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Instructions for Case Analysis

The case analysis is meant to show the student's ability to apply course concepts
and vocabulary to the business problem. Students are expected to use theories,
vocabulary, and models to describe the components within the case. The case should be
written in clear and concise language that shows the student's ability to synthesize course
material and relate it to business problems. The required format is below there are six
sections. Use the Bold Titles to begin each section.
This same format will be used in class to evaluate minicases.
Key Questions for the Case Analysis:

1. Overview. Overview of pertinent history and facts

Describe the background of the situation or business that is the subject of the case;
Provide information that creates the context for your analysis;
Incorporate relevant facts about the company or situation derived from research
outside the case you are analyzing; provide APA style citations for all sources of

2. Problem/s State the problem

Identify a problem or key issue from the case that is relevant to course goals. Will
an analysis of this issue allow you to demonstrate your comprehension and
synthesis of course concepts?
Clearly describe the problem or issue.

3. Alternative Solutions Offer alternative solutions and approaches to the

problem. Using information or data found in the case study, as well as from
course materials and your own research, offer two or more solutions or
approaches to the problem.

4. Evaluation of Alternatives Evaluate each alternative

Critically assess the alternatives defined in section 3. Describe the implications
and key steps for implementation of each alternative. Consider external and
internal factors and other relevant trends. Once again, utilize course texts and
other resources to enhance your assessment.

5. Recommendation/s Offer your best recommendation

Based on your analysis in section 4, recommend one alternative. Support and
justify your recommendation. Depending on the nature of the case, you may
suggest management or leadership styles or commitments, describe the
organizational structure, policies and systems, or outline changes to the business
model needed to successfully implement this recommendation.

6. Possible Results and Obstacles to Implementation Summarize the likely

result and/or obstacles that may play into the execution of your solution. What
outcomes might result from the implementation of the selected alternative? What
internal or external trends may enhance or obstruct successful implementation?

TITLE OF THE CASE – all uppercase, bold, centered

1. Overview
2. Problem/s
3. Alternative Solution
4. Evaluation of Alternative
5. Recommendation/s
6. Possible Results and Obstacles to

Spacing – 1.5
Margin – Left – 1.5”; Top, Right, Bottom – 1”
Font – Arial 12
Organizations want information. Organizations need information. However,
information must be in an organized format that supports the creation of business
intelligence. Otherwise, according to Rebecc Wettemanin, vice president of
Research at Nucleus Research, “It’s like having a bank account with millions of
dollars in it but no ATM card. If you can’t get it [business intelligence] and can’t
make it work for you, then it is not really useful.”
In support of creating and using business intelligence, companies have
focused much of their spending efforts on business intelligence software and
data-mining tools. According to a Merrill Lynch survey in 2003 business
intelligence software and data-mining tools were at the top of the technology
spending list of CIOs. And according to A.G. Edwards, the market for that type of
software is expected to grow from $4.7 billion in 2003 to $7.5 billion in 2006.
Consider two companies – Ben & Jerry’s and Bigelow Teas – and their
approach to creating and using business intelligence.


Ben & Jerry’s, located in Waterbury, Vermont, produces 190,000 pints of
ice cream and frozen yogurt daily and ships to over 50,000 grocery stores in the
United States and 12 other countries. Every single pint is meticulously tracked,
first by being entered into an Oracle database. With that information carefully
organized, Ben & Jerry’s uses a sophisticated data-mining tool set from a
company called Business Objects.
For example, the sales people can easily monitor sales to determine how
much ground Cherry Garcia Frozen Yogurt is gaining on Cherry Garcia Ice
Cream, its number one selling product. The consumer affairs staff can even
correlate each of the several hundred calls and e-mails received each week to
the exact pint of ice cream. If complaints are consistent concerning a specific
batch, the consumer affairs staff can drill down to the supplier who provided the
ingredients such as milk or eggs.
In one particular instance, Ben & Jerry’s received a large number of
complaints that its Cherry Garcia Ice Cream didn’t have enough cherries. The
complaints were coming in from all over the country, so it wasn’t a regional
problem. Employees continued drilling through business intelligence with
Business Objects and determined that the manufacturing process (from the
supplies of raw materials to the mixing) was satisfactory and had no anomalies.
Eventually the problem was determined to be that the ice cream box for Cherry
Garcia Ice Cream had on it a photo of frozen yogurt, a product with more cherries
than the ice cream. Simply changing the photo on the box solved the problem
Bigelow Teas provides over 50 varieties of flavored, traditional, iced,
decaffeinated, and herbal teas. Over the past 50 years. Bigelow Teas has relied
on business intelligence to determine the success of each individual tea, and
today is no different.
Although it may not seem like it, bringing a new tea to the market is a risky
endeavor. It could fail in every way or it could simply cannibalize the sales of an
existing tea, neither of which makes business sense. Employees at Bigelow Teas
pore over consumer, sales, marketing, and finance business intelligence to
ensure that they are making the right decisions in all aspects of the business.
To help facilitate the creation and use of business intelligence, Bigelow Teas
turned to the Andrews Consulting Group and BusinessObjects. Prior to using
BusinessObjects, Bigelow employees had a difficult time finding and using the
right information. As Melanie Dower, project leader at Bigelow tea, describes it,
“Our existing end-user reporting tool wasn’t userfriendly, so users simply weren’t
using it. Most users were unable to create their own reports, so we looked for a
solution that offered self serve business intelligence (BI) to free up IT resources.”
BusinessObject is both easy to learn and easy to use because it looks like
Microsoft Excel. Explains Dower, “Enterprise 6 [of BusinessObject] looks and
feels like Microsoft Excel, which speeds up the learning curve for our end users.”
With BusinessObjects, Bigelow employees can access and view business
intelligence in real time, more accurately predict sales forecasts based on
shipment levels, identify where to increase sales efforts before it’s too late, and
even compare current consumer, sales, and marketing information with similar
types of information up to five years old.
Gourmet coffees exploded onto the consumer market about seven years ago and
gourmet teas quickly followed. Bigelow Teas is riding this wave of success with
success of its own because of its use of business intelligence.

1. Ben & Jerry’s tracks a wealth of information on each pint of ice cream and
frozen yogurt. If you were to design Ben & Jerry’s data warehouse, what
dimensions of information would you include? As you develop your list of
dimensions, consider every facet of Ben & Jerry’s business operations,
from supply chain management to retail store monitoring.
2. Databases are the underlying technology that allows Ben & Jerry’s to track
ice cream and frozen yogurt information. Based on your knowledge of
databases, what sort of tables or files of information would Ben & Jerry’s
need in its database? What would be the primary keys for each of those?
What would be the foreign keys among those to create the necessary
3. According to the discussion of Bigelow Teas, part of the success of
Business Objects comes from its look and feel being similar to Microsoft
Excel. Why do you believe this is true? When introducing employees to
enterprise wide BI tools such as Business Objects, why it is an advantage
to have the BI tool look like and work like personal productivity software
tools? Why was a similar look and feel to spreadsheet software more
important than word processing or presentation software?
4. How could Bigelow Teas open up its business intelligence information to
its suppliers and resellers? What benefits would Bigelow Teas gain by
keeping its suppliers and resellers more informed with business
intelligence? What types of business intelligence would Bigelow Teas want
to exclude its suppliers and resellers from seeing? Why?

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