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Regulatory Framework for Business Transactions


1. A has two separate single bank accounts with P1,000,000 and P2,000,000 balance, respectively in the
same bank which is closed by BSP. B, on the other hand, has two separate single bank accounts with
P3,000,000 and P2,000,000 balance, respectively with the said bank. Aside from that, A has two
separate joint accounts with different persons in the same bank. The first joint account of A is with B
with balance of P10,000,000 while the other joint account of A is with C with balance of P4,000,000.
How much is the maximum insured amount by PDIC from these deposits concerning A and B,
A. P500,000 and P500,000
B. P1,000,000 and P750,000
C. P1,000,000 and P1,000,000
D. P1,000,000 and P500,000


Maximum Insured Deposit for Single Account P500,000 P500,000
Maximum Insured Deposit for Joint Account (A&B) 250,000 250,000
Maximum Insured Deposit for Joint Account (A&C) __250,000 _______ 250,000
P1,000,000 P750,000 P250,000


2. Under R.A. 1405, which of the following is not covered by the Bank Secrecy Law?
A. Investment in bonds issued by the Government of the Philippines, its political subdivisions and its
B. Investment in time deposit
C. Investment in bonds issued by publicly traded corporations.
D. Savings deposit and demand deposit


3. A nonresident alien has been convicted of crime of raping a minor. The RTC judge issued a writ of
garnishment for the satisfaction of civil damages caused to the victim. Is the issuance of writ of
garnishment a violation of Foreign Currency Deposit Act of the Philippines considering that a BSP
circular provides that foreign currency deposits shall be exempted from attachment, garnishment, or any
other order or process of any court, legislative body, government agency or any administrative body
A. No, because if that foreign currency deposit will be exempted from garnishment, injustice
would result especially to a citizen aggrieved by a foreign guest.
B. Yes, because foreign currency deposit is absolutely confidential in nature.
C. Yes, because RA 6426 was enacted in order to encourage foreign investment.
D. Yes, even RA 6426 failed to anticipate the inequitous effects producing outright injustice and
inequality to Filipinos.
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4. What petition shall be filed by the Solicitor General or his representative in behalf of the Republic of
the Philippines before the RTC for the unclaimed balances to be forfeited in favor of the state where a
deceased dies intestate in the Philippines leaving no heir or person by law entitled to the same?
A. Petition for partition proceedings
B. Petition for estate settlement proceedings
C. Petition for escheat proceedings
D. Petition for certiorari

5. In which office shall the letter requesting the reactivation of unclaimed balances or dormant account be
filed by the applicant depositor?
A. Bureau of Treasury
B. Bureau of Customs
C. Bureau of Internal Revenue
D. Bureau of Immigration
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6. Which of the following powers is not allowed to be conducted by a commercial bank?

A. Accepting drafts and issuing letters of credit and receiving other types of deposits and deposit
B. Discounting and negotiating promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange, and other evidences of debt
C. Accepting or creating demand deposits and buying and selling foreign exchange and gold or silver
D. Engaging in the businesses of preneed plans and insurance or reinsurance

7. Which of the following shall not be included in the computation of Single Borrower’s Limit?
A. association or any other entity, the liabilities of said entities to such bank.
B. In the case of a corporation, all liabilities to such bank of all subsidiaries in which such corporation
owns or controls a majority interest.
C. In the case of a partnership, association or other entity, the liabilities of the members thereof to such
D. Loans, credit accommodations and acceptances under letters of credit to the extent covered
by margin deposits.

8. It refers to a public and fully government-owned and controlled corporation organized with original
capital stock of P50 billion which has the powers to provide policy directions in the areas of money,
banking, and credit and to supervise the operations of banks, finance companies and non-bank financial
institutions performing quasi-functions. It has the sole authority to issue currency to be considered legal
tender within Philippine territory.
A. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
B. Philippine Depositor Insurance Corporation
C. Landbank of the Philippines
D. Development Bank of the Philippines

9. All of the following are the qualifications of members of Monetary Board, except
A. He must be a Natural born-citizens of the Philippines
B. He must be of 35 years of age with the exception of BSP governor who must be 40 years of age.
C. He must be of good moral character, of unquestionable integrity, of known probity and patriotism
and with recognized competence in social and economic disciplines.
D. He must be a director or officer of a banking institution.

10. Unless otherwise changed by Monetary Board, what is the interval for examination of banking
institution by supervising and examining department head of BSP?
A. Once every 12 months (annually)
B. Once every 3 months (quarterly)
C. Once every 6 months (semi-annually)
D. Once every month (monthly)

11. May the BSP Monetary Board order the closing of a bank with the hearing to follow despite the absence
of prior hearing for closure?
A. Yes, because close now hear later has already been justified as a measure for the protection of
the public interest.
B. No, because right to due process always requires prior hearing before closure.
C. No, because that is violative of right to property of the bank’s stockholders.
D. Yes, even there is not justifiable or factual basis for the closure.
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12. What is the maximum period of conservatorship of a bank or quasi-bank?

A. It shall not exceed 1 month.
B. It shall not exceed 1 year.
C. It shall not exceed 6 months
D. It shall not exceed 3 months.

13. Who shall be appointed by BSP Monetary Board as receiver of a bank?

A. Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation
B. Development Bank of the Philippines
C. Landbank of the Philippines
D. Philippine National Bank

14. What is the ground for placing a bank under liquidation proceedings by BSP Monetary Board?
A. Whenever, on the basis of a report submitted by the appropriate supervising or examining
department, the Monetary Board finds that a bank or a quasi-bank is in a state of continuing inability
to maintain a condition of liquidity deemed adequate to protect the interest of depositors and
B. The bank has insufficient realizable assets, as determined by the Bangko Sentral, to meet its
C. The bank cannot continue in business without involving probable losses to its depositors or creditors.
D. If the receiver determines that the institution cannot be rehabilitated or permitted to resume

15. May a bank be placed by BSP Monetary Board under receivership without undergoing conservatorship?
A. No, because it is violative of right to due process of bank’s shareholders.
B. Yes, because designation of a conservator is not a precondition to the designation of a receiver.
C. No, because conservatorship proceedings is mandatory.
D. Yes, but only if approved by at least majority of the bank’s Board of Directors and ratified by at
least 2/3 of the outstanding stockholders.

16. What is the ground before an individual debtor may file a verified petition praying for declaration of
state of suspension of payments?
A. When an individual debtor possessed sufficient property to cover all his debts but he foresees
the impossibility of meeting them when they respectively fall due.
B. When an individual debtor possessed sufficient property but he can pay his obligations when they
fall due.
C. When the total assets of the individual debtor exceed his total liabilities.
D. When the capital of the individual debtor is more than the liabilities of the individual debtor.

17. What is the effect of issuance by the court of an order suspending any pending execution against
individual debtor upon motion filed by an insolvent individual debtor?
A. No creditor shall sue or institute proceedings to collect claim from the debtor from the time of
the filing of the petition for suspension of payments and for as long as proceedings remain
B. Those creditors having claims for personal labor, maintenance, expense of last illness and funeral
of the wife or children of the debtor incurred in the sixty (60) days immediately prior to the filing
of the petition shall not institute or sue proceedings to collect claim from the debtor.
C. Secured creditors shall not institute or sue proceedings to collect claim from the debtor.
D. Properties held as security by secured creditors shall be the subject of such suspension order.
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18. What is the duration of a court’s order suspending any pending execution against individual debtor upon
motion filed by an insolvent individual debtor?
A. The suspension order shall lapse when three months shall have passed without the proposed
agreement being accepted by the creditors or as soon as such agreement is denied.
B. The suspension order shall lapse when twelve months shall have passed without the proposed
agreement being accepted by the creditors or as soon as such agreement is denied.
C. The suspension order shall lapse when six months shall have passed without the proposed agreement
being accepted by the creditors or as soon as such agreement is denied.
D. The suspension order shall lapse when the ten months shall have passed without the proposed
agreement being accepted by the creditors or as soon as such agreement is denied.

19. What is the quorum required for the validity of meeting of creditors for the approval of insolvent
individual debtor?
A. The presence of creditors holding claims amounting to at least 3/5 of the liabilities shall be
necessary for holding of meeting.
B. The presence of creditors holding claims amounting to at least 1/4 of the liabilities shall be necessary
for holding of meeting.
C. The presence of creditors holding claims amounting to at least 2/3 of the liabilities shall be necessary
for holding of meeting.
D. The presence of creditors holding claims amounting to at least 3/4 of the liabilities shall be necessary
for holding of meeting.

20. What is the minimum claim by a creditor or group of creditors before they may file a petition for
involuntary liquidation of insolvent individual debtor?
A. Claims aggregating at least P500,000
B. Claims aggregating at least P1,000,000
C. Claims aggregating at least P100,000
D. Claims aggregating at least P1,500,000

21. Which of the following is not considered an act of insolvency by an individual insolvent debtor?
A. That such person is about to depart or has departed from the Republic of the Philippines, with intent
to defraud his creditors.
B. That being absent from the Republic of the Philippines, with intent to defraud his creditors, he
remains absent.
C. That he conceals himself to avoid the service of legal process for the purpose of hindering or
delaying the liquidation or of defrauding his creditors
D. That he has neither confessed nor offered to allow judgment in favor of any creditor or
claimant for the purpose of hindering or delaying the liquidation or of defrauding any creditor
or claimant.

22. Which of the following is considered an act of insolvency by an individual insolvent debtor?
A. That for a period of three days, he has failed, after demand, to pay any moneys deposited with him
or received by him in a fiduciary capacity.
B. That he has while in state of solvency, made an payment, gift, grant, sale, conveyance or transfer of
his estate, property, rights or credit.
C. That being a merchant or tradesman, he has generally defaulted in the payment of his current
obligations for a period of five days.
D. That he has made any assignment, gift, sale, conveyance or transfer of his estate, property,
rights or credits with intent to hinder or delay the liquidation or defraud his creditor.

23. It refers to a corporate rehabilitation proceedings initiated by the insolvent juridical person by filing it
in court.
A. Voluntary court-supervised rehabilitation proceedings
B. Involuntary court-supervised rehabilitation proceedings
C. Informal rehabilitation proceedings
D. Prenegotiated rehabilitation proceedings
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24. What is the minimum claim of creditors or group of creditors in order to file a petition for involuntary
court-supervised rehabilitation proceedings of an insolvent corporation?
A. Any creditor or group of creditors with a claim of. or the aggregate of whose claims is, at least
P1,000,000 or at 25% of the subscribed capital stock, whichever is higher.
B. Any creditor or group of creditors with a claim of. or the aggregate of whose claims is, at least ten
P10,000,000 or at least 50% of the subscribed capital stock, whichever is higher.
C. Any creditor or group of creditors with a claim of. or the aggregate of whose claims is, at least One
billion pesos or at least 40% of the subscribed capital stock, whichever is higher.
D. Any creditor or group of creditors with a claim of. or the aggregate of whose claims is, at least One
hundred million pesos or at least 10% of the subscribed capital stock, whichever is higher.


25. Which of the following is a covered person, therefore, required to report to AMLC reportable or
suspicious transactions?
A. Educational institution
B. Casinos
C. Mining companies
D. Transportation companies

26. Anti-Money Laundering Council refers to the financial intelligence unit of the Republic of the
Philippines which is the government agency tasked to implement the AMLA. Which of the following
statements regarding the composition of AMLC is incorrect?
A. The chairperson of AMLC is the BSP governor.
B. The Insurance Commissioner is a member of AMLC.
C. The SEC Chairperson is a member of AMLC.
D. The BIR Commissioner is a member of AMLC.


27. What is the maximum ownership of Foreigners in a cooperative in the Philippines?

A. None
B. 40%
C. 60%
D. 100%
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28. It refers to an intellectual property granted or issued by IPO which gives an exclusive right to an inventor
of a product, process or an improvement of a product or process which is new, inventive and useful to
exclude others from making, using, or selling the product of his invention during the life of the
intangible asset.
A. Copyright
B. Patent
C. Trademark
D. Tradename

29. Newton and Einstein invented separately the technology for time machine. On January 1, 2018, Newton
obtained patent for his technology in USA. On April 1, 2018, Einstein registered his right over the same
technology with IPO of Philippines. On May 1, 2018, Newton filed an application for patent for the
same technology with IPO of Philippines and such local application claims priority. On June 1, 2018,
Newton submitted a certified copy of the foreign application together with an English translation with
IPO of Philippines. Who has better right over the patent?
A. Einstein because he has earlier local application filing date.
B. Newton because he has earlier priority date.
C. None of them
D. Government

30. What is the legal term of trademark or service mark?

A. Life of the right holder plus 50 years after his death
B. 20 years
C. 10 years but subject to unlimited renewal
D. Indefinite

31. It refers to trademark infringement test that focuses on the similarity of the main, prevalent or essential
features of the competing trademarks that might cause confusion.
A. Literal infringement test
B. Doctrine of Equivalents Infringement test
C. Holistic test
D. Dominancy test

32. As a general rule, what is the legal term of copyright?

A. Life of the author plus 50 years after his death
B. 20 years
C. 10 years but subject to unlimited renewal
D. Indefinite
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33. It shall mean any sale of a security which the seller does not own or any sale which is consummated by
the delivery of a security borrowed by, or for the account of the seller with the commitment of the seller
or securities borrower to return or deliver said securities or their equivalent to the lender on a determined
or determinable future date.
A. Short sale
B. Long sale
C. Middle sale
D. Wide sale

34. Who is prohibited from making a short sale in securities of the corporation?
A. Creditor of the corporation
B. Stockbroker of the corporation
C. Employees of the corporation
D. Director, officer or principal shareholder of a corporation

35. It refers to the framework of rules, systems and processes in the corporation that governs the
performance by the Board of Directors and Management of their respective duties and responsibilities
to the shareholders.
A. By-Laws
B. Corporate Governance
C. Articles of Incorporation
D. Internal Control

36. What is the required number of independent directors to corporations covered by Revised Code of
Corporate Governance?
A. Always two
B. Always three
C. Always one
D. Always four

37. Which of the following is a ground for permanent disqualification of a director of a corporation covered
by Revised Code of Corporate Governance?
A. Conviction by final judgment of an offense involving moral turpitude such as fraud, estafa,
theft, forgery bribery or perjury
B. Absence in more than fifty percent of all regular and special meetings of the Board during his
incumbency, or any twelve month period during the said incumbency
C. If the beneficial equity ownership of an independent director in the corporation or its subsidiaries
and affiliates exceeds two percent of its subscribed capital stock
D. Dismissal or termination for cause as director of any corporation covered by this Code

38. The articles of incorporation of ABC Corporation provide for 7 directors. In the monthly meeting of the
board of directors held on April 8, 2009, directors B, C, D and E were present and the following
resolutions were approved:
I. A resolution for the purchase of a delivery truck from E Trading, a sole proprietorship owned by E.
B, C, D and E voted for the resolution
II. A resolution appointing T as the new corporate secretary where B, C, D and E voted for the
Which is correct?
A. Both resolutions are valid and do not need shareholders’ approval
B. Both resolutions are valid but need shareholders’ approval
C. Resolution I needs shareholders’ approval. Resolution II is valid
D. Resolution I is not valid. Resolution II needs shareholders’ approval
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39. This vacancy in the board of directors may be filled by the board of directors if the remaining directors
still constitute a quorum.
A. Removal of a director
B. Death of a director
C. Increase in the number of directors
D. Expiration of the term of a director

40. Which is supreme in the matter of management of the corporation?

A. President
B. Chairman of the Board of Directors
C. Stockholders
D. Board of Directors
41. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. When a vacancy in the board arises, such vacancy maybe filled by the remaining directors provided
they still constitute a quorum
B. The officers of a non-stock corporation maybe elected directly by the members instead of by
the board of trustees
C. The number of trustees in a nonstock corporation maybe five but not more than fifteen
D. A director individually and acting as such can bind the corporation because he is an agent of the

42. Land Corporation is a nonstock, nonprofit corporation whose articles of incorporation provide for 9
trustees. The trustees elected and their respective terms are: A, B and C for 3 years, D, E and F for 2
years, and G, H and I for 1 year. After one year, J, K and L were elected to replace G, H and I whose
term expired, while M and N were elected to replace B and E, respectively who resigned after one year
in office. What is the term of office of L, M and N?
A. 3 years 3 years 3 years
B. 3 years 2 years 1 year
C. 1 year 2 years 1 year
D. 2 years 2 years 2 years

43. A, B, C, D and E formed Super Corporation and submitted their Articles of Incorporation to the SEC.
Inadvertently, through an oversight; the SEC approved the Articles and issued a certificate of
incorporation. Thereafter, it was discovered that they have not completed their required period of
residency in the Philippines. As a result, which of the following is not correct?
A. The corporation shall be considered as a de-facto corporation and shall be allowed to function as a
corporation under the color of law
B. The right to exercise corporate powers, shall not be inquired into collaterally in any private suit to
which the corporation maybe a party
C. The Solicitor General has the right to question or contest the validity of its corporate existence
through a quo-warranto proceedings
D. In a suit filed against the corporation for breach of contract, the plaintiff can allege that the
corporation has no legal personality and therefore all incorporators shall be held personally
liable for damages
44. A law was passed disqualifying former members of Congress from sitting in the Board of Directors of
government owned or controlled corporations. Because of this, the Board of Directors of ABC Corp, a
government owned and controlled corporation, disqualified C, a former Congressman, from continuing
to sit as one of its members. C objected, however, insisting that under the Corporation Code, members
of the board of directors of corporations may only be removed by vote of shareholders’ holding 2/3 of
its outstanding capital stock in a regular or special meeting called for that purpose. Is C correct?
A. Yes, since the new law cannot be applied to members of the board of directors already elected prior
to its passage
B. No, since the disqualification takes effect by operation of law and it is sufficient that C was
declared no longer a member of the board
C. Yes, since the provisions of the Corporation Code apply as well to government owned and controlled
D. No, since the board has the power to oust C even without the new law.
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45. A is maker and B is payee of a negotiable promissory note payable to order. There is no valuable
consideration for the note. B delivers the instrument to C, without indorsement, under circumstances
that otherwise would have made C a holder in due course such as, that C did not know of the absence
of consideration. May C recover from A?
A. Yes, because A’s personal defense cannot be used against C
B. Yes, because the promissory note is negotiable
C. No, because A has a real defense which can be used even against a holder in due course
D. No, because C acquires only B’s rights and A can set up against B the defense of absence of

46. A issued a check dated April 2, 2017, in favor of B in payment of A’s obligation to B amounting to
P100,000. B kept the check in his drawer and failed to encash it due to his busy schedule. On February
16, 2018, B presented the check to the drawee bank for payment. The bank refused to pay the check for
failure of B to present the check within the reasonable time after its issue. In this case
A. A’s obligation to B is extinguished because the impairment of the check is due to B’s fault
B. B can sue the bank because as drawee it is the party primarily liable
C. A’s obligation to B is not extinguished because the failure of B to present the check for
payment within a reasonable time did not cause any injury to A
D. When B accepted the check when A tendered payment, A’s obligation is extinguished

47. M delivers a negotiable promissory note payable to P or order. Later, P makes a special indorsement to
A and A delivers the note to B. Who is the holder?
A. B, because he is in possession of the note
B. A, because he is the indorsee
C. P, because he is the payee
D. No one can be considered as holder

48. A owes B P10,000 as gambling debt and A issued a promissory note to B to cover the debt, as follows:
“I promise to pay B or order P10,000. Sgd. A”
Which of the following statements is correct?
A. B can collect from A because the note is negotiable
B. B cannot negotiate the note because the consideration between A and B is illegal
C. If B negotiates to C, a holder in due course, C can collect from A
D. A is not liable because of illegal consideration

49. A made a negotiable promissory note payable to the order of B. Later, B made a blank indorsement to
C and C delivered the note to D, who likewise delivered the note to E. E made a special indorsement to
F and F made a qualified indorsement to G. Which of the following is correct?
A. The indorsement made by E is not necessary because the instrument was converted to bearer, hence
the indorsement made by F can be stricken out
B. C and D are not liable because they negotiated the instrument by delivery
C. If the instrument is dishonored by A, the present holder G cannot go after C and D
D. B’s indorsement can be stricken out because B’s blank indorsement converted the instrument to

50. A promissory note reads:

“ I promise to pay B or bearer P20,000. Sgd. A.”
B delivered the note to C. C indorsed the note to D. Then Y stole the note from D and indorsed the note
to E. E delivered the note to F. As a result
A. If A pays F in good faith, A’s obligation is extinguished
B. F can collect from D or E
C. F cannot be a holder in due course
D. F can go after indorsers C and Y
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51. A promissory note reads:

“I promise to pay B or order P20,000. Sgd. A”
B made a special indorsement to C and C made a conditional indorsement to D. If the condition is not
yet fulfilled, which of the following is correct?
A. If A dishonors the note, D can collect from B or C
B. If A pays D, A’s obligation is extinguished
C. If A pays, A becomes liable if D fails to fulfill the condition
D. If A dishonors the note D can collect from B but not from C

52. Which of the following instruments is negotiable?

A. “Pay to the order of A or B the sum of P100,000.” Sgd. C and D
B. “I promise to pay to the order of A or B the sum of P100,000”. Sgd. C and D
C. “Pay to B or order the sum of P100,000 30 days after sight”. Sgd. A
D. “We promise to pay A and B the sum of P100,000”. Sgd. C and D

53. A bill of exchange states on its face: “One month after sight, pay to the order of Mr. R, the amount of
Php 50,000 chargeable to the account of Mr. S Signed, Mr. T”. Mr. S, the drawee, accepted the bill upon
presentment by writing on it the words “I shall pay Php 30,000 three months after sight.” May he accept
under such terms, which varies the command in the bill of exchange?
A. Yes, since a drawee accepts according to the tenor of his acceptance
B. No, since, once he accepts, a drawee is liable according to the tenor of the bill
C. Yes, provided the drawer and payee agree to the acceptance
D. No, since he is bound as drawee to accept the bill according to its tenor

54. X, a drawee of a bill of exchange, wrote the words: “Accepted, with promise to make payment within
two days. Signed X.” The drawer questioned the acceptance as invalid. Is the acceptance valid?
A. Yes, because the acceptance is in reality a clear assent to the order of the drawer to pay
B. Yes, because the form of the acceptance is really immaterial
C. No, because the acceptance must be clear assent to the order of the drawer to pay
D. No, because the document must not express that the drawee will perform his promise within two
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55. A and B are co-owners of a parcel of land from where they share the profits equally as co-heirs in
inheritance. Is there a partnership?
A. There is a prima facie presumption of partnership because of the equal sharing of profits
B. There is no partnership because co-ownership by itself does not establish a partnership despite
the sharing of profits
C. There is no partnership since in partnership, division of profits is not always necessary among
D. There is prima facie presumption of partnership they being co-owners and co-possessors

56. A and B are partners in AB partnership. While A was performing his duties as a partner in the course
of business, he negligently caused damage to X, a third person. Who shall be liable to X and up to what
A. Only the partnership shall be liable it being a juridical person separate and distinct from the partners
B. Only A shall be liable for he is the only one at fault
C. Both A and B shall be liable solidarily to X
D. A, B, and the Partnership are all liable solidarily to X

57. A and B entered into a universal partnership of all present property. No stipulation was made regarding
future property. After the perfection of the contract, A inherited a parcel of land and B acquired a car as
remuneration for services rendered. The properties acquired after the perfection of the contract belong
to whom?
Land Car
A. A B
B. A Partnership
C. Partnership B
D. Partnership Partnership

58. On April 1, 2018, A and B entered into a contract of partnership for the purpose of selling cows’ milk,
with the former as capitalist partner and the latter as industrial partner. It was agreed that A shall
contribute 1,000 cows to the common fund on May 2, 2018. Upon the arrival of the designated date, A
failed to deliver the contribution he promised. As a result
A. B should make a demand upon A for the delivery of his contribution and its fruits to render A in
B. The contract of partnership becomes void because A failed to give his contribution to the common
C. B can compel A to deliver his contribution and its fruits without the necessity of demand
D. The contract of partnership was never perfected because there was no delivery of contributions by
the partners

59. In case a managing partner collects a demandable debt from his debtor who also owes the partnership a
demandable debt, which of the following is not correct if payment is not enough to cover the two debts?
A. The sum collected shall be applied to the partnership credit
B. The sum shall be applied to the two credits in proportion to their amounts
C. The debtor has the right to have the payment applied to his debt to the partner if it should be
onerous to him
D. The partner cannot apply the payment to his own credit
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60. A bought a residential house and lot from B Realty for P2,000,000 giving a down payment of P200,000
and promising to pay the balance of P1,000,000 in 15 years in monthly installments of P10,000. After
paying 72 installments A defaulted in the payment of subsequent installments. Despite the grace period
given, A was not able to make any further payments. Accordingly, B Realty cancelled the sale. How
much cash surrender value is A entitled to receive?
A. P552,000
B. P396,000
C. P462,000
D. P506,000


Maceda Law applies to sale of residential real property in installment. The said law provides that if the
buyer has paid 2-5 years of installments and the contract is canceled, the buyer shall have the right to that
cash surrender value of the payments on the property equivalent to fifty percent of the total payments made,
and after five years of installments, an additional five percent every year but not to exceed ninety percent
of the total payments made. In this problem, the buyer has already paid 72 months of installments equivalent
to 6 years. Therefore, the buyer is entitled to 55% cash surrender value.

Down payment P200,000

Add: Installments paid 720,000
Total payments made P920,000
Multiply by cash surrender value percentage ___55%
Cash surrender value P506,000

61. A orally offered to sell his rice land to B for P8,000,000. B orally accepted the offer. The land is to be
delivered through the execution of a notarized Deed of Sale and the price is to be paid directly two
weeks from their oral agreement. Which of the following is most accurate?
A. If A refuses to deliver the land on the agreed date despite payment made by B, the latter may not
successfully sue A because the contract is unenforceable
B. If A refused to deliver the land, B may successfully sue A for the fulfillment of the obligation before
the payment of the purchase price
C. The contract between A and B is rescissible
D. The contract between A and B is subject to ratification by the parties.

62. If at the time the contract of sale is perfected, the thing which is the object of the contract has been
entirely lost, which of the following most accurately completes the statement?
A. The buyer bears the risk of loss
B. The seller bears the risk of loss
C. The contract shall be without any effect
D. The buyer may withdraw from the contract

63. Spouses H and W are under the regime of absolute community of property. H, through violence and
intimidation obtained the signature of W to a contract of sale involving W’s exclusive property in favor
of B. The fair market value of the property is P1,000,000 but the selling price is only P700,000. What
is the treatment of the sale?
A. Rescissible
B. Voidable
C. Valid
D. Void
Page 14
64. A, B and C are co-owners of a parcel of land. A sold his 1/3 share on April 7, 2018, B his 1/3 share on
April 15, 2018 and C his 1/3 share on April 23, 2018, all to D and with the right of repurchase. Which
of the following is correct?
A. A should redeem the whole property if he is required by D to do so
B. A can redeem the entire property even if D allows him to redeem only his 1/3 share
C. A can redeem his 1/3 share even if D requires him to redeem the whole property
D. A may redeem his 1/3 share only if D allows him to do so

65. A sells to B a Sony Colored TV for P12,000 payable in twelve equal monthly installments beginning
May 5, 2018 and every 5th day of each month thereafter. The contract provides that upon failure to pay
any installment due, the whole balance becomes due and demandable. To secure the obligation, a chattel
mortgage over the TV set was executed. When B defaulted on the 7th and 8th installments, A sued B for
the payment of the whole balance of P6,000. The TV set was levied and subsequently sold at a public
sale for P5,000. Can A still recover the deficiency of P1,000 from B?
A. Yes, if there was stipulation to that effect
B. Yes, even though there was no stipulation
C. No, any stipulation allowing recovery is void
D. No, if there was no stipulation to that effect

66. S sold his car to B on installments and a chattel mortgage was constituted on the car. B defaulted in two
installment payments. S foreclosed the chattel mortgage and sold the car at a public auction. If there is
deficiency, can S recover the deficiency?
A. Yes, even without stipulation
B. Yes, if there is stipulation
C. No, even if there is stipulation
D. No, unless there is stipulation

67. H, an Olympic judo champion, with violence and intimidation forced his wife W to sell W’s pieces of
jewelry to B. What is the treatment of the sale?
A. Valid and binding
B. Voidable, because the consent of W is vitiated
C. Rescissible, if W suffered lesion of at least one-fourth of the value of the property
D. Void, except when a separation of property was agreed upon in the marriage settlement or there has
been a judicial separation of property

68. F made a telephone call to his son S, for S to sell F’s land. In the deed of absolute sale which was
acknowledged before a notary public, S signed as agent of F. Later, in the presence of two witnesses, F
ratified the sale executed by S. Which is correct?
A. The sale was void at the start but was validated upon the ratification by F
B. The sale remained void despite the ratification by F
C. The sale was valid from the start since it was made in a public instrument and F, the owner ratified
the sale
D. The sale was merely unenforceable at the start but the ratification validated the contract

69. It is a sum of money paid, or a thing delivered upon the making of a contract for the sale of goods to
bind the offer, the delivery and acceptance of which makes the final assent of both parties to the contract.
A. Option money
B. Arras
C. Discount
D. Deposit

70. An agricultural land is owned by A and D pro-indiviso. D sells his one-half part to R, who is the owner
of the adjoining land. When A learned of the sale, he tried to redeem the portion sold by D by
reimbursing R with the purchase price and expenses. Which is not correct?
A. A can compel R to permit redemption
B. A co-owner of a thing may exercise the right of redemption in case the shares of the other co-owners
or any one of them are sold to a third person
C. The sale to R is valid but A can elect to exercise his right of redemption
D. The sale to R is valid and as adjoining land owner he is the one entitled to redemption
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71. A contract where the creditor acquires the right to receive the fruits of an immovable of his debtor, with
the obligation to apply them to the payment of interest if owing, and thereafter to the principal of his
credit is
A. Antichresis
B. Usufruct
C. Real estate mortgage
D. Commodatum

72. A pledged his ring to B for P20,000. A failed to pay his obligation. B sold it at a public auction for
P18,000. Can B recover the deficiency?
A. Yes, even without stipulation
B. Yes, if there is stipulation
C. No, even if there is stipulation
D. No, unless there is stipulation

73. A pledged his ring to B for P20,000. A failed to pay his obligation. B sold it at a public auction for
P22,000. Can A recover the excess?
A. Yes, even without stipulation
B. Yes, if there is stipulation
C. No, even if there is stipulation
D. No, if there is stipulation

74. C mortgaged his car to B for P200,000. C failed to pay his obligation. B sold it at a public auction for
P180,000. Can B recover the deficiency?
A. Yes, even without stipulation
B. Yes, only if there is stipulation
C. No, even if there is stipulation
D. No, unless there is stipulation

75. C mortgaged his car to B for P200,000. C failed to pay his obligation. B sold it at a public auction for
P220,000, Can C recover the excess?
A. Yes, even without stipulation
B. Yes, only if there is stipulation
C. No, even if there is stipulation
D. No, unless there is stipulation

76. B borrowed P100,000 from S secured by a pledge on B’s diamond ring. The debt is payable in
installment. When B defaulted in 2 installment payments, S foreclosed the pledge and sold the diamond
ring at a public auction. If there is excess, who is entitled to the excess?
A. B, even without stipulation
B. S, only if there is stipulation
C. B unless there is stipulation
D. S, even without stipulation

77. The sale of the thing pledged

A. Absolutely extinguishes the obligation
B. Extinguishes only the pledge
C. Extinguishes the debt only to the extent of the proceeds
D. Deprives the pledgee to get the excess
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78. D borrowed P100,000 from C. The obligation is secured by a mortgage on D’s land and building. C
registered the mortgage with the Register of Deeds. Thereafter, D sold the land and building to B who
was not aware of the existence of the mortgage at the time of sale since only the photocopy of the
transfer certificate of title which did not yet contain the annotation of the mortgage was shown to him.
It was only when he went to the Register of Deeds to register the sale of the land and building to him
that he learned of the mortgage. Which is correct?
A. C can collect from D and if D cannot pay, C can foreclose the mortgage
B. C can collect from D, but f D cannot pay, C cannot foreclose the mortgage
C. C cannot collect from D. He can only go after the mortgage which was given as security
D. C cannot foreclose the mortgage because B is a buyer in good faith

79. Which of the following is a feature common to chattel mortgage and pledge?
A. Deficiency is recoverable in case of sale of the thing pledged/mortgaged
B. The object of the contract is a movable property
C. The excess of the proceeds of sale over the amount of the obligation belongs to the
D. An affidavit of good faith is required to bind third persons

80. Essential elements of pledge include all of the following, except

A. Pledgor is the absolute owner of the thing pledged.
B. The person constituting the pledge has the free disposal of his property or if he is an agent or
representative, that he is legally authorized
C. The thing pledged must be placed in the possession of the creditor or of a 3rd person by common
D. To bind third persons there must be an affidavit of good faith

81. Essential elements of chattel mortgage include all of the following, except
A. The object is a personal or movable property
B. The thing mortgaged is not delivered to the creditor
C. The mortgagor can not sell without the consent of the mortgagee
D. Description of the thing mortgaged must appear in a public instrument

82. Essential elements of real estate mortgage include all of he following, except
A. In case of foreclosure sale, the mortgagor is entitled to the excess
B. The mortgagor can sell even without the consent of the mortgagee
C. The thing mortgaged must be delivered to the creditor
D. To bind third persons it must be recorded in the Registry of Property

83. Which of the following statements is not correct?

A. If the thing pledged is returned by the pledgee to the pledgor, the obligation is extinguished
B. In sale at public auction, the pledgor may bid and his bid is valid even if he is the only bidder
C. Any stipulation authorizing the pledgee to appropriate the thing pledged is void and without effect
D. Shares of stock can be the object of pledge or mortgage
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84. A was having his house repaired by B, who needed construction materials, so A orally told the seller C,
“Give B the materials, I shall be responsible. I shall pay in 30 days”. C delivered the materials. As a
A. The contract is unenforceable because A made an oral agreement to answer for the debt of B
B. The contract is enforceable because A did not make a special promise to answer for the default
of another person
C. The contract shall be enforceable if there is ratification by A
D. The contract shall be unenforceable if the value is at least P500.00

85. Which of the following statements is not correct?

A. A solidary creditor can assign his right even without the consent of the other creditors
B. Remission of the debt by any of the solidary creditors shall extinguish the obligation
C. If two or more solidary debtors offer to pay, the creditor may choose which offer to accept
D. The debtor may pay any of the solidary creditors but if any demand has been made by one of them,
payment should be made to him

86. Which of the following statements is correct?

A. The effect of a conditional obligation to give, once the condition has been fulfilled, shall
retroact to the day of the constitution of the obligation
B. If the obligation is unilateral, the fruits and interest during the pendency of the condition shall be
deemed to have been mutually compensated
C. If the obligation imposes reciprocal prestations upon the parties, the debtor shall appropriate the
fruits and interests received, unless from the nature and circumstances of the obligation it should be
inferred that the intention was different
D. In an obligation to do and not to do, the parties shall determine, in each case the retroactive effect
of the condition that has been complied with

87. A, B and C are solidary debtors sharing at 1:2:3 of solidary creditors W and Y sharing at 1:2. The
obligation is P12,000. If B is a minor and C is insolvent and W condones the obligation of A without
the consent of Y, how much can W collect from A?
A. P8,000
B. P6,000
C. P2,000
D. P0


Mixed Solidary Debt P12,000

Less: Share of B, a minor in solidary debt, real defense (P12,000 x 2/6) ( 4,000)
Less: Share of A which is condoned by solidary creditor (P12,000 x 1/6) ( 2,000)
Amount that W can collect from A P6,000

Even though the obligation is solidary, the share of the minor debtor may still be setup as a defense because
it is a real defense but only in so far as the share of the minor is concerned.
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88. A, B and C are solidary debtors of W and Y, joint creditors for P12,000 where the share of the debtors
in the obligation is 2:3:5 while the share of the creditors is 1:2. If A is insolvent, which of the following
is correct?
A. W can collect from B P3,200
B. Y can collect from C P6,400
C. W or Y can collect from B and C P12,000
D. Y can collect from either B or C P8,000


Share of joint creditor Y from the obligation (P12,000 x 2/3) P8,000

Since the obligation is joint only on the part of creditor, Y can only proportionately collect his share of 2/3
out of P12,000 or P8,000 from either B and C, the solidary debtors who are not insolvent. Since the
obligation is solidary on the party of debtor, B and C will absorb the insolvency of A.

89. A pointed a gun and threatened to kill B if B will not sign a promissory note which reads “I promise to
pay A, P100,000”. Out of fear, B signed the note. It turned out that two days earlier, A’s obligation to
B amounting to P100,000 became due and B demanded payment. Now, A alleges compensation. Is A
A. Yes, because the promissory note is valid
B. No, because the promissory note was signed only because there was intimidation
C. Yes, provided B will agree
D. No, because A’s obligation does not exist

90. A has two creditors, B and C. the obligation to B is P10,000 and to C is P12,000. Later, with the consent
of A and B, W pays B P10,000. Now W and C are the creditors of A. Suppose A has only P12,000,
which is correct?
A. C should be preferred
B. W should be preferred
C. C and W should be paid proportionately
D. A may choose whom to pay

91. A, minor, sold the ring of his brother without authority for P600,000. The ring has a fair market value
of P1,000,000. The contract is
A. Rescissible
B. Voidable
C. Unenforceable
D. Void

92. X, Y and Z are W’s sons. Upon the death of W, the three sons found a last will and testament in the
cabinet of W. The will showed disposition of a 30-hectare land, the only asset of W at the time of his
death in favor of the following: X – 5 hectares, Y – 10 hectares and Z – 15 hectares. X felt discriminated
with his share of only 5 hectares. Which is correct?
A. Reformation of the instrument in order to correct the disparity in the disposal of the property
B. Annulment of the instrument is the proper remedy to correct the mistake
C. Rescission is the proper remedy to correct the damage on the part of X
D. The law does not allow any remedy in this case
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93. A obtained an interest free loan of P50,000 from B evidenced by a promissory note payable six months
after date. At maturity, A called B by phone to ask for an extension of one month and offer to pay 20%
interest on the loan. Enticed by the 20% interest, B agreed to the extension of maturity. Which is correct?
A. The interest is a demandable interest by virtue of an agreement
B. The interest is unenforceable
C. The loan is valid but the interest is void
D. The loan and interest are both demandable

94. A, husband and B, wife are legally separated. By order of the court, which decreed the legal separation,
A is obliged to give a monthly support of P50,000 to B payable in advance within the first five days of
the month. B owes A P50,000 by way of loan. On the other hand, A has not yet given B support of
P50,000 for the preceding month and another P50,000 of the present month. All the debts are already
due. Based on the foregoing, which of the following statements is incorrect?
A. If B demands her support for the preceding month, A may set up compensation as regards the loan
that B owes him
B. If B demands her support for the current month, A may claim compensation as regards the
loan that B owes him
C. If A demands payment of the loan, B may set up compensation as regards her support for the
preceding month that A owes her
D. If A demands payment of the loan, B may set up compensation as regards her support for the current
month that A owes her

95. On January 1, 2018, A bought a parcel of land from B who was insane. The deed of sale was duly
acknowledged before a notary public. Six months after the sale, A realized that he needed a larger area
on which to construct a commercial building. At about the same time, B who had been undergoing
psychiatric treatment was declared of sound mind by his neurologist. Which is correct should a court
action be filed today?
A. A may successfully prosecute a court action to annul the contract on the ground of B’s insanity
B. B may successfully prosecute a court action to annul the contract on the ground of his insanity
C. Neither A nor B may successfully prosecute a court action to annul the contract
D. A may successfully prosecute a court action to annul the contract on the ground of mistake as to
the area of the parcel of land

96. A delivered to B the following instrument:

In payment of a gambling debt, A made a promissory note which reads: “I promise to pay B P10,000
Sgd. A.” B indorsed the note in blank before maturity and delivered it to C for value. When due, A
refused to pay and C sued B. Could C recover from B?
A. No, C could not sue B because B did not write the name of C as indorsee
B. No, the instrument is not negotiable and B is a mere assignor of credit
C. Yes, provided C gives notice of dishonor to B otherwise B is discharged from liability
D. Yes, the endorsement will be considered as an assignment, hence B will be liable as an assignor
of the instrument

97. In payment of merchandise purchased by A from B, A made a promissory note which reads “I promise
to pay B P10,000. Sgd. A”. B indorsed the note in blank before maturity and delivered to C for value.
A failed to pay due to insolvency upon maturity. Could C collect from B?
A. No, C could not sue B because B did not write the name of C as indorsee
B. No, the instrument is not negotiable and B is a mere assignor of credit
C. Yes, provided C gives notice of dishonor to B otherwise B is discharged from liability
D. Yes, the endorsement will be considered as an assignment, hence B will be liable as an assignor of
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98. A promised to give B P1,000 if B will hear mass for ten consecutive Sundays. This is a
A. Civil obligation
B. Natural obligation
C. Moral obligation
D. Religious obligation

99. Which of the following is a valid stipulation?

A. A promises to give B P10,000, and if A fails, A will allow B to have sexual intercourse with her
B. A will give B P10,000, if B will kill C
C. A agreed to give B a house and lot if B will be his mistress
D. A agreed to put poison on the food of B’s wife and if A fails, to pay B P10,000 for damages

100. A, B and C are solidarily indebted to D for P9,000 representing the purchase price of 1gram of shabu
but A’s consent has been obtained by violence and intimidation, and B is a minor. How much can D
collect from C?
A. P9,000
B. P6,000
C. P3,000
D. P0

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