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This affidavit cum Indemnity is executed by Shri V.GOPINATH, S/O Shri G.Vinayagam,
aged 39 years, residing at Plot No 88, Srinivasapuram 2nd Street, Anakaputhur, Kanchipuram District,
Chennai – 600 070, in favor of

Axis Bank Ltd., a banking company carrying on the banking business under the Banking Regulation
Act, 1949 and incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its Registered Office at
‘Trishul’, 3rd Floor, Opposite Samartheshwar Temple, Law Garden, Ellis Bridge, Ahmedabad 380
006, Gujarat and Branch Office at Thoraipakkam (hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”).

The Deponent(s) hereby states and confirms that the Deponent(s) had purchased a unit/property at
____________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “said Property”) more particularly
described in the Schedule I, hereto from Mr.P.C.Jain S/O Shri.Srinivas Jain aged 54, Doc No.4077
date 09.10.2002 (Sale Deed), Mr.S.Ramachandran S/O Swamidurai, Doc No.496 Date 24.12.1996
(Power Document), Mr.C.Durai, S/O G.Chandrasekaran Age 54, Doc No.3543 Date 29.11.1996 (Sale
Deed), vide Sale Deed/Conveyance Deed dated _____________.
The Deponent(s) further states that the said original Sale Deed/Conveyance Deed dated
______________ and other original title documents pertaining to the said Property have
been laminated for the purpose of security of the documents and for safe-keeping of the same. The
original documents would be torn and damaged if lamination is removed. The Deponent(s) hereby
confirms that the said premises is not mortgaged to any other Bank or Financial Institution or any
other entity or persons and that the said premises is free from all encumbrances and agree to
indemnify and keep indemnified AXIS Bank against the claims from any third party.

The Deponent(s) further declares, affirms and states that the Deponent(s)/Company/Firm/Trust is the
sole and absolute owner and is in free, unencumbered, clear and marketable ownership and possession
of the said Property.

The Deponent(s) states that the Deponent(s) has been sanctioned certain credit facilities by way of
_______________ to the extent of Rs. _____________(Rupees
_____________________________only) from AXIS Bank Ltd., _______________ Branch and that
one of the condition as stipulated in the sanction letter no. ____________________ dated
_________________ issued by the Bank to the Deponent(s) in this regard is that the Deponent(s) shall
create mortgage by way of deposit of titled deeds pertaining to the said Property situated at
___________________________________________________ more particularly described in the
Schedule I hereto.

As stipulated in the aforesaid sanction terms the Deponent(s) has agreed to create mortgage by way of
deposit of title deeds of the said property as a security for the loan sanctioned by the Bank to it. The
Deponent(s) states that the Deponent(s) is the absolute owner of the said Property and has necessary
right and authority to give the said premises as security to the Bank for the loan sanctioned to it.

The Deponent(s), further declares, affirms and states that the Deponent(s) is aware that the Bank has
agreed to take the said Property as security for the loan sanctioned by the Bank to the Deponent(s)
solely based on following confirmations and representations of the Deponent(s):

a) That the said laminated Sale/Conveyance Deeds and the other title documents, more
particularly described in the Schedule II herein below are the only original title documents to
the said Property and there are no other original documents/title deeds for the said Property
nor any of the title deeds have been deposited with any other Bank and or Financial
Institutions against the mortgage of the said premises;
b) That the lamination of the said original title documents has been done for protection of the
documents and the said documents would be torn or damaged if the lamination is removed;
c) That there are no third party claims in the said premises;
d) That Deponent(s) is solely responsible for all the consequences that may crop up as a result of
the Deponent(s) depositing the said laminated documents and title deeds with the Bank and
offering the said Property as security to Bank for the Credit Facilities sanctioned to it.

I, the Deponent(s), do hereby declare that the facts stated above are true to the best of my knowledge,
information and belief and shall be binding on the the Deponent(s).

In consideration of the Bank agreeing to sanction the said credit facility upon the security of the said
Property, the Deponent(s), its successors and assigns hereby indemnify and agree to keep indemnified
the Bank, its successors and assigns in business at all times against all costs, damages and losses
which may be incurred by the Bank on account of any third party producing the said Original
Sale Deeds and claiming right, title and interest in the said premises.

The Deponent(s) further agrees to keep indemnified and hereby indemnifies and keep harmless the
Bank and/or its successors in title of, from and against any loss, damages, demand, action, dispute,
claim, costs, charges and expenses, penalties and prosecution of any nature suffered or sustained by
the Bank as a result of the Bank agreeing to accept the deposit of the said laminated title documents
and also to take the said Property as security for the loans sanctioned by the Bank to the Deponent(s)
solely based on the affirmations that the said laminated title documents are the only original title
documents available with the Deponent(s) and that the Deponent(s) would be solely responsible for
the consequences of the happening of any event as stated above.

The Deponent(s) confirms that this indemnity shall be irrevocable and in the event of such a claim,
litigation cost or damages which may be raised against the Bank, the Deponent(s), its successors and
assigns legal heirs shall indemnify and keep indemnified, the Bank and its successors and assigns in
business of all such causes without demur. This indemnity shall remain in force as an unconditional
and irrevocable till such time the entire dues under the said credit facilities granted to the Deponent(s)
has been fully paid of and the Bank has issued a certificate in this regard.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF The Deponent has solemnly affirmed this affidavit and signed and
delivered these presents the day and year first hereinabove mentioned


Signature of the Deponent /Authorised Signatory Before Me

Date: ______________

Place: ______________ NOTARY


Nimish Shah

Head Credit Policy, Mortgages

DVP - Retail Assets

(O) - 022-71312180

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