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You MUST record your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.

Mark only ONE answer for each question.

Your score will be the number of correct answers.

There are 50 MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS (1 – 50).

Use the information provided to decide the BEST answer from the
four possible options.

Questions may sometimes be placed next to each other. Make

sure you read ACROSS the page and answer the questions in the
correct order.

You are NOT allowed to use

dictionary or electronic translator.
Text for questions no 1 and 2. 7. “… your success to pass the examination”.
The underlined words mean ….
A. fail in the examination
B. do well in the exam
C. try to do the exam
D. join the exam

8. Aulia : Is that your car?

Sonia : Yes, it is.
Aulia : Wow, that’s wonderful.
Sonia : Thanks.
1. What does the notice above mean?
A. The people want to catch the jelly fish. What does the underlined sentence express
B. The visitor should be careful with jellyfish. about?
C. The visitors should be careful because of the A. Expressing advice C. Showing attention.
bad weather. B. Giving an opinion. D. Giving compliment.
D. Many people want to remove the jelly fish
from their bodies. For questions 9 to 11, complete the dialogues
with the most appropriate words.
2. “If stung treat liberally with vinegar....”
What is the closest meaning of the underlined 9. Khalisa : I feel very tired and dizzy.
word? Dila : I think.... Don’t leave the bed if
A. Burn. C. Bite. it is not necessary.
B. Eat. D. Endanger. A. you must eat much vitamin
B. I must take a rest for one hour
Text for questions no 3 to 4. C. I will take you to the doctor soon
D. you should lie down and have a rest

DO NOT ACCEPT IF THE SEAL IS BROKEN 10. Andre : Cold Play will perform in Indonesia next
week. Would you like to go with me?
Astrid : .... It will be very interesting. I need to
3. We have to receive the pack in … condition only. refresh my mind.
A. bad C. big A. What a great idea you have
B. old D. good B. Well, I’m not sure I can come
C. I’d love to, but I don’t think I can come
4. Where can we find the caution above? D. I’m really sorry. I already have my own plan
A. In a bottle of water. C. In the label of shirt
B. In the box of milk. D. In the wrap of paper. 11. Daffa : Bayu, what are you doing here?
Bayu : I’ m cleaning the floor, but ....
Text for questions no 5 to 7. It’s too dirty.
A. I can do it C. I cannot clean it
Keanu Ahmad B. I am okay D. I do not realize it

Congratulations on your success to pass the Text for questions no 12 and 13.
May today's success be just the beginning of your long-
life achievement and happiness.
Remember, the challenges are waiting for you in the To: All IX grade students
coming senior high school, However, I believe you can Don’t forget to bring a long a thermometer to
do your best as you used to be and become the best of school on Wednesday, 11th January. We will
all again. Good luck! measure the temperatures.

Your Cousin Science Teacher

Ms. Khalisa
5. What is the writer's purpose to write the text?
A. To give a compliment to Keanu Ahmad.
B. To have a good time in the examination. 12. What is the announcement about?
C. To ensure Keanu’s happiness and success. A. To inform the students to go to the lab
D. To entertain Keanu Ahmad and his friends. tomorrow.
B. To persuade the students to buy a
6. The text shows that Keanu Ahmad has just thermometer.
finished his .... C. To remind the students to bring thermometer.
A. Junior High School C. Senior High School D. To ask the students to measure the
B. Elementary School D. University level temperatures.

Written Test Elimination Round Grade VIII; English Competition 2017 2

13. What will they do with the termometer? 17. What does the text talk about?
A. They will check the temperatures. A. Willy and his new drum.
B. They will sell the temperatures. B. Phil Collins and his drum.
C. They will draw and put it on the wall. C. A policeman and his whistle.
D. They will measure the weather. D. The writer’s five year old son.

Text for questions no 14 to 16. 18. ”...sometimes seem precocious for a boy...“
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
A. stupid C. intelligent
B. silly D. shy

19. ”He blew his whistle now and then...”

Please join us The underlined word refers to….
as we celebrate our A. Willy C. Willy’s teacher
10th Anniversary B. the writer D. the policeman
Kirana and Daniel Smith
Saturday, January 8th 20. From the text above we know that Willy is a …
6: 30 p.m - 10.00 p.m boy.
Our home A. smart C. stupid
112 Ventura Lane B. funny D. childish
(Dinner will be served)
RSVP 325-7453 Text for questions no 21 and 24.

14. What is the writer’s purpose to write the text We wish to express our deepest
above? condolences on passing
A. To inform someone about Kirana and Daniel’ Mr. John Farrel
anniversary. The Manager of PT. Laksana Mandiri
B. To invite someone to celebrate a wedding January 18th, 2017
anniversary. May God Almighty bless
C. To confirm about a preparation of the And keep him always
D. To promote Kirana and Daniel’s wedding. The staff of PT. Laksana Mandiri
15. Where will the party be held?
A. At the writer’s cafe. 21. From the text above we know that the big family
B. At the restaurant nearby. of PT. Laksana Mandiri wants to….
C. At Kirana and Daniel’s house. A. congratulate to Mr. John Ferrel as the new
D. At Kirana and Daniel’s office. manager
B. give good wishes to celebrate Mr. John
16. Based on the text, the event is held .... Ferrel’s birthday
A. in the morning C. in the evening C. support Mr. John to become a good and
B. in the afternoon D. at night responsible manager
D. express their sympathy for Mr. John Ferrel’s
Text for questions no 17 and 20. passing away

Last week I took my five-year old son, 22. How does the family of Mr. John Ferrel feel
Willy, to a musical instrument store in my probably?
hometown. I wanted to buy him a set of junior A. Worried. C. Excited.
drum because his drum teacher advised me to B. Sorrowful. D. Anxious.
buy him one. Willy likes listening to music very
much. He also likes asking me everything he 23. ”We wish to express our deepest …”.
wants to know. Even his questions sometimes What does the underlined word refers to?
seem precocious for a boy of his age. He is very A. Mr. John Ferrel’s family.
inquisitive. B. The staff of PT. Mandiri.
We went there by car. On the way, we C. Mr. John Ferrel’s relatives.
saw a policeman standing near a traffic light D. The Manager and the staff.
regulating the passing cars and other vehicles.
He blew his whistle now and then. Text for questions no 24 to 27.
Seeing the policeman blowing his whistle,
Willy asked me at once, “Dad, why is the Tayya: Kania, what do you think is the best action
policeman using a whistle, not a drum?” to reduce global warming?
Hearing his unexpected question I Kania : I think everyone should start changing
answered reluctantly, “Because he is not Phil their way of life.
Collins!”. Tayya: What do you mean?
Written Test Elimination Round Grade VIII; English Competition 2017 3
Kania :Well, we have to start to do what we can, Text for questions no 30 to 32.
to help reduce global warming.
Tayya: What do you suggest that we should do? Borobudur
Kania : Well, there are lots of things that we can
do. We should start saving electricity, start Borobudur Temple is a Buddhist temple in Indonesia.
It was built in the ninth century under Sailendra dynasty
recycling things, start using public transport of ancient Mataram kingdom. Borobudur is located in
means, buying and consuming as much as Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia.
we need only, etc. Basically, just save Borobudur is well known all over the world. Its
anything that we can. construction is influenced by the Gupta architecture of
Tayya: Wow! You know a lot of things about India. The temple is constructed on a hill 46 m high and
reducing global warming. Where did you consists of eight steps like stone terrace. The first five
learn all of that from? terraces are square and surrounded by walls adorned
Kania : Well, I read newspapers, magazines, and with Buddhist sculpture in bas-relief. The upper three
also search for information in the internet. are circular. Each of them is with a circle of bell shape-
Actually, I want to inform what I’ve learned stupa. The entire edifice is crowned by a large stupa at
to everyone so that everybody can start the centre of the top circle. The way to the summit
extends through some 4.8 km of passage and stairways.
helping to save our mother nature. The design of Borobudur symbolizes the structure of
Tayya : You’re so awesome. How about if you universe. Borobudur temple which is rededicated as an
write it in our school magazine next month? Indonesian monument in 1983 is a valuable treasure for
Kania : That’s a great idea. I’ll do that. Indonesian people.

24. What does the dialogue talk about? 30. What is the writer’s purpose to write the text?
A. Maintaining global warming. A. To persuade the readers to visit Borobudur.
B. Decreasing global warming. B. To inform about the history of Borobudur.
C. Changing way of our life. C. To describe Borobudur temple in general.
D. Writing school magazine. D. To promote Borobudur temple to the visitors.

25. What activity can we do to reduce global 31. How was the upper three of terraces created?
warming in our environment? A. Square. C. Valuable.
A. Use new plastic bags to bring things. B. Circular. D. Universal.
B. Use our own car every time we go.
C. Consume as much as we need only. 32. The design of Borobudur symbolizes about....
D. Buy mineral water whenever we go. A. Indonesian’s people C. the culture
B. the universe D. the earth
26. “...the best action to reduce global warming.”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to .... Text for questions no 33 and 34.
A. decrease C. recycle
B. maintain D. change Farah : Is it true what the newspaper’s headline
27. How does Kania know a lot about Global said?
warming? Binar : What news?
A. Searching in the internet. Keanu : The news about you winning the national
B. Watching the television. novel writing competition. Is it really
C. Joining school seminar.
D. Making school magazine. you?
Binar : Yeah. It is me.
For questions 28 and 29, fill in the blanks of the Farah : Congratulations! We’re happy for you.
dialogue with an appropriate word. Binar : Thanks a lot guys.
Keanu : It’s a terrific job, Binar.
Cantika : What did you do during last weekend?
Binar : Oh, no, I guess it’s just my luck.
Verrel : I ... (28) to the city park with my big
family. How about you?
33. What did they discuss about?
Cantika : I went ... (29). I just stayed at home. A. The National Novel Writing competition.
B. The preparation of writing competition.
28. A. go C. The steps to win a writing competition.
B. went D. The headlines of the newspapers.
C. will go
D. have gone 34. What did Keanu mean by saying “It’s a terrific
29. A. every where A. The job is complicated.
B. some where B. The job is very easy to get.
C. any where C. The competition is so easy.
D. no where D. The competition is very great.
Written Test Elimination Round Grade VIII; English Competition 2017 4
Text for questions 35 to 38. 39. How does Kembi's mother feel about her promise?
A. Impressed. C. Relieved.
Sunday the Terrible B. Confused. D. Guilty.

Last week was a terrible day for me. My cousins 40. Mom writes the text in order to ….
and I were playing football in front of the house to A. apologize for not keeping the promise
spend time with us. B. tell Kembi that she has to go to the meeting.
First, it was really fun until I kicked the ball too C. say that she cannot meet her in the bookstore
strong, so the ball leaded me to the window and broke D. remind Kembi that she has a promise with
the window of their neighbor’s house. When we wanted her
to escape, all of a sudden we all heard a loud voice.
After that, the owner of the house came out of the For questions 41 and 42, arrange the jumbled
fence, he yelled at us. We were very afraid of him, but sentences to form a meaningful paragraph.
we did not know what to do. Then, one of my cousins
told us to run, we all ran, and suddenly we heard the 41. 1. Miska works shifts.
sound of skin. Then we knew that homeowners allowed 2. She can cook many kinds of dishes, both local an
dogs to chase us. And we were struggling to run as fast international.
as we can. 3. However, she doesn’t mind the working hours.
But, I fell down so the dog managed to capture 4. Miska is a chef in a five-star hotel in the city.
me and bit my leg. It really hurt me. Then the dog ran 5. She enjoys her job.
back into the house. My cousin took me to the doctor 6. She may start working in the morning
and told my parents. In the end, the doctor said that I or in the afternoon.
was exposed to rabies. Then I was hospitalized for one 7. She can make delicious soto,
week more. spaghetti, and Japanese sushi.
That's a terrible day of the week for me, may not
happen to me again next time. A. 4-2-7-1-6-3-5 C. 4-2-5-1-3-6-7
B. 4-2-6-1-3-5-7 D. 4-2-1-6-7-3-5
35. Why last week was a terrible day for the writer?
A. The writer could not run very fast.
42. 1. We drank tea but we didn’t order the same
B. The writer did not chase his cousins.
C. The neighbor’s dog bit the writer’s leg.
2. I met my old friend, Sinta.
D. The writer’s cousins were hospitalized.
3. Then I came to Sinta and said, “Sinta, I am sorry
I forgot to bring my wallet.”
36. Who was shouting? 4. Last Sunday I had dinner in a restaurant.
A. The dog. 5. When I wanted to pay for the bill, I couldn’t
B. The writer. find my wallet.
C. The writer’s cousin. 6. We sat at the same table and began to talk.
D. The owner of the house. 7. I was embarrassed.

37. What was pursuing the writer and his cousin A. 2-3-4-5-7-6-1 C. 4-7-2-1-6-3-5
when they run? B. 2-5-7-3-4-1-6 D. 4-2-6-1-5-7-3
A. The dog. C. The homeowner
B. The guard. D. The writer’s friends. For questions 43 and 45, arrange the jumbled
wordss to form a meaningful sentence.
38. What would probably happen if the writer didn’t
run? 43. your – when – masks – in – gloves – and –
A. He could play football until finished. 1 2 3 4 5 6
B. The owner would be angry to the writer. wear - this area – working
C. The dog would not chase and bit the writer. 7 8 9
D. The writer got the ball back from his neighbor.
A. 7–1–3–6–5–4–8–2–9
Text for questions 47 and 50. B. 7–1–9–3–6–5–2–4–8
C. 8–9–7–1–3–6–5–4–2
To: Kemby D. 2–3–6–1–5–7–4–8–9

Sorry honey, I can’t keep my promise to go with 44. the – carries – MP3 – she – all – player –
you to the bookstore this afternoon. I’ve to meet 1 2 3 4 5 6
an – time
Mrs. Sandra at 03.00 pm. Please, don’t be angry.
7 8

Sender A. 1–7–3–6–2–4–5–8
Mom B. 4–2–7–3–6–5–1–8
+625281227990 C. 4–2–5–1–8–7–3–6
D. 3–6–2–4–5–1–8–5

Written Test Elimination Round Grade VIII; English Competition 2017 5

45. leaving – work – clean – up – before –
1 2 3 4 5
your – area
6 7

A. 1–6–2–7–5–3–4
B. 3–4–5–1–2–7–6
C. 3–4–2–7–5–1–6
D. 3–4–6–2–7–5–1

Complete the following text to answer questions

46 to 50 by using the appropriate word or phrase.

It was my birthday yesterday. I got a special

(46)… from my Mother. It was an electric guitar.
The body of the guitar is red, while the handle is
light brown. The guitar is a bit heavy, (47)… it’s
okay. The guitar is (48)…wood. The surface is
shiny. I clean it very smoothly. The string is also
very nice and (49)… I put my guitar (50)… my
room. Every time I have a free time, I will play the
guitar. It makes me happy. I’m so proud of my

46. A. bonus C. present

B. reward D. charity

47. A. so C. because
B. and D. but

48. A. made of C. consisted of

B. fond of D. Seemed

49. A. fast C. strong

B. weak D. interesting

50. A. between C. below

B. in D. under

Written Test Elimination Round Grade VIII; English Competition 2017 6

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