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Friday | February 22, 2019

eager to take Not how you start, but how you finish
Scott Kelly encourages MSU students
on Caledonia to do things that are hard and never give up
marshal post
Ex-CPD investigator
starts new job March 1
By Slim Smith
[email protected]

Kelvin Burdine
may be the new town
marshal in Caledo-
nia, but that doesn’t
mean he’s exactly a
Burdine, 48, was
selected as marshal
during the town’s Burdine
February board of aldermen meet-
ing. He was selected over current
deputy marshal John Peavy, who
has served as interim marshal
since the resignation of Ben Kilgo-
re on Jan. 4.
The Monroe County native
came to Caledonia after almost six
years with the Columbus Police De-
partment where he served as an in-
vestigator. Burdine’s salary will be
$43,000 annually.
See Burdine, 6A

Jim Lytle/Special to the Dispatch

Former astronaut and International Space Station commander Scott Kelly shakes hands with Roman Luckett,
12, after Luckett was invited to the stage to have his copy of Kelly’s book, “Endurance: My Year in Space, A
Heard challenges Lifetime of Discovery,” autographed by the author. Kelly spoke at Mississippi State University’s Lee Hall on

Holliman for District By Alex Holloway

[email protected]
3 supervisor Scott Kelly didn’t start having second thoughts
By Amanda Lien
about his first space flight until he was already bolted
[email protected] into the space shuttle’s cockpit.
Kelly, who at one point held the record for the most
Golden Triangle time in space by an American astronaut with 520 total
Planning and Devel- days, spoke at Mississippi State University on Thurs-
opment District com- day evening.
puter analyst Tim During his talk, Kelly spoke about his first flight,
Heard, a Democrat, STS-103 on the Space Shuttle Discovery in Decem-
has qualified to run ber 1999.
He said the astronauts climbed aboard the shuttle.
for District 3 super-
As a pilot, he was seated at the front. A countdown
visor against incum-
Heard clock ticked away as the launch approached.
bent Republican John
“At nine minutes that clock stops to give you time
to catch up if you’re behind on whatever you’re do-
Heard, who has worked for the ing,” he said. “It’s also the time you think, ‘Man this is
GTPDD in some capacity since really stupid.’ Launching into space for the first time,
1994, ran unsuccessfully for circuit you never really believe you’re going to end up in that
Jim Lytle/Special to the Dispatch
clerk as an independent in 2015. He Former astronaut and International Space Station
position. But you can’t get out — you’re strapped in, commander Scott Kelly talks about his time in space at
said he has considered running for the hatch is bolted closed. Plus it would look really Mississippi State University’s Lee Hall Thursday as part
District 3 supervisor “for a while” See Kelly, 3A of the Student Association’s Global Lecture Series.
and believes he would be an asset
to the county in that position.
See Heard, 6A

Columbus Municipal
School District Su-
Panel discusses school safety,
perintendent Cherie
Labat addresses a
group of about 150
discipline at parent meeting
parents and students
Thursday evening at District leaders address bullying, other Doran Johnson, Columbus
Police Department Chief
Columbus Municipal
School district during policies to 150 parents present Fred Shelton and other
CMSD personnel on topics
a parent awareness
meeting. Labat, along By Slim Smith ery parent in the district: ranging from the monitor-
with other district [email protected] school safety. ing of students and school
employees and coun- During the hour-long property, disciplinary pol-
ty and city officials, A group of about 150 meeting, called Parent icies, the role of resource
discussed school parents and students gath- Awareness for School-Aged officers and school safety
safety procedures ered Thursday evening at Students, parents heard plans.
and policies while
fielding questions Columbus Middle School from Columbus Municipal While reviewing safety
from parents during a to listen to school and city School District Superinten- policies, Labat emphasized
panel discussion. officials share information dent Cherie Labat, CMSD the role of the district’s dis-
Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff on a topic important to ev- Chief Resource Officer See Meeting, 6A

Weather Five Questions Calendar Local Folks Public

1 The letters in the word Presbyte- Today meetings
rians can be rearranged to form the March 4: Lowndes
■ U40 Exhibit: Starkville Area Arts Council
name of what pop starlet? County Supervisors,
2 What president appears on the hosts a free public reception for its U40
9 a.m., County Court-
nickel and two-dollar bill? juried art show (artists 18-40) at 7 p.m. at
3 What style of dance is showcased 929 Coffee Bar, 106 E. Main St. For more
March 5: Columbus
in the 1984 film subtitled “Electric information, call 662-324-3080 or visit
Boogaloo”? City Council regular
Jason Paul Morrow
4 What color are the “black boxes” meeting, 5 p.m.,
Second grade, Caledonia Municipal Complex
requited by the FAA on all large com-
65 Low 61
mercial aircraft? Courtroom
High 5 In what ‘80s Atari arcade game ■ CAC Gala: The Columbus Arts Council 35th March 7: Columbus
A shower in places
did players deliver newspapers on a Gala at Trotter Convention Center honors Lar- Municipal School
suburban street? ry Feeney and features New Orleans cuisine, District Board regular
Full forecast on Answers, 6B
page 2A. open bar, music by The Bouncing Betty, Suzu- meeting, 4 p.m., Bran-
ki Strings Ensemble and MUW Jazz Ensemble. don Central Services
Dinner and silent auction 5:30-7:30; Feeney March 11: Colum-
Inside presentation 7:30 p.m.; Live auction 8 p.m.; bus-Lowndes Con-
Classifieds 6B Obituaries 2A music/dancing 9 p.m. Black Tie optional. vention and Visitors
Comics 4B Opinions 4A Tickets $60 (reserved tables $475-$575). Grayson Duckworth likes Bureau Board regular
Crossword 3B Religion 5B Get tickets at or 662- to learn and is majoring in meeting, 4 p.m., CVB
139th Year, No. 294 Dear Abby 4B 328-2787. For sponsorships, 662-329-7653. business at MSU. office


2A Friday, February 22, 2019 The Dispatch •

Say What?
Did you hear? “We just kind of hung around and really the third
quarter was the difference.”
Case against Jussie Smollett MSU women’s basketball coach Vic Schaefer after the
teams 80-66 win over Ole Miss on Thursday. Story, 1B.
resembles detailed movie script
Actor ‘took Police said Smollett

Mueller report looming,

planned the hoax because
advantage of the he was unhappy with his
salary and wanted to pro-
pain and anger of
new attorney general in hot seat
mote his career. Before
the attack, he also sent
racism to promote a letter that threatened
him to the Chicago studio
his career’ where “Empire” is shot,
The Associated Press
accompany its looming conclusion.
With Deputy Attorney General
general from 1991 to 1993 under
President George H.W. Bush and
Chicago Police police said.
Rod Rosenstein preparing to exit other senior Justice Department
Superintendent Smollett, who is black WASHINGTON — William Barr after supervising the day-to-day jobs. He oversaw the department’s
Eddie Johnson and gay, turned himself has been attorney general for just investigation for nearly two years, response when Los Angeles erupt-
in on charges that he filed one week but is on the cusp of star-
By DON BABWIN and with Trump loyalist Matthew ed in riots after the Rodney King
a false police report last ing down what will almost certainly
The Associated Press Whitaker now replaced in the top verdict and when Cuban inmates
month when he said he be the most consequential decision job, Barr is in the hot seat: He is re- took hostages at a federal prison in
CHICAGO — As au- was attacked in downtown of his long career: how much of the sponsible for navigating the depart- Alabama. He blessed Bush admin-
thorities laid out their case Chicago by two masked special counsel’s findings to make ment through congressional and istration pardons in the Iran-Contra
against “Empire” actor men who hurled deroga- public. public demands for details of Muel- scandal and offered legal advice on
Jussie Smollett, the narra- tory remarks and looped a The position catapults him from ler’s findings while dealing with a the White House’s ability to invade
tive that emerged Thurs- rope around his neck. Justice Department outsider free to White House that may challenge, Panama.
day sounded like that of The actor “took advan- theorize and speculate on special or even stifle, the conclusions. In this case, though, no less than
a filmmaker who wrote, tage of the pain and anger counsel Robert Mueller’s investiga- Friends say Barr is accustomed the fate of Donald Trump’s presi-
cast, directed and starred of racism to promote his tion to the man at the center of the to pressure-cooker situations by dency may hang in the balance of
in a short movie. career,” police, Johnson legal and political firestorm that will virtue of his experience as attorney whatever Barr decides.
Prosecutors said Smol- said.
lett gave detailed instruc- “This publicity stunt
tions to the accomplices was a scar that Chicago
who helped him stage a didn’t earn and certainly
racist, anti-gay attack on didn’t deserve,” Johnson
himself, including tell- added. Area obituaries
ing them specific slurs to The attack reverberat-
ed well beyond Chicago
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH in charge of arrange- born Nov. 30, 1982, in Sixteenth Section M.B.
yell, urging them to shout OBITUARY POLICY ments.
and swiftly took on politi- Aberdeen, to James Church. Burial will fol-
“MAGA country” and even Obituaries with basic informa-
cal overtones, with liber- Mr. Moore was Humphrey Vance and low at Sykes Cemetery.
pointing out a surveillance tion including visitation and
als calling it a shocking born June 17, 1948, in Rosie Marie Vance. Visitation is from 1-6
camera that he thought service times, are provided
would record the beating. example of Trump-era free of charge. Extended obit- Noxubee County, to the In addition to her p.m. Friday at West Me-
“I believe Mr. Smollett hate. Republicans seized uaries with a photograph, de- late M.C. Moore and parents, she is sur- morial Funeral Home.
wanted it on camera,” Po- on the criminal charges as tailed biographical information Johnnie B. LaGrone vived by her husband, West Memorial Funeral
lice Superintendent Eddie proof that Democrats had
and other details families may Moore. He was former- Rodrekus Ford; daugh- Home is in charge of
wish to include, are available ly self-employed as a ters, Tia’Miya Marie arrangements.
Johnson told reporters. rushed to judgment and for a fee. Obituaries must be
“But unfortunately that unfairly disparaged the submitted through funeral
mechanic. Vance and Kaitlyn He is survived by his
particular camera wasn’t president’s supporters as homes unless the deceased’s In addition to his Sierra Vance; brother, mother, Wanda Carter;
pointed in that direction.” bigots. body has been donated to parents, he was pre- Marica Montrell Vance; father, Joseph Tur-
science. If the deceased’s ceded in death by his and sister, KaKila nipseed Sr.; children,
body was donated to science, sister, Battie B. Moore; Vance Campbell. KeAndra Yarbough
CONTACTING THE DISPATCH the family must provide official and brother, John M. and Javion Turnip-
Office hours: Main line:
proof of death. Please submit
all obituaries on the form
“Tater” Moore. Mary Townsend seed; sisters, Victoria
provided by The Commercial
He is survived by WEST POINT Roberts, Nanecenna
n 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon-Fri n 662-328-2424 his wife, Gloria Moore; Cunningham, Alexus
Dispatch. Free notices must — Mary Louise
Email a letter to the editor? children, Grady Moore Townsend, 78, died Turnipseed and Shan-
HOW DO I ... n [email protected]
be submitted to the newspa-
per no later than 3 p.m. the Jr. of Shuqualak, Sean Feb. 17, 2019, in Me- non Burchfield; and
Report a missing paper? day prior for publication Tues- Wilson of Atlanta, Geor- ridian. brothers, Curtis Burch-
n 662-328-2424 ext. 100 Report a sports score? day through Friday; no later gia and Stacy Collins of Services will be at field Jr., Jabariakias
n Toll-free 877-328-2430 n 662-241-5000 than 4 p.m. Saturday for the
Okmulgee, Oklahoma; 3:30 p.m. Saturday at Cunningham, Jirtavius
n Operators are on duty until Submit a calendar item?
Sunday edition; and no later
siblings, Arlene Allen, Cox, Demarius Riley,
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday Hopewell M.B. Church
5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. n Go to Henry Moore and Kuriakias Cunningham
edition. Incomplete notices in Cedar Bluff with the
Buy an ad? community must be received no later than Shirley Blakley, all of Rev. Branden Deanes and Ebony Burchfield.
n 662-328-2424 Submit a birth, wedding 7:30 a.m. for the Monday Shuqualak, Betty F. officiating. Burial will
Report a news tip? or anniversary announce-
through Friday editions. Paid
notices must be finalized by 3
Mickey of New Orle- follow at Hopewell Gussie Miller
ment? ans, Louisiana, L.C. Memorial Gardens. COLUMBUS —
n 662-328-2471 p.m. for inclusion the next day
n Download forms at www. Moore of Chicago, Illi- Visitation is from 4-6 Gussie Hunter Miller,
n [email protected] Monday through Thursday; and on Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday nois, Howard Moore of p.m. Friday at Pilgrim 86, died Feb. 11, 2019,
and Monday publication. For Jackson and Freeman Grove M.B. Church in at her residence.
Physical address: 516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39701 more information, call 662- Moore of Byram; and West Point. Carter’s Ser-
328-2471. four grandchildren. Mortuary Services is vices will
Mailing address: P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511 Pallbearers will be in charge of arrange- be at 11
Starkville Office: 101 S. Lafayette St. #16, Starkville, MS 39759 Grady Moore Sr. David Lockett, Jimmy ments. a.m. Satur-
NOXUBEE — King, Larry Branch, Mrs. Townsend was day at St.
Grady T. Moore Sr., 70, Charles Turner,Jhere- born Dec. 6, 1940, in Paul M.B.
SUBSCRIPTIONS died Feb. 16, 2019, at my Payton and David Clay County, to the late Church
Noxubee Slaughter. Jim Thomas Cooper- with
HOW TO SUBSCRIBE General wood and Catherine the Rev.
By phone................................. 662-328-2424 or 877-328-2430
Hospital Tiawandra Vance-Ford Cooperwood. Dedrick
in Macon. WEST POINT — She is survived Anderson officiating.
Ser- Tiawandra “Punkin” by her sons, Roger Burial will follow at Me-
RATES vices Vance-Ford, 36, died Cooperwood, David morial Gardens Ceme-
Daily home delivery + unlimited online access*..........$13.50/mo. Feb. 16, 2019, in Tu- Cooperwood and tery. Visitation is from
will be at
Sunday only delivery + unlimited online access*...........$8.50/mo. pelo. Thomas Cooperwood; noon-6 p.m. Friday at
11 a.m.
Daily home delivery only*.................................................$12/mo. stepson, Willie H.
Online access only*.......................................................$8.95/mo.
Saturday Moore Services will be at Carter’s Funeral Ser-
at Ivy 11 a.m. Saturday at Townsend; stepdaugh- vices. Carter’s Funeral
1 month daily home delivery................................................... $12 U.F.C.W. Local #1529 ter, Margret Townsend;
Grove M.B. Church Services is in charge of
1 month Sunday only home delivery........................................ $7 brother; George
in Shuqualak with the Union Hall with the arrangements.
Mail Subscription Rates....................................................$20/mo. Cooperwood; seven
Rev. Jesse Ruffin offici- Rev. Timothy Brinkley Mrs. Miller was
* EZ Pay rate requires automatic processing of credit or debit card. grandchildren; and 14
ating. Burial will follow officiating. Burial will born Oct. 15, 1932, in
at the church ceme- follow at West Point great-grandchildren. Columbus, to the late
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320) tery. Visitation is from Memorial Gardens. Vis- John Hunter and Lou-
Published daily except Saturday. Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS noon-6 p.m. Friday at itation is from 3-6 p.m. Joseph Turnipseed Jr. ise Hunter-Exum. She
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to: Carter’s Funeral Ser- Friday at Carter’s Mor- STARKVILLE — was formerly employed
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., vices. Carter’s Funeral tuary Services Chapel. Joseph Lamar Turnip- as a custodian.
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703 Services of Macon is Carter’s Mortuary seed Jr., 33, died Feb. 8, In addition to her
Services is in charge of 2019, in Starkville. parents, she was pre-
FIVE-DAY FORECAST FOR THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE arrangements. Services will be at ceded in death by her
Mrs. Vance-Ford was 11 a.m. Saturday at siblings, Edward Wil-
son, William Wilson,
Johnnie Hunter, Joyce
Overcast and mild with A severe t-storm; cloudy Partly to mostly sunny Intervals of clouds Mostly cloudy Wilson.
a few showers and warmer and cooler and sun She is survived by
59° 76° 45° 60° 34° 58° 37° 65° 44° her children, Linda
ALMANAC DATA Worshaim of Kileen,
Columbus Thursday Texas, Robbie Miller,
Thursday 50° 47°
Normal 61° 38° Miller, Tommie Miller,
Record 84° (2018) 18° (1959) Bobbie Miller, Walter
Thursday 0.55 Miller Jr., Larry Billups
Month to date 5.94 and Billy Hunter, all of
Normal month to date 4.14
Year to date 12.41 Columbus, Betty Hunt-
Normal year to date 9.50 er, Joseph Miller and
TOMBIGBEE RIVER STAGES Marshall Ellis, all of
In feet as of
7 a.m. Thu.
Stage Chng.
Chicago, Illinois and Ju-
Amory 20 23.76 +6.47 lius Hunter of St. Louis,
Bigbee 14 17.37 +6.63 Shown are tomorrow’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Missouri; 40 grandchil-
Columbus 15 12.31 +2.25
Fulton 20 15.33 none
-0s 0s
Rain Flurries
10s 20s
40s 50s
60s 70s
90s 100s
dren; 70 great-grand-
Tupelo 21 6.52 -3.08 SAT SUN SAT SUN children; and six
LAKE LEVELS City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W great-great-grandchil-
Atlanta 62/54/c 64/38/t Nashville 68/48/t 57/29/s
In feet as of
7 a.m. Thu.
Capacity Level Chng. Boston 42/34/pc 48/36/r Orlando 86/68/sh 85/61/pc dren.
Aberdeen Dam 188 173.73 +6.96
Pallbearers will be
Stennis Dam 166 152.44 +6.96 Honolulu 80/65/sh 80/64/s Raleigh 45/42/r 74/37/t Brad Worshaim, John
Bevill Dam 136 136.21 -0.31 Jacksonville
Salt Lake City
Worshaim, Marcus
SOLUNAR TABLE Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice. Hunter, Yoqun Hair-
The solunar period indicates peak feeding times for
fish and game.
Major Minor Major Minor
Fri. 3:12a 9:25a 3:38p 9:50p FRI SAT LAST NEW FIRST FULL Yotyler Miller, Marquis-
Sat. 4:08a 10:21a 4:33p 10:45p Sunrise
6:31 a.m.
5:44 p.m.
6:30 a.m.
5:45 p.m.
to Miller and Kentrell
Forecasts and graphics provided by Moonrise 9:27 p.m. 10:31 p.m. Miller.
AccuWeather, Inc. ©2019 Moonset 8:45 a.m. 9:21 a.m. Feb 26 March 6 March 14 March 20 See Obituaries, 5A
Friday, February 22, 2019 3A


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Grand jury to consider charges Man charged

in Taiwanese woman’s death in Westside
Quinton Tellis accused
Market shooting
Tellis completed that 10-year sen- ration for trial,” the warrant states.
tence Monday, with time reduced Detectives believe Hsiao died
of killing women in for good behavior in prison. He was
arrested on a murder charge and
between 5:22 p.m. and 8:16 p.m. on
July 29, 2015, the newspaper report-
Louisiana, Mississippi moved Tuesday to the Ouachita Par- ed. Dispatch Staff Report
ish Jail, The News-Star reported . According to the warrant, Hsiao’s
The Associated Press A grand jury will be convened to phone dialed the Chase Bank num- Starkville Police have arrested a
consider charges against him, Dis- ber on the back of her debit card man for an attempt to shoot someone
MONROE, La. trict Attorney Steve Tew said.
— A man accused twice at 8:16 p.m., hanging up each at the Westside Market on Sunday.
A search warrant, filed Jan. 24 time before the call was answered. Jakevious Goss, 18, of Starkville,
of killing women in
in 4th Judicial District Court, asks has been charged with aggravated
Louisiana and Mis- At 8:16 and 8:18 p.m., Tellis’
for all records connected to Hsiao’s assault and misdemeanor carrying a
sissippi is back in phone dialed the same number, and
northeast Louisiana, checking and savings account, in- concealed deadly weapon.
the debit card number and PIN were Police responded to the shooting
where a prosecutor cluding precise information about
purchases, ATM usage and tele- entered, according to the warrant. attempt at 7:24 p.m. Sunday after Goss
says a grand jury will Tellis’ guilty plea admitted using
consider charges in a Tellis phone inquiries, saying it’s needed receiving a report that a person had
for a homicide case against Tellis, the card Aug. 18-19 without Hsiao’s been shot in the store. At the scene, police deter-
Taiwanese woman’s stabbing death
the newspaper reported. The ac- permission. mined the gunshot wound was self-inflicted, Goss
in 2015.
Quinton Tellis, 30, pleaded guilty cess number request is highlighted. He has been tried twice in Mis- apparently having shot himself during the incident.
in 2016 to unauthorized use of a debit “Investigators are seeking com- sissippi on charges that he set In Thursday’s update on the case, SPD report-
card belonging to Ming-Chen Hsiao, plete banking records related (to) 19-year-old Jessica Chambers on ed that Goss was accused of shooting at another
who had graduated from the Univer- Hsiao’s Chase Bank accounts and fire and left her to die. However, person.
sity of Louisiana at Monroe shortly her Chase debit card PIN to further neither jury could reach a verdict, While SPD Public Information Officer Brandon
before she was stabbed to death. the homicide investigation in prepa- Lovelady said the department does not identify vic-
resulting in mistrials.
tims, he noted that the victim from Sunday’s shoot-
ing, like Goss, was an 18-year-old male.
Oktibbeha County Director of Emergency Med-
ical Services Michael Hunt confirmed Goss was
treated at OCH Regional Medical Center with a jaw

Hattiesburg ex-mayor DuPree running for secretary of state wound and released.
SPD says the incident remains under investiga-
The Associated Press election reform is his top DuPree was the first nounced for secretary of
issue. DuPree, 65, was African-American to win state this year. The two
JACKSON — A former Hattiesburg mayor from a major party nomination Republicans who have
mayor who was the Demo-
2001 to 2017. He has also for Mississippi governor, announced are southern
cratic nominee for Missis-
sippi governor in 2011 is
now running for secretary
been a school board mem-
ber, a real estate agent
and he lost the 2011 elec-
tion to Republican Phil
district Public Service
Commissioner Sam Brit-
Mississippi teacher indicted
of state.
Johnny DuPree told
and owner of a trucking
company and a consulting
DuPree is the only
ton of Laurel and state
Sen. Michael Watson of on sex-with-student charges
the Clarion Ledger that firm. Democrat who has an- Pascagoula. The Associated Press

TUPELO — A former teacher accused of illegal

sexual contact with a student has been indicted.
The Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal re-

ports former Tupelo High School teacher Braden
Bishop remains free on $100,000 bail pending a
court appearance in March.
Continued from Page 1A
The 36-year-old Bishop was arrested last fall
silly being the first astro- mistakenly enrolled at the national Space Station, easier to take care of this and charged with two counts of sexual battery and
naut ever running away University of Maryland Kelly said, his skin would planet than making an- five counts of child molestation. Officials say he
from the rocket.” Baltimore County after break out in hives from other one on Mars that’s a had a 10-month relationship with a Tupelo High
Once the clock hit thinking he was applying prolonged contact with place for all of us.” student that began when she was 16.
zero, the shuttle launched to the main campus at Col- things like bed surfaces NASA studied him and
to space, propelled by mil- lege Park — he was flirt- and his joints were stiff his twin brother, Mark —
lions of pounds of thrust ing with dropping out un- and it was hard to lift him- who was also an astronaut
from its engines and two til he happened upon the self up for a time. — for the genetic effects
solid rocket boosters book “The Right Stuff” by But those challenges, of being in space. Kelly’s
strapped to the side of a Tom Wolfe, detailing the he said, are worth it. DNA changed 7 percent
massive fuel tank. work of the military pilots “People often ask me, while he was in space.
“It feels like the hand who ultimately became ‘What is the best part of “This hasn’t gone
of God is lifting you off of the crews of the first Mer- flying in space?’” Kelly back to normal, even to
that launch pad and throw- cury program flights. said. “’Is it the launch? Is this day,” Kelly said. “It
ing you into space,” Kelly That sparked an inter- it the landing? Is it floating happened while I was in
said. “I know you’ve seen est in flight for Kelly, so he around in zero gravity? space. NASA’s not sure if
the shuttle launch — may- joined the Navy. He said Is it looking out a planet it’s a good thing or a bad
be some people have seen he wasn’t a very good pilot Earth, which is incredibly thing. Hopefully, it’s not a
it in person or definitely at first — nearly crashing beautiful?’ bad thing but it’s definite-
on television. It looks like into the side of an aircraft “All those things are ly another area we need to
the shuttle lifts off the carrier in an F-14 Tomcat great,” he continued. “But study much further as we
pad slowly. When you’re on a practice landing. the best part about this have people spend more
inside, there is nothing Those early days were job for me is that it’s re- and more time in space.”
slow about that. You get a far cry from where ally, really hard. Floating He said the space sta-
the feeling you’re going he ended up, flying the in space and living there tion — several modules of
somewhere — you’re not Space Shuttle, one of the for a year is a hard thing which were built on Earth
sure where you’re going, most complicated pieces to do.” and never put together un-
but you know you’re not of technology on — or in til they arrived in orbit —
coming back to Florida.” this case off — the planet. Takeaways from space inspired him about what
Kelly flew on STS-118 “How good we can be- Kelly said he enjoyed humanity is capable of.
in August 2007 and Ex- come at something has his time aboard the space “This space station —
pedition 25/26 aboard the nothing to do with how station, though it came this is the hardest thing
International Space Sta- good we are when we with challenges. He spent we’ve ever done,” Kelly
tion from October 2010 to start and I’m a prime ex- time doing research, tak- said. “Harder than going
March 2011. ample of this,” Kelly said. ing care of the stations to the Moon, I think. If
In March 2015, Kelly “How much achievement and fixing things as they we can do this, we can do
launched aboard a Soyuz we have has absolutely broke. anything.”
rocket with Russian cos- no reflection of where we Time in space gave
monaut Mikhail Korni- start if we just really work him a deep respect for the
yenko for a yearlong and absolutely never, ever planet, and he said he no-
mission aboard the Inter- give up.” ticed changes — such as
national Space Station. Still, Kelly said those a significant reduction in
They remained there un- trips to space, once he rain forests in some areas
til March 2016. started taking them, were of South America — be-
difficult. His year in space tween his first flight and
was hard on his body. He his last, 17 years later.
The best part of flying said part of the trip was to Some parts of Asia, he
in space determine what challeng- said, are constantly cov-
During his talk, Kel- es astronauts on a mission ered in pollution.
ly urged the audience to to Mars might face. He “I’m a big believer in
take up challenges. said astronauts lose bone going to Mars, but we’re
He said he was always mass and muscle mass not all going to Mars
a lackluster student and from being in space with- someday,” he said. “Some
graduated in the bottom out gravity. people will live on Mars,
half of his high school Upon returning from but most of us will live on
class. In college — he his year aboard the Inter- Earth and it will always be

■ In Wednesday’s edition, The Dispatch incorrectly spelled the company name
of Burkhalter Rigging in a cutline beneath a picture of the company’s facility on
Highway 45 South. In Thursday’s edition, The Dispatch incorrectly spelled the
same name in the editorial.

The Commercial Dispatch strives to report the news accurately. When we print an
error, we will correct it. To report an error, call the newsroom at 662-328-2471, or
email [email protected].

Buckle up ... and your child, too

4A Friday, February 22, 2019
BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018

PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Our View
A shared responsibility
The resignation of Colum- was strangely silent, failing to have been helpful for the city suspension, is preparing a of the full council.
bus Chief Financial Officer alert the council until Novem- to know about the shortfalls comprehensive report on the The same holds true for
Milton Rawle Tuesday does ber, two months after the end as it crafted its budget for city’s finances and is expect- department heads. They, too,
not absolve city officials for of the fiscal year. Fiscal Year 2019. ed to share that information are responsible for making
their own share of the respon- There is no justification Instead, the city was forced with the council at its regular sure they are on budget. Any
sibility for the city’s $881,000 for that. One of the principle to react rather than be pro- March meeting. extraordinary situations that
budget deficit for Fiscal Year roles of a CFO is to closer active. Aside from an ambig- The incident should also might arise affecting their
2018, which ended Sept. 30. monitor the city’s finances uous spending freeze which serve as a powerful reminder budgets should be promptly
Rawle resigned just a week and to alert the council when has left even council members that city officials also bear reported to the council.
after returning from what was problems emerge. It’s clear uncertain about what things some responsibility in making While the CFO is expected
essentially a month-long sus- that Rawle failed to perform will or won’t be affected, the sure the city lives within its to be on top of the budget,
pension after the city council those duties. If the council council has yet to form a plan means. Each month, the city’s all city officials who manage
criticized him for not making had been made aware of these to address this important financials are entered into city funds bear a part of the
the council more aware of the issues earlier, adjustments issue. the council minutes. Council responsibility, too.
looming budget shortfall. might have been made. The In the meantime, Mike members should make it a The citizens of Columbus
As the city sank deeper city might have been able to Crowder, who has served as practice to examine those deserve to know that part of
in deeper into its deficit with make cuts to cover the short- a consultant to manage the reports carefully and bring the equation is not ignored as
each passing month, Rawle fall. At the very least, it would CFO’s duties during Rawle’s any concerns to the attention the city moves forward.

Letter to the editor

Voice of the people
At Tuesday’s city council, a Kratom
supporter spoke to the council in favor of
the substance. She had become addicted
to pain killers and the effects of pain pills
were causing severe health problems.
Hearing about Kratom as a way to get off
the pain meds, she moved to Mississippi
from Arkansas because it was legal here,
where as in Arkansas it was a banned
substance state-wide. She also said it
needed to be regulated but not banned.
The “Drug Abuse Task Force” agrees
on regulating the product, but until it is
regulated a ban is needed. An impres-
sion was made that Kratom was almost a
miracle drug by the spokesperson. Oh!
By the way, the group addressing the
council meeting belonged to the “Ameri-
can Kratom Institute” according to them,
as unpaid volunteers and they were not
from Columbus or Lowndes County. If
any Columbus or county resident would
like some facts about Kratom contact
the committee. We have information
about overdose deaths, addictive dangers
from some in rehab, along with personal
testimony from families that are affected
by Kratom addiction in a negative way.
Kratom was brought to the committee’s
attention by law enforcement members
of our group. Our only agenda is to make
Columbus and Lowndes county a safer
and healthier place for its citizens. State of the nation
Bernie Sanders, it’s over
God Bless Columbus and America.
Lee Roy Lollar
Before the 2016 presi- ocratic National Commit- It didn’t help that his top black sur-
dential race, Bernie Sand- tee for greatly reducing rogate, academic Cornel West, had
ers exuded some charm as the power of superdele- called Barack Obama “a black mascot
today in History an unapologetic lefty with
a Brooklyn accent. But
gates — powerful Dem-
ocrats who can back any
of Wall Street oligarchs and a black
puppet of corporate plutocrats.”
Today is Friday, Feb. 22, the 53rd day when his campaign gained candidate, regardless of There was always a racial under-
of 2019. There are 312 days left in the traction, the authoritarian how the people vote. But current in the 1960s migration of
year. took over. Unwilling to in 2016, when it became many New York liberals to Vermont,
concede that Democratic clear that he was losing an overwhelmingly white state with
primary voters preferred the nomination, Sanders moderate politics. Racial tensions in
Today’s Highlight in History: Hillary Clinton to him — beseeched the superdele- the city were high, and black mili-
On Feb. 22, 1997, scientists in Scot- she had amassed nearly 4 gates to ignore the voters tants were not so keen to sit at the
land announced they had succeeded in million more votes — he Froma Harrop and support him instead. knees of white intellectuals and be
cloning an adult mammal, producing a continued to undermine Dismissing the will of told what was what. Up in Burlington,
lamb named “Dolly.” (Dolly, however, her all the way up to the party con- the people is a Bernie specialty. No white liberals could safely sit in cafes
was later put down after a short life vention. Without a doubt, he helped one can forget the Nevada Democrat- and talk radicalism to one another
marred by premature aging and dis- elect Donald Trump. ic state convention, held after Clinton into the night. Sanders became one
ease.) Recall this scorched-earth at- had won the Nevada caucuses by a of them.
tack, at a rally when Clinton had all comfortable margin. The “Bernie Why Democrats let Sanders, an
On this date: but clinched the nomination: “Are bros” erupted, shouting the C-word independent, drop by when he needs
In 1630, English colonists in the you qualified to be president of the at the women running the event. That their services while they do all the
Massachusetts Bay Colony first sampled United States when you’re raising included its chairwoman, who also hard work has long been a mystery.
popcorn brought to them by a Native millions of dollars from Wall Street, received death threats against her While seeking re-election to the Sen-
American named Quadequina for their an entity whose greed, recklessness and her grandchild. ate last year, Sanders briefly joined
Thanksgiving celebration. and illegal behavior helped destroy Forced by circumstances to issue the party to run for the nomination
In 1732 (New Style date), the first our economy?” a statement, Sanders didn’t condemn as a Democrat. (That way, he could
president of the United States, George It happens that those speeches the violence until the third paragraph keep a real Democrat off the Novem-
Washington, was born in Westmoreland didn’t include anything particularly — and that was quickly followed by ber ballot.) Once he won, he refused
County in the Virginia Colony. supportive of Wall Street’s goals. As a a “but” that, in Trumpian fashion, the nomination, allegedly to preserve
In 1862, Jefferson Davis, already the senator, she continually voted against blamed both sides. (We note that his independence. Independence
provisional president of the Confedera- its interests. But she did represent the statement has been removed from what, a differing opinion?
cy, was inaugurated for a six-year term New York, where the financial indus- from the official Sanders campaign We shouldn’t care that Sanders
following his election in November 1861. try is a major employer and provides website.) is old, white and male. And some of
In 1909, the Great White Fleet, a the biggest payroll. As a senator from The Sanders base has always been his ideas are good. Problem is, he
naval task force sent on a round-the- Vermont, Sanders routinely voted heavily weighted in the white gentry. lost his moral authority in the 2016
world voyage by President Theodore money for Lockheed Martin’s F-35 African-Americans, on the other election of Trump. It should be over
Roosevelt, returned after more than a fighter jets, a $1.5 trillion boondog- hand, tend to distrust him — and for him.
year at sea. gle. Why? Because the F-35 program for good reasons. During the early Froma Harrop, a syndicated colum-
In 1935, it became illegal for airplanes was employing a lot of Vermonters. primaries, he waved off his losses in nist, writes for the Providence (Rhode
to fly over the White House. Sanders is no stranger to hypocri- the Southern states, with their large Island) Journal. Her e-mail address is
In 1959, the inaugural Daytona 500 sy. Last summer, he praised the Dem- black electorates, as not mattering. [email protected].
race was held; although Johnny Beau-
champ was initially declared the winner,
the victory was later awarded to Lee
In 1965, former Supreme Court THE STAFF OF THE DISPATCH
Justice Felix Frankfurter, 82, died in Mary Jane Runnels Courtney Hendricks
Peter Imes Luther Shields Lisa Oswalt Christina Boyd
In 1967, more than 25,000 U.S. and Jackie Taylor Deanna Robinson-Pugh William Hudson
Dalen Cochran William LeJeune
South Vietnamese troops launched Op- Anterrrio Davis
eration Junction City, aimed at smashing
Birney Imes BUSINESS OFFICE NEWS Joseph Ellis Anne Murphy
a Vietcong stronghold near the Cambo- Lindsey Beck Isabelle Altman Jeffrey Gore Donta Perry
dian border. (Although the communists Debbie Foster Matt Garner Katrina Guyton Tina Perry
were driven out, they later returned.)
ADVERTISING Mary Ann Hardy Alex Holloway Doris Hill
Cynthia Cunningham Eddie Johnson Zack Plair Quaylon Jones
In 1974, Pakistan officially recognized Kelly Ervin Toma McClanahan
Mary Pollitz
Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan). Melissa Johnson Kayla Taylor
Beth Proffitt
— The Associated Press Michael Floyd Jan Swoope
The Dispatch • Friday, February 22, 2019 5A

Continued from Page 2A
Joyce Clemmons siblings, William Bluitt arrangements. He is survived by his Funeral Services. Car- Monday at Siloam
COLUMBUS — Sr., Johnny C. Bluitt, An- Ms. McLaren was wife, Lula Sykes Mc- ter’s Funeral Services Methodist Church with
Joyce Genevia Webber drew Bluitt and Henry born May 6, 1970, in Cottrell of Columbus; is in charge of arrange- the Rev. Jeff Morgan
Clemmons, 63, died Feb. Bluitt. New Orleans, Louisiana, children, William Mc- ments. officiating. Robinson Fu-
16, 2019. She is survived by to Georgia M. Blunt Cottrell Jr. of Columbus, Mr. Smith was neral Home is in charge
Services her children, Willie and the late Archie C. Denise McCottrell-Mer- born July 24, 1949, in of arrangements.
will be James Jones Jr. of Tope- McLaren Jr. She was a rick of Anderson, South Columbus, to the late Mrs. Waldrep was
at 2 p.m. ka, Kansas, Eddie James 1988 graduate of Cald- Carolina and Jennifer Jake Smith and Lurene born Aug. 13, 1965, in
Saturday Jones of Grand Rap- well High School and Stamps of Decatur, Smith. Alabama, to the late
at Friend- ids, Michigan, Bessie was formerly employed Alabama; siblings, He is survived by his Brenda Dennis and John
ship M.B. Will Harris, Christine as a dietary aid with the Jean Ford of San Anto- daughter, Erika Smith Jarvis.
Church Wilson, Dennis Jones, Windsor Place. nio, Texas, Booker T. of Conyer, Georgia; and She is survived by
Clemmons Rose Bush and Roo- In addition to her McCottrell of Temple, siblings, Henry Smith of her husband, David
with the
sevelt Gregory, all of mother, she is sur- Texas, Nancy Eason of Kankakee, Illinois, Cellie Dwayne Waldrep Sr. of
Rev. Stanley
Columbus, Betty Ruth vived by her children, Massapequa, New York, Harris of Flint Michigan, West Point; sons, John
K. McCrary officiat-
Simmons and William Nicholas A. Saffore Bonnie Truitt of Gauti- Maurice Smith, Geral- Waldrep and David
ing. Burial will follow
Earl Jones of El Paso, and Marnell Saffore, er, Bettye Chinnis of dine Smith and Marilyn
at Memorial Gardens. Waldrep Jr., both of West
Texas and Bobby Jones both of Columbus; and Union, New York, Ellis Smith, all of Columbus.
Visitation is from noon-7 Point and Justin Caleb
of Liberty, Alabama; siblings, Mark Mathieu McCottrell of Columbus,
p.m. Friday at Lee-Sykes of Alabama; daughter,
sibling, Gertrude Pitts of Bossier City, Louisi- Georgia, Jimmy Bonner
Funeral Home. Lee-
of Detroit, Michigan; ana, Damon Mathieu of and Fred Bonner, both Tina Waldrep Taylor Sherree Waldrep
Sykes Funeral Home WEST POINT — of Alabama; brothers,
39 grandchildren; 37 Shreveport, Louisiana, of Columbus; and three
is in charge of arrange- Tina Waldrep, 53, died John Heath Jarvis and
great-grandchildren; and and Landry Mathieu Jr. grandchildren.
ments. four great-great-grand- Feb. 15, 2019, at her Shane Roten, both of
of New Orleans.
Mrs. Clemmons was residence. Alabama; sister, Tammy
born Sept. 14, 1955, in
children. Leon Smith A memorial service O’Dell of Alabama; and
Columbus, to the late Rosa Trimuel COLUMBUS — Leon
will be held at 1 p.m. 10 grandchildren.
Julia Ella White Webber Shirley Latham COLUMBUS — Rosa Smith, 69, died Feb. 15,
and Sterling Webber Jr. COLUMBUS — Shir- Mae Trimuel, 87, died 2019, at Baptist Memo-
ley M. Legrone Latham, rial Hospi-
It’s no secret people don’t want to think
She was a graduate of Feb. 13, 2019, in Colum-
75, died Feb. 12, 2019, at bus. tal-Golden about preplanning their funeral.
Caldwell High School
and Mississippi Univer- her resi- Services will be at Triangle. So isn’t it better to be prepared?
sity for Women. She was dence. 1 p.m. Saturday at Mt. Services We are your funeral preplanning
formerly employed as a Services Olive M.B. Church will be specialist. Preplanning doesn’t
teacher with Columbus will be at 11 in Millport, Alabama, at 1 p.m. have to be a painful experience.
Municipal School Dis- a.m. Satur- with the Rev. Benny W. Sunday at We promise.
trict and was a member day at Zion Henry officiating. Burial Greater
Smith When Caring Counts...
of Friendship M.B. Gate M.B. will follow at the church Mt. Ol- 1131 N. Lehmberg Rd.
Church. Church cemetery. Visitation is ive M.B. Columbus, MS 39702
with James Latham from noon-6 p.m. Friday Church in Crawford (662) 328-1808
In addition to her par- FUNERAL HOME
A. Boyd at Century Hairston with the Rev. Donald & CREMATORY
ents, she was preceded
officiating. Burial will Funeral Home. Century Henry officiating. Burial

Larry Caldwell
in death by her brother,
follow at Strawbridge Hairston Funeral Home will follow at Memorial
Sterling Webber III.
Cemetery. Visitation is is in charge of arrange- Gardens Cemetery.
She is survived by
from noon-6 p.m. Friday ments. Visitation is from noon-6
her husband, Johnny Larry Edward Caldwell, 58,
at Carter’s Funeral Ser- Mrs. Trimuel was p.m. Saturday at Carter’s
Clemmons; children, of Crawford, MS, died Monday,
vices. Carter’s Funeral born Dec. 17, 1931, to
Tenesa LaShawn Clem- February 18, 2019, at Baptist
Services is in charge of the late Lee Gardner and
mons of Columbus, Memorial Hospital.
arrangements. Idella Rainey Hobo. She
Tiffany Nicole Clem- Mrs. Latham was Funeral arrangements have
mons and John Christo- was formerly employed
born Aug. 28, 1943, in been entrusted to Memorial
pher Clemmons, both of as a caregiver.
Columbus, to the late Gunter Peel Funeral Home and
Arlington, Virginia and She is survived by
Luke Legrone and Willie Crematory, 2nd Avenue North
Tierra Jenae Clemmons her brother, Edward
Lee Legrone. She was location. Visitation will be Sat-
of Atlanta, Georgia; Garner of Millport,
formerly employed with urday, February 23, 2019 from
Alabama; sister, Annie
siblings, Charles Web- Johnston Tombigbee 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the 2nd Avenue North loca-
Boykin of St. Louis,
ber of Lawton, Oklaho- Furniture and as a tion. Services will be Sunday, February 24, 2019
Missouri; three grand-
ma, Floyd Webber and cashier and cook with at 2:00 PM at Crawford United Methodist Church
children; and three
Anthony Sanders, both Brown’s Quik Stop. with Rev. Kathy Brackett officiating. Burial with
of Columbus, Lawrence In addition to her par- William Lamar United States Air Force Military Honors will fol-
Brown Sr. of Helena, Al- ents, she was preceded Visitation: low at Oak Limb Cemetery in Crawford.
abama, Daphne James of in death by her husband,
William McCottrell Sr. Friday, Feb. 22 • 1-2 PM Born July 4, 1960 in Rome, GA, Larry was the
Caledonia and Kanesha COLUMBUS — Wil- Memorial Gunter Peel
son of the late John P. Caldwell and Roberta Jack-
Charles Latham. liam Lee McCottrell Sr., Funeral Home
Bell of Madison; and one She is survived by 2nd Ave. North Location son Caldwell. He was a 1978 graduate of Model
grandchild. 77, died Feb. 18, 2019, Memorial Services: High School and enlisted in the United States
her children, Lisa Jones at Baptist Friday, Feb. 22 • 2 PM
Pallbearers will be and Scottie Latham, both Memorial Gunter Peel Air Force in November 1980. During his career
Fred Richardson, Antho- Memorial Funeral Home in the Air Force, he served in many different ca-
of Columbus, Gery Leg- Hospi- 2nd Ave. North Location
ny Sanders, Ollie Lee Jr., rone of Ethelsville, Ala- pacities in the Logistics field and was stationed at
Bobby Webber, Ervin tal-Golden various bases around the world. While stationed
bama and Keon Latham Triangle. Mavis Derden
Webber, Larry Webber of Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Visitation: at Columbus Air Force Base, he met the love of
and Roger Webber. Services Friday, Feb. 22 • 12-2 PM his life, Phyllis Phillips of Crawford, and the two
siblings, Donald Leg- will be at Memorial Gunter Peel
rone of Flint, Michigan, Funeral Home
were married on March 15, 1997. He retired from
2:30 p.m. the Air Force in 2000 with the rank of MSGT
Ella Jones Preston Legrone of Saturday at McCottrell Sr.
College St. Location
Services: and began a second career with the Air Force as
COLUMBUS — Ella Kansas City, Missouri, New Zion Friday, Feb. 22 • 2 PM
Jane Bluitt Jones, 89, Maggie Molton of Tus- Memorial Gunter Peel a civilian. At the time of his death, he was the
M.B. Church with the Funeral Home Civilian Operations Officer of the 14th Logistics
died Feb. 8, 2019, at her caloosa, Rosland Guyton Rev. Billy Hill officiat- College St. Location
residence. of Ethelsville and Valerie Burial Readiness Squadron and was looking forward to
ing. Burial will follow Beersheba Cemetery his upcoming second retirement after nearly 18
Services Weaver of Columbus; six at Memorial Gardens
will be at grandchildren; and 11 years of service.
11 a.m. great-grandchildren.
Cemetery. Visitation is Larry Caldwell A Christian, Larry was a faithful member of
from noon-6 p.m. Friday Visitation: Crawford United Methodist Church, serving on
Saturday Pallbearers will be at Carter’s Funeral Ser- Saturday, Feb. 23 • 5-7 PM
at Shiloh McArthur Bradley Jr., Memorial Gunter Peel various committees. He also served as a Trustee
vices. Carter’s Funeral Funeral Home of the Oak Limb Cemetery Board. He was devot-
Full Gospel Shun Walker, Willie Leg- Services is in charge of 2nd Ave. North Location
M.B. rone, James Legrone, Sunday, Feb. 24 • 1-2 PM ed to volunteering and service. He was an active
Jones arrangements. Crawford United member of Lowndes County District 4 Volunteer
Church Scottie Latham and Mr. McCottrell was Methodist Church
with the Keon Latham. Services:
Fire Department and had served two terms on
born Aug. 24, 1941, in Sunday, Feb. 24 • 2 PM the Crawford City Council, having been elected
Rev. Jamal Wilson offici- Lowndes County, to the Crawford United in 2005 and re-elected in 2009. He loved the out-
ating. Burial will follow Leslie McLaren late William McCottrell Methodist Church
Burial With doors and was a passionate and avid deer hunt-
at Concord Independent COLUMBUS — and Alberta McCottrell. Military Honors er. Always kind and willing to help, he was slow
Methodist Church Leslie Michelle McLar- He was formerly em- Oak Limb Cemetery
to anger but quick to forgive. He cared deeply
Cemetery. Visitation en, 48, died Feb. 14, ployed with Sanderson for others. A good, loving man, he always had a
is from noon-6 p.m. at 2019, in Plumbing. smile and an infectious laugh. He was a wonder-
Carter’s Funeral Ser- Columbus. In addition to his par- ful husband, daddy, son, “Grandpa” and a genu-
vices. Carter’s Funeral Services ents, he was preceded ine friend to everyone.
Services is in charge of will be in death by his siblings, He is survived by his wife, Phyllis Y. Caldwell
arrangements. at 2 p.m. Sam Bonner and Albert of Crawford; his mother, Roberta Jackson Cald-
Mrs. Jones was born Saturday at Davis. well of Rome, GA; his son, Edward Keith Cald-
Nov. 10, 1929, in Lown- Greater Mt. well (Jennifer) of Rome; his daughters and sons-
des County, to the late Olive M.B. in-law, Aimee and Robert Nichols of Rockmart,
William Bluitt Sr. and Church in McLaren GA and Leah and David Brackin of Columbus;
Bessie Bluitt. She was a Crawford and his mother-in-law, Judge Peggy Phillips of
member of Shiloh Full with the Rev. Donald Crawford. He is also survived by his sisters and
Gospel M.B. Church. Henry officiating. Burial brothers-in-law, Paula and John Streetman of
In addition to her par- will follow at the church Plainville, GA and Joy and Kent Pilcher of Rome,
ents, she was preceded cemetery. Visitation is GA; and his sister, Sandra Caldwell of Rome; and
in death by her children, from noon-6 p.m. Friday his sister-in- law, Peg Mordecai of Columbus; and
Willie Mae Edwards, at Carter’s Funeral Ser- his brother-in-law, Jim Phillips of Crawford. He
Ella Mary Pratt and vices. Carter’s Funeral is also survived by eight grandchildren, Lawson
Shirley Ann Harris; and Services is in charge of and Olivia Brackin, Debra Jane Barmore, Robert
Lee, Jacob and Taylor Nichols, Travis Gambill
and Arianna Greene; and three great-grandchil-
dren, Zoey and Melody Barmore and Lily Greg-
Threat allegations keep Pallbearers will be John Streetman, Kent
Pilcher, Darryl Presley, Danny Taylor, Will Gray
Coast Guard officer jailed and Randy Bailey. Honorary pallbearers will be
the District 4 Volunteer Fire Department, 14th
The Associated Press prosecutors said Thursday. Logistics Readiness Squadron, Vera Dantzler,
Lt. Christopher Paul Jim Phillips and J.D. Brooks.
GREENBELT, Md. — A Hasson, 49, was ordered Memorials may be made to the Oak Limb Cem-
Coast Guard officer sus- held without bail on drug etery Fund, P.O. Box 167, Crawford, MS 39743.
pected of drawing up a hit
and gun charges while
list of top Democrats and
prosecutors gather evi-
network TV journalists
spent hours on his work dence to support more
computer researching the serious charges involv-
words and deeds of infa- ing what they portrayed
Sign the online guest book at
mous bombers and mass as a domestic terror plot
shooters while also stock- by a man who espoused
716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
piling weapons, federal white-supremacist views.
6A Friday, February 22, 2019 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
ciplinary policies.
“What’s important to
understand is that the our
policies are designed to
be a method of enlight-
ened self-control,” Labat
told her audience. “Ul-
timately, discipline is a
shared responsibility. Stu-
dents, parents and school
officials all have a role to
play. That’s why it’s im-
portant for parents to read
and understand the code
of conduct we provide ev-
ery student at the begin-
ning of the school year.
It’s not about punishment.
It’s about safety.”
Johnson, one of three
resource officers, ex-
plained their role in Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff
achieving that. A group of about 150 students and parents turned out for Thursday evening’s parent
“We are our own po- awareness meeting at the Columbus Middle School auditorium. In addition to hear-
lice department inside ing from school and city officials, parents submitted questions as part of a panel
the school,” Johnson said.
“While we do work with January. Last year, the participation continues of bullying, we investigate
the city police depart- district had a little less to move upward. There’s every report as we are re-
ment, they are there to than 3,400 in the same a strong correlation be- quired to do by law. But I
assist us in our job. time frame. The majority tween parent participa- think sometimes people
“Our role is to move of referrals district-wide tion and student achieve-
throughout the school and misunderstand what bul-
are classified as disrup- ment. I commend my lying really is and what
its property to ensure the tive behavior. principals on being able
(safety) of the students it isn’t. Every time two
At the CMS, there have to get all those parents to
and school property,” he been nearly 900 discipline come out.” kids have it in for other
added. “We are there to referrals, about 100 more Audience members and can’t get along, that
assess situations to keep than last school year. The posed questions during isn’t necessarily bullying.
everyone safe. Every majority of those student a short panel discussion That’s not to say we won’t
now and then, when an discipline issues have comprised of Labat, John- intervene in those situa-
incident rises to the lev- been considered disrup- son, Shelton and school tions, but we do not use
el of being a crime, we’ll tive behavior or horse- board members with the same procedures as
perform our duties as law play. questions ranging from we do with bullying. Bul-
enforcement officers. But Labat said by next year, the progress of the search lying is something that
our primary duty is safe- CMSD plans to host meet- for a new football coach at happens over a period of
ty. That’s what we spend ings throughout the year Columbus High to a per- time where one kid is tar-
the majority of our time at each school, in an effort ception of special treat-
dealing with.” geting another kid who
to combat disciplinary is- ment for some students,
During each regular sues. and from accessibility to feels helpless to respond.
board meeting, Labat re- “The most impressive the superintendent to bul- When we get reports of
leases a monthly student observation I had (at the lying. that happening from the
disciplinary report. So far, meeting), it was a very “We take bullying very administration, we inves-
the district has 3,646 dis- diverse group of parents,” seriously,” Johnson said. tigate those reports every
cipline referrals through Labat said. “The parent “When there is a report time.“

Continued from Page 1A
While there will un- neighborhood patrols and Burdine said he plans looking at some grant
doubtedly be some new those sorts of things.” to move slowly and get funding that will help
things he’ll encounter in Mayor Mitch Wiggins to know the job a little with that so that it doesn’t
the job, familiarity with said he’s impressed Bur- better before making become a burden on the
the town, its people and dine has already begun any big policy changes, town’s budget.”
its four deputy marshals brainstorming ways to but he believes modern- The town marshal po-
won’t be an issue. improve the marshal’s of- izing and upgrading the sition opened after Ben
“I live in Caledonia fice even though he won’t department’s equipment Kilgore resigned after
and, at one point or an- officially start the job un- is something he’ll pursue posting social media
other, I’ve gotten to know til March 1. right away. comments critical over a
the deputies a little bit “I know he’s already “There are things I’m change in policy adopted
through my job with the met with the deputy mar- already working on, like by the board that required
CPD,” Burdine said. “I shals and initiated some trying to put in a new re- deputies to leave their pa-
don’t expect any issues improvements within the port system,” Burdine trol cars at the marshal’s
there. The biggest differ- department,” Wiggins said. “I’m also in the pro- office at the end of shifts
ence is there’s less crime said. “We are excited to cess of changing over rather than take them
in Caledonia, so that will work with Marshal Bur- weapons and updating home. Kilgore was put on
allow me to get out and dine and fully support his them. The goal is to get administrative leave on
be more active in the ideas and the plans he has everything in the depart- Jan. 4 and tendered his
community and do more for our community.” ment up to date. I’ll be resignation the next day.

Continued from Page 1A
“It’s an opportunity to rectors. He said his expe- “I want to make sure In 2011, he ran his first
serve District 3,” he said. rience looking at budgets citizens in District 3 are race against independent
“And to put some fresh and managing board pri- looked after,” he said. “And Mike Smith. In 2015, he
eyes on the county gov- orities would serve him I’d bring development into ran against Republican
ernment.” well as a district supervi- the district, which will Patrick “P.J.” Hughes.
Heard sits on sever- sor. make District 3 look good, As of now, no other
al boards, including the “And I just like serving which, of course, makes Republican or Democrat
Mississippi University for people,” he added. the county look good.” has qualified in the Dis-
Women Employees Fed- Heard said his priority Holliman, who is serv- trict 3 race, meaning Hol-
eral Credit Union Board as supervisor would be ing his third term and liman and Heard would
of Directors and the East supporting policies that could not be reached for face each other in the No-
Mississippi Communi- benefited both his district comment by press time, vember general election.
ty College Development and county residents as a has never run unopposed The deadline to qualify is
Foundation Board of Di- whole. for District 3 supervisor. March 1.
PREP SOCCER: Heritage Academy 2, Starkville Academy 1 WOMEN’S COLLEGE
662-241-5000 B

THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n Friday, February 22, 2019


No. 6 MSU pulls away

from Ole Miss with
big third quarter
From Staff and Wire Reports

OXFORD — Teaira McCowan didn’t have a

great second half Thursday night. Anriel How-
ard did, and it was enough to push the No. 6 Mis-
sissippi State women’s basketball team past Ole
Miss 80-66 at The Pavilion at Ole Miss.
It was a much tighter game than MSU (24-2,
12-1 Southeastern Conference) might have an-
ticipated, but a dominant third quarter helped it
earn its 11th-straight victory in the series. How-
ard had 17 of her team-high 21 points in the sec-
ond half.
Ole Miss (9-18, 3-10) kept things close
throughout the first half, trailing 37-29 at the
break. MSU outscored Ole Miss 26-14 in the
third quarter to pull away.
“We just kind of hung around and really the
Austin Frayser/Special to The Dispatch third quarter was the difference,” MSU coach
Starkville Academy’s Bates Bennett looks for an opening in the Heritage Academy defense in their match Vic Schaefer said. “I thought we came out and
Thursday night at Starkville High School.
punched first and kind of had our foot on the ped-


al for a little while. ... Defensively, I just thought
we were miserable. We weren’t very competitive
at times.”
See MSU, 3B

Patriots defeat Volunteers for third time to advance to MAIS Division III title game Saturday
By Amber Dodd ner kick gave Heritage COLLEGE BASEBALL
No. 9 MSU changes
Special to The Dispatch Academy a 1-0 lead.
Starkville Academy’s
STARKVILLE — Grant Smith scored on a
Despite a great season
and ongoing postseason,
Heritage Academy boys’
penalty kick with 5 min-
utes, 35 seconds left in the time for opener vs.
first half to tie send the
soccer coach Joe Asadi
wasn’t comfortable before
teams into halftime tied.
Todd Sharp’s goal half-
No. 21 So. Miss
the Mississippi Association way through the second From Special Reports
of Independent Schools half sealed the deal for the
(MAIS) Division III sec- Patriots and sent them on STARKVILLE — With the threat of inclem-
ond-round semifinal game to Jackson. The win com- ent weather in the forecast, the No. 9 Mississip-
against Starkville Academy pleted a three-game season pi State baseball team has moved up its series
on Thursday at Starkville sweep of Starkville Acad- opener against No. 21 Southern Mississippi to 2
High School. emy. The first two games p.m. on Friday at Dudy Noble Field.
Last season’s unfinished were in the regular season. The teams will play single games at 2 p.m. Sat-
business still bothered “This was a game we urday and at 1 p.m. Sunday.
him. know we had to win to go This will be the first top-25 matchup at the new
In 2018, Heritage Acad- Austin Frayser/Special to The Dispatch to States, but it’s a game Dudy Noble Field. MSU comes in
emy suffered a heart- Heritage Academy’s Lex Rogers attempts a free kick we wanted for redemption.” with a 4-0 record after sweeping Roundup
breaking loss to Starkville early in the second half against Starkville Academy. Sharp said. “We felt terrible Youngstown State to open the
Academy in the semifinals last year and wanted to do season and earning a 3-2 victory
that still haunted the vet- turned its pain into purpose er strong defensive show- this for our seniors.” against Alabama-Birmingham on Wednesday.
eran coach. Asadi and the and mended its broken ing and denied Starkville Heritage Academy de- Southern Miss (3-0) swept Purdue to open 2019,
players discussed the loss hearts with a 2-1 victory Academy offensive chanc- feated Starkville Academy but rain washed out the Golden Eagles’ game.
Wednesday during prac- to reach the championship es. Heritage Academy goal- 4-0 for the Division 2A ti- Redshirt junior left-hander Ethan Small is
tice and reminisced about game Saturday in Jackson. keeper Parker Maner had tle Feb. 11. Ten days later, scheduled to start for MSU on Friday. Junior
the pain. Heritage Academy will play three saves the first half the Patriots won again to right-hander Walker Powell is scheduled to start
“We have to redeem St. Aloysius at 11 a.m. Sat- and stabilized the Patriots set up a match against the for Southern Miss. Freshman right-hander JT
what happened last year urday at Jackson Prep. while the defense vacated St. Aloysius Flashes, who Ginn and senior left-hander Stevie Powers are
while establishing what Pelting rain didn’t hin- the right side of the field for edged Central Hinds 3-0, scheduled to start for the Bulldogs and Golden
we’ve worked on all year,” der the fiery intensity on more pressure. for the title. Eagles on Saturday. MSU lists redshirt junior
Asadi said he told the team. both sides, but both teams “Our main focus to- Asadi and the Patriots right-hander Keegan James as its scheduled
“Many tears were on the struggled to find momen- day was communication,” will look to bring a domi- starter for Sunday.
field. I felt miserable. I told tum. Starkville Academy’s Maner said. “We wanted to nant defense to Jackson to The teams have met each year since 1967,
them, ‘Don’t let anything Brody Pierce helped lead make sure everyone com- finish the job. Asadi said with MSU owning the advantage, 82-42, on the
come between us and the a defense that prevented municated well enough for the win will bring momen- See BASEBALL, 3B
win.’” Be focused and do Heritage Academy from everybody to play off of it.” tum, energy and hope as
whatever it takes to win. getting great looks and The defensive chem- Heritage Academy looks to
I’m not going to let weather connecting its passes. istry allowed the Patriots finish its business in 2019.
or where we’re playing put The Patriots kept their to regain possession and “We are up to the chal- AUTO RACING
us down. We’re going in word to Asadi by playing create opportunities that lenge and can do anything
and getting this win.”
Heritage Academy
intense defense. Heritage
Academy delivered anoth-
changed the momentum.
Lex Rogers’ goal off a cor-
we set our minds to,” Asadi
said. Columbus Speedway
COLLEGE SOFTBALL reschedules Winter
MSU changes schedule for Wilcox Memorial Classic for March 8
From Special Reports n No. 6 Alabama will make From Special Reports
Roundup home debut at Easton Bama
STARKVILLE — With inclem- Bash: At Tuscaloosa, Alabama, the Mother Nature has delayed the start of the
ent weather forecast this weekend, Texas, the Ole Miss softball team No. 6 Alabama softball team will 2019 local auto racing season.
the Mississippi State softball team will take on Tulsa, Sam Houston make its home debut Friday when The Winter Classic scheduled for Friday and
has altered its schedule for the in- State, and No. 11 Texas this week- it plays host to the annual Easton Saturday at Columbus Motor Speedway has been
augural The Snowman: Alex Wil- end in the Texas Invitational at Red Bama Bash at Rhoads Stadium. canceled due to rain. It has been rescheduled for
cox Memorial Tournament. & Charline McCombs Field. Alabama will take on Missouri March 8 and 9.
MSU will open the tournament Ole Miss will play at 11 a.m. and State at 3:30 p.m. Friday and No. 24 Super Late Models, Outlaw Street, Durrence
against Georgia Tech at noon Sat- at 1:30 p.m. Friday. It will play at 10 Minnesota at 6 p.m. Friday. Action Lane Sportsman, Durrence Lane Street Stock,
urday at Nusz Park. a.m. and at 1 p.m. Saturday and at 10 will continue at 12:30 p.m. Satur- Factory Stock, KMSA Mini Stock, Hot Shot Buzz
MSU will face Georgia Tech at a.m. Sunday. All of Ole Miss’ games day against Missouri State and at 3 and Dove Young Guns will compete.
12:30 p.m. Sunday and Southeast- will be broadcast on the Longhorn p.m. Saturday against No. 24 Min- n In related news, Magnolia Motor Speedway
ern Louisiana at 3 p.m. Sunday. Network. The games Friday and nesota. Alabama will take on Loui- welcomes new class sponsors for this season,
MSU will play another double- Sunday will be televised live, while siana-Monroe at 1:30 p.m. Sunday. which will begin March 2 with the Frostbuster
header Monday. It will take on both of Saturday’s games will be Alabama (10-0) won its five 150.
Georgia Tech at 3 p.m. and Alcorn tape delayed at 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 games last weekend at the Hillen- Glenn’s BBQ and Fish is now the title sponsor
State at 5:30 p.m. p.m., respectively. brand Invitational in Tucson, Arizo- for the Late Model Sportsman class, while Ranch
Additional schedule changes Ole Miss is coming off a 3-2 week- na, including one against then-No. 9 House Diner is the title sponsor for the Factory
will be shared via www.HailState. end at the Stacy Winsberg Memorial Arizona. The 10-0 start is the Crim- Stock division. Three Star Tire and Auto is the
com and through @HailStateSB’s Tournament in California. It defeated son Tide’s best since 2015. The last new title sponsor for the Street Stock class.
official social media channels. UC Riverside, Cal Poly, and Oregon time Alabama started better than “All three of these companies are local-
The SEC Network + schedule for State. The victory against Oregon 10-0 was in 2013, winning 22 games ly-owned businesses, and it’s really cool to see
Mississippi State’s weekend sched- State was the 900th of head coach before its first loss. them stepping up to support Magnolia Motor
ule will be announced at a later Mike Smith’s coaching career. Smith Montana Fouts went 2-0 in the Speedway in a major way,” promoter Johnny
time. has 152 wins at Ole Miss and is two circle at the Hillenbrand Invitation- Stokes said. “We are really excited for this sea-
n Ole Miss will compete in shy of becoming the school’s all-time al and was named Southeastern son and having new marketing partners come on
Texas Invitational: At Austin, winningest coach. Conference Freshman of the Week. board makes it even more exciting.”
2B Friday, February 22, 2019 The Dispatch •

COLLEGE BASKETBALL Do You Need Estate Planning to

No. 16 Cats Protect You & Your Family’s Future?

Thursday’s Games
Thursday’s Men’s Major No games scheduled
No. 16 Kentucky 65,
Scores Today’s Games No. 13 South Carolina 57
EAST No games scheduled KENTUCKY (22-5): McKinney 2-4 0-0
Albany (NY) 74, Stony Brook 70 Saturday’s Games 5, Wyatt 2-9 0-0 4, Howard 6-12 3-3 17, Morris
Binghamton 81, Mass.-Lowell 66 W. Kentucky at Old Dominion, 1 p.m. 3-12 4-5 12, Murray 7-11 2-2 17, Anyagaligbo

upset No. 12
Bryant 67, Wagner 65 UAB at Southern Mississippi, 3 p.m. 0-1 2-2 2, Green 2-5 0-0 4, Paschal 0-2 2-2 2,
Fairleigh Dickinson 81, Sacred Heart 63 FIU at FAU, 4 p.m. Roper 1-1 0-0 2, Totals 23-57 13-14 65.
Hartford 70, New Hampshire 50 SOUTH CAROLINA (19-7): Jennings
Charlotte at Middle Tennessee, 6 p.m. 3-6 6-6 12, Saxton 3-8 1-4 7, Cooper 1-1 0-0
Hofstra 91, Towson 82, 2OT North Texas at Louisiana Tech, 8 p.m.
Loyola (Md.) 79, Navy 70 2, Cuevas-Moore 1-11 8-10 10, Harris 4-12
Rice at UTEP, 9 p.m. 1-2 10, Grissett 0-0 0-0 0, Herbert Harrigan
Mount St. Mary’s 79, CCSU 66
Northeastern 76, James Madison 60 Southwestern Athletic 1-2 0-0 2, Jackson 1-2 0-0 2, Cliney 0-0 0-0 0,
Henderson 4-8 0-0 12, Perry 0-2 0-0 0, Totals

Robert Morris 62, LIU Brooklyn 49
St. Francis (Pa.) 81, St. Francis Brooklyn 71 Conference 18-52 16-22 57.
Kentucky 13 17 10 25 —65
UMBC 65, Vermont 56 Conference All Games
South Carolina 11 13 19 14 —57
SOUTH W-L Pct. W-L Pct. 3-Point Goals—Kentucky 6-12 (McK-
Austin Peay 83, SE Missouri 70 Prairie View 11-1 .917 13-12 .520 inney 1-2, Wyatt 0-1, Howard 2-4, Morris 2-3,
Belmont 99, E. Illinois 58 Texas Southern 9-3 .750 14-11 .560 Murray 1-1, Green 0-1), South Carolina 5-20
Campbell 61, High Point 48 Alabama St. 8-4 .667 10-13 .435 (Jennings 0-1, Cuevas-Moore 0-6, Harris
Charleston Southern 92, SC-Upstate 60 Ark.-Pine Bluff 8-5 .615 11-15 .423 1-6, Jackson 0-1, Henderson 4-5, Perry 0-1).
- Estate Planning - Long Term Care - Conservatorships &
Chattanooga 68, The Citadel 65 Grambling St. 7-6 .538 13-13 .500 Assists—Kentucky 12 (Murray 5), South Car- From Special Reports - Wills & Trusts Planning Guardianships
E. Kentucky 67, Tennessee Tech 66 Jackson St. 6-7 .462 8-17 .320 olina 12 (Harris 7). Rebounds—Kentucky 34
ETSU 94, VMI 70 Alabama A&M 4-8 .333 5-21 .192 (Murray 8), South Carolina 34 (Jennings 9).
- Powers of Attorney - Probate & - Business Formation
Elon 84, UNC-Wilmington 77 Alcorn St. 4-9 .308 8-17 .320 Total Fouls—Kentucky 20, South Carolina 17. - Advanced Health Care Administration - Corporations/LLCs
Gardner-Webb 65, UNC-Asheville 55 MVSU 3-10 .231 5-22 .185 A—11,887. COLUMBIA, S.C. — Seniors Directives & Living - Divorce & Child - Real Estate/ Loan
Georgia Southern 79, Coastal Carolina 74
Georgia St. 80, Appalachian St. 75
Southern U. 3-10 .231 4-22 .154
No. 21 Texas A&M 79, Taylor Murray and Maci Morris Wills Custody Closing
Hampton 86, Longwood 66
Jacksonville St. 65, Morehead St. 64
Thursday’s Games Tennessee 62 were winless against South Caroli- - Elder Law - Pre-Nuptial Agreements - School Law
No games scheduled
Mercer 65, Samford 62 Today’s Games
TENNESSEE (17-9): Che. Green 5-9 1-4
na in their careers.
Murray St. 85, UT Martin 75 11, Davis 5-13 0-0 10, Zaa. Green 4-14 0-0 9, Contact us at (662) 327-4211 (ext. #0) to make an appointment.
N. Kentucky 76, Youngstown St. 69
No games scheduled Jackson 2-7 0-0 4, Westbrook 7-16 1-2 17, Col- With a little help from a fresh-
Radford 87, Winthrop 81
Saturday’s Games lins 2-3 0-0 5, Harris 0-0 0-0 0, Kushkituah 1-4 Mention this ad when you call to get a free 30 minute consultation
SIU-Edwardsville 85, Tennessee St. 84 MVSU at Prairie View, 6 p.m. 2-2 4, Burrell 1-4 0-0 2, Massengill 0-2 0-0 0, man, they made sure their careers
UNC-Greensboro 79, W. Carolina 76, OT Alabama St. at Alcorn St., 6:30 p.m. Totals 27-72 4-8 62.
didn’t end that way. for estate or long term care planning.
Dunn & Hemphill, P.A.
William & Mary 86, Coll. of Charleston 84, OT Grambling St. at Jackson St., 6:30 p.m. TEXAS A&M (20-6): Jones 2-7 0-2 4,
Cincinnati 60, UCF 55
Alabama A&M at Southern U., 8:30 p.m.
Ark.-Pine Bluff at Texas Southern, 8:30 p.m.
Johnson 3-6 0-1 6, Carter 12-26 4-5 28, Wash- Murray scored 17 points and
ington 4-7 2-3 11, Wells 10-15 4-4 29, Ellison
Michigan 69, Minnesota 60 Thursday’s Women’s 0-0 1-2 1, Martin 0-2 0-0 0, Rael-Whitsitt 0-1 Morris had 10 of her
S. Dakota St. 92, Purdue Fort Wayne 83
Major Scores
0-0 0, Jackson 0-0 0-0 0, Walton 0-1 0-0 0, Wil- Roundup 12 in the fourth quar- 214 Fifth Street South | Columbus, Mississippi

© The Dispatch
Wright St. 87, Cleveland St. 61 liams 0-0 0-0 0, Totals 31-65 11-17 79. 662.327.4211 |
SOUTHWEST EAST Tennessee 16 14 12 20 —62 ter and the No. 16
Louisiana-Lafayette 76, Texas-Arlington 64 Penn St. 72, Purdue 61 Texas A&M 17 18 27 17 —79 Offering Peace of Mind, One Client at a Time.
Louisiana-Monroe 63, Texas State 60
SMU 77, UConn 59
Quinnipiac 66, Rider 60
St. Bonaventure 62, Rhode Island 61 3-Point Goals—Tennessee 4-15 (Davis Kentucky women’s *Background information is available upon request.
FAR WEST Syracuse 90, Pittsburgh 63 0-3, Zaa. Green 1-4, Jackson 0-2, Westbrook
2-3, Collins 1-2, Burrell 0-1), Texas A&M 6-17 basketball team ended a nine-game
Arizona 76, California 51
Cal St.-Fullerton 62, UC Davis 58
Alabama 84, Vanderbilt 65 (Carter 0-6, Washington 1-3, Wells 5-8). As- losing streak against No. 13 South W. David Dunn| Christopher D. Hemphill
Austin Peay 56, SE Missouri 54 sists—Tennessee 18 (Westbrook 5), Texas
Gonzaga 92, Pepperdine 64
Grand Canyon 91, California Baptist 58 Belmont 98, E. Illinois 57 A&M 12 (Washington 7). Rebounds—Tennes- Carolina on Thursday night, beat- Providing Our Clients Expertise With
Chattanooga 61, Samford 56
N. Arizona 75, Idaho 54
Portland St. 99, Idaho St. 93 Coastal Carolina 76, Georgia Southern 73
see 44 (Che. Green 12), Texas A&M 41 (Jones
10). Total Fouls—Tennessee 18, Texas A&M ing the Gamecocks 65-57 for their Over 50+ Years Of Combined Experience
George Mason 67, Richmond 52
S. Utah 76, E. Washington 62 Georgia 93, Arkansas 83
11. A—3,789. first win in Columbia since 2012.
Sacramento St. 78, Weber St. 76
Saint Mary’s (Cal) 58, Pacific 32
Georgia St. 85, Appalachian St. 75
Georgia Tech 75, Clemson 53
Alabama 84, Vanderbilt 65 “If feels great. I’m just so proud
San Diego 63, Portland 52 ALABAMA (12-14): Copeland 2-5 3-4 7,
San Francisco 77, BYU 71
Jacksonville St. 68, Morehead St. 57
Kentucky 65, South Carolina 57 Walker 6-14 3-4 16, Abrams 4-5 2-2 10, John- of our team for continuing to fight,”
Seattle 69, UMKC 64
Southern Cal 66, Oregon 49
LSU 69, Florida 51
Louisville 71, Virginia 49
son 8-11 6-7 25, Wade 6-11 0-0 14, Craig Cruce
0-0 0-0 0, Knight 1-3 2-4 4, Barber 0-0 0-0 0, said Morris, who made all three of
UC Irvine 74, Cal Poly 47
UC Santa Barbara 79, Hawaii 61
Maryland 71, Minnesota 69
Mercer 83, ETSU 77
Benjamin 1-3 3-4 6, Berry 0-0 2-2 2, Pelphrey her baskets in the fourth quarter
0-0 0-0 0, Worth 0-1 0-0 0, Totals 28-53 21-
UCLA 68, Oregon St. 67 Mississippi St. 80, Mississippi 66 27 84. after missing her first eight shots.
Utah Valley 103, Chicago St. 71 Murray St. 76, UT Martin 73
NC State 80, Wake Forest 46
VANDERBILT (6-20): Fasoula 5-10 3-4
“Even when we got down we just
The Associated Press North Carolina 93, Boston College 78
13, Newby 3-5 2-3 8, Carter 3-6 5-6 11, Hall
3-10 3-4 10, Walker 1-5 2-2 5, Alexander 4-8 stayed positive. We fought through
Northwestern St. 63, Houston Baptist 46
Men’s Top 25 Fared SIU-Edwardsville 66, Tennessee St. 55 2-5 13, Horrocks 0-0 0-0 0, Cambridge 1-1
adversity and we got the win.”
Thursday Tennessee Tech 77, E. Kentucky 57 0-0 3, Clemons-Green 0-1 2-2 2, Totals 20-46
1. Duke (23-3) did not play. Next: at
Syracuse, Saturday.
Texas State 62, Louisiana-Monroe 51
Virginia Tech 73, Miami 65
19-26 65.
Alabama 18 24 21 21 —84 Morris is from rural Kentucky
2. Gonzaga (26-2) beat Pepperdine
92-64. Next: vs. BYU, Saturday.
Green Bay 72, Oakland 32
Vanderbilt 20 7 20 18 —65 and Murray is a city girl from Mary-
3-Point Goals—Alabama 7-15 (Walker
3. Virginia (23-2) did not play. Next: at No. Indiana 75, Iowa 73
Michigan 86, Rutgers 76
1-4, Abrams 0-1, Johnson 3-3, Wade 2-4, land but they mesh well on the
18 Louisville, Saturday.
4. Kentucky (22-4) did not play. Next: vs. Milwaukee 59, Detroit 34
Nebraska 71, Northwestern 64
Benjamin 1-3), Vanderbilt 6-14 (Hall 1-3,
Walker 1-4, Alexander 3-5, Cambridge 1-1, court.
Auburn, Saturday.
5. Tennessee (24-2) did not play. Next: at Notre Dame 89, Duke 61 Clemons-Green 0-1). Assists—Alabama 14 “It’s a different dynamic, she
Ohio St. 77, Michigan St. 70 (Johnson 5), Vanderbilt 12 (Alexander 4).
No. 13 LSU, Saturday.
6. Nevada (24-2) did not play. Next: vs. South Dakota 73, Denver 58 Fouled Out—Alabama Copeland, Vanderbilt needs me to pass her the ball and
UMKC 83, Seattle 66
Fresno State, Saturday.
7. Michigan (24-3) beat Minnesota 69-60.
Utah Valley 70, Chicago St. 65
Newby. Rebounds—Alabama 37 (Walker 9),
Vanderbilt 21 (Carter 8). Total Fouls—Alabama I need her to score the ball so I’m
Next: vs. No. 10 Michigan State, Sunday.
Texas A&M 79, Tennessee 62
25, Vanderbilt 24. Technical Fouls—Vanderbilt
TEAM 1. A—3,567.
going to find her any way possible,”
8. North Carolina (21-5) did not play.
Next: vs. No. 16 Florida State, Saturday.
Murray said. “We just feed off each
CS Northridge 60, Long Beach St. 45
Georgia 93, Arkansas 83
9. Houston (25-1) did not play. Next: vs.
South Florida, Saturday.
Cal St.-Fullerton 74, UC Santa Barbara 62
California Baptist 93, Grand Canyon 50 ARKANSAS (16-11): Williams 7-10 1-2 15, other. She’s a really good shooting
10. Michigan State (22-5) did not play.
Next: at No. 7 Michigan, Sunday.
E. Washington 80, S. Utah 66
Gonzaga 74, Santa Clara 61
Dungee 4-15 9-12 18, Mason 3-9 0-0 6, Monk
3-8 0-0 6, Tolefree 7-14 0-1 17, Thomas 0-1
guard and I’m a really good point
11. Marquette (22-4) did not play. Next: at Idaho 90, N. Arizona 72
Idaho St. 72, Portland St. 54
0-0 0, Gaulden 6-7 0-0 12, Northcross-Baker guard.”
Providence, Saturday. 3-8 0-0 9, Zimmerman 0-0 0-0 0, Totals 33-72
12. Kansas (20-6) did not play. Next: at Loyola Marymount 69, Saint Mary’s (Cal) 56 10-15 83. Freshman Rhyne Howard also
No. 14 Texas Tech, Saturday. Pepperdine 96, Pacific 76
13. LSU (21-5) did not play. Next: vs. No. Portland 69, San Francisco 66
GEORGIA (16-10): Caldwell 4-6 4-5 12,
Robinson 8-14 5-5 21, Cole 5-11 2-4 12, Con-
had 17 points for the Wildcats (22-5,
UC Riverside 75, Cal Poly 68
5 Tennessee, Saturday. nally 5-8 2-4 14, Morrison 5-7 3-4 16, Paul 2-6 9-4 Southeastern Conference).
14. Texas Tech (21-5) did not play. Next:
vs. No. 12 Kansas, Saturday. The AP Women’s Top 25 4-4 8, Staiti 1-5 0-0 3, Hubbard 0-0 0-0 0, John-
Alexis Jennings and Destanni
son 3-8 1-2 7, Totals 33-65 21-28 93.
15. Purdue (19-7) did not play. Next: at
Nebraska, Saturday.
Fared Arkansas 21 17 16 29 —83
Henderson had 12 points apiece for
Thursday Georgia 22 23 19 29 —93
16. Florida State (21-5) did not play. Next:
at No. 8 North Carolina, Saturday.
1. Baylor (24-1) did not play. Next: at No.
20 Iowa State, Saturday.
3-Point Goals—Arkansas 7-28 (Dungee the Gamecocks (19-7, 11-2), who
1-4, Mason 0-5, Monk 0-3, Tolefree 3-8, North-
17. Villanova (20-7) did not play. Next: at
Xavier, Sunday.
2. Oregon (24-2) did not play. Next: vs.
UCLA, Friday.
cross-Baker 3-8), Georgia 6-17 (Robinson 0-2, played the second half without lead-
18. Louisville (18-9) did not play. Next: vs.
No. 3 Virginia, Saturday.
3. UConn (24-2) did not play. Next: at
Cole 0-2, Connally 2-4, Morrison 3-5, Staiti 1-1,
Johnson 0-3). Assists—Arkansas 13 (Monk 3),
ing scorer Te’a Cooper because of a
Tulsa, Sunday.
19. Iowa State (19-7) did not play. Next: 4. Louisville (24-2) beat Virginia 71-49. Georgia 19 (Cole 8). Rebounds—Arkansas 34 sprained ankle.
at TCU, Saturday. (Williams 7), Georgia 42 (Robinson 11). Total
20. Virginia Tech (20-6) did not play. Next:
Next: vs. Boston College, Sunday.
5. Notre Dame (25-3) beat Duke 89-61. Fouls—Arkansas 23, Georgia 17. Technical Howard had 10 points as the
at Notre Dame, Saturday.
21. Iowa (20-6) did not play. Next: vs.
Next: at No. 18 Syracuse, Monday.
6. Mississippi State (24-2) beat Mississip-
Fouls—Arkansas TEAM 1. A—3,317.
Wildcats took a 30-24 lead at half-
Indiana, Friday.
pi 80-66. Next: vs. Vanderbilt, Sunday. LSU 69, Florida 51 time. The Gamecocks shot 32 per-
22. Wisconsin (18-8) did not play. Next: at FLORIDA (6-20): Williams 2-7 0-0 4, de
7. Stanford (21-4) did not play. Next: vs.
Northwestern, Saturday.
23. Kansas State (20-6) did not play. Arizona, Friday. Oliveira 3-4 1-1 9, Nakkasoglu 5-12 1-1 11, cent and had 12 turnovers.
Smith 1-6 0-0 3, Washington 2-4 0-0 5, Brower
Next: vs. Oklahoma State, Saturday. 8. Maryland (24-3) beat Minnesota 71-69.
Next: at Purdue, Monday. 0-0 0-0 0, Robinson 1-2 0-0 2, Johnson 4-10 South Carolina went 8 of 11 from
24. Maryland (20-7) did not play. Next: vs.
Ohio State, Saturday. 9. N.C. State (23-3) beat Wake Forest 80-
46. Next: at North Carolina, Sunday.
0-0 9, Rainey 4-10 0-0 8, Totals 22-55 2-2 51.
LSU (16-9): Mitchell 9-13 4-8 22, Aifuwa
the free-throw line in the third
25. Buffalo (23-3) did not play. Next: vs.
Kent State, Friday. 10. Iowa (21-6) lost to Indiana 77-73. 10-16 0-0 20, Brooks 0-6 2-2 2, Norton 2-7 2-2 quarter and outscored Kentucky
Next: at Nebraska, Monday. 6, Pointer 5-10 2-2 12, Bidikuindila 0-0 0-0 0,
Southeastern 11. Marquette (22-4) did not play. Next: Ashman 0-0 0-2 0, Cherry 2-5 0-0 4, Rich- 19-10 to take a 43-40 lead into the
Conference Men
vs. Butler, Friday.
12. Oregon State (21-5) did not play.
ard-Harris 1-4 0-0 3, Seay 0-3 0-0 0, Totals
29-64 10-16 69.
fourth quarter.

Conf. Pct. Overall Pct.
12-1 .923 24-2 .923
Next: vs. Southern Cal, Friday.
13. South Carolina (19-7) lost to No. 16
Florida 16 12 12 11 —51 “We didn’t do so well in the third
LSU 16 15 20 18 —69
LSU 11-1 .917 21-4 .840 Kentucky 65-57. Next: at Tennessee, Sunday. 3-Point Goals—Florida 5-18 (Williams quarter. We didn’t let that stop us,”
Kentucky 11-2 .846 22-4 .846 14. Miami (22-6) lost to Virginia Tech 73-
S. Carolina 9-4 .692 14-12 .538 65. Next: vs. No. 22 Florida State, Sunday.
0-1, de Oliveira 2-2, Nakkasoglu 0-3, Smith
1-4, Washington 1-2, Johnson 1-5, Rainey 0-1),
Murray said. “We stayed positive.
Ole Miss
Mississippi St.
8-5 .615 18-8 .692
6-6 .500 18-7 .720
15. Gonzaga (24-3) beat Santa Clara 74-
61. Next: at San Francisco, Saturday.
LSU 1-10 (Brooks 0-4, Norton 0-1, Cherry 0-1, We just kept rolling, just kept going
Richard-Harris 1-3, Seay 0-1). Assists—Flor-
Auburn 6-6 .500 17-8 .680 16. Kentucky (22-5) beat No. 13 South
Carolina 65-57. Next: vs. LSU, Sunday. ida 5 (Smith 3), LSU 14 (Pointer 6). Fouled at them. That’s what we needed to
Florida 6-6 .600 14-11 .560
Alabama 6-7 .462 15-11 .577 17. Arizona State (18-6) did not play. Out—Florida Robinson, Rebounds—Florida 29
(Williams 6), LSU 40 (Aifuwa 12). Total Fouls—
Next: at California, Friday.
Texas A&M
5-7 .417 14-11 .560
4-9 .308 11-14 .440 18. Syracuse (20-6) beat Pittsburgh 90- Florida 19, LSU 12. A—1,573. Murray and Bianca Cue-
Missouri 3-10 .231 12-13 .480 63. Next: vs. No. 5 Notre Dame, Monday.
19. Texas (20-6) did not play. Next: vs.
SEC Women vas-Moore swapped baskets before
Georgia 1-11 .083 10-15 .400 Conf. Pct. Overall Pct.
Vanderbilt 0-12 .000 9-16 .360
Texas Tech, Saturday.
20. Iowa State (20-6) did not play. Next: Miss. State 12-1 .923 24-2 .923 Morris hit a 3-pointer and convert-
Thursday’s Games
vs. No. 1 Baylor, Saturday. S. Carolina
Texas A&M
11-2 .846 19-7 .731
9-4 .692 20-6 .769
ed a 3-point play on consecutive
21. Texas A&M (20-6) beat Tennessee
No games scheduled 79-62. Next: at Florida, Monday. Kentucky 9-4 .692 22-5 .815 possessions to put Kentucky up for
Today’s Games Missouri 8-5 .615 19-8 .704
No games scheduled
22. Florida State (21-5) did not play. Next:
at No. 14 Miami, Sunday. Auburn 7-6 .538 19-7 .731 good. Murray scored to cap an 8-0
Saturday’s Games
Tennessee at LSU, 11 a.m. (ESPN)
23. South Dakota (24-3) beat Denver 73-
58. Next: at South Dakota State, Sunday.
7-6 .538 16-9 .640
7-6 .538 16-10 .615
Auburn at Kentucky, 12:30 p.m. (WCBI)
Georgia at Ole Miss, 2:30 p.m. (SEC Network)
24. Drake (19-5) did not play. Next: vs. Tennessee 6-7 .462 17-9 .654 Henderson had a pair of 3-point-
Evansville, Friday. Arkansas 5-8 .385 16-11 .593
Missouri at Florida, 3 p.m. 25. Rice (22-3) did not play. Next: at North Alabama 4-9 .308 12-14 .462 ers for South Carolina but in be-
Vanderbilt at Alabama, 5 p.m.
South Carolina at Mississippi State, 5 p.m.
Texas, Saturday. Ole Miss 3-10 .231 9-18 .333 tween Howard scored on a jumper
(SEC Network) No. 6 Mississippi State 80, Florida
2-11 .154 6-20 .231
1-12 .077 6-20 .231 and hit a 3 and Kentucky led 55-51
Texas A&M at Arkansas, 7:30 p.m.
(SEC Network)
Ole Miss 66 with less than four minutes to play.
MISSISSIPPI STATE (24-2): Howard 8-17 Thursday’s Games
Sunday’s Games
No games scheduled
4-6 21, McCowan 6-10 3-3 15, Danberry 9-17
2-3 20, Espinoza-Hunter 2-6 2-2 8, Holmes 2-7
Kentucky 65, South Carolina 57
Georgia 93, Arkansas 83
Morris hit a 3-pointer and Amanda
Conference USA
1-2 5, Carter 0-1 0-0 0, Campbell 0-0 0-0 0,
Scott 2-4 7-8 11, Taylor 0-1 0-0 0, Wiggins 0-1
LSU 69, Florida 51 Paschal made two free throws to
Alabama 84, Vanderbilt 65
Conference All Games 0-0 0, Totals 29-64 19-24 80. Mississippi State 80, Ole Miss 66 push the lead back to nine nearing
W-L Pct. W-L Pct. OLE MISS (9-18): Muhate 1-4 0-0 2,
Old Dominion 11-3 .786 21-6 .778 Salter 1-5 0-0 3, Allen 10-19 6-9 29, Reid 4-9 Texas A&M 79, Tennessee 62
Today’s Games
the three-minute mark. Hender-
2-6 11, Sessom 1-7 0-0 3, Crawford 3-3 1-2 7,
Southern Miss.
W. Kentucky
9-5 .643 17-9 .654
9-5 .643 16-11 .593
Kitchens 1-1 4-4 6, Matthews 0-0 0-0 0, Dozier No games scheduled son’s 3 with 2½ minutes left cut the
2-3 0-0 4, Smith 0-0 1-2 1, Totals 23-51 14-23 Saturday’s Games
UTSA 9-5 .643 15-12 .556 66. No games scheduled deficit to five but in the last 1:09 the
North Texas
8-6 .571 20-7 .741
8-6 .571 16-11 .593
Mississippi St. 16 21 26 17 —80
Ole Miss 15 14 14 23 —66
Sunday’s Games
Vanderbilt at Mississippi State, 1 p.m.
Wildcats made 5 of 6 free throws
La. Tech 7-7 .500 17-10 .630 3-Point Goals—Mississippi St. 3-13
(Howard 1-5, Danberry 0-1, Espinoza-Hunter
(SEC Network) and the Gamecocks missed four
FIU 7-7 .500 16-11 .593 LSU at Kentucky, 1 p.m.
FAU 7-7 .500 16-11 .593 2-5, Scott 0-1, Taylor 0-1), Ole Miss 6-17 (Mu-
hate 0-2, Salter 1-5, Allen 3-6, Reid 1-1, Ses-
Missouri at Auburn, 2 p.m. straight shots.
7-7 .500 14-13 .519
5-9 .357 10-17 .370
som 1-3). Assists—Mississippi St. 12 (Holmes Ole Miss at Arkansas, 3 p.m. (SEC Network)
South Carolina at Tennessee, 3 p.m.
“South Carolina has always been
7), Ole Miss 10 (Salter 4). Rebounds—Missis-
Middle Tenn. 5-9 .357 8-19 .296 sippi St. 40 (McCowan 12), Ole Miss 30 (Ses- Georgia at Alabama, 5 p.m. (SEC Network) a really tough team, really physical,”
UTEP 3-11 .214 8-17 .320 som 8). Total Fouls—Mississippi St. 22, Ole Monday’s Game
Charlotte 3-11 .214 6-19 .240 Miss 22. A—4,125. Texas A&M at Florida, 6 p.m. (SEC Network)


Ole Miss great MSU will join rest of
Gibbon dies at 83 SEC for indoor meet
From Special Reports

OXFORD — Ole Miss has lost a multi-sport leg- From Special Reports
end Wednesday with the death of Joe Gibbon, 83,
who passed away at his home in Newton. FAYET TEVILLE, Ark. — Some of the best ath-
Playing baseball and basketball for the Rebels, letes in collegiate track and field will be on display
Gibbon was inducted into the Ole Miss Athletic this weekend at the Southeastern Conference In-
Hall of Fame in 1988. He was a 2002 SEC Basketball door Championships.
Living Legend and earned a spot on the Ole Miss Portions of the meet at Arkansas’ Randal Tyson
All-Century team. The Hickory native was named to Track Center will be streamed live on SEC Net-
the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame in 1979. work+. The broadcasts will run from 3:30-7:30 p.m.
Gibbon attended Ole Miss from 1954-57, arriving Friday and continue from 2:55 to 6:30 p.m. Saturday.
in Oxford on a baseball scholarship. He posted a ca- The SEC Network will broadcast tape-delay action
reer batting average of .384, which tied for fourth in of the meet from 7-10:30 p.m.
Ole Miss history. Earning All-Southeastern Confer- “This is what we work toward all year,” MSU in-
ence honors and hitting .438 during the NCAA Dis- terim coach Chris Woods said. “We compete in the
trict III Tournament, Gibbon led the Rebels to the best conference in the country, and this weekend
1956 College World Series. Ole Miss placed third we will get to see how far we’ve come since January.
at the CWS, which is still tied for the best finish in We’ve had some great performances throughout the
school history. indoor season, but this is where we really need to
On the hardwood, Gibbon recorded 1,601 points make it count. We still have plenty of potential to put
to rank ninth on the Ole Miss all-time scoring list. forth our best performances on one of the biggest
He was a first team All-America pick in 1957 by the stages of the year, and we can’t wait to get started
Helms Athletic Foundation. The Atlanta Consti- on Friday.”
tution player’s poll also voted Gibbon as the SEC’s On the men’s side, MSU will take on seven teams
Most Valuable Player. He averaged 30.1 points per ranked inside the top 25 of the USTFCCA Track &
game that year, becoming the second player in SEC Field Ratings Index (TFRI), including No. 2 Texas
history to average more than 30 points per game. See SEC, 4B
The Dispatch • Friday, February 22, 2019 3B

briefly on the air MSU

Local Today Continued from Page 1B
Rain washes out Columbus Triangle Elite AUTO RACING The 6-foot-7 McCow-
2 p.m. — NASCAR Xfinity Series: final an had a relatively quiet
The Golden Triangle Elite Tournament scheduled for practice, Atlanta, Georgia, FS1 night, scoring two points
this weekend has been canceled. Rescheduling will happen 3 p.m. — NASCAR Gander Outdoors Truck in the second half. She
soon. Series: final practice, Atlanta, Georgia, FS1 finished with 15 points
n In related news, there will be a benefit tournament for 4 p.m. — NASCAR Monster Energy Cup and 12 rebounds for her
the West Point High School Fishing Team on March 2 at the
Columbus Lake East Bank Landing. The event will run from
Series: qualifying, Atlanta, Georgia, FS1 61st career double-dou-
safe light to 3 p.m. COLLEGE BASKETBALL ble. Howard picked up the
The entry fee is $100. There will be a $10 prize for the 5:30 p.m. — Bowling Green at Ohio slack after halftime, going
big fish. Participants must have console steering and aerated University, CBS Sports Network 6-for-8 from the field in the
live wells. 6 p.m. — Kent State at Buffalo, ESPN2 second half and finishing
This is a team event. You can fish solo. There is a
6 p.m. — Dartmouth at Yale, ESPNU with 10 rebounds.
five-fish limit, 14 inches in length. The payout is based on
30 boats. First place is $1,000. Second place is $500. Third 6 p.m. — Canisius at Monmouth, ESPNU Jordan Danberry had
place is $400. Fourth place is $200. Fifth place is $150. 8 p.m. — Davidson at Rhode Island, ESPN2 20 points and Bre’Amber
Blast off will be determined by the order of entry 8 p.m. — Wisconsin-Green Bay at Illinois-Chi- Scott added 11 to give the
received. cago, ESPNU
For more information, contact Tim White at 662-295-
Bulldogs four players in
8 p.m. — Indiana at Iowa, FS1 double figures.
6 p.m. — Georgia at Florida, SEC Yesterday’sANSWER
SEC 7:30 p.m. — LSU at Arkansas, SEC
McPhee-McCuin said she
tried to have her team play Sudoku
Sudoku is a number-
5 9 8 2 3 6 1 4 7
Alabama swimming and diving team breaks MEN’S COLLEGE HOCKEY
physical defense to keep placing puzzle
Sudoku based on
is a number-
records at SEC Championships 5:30 p.m. — Wisconsin at Penn State, BTN a 9x9 grid
placing with based
puzzle severalon 4 2 7 5 1 9 8 6 3

2019 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

McCowan from getting
ATHENS, Ga. — The Alabama swimming and diving 5:30 p.m. — Ohio State at Michigan, FS1 agiven
9x9 grid with several
numbers. The object 1 3 6 8 4 7 5 9 2
easy baskets in the paint.
team broke two school records Thursday on day three of 7:30 p.m. — Minnesota-Duluth at North given numbers.
is to place The object
the numbers
It worked for big chunks of is
6 4 2 7 5 1 9 3 8
the Southeastern Conference Championships at Gabriel- Dakota, CBS Sports Network 1 to place
to 9 in thethe numbers
empty spaces
sen Natatorium. 8 p.m. — Notre Dame at Minnesota, BTN the game, but even when 1sotothat
9 ineach
the empty spaces 9 5 3 4 8 2 6 7 1
row, each
“On paper, this wasn’t one of our stronger days, but
GOLF McCowan wasn’t produc- so that each row, each 8 7 1 9 6 3 4 2 5
we went after it this morning and again tonight and moved column and each 3x3 box
9:30 a.m. — PGA Tour Golf: Puerto Rico tive, Howard found ways column
containsand theeach
same3x3 box
up from where we were seeded,” Alabama coach Dennis
to score. contains the same number
3 8 5 6 2 4 7 1 9
Pursley said. “We want to keep it going from here and pick Open, second round, Rio Grande, TGC only once. The difficulty
1 p.m.— PGA Tour Golf: WGC-Mexico The duo helped the only once. The difficulty 7 1 4 3 9 8 2 5 6
up where we left off in the morning.” level increases from
Robert Howard closed out the night with a school-re- Bulldogs maintain a 44-24 level increases from 2 6 9 1 7 5 3 8 4
Championship, second round, Mexico City, Monday to Sunday.
cord time of 1 minute, 32.76 seconds in the 200 freestyle, advantage in points in the Monday to Sunday. Difficulty Level 2/21
which was good for fourth place. The senior became the paint and a 40-30 rebound-
first Alabama swimmer under 1:33.00 in the 200 freestyle 10 a.m. — LPGA Tour Golf: Honda LPGA
on the way to his first individual school record. Thailand, third round, Thailand, TGC ing edge. Both teams shot
After standing untouched for 33 years, the men’s 400 NBA 45 percent from the field.
individual medley record fell not once, but twice Thursday. 6 p.m. — San Antonio at Toronto, ESPN “That is life on the road
Junior Kyle Maas broke Peter Berndt’s 1986 mark by two 8:30 p.m. — Utah at Oklahoma City, ESPN right there,” Schaefer
seconds in prelims with a career-best 3:45.29. In finals,
freshman Nicholas Perera won the B final of the event
NHL said. “For us it was a grind
with a 3:43.64, shaving another 1.65 off the school record. 6:30 p.m. — Minnesota at Detroit, NHL tonight. It didn’t seem
Perera finished ninth, while Maas finished 16th in finals SOCCER like we could do much. In
with a 3:48.96. 1:40 p.m. — Premier League: West Ham vs. stretches we were really
All three of the Tide’s divers scored in the men’s Fulham, NBC Sports Network bad in the first half. In
3-meter springboard event. Freshman Kevin Li leading
the charge with a 10th-place finish (357.50 points). Senior Saturday the third quarter, we were
Robby Costine was 17th (330.25) and freshman Hunter AUTO RACING much better. I thought
Jaynes was 24th (289.45). 8:30 a.m. — NASCAR Xfinity Series: the Rebels played awfully
Seniors Knox Auerbach and Laurent Bams finished qualifying, Atlanta, Georgia, FS1 well. Give them credit. It
13th and 15th, respectively, in the 100 butterfly (46.60 and 9:30 a.m. — NASCAR Gander Outdoors Truck wasn’t our best night de-
47.01). Series: qualifying, Atlanta, Georgia, FS1
On the women’s side, junior Alexis Preski took 16th in 11 a.m. — NASCAR Monster Energy Cup
the 400 individual medley (4:15.12) after earning her spot Series: final practice, Atlanta, Georgia, FS1 MSU shot 38.5 percent
in the B final with a time of 4:11.94 in prelims. 1 p.m. — NASCAR Xfinity Series: The Rinnai (18-for-39) from the field
Sophomore Flora Molnar won the C final of the 100 250, Atlanta, Georgia, FS1 in the first half. The Bull-
butterfly, taking 17th (52.44). Freshman Rhyan White
clocked a career-best 53.28 to take 22nd. Sophomore
3:30 p.m. — NASCAR Gander Outdoors Truck dogs were 0-for-6 from
Leonie Kullmann went 1:46.15 in the C final of the 200 Series: The Atlanta 200, Atlanta, Georgia, 3-point range, but domi-
freestyle to take 20th. FS1 nated the paint, collect-
In the team race, the Alabama men are fifth with 6 p.m. — NHRA Drag Racing: Saturday Nitro ing 26 of their 37 first-half
441.50 points, just a half point out of fourth, while the Phoenix, Chandler, Arizona, FS1
points down low.
women are 11th with 209 points. Friday’s preliminaries will
begin at 9 a.m. The finals will start at 5 p.m. 9 p.m. — PBC Fight Night: Dirrell vs. Yildirim, Crystal Allen led Ole
Minneapolis, Minnesota, FS1 Miss with 29 points and
Mississippi State COLLEGE BASKETBALL Mimi Reid added 11. Al-
11 a.m. — Penn State at Illinois, Big Ten len was 10-for-19 from the
School will play host to Be The Match Network field, including 3 of 6 from
registry drive Saturday, Sunday 11 a.m. — Tennessee vs, LSU, ESPN 3-point range, to finish
STARKVILLE — Mississippi State Athletics, in con- 11 a.m. — Texas vs. Oklahoma, ESPNU with her season high in
junction with Bulldog Sports Properties and Be The Match, 11 a.m. — Marquette at Providence, WLOV
1 p.m. — Navy at Colgate, CBS Sports conference play.

will play host to a bone marrow donor drive at Humphrey
Coliseum during the men’s basketball game Saturday and Network
the women’s basketball game Sunday. 1 p.m. — Ohio State vs. Maryland, ESPN
The drive will add individuals to the national registry 1 p.m. — Iowa State v. TCU, ESPN2
and increase the chances of finding a donor match for 1 p.m. — West Virginia vs. Baylor, ESPNU Continued from Page 1B
those awaiting a life-saving bone marrow transplant. 1:30 p.m. — Georgetown at Creighton, WLOV
The drive is timely, as the Bulldog family comes all-time ledger. The se-
2:30 p.m. — Georgia at Ole Miss, SEC
together to support Mason Murphy, the son of MSU
Network ries is even in the last 10
football student-athlete Marcus Murphy and Alicia Cherry, games. The Golden Ea-
who was diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) 3 p.m. — Purdue at Nebraska, Big Ten Network
last fall. 3 p.m. — St. Louis at Dayton, CBS Sports gles swept a three-game
The men’s basketball team will take on South Carolina Network series in Hattiesburg to
at 5 p.m. Saturday. The women’s basketball team will face 3 p.m. — Virginia Tech vs. Notre Dame, ESPN start the 2018 season.
Vanderbilt at 1 p.m. Sunday. 3 p.m. — Oklahoma State vs. Kansas State, n No. 11 Ole Miss will take on
On Saturday (3:30 p.m. – end of game) and Sunday ESPN2 Tulane: At New Orleans, the Ole Miss
(11:30 a.m. – end of game), volunteers will be set up along 3 p.m. — Missouri vs. Florida, ESPNU baseball team will play its first road
the Humphrey Coliseum concourse educating fans about 3:30 p.m. — St. Bonaventure at Fordham, games of the season this weekend
the mission of Be The Match and assisting those interest- NBC Sports Network against Tulane.
ed in joining the registry in completing the short process. 5 p.m. — Northern Illinois at Toledo, CBS Ole Miss (2-1) is coming off a 15-3
If you are unable to attend either game but want to Sports Network victory against Arkansas State. The Reb- ACROSS
register, text to join: STATESAVES to 61474. els had 19 hits in the win, their most since 1 Pathfinder
Be The Match manages the largest and most diverse
5 p.m. — Duke vs. Syracuse, ESPN
2016. launcher
bone marrow donor registry in the world, which includes 5 p.m. — South Florida vs. Houston, ESPN2 n Alabama will take on Ball State:
more than 20 million potential donors who stand ready to 5 p.m. — Vanderbilt vs. Alabama, ESPNU At Tuscaloosa, Alabama, the Alabama 5 Old PC monitors
be a live-saving bone-marrow donor. Marrow transplants 5 p.m. — South Carolina at Mississippi State, baseball team will meet Ball State for the 9 Last letter
can provide a cure for more than 70 different diseases, SEC Network first time at Sewell-Thomas Stadium. 11 Enlists again
including leukemia, lymphoma and sickle cell anemia. 7 p.m. — Fresno State at Nevada, CBS The teams will meet at 2 p.m. Satur- 13 Rat’s home
For more information about Be The Match, visit Sports Network day and at 1 p.m. Sunday. All three games 14 Like Poe tales 7 p.m. — Kansas vs. Texas Tech, ESPN will air live on SEC Network+. 15 Yale student
n Women’s tennis will play USF: At Tampa, Florida, 7 p.m. — Memphis vs. Wichita State, ESPN2 Alabama (3-1) will use the same
the women’s tennis team (9-2) will close non-conference rotation from opening weekend. The trio 16 Underground
7 p.m. — East Carolina vs, Tulane, ESPNU
play at noon Friday against USF (4-5) at the Varsity Tennis 7 p.m. — Seton Hall at St. John’s, FS1 of righties will begin with senior Sam Fin- conduit
Courts. 7:30 p.m. — Wisconsin at Northwestern, Big nerty on Friday followed by freshmen Ty- 18 Choir members
Currently on a seven-match winning streak, MSU has
Ten Network ler Ras (Saturday) and Connor Shamblin 20 Bushranger Kelly
seven players holding active, multi-match singles victory (Sunday). 21 Insurance seller
strings. Senior captain Anastasia Rentouli has won her last 7:30 p.m. — Texas A&M at Arkansas, SEC
Ball State will also send three right- 22 Pvt.’s superiors
10 matches. Rookie and 104th-ranked Emma Antonaki Network handers to the mound this weekend. The
holds the second-longest streak with eight-straight singles 9 p.m. — BYU vs. Gonzaga, ESPN Cardinals will begin the series with soph- 23 Wrestling need
wins in dual play. 9 p.m. — Oregon vs. UCLA, ESPN2 omore Drey Jameson on Friday followed 24 Farm father
9 p.m. — San Diego State at UNLV, ESPNU by redshirt freshman Chayce McDermott 25 Bender
5 p.m. — Ohio State at Michigan, Big Ten
on Saturday and sophomore Kyle Nicolas
on Sunday.
27 Humidor item
29 Series-ending
2 Activist Bloomer 24 Freed of suds
Men’s tennis team will face Princeton in Blue Network Alabama’s weekend matchup with 3 Seamstress’s 25 Lab work
abbr. need 26 Rembrandt, for
Gray National Opener MEN’S COLLEGE LACROSSE Ball State will begin the Crimson Tide’s
30 Threats
MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Riding a three-match winning 10:30 a.m. — Michigan at Jacksonville, CBS “Kid’s Day” promotion on Sundays. All 4 Long time one
Sports Network kids (18 and under) can receive a $5 gen- 32 Swimming 5 Salad green 27 Animation frame
streak, the Ole Miss men’s tennis team will play Princeton at groups
GOLF eral admission ticket to the series finale. 6 Film unit 28 Control
12:30 p.m. Friday in the 71stplaying of the Blue Gray National
Tennis Classic. 11 a.m. — PGA Tour Golf: WGC-Mexico The first 75 kids through the gates will 34 Sold-out show 7 Hypothetical 30 Manners
receive an Alabama Baseball lunch box. 35 One of the bases
Ole Miss will follow its singles match with a doubles Championship, third round, Mexico City, TGC computer 31 Holds back
Following the final out, kids 12 and under 36 Online periodical
match against Alabama or Fresno State. The squads will 1:30 p.m. — PGA Tour Golf: Puerto Rico can run the bases at The Joe. 8 Harpsichord’s 33 Words of approx-
conclude singles play Saturday and will play with a final Open, third round, Rio Grande, TGC n SEC implements centralized
38 Reason cousin imation
opponent that will be determined. 10:30 p.m. — LPGA Tour Golf: Honda LPGA 39 Jeans material
video review for conference games: At 10 Silver, in heraldry 37 Last letter, in
Ole Miss (5-3) carries the fourth seed into the tourna- Thailand, final round, Thailand, TGC 40 Old autos
Birmingham, Alabama, the Southeastern 12 Canary chow London
ment behind Alabama, Arizona, and Texas Tech. All four MIXED MARTIAL ARTS
squads are rated in the top 50 in the latest Intercollegiate
Conference will use a Centralized Video Re- 41 Bears’ lairs 17 Trickery
8 p.m. — Bellator 217: Gallagher vs. Graham, view process for conference baseball games
Tennis Association rankings. 19 Equipment
Auburn and Rice round out the field.
Dublin, Paramount beginning with the 2019 SEC season. DOWN
NBA It is the first conference to use a cen- 22 Long story
n No. 8 rifle team wraps up campaign at GARC
tralized process as permitted by NCAA
1 Attendance count
Championships: At Akron, Ohio, the No. 8 rifle team 7:30 p.m. — Houston at Golden State,
WKDH-WTVA rules.
will wraps up its season Friday and Saturday at the Great
NHL A replay official in the SEC Video
America Rifle Conference Championships.
Noon — Washington at Buffalo, NHL Network Center in the conference office will review
Live stats can be accessed via the link provided as well
plays in SEC vs. SEC games and will ren-
as in-match updates via the @OleMissRifle Twitter account. 3 p.m. — Boston at St. Louis, NHL Network
der decisions that will be communicated
The GARC Championships will be split into two days 7 p.m. — Pittsburgh at Philadelphia, WTVA to the on-site umpire crew. The process is
of action at the Robert A. Pinn Shooting Range. On Friday, RUGBY
three relays of smallbore followed by finals will take place. consistent with the system used by Major
11:30 p.m. — Six Nations Championship: League Baseball.
Saturday will conclude with air rifle, a final round and an round 3, France vs. Scotland, NBC Sports
awards program. A similar system was implemented
Network for the 2018 SEC tournament, in which
Four teams from the GARC advanced to the NCAA Rifle
1:30 p.m. — Six Nations Championship: video review was conducted from a replay
Championships, and five are ranked in the top 10 nationally,
the most of any conference in the country. round 3, Wales vs. England, NBC Sports booth in the press box. A replay official
Network made decisions from the replay booth
SOCCER and communicated those decisions to the
Southern Mississippi 6:25 a.m. — Premier League: Burnley vs. crew chief on the field.
Baseball is the third sport in which
Athletics announces schedule changes to Tottenham, NBC Sports Network
the SEC has implemented a collaborative
8:20 a.m. — Bundesliga: Hertha Berlin at
home events March 9 Bayern Munich, FS1 or centralized replay system. The SEC
HATTIESBURG — The Southern Mississippi Depart- implemented a collaborative replay pro-
8:55 a.m. — Premier League: Bournemouth cess in football in 2016. In 2017, the SEC
ment of Athletics announced Thursday two game time adjust-
ments for its Saturday, March 9, home events that includes vs. Wolves, NBC Sports Network secured NCAA approval to implement a
men’s basketball and baseball. 11:20 a.m. — Bundesliga: Nürnberg vs. collaborative instant replay process in
The men’s basketball game against UTSA, which was Fortuna Düsseldorf, FS1 men’s basketball.
originally scheduled for 5 p.m., will take place at 2 p.m., at 5:25 a.m. (Sunday) — Serie A: Samporia vs. In 2018, the NCAA granted the SEC
Reed Green Coliseum. Cagliari, ESPN2 permission on an experimental basis and
Also that day, the baseball team will have the time of TRACK AND FIELD for conference games only to expand the
its game against Holy Cross moved back two hours to 4 5:30 p.m. — U.S. Indoor Championships: number of plays that were permitted to be
p.m. at Pete Taylor Park/Hill Denson Field from its originally Day 2, Staten Island, New York, NBC Sports reviewed in baseball and also to use a WHATZIT ANSWER
published time of 2 p.m. Network system that gave each head coach up to
— From Special Reports two challenges per game to review plays. Log cabin
4B Friday, February 22, 2019 The Dispatch •

SEC Roundup
Continued from Page 4B Continued from Page 2B
A&M, No. 3 Florida, No. the men’s 800 meters. Morris said. “We just knew com- improve to 12-14 and 4-9 in the SEC. The win snapped a Men
four-game losing streak. Vanderbilt (6-20, 1-12) lost its sev- n Alabama sophomore Jones named to Google
5 LSU, No. 6 Georgia, No. Asia Poe will get things ing in that we were going to have to
enth-straight game. Johnson also had seven rebounds and Cloud Academic All-District First Team: At Tuscaloosa,
13 Alabama, No. 18 South started for MSU on Satur- match the energy and I think we did five assists. Sophomore Jasmine Walker had 16 points and Alabama, Alabama men’s basketball sophomore guard/
Carolina, and No. 19 Ole day in the women’s high a good job with that.” nine rebounds, while senior Shaquera Wade had 14 points forward Herbert Jones was named to the 2018-19 Google
Miss. jump at 1:15 p.m. n No. 21 Texas A&M 79, Tennessee 62: At College and freshman Megan Abrams had 10. Cloud Academic All-District 4 First Team, as selected by
Station, Texas, Kayla Wells scored a career-high 29 points, “I’m really proud of this team and their response after
MSU’s women will face The Ole Miss men have Chennedy Carter had 28 and No. 21 Texas A&M defeated
College Sports Information Directors of America (CoSIDA),
Sunday,” Alabama coach Kristy Curry said. “We know we the organization announced Thursday.
eight ranked opponents, in- ranked in the top 25 for Tennessee Thursday night. need to be consistent with this type of response, but I love Jones is the fourth Alabama player to earn first team
cluding top-ranked Arkan- each of the last two weeks. Wells was 10-for-15 shooting, including 5 of 8 from the the kids in that locker room, all the credit to them because academic all-district honors, joining Terrance Meade
sas, No. 4 LSU, No. 6 Ken- Ole Miss has 15 marks arc. Carter, the SEC’s leading scoring coming in at 22.1 per they played their guts out. It’s a tough place to play and it’s a (2003), Levi Randolph (2013, 2014, 2015), and Retin Obas-
tucky, No. 7 Florida, No. or times that rank in the game, was just three shy of her season high despite missing tough place on the road in this league. Vanderbilt is a tough ohan (2016). He joins Randolph as the only Alabama men’s
all six of her 3-pointers. Carter set a school record with her team, they’ve been after some folks and have had close basketball player to receive the recognition as a sophomore.
14 Alabama, No. 17 South NCAA top 50, seven of 33rd consecutive game in double figures, passing Danielle games down the stretch. I just credit our kids, we had great A native of Greensboro, Alabama, Jones is an account-
Carolina, No. 23 Georgia, which are within the top Adams (2010-11). Shambria Washington added 11 points balance tonight.” ing major who maintains a 3.51 grade-point average, includ-
and No. 24 Tennessee. 25. To qualify for the NCAA and seven assists while N’dea Jones had 10 rebounds. Alabama will return to action at 5 p.m. Sunday (SEC ing a perfect 4.0 GPA as a freshman in the No. 9-ranked
MSU will open the week- Indoor Championships, The Aggies (20-6, 9-4), led by five at halftime before Network) when it will play host to Georgia for Senior Night at Culverhouse School of Business.
outscoring the Lady Vols 27-12 in the third quarter, shooting Coleman Coliseum. Junior Colleges
end at 11 a.m. Friday with athletes must rank within 69 percent with Wells scoring 13 points and Carter 10. The n Georgia 93, Arkansas 83: At Athens, Georgia, n Itawamba Community College splits double-
Zaria Tillman in the pen- the top 16 in their events at lead reached 23 with 4:28 left in the game. Que Morrison had a season-high 16 points to lead the Lady header: At Goodman, the Itawamba Community College
tathlon. The first running the end of the conference Evina Westbrook led Tennessee (17-9, 6-7) with 17 Bulldogs (16-10, 7-6) to their second victory against the Ra- women’s and men’s basketball teams split a doubleheader
event of the weekend will championship weekend. points. Cheridene Green had 11 points and 12 rebounds zorbacks this season. against Holmes C.C. on Thursday.
be the men’s mile prelims, On the women’s side, and Rennia Davis 10 points. Five Lady Bulldogs scored in double digits. Senior Cali- In the women’s game, Shaniyah Buford had 16 points
n Alabama 84, Vanderbilt 65: At Nashville, Ten- ya Robinson had 21 points and 11 rebounds for her eighth and former Columbus High School standout Kaylyn Wilson
featuring Bulldogs Caden sophomore Shey Taiwo is nessee, For only the second time in history, Junior Cierra double-double of the season, and 26th overall. Sophomore had 10 in a 78-68 victory. ICC improved to 19-3 and 11-1 in
Foos and Kenya Small. The the highest ranking Rebel Johnson had a game-high 25 points Thursday to lead the guard Gabby Connally had 14 points, while sophomore the Mississippi Association of Community and Junior Col-
first gun is set for 3:45 p.m. on the NCAA list. She is Crimson Tide to their second victory in program history at Maya Caldwell and redshirt junior Taja Cole scored 12 leges with the victory.
Also Friday, sophomore No. 14 in the NCAA and No. Memorial Gymnasium. points apiece. Cole also added eight assists. In the men’s game, Holmes C.C. earned a 75-51 win.
The 19-point victory was Alabama’s largest margin of Georgia coach Joni Taylor was on the bench two days Ma’Darius Hobson had 11 points for ICC (10-13, 4-8).
sensation Marco Arop will 3 in the SEC in the weight victory in a SEC road matchup since a victory against Ole after giving birth to her second child. Taylor gave birth to ICC’s women will compete in the MACJC tour-
take to the track at 5:55 throw with her career-best Miss on Jan. 14, 1998. Drew Simone Taylor on Tuesday, the morning after she nament, which will begin Monday at Jones College in
p.m. in the preliminaries of 21.51m (71 feet, 7 inches). Johnson was 8-for-11 from the field to help Alabama coached a 78-56 victory against Ole Miss. Ellisville.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: that whether she dropped them” and “don’t want
My youngest marries her fian- anything to do with them.”
sister ce or not, she will I suppose that’s true under
started dating forever be linked the circumstances, but what
a man and they with him because should I say to set the record
quickly moved of the baby. straight without appearing as
in together. Six DEAR ABBY: the bad guy? — “ORPHAN” IN
After my mom THE SOUTH
months into their passed away, my DEAR ORPHAN: Please
relationship she dad lived alone accept my sympathy for the
got pregnant and for three years loss of your parents, and the
they got engaged. until his death. uncomfortable situation in
Their wedding is During those which you now find yourself.
ZITS planned for this three years, Memorize the first paragraph
summer. Mom’s family of your letter to me and recite
Recently she not once made it verbatim when the subject of
discovered he has contact with him your relationship with your aunt
been video-chat- or me. Dad lived and uncle comes up. Because
ting with someone Dear Abby in a very small it’s a small town, the message
he met online. He town. When he will spread quickly, and you
admitted to flirt- would see Mom’s won’t have to repeat it often.
ing, apologized and promised sister and her husband out DEAR ABBY: My husband
that was the end of it. I have and about in restaurants and and I want to go to Europe this
a strong suspicion that there stores, they would ignore him. summer, but we don’t want to
have been other “situations” After Dad’s death, my aunt take his mother along. We have
my sister is unaware of. contacted me asking if she taken her on two holidays over
Should I express my could have a rocking chair the last two years and didn’t
concerns to her and suggest that belonged to my mother. enjoy either one for various
postponing the wedding? Or I agreed they could have it. reasons. She now expects to
GARFIELD should I keep my gut feelings
to myself? I’m afraid she will
To my shock, when my uncle
arrived to pick up the chair,
go with us on our international
vacations, and we don’t know
get married and then find out he began asking me about my how to tell her we prefer to go
what’s really going on. — BIG dad’s belongings. He wanted alone. Please help. — HOLIDAY
SISTER IN MASSACHUSETTS to look through Dad’s tools and FOR TWO
DEAR BIG SISTER: Be hon- such. After making no attempt DEAR HOLIDAY: What your
est with your sister. Although I to contact Dad while he was husband should say to his
suspect that your gut feelings alive, now that he’s gone, my mother is, “Mom, my wife and
are accurate, whether she will uncle had the nerve to ask to I will be going to __________
believe it is debatable, but look through Dad’s things?! I for a few weeks in early Au-
at least she will have been politely shut him down. gust. We need an ‘adventure’
warned. If she does decide to Since then, my aunt has alone together, so we will
stay with him, refrain from any been bad-mouthing me all not be asking you to join us.”
“I told you so’s.” Recognize over town, telling everyone “I Period!

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Feb. Wisdom, strength, knowledge doing about it.
22). Nothing you’ve done to and courage: These are the ev- LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). In
educate yourself has been a erlasting qualities of greatness. an ideal world, you would ready
waste. Your excellent efforts Never do you feel more alive yourself before you dared to
will be appreciated, but so will than when you are in the thrust wish, as it would be a shame
your nonchalant efforts because of knowing what you do and to see your wish granted before
you’ve earned “cool points” on doing what you know. you know what to do with it.
your way to becoming a more GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Whatever the order, today is for
evolved person. Promises and/ How seriously should you take getting ready.
or contracts get signed in May. the issue at hand? With the VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Enjoy a lifestyle upgrade in July. amount of seriousness that will Again, it would be a mistake to
Leo and Scorpio adore you. Your allow you the greatest agility, assume they totally understand
lucky numbers are: 20, 2, 13, as you’ll need to move freely you. They really only get a small
33 and 38. around this issue to make the part of what you’re doing right
BABY BLUES ARIES (March 21-April most of it. now. They follow along anyway
19). OK, it’s not ideal, and yet CANCER (June 22-July 22). out of loyalty and respect. Keep
there’s something for you in Travel opens the mind, but it’s explaining. Keep showing.
this minor disaster -- a quiet not automatic. The mind has LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
need being fulfilled inside the to be slightly ajar to begin with So much thinking takes place
undesirable scenario. Figure out to let the foreign oxygen work in your mind that you share
what the need is and address it its magic. There are those who with no one. Politically, it’s a
another way. travel mentally vacuum sealed. good play, although emotionally,
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Pity, but there’s little worth some airing out would do you
good. A private diary would pro-
vide as much sounding board as
you need.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). A large part of compatibility
has to do with logistics, such as
BEETLE BAILEY schedules and proximity. Then
there’s chemistry, which tends
to be a game changer. People
will change their schedules
and travel distances for great
22-Dec. 21). Whatever your
disadvantage is, it is also your
advantage, but only if you see,
claim and use it. Don’t see
the advantage? Ask others for
another perspective. This is
money left on the table, waiting
to be noticed and pocketed.
19). Some people around you
are like bad journalists, listening
for the soundbite they need
to make a sensational story,
context notwithstanding. For
this reason, silence is a good
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). While there’s not a
single thing in the world that is
inherently boring, you can’t be
blamed for experiencing it as
such, as finding something new
in the same old things takes a
FAMILY CIRCUS conscious effort.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Everyone has filters and
limits to what they can com-
fortably take in. If they are not
hearing the breadth of what you
have to express, it’s because
there’s a filter in place, one
that you likely have nothing to
do with.

Majority rule
The Dispatch • Friday, February 22, 2019 5B

Religious briefs
West Lowndes Class of 1981 to attend. For more information, call vice every 3rd Sunday.
Black History Program Reunion Meeting at 4 p.m. Feb. 24. Pat Fisher Douglas, 662-251-5899.
Prayer Ministry
Sixth Avenue M.B. Church, 1519 New Beginning Everlasting Out-
6th Ave. N., hosts its Annual Black
For more information, call 662-329- Celebrate Recovery reach Ministry invites the public to
History Program at 3 p.m. Feb.
5319 or 662-497-4188 Gospel Book Club Calvary Church, 514 Lehmberg call in with their prayer requests at
24. Guest speaker will be the Rev. Friendship M.B. Church, 1102 Road, and Meadowview Church, 662-327-9843.
David Johnson of Columbus. The Pastoral Anniversary 12th Ave. S., invites the public to 300 Linden Circle in Starkville, host
Bethlehem M.B. Church, 293 join its Gospel Book Club from 6-7 Celebrate Recovery at 6 p.m. every
public is invited to attend.
Bethlehem Road in Caledonia, p.m. every 4th Friday of each month Sunday at Calvary and at 6 p.m. ev-
Praise and Worship Service
hosts its 31st Pastoral Anniversary to study and discuss one chapter of Sulfur Springs MB Church holds
Pastoral Anniversary for Pastor Willie James Gardner at the King James Bible each month.
ery Tuesday at Meadowview Church.
Get help, healing and support for
a praise and worship service the last
Program 2:30 p.m. March 3. Guest speaker For more information, call Lillian any habit, hurt or hang-up using the
Friday of each month at 7 p.m. For
St. Matthew M.B. Church, 1213 will be Pastor Leroy Jones of El Murray, 662-570-1974 or 662-570- information, call Pastor Henry Mosley,
Christ-centered 12 steps.
Island Road, hosts its Pastor Curtis Bethel Baptist Church. 5595. 662-328-1035.
L. Clay Sr. and Sis. Enrika Clay’s
Prayer for Youth Prayer Service
14th Pastoral Anniversary at 3 p.m.
Feb. 24. Guest speaker will be Pas-
Benefit/Love Program Worship Services Every 2nd and 3rd Saturday,
Chosen & Sharonna Crosby Open Doors M.B. Church invites Church of the Eternal Word, 106
Pleasant Ridge Faith Center hosts a
tor Therman Cunningham and the hosts a Benefit/Love Program for the public to Sunday Morning 22nd. St. S., Columbus, holds prayer
prayer for the youth from 2-3 p.m.
Oak Grove M.B. Church Family. The Scottie Harris at 4 p.m. March 3 Worship Services from 11 a.m.-1 service Thursday nights 5-6 p.m. Con-
public is invited to attend. p.m. every 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sunday tact Marie Nabors, 662-549-4322.
at Genesis Church, 1820 23rd St.
N. All groups, choirs, churches and of each month at the Travis Outlaw Prayer, Free Coffee Church service times: Sunday school
Black History Program soloists are invited to attend. Sportsplex Center, 405 Lynn Lane Mount Zion Missionary Baptist
Church, 2221 14th Ave. N., hosts
10 a.m.; Sunday worship 11:15 a.m.;
Miracle Temple Church, 5429 in Starkville. Sunday School is from Tuesday Bible study 7 p.m. For infor-
free coffee and a prayer community
Hwy. 45 N., hosts its Black History
Program, “The Glory Train”, at 2
Usher Board Program 10-10:30 a.m. For more informa-
tion, call 662-263-7102. outreach service from 8-9 a.m. every
mation, call Pastor District Elder Lou
Nabors, 662-329-1234.
Brick M.B. Church, 4572 Old Ma- 5th Saturday. For information, con-
p.m. Feb. 24. The public is invited con Road, hosts its Annual Usher tact Jesse Slater, 662-328-4979.
to attend. For more information, call Board Program at 2:30 p.m. March Grief Support Group Fitness Transformations
662-328-7159. 3. Guest speaker will be the Rev. The Oil of Joy for Grief and The Transformational Church,
William Andrews of Crossroad M.B. Mourning offers a grief support Radio Program 2301 Jess Lyons Road, hosts boxing
Revival Meeting Church in Aberdeen. The public is group at 6 p.m. every 2nd Thursday Apostles Patrick Perkins invites
the public to tune in to WTWG, radio
lessons Mondays and Wednesday
Healing Waters Assembly of invited to attend. of the month at United Christian from 5-7 p.m., weight-loss boot camp
God, 522 Hwy. 145 N. in Aberdeen, Baptist Church, 232 Yorkville Road 1050 AM for Perfecting the Saints Tuesdays and Thursdays 5-7 p.m.
Broadcast, Wednesdays 8:30 a.m.
hosts its Revival Meeting Services
at 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Feb. 24 and 7
Forgive and Live East. “Making your grieving journey
easier.” For more information, call
and both on Saturdays 9-11 a.m.
Forgive and Live meets from 6-7
p.m. Feb. 25-26. Guest speaker will p.m. every 2nd and 4th Monday of
662-327-0604 or e-mail united- Women Prayer, Worship Youth Fellowship
be Dr. Sherlock Bally. The public is each month in the downtown YMCA
[email protected].
Service The Transformational Church,
invited to attend. Board Room. Inquire and seek infor- Church of the Eternal Word, 106 2301 Jess Lyons Road, hosts Youth
mation to succeed spiritually, phys- Fellowship Dinner, 22nd St. S., holds a prayer and wor- Fellowship from 7-8:30 p.m. every
Class Reunion Meeting ically and financially and be eager Youth Service ship service every Thursday from 5-6 Tuesday. Games, prayer, service,
The Shepherd’s Care and Share to be a blessing to the community, Pleasant Ridge Faith Center, p.m. Call Marie Nabors, 662-549- food, & more. Transportation avail-
Ministry Church, 4068 Jess Lyons churches and families through the 923 Ridge Road, Columbus, hosts 4322 or 662-329-1234, for prayer able. For information, call Iris Rober-
Road, hosts the monthly Motley/ Word of God. The public is invited a fellowship dinner and youth ser- requests. son, 662-295-7456.

United Methodists confront Searing testimony heard

at Vatican sex abuse summit
possible split over LGBT issues Pope tells attendees their flocks
At the heart of the ideological conflict is an official UMC pel individual churches are demanding concrete action
or clergy to engage in
policy, dating from 1972, asserting ‘the practice of those practices.
In contrast, the pro-
The Associated Press

homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching’ posed Traditional Plan

VATICAN CITY — The day began with an Af-
would affirm the bans on
By DAVID CR ARY the church’s future. Sev- ducting same-sex mar- rican woman telling an extraordinary gathering
same-sex marriage and
AP National Writer eral Methodist leaders riages or coming out as of Catholic leaders that her priestly rapist forced
the ordination of “self-
said they expect a wave gay or lesbian from the her to have three abortions over a dozen years af-
avowed practicing homo-
The United Methodist of departures from the pulpit. In some cases, the ter he started violating her at age 15. It ended with
sexuals.” The plan would
Church’s top legislative a Colombian cardinal warning them they could all
church regardless of the church has filed charges strengthen enforcement
assembly convenes Sun- face prison if they let such crimes go unpunished.
decision. against clergy who vio- of those bans, and set up
day for a high-stakes, In between, Pope Francis began charting a
“I don’t think there’s lated the bans, yet the procedures for church-
three-day meeting like- new course for the Catholic Church to confront
any plan where there UMC’s Judicial Council es and regional bodies
ly to determine whether clergy sexual abuse and cover-up, a scandal that
won’t be some division, has ruled against the im- to leave the UMC if they
America’s second-largest has consumed his papacy and threatens the credi-
and some people will position of mandatory could not abide by those
Protestant denomination bility of the Catholic hierarchy at large.
leave,” said David Wat- penalties. rules.
will fracture due to divi- Opening a first-ever Vatican summit on pre-
son, a dean and profes- At the heart of the A third option would venting abuse, Francis warned 190 bishops and
sions over same-sex mar-
riage and the ordination sor at United Theologi- ideological conflict is an create three branches religious superiors on Thursday that their flocks
of gay clergy. cal Seminary in Dayton, official UMC policy, dat- of the church reflecting were demanding concrete action, not just words,
While other mainline Ohio, who will be attend- ing from 1972, asserting the different approach- to punish predator priests and keep children safe.
Protestant denomina- ing the conference. that “the practice of ho- es to LGBT issues. One He offered them 21 proposals to consider going
tions — such as the Epis- Formed in a merger in mosexuality is incompat- branch would maintain forward, some of them obvious and easy to adopt,
copal and Presbyterian 1968, the United Method- ible with Christian teach- the current bans, another others requiring new laws.
(U.S.A.) churches — have ist Church claims about ing.” would expect all its cler- But his main point in summoning the Catho-
embraced gay-friendly 12.6 million members One of the proposed gy and regional groups to lic hierarchy to the Vatican for a four-day tutorial
practices, the Methodist worldwide, including plans, endorsed by support full LGBT inclu- was to impress upon them that clergy sex abuse is
church still bans them, nearly 7 million in the the UMC’s Council of sion, and the third would not confined to the United States or Ireland, but is
even though acts of defi- United States. In size, Bishops, would remove neither forbid nor require a global scourge that requires a concerted, global
ance by pro-LGBT clergy it trails only the South- that language from the the inclusive practices. response.
have multiplied and talk ern Baptist Convention church’s law book and This plan would take sev- “Listen to the cry of the young, who want jus-
of a possible breakup of among U.S. Protestant leave decisions about eral years longer to im- tice,” Francis told the gathering. “The holy people
the church has intensi- denominations. same-sex marriage and plement than the others. of God are watching and expect not just simple
fied. The church technical- ordination of LGBT cler- Those three plans and obvious condemnations, but efficient and con-
At the church’s upcom- ly forbids same-sex mar- gy up to regional bodies. were developed over 17 crete measures to be established.”
ing General Conference riage and gays serving in This proposal, called the months of deliberations More than 30 years after the scandal first
in St. Louis, 864 invited the ministry, but enforce- One Church Plan, would by a Methodist commit- erupted in Ireland and Australia, and 20 years af-
delegates — split evenly ment has been inconsis- open up many options for tee that was formed after ter it hit the U.S., bishops and Catholic officials in
between lay people and tent. Clergy who support those who support the conflict over LGBT poli- many parts of Europe, Latin America, Africa and
clergy — are expected to LGBT rights have been LGBT-inclusive practic- cies boiled over at a Gen- Asia still either deny that clergy sex abuse exists
consider several plans for increasingly defiant, con- es, but it would not com- eral Conference in 2016. in their regions or play down the problem.

Billy Graham Library:

Attendance up after
namesake’s death
The Associated Press

The Billy Graham Library
in North Carolina says it
has seen a surge in visitors
in the year since its name-
sake’s death.
Citing a blog post on the
library’s website, WLOS-
TV reports that 214,000
people visited the Char-
lotte complex in 2018, up
from 144,000 in 2017. Ac-
cording to the post, visitors
came from 55 countries.
Graham died Feb. 21,
2018, at age 99. He’s cred-
ited with transforming
American religious life
through his preaching
and activism, becoming
a counselor to presidents
and the most widely heard
Christian evangelist in his-
He’s buried on the
grounds of the library,
alongside his wife, Ruth, in
the prayer garden.
6B Friday, February 22, 2019 The Dispatch
tax. The proceeds of the
tax shall be distributed
as described in House
Bill 325.
Legal Notices 0010 Legal Notices 0010 Legal Notices 0010 General Services 1360 General Help Wanted 3200 Apts For Rent: Northside 7010
In the event twenty per-
The following vehicles STATE OF MISSISSIPPI cent (20%) or two thou- RETAINER WALL, drive- JOB OPENINGS FOX RUN COMPANY LLC

have been abandoned COUNTY OF LOWNDES sand (2,000) of the way, foundation, con- in Columbus, MS for the 1 & 2 BR near hospital.
at TVG Paint & Body qualified electors of the crete, masonry restora- following: $595-645/mo. Military
305 Evergreen Dr. Aber- NOTICE OF SALE City of Columbus, tion, remodeling, base- Carpenter/Millwright: discount offered, pet
deen, MS 39730. whichever is less file by ment foundation, re- Must have experience in area, pet friendly, and
WHEREAS, the follow- personal service with pairs, small dump truck general carpentry & con- furnished corporate
2013 Nissan Maxima ing tenants entered in- the Secretary/Treas- hauling (5-6 yd) load & crete work. apartments available.
Phone: 662.328.2424 VIN# to leases with Tweety's
1N4AA5AP7DC846646 Mini Storage for stor-
urer of the City of
Columbus, Mississippi,
demolition/lot cleaning.
Burr Masonry
Agricultural Tractor Op-
erator: Must have Class
[email protected] age space in which to a written petition 662-242-0259. A CDL & experience with ON SITE MANAGEMENT. Looking for
2013 Mercedes C250
store personal property
against the levy of such
tax, the Mayor and
agricultural tractors.
Grounds Maintenance
your dream
P.O. Box 511 • 516 Main Street WDDGJ4HB7DG038420 Council shall set the WORK WANTED:
Licensed & Bonded-car- Laborer: Responsible Benji @ 662-386-4446 home or do
WHEREAS, default has matter down for an elec-
pentry, painting, & de- for cleaning facilities & Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm. you have a
Columbus, MS 39703 2014 Chevy Sonic LT been made in the pay- tion to be held and the
levy shall be implemen- molition. Landscaping, maintaining parks, pic- Sat/Sun by appt only.
home for sale?
VIN# ment of rent and gutters cleaned, bush nic grounds, play-
1G1JC5SH3E4173032 Tweety's Mini Storage ted only a favorable grounds & wildlife areas
Put classified
hogging, clean-up work, Apts For Rent: West 7050
pursuant to said Lease vote of a majority of the including working from
pressure washing, mov-
ads to work
If these vehicles are not is authorized to sell the qualified electors voting boats.
at such election. ing help & furniture
(Deadlines subject to change.)
claimed they will be put personal property to sat- repair. 662-242-3608 for you.
up for sale on the 18th isfy the past due rent All jobs are working on
For Placing/Canceling day of February 2019 at and any other charges
7:00a.m at TVG Body owed to it by the follow-
A copy of the entire text
of the resolution direct- Lawn Care / Landscaping
Tenn-Tom Waterway
Project, must be 18
Classified Line Ads: Shop 305 Evergreen Dr. ing tenants.
Aberdeen, MS 39730.
ing the imposition of the
tax and of House Bill
1470 years old with clean, val-
id driver’s license &
Apartments Houses For Rent: Northside
Sunday .................. Thursday 3:00 p.m. Contact TVG Body Shop NOW THEREFORE, no- 325 can be obtained JESSE & BEVERLY'S pass pre-employment & Houses 7110
Monday.................... Friday 12:00 p.m. at 662-346-9426. tice is hereby given that from the office of the LAWN SERVICE. Mow- drug screen. EOE
1 Bedrooms
Tweety's Mini Storage Secretary / Treasurer of ing, cleanup, landscap- Send resumé or apply @ COLONIAL TOWN-
Tuesday.................Monday 12:00 p.m. PUBLISH: 2/8, 2/15, & will offer for sale, and the City of Columbus, ing, sodding, & tree cut- R & D Maintenance 2 Bedroooms HOUSES. 2 & 3 bed-
Wednesday ........... Tuesday 12:00 p.m. 2/22/2019 will sale at auction to Mississippi, Milton ting. 356-6525. Services
3 Bedrooms room w/ 2-3 bath town-
the highest and best Rawle, or the Deputy 3600 West Plymouth Rd houses. $600 to $695.
Thursday ........ Wednesday 12:00 p.m. bidder for cash all per- Secretary / Treasurer, Painting & Papering 1620 Columbus, MS 39701 662-549-9555. Ask for
Friday .................. Thursday 12:00 p.m. STATE OF MISSISSIPPI sonal property in stor- Patricia Mitchell, 523 Furnished & Glenn or text.
LEGAL NOTICES must be COUNTY OF LOWNDES age units leased by the
following tenants at
Main Street, P.O. Box
1366, Columbus, Mis-
SULLIVAN'S PAINT Medical / Dental 3300 Unfurnished
submitted 2 business days prior to NOTICE OF SALE Tweety's Mini Storage,
8527 Hwy 45 N.,
sissippi 39701. Certified in lead LOCAL COMPANY: 1, 2, & 3 Baths FIRST FULL MONTH
FREE! 2BR House,
first publication date Robert E. Smith, Sr.,
removal. Offering spe- Full-time office position Lease, Deposit $485. 3BR House,
- WHEREAS, the follow- Columbus, MS, 39705 cial prices on interior & available. Must have ex- $550. 1BA, stove, re-
• Please read your ad on the first day of ing tenants entered in- at 10:00 a.m. on the
23rd day of February,
Mayor exterior painting, pres-
sure washing & sheet
perience in the medical & Credit Check frig, electric heat, win-
to leases with
publication. We accept responsibility FRIENDLY CITY MINI- 2019. PUBLISH: 2/8, 2/15, & rock repairs.
field. Send resume to dow a/c. 1 yr. lease.

2/22/2019 Free Estimates employmentoppgc Credit check. Coleman
only for the first incorrect insertion. WAREHOUSES for stor-
Title to the personal Call 435-6528 Realty. 662-329-2323.
• The Publisher assumes no financial age space in which to
store personal property property to be sold is STATE OF MISSISSIPPI HELP WANTED
responsibility for errors nor for and believed to be good, but
Apts For Rent: Other 7080
omission of copy. Liability shall not at such sale, Tweety's MENT NEAR MUW.
Mini Storage will con- CARE CENTER OF
exceed the cost of that portion of space WHEREAS, default has NOTICE OF SALE ABERDEEN 1BR/1BA Apts for rent. 323 13th St. N. 3 Blks
been made in the pay- vey only such title as is College Manor Apts, dir- from MUW. L/r, d/r,
occupied by such error. ment of rent and vested in it pursuant to
WHEREAS, the follow- NURSE CASE ectly across from MUW. b/r, kitchen, large f/r
• All questions regarding classified ads FRIENDLY CITY MINI- its lease with the follow- Completely renovated, w/ fireplace, 2BR/3BA.
ing and as allowed un- ing tenants entered in- MANAGER (RN)
currently running should be directed to WAREHOUSES pursu-
der Mississippi Code to leases with M – F, 8A – 4:30P incl granite countertops, Laundry room, outside
ant to said Leases is FRIENDLY CITY MINI- SS appls & W/D. 12 mo fenced patio, screened
the Classified Department. authorized to sell the Annotated Section 85-7- lease, dep req, $650/ side porch & work room
• All ads are subject to the approval of personal property to sat- 121 et esq (Supp age space in which to ALLSTUMP GRINDING 7A – 3P mo. 662-425-3817. WITH ATTACHED APART-
this paper. The Commercial Dispatch isfy the past due and store personal property SERVICE MENT B/r, d/r, kitchen
any other charges owed LPN 3P – 11P Full Time 2BR/1BA located in & bathroom. NO HUD.
reserves the right to reject, revise, to it by the following ten-
Ref. req. Dep. req.
We can grind all your Historic Downtown
classify or cancel any advertising at any ants. Lambert, D.
WHEREAS, default has stumps. Hard to reach CNA 6A – 2P Full Time Columbus. 2,000 sqft. Pets allowed w/ extra
time. #41, 61 dep. $1075/mo.
been made in the pay- places, blown over Hardwood floors
NOW THEREFORE, no- ment of rent and roots, hillsides, back- CNA 2P- 10P PRN throughout. Open floor. 662-386-7506.
tice is hereby given that Studdard FRIENDLY CITY MINI- yards, pastures. Free Very nice. Incl W&D.
WAREHOUSES pursu- estimates. You find it, Apply in person at $1200/mo. Call Houses For Rent: South 7140
Advertisements must be
WAREHOUSES will offer ant to said Leases is we'll grind it! Care Center 662-328-8655.
for sale, and will sell at Lambert, J. authorized to sell the 662-361-8379 505 Jackson St, 2BR/1BA Gas stove
#6, 19
paid for in advance.
auction to the highest personal property to sat- Aberdeen 1, 2, 3 BEDROOM apart- & heat. Move-in ready.
bidder for cash all per- isfy the past due and EOE ments & townhouses. 417 17th St. S.
sonal property in stor- Lambert Tree Services 1860
any other charges owed Call for more info. $450/mo. $450 dep.
age units leased by the #74 to it by the following ten- 662-328-8254. Call 662-327-8712.
following tenants at A&T Tree Service Truck Driving 3700
James ants. Bucket truck & stump
RegulaR Rates WAREHOUSES 903 #2
removal. Free est. CLASS A CDL DRIVER
RENT FREE! 1 & 2 Bed-
Houses For Rent: Other 7180
Serving Columbus
4 Lines/6 Days ........................ $19.20 Alabama St. Columbus, tice is hereby given that since 1987. Senior
with Truck & Lowboy room Apts/Townhomes. 1 ROOM/1BA, Utilities
4 Lines/12 Days...................... $31.20 MS, at 8:30 am on the WITNESS MY SIGNA- FRIENDLY CITY MINI- Trailer experience to Included. $450/mo.
TURE on this the 11th citizen disc. Call Alvin @ Stove & refrigerator.
8th day of March, A.D. WAREHOUSES will offer load, haul, & unload One person only. Refs
4 Lines/26 Days...................... $46.80 day of September, 242-0324/241-4447 $335-$600 Monthly.
2019. All auctions are for sale, and will sell at heavy construction req. Contact/leave a
"We'll go out on a limb Credit check & deposit.
Rate applies to commercial operations with reserve and there- 2018. auction to the highest equipment. Overnight message for more info:
for you!" Coleman Realty,
and merchandise over $1,000. fore all units can be bidder for cash all per- travel required. Only 662-328-8655.
withdrawn from the sale Tweety's Mini Storage sonal property in stor- qualified applicants with
at any time by the auc- BY: Thomas Hodges, Jr. VICKERS TREE clean MVR, current
age units leased by the Mobile Homes for Rent 7250
supeR saveR Rates
Publish: 2/8, 2/15 &
following tenants at
Tree trimming and re-
medical examiner’s
certificate and no acci- COLEMAN 3BR/2BA Trailer, New
6 Days ...................................... $12.00 Title to the personal WAREHOUSES 308 moval. Fully insured. dents need apply. Fax RENTALS Hope school dist.
12 Days.................................... $18.00 property to be sold is IN THE CHANCERY Shoney Drive Columbus, Free estimates. resume to 662-492- TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS
believed to be good, but COURT OF LOWNDES $500/mo & $500 dep.
MS, immediately follow- *Now Accepting Credit 4490 or email to
Over 6 lines is $1 per additional line. at such sale, FRIENDLY COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI ing sale on Alabama & Debit Cards* [email protected] 1 BEDROOM Call between 10a-7p.
CITY MINI-WARE- 662-386-4292.
Six lines or less, consecutive days. Rate applies to Street on the 8th day of Call Curt 662-418-0889 2 BEDROOMS NO TEXT MESSAGES.
HOUSES will convey March A.D. 2019. All or 662-549-2902
private party ads of non-commercial nature for IN THE MATTER OF THE
merchandise under $1,000. Must include price in
only such title as is ves- ESTATE OF KEMETHA D. auctions are with re- “A cut above the rest” Bargain Column 4180 3 BEDROOMS
ted in it pursuant to its RICHARDSON, DE- serve and therefore all RENT A fully equipped
ad. 1 item per Ad. No pets, firewood, etc. lease with the following CEASED BROWN LEATHER
units can be withdrawn General Help Wanted 3200 LEASE, camper w/utilities &
© The Dispatch

and its allowed under couch, good cond. $75. cable from $145/wk -
from the sale at any Call/text 901-293-
Mississippi Code Annot- CAUSE NO. 2019-0019- time by the auctioneer/ OUR COMPANY is seek- DEPOSIT $535/month. Colum-
gaRage sale Rates ated Section 85-7-121 7608. bus & County School
manager. ing an experienced car-
et seq (Supp 1988).
penter. We specialize in AND locations. 662-242-
4 Lines/1 Day ........................... $9.20
HUBERT TODD Title to the personal home remodels & new DECORATIVE WALL CREDIT CHECK 7653 or 601-940-1397.
4 Lines/3 Days ........................$18.00 Amber Milton RICHARDSON, ADMINIS- property to be sold is construction. The ideal art/photos, 2 for $40.
E216 TRATOR believed to be good, but candidate will have Commercial Property 8050
Price includes 2 Free Garage Sale signs.
Amey Edwards
at such sale, FRIENDLY transportation & basic Call/text 901-293-
7608. 662-329-2323
E236 HOUSES will convey 662-570-9464 for sale. 5,000 sq. ft. met-
Letters of Administra- only such title as is ves- more information. Farm Equipment & Supplies 2411 HWY 45 N al Ceco building. Loc-
fRee seRvices Carl Gardner tion have been granted ted in it pursuant to its 4420 ated on 8.5 ac. of land.
Bargain Column For items $100 or less 237 and issued to Hubert lease with the following COLUMBUS, MS Building includes 700
and its allowed under EXPERIENCED ELECTRI-
ONLY 6 lines of text (approximately 15 charac- Todd Richardson, Ad- 2016 CAT Skidsteer w/ sq. ft. heated & cooled
ters) and will run for 3 days.
Chelsey Jones ministrator of the Es- Mississippi Code Annot- CIAN needed for light mulcher. <1,000 hrs, office, kitchen, bath and
E244 ated Section 85-7-121 commercial and service Commercial Property For
Free pets Up to 6 lines of text, runs for 3 days. tate of Kemetha D. calls. Golden Triangle $88,500. 2016 John
Rent 7100
tool room. Behind
Lost & Found Up to 6 lines of text, runs for Jerry Stockman
Richardson, deceased, et seq (Supp 1988). Area. 40 hour work Deere 5100E Tractor, house at 6901 Hwy. 12
3 days. by the Chancery Court week. Pay based on ex- 210 hrs. $39,500. E. Steens. $150,000.
E246 of Lowndes County, Mis- Brittany Sherrod COMMERCIAL PROPER- 662-574-8437.
Free ads are taken by e-mail or in person at our N157 perience. Insurance & 205-329-1790.
sissippi, on the 12th Retirement Benefits.
office. Ads will not be taken by telephone. Kalisha Lanier day of February, 2019. Spaces starting @ Houses For Sale: Northside
E2 Drug testing required. $285/mo. Downtown &
This is to give notice to Deanna Carter Furniture 4480 8150
0 Legals 4390 Computer Equipment
all persons having N226 Courteous, kind de- East Columbus loca-
4420 Farm Equipment & Latoya Shelton meanor, neat appear- tions. 662-435-4188.
claims against said es- BLACK BEDROOM set,
1000 Service Supplies E203 tate to Probate and Re- Revanta Johnson
ance and ability to work
$700. New mattresses,
1030 Air Conditioning & Heating N229 well with the public. turing over 1700 sq. ft.
4450 Firewood gister same with the still in plastic, $275. OFFICE SPACE: 2,000
1060 Appliance Repair Sherri Howard Email resume to: not including attached
4460 Flea Markets Chancery Clerk of Bissell carpet cleaner, square feet. 294
E58 Rhonda Fortune [email protected] workshop. 3 beds/2
1070 Asphalt & Paving Lowndes County, Mis- $100. Two sets of black Chubby Dr. Flexible leas-
4480 Furniture N115 Toyota Camry floormats, ing terms. Available
baths, formal living
1090 Automotive Services sissippi, within ninety room, separate family
4510 Garage Sales Tashonda Jethrow (90) days after the first FULL TIME Position. $80. New fabric steam- now. 662-328-8254.
1120 Building & Remodeling 4540 General Merchandise E249 Susan Mackay Must have valid driver's
room with wood-burning
publication of this No- er, $40. 662-242-2884. fireplace, formal dining
1150 Carpeting/Flooring 4570 Household Goods tice to Creditors. A fail- N11, N62 license & be able to Leave a message. HISTORIC DOWNTOWN room with updated floor-
1180 Childcare WITNESS MY SIGNA- ure to so Probate and drive truck w/ trailer for Columbus Office, Retail, ing. All priced to sell at
4630 Lawn & Garden TURE on this the 7th
1210 Chimney Cleaning 4660 Merchandise Rentals Register said claim will delivery of equipment. Restaurant Space avail- $135,000.00. Call Long
1240 Contractors day of February, A.D. forever bar the same. WITNESS MY SIGNA- Some Counter Sales, Garage Sales: East 4510 able. Call 662-328-
4690 Musical Instruments 2019. TURE on this the 7th & Long @ 662-328-
1250 Computer Services Mechanical Knowledge 8655 or 662-574-7879. 0770, 662-574-3903,
4700 Satellites /s/ Hubert Todd day of February, A.D. & lifting required. Apply CLOSING BUSINESS &
1270 Electrical FRIENDLY CITY Garage Sale. Fri 1-5; 662-386-2023 for a
4720 Sporting Goods Richardson 2019. in person at Handyman RETAIL SPACE Available private viewing.
1300 Excavating 4750 Stereos & TV’s MINI-WAREHOUSES Hubert Todd Richard- Rentals, Inc. on Hwy 82 Sat 9-5 @ 56 Harrison in Historic Downtown.
1320 Fitness Training By: L.O. son, Administrator FRIENDLY CITY West in Starkville. Rd. See Facebook: 404 Main St. 3,000
4780 Wanted To Buy Lowndes County Mar- Houses For Sale: East 8200
1330 Furniture Repair & MINI-WAREHOUSES sq. ft. $1,300/mo.
5000 Pets & Livestock Publish: 2/8, 2/15, & OF COUNSEL: By: L.O. ketplace for items. Call 662-328-8655
Refinishing 2/22/2019 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 3BR/1BA Brick home.
1360 General Services 5100 Free Pets SERVICE MECHANIC or 662-574-7879.
Aubrey E. Nichols, MB # Publish: 2/8, 2/15, & 221 Robinwood Circle.
1380 Housecleaning 5150 Pets with verifiable experi- Sporting Goods 4720 Approx 1200sqft. Single
3842 2/22/2019 ence, own tools and Houses For Rent: Northside
1390 Insulation 5200 Horses/Cattle/Livestock IN THE CHANCERY The Nichols Firm, PLLC carport, natural gas
clean MVR. Submit ED SANDERS Gunsmith 7110 heat, window ac, stove,
1400 Insurance 5250 Pet Boarding/Grooming COURT OF LOWNDES Post Office Box 1081 Building & Remodeling 1120 resume by fax to Open for season! 9-5, fridge, dishwasher &
1410 Interior Decorators 5300 Supplies/Accessories COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI Columbus, MS 39703- 662-492-4490 Tues-Fri & 9-12, Sat. 2BR/1BA 1419
1081 ceiling fans. $41,000.
1440 Jewelry/Watch Repair 5350 Veterinarians SUGGS CONSTRUCTION or email to: Over 50 years experi- Sanders Mill Rd. Old 662-329-2917 or
5400 Wanted To Buy IN THE MATTER OF THE (662) 243-7312 Building, remodeling, [email protected]
1470 Lawn Care/Landscaping ESTATE OF IOLA L. EL- anichols@thenichols-
ence! Repairs, cleaning, country house in 662-251-9708.
metal roofing, painting refinishing, scopes Steens, Caledonia
1500 Locksmiths 6000 Financial LIS, DECEASED & all home repairs.
1530 Machinery Repair VET TECH for local an- mounted & zeroed, schools, new carpet & Lots & Acreage 8600
6050 Business Opportunity 662-242-3471
imal clinic. Will train. handmade knives. paint inside. $685/mo.
1560 Mobile Home Services CAUSE NO.: 18-0257- PUBLISH: 2/22, 3/1, &
6100 Business Opportunity JNS 3/8/2019 Part-time or full-time. Located: Hwy 45 Alt, $685 deposit. No pets. 16.9 acres on Self
1590 Moving & Storage Wanted Must be mature & pa- North of West Point, Call 662-356-4764. Creek Rd. 11.3 acres
Tom Hatcher, LLC
1620 Painting & Papering 6120 Check Cashing SUMMONS BY PUBLICA- NOTICE OF TAX LEVY Custom Construction, tient. Send resumes to: turn right on Yokahama on New Light Rd. (Both
1650 Pest Control TION Restoration, Remodel- Box 662, c/o The Blvd, 8mi & turn left on 2BR/1BA. 94 Harris Dr. off of Maben-Sturgis
6150 Insurance Darracott Rd, will see
1680 Plumbing (CITY OF COLUMBUS, ing, Repair, Insurance Commercial Dispatch, $450/mo. $300 dep. Rd.) $1,500/ac. Call
6200 Loans claims. 662-364-1769. PO Box 511, Columbus, sign, 2.5mi ahead shop Caledonia Schools. 662-465-7611, 662-
6250 Mortgages SIPPI Licensed & Bonded MS 39703. on left. 662-494-6218. Near CAFB. 418-9096, 662-323-
1740 Roofing & Guttering 6300 Stocks & Bonds 1237 or 662-418-4176.
(Tax Levy Date, March
1770 Saws & Lawn Mowers 6350 Business for Sale TO: ALL UNKNOWN 1, 2019 and thereafter 2BR/1BA 49 Ruthie Dr.
1780 Sitting with Elderly/Sick Lost & Found Pets 5160 $450/mo. $300 dep.
HEIRS AT LAW OF IOLA until July 1, 2023) 22 ACRES in Caledonia
1790 Stump Removal 7000 Rentals L. ELLIS, DECEASED, FOUND: MEDIUM Sized Columbus Schools.
Near CAFB. on Wood Rd. All road
1800 Swimming Pools 7050 Apartments AND ANY UNKNOWN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- Blonde mixed-breed frontage. Water & natur-
1830 Tax Service 7100 Commercial Property PERSONS CLAIMING AN EN that, on March 1, dog, HWY 12 near Jack al gas available. Resid-
EQUITABLE OR LEGAL 2019, pursuant to Call 662-889-1122.
1860 Tree Service 7150 Houses Wiggins Rd. Call 662- ential Development
7180 Hunting Land INTEREST IN THE ES- House Bill 325 of the 574-1139 or 662-364- Property. 662-356-6862
1890 Upholstery TATE OF IOLA L. ELLIS 2019 Regular Session CHARMING 3BR/3BA
7190 Land for Rent/Lease 4353, leave msg. or 662-574-3053.
1910 Welding of the Mississippi Legis- home for rent. Hard-
7200 Mobile Homes You have been made a lature, the Mayor and wood floors, granite
2000 Announcements 7250 Mobile Home Spaces defendant in the Peti- City Council of the City Business Opportunity 6050countertops, central air, 30+/- ACRES. Pasture
2050 Card of Thanks 7300 Office Spaces tion to Determine Heirs- of Columbus, Missis- two master suites, & lake. 2 large barns
2100 Fraternal & Lodge at-Law seeking to de- sippi shall impose a tax HISTORIC DOWNTOWN basement for storage, & arena. $179,000.
7350 Resort Rentals Columbus: 411 Main quiet neighborhood. 1
2150 Good Things To Eat termine the heirs-at-law of two percent (2%) on $31k below appraisal.
7400 River Property of IOLA L. ELLIS, De- the gross receipts of St. Office, Retail, Res- year minimum, Call 662-386-9122.
2200 In Memorial 7450 Rooms ceased. Other than you, restaurants with annual taurant Space available. $1,295/mo.
2250 Instruction & School 7500 Storage & Garages the only other inter- sales in excess of One Call 423-333-1124. Call 662-425-3817.
2300 Lost & Found WINTER SPECIAL
7520 Vacation Rentals ested parties in this ac- Hundred Thousand Dol- 1.95 acre lots.
2350 Personals 7550 Wanted to Rent tion are: Irma Ellis lars ($100,000) de- Apts For Rent: Other 7080
Good/bad credit.
2400 Special Notices 7600 Waterfront Property Moore, Pam Taylor, and rived from retail sales of 10% down, as low as
2600 Travel/Entertainment Sherry Rush. prepared food, beer and $299/mo. Eaton Land.
8000 Real Estate alcoholic beverages and 662-361-7711
3000 Employment 8050 Commercial Property You are summoned to on the gross proceeds
3050 Clerical & Office appear and represent of sales of other busi-
8100 Farms & Timberland your interests against nesses derived from re- Campers & RVs 9300
3100 Data Processing/ Computer 8150 Houses - Northside said Petition before the tail sales of beer and al-
3150 Domestic Help TOMBIGBEE RV Park,

8200 Houses - East Honorable Joseph N. coholic beverages, ex-
3170 Engineering Studdard, Chancellor of cluding sales of alcohol- located on Wilkins Wise
8250 Houses - New Hope Rd & Waverly Rd. Full
3200 General Help Wanted 8300 Houses - South the 14th Chancery Dis- ic beverages upon
trict at 9:30 o'clock premises covered by a Hookups available.
3250 Management Positions 8350 Houses - West $300/mo. 662-328-
3300 Medical/Dental a.m. on the 21st day of package retailer’s per-
8450 Houses - Caledonia March, 2019 at the Clay mit and sales of beer 8655 or 662-574-7879.

3350 Opportunity Information 8500 Houses - Other County Courthouse in not for consumption on
3400 Part-Time 8520 Hunting Land West Point, Mississippi, premises. Five Questions:
3450 Positions Wanted 8550 Investment Property and in case of your fail-
3500 Professional ure to appear, your in- This tax shall be im-
8600 Lots & Acreage
1 Britney
3550 Restaurant/Hotel terest in this matter will posed on the tax levy
8650 Mobile Homes not be considered. date and thereafter un-
3600 Sales/Marketing 8700 Mobile Home Spaces to place an ad in the
til July 1, 2023 unless,
3650Trades 8750 Resort Property You are not required to before 5:00 o’clock
3700Truck Driving 8800 River Property file an answer or other p.m. on February 22,
pleading, but you may 2019, twenty percent
4000 Merchandise 8850 Wanted to Buy (20%) or two thousand
2 Thomas
do so if you desire.
4030 Air Conditioners 8900 Waterfront Property (2,000) of the qualified
4060 Antiques ISSUED under my hand electors of the City of
4090 Appliances
9000 Transportation
9050 Auto Accessories/Parts
and seal of said Court, Columbus, whichever is Jefferson
4120 Auctions on this the 13th day of less, shall file by per-
4150 Baby Articles
9100 Auto Rentals & Leasing
9150 Autos for Sale
February, 2019. sonal service with the
Secretary / Treasurer of
How else are you
4180 Bargain Column
4210 Bicycles
9200 Aviation LISA YOUNGER NEESE, the City of Columbus,
523 Main Street, going to sell that 3 Breakdanc-
4240 Building Materials
9250 Boats & Marine
9300 Camper/R.V.’s
CHANCERY CLERK Columbus, Mississippi,
a written petition stuff in your ing
4250 Burial Plots P. O. Box 684
9350 Golf Carts Columbus, MS 39703 against the levy of such
4270 Business Furniture &
9400 Motorcycles/ATVs
9450 Trailers/Heavy Equipment
(662) 329-5800
tax. The proceeds of the
tax shall be distributed
garage? 4 Orange
4300 Camera Equipment 9500 Trucks, Vans & Buses BY: Tina Fisher, D.C. as described in House
4330 Clothing Bill 325.
9550 Wanted to Buy PUBLISH: 2/15, 2/22,
5 “Paperboy”
4360 Coins & Jewelry
& 3/1/2019 In the event twenty per-
cent (20%) or two thou-

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