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Work Experience in the HR Domain:

Name of the Organization:

In which of the following HR areas do you currently make use of HR providers?

And in which areas do you make the most use of external providers.

* Attracting, Selecting & Recruiting Talent

Outsource Usage Usage Usage

d Pattern Pattern - Pattern
- Least Sometim - Most
Placing advertisements for job positions Yes / No
Resume screening Yes / No
Shortlisting Yes / No
Provision of temporary staff Yes / No
Coordination of interview schedules Yes / No
Reference Checks Yes / No

* Training & Developing Talent

Outsource Usage Usage Usage

d Patter Pattern - Pattern -
n - Sometime Most
Least s
Development of customized training Yes / No
Delivery of technical and computer Yes / No
Delivery of management training Yes / No
New employee orientation sessions and Yes / No
Tracking employee training & Yes / No

* Compensation, Benefits & Other Rewards Activities

Outsource Usage Usage Usage

d Patter Pattern - Pattern -
n - Sometime Most
Least s
Annual employee benefit enrollment Yes / No
Salary surveys Yes / No
Delivery of employee performance reviews Yes / No
Design of group level bonus programs Yes / No
Merit pay increase planning & implementation Yes / No
Employee Recognition programs Yes / No
Health & welfare issues
* Employee Management

Outsource Usage Usage Usage

d Patter Pattern - Pattern -
n - Sometimes Most
Addressing employee complaints about Yes / No
Communicating performance results Yes / No
about the organization to employees
(quarterly updates, company
dashboards, etc.)
Communicating culture and vision to Yes / No
Design of organization structure Yes / No
Union/labor relations management Yes / No
Conducting employee attitude surveys Yes / No
Resolution of employee issues and Yes/No
complaints with management
Managing Employee Contracts Yes/No

In terms of the areas in which you make the most use of external
providers – why did you choose to use external providers?

For expert Cost Saving Time Saving Lack of Company

support internal HR Policy
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

On a 5-point scale state what have been the trends in use of HRO in the
past 3-5 years
1 2 3 4 5
Increased Marginal Remained Marginal Decrease Decreased
Increase the same
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

Based on the information provided on outsourcing in the above question, please

indicate the degree of satisfaction / dissatisfaction on the following

How satisfied are you with Very Satisfi Neutr Dissatisfi Very
Satisfi ed al ed Dissatisfi
ed ed
The strategic impact on the HR □ □ □ □ □
function (ability to have internal
staff focus more on policy /
The change in service quality in □ □ □ □ □
terms of improved performance
of HR staff?
The degree to which operating □ □ □ □ □
costs were avoided or reduced?
Your ability to manage □ □ □ □ □
outsourcing vendor
The OVERALL impact on the □ □ □ □ □

How has the use of external providers changed the work of the HR department?




Provide the most recent data on the overall level of employee turnover (company
initiated and employee initiated, include layoffs, terminations and resignations)
and/or voluntary (employee-initiated) turnover.

Overall turnover: ________% Year __________

Voluntary turnover: ________ % Year __________

Provide the most recent data on the internal employee turnover in the HRM
department of the company.

Overall turnover: ________% Year __________

Voluntary turnover: ________ % Year __________

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