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A Comprehensive Study

about the
National Mobile Services Provider


MAR 2323: Marketing Management

Department of Information Technology

Faculty of Management Studies & Commerce

University of Sri Jayewardenepura

A Comprehensive study about National Mobile Services Provider Page i

Table of Contents

1 Executive summary ................................................................................................................. 1

2 Company Background ............................................................................................................. 2
3 Current Market Situation ....................................................................................................... 3
3.1 Macro (PESTEL Analysis) .............................................................................................................. 3
3.2 Competitor analysis ........................................................................................................................ 4
4 SWOT Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 5
5 Objectives and issues ............................................................................................................... 7
5.1 Objectives ....................................................................................................................................... 7
5.2 Issues.............................................................................................................................................. 7
6 Marketing Strategy ................................................................................................................. 8
6.1 Segmentation, Target Markets and Positioning ................................................................... 8
6.2 Product .............................................................................................................................. 9
6.3 Price ................................................................................................................................ 11
6.4 Place ................................................................................................................................ 12
6.5 Promotion ........................................................................................................................ 14
6.5.1 Using mass media advertisements ..........................................................................................14
6.5.2 Trending towards cyber space ................................................................................................14
6.5.3 Events and Experiences .........................................................................................................14
6.5.4 Powerful promotion by joining hands.....................................................................................15
6.5.5 New dimension of sales promoting ........................................................................................15
6.5.6 Social marketer......................................................................................................................15
6.6 Process, People and Physical evidences ............................................................................ 16
6.6.1 Smooth process .....................................................................................................................16
6.6.2 Work personnel .....................................................................................................................16
6.6.3 Physical evidence ..................................................................................................................17
7 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 18

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Adopted from GSMA Intelligence report ...................................................................... 3
Figure 2: Mobitel SIM ................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 3: Mobitel Brand ............................................................................................................ 10
Figure 4: Tariff Plan adopted from ................................................................... 12
Figure 5:mydeal Logo ............................................................................................................... 14
Figure 6:Mobitel Flagship Centre .............................................................................................. 17

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1 Executive summary
Telecommunication is one of today's fastest growing industries. The Telecommunication
industry is fairly new and has great potential for growth. It has long been a dream of
many mobile phone users to combine the powerful and the basic operations of a mobile
phone to a one particular product. Sri Lanka Telecom Mobitel who holds the slogan “we
care always” made their way into market by understanding the right needs of right

Mobitel, a brand owned by the Sri Lanka Telecom PLC is a company which provide a
service rather than a product, hence this report consists a deeper analysis about the market
of the brand and I have arranged the report structure more simply and the complex topics
have been expanded carefully

In the first section of the report i have studied about the background of the company in a
detailed manner and provided a deep view about current market situation.

Then I have presented a SWOT analysis about the company and this SWOT analysis
discusses about the company itself and the whole industry. Then the report moves to the
objectives of the company and it discusses about the objectives that are set by the
company and the issues faced by the brand.

Marketing strategy have been discussed in the next section of the report and I have
expanded the sub topic as,

STP strategy of the brand

Product mix
Price Mix
Place Mix
Promotion mix
Process, People and Physical evidences

Finally I have concluded the report with the recommendations and these
recommendations are based on the facts that are previously discussed in section,” issues
and objectives”.

A Comprehensive Study about the National Mobile Services Provider Page 1

2 Company Background

Mobitel, which started operations in 1993, became a wholly owned subsidiary of SLT in
October 2002 – making it 20 years of being Sri Lanka‟s National Mobile Service
Provider. Mobitel, the market challenger of the telecommunication field in Sri Lanka is
guided by the Ranjith G. Rubasinghe, the CEO of Mobitel.


To lead Sri Lanka towards an info-com and knowledge rich society through our service


To Care, Share & Deliver

Theseare the 3 key ingredients in their relationship with their Shareholders, Employees,
and Customers. Committing to these 3 principles as an individual and as a team and by
regularly practicing them as an organization.

Mobitel has achieved many milestones. In January 2004, the company launched its fully-
fledged 2.5G GSM network that is EDGE/GPRS enabled and designed to operate on dual
band. In December 2007, the company launched its 3.5G HSPA network - the first Super
3.5G network in South Asia. Further, Mobitel successfully demonstrated HSPA + MIMO
technology with down link speed up to 28.8 Mbps and carried out successful trial of
4G/LTE technology with downlink speed exceeding 96 Mbps, for the first time in the
South Asian Region. Investments committed to date in the 2.5G/3.5G/4G networks and
service offering amounts to over US$ 500mn.

With a strategy of 'value innovation', the Mobitel customer always wins. Mobitel believes
that technology for its own sake is meaningless, and fosters an organizational culture that
focuses on Customer Centricity. This philosophy which is a way of life at Mobitel has
enabled to build long lasting relationships with Customers, which is evident by the ever
increasing customer base which currently stands beyond the 4 million mark. The features
and benefits built into the Innovative packages that Mobitel offer are all designed
carefully with the customer's best interest at heart, standing by its slogan of "We Care.

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3 Current Market Situation
The mobile space is occupied by five operators including a state owned provider
(Mobitel). Dialog remains the largest player with around a third of the market, although
this has weakened over the last three years, largely due to competition from Etisalat and
Hutchison (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Adopted from GSMA Intelligence report

3.1 Macro (PESTEL Analysis)


Sri Lanka has very positive foreign investment policies. However though Sri Lanka
identified importance of liberalization early as in 1977, due to political interventions
bureaucratic attitudes inherited from colonial reign and poor governance, the country as a
whole and specifically the industry has not grown as it was foreseen at the time of


Unstable macro-economic environment and trade policy regime has a negative impact on
the industry. The fall of the exchange rate over the years happened on a gradual pace.
Since the inception of liberalization policy it has undergone massive reforms in this
sector. However Sri Lanka lags dynamics incorporated by India to attract foreign direct
investments. The attitude towards foreign direct investments needs to be improved.

A Comprehensive Study about the National Mobile Services Provider Page 3


Sri Lanka has better social conditions for example literacy rate is high, infant mortality
rate is low and life expectancy is long. The country also has an educated and trainable
work force. Nevertheless Sri Lankans inherit a bureaucratic attitude from the colonial
administration that results in inefficiencies and discrimination.


Sri Lanka depends on technology transfers from foreign direct investments. However
TRCSL encourages local research and development. The country comparatively has not
performed well enough to adapt technological changes on a timely manner. For example
the shift from analogue to digital and the adoption of CDMA technology materialized in a
slow pace.

Natural & Legal

TRCSL the regulatory body takes up multidimensional roles. It ensures fair enforcement
of Govt. policy, hold operators accountable for performance, address consumer issues,
monitor changing industry needs and provide feedback to the policy making units.
However TRCSL has been criticized over the years for information asymmetry,
inefficiency and discrimination.

3.2 Competitor analysis

When consider about mobitel it has a Differentiation Strategy Oligopolistic conditions

within the mobile phone services sector compel prices in support of the consumers
making. SLT Mobitel one of the lowest in call charges in the county which is having
tough competitors in the firm such as Dialog, Etisalat, Airtel and Hutch. As oligopolistic
competition the nature of the product seems to be the same but they can be differentiated
through the following ways.

“Mobitel has broad experience of innovative mobile services competition is increasing

the variety of services on offer. In order to attract or to hold consumers they do some
differentiation by changing some slight modification in their value chain activities.
Through services differentiation, an operator will tend to offer more services, designing

A Comprehensive Study about the National Mobile Services Provider Page 4

innovative pricing packages, through operation they using verity of technologies and
network infrastructure development.

The desire to provide innovative services and products includes a commitment to using
smarter technology that offers greater coverage, brings more applications, provides better
quality, uses less power, and requires fewer resources to operate in.

Example: Mobitel Karaoke. Use it as mTune or dedicate it to anyone, Karaoke on mobile

only from Mobitel.

4 SWOT Analysis
4.1 Strengths

 Mobitel has the second mover advantage of GSM technology in Sri Lanka.
 Due to its strong infrastructure it has got one of the best and far reaching mobile
telecommunication coverage.
 Relationship with the Sri Lanka Telecom.
 Extension in collaborations maintaining good relations with other Telecom
companies has enabled Mobitel to have a global approach with services such as
and Satellite Coverage & roaming.
 Mobitel Telecom has got a very aggressive marketing strategy which enables it to
have a good and stable Brand Equity.
 Company‟s financial analysis proved excellent stability in financial statements
regarding investments.
 Strong Public Relationship that has been built up over the years.
 Expanded CSR initiatives increased the social value of the firm.
 High quality technical innovations has made Mobitel market Challenger in Sri
 Constant rise in the share prices has gained the confidence of the investors leading
to value increment.
 Strong distribution network spread throughout the entire island.
 Well managed customer care support techniques have increased the level of
customer satisfaction.

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4.2 Weaknesses
 Due to the rapidly growing customer base the trends in Quality of Service are
going down by the day.
 The level of motivation of internal employees is decreasing.
 Though the investment on advertising and value addition through technical
innovation is high, there is no clear aim and idea of a broader market

4.3 Opportunities

 Telecom is one of the fastest growing sectors in Sri Lanka‟s 19.5million people
 As per estimations 4.5million users would have mobile phones by the end of 2006
 The communication industry is growing rapidly.
 Fixed line penetration is low.
 The approval and acceptability of the Value Added Services (VAS) by the users
has increased the probability and success of any new VAS initiative.
 The strategic partnership of Mobitel Telecom with ZTE Corporation and Huawei
Technologies in China
 Technology advancements especially in mobile multimedia technologies and the
advent and use of the next 4G mobile communications.

4.4 Threats

 The existence of all the other three GSM Mobile service providers poses a big
threat to Mobitel Telekom.
 India‟s Bharti Airtel Ltd. has got the license to be the fifth mobile operator in Sri
Lanka and launch the 2G and 3G services in 2007.
 The three existing CDMA service providers also pose a different kind of threat.
 Rapid changes in the political, social and economic conditions as well as the laws
and regulations.
 Changes in currency exchange rates and high inflation which is inversely affecting
the global business.
 Rapid change in customer preferences and their growing needs due to high level
of customer awareness.
 Mobitel had to switch off all base station in northern-province during the last few
months due to military operations by the Sri Lankan Govt. forces.

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5 Objectives and issues

When we look into the objectives of the Mobitel it is a must that we have to look into the
company objectives of the Sri Lanka Telecom Mobitel. They have stated their objectives
in the annual report.

5.1 Objectives
One of the key strategic objectives of the SLT Group is to drive broadband-based
consumer and enterprise services by expanding the broadband footprint via „Next
Generation Network‟ and „National Backbone Network‟ and Next generation access of
ADSL2+, VDSL2, Optical fibre, Carrier-grade Wi-Fi and both fixed and mobile 4G LTE
technologies. Group‟s total integrated solution portfolio includes Voice, Networking,
Data Hosting, Managed Services, Cloud Computing services and Mobile based consumer
and enterprise solutions provided through its fully owned subsidiary, Mobitel via its
2.5G/3.5G/4G LTE networks.
In addition to above key strategic objective I have identified following objectives of the
company as follows according to their annual report.
 Enhance customer experience by being more responsive to customer needs
 Grow and Protect Traditional Business
 Transform themselves by changing the way we work and how we work, driving
new innovative products and services
 Grow Broadband Coverage
 Grow ICT capability

5.2 Issues
Always there are some barriers that a company or a brand itself faces when
accomplishing the strategic goals and objectives. These issues can be differentiated from
the threats and weaknesses since these are more specific while SWOT analysis gives a
general idea. I have sorted some problems faced by the Mobitel

 Random change of the mobile data transmission technologies become a great

barrier to the whole industry, the frequency of technology changes getting too
short, when Mobitel covered all Sri Lanka with their 3G technology here comes
the 4G said one of the executive who met when I collecting information.
 Government regulations on telecommunication becoming more complex and
difficult to ensure and some of the financial restrictions keep Mobitel from their
innovations. For an example, launching the M-Cash service with current rules and
regulations of CBSL was too difficult.
 New innovations become useless because of the IT literacy of the country and the
inadequate of resources, even though we introduced Mobitel Wi-Fi there are no
smartphones to use the service within the country, said another executive officer

I have explained how to overcome the above problems in the conclusion of the report.

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6 Marketing Strategy

6.1 Segmentation, Target Markets and Positioning

Mobitel is a communication service which provides basically a service rather than a

product. When a company need to do segmentations in a field of a service it is too hard to
identify such market segments since the psychological needs of persons may vary and
understanding them is a difficult task.
When doing the segmentation they have mainly focused on the socio-cultural
environment and the behavioural factors of individuals. Also the factors like occupation,
social class have been used to do the segmentation. For an example,
 Upahara Package for government employees
 Mobitel “vidunana” for lower class children
They have considered the income level individuals as another main factor, indeed most of
the cellular operators use income level as a criteria when doing market segmentation. For
 Late night internet plans for lower income levels
 IDD buddy provides less cost international calls
 Mobitel Wi-Fi and LTE 4G services are dedicated for individuals who get higher
According to the above segmentations they have identified target markets and
differentiated the product and positioned it in accordance with that. Different segments
are explained as follows.
Over the years, service providers have started giving greater attention to this segment. As
it has emerged as one of the biggest users of mobile phones. For the youth, mobile phones
are not just a necessity, but rather an indispensable accessory. This segment particularly
values prepaid schemes with many offers. Youngsters in the age group of 19 to 23 years
generally have a large circle of friends and more access to money. Companies thus focus
on providing services like group talk and group SMS to these people. This segment is
very dynamic as its needs keep changing very frequently, driven by the latest trends and
Young Professionals
People entering the workforce and thus moving out of the dependent bracket constitute
this market segment. They generally prefer using post-paid schemes with value added
Services like information about stock markets, news updates and so on.
Small and Medium Enterprise.
This segment mainly consists of people who are switching over from landlines to mobile
phones, seeking a cost advantage. The focus here is on economy-packages rather than
value added services

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Family as a segment consists of more number of dependents. These dependants are
serviced by prepaid schemes. Geographically dispersed families tied by the same cellular
service providers may get cost advantages in terms of lower pulse rates
Mobitel has tailor made schemes for each segment has been a great success so far. It
shows that Mobitel has brought up their customer‟s loyalty.

6.2 Product

Mobitel provides mobile services, Broadband, Data Services, and Mobile Phones.
Mobitel offers mobile service that covered in 63 cities in Sri Lanka. And they offer 3G
coverage in 50 cities. And also Mobitel is the first mobile operator to launch super 3.5G
HSPA technology in South Asia. In January 2004, the company launched its full-fledged
2.5G GSM network that is EDGE/GPRS enabled and in December 2007 Mobitel
launched South Asia‟s first and only network with super 3.5G HSPA technology. An
investment committed to date in its 3.5G/2.5G networks and service offering totals over
US$ 200 million.
Recently they have introduced the Mobitel Wi-Fi and LTE 4G connection which brings a
speed up to 96Mbps.
M-cash is the latest product that they have introduced to the Sri Lankan market. If I
explained the product more deeply,
Core product

Mobile Operator

The Actual Product

But the actual product does not only a mobile operator indeed. It consists of many more
things than an ordinary customer expects which positioned the brand highly in the market.

Packaging and Labelling

Mobitel Sims contain in colourful and attractive covers with user manual.

Figure 2: Mobitel SIM

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Name – Mobitel
Slogan/ motto - “We care always”
(Previously known as “simple and amazing”)
Brand Personality – Smart People Figure 3: Mobitel Brand

Brand Equity - Mobitel Provides quality, accessible, innovative mobile and network

Services offered by Mobitel to their customers

 Value Added Services (VAS)

Mobitel provides a great range of optional services including Call Management, text and
picture messaging and addition to that Mobitel gone beyond of regular mobile operators
and now they are offering some tremendous value added services. Some of them are
listed below.

 M-Cash
 Mobitel doc-call
 M-taxi
 M-ticketing
 Mobile Banking
 SLT Directory Access

 Data Services
3G services - Infotainment, Video SMS, Video mail, Video Blogging and high speed
internet connectivity with push email facility. Latest informational services are listed
 News Alerts
 Tips and Learning (e.g.: British council English)
 M Adverts
 International Services
Keep in touch with clients and family, yet keep it affordable. Mobitel offers IDD,
Roaming, International SMS, International Video Calling and more features.
Mobitel offers International Direct Dialling (IDD calls) from Sri Lanka with low rates;
Mobitel introduces HOT IDD 250 for the SMART Pre Paid community, which is a re-
charge card that is exclusively for making IDD calls. This is yet another new and

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innovative service which costs only Rs 250/-, but has a greater bundled value in excess of
Rs. 300/-.and the IDD buddy provides the cheapest IDD calling rates in the country.
 Mobitel 3G Video Calling
Get a bit closer face-to-face with Video Calling. See and talk to your family and friends
based around the world.
 3G Delight/ Mobitel Wi-Fi / broadband services
To fulfil the emerging needs of young generation Mobitel has brought up the most
affordable data plans in Sri Lanka. Mobitel provides a range of data plans starting from
“chooti” which cost you Rs. 3 for 10MB and extending to more heavy plans which are
giving more Megabytes.
 International SMS/MMS

 Upahara
Sri Lanka Telecom Mobitel announced the launch of a revolutionary Communications
package for State sector employees and pensioners which will bring unparalleled
economic benefits to the subscribers. The package is aptly named UPAHARA and
presented to them as a gesture of appreciation of their contribution to the development of
the country, and with the aim of bringing mobile telephony within reach of hundreds of
thousands of State sector employees spread countrywide.
 Business Solution
Mobitel thinks that their business customer‟s needs are diverse. Mobitel offers a range of
services to suit customer‟s requirements. Mobitel provides individually designed
corporate packages ensuring you effectively manage your communication costs.

6.3 Price

Pricing Strategies
There are no doubts that the pricing strategy is the key for the success of Mobitel since
the market leader Dialog axiata becoming more and more rivalry. I have identified the
pricing strategies of Mobitel are varying according to the services they offer. Some of
them are briefly explained.
 Adjusting price according to the competitor price can be seen in local call rates,
SMS,MMS rates, Data charges, Ringtone prices, WAP content, Voicemail, Video
call charges and call conferencing
 Promotional prices are used with product bundle pricing which is an integrated
pricing strategy in Mobitel. USB dongle cum Post-paid data package are sold
together for a discounted price.
 Market skimming pricing strategy are used in latest products such as M-taxi and
M-ticketing (especially in train tickets) to gain maximum out from less customers
(calling fees are 30+ in m Ticketing)
 When come to the business solutions Mobitel uses a dynamic pricing strategy
which changes from each customer.

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Figure 4: Tariff Plan adopted from

Bill Payments
Over the counter
Mobitel Branches, SLT Teleshops, SLT Regional Telecom Offices, SINGER Mega,
Authorized Dealers, Keells Super Outlets (Payment updated after 1 hour - credit cards
and cash payments only), Arpico, Banks – Bill Payments to People‟s Bank, Sampath
Bank, Hatton National Bank & Nations Trust Bank will be updated on line and Bill
Payments to Commercial Bank, Union Bank, PABC Bank & Seylan Bank will be updated
on the next working day
Mobitel customers banking with Hatton National Bank (HNB), Sampath Bank and
Commercial Bank and HSBC can reload their pre-paid accounts and pay their post-paid
bills through a simple SMS.
Customers can pay their bill by cash at any of our payment centres.
By posting a cheque under registered cover to Manager Finance, Mobitel (Pvt) Limited,
108, W.A.D Ramanayake Mawatha, Colombo 02. The Cheque should be written in
favour of “Mobitel (Pvt) Ltd.”, along with the tear off part of the bill.
Standing Orders
Now it‟s even easier to pay Mobitel bills or recharge the prepaid account using Mobitel
M-cash, the latest service of Mobitel.

6.4 Place
Value delivery network of a business should be effective when distributing product to a
place and must be appropriate and convenient to the customer. The product must be
available in the right place at the right time and in the right quantity. Mobitel has an
outstanding place mix with compared to other mobile operators in the country. Most
unique channel of mobitel is the “postal service” of Sri Lanka

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Mobitel Big M‟s
Mobitel Big M‟s are the main offices of Mobitel. Their available services are
 Bill Payments
 SIM Replacements
 Roaming Activations
 Credit Limit Enhancements
 Online Activations
 Alterations to services
 VAS Activations
And also they have Big M branches in Anuradhapura, Kandy, Kurunagala, Matara and
Rathnapura with same facilities. And also Mobitel has a Mobitel Experience Centre in
Excel World and authorized dealers in island wide.
Mobitel has island wide distribution network. They arranged a ground breaking
arrangement with the Postal Department. Because they are trying to reach every house
hold in the country in a cost effective manner, while maintaining a friendly and customer
oriented approach. So their significant distribution channel is Postal Department.
Lanka Telecom Mobitel exchanged an agreement with Richard Pieris Distributors
Limited on June 23, 2008 to have its presence at Arpico Supercentres, the only hyper-
market chain in the country. This is a key milestone for Mobitel as it helps to further
spread the distribution network across the country. With this tie up, Mobitel now offers its
customers Online Bill Payments and Reload SMART connections at all Arpico
Supercentres island-wide, including the M3 Experience Centre which is located at the
Arpico Supercentre at Hyde Park Corner.
Sri Lanka Telecom Mobitel marked a key milestone in its relationship with Singer Sri
Lanka, the number one retailer of consumer durables, making available Mobitel services
at all Singer Plus outlets, Modern Homes and Sisil showrooms. Services available
initially at Singer Plus are Mobitel bill payment options and SMART Reload options.
And also SLT making available Mobitel services at SLT Teleshops made Mobitel‟s value
delivery system stronger. Mobitel has well designed web site with many features. It is through this web site they offer
 Online Bill Payments
 Online Bill viewer
 Prepaid and Post-paid Details
 Tariffs
 Promotions
 Online customer care support
 Store Locations and etc.
Mobitel has 24 hour customer service and 24hour Roaming Service Hotline in Sinhala,
Tamil, and English Languages. Through their web site they invite to the customer to fill
their online customer satisfaction survey to give the best in customer service. By using
mobile phones they can connect to the internet through

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6.5 Promotion
Promotion is the way a company communicates what it does and what it can offer to a
customer. It includes activities such as branding advertising, PR, cooperate identity, sales
managements, special offers and exhibitions. Mobitel uses almost all the tools in
promotion mix to communicate with their customers. According to my finding they use
Sponsored events and experiences and mass media advertising as the main tool for
promoting their brand and more or less they use other tools too.
Sri Lanka Telecom Mobitel gives the big supports to Sri Lankan Sports. Supporting by
these events mobitel promotes a positive national sentiment, thus fulfilling the objective
of promoting culture and sport in Sri Lanka.

6.5.1 Using mass media advertisements

Current market studies shows that the mobitel owns 21% of the market share and it makes
the sense that the mobitel is the market challenger. A market challenger would definitely
rely on massive advertisement campaigns. Mobitel uses TV and Radio Advertisement,
Newspaper and Magazines,

6.5.2 Trending towards cyber space

Recently mobitel has increased their usage of facebook and other social networks as their
key advertising tools. Mobitel recorded 500000 fans in Facebook in July 2013 which was
the highest by any brand of Sri Lanka and they also use Google Adwords to advertise
their brand in cyber space. Mobitel takes full use of the new era of advertising. They have
launched a brand new website called and a supportive website called to encourage the usage of online marketing. We can simply get amazing
deals and products for discounted prices from the above mentioned websites.

Figure 5: mydeal Logo

6.5.3 Events and Experiences

As I have mentioned previously the main tool of the mobitel that they use to
communicate with their customers is the company sponsored events. They have
successfully carried their brand to the customers using events and experiences. Mobitel
sponsoring sport events heavily including national cricket team and also the biggest tech
conference of the country was held with the support of mobitel. I have listed some of the
company sponsored events and experiences happened recently

A Comprehensive Study about the National Mobile Services Provider Page 14

 Google I/O Extended
This event became a record breaking tech conference in Sri Lanka and recorded
more than 3000 check-ins
 Sponsored 08th South Asian Regional Conference of Dermatology, Venereology
and Leprology.
 Mobitel Schoolboy Cricketer contest
 33rd National Conference of Chartered Accountants with Gold sponsorship
 Techno 2013
 SLT and Mobitel open „Experience‟ Centre at Liberty Plaza

6.5.4 Powerful promotion by joining hands

Partnerships result in higher successfulness in promotion campaigns. Mobitel promotes
products of reputed companies like Nokia, Huawei and gaining competitive advantage
over other cellular careers. I have picked some recent newsletter headings which will
prove the above fact.
 Mobitel partners to provide free website access to Mobitel customers
 Mobitel ties up with the Ministry of Public Administration and Home Affairs
 mobitel introduces special contract plan for Huawei Ascend Y220 Get a brand
new smartphone every 18 months
 Mobitel introduces Nokia 105 Features Sinhala and Tamil language support

6.5.5 New dimension of sales promoting

Recently mobitel has introduced the cash bonanza campaign which will give away about
Rs. 150 million to mobitel users. This is the highest amount of bonus by any company in
Sri Lanka.
Mobitel Cash Bonanza to distribute cash prizes worth a staggering Rs.150 million in 2014
Competition extended to Mobitel‟s pre-paid, post-paid and broadband customers, Over
1,000 winners per day
M cash dansela is an innovative way that they promoted their latest product M-cash.
Rs.50 worth m-cash was given away during wesak season.

6.5.6 Social marketer

Sri Lanka Telecom Mobitel uses CSR to enhance the promotion mix. Recently they have
introduced the “vidunana” which is an extension of M- learning. Mobitel in collaboration
with the University of Colombo has introduced a method of education utilizing advanced
technology to Sri Lanka. "M-Learning" is set to revolutionize the whole experience of
Used Laser printer toner cartridges are sold for recycling and the proceeds donated to the
Cancer Society of Sri Lanka by R&G Capital (Pvt) Ltd. on behalf of Mobitel.

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6.6 Process, People and Physical evidences
Since mobitel is an organization which provides service rather than a product to its
customers it is no doubt that they have to consider 3 other key areas in their marketing
strategy. These additional 3ps provided mobitel a chance to stand out from the
competitors and to give a better competition to its main rival, dialog axiata.

6.6.1 Smooth process

The process of giving a service and the behaviour of those who deliver are crucial to
customer satisfaction. Issues such have waiting times, the information given to customers
and the helpfulness of staff are all vital to keep customers happy.
Mobitel agencies are fully automated systems and processes to facilitate 100% error free
logistics and commercial systems and transactions. In their agencies they have dedicated
team to handle the client. They provide total focus and involvement in the client‟s
business. Mobitel operators should make more efforts on thinking out of the box, rather
than focusing on technology. They will have to be innovative. Their rural strategy was
totally based on this philosophy. Following factors are the core of their process.
• Integrity
• Innovation
• Dynamism
• Accountability
• Passion
• Professionalism

6.6.2 Work personnel

Anyone who comes in to contact with the customers will make an impression and that can
have a profound effect, positive or negative on customer satisfaction. The reputation of
your brand rest‟s in people‟s hands. They must therefore be appropriately trained well
motivated and have the right attitude.
Employment policy of mobitel is very attractive and it abled to provide convenient
service to their customers since the motivated employee will always yield high. As an
Equal Opportunity Employer,
Mobitel employees have the right skills, positive and friendly attitudes and a passion to
serve their valued Customers.
 Working Environment
Sri Lanka Telecom Mobitel which consistently sets standards of service considered to be
the benchmark in the telecommunication industry is keen to get the best people on board
 Communication with Staff
Mobitel‟s first name basis and open door culture ensures that all employees can provide
feedback to anyone in the senior management teams.

A Comprehensive Study about the National Mobile Services Provider Page 16

 Confidentiality
During and after employment with mobitel, staff are advised to observe and maintain
confidentiality in respect of all transactions of the company and our customers and
information related to them. Further details are disclosed in the employment agreement
and non-disclosure agreement on commencement of their employment.
 Dress Code
Monday-Thursday: Smart, suitable for a professional business environment.
Fridays: Casual, however advised to maintain a decent standard in casual clothes and foot
 Personal Conduct:
Employees are expected to deal fairly and honestly with the customers, each other and
business suppliers and competitors.

6.6.3 Physical evidence

Figure 6: Mobitel Flagship Centre

Mobitel has shown their competitive position over the years in terms of formidable
distribution, product suit and brand. The features and benefits built into the Innovative
packages that they offer are all designed carefully with customer's best interest at heart,
because as their slogan goes "We Care always”
In this way the physical environment plays an important role in shaping the service
experience and delivering the customer satisfaction. So, Physical evidence is an essential
ingredient of the service mix, consumers will make perceptions based on their sight of the
service provision which will have an impact on the organizations perceptual plan of the
The new store outlook is no different from a futuristic luxury hotel lobby. Friendly
customer care staff will always be there to open the door and usher customers in. In
accordance with “fast resolution concept” customers will no longer have to go through
the hassle of waiting in queues for petty matters; the information desk will be more than
happy to resolve those matters then and there.

A Comprehensive Study about the National Mobile Services Provider Page 17

7 Conclusion
There is no doubt that the Mobitel has marked their brand within the market and
positioned in a highly competitive environment in which the market leader, Dialog axiata
becoming more and more strong. With a market share of 21% the company itself faced a
problem of challenging the market leader on the other hand they have to protect their
market share from the other competitors (etisalat owns a market share of 19%)
Mobitel has differentiated their brand in way which state that the subscribers who use
Mobitel are more classy, esteemed people than others and i AM SRI LANKA campaign
helped them to carry this massage strongly. Mobitel has made a significant milestone with
the coverage that they offered and they must extend their coverage to the rural areas to
outstand from its competitors.
Low budget data packages and lowering call rates to a certain extent will definitely help
to Mobitel to gain a competitive advantage.
Loyalty program must be re-invented, dialog star points made a greater achievement with
compared to the M3 café which is only attracting upper class subscribers. Thus they need
to develop alike program.
Mobitel has a good customer care service which they have to continue and it is good to
modify the current customer care and implementing a cyber space customer care (online
chatting) will gain more user attractiveness.
All in all Mobitel has made their way into the Sri Lankan telecommunication market and
stated their brand personality in a way which other competitors were not abled.
Innovations and the backbone technology of the Mobitel and the recognition
(NATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION PROVIDER) have made market challenger,
Mobitel stronger. Trending towards CSR activities and sustainable management must be
ensured to keep remain in the market.

A Comprehensive Study about the National Mobile Services Provider Page 18

Group Name: SmartGeekz

Group Members


01 L H A Premarathne

02 D M L P Dissanayake

03 G N Chamara

04 Y W A M Bandara

05 S N Shivantha

06 W A H M Wanniaracchi

07 G G B Danushkani

A Comprehensive Study about the National Mobile Services Provider Page 19

References and Sources

1. GSMA Intelligence Country overview report (Sri Lanka)

2. Annual report, Sri Lanka Telecom PLC

(All web based references and sources provided above are verified by a primary
references source)

A Comprehensive Study about the National Mobile Services Provider Page 20

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