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Credit Bureau
500 Main St.
Anytown, CA 10000

Re: Complaint Letter to Delete Errors

Dear Sir/Madam:

I received a copy of my credit report and find the following items to be in error. See the
attached copy of the credit report, with these item numbers written next to the problem
entries. (Describe)

Item #1 Account shows a 30 day late payment, October 2008. This

is a mistake and the account was timely paid, see enclosed letter from creditor,
Account should read with no late payments ever.

By the provisions of Section 611 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970, I demand that
these items be reinvestigated and deleted from my record. Send me names and
addresses of individuals you contacted so I may follow up.

I shall assume that 30 days constitutes “reasonable time” for re-verification of these
entries unless you notify me otherwise immediately. It should be understood that failure
to re-verify these items within 30 days constitutes reason to promptly drop the
information from my file according to Section 611(a).

Also, pursuant to Section 611(d) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, please send me
notification that the items have been deleted. You may send an updated copy of my
credit report to the address below. According to the provisions of Section 612, there
should be no charge for this notification.


Name (Printed)
City, State, Zip
Social Security Number


Credit Bureau
500 Main St.
Anytown, CA 10000

Re: Request to Merge Inquiry with Account

Dear Sir/Madam:

I recently received my credit report and located the following problems of inaccurate
reporting. A copy of the credit report is attached, with the item number marked on the

The presence of the inquiries as entries separate from the resulting accounts
inaccurately duplicates information. The inquiries reflect an incomplete and inaccurate
processing of information in my file. The inquiry entries should be removed or at least
merged into the accounts to which they belong.

Under the provisions of Fair Credit Reporting Act Section 611(a), please reinvestigate
and delete these disputed inquiries. Send me names and addresses of persons
contacted. I shall assume that 30 days constitutes a “reasonable time” to complete
these actions unless you notify me otherwise immediately. It should be understood that
failure to reverify within this time constitutes non-verification and the items must be
promptly deleted according to Section 611.

Also, pursuant to Section 611(d) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, please send me
notification that the items have been deleted. You may send an updated copy of my
credit report to the address below. According to the provisions of Section 612, there
should be no charge for this notification.


Name (Printed)
City, State, Zip
Social Security Number


Credit Bureau
500 Main St.
Anytown, CA 10000

Re: Request to Delete Accounts

Dear Sir/Madam:

I recently received my credit report and located the following problems of inaccurate
reporting. A copy of the credit report is attached, with the item number marked in pen
on the report.

Under the provisions of Fair Credit Reporting Act Section 611(a), please reinvestigate
and delete these disputed inquiries. Send me names and addresses of persons
contacted. I shall assume that 30 days constitutes a “reasonable time” to complete
these actions unless you notify me otherwise immediately. It should be understood that
failure to reverify within this time constitutes non-verification and the items must be
promptly deleted according to Section 611.

Also, pursuant to Section 611(d) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, please send me
notification that the items have been deleted. You may send an updated copy of my
credit report to the address below. According to the provisions of Section 612, there
should be no charge for this notification.


Name (Printed)
City, State, Zip
Social Security Number


Credit Bureau
500 Main St.
Anytown, CA 10000

Re: Request to Update Account

Dear Sir/Madam:

I recently received my credit report and located the following problems of inaccurate
reporting. A copy of the credit report is attached, with the item number marked in pen
on the report.

Under the provisions of Fair Credit Reporting Act Section 611(a), please reinvestigate
and delete these disputed inquiries. I shall assume that 30 days constitutes a
“reasonable time” to complete these actions unless you notify me otherwise
immediately. It should be understood that failure to reverify within this time constitutes
non-verification and the items must be promptly deleted according to Section 611.

Also, pursuant to Section 611(d) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, please send me
notification that the items have been deleted. You may send an updated copy of my
credit report to the address below. According to the provisions of Section 612, there
should be no charge for this notification.


Name (Printed)
City, State, Zip
Social Security Number


Credit Bureau
500 Main St.
Anytown, CA 10000

Re: Reminder to Respond

Dear Sir/Madam:

Thirty days ago, you received my letter disputing several items listed in my credit report
issued by your firm. The items were inaccurate and incomplete. I have attached the
original letter.

Note that 30 days is considered a “reasonable time” under the Fair Credit Reporting Act,
Section 611(a) for responding to my request for reverification of the erroneous items.
Since you did not immediately write to inform me of the need for additional time, I
presume you accepted the 30-day time limit.

I have not received a reply from you within this 30 days. Therefore, it must be that the
information on my report was either inaccurate, or it could not be reverified. In either
case, according to the provisions of Section 611(a) the items must be deleted

Please respond immediately so that I do not need to pursue my legal rights under
Section 616 or 617, which require your compliance to the law.

Also, pursuant to Section 611(d) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, please send me
notification that the items have been deleted. You may send an updated copy of my
credit report to the address below. According to the provisions of Section 612, there
should be no charge for this notification.


Name (Printed)
City, State, Zip
Social Security Number


Credit Bureau
500 Main St.
Anytown, CA 10000

Re: Final Follow-Up on Failure to Respond

Dear Sir/Madam:

On _____________,2002, I sent you a follow-up letter pointing out that you had
failed to respond to my disputes of certain items found on my credit report, issued by
your company. Copies of that letter, my credit report and the original dispute letter are
To date, you still have not fulfilled the intent and letter of the Fair Credit Reporting
Act which requires your bureau, as a consumer reporting agency, to maintain and
insure that information “is fair and equitable to the consumer”.
Also, the law stipulates that bureaus will maintain “accuracy, relevancy, and
proper utilization of such information” (Section 602, 4b).
These requirements have not been met by your actions. You have not given my
evidence that you have acted in a prompt or “fair and equitable” manner.
1) You have not submitted evidence of investigation by giving me names and
addresses of persons contacted, nor have you removed anything found
2) You have not removed any item for which no verification could be found
within the 30 days “reasonable time”;
3) You have not taken care to maintain the accuracy, relevancy, and proper use
of information in my file.
I still dispute the items given on my attached letter. I expect an appropriate
response on or before _______(date) for each item, otherwise, I must contact the
Federal Trade Commission.
I also expect the names and addresses of individuals you contacted to verify the
information, so that I may follow up on any item.


Name (Printed)
City, State, Zip
Social Security Number


Credit Bureau
500 Main St.
Anytown, CA 10000

Re: Demand for Corrected Credit Report

Dear Sir/Madam:

On ________, 2002, I wrote to tell you I had not heard any specific actions taken
to reverify the items I had identified as inaccurate or incomplete in my credit report.
Copies of my correspondence are attached for your review.
Since you have not given me names or persons you contacted for reverification
of the information, nor have you complied within a “reasonable time” to my request for
reverification, I assume that you have not been able to reverify the information I have
disputed. Therefore, you must comply with the provision of the Fair Credit Reporting
Act, Section 611, and drop the disputed items from my credit report.
I demand that you send me a copy of my updated credit report showing the
elimination of items which I disputed on the attached letters. This copy must be
provided free, according to Section 611(d). I demand that it be postmarked within five
days after signing the certified mail receipt for the letter you are holding.
If I do not receive an updated copy of my credit report, with the disputed items
dropped, my attorney will pursue my legal rights under Section 616 of the Fair Credit
Reporting Act, “Civil liability for willful noncompliance”. Your credit bureau may be liable

1) any actual damages I sustain by you failure to delete the item;

2) punitive damages as the court may allow; and
3) costs of the court action, plus attorney’s fees.

I have forwarded a copy of this letter to the Federal Trade Commission.

Name (Printed)
City, State, Zip
Social Security Number



Credit Bureau
500 Main St.
Anytown, CA 10000

Re: Request for Addition of Supplementary Credit History Information

Dear Sir/Madam:

Please include in my credit report the following supplemental information attached.

According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Section 602(b), “It is the purpose of
this title (FCRA) to require that consumer reporting agencies adopt reasonable
procedures for meeting the needs of commerce for consumer credit, personnel,
insurance, and other information in a manner which is fair and equitable to the
consumer, with regard to the confidentiality, accuracy, relevancy, and proper utilization
of such information in accordance with the requirements of this title”. The intent of the
FCRA includes recording supplementary credit information if requested by a consumer.

Accordingly, I hereby request that you add the attached history of payments, according
to the RCRA, Section 602(b).

Thank you for your attention. Please inform me within 30 days of your compliance with
the Section 611 requirements that a consumer’s credit report should reflect
“completeness and accuracy” within a “reasonable” time after notification by the


Name (Printed)
City, State, Zip
Social Security Number



Credit Card Company

500 Main St.
Anytown, CA 10000

Re: Explanation for Delinquent Payment

Dear Sir/Madam:

It has recently come to my attention that several of my payments to your account have
been labeled “late” on my credit report.

I have been prompt in paying in the past, and missed the payment due to:
Temporary layoff from work. This account was promptly paid as soon as I
resumed work.

Since the late payments occurred for the above excusable reason, please correct the
payment history for my account at the following credit bureaus which carry your account

ABC Credit Bureau

500 Main St.
Anytown, CA 10000

It is important that my credit report reflect the good relations I have had with your
company in the past and the corrections in the credit report will make it more
representative of my financial habits.

I appreciate your assistance.

Name (Printed)
City, State, Zip
Social Security Number



Credit Bureau
500 Main St.
Anytown, CA 10000

Re: Consumer Statement

Dear Sir/Madam:

According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act Section 611(b), I have the right to enter a
“consumer statement” in my credit report. I have disputed the accuracy and
completeness of the items circled in pen on the attached credit report.

Since reinvestigation has not resolved my dispute, I want the following statement
included in my credit report to set forth the nature of my dispute for others to see. I
assume that 30 days represents a “reasonable time” for completing this dispute, unless
you notify me immediately.

“That payment to Acme Co. was not made because goods were delivered in a
defective condition and that Acme refused to repair or replace said items.”

According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Section 611(b), please send me a free
updated copy of my credit report with the above “statement” included.


Name (Printed)
City, State, Zip
Social Security Number

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