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Date / Day Wednesday / 13.2.2019

Time / Class 10.10am - 11.10am
Focus Lesson 1 : Listening and Speaking
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic A Ride in the Safari Park
Content Standard 1.1
Learning standard 1.1.4
Learning By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
objectives 1. talk about a stimulus with guidance.
Activities Let’s look and say. (Textbook page:73)
1. Pupils talk about the picture.
2. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation and the
connection with the topic.
3. Pupils name the animals.
4. Pupils complete the exercises given by the teacher.
5. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion about the topic.
Educational 21st Century skill(s) Communication
Emphases HOTS Application
Teaching and Learning Knowledge Aquisition
EMK Environmental
Sustainability Awareness
Teaching Aids Textbook, activity book and exercise book
Assessment Exercise and worksheet
Reflection Attendance: 21/21
1. 21 pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
2. 18 pupils were able to answer the questions
3. 3 pupils need extra guidance.
4. 18pupils were able to master today’s lesson.

Date / Day Wednesday / 13.2.2019

Time / Class 11.10am – 12.10pm
Focus Lesson 1 : Listening and Speaking
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Sounds Everywhere
Content Standard 1.3
Learning standard 1.3.1
Learning By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
objectives 2. listen to and demonstrate understanding of narrative
and descriptive audio text by
(i) giving yes/no replies

Activities Let’s talk.

6. Pupils answer for the question asked by teacher.
7. Teacher teach how to give an answer for the questions
with completely.
8. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation and the
connection with the topic.
9. Pupils complete the exercises given by the teacher.
10. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion about the topic.
Educational 21st Century skill(s) Communicative
Emphases HOTS Application
Teaching and Learning Contextual learning
EMK Creativity and innovation
Teaching Aids Textbook, activity book and exercise book
Assessment Questions (Oral or Written)
Reflection Attendance: 22/22
5. 22 pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
6. 15 pupils were able to answer the questions
7. 7 pupils need extra guidance.
8. 15 pupils were able to master today’s lesson.

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