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700 - Big Blue, The [Note: This refers to the original U.S. release, no longer available (current video is
of a subsequent release)]
550 -
515 - Jonathan Livingston Seagull
499 - Dicken’s Christmas Carol
Brother Sun, Sister Moon 495 - Winged Migration
490 - Empire of the Sun
485 - Lost Horizon (1937)
475 - Ray
475 - Ben-Hur
475 - Color Purple, The
475 - Sound of Music
475 - Forrest Gump
475 - Fantasia
455 - Gandhi
455 - Amadeus
455 - What the Bleep Do We (K)now!?
455 - A Man for All Seasons
450 - Wizard of OZ, The
450 - It’s a Wonderful Life
445 - Little Buddha
440 - 2001: A Space Odyssey
425 - Terms of Endearment
425 - Chariots of Fire
415 - Doctor Zhivago
415 - Singin’ in the Rain
415 - Lion King, The
410 - Rain Man, The
405 - Hamlet
405 - Philadelphia Story, The
405 - My Fair Lady
405 - Titanic, The
405 - West Side Story
405 - Gone with the Wind,
400 - Yankee Doodle Dandy
400 - Citizen Kane
400 - Toy Story
395 - Shakespeare in love
395 - Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
395 - From Here to Eternity
395 - Driving Miss Daisy
395 - Barefoot in the Park
395 - African Queen, The
395 - Saturday Night Fever
390 - Greatest Show on Earth
390 - Field of Dreams
390 - Shane
390 - Miracle on 34th Street
390 - Jazz Singer, The
390 - Out of Africa
385 - Funny Girl
385 - Bridge on the River Kwai, The
385 - Around the World in 80 days
385 - Chicago
385 - Raiders of the Lost Ark
385 - My Big Fat Greek Wedding
385 - Casablanca
385 - Grapes of Wrath, The
380 - Hello Dolly
375 - A Beautiful Mind
375 - ET: The Extraterrestrial
375 - Pretty Woman
375 - Gigi
375 - Dances with Wolves
375 - Jerry Maguire
365 - Cleopatra
365 - Murder on the Orient Express
365 - Oliver!
365 - American Graffiti
360 - Wuthering Heights
360 - Best Years of our Lives
360 - Breakfast at Tiffany’s
360 - Taxi Driver
355 - Tootsie
355 - An American in Paris
355 - Annie Hall
355 - Legally Blonde
355 - Some Like it Hot
355 - City Lights
350 - Giant
350 - Babe
350 - Way We Were, The
350 - Sleepless in Seattle
350 - Stagecoach
350 - Great Gatsby, the
345 - Willie Wonks
345 - Patton
340 - Seven Days in May
340 - North by Northwest
335 - Charlotte’s Web
330 - Ferris Bueller’s Day off
330 - Grease
330 - Jurassic Park
325 - Maltese Falcon, The
325 - Birth of a Nation, The
325 - Graduate, The
325 - Moonstruck
320 - Lawrence of Arabia
315 - Searchers, The
315 - Chinatown
315 - Double Indemnity
315 - Streetcar Named Desire
310 - Sixth Sense, The
310 - Rebel Without a Cause
310 - River’s Edge
310 - To Kill a Mockingbird
310 - Love Story
305 - Charade
305 - Manhattan
305 - Guess Who’s coming to Dinner
305 - Lord of the Rings
300 - Paper Moon
300- All About Eve
300 - Breakfast Club
295 - Sting, The
295 - On the Waterfront
275 - Braveheart
275 - You’ve Got Mail
275 - Ordinary People
275 - French Connection
275 - High Noon
270 - Lord of the Flies
270 - Wild Bunch, The
270 - Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid
265 - Rocky
265 - Close Encounters of the Third Kind
265 - Crocodile Dundee
260 - Gold Rush, The
255 - It Happened One Night
255 - Bringing Up Baby
255 - Young Frankenstein
255 - Fall Safe
255 - Cool Hand Luke
255 - Spiderman
255 - Network
255 - Raging Bull
250 - English Patient, The
250 - Star Wars
245 - Bye Bye Birdie
235 - Ghostbusters
230 - A Fish Called Wanda
225 - Dr. Strangelove
225 - Blade Runner
225 - Wall Street
215 - Madame X
215 - Goldfinger
215 - Holy Grail
215 - Birds, The
215 - Harry Potter
210 - Place in the Sun, A
210 - Batman
205 - Caddy Shack
205 - Kramer vs. Kramer
205 - LA Confidential
205 - Rock Horror Picture Show
200 - Third Man, The
200 - Apartment, The
200 - Treasure of the Sierra Madre
200 - Valley of the Dolls
195 - Saving Private Ryan
195 - Easy Rider
195 - Tom Jones
190 - Passion of Christ
Dr. Hawkins mentioned if two 10-minute scenes of non-stop violence were removed from the movie,
it would calibrate 345-350.
185 - One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
185 - Barbarella
180 - Beverly Hills Cop
180 - Godzilla
180 - Schindler’s List
180 - Jaws
180 - Platoon
175 - King Kong
165 - In the Heat of the Night
160 - Mad Max
155 -Godfather, The
155 - Godfather, Part II, The
155 - Carnal Knowledge
155 - Deer Hunter, The
150 - All Quiet on the Western Front
150 - Matrix, The
145 - Deliverance
145 - Aliens
145 - Notorious
145 - Predator, The
140 - Exorcist, The
140 - American Beauty
140 - Sex, Lies and Videotape
140 - Fatal Attraction
140 - Thelma and Louise
125 - Terminator
125 - It’s Alive
110 - Wait Until Dark
105 - Lethal Weapon
105 - Bonnie and Clyde
105 - St. Elmo’s Fire
105 - Vertigo
100 - Good Fellas
90 - Falling Down
85 - Halloween
85 - Omen, The
80 - In Cold Blood
80 - There’s Something about Mary
80 - Psycho
70 - A Clockwork Orange
65 - Apocalypse Now
60 - Rosemary’s Baby
55 - Shining, The
45 - Silence of the lambs
25 - Pulp Fiction


965 - Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, by David R. Hawkins

722 - The Spiritual Teaching of Ramana Maharshi w/ Foreword by C.G.Jung
720 - I Am That: Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
715 - The Collected Works of Ramana Maharshi, edited by Arthur Osborne
710 - Prayer: Seeking the Heart of God, by Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Brother Roger of Taize
700 - God is Love Alone, by Brother Roger of Taize
588 - Praying Our Goodbyes: Understanding the Spirituality of Change in Our Lives, by Joyce Rupp,
579 - Serenity: A Companion for Twelve Step Recovery - Complete with New Testament, Psalms, and
Proverbs, by Dr. Robert Hemfelt and Dr. Richard Fowler
560 - A Return to Love, by Marianne Williamson
556 - The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle
553 - All For Her, by Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C.
552 - One Day at a Time in Al-Anon, by the Al-Anon Family Group
550 - The Path to Love, by Deepak Chopra
549 - Transitions - Prayers and Declarations for a Changing Life, by Julia Cameron
546 - You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise L. Hay
539 - Letter To Families, from Pope John Paul II
525 - Love, by Leo Buscaglia
521 - Dreams and Healing: A Succinct and Lively Interpretation of Dreams, by John A. Sanford
520 - Called to be Friends, by Paula Ripple, FSPA
520 - Confessions of St. Augustine, Translated by F.J. Sheed
517 - Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul III, by Jack Canfield
512 - Meditations from the Road, by M. Scott Peck
511 - The Monastic Journey, by Thomas Merton
511 - Chicken Soup for the Couple's Soul, by Jack Canfield
510 - The Road Less Traveled-25th Anniversary Edition, by M. Scott Peck
505 - Chicken Soup for the Soul, by Jack Canfield
505 - The Image of His Maker, by Robert Edward Brennan, O.P.
501 - Man's Search for Meaning, by Viktor E. Frankl
500 - Beyond Codependency - And Getting Better All the Time, by Melody Beattie
499 - Plato's Theaetetus, Trans. by M.J. Levett, Edited by Bernard Williams, Revised by Myles Burnyeat
498 - The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents, by Deepak Chopra
494 - Perfect Health: The Complete Mind/Body Guide, by Deepak Chopra
494 - The Pain and the Possibility: Divorce & Separation Among Catholics, by Paula Ripple, FSPA
492 - Now For Something Totally Different: A Study of The Sermon on the Mount, by Stuart Briscoe
490 - We: Understanding the Psychology of Romantic Love, by Robert A. Johnson
490 - On Death and Dying, by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
490 - Descartes' Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy 4th Ed., Translated by
Donald A. Cress
489 - Gray's Anatomy, by Henry Gray
485 - When Bad Things Happen to Good People, by Harold S. Kushner
483 - The Journeys of Socrates, by Dan Millman
480 - The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren
480 - Plato's Republic, translated by G.M.A. Grube and Revised by C.D.C. Reeve
480 - A New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle
478 - The Wisdom of Healing: A Natural Mind Body Program for Optimal Wellness, by David Simon
477 - The Man Who Wrestled with God: Light from the Old Testament on the Psychology of
Individuation(Revised and updated), by John A. Sanford
475 - Plato's Gorgias, Translated by Donald J. Zeyl
475 - Feminist Issues: Race, Class, and Sexuality 4th Ed. edited by Nancy Mandell
473 - Philosophy: The Power of Ideas, 6th Ed., by Brooke Noel Moore and Kenneth Bruder
470 - How to Enjoy Your Life in Spite of it All, by Ken Keyes, Jr.
470 - Legends of the Elders Handbook for Teachers, Homeschoolers, and Parents, by John W. Friesen
& Virginia Lyons Friesen
470 - Legends of the Elders, by John W. Friesen
469 - Philosophy of Education: An Anthology, Edited by Randall Curren
468 - The Dream Tree, by Stephen Crosgrove
465 - Plato's Five Dialogues: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phaedo 2nd Ed., Translated by G.M.A.
465 - Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous, by George Berkeley
463 - The Great Philosophers, by Jeremy Stangroom and James Garvey
462 - Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine, by Deepak Chopra
460 - The Essential Ken Wilber, by Ken Wilber
460 - The BFG, by Roald Dahl
458 - Dynamic Anatomy, by Burne Hogarth
458 - Constructive Anatomy, by George B. Bridgman
457 - Bridgman's Complete Guide to Drawing from Life, by George B. Bridgman
457 - The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem, by Nathaniel Branden
455 - Why Was I Adopted?, By Carole Livingston
455 - Talking it Out: A Guide to Groups for Abused Women, by Ginny NiCarthy, Karen Merriam and
Sandra Coffman
455 - Allison DuBois: Don't Kiss Them Good-Bye, by Allison DuBois
453 - The Brain that Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science,
by Norman Doigde
451 - Still More Legends of the Elders, by John W. Friesen & Virginia Lyons Friesen
450 - Because a Little Bug Went Ka-Choo!, by Rosetta Stone
450 - Even More Legends of the Elders, by John W. Friesen & Virginia Lyons Friesen
450 - The Sedona Method, by Hale Dwoskin
450 - The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho
450 - Utilitarianism and the 1868 Speech on Capital Punishment 2nd Ed., by John Stuart Mill
450 - The Question of God, by Armand M. Nicholi, Jr.
450 - An Introduction to Brain and Behavior, 2nd Ed., by Bryan Kolb and Ian Q. Whishaw
446 - Atlas of Anatomy, Giunti Editorial Group
444 - The Seat of the Soul, by Gary Zukav
440 - More Legends of the Elders, by John W. Friesen & Virginia Lyons Friesen
440 - The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Philosophy of Education, edited by Wilfred Carr
440 - An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding with A Letter from a Gentleman to His Friend in
Edinburgh and Hume's Abstract of A Treatise of Human Nature, by David Hume
437 - You & Your Adolescent: A Parent's Guide for Ages 10-20, by Laurence Steinberg, PhD., & Ann
437 - Social Psychology: Unravelling the Mystery, 3rd Ed., by Douglas T. Kenrick, Steven L. Neuberg,
Robert B. Cialdini
430 - The Problems of Philosophy, by Bertrand Russell
423 - Guilty, O Lord: Yes I Still Go to Confession, by Bernard Basset, S.J/Meditations: Reflections on
the Incarnation, by Ladislaus Boros (Two books in one volume)
420 - Yielding to Courage: The Spiritual Path to Overcoming Fear, by Judith C. Lechman
420 - My Mother/My Self: The Daughter's Search for Identity, by Nancy Friday
420 - Good Business, by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
418 - The Greatest Salesman in the World, by Og Mandino
415 - Foxes, by Jo Windsor
415 - Big Blue, by Shelley Gill
415 - The Paper Bag Princess, by Robert N. Munsch
412 - Little Visits with God: Devotions for Families with Grade School Children, by Allan Hart
Jahsmann and Martin P. Simon
412 - Feng Shui: The Traditional Oriental Way to Enhance Your Life, by Stephen Skinner
410 - The Five People You Meet In Heaven, by Mitch Albom
400 - Philosophy of Natural Science, by Carl Hempel
399 - Little Miss Giggles, by Roger Hargreaves
397 - 30 Beautiful Things That Are True About You, by Douglas Pagels
394 - How to Raise Your Self-Eseem, by Nathaniel Branden
392 - The Zahir, by Paulo Coelho
376 - Unequal Relations: An Introduction to Race, Ethnic, and Aboriginal Dynamics in Canada 5th Ed.,
by Augie Fleras and Jean Leonard Elliott
375 - Big Bubba Hippo, by Jill Eggleton
360 - A Salmon for Simon, by Betty Waterton
356 - Beckoning Lights, by Monica Hughes
356 - Is There Really a Human Race?, by Jamie Lee Curtis & Laura Cornell
340 - Irish Red, by Jim Kjelgaard
340 - Beardance, by Will Hobbs
331 - Whoever You Are, by Mem Fox
330 - Eat, Pray, Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert
310 - I Like Boxes, by Jo Windsor
305 - The Agent's Secret Child, by B.J. Daniels
290 - Poems for Pleasure: An Anthology (Book II), by A.F. Scott
288 - The Rapture of Canaan, by Sheri Reynolds
255 - The LORE of Still Building: A primer on the production of alcohol for food and fuel, by Kathleen
Howard and Norman Gibat
252 - Snakes! And the Boy who was Afraid of Them, by Barry Louis Polisar
244 - The Prayer of Jabez, by Bruce Wilkinson
240 - Raven Returns the Water, by Anne Cameron
239 - Holy War: The Crusades and Their Impact on Today's World, by Karen Armstrong
225 - Underground to Canada, by Barbara Smucker
215 - A Garden of Whales, by Maggie Steinchron Davis
215 - The White Mountains, by John Christopher
212 - Race Against Time 2nd Ed., by Stephen Lewis
210 - Leaving Home, by David French
205 - The First Nations of British Columbia 2nd Ed., by Robert J. Muckle
200 - Lazy Boy, by Anne Cameron
180 - Haunted Highways: Ghost Stories & Strange Tales, by Dan Asfar
177 - A Million Little Pieces, by James Frey
85 - Sacrifice of Isaac, by Neil Gordon

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