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HAP 200, Happiness Studies

In-Class Assignment: Lecture Analysis

Student Name Khalid Mohammed Al Madhaani

Student ID 1 6 4 2 0 0 4 1

Date Score /5

Article Name Flourish - Positive Psychology and Positive Interventions (Lecture Transcript)

1. What is the main objective or idea of this lecture? (1 Mark)

The main objective or idea of this lecture is to focus on positive psychology that is not using psychology for remedial measures
or removing the causes like depression, anxiety or stress but for building resilence and growth.

2. What are TWO things you learned about from this lecture? (2 Marks)


Things learned from this lecture are Positive psychology enables people to live a more meaningful and happier life which the
most important thing in the human life give the strength to perform a task more easily by this factor.


another thing is that aim of positive psychology is increasing flourishing people population who lead a more productive and
healthy life and helping the people to get a healthier life.

3. How can you apply what you learned from this lecture to your work and life? (2 Marks)


I can apply the learnings from this lecture to my work and life by focusing on measures that build
mental and physical health and not just using psychology as a remedy. The lecture has learnings
about building mental well being and leading a more productive and peaceful life. Resilience and
growth can lead to more strength after a setback. The people who pursue the goal of positive
mindset and psychology lead a more fulfilling and flourishing life. The elements of well being are
positive emotion, engagement, positive relationships, meaning and accomplishment. Developing
skills related to these elements builds and maintains well being.

© Matthew A. Gilbert, MBA Revised: 2/16/19 Page 1 of 2

HAP 200, Happiness Studies
In-Class Assignment: Lecture Analysis


© Matthew A. Gilbert, MBA Revised: 2/16/19 Page 2 of 2

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