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Division of City Schools


Niyog Ext., General Santos City

Detailed Lesson Plan

February 20, 2019
A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts, uses and
importance of Statistics, data collection/gathering and the different forms of data
representation, measures of central tendency, measures of variability, and probability.
B. Performance Standard: The learner is able to collect and organize data systematically
and compute accurately measures of central tendency and variability and apply these
appropriately in data analysis and interpretation in different fields.

C. Learning Competency: The learner will use appropriate graphs to represent organized
data: pie chart, bar graph, line graph, histogram, and ogive.
LC Code: M7SP-IVd-e1
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to use appropriate
graphs to represent data.
II. SUBJECT MATTER – Lesson 37: Statistics
Reference/s: Synergy for Success in Mathematics page 426-428
Grade 7 Mathematics (Patterns and Practicalities) Gladys C. Nivera page 426-
Materials: PowerPoint, Chalk.
III. Teaching/Learning Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checks assignment
B. Review
 What did we discussed yesterday?
C. Motivation (WHICH is WHICH?)
Instruction: The teacher will flash pictures and the students choose which one is which.
Activity 1:

Present the following to the students and ask them to work in groups. Encourage them to
write as many possible answers and explanations.

Consider the following charts and graphs and answer the questions that follow:

D. Analysis
Based on the activity;
1. What information can we get from each of the above charts or graphs?
Discuss each chart or graph.
2. Do they present the same information?
3. Describe each of the charts/graphs. What do you think are some uses of
each of the charts or graphs?
E. Abstraction
IV. Generalization

1. What are some of the different ways of presenting data?

2. Describe the information that can be obtained from a data presented using Bar Graph, Pie
Chart, Line Graph, and Histogram

V. Values Integration:

Do you know Charice Pempengco? Coco Martin? Lalisa Manoban? Park Chanyeol? Vice
Ganda? These are famous artists who excelled in their craft. Everyone has unique talents. We
cannot all be singers or dancers. What are your unique talents? How do you develop them?

VI. Evaluation
Organize and present the following data using an appropriate chart or graph:
a. An informal survey of 130 youth voters shows their top pick for senator:
Loren Legarda – 68
Chiz Escudero – 31
Bam Aquino – 13
Risa Baraquel – 10
Sonny Angara – 8

VII. Assignment - ½ cw
Instruction: Organize and present the following data using an appropriate chart or graph:
Mr. Palanca recorded his weight every end of the month in the year 2019.
January 31 – 175 lbs July 31 – 163 lbs February 29 – 176 lbs August 31 – 165 lbs
March 31 – 169 lbs September 30 – 161 lbs April 30 – 169 lbs October 31 – 158 lbs
May 31 – 170 lbs November 30 – 155 lbs June 30 – 165 lbs December 31 – 153 lbs

Prepared by:

Claudine Marie A. Glenogo

Name & Signature

Checked by:

Gerlie Avila Habla

Teacher III

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