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✘ information leaflet about budgerigars

large cage My budgerigar
perches (different diameters, springy)
Everything you need
food bowls
to know about
water bowl
budgerigars as pets
bathing house
toys (ladders, rope, little bell)
bird sand
(e. g. MultiFit with limestone and important minerals) DO I LIKE COMPANY? KEEP ME FIT AND HEALTHY
bugerigar food Budgerigars are very social creatures and should be kept together in You can tell that a budgerigar is healthy by its clear eyes, dry nostrils
twos as an absolute minimum. Human company, a mirror or a plastic and clean, well preened and shiny plumage. The bird should breathe
stomach grit bird are no substitute for a partner. Most birds that are kept on their softly and gently and its eyes should be fully open. The claws should be
pickstone own develop behavioural disturbances which can also make them ill. checked regularly to make sure that they aren’t getting too long.
In most cases you can tell the difference between a male and female A daily free flight is very important for its health!
vitamin supplements bird by its cere. After the adolescent moulting period the male cere If you notice that your budgerigar looks unwell you should take it to a
turns blue and the female‘s stays a beige or brown colour. Male and vet as quickly as possible.
female pairs or even a pair of males get on especially well together.
fox-tail millet
nibble sticks (e. g. MultiFit sticks)
disinfectant/detergent for cleaning the cage UNSUITABLE ACCESSORIES MOULTING
book about budgerigars Plastic birds and mirrors are no substitute for a partner and can increase As a rule, the budgerigars renew their plumage two to three times a
behavioural abnormalities in birds that are kept on their own. There- year. This process is called “moulting“. When
fore, toys should always just be provided as extra accessories once they first appear, the new feathers are encased
there are 2 birds. in a sheath. The body is put under enormous
For more tips and further information on budgerigars Cage bars wrapped in sandpaper or with insecticide filling are harmful pressure during this time and the birds can
visit our website at: to the bird and should not be used. Extremely smooth bars or plastic often struggle to fly. Therefore, support
bars with sharp edges should also be avoided. your bird by providing lots of peace and A round cage is not recommended (unless it is a large aviary), since
quiet, special high protein food (egg
feed) and special vitamins (moulting
these types of cages are not well structured and do not give the birds
aid), so that a beautiful new plumage
a chance to retreat.
can be formed.


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Budgerigars are ideal for children over the age of 8. They are very tru- The most suitable perches are made of natural wood, since the
sting and lively creatures. If a lot of time is devoted to them they beco- uneven exterior diameter of wood prevents pressure calluses. Where
me very tame. The life expectancy of a budgerigar is 10 to 14 years. In possible, the sticks should only be fixed in place at one end, so that
very rare cases, they can even live to the age of 16. they give slightly when the bird lands, just as they would in a natural
The budgerigar is extremely inquisitive and needs a diverse range of
WHERE DO I ORIGINATE FROM? things to play with to keep it happy, such as ladders, ropes, balls etc. WHAT DO I LIKE TO EAT? HEALTHY CHECKLIST
Food and water bowls must be secured in such a way that the bird
The semi-arid to arid territories of the can‘t soil them. A healthy and well-balanced diet forms the basis of your budgerigar‘s My budgerigar is healthy if:
Australian outback are the origi- well being. To ensure a varied diet you should supplement prepared
The birds need to be able to bathe several times a week. A large „bath • the eyes are not weepy or inflamed, and are wide open;
nal home of the wild budge- mixed feed for budgerigars with special egg feed, greens (e.g. chick-
house“ is therefore one of the essential pieces of equipment needed for • the plumage is clean and well preened;
rigar and it lives here in large weed, dandelion or lettuce), fresh fruit, treats, nibble sticks and
the cage. Some birds also like to be sprayed themselves with lukewarm • there are no noticeable changes to the beak
swarms. Since 1855 it is bred in fox-tail millet.
water. It goes without saying that the cage should be kept clean at all (e.g. discolouration of the cere);
Germany and thus is counted as
times, since droppings and stale food don‘t just smell unpleasant to For proper digestion, the birds need a special
a domesticated animal. • it has clean, dry nostrils;
human beings, but can also damage the budgerigar‘s health. grit that grinds the food in their stomach.
A strict ban on exporting wild bud- Mineral mixtures and limestone • the area around the anus is clean and free of encrustations;
gerigars from Australia was imposed several decades ago. (cuttlebones) should be offered • the claws are not too long;
HOW I SHOULD BE HANDLED? • you cannot feel any lumps or swellings;
• it is alert and has a healthy appetite.
If you want to breed these lovely birds you need to In the beginning it is very important that the birds stay in the cage
have an accredited breeding license. for 2-3 weeks so that they can settle down in
their new home without any stress. During
this time you should get them used to your
hand by carefully offering little treats. After
WHERE´S THE BEST PLACE FOR ME TO LIVE? that you can start to let the birds fly around
freely every day. Draw the curtains across the
Budgerigars need enough space in their cage to be able to fly for short
windows the first time, for the birds need
distances without their wings beating against the bars of the cage.
to learn where the window panes are.
Therefore, a cage for 2 to 4 birds should have a floor area of at least
A lot of time also needs to be put aside
120 x 60 cm and measure approx. 100 cm in height. The bigger the
for this. If there are treats in the cage
cage, the more pleasant it is for the birds and they are particularly
the birds will return to it of their own accord
happy in a large indoor aviary. The birds also need to fly around freely
after a while.
every day.
The more time you spend with your new friends, the
The cage should stand at eye level in a peaceful location. It must be
quicker they will get used to you, too. Budgerigars are
protected from draughts, cigarette smoke, cooking fumes and other in-
very inquisitive creatures who would like to be able to
terferences (e.g. television). Don‘t put the birds too near to the window
poke their beaks into everything and for this reason you should
either, as they have a very low tolerance to changes in temperature.
keep a close eye on doors and windows. Poisonous plants, containers
The cage should be made dark at night to ensure that they get 10 hours
filled with liquid and anything else that can potentially injure or poison
the bird must also be removed from the “free flight room“.
A nesting box should only be provided if breeding is intended.

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