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A Professional Report

Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School

of Cornell University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Master of Regional Planning


Karim Beers

May 2012
© 2012 Karim Beers

Over a billion people do not have access to safe, regular, and sufficient water. This takes a toll

on health, and the economy. Community-based management is the most widespread form of

water delivery and many scholars consider it the approach to be used to address the global

water shortfall. Yet the history of such an approach is full of failures. Scholars attribute such

failures to poor technological design, lack of access to sufficient funding for operations and

repairs, poor management, and lack of external support, among others. Poor governance in

general is pointed to as one of the most significant reasons for water system failure.

In this report I use the insights from the literature on community-based natural resource

management to create a framework through which to analyze the strength of water

governance models. The framework I develop rests on two principal concepts. First, is the

importance of six kinds of capital—natural, physical, financial, social, human, and political—

that are necessary for sustained success in water treatment and delivery. Second, is the

concept of nested governance, where the governance arrangement which exists at a local level

is complemented by a hierarchy of other institutions at different levels (especially the state),

which may provide certain forms of capital lacking at lower levels. I apply this framework to

the case of AguaClara, a program with roots at Cornell University which has helped eight

Honduran communities build water treatment plants and set up functioning systems of


My analysis, based on program documents and interviews with key project personnel,

indicates AguaClara’s governance model is strong; its various layers of governance have the

capacity to steward, develop and marshal the requisite capital needed for sustainable water

delivery. AguaClara’s physical capital appears particularly robust, especially in terms of

sustainable, low cost, limited energy use designs, which suggests it may be able to compensate

for weakness in other areas such as financial and human capital. AguaClara’s social capital is

also substantial, especially in the areas of trust and community participation. Some weaker

areas include financial capital, especially that necessary for major capital investments in

construction or repair, and human capital, since a great part of its accumulated learning is

found in a few individuals. Political capital, in the form of regular and effective ongoing

support, is also of concern—one which AguaClara is actively addressing. The report concludes

with suggestions to strengthen different aspects of capital necessary to reach AguaClara’s

values of equity and sustainability, and to achieve program expansion.


Karim Beers was born in Tuskegee, Alabama, was raised in Ecuador, before settling with his

family in Ithaca, New York. He has since lived, studied and worked in a dozen countries in Latin

America, Africa, Europe and Asia. He is interested in building capacity for social change, and his

work in education and planning is informed by a Baha’i-inspired vision: that the purpose of

social and economic development is to cultivate the limitless potentialities latent in human

consciousness. He currently resides in Ithaca with his wife and children, where he cherishes

being immersed in extended family, a warm circle of friends, and a larger community actively

moving towards a human-centered, equitable and environmentally sound society.

I choose to dedicate what may well be my one ‘dedicatable’ project
to my wife, Alba, and to our two precious sons, Noé and Ali.
All three are a gift to me.


Nothing worthwhile is ever accomplished alone. Every new insight comes from standing on the

shoulders of others—the writers and thinkers gone before, one’s ancestors, those who tend

the fields, the founder of the university and its janitors, the bus driver who gets me to campus

every day. Among the many I’d like to recognize are: Mildred Warner, Monroe Weber-Shirk,

Marcela González-Rivas, Antonio Elvir, Michael Adelman, Matthew Fischer-Post, Daniel Smith,

Charles Brown, Sarah Long, Georgia Kayser, Stephen Gasteyer, and the Winter 2012 Honduras

SMART team. My whole family and especially my parents have been supremely supportive,

going far beyond the call of duty, and I’d also like to thank them all. And Manuel Melgarejo,

Tim Porch, Sebastian Ruth, Avi Smith, and Matt Yarrow—cherished friends. And to that

ineffable essence many call God, for giving us a world so full of beauty and wonder!


Biographical Sketch ...................................................................................................................... iii

Dedication .................................................................................................................................... iv
Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................................... v
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................... vi
List of Figures............................................................................................................................... vii
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................... viii
Introduction................................................................................................................................... 1
Literature Review .......................................................................................................................... 6
Methodology ............................................................................................................................... 35
Analysis ........................................................................................................................................ 44
Conclusion and Recommendations ............................................................................................. 96
References ................................................................................................................................. 113


Figure 1. Framework for Analysis Based on Six Intersecting Components of Capital ................. 34
Figure 2. AguaClara Plants in Honduras ...................................................................................... 46
Figure 3. AguaClara Governance Model...................................................................................... 56


Table 1. Why (Community-Managed) Water Systems Fail ........................................................... 7

Table 2. Impact and Sustainability Evaluation Criteria................................................................ 28
Table 3. Framework for Analysis ................................................................................................. 36
Table 4. AguaClara Plants in Honduras ....................................................................................... 47
Table 5. Summary of Analysis...................................................................................................... 94
Table 6. AguaClara Impact and Sustainability ........................................................................... 109
Table 7. Recommended Guidelines for Evaluation Based on Recent Literature and Author’s
Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 111


Local governance capacity is essential for sustaining community-based water systems. While

technological choice and financial capacity are also necessary for creating systems that provide

sufficient, safe and regular drinking water, the governance of a water project--the “capacity …

to coherently organise the sustainable development of water resources” (Peña and Solanes,

2003: 3)--is often neglected at great cost to the impact and sustainability of the project. To cite

one figure, between 30-40% of built water systems are dysfunctional at any given time

(Lockwood and Smits, 2011), suggesting that the maintenance of the systems is just as

important as the building itself.

AguaClara is a network of organizations based at Cornell University that aspires to develop and

implement innovative pro-poor water treatment technology. Working in Honduras over the

last six years with local NGOs and communities, AguaClara has built seven water treatment

plants, with a few more currently underway or in the pipeline. AguaClara strives for plants

which provide sufficient drinking water that meets national standards for quality at an

affordable rate. As the program seeks to ramp up diffusion of the technology, it is timely to

inquire into not only the infrastructure and financial capacity of the program, but also into the

fuzzier social dimensions of water provision.

With this report I intend to assess the strength of AguaClara's model of governance. More

specifically, I will look at whether AguaClara's governance successfully stewards, develops, and

marshals the necessary natural, physical, financial, social, human and political capital to

sustain and expand the benefits of its water projects. To do this I will compare AguaClara's

experience thus far to the challenges and issues of governance raised in (mostly) academic

literature. I specifically focus on community-based management literature, as this is the

approach AguaClara has taken for service delivery. Community-based management is also the

most ubiquitous form of water delivery (Lockwood and Smits, 2011); hence the insights from

this field of study are applicable to most water systems around the world. According to one

group of water experts, “there is little doubt that community management will be the

predominant model for those striving to reach the goal of bringing sustainable water supply to

hundreds of millions of rural people in the next ten years” (Scaling Up Rural Water Supply

[SURWS], 2005: 3).

It may come as a surprise that community management is so widespread, especially with the

recent buzz on privatization. It is ubiquitous in part because most water systems are small, in

small towns and cities where there generally isn’t the profitability necessary to entice private

investment. In large cities delivery is generally public, followed by private provision.

Before continuing with a literature review, methodology, analysis and suggestions, I will

provide some context in order to begin to grasp the potential contribution AguaClara could

make to an entrenched global problem. To do so, I will sketch a picture of the importance of

water provision, and how the world and Honduras in particular are doing in terms of ensuring

this basic human need.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO)/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program (JMP)

for Water Supply and Sanitation, some 900 million people—roughly one out of eight human

beings—do not have access to what they call “improved water” (JMP, 2010). This is different

from ‘potable’ (safe to drink) water. An improved source includes household connections,

public standpipes, protected wells (JMP website, 1/23/12) but doesn’t imply necessarily that

the source is potable. For example, from my own experience around the world I know that tap

water does not mean it is safe to drink. Thus the figure for those without sufficient, safe, and

regular drinking water is certainly much higher than a billion. Virtually all of these people are

poor, are in so called ‘developing’ countries, and most are living in rural or peri-urban areas. So

even though we are on track to meet the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goal

(MDG) to halve the number of people without access to improved water (UN, 2011: 53),

progress is slow, and the improvements may not be that substantial.

The lack of progress is disconcerting--especially because the impact of poor water is so

substantial: “[A]t any one time, close to half of the urban population in Africa, Asia and Latin

America is suffering from one or more of the main diseases associated with inadequate

provision of water and sanitation. These diseases account for a high proportion of infant and

child deaths” (Hardoy et al., 2001: 39). One of the diseases, diarrhea, “is the second leading

contributor to global burden of disease—ahead of heart disease and … [HIV/AIDS]. Two and a

half billion cases of diarrhea occur in children under five years of age every year, and an

estimated 1.5 million children die from it annually” (UN-GLAAS, 2010: ii). It is because of this

that some authors have concluded that the “greatest environmental threat” to poor people in

developing nations is their homes--as poor infrastructure and location make these places

hotbeds of disease and injury (Hardoy et al., 2001: 39).

Poor water service not only affects health. It takes an economic toll as well. Where there is no

public provision, poor households pay private companies higher rates than those with public

supply (Hardoy et al., 2001: 48). For example, in Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras, water

vendors have charged up to 34 times the public utilities’ rate (ibid.). Fetching water from rivers

or streams or public standpipes usually entails long waits in queues, and this task usually falls

to women and children (often girls), who have to get up early, miss school, etc.

Having access to good water, in contrast, could provide an economic boon to developing

countries. A report commissioned for the WHO estimated that improving water and sanitation

around the world would provide a $5-28 return on each dollar invested, depending on the

region, reflecting the benefits from reduced morbidity and loss of work time, and the time

saved from not collecting water (Hutton et al, 2007).

Honduras presents its own particular problems. It is still recovering from the blow dealt to it in

1998 by Hurricane Mitch, which caused $2 billion in damage (CIA factbook, n.d.). Honduras is

the second poorest country in Latin America with about 65% of its population living in poverty

(ibid.). In terms of water provision, Honduras doesn’t appear to be doing that poorly. Eighty-six

percent of the population has access to “improved” water sources (JMP, 2010: 43), and one

recent study found that it was on track to reach the MDG targets for rural water supply

(Lockwood and Smits, 2011). This, however, does not take into account infrastructure failure

rates, and, as noted before, it doesn’t mean that most people are receiving water that is safe

for drinking. A 2004 Zamorano University study of 43 rural potable water systems in Honduras

found that in 88% of the systems the water wasn’t being treated and 70% had excessive

coliform counts (Zamorano, 2004). Eighty-three of the 86% of improved sources are listed as

‘piped on premises’ (JMP, 2010: 43), and it would not be too bold to assume that many of

these have similar problems as those in the study.

It is in this challenging context, and with such high stakes, that AguaClara is situated.

In the following sections I engage literature on community-based governance in order to come

up with a framework for analyzing the strength of AguaClara’s model. I describe this

framework more extensively in a section on research methods, and then hold up AguaClara’s

experience to the framework to gain insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the

program’s governance model. After engaging in this analysis I offer some recommendations to

enhance the governance of the program and suggestions for future research.

Literature Review

This section describes a sampling of the literature on governance issues for community

resource management, of which water services management is a subset. The literature, much

of which is based on case-study analyses, addresses in some way the following conundrum:

Governments’ inability (largely because of lack of resources) to maintain water and

sanitation infrastructure has been the major factor leading to community-based
approaches. And yet, communities rarely have the sustainable capacity to manage
their own infrastructure, in complete independence of government or non-
governmental institutions. (Carter et al, 1999: 295).

Necessarily, the theorists both try to explain the common pitfalls of local governance and why

community-managed systems frequently fail, and to offer insights into building capacity for

sustainable local natural resource management. These insights include broad principles for

effective governance, and strategies for strengthening local capacity. Here we find readings on

training programs and the skills they seek to build, and on the importance of collaboration and

partnerships. Within this latter discussion, there is a large volume of literature debating the

relative virtues of public vs. private management of utilities, which I’ll touch on only briefly.

Another set of readings emphasizes the significance of the political and economic environment

in which communities are embedded--external factors, if you will. Finally, I include some

authors’ perspectives on how to evaluate the success of a water project, especially as it relates

to pro-poor development.

Why So Many (often small, community-based) Water Projects Fail

While community provision of water is the most ubiquitous form of water delivery, it may fail

early on especially if issues of governance and appropriate technology are not adequately

addressed. While more nuanced explanations of the challenges of community-based

management will be found alongside the authors’ contributions below, I include here a

summary table to introduce the breadth and complexity of the problems.

Table 1. Why (Community-Managed) Water Systems Fail

Problems Reason

Inappropriate technology (Zamorano, 2004);

Distribution system (pipes) unattended (Lee and Schwab, 2005);
Technological Poor design (Scaling Up Rural Water Supply [SURWS], 2005), leading to
Water quality so poor that customers don’t want to pay for O&M costs (Weber-
Shirk, personal communication, 2/12/2012).

Lack of access to funds for capital infrastructure costs (Hardoy et al., 2001; Nickson
et al., 1997; Peña and Solanes, 2003);
Costs of service are unacceptable and/or unaffordable (Carter et al., 1999; Nickson
et al., 1997)

Poor management (Zamorano, 2004, Hardoy et al., 2001, Lockwood and Smits,
2011, SURWS, 2005);
Corruption (Budds and McGranahan, 2003);
Financial mismanagement (Fabricius and Collins, 2007);
Lack of maintenance and monitoring (Georgia Kayser, interview; Nickson et al.,
1997; Zamorano, 2004; Hardoy et al., 2001);
Lack of capacity to manage assets (Lockwood and Smits, 2011).
Lack of community ownership, motivation and participation (Carter et al., 1999):
Community is unconvinced of the new system’s desirability;
Lack of ownership and low payment rates (Zamorano, 2004);
Low motivation because benefits are intangible or lack of incentives for workers,
administrators and volunteers (Fabricius and Collins, 2007);
Lack of involvement of women, the poorest, and marginalized (Spronk et al., 2012);
Wealthy and powerful influence provision away from needs of poorest (Cleaver and
Toner, 2006)
Poor planning: low tariffs and bad service (Peña and Solanes, 2003);
Unprepared for severe weather (Rizak and Hrudey, 2008);
Lack of preventative maintenance (SURWS, 2005)

High turnover of leadership (Fabricius and Collins, 2007);

Human resources Lack skills for repairs and maintenance and low administrative capacity (Peña and
Solanes, 2003; SURWS, 2005; Gasteyer and Taylor, 2004)

Government bureaucracy clogs channels for communities receiving support (Carter

et al., 1999)
Lack of ongoing support: from local, regional, national government (Fabricius and
Collins, 2007; Lockwood and Smits, 2011; Gasteyer, 2011; SURWS, 2005)
Lack of national legal, regulatory, and policy frameworks (Allen et al., 2006;
Lockwood and Smits, 2011);
External factors
No land tenure for homes so utilities can’t legally service them (Budds and
McGranahan, 2003)
Political and economic instability (SURWS, 2005);
Top-down development efforts from outside disempower community (Fabricius and
Collins, 2007; Ostrom, 1994);
Political interference in planning and resource allocation (SURWS, 2005)

Broad Principles for Good Governance; Community Capitals

Governance can be the key factor in making a community water system sustainable. While

there are many documented instances of community-based management failure, successful

examples illustrate the importance of governance. For example, local corruption and

mismanagement of a water system in a village in Cameroon, was turned around by improving

participation in governance, and increasing local accountability (Tayong and Poubom, 1999).

Ostrom is an early and prominent voice in the field who studied hundreds of traditional, local

governance institutions and practices that successfully managed community-level natural

resources, including irrigation systems and forests. She pointed out that it isn’t a specific set of

governance policies or structures that are crucial for successful long-term management of

common-pool resources (CPR); rather she argued it is the match of these diverse laws and

institutions “to the physical, biological, and cultural environments in which they are located

that will enable institutions (and the resources to which they relate) to survive into the

twenty-first century” (Ostrom, 1994: 1-2).

Ostrom identified eight broad ‘design principles’ that characterized the most robust of these

governance institutions:

1. Clearly defined boundaries (effective exclusion of external unentitled parties);

2. Rules regarding the appropriation and provision of common resources are adapted to
local conditions;
3. Collective-choice arrangements allow most resource appropriators to participate in
the decision-making process;
4. Effective monitoring by monitors who are part of or accountable to the appropriators;
5. There is a scale of graduated sanctions for resource appropriators who violate
community rules;
6. Mechanisms of conflict resolution are cheap and of easy access;
7. The self-determination of the community is recognized by higher-level authorities;
8. In the case of larger common-pool resources: organization in the form of multiple
layers of nested enterprises, with small local CPR at the base level (Ostrom, 1990: 10).

Ostrom (1994) considered these rules, structures, relationships, and mechanisms to be part of

a community’s social capital, which she defined as “the shared knowledge, understanding, and

patterns of interaction that a group of individuals brings to any productive activity” (Ostrom,

1994: 20). Social capital is created “when individuals learn to trust one another so that they

are able to make credible commitments and rely on generalized forms of reciprocity rather

than on narrow sequences of specific quid pro quo relationships” (ibid.). Well-meaning

governments and NGOs can damage this capital by bypassing longstanding traditions and

relationships that have helped a community manage its natural resources for centuries or even

millennia. (This top-down development is elsewhere categorized as ‘disempowering’.)

Ostrom underscored the importance of social capital (and human) at a time when much

attention was being given to technical aspects of development. “[A] major lesson we need to

take forward into the next century is that it is a mistake to design irrigation and other

development projects on the presumption that physical capital is the most important input

factor in development” (Ostrom, 1994: 21). She sees human capital and social capital as

“necessary complementary inputs” in order for the physical capital--the built infrastructure--to

have a lasting impact (ibid.: 20). All three forms of capital require time and effort to build up;

however, social capital is quite different from its physical counterpart. First, it does not wear

out from use, and may even improve over use and time. Second, it may be used in distinct

contexts from where it was created. And third, “if unused, social capital deteriorates at a

relatively rapid rate” (ibid.: 21).

Ostrom has also looked into the question of what leads people to cooperate as opposed to

free-loading which leads to sub-optimal outcomes (Ostrom, 2010). She constructs a model

using a combination of external structural variables and “inner core individual variables”

(Ostrom, 2010: 163). The external variables that have been shown to encourage cooperation

are the number of participants involved (generally, the smaller the number, the higher the

chances of cooperation), the nature of the goods being shared (whether they are public goods,

or ‘subtractive’, that is, that their use by one affects the amount available to another), the

heterogeneity of participants (the more homogeneous the group, the more likely cooperative

strategies are chosen), and face-to-face cooperation. These are significant even when there is

a single interaction. When interactions are repeated, then information about past actions (an

individual’s reputation), the linkages among the individuals, and the opportunity to enter and

exit also influence the choice of cooperation. Ostrom suggests that “the links between the

trust that one participant … has in the others … involved in a collective-action situation, the

investment others make in trustworthy reputations, and the probability of all participants

using reciprocity norms” (Ostrom, 2010: 162) are also key to understanding successful (and

unsuccessful) collective action. These individual characteristics of trust and reciprocity, which

come from individual heuristics and values, can be positively reinforcing, leading to greater

levels of cooperation.

Other authors have followed Ostrom and looked at a community’s capacity to manage its

water resources in terms of its different types of capital, and have further elaborated on a

capital framework.

Cornelia Flora (2004) identified six forms of capital that communities need for sustainable

development: natural, cultural, human, social, political, and financial/built (Flora, 2004).

Natural capital is the community’s environment and natural resources. Cultural capital

includes “ways of knowing …, language, ways of acting and defining what is problematic”

(Flora, 2004: 8). It “determines how we see the world, what we take for granted …, what we

value …, and what things we think possible to change” (ibid.). “Human capital is the native

intelligence, skills, abilities, education, and health of individuals within a community” (ibid.).

Flora says that these three forms of capital constitute the base of any community. Social

capital includes “mutual trust, reciprocity, collective identity, cooperation, and a sense of a

shared future” (ibid.). This includes “bonding” and “bridging” components. Bonding social

capital encompasses the trust, connections, and interaction among the community. While this

kind of capital can lead to cliques, “bridging” social capital helps overcome strong divisions and

enables work with outsiders. These forms of capital are likely formed over decades or

centuries from prior interactions. Political capital is “the ability of a community to influence

the distribution of resources and to determine which resources are made available” (ibid.: 10),

and includes political connections to access resources. Finally, financial/built capital includes

both sources of funding (debt, investment, savings, taxes, etc.) and the physical infrastructure

that the funds are designed to construct.

Flora links community participation with the development of all the capitals, and finds that the

more elements of participation employed--e.g. in building a collective vision, deciding on rates,

expansion and repairs, monitoring and evaluation--”the higher the impact on a greater

number of capitals” (Flora, 2004: 10). Like Ostrom, she sees the benefits accruing from such

participation to be applicable to contexts beyond water: “community participation has an

impact not only on the [water] system’s sustainability but on community sustainability as well”

(ibid.: 11). Although technicians or water operators may not be skilled in facilitating such

participation, “the extra collaborative effort necessary to involve those with skills in the

planning and implementation process has long-term positive pay-offs” (ibid.: 12). And the

burden of community participation is not necessarily a responsibility of the individual

technician. “The supporting agency--whether for profit, not-for-profit, or governmental--must

support and encourage such action through its reward structure” (ibid.).

Gasteyer and Taylor (2009) slightly modify Flora’s framework, separating financial and built

capital into distinct categories, and dividing social capital into ‘bridging’ and ‘bonding’ social

capital. They end up with eight forms of capital:

1) human capital: improved knowledge of water system issues and needs at the
individual board member level; 2) political capital: improved connections to the local
community governance structure; 3) bonding social capital: increased interactions
between the water operator(s), the water board or committee, and the community
council and mayor; 4) [bridging] social capital: improved communication with
regulators, funders, and technical assistance providers; 5) cultural capital: the
development of the understanding at the community level that the water system is a
community asset that needs attention; 6) natural capital: better understanding of the
water source and what will be needed to protect it; 7) built capital: improved water
management, distribution and treatment infrastructure; 8) financial capital: a better
financial management plan (Gasteyer and Taylor, 2009: 5).

The authors suggest the framework can be used to assess the strength and resilience of a

community’s governance structure for its water system.

In a personal interview with professor Gasteyer (10/17/2011), he underscored the importance

of different forms of capital: “Don’t think that just because you have a good technology it will

be sustainable. Think about the extent to which that capacity is needed locally and inter-

locally--regionally. What kinds of political and social capital are going to be needed beyond

human capital, and of course the technology itself.” In particular, he laid emphasis on political

capital for water system sustainability: An effective local governance system is not enough. “I

really think that the ability of either networked communities or institutions that serve those

communities to advocate politically for resources is critical for ongoing sustainability of a rural

water system.” He noted that this ability to leverage external resources has been “critical” for

rural water systems in the US. Why? Because there isn’t enough internal capital to finance

significant repairs and replacements--even if the communities are setting the rates


Gasteyer suggested that all such capitals need not be present at the local level. He suggested

using the concept of ‘nested governance’, looking at the network of institutions at community,

intercommunity, regional and national levels, and how they can support and complement each

other’s work. He suggested that the ability to pull in resources may be found at higher,

regional or national, levels.

Hardoy et al. (2001) similarly acknowledge the importance of political capital: “[T]he capacity

of low-income groups to build, to work collectively in addressing common problems and to

negotiate effectively with local, city and (often) national government will continue to have the

greatest influence on the quality of their living environment” (Hardoy et al., 2001: 10). They

cite the challenges of provision stemming from a lack of investment capacity for installing or

expanding basic infrastructure and inadequacy of basic capital equipment, but even when

capital investment is there, the community’s capacity to manage and maintain the

infrastructure is very limited.

Fabricius and Collins (2007) also use the lens of community capitals to examine failures of

what they call “community-based natural resource management” (CBNRM). Drawing on work

by Carney (1998) and others, they cite five categories of capital in people’s livelihoods: natural

capital, i.e. “ecosystem goods and services”; social capital, “social and kinship networks and

reciprocity, and social institutions”; human capital, “skills, knowledge and labor”; physical

capital, “infrastructure and services”; and financial capital, “money or other financial assets”

(Fabricius & Collins, 2007: 84). This is known as the ‘sustainable livelihoods framework’. The

authors suggest that while local communities may count with plentiful natural and social

capital, the short supply of human, physical and financial capital make CBNRM initiatives

extremely vulnerable.

This framework uses a broader definition of social capital than Flora’s, one which resembles

Ostrom’s. It might consider political capital--the connections to governing institutions and

resources--as part of social capital.

The authors cite seven ‘classic surprises’, any of which can be enough of a shock to disrupt or

destroy a CBNRM initiative: conflict, including competition that arises at the time of success,

tension between traditional authorities and elected leaders, and between entrepreneurs and

collective action; financial mismanagement, from both corruption and poor accounting skills;

mismanagement of natural resources; high turnover of leadership; political and economic

change at higher levels, including civil conflict; changes in markets; and top-down

developments, such as large-scale infrastructure development, which may end up

disempowering local community governance efforts (Fabricius & Collins, 2007: 85-6).

They also point to a set of ‘obstinate implementation challenges’ that result from weak

governance and further threaten CBNRM initiatives, especially at the early and most delicate

stages of implementation. These include, a slow pace of development, from poor estimates of

time and lack of planning; weak participation by local, national and provincial governments;

and poor coordination.

According to the authors, the five types of capital act as buffers that can absorb shocks and

surprises and buttress CBNRM initiatives. They suggest focused efforts on strengthening the

“harder” types of capital--human, financial, and physical--which as noted earlier, they consider

to be in short supply, without neglecting the social and natural capital already present, and

which are less mutable over time. The process of building up the various forms of capital, they

suggest, takes about a decade or more. “In the short term”, they argue, “while the financial,

physical and human capital base is being developed, strong and resilient governance systems

are essential to buffer CBNRM against change and unexpected events” (Fabricius & Collins,

2007: 93).

The authors use a broad definition of governance in CBNRM, which includes both the formal

decision-making structures and more informal social networks and the relationships of trust

that sustain them. Governance is about rules and compliance, and about resolving conflict.

Governance institutions also systematize experience, learning from it. According to this

definition, governance would encompass aspects of social and political capital, and would be

responsible for caring for, building and marshaling all the other forms of capital.

The authors emphasize aspects of governance that need be strengthened in the early stages of

projects to overcome the challenges to CBNRM noted earlier and be resilient when

unexpected changes occur. These are: ‘knowledge networks’ made up of diverse and

experienced actors; decision-making structures with formalized membership and procedures,

and which are recognized as legitimate by the community and government officials; conflict-

resolution practices; formal commitments to responsibilities for main actors, and incentives to

help these individuals meet these commitments; and “professional facilitation to promote

communication between participants in the knowledge network document the lessons learnt

on an on-going basis, keep champions motivated and on board, manage conflicts before they

have escalated, and remind key individuals of their commitments and responsibilities”

(Fabricius & Collins, 2007: 94).

Finally, the authors specifically suggest that governance structures engage in a “trialogue”, a

form of “cooperative governance” where scientists, government and local communities “share

information and develop innovative solutions” (ibid.). In this framework each of the three

actors plays a key role. Local communities are abreast of conditions in the grassroots and can

respond to changing circumstances by creating appropriate rules for natural resource use on a

local level. The role of scientists is to collect and share information that might not be apparent

to local communities and to government officials, and to facilitate two-way communication

between communities and policy makers. Also, scientists have access to advanced technology

such as GIS and computer models which can help with such tasks as planning and monitoring.

Government’s role is to ensure long-term stewardship of the natural resources. While this

three-player model may be considered distinct from one of ‘nested governance’, since there is

no hierarchy here, it highlights the importance of external support to local governance.

Other literature also underscores the capacity to engage in learning as important to long-term

project success (e.g. Uphoff 1998). In the context of scaling-up--expanding the scale of

successful projects—another scholar comments that this “… inevitably requires project staff

and management to learn and adapt their approaches and activities to local needs and

conditions” (Garrett, 2004: 49).

There have been a number of recent publications from the non-profit sector, generally written

by academics, that distill this sector’s experience in promoting water access in developing

countries. Scaling Up Rural Water Supply (SURWS, 2005) is a publication by experts from the

non-profit sector which attempts to compile lessons for sustainable rural water supply. The

document “Provides policy makers with a set of principles that set out the basis for assessing,

understanding and creating the necessary enabling environment to take community

management to scale” (SURWS, 2005: 3).

The authors believe “there is little doubt that community management will be the

predominant model for those striving to reach the goal of bringing sustainable water supply to

hundreds of millions of rural people in the next ten years” (ibid.). They recognize, however,

that “the majority of communities are not able to manage their water supply systems without

external assistance. Even when the management capacity of communities is strengthened, it is

simply not realistic to expect rural communities to be completely self-sufficient throughout the

whole cycle of water service management: deciding on service levels and design, operating,

maintaining, extending, upgrading, adapting and replacing the system” (ibid.: 10).

They identify three sets of challenges for CBM water systems: First, there are limitations within

the community. These include tension within community groups, mismanagement, and lack of

capacity to maintain the water technology. Second, there are constraints that are internal to

the sector but external to the community, such as poor design and poor implementation, or

political interference in construction or financing, “and, very importantly, failure to support

communities who are attempting to deal with major repairs, conflicts and other problems with

extension and upgrading” (ibid.: 10). Finally, there are constraints that are external to the

water sector, such as poor economic conditions which can frustrate community efforts.

Natural disasters and armed conflict also fall in this category.

In the face of such obstacles, according to the authors, “most communities require some form

of institutional support to sustain service provision” (ibid.), and add a word of caution: “Those

seeking to take community management models to scale must ensure that institutional

support mechanisms are also established and maintained over the long-term” (ibid.).

In order to expand the benefits of well-functioning water systems, the authors believe

successful models must be ‘scaled up’. “Scaling up” is a broad term:

Scaling up seeks to achieve sustainable universal coverage through community

management. It relates to all aspects of sustainable rural water supply: political
conditions, funding, cooperation between stakeholders, participatory planning, the
role of women and empowerment of communities. Scaling up is a process of learning
and doing, building on the experiences of stakeholders, and jointly applying the lessons
for coordination, harmonisation and joint planning. This approach requires guidance
and facilitation and takes time to become fully established within various spheres of
government (SURWS, 2005: 9).

They find (a whopping) 26 principles to be relevant and necessary for the scaling up process

which they categorize under Universal, Enabling Environment, Institutional, Social Equity,

Monitoring and Evaluation, and Technical. ‘Universal principles’ frame a water system that

offers universal service, is indefinitely sustainable, contributes to poverty reduction, and is

managed at a local level. One of these principles introduces the concept of the ‘water service

delivery model’, which sees “planning, implementation, operation and maintenance, and

eventual upgrading or replacement of water supplies as part of a single continuous

management cycle” (ibid.: 13).

The second set of principles relate to an ‘enabling environment’. These call for

decentralization, good governance, accountability and transparency at all levels, government

leadership and support, and sector policy and legislation that defines, establishes and supports

the vision, goals, norms and models for water provision in the country. Next are ‘institutional

principles’ that outline the need for strong and competent institutions at all levels, with clearly

defined functions, roles and responsibilities, all of which receive institutional support, and are

regulated according in line with the public interest. ‘Financial principles’ call for

comprehensive financial planning which take into account all costs--planning, capital,

recurrent and support--, balancing service levels with financial resources available. Sources of

revenues must be identified, along with cost-sharing mechanisms, and if subsidies are

considered they should be prioritized to “ensure access by the poorest to a minimum

acceptable service level” (ibid.: 17).

‘Social equity principles’ highlight the need for universal participation, with special attention

given to including the poorest and women and (other) marginalized groups in decision-making.

This may require processes of empowerment and capacity building. Two ‘environmental

principles’ listed require using integrated water services management--giving thought to the

whole water cycle, including disposal--and, if relevant, ensuring community representation on

higher-level bodies in charge of water allocation. ‘Monitoring and learning principles’ entail

controlling quality through continuous monitoring, evaluating the impact of the project

through a comprehensive evaluation, and a learning environment where lessons are shared in

order to improve future work. Finally, there is one ‘technology principle’, espousing the need

for a range of technologies that are suited for varied physical and socio-economic conditions.

This will help diverse demand for varying levels of water service.

In a 2011 study of 13 countries for an IRC-sponsored global learning initiative called

“Sustainable Services at Scale” (shortened as “Triple-S”), Lockwood and Smits extract lessons

on sustainable water delivery--many of which mirror those described above. They document a

continuum of approaches from the more traditional capital-intensive focus on construction of

plants and distribution systems to a more holistic and long-term approaches focused on the

whole life-cycle of the water system--what they and the ‘Scaling Up’ report call a “Service

Delivery Approach” (Lockwood & Smits, 2011: 19) . This combines infrastructure with long-

term post-construction support. While they understand that countries with low coverage tend

to choose the former strategy, they suggest the Service Delivery Approach is more sustainable.

A “Service Delivery Model” then is one that uses this approach, and can be implemented by

CBM, public, or private sectors.

Perhaps having learned that 26 principles was unwieldy (Lockwood was among the few dozen

experts in the SUWRS Task Force mentioned earlier), they condense their insights into nine

“building blocks” for more sustainable service delivery:

1. Professionalisation of community management: Community management must be properly

embedded in, and supported by, policy, legal and regulatory frameworks and support
services, both at national and local levels; in order to become more effective community-
based management entities must be legally recognized.
2. Increased recognition and promotion of alternative service provider options; There is a range
of different management options beyond community-based management--including local
private operators--that can better support different service levels, technology and types of
settlements; these should be described and set out in clear Service Delivery Models which
are well disseminated.
3. Sustainability indicators and targets: Monitoring and target indicators should move beyond
systems built and ‘beneficiaries’ served and include benchmarking against the services
delivered and the performance of service providers.
4. Post-construction support to service providers: Most community-based management and
local private operators cannot manage on their own; there is a need for structures systems
of support that are properly funded to back-up and monitor these services providers; in
many cases it is local government that will take on this responsibility.
5. Capacity support to decentralised government (to the service authorities): Many local
governments will require help and support if they are going to fulfill their role in
guaranteeing services; ongoing capacity support programmes covering key functions in the
life-cycle of rural water supply services, including management, procurement and
contracting are needed and must be paid for.
6. Learning and sharing of experience: Learning and knowledge management is an important
element of any mature sector; this should not rely on ad hoc support, but become an
integral part of sector capacity and be properly funded both at national and decentralised
7. Planning for asset management: One of the main weaknesses of rural water provision has
been the lack of proper asset management; systematic planning, inventory updates and
financial forecasting should be introduced; ownership of assets must be better defined so as
to allow for delegated contracting, where appropriate.
8. Financial planning frameworks to cover all life-cycle costs: Sector financial frameworks must
be expanded beyond the basics of capital investments and minor operation and
maintenance costs; all life-cycle costs must be accounted for, especially major capital
maintenance expenditure, and direct and indirect support costs.
9. Regulation of rural services and service providers: Service provision--and the performance of
service providers of all types--should eventually be regulated, even where this is done with
a ‘light touch’ system. Any attempts to establish regulation should apply appropriate
performance criteria and not be overly punitive for fledgling rural operators (Lockwood &
Smits, 2011: 2).

They also provide a framework for evaluating service, consisting of five levels from “no

service” to “high service: people access a minimum of 60 liters per capita per day of high

quality water on demand” (ibid.: 23).

The authors give shape to the idea of nested governance, by separating out three levels of

governance--national, intermediate, and service delivery--and spelling out their respective

functions. The national level is responsible for policy and normative functions, that is, creating

the “overall enabling environment where sector policy, norms and regulatory frameworks are

set, service levels defined, and macro-level financial planning and development partner

coordination takes place” (ibid.: 20). They note that it “can also be the level at which learning,

piloting and innovation is funded and promoted” and where capacity-building is coordinated

(ibid.) The intermediate level refers to local government that is in between national and the

service provider, a level which could be municipal, district or some other government,

depending on the country. This is where “service authority functions … such as planning,

coordination, regulation and oversight, and technical assistance, take place” (ibid.: 21). Finally

there is the local level, the level at which the service provider functions, whose role is the day-

to-day functioning of the water system. The authors argue that it is “the interplay between

these three levels” that makes for a quality and sustainable water system (ibid.): “[c]ommunity

management must be properly embedded in, and supported by, policy, legal and regulatory

frameworks and support services, both at national and local levels” (Lockwood & Smits, 2011: 2).

There seems to be a growing literature recognizing the importance of factors that are external

to the community, for effective community resource management. Flora (2004), for example,

underscored the importance of a nation’s economic and political climate, including the

presence or absence of relevant policy, legal and regulatory frameworks, in determining

whether or not communities have regular and sufficient access to safe water. Budds and

McGranahan (2003) note one particular legal problem is the lack of land tenure for the poor

(often in slums). In such cases, public and private companies are often legally prohibited from

serving them. The importance of national legislation frameworks for water provision is

highlighted in the discussion on the conception of water as a good or a right. Allen et al. (2006)

question the conception of water as a good to be distributed by market forces. They suggest

that by looking at water as a right--not just a good--governments can and have figured out

policies to make service provision happen. Legal and policy frameworks thus impact the

success of water distribution efforts, by aligning government funding with laws and policy


Capacity Building

Given the broad appreciation for local governance capacity presented above--including the

importance of management and technical capacity--, it should come as no surprise that the

literature places significant emphasis on building local capacity. As Fabricius and Collins (2007)

put it:

CBNRM [Community-based natural resource management] focuses on the collective

management of ecosystems to promote human well-being and aims to devolve
authority for ecosystem management to the local (community) level. CBNRM therefore
requires strong investments in capacity development of local institutions and
governance structures (Fabricius & Collins, 2007: 83).

Gasteyer and Taylor (2009) consider local management capacity to be at the center of a

community’s ability to take care of its water systems. Small communities are in particular need

of this capacity. Eighty-three percent of “community water systems in the United States serve

fewer than 3,300 customers” (Gasteyer & Taylor, 2009: 10), and these systems have “a

disproportionately large number of health-based violations and often lack experienced

municipal and board members to implement the kinds of policies and procedures to correct

these issues over time” (ibid.: 10-11). Another problem that besets small systems is the lack of

resources to hire experienced management staff, balance budgets, and communicate


The authors note that in the U.S. significant effort has gone in to building this capacity through

small community water board and management training, which they abbreviate as BMT. While

assessing the effectiveness of BMT in five states, they noted that “[t]here is remarkable

similarity in the basic curricula taught around community water system board and

management training. All attempt to address aspects of technical, managerial and financial

issues” (Gasteyer & Taylor, 2009: 51-2). One example of a typical training program (from

Kansas) includes content on:

• Managerial capacity: roles and responsibilities of board/council members; conducting

meetings; customer service policies; emergency water supply plans; personnel

policies; benefits and legal issues.

• Financial capacity: understanding your audit; budgets; record retention; capital

improvement plans; rate reviews.

• Technical capacity: water rights/water conservation/drought planning; operator

certification; monitoring, reporting and record keeping; O&M plans, rules/regulations;

Safe Drinking Water Act regulations; Reducing unaccounted for water loss.

While such training is ubiquitous it is more difficult to ascertain how effective the training is.

The authors above were unable to determine the impact of the trainings on the water system,

concluding that “more research is needed to really understand the impacts of BMT” (Gasteyer

& Taylor, 2009: 60).

More literature that provides detailed guidance for sound board management can be found in

the non-profit domain. One non-governmental organization, Governance Matters, prepared a

manual called the “Good Governance Guide” (Governance Matters website, accessed 1/24/12)

to help grant makers and board members assess the strength, and build the capacity of

community governance boards. The guide lists nine principles of good governance, each one

accompanied by relevant indicators, questions to gauge progress towards these goals, and

examples of board practices that meet the criteria in the indicators. The nine principles are:

Board Effectiveness; Board Operations; Strategic Planning; Program Effectiveness; Funding

Stability; Financial Oversight; Constituent Voice; External Relations; and Organizational


Partnerships and Nested Governance

Building local capacity is one way to deal with weak community capacity and capitals. Another

way is by accessing them through other individuals and organizations. Such support can come

from within the organization itself but from a higher level than the local--say from the national

office of an NGO. It can also be external, from donor agencies, universities, and different levels

of government. When there are different levels of decision-making and management working

on the same project or process, each receiving support and orientation from the level above,

this is referred to as ‘nested governance’.

Gasteyer conveyed the importance of looking at community assets within a nested governance

framework (interview 10/17/11). He mentioned that all the forms of capital need not be

present on a community level for the system to be successful in the long-run. If the community

organization is nested within what he called ‘intercommunity’ or regional structures, and

within national organizations, the different forms of capital--such as political--may be found on

different levels of this multiple-layered governance framework.

Uphoff et al. (1998) too insist on the importance for local communities to be connected to a

larger scheme: "Small organizations by themselves may be beautiful, but their impact will be

limited if they are not joined in some larger enterprise" (67).

Others have suggested partnerships as a way to supplement lack of local capacity in water

systems. Carter et al. (1999), for example, argue for the role of partnerships for effective

community water and sanitation provision, noting that neither governments nor NGOs have

the capacity to sustainably manage water systems in developing countries.

First the authors state the following reasons for why improvements in water provision and

sanitation are not sustained: Communities or households may never have been convinced of

the desirability of new facilities; the financial costs which communities are expected to raise as

a contribution to capital or recurrent expenses may be unacceptable, unaffordable, or

impracticable; communities may never have felt ownership of the new infrastructure, and

under-resourced governments have been unable to carry our repairs and maintenance;

benefits which have been promised at the outset of projects (e.g. dramatically improved

health) have failed to materialize; community education (e.g. hygiene education) and the

attitudinal and behavioral change expected to be achieved by it, take a long time to produce

results, and yet it often ceases prematurely; even where full community participation or

management has been planned from the start, community-level committees and caretakers

have lost interest or trained individuals have moved away. This can be a particular risk if

community-level organization is on a voluntary basis.

To overcome these shortcomings the authors suggest the need to strengthen four interrelated

elements: motivation, maintenance, cost recovery and continuing support. Motivation is

needed to maintain use of a new facility. This may be challenging especially if the safer water

tastes different, or if it entails a higher cost to the user.

Carter et al. then highlight the importance of proper maintenance for sustainability.

Regardless of the type of technology, a clearly structured, resourced, and trained

maintenance organization is necessary … Community caretaker(s) or committees may
have an important role in maintenance (for which they need training), but in almost all
circumstances they will need back-stopping by some district, regional, or national level
organization. This government agency or NGO will also need resourcing and training
(Carter et al., 1999: 294).

Parts and tools, as well as appropriate transportation, also need to be available. Whether right

or wrong, the recurrent costs of water and sanitation service are placed on the community as a

practical measure, since dependence on outside funding is fickle. “The level of payment,

including any subsidies, the basis of payment (by volume, or flat rate per household), and the

means of administering and accounting for water charges, have to be decided--preferably by

the community” (Carter et al., 1999: 295). Empirical evidence suggests community enthusiasm

necessary for sustaining local committees and water boards can wane within two or three

years of construction. Thus it is essential for communities to receive outside support from

government or NGOs. “This is a long-term function, with a need to continue until there is such

a ‘critical mass’ of good practice within a district, that there is no going back” (ibid.).

Aside from motivation, maintenance, cost recovery and continuing external support, the

authors note that there must be significant community participation in the whole enterprise to

make it sustainable. According to the authors, “this is a pragmatic recognition of governments’

inability to deliver services” (Carter et al., 1999: 295). Effective community participation,

however, requires capacity building:

Education in health and hygiene, training in maintenance and the handling of cash, and
involvement of women in community institutions and decision-making, are key
activities which are needed to create local capacity to manage (ibid.).

Since the success of a project depends so heavily on the sustained participation of the

community, one major challenge facing water projects is the total reliance on the “strength of

community spirit” (295), since modernizing forces assail this spirit--including increased

mobility, materialism, and individualism. Government bureaucracy constitutes another

significant threat to a sustainable water project, especially when the public sector is the

support agency behind the community project.

Regardless of whether communities receive support from government or NGOs, or other

places, they need help. Many governments have devolved responsibility to communities,

mostly due to lack of resources, but communities have been largely unable to sustain

improvements in water and sanitation. “[W]ithout support, few community-based water and

sanitation systems will achieve anything approaching permanence” (Carter et al., 1999: 295).

The authors then argue for “[n]ew models of community participation, and specifically

institutional, legal, and contractual links between communities, governments and NGOs, need

to be developed” (ibid.).

Communities may also need external support to ensure equity in service delivery, as local

elites may influence policy to preclude offering service to the poor (Cleaver and Toner, 2006).


Carter et al. (1999) also place special attention on criteria for evaluating community water

projects. They provide a framework for evaluating community water supply and sanitation

programs in developing countries, using the two frames of “impact” and “sustainability”. They

believe the framework can be used in the design, monitoring and evaluation of water and

sanitation projects in developing countries, with the aim of improving the limited impacts of

these projects. The table below shows the criteria by which a water supply project should be

deemed of impact and sustainable (criteria on sanitation has been omitted since it is not

directly relevant to this study). The costs have been updated to reflect inflation.

Table 2. Impact and Sustainability Evaluation Criteria

Objectives in relation to “Impact” Objectives in relation to “Sustainability”

a. Achieve a daily consumption of at least 20 a. Caretakers should be in post and fulfilling their
liters/household assigned job descriptions

b. Committees should be meeting regularly,

b. Reduce the time spent in water-carrying to a
keeping minutes, and functioning in a manner
maximum of one person-hour per day
which is acceptable to the community
c. Revenue collection should be taking place in
c. Bring about significant improvements in water-
the manner agreed at the construction phase, or
carrying technology
in some other effective way
d. The backstopping agency (government or
d. Achieve a water-quality target of 10 faecal
NGO) should be in regular and effective contact
coliforms/100 ml at the point of use
with the community
e. Achieve equity in all aspects of service e. The use of water supply … should be
provision continuing at high levels
f. Supply these services [water and sanitation] at f. Physical infrastructure should be fully
a per capita capital cost of no more than $42 functional
g. Supply these services at a per capita recurrent
cost of no more than $4.2/annum
Source: Carter et al., 1999. Original figures updated to 2012 dollars.

Others have outlined the impact of community participation: “Participation determines

whether local stakeholders continue with a project, how much effort and how many resources

they dedicate to it, and how long the project continues to function after the instigating agency

leaves, affecting effectiveness and stability (Lefevre and Garcia, 1997).

Younger (2007) uses public participation as a criterion for evaluating pro-poor infrastructure

technology. He states that such technology should have three characteristics: they can be used

by small communities and enterprises as well as larger ones; they require only modest capital

investments and are not dependent on costly external inputs, and they are relatively simple to

use (Younger, 2007: 828). Furthermore, the best examples of pro-poor water engineering

develop with little external finance and build on self-help principles (e.g. communities

contribute labor and land). Having studied a partnership of a Bolivian NGO with local

communities on water provision and found that after eight years 95% of water wells were still

working, he concludes: “Although it is deeply rooted in the local cultural value system, the

insistence on community commitment coupled with the provision of strategic technical

assistance is in line with best practice worldwide” (ibid.: 832).

Younger contends that the highly technocratic nature of water projects by imposing

technology and processes in a top-down manner actually damages local community: “the

uncritical export of northern attitudes and hardware to the South does violence to both the

value systems and realities of many Southern countries” (ibid.: 829).

It isn’t easy though to get everyone to the table. Wealthy and powerful community members

may be able to control projects on local scale (Cleaver and Toner, 2006). The poor and

marginalized groups need special attention, as do women (Hardoy et al., 2001). Cleaver and

Toner suggest that facilitating equality of access at the local level requires concerted action

from both ‘above’ and ‘below’. These actions include ensuring an adequate legal/policy

framework guaranteeing access to water and a real commitment on the part of the

implementing agencies to targeting the poor.

Ongoing External Support

There seems to be a growing consensus that community-management in the absence of

outside support is unsustainable. Lockwood and Smit (2011) sum it up thus: “Most community-

based management and local private operators cannot manage on their own; there is a need

for structured systems of support that are properly funded to back-up and monitor these

service providers” (2).

One longstanding model of ongoing support that has received some attention in the literature

is referred to as the Circuit-Rider model, and is concerned primarily with technical support.

Here is a description from Georgia Kayser, postdoctoral scholar at the University of North

Carolina’s Water Institute:

The Circuit Rider model, founded by the National Rural Water Association in the United
States in the 1970’s, is designed to provide on-going technical assistance so that the
Village Water Committees (VWCs), and their water system operators have the capacity
to prepare for and overcome technical, financial and operational obstacles. The Circuit
Rider model is operating in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and the United States.
The Circuit Rider model, in all four countries, offers access to a trained technician. These
technicians are engineers, have years of experience as a water systems operator, or are
trained by other Circuit Riders, water engineers, and water operators prior to gaining
Circuit Rider status. Circuit riders, once trained, make monthly visits to a specific set of
rural communities to address operation and maintenance problems, and train VWCs
and their operators in water quality and disinfection, water source protection, and
accounting and budgeting. Circuit Riders also hold workshops every few months for
operators and VWCs. These workshops address common operation problems in rural
water systems and in managing rural water systems. These workshops include: pump
maintenance, water treatment, treatment technology options, microbiological water
quality testing, and residual chlorine testing, calculating household water fees, and relay
any new standards or laws. In El Salvador, the Circuit Riders also stress the importance
of meters, installed in households to reduce water waste. To receive assistance from the
Circuit Riders in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, VWCs solicit support, or Circuit
Riders who work in one community will offer their assistance to adjacent communities.
Funding for the Programs outside of the USA, comes from the International Rural Water
Association, an arm of the Rural Water Association (Kayser, personal correspondence,

The Circuit-Rider model is part of the ‘post-construction’ support. One recent study of the

model in El Salvador linked the model with improved water quality and better payment rates

(Kayser, 2011). One problem Kayser pointed out with this model is that funding for the support

is unstable, often coming from external NGOs, posing a challenge to its sustainability

(interview 11/2/11). One option is for government to be involved.

Partnerships are another way support can be found. Many voices on the importance of

partnerships are found within the debate on public versus private provision of water and other

services, a debate that is separate from community-based management. While Ostrom and

those in CBRNM were writing about governance systems that are neither public nor private,

others take sides on whether these should be under public control or run like a business.

Those who favor private control refer to public mismanagement, bloated and inefficient

bureaucracies, and claim that the introduction of market competition will lead to water

delivery that is more efficient and less expensive (Nickson 1997, e.g.). Those who argue for

public control show that market forces don’t operate well with water (tends to a monopoly),

and cite examples of the same problems that plagued the public sector, like corruption, in

private hands. While in the 90s there was much support, especially from the World Bank and

its ilk, for the privatization of public water management, more recently there has been

substantive opposition from academic, activist and public sectors (see, for example, TNI 2010).

Twenty years later, most water systems are still under public control, although the debate is

not over. One meta-study (Bel and Warner, 2008), however, found no link between cost

reduction and water privatization.

However, insofar as provision to the poor is concerned, the public-private debate may miss the

point entirely, as neither sector has done a good job in facilitating regular and affordable

access to safe water to those with few financial resources at their disposal and both private

and public have done well when attending to wealthier populations (Budds and McGranahan,

2003). Hardoy et al. (2001) agree. Since no one is providing services, they suggest “[t]here is

tremendous potential in new partnerships between local governments, local community

organizations and local NGOs. ... What is needed is a series of pragmatic alternatives with a

potential to expand so all those in need can be reached” (242).

Community-based organizations (CBOs) can often show how cheap and feasible alternative

solutions are without government funding, after which governments or NGOs can step in to

ramp up efforts and channel funds through local organizations. Hardoy et al. (2001) cite the

example of Orangi Pilot Project, an NGO working in a slum in Karachi, Pakistan helping groups

of 10-15 houses to organize to raise funds for a sewer system, which the community then

builds and manages at one-sixth the cost of the official system. However, the authors find that

the scope and effectiveness of CBO efforts increase substantially if these are aided by

government. Similarly, they argue that donor organizations can get a bigger bang for their

buck if financing is channeled through grassroots organizations that can set priorities and

administer the funds.


The above readings on community capitals, capacity building, nested governance and external

support have helped me develop a lens through which to view and analyze AguaClara’s

experience. Following Gasteyer and Taylor (2009) I employ the frame of community capitals as

a way to organize the various themes in the literature. My framework is slightly different from

those presented in the literature. Ostrom (1994), for example, shows a sagacious appreciation

for the nuances of social capital, but does not seem to give value to enabling policies and

regulatory environments, and external support—i.e. what I’m calling political capital. The

sustainable livelihoods framework which Fabricius and Collins (2007) use for their analysis

contains the same weakness. The authors’ claim that social capital is usually robust in local

communities also suggests that they are using a less comprehensive definition of this capital.

My framework resembles those used by Flora (2004) and Gasteyer and Taylor (2009), both of

which contain references to political capital. I include what they call cultural capital into my

category of social capital, which I consider to include traditions, shared understanding, and

patterns of interaction. Gasteyer and Taylor formalized Flora’s (2004) division of social capital

into bonding and bridging types. In my framework, the relationships with outsiders (regulators,

funders) and the capacity to build these, fall into three (or four) separate categories. On the

one hand, connections to funders and sources of funding can be seen as financial capital; if

financing comes through government, then it may be considered part of political capital. The

relationships that a community has with outsiders may also be considered part of its social

capital. One could further complicate things by noting that the capacity to build outside

connections may be found only in a few individuals within the community; then it would make

sense to say this was part of the community’s human capital.

The capitals I ended up with are six—natural, physical (or built), financial, social, human and

political. These categories, as can be gleaned from the discussion above, contain significant

overlap and have divisions that are at times arbitrary. The following diagram shows this

interconnected nature for the capitals I have chosen for my analysis, an analysis that primarily

focuses on social, human and political capital. Note that there is not necessarily more

interconnection between abutting capitals.

Natural capital: continuous surface
water; land for plant construction

Human capital: individuals Physical capital: treatment

with management, financial, plant; piped distribution system;
and technical skills infrastructure suited to local

Social capital: community Financial capital: funds for

ownership & trust; good and engineering studies, capital
adaptive management costs, and O&M

Political capital: governmental recognition; enabling

policy, regulatory, and legal environment

Figure 1. Framework for Analysis Based on Six Intersecting Components of Capital


The aim of this report is to assess the strengths and weaknesses of AguaClara’s governance

model. By governance I mean the “capacity … to coherently organise the sustainable

development of water resources” (Peña and Solanes, 2003: 3), and by sustainable I mean such

that it can be maintained over time. In order to do this assessment, I conducted mostly

qualitative research in the form of a multiple case study analysis, looking at AguaClara’s

experience with six plants in the light of insights on community-based water governance found

in academic and development practitioner literature. I also interviewed a few prominent

practitioners. For my analysis I created a framework based on my reading of the literature, a

framework that outlined the major topics to consider and questions to answer. And I compiled

information on AguaClara using primary documents and several key informant interviews.

I conducted a literature review on community-based management, in general, and water

system governance in particular. I conducted most of this research using electronic Cornell

library and Internet searches, including Google Scholar and the Google search engine. My

literature review was further enhanced by two key interviews with scholars in the field of

water system management, Stephen Gasteyer, Assistant Professor from Michigan State

University, and Georgia Kayser, a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Department of Public

Policy and The Water Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Professor

Gasteyer has experience working with small community-based water systems in the U.S., and

Dr. Kayser is an expert on the Circuit-Rider model of post-construction technical support for

water systems. Both provided me with valuable insights, and suggested relevant literature to

further inform my research.

As noted in the previous section, based on the insights from these interviews and from the

literature, I created a framework for analysis around the concept of a series of capitals that a

community may or may not possess. Using this framework I first identified the issues raised in

the literature that most directly related to each one of the six capitals, and came up with sets

of broad and more specific questions whose answers would address each of the identified

issues. This is the framework with which I approached AguaClara's experience, which can be

seen in the table below:

Table 3. Framework for Analysis

Capital Issue Bigger Question Little Questions

Natural Community needs to have a reliable and Does the community -Where is the source located
nearby river source above it have access to a river in relation to the homes?
The community needs to have control over that can meet its -What pollutant problems
the source needs for water does it have?
Needs to have land for building the plant supply? -Does the community
control it?

Physical A community needs a functioning water Is the plant and -Is the plant and distribution
treatment plant, and distribution system. distribution system system built, run and
These need to be suited to local conditions: suited to local maintained with locally-
built with locally available materials; run condition? available materials and
and repairable with locally available talent?
materials and talent

Financial System should aim for total cost recovery Do system have, or --Can handle future capital
for O&M (Carter et al., 1999) have access to, funds costs, e.g. repairs?
Need access to financing for engineering to cover engineering -How is payment rate? What
studies and capital costs, including costs, capital is WTP?
construction and major repairs and/or expenses, and O & M? -Capacity to fund expansion
expansion of service? Subsidize poor?

Social 1. Community ownership and trust: Do communities feel -Is there space for
Communities need to feel like the water like the systems participation?
system belongs to them. This is related to belong to them? -Who is participating
the concept of empowerment. Is there trust in the (women? poor?)?
-Space for broad community participation community? -Structural variables that
in decision-making (Ostrom, 1994; Bakker, affect collective action
2008, Flora, 2004), especially for women. present?
-Members are motivated to participate in -Are there indicators of
system that belongs to them (Gasteyer, trust?
2011; Flora, 2004; Carter et al., 1999; -Is the trust born from the
Younger, 2007) project or did it exist
-There is trust between users, board and beforehand?
operators (Ostrom, 2004), and an ethic of -Does the AguaClara project
reciprocity contribute to or detract
-Structural variables (Ostrom 2010) that from this social asset?
affect collective action: small communities, -What elements of the
homogeneity, face-to-face communication, project motivate community
and repetition members to participate?

Social 2. Good management: The water system Is the system managed -Have constitutions?
(structures, policies, procedures) needs to well? -Written contracts?
be transparent, efficient and fair: -Monitoring system?
-Needs rules and boundaries to determine -Conflict-resolution and
who can participate and how (Ostrom, graduated sanctions?
1994; Carter et al., 1999) -Incentives for fulfilling
-Meet regularly, keep minutes (Carter et obligations?
al.,1999) -Maintenance and asset
-Monitoring of participation (Ostrom, 2004; management plans?
Fabricius and Collins, 2007) -Water boards meet
-A system of graduated sanctions for regularly? Have minutes and
misappropriation (Ostrom, 2004) funds in order?
-System of conflict-resolution (Ostrom,
2004; Fabricius and Collins, 2007)
-Constitution for board, and rules for
membership and procedures, including
ridding of misbehaving members (Fabricius
and Collins, 2007)
-Formal contracts and commitments for
employees, and incentives, especially for
volunteers (Flora, 2004; Fabricius and
Collins, 2007)
-Professional facilitation to promote
communication between varied
participants (Fabricius and Collins, 2007;
Flora, 2004)
-Maintenance and asset management plans
(Carter et al., 1999; Lockwood and Smits,
2011), including plans for sudden events
(Rizak and Hrudey, 2008)
-Financial planning for all life-cycle costs
(Lockwood and Smits, 2011)

Social 3. Learning or ‘adaptive management’: Is AguaClara able to -Spaces for reflection and
Water systems need to continually learn learn from its evaluation on different
and incorporate new insights into experience? levels?
operations (Lockwood and Smits, 2011; -Capacity to systematize
Fabricius and Collins, 2007) learning
-There is regular space and time for -How learning shared?
evaluation -Ongoing training and
-Reflections and learning are systematized capacity building?
and shared -Is there an iterative process
-Ongoing training and capacity building to allow for positive
(Carter et al., 1999) feedback of trust?
-Iterative process that allows for positive -Experts to facilitate
feedback of trust and reciprocity (Ostrom, exchange of information
2011) between groups?
-Knowledge networks to draw on broad
expertise to share learning (Fabricius and
Collins, 2007)

Human 1. Communities need individuals with Do Board members How is motivation among
management skills/capacities: have management board members and
-Facilitation of Dialogue and conducting skills? workers kept up?
meetings Are there venues for
-Maintain motivation--both for paid and resolving conflicts?
especially unpaid staff (board members) Are customers happy with
-Manage conflict and Customer service their service?
-Planning both contingency (e.g. drought, How is the board chosen?
emergency water supply) and expansion or Does it rotate members?
strategic planning Do retiring members train
the next set?
Is there a tradition of board
members serving the

community or using this
position to extract personal
gain? What is the culture
around board behavior in

2. Technical skills Are operators able to -How often are plants

-Maintenance of infrastructure run and maintain the functioning?
-monitoring, reporting and record keeping infrastructure? -Incidences of breakdowns
-Reducing unaccounted for water loss and successful repairs?

3. Financial skills Do Board members Do people have the

-Budgeting, capital improvement plans and (and others) have numeracy skills required?
grant-writing capacity to manage Are Village Water Boards
-Understanding audits and oversight funds, and solicit (VWBs) saving money?
-Record retention more? Have VWBs been able to
solicit more money?

Political Ongoing support: Community-based water Do AguaClara -Support for funding,

systems need continuous and ongoing communities receive technical assistance, and
support to maintain infrastructure, sufficient ongoing other governance issues
motivation, build skills, learn, and access external support? -Political support locally?
funds (Hardoy et al., 2001; Flora, 2004; regionally? nationally?
Gasteyer, 2011; Fabricius and Collins, 2007; -Connection to NGOs/CBOs?
Carter et al., 1999; Lockwood and Smits, -Connection to private
2011) sector?
-Governmental recognition (Fabricius and -Connection to universities?
Collins, 2007; Ostrom, 2004; Lockwood and -Connection to government
Smits, 2011) and support essential for long- funding?
term sustainability of system -At least avoid government
-Support for training and refreshing for interference?
developing other HR skills -Other outside funding
-Support in order to maintain motivation sources?
(Carter et al., 1999)
-Support for technical problems
-Support to access funds
-Nested governance, each level receiving
support from one above (Ostrom, 2004;
Lockwood and Smits, 2011; Gasteyer, 2011)

2. Enabling Environment Is there a national -A legal and policy

1. Policy, Legal and Regulatory Framework enabling environment framework for water sector?
for Water sector: rules and responsibilities for water service -Is there regulation of
are clear (Allen et al., 2006; Lockwood and provision? service?
Smits, 2011) -Is water considered a right?
2. Recognition of CBM or local -Are there support
administration institutions?
3. Political system and champions locally -Are there other national or
and nationally that fight for sustainable regional networks in which
water supply (service delivery approach) communities can exchange
not just construction of infrastructure, or information, and receive
are indifferent to needs whatsoever support?

The first category of capital I’m considering is natural, which refers to the natural resources

available in the community. The most relevant concerns here relate to the presence of

perennial surface water, a water source for which the plants are designed, and sufficient land

on which to build the plant. These are mostly givens, as AguaClara only enters in communities

with such resources, but I include the relevant questions here for completeness and as a

reminder of a capital which may easily be overlooked.

The second category of capital is physical, which refers to the built aspects of the water

system. For my research this capital is the treatment plant and the distribution system. My

questions have to do with the presence of such infrastructure, and, perhaps more importantly,

with its suitability to the context. That is, I look at the extent to which the design of the plants

and piped system fits in with the other capitals—e.g. the physical environment, or the level of

human capital. Looking at the appropriateness of technology helped highlight some of

AguaClara’s strengths in the treatment plant design, while including the distribution system in

the questions provides a reminder that the plant is dependent on the presence of other

functioning infrastructure.

Third is financial capital, which recognizes the reality of the importance of funding to get

something built, and then to maintain it over time. My questions probed for financial capital

either present in the community or AguaClara institutions or access to it for three areas: initial

engineering studies, the building of the plant itself, operation and maintenance (O&M),

including large scale repairs or expansions.

Fourth is social capital, a category so complex I decided to separate it into three: community

ownership and trust, good management, and learning. The first of these includes the issues on

which Ostrom’s work (1994, 2010) focuses. I wanted to know if and how AguaClara was

working in places that had the factors that contributed to successful community management,

and in what way did AguaClara’s technology and governance structure contribute to the trust

and empowerment that are so crucial to such a management model. Some of the questions

got at the frequency and nature of spaces for community participation, as one main element

that contributes to both trust and community ownership.

Good management was the second category I used within social capital. Here I looked at more

standard measures of management—clear rules and boundaries to limit and shape

participation in the form of written constitutions and policies; sanctions for misappropriation;

incentives for fulfilling responsibilities, plans for maintenance and management; and

administrative competence as shown by the regular use of minutes and well-kept financial


The third category dealt with the specific ability of AguaClara to learn from its experience and

adapt to changing circumstances. I looked for evidence of this in the presence of specific

spaces for reflection and learning, in the ongoing training offered, in the iterative process that

allows feedback, in the presence of people who act as facilitators to share learning among the

varied participants in the projects.

Human capital is the fifth category of capital, which I divided into management skills, technical,

and financial. This category had plenty of overlap with others—the presence of management

skills was also probed for when asking about management capacity under social capital; the

financial skills of keeping books and soliciting funds can also be induced from management

capacity, and from the presence of financial capital. Technical skills, however, refer to those

needed to build, maintain and operate the treatment plants, and is inferred from the amount

of time the plants are properly running, and AguaClara’s ability to deal with breakdowns.

The final category of capital is political capital, which I divided into two sections: the presence

of ongoing external support, and an enabling policy, legal, and regulatory environment. For the

former I looked at the connections AguaClara communities have with external agencies—

NGOs, universities, different levels of government, and the private sector—and the examples

of received technical and financial support, as well as support for other governance issues. I

also looked at the support the different AguaClara actors (communities, NGO, Cornell

researchers) had, in the context of a nested governance model. For the latter I asked questions

mostly about the presence of legal and regulatory frameworks on a national level, regulatory

bodies, and fertile national and regional networks for the exchange of information and


With these questions in mind I set out to gather information on AguaClara. I used several

sources. These included archival records--project documents, reports, presentations, and

training materials--which I gathered from people involved with AguaClara projects and from

AguaClara’s website. I also conducted a series of key informant interviews. The most important

of these was with Antonio Elvir, who has had the most direct and complete contact with the

communities where AguaClara plants have been built over the last six years. I interviewed him

twice during his weeklong visit to Cornell at the end of October 2011. I also conducted

interviews with Chuck Brown, a former AguaClara intern who helped train AguaClara staff in

grant writing, and Daniel Smith, an AguaClara engineer who has worked in Honduras for the

last several years, one year as a Fulbright fellow.

I also benefited from information from Michael Adelman and Matthew Fisher-Post, two

members of the AguaClara research team with whom I frequently met to share updates on our

respective research and pass along useful documents. I also spoke to Monroe Weber-Shirk,

Lecturer/Research Associate in the College of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and

director of the AguaClara program at Cornell, informally on a number of occasions and

exchanged some emails.

Having the stories of six plants enabled me to compare their experiences in the light of the

literature, and try to draw out relevant insights. This is referred to as a multiple case study

analysis (Yin, 1994).

As I began to write up my research, and answer some of my questions, I would often realize

that I needed additional clarification from the academic literature, and I would set off on a

fresh search. More frequently, I would realize that I could not yet answer my questions with

the information I had, or another new question would emerge. I compiled these questions in a

document and sent them to relevant people as follow-ups to my interviews. For this follow-up

research, I also benefited from a group of Cornell students who visited Honduras in January

2012, among them Michael Adelman, as part of a Student Multidisciplinary Applied Research

Team (SMART) program out of Cornell’s International Institute for Food, Agriculture and


Since governance is a concept that is defined very differently throughout the literature a

few words on how I use it are in order. I have used the capitals framework as a proxy for

assessing governance capacity. The relationship between governance and the various

forms of community capital is varied. While in particular I will look at AguaClara’s

governance capacity in terms of its human and social capital assets, I will also consider the

organization’s ability to access, protect, marshal, and develop the natural, physical and

financial capital of their communities as an indication of governance strength.

Also, I have used the concept of nested governance for my analysis. That is, for the overall

AguaClara model to be governance to be strong, it need not have all the types of capital at

each level of governance--in each water board, at the local NGO, at Cornell. Each capacity and

type of capital is important, but may be sufficient if found at a certain level. Indeed, requiring

all forms of capital at all levels may be too much to ask, especially at lower levels where some

forms are in short supply (e.g. financial). That would be imposing what is sometimes referred

to as a governance burden.

My research contains a number of limitations. First of all, it relies heavily on interviews. While I

have tried to triangulate in order to verify information, much of the details of the stories of

each of the community come from the perspective of a single person. Having limited access to

the Village Water Boards, their documentation, or records from the operation of the plants,

circumscribed my research mostly to qualitative inferences. Second, most of the communities

have had plants for less than three years, which makes it hard to judge what will happen over

a longer period. Some scholars note that many of the problems that assail community-based

managed systems only emerge two or three years after the system is built (Carter et al. 1999);

a study in a few more years may provide much greater insight into my research question. A

related issue is that I’m using a relatively small sample size. Six plants provide some diversity of

experience, but a larger sample would provide for richer comparisons and contrasts.

Notwithstanding these limitations, since this is a project report intended to inform the practice

of the AguaClara program, I think there is value in having identified salient issues that merit

the program’s attention. As their experience matures, AguaClara staff may be able to bring

into better focus the root challenges, and identify solutions to improve their interventions.


In this section I apply the analysis framework developed through my background research to

the AguaClara model. By going through the major questions relevant to each category of

capital, I hope to gauge the strength of the AguaClara governance model. Before proceeding

with this analysis, however, I will provide a little background of the AguaClara story, and of the

Honduran context in which its first projects have emerged.

AguaClara Background

The AguaClara program began in 2005 as a collaboration between Cornell University and Agua

Para el Pueblo (APP), a Honduran NGO focused on providing piped water to poor communities

across the country. AguaClara was started by Monroe Weber-Shirk, senior lecturer at Cornell’s

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, who is the director of the program. Since its

founding, seven AguaClara plants have been built in small rural communities around


The story of AguaClara is shaped by the story of Monroe. Monroe was raised on a small farm in

Fleetwood, Pennsylvania in the Mennonite tradition, with the community’s commitment to

issues of peace and social justice (Weber-Shirk, CEE website). Monroe volunteered in the early

1980s in Salvadoran refugee camps in western Honduras sponsored by the Mennonite Central

Committee, where he worked as a technical assistant. It was there where he saw first-hand the

impact of poor water and sanitation on people who had the ‘misfortune’ of being born poor.

After taking a degree in Physics at a small Mennonite college in Indiana, he finished his M.S. in

Agricultural Engineering at Cornell, conducting research on slow sand filtration, a water

treatment technology that he thought might be relevant to communities in Honduras. Monroe

then spent another year working with the Mennonite Central Committee in Honduras, before

returning to Cornell to continue his research on slow sand filtration for his Ph.D. Receiving his

doctorate in 1992, Monroe has continued his research in technologies for water treatment.

Monroe lost contact with colleagues in Honduras until 2004 when he reconnected with Jacobo

Nuñez, the director of APP. The idea for AguaClara came to Monroe during one of his visits

there, when Nuñez asked Monroe, “What can we do to treat the dirty water that we are

providing to rural communities?” AguaClara was thus born out of a concern for other people,

who happen to have been born with fewer financial resources. Monroe’s continued

commitment to social justice can be seen in the amount of pro-bono work he has put in, the

hours worked, the time spent in Honduras, and the sincerity and quality of his relationships

with people of different cultures and backgrounds.

Communities and Plants

Eight plants have been built in the last six years in seven communities (one has two parallel

plants). Four communities are located in the Francisco Morazán department, where

Tegucigalpa is, and two in contiguous departments, La Paz and El Paraíso (see map and table

below for summary). A ninth plant is under construction in the department of Santa Barbara.

While all have followed a similar sequence of steps of design, build, operate, train and

transfer, new practices have evolved over the years, which illustrate well issues of governance,

and indicate AguaClara’s capacity to learn from its experience.

Santa Barbara Dept.

6 Francisco Morazán Dept.

5 1. La 34
4 3 El Paraíso Dept. 2. Ojojona
La Paz Dept.
2 3. Támara
7 4. Marcala (has 2 plants)
5. Cuatro Comunidades
6. Agalteca
7. Alauca
8. Atima (under

Figure 2. AguaClara Plants in Honduras.

Sources:; AguaClara website (n.d.)

The first small-scale gravity powered flocculation/sedimentation plant was built starting in the

fall of 2004 for a town built on a former United Fruit Company banana plantation and known

as “La 34” (interview Antonio, 10/24/11). It is located in the municipality of Cedros, in the

Francisco Morazán department. This was not technically an AguaClara plant, as the program

had not yet started. I include it here because it was the prototype for the AguaClara

technology, designed by a team led by Monroe at Cornell, and it illustrates well what happens

when capitals aside from the physical are neglected. It was a proof of concept that gravity

powered water treatment could work for small communities. The plant was funded by IRWA

(under the direction of Fred Stottlemyer, a friend and mentor of Monroe’s) and did not involve

much community involvement in the construction. APP was not involved at this stage, and

there was no pre construction community agreement on raising the tariff as is currently done.

According to Antonio, while the plant works well, it is not used much, being run only when

someone from AguaClara pays the community a visit. This said, the community has elected to

develop a new higher quality water source and no longer uses the water treatment plant.

Table 4. AguaClara Plants in Honduras

Community Year Financed by Implem. Pop. Capital Tariff Other

Built Partner served Cost (HH/mo.)
Pilot; not used by
community; mining town
owned by Standard Fruit
“La 34” 2004 IRWA IRWA n/a n/a n/a
Company. Predates
AguaClara; directed by
Fundacion San
Juan, VWB, APP, VWB members don’t
Ojojona Cornell, ESW, IRWA, 2,100 $68,028 $2.83 change; some problems
and ESW with corruption
VWB approached APP
and requested plant.
Rotary Int’l,
Támara 2008 APP 3,500 $61,594 $2.65 APP took lead role and
Cornell, VWB
high degree of
community participation
IRWA supervised
construction; APP’s role
IRWA, was limited; municipal
Marcala 2008 ADEC, 9,000 $64,000 $3.18 government manages
APP plant; ADEC provides
ongoing technical
Single plant serving four
CESAL, Alliance
small villages, each with
Cuatro for Water
$3.18 a water board. VWB
Comunidad 2009 Progress, APP 1,500 $49,063
made up of members
es private donors,
from all four community
Italian mining st
1 plant built using the
Agalteca 2010 APP 2,160 $58,279 $2.65 AguaClara Online design
Marcala Enabled town to
Expansion ACRA (Italian abandon a second
2011 APP 6,000 $83,382 $3.18
(“El NGO) untreated source of
Chiflador”) water.
CARE Int’l,
Built as part of a CARE
Alauca 2011 APP 3,000 $82,375 $2.88 project in the
Agency for
under Cross-subsidized tariff
(includes $2.62-
Atima const. Rotary Int’l APP 3,300 scheme not approved
AguaClara $10.48
(2012) yet.
staff cost)
Sources: Antonio Elvir, personal interview (10/24/11) and personal communication (2/8/12); AguaClara website
(n.d.); Michael Adelman presentation (n.d.); Smith, 2010; Presupuesto “El Chiflador”, 8/31/10; Presupuesto Atima,
excel (n.d.).

The first plant under the auspices of AguaClara was built in 2006 in the municipality of

Ojojona. This is a small town of 2,100 in the department of Francisco Morazán, some 22

miles from the capital city of Tegucigalpa. While maintaining its connections to its

agricultural roots, a significant percentage of people, many of whom are indigenous, make

handcrafts which are sold in markets in the capital (Ojojona, 2007). The plant took over a

year to build, and was financed primarily by third-party funding. The community did

provide wood, stone and about one-fifth of the unskilled labor. AguaClara was building the

very first small scale plant with vertical flow flocculation and vertical flow sedimentation

tanks and did not want to place the cost of the experiment on communities (A. Elvir,

personal interview, 10/24/11). The plant’s capital cost was approximately $68,000, and it

could treat 6.3 liters of water per second. Funding was from IRWA and the Sanjuan

Foundation. The plant lacks a roof, making it an unpleasant place to work when it is

raining. Ojojona has two different water supply sources and the plant only treats one of

the sources. This has been one of the complicating factors and has made setting

appropriate tariffs in Ojojona more difficult.

The next plant was built in Támara in 2008, a town of about 3,000, located 15 miles to the

northwest of Tegucigalpa in the Francisco Morazán department. The process changed

significantly under APP’s direction, and included substantial community involvement

before construction began. According to Antonio, it was the Village Water Board (VWB)

itself which approached APP to request a plant be built. The educational, promotional

work was carried out primarily by Antonio Elvir, an APP technician with a background in

community education and organizing. He explained the AguaClara technology at

community-wide water user meetings. APP also approached local health centers to learn

more about water-borne diseases in the town, and shared this information at the

meetings. Water samples of untreated and treated water were displayed to show the

difference between them, and the results of laboratory tests with information on fecal

coliform counts and other contaminants were shared. After these meetings the water

users were asked whether they wanted such a plant and if they were willing to pay an

increased tariff (about double the previous one), which APP had calculated beforehand. A

majority (at least “fifty percent plus one” according to Antonio) agreed. They also agreed

to contributing 30-40% of the construction cost by providing materials (such as sand and

bricks) and unskilled volunteer labor. Every water user had to volunteer for one or two

days in order to receive treated water later. This was all formally detailed in a contract

signed by the water users and APP.

Once the contract with the water users and the VWB was signed, construction and training

began in parallel. Construction took some five months, and was supervised by an APP-

designated engineer, who hired master builders (the community provided a steady stream

of unskilled labor throughout the five months of construction). The Támara plant cost

around $62,000 (not including in-kind and labor contributions), was financed by Rotary

International, and has a treatment capacity of 12 liters per second.

The Marcala plant was completed in 2008 in the department of La Paz, and is the largest

one thus far, with a capacity of 30 liters per second. The six to nine thousand people it

servers are indigenous, and many cultivate coffee (A. Elvir, personal communication,

5/2/12). Similar to “La 34”, this plant was built under the supervision of IRWA, who also

provided over half of the $64,000 needed for construction (Smith, personal

communication, 3/22/12). The rest was provided by the municipality. IRWA also provided

training for the operators, though APP assisted in the training. Agua y Desarrollo

Comunitario (ADEC), another organization founded by Fred Stottlemyer, has provided

technical assistance to the municipality and its workers.

The next plant built is referred to as “Cuatro Comunidades”, as it serves four small, rural

villages in the Francisco Morazán department. APP had been working there previously to

improve their water distribution system and had a relationship with the people and water

boards in the villages. The plant is small with a capacity of 6.3 liters per second and serves

around 1500 people and was completed in spring of 2009. The VWB is comprised of

representatives of each of the four communities. It cost around $49,000, most of which

was given by CESAL and Alianza por el Agua, two Spanish development NGOs, along with

some private donations. (The communities themselves contributed as well--an estimated

$9,000 in materials and labor.)

The following four plants have mostly followed the format described above, and the

procedure has been further systematized by APP, who by this time had become the only

implementation partner on the ground in Honduras. The next plant built was in Agalteca, a

small municipality about 37 miles to the north of the country’s capital. This plant was

financed by friends of AguaClara, an Italian mining company (Five Star Mining), and the

municipality, and others. The capital cost was around $58,000, and the capacity is 6 liters

per second, and serves 380 households. It was completed in June of 2010.

The next two plants were completed in 2011. One was an expansion to the plant at

Marcala. This was a second plant that provided an extra 22 liters per second of treated

water. This enabled Marcala to abandon their second water source that had served a

significant fraction of the town. The decision to expand the capacity of the first water

source was based on the concept that it would be more economical to have plant

operators running parallel treatment trains at a single site rather than requiring a whole

new set of plant operators to run a second facility at a different location. It was financed

by ACRA, an Italian NGO, and completed in May of 2011.

The Alauca plant was built as part of a CARE international project, who had been working

in the municipality, with financing from the Swiss government (through its development

agency, COSUDE). The plant has a design flow of 12 liters per second and is intended to

serve a population of some 3,000 people.

A ninth plant, in the municipality of Atima in the Santa Barbara department, is currently

under construction, and slated to be completed in 2012. Many of the 3,300 people it will

serve are connected to coffee cultivation. Estimated costs are $76,530. This is being

funded by Rotary International, and for the first time includes in its budget the time APP

staff are dedicating to it. There is also a cross-subsidized tariff scheme proposed for the

town, which has not yet been approved by the Assembly of Water Users.

In general, the process from design to transfer takes about a year: one month for

community research and education, five months for construction and training, and

another three to six months for follow-up.

AguaClara has seven more sites pending for plants, including San Nicolas in Santa Barbara,

San Vicente in Santa Barbara, La Libertad, Santa Rita in Copan (AguaClara Website,

“Project Sites”, n.d.), with another half a dozen identified as potential sites, with requisite

water source, turbidity problems, population size and capacity to pay an adequate tariff to

cover operation and maintenance costs.

Organizational Scheme

While the general division of labor is that Cornell handles the development of the technology

and APP the implementation, and the Village Water Boards (VWBs) the day to day operations,

this arrangement has evolved over the years and has grown in complexity.

AguaClara's governance model--which encompasses how decisions and policy are made, and

how they are implemented--may be looked at on three levels, international, national, and

local. The international level is comprised of what is called the AguaClara Research, Invent,

Design, and Empower (RIDE) Group, at Cornell University, and of Donor Organizations. The

RIDE Group, which is made up of undergraduate and graduate students, and led by Dr. Weber-

Shirk, with the support of other professors, is dedicated to advancing the design of the

treatment plants and developing the sustainable processes that they employ. They do

operational research working in teams focused on answering a variety of technical questions.

Small teams of students work all semester on the project, and one question may require

various semesters to address. Students can and do take the class several semesters in a row.

Some students become experts, and guide the work of other teams, and organize the class

itself. Groups of 15-20 students have been visiting Honduras every year since 2004. In the last

few years about 50 students have been enrolled in the course at any given time.

Although the RIDE Group operates within the university framework, some additional funding is

required here. The RIDE Group typically has two to three paid research assistants, who are

MS/PhD students in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering advised by Monroe and

Dr. Len Lion. These students are sometimes supported by departmental teaching

assistantships, but the AguaClara RIDE Group must sometimes pay them with funds from

supporting foundations or research grants. In addition to the graduate students, the major

expenses for the RIDE Group come from purchasing equipment and supplies such as pumps,

tubing, analytical instruments, laboratory reagents, etc.

Once a new treatment process or a technical improvement has been developed in the lab, it is

taken to the field. Students again participate in this. Technical innovations are often field-

tested at AguaClara plants during the annual student trip, and students from the RIDE Group

may spend additional time in the field as new technologies are brought to scale. The

AguaClara engineers in Honduras play an important role in the sharing of information among

the RIDE Group, the APP staff, and the plant operators. Technical insights from the lab work

are added to plant operating procedures and training materials in the field. Similarly, feedback

from the APP civil engineer and social technician and from the plant operators helps inform

future research priorities for the RIDE Group.

The innovations are all considered ‘open-source engineering’, and are shared freely. The RIDE

Group disseminates its technical insights and treatment process on its own website and

through academic conferences and publications. This way, the knowledge is available to the

public and not ‘hidden’ through patents or copyrights. The students in the course have also

put together an automated design tool (AguaClara, “Automated Design Tool”, n.d.), to help

communities come up with technical drawings for a treatment plant according to their

specifications and needs. AguaClara offers this design service for free, and it greatly simplifies

the process of producing detailed designs of each new plant.

The other component of the international level of governance is the donor organizations--

though these can be considered in some sense as external agencies to AguaClara. These have

contributed the funds needed for the capital costs of constructing the plants. CARE

International, International Rural Water Association (IRWA), Rotary International and the

Cooperazione Rurale in Africa e America Latina (ACRA)--an Italian NGO--, Spanish cooperation,

and Swiss cooperation (COSUDE), are among the donors. In the early years Monroe helped

raise this funding for capital costs. It is now the focus of AguaClara Engineers working for APP

along with the APP grant writer. There is some evidence of small towns beginning to take a

more active role in obtaining funding. Aside from providing financing, some of these

international organizations have also provided technical assistance and training (IRWA, e.g.),

or helped connect AguaClara to communities and done some of the preliminary legwork.

The second level of governance is found on a national level, and is currently represented by

Agua Para el Pueblo (APP), a Honduran NGO founded in 1984 with decades of experience in

the water treatment sector. APP is considered “the implementation partner” and is in charge

of the relationship with the local communities where the plants are built, overseeing

construction of the plant, training the water boards and operators, and doing follow-up

support. APP is a small NGO of 11 staff, five of whom work exclusively on AguaClara projects,

including Cornell engineering graduates. APP has a long track record of working with

communities on water projects, and has contacts with national water service organizations,

and national level water networks, such as the Red de Agua y Saneamiento de Honduras (RAS-

HON), a network comprised of public sector officials, NGOs, and international donors, which

receives the support of CARE, IRC, and the European Union, among others (RAS-HON website,

undated). APP is dependent on external funding, and has in the past received support from

USAID, and European development agencies. Antonio mentioned that in the last few years it

has struggled to find donors for its projects, and is just struggling to survive (personal

communication, 2/7/12).

For the last few years, there have been a few Cornell engineering students who after

graduating have gone to work for APP full-time. They have acted as links between the RIDE

Group and APP, the implementation partner, and helped in a number of roles, including grant-

writing, technical support, and plant monitoring.

The local governance functions primarily reside in the Juntas Administradoras de Agua, usually

translated as “Village Water Boards” (Kayser, 2011) and abbreviated VWBs. They coordinate

various parts of the construction, oversee operations and maintenance of the plant after

construction, hire and pay operators, set and collect tariffs, and resolve conflicts and problems

at the local level. These are nationally-mandated bodies, and according to national legislation,

are elected every two years by all water users of that community (interview Antonio,

10/24/11). Generally, the VWB have a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, ‘fiscal’,

and two other voting members all of whom work on a voluntary basis (APP, “Estructura JAA y

sus Estatutos”, n.d.). They are supposed to serve a maximum of two two-year terms, although

this isn’t always practiced or enforced. The deputy mayor is also a member, with voice but not

voting powers. In one of the AguaClara plants local operations are under municipal control,

which has its own organizational scheme and hierarchy.

This governance model is illustrated in Figure3.

The local level has several layers itself. The general assembly, made up of all water users elects

the VWB (which in Figure 3 is erroneously is referred to as the Municipal Water Board) and

makes big decisions about whether to build or not, to raise tariffs, etc. The VWB is the non-

profit that owns and manages the water and sanitation systems. Under the VWB may be a few

committees--construction and O&M, micro-watershed management, and primary health.

Antonio mentioned that these committees do function, especially during the construction

phase; after construction is over they cease meeting (Antonio Elvir, personal communication,


Figure 3. AguaClara Governance Model.

Source: Adelman et al. 2011

APP has been working on creating a fourth level of governance, that of the inter-community

level (A. Elvir, personal interview, 10/24/11). In 2010 several meetings of representatives of

VWBs were organized to share learning and problems and discuss the creation of an

Association of Water Boards that use the AguaClara technology. APP hopes that this level may

be where long-term technical support may be financed. APP could still provide a technician to

visit plants regularly, but the Association would pay for that support. APP could then focus

more attention on new construction, and other short-term training and technical support


Although external to AguaClara governance, so to speak, there are also associations of water

boards on national and regional levels. The national association of local boards is the AHJASA

(La Asociación Hondureña de Juntas Administradoras de Agua) or the Honduran Association of

Water Board Administrators. AHJASA represents 500 boards and provides technical and

administrative assistance and a space for sharing experiences and information (AHJASA site,

undated). There are also Asociaciones de Juntas de Agua Municipales (AJAMs) which are

regional or municipal association of boards representing rural communities. There are some 50

AJAMs in Honduras (Wikipedia, “Agua Potable y Saneamiento en Honduras”, n.d.). Also of

relevance, though similarly external to AguaClara governance, are the national regulatory and

support organizations, the Sistema Autonoma Nacional de Acueductos y Alcantarillados

(SANAA), which is charged with offering technical support, the Consejo Nacional de Agua

Potable y Saneamiento (CONASA), responsible for goal and policy setting, and the Ente

Regulador de los Servicios de Agua Potable y Saneamiento (ERSAPS), which regulates and

supervises water and sanitation services. These are explained in greater detail in a section


The Technology

AguaClara has developed technology for treating surface water with over 500 NTU

turbidity (NTU, a turbidity measure). These waters have high concentrations of organic

and inorganic solids, and are not suitable for human consumption. Furthermore, high

turbidity makes the traditional treatment method, chlorination, ineffective, as chlorine

reacts quickly with the organics in highly turbid water and does not kill the pathogens that

make people sick (Díaz Ordóñez et al., 2009). For chlorination to be effective turbidity has to

be low. Most of Honduras’s water sources are surface water, e.g. rivers and streams, and

have problems of turbidity that have been exacerbated by deforestation and increased

agricultural activity. Turbidity is at its worst during the rainy season (May to November in

the interior of the country, where the plants are located), when torrential downpours

wash tons of sediment into the river. Turbidity can reach thousands of NTU during high

runoff events. Untreated water, which is the norm in most rural villages, will look brown

during these months.

The AguaClara plant is designed to reduce turbidity through a process of flocculation and

sedimentation. Flocculation is the clumping of particles together, which then weigh more

and settle to the bottom (sedimentation). To get particles to clump, operators add a

chemical (aluminum sulfate or polyaluminum chloride), and then make the water zigzag

through compartments to get the particles to bump into each other and grow in size. The

flocculated water then passes to a sedimentation tank where the flocs settle to the

bottom and the clear water rises to the top. Chlorine is added to the clean water to kill

bacteria and other organisms. Currently, AguaClara is experimenting with an additional

component of filtration, using “stacked rapid sand filters” to further reduce turbidity to

levels under 1 NTU.

Key innovations of the AguaClara technology include: it doesn’t require electricity, as the

water flows through gravity and all materials used for construction and treatment are locally

available. Plant design can also be done automatically with the AguaClara design tool, in

response to the required flow rate and the dimensions of the materials that will be used in


Honduran Context

As mentioned in the introduction, a 2004 Zamorano study of 43 rural water systems found

that most were doing poorly--with 88% of them lacking chlorination and 70% with excessive

coliform counts (Zamorano, 2004). The same study found that while 70% of water systems

charge a tariff that is sufficient to cover O&M, 80% of these have trouble collecting payments.

In urban areas the situation doesn’t seem to be much better. Monroe suggested that none of

the more sophisticated, electricity dependent systems in Honduran cities are working well due

to reliance on technologies with high failure rates and design errors (personal conversation,

8/30/11). A Honduran government study, however, estimated that 75% of urban dwellers and

15% of rural homes had access to potable water (CONASA, 2007).

The legal framework for the water and sanitation sector in Honduras underwent significant

changes in 2003, when a new ‘water law’ was passed which called for decentralization in water

and sanitation services. This law is called the “Ley Marco del Sector Agua”. The Sistema

Autonoma Nacional de Acueductos y Alcantarillados (SANAA) had previously been responsible

for all water and sanitation systems, but following the new law was to assume the role of

technical assistance provider. This devolved the responsibility of owning and operating water

and sanitation systems to the municipal or community level. While SANAA is still in the process

of devolving some systems, like Tegucigalpa, many municipalities and rural communities have

already assumed control of their systems. The law calls for non-profit Juntas Administrativas

de Agua y Saneamiento (what I refer to as Village Water Boards or VWBs) or Municipal

authorities to administer the systems, and establishes the rules and procedures for their

creation and operation. As mentioned before, VWBs must be non-profit entities whose officers

work on a voluntary basis. They must be elected for terms of two years, and can’t serve more

than two terms. They also have to have a bank account, and certain control of the finances,

including co-signing transactions and yearly audits. While the law stipulates public ownership

of the sector, there are a few exceptions. The large city of San Pedro Sula has a 30-year

contract with a private company, and a few municipalities have a mixed system.

The law also called for two new institutions: one with responsibility for setting policy and

developing sector plans, which is the Consejo Nacional de Agua Potable y Saneamiento

(CONASA website, undated), overseen by the Ministry of Health. Regulatory functions are the

responsibility of the other institution, the Ente Regulador de los Servicios de Agua Potable y

Saneamiento (ERSAPS). The ERSAPS site does list the functions of ERSAPS to regulate and

supervise water provision in Honduras, but nowhere is there a list of actual regulations

(ERSAPS site, undated). CONASA, however, does have on its site a list of policies, strategies and

key actors, though the list is brief (CONASA website, undated). While these institutions exist, a

2010 UN report notes that Honduras is one of the few countries without policies regarding

water (UN-GLAAS 2010). The same report, however, did list Honduras as having defined and

operationalized institutional roles for setting and implementing policy (39) and does have

annual reviews of goals and progress (42). It also has a program for investing in rural water

systems, but not one for urban water (41). Honduras also received a good score for budget

transparency, and for absorbing donor funds (43-4).

The national government has also sponsored the Plataforma del Agua de Honduras, which

brings together representatives from the above agencies with their counterparts from civil

society and the international development community (UNDP, n.d.) to collaborate on water

resource management issues. The Fondo Hondureño de Inversión Social (FHIS) is another

government institution that channels funding from national funds and international donors to

projects to meet the basic needs of the population, including water projects (FHIS website,


Having looked at AguaClara’s story and the Honduran institutional context I will now proceed

to analyze these cases using the framework mentioned earlier.


The intent of this research is to assess the strength of AguaClara’s governance model, which is

one of the program’s essential components for effective, long-lasting work with a large impact.

While governance is mostly associated with management--decision-making and

implementation--I’m assessing the strength of AguaClara’s governance by using a capitals

framework. That is, I’m looking at the extent which AguaClara has access to, and can marshal,

a series of capitals--natural, physical, financial, social, and human--necessary to build and

sustain its high-quality water treatment plants. The framework for analysis is based on a close

reading of the literature on community-based management, especially of the water sector,

and was included in the methods section above.

Natural Capital

This refers primarily to the water source. In my analysis I treat this as a given. AguaClara only

goes in to communities that have adequate surface running water to feed the plant. However,

it may be helpful to mention here a potential concern. If the water source is not owned by the

VWB or community, this can seriously impede the community’s efforts to have regular, safe,

and clean water. Also, the function of the Watershed committee is to protect this resource,

which communities such as Alauca have done.

Physical Capital

This is perhaps AguaClara’s strongest capital, as it is the treatment plant which has received

sustained attention and research for over six years by hundreds of minds. The treatment plant

has demonstrated its capacity to provide consistent amounts of clean water at a relatively low

cost. There is strong evidence demonstrating that rural water users highly value this service,

showing this support by voluntarily paying up to twice the amount they formerly paid for the

same amount of water in their homes. They produce water that meets Honduran and WHO

standards, and it looks like the latest generation of plants will meet U.S. standards for turbidity

(NTU < 0.3). These plants provide quality water far above the UN’s definition of an ‘improved’

source; it is potable--something we (reader and writer) would be willing to drink or offer our

children. The plants offer almost continuous service, and provide an amount of water per

person per day that exceeds numerous standards: Lockwood and Smits (2011), for example,

recommend a standard of 60 liters/day/person, and the plants supply well over 100

liters/person/day. The plants furthermore meet many requirements of sustainable, pro-poor

technologies: they are made and operated with inputs that are available locally; they don’t rely

on electricity; they can be run by local people; and may cost less than any other technology

that provides a similar level of water quality and volume. While the technology comes from

the international level of governance, one might argue that it has been designed to be

accessible to all levels of the governance model. That AguaClara has made the design an open

access tool lends further weight to this argument.

The success of AguaClara’s plant design may be judged using the same criteria that Ostrom

(1994) laid out for governance policy and structure, namely, that it must match the natural,

human, and cultural resources of the area in which it is built. Monroe made this point: “The

technology must be designed to match the institutional capacity. Thus the appropriateness of

a technology can’t be assessed in isolation. The appropriateness of a technology can only be

assessed in context” (personal communication, 2/12/12).By being sensitive to the cultural and

natural environment, the AguaClara plants reduce the amount of other capital—e.g. financial,

human—necessary for proper plant functioning. That they don’t eliminate the need for other

capital will be clear from the comments throughout the section.

But stepping back from the water treatment plant, there are two issues of concern. The first

has to do with non-plant related infrastructure, such as the distribution system. In the

communities where AguaClara has worked this infrastructure existed previously to AguaClara’s

interventions and may be of variable quality. Water pipes that are of poor quality, poorly

designed, and poorly maintained can lead to water leaks, which in turn leads to reduced water

pressure, and decreased water availability for some households. Faulty pipes can also lead to

the contamination of the water after it has been treated, especially when service has starts

and stops (Lee and Schwab 2005). This does not seem to have happened in AguaClara’s

experience, though it is good to be aware of the potential problem. AguaClara did face a

serious problem with leaky water pipes in Marcala, however (Smith, 2010). There, leaky pipes

raised demand for water above levels that the plant was able to treat effectively, leading to

suboptimal water.

Just as there can be problems after the water is treated, there can be problems before, too. In

Agalteca, the “obra de toma”--the pipe that brings in water from the river to the plant--is in

poor condition. This has led to numerous breakdowns, with Antonio estimating that the plant

is only functioning 60% of the time during the rainy system.

If AguaClara is to be guided by its vision to provide sufficient, clean, reliable water to poor

people, then it has to continue to look beyond the plant, and think about these broader issues.

Along the same lines, if the reason it values clean water is the impact on health and quality of

life, then it has to look at not only the water going in to homes, but also to that water’s egress.

If sewage water is untreated then further contamination problems are pushed downstream.

We must not underestimate the importance of physical (infrastructure) capital. But we must

not overestimate it either. Infrastructure has traditionally received the most attention in water

projects, still does. This may indicate an entrenched paradigm in the field and we must take

care not to fall in the rut. Antonio himself spoke of his previous work with USAID installing

water treatment plants that were fated to short lives due to their myopic focus on

infrastructure. Monroe has suggested that AguaClara’s technical strength may be able to

compensate for other areas where capital is weak. This is quite plausible. The question is to

what extent one capital can compensate another. As Ostrom says (1999), human and social

capital are necessary “complementary” inputs to physical infrastructure. Gasteyer was more

direct: “Don’t think that just because you have a good technology it will be sustainable”

(interview, 10/17/11).

Furthermore, infrastructure can be a means for destroying social capital. Fabricius and Collins

(2007) suggest that large infrastructure projects carried out in a top-down manner may end up

disempowering local governance efforts, reducing their possibilities for effective water system

management. Even though, as noted earlier, AguaClara’s technology has many elements that

are pro-poor, if the plants had been built by outside experts, they might have had this

disempowering effect. By involving communities in decision-making, construction and

management, AguaClara may circumvent this issue, but it serves as an important reminder

that technology isn’t value neutral.

Financial Capital

In order to assess AguaClara’s ability to access and leverage financial capital it will be useful to

look at the different areas of expenditure incurred over a plant’s lifetime. These fall into three

categories: engineering studies, construction (capital costs, which includes initial construction

and subsequent major repairs or expansions), and operation and maintenance (O&M). This is a

simplification. There are other activities such as training that are an integral part of the

AguaClara model; however, they don’t require a significant outlay of funds.

Having an open-access design tool and a continuous group of engineering students working on

AguaClara projects reduces the engineering studies costs significantly. This is a significant

strength of the project, as this first step can often be a significant barrier for small

communities. There has recently (2012) been an instance of a community offering to pay APP

to cover these costs.

O&M costs also seem to be well accounted for in the model. Numerous scholars have written

about the imperative of total cost recovery for at least the O&M costs (see, e.g., Carter et al.

1999), which in AguaClara’s case, include salaries for the operators, purchase of chemicals, and

some administrative costs. AguaClara seems to have achieved this. There seem to be at least

three factors behind this success. First, the treatment technology produces abundant and

clean water at a relatively low cost. The average tariff is approximately $2.90 a month per

household. This figure is calculated by APP based on estimates of salaries for operators,

chemicals, office supplies, etc. Based on figures provided by APP, average household size is 5-6

people, so this works out to be around $0.50 a month per person, or $6.00 a year per person.

Carter et al. (1999) suggested providing the service at £2/year, which in today’s terms is

around $4.50. While the AguaClara plants fall short of this, considering that the minimum

salary in Honduras is $250/month (A. Elvir, personal interview, 10/24/11), and that the going

rate for a farmhand is $5/day (ibid.), this rate does not seem inordinate. It represents between

1-3% of these salaries, assuming the farmhand works 20 days a month.

There is sometimes a challenge of getting communities to accept even this tariff level,

however. Antonio has listed this as one of the most significant obstacles to overcome at the

Ojojona plant, for example. That users are remiss to a tariff increase is not surprising, since the

increase represents an almost doubling of the previous rate (on average, $1.64/month).

A second reason AguaClara has been able to cover O&M costs is that, as mentioned earlier,

people are both willing to pay and do pay the water tariffs. Antonio mentioned that the

demonstration of the treatment process, showing the water quality before and after, helped

convince people to support the construction of the plant and provided the primary motivation

to pay. Some wealthier members of the community who would otherwise be buying bottled

water may even end up saving money on water through the plant. (There may also be some

incentive for some to think about using the treatment plant to bottle potable water and sell it

to other communities.) Antonio estimates payment rates to be high, though he didn’t have

exact figures. He said that all plants are covering O&M, and some are saving for repairs or

other needs in the future. Tariffs cover O&M in Agalteca, but according to Antonio they have

been unmotivated to save because the plant is receiving subsidies from a Canadian mine that

operates there.

Total cost recovery isn’t just achieved when everybody pays the required amount. The

administrators then have to properly manage the funds, paying employees on time, and

setting aside money for maintenance. This third factor hasn’t always been easy to achieve,

according to Antonio, but the VWBs seem to be doing it. However, this has to do more with

proper management, which I will discuss under social capital.

The third category of costs is capital costs. This component of financial capital may be one of

the biggest impediments towards the widespread diffusion of the AguaClara system. While

there have been hypotheses that water users themselves could support these costs if

amortized into their (higher) monthly water fees (Atkinson Center discussion, 10/7/2011),

these hypothesis are untested and unproven. So far AguaClara has depended on third party

funding, mostly from international NGOs such as CARE, Rotary and IRWA. Some individuals

have also contributed towards these costs.

There are at least two factors that mitigate the challenge of capital financing. First, capital

costs for AguaClara plants are lower than for other comparable technologies (Adelman, 2011).

Second, communities contribute significantly towards defraying the (lower) capital costs.

Antonio estimates that communities offer 30-40% of the total cost through in-kind

contributions of materials and labor. This is evidence of how social capital--trust, cooperation,

and capacity to organize--can be transmuted, so to speak, into financial capital. More on this

under social capital.

But the technology’s lower costs and the community’s ability to finance some of that do not

solve the problem. AguaClara struggles to find funding to further expand the service to other

villages and municipalities. And this capacity to find funding is found only among a few people

in the whole structure. One person who helped train AguaClara staff in fundraising skills said

that there are currently only three AguaClara engineers working with APP right now with these

skills, two of whom are leaving shortly (interview with Chuck Brown, 11/6/11). The one who is

staying has just begun receiving some training on writing grants. While capacity to write grants

is also found at Cornell, Monroe and some other colleagues and university contacts are

generally quite occupied with other responsibilities.

Capital financing is also needed to support major repairs or expansions to water systems. The

plants are designed for 20 years (Antonio, interview, 10/24/11), and Gasteyer remarked that

the capacity to bring resources in for capital improvements or repairs was a crucial component

of ensuring system sustainability. Charles Brown, too, thought this was one of two key

challenges for AguaClara’s success, and commented that the plant at Ojojona already needed

an infusion of capital to bring it up to par, yet capital was not forthcoming. Monroe suggested

the difficulties in raising funds might be more connected to the plant’s lack of a roof, the fact

that only half of the community’s water is treated, and the intentions of the water board

(personal communication, 2/12/12). As a result of these factors, the community does not

value the plant sufficiently to raise the necessary funds for its upkeep. This argument shows,

again, how interconnected the different forms of community capital are.

There is a final category of costs that are external to the plant per se, which have to do with

questions of equity and access. This refers to money needed to connect those who are

currently not benefitting from the water system. This may require subsidizing the water tariff

for some; it may also require putting in pipes to connect them to the grid. Connecting the poor

and marginalized is a concern of AguaClara’s (personal communication with Monroe, 8/30/11),

and Monroe has expressed interest in exploring tariff schemes with cross-subsidies. This is one

area of focus needed for AguaClara’s program to have a greater impact, and reach the poorest.

It will involve close consultations with VWBs and community members and leaders. According

to a recent communication with Antonio, Atima is considering this type of tariff (Antonio,

personal communication, 2/7/12). SANAA already uses cross-subsidies in communities with

water meters (SANAA website, n.d.), and AguaClara may find their scheme useful.

While some authors have said that ultimately water systems need to be supported by different

levels of government, in Honduras’s case, it seems that governmental support is limited.

Antonio stated that the government “neither helps nor interferes” (10/24/11), and he did not

expect to receive financial support anytime in the future. The government does seem to have

some funds for water projects, however, and an institution to channel these, the Fondo

Hondureño de Inversión Social (FHIS). A 2010 UN report states that Honduras is receiving

between 50-75% of financing needed to meet the MDG goals regarding water and sanitation

(UN-GLAAS 2010). Also, the Honduran government passes on to municipalities 6% of its

national budget (Antonio, personal communication, 4/9/12), which could be used to cover

water and sanitation expenses. Partial funding for the Alauca plant came from the


The discussion above illustrates how, although the capitals are listed separately, they are quite

interconnected. In this case, accessing funds to finance capital costs depends on different

capitals—the community’s own local resources (financial capital), the ability of the

organization to fundraise and manage funds (social capital), the relationships to people and

institutions with capital (political capital), and the specific capacity of individuals within the

organization to write up and follow-through on funding proposals (human capital).

Social Capital

This is the main focus on my analysis. As can be seen in the chart presented earlier I have

divided up this into four interrelated areas, to which I’ve assigned the headings of ‘Community

ownership and trust’, ‘Good management’, ‘Learning’, and ‘Ongoing support’.

Community ownership and trust

Community ownership and trust are the sine qua non of any community-based resource

management program. Carter et al. (1999) ascribe this as one of the chief reasons why water

systems are not sustained. It is axiomatic that if the community doesn’t take responsibility for

the system, this will fall into disrepair. Similarly, relationships based on trust significantly

enhance collective action (Ostrom, 2010).

These categories are not suited to a binary assessment--that is, it doesn’t make sense to talk

about either having full trust or none at all--but rather should be looked at falling somewhere

on a wide spectrum. That said, there are numerous indicators of community ownership and

trust in the AguaClara communities.

First, high payment rates suggest that the communities feel ownership for the plants and

recognize the legitimacy of the VWBs as managers. As cited earlier, 80% of rural water systems

in a study carried out by Zamorano University had difficulties collecting payments (Zamorano,

2004), even though tariffs were generally about half of AguaClara’s. In contrast, Antonio

reports that AguaClara communities have high payment rates. For example, Antonio cited the

case of Agalteca where, during the five years prior to AguaClara’s intervention, only 5000

lempiras (about $250) were collected; whereas the VWB has collected over 120,000 lempiras

(about $6000) in the last year.

An example of the importance of community ownership can be found in AguaClara’s origins.

Before the program was officially started, the “La 34” plant was built on a piece of land owned

by the Standard Fruit Company using technology Monroe and his students developed. As

recounted earlier, this was a test of the technology and they did not require community

inputs. APP was not involved at the time, and there had not been much community

involvement in the decision making, or the kind of community education that Antonio has

done with later communities. According to Antonio, the lack of community involvement and

education--that is, the community did not receive visits explaining the importance of treated

water and the impact on people’s lives--has led to the plant being underutilized. Antonio

suspects that it is only made to function when he comes around to visit, and that typically the

community’s water quality has not improved. This also underscores the importance of

knowledge in contributing to community ownership.

Marcala, too, may illustrate a similar lack of ownership. There, the plant is run by the

municipal government. It had a history of problems of delivering and receiving the chemicals

for treating the water (Smith, 2010). At times the chemicals would be delivered late; at times

they would be left far from the plant, at the bottom of a steep hill. This may be an indication

that people involved did not care enough for the plant to ensure proper delivery. That the

problem was solved only when IRWA, an international NGO stepped in, also suggests that the

community did not feel enough responsibility to do so on its own.

Community participation is both an indicator of ownership and trust and is conducive to the

sense of ownership. The main space for broad community participation is in the “Asamblea

General”, the assembly of water users which elects board members and makes major policy

decisions. This assembly is engaged early on in the project, and community members have to

vote on whether they want AguaClara or not. Antonio estimated that community participation

is greatest in the smaller communities (size is one of the ‘structural variables’ conducive to

successful community endeavors [Ostrom 2010]), and estimated that 70-90% of water users

attended these meetings. The assemblies, however, after the initial period of education and

accepting the AguaClara plant, meet generally but once a year.

Since the assemblies are comprised of paying water customers, those who aren’t connected to

the water system don’t have a voice there. This is an obstacle towards addressing the concerns

of the poorest and marginalized on a local policy level.

Women are generally the ones whose lives are most affected by the quality of the water

system, since they are the ones who are generally in charge of water collection and

purification, and cooking and cleaning, which require water. Giving women a voice in

assemblies is crucial therefore to ensure the system is designed in a way that meets the

consumers’ needs. Like in most countries in the world, women in Honduras are not afforded

equal standing; however, these patterns of oppression appear to be shifting, albeit slowly. One

might consider women’s participation in VWB a good indicator of community participation, as

it would show that a stakeholder that is both key and traditionally discriminated against--

women--is being allowed to participate in decision-making bodies. In the Zamorano study

mentioned earlier, women comprised 15% of the membership of VWBs. In AguaClara, women

constitute 23% of VWB membership in the five communities with water boards. The sixth

system, Marcala, is run by the municipality (though the director of water services there is a

woman). The slightly higher average number suggests a small improvement in female

representation in the AguaClara systems. But there is still considerable distance to go.

AguaClara is aware of this challenge, and includes gender balance as a goal that VWBs should

strive for (APP, “JAA y sus estatutos”, n.d.).

Flora (2004) points out that the more elements of participation employed—e.g. reflecting on

the community’s own resources and context, building a shared vision, consulting on problems

that arise, and listening to diverse ideas—the greater the strength of diverse capitals. It is

significant, therefore, that in the AguaClara model community participation is not limited to

decision-making. Community participation is also required, for example, in the construction of

the plants. Antonio said that the contract communities sign requires each household to send

workers for one or two days to the site, volunteers which Antonio and the VWBs help

coordinate. This helps bring down capital costs (strengthening ‘financial capital’, in a way).

However, participation is not without its own challenges. Those who do not work on

construction are later denied access to the water, for example, unless they pay a steep fee

(interview Charles Brown, 11/6/11).

Community members also participate in different committees under the VWB (APP, “JAA y sus

Estatutos”, n.d.). These include construction and repairs committee, in charge of organizing

the volunteer labor for construction, and then making repairs; the ‘Saneamiento Basico’

committee, in charge of promoting basic hygiene among households in village, such as

fomenting the use of latrines; and the Watershed committee, responsible for protecting the

watershed by delimiting it, getting recognition of it as a protected area, and keeping it clean

(ibid.). These generally are most active at the beginning of the project.

The AguaClara projects include several of the ‘structural variables’ that influence collective

action (Ostrom 2010): communities are small, they are dealing with common-pool resources,

which are subtractive (i.e. get used up), and there is face-to-face communication between

members of the community, both through formal meetings and through everyday contact. The

variables that are associated with an iterative process are also present, such as information

about people’s past actions, and the opportunity for individuals to enter or exit at will. While

I’m not sure whether information about people’s payments is publicly available or not,

community members were able to see who contributed to the construction and who did not.

In one community, this knowledge has been used against those who didn’t participate, and are

not being allowed to join unless they pay a sizable fee (interview Charles Brown, 11/6/11).

Ostrom has indicated that individual-level variables of reputation, trust and reciprocity can be

positively reinforcing. One area in which we might be witnessing this positive feedback is in

the Cornell team’s participation with APP and the communities. Antonio expressed total

appreciation for and trust in the Cornell staff. He also mentioned that the presence of Cornell

students working hard on the plants during construction helped inspire community residents

to participate as well. Other community members have echoed the appreciation for the

Cornell team, calling them part of the “family” (Gonzalez, 2012). That Monroe and the Cornell

program have not received money from the Tech Award --all $50,000 went to APP (personal

communication with Monroe, 10/28/11)--I think has contributed to their reputation of

trustworthiness. Monroe’s personal values of respect and love for the people in these small

communities can be seen in the immense dedication he has given to the project, and in his

respect for local decision-making. This was apparent in a personal communication in which he

expressed his yearning for universal water coverage in the towns that AguaClara serves, but

his unwillingness to override local VWB decisions (8/30/2011).

This iterative and self-reinforcing process may also be seen in the increased community

confidence and trust in the VWBs and the plant. Antonio mentioned that while initially only a

very slight majority of water users may have voted to approve the AguaClara plant, after a few

months of receiving clear, regular water, those who were initially opposed became some of its

most faithful defenders and consumers.

Good management

The second category of social capital I’m considering is good management, which is seen in the

extent to which the water system’s structures, policies and practices are efficient, transparent

and fair. This includes having appropriate rules for participation, spaces for it, sanctions for

misappropriation, formal contracts and commitments for various parties, oversight and

monitoring, and plans for the future.

The VWB are supposed to have regulations and statutes, be formally incorporated, and have

up-to-date lists of members and of their pay schedules (APP, “JAA y sus Estatutos”, n.d.), and

according to Antonio, all AguaClara plants have these. All VWBs must have a bank account, and

at least two members must sign all checks. Antonio spends time helping the treasurer keep his

or her books in order. Antonio also mentioned that communities are sanctioning members

that fall behind on payments, first with a notice and then by cutting off service. He attributes

higher rates of payment in the communities with AguaClara technologies to these punitive

measures. VWBs have also handled other forms of free loading. In Ojojona, the VWB decided

to place water meters on several households found to be using and wasting excessive water,

which was leaving less for other households, and placing an excessive demand on the

treatment plant. Antonio expressed interest in metering all households, as he felt this was an

effective way of getting people to appreciate and pay for what they use.

In towns with AguaClara plants, most VWBs meet monthly (A. Elvir, personal interview,

10/24/11) and keep minutes of decisions. This is part of the criteria AguaClara uses when

determining where to build a plant, and part of the work Antonio does to help strengthen the

boards. Plant operators also keep records. AguaClara has placed a lot of emphasis on water

quality, and operators keep track of this by taking regular measurements of turbidity, and

writing down the inputs they’ve used and the activities carried out during their shift (A. Elvir,

personal interview, 10/24/11). These books are in order, as AguaClara directly monitors this.

Fabricius and Collins (2007) point out the importance of having formal contracts for employees

as well as mechanisms for getting rid of those who are dishonest. According to Antonio

(personal communication, 1/4/12), only the operators in Ojojona and Marcala have contracts;

the others do not. No contracts may make it easier for VWBs to fire operators, but it takes

away both an incentive for operators, and leaves them without clear guidance as to what their

rights and responsibilities are. VWBs do use their authority to cut the service of those who

don’t pay, as well as to fire operators who are not doing their job well. This occurred in

Támara, where, according to Antonio, the operator had left the plant under someone else’s

care for two or three days. The VWB “punished” him with no pay for a week, and the operator

chose to quit. (Antonio then had to help train a new operator.)

Getting rid of underperforming board members may be more difficult, however, since they are

elected by the body of water users, and traditional distributions of power may play a big role

in election outcomes. In Ojojona, in spite of national regulations that stipulate that members

can serve a maximum of two consecutive two-year terms, the VWB members haven’t changed

since the plant was built in 2006. Antonio suggested that water users allowed this because

there they participate little in decision-making. According to him, this apathy was

characteristic of larger towns, since Ojojona is like a “mini-city”. He was concerned about the

board members in Ojojona in part because money has gone missing and people haven’t been

held responsible. A 2008 student paper on AguaClara projects provides more insight into these

problems in Ojojona (Kite, 2008). The paper states that the VWB had not raised the tariffs even

after a year in operation, and consequently, the plant didn’t have enough money to buy the

chemicals needed to treat the water. It quoted an intern working in Honduras explaining,

"several members of the Junta have political aspirations, and this likely makes them reluctant

to raise the tariff," especially since elections were coming up (ibid., no page numbers).

But Ojojona was the community that had received the least attention in terms of community

education and capacity building, and so it is less surprising that they faced such problems. In

another community (Agalteca) that had received Antonio’s training, for example, a Board

member who had embezzled funds was evicted from the board.

Furthermore, some of Ojojona’s problems were overcome. According to Antonio, the greatest

challenge that AguaClara faced at Ojojona was changing the water tariff. APP had calculated

that in order to pay for the minimum operation and maintenance costs--including paying the

salaries of the technicians and the chemicals needed for treatment--the tariff would have to

double from around 25 lempiras to some 53 lempiras--approximately from $1.25 to $2.50.

Antonio stated that he had to visit the community several times to convince them that the

increase was necessary. “After a lot of social and educational work we were able to get people

to pay the 53 lempiras regularly. This is what has enabled the plant to continue operating”.

This story also touches on the question of incentives, highlighted in the literature as important

for sustainable community management. In Ojojona, the board members might have been

staying on in order to make a little money off the operations. Antonio suggested that there is

little motivation for the VWB members to do a good job, since the national framework states

that they must be volunteers. He believes that board members should be able to get paid.

Similarly, the main incentive for operators to do their work well, according to Antonio, is their

salary. While they receive a minimum wage (about $250 a month), this is often seen as a good

deal in rural areas where stable work is scarce. Before, the operators in charge of the water

system were paid a pittance, which led to their and the system’s underperformance. While

Antonio fixated on wages as incentives, there appear to be other non-monetary incentives for

VWB members and other volunteers that may be contributing to better management. For

example, an incentive for those who volunteer during construction is the possibility of

receiving clean water. Following construction, there are incentives that have to do with

community recognition, and the opportunity to offer a service to one’s community and

participate in its betterment. Antonio suggested that this desire to see one’s community

improve was behind the strength of the VWB in Támara. Perhaps this incentive is stronger

than a pecuniary one. Monetary incentives can sometimes backfire. In Ojojona at least some

of the unskilled labor was not volunteer but paid, and Antonio believed that this led to an

under appreciation of the plant, as villagers considered it someone else’s.

Ojojona’s travails also highlight the importance of monitoring and oversight in a successful

governance model. APP provides much of this for the technical aspects of the plant’s

functioning, with Antonio accompanying the operator for much of the first three months of

operation. VWBs are also checked on to see that they are meeting, and have their books in

order. VWBs are required by law to have yearly audits of their accounts, which provides

another level of monitoring. However, this is an internal audit, done by the ‘fiscal’ member of

the Board. Another level of oversight comes from the Ministry of Health, which periodically

tests water quality and lets APP, and presumably the VWB, know when it is deficient

(interview Antonio, 10/24/11). Donors also monitor APP, especially keeping tabs on spending.

Accessible mechanisms of conflict-resolution are another element towards successful

community-based resource management (Ostrom, 1990). There are several mechanisms for

resolving conflict within AguaClara’s nested governance model. First, there are the general

assemblies and VWBs. In both of these venues problems can be hashed out by members of the

community. Grievances can also be aired to the local authorities. And APP, too, may help solve

some conflicts as well.

Good management is also key to maintaining high motivation and trust. As Ostrom points out,

while these and other elements of social capital can be self-reinforcing, they also can

deteriorate rapidly. In Agalteca, one of the Board members siphoned money from the water

system. Although he was run out of town, this incident was a blow to the community. It took

time to rebuild trust in the system, and get users to continue paying their water tariffs (A. Elvir,

personal interview, 10/24/12).

Professional facilitation to promote communication between varied participants is also

important for learning, maintaining motivation and disarming potential conflicts (Fabricius and

Collins, 2007, 93-4). In AguaClara there are spaces in which such dialogue takes place. The

research group at Cornell benefits from Monroe’s facilitation of this dialogue, for example. He

is in conversation with both APP and the students. APP is in communication with communities

and passes this on to Monroe. Monroe is then able to come up with research and design

challenges for teams of students at Cornell. The annual January trip which he facilitates is

another space where dialogue between community members, students and APP professionals

takes place. While on a community level there are spaces such as the general assembly and

the water board meetings for dialogue between users, administrators, operators and others,

the quality of the facilitation of these may sometimes be lacking.

A number of authors have pointed out the importance of making plans to ensure the long-

term viability of the water system, including planning for maintenance and asset management,

planning for sudden events, and financial planning for all life-cycle costs. One achievement of

AguaClara’s is helping VWBs put money away for maintenance costs, and most or all of them

have some money in bank accounts (A. Elvir, personal interview, 10/24/11). However, the

amount that they have saved is not sufficient to handle significant repairs. As pointed out

earlier, Ojojona needs a roof among other things, but the VWB doesn’t have the money to

embark on such a project. More advanced planning for sudden events, like heavy rains and

floods, does not exist, nor does asset management planning. As noted earlier, as plants age

and require replacement, it is unknown what will happen. Antonio said that they are designed

for 20 years, though they could last much longer. But at some time they will need a serious

uplift. Maybe the municipalities will find access to financing. The current model merely

suggests that the plants will have been completely turned over to the VWBs which will be fully

responsibility for them.

One very strong indicator of good management is seen when clean and sufficient water is

reaching households each day. And for the most part, in this respect VWBs appear to be

running operations efficiently. Plants are operating almost all the time and producing potable

water. In one study in Cuatro Comunidades, the plant produced water with NTU < 5 80% of

the time (Smith, 2010). Plant operators improve their technique over time, and the number

now is much higher. There have been some problems in regularly producing potable water. As

mentioned before, in Marcala, which is run by the municipality, the delivery of chemicals to

the plant was irregular for some time, leaving the operators unable to treat the water (ibid.).

Sometimes the chemicals were delivered, but not to the plant, which was up a steep hill. This

aspect of the problem was only solved when IRWA bought the operators a horse for hauling

(ibid., 60).


This sub-category of social capital addresses the capacity of AguaClara to adapt to learn from

experience and adapt to changing conditions, which a number of authors suggest is crucial for

sustainable management (e.g. Fabricius and Collins, 2007).

Learning at AguaClara is most apparent in questions of plant design. The research team at

Cornell, based on reports from the field, have improved almost every aspect of the plant

design, helping reduce cost, improve durability of the plant, comfort for operators, and

effectiveness of treatment. For example, current plants are intending to get the NTU below 1

by using stacked rapid sand filtration along with flocculation. While Georgia Kayser expressed

doubt as to whether communities appreciate the extra clarity as much as the engineers

(Kayser interview, 11/2/11), that the community of Támara paid significant capital upfront and

raised tariffs in order to get the improved water suggests they do.

Learning has also taken place in regards to interactions with the community. Antonio has

developed a set of training materials based on his own experience. However, this seems to be

mostly Antonio’s own reflections. When asked about the trainings, he said, “Since my area is

social education, I have had certain liberty to do what I’ve seen fit” (A. Elvir, personal

interview, 10/24/11). He did add that AguaClara engineers were supportive of his work.

AguaClara now has a good sense of which communities to work in. When approached by a

local community that would like to have an AguaClara treatment plant, APP first makes sure

the community meets a series of technical and social conditions (AguaClara website,

“Community Prerequisites”, accessed 12/23/11). The technical conditions include a population

between one and fifty thousand and a water system that uses surface water with high

turbidity. Social conditions include having a well-functioning water board (e.g. that meets

regularly, has a bank account, has its books in order), the community agrees to a new tariff

that will cover O&M costs, and to providing labor and materials for construction, and that the

municipality supports the project.

To gauge the existence of such prerequisites, and to contribute to them, APP spends at least a

month meeting with the VWB, water users, municipal authorities, and other local authorities,

such as workers in local health clinics, SANAA workers, etc. First, local leaders are contacted,

and once they are on board, a meeting of the general assembly—the body comprised of all

water users, each one with a vote—is convoked. Antonio Elvir estimates that between 80-90%

of water users attend the initial meeting and vote on accepting it.

Another plus in the area of learning for AguaClara, is that it brings together some of three

elements of the ‘trialogue’ suggested by Fabricius and Collins (2007)—scientists, government

and local communities. Cornell provides the scientists, and the VWBs represent local

communities to some extent. APP, an organization of civil society, provides another valuable

perspective. As to government, in its experience in Honduras, AguaClara does not have much

interaction with the public sector, with some exceptions. For instance, the plant in Marcala is

run by the municipality, not a VWB. Antonio, however, was not very pleased with the way the

municipality was running things (the tariff he claims is not enough to cover O&M, and is

supplemented with subsidies). His displeasure also suggests that there isn’t a shared vision

between APP and the municipal government, and may indicate a lack of dialogue. AguaClara

also has some contact with health department officials, which APP approaches at the

beginning of a project. Monroe has mentioned that AguaClara also enjoys a healthy

relationship with SANAA since 2007 (personal communication, 2/20/12). But lack of a

conversation with other government officials responsible for regulating and monitoring water

projects may be a weakness in the project.

There are a few promising arenas for collaborative learning. One opportunity is found on the

national level, through AguaClara’s membership in the Red de Agua y Saneamiento de

Honduras (RAS-HON), a national network of organizations from public, non-profit and

international development sectors concerned with water and sanitation. This organization has

published a number of interesting studies and articles on the state and challenges of water

provision in Honduras, highlighting community governance issues, as well as gender, poverty,

decentralization and issues related to national governance. There is a similar space sponsored

by the government called the “Plataforma del Agua de Honduras”.

Another promising space for learning is the inter-municipal association of plants that APP is

working on forming. The idea is that here Board members from different villages with

AguaClara projects can share experiences and learn from one another. Two meetings have

been held so far in which this dialogue has taken place. However, the association is not yet

self-sustaining. It depends on APP, and I think Antonio in particular, to organize and convene

the meetings.

There are also further opportunities for collaboration and learning regionally with the AJAMs--

the municipal associations of boards that represent rural communities--, and nationally with

the AHJASA, the organization that represents some of Honduras’s VWBs.

Human Capital

No water system is foolproof, and AguaClara’s technology is especially sensitive to the ability

of its operators. In contrast to many modern systems, which use electro-mechanical control

systems and effectively prevent the operator from being able to control the plant while

monitoring its performance, AguaClara is designed to be controlled by a plant operator who

can observe the processes and adjust them at the same time. In this sense, the plants are

designed to reduce to a certain extent the need for high levels of human capital, though not

reduce it entirely. The plants are designed to be comfortable and easy, but not to reduce the

operator to an automaton, (personal communication with Monroe, 8/30/11). The tasks of

measuring turbidity, selecting the appropriate dose of chemicals, observing the water all

require a trained operator working at the plant. The operator also records observations, keeps

track of chemical inventory, and does regular cleaning and maintenance of the plant. Other

skills that are necessary for proper system functioning include accounting skills for the

treasurer of the VWB, facilitation skills for the chairperson, secretarial skills for the secretary.

A Fulbright report written by an AguaClara engineer underscores the importance of having

capable and committed operators. According to the report, “the presence of the operator [at

the plant] was the most important factor for producing good quality water” (Smith, 2010, 3,

my translation). The author had found that when operators were not around, the plants didn’t

work well. The reasons for leaving were varied, sometimes they just were being pushed

beyond human limits, assigned to work over 80 hours a week, sometimes negligence or

personal emergencies (Smith, 2010). But presence wasn’t everything. The same report

mentions that some water quality problems resulted from operators’ incomplete

understanding of how to work the plant (ibid.: 51), an explanation which was repeated in an

interview with Georgia Kayser (11/2/11).

The skills needed for successful running of the AguaClara plants can be organized into three

sets--those related to management, those that are technical and have to do with operation

and maintenance of the plant, and those that are financial.

The training Antonio carries out contemplates all three sets of skills. The first module he

studies is on Organizational Strength (Cronograma Social Alauca, undated Excel workbook),

and includes short courses on organizational roles and functions of the general assembly,

VWB, and committees, leadership and community participation, teamwork, a SWOT analysis

and basic accounting for treasurers. The second module is on Water Quality and covers the

relationship of water to health, ways of measuring water quality, and the Honduran legal

framework for water quality. This is especially geared towards health workers, the mayor and

other municipal administrators, and the plant operators. The next module is on Water

Treatment, and includes information on both AguaClara technology and other types of

treatment systems. It is primarily for VWB members and plant operators. The fourth module is

on Basic Math Skills and is intended especially to help the operators learn to measure well and

carry out the necessary arithmetic for adding chemical doses. The last model is on Operating

and Maintaining the plant, and includes information on calculating appropriate tariff levels.

Each module takes 2-3 full days of training (interview Antonio, 10/24/11). The classes are later

complemented by on-the-job training, especially for operators. Currently, all trainings are

carried out by Antonio Elvir, using slides, handouts, and group exercises.

Training in technical skills is particularly strong. Aside from the modules mentioned above,

Antonio budgets three days a week for three months to accompany the operators day and

night with the tasks of the plant, including proper dosing, cleaning, and bookkeeping (APP,

“Cronograma Social Alauca”, n.d.). After three months are up, engineers still visit each plant

every few weeks to check on the equipment and test the water. Antonio visits regularly and

transcribes the notes and measurements of the operators to electronic format for APP’s


Training for the other skill sets, however, is less developed. For one, the related training

materials appear fairly rudimentary. For example, the presentation on leadership includes

slides that list qualities of good and bad leaders, and behaviors to avoid (Liderazgo course,

undated presentation). This information may be correct, but merely the reading of a list of 13

good characteristics and 13 bad probably won’t translate into people internalizing these. It is

hard, however, to for me from 1000s of miles away to determine exactly what transpires

during the trainings from a reading of the presentations and training schedule. Also, although

Antonio mentioned that he did do on-site training for Board members to help them with their

tasks as well, no special time is allotted to do so in his six-month plan for Alauca.

Related to, and more important than, the training is whether the human resources with the

above skills actually exist. Some proxy measurements for management, technical and financial

skills on a water board could include the number of meetings in a year and presence and

quality of minutes, the quality of the water from the plant and presence and quality of notes

from operators, and collection rates and rate of savings of VWB. According to Antonio, the

VWBs are all meeting at least once a month, all of them have up-to-date water user lists, and

all of the Boards have savings (personal communication, 1/4/12). All operators monitor the

plant functioning on a daily basis, recording their observations in a journal (ibid.).

There is still progress to be made, of course. In Támara, for example, despite the months of

training, the operator still made mistakes when applying chemicals, mistakes which affected

the water’s quality (Smith 2010, 173). The operator continued receiving training and visits

once a week, and did improve his skills, but kept on making mistakes when applying the

chemicals (ibid.) This operator was replaced.

Other specific skills that the literature has listed of importance include budgeting, contingency

and expansion planning, understanding audits, conflict management, and facilitation. While

the VWBs may not have the human resources with these capacities, AguaClara as a whole

might, at APP and in the Cornell team. But these may be in short supply as well. As noted

earlier, the ability to raise funds for capital expenses is mostly limited to Monroe and a few

Cornell engineers working for APP. While AguaClara recently has been partnering with staff

from other departments and staff at Cornell (including from City and Regional Planning and

the Atkinson Center for Sustainability), this is one bottleneck preventing expansion.

The physical working environment can also enhance or hinder the operator’s experience. In

Ojojona, the lack of a roof, bed, and electricity discouraged the operators from caring for the

plant when it rained and at night (Smith, 2010).

Political Capital

In this section I consider two general aspects of political capital. First, the existence and quality

of the relationships AguaClara communities and organizations have to power structures, which

determine to a great extent the degree of ongoing support—financial, technical, and

otherwise—that the communities require for sustaining the projects. Second, I look at the

country’s policy, legal, and regulatory frameworks, as the literatures refers to these as the

enabling environment for proper water system functioning.

Ongoing Support

The need for ongoing, and often external, support was perhaps the idea that received the

most attention in recent publications on community-based water system management (e.g.

Lockwood and Smits, 2011), and in the conversations I had with experts in the area (Gasteyer,

personal interview, 10/17/11; Kayser, personal interview, 11/2/11). There is virtual consensus

that small community organizations cannot maintain services over a long term without

significant external support. This support comes in many forms, technical, financial, social—for

instance, helping repair a clogged filter, accessing financing for a plant expansion, or mitigating

problems of corruption in the community (e.g. Tayong and Poubom, 1999).

It should be said, though, that AguaClara’s nested governance structure provides significant

support for the system overall. VWBs receive broad support from APP, which in turn receives

support from the Cornell team, especially in technical questions.

While many authors have underlined the importance of governmental support for the long-

term sustainability of the water system, in Honduras, substantive state support does not seem

forthcoming. While there is a national legislative and regulatory framework, the relevant

institutions do not seem to have the resources to help much. Antonio characterized

AguaClara’s relationship with the national government and SANAA, the organization in charge

of offering technical support to communities, as one in which they neither help nor interfere.

SANAA does have a list of water system categories with a list of recommended interventions

(SANAA, 2009, quoted in Lockwood and Smits, 2011). Also the legislation does recognize the

legitimacy of the VWBs and their legal ownership of the system, a recognition that, according

to the literature, goes a long way (Fabricius and Collins, 2007; Ostrom, 1990; Lockwood and

Smits, 2011).

While the link to government may be weak--or the state institutions may be weak in

themselves--, AguaClara does enjoy strong connections to other key stakeholders,

stakeholders whose importance is underscored in the literature. The AguaClara model involves

strong partnerships between a university, an NGO, and community organizations--three key

partners (Fabricius and Collins, 2007; Carter et al., 1999; Hardoy et al., 2001). It also engages

international donors, and some opportunities for connection to public institutions. For

example, the VWBs are structured such that the mayor delegates one non-voting member to

the Board. According to national water policy, these local water management structures are

supposed to be supported by SANAA, be regulated by ERSAPS, in the context of policies and

strategies set by CONASA (Ley Marco del Agua, 2003).

Currently, the bulk of the direct support communities receive comes from APP. APP trains

board members, operators, helps secure funding for the construction, oversees construction,

and then accompanies operators and the VWB during the first six months to a year after

construction. Once the plant is operating, Antonio, for example, spends three days a week for

three months with the operators at the plant, ensuring they understand how to correctly dose

the chemicals, take readings, record observations, etc. He especially makes sure to be there

during heavy rains in the rainy season, when turbidity is highest and the plant requires the

most attention.

But this support lasts some three months. Afterwards, although APP staff do visit occasionally

to check on the plants, communities basically fend for themselves. The administration of the

plants and other ‘social’ components receive little attention after the initial round of training.

Antonio mentioned that after that initial period of training “the social problems are outside

our reach”, and that his energies were focused on the new plants, because “that is where our

salaries come from and there isn’t enough funding to attend to the old plants” (interview,

10/24/11). He lamented this situation, as he is aware of several problems currently facing the

plants--Marcala’s operation and maintenance plans, for example.

Another limitation to APP’s support is related to physical proximity. All but one of the nine

plants are clustered in the same department as Tegucigalpa, the capital, where APP is also

headquartered, or in the departments directly adjacent to it (the exception is Atima). Antonio

mentioned that he was able to visit Ojojona in particular as much as he did because it was so

close to APP’s headquarters. As other plants get built further away from the capital, APP’s

ability to support them may be more limited.

Antonio mentioned an idea to address the lack of continued support--an association of plants

that could pay for a staff person to offer post-construction technical and organizational

support to the villages and towns with an AguaClara plant. This person, who is referred to in

the literature as a ‘circuit-rider’, could also offer community education, VWB and operator

training and refreshers. While two meetings of members from all the VWBs have been held

organized by APP, the association does not yet have a life of its own.

IRWA, which has over 20 years of experience using circuit riders to support rural water

providers, including AguaClara projects, could provide circuit-rider training and supervision,

and might be able to help find resources to pay or partially subsidize the expense.

A circuit-rider model could provide necessary post-construction assistance with maintenance,

which is crucial to long-term quality service (Carter et al., 1999), as well as with ongoing

training of the VWBs and operators. The circuit-rider would most likely be able to offer little

assistance, however, in another critical phase of the system’s life-cycle: when the

infrastructure needs major repairs or expansion. While the plants are designed to last 20

years, communities may face situations earlier that require significant capital to repair or

expand the capacity of their plant. As mentioned earlier, Ojojona already needs money for a

roof and to repair some parts of the plant. Agalteca also needs financing to fix its water source

pipe. Currently AguaClara doesn’t have the capacity to offer this kind of support, and the

communities are either not connected to other institutions with resources or their connections

don’t have resources (like municipal and national governments) to finance this work.

Carter et al. state there is empirical evidence that shows community motivation to participate

and support the local project may wane two to three years after construction (1999, 195), and

that outside intervention is necessary to maintain high levels of commitment and motivation.

AguaClara currently does offer continued technical support to communities, both through

APP’s support, and through periodic visits by members of the Cornell team, including groups of

some 20 students who visit for two weeks in January. Monroe visits twice a year. According to

Antonio, these visits motivate local water users, and reinforce the importance of the plant in

their minds.

But can there be too much external assistance? Chuck Brown suggests that the regular visits of

the Cornell engineers working for APP is excessive “handholding”, which isn’t allowing the

local organization the necessary space to strengthen itself (interview 11/6/11).

External Environment

As noted before, this category receives a lot of attention in the most recent publications on

sustainable water supply and refers to the presence policy, legal and regulatory framework of

a country. A number of authors refer to this as an ‘enabling environment’, such as the

presence of policy that stipulates water is a right, legal recognition of community-based

management, and national institutions that offer support to decentralized water services. This

is a component of capital over which AguaClara obviously has little control; nevertheless it is

one that is important to look out for, especially as AguaClara considers expanding to other

countries. Here I will comment briefly on the environment in Honduras, in order to identify

relevant opportunities and constraints there within which AguaClara has to operate.

Honduras has national water policy, and related institutions. This might reflect the country’s

giving value to providing clean water throughout the country. SANAA, which used to be in

charge of all water provision and is in the process of devolving this responsibility to

municipalities and water boards, uses “Water ... A Human Right” as its tagline on its website

(SANAA site, n.d., the ellipsis is theirs). According to Antonio (personal communication,

4/9/12), the national constitution was recently reformed and refers to water as a human right.

The first ‘basic policy’ CONASA’s is to “support the decentralization process with citizen

participation and strengthening of local government” (CONASA site, accessed 12/13/2011, my

translation). And ERSAPS, the regulatory body, exists with a mission to “ensure the law is

obeyed in order to...guarantee all Hondurans have access to services of potable water and

sanitation of high quality and efficiency” (although no regulations per se were found on its

website [12/13/2011], my translation). These statements suggest that the country intends to

support such local initiatives like AguaClara.

APP is a member of RAS-HON, the Honduran Network of Water and Sanitation, which brings

together members from government, international donors, national NGOs, UN agencies and

others to share information and resources on water and sanitation. It has produced several

analyses of the challenges of water provision in the country, and is a good forum for

networking and sharing ideas. This may be the key platform where national policy and

regulations can be impacted, and resources leveraged. There is also the nationally-sponsored

Plataforma del Agua de Honduras, and the associations of VWBs on national and regional

levels. These may potentially contribute to an environment that is conducive for water

projects, with accessible materials, shared knowledge, technical and financial support, and

legal resources.

Analysis Summary

AguaClara’s governance model is strong; its various layers of governance appear to have the

capacity to steward, develop and marshal the requisite capital needed for sustainable water

delivery. AguaClara’s physical capital appears particularly robust, which suggests it may be able

to compensate for weakness in other areas such as financial and human capital. AguaClara’s

social capital is also substantial, especially in the areas of trust and community participation.

Some weaker areas include financial capital, especially that necessary for major capital

investments in construction or repair, and human capital, since a great part of its accumulated

learning is found in a few individuals. Political capital, in the form of regular and effective

ongoing support, is also of concern—one which AguaClara is actively addressing. A summary of

my analysis of all the capitals and the idea of external support is found in the following table.

Table 5. Summary of Analysis

Capital Question Evidence

Does the community This is a criteria used for selecting communities, and is a given in this study.
have access to a river There is some concern over control of the source at times.
Natural that can meet its
needs for water

Is the plant and Built with locally available materials and local talent.
distribution system Run and maintained by locals, with materials they have access to.
suited to local

Do system have, or Engineering studies are free. Communities are paying O&M. They contribute
have access to, funds 30-40% in-kind for construction.
to cover engineering Haven’t incurred other capital costs yet.
Financial costs, capital APP and AguaClara has limited capacity to raise funds for capital costs.
expenses, and O & May be difficult to access funds for future capital expenses for existing plants,
M? and for large-scale expansion of technology.
The very poor are currently excluded from water provision.

Do communities feel -Space to participate in General assemblies, construction, committees, and

like the systems VWB meetings
belong to them? -Show ownership and motivation by paying--high payment rate
Is there trust in the -Structural variables present: small communities, face-to-face, CPR, and
community? iterative process contribute to trust
-Individual values of trust, reciprocity present and enhance collective action
-Solidarity from Cornell staff and students motivate APP and community
-APP and Cornell partners consult together as equals on big-picture planning
in Honduras
-Community participation mostly in implementation; capacity to participate in
consultations or in bigger picture not systematically looked at

Is the system -Have constitutions, though unsure how much use them
managed well? -Some communities use contracts with operators; most do not
-Have graduated sanctions and ways of getting rid of water users and
operators who don’t behave, but difficult to do the same with VWB members
-Some incentives exist: salaries for operators; some remuneration for
treasurer; non-monetary incentives like community recognition, opportunity
to serve, etc.
-Degree of facilitation of communication between various levels of
governance, and with community
-Minor maintenance schedules and some money saved in banks; however,
major repairs, and advanced planning--asset management, sudden events,
life-cycle costs--do not exist

Is AguaClara able to -Active, ongoing systematic learning on physical plant

learn from its -Learning about community-based management has taken place, though most
experience? learning centered in single individual (Antonio)
-Communities have spaces for reflection and learning--Board and Assembly
-Iterative process exists--with respect to working with certain individuals,
voting for Board members, management tasks, operating
-No formal system for encouraging or systematizing learning

Do Boards members -Training in management skills quite rudimentary
have management -Boards do meet at least monthly, and keep minutes of their meetings
skills? -Conflicts can be resolved in Board meetings, or in Assemblies
-Board is elected every 2 years, for a max. of two terms, though this isn’t
respected everywhere.
-Some Board members are in it for personal gain; others seem sincerely
interested in serving community
-High payment rates suggest users happy with service

Are operators able to -Strong training, accompanied by three months of accompaniment on site,
run and maintain the and regular follow ups.
infrastructure? -Plants mostly functional
-Strong accompaniment by AguaClara engineers to some plants, who provide
continued training and help fix things

Do Board members -There is training in bookkeeping.

(and others) have -All use bank accounts and have some savings.
capacity to manage -Yearly audits are conducted by the ‘fiscal’ member of the VWB.
funds, and solicit -Capacity to solicit and manage large amount of funds is currently with Cornell
more? team, especially engineers at APP

Do AguaClara -Enjoy varying levels of municipal support, in one case plant is run by
communities receive municipality
sufficient ongoing -Have low level support from SANAA, and health authorities
external support? -Regional and national support mostly absent
-Connected to several national water networks, where share information,
-Strongest support is from APP and Cornell
-Have connections to international NGOs, which support specific projects

Is there a national -There is a legal framework that requires water to be administered on a

enabling municipal level by non-profit water boards
environment for -National decentralized funding, which makes money available for water and
water service sanitation for municipalities; however, AguaClara projects have not been
provision? successful accessing this money
-National framework for policy (CONASA), regulation (ERSAPS), and tech
support and service (SANAA);
-Several networks for sharing knowledge in the sector (including RAS-HON
and the Plataforma del Agua de Honduras)
-Regional (AJAMs) and national (AHJASA) associations of Water Boards

Conclusion and Recommendations

The purpose of this report is to gauge AguaClara’s sustainability and possible growth through

the lens of its governance model. Specifically the report asked whether this model successfully

stewards, develops, and marshals the necessary natural, physical, financial, social, human, and

political capital to sustain and expand the benefits of its water projects. In the previous section

I analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of each form of capital in light of the literature on

water governance; in this section I will synthesize the insights from this analysis to provide an

answer to the questions of expansion and sustainability--including sustaining the current level

of functioning, and enhancing the impact of the water system.

Strong and Weak Capitals

AguaClara communities and institutions count on substantial amounts of each of the six

capitals under consideration and appear ready to both sustain their operation for years to

come and support a moderate level of expansion. However, deficiencies in certain capitals may

affect how long the projects will be sustained, the rate and success of expansion, and the

impact of the plants on the communities.

While natural capital in the form of sufficient surface water and land to build on is always

present in the communities, there is at least one issue that AguaClara needs to address. This is

control over the water source. For AguaClara communities to sustain their operations, they

will need to control the source. AguaClara should add this to its list of prerequisites for

working with communities. This may be a non-issue if VWBs or municipalities already always

control this. However, it would be useful to add to the checklist.

Physical capital appears to be another strong suit. The plants are made locally, with locally-

available materials and labor, and are run by local workers. And they work, providing the users

with abundant clear, safe water most of the time. This represents a substantial impact.

Naturally, for the plants to sustain this accomplishment, the plants have to last. While they are

designed to last 20 years, and since they have been made well they may last much longer than

this, none have been around this long to test this design. Embarking on serious repairs may be

a question that communities have to tackle in a shorter time frame, a task whose difficulties I

mentioned in a previous section, and will come back to later. Perhaps more likely, they may

have to expand in order to accommodate increased demand, or be upgraded to incorporate

improved treatment technologies (e.g. the rapid sand filter).

The distribution system is also part of the communities’ physical capital and should be

included in AguaClara’s calculations and planning. While all the communities where AguaClara

is working have piped distribution systems to homes, the condition of these pipes is uncertain.

Leaking pipes can lead to insufficient supply. I will comment on the need for a more holistic

approach to water supply later in this section.

Financial capital is present at a community level, in the ability of water users to regularly pay

the water tariff, and at higher levels of AguaClara governance, in the ability of APP and Cornell

staff to solicit and receive grants to cover research and capital costs for the plants. The

concern here, of which AguaClara is well aware, is twofold: being able to access increasing

amounts of funding for new construction, and doing so to pay for significant repairs or

expansion of existing plants. It is AguaClara’s intention to completely turn over the plants to

local control (in order, in part, to dedicate its efforts towards working with new communities

and plants). If this occurs, these local communities currently do not have the capacity to access

large amounts of capital for repairs/expansions that entail a significant outlay of funds.

Some communities may be able to pay for these repairs themselves through debt financing,

and AguaClara is currently exploring a model for this. This model may also be used for

construction of new plants. However, in either case, the local communities would need help

employing the model, and accessing the loan. Municipalities are supposed to have significant

amounts of money to support water and sanitation work in their respective towns and villages;

if the VWBs could access these funds--which are indeed intended to support their work--this

may provide another solution to the dearth of capital financing.

Social capital I looked at in terms of community ownership and trust, good management, and a

capacity for adaptation or learning. AguaClara has demonstrated its capacity to learn and

adapt over the last six years or so. The improvements to the treatment system is one example

of this capacity. In terms of governance, perhaps foremost among the lessons gained is how to

create the conditions for community to take ownership of their water system, which has

assured the system is cared for, paid for, and protected from malfeasance. This is now

accomplished through a series of visits that involve community education, mobilization and

training. Since Antonio from APP is the person who has been most directly involved in these

activities and in charge of them, he seems to be the person who has internalized many of

these lessons. While some of what has been learned has been incorporated into training

modules (whose curricula is compiled in a series of slide presentations), my guess is that much

has not. How community leaders and members are approached, in what order, what is said or

shown to them, when meetings are planned, how people are invited, how they should be

organized and conducted, for example, are among the lessons that may primarily be found in

Antonio’s mind. Antonio is someone who not only knows a lot about community mobilization

and education and the AguaClara technology, but also is someone who seems to be seen by

community members as someone who is credible and trustworthy (perhaps akin to what

Gramsci describes as an “organic intellectual”). This may be a key factor in empowering a

community that will then take charge of its water system, versus another approach that may

convince the community but end up disempowering them.

I mention this especially in regards to future expansion of AguaClara’s technologies. If

AguaClara ends up partnering with other ‘implementation partners’, NGOs like APP or even

private companies, it may not be easy to find people who can work on the ground like

Antonio. He may embody a significant amount of social capital, and may be crucial for

unlocking this capital in the communities. Finding and/or training people like Antonio may

prove to be a significant challenge towards expansion.

It is not only Antonio who contributes significantly to the project’s social capital. Other

AguaClara staff also bring in valuable contributions to this spirit of trust and ownership. The

spirit of service that characterizes Monroe’s involvement, as well as that of many of the

students in the research program, provides a regular source of motivation to community

members who may feel validated by their visits, and inspired to be part of an international

network of sorts.

AguaClara’s present work with small communities further lends itself to building trust, as these

small communities tend to possess the structural variables Ostrom (2010) identifies as

essential for collective action. If it were to work with larger towns or cities, some of these

factors would be no longer be present, and AguaClara would have to establish trust in the

model through other means, or use other governance systems that don’t rely as heavily on

collective action. This should be kept in mind as AguaClara seeks to multiply its plants.

In the previous section I have outlined some of the strengths and weaknesses of the

management practices--especially of the local water boards. While the VWBs appear capable

of running the water system, since this management ability is so crucial, it could benefit from

additional attention. The training in management practices offered to the communities is very

rudimentary, and VWBs could profit from continued support as challenges emerge over time.

Perhaps the intermunicipal association of plants could be a forum where such support and

shared learning could be addressed. An experienced circuit-rider may also be able to provide

such support. Whatever advances Boards make in their management will surely spill over to

other collective endeavors the community undertakes, and make it worth the investment.

The importance of human capital has already been underscored above in the comments made

on the key role Antonio—a single individual—plays in the success of AguaClara’s projects. That

operator error is the primary cause of plant malfunctioning also highlights its importance.

Furthermore, human capital is lacking both at Cornell (Monroe can only do so much) and in

Honduras at APP: Monroe and the AguaClara engineers can only handle a certain number of

plants at a time and currently their hands are full. Since human capital is so important, training

and retaining talent will be crucial for both sustainable community water system functioning

and AguaClara’s expansion to other areas. Antonio and other AguaClara staff are already

aware of the importance of paying operators an attractive wage, so I will not go into that here.

I will, however, expound a little on the importance of training.

Training is one of the factors that is related to proper plant functioning in the six communities

where AguaClara has worked. Where the period of training and community education did not

take place (Ojojona and La 34), the communities struggled with mismanagement and a lack of

ownership. Antonio has done his best, with some help, to put together a series of training

modules on governance, water quality, plant operations, and basic math skills. However, this

curriculum could be significantly improved with a relatively small effort. (Operator training is

currently robust, and may not need such revision.) Perhaps Antonio could be helped to think

through what the community, the VWB members, the operators need to know and be able to

do, then come up with the relevant concepts to understand and skills to master, and then craft

materials with pertinent readings and exercises. Especially if Antonio can draw on real

examples of problems and exercises that have come up in the field, these materials can be

much more effective than they currently are. Continued training could also be offered through

circuit-riders, who could be expected to contribute real-life problems and cases to the evolving

educational materials. The curricular design might benefit from consultations with other

people and institutions, including other organizations in the RAS-HON network. University

scholars in fields of community development and adult education may also be helpful for

developing better materials.

I looked at political capital in terms of ongoing external support, and an enabling political

environment. As noted before, external support in the form of financial, technical and other

forms of assistance is critical to sustaining functioning water systems. The lack of a plan for

ongoing support for AguaClara communities perhaps constitutes the greatest threat to the

sustainability of their water systems.

There are three possible sources for this support--municipal and national government, circuit-

riders, and the association of communities with AguaClara plants. Some authors claim that

ultimately it is the public sector that has to step up to the plate in order to ensure sustainable

provision, and this possibility should receive topmost attention. If municipalities are indeed

receiving 6% of the national budget, then municipal governments would be in the perfect

place to offer such support. APP and VWBs in each locality would do well, then, to build strong

relationships with their respective municipal governments in order to help channel the funds

appropriately. Circuit-riders and an association of plants may well not have as much capacity

to access significant amounts of funds, though they may well be best suited to offering long-

term technical and educational support. The associations of water boards, AHJASA and AJAMs,

and the FHIS may also provide potential outlets through which to influence government in

order to receive support. Different kinds of external support may come from different sources,

not a single backstopping agency.

Why doesn’t AguaClara work with IRWA as they have over two decades of experience with

circuit-riders in Latin America? One study showed that the cost of the circuit rider model was

under $1 a year per household (Kayser, 2011). If incorporated into tariffs, this would amount

to less than a 10 cent increase per month, or 3% increase from present average rates.

However, Daniel Smith suggested that IRWA was no longer in Honduras and that the circuit-

riders from ADEC which they helped set up don’t have a good reputation (group conversation

2/6/12). Another option is to support APP in developing the capacity and the financing model

in order for it to be able to provide backstopping support.

Honduras is making progress towards creating an enabling environment for community-

managed water systems. As noted in earlier sections, it has regulatory, policy-making, and

technical support institutions at various levels of functioning. These have to be strengthened,

of course. However, the country seems to be taking water seriously, and at least in some ways

supports AguaClara’s work (e.g. water system management has been decentralized, and

funding is made available for water and sanitation to municipalities). This is important to keep

in mind as AguaClara thinks of building new plants and venturing into new (national)

territories. Whether other countries have as good a political environment, better, or worse,

should enter into the equation.

In a group conversation on 2/6/12, Jeff Will, a Fulbright Scholar in Honduras, mentioned that

SANAA has expressed its desire to use AguaClara technology for all their new plants. If this is

so, it seems like opportunity not to be missed, as having SANAA behind the new plants would

address questions of financing and long-term external support.

External factors cannot be ignored. The creation of an enabling environment--through

appropriate legal, policy, and regulatory frameworks, and a supportive government--is the

grease to the machine. Things can work without it, but with great difficulty. AguaClara needs

to pay attention eventually to contributing to the creation of this environment, by building

relationships with relevant national authorities, participating and promoting dialogues in the

sector, and advocating for such policies and support on a national level. AguaClara is already

doing this. Both through APP and with Cornell’s staff it has been building relationships with

SANAA, the health department, and participating in national dialogue and organizations such


Expansion, sustainability and impact

The concern I’ve heard most from people associated with AguaClara at Cornell is the rapid

multiplication of AguaClara plants around the world. Monroe has talked about “scaling up”,

about the technology “go[ing] viral” (Weber-Shirk, AguaClara ScaleUp, 10/15/2011). There was

a sponsored discussion of the topic at Cornell’s Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future in

October, 2011, and a number of consultants have gone to Honduras with the question of how

to expand.

First of all, “scaling up” might not be the most appropriate term. It often means taking a

technology and growing it to reach a scale where it is more efficient--i.e. reducing the cost of

production per unit. If I understand correctly, this is not what AguaClara is doing, although cost

reduction is a concern. What AguaClara wants is to diffuse or disseminate its technology.

(SURWS [2005], however, does use the term scaling up in terms of multiplying successful

models of water supply to achieve sustainable universal coverage.)

These discussions on AguaClara dissemination have been framed in a particular way:

AguaClara plants are considered ripe for expansion because the world needs this innovation,

and the major bottleneck is financing--for building the plants, and to pay for technical support

for the new implementation partners. The discussion at the Atkinson Center focused entirely

on financing alternatives for new plants, with a focus on debt financing and for-profit schemes.

In a document on Scaling Up written by Monroe, he underscored the need for financing to pay

for “adequate technical support for new implementation partners”, and that this was “the

critical missing component at Cornell” for AguaClara “to go viral” (Weber-Shirk, 10/15/2011).

While finding sustainable sources of financing for plants and technical support are a real

challenge, there is a real danger that AguaClara may overemphasize the importance of the

physical infrastructure and technical support at the expense of social factors, which, as amply

illustrated throughout this report, are crucial to water system functioning.

Antonio spoke of this danger. Although his words may not be applicable to AguaClara

engineers, who I think are becoming increasingly aware of the social dimensions of water

systems, they serve as a useful reminder:

In Honduras engineers could care less about the educational component [of water
systems]. The engineer will tell you, “Give me cement and steel and I’ll build you
something”. But they never participate in community meetings because they think it’s
a waste of time, that the people there are ignorant and won’t pay attention to them,
and that people just don’t care. … I, on the other hand, as an agent of social
development, believe in people. I believe that we have to teach them, and believe they
can learn. This is what has helped us a lot in AguaClara--make sure the people become
educated, help them learn by example, with patience, with spirit, with enthusiasm. This
is what makes us different; this is what ensures the plants are maintained” (interview,
10/24 /11).

AguaClara engineers are becoming aware of this. Daniel Smith, an AguaClara engineer working

for APP in Honduras, said “right now our tech capacity is exceeding our institutional capacity”,

and spoke about governance as “pivotal”, adding: “Governance is what stays after the six-

months [of construction and training] is over. And it needs to be a goal of the project to

facilitate that part …” (interview, 11/10/11). In a more recent group conversation, other

engineers expressed similar hesitation. Michael Adelman highlighted the human capital limits:

in Honduras APP and the Cornell engineers can’t support any additional plants; and in Ithaca

the research team is also already stretched to be able to support more plants and do

administrative work. Jeff Long added that the technology itself was “not ready to package,

spread and replicate” (group conversation, 2/6/12).

Governance and social capital in general take a long time to build. They deal with intangibles

such as trust, honesty, and community participation, and require changes in culture (ours and

others). In this context it may be encouraging to remember that the benefits of social capital

extend beyond ensuring the success of water systems (which are important in their own right).

Building up relationships based on mutual understanding and reciprocity will enable materially

poor communities to extend their problem-solving capacities beyond water, and tackle other

pressing issues the community is facing and may face in the future. Since such work requires

resources--especially staff time--, it will be important for AguaClara to help donors appreciate

the “long-term positive pay-offs” of such efforts, as Flora said (2004, 12).

The insights into the vital role of governance may have implications for AguaClara’s “open

source” philosophy. In particular, I can imagine that the open-source design tool may work

against AguaClara’s goals of expansion and provision of quality water to the poor. The open-

source design tool may give the appearance that the plants are a kind of stand-alone, do-it-

yourself technology; however, we know that technology is only half of what makes the

AguaClara plants function. If you get the plants built and installed correctly, which probably

isn’t easy in itself, you still have to worry about the processes encompassed in governance--

building trust, managing money, dealing with conflicts, maintaining the plant, and so on. This

knowledge is difficult to explain in a manual (which doesn’t exist anyway). As noted before,

much of what has been learned about this is incorporated into the way AguaClara’s staff

function. If other communities, NGOs, or even SANAA, use the design tool to directly build a

plant, the water system may not be successful if the governance issues aren’t addressed. The

community and institution may end up becoming disheartened with the technology as well,

thwarting future possibilities of collaboration, and sullying AguaClara’s record in the eyes of

potential donors.

One of AguaClara’s burning questions in regards to expansion is who to partner with, and is

considering different implementation partners and models, NGOs, public, and private. As

noted in the literature review, there is a raging and large debate regarding the relative benefits

of public vs. private provision of water. Without opening this Pandora’s box, there are a few

considerations AguaClara should have in mind if considering a partner from the private sector.

Foremost among these is that a for-profit approach may compromise the spirit of trust and

collaboration that has been central to the success of the AguaClara plants in Honduras. People

contributed time, labor, and money not only because they were receiving a good product, but

because they have a sense of ownership of the plant. Private companies may also find it more

difficult to reconcile their aims of profit with the needs for community education and

participation, as these can be costly, without any direct or immediate monetary returns. That

said, there may be some private firms whose values may make them potential partners for


Some authors are convinced that community-based management may be the best strategy for

water provision in rural communities (SURWS, 2005) in the face of current political and

financial constraints. If communities don’t do it themselves, so goes the argument, no one else

will--the public sector is either incompetent or too corrupt, and the private sector can’t make a

profit there. While this may be accurate, AguaClara may find over time that different

communities are served best by different ownership and governance models. Ostrom (2004)

placed great emphasis not on a particular institution to manage common pool resources such

as water, but rather on the match of these institutions to each community’s particular

physical, natural and social circumstances. Marcala, for example, does not use community-

based management; the municipality runs it, and runs it successfully (though Antonio has

some qualms about it). This is AguaClara’s largest plant, and may indicate that larger

communities may allow for and/or afford other kinds of governance structures that don’t rely

as heavily on some aspects of social capital, like community participation. They even may be

better served by these.

It may make sense then to talk not of a single governance model, but of governance models

that suit the different realities of diverse communities. While much has been learned

regarding community-based management in small communities--which may well be the main

model for such communities--other models may emerge over time. AguaClara’s governance

model may be partnering with an organization that is well acquainted with the community,

and which can set up a local governance structure that fits well in the context. Understanding

what types of governance models work well in what contexts would be a useful future study.

Now a few words on impact. In keeping with the spirit of service in which AguaClara was

founded and currently operates, AguaClara’s desire to expand is not for expansion’s sake, but

to have a large impact on the lives of people in communities that adopt the technology.

Carter et al. (1999) suggested that water and sanitation projects be evaluated through the two

lenses of impact and sustainability. These two are obviously interconnected, since to ensure

impact over time one must sustain the intervention. The AguaClara plants appear to meet or

exceed almost all the criteria spelled out in Carter et al.’s framework which appears in Table 6


AguaClara plants serve hundreds of liters a day of clean water per capita in each of the six

communities. This is much more than the benchmarks of 60 liters/day/capita on demand that

Lockwood and Smits qualify as high service level (23). The water is clean, with NTU below 5 for

most of the time and no coliforms. With stacked rapid sand filtration, e.g. as in Támara, it is

likely under this benchmark virtually all the time. Monroe suggested using turbidity and

residual chlorine levels as proxies for water quality (personal communication, 2/12/12).

Table 6. AguaClara Impact and Sustainability

Carter et al. (1999) Carter et al. (1999)

objectives in relation AguaClara objectives in relation to AguaClara
to “Impact” “Sustainability”

a. Achieve a daily 1780 a. Caretakers should be This is generally true.

consumption of at liters/household in post and fulfilling Operators who have left
least 20 average plant their assigned job their post have been fired.
liters/household capacity descriptions

b. Reduce the time Water is piped to b. Committees should Water boards meet
spent in water- homes. Negligible be meeting regularly, regularly, keep minutes,
carrying to a maximum time spent keeping minutes, and and seem to meet
of one person-hour collecting. functioning in a manner community standards
per day which is acceptable to
the community

c. Bring about Piped to homes. c. Revenue collection Water rates are set by the
significant should be taking place general assembly, and are
improvements in in the manner agreed at collected according to
water-carrying the construction phase, agreed upon methods.
technology or in some other
effective way

d. Achieve a water- No coliforms d. The backstopping While in principle

quality target of 10 measured (Smith, agency (government or AguaClara turns over the
faecal coliforms/100 2010: 86) NGO) should be in plant to the communities
ml at the point of use regular and effective after 6 months, APP is in
contact with the regular contact with most
community of the communities,
though mostly for technical
and water quality issues.

e. Achieve equity in all While water rates e. The use of water Water supply is
aspects of service are low, some supply … should be continuous.
provision households are not continuing at high levels
connected to clean

f. Supply these Per capita one time f. Physical infrastructure Six plants fully functional.
services [water and capital cost between should be fully
sanitation] at a per $12-35 functional
capita one time capital
cost of no more than

g. Supply these Per capita annual

services at a per capita O&M costs between
recurrent cost of no $3-7.
more than
Source: Carter et al. (1999). Figures cited in the original are expressed in constant 2012 dollars.

Obviously, these issues beg the question of AguaClara’s intent. If good treatment plants are its

mission, then it could rest on its laurels; but if it is concerned with bringing clean water to

poor, often marginalized peoples, then it will have to broaden the scope of its analysis and

activities. For example, if it is not only concerned with water, but more broadly about health

and quality of life, then it may also have to think about sanitation and community education in

its planning and operations. Otherwise people may have clean water but not have clean hands

or a way to properly dispose of sewage.

The “Service Delivery Approach” (SDA [Lockwood and Smits, 2011]) is one approach to water

services that goes beyond the implementation of a (good) water treatment and distribution

system and encompasses long-term post-construction support. AguaClara should adopt this

approach, so that explicit and systematic work building local capacity for financial and asset

planning, and long-term assistance is included from the outset in project proposals and



AguaClara may want to adopt a framework for evaluation based on some of the considerations

specified earlier. In addition to data on the cost of water and its quality at the point of use,

AguaClara may consider its question of equity. In particular, it may want to evaluate the

percentage of people in a community that have access to, and are receiving the service. In this

respect, as AguaClara, in consultation with the VWBs, looks for ways to provide universal

access to water, it might be useful to remember that this need not mean that everyone needs

to receive piped water in their own home (though this is arguably the best scenario). If cost is

an issue, other distribution technologies such as public standpipes can be used to provide

access to populations that can’t pay. As Satterthwaite and McGranahan (2007) point out, what

is needed is “… the best possible mix between good-quality convenient provision, what

[communities] can afford, and what can be managed locally” (42).

Other indicators that AguaClara might consider using to evaluate its impact and sustainability

are related to proper management and participation. Two relevant proxies may be payment

and savings rates for proper management, and the proportion of women in the Water Boards

and as operators as a proxy for participation. Below is a possible framework for evaluation.

Table 7. Recommended Guidelines for Evaluation Based on Recent Literature and Author’s Analysis

Impact Standard Sustainability Standard

Quantity a. Achieve a daily consumption of at Payment rate a. Most or all of the tariffs
least 60 liters/per capita/day are collected

Quality b. < 10 faecal coliforms/100 ml at Savings b. VWBs should be saving a

the point of use ; NTU < 5 and certain percentage of
residual chlorine at specified targets monthly revenue

Cost c. Supply these services at a per Maintenance c. Physical infrastructure

capita capital cost of no more than (intake, plant and pipes)
$42 and a per capita annual cost of should be fully functional
$4.2 .

Equity d. Approximate universal service External support d. The backstopping agency

(government or NGO)
should be in regular and
effective contact with the
community and should be
accessible to the

Participation e. Women and minority groups

should be fully represented on the
Sources: a. Lockwood and Smits, 2011; b. Carter et al., 1999, updated to 2012 dollars; c. Weber-Shirk, personal
communication, 2/12/12; Author’s analysis

I think AguaClara can take rightful pleasure in what it has accomplished in terms of

technological innovation and learning about community-based governance systems. Its future

is bright. But it still has a long way to go. Which is good news for the program: there are lots of

questions to explore and lessons to learn!

I will give the final to word to Antonio Elvir, who sums up much of this report with an apt


We should not neglect to follow up with the social education part. It would be a mistake
to think only in the technical aspects--in improving the flocculators, the sedimentation
tanks, the dosification of chemicals. If we neglect the educational and social component,
we are planting for a meagre harvest (personal interview, 10/24/11).

The original is more poetic: “… estamos sembrando para poco tiempo.”

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