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3 | Progress test

Working with words

A Is it good?
Which continent or world region are these B Yes, not bad. There are 12_________ nice fish
countries in? dishes. But there aren’t 13_________ parking
spaces in the centre. So take the bus.
1 Hungary, Sweden _________
2 Nigeria, Botswana _________ Conversation 2:
3 Ecuador, Argentina _________ A Can I help you?
4 Saudi Arabia, Oman _________ B Yes, is there 14_________ coffee machine
5 Malaysia, New Zealand _________ here?
A Yes, 15_________ two actually. There’s one in
Match sentences from a telephone caller (6–10) to the canteen and there’s another in the factory.
the workplace he / she calls (a–e). B _________ any in this building?
A No, 17_________. Sorry!
6 ‘Can I speak to the Warehouse Manager about
our delivery, please?’ ____ Conversation 3:
A Hello, is there 18_________ Internet cafe near
7 ‘Is Mike there? He works in Research and this hotel?
Development.’ ____ B No, 19_________. But take the 32 bus to the
centre - 20_________ a bus stop at the end of
8 ‘Hello, can I have a price for item R-33, this road.
please?’ ____
Business communication
9 ‘Hello, I have the new parts for Production.
Do you need them today?’ ____ Complete this telephone conversation with the
missing words.
10 ‘Could I leave a message forn the Head of
Administration?’ ____ A Hello, the Dubai Grand Hotel. Can I
h_________ you?
a Sales Office B Yes, could I 22s_________ to the manager,
b Factory please?
c Head Office A I’m sorry but he isn’t 23a_________ at the
d Technical Centre moment. Can I 21t_________a message?
e Distribution Centre B Thanks. It’s Danuta Norvig. Can he call me
b_________ as soon as possible? My
Language at work n_________ is oh seven eight eight, three
five four, three seven eight two.
Complete these three conversations with words A So 27t_________ ’s Danuta Norvid on oh
from the list. seven eight, three five four, three seven eight
two. Is that 28r_________?
any Are there there’s Is there there are B No, it’s zero seven 29d_________ eight.
there isn’t a some an there aren’t A OK. I’ll 30g_________ him your message.
B Thanks for your help.
Conversation 1: A You’re welcome.
A 11_________ a Thai restaurant in the city
centre? Result _________ / 30 marks
B Yes, that’s right. The Blue Boat.

Business Result Elementary Progress Test 3 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

Speaking test
Role cards
Copy this page and cut out the role cards for the students. Students should do both role-plays. Then use the
Speaking test results form to evaluate each student’s performance. You can then cut out the results and give
them to the students.

Student A Student B

1 Telephone Maston Retail and leave a message. 1 You work for Maston Retail. Answer Student
Remember to start and end the call correctly: A’s phone call. Ms Harper isn’t in the office
 you want to speak to Ms Harper today. Ask Student A to spell his / her name
 leave your real name and telephone and leave a contact number. Take a message.
number and ask Ms Harper to call you
back as soon as possible. 2 Telephone Expos Conference Centre and leave
a message. Remember to start and end the call
2 You work for Expos Conference Centre. correctly:
Answer Student B’s phone call. The  you want to speak to the Conference
Conference Manager isn’t here this morning. Manager
Ask Student B to spell his / her name and  leave your real name and telephone
leave a contact number. Take a message. number and ask the Conference
Manager to call you back as soon as

Speaking test results

Use these forms to evaluate the students.

Student A Student B
Can the student … Didn’t do this Yes, but with Yes, did this Can the student … Didn’t do this Yes, but with Yes, did this
(0 points) some mistakes very well (0 points) some mistakes very well
(1 point) (2 points) (1 point) (2 points)
start the call start the call

ask to speak to ask to speak to

someone someone

leave a message leave a message

take a message take a message

end the call end the call

Result ______________ / 10 marks Result ______________ / 10 marks

Business Result Elementary Progress Test 3 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

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