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Qt 3.

3 Whitepaper


This whitepaper describes the Qt C++ toolkit. Qt supports the development of multiplatform
GUI applications with its “write once, compile anywhere” approach. Using a single source
tree and a simple recompilation, applications can be written for Windows 95 to XP, Mac OS X,
Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, and many other versions of Unix with X11. Qt applications can also
be compiled to run on Qt/Embedded. Qt introduces a unique inter-object communication
mechanism called “signals and slots.” Qt has excellent support for many programming do-
mains: 2D and 3D graphics, internationalization,XML, etc. Qt applications can be built visually
using Qt Designer.
Qt 3.3 Whitepaper



1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1. Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2. Widgets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1. A “Hello” Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2. Built-in Widgets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3. Custom Widgets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3. Signals and Slots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.1. A Signals and Slots Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2. Meta-Object Compiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4. GUI Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.1. Main Window Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.2. Multiple Document Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.3. Dialogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.4. Dock Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.5. Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.6. Multithreading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5. Qt Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.1. Qt Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5.2. GUI Application Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6. 2D and 3D Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6.1. 2D Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6.2. 3D Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
6.3. A 3D Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
7. Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
7.1. Executing SQL Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
7.2. Data-Aware Widgets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
8. Internationalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
8.1. Unicode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
8.2. Text Entry and Rendering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
8.3. Translating Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
8.4. Qt Linguist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
9. Styles and Themes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
9.1. Built-in Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
9.2. Style-Aware Widgets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
9.3. Custom Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
10. Layouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
10.1. Built-in Layout Managers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
10.2. Nested Layouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
10.3. Custom Layouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
11. Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
11.1. Event Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
11.2. Event Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
12. Input/Output and Networking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
12.1. File I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
12.2. XML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
12.3. Inter-Process Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
12.4. Networking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
13. Collection Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
13.1. Value-Based Collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
13.2. Pointer-Based Collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
14. Plugins and Dynamic Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
14.1. Plugins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
14.2. Dynamic Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
15. Platform Specific Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
15.1. ActiveQt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
15.2. Motif . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
16. Qt’s Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
16.1. Microsoft Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
16.2. X11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
16.3. Mac OS X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
16.4. Embedded Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
17. Qt’s Development World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

1. Introduction
Qt is a C++ toolkit for multiplatform GUI application development. In addition
to the C++ class library, Qt includes tools to make writing applications fast and
straightforward. Qt’s multiplatform capabilities and internationalization support en-
sure that Qt applications reach the widest possible market.

The Qt C++ toolkit has been at the heart of commercial applications since 1995. Qt is used by
companies as diverse as Adobe, IBM, Motorola, NASA, and Volvo, and by numerous smaller
companies and organizations. Qt 3.3 retains the ease-of-use and power of earlier versions
while adding significant functionality and introducing new classes. Qt’s classes are fully
featured to reduce developer workload, and provide consistent interfaces to speed learning. Qt
is, and always has been, fully object-oriented.
This whitepaper gives an overview of Qt’s tools and functionality. Each section begins with
a non-technical introduction, then presents the technical details in increasing depth. Code
extracts and small complete applications are presented. To evaluate Qt for 30 days, visit
http:/ /

1.1. Executive Summary

Qt includes a rich set of widgets [p. 4] (“controls” in Windows terminology) that provide stan-
dard GUI functionality. Qt introduces an innovative alternative for inter-object communication,
called “signals and slots” [p. 9], that replaces the old and unsafe callback technique. Qt also
provides a conventional events model [p. 41] for handling mouse clicks, key presses, etc. Qt’s
multiplatform GUI applications [p. 12] can use all the user interface functionality required by
modern applications, such as menus, context menus, drag and drop, and dockable toolbars.
Intuitive naming conventions and a consistent programming approach simplify coding. Qt
also includes Qt Designer [p. 19], a tool for graphically designing user interfaces. Qt Designer
supports Qt’s powerful layouts [p. 38] in addition to absolute positioning. Qt Designer can be
used purely for GUI design, or to create entire applications with its built-in C++ code editor.
Qt has excellent support for 2D and 3D graphics [p. 23]. Qt is the de-facto standard GUI toolkit
for platform-independent OpenGL programming.
Qt makes it possible to create platform-independent database applications using standard
databases [p. 30]. Qt includes native drivers for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase Adaptive
Server, IBM DB2, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Borland Interbase, SQLite, and ODBC-compliant
databases. Qt’s database functionality is fully integrated with Qt Designer, which offers live
preview of database data. Qt includes database-specific widgets, and any built-in or custom
widget can be made data-aware.
Qt programs have native look and feel on all supported platforms using Qt’s styles and themes
support [p. 37]. From a single source tree, recompilation is all that is required to produce
applications for Windows 95 to XP, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, and many other versions
of Unix with X11. Qt applications can also be compiled to run on Qt/Embedded. Qt’s qmake
build tool produces makefiles or .dsp files appropriate to the target platform.

Since Qt’s architecture takes advantage of the underlying platform, many customers use Qt
for single-platform development on Windows, Mac OS X, and Unix because they prefer Qt’s
approach. Qt includes support for important platform-specific features, such as ActiveX on
Windows, and Motif on Unix [p. 50].
Qt uses Unicode throughout and has considerable support for internationalization [p. 34].
Qt includes Qt Linguist and other tools to support translators. Applications can easily use
and mix text in Arabic, Chinese, English, Hebrew, Japanese, Russian, and other languages
supported by Unicode.
Qt includes a variety of domain-specific classes. For example, Qt has an XML module [p. 44]
that includes SAX and DOM parsers. Objects can be stored in memory using Qt’s STL-com-
patible collection classes [p. 45]. Local and remote file handling using standard protocols are
provided by Qt’s input/output and networking classes [p. 42].
Qt applications can have their functionality extended by plugins and dynamic libraries [p. 47].
Plugins provide additional codecs, database drivers, image formats, styles, and widgets.
Plugins and libraries can be sold as products in their own right.
Qt is a mature C++ toolkit that is widely used across the world. In addition to Qt’s many com-
mercial uses, the free edition of Qt is the foundation of KDE, the Linux desktop environment.
Qt makes application development a pleasure, with its multiplatform build system, visual form
design, and elegant API.

Online References
http:/ /
http:/ /

2. Widgets
Qt has a rich set of widgets (buttons, scroll bars, etc.) that cater for most situations. Qt’s
widgets are flexible and easy to subclass for special requirements.

Qt provides a full set of widgets. Widgets are visual elements that are combined to create user
interfaces. Buttons, menus, scroll bars, message boxes, and application windows are all exam-
ples of widgets. Qt’s widgets are not arbitrarily divided between “controls” and “containers”; all
widgets can be used both as controls and as containers. Custom widgets can easily be created
by subclassing existing Qt widgets, or created from scratch on the rare occasion when this is
Widgets are instances of QWidget or one of its subclasses, and custom widgets are created
by subclassing.
A widget may contain any number of child widgets. Child widgets are shown within the parent
widget’s area. A widget with no parent is a top-level widget (a “window”), and usually has
its own entry in the desktop environment’s task bar. Qt imposes no arbitrary limitations on
widgets. Any widget can be a top-level widget; any widget can be a child of any other widget.
The position of child widgets within the parent’s area can be set automatically using layout

managers [p. 38], or manually if preferred. When a parent widget is disabled, hidden, or
deleted, the same action is applied to all its child widgets recursively.


QTimer QWidget

QDialog QFrame QSpinBox

QLabel QLineEdit

Figure 1. An extract from the QWidget class hierarchy

Labels, message boxes, tooltips, etc., are not confined to using a single color, font, and language.
Qt’s text-rendering widgets can display multi-language rich text using a subset of HTML. See
“Text Entry and Rendering” [p. 35].

2.1. A “Hello” Example

Figure 2. Hello Qt!

The complete source code for a program that displays “Hello Qt!” follows:
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qlabel.h>

int main( int argc, char **argv )

QApplication app( argc, argv );
QLabel *hello = new QLabel( "<font color=blue>Hello <i>Qt!</i>"
"</font>", 0 );
app.setMainWidget( hello );
return app.exec();

2.2. Built-in Widgets

The screenshots below present the main Qt widgets. They are shown using the Windows

Figure 3. A QLabel and a QPushButton laid out using a QHBox

Figure 4. Two QRadioButtons and two QCheckBoxes laid out within a QButtonGroup

Figure 5. A QDateTimeEdit, a QLineEdit, a QTextEdit, and a QComboBox laid out within a QGroupBox

Figure 6. A QDial, a QProgressBar, a QSpinBox, a QScrollBar, a QLCDNumber, and a QSlider laid out
using a QGrid

Figure 7. A QIconView, a QListView, a QListBox, and a QTable laid out using a QGrid

Figure 8. A QTabWidget and a QToolBox laid out using a QHBox

QComboBox, QLineEdit, and QSpinBox’s input can be constrained or validated using a

QValidator subclass. Regular expressions can be used for validation.
Widgets that are used to display large amounts of data (e.g. QTable, QListView, and
QTextEdit) inherit QScrollView and can display scroll bars automatically.
QMainWindow, QMenuBar, and QToolBar are presented in “GUI Applications” [p. 12].
QMessageBox, QFileDialog, QWizard, and other dialogs are presented in “Dialogs” [p. 16].
QSplitter is covered in “Layouts” [p. 38]. QCanvas and QGLWidget are presented in “2D and
3D Graphics” [p. 23].
The screenshot that shows the QRadioButtons and QCheckBoxes (Figure 4) was produced
with the following code:
parent = new QButtonGroup( 2, Qt::Vertical, "QButtonGroup" );
radio1 = new QRadioButton( "&Radio 1", parent );
radio2 = new QRadioButton( "R&adio 2", parent );
radio1->setChecked( true );
check1 = new QCheckBox( "&Check 1", parent );
check2 = new QCheckBox( "C&heck 2", parent );
check2->setChecked( true );

2.3. Custom Widgets
Developers can create their own widgets and dialogs by subclassing QWidget or one of its sub-
classes. To illustrate subclassing, the complete code for a digital clock widget is presented.

Figure 9. Clock widget

The Clock widget is a LCD that displays the current time and updates itself automatically. A
colon separator blinks to indicate the passing seconds.
In clock.h, Clock is defined like this:
#include <qlcdnumber.h>

class Clock : public QLCDNumber

Clock( QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 );

void timerEvent( QTimerEvent *event );

void showTime();

bool showingColon;

Clock inherits its LCD functionality from the QLCDNumber widget. It has a constructor
typical of widget classes, with optional parent and name parameters. (Testing and debugging
are easier if name is set.) The timerEvent() function is inherited from QObject and is called at
regular intervals by the system.
In clock.cpp, the functions declared in clock.h are implemented:
#include <qdatetime.h>

#include "clock.h"

Clock::Clock( QWidget *parent, const char *name )

: QLCDNumber( parent, name ), showingColon( true )
startTimer( 1000 );

void Clock::timerEvent( QTimerEvent * )


void Clock::showTime()

QString time = QTime::currentTime().toString().left( 5 );
if ( !showingColon )
time[2] = ’ ’;
display( time );
showingColon = !showingColon;

The constructor calls showTime() to initialize the clock with the current time, and tells the
system to call timerEvent() every 1000 milliseconds to refresh the LCD display.
In showTime(), QLCDNumber::display() is called with the current time. The colon is replaced
by a space every other time showTime() is called to make the colon blink.
The clock.h and clock.cpp files completely define and implement the Clock custom widget.
This widget can be used immediately:
#include <qapplication.h>

#include "clock.h"

int main( int argc, char **argv )

QApplication app( argc, argv );
Clock *clock = new Clock;
app.setMainWidget( clock );
return app.exec();

This example program contains a single widget (the clock) and no child widgets. Complex
widgets are built by combining widgets in layouts.
Developers can also write custom widgets from scratch. For example, to create an analog clock,
it would be necessary to draw the clock’s face and hands in code rather than relying on the
functionality implemented in a base class. This approach is covered in “2D Graphics” [p. 23].

Online References
http:/ /

3. Signals and Slots

Signals and slots provide inter-object communication. They are easy to understand and
use, and are fully supported by Qt Designer.

GUI applications respond to user actions. For example, when a user clicks a menu item or a
toolbar button, the application executes some code. More generally, we want objects of any kind
to be able to communicate with each other. The programmer must relate events to the relevant
code. Older toolkits use mechanisms that are not type-safe (i.e. are crash-prone), are inflexible,
and are not object-oriented. Trolltech has invented a solution called “signals and slots.” The
signals and slots mechanism is a powerful inter-object communication mechanism that can

be used to completely replace the crude callbacks and message maps used by legacy toolkits.
Signals and slots are flexible, fully object-oriented, and implemented in C++.

connect( Object1, signal1, Object2, slot1 )

connect( Object1, signal1, Object2, slot2 )
signal2 Object2



signal1 connect( Object1, signal2, Object4, slot1 )


connect( Object3, signal1, Object4, slot3 )

Figure 10. An abstract view of some signals and slots connections

To associate some code with a button using the old callback mechanism, it is necessary to
pass a pointer to a function to the button. When the button is clicked, the function is then
called. Old toolkits do not ensure that arguments of the correct type are given to the function
when it is called, making crashes more likely. Another problem with the callback approach
is that it tightly binds the GUI element to the functionality, making it difficult to develop
classes independently.
Qt’s signals and slots mechanism is different. Qt widgets emit signals when events occur. For
example, a button will emit a “clicked” signal when it is clicked. The programmer can choose
to connect to a signal by creating a function (called a slot) and calling the connect() function to
relate the signal to the slot. Qt’s signals and slots mechanism does not require classes to have
knowledge of each other, which makes it much easier to develop highly reusable classes. Since
signals and slots are type-safe, type errors are reported as warnings and do not cause crashes
to occur.
For example, if a Quit button’s clicked() signal is connected to the application’s quit() slot, a
user’s click on Quit makes the application terminate. In code, this is written as
connect( button, SIGNAL(clicked()), qApp, SLOT(quit()) );

Connections can be added or removed at any time during the execution of a Qt application.
The signals and slots implementation smoothly extends C++’s syntax and takes full advantage
of C++’s object-oriented features. Signals and slots are type-safe, can be overloaded or
reimplemented, and may appear in the public, protected, or private sections of a class.

connect( fontFamilyComboBox, activated(QString),
textEdit, setFamily(QString) )

connect( fontSizeSpinBox, valueChanged(int),

textEdit, setPointSize(int) )

connect( textEdit, modificationChanged(bool),

customStatusBar, modificationStatus(bool) )

Figure 11. An example of signals and slots connections

3.1. A Signals and Slots Example

To benefit from signals and slots, a class must inherit from QObject or one of its subclasses
and include the Q_OBJECT macro in the class’s definition. Signals are declared in the signals
section of the class, while slots are declared in the public slots, protected slots, or private
slots sections.

Here is an example QObject subclass:

class BankAccount : public QObject
BankAccount() { curBalance = 0; }
int balance() const { return curBalance; }
public slots:
void setBalance( int newBalance );

void balanceChanged( int newBalance );

int curBalance;

In the style of most C++ classes, the BankAccount class has a constructor, a get function
balance(), and a set function setBalance().
The class also has a balanceChanged() signal, which announces that the balance in the account
has changed. When a signal is emitted, the slots it is connected to are executed.
The set function is declared in the public slots section, so it is a slot. Slots are member
functions that can be called like any other function and that can also be connected to signals.
Here’s the implementation of the slot setBalance():
void BankAccount::setBalance( int newBalance )
if ( newBalance != curBalance ) {
curBalance = newBalance;

emit balanceChanged( curBalance );

The statement
emit balanceChanged( curBalance );

causes the balanceChanged() signal to be emitted with the new current balance as its
argument. The keyword emit, like signals and slots, is provided by Qt and is transformed
into standard C++ by the C++ preprocessor.
Here’s an example of how to connect two BankAccount objects:
BankAccount x, y;
connect( &x, SIGNAL(balanceChanged(int)), &y, SLOT(setBalance(int)) );
x.setBalance( 2450 );

When the balance in x is set to 2450, the balanceChanged() signal is emitted. The signal is
received by y’s setBalance() slot, which sets y’s balance to 2450.
One object’s signal can be connected to many different slots, and many signals can be connected
to one slot in a particular object. Connections are made between signals and slots whose
parameters have the same types. A slot can have fewer parameters than the signal and ignore
the extra parameters.

3.2. Meta-Object Compiler

The signals and slots mechanism is implemented in standard C++. The implementation uses
the C++ preprocessor and the Meta-Object Compiler (moc) included with the Qt toolkit.
The moc reads the application’s header files and generates the necessary code to support the
signals and slots mechanism. It is invoked automatically by makefiles generated by qmake.
Developers never have to edit or even look at the generated code.
In addition to handling signals and slots, moc supports Qt’s translation mechanism, its property
system, and its extended run-time type information. The Meta Object Compiler also makes
multiplatform introspection of C++ programs possible.

Online References
http:/ /
http:/ /
http:/ /

4. GUI Applications
Building modern GUI applications with Qt is fast and simple, and can be achieved by
hand coding or by using Qt Designer, Qt’s visual design tool.

Qt provides all the classes and functions necessary to create modern GUI applications. Qt can
be used to create both “main window” style applications with a menu bar, toolbars, and status

bar surrounding a central area, and “dialog” style applications that use buttons and possibly
tabs to present options and information. Qt supports both SDI (single document interface) and
MDI (multiple document interface). Qt also supports drag and drop and the clipboard.
Toolbars can be moved around within the toolbar area, dragged to other areas, or floated as tool
palettes. This functionality is built in and requires no additional code, although programmers
can apply constraints to toolbar behavior if required.
Qt simplifies programming. For example, if a menu option, a toolbar button, and a keyboard
accelerator all perform the same action, the action need only be coded once.
Qt also provides message boxes and a full set of standard dialogs to make it easy for applica-
tions to ask the user questions, and to get the user to choose files, folders, fonts, and colors. In
practice, a one-line statement using one of Qt’s static convenience functions is all that is neces-
sary to present a message box or a standard dialog.
Qt can store application settings in a platform-independent way, allowing items such as user
preferences, most recently used files, window and toolbar positions and sizes to be recorded for
later use.

4.1. Main Window Classes

4.1.1. The Main Window

The QMainWindow class provides a framework for typical application main windows.
A main window contains a set of standard widgets. The top of the main window is occupied
by a menu bar, beneath which toolbars are laid out in toolbar areas at the top, left, right, and
bottom of the window. The area of the main window below the bottom toolbar area is occupied
by a status bar.

Figure 12. An application main window

Tooltips and “What’s this?” help provide balloon help for the user-interface elements.
For SDI applications, the central area of a QMainWindow can contain any widget; for MDI
applications, it will usually contain a QWorkspace.
For example, a text editor could use a QTextEdit as its central widget:

QTextEdit *editor = new QTextEdit( mainWindow );
mainWindow->setCentralWidget( editor );

4.1.2. Menus
The QPopupMenu widget presents menu items to the user in a vertical list. Popup menus can
be standalone (e.g. a context menu), can appear in a menu bar, or can be a sub-menu of another
popup menu. Menus can have tear-off handles.
Each menu item can have an icon, a checkbox, and an accelerator. Menu items usually
correspond to actions (e.g. Save). Separator items are displayed as a line and are used to group
related actions visually.
Here’s an example that creates a File menu with New, Open, and Exit menu items:
QPopupMenu *fileMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
fileMenu->insertItem( "&New", this, SLOT(newFile()), CTRL+Key_N );
fileMenu->insertItem( "&Open...", this, SLOT(open()), CTRL+Key_O );
fileMenu->insertItem( "E&xit", qApp, SLOT(quit()), CTRL+Key_Q );

When a menu item is chosen, the corresponding slot is executed.

The QMenuBar class implements a menu bar. It is automatically laid out at the top of its
parent widget (typically a QMainWindow), splitting its contents across multiple lines if the
parent window is not wide enough. Qt’s built-in layout managers take any menu bar into
consideration. On the Macintosh, the menu bar appears at the top of the screen as expected.
Here’s how to create a menu bar with File, Edit, and Help menus:
QMenuBar *bar = new QMenuBar( this );
bar->insertItem( "&File", fileMenu );
bar->insertItem( "&Edit", editMenu );
bar->insertItem( "&Help", helpMenu );

Qt’s menu system is very flexible. Menu items can be enabled, disabled, added, or removed
dynamically. Menu items with customized appearance and behavior can be created by
subclassing QCustomMenuItem.

4.1.3. Toolbars
Toolbars can be moved between the areas at the top, left, right, and bottom of the central area.
Any toolbar can be dragged out of its toolbar area, and floated as an independent tool palette.
The QToolButton class implements a toolbar button with an icon, a 3D frame, and an
optional label. Toggle toolbar buttons turn features on and off. Other toolbar buttons execute
a command. Different icons can be provided for the active, disabled, and enabled modes, and
for the on and off states. If only one icon is provided, Qt automatically distinguishes the state
using visual cues, for example, graying out disabled buttons. Toolbar buttons can also trigger
popup menus.

QToolButtons usually appear side by side within a QToolBar. An application can have any
number of toolbars, and the user is free to move them around. Toolbars can contain widgets of
almost any type, for example QComboBoxes and QSpinBoxes.

4.1.4. Balloon Help

Modern applications use balloon help to briefly explain the purpose of user-interface elements.
Qt provides two mechanisms for balloon help: tooltips and “What’s this?” help.
Tooltips are small, usually yellow, rectangles that appear automatically when the mouse
pointer hovers over a widget. Tooltips are often used to explain a toolbar button, since toolbar
buttons are rarely displayed with text labels. Here’s how to set the tooltip of a “Save” toolbar
QToolTip::add( saveButton, "Save" );

It is also possible to set a longer piece of text to be displayed in the status bar when the tooltip
is shown.
“What’s this?” help is similar to tooltips, except that the user must request it, for example
by pressing Shift+F1 and then clicking a widget or menu item. “What’s this?” help is typically
longer than a tooltip. Here’s how to set the “What’s this?” text for a “Save” toolbar button:
QWhatsThis::add( saveButton, "Saves the current file." );

The QToolTip and QWhatsThis classes provide virtual functions that can be reimplemented
for more specialized behavior, such as displaying different text depending on the position of
the mouse within the widget.

4.1.5. Actions
Applications usually provide the user with several different ways to perform a particular
action. For example, most applications provide a “Save” action available from the menu
(File|Save), from the toolbar (the “floppy disk” toolbar button), and as an accelerator (Ctrl+S).
The QAction class encapsulates this concept. It allows programmers to define an action in one
The following code implements a “Save” menu item, a “Save” toolbar button, and a “Save”
accelerator, all with balloon help:
QAction *saveAct = new QAction( "Save", saveIcon, "&Save",
CTRL+Key_S, this );
connect( saveAct, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(save()) );
saveAct->setWhatsThis( "Saves the current file." );
saveAct->addTo( fileMenu );
saveAct->addTo( toolbar );

In addition to avoiding duplication, using a QAction ensures that the state of menu items
stays in sync with the state of toolbar buttons, and that tooltips are displayed when necessary.
Disabling an action will disable any corresponding menu items and toolbar buttons. Similarly,
if the user clicks a toggle toolbar button, the corresponding menu item will be checked or
unchecked accordingly.

4.2. Multiple Document Interface
Multiple document interface (MDI) is provided by the QWorkspace class, which is typically
used as the central widget of a QMainWindow.
Child widgets of QWorkspace can be widgets of any type. They are rendered with a frame
similar to the frame around top-level widgets. Functions such as show(), hide(), showMaxi-
mized(), and setCaption() work in the same way for child MDI widgets as for ordinary top-level
QWorkspace provides positioning strategies such as cascade and tile. If a child widget
extends outside the MDI area, scroll bars can be set to appear automatically. If a child widget
is maximized, the frame buttons (e.g. Minimize) are shown in the menu bar.

4.3. Dialogs
Most GUI applications use dialog boxes to interact with the user for certain operations. Qt
includes ready-made dialog classes with convenience functions for the most common tasks.
Screenshots of some of Qt’s standard dialogs are presented below. Qt also provides standard
dialogs for color selection and printing options. Dialogs operate in one of three ways:
1. A modal dialog blocks input to the other visible windows in the same application. Users
must close the dialog before they can access any other window in the application.
2. A modeless dialog operates independently of other windows.
3. A semi-modal dialog returns control to the caller immediately. These dialogs behave
like modal dialogs from the user’s point of view, but allow the application to continue
processing. This is particularly useful for progress dialogs.
Modal dialogs are typically used like this:
OptionsDialog dialog( &optionsData );
if ( dialog.exec() ) {
do_something( optionsData );

Programmers can create their own dialogs by subclassing QDialog, which inherits QWidget,
or use any of the standard dialogs provided.
QFileDialog is a sophisticated file selection dialog. It can be used to select single or multiple
local or remote files (e.g. using FTP), and includes functionality such as file renaming and
directory creation. Like most Qt dialogs, QFileDialog is resizable, which makes it easy to view
long file names and large directories. Applications can be set to automatically use the native
file dialog on Windows and Macintosh. QFontDialog is used to select a font.

Figure 13. A QFileDialog and a QFontDialog

QMessageBox is used to provide the user with information or to present the user with simple
choices (e.g. “Yes” and “No”). QProgressDialog displays a progress bar and a Cancel button.

Figure 14. A QMessageBox and a QProgressDialog

QWizard provides a framework for writing wizard dialogs.

Figure 15. A QWizard

4.4. Dock Windows
Dock windows are windows that the user can move inside a toolbar area or from one toolbar
area to another. The user can undock a dock window and make it float on top of the application,
or minimize it. Dock windows and toolbar areas are provided by the QDockWindow and
QDockArea classes.
Qt provides one QDockWindow subclass: QToolBar. QMainWindow automatically
provides four toolbar areas, one on each side of the central widget.
Developers can create custom dock windows by instantiating a QDockWindow object and
by adding widgets to it. The widgets are laid out side by side if the toolbar area is horizontal
(e.g. at the top of the main window) and above each other if the area is vertical (e.g. at the left
of the main window).
Dock areas are not bound to QMainWindow; developers can use QDockArea in any custom
widget. Toolbars and other dock windows can be used with any toolbar area.
Some applications, including Qt Designer [p. 19] and Qt Linguist [p. 36], use dock windows
extensively. QDockArea provides operators to save and restore the position of dock windows,
so that applications can easily restore the user’s preferred positions.

4.5. Settings
User settings and other application settings can easily be stored on disk using the QSettings
class. On Windows, QSettings makes use of the system registry; on other platforms, settings
are stored in text files.
A particular setting is stored using a key. For example, the key /SoftwareInc/
Zoomer/RecentFiles might contain a list of recently used files. Booleans, numbers, Unicode
strings, and lists of Unicode strings can be stored.

4.6. Multithreading
GUI applications often use multiple threads: one thread to keep the user interface responsive,
and one or many other threads to perform time-consuming activities such as reading large
files and performing complex calculations. Qt can be configured to support multithreading,
and provides six threading classes: QThread, QThreadStorage, QMutex, QMutexLocker,
QSemaphore, and QWaitCondition.

Online References
http:/ /

5. Qt Designer
Qt Designer is a visual user-interface design tool and code editor, written in Qt. Appli-
cations can be written entirely as source code, or using Qt Designer to speed up devel-

Designing a form with Qt Designer is a simple process. Developers click a toolbox button
representing the widget they want, then click on a form to place the widget. The widget’s
properties can then be changed using the property editor. The precise positions and sizes of the
widgets do not matter. Developers select widgets and apply layouts to them. For example, some
button widgets could be selected and laid out side by side by choosing the “lay out horizontally”
option. This approach makes design very fast, and the finished forms will scale properly to fit
whatever window size the end-user prefers. See “Layouts” [p. 38] for information about Qt’s
automatic layouts.
Qt Designer eliminates the time-consuming “compile, link, and run” cycle for user interface
design. This makes it easy to correct or change designs. Qt Designer’s preview options let
developers see their forms in other styles; for example, a Macintosh developer can preview a
form in the Windows style. Qt Designer provides live preview and editing of database data
through its tight integration with Qt’s database classes. See “Databases” [p. 30] for more about
Qt’s database support.

Figure 16. Qt Designer

Developers can create both “dialog” style applications and “main window” style applications
with menus, toolbars, balloon help, and other standard features. Several form templates
are supplied, and developers can create their own templates to ensure consistency across
an application or family of applications. Qt Designer uses wizards to make the creation of
toolbars, menus, and database applications as fast and easy as possible. Programmers can
create their own custom widgets that can easily be integrated with Qt Designer.
Qt Designer supports a project-based approach to application development. A project is
represented by a .pro file, which qmake uses to generate makefiles. Developers create a new
project and then add forms and source files as required. Developers can completely separate
the user interface from the underlying functionality by subclassing, or they can keep their
source code and forms together by editing the forms’ source directly in Qt Designer.
Icons and other images used in the application are automatically shared across all forms in a
project to reduce executable size and speed up loading.
Form designs are stored in XML format in .ui files and converted into C++ header and source
files by uic (User Interface Compiler). The qmake build tool automatically includes build rules
for uic in the makefiles it generates, so developers do not need to invoke uic themselves.
Usually forms are compiled into the executable, but in some situations customers need to mod-
ify the appearance of an application without accessing the source code. Qt supports “dynamic
dialogs”: .ui files that can be loaded at run-time and dynamically converted into fully function-
al forms. Companies can supply application executables along with the customer-modifiable
forms in .ui format, and the customer can use Qt Designer to customize the appearance of the
application’s forms. Loading a dynamic dialog is easy:
QDialog *creditForm = (QDialog *)
QWidgetFactory::create( "creditform.ui" );

5.1. Qt Assistant
Qt Designer’s on-line help is provided by the Qt Assistant application. Qt Assistant displays
Qt’s entire documentation set, and works in a similar way to a web browser. But unlike web
browsers, Qt Assistant applies a sophisticated indexing algorithm to provide fast full text
searching of all the documentation it presents.
Qt’s reference documentation consists of around 1,600 HTML pages (over 2,500 printed pages),
which document Qt’s classes and tools, and which include overviews and introductions to
various aspects of Qt programming.
Developers can deploy Qt Assistant as the help browser for their own applications and their
own documentation sets. Qt Assistant integration is achieved using the QAssistantClient
class. Qt Assistant renders Qt’s HTML reference documentation using QTextEdit; developers
can use this class directly to implement their own help browsers if preferred. QTextEdit
supports a subset of HTML 3.2, and can also use custom tags that are created with the
QStyleSheet class.

Figure 17. Qt Assistant

5.2. GUI Application Example

Figure 18. Class hierarchy application

The “Class Hierarchy” application is a classic “dialog” style application where the user chooses
some options, in this case paths, and then carries out some processing based on those options.
The complete code for the application is presented below. The main.cpp file was produced by a
Qt Designer wizard. The form was designed in Qt Designer and stored in a .ui file. The .ui file
is converted into C++ by uic, leaving the developer free to focus on the application’s functional-

The addSearchPath(), removeSearchPath(), and updateHierarchy() functions are all slots.
They have been visually connected to the appropriate buttons using Qt Designer.
void ClassHierarchy::addSearchPath()
QString path = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(
QDir::homeDirPath(), this, 0, "Select a Directory" );
if ( !path.isEmpty() &&
searchPathBox->findItem(path, ExactMatch) == 0 )
searchPathBox->insertItem( path );

void ClassHierarchy::removeSearchPath()
searchPathBox->removeItem( searchPathBox->currentItem() );

void ClassHierarchy::updateHierarchy()
QString fileNameFilter;
QRegExp classDef;

if ( language->currentText() == "C++" ) {
fileNameFilter = "*.h";
"(?:\\{|:\\s*public\\s+([A-Z_a-z0-9]+))" );
} else if ( language->currentText() == "Java" ) {
fileNameFilter = "*.java";
"([A-Z_a-z0-9]+)" );


for ( int i = 0; i < searchPathBox->count(); i++ ) {

QDir dir = searchPathBox->text( i );
QStringList names = dir.entryList( fileNameFilter );

for ( int j = 0; j < names.count(); j++ ) {

QFile file( dir.filePath(names[j]) );
if ( ) {
QString content = file.readAll();
int k = 0;
while ( (k =, k)) != -1 ) {
processClassDef( classDef.cap(1), classDef.cap(2),
names[j] );

void ClassHierarchy::processClassDef( const QString& derived,

const QString& base, const QString& sourceFile )
QListViewItem *derivedItem = insertClass( derived, sourceFile );

if ( !base.isEmpty() ) {
QListViewItem *baseItem = insertClass( base, "" );
if ( derivedItem->parent() == 0 ) {
listView->takeItem( derivedItem );
baseItem->insertItem( derivedItem );
derivedItem->setText( 1, sourceFile );

QListViewItem *ClassHierarchy::insertClass( const QString& name,

const QString& sourceFile )
if ( dict[name] == 0 ) {
QListViewItem *item = new QListViewItem( listView, name,
sourceFile );
item->setOpen( true );
dict.insert( name, item );
return dict[name];

Online References
http:/ /

6. 2D and 3D Graphics
Qt provides excellent support for 2D and 3D graphics. Qt’s 2D graphics classes support
bitmapped and vector graphics. Animation and collision detection are also supported.
Qt can load and save a wide and extensible range of image formats. Qt can draw
Unicode rich text, rotated and sheared as required. Qt is the de-facto standard GUI
toolkit for platform-independent OpenGL programming.

6.1. 2D Graphics

6.1.1. Images

The QImage class supports the input, output, and manipulation of images in several formats,
including BMP, GIF★, JPEG, MNG, PNG, PNM, XBM, and XPM.

If you are in a country that recognizes software patents and where Unisys holds a patent on LZW decompression,
Unisys may require you to license the technology to use GIF. We believe that this patent will have expired world-wide
by the end of 2004.

Many of Qt’s built-in widgets can display images, for example, buttons, labels, menu items, etc.
Here’s how to display an icon on a push button:
QPushButton *button = new QPushButton( "&Find Address", parent );
button->setIconSet( QIconSet(QImage("find.bmp")) );

Figure 19. An icon on a button

QImage supports images with color depths of 1, 8, and 32 bits. Programmers can manipulate
the pixel and palette data, apply transformations (e.g. rotations and shears), and reduce the
color depth with dithering if desired. Applications can store an “alpha channel” in a QImage
along with the color data for their own purposes (e.g. transparency and alpha-blending).
The QMovie class can be used to display animated images.

6.1.2. Painting

The QPainter provides a platform-independent API for painting widgets. It provides

primitives as well as advanced functionality such as transformations and clipping. All Qt’s
built-in widgets paint themselves using QPainter. Programmers invariably use QPainter
when implementing their own custom widgets.
QPainter provides standard functions to draw points, lines, polygons, ellipses, arcs, Bezier
curves, etc. The following command draws a 120 × 60 rectangle whose top-left point is at
(25, 15), with a 2-pixel wide dashed red outline:
painter.setPen( QPen(red, 2, DashLine) );
painter.drawRect( 25, 15, 120, 60 );

By default, the top-left corner of a widget is located at coordinates (0, 0), and the bottom-right
corner is located at (width() − 1, height() − 1). The coordinate system of a QPainter object can
be translated, scaled, rotated, and sheared. The objects to be drawn can be clipped according
to a “window,” and positioned on the widget using a “viewport.”

Figure 20. Qt’s xform example showing rotated text

The code below draws a bar-graph custom widget. It uses a QPainter in the reimplementation
of paintEvent(), with the default coordinate system.
void BarGraph::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * )
QPainter painter( this );

draw_bar( &painter, 0, 39, Qt::DiagCrossPattern );

draw_bar( &painter, 1, 31, Qt::BDiagPattern );
draw_bar( &painter, 2, 44, Qt::FDiagPattern );
draw_bar( &painter, 3, 68, Qt::SolidPattern );

painter.setPen( black );
painter.drawLine( 0, 0, 0, height() - 1 );
painter.drawLine( 0, height() - 1, width() - 1, height() - 1 );

painter.setFont( QFont("Helvetica", 18) );

painter.drawText( rect(), AlignHCenter | AlignTop, "Sales" );

void BarGraph::draw_bar( QPainter *painter, int month, int barHeight,

BrushStyle pattern )
painter->setPen( blue );
painter->setBrush( QBrush(darkGreen, pattern) );
painter->drawRect( 10 + 30 * month, height() - barHeight, 20,
barHeight );

The widget is drawn correctly at different sizes because the code uses the width(), height(), and
rect() functions. The widget produced by this code is shown below.

Figure 21. Custom widget

QPainter supports clipping using a region composed of rectangles, polygons, ellipses, and
bitmaps. Complex regions may be created by uniting, intersecting, subtracting, and XOR’ing
simple regions. Clipping can be used to reduce flicker when repainting.
The QColor class stores a color specified by a RGB or HSV triple, or by a name (e.g. “skyblue”).
Qt programmers can specify any 24-bit color; Qt automatically allocates the requested color in
the system’s palette, or uses a similar color on color-limited displays.

6.1.3. Paint Devices
QPainter can operate on any “paint device.” The code required to paint on any supported
device is the same, regardless of the device. Qt supports the following paint devices:
• A QPixmap is essentially an “off-screen widget.” Graphics can be painted on a QPixmap
first, and then bit-blitted to a QWidget to reduce flicker. This technique is called
“double buffering.”
• A QPicture is a vector image that can be scaled, rotated, and sheared gracefully. The
QPicture class stores an image as a list of paint commands rather than as pixel data. It
supports the SVG (W3C’s Scalable Vector Graphics) XML format for input and output.
• A QPrinter represents a physical printer. On Windows, the paint commands are sent to
the Windows print engine, which uses the installed printer drivers. On Unix, PostScript
is output and sent to the print daemon.
• A QWidget is also a paint device, as shown in the earlier bar-graph example.

6.1.4. Canvas
The QCanvas class provides a high-level interface to 2D graphics. It can handle a very large
number of canvas items that represent lines, rectangles, ellipses, texts, pixmaps, animated
sprites, etc. Canvas items can easily be made interactive.
Canvas items are instances of QCanvasItem subclasses. They are more lightweight than
widgets, and they can be quickly moved, hidden, and shown. QCanvas has efficient support
for collision detection, and can list all the canvas items in a given area. QCanvasItem can be
subclassed to provide custom item types and to extend the functionality of existing types.

Figure 22. The KAsteroids game written with QCanvas

QCanvas objects are rendered by the QCanvasView class. Many QCanvasView objects can
show the same QCanvas, but with different translations, scales, rotations, and shears.
QCanvas is ideal for data visualization. It has been used by customers for drawing road
maps and for presenting network topologies. It is also suitable for fast 2D games with lots of

6.2. 3D Graphics
OpenGL★ is a standard API for rendering 3D graphics. Qt developers can use OpenGL to draw
3D graphics in their GUI applications. This is achieved by subclassing QGLWidget, a QWid-
get subclass, and drawing with standard OpenGL functions rather than with QPainter.
Qt’s OpenGL module is available on Windows, X11, and Macintosh, and uses the system’s
OpenGL library (or Mesa).
Qt developers can set the display format of an OpenGL rendering context: single or double
buffering, depth buffer, RGBA or color index mode, alpha channel, overlays, etc. They can also
set the colormap manually in color index mode.
When using Qt, developers write in pure OpenGL. Qt also provides two convenience functions,
qglClearColor() and qglColor(), that accept a QColor argument and work in any mode.

Figure 23. Brain Innovation’s BrainVoyager application written in Qt and OpenGL

OpenGL is a trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

6.3. A 3D Example
The complete code for an application that draws a 3D box, with sliders to rotate the box around
the X, Y, and Z axes, is presented below.
In box3d.h, Box3D is defined like this:
#include <qgl.h>

class Box3D : public QGLWidget

Box3D( QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 );

public slots:
void setRotationX( int deg ) { rotX = deg; updateGL(); }
void setRotationY( int deg ) { rotY = deg; updateGL(); }
void setRotationZ( int deg ) { rotZ = deg; updateGL(); }

virtual void initializeGL();
virtual void paintGL();
virtual void resizeGL( int w, int h );
virtual GLuint makeObject();

GLuint object;
GLfloat rotX, rotY, rotZ;

Figure 24. An example of Qt’s support for 3D rendering

In box3d.cpp, the functions declared in box3d.h are implemented:

#include "box3d.h"

Box3D::Box3D( QWidget *parent, const char *name )

: QGLWidget( parent, name )
object = 0;
rotX = rotY = rotZ = 0.0;

glDeleteLists( object, 1 );

void Box3D::initializeGL()
qglClearColor( darkBlue );
object = makeObject();
glShadeModel( GL_FLAT );

void Box3D::paintGL()
glTranslatef( 0.0, 0.0, -10.0 );
glRotatef( rotX, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
glRotatef( rotY, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
glRotatef( rotZ, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
glCallList( object );

void Box3D::resizeGL( int w, int h )

glViewport( 0, 0, w, h );
glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
glFrustum( -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 5.0, 15.0 );
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );

GLuint Box3D::makeObject()
GLuint list = glGenLists( 1 );
glNewList( list, GL_COMPILE );
qglColor( yellow );
glLineWidth( 2.0 );

glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP );
glVertex3f( +1.5, +1.0, +0.8 );
glVertex3f( +1.5, +1.0, -0.8 );
/* ... */

return list;

In main.cpp, a Box3D instance and three sliders are created:

#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qslider.h>
#include <qvbox.h>

#include "box3d.h"

void create_slider( QWidget *parent, Box3D *box3d, const char *slot )

QSlider *slider = new QSlider( 0, 360, 60, 0,
QSlider::Horizontal, parent );
slider->setTickmarks( QSlider::Below );
QObject::connect( slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), box3d, slot );

int main( int argc, char **argv )

QApplication::setColorSpec( QApplication::CustomColor );
QApplication app( argc, argv );
if ( !QGLFormat::hasOpenGL() )
qFatal( "This system has no OpenGL support" );

QVBox *parent = new QVBox;

parent->setCaption( "OpenGL Box" );
parent->setMargin( 11 );
parent->setSpacing( 6 );
Box3D *box3d = new Box3D( parent );
create_slider( parent, box3d, SLOT(setRotationX(int)) );
create_slider( parent, box3d, SLOT(setRotationY(int)) );
create_slider( parent, box3d, SLOT(setRotationZ(int)) );

app.setMainWidget( parent );
parent->resize( 250, 250 );
return app.exec();

Online References
http:/ /
http:/ /
http:/ /

7. Databases
The Qt SQL module simplifies the creation of multiplatform GUI database applications.
Programmers can easily execute SQL statements, use database-specific widgets, and
make any widget data-aware.

The Qt SQL module provides a multiplatform interface for accessing SQL databases. Qt
includes native drivers for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase Adaptive Server, IBM DB2,
PostgreSQL, MySQL, Borland Interbase, SQLite, and ODBC. The drivers work on all platforms
supported by Qt and for which client libraries are available. Programs can access multiple
databases using multiple drivers simultaneously.

Programmers can easily execute any SQL statements. Qt also provides a high-level C++ inter-
face that programmers can use to generate the appropriate SQL statements automatically.
Any Qt widget (predefined or custom) can be made data-aware. Qt also includes some database-
specific convenience widgets that simplify the creation of dialogs and windows that present
records as forms or in tables. Data-aware widgets automatically support browsing, updating,
and deleting records. Most database designs require that new records have a unique key that
cannot be guessed by Qt, so insertion usually needs a small amount of code to be written. The
programmer can easily force the user to confirm actions, e.g. deletions.
Qt’s SQL module is fully integrated into Qt Designer, which provides templates and wizards
to make the creation of database forms as quick and easy as possible. The wizards can create
forms with navigation buttons, and with update, insert, and delete buttons.
Using the facilities that the Qt SQL module provides, it is straightforward to create database
applications that use foreign key lookups, present master-detail relationships, and support

7.1. Executing SQL Commands

The QSqlQuery class is used to directly execute any SQL statement. It is also used to navigate
the result sets produced by SELECT statements.
In the example below, a query is executed, and the result set navigated using QSqlQuery::next():

QSqlQuery query( "SELECT id, surname FROM staff" );

while ( ) {
cout << "id: " << query.value( 0 ).toInt()
<< " surname: " << query.value( 1 ).toString() << endl;

Field values are indexed in the order they appear in the SELECT statement. QSqlQuery also
provides the first(), prev(), last(), and seek() navigation functions.
INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are equally simple. Below is an UPDATE example:
QSqlQuery query( "UPDATE staff SET salary = salary * 1.10"
" WHERE id > 1155 AND id < 8155" );
if ( query.isActive() ) {
cout << "Pay rise given to " << query.numRowsAffected()
<< " staff" << endl;

Qt’s SQL module also supports value binding and prepared queries, for example:
QSqlQuery query;
query.prepare( "INSERT INTO staff (id, surname, salary)"
" VALUES (:id, :surname, :salary)"
query.bindValue( ":id", 8120 );
query.bindValue( ":surname", "Bean" );
query.bindValue( ":salary", 29960.5 );

Value binding can be achieved using named binding and named placeholders (as above), or
using positional binding with named or positional placeholders, for example:
QSqlQuery query;
query.prepare( "INSERT INTO staff (id, surname, salary)"
" VALUES (?, ?, ?)"
EmployeeMap::iterator it;
for ( it = employeeMap.begin(); it != employeeMap.end(); ++it ) {
query.addBindValue( );
query.addBindValue( it.key() );
query.addBindValue( );

Qt’s binding syntax works with all supported databases, either using the underlying database
support or by emulation.
For programmers who are not comfortable writing raw SQL, the QSqlCursor class provides a
high-level interface for browsing and editing records in SQL tables or views without the need
to write SQL statements. For example:
QSqlCursor cur( "staff" );
while ( ) {
cout << "id: " << cur.value( "id" ).toInt()
<< " surname: " << cur.value( "surname" ).toString() << endl;

QSqlCursor also supports the ordering and filtering that are achieved using the ORDER BY and
WHERE clauses in SQL statements.

Calculated fields are useful both for real calculations (e.g. calculating totals) and for performing
foreign key lookups (e.g. to display names rather than codes). Calculated fields can be created
by subclassing QSqlCursor, adding additional QSqlFields with their calculated property set
to true, and by reimplementing QSqlCursor::calculateField().
Database drivers usually supply data as strings, regardless of the actual datatype. Qt handles
such data seamlessly using the QVariant class. Database drivers can be asked about the
features they support, including query-size reporting and transactions. The transaction(),
commit(), and rollback() functions can be used if the database supports transactions.

7.2. Data-Aware Widgets

QDataTable is a QTable that displays records from a result set using a QSqlCursor.
QDataTable, like QTable, supports in-place editing. Programmers can force users to confirm
all or selected changes (e.g. deletions) by setting QDataTable’s confirmation properties. The
editor widget chosen for each type of data depends on the data type. For example, a QLineEdit
is used for CHAR fields, whereas a QSpinBox is used for INTEGER fields. The programmer can
override the defaults by creating a property map for the table, which matches fields (columns)
to the editor widget type the programmer prefers.
Records can be updated and deleted without writing any code. Insertions require some code
since most database designs expect new records to be created with a unique key. This can

easily be achieved by generating the key in a slot connected to the QDataTable::beforeInsert()

Figure 25. A QDataTable and a QDataBrowser

QDataTable uses intelligent buffering to make the loading of large result sets fast, while
keeping the user interface responsive. For databases that are capable of reporting query sizes,
the scroll bar slider is displayed proportionally immediately.
Qt also includes QDataBrowser and QDataView to display records as forms, typically with
one or perhaps a few records shown at a time. These classes provide buttons with ready-made
connections for navigating through the records. QDataView is used for read-only data.
QDataBrowser is used for editing, and can provide ready-made insert, update, and delete
QDataTable and QDataBrowser have both a popup context menu and keyboard shortcuts
for editing records.
Programmers can manipulate data retrieved from the database before it is displayed by
implementing a slot and connecting it to the primeInsert() and primeUpdate() signals. Data
can also be manipulated or actions logged just before changes are written back to the database;
for example, converting a foreign key’s display text into its ID by implementing a slot connected
to beforeInsert(), beforeUpdate(), and beforeDelete().
Developers can create their own forms for displaying database records. Unlike older toolkits
that duplicate their widgets with data-aware versions, Qt widgets (including custom widgets)
can be made data-aware. All that is necessary is to include the widget in a QSqlForm and set
up a property map to relate the relevant database field to the widget that will present and edit
the field’s data.
Master-detail relationships are easily set up by filtering the detail form or table’s cursor by
the master form or table’s current record. Drill-down is also easy to achieve by associating
a button, menu item, or keyboard shortcut with a drill-down form that is invoked with the
current record’s key as a parameter.
Qt’s SQL module is fully integrated with Qt Designer. Qt Designer can preview database forms
and tables using live data if desired, allowing developers to browse, delete, and update records.
Qt Designer has templates and wizards to make creating database forms fast and simple.

Online References
http:/ /

8. Internationalization
Qt fully supports Unicode, the international standard character set. Programmers can
freely mix Arabic, English, Hebrew, Japanese, Russian, and other languages supported
by Unicode in their applications. Qt also includes tools to support application transla-
tion to help companies reach international markets.

Qt includes tools to facilitate the translation process. Programmers can easily mark user-visible
text that needs translation, and a tool extracts this text from the source code. Qt Linguist is an
easy-to-use GUI application that reads the extracted source texts, and provides the texts with
context information ready for translation. When the translation is complete, Qt Linguist out-
puts a translation file for use by application programs. Qt Linguist’s documentation provides
the relevant information for release managers, translators, and programmers.

8.1. Unicode
Qt uses the QString class to store Unicode strings, and uses it both throughout the API and
internally. QString replaces const char * pointers and std::string, and the 16-bit QChar
class replaces char. Constructors and operators are provided to automatically convert to and
from 8-bit strings. Programmers can copy QStrings by value, since they are implicitly shared
(copy on write) [p. 45], which makes them fast and memory efficient.
QString is more than a 16-bit character string. Functions such as QChar::lower() and
QChar::isPunct() replace tolower() and ispunct() and work over the whole Unicode range. Qt’s
regular expression engine, provided by the QRegExp class, uses Unicode strings both for the
regular expression pattern and the target string.
Qt’s locale support enables number-to-string and string-to-number conversions to be adapted
to suit the user’s geographical location and language preferences. For example:
QLocale iranian( QLocale::Persian, QLocale::Iran );
QString s1 = iranian.toString( 195 ); // s1 == " "
int n = iranian.toInt( s1 ); // n == 195

QLocale norwegian( QLocale::Norwegian, QLocale::Norway );

QString s2 = norwegian.toString( 3.14 ); // s2 == "3,14" (comma)
double d = norwegian.toDouble( s2 ); // d == 3.14

Conversion to and from different encodings and charsets is handled by QTextCodec subclass-
es. Qt uses QTextCodec for fonts, I/O, and input methods; programmers can use it for their
own purposes as well.
Qt 3.3 supports 38 different encodings, including Big5 and GBK for Chinese, EUC-
JP, JIS, and Shift-JIS for Japanese, KOI8-R for Russian, and the ISO 8859 series; see
http:/ / for the complete list. Programmers can add their
own encodings by providing a charmap or by subclassing QTextCodec.

8.2. Text Entry and Rendering
Far-Eastern writing systems require many more characters than are available on a keyboard.
The conversion from a sequence of key presses to actual characters is performed at the window-
system level by software called “input methods.” Qt automatically supports the installed input
Qt provides a powerful text-rendering engine for all text that is displayed on screen, from
the simplest label to the most sophisticated rich-text editor. The engine supports advanced
features such as special line breaking behavior, bidirectional writing, and diacritical marks.
It renders most of the world’s writing systems, including Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, English,
Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Latin, and Vietnamese. Qt will automatically combine the
installed fonts to render multi-language text.

8.3. Translating Applications

Qt provides tools and functions to help developers provide applications in their customers’
native languages.
To make a string translatable, simply wrap it in a call to tr() (read “translate”):
saveButton->setText( tr("Save") );

tr() attempts to replace a string literal (e.g. "Save") with a translation if one is available;
otherwise it uses the original text. English can be used as the source language and Chinese as
the translated language, or vice versa. The argument to tr() is converted to Unicode from the
application’s default encoding.
tr()’s general syntax is
Context::tr("source text", "comment")

The “context” is the name of a QObject subclass. It is usually omitted, in which case the
class containing the tr() call is used as the context. The “source text” is the text to translate.
The “comment” is optional; along with the context, it provides additional information to
human translators.
Translations are stored in QTranslator objects, which use disk-based .qm files (Qt Message
files). Each .qm file contains the translations for a particular language. The language can be
chosen at run-time, in accordance with the locale or user preferences.
Qt provides three tools for preparing .qm files: lupdate, Qt Linguist, and lrelease.
1. lupdate extracts a series of items, each containing a context, some source text, and a
comment from the source code (including Qt Designer .ui files), then generates a .ts file
(Translation Source file). These files are in human-readable XML format.
2. Translators use Qt Linguist to provide translations for the source texts in the .ts files.
3. Highly compressed .qm files are generated by running lrelease on the .ts files.
These steps are repeated as often as necessary during the lifetime of an application. It is
perfectly safe to run lupdate frequently, as it reuses existing translations and marks transla-
tions for obsolete source texts without eliminating them. lupdate also detects slight changes

in source texts and automatically suggests appropriate translations. These translations are
marked as unfinished so that a translator can easily check them.
Qt itself contains about 400 user-visible strings, for which Trolltech provides French and
German translations.

8.4. Qt Linguist
Qt Linguist is a Qt application that helps translators translate Qt applications.

Figure 26. Qt Linguist

Translators can edit .ts files conveniently using Qt Linguist. The .ts file’s contexts are list-
ed in the left-hand side of the application’s window. The list of source texts for the current
context is displayed in the top-right area, along with translations. By selecting a source text,
the translator can enter a translation, mark it done or unfinished, and proceed to the next
unfinished translation. Keyboard shortcuts are provided for all the common navigation op-
tions: Done & Next, Next Unfinished, etc. The user interface’s dockable windows can be reorganized
to suit the translators’ preferences.
Applications often use the same phrases many times in different source texts. Qt Linguist au-
tomatically displays intelligent guesses based on previously translated strings and predefined
translations at the bottom of the window. Guesses often serve as a good starting point that
helps translators translate similar texts consistently. Qt Linguist can optionally validate trans-
lations to ensure that accelerators and ending punctuation are translated correctly.

Online References
http:/ / .html
http:/ /
http:/ /

9. Styles and Themes
Qt automatically uses the native style for look and feel. Qt applications respect user
preferences for colors, fonts, sounds, etc. Qt programmers are free to use any of the
supplied styles and can override any preferences. Programmers can modify existing
styles or implement their own styles using Qt’s powerful style engine.

A style implements the “look and feel” of the user interface on a particular platform. A style
is a QStyle subclass that implements basic drawing functions such as “draw a frame,” “draw
a button,” etc. Qt performs all the widget drawing itself for maximum speed and flexibility.

9.1. Built-in Styles

Qt provides the following built-in styles: Windows, Windows XP, Motif, MotifPlus, CDE,
Platinum, SGI, and Mac. By default, Qt uses the appropriate style for the user’s platform
and desktop environment. The style can also be chosen programmatically, or with the -style
command-line option.

Figure 27. Comboboxes in the different built-in styles

A style is complemented by a theme, which encapsulates the user’s preferences for colors, fonts,
sounds, etc. Qt automatically adapts to the computer’s active theme. For example, Qt supports
scroll and fade transition effects for menus and tooltips on Windows.
The Windows XP and Mac styles are built on top of the native style managers, and are avail-
able only on their native platform. The other styles are emulated by Qt and are available ev-

9.2. Style-Aware Widgets

Qt’s built-in widgets are style-aware. Custom widgets and dialogs are almost always combina-
tions of built-in widgets and layouts, and are automatically style-aware. On the rare occasions
that it is necessary to write a custom widget from scratch, developers can use QStyle to draw
primitive user-interface elements rather than drawing raw rectangles directly.

9.3. Custom Styles

Custom styles are used to provide a distinct look to an application or family of applications.
Custom styles can be defined by subclassing QStyle, QCommonStyle, or any other descen-
dent of QCommonStyle. It is easy to make small modifications to existing styles by reimple-
menting one or two virtual functions from the appropriate base class.



QMotifStyle QWindowsStyle

QCDEStyle QMacStyle

QMotifPlusStyle QPlatinumStyle

QSGIStyle QWindowsXPStyle

Figure 28. The full QStyle class hierarchy

An application’s style can be set like this:

QApplication::setStyle( new MyCustomStyle );

A style can also be compiled as a plugin [p. 47]. Plugins make it possible to preview a form in a
custom style in Qt Designer without recompiling Qt or Qt Designer. The style of an existing Qt
application can be changed using a style plugin without recompiling the application.

Online References
http:/ /

10. Layouts
Layouts provide a powerful and flexible alternative to using fixed sizes and positions.
Layouts free programmers from having to perform size and position calculations, and
provide automatic scaling to suit the user’s screen, language, and fonts.

Qt provides layout managers for organizing child widgets within the parent widget’s area.
They feature automatic positioning and resizing of child widgets, sensible minimum and
default sizes for top-level widgets, and automatic repositioning when the contents or the font
changes. Qt Designer is optimized for laying out widgets using layout managers.

Figure 29. English, French, and French with layouts

Layouts are also useful for internationalization. With fixed sizes and positions, the translation
text is often truncated; with layouts, the child widgets are automatically resized.

10.1. Built-in Layout Managers
Qt’s built-in layout managers are QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, and QGridLayout.
QHBoxLayout organizes the managed widgets in a single horizontal row from left to right.
QVBoxLayout organizes the managed widgets in a single vertical column from top to bottom.
QGridLayout organizes the managed widgets in a grid of cells; widgets may span multiple
In most cases, Qt’s layout managers pick optimal sizes for managed widgets so that windows
resize smoothly. If the defaults are insufficient, developers can refine the layout using the
following mechanisms:
1. Setting a minimum size, a maximum size, or a fixed size for some child widgets.
2. Adding stretch items or spacer items. Stretch or spacer items fill empty space in a layout.
3. Changing the size policies of the child widgets. By calling QWidget::setSizePolicy(),
programmers can fine tune the resize behavior of a child widget. Child widgets can be set
to expand, contract, keep the same size, etc.
4. Changing the child widgets’ size hints. QWidget::sizeHint() and QWidget::minimumSize-
Hint() return a widget’s preferred size and preferred minimum size based on the contents.
Built-in widgets provide appropriate reimplementations.
5. Setting stretch factors. Stretch factors allow relative growth of child widgets, e.g. two
thirds of any extra space made available should be allocated to widget A and one third to
widget B.
The “spacing” between managed widgets and the “margin” around the whole layout can also be
set by the programmer. By default, Qt Designer sets industry-standard values according to the

Figure 30. QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, and QGridLayout

Layouts can also run right-to-left and bottom-to-top. Right-to-left layouts are convenient for
internationalized applications supporting right-to-left languages (e.g. Arabic and Hebrew).

10.2. Nested Layouts

Layouts can be nested to arbitrary levels. Here’s an example of a dialog box, shown at two
different sizes:

Figure 31. Small dialog and large dialog

The dialog uses three layouts: a QVBoxLayout that groups the push buttons, a QHBoxLay-
out that groups the country listbox with the push buttons, and a QVBoxLayout that groups
the “Select a country” label with the rest of the widget. A stretch item maintains the gap be-
tween the Cancel and Help buttons.
The dialog’s widgets and layouts are created with the following code:
QVBoxLayout *buttonBox = new QVBoxLayout( 6 );
buttonBox->addWidget( new QPushButton("OK", this) );
buttonBox->addWidget( new QPushButton("Cancel", this) );
buttonBox->addStretch( 1 );
buttonBox->addWidget( new QPushButton("Help", this) );

QListBox *countryList = new QListBox( this );

countryList->insertItem( "Canada" );
/* ... */
countryList->insertItem( "United States of America" );

QHBoxLayout *middleBox = new QHBoxLayout( 11 );

middleBox->addWidget( countryList );
middleBox->addLayout( buttonBox );

QVBoxLayout *topLevelBox = new QVBoxLayout( this, 6, 11 );

topLevelBox->addWidget( new QLabel("Select a country", this) );
topLevelBox->addLayout( middleBox );

Qt makes layouts so easy that programmers rarely use fixed positioning.

Figure 32. Laying out a form in Qt Designer

Qt Designer makes layouts even easier. With only 17 mouse clicks, you can create and lay out
the widgets for the dialog shown above.

10.3. Custom Layouts

Developers can define custom layout managers by subclassing QLayout. The customlayout
example provided with Qt presents three custom layout managers, BorderLayout, CardLayout,
and SimpleFlow, which programmers can use and modify.
Qt also includes QSplitter, a splitter bar that end users can manipulate. In some design
situations, QSplitter may be preferable to a layout manager.
For complete control, it is also possible to perform layout manually in a widget by reimplement-
ing QWidget::resizeEvent() and by calling QWidget::setGeometry() on each child widget.

Online References
http:/ /
http:/ /

11. Events
Application objects receive system messages as Qt events. Applications can monitor,
filter, and respond to events at different levels of granularity.

In Qt, an event is an object that inherits QEvent. Events are delivered to QObject objects so
that they can respond to them. Programmers can monitor and filter events at the application
level and at the object level.

11.1. Event Creation

Most events are generated by the window system and inform widgets, for example, that a key
was pressed, that a mouse button was clicked, or that the application window was resized. It is
also possible to send simulated events to objects programmatically. There are over fifty types
of event, of which the most commonly used are MouseButtonPress, MouseButtonRelease,
MouseButtonDblClick, Wheel, KeyPress, KeyRelease, Paint, Resize, and Close. Developers
can add their own event types that behave like the built-in types.
It is usually insufficient merely to know that a key was pressed, or that a mouse button was
released. The receiver also needs to know, for example, which key was pressed, which button
was released, and where the mouse was located. This additional information is available from
QEvent subclasses, such as QMouseEvent, QKeyEvent, QPaintEvent, QResizeEvent,
and QCloseEvent.

11.2. Event Delivery
Qt delivers events by calling the virtual function QObject::event(). For convenience, QWid-
get::event() forwards the most common types of event to dedicated handlers, such as QWid-
get::mouseReleaseEvent() and QWidget::keyPressEvent(). Developers can easily reimplement
these handlers when writing their own widgets, or when specializing existing widgets.
Some events are sent immediately, while others are queued, ready to be dispatched when
control returns to the Qt kernel. Qt uses queueing to optimize certain types of events. For
example, multiple paint events are compressed into a single event to minimize flicker and
maximize speed.
Often an object needs to look at another object’s events, e.g. to respond to them or to block
them. This is achieved by having a monitoring object call QObject::installEventFilter() on the
object that it will monitor. The monitor’s QObject::eventFilter() virtual function will be called
with each event that is destined for the monitored object before the monitored object receives
the event.
It’s also possible to filter all the application’s events by installing a filter on qApp, the unique
QApplication instance. Such filters are called before any widget-specific filters. It is even
possible to reimplement QApplication::notify(), the event dispatcher, for complete control.

Online References
http:/ /
http:/ /

12. Input/Output and Networking

Qt can load and save data in plain text, XML, and binary format. Qt handles local files
using its own classes,and remote files using the FTP and HTTP protocols. Inter-process
communication and socket-based TCP and UDP networking are also fully supported.

12.1. File I/O

Qt provides classes to perform advanced I/O on multiple platforms. The QTextStream
class has a similar interface to the standard <iostream> classes, and supports the encodings
provided by QTextCodec. The QDataStream class is used to serialize the basic C++ types
and many Qt types in a platform-independent binary format. For example, the following code
writes a Unicode string, a font, and a color to the file splash.dat:
QFile file( "splash.dat" );
if ( ) {
QDataStream out( &file );
out << QString( "SplashWidgetStyle" )
<< QFont( "Times", 18, QFont::Bold )

<< QColor( "skyblue" );

The data can easily be retrieved and used, for example:

QString str;
QFont font;
QColor color;

QFile file( "splash.dat" );

if ( ) {
QDataStream in( &file );
in >> str >> font >> color;

if ( str == "SplashWidgetStyle" ) {
splashWidget->setFont( font );
splashWidget->setColor( color );

QTextStream and QDataStream operate on any QIODevice subclass. Qt includes the

QFile, QBuffer, QSocket, and QSocketDevice subclasses, and programmers can implement
their own custom devices. QIODevice also provides low-level functions such as readLine() and
writeBlock() that can be used independently of any stream.
Directories are read and traversed using QDir. QDir can be used to manipulate path names
and access the underlying file system (e.g. create a directory or delete a file). QFileInfo
provides more detailed information about a file, such as its size, permissions, creation time, last
modification time, etc.
The following example lists the hidden files in the user’s home directory along with their size,
in decreasing size order:
QDir dir = QDir::home();
dir.setFilter( QDir::Files | QDir::Hidden );
dir.setSorting( QDir::Size | QDir::Reversed );
QStringList names = dir.entryList();

for ( int i = 0; i < names.count(); i++ ) {

QFileInfo info( dir, names[i] );
cout << names[i].latin1() << " " << info.size() << endl;

Transparent access to remote files is provided by QUrlOperator. In addition to local file

system access, Qt supports the FTP and HTTP protocols and can be extended to support other
protocols. For example, files can be downloaded using FTP like this:
QUrlOperator op;
op.copy( "", "file:/tmp" );

URLs can easily be parsed and recomposed using QUrl.

Image files are usually read by creating a QImage with the file name as argument. Printing
text and images is handled by QPainter. These classes are described in “2D Graphics”
[p. 23].

12.2. XML
Qt’s XML module provides a SAX parser and a DOM parser, both of which read well-formed
XML and are non-validating. The SAX (Simple API for XML) implementation follows the de-
sign of the SAX2 Java implementation, with adapted naming conventions. The DOM (Doc-
ument Object Model) Level 2 implementation follows the W3C recommendation and includes
namespace support.
Many Qt applications use XML format to store their persistent data. The SAX parser is used
for reading data incrementally, and is especially suitable both for applications with simple
parsing requirements and for those involving very large files. The DOM parser reads the entire
file into a tree structure in memory that can be traversed at will.

12.3. Inter-Process Communication

The QProcess class is used to start external programs and to communicate with them from
a Qt application in a platform-independent way. Communication is achieved by writing to
the external program’s standard input and potentially by reading its standard output and
standard error.
QProcess works asynchronously, reporting the availability of data by emitting signals. Qt
applications can connect to the signals to retrieve and process the data, and optionally respond
by sending data back to the external program.

12.4. Networking
Qt provides a multiplatform interface for writing TCP/IP clients and servers, supporting IPv4
and IPv6.
The QSocket class provides an asynchronous buffered TCP connection. QSocket is a
QIODevice, making it easy to use QTextStream and QDataStream on a socket.
QSocket is designed to work well within a GUI application. A live currency converter
application illustrates this.

Figure 33. Live currency converter

The application uses the fictional protocol CCP (Currency Conversion Protocol) to access the
latest exchange rates from a server. Only lines related to networking are presented.
socket = new QSocket( this );

connect( socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()),
this, SLOT(updateTargetAmount()) );

The socket is created in the Converter constructor. Socket communication is asynchronous,

and the socket emits the readyRead() signal when there is data available to read.
void Converter::convert()
QString command = "CONV " + sourceAmount->text() + " " +
sourceCurrency->currentText() + " " +
targetCurrency->currentText() + "\r\n";
socket->connectToHost( "", 123 );
socket->writeBlock( command.latin1(), command.length() );

The convert() slot is called when the user clicks the Convert button. It opens the connection and
sends a CONV request (e.g. CONV 100 EUR USD) to port 123 on the server
QSocket automatically uses QDns to resolve to its IP address. All
these operations are non-blocking to keep the user interface responsive.
void Converter::updateTargetAmount()
if ( socket->canReadLine() ) {
targetAmount->setText( socket->readLine() );

The updateTargetAmount() function is called when the server replies to the CONV request. It
reads the reply, updates the display, and closes the connection.
Simple TCP servers can be implemented by subclassing QServerSocket, which works asyn-
chronously like QSocket. QServerSocket sets up a listening socket that accepts incoming
connections, and calls a virtual function to serve the client.
The QSocketDevice class provides a platform-independent wrapper for the native socket
APIs. It provides the underlying functionality for QSocket and QServerSocket, and can be
used for UDP.
Online References
http:/ /
http:/ /

13. Collection Classes

Collection classes are used to store groups of items in memory. Qt provides a set of
classes that are compatible with the Standard Template Library (STL), and that work
regardless of whether the compiler supports STL or not.

Applications often need to manage items in memory, for example, groups of images, widgets, or
custom objects. Many C++ compilers support the STL, which provides ready-made data struc-

tures for storing items. Qt provides lists, stacks, queues, and dictionaries with STL-syntax. Qt’s
collection classes work with both STL and non-STL compilers.
Qt’s rich set of portable collection classes (“containers”) and associated iterators are heavily
used internally, and are provided as part of the Qt API. Qt’s containers are optimized for
speed and memory efficiency using two techniques: “private classes” and “implicit sharing.”
Programmers can also use STL containers on the platforms that support them, at the cost of
losing Qt’s optimizations.
Template classes usually increase the size of executables dramatically, because the compiler
generates essentially the same code for each specialized type. Qt’s template collection classes
reduce code bloat because they are a thin layer over non-template private classes.

13.1. Value-Based Collections

Qt provides five value-based collection classes: QMap<Key,T>, QValueList<T>, QValue-
Stack<T>, QValueVector<T>, and QStringList. They have an interface very similar to the
STL containers and are fully compatible with the STL algorithms. Qt provides some STL-
equivalent algorithms: qCopy(), qFind(), qHeapSort(), etc. On platforms with STL support, Qt
provides automatic conversion operators between STL and Qt containers.
Qt’s value-based collection classes are implicitly shared (“copy on write”). Copies of instances
of these classes share the same data in memory. The data sharing is handled automatically;
if the application modifies the contents of one of the copied objects, a deep copy of the data is
made so that the other objects are left unchanged. When an object is copied, only a pointer is
passed and a reference count incremented, which is much faster than actually copying the data
and also saves memory.
Sharing is used wherever it makes sense: in Qt’s value-based collection classes, and in
QBitmap, QBrush, QCursor, QFont, QIconSet, QPalette, QPen, QPicture, QPixmap,
QRegion, QRegExp, QString, etc. Programmers can safely and efficiently copy objects of
these classes by value, avoiding the risks related to using pointers and hand optimization. In
particular, the implicitly shared QString class makes string processing easy and fast.
Qt also provides the low-level QMemArray<T> class with its subclasses QBitArray,
QByteArray, and QPointArray. These classes are very efficient for handling basic “plain old
data” types.

13.2. Pointer-Based Collections

Qt provides many low-level, generic, pointer-based collection classes: QDict<Key,T>, QP-
trList<T>, QPtrQueue<T>, QPtrStack<T>, QPtrVector<T>, and QCache<T>. These
classes store pointers rather than values. They are especially useful for storing pointers to
QWidgets and QObjects. The pointer-based collection classes can optionally take ownership
of the objects they contain and automatically delete them when the collection is destroyed.

Online References
http:/ /
http:/ /
http:/ /

14. Plugins and Dynamic Libraries

Qt can access functions from dynamic libraries platform-independently. Qt also sup-
ports plugins, which allow developers to create and distribute codecs, database drivers,
image format converters, styles, and custom widgets as independent components.

14.1. Plugins
Converting a Qt codec, database driver, image format converter, style, or custom widget into a
plugin is achieved by subclassing the appropriate plugin base class, implementing a few simple
functions, and adding a macro.
For example, if a developer has created a QStyle subclass called CopperStyle that they want
to make available as a plugin, they would create a subclass like this:
class CopperStylePlugin : public QStylePlugin
CopperStylePlugin() { }
~CopperStylePlugin() { }

QStringList keys() const {

return QStringList() << "CopperStyle";

QStyle *create( const QString& key ) {

if ( key == "CopperStyle" )
return new CopperStyle;
return 0;

Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN( CopperStylePlugin )

The new style can be set like this:

QApplication::setStyle( QStyleFactory::create("CopperStyle") );

Database drivers, codecs, custom widgets, and image formats that are supplied as plugins are
detected and used by the application automatically.
Companies already provide Qt components in source form, as precompiled dynamic libraries,
or as plugins.

Figure 34. One of Klarälvdalens Datakonsult’s many commercial components

Online References
http:/ /

14.2. Dynamic Libraries

The QLibrary class provides multiplatform dynamic library loading, a more powerful
mechanism than the more restrictive build-time linking.
Below is an example of the most basic way to dynamically load and use a library. The example
attempts to obtain a pointer to the print_str symbol from the mylib library (mylib.dll on
Windows, on Unix).
typedef void (StrFunc)( const char *str );

QLibrary lib( "mylib" );

StrFunc *func = (StrFunc *) lib.resolve( "print_str" );
if ( func )
func( "Hello world!" );

Calling a function this way is not type-safe, and only symbols with C linkage are supported
(due to C++ name mangling).

15. Platform Specific Extensions

In addition to being complete in itself, Qt provides some platform-specific extensions to
assist developers in certain contexts. The ActiveQt extension allows developers to use
ActiveX controls within their Qt applications, and also allows them to make their Qt
applications into ActiveX servers. The Motif extension helps developers migrate to Qt
by supporting Qt and Motif coexistence.

In addition to the ActiveQt and Qt/Motif extensions outlined below, there are additional
extensions available from third party suppliers. For example, there is Tq from froglogic which
provides Tcl/Tk integration, and a Microsoft Windows resource converter is available from
Klarälvdalens Datakonsult.

15.1. ActiveQt
ActiveX is built on Microsoft’s COM technology. It allows applications and libraries to use
components provided by component servers, and to be component servers in their own right.
Qt/Windows’s ActiveQt module allows developers to make their applications into ActiveX
servers, and to make use of the ActiveX controls provided by other applications.
Integration with Microsoft’s .NET technology is also possible with ActiveQt. Applications can
use ActiveQt’s COM support to automatically give .NET developers access to Qt widgets and
data types.
ActiveQt seamlessly integrates ActiveX into Qt: ActiveX properties, methods, and events
become Qt properties, slots, and signals. This makes it straightforward for Qt developers to
work with ActiveX using a familiar programming paradigm, and insulates them from all the
different kinds of generated code that is normally part of an ActiveX implementation.
Here’s how to register Internet Explorer for use as an ActiveX component:
#define CLSID_InternetExplorer "{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2}"

QAxWidget *activeX = new QAxWidget( this );

activeX->setControl( CLSID_InternetExplorer );

If we want to track the user’s use of the component, we could watch how its title changes:
connect( activeX, SIGNAL(TitleChange(const QString&)),
this, SLOT(setTitle(const QString&)) );

ActiveQt automatically handles the conversions between ActiveX and Qt data types. ActiveQt
supports the dynamicCall() function to control an ActiveX component, and also the lower-level
IDispatch interface.
activeX->dynamicCall( "Navigate(const QString&)",
"" );

Making a Qt application into an ActiveX server is simple. If we only need to export a single
class, little more is required than the inclusion of the qaxfactory.h header and writing the
QAXFACTORY_DEFAULT macro. Once the class is compiled, its properties, slots, and signals
become ActiveX properties, methods, and events to ActiveX clients. ActiveQt also provides
the QAxFactory::isServer() function that can be called to determine if the application is being
run in its own right or being used as an ActiveX control, so that developers can control which
functionality is available in which context.

15.2. Motif
Many large Unix applications have been written using Motif, a toolkit that is no longer
being developed. Migrating an entire Motif application is a major task, and like any large
development effort, has significant risks. Trolltech’s solution for customers who are locked in
to Motif is the Qt/Motif extension.
The Qt/Motif extension enables developers to migrate their Motif applications piece by piece,
as part of routine maintenance and development. This minimizes the resources required for
migration, and also minimizes the risks. This migration can be achieved because the Qt/Motif

module supports a mixed-code environment. Developers can continue to use the Motif event
loop if they wish, or switch to Qt’s event loop. Modality, timers, and socket notifiers all work
correctly in the mixed-code environment. For example, when a dialog requires maintenance,
it can be replaced by a Qt dialog that will probably be easier and faster to create and maintain
using Qt Designer [p. 19].

Online References
http:/ /
http:/ /
http:/ /
http:/ /

16. Qt’s Architecture

Qt’s functionality is built on the low-level APIs of the platforms it supports. This makes
Qt flexible and efficient.

Qt is an “emulating” multiplatform toolkit. All widgets are drawn by Qt, and programmers
can extend or customize them by reimplementing virtual functions. Qt’s widgets accurately
emulate the look and feel of the supported platforms, as described in “Styles and Themes”
[p. 37]. This technique also enables developers to derive their own custom styles to provide a
distinct look for their applications.

Qt Application Source Code

Qt/Windows Qt/X11 Qt/Macintosh Qt/Embedded
GDI Xlib Carbon
MS-Windows Unix/Linux Mac OS X Embedded Linux

Figure 35. Qt’s Architecture

Qt uses the low-level APIs of the different platforms it supports. This differs from traditional
“layered” multiplatform toolkits that are thin wrappers over single-platform toolkits (e.g. MFC
on Windows and Motif on X11). Layered toolkits are usually slow, since every function call to
the library results in many additional calls down through the different API layers. Layered
toolkits are limited by the inflexibilities of the underlying toolkits, and usually behave slightly
differently on the different platforms they support, leading to obscure bugs in applications.
Qt is professionally supported, and takes advantage of the available platforms: Microsoft
Windows, X11, Mac OS X, and Embedded Linux. Using a single source tree, a Qt application
can be converted into an executable simply by recompiling on the target platforms. Although
Qt is a multiplatform toolkit, customers have found it to be easier to learn and more productive
than platform-specific toolkits. Many customers use Qt for single-platform development,
preferring Qt’s fully object-oriented approach.

16.1. Microsoft Windows
Qt/Windows uses the Win32 API and GDI for events and drawing primitives. Qt does not use
MFC or any other toolkit. In particular, Qt does not use the inflexible “common controls,” but
rather provides its own more powerful, customizable widgets. (For non-specialized uses, Qt
uses the native Windows file and print dialogs.)
With Qt, the same executable works on Windows 95, 98, NT4, ME, 2000, and XP. Qt performs
a run-time check for the Windows version, and uses the most advanced capabilities available.
For example, only Windows NT4, 2000, and XP support rotated text natively; Qt renders
rotated text on all Windows versions, and uses the native support where available. As this
example demonstrates, Qt developers are insulated from differences in the Windows APIs.
Qt supports the Microsoft accessibility interfaces. Unlike Windows’s common controls, Qt
widgets can be extended without losing the accessibility information of the base widget.
Custom widgets can also provide accessibility.
Qt also supports multiple screens on Microsoft Windows.
Qt/Windows customers create Qt applications using Microsoft Visual C++ and Borland C++.

16.2. X11
Qt/X11 uses Xlib to communicate with the X server directly. Qt does not use Xt (X Toolkit),
Motif, Athena, or any other toolkit.
Qt applications automatically adapt to the user’s window manager or desktop environment,
and have a native look and feel under Motif, SGI, CDE, GNOME, and KDE. This contrasts with
most other Unix toolkits, which lock users into their own look and feel.
Qt provides full Unicode support [p. 34]. Qt applications automatically support both Unicode
and non-Unicode fonts. Qt combines multiple X fonts to render multi-lingual text. Qt’s font
handling is intelligent enough to search all the installed fonts for characters unavailable in the
current font.
Qt takes advantage of X extensions where they are available. Qt supports the RENDER
extension for anti-aliased fonts and alpha-blending. Qt provides on-the-spot editing for X
Input Methods. Qt supports multiple screens both with traditional multi-head and with
Qt supports the following versions of Unix: AIX, BSDI, FreeBSD, HP-UX, Irix, Linux, NetBSD,
OpenBSD, Solaris, Tru64, and UnixWare. See http:/ / platforms/
for an up-to-date list of supported compilers and operating system versions.

16.3. Mac OS X
Since version 3.0, Qt supports Mac OS X using the Carbon API. Qt/Mac creates a new market
for customers who sell Qt applications.
Qt introduces layouts and straightforward internationalization support to the Macintosh.
Qt handles files and asynchronous socket input/output in the event loop. Qt provides solid

database support. Developers can create Macintosh applications using a modern object-orient-
ed API that includes comprehensive documentation and full source code.
Macintosh developers can create applications on their favorite platform and broaden their
market hugely simply by recompiling on, for example, Windows.
Qt/Mac also brings some technical benefits to Macintosh development, for example, standard
OpenGL, straightforward internationalization, and powerful visual design with Qt Designer.

16.4. Embedded Linux

Qt/Embedded provides its own windowing environment, and writes directly to the Linux frame
buffer. Qt/Embedded eliminates the need for an X server, and runs faster and with a lower
memory footprint than X11-based embedded Linux devices.
Qt/Embedded uses alpha-blending when painting images, and when rendering anti-aliased
TrueType and Type1 fonts. Trolltech also offers a complete environment for embedded devices,
called Qtopia. The Qtopia environment includes a program launcher, a suite of applications,
and libraries to support application development. It also has flexible input handling, including
hand-writing recognition, a pickboard, and a virtual keyboard; it is easy to write new input
methods. Qtopia is the standard environment used by Sharp’s Zaurus PDAs. By selectively
choosing features, the memory demands of Qt/Embedded can be tuned to between 800 KB and
3 MB in ROM.
See the Qt/Embedded whitepaper for a complete technical overview.

17. Qt’s Development World

Companies and developers from around the world are joining the Qt development community
every day. They have recognized that Qt’s architecture lends itself to rapid application devel-
opment. These developers, whether they are targeting one or many platforms, are benefiting
from Qt’s consistent and straightforward API, and from Qt’s powerful supporting tools such as
qmake and Qt Designer.

In addition to all the classes supplied with Qt, Trolltech also produces “Qt Solutions”, which
provide additional and more specialized functionality and include many extra widgets. A
growing number of commercial and open-source add-ons from third parties are also available;
see Trolltech’s web site for the most up-to-date information.
Qt has an active and helpful user community who communicate using the qt-inter-
est mailing list. See http:/ / to subscribe or to browse the
archive. Qt customers receive our quarterly developers’ newsletter, Qt Quarterly; see
http:/ /
Qt’s extensive documentation is available on-line at http:/ / There are also a
number of books in English, German, and Japanese, that present and explain Qt programming.
Qt’s official book is “C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3”, ISBN 0-13-124072-2.
Developers can evaluate Qt, with support, for 30 days on their preferred platform. See
http:/ / for details. For further information, email [email protected].


About box, 16 Calendar, 47 Configuration, 18 Documentation, 20,

Accelerator, 15, 36 Callback, 10 connect(), 10 52
Accessibility, 51 Canvas, 26 Connection, 10, 15 DOM, 44
Action, 15 Caption, 16 Container, 46 Double buffering,
ActiveQt, 49 Carbon, 51 Context, 35 26, 27
ActiveX, 49 CardLayout, 41 Context menu, 14, Drag and drop, 13
AIX, 51 Cascade, 16 33 Drawing, 24, 37, 42
Algorithm, 46 CDE, 37 Control, 4 Drill-down, 33
Alpha-blending, Central area, 14 Coordinate, 24 Druid, 17
51, 52 Central widget, 13, Copy on write, 46 .dsp, 4
Alpha channel, 24, 18 Custom canvas Dynamic library,
27 char, 34 item, 26 48
Animation, 24, 26 Charmap, 34 Custom dock win- Editor, 6
Anti-aliased font, Charset, 34 dow, 18 Embedded Linux,
51, 52 Checkbox, 5, 7 Custom I/O device, 50, 52
Appearance Man- Child widget, 5, 16, 43 Emitting a signal,
ager, 37 38 Custom layout, 41 11
Aqua, 37 Chinese, 35 Custom style, 37 Emulation, 37, 50
Arabic, 35, 39 clicked(), 10 Custom tag, 20 Encoding, 34
Array, 46 Clipboard, 13 Custom widget, 8, English, 35
Assistant, 17, 20 Clipping, 24, 25 20, 24, 25, 31, Error, 16
Asynchronous I/O, Clock, 8 37 EUC-JP, 34
44, 45 Code bloat prob- Cyrillic, 35 Evaluation, 52
Athena, 51 lem, 46 Database, 19, 30 Event, 10, 25, 41
Auto-deletion, 46 Codec, 34, 51 Data table, 32 exec(), 5
Automatic layout, Collection class, 46 Data visualization, Fade effect, 37
38 Collision testing, 27 Fatal error, 16
Balloon help, 15 26 Date, 6 File dialog, 16, 51
Bezier curve, 24 Color, 25, 37 DB2, 30 Fixed positioning,
Bidirectional writ- Color dialog, 16 Defaults, 18 40
ing, 35 Colormap, 27 Default widget Flicker, 25, 26, 42
Big5, 34 COM, 49 size, 38 Flow layout, 41
Binary serializa- Combobox, 6 Delete, 46 Font, 35, 37, 38, 51,
tion, 42 Comment, 35 Designer, 9, 18, 19, 52
Bitmap, 23, 26 Commit, 32 31, 33, 35, 38, Font dialog, 16
Bloat problem, 46 Common controls, 39, 40 Foreign key, 32, 33
BMP, 23 51 Diacritical mark, Form, 33
BorderLayout, 41 Common Desktop 35 Frame, 16
Borland C++, 51 Environment, Dial, 6 Frame buffer, 52
Box layout, 5, 39 37 Dialog, 16 FreeBSD, 51
BSDI, 51 Communication, Dictionary, 46 French, 36
Button, 5 10 Directory, 16, 43 FTP, 43
Cache, 46 Compiler features, DLL, 48 Game, 27
Calculated field, 12 Dock window, 18 GBK, 34
32 Component, 10 GCC, 51

GDI, 51 Japanese, 35, 36 Mesa, 27 Oracle, 30
Geometry, 5, 38 Java, 44 Message box, 16 Overlay, 27
German, 36 JIS, 34 Message map, 10 Ownership, 46
GIF, 23 JPEG, 23 Messaging, 41 Painting, 24, 42
GL, 27 Key, 31 Meta-file, 26 Palette, 24, 25, 37
Graph, 27 Keyboard, 35, 41 Meta Object Com- Parent widget, 5, 8,
Graphics, 23 KOI8-R, 34 piler, 12 38
Greek, 35 Korean, 35 MFC, 10, 50 Picture, 23, 26
Grid layout, 39 Label, 5 Microsoft SQL Pixmap, 26
GUI application, Language, 34, 38 Server, 30 Plain old data, 46
13 Latin, 35 Microsoft Visual Platforms, 50
Guide, 20, 52 Layered toolkits, C++, 51 Platinum, 37
Hebrew, 35, 39 50 Microsoft Win- Plugin, 38
height(), 24, 25 Layout, 5, 38 dows, 27, 37, PNG, 23
Help browser, 20 LCD, 6, 8 49, 50 PNM, 23
Hierarchical tree Library, 48 Minimum size, 39 Pointer-based col-
view, 6 Line breaking, 35 MNG, 23 lection, 46
Hover help, 15 Line editor, 6 moc, 12 Popup menu, 14,
HP-UX, 51 Linguist, 18, 35 Modal dialog, 16 33
HSV, 25 Linking, 48 Model, 24 Positioning, 38
HTML, 5, 20 Linux, 50, 51 Motif, 10, 37, 49, 50, PostgreSQL, 30
HTTP, 43 List, 46 51 Preferences, 18, 37
IBM DB2, 30 List box, 6 MotifPlus, 37 Preferred size, 39
Icon, 14, 23 List view, 6 Mouse, 41 Prepared queries,
Icon view, 6 Locale, 35 Movie, 24 31
Image, 23, 26 Localization, 34 Multi-line editor, 6 Preprocessor, 11
Implicit sharing, Look and feel, 37, Multiple document Primary key, 31
34, 46 50, 51 interface, 14, Print dialog, 16, 51
Inheriting, 8, 11, lrelease, 35 16 Printer, 26
14, 20, 26, 27, lupdate, 35 Multiple screens, Private class, 46
32, 34, 37, 41, Macintosh, 14, 27, 51 .pro, 20
45, 47 37, 50 Multithreading, 18 Process, 44
Input method, 35, Magic, 12 MySQL, 30 Progress bar, 6, 17
52 Mailing list, 52 Name of widget, 8 Property, 12
Input/output, 42 Main window, 13 Native dialog, 16 Property box, 17
Input validation, 7 Makefile, 4, 12, 20 .NET, 49 Push button, 5
Interbase, 30 Manual, 20, 52 NetBSD, 51 QAction, 15
Interface emula- Manual layout, 41 Networking, 43, 44 QApplication, 5, 38,
tion, 37, 50 Map, 46 Notebook, 17 42, 47
Internationaliza- Margin, 39 notify(), 42 QAquaStyle, 37
tion, 34, 38 Master-detail, 33 Object-oriented QAssistantClient,
Introspection, 12 Maximum size, 39 programming, 20
iostream, 42 MDI, 14, 16 10 QBitArray, 46
IPC, 44 Memory array, 46 OCI, 30 QBitmap, 46
Irix, 51 Memory con- ODBC, 30 QBrush, 46
ISO 8859, 34 straints, 52 OpenBSD, 51 QBuffer, 43
Iterator, 46 Menu bar, 14, 15 OpenGL, 27, 52 QButtonGroup, 5

QByteArray, 46 QImage, 23 QPushButton, 5 Qt Template Li-
QCache, 46 QIODevice, 43, 44 QRadioButton, 5, 7 brary, 46
QCanvas, 26 QKeyEvent, 41 QRegExp, 7, 34, 46 Query, 31
QCanvasItem, 26 QLabel, 4, 5 QRegion, 46 Queue, 46
QCanvasView, 27 QLayout, 41 QResizeEvent, 41 quit(), 10
QCDEStyle, 37 QLCDNumber, 6, QScrollBar, 6 QUrl, 43
QChar, 34 8 QScrollView, 7 QUrlOperator, 43
QCheckBox, 5, 7 QLibrary, 48 QSemaphore, 18 QValidator, 7
QCloseEvent, 41 QLineEdit, 4, 6, 7 QServerSocket, 45 QValueList, 46
QColor, 25, 27 QListBox, 6 QSettings, 18 QValueStack, 46
QComboBox, 6, 7 QListView, 6, 7 QSGIStyle, 37 QValueVector, 46
QCommonStyle, .qm, 35 QSlider, 6 QVariant, 32
37 QMacStyle, 37 QSocket, 43, 44 QVBoxLayout, 39
qCopy(), 46 QMainWindow, 13 QSocketDevice, 43, QWaitCondition,
QCursor, 46 qmake, 4, 12, 20 45 18
QCustomMenu- QMap, 46 QSpinBox, 4, 6, 7 QWhatsThis, 15
Item, 14 QMemArray, 46 QSplitter, 41 QWidget, 4, 16, 26,
QDataBrowser, 33 QMenuBar, 14 QSqlCursor, 32 46
QDataStream, 42 QMessageBox, 17 QSqlField, 32 QWindowsStyle,
QDataTable, 32 QMotifPlusStyle, QSqlForm, 33 37
QDataView, 33 37 QSqlQuery, 31 QWindowsXP-
QDateTimeEdit, 6 QMotifStyle, 37 QStatusBar, 13 Style, 37
QDial, 6 QMouseEvent, 41 QString, 34, 42, 46 QWizard, 17
QDialog, 4, 16 QMovie, 24 QStringList, 46 QWorkspace, 14,
QDict, 46 QMutex, 18 QStyle, 37, 47 16
QDir, 43 QMutexLocker, 18 QStyleSheet, 20 Radio button, 5, 7
QDns, 45 QObject, 4, 10, 11, QTable, 6, 7 Rapid application
QDockArea, 18 35, 41, 46 QTabWidget, 6 development,
QDockWindow, 18 QPainter, 24 Qt Assistant, 20 52
QEvent, 41 QPaintEvent, 41 Qt Designer, 9, 18, rect(), 25
QFile, 43 QPalette, 46 19, 31, 33, 35, Reference count-
QFileDialog, 16 QPen, 46 38, 39, 40 ing, 46
QFileInfo, 43 QPicture, 26, 46 QTextCodec, 34, 42 Reference docu-
qFind(), 46 QPixmap, 26, 46 QTextEdit, 6, 7, 13, mentation, 20,
QFont, 46 QPlatinumStyle, 20 52
QFontDialog, 16 37 QTextStream, 42 Registry, 18
QFrame, 4 QPointArray, 46 QThread, 18 Regular expres-
qglClearColor(), 27 QPopupMenu, 14 QThreadStorage, sion, 7, 34
qglColor(), 27 QPrinter, 26 18 Relative growth,
QGLWidget, 27 QProcess, 44 QTimer, 4 39
QGridLayout, 6, 39 QProgressBar, 6 QTL, 46 RENDER, 51
QGroupBox, 6 QProgressDialog, Qt Linguist, 18, 35 Repainting, 42
QHBoxLayout, 5, 17 QToolBar, 14, 18 Repositioning, 38
39 QPtrList, 46 QToolBox, 6 Resizing, 38, 41
qHeapSort(), 46 QPtrQueue, 46 QToolButton, 14 Reusability, 10
QIconSet, 46 QPtrStack, 46 QToolTip, 15 RGB, 25
QIconView, 6 QPtrVector, 46 QTranslator, 35 Rich text, 5

Right-to-left lan- Standard Tem- Transparency, 24 XBM, 23
guages, 35, 39 plate Library, Tree view, 6 X extensions, 51
Rollback, 32 46 Tru64, 51 XIM, 51
Rotation, 24, 26, 27, Status bar, 13, 14 .ts, 35 Xinerama, 51
51 STL, 46 Type safety, 10 Xlib, 51
RTTI, 12 Stream, 42 UDP, 44, 45 XML, 20, 26, 35, 44
Run-time type in- Stretch, 39 .ui, 20, 35 XP, 37, 50
formation, 12 Stretch factor, 39 uic, 20 XPM, 23
SAX, 44 String, 34, 46 Unicode, 18, 34, 42, Xt, 51
Scale, 24, 26, 27 Style, 37, 50 51 X Window System,
Scroll bar, 6, 7 Subclassing, 8, 11, Unisys, 23 27, 49, 50
Scroll effect, 37 14, 20, 26, 27, Unix, 49, 50
Scroll view, 6, 7 32, 34, 37, 41, UnixWare, 51
SDI, 14 45, 47 URL, 43
SELECT, 31 Sub-menu, 14 User input, 7
Semi-modal dialog, Support, 52 User settings, 18,
16 SVG, 26 37
Separator item, 14 Sybase, 30 Validation, 7
Serialization, 42 System registry, Value-based collec-
Settings, 18, 37 18 tion, 46
SGI, 37 System sound, 37 Variable binding,
Shared library, 48 Table, 6, 32 31
Sharing, 34, 46 Tab widget, 6 Variant type, 32
Shear, 24, 26, 27 TCP, 44 Vector, 46
Shift-JIS, 34 TDS, 30 Vietnamese, 35
Signal, 10 Tear-off handle, 14 View, 32
SimpleFlow, 41 Template, 46 Viewport, 24
Single document Text editor, 6 Visual C++, 51
interface, 14 Text rendering, 35 Visualization, 27
Size, 38 Text translation, W3C, 26, 44
Size policy, 39 35 Warning, 16
Slider, 6 Theme, 37, 50 What’s this?, 15
Slot, 10 Tile, 16 Wheel mouse, 41
Socket, 43 Time, 6 Widget, 4, 26
Solaris, 51 Timer, 8 Widget style, 37,
Sound, 37 Toggle button, 14 50
Source text, 35 Toolbar, 13, 14, 15, width(), 24, 25
Spacer item, 39 18 Window, 16, 24
Spacing, 39 Tool box, 6 Windows, 27, 37,
Spin box, 6 Tooltip, 15, 37 49, 50
Splitter, 41 tr(), 35 Windows XP, 37,
Spreadsheet, 6 Transaction, 32 50
Sprite, 26 Transformation, Wizard, 17, 33
SQL, 30 24, 27, 51 Workspace, 14, 16
SQLite, 30 Transition effect, World matrix, 24,
Stack, 46 37 51
Translation, 12, 35 Writing system, 35


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