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To the

End of Time

Winghorn Press &

Richard Jansen-Parkes
Design & layout: Richard Jansen-Parkes
Maps created with Campaign Cartographer 3
Images sourced through Dungeon Masters’ Guild and Adobe Stock Images

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Taking D&D to the Limit A Word of Warning…
pic-level D&D is, well, epic. By the time

E characters are approaching the level cap they

become capable of more and more incredible
feats, and though 5th edition has scaled things down
Running epic-level games can be tricky for both the
players and the DM. Everybody has a huge array of
options both in and out of combat, and some high
levels spells that can completely change the game.
somewhat the party still begins to function on a level
For this reason, this adventure is one best
far removed from that of normal men and women.
attempted by fairly experienced groups, who are
Barbarians will be capable of wrestling giants,
able to handle the volume of attacks, lightning bolts
Monks will leap to the rooftops in a single bound,
and explosions emitted by their characters.
Rangers become capable of taking down a battalion of
At the same time, the DM will need to be a little
Orcs in a single flurry of blows and Wizards tear apart
more prepared than usual. Running a game at this
space and time on a whim.
level requires you to be able to think on your feet, as
In short, it’s something that every gamer should
characters will be capable of feats that can suddenly
get to play around with at least once.
take the adventure in an entirely unexpected
However, this is something that most groups
direction. Even the greatest DMs in the world can be
struggle to achieve. It’s comparatively rare for a
a little flummoxed when the Wizard decides that an
campaign to reach beyond level seven or so, and even
Arcane Gate sounds like a better idea than actually
long-term games tend to reach some sort of conclusion
fighting the dragon blocking their path.
in the mid-teens.
Pushing back against this and trying to put the
Most committed players have some sort of
adventure ‘back on track’ is a natural response, but
idealized character hanging round in the back of their
one that you should probably ignore. Your players
head, designed to take advantage of all the abilities on
are going to be incredibly powerful, and that’s at
offer when you get 20 levels under your belt, but they
least half of the appeal of this scenario.
rarely get to use them.
Good luck!
Which is where To the End of Time comes in.

What is This Adventure? Tempani, a former ally of their benefactor, has lost
This one-shot is designed to give players a taste of epic her mind in the wake of a voyage to the reality-
level adventuring without the need for two years of twisting shores of the Far Realms. She has launched a
campaigning first. It can be completed in a single long plan that she claims will save the material plane from
session, or two or three shorter ones and should be its insidious tendrils, but exactly how effective this
relatively straightforward to run. will be and how catastrophic its side effects is yet to
The players get to pick from pre-generated epic- become clear...
level heroes (downloadable free from Over the course of their adventure the party will or create their own, complete encounter all manner of powerful creatures far
with backstories of valor and adventure. At the very beyond the reach of regular adventurers, and face
moment of their death, these titanic heroes are tasks that would leave even stout-hearted heroes
plucked from their own time by a powerful angel and dumbstruck.
tasked with saving the world - and possibly much So sit down and grab some dice… it’s going to be a
more besides - one last time. long night.
The Tower of Time of arcane sigils. He is clutching at a deep wound in his
side and torn white wings hang limply from his back.
he adventurers wake up on the floor of a In a deep, resonant voice the being introduces

T large, airy room with polished oak floors

and a high vaulted ceiling.
The walls are lined with shelves that hold a huge
itself as Ahmzael, a Planetar – a type of angel – of
Oghma and asks the adventurers about the last thing
they remember.
number of books, as well as an array of timekeeping
Interview with an Angel
devices – hourglasses, sundials, candles, etc. Tall
windows let in bright sunlight and show a view of wild Ahmzael explains that he used Chronomancy, a highly
mountain peaks. forbidden magic, to rip them from the very moments
However, as the adventurers look around them of their death. He desperately needed help from
they will notice signs of fighting. Some shelves are legendary heroes, but the magic is so incredibly
cloven in two by enormous slashes, others are dangerous that even having mortals know it exists is
scorched and blackened as if exposed to an intense incredibly dangerous.
fire. Torn pages litter the floor and shattered glass Cautiously, the angel adds that the spell he is
twinkles among the piles of sand that used to be channelling is only keeping them in the current time-
hourglasses, while the slumped forms of humanoids frame temporarily. When it inevitably fails, they will
wearing bloodstained robes lie against walls or sprawl be sent back to their correct time, where they will die.
on the floor. This is completely unavoidable, he claims
An incredibly tall, well-muscled humanoid with (truthfully). He adds that they are not the only doomed
lustrous green skin is sitting on the floor within a ring ones in this scenario – his use of Chronomancy is
strictly forbidden, even to one as powerful as himself.
What do I Remember? For his transgressions he will be completely destroyed,
without even the promise of an afterlife.
Each of the adventurers was ripped from their own
Rather than save themselves, Ahmzael asks that
timeline at the very instant before their death.
the heroes help him to save the entire world. In return,
Their last memory may be that of leaping from a
before he is destroyed he will grant them one boon –
Pegasus onto the back of an Ancient Red Dragon
blessing descendants, creating statues, etc.
with sword in hand, then seeing the ground rush
The angel will reveal the following information:
towards them as they buried their bade in its neck.
● This is a mountaintop shrine to Oghma, where
Maybe it was of the dread Lich screaming as
high-ranking Clerics and Celestials study history
their phylactery shattered beneath the hero’s
and Chronomancy.
hammer, and then raising a single finger to point at
● A few hours ago the shrine was attacked by a
former friend of Ahmzael’s – a Solar named
Work with your players to create ‘final’ battles
Tempani. She is one of the 24 most powerful
that were sufficiently epic and – hopefully – didn’t
angels in creation and is at the forefront of staving
leave them with too much unfinished business.
off incursions from the Far Realms.
● She appeared at the shrine unannounced,
accompanied with dozens of lesser angels. Her
The Black Lake
blazing sword was stained an inky black and her The bright lights of the shrine fade as you feel the strange
magnificent robes were stained and torn. From the rushing sensation of teleportation magic. Suddenly, the
moment he saw her, eyes Ahmzael knew that pressure disappears and you feel the rush of cool air on
madness had overcome her. your skin as you emerge into reality once more.
● Tempani and her angels demanded that the As you pull away from your fellow adventurers and
shrine’s inhabitants turn over all they knew about take stock of your surroundings, you see that you’re on the
Chronomancy and assist her in a project that she shore of a great subterranean lake. The inky blackness of
claimed would ‘prevent the Far Realms from the cavern is broken only by a phosphorescent purple glow
destroying everything’. However, Ahmzael fears that shimmers across the surface of the water.
that her plans will likely cause huge damage to the On the far side of the lake the cavern walls close in,
world, or render it completely unrecognisable as and right at the point where they meet is what appears to
timelines change and paradoxes are erased. be a temple, barely visible in the wavering light.
● When they refused, she killed all those who
The adventurers have emerged from the teleportation
opposed her, taking what she wanted and
spell on the southern edge of the lake and stand within
abducting those that possessed skills she needed.
a teleportation circle etched into sandy stone.
She fought Ahmzael herself, cutting him down
The lake is roughly 800 ft. across and is ice-cold,
with her greatsword and leaving him for dead.
though not otherwise dangerous. The glow is being
● He believes that Tempani has retreated to a temple
caused by luminescent bacteria in the water, rather
devoted to studying the Far Realms, based in the
than magic. The entire far side of the lake, as well as
Underdark. There is a teleportation circle set up
the temple, is protected by a Forbiddance spell,
that he can send them to.
making teleportation there impossible.
He will beg the party to defeat his old friend and
If they look around, they will notice a path leading
stop her mad plans. If they fail, everything they
to a jetty by the waterside. A large bell stands by the
worked for throughout their lives will be for naught.
jetty and a rowboat is tied up to its moorings. A human
Should the adventurers agree to help, he will
wearing robes embroidered with the scroll symbol of
thank them profusely and provide them with three
Oghma lies dead in the boat with a deep gash across
Wonderous Hourglasses, explaining how they
his chest.
function. He will then raise his hand and begin
incanting a teleportation spell. Friends and Foes
As the adventurers approach the jetty a slash of bright
Wonderous Hourglass purple light will rip through a stretch of air above the
Wonderous item (legendary) lake some 300 ft. away from the party.
This wooden hourglass appears to be filled with Moments later, four or five humanoid creatures
golden sand that never runs out. When it is smashed, will emerge from the rip and float above the water,
time seems to stop for all creatures within a 20 ft. heading for the temple.
radius. A DC15 Wisdom (Perception) check will allow
This time stop lasts for exactly one hour, adventurers to identify the creatures as Mindflayers.
allowing creatures to gain the benefits of a short rest. As they do so, a trio of large, winged shapes descend
from the roof of the cavern and attack the
Mindflayers, firing jets of flame and ice and tearing They do not know what Tempani is doing, but
into them with claws. have faith in her intentions. All they know is that the
Adventurers that were able to make out the temple has long been a bastion of research against the
Mindflayers will easily be able to see that the attackers Far Realms, carried out by disciples of Oghma. They
are a trio of Young Brass Dragons (MM p115). Within a were summoned here around a day ago and there have
matter of moments they destroy the otherworldly been fairly regular incursions from Mindflayers and
humanoids and return to patrolling the air. other creatures of the Far Realms since then.
The dragons will spot any creature crossing the Persuading the dragons to let the adventurers’ pass
lake that isn’t invisible. Those that are underwater can will require a DC25 Charisma (Persuasion or
make Dexterity (Stealth) checks opposed by the Deception) check. Virtually nothing short of a miracle
dragons’ Wisdom (Perception) checks. will persuade the dragons to turn on the Solar, even if
Should the dragons spot the adventurers they will they doubt her methods.
swoop to within 60 ft. or so of them and demand that Should they try and pass the dragons anyway or
they identify themselves. They can clearly see that the make it clear that they mean to oppose Tempani
adventurers are not beings of the Far Realms and will without providing them with a good reason, the trio
not attack on sight, but have been ordered not to let will attack. If needs be, they will fight to the death to
anybody or anything pass by their watch. pay off their mother’s debt to the Solar.
If the adventurers react peacefully, the dragons On the far side of the lake it becomes clear that the
will introduce themselves as Balana, Baneri and temple is built into the cavern walls. A wide staircase
Belanino, the children of the Great Lantura. Their climbs up to a great stone door that marks the
mother owed a great debt to Tempani from ages long entrance to the Hidden Temple.
passed and they could not refuse the Angel’s call when
she asked them to guard the lake against incursions.

Black Lake Map

1. Chapel The Elf is Tempani’s lieutenant, a high-level Cleric of
Oghma named Shinoh, while the angelic figures are
large room with high ceilings held up by thick Corrupted Deva.
pillars of grey stone opens up before you.
If he notices the adventurers, Shinoh will
Wooden pews stand either side of an aisle that
comment that the dragons have not performed as
runs up to stone altar carved with a scroll, behind which
expected. He will introduce himself and ask where the
stands a beautiful statue of an angelic woman. Smaller
adventurers have come from, as they clearly did not
doors lead off from the left and right of the room and a
stumble across the Hidden Temple by accident.
staircase to the rear heads downwards.
He explains that Tempani’s plan is the only way to
All around lie the same signs of violence you saw back protect this plane from the Far Realms, and that only a
at the shrine. Blood spatters the floor and splintered wood fool would oppose her. If they understood the horrors
shows where heavy blades tore pews apart. of that place as well as he did, they would agree.
A white-robed Elf with a bloody bandage pulled tight Should it become obvious that the adventurers are
across his eyes is praying at the altar. Standing guard intent on disrupting Tempani’s plans, he will order the
over him are three Angelic figures, tall and powerful but Deva to attack. The Angels will try and protect the
with a strange air of sickness. Their skin is deathly pale Cleric while he casts his most powerful spells from
and the orbs of their eyes are a black void. behind the altar.

Corrupted Deva Innate Spellcasting.The Corrupted Deva's

spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17). It
can innately cast the following spells, requiring only
verbal components:
Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 100 (16d8 + 48)
Tasha’s Hideous Laughter, Evard’s Black
Speed 30 ft., Fly 60 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Magic Resistance. The deva has advantage on
18 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) saving throws against spells and other magical
Saving Throws Wis +8, Cha +9
Skills Perception +8. Intimidation +9 ACTIONS
Damage Resistances psychic, bludgeoning, piercing Multiattack. The Corrupted Deva makes two melee
and slashing from nonmagical attacks attacks.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, Iron Mace. +8 to hit, reach 5
frightened, ft., one target. 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage,
Senses darkvision 120 ft,, passive Perception 18 plus 18 (4d8) psychic damage.
Languages all, telepathy 120 ft. Mind Rend. The Corrupted Deva links its warped mind
Challenge 10 (5,900 xp) with that of one creature within 30 ft. The target must
make a DC 17 Charisma save or be stunned until the
Corrupted Weapons. The Corrupted Deva’s weapon
end of their next turn. If they fail this check by 5 or
attacks are magical. When the Corrupted Deva hits
more they also take 27 (6d8) psychic damage.
with any weapon, the weapon deals an extra 4d8
psychic damage (included in the attack).
The angelic figure is Liari, a Deva (MM p16). She is
Shinoh protected by a Magic Circle spell. If the adventurers
approach openly or speak to her she will recognise
that they are not creatures of Tempani and will
Armor Class 16 (breastplate)
beseech them for aid.
Hit Points 75 (10d10 + 20)
The room she lies in is the temple’s workroom.
Speed 35 ft..
Bookshelves stuffed with lore on the Far Realms line
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the far wall and tables covered with alchemical
12 (+1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 17 (+3) apparatus or notes take up much of the rest of the
Saving Throws Wis +7, Cha +7 floorspace. There are signs of violence here too -
Skills Perception +9. Religion +8 bloodstains and torn papers litter the floor.
Senses blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond this Liari will explain that she and some of the others
distance), passive Perception 8 who worked at the temple did not approve of
Languages all, telepathy 120 ft. Tempani’s plans. When they refused to be exposed to
Challenge 10 (5,900 xp) ‘the truth’, as Tempani called it, they were murdered.
Spellcasting. Shinoh is an 11th-level spellcaster. His She was able to survive by casting a spell of protection.
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 17, +9 As she was already badly injured and unlikely to pose
to hit with spell attacks), He has the following cleric any threat, the Corrupted Deva decided that killing her
spells prepared: was more effort than it was worth.
mending, sacred flame, She has 1 hp and her movement is reduced to 5 ft.
thaumaturgy Healing her to at least half health (68 hp) removes this
command, cure wounds, restriction.
calm emotions, hold person Over the course of a conversation she may reveal
bestow curse, dispel magic the following information:

banishment, divination ● Tempani has been a strong force for good in the
world for as long as anybody can remember. She
legend lore, geas
has been particularly focused on overcoming
threats posed by creatures from the Far Realms,
ACTIONS and has been working with the faithful of Oghma
for centuries to collect knowledge and
Mace. +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
information on the foul aberrations.
one target. 5 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage..
● The Hidden Temple was established to carry out
research. Just behind the temple is a vast cavern

2. Hallway & Workroom where the barriers between the material plane and
the Far Realms are incredibly thin. After centuries
The stone door opens to reveal a short corridor. To the left of observing the things that came through,
is another door, while a steep set of stairs heads off to the Tempani recently launched an expedition to
right. personally explore what lay on the other side.
Directly in front of you, however, is an open doorway ● Tempani and the Deva that accompanied her on
through which you can see a badly-injured Angelic figure her journey returned safely, but something they
lying within a glowing circle of magical light. Her leg is had seen changed them. They were driven to a
badly twisted and torn and blood stains her robes, but she strange, focussed madness. Tempani announced
appears to still be alive. that she now had a plan that was “the only way to
keep the Far Realms from dominating all the planes of ● The stairs lead to the observation deck which
existence.” overlooks the rift into the Far Realms. When they
●The Deva that still trusted Tempani were taken were arranging the first expedition Tempani and
through the portal to the Far Realms and returned just her team tethered a line between the temple and
as corrupted and mad as she was. Those that did not - the platform they intended to push through the
bar herself - were slain. rift. They then hung a gondola from the line which
●As far as Liari has been able to work out, Tempani makes it easy to transport people and equipment
plans to use forbidden magics to interfere with the to the platform.
flow of time, though she has no idea how this ties into If healed up, Liari will volunteer to help the
her campaign against the Far Realms. Chronomancy is adventurers, joining them as an NPC ally. She urges
incredibly dangerous, with even small changes them to hurry and do what they can to stop Tempani
potentially having devastating consequences. before it’s too late.


3. Dormitory caught wind of her plans it began arranging an all-
out attack, even making the near-unprecedented
A half dozen or so plain beds with chests at their base fill move of asking for aid from other colonies.
this fairly small room. ● Their assault has been hampered by the power of
Tiny windows look out over the lake and lend a the wards surrounding the temple. Gaining access
strange flickering light to the dormitory, but beyond that directly is impossible, and teleportation has been
everything is still. severely disrupted. The Mindflayers have only
been able to attack in small groups and are easily
There are personal effects scattered about the room,
mopped up piecemeal.
but beyond clothes and a few books there is nothing of
particular use or interest. ● If the party is able to find a way to disrupt the
wards blocking teleportation, he will be able to call
4. Hallway & Library in reinforcements that will at the very least
The stone door opens to reveal a short corridor. Another distract the angelic forces.
door lies directly in front of you and to the left a wide set of ● Wards this strong probably require constant
stairs lead upwards. To your right is an open door that attention. Their source is probably near the centre
seems to lead into a library of sorts. of the temple. Considering its importance, it’s
As you all filter into the corridor a strange, alien voice probably kept in sight of quite a few angels.
enters your minds, speaking without the use of any sound. He is willing to accompany the party and provide
them aid, so long as they heal him first.
“Outsiders… You do not serve… the winged one?” it
says. 5. Armory
The voice belongs to Klath, a Mindflayer Arcanist Before you is a blocky, windowless room with slabs of
(MM p232). He has cast Invisibility on himself, but is plain grey stone on the floor and ceiling. The walls,
badly injured and is hiding in the library. When the however, glitter and shine. Silver light dances off dozens,
adventurers arrive he only has 21 hp. maybe hundreds of weapons that hang from racks and
Klath will attempt to gauge the adventurers’ rest against plain wooden stands.
intentions while keeping himself hidden. He does not The only other furniture is a blackened anvil, behind
like to communicate with ‘lesser’ creatures, but will do which sits a tall figure seemingly made of gleaming steel.
so in the face of the threat Tempani poses. During the It appears hard at work attending to a sword, which glows
early stages of conversation the Mind Flayer will white-hot as the creature slowly moves its palm across the
attempt to keep his identity hidden, but suspicious blade.
adventurers can make a DC15 Intelligence (Arcana) As the door swings open the metallic blacksmith looks
check to work out his race. up at you with eyes that glow like embers. “May I help
Over the course of a conversation, Klath might you?” it says.
explain that:
The mechanical creature is known only as The
● Magic users are usually shunned by Mind Flayer
Armorer, which uses the statistics of an Iron Golem
colonies, but Klath was freed from servitude in
(MM p170). It manages the stock of weapons kept in
order to provide support to an attack force sent to
the temple, ensuring that they are always properly
the temple a few hours earlier. His brethren were
maintained and distributed when needed.
wiped out by the angelic defenders, but he
The stockpile of weapons is truly impressive. There
managed to hide.
are +3 Magical Weapon variations of every simple and
● The Elder Brain of his colony has been aware of
martial weapon listed in the Player’s Handbook, as well
Tempani’s work for some time and has been
as a Holy Avenger Longsword, a Mace of Smiting, an
slowly finding ways to spy upon her. When it
Oathbow, a Sunblade and a Greatsword of Sharpness.
Barrier Breakers 6. Warding Room
If the adventurers deactivate the barriers several Stairs lead down to a small door. It seems to be made of a
things will happen. First of all, the party themselves solid slab of grey stone, carved with runes that shimmer
will be able to use teleportation spells in and around with silvery light.
the temple. Secondly, the area will start to be As you approach there is a noise of grinding stone and
invaded by Mindflayers and their allies. the runes spark with light. Slowly, the door swings open,
This will not happen right away as the creatures seemingly inviting you in.
do not know that the barrier is down, but after a few
The warding room is large and lit by magical torches
minutes they will start a full-scale assault. This
that provide the feel and warmth of sunlight. Water
attack may come shortly after the party make their
trickles through a fountain to the rear of the room,
way onto the Observation Deck, or it may already be
and two four-poster beds equipped with thick red
underway if the adventurers took their time
curtains lie in the far corners. An oak table is laden
exploring the area. Naturally, this will dramatically
with stacked books and notes.
change the description of the area.
The overall impression of the space is a strange
Should the party be accompanied by Klath, or
combination of bedroom and shrine. In the very centre
tell him that the wards have been lowered, he will be
of the room is a circle of glowing silver runes, within
able to psychically contact his colony and coordinate
which sit two young humans. Blonde-haired and pale-
an attack alongside the party - assuming they’re
skinned, they are clearly twins, one male and one
willing to work with the Mindflayers.
female, and wear dazzlingly white robes.
The Mind Flayer attack force consists of 25 Mind
The boy has his eyes closed and his face is screwed
Flayers and 30 enthralled Quaggoths (MM p256).
up in concentration, but the girl watches anybody
The Mindflayers will emerge from portals in mid-air,
entering the room intently. The twins are both fully
while the ground troops will appear on the decking.
enclosed in a spherical Wall of Force.
If you have access to Volo’s Guide to Monsters, replace
two of the Mind Flayers with Ulitharids (VGtM p175). Once the party enters, the girl will greet them. Her
name is Nayla, and her brother is Naylo. They are the
temple’s wardmasters, and key to keeping it free from

However, these weapons are all kept behind outside invaders. Over the conversation she may

invisible Walls of Force controlled by the Armorer. explain that:

The divinely-powered automaton only allows ● She and her brother have a natural affinity for

authorised persons access weapons. Low- to mid-level abjuration magic. They have an innate ability to

angels such as Liari are allowed to take normal set up extremely powerful barriers and wards.

enchanted weapons, but if the adventurers want ● They have been at the temple for five years. It was
access to the named weapons they must have approval their destiny to serve, and they are happy to do so.
from a particularly high-ranking member of the ● The twins work in shifts in order to keep the
church, such as Shinoh or even Tempani herself. wards up at all times. They never leave this room.
Deceiving the Armorer requires a DC25 Charisma ● The main purpose of the wards is to stem the
(Deception) check, as well as a good explanation. The corrupting influence of the Far Realms. Preventing
automaton can only do as it has been instructed, so teleportation is just a side-effect, albeit a very
pleas about saving the world or fighting corruption useful one.
fall on deaf ears. It will attack any creature that ● The twins are somewhat aware of what’s been
attempts to access or take a weapon without being going on in the temple and that Tempani has gone
authorised first. mad. However, they agreed not to drop the wards,
especially as they have been fending off attacks from with. On the plus side, they all seem far too busy to have
Mindflayers and other Far Realms entities almost non- noticed you yet.
A quick glance about the deck will allow the party to
●They have been tied into the wards, body and soul.
estimate that there are around 50 enemies working
Nobody else can keep the barriers maintained, and
there, including a dozen or so angels. A more thorough
they cannot leave this place.
scouting of the situation - and a DC 15 Wisdom
●Tempani and her followers could not harm or
(Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) check - will
remove the twins, so have been ignoring them.
give them more of a precise breakdown.
Nayla is always sedate and calm, even if being
There are 25 Acolytes (MM p342), 15 Priests (MM
threatened. She does not wish to aid Tempani, but at
p348) and 12 Corrupted Deva on the deck. They are
the same time protecting the temple from incursions is
packing boxes filled with tomes and scrolls onto the
their divinely-appointed duty. Her biggest fear is
wooden gondola.
losing her twin brother, and she is aware that
The decking is somewhat higher up than the crack
dropping the barrier would beave them both exposed
so the rope is on a downward slope, and the frame has
to danger.
a large handle mechanism that seems to be how the
Persuading Nayla and her brother to drop the anti-
angels move it up and down the line. When the
teleportation barrier around the temple requires a
adventurers arrive it is locked in place with a heavy
DC21 Charisma (Persuasion or Intimidation) check.
wooden wedge. If this is removed - such as by
This is made with advantage is the party is
Telekinesis or a powerful blow - the gondola will begin
accompanied by Liari or another Oghmaite loyalist,
to drift downwards towards the crack.
but with disadvantage if they are joined by Klath.
As strong as they are, it should be obvious to the
Other than their innate link to the barriers, neither
party that they cannot take on the entire force in a
of the twins possess any particularly powerful abilities
straight-up fight, so reaching the portal will require
or skills. As such they are treated at Commoners (MM
some thought.
p345) in the event that combat breaks out.
At this point, give the players room to develop
7. Observation Deck their own plan. Liari and Klath may be willing to cause
diversions, and if the party deactivated the wards
Before you is a wide expanse of grey flagstones, creating a
Mindflayers are likely to launch an attack while the
flat deck teeming with angelic beings and robed clerics of
warping effect of the portal itself begins to take hold.
every sort. It overlooks a vast, near-spherical cavern
hundreds of feet across and carved out of blackened, If combat breaks out, don’t try and include every
warped stone. single creature on the decking. Instead, only roll
initiative for the closest enemies and keep the pace up
In the very centre of the cavern is a flickering,
- for example you can assume that Acolytes can be
constantly shifting crack of sparking purple energy that
taken down in a single blow, so don’t bother recording
lends the entire space a sickly pallor. A thick pair of ropes
their hit points. The party’s aim shouldn’t be to defeat
disappear into the crack, connecting it to a heavy wooden
every enemy out there, but rather to get to the portal.
frame mounted on the deck.
Should the adventurers try and take the gondola
Hanging from the ropes, just beyond the frame, is a
they will be attacked by flying Deva, while others try
wooden platform maybe 20 ft. wide and twice as long. A
and cut the thick ropes holding it in place.
stream of figures seem to be loading it up with small boxes
No matter how they do it, once the adventurers get
or crates, causing it to sway rhythmically as they drop
within a few feet of the portal they will feel a powerful
their cargo and head off.
tug that sucks them through. Everything goes black.
Further back on the decking a group of Clerics work to
pack the boxes, though from here you can’t quite tell what
Dark Sands from the underside of some floating landmass or the
laws of gravity simply don’t apply here is uncertain.
he party wakes up on a beach - or at least The only structure within sight - and not floating

T something that appears to be a beach. The

sand beneath them is coal-black, and
rather than water waves of thick grey mist crash upon
through the sky - is a tall, dark tower that twists its
way through the sky without care for orientation or
reason. Doors open onto vertical drops, walls spiral in
the beach, with wisps boiling off into the air and on themselves and features flow as though they’ve
forming drifting banks of fog. melted in a hot sun.
Strange, alien keenings and wails ring out from The structure is roughly 100 ft. across and some
the depths and strange, vast shadows seem to be 500 ft. tall. There are numerous small towers
moving, half-seen just beneath the surface. surrounding it, some of which seem to float in the air
Far above them the ruined spires of an ancient city with bases consumed by mist.
peek from the clouds, though whether they’re dangling As the party gather their bearings, a cloud of torn
papers will drift down from the central tower,
seemingly coming from a large open area towards the
Fractured Writings top that glows with a flickering blue light. Catching
them before they disappear into the mist requires a
The notes are scrawled in Celestial and only DC10 Dexterity check.
fragments of them survive. Pick which ones are
The scraps are badly torn, but can be reassembled
retrieved by the players, or determine them
with a successful DC18 Intelligence (Investigation)
check or a spell such as Mending. If put back together,
1. ...realms is flowing like a river wearing the party can tell that the papers contain scrawlings in
down a mountain. Given enough time, Celestial (see Fractured Writings boxout),
The chamber that the paper came from, and that is
it’s domin…
glowing, is the Ritual Chamber, where Tempani is
2. point in resisting in current frame working on her massive magical project to ‘save the
world’. This can easily be reached by flying characters,
of reference. Need to step ou…
or by characters able to make a DC20 Strength
3. ...problem is time. Given enough, all is (Athletics) check to climb the wall.
If the party can’t or don’t want to head straight up,
doomed. So only thi…
a large arched door a few hundred feet away leads to
4. ...cannot work within our reality. But the interior of the tower.
maybe within anothe.… The Black Tower
5. ...ower needed would be immense. Only The interior of the Black Tower is a mind-shattering
source would be one of the Elder on… mess of impossible geometry and twisted gravity. The
dimensions seem to twist and buckle before the
6. I capture one? With help perhaps. adventurers’ eyes, with staircases turning in space so
It is the only wa... that they appear to lead to doors turned sideways.
The only part that seems to really make sense is
the central spiral staircase, which climbs all the way
up the tower. Dozens of wooden doorways lead off the It’s open to the air at both ends, one of which
stairs, even as it twists and spirals in a way that would looks out on the sea of mist far below. The other opens
clearly take it upside down or running along onto a surprisingly normal blue sky, complete with
perpendicular to the wall. white clouds and the faint warmth of the sun. This is a
All around the tower are dozens of white-robed portal back to the material plane.
priests and angels. To a man, they sit huddled against In the very centre of the room are several strange
walls or study their hands or feet intensely. It’s clear things. The first of these is Tempani herself. The fallen
that something dreadful has happened to their minds, Solar is incredibly tall with a body that radiates power
and they cannot put up and threat to the adventurers. and strength. Ragged white wings grow from her
Interrogating any of the residents is difficult, and shoulders and she wears a torn robe trimmed with
they only mumble about spirals, eyes and oozing gold and purple. She chants at the centre of a circle
troughs of broken time. However, a DC15 Intelligence etched with hundreds of complex runes that flicker
(Arcana) or Wisdom (Medicine) check will allow with ethereal light.
adventurers to guess that a Greater Restoration spell Above her, suspended from the ceiling by thick
or something with similar effects may temporarily chains, is an aberration of terrifying proportions.
rescue them from their madness. The creature is maybe 50 ft. tall and superficially
If they do so, the priest or angel will become resembles a giant humanoid, though one that has had
momentarily lucid and is more than happy to answer its flesh melted and warped. Instead of legs it has a
questions, albeit in a confused fashion. They know: mass of tentacles, no two of which are the same, and
● Tempani is at the very top of the tower. She is in its arms end in long, delicate fingers with three or four
the process of carrying out a long ritual. joints each and bare red flesh where nails should be.
● She is convinced that, given enough time, the Far Its head is egg-shaped with snake-like slit of a nose
Realms will inevitably dominate all other planes that sits above a lipless black hole of a mouth. Two
of existence. The only way to prevent this is to huge eyes stare out from the head, but they are angled
take away that time. vertically and their inky pupils swivel independently.
● The spell needed to be cast in the Far Realms, and The chains look to be made of black iron as thick
needed an incredible source of power - Tempani as a man’s forearm, and each link it etched with
decided to use a captured Elder Being. glowing runes. A character examining the chains and
● They have been hoarding all of the world’s able to make a DC15 Intelligence (Arcana) check will
knowledge, so at least some part of it shall survive realise that they are based on Dimensional Shackles,
the time stop. and prevent the creature from moving by either
They do not know any more of the angel’s plans, conventional or magical means.
and will soon return to a catatonic state. Across the centre of the creature’s chest, where all
All the rooms in the tower are filled with unsorted the chains meet, is a large lock. Releasing the chains
scrolls and books of all kinds. requires an iron key being held by Tempani, or a DC30
Tempani’s Ritual Chamber awaits at the very top Strength check (if a creature attempts this check and
of the building. fails, they cannot try again for 30 days).

Ritual Chamber Interview With An Angel, Part

The ritual chamber is a vast room with black tiles on
the floor and a peaked, triangular ceiling that stretches If Tempani becomes aware of the adventurers she will
up from 50 ft. high and is supported by a dozen thick turn to confront them, though she always remains
pillars. The room is lit by braziers than hang from the calm and supremely confident.
rafters and burn with a flickering purple light.
Tempani, Corrupted Solar Magic Resistance. Tempani has advantage on
saving throws against spells and other magical

Armor Class 21 (natural armor) ACTIONS

Hit Points 243 (18d10 + 144)
Multiattack. Tempani makes two greatsword attacks.
Speed 30 ft., Fly 60 ft.
Greatsword. +15 to hit, reach
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 5 ft., one target. 22 (4d6 + 8) slashing damage,
26 (+8) 22 (+6) 26 (+8) 28 (+9) 24 (+7) 30 (+10) plus 27 (6d8) psychic damage.
Word of Truth. Tempani whispers a horrible truth of
Saving Throws Int +16, Wis +14, Cha +17
the Far Realms into the mind of one creature within
Skills Perception +14 30 ft. The target must make a DC 25 Charisma save
Damage Resistances psychic, bludgeoning, piercing or take 27 (6d8) psychic damage. If they fail this
and slashing from nonmagical attacks check by 10 or more they are dominated by
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, Tempani until the end of their next turn.
frightened, Merge (only available when below half hit points).
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 24 Tempani reaches out to an Elder Being within 5ft.
Languages all, telepathy 120 ft. and merges with it, transforming into the Divine
Challenge 20 (25,000 xp) Horror.

Corrupted Weapons. Tempani’s weapon attacks are LEGENDARY ACTIONS

magical. When she hits with any weapon, the
Tempani can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
weapon deals an extra 8d8 psychic damage
the options below. Only one legendary action option
(included in the attack).
can be used at a time and only at the end of another
Warped Awareness. If Tempani looks a creature in creature's turn. Tempani regains spent legendary
the eyes, she knows its greatest fear. actions at the start of her turn.
Innate Spellcasting. Tempani's spellcasting ability is Teleport. Tempani magically teleports, along with any
Charisma (spell save DC 25). She can innately cast equipment she is wearing or carrying, up to 120 feet
the following spells, requiring only verbal to an unoccupied space she can see.
Maddening Burst (Costs 2 Actions). Tempani emits
Invisibility a burst of psychic energy. Each creature of her choice
Tasha’s Hideous Laughter, Evard’s Black in a 10 ft. radius must make a DC 23 Dexterity saving
Tentacles. throw, taking 14 (4d6) psychic damage plus 14 (4d6)
Eyebite. necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.

Her face is beautiful, but her eyes of solid white Over the course of a conversation she may explain
are shot with veins of glittering purple and ringed that:
with black. ● She spent a long time travelling the Far Realms - or
The angel will tell the party that she can feel the possibly only a few days, it’s hard to tell. What she
hum of chronomancy on them, and assumes they saw convinced her that their growth iis inevitable.
were sent by Ahmzael. She does not particularly wish ● The only thing needed to bring about this
to fight them, but this is because she has more apocalypse is time. So she is doing what she can to
important things she wants to do rather than because remove it from the equation, like snuffing out a fire
she is worried about losing. by denying it oxygen.
Elder Being 2. The ground around the creature momentarily
liquefies. If the creature is standing on solid
ground they must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity
saving throw or be restrained. As an action, they
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
or another creatures within 5 ft. can attempt to
Hit Points 330 (20d12 + 200)
free them, requiring a DC 18 Strength (Athletics)
Speed 60 ft., check.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 3. Gravity reverses for the creature. They begin
30 (+10) 8 (-1) 30 (+10) 30 (+10) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) to fall upwards at a rate of 60 ft. per turn. This
lasts until the beginning of their next turn.
Saving Throws Con +17 Int +17
4. The creature is caught in a brief time loop.
Damage Resistances psychic, bludgeoning, piercing They must attempt to repeat the actions of their
and slashing from nonmagical attacks previous turn. This does not consume any extra
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, resources (spell slots, items, etc.).
frightened, 5. The creature skips forward in time. They
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 14 disappear from play and reappear at the start of
Languages - their next turn.
Challenge 20 (25,000 xp) 6. An alien presence filters into their mind. They
must make a DC 18 Charisma saving throw or
Impossible Flesh. The Elder Being’s body does not
be stunned until the start of their next turn. On
obey conventional laws of biology or geometry.
as success, however, they gain a portion of it’s
When a creature hits the Elder Being with an attack
intellect, increasing their Intelligence to 30 for
it must roll a d20. On a result of less than ten, the
one minute.
attack misses.
Magic Resistance. The Elder Being has advantage
Twisted Hands. The Elder Being’s weapons are
on saving throws against spells and other magical
magical. When it hits with any weapon, the weapon
deals an extra 8d8 psychic damage (included in the
attack). ACTIONS
Warping Aura. All creatures that come within 20 ft.
Multiattack. The Elder Being makes one smash attack
of the Elder Being, or who start their turn within 20
and one dread gaze attack.
ft., must roll on the following chart:
Smash. +17 to hit, reach 10
1. The creature becomes highly magnetised. For
ft., one target. 24 (4d6 + 10) bludgeoning damage,
each non-secured source of metal within 30 ft.
plus 36 (8d8) psychic damage.
(creatures count as singly sources, no matter
Dread Gaze. The Elder Being turns its gaze upon
how many items they are carrying) they are
one creature that can see it. The target must make a
subjected to a ranged attack made with a +10
DC 25 Charisma saving throw or suffer the effects of
to hit, causing 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage
the spell.
on a hit. Creatures holding metal items may
attempt to hold onto them by making a DC 18
Strength saving throw.

●There is no way to stop time in the Far Realms, but ● The fundamental laws of Chronomancy prevent
she believes there is a way to stop it in all the other her from casting such a spell. However, those rules
planes. don’t apply in the chaotic maelstrom of the Far
Divine Horror 4. The creature is caught in a brief time loop.
They must attempt to repeat the actions of their
previous turn. This does not consume any extra
resources (spell slots, items, etc.).
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
5. The creature skips forward in time. They
Hit Points 330 (20d12 + 200)
disappear from play and reappear at the start of
Speed 60 ft., fly 60 ft.
their next turn.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 6. An alien presence filters into their mind. They
30 (+10) 12 (+1) 30 (+10) 30 (+10) 24 (+7) 16 (+3) must make a DC18 Charisma saving throw or be
dominated by the Divine Horror until the start
Saving Throws Con +17 Int +17, Wis +14
of their next turn. On as success, however, they
Skills Perception +14 gain a portion of it’s intellect, increasing their
Damage Resistances psychic, bludgeoning, piercing Intelligence to 30 for one minute.
and slashing from nonmagical attacks Legendary Resistance (3/day). If the Divine Horror
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed
frightened, instead.
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 24 Magic Resistance. The Divine Horror has advantage
Languages all, telepathy 120 ft. on saving throws against spells and other magical
Challenge 23 (50,000 xp) effects.

Corrupted Soul. The Divine Horror’s weapon attacks ACTIONS

are magical. When it hits with any weapon, the
Multiattack. The Divine Horror makes two greatsword
weapon deals an extra 8d8 psychic damage
(included in the attack).
Greatsword. +17 to hit, reach
Warping Aura. All creatures that come within 20 ft.
10 ft., one target. 24 (4d6 + 10) bludgeoning
of the Divine Horror, or who start their turn within
damage, plus 36 (8d8) psychic damage.
20 ft., must roll on the following chart:
Mind Rend The Divine Horror tears into the mind of
1. The creature becomes highly magnetised. For
all creatures within 30 ft. The target must make a DC
each non-secured source of metal within 30 ft.
25 Charisma save or take 36 (8d8) psychic damage
(creatures count as single sources, no matter
and gain one level of exhaustion.
how many items they are carrying) they are
subjected to a ranged attack made with a +10 LEGENDARY ACTIONS
to hit, causing 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage
The Divine Horror can take 3 legendary actions,
on a hit. Creatures holding metal items may
choosing from the options below. Only one legendary
attempt to hold onto them by making a DC 18
action option can be used at a time and only at the
Strength saving throw.
end of another creature's turn. The Divine Horror
2. The ground around the creature momentarily
regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
liquefies. If the creature is standing on solid
Dread Gaze. The Divine Horror turns its gaze upon
ground they must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity
one creature that can see it. The target must make a
saving throw or be restrained. As an action, they
DC 25 Charisma saving throw or suffer the effects of
or another creatures within 5 ft. can attempt to
the spell.
free them, requiring a DC 18 Strength (Athletics)
Time Jump. The Divine Horror teleports to any
location it occupied during its previous turn.
3. Gravity reverses for the creature. They begin
Writhing Charge. The Divine Horror moves up to its
to fall upwards at a rate of 60 ft. per turn. This
speed and makes a greatsword attack with advantage.
lasts until the beginning of their next turn.
●She needed two things to cast the spell - information The universe abhors potential paradoxes and is
on Chronomancy and a source of incredible power. very good at correcting for them, which it does by
The former of these she obtained from Ahmzael, the erasing everything involved with Chronomancy.
second lies chained above them. Ahmzael will be destroyed, but they will suffer an even
●The creature is an Elder Being, one of the warped worse fate. They will probably be erased from time
demigods of this twisted realm. It’s the weakest one completely. Their deeds will have never happened,
she has encountered, but it was still strong enough to their descendents will wink out of existence, their
destroy many of her Angels and reduce others to friends will forget them forever and the songs the
madness. Bards wrote about them will fade away.
●Her ritual will harness the Elder Being’s powers and Do they really want to continue to fight for a world
use them to cast the most powerful Chronomancy that will forget them, she asks. Or would they rather
spell possible. She is on the verge of completing her exist forever, unchanging but still there?
ritual, but was waiting for more shipments of Should they continue to fight, an increasingly
information salvaged from the real world to arrive. desperate Tempani will free the Elder Being and thrust
With the appearance of the adventurers, she surmises her hands into the creature’s chest. As she does so it
that it probably isn’t worth waiting any more. begins to absorb her into its flash
●If the adventurers are willing, she will let them stay
Aberrant Conclusions
in this realm for as long as they wish, though she
warns it tends to do rather unfortunate things to If Tempani is able to merge with the Elder Being and
mortal minds. Even immortal ones don’t fare much become the Divine Horror she will attempt to destroy
better. the party once and for all before her mind is consumed
by that of the Elder Being.
●The window at the far end of the room is a stable
portal to the material realm. They are free to return if Should it become obvious that the adventurers are
they wish, though they will only have a few minutes going to win, the Divine Horror will attempt to escape
before time stops. into the material plane using the open portal at the far
Tempani will only attack if the adventurers end of the room. This could lead to a thrilling chase
initiate hostilities themselves, or if they attempt to scene as the party follow her, or could potentially end
interfere with her ritual casting. This includes the game as they let her go.
attempting to free or kill the Elder Being. The couclusion to the adventure is hard to predict,
as depending on the group’s choices things can vary
Showdown significantly. The party may be defeated and feel the
If the party start a battle with Tempani she will world grind to a halt as they bleed on the tiles, or they
counterattack fiercely, using the Elder Being’s may even take Tempani up on her offer and choose to
Corrupting Aura and Eye of the Void abilities to split be frozen in time but still alive.
the adventurers up and lure them into traps. If the adventurers defeat Tempani, or at least stop
Stealing the key to the Elder Being’s chains from her from finishing the ritual, they get to enjoy a few
her requires an adventurer to successfully land an moments looking out over the material plane from the
attack and then succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity (Sleight portal. The ocean stretches out before them, and in the
of Hand) check. distance is the indistinct shores of a continent.
Should they reduce her below half hit points or Soon they will feel the strength drain from their
start making attempts to free the Elder Being, Tempani body, and everything will fade. Though they may be
will reveal that Ahmzael lied to them - by omission if disappearing forever, they at least know that the world
not directly. has been saved.
For now.
Appendix ● Stick to the ‘Player’s Handbook + 1 other source’
rule, to avoid lugging round a stack of books.
Named NPCs ● Each player can pick one magic item from the
Dungeon Masters’ Guide, subject to DM veto
● Ahmzael: Devout Angel serving Oghma. Friend of
(probably best to avoid a rogue Deck of Many
Tempani’s. Summons adventurers at cost of his
own life.
● Official, published sources only. No Unearthed
● Tempani: One of the most powerful Angels in
Arcana, no homebrew.
existence. Led the fight against Far Realms
● Unless you have a very good reason, avoid
incursions for millennia, but recently turned
Chaotic/Neutral Evil characters. For ease-of-use,
the adventure is designed around good-leaning
● Balana, Baneri and Belanino: Young Bronze
Dragons. The children of the Great Lantura, sworn
● Pick something fun! This is a chance to play with
to pay off their mother’s debt to Tempani.
characters capable of great things, so take
● Shinoh: Elven Cleric. Tempani’s most powerful
advantage of it.
mortal servant, charged with overseeing the
Note these are all guidelines, so feel free to ignore
Hidden Temple.
them if you think it’ll help you and your group to have
● Liari: Angel serving Oghma. One of the few
a good game.
loyalists left alive in the Hidden Temple, she
protected herself from Tempani with a Magic Scaling
Circle after her friends were slain. The adventure is designed for conventional party
● Klath: Mindflayer Arcanist. Though an outcast sizes, and should prove suitable for 4-6 players. If the
from his colony for his arcane powers, he was party is bigger or smaller than this, however, the DM
drafted in to help the Mindflayers attack the may need to make modifications.
Hidden Temple and foil Tempani’s plans. The exact changes needed will depend on both the
● The Armorer: An Iron Golem serving as the party composition and the players’ own experience.
Hidden Temple’s blacksmith and quartermaster. However, the DM should start from the suggestions
● Nayla and Naylo: Human twins born with an listed below if the party’s numbers of skill level is too
incredible gift for casting wards. They protect the far from this..
Hidden Temple from attack, though they do not
serve Tempani. Encounter Suggestions

Character Creation Guidelines Black Lake Dragons

Add/remove 1 Young
Bronze Dragon
Rolling up a level 20 character can be tricky for even
the most experienced player, and this gets even more Add/remove 1 Corrupted
Chapel Confrontation
complicated when you want to drop them into a party Deva
right away.
Armorer No change.
If players want to go for a wild Paladin/Warlock
multiclass, by all means allow it, but when we put Add/remove 4 Corrupted
Observation Deck
together the pre-generated characters (available for Deva
download at, we found things
Increase/decrease all
went most smoothly when we kept it simple.
Black Tower Ritual Room monsters’ hit points by 25
For this reason, we would suggest asking players per cent.
to build characters within the following limits:
For more adventures,
blogs and monsters

[email protected]

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