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Acid gas removal and gas sweetening

Koch-Glitsch has supplied equipment for thousands of installations in acid gas

removal and gas sweetening applications. Both processes involve the removal of
CO2 and/or H2S and mercaptans from gas streams by chemical or physical
absorption. Many industries, including oil refining, ammonia plants, natural gas
plants, LNG, and hydrogen plants, require these processes.

While there are many treating processes available, no single process is ideal for
all applications. Usually the process licensor selects the most suitable solvent
based on feed conditions such as composition, pressure, temperature, and the
type of impurities. Additional considerations for solvent selection are process
economics, reliability, and environmental constraints. There are two main
chemical absorption processes for acid gas removal using either amine or hot
carbonate solvent. RECTISOL® and SELEXOL® are the most common physical
absorption processes used in industry.

Chemical absorption processes

The amine absorption process uses an aqueous amine solution, for example
monoethanolamine (MEA), diethylamine (DEA), di isopropyl amine (DIPA) or
methyldiethanolamine (MDEA), to absorb the acid gases. The hot carbonate
process uses potassium or sodium carbonate solutions as solvent. Processes
often use solvent blends, which may include small amounts of an activating
agent to improve the rate of reaction. Koch-Glitsch has considerable experience
working with process licensors of these types of applications.

In chemical absorption processes, gas streams containing the acid gases are
contacted with a lean solvent in an absorber. The solvent absorbs the acid gases
and exits the column as a rich solution, which is then sent to a regenerator
column where the acid gases are stripped from the solvent.

Physical absorption processes

Physical solvent processes, such as SELEXOL® and RECTISOL®, operate in a

similar manner as chemical absorption processes; however, they offer
advantages over chemical absorption processes.
 Because there are no chemical bonds to break, these processes use little or no
heat for solvent regeneration and therefore are more energy efficient.
 The selectivity of these solvents to CO2 and H2S allows the removal and recovery
of the components in a single process.
 The absorption pressures are normally higher compared to chemical absorption
processes, which leads to smaller tower diameters.

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