancellation, or
If I do not reject this Arbitration Agreement, any such Claim will be request for cancellation, of the Note or of any or all disbursements
governed by this Arbitration Agreement rather than the Prior under the Note; and any change in the School enrollment status of
Arbitration Agreement. If I reject this Arbitration Agreement, the the Student. If any portion of this Arbitration Agreement cannot be
Claim will be governed by the Prior Arbitration Agreement, enforced, the rest of the Arbitration Agreement will continue to
provided that, if I never had the chance to reject the Prior apply, provided that the entire Arbitration Agreement (other than
Arbitration Agreement and no demand for arbitration has been this sentence) shall be null and void with respect to any Claim
previously made, my rejection of this Arbitration Agreement will asserted on a class, representative or multi-party basis if the Class
also serve as my rejection of the Prior Arbitration Agreement. Action and Multi-Party Waivers are held to be invalid, subject to
5. STARTING AN ARBITRATION: To initiate or require an arbitration, any right to appeal such holding. In the event of any conflict or
you or I must give written notice of an election to arbitrate. This inconsistency between this Arbitration Agreement and the
notice may be given after a lawsuit has been filed and may be given Administrator’s rules or the Note, this Arbitration Agreement will
in papers or motions in the lawsuit. If such a notice is given, the govern.
Claim shall be resolved by arbitration under this Arbitration 11. NOTICE OF CLAIM; RIGHT TO RESOLVE; SPECIAL PAYMENT:
Agreement and the applicable rules of the Administrator then in Prior to initiating, joining or participating in any judicial or
effect. The arbitrator will be selected under the Administrator’s arbitration proceeding, whether individually, as a class
rules, except that the arbitrator must be a lawyer with at least ten representative or participant or otherwise, regarding any Claim,
years of experience or a retired judge, unless you and I agree the Claimant shall give the other party written notice of the Claim
otherwise. (a “Claim Notice”) and a reasonable opportunity, not less than 30
6. LOCATION AND COSTS: Any arbitration hearing that I attend will days, to resolve the Claim. Any Claim Notice I send must include
take place in a location that is reasonably convenient to me. You my name, address, telephone number and loan or account
will consider (and generally honor) any good faith request to bear number. Any Claim Notice must explain the nature of the Claim
the fees charged by the Administrator and the arbitrator. You will and the relief that is demanded. I may only submit a Claim Notice
pay the expense of your attorneys, experts and witnesses, on my own behalf and not on behalf of any other party. The
regardless of which party prevails in the arbitration, and you will Claimant must reasonably cooperate in providing any information
pay all such fees of mine if I prevail in an arbitration where I am about the Claim that the other party reasonably requests. If: (i) I
the Claimant (even if you are not required to pay such fees under submit a Claim Notice in accordance with this paragraph on my
applicable law). You will also pay all such fees you are required to own behalf (and not on behalf of any other party); (ii) you refuse
bear: (a) under applicable law; or (b) in order to enforce this to provide the relief I request; and (iii) an arbitrator subsequently
Arbitration Agreement. determines that I was entitled to such relief (or greater relief), the
7. DISCOVERY; GETTING INFORMATION: Either party may obtain arbitrator shall award me at least $10,000 (not including any
from the other party prior to the hearing any information available arbitration fees and attorneys’ fees and costs to which I may be
under the Administrator’s rules or any relevant information the entitled under this Arbitration Agreement or applicable law) and
arbitrator determines should in fairness be made available. will increase the attorneys’ fees you are required to pay on my
behalf by an amount equal to the less of $10,000 or 50% of the
8. EFFECT OF ARBITRATION AWARD: Any state or federal court with attorneys’ fees otherwise payable by you.
jurisdiction and venue may enter an order enforcing this
Arbitration Agreement, enter judgment upon the arbitrator’s award
and/or take any action authorized under the Federal Arbitration Act,

Copyright © 2000-2011 Sallie Mae 3SCL1102/3SOL1102


Spouses of married Wisconsin residents must read the Promissory Note and then sign below to
acknowledge having actual knowledge of the credit being extended under this Note and having waived
the notice requirements of Wisconsin Statute Section 766.56(3)(b).

■ Borrower Married
■ Cosigner Married

________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
(Name of Wisconsin Borrower) (Social Security Number of Wisconsin Borrower)

________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _______

(Printed Name of Wisconsin Borrower’s Spouse) (Signature of Wisconsin Borrower’s Spouse) (Date)

________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
(Name of Wisconsin Cosigner) (Social Security Number of Wisconsin Cosigner)

________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _______

(Printed Name of Wisconsin Cosigner’s Spouse) (Signature of Wisconsin Cosigner’s Spouse) (Date)

Smart Option Student Loan

________________________________________________________________ SALLIE MAE
(Name of Loan Program) (Name of Lender)

Cosigner: Please sign, date, and return an original of this notice to:
Sallie Mae • P.O. Box 9435 • Wilkes-Barre, PA 18773-9435

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