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[ GR No.

19843, Oct 03, 1923 ]


45 Phil. 178


This cause presents a single question of law, namely, whether the parties to a
mortgage of real property may lawfully insert therein a clause giving to the
mortgagee the power, upon default of the debtor, to foreclose the mortgage by an
extrajudicial sale of the mortgaged property.
The facts necessary to a proper understanding of the case are briefly these: On
September 26, 1919, Doña Aniceta Ardosa, of the City of Iloilo, executed a
mortgage upon a rural estate located in the municipality of Manapla, Occidental
Negros, and known as the Hacienda de Bayabas y Agtongtong, in favor of El
Hogar Filipino, a mutual building and loan association of the City of Manila, to
secure a loan of money in the manner customary in building and loan contracts.
Among the clauses contained in this mortgage only two are material to be here
noted, the tenth and fifteenth. In the first of these it is stipulated that upon
maturity of the debt and default of the debtor in making the payment of the same,
the manager for the time being of the association may proceed to make an
extrajudicial sale of the property, before a notary public or auctioneer chosen by
the directorate, after publication shall have been made once a week for three
successive weeks in some paper of general circulation in the city, with irrevocable
power in said manager, as agent (mandatario) of the debtor, to execute an
appropriate deed in favor of the best bidder, at the end of thirty days from the date
of the sale, during which period the debtor shall have the right to redeem the
property. In the other clause it is stipulated that the association may take part in
the bidding at any sale conducted under the power above conferred and in case it
becomes purchaser as the best bidder the manager of the association, as attorney
in fact (apoderado) of the debtor, is authorized to execute the appropriate deed to
it, under the same conditions as maintain in respect to other persons.
The debtor appears to have defaulted in the payment of the debt, and as a
consequence of said default a non-judicial foreclosure was effected by the
manager of the creditor association in all respects in conformity with the power
conferred in the mortgage. At this sale the association itself became the purchaser
as the highest and best bidder, and after the aforesaid period of thirty days had
passed, without redemption having been effected, the manager of the association
executed to it a deed of transfer in proper form.
It appears that the property constituting the hacienda in question is not registered
under Act No. 496, but is duly inscribed in the property register of the Province of
Iloilo. Accordingly, in order to complete the transfer of the property and give full
effect to the foreclosure, the creditor association caused said deed, with the
appropriate documents accrediting the sale aforementioned, to be presented to
the register of deeds of the Province of Occidental Negros in order that said
documents might be registered as contemplated in section 194 of the
Administrative Code, as amended by Act No. 2837 of the Philippine Legislature.
Registration of the instrument was, however, refused by the register of deeds on
the ground that the stipulation contained in clause 10 of the mortgage, conferring
a power of sale on the creditor association, was in his opinion void.

Upon this El Hogar Filipino, as mortgagee and purchaser in said sale, presented
the present petition in this court asking that the writ of mandamus should issue to
compel compliance on the part of the respondent register with the duty of
registering the document in question. Upon the filing of this petition the
respondent Geronimo Paredes was cited by this court to appear and demur or
answer; and in response to this requirement the said respondent has interposed
an answer admitting all the material facts stated in the petition but questioning
the right of the petitioner to relief, upon the ground already suggested, that clause
10 of the mortgage is void. The cause being thus ready for determination by this
court, upon the allegations of the complaint and the so-called answer of the then
sole defendant, a motion was made by the attorneys for the plaintiff, requesting
leave to make Doña Aniceta Ardosa a party defendant, on the ground that, as
owner of the property in question, she was interested in the subject-matter and
therefore a proper party to the suit. This motion was granted, and after being duly
served with notice Doña Aniceta Ardosa demurred generally on the ground that
the facts alleged in the complaint do not constitute a cause of action. For purposes
of the solution of the case as it stands before us, we shall treat the answer of
Geronimo Paredes as a demurrer; as we may well do, for the reason that it raises
only a question of law upon the facts stated in the complaint; and we take the
situation to be in effect the same as if both of the present parties defendant had
interposed a joint demurrer.
The question thus presented is one that, so far as we are aware, has not heretofore
been considered by this court, in connection with a mortgage of real property; but
it is clear that the power to which criticism is directed is entirely valid. This
doctrine is supported not only by the Spanish jurisprudence but also by the
practically unanimous voice of the courts of Great Britain and the United States.
In a resolution adopted in 1901 for the information and guidance of registers in
Spain, we find a declaration to the following effect:

"Article 1859 of the same Code prohibits the creditor from appropriating to
himself the things pledged or mortgaged, and from disposing of them; but
this does not mean that a stipulation is prohibited whereby the creditor is
authorized, in case of nonpayment within the term fixed by the parties, to sell
the thing mortgaged at public auction, or to adjudicate the same to himself in
case of failure of said sale, nor is there any reason whatever to prevent it; on
the contrary, article 1872 expressly authorizes this procedure in connection
with pledge, even if it may not have been expressly stipulated." (Resolution of
the Gen eral Director of Registries of July 12, 1901; 92 Jur. Civ., 103.)

In a decision of October 21, 1902, the supreme court of Spain approved the same
doctrine in these words:
"Considering that the judgment appealed from does not violate articles 1859
and 1255 of the Civil Code, because the stipulation, by virtue of which the
debtor gives the mortgagee the right to sell the thing mortgaged at public
extrajudicial sale to make payment of the debt, does not imply an
appropriation thereof, but is merely a derivative of the authority granted the
contracting parties in the second of the two articles aforementioned, which
authority is not against the law, since what it prohibits is only the acquisition
by the creditor of the property mortgaged, merely by reason of the
nonpayment of the debt, and the above stated stipulation simply authorizes
him to sell it with the aforesaid conditions, which authorization is inherent in
ownership, and is not against morals and public order, for what is authorized
by the Code itself in article 1872 as to the pledgee, can never be held to be
unjust with respect to the mortgagee when the debtor has expressly agreed
upon such manner of making payment." (Decision of the supreme court of
Spain of October 21, 1902; 94 Jur. Civ., 364. See also 94 Jur. Civ., 504; 96
Jur. Civ., 801.)

The same question has been considered in innumerable cases by the English and
American tribunals, and the conclusion almost unanimously reached by those
courts is that a stipulation in a mortgage conferring a power of sale upon the
mortgagee is valid. The history of this doctrine, as abstracted from the pages of a
well-known legal encyclopaedia is briefly this: The right to foreclose a mortgage of
personalty by the exercise of a power of sale and without resorting to a bill in
equity was sanctioned by Lord Hardwicke in 1742, and the power had been
recognized even before that day. In the case of mortgages of realty the recognition
of the validity of the power of sale encountered considerable opposition; and
doubts as to its validity were not infrequently expressed far into the nineteenth
century. In 1811, however, the power was recognized as being a good source of
title, and in a few years the practice of inserting the provision had become general.
Having once been recognized in England, the power of sale soon came to be an
ordinary incident in the execution of a mortgage and was usually inserted as a
matter of course; and so fully did the exercise of the power accord with
considerations of public policy, that, by parliamentary enactment, the power of
sale can now be exercised in England by the mortgagee although a provision
therefor be omitted from the deed. In America also numerous early expressions
are to be found which question the validity of the power of sale or deny it
altogether; but legislative and judicial opinion soon eradicated this notion almost
entirely, and it is now settled in America as in England that, in the absence of a
statutory requirement of judicial foreclosure, the exercise of the power of sale
contained in a mortgage or deed of trust will vest a good title in the purchaser and
cut off the equity of redemption. Such is the doctrine maintained in the Federal
courts of the United States and the courts of every American State with the
exception of one only. (27 Am. & Eng. Encyc. Law 2d ed., pp. 755, 756.)

The correctness of the foregoing statement is corroborated by the conclusions

reached by other writers with reference to the same point. For instance, we find it
stated in Ruling Case Law that the validity of the provision conferring a power of
sale on the mortgagee is no longer open to doubt (19 R. C. L., 587); and the author
of the monographic essay on Mortgages in the Cyclopaedia of Law and Procedure
has this to say: "A power of sale in a mortgage or deed of trust, authorizing
foreclosure by advertisement and sale without resort to the courts, is not contrary
to public policy or the policy of the law; but on the contrary is perfectly legal and
valid, except in a few states, where the statutes expressly forbid the exercise of
such powers and require all foreclosures to be effected by judicial proceedings."
(27 Cyc., 1449.)
In the extensive treatise on Mortgages written by Mr. Leonard A. Jones a full
discussion of this and allied topics will be found, wherein the learned author
points out that under the Roman Law a provision giving the mortgagee a power to
sell extra judicially was recognized as valid, and the history of the doctrine is fully
traced in all its aspects through the modern decisions of the English and American
courts. (Jones, Mortgages, vol. 3, secs. 1765-1768.)

So far as appears from our reported decisions this court has never had occasion to
consider the validity of the power of sale in relation with a mortgage of real
property, but the court has not hesitated to sustain the same power when
incorporated in a contract of pledge. This point was clearly involved in Peterson
vs. Azada (8 Phil., 432), where certain jewelry had been pledged, with a
stipulation to the effect that in case of non-payment of the debt the pledgee could
sell the jewelry at the best price obtainable in the market and apply the proceeds
to the payment, or in part payment, of the debt. The contingency thus
contemplated occurred, and enough was not realized at the sale to satisfy the
entire debt. The creditor, therefore, brought an action to recover the balance due
on the note, and the action was sustained. In discussing the power conferred upon
the pledgee in that case, the court observed: "The will of the parties as expressed
in a contract is the law, and the conditions stipulated with regard to the jewelry in
this case are not in contravention of law, of morals, or of public order." (Peterson
vs. Azada, 8 Phil., 432, 437.)
It requires no argument to show that if the clause conferring a power of extra
judicial sale is valid in a contract of pledge of personal property, it must also be
valid in a mortgage of realty, for in essence the two species of contract are
identical. Furthermore, it will not escape observation that in Peterson vs. Azada,
supra, the stipulation contemplated a private sale by the pledgee in the market for
the best price obtainable, and no publication or notice of any sort to the
mortgagor was required.
In the light of the foregoing authorities it is evident that the power of sale
conferred on the creditor in the mortgage now under consideration cannot be
declared to be in contravention either of law, morals, or public policy.

That this view is in harmony with legal conceptions prevailing in this jurisdiction
can be further seen from the circumstance that section 66 of the Land
Registration Act (Act No. 496) fully recognizes the validity of a clause in a
mortgage conferring a special power of sale on the mortgagee. It is true that that
section deals only with land that has been registered under the Torrens system,
but the provision reflects the commonly accepted professional view that such a
clause is valid, regardless of the nature of the title. Certainly, it would be an
astonishing conclusion if we were to hold here that a clause conferring special
power of sale is invalid in a contract dealing with land not registered under the
Torrens system, notwithstanding the fact that the same clause is valid when
inserted in a contract relating to land so registered.
It is a matter of common knowledge that, owing to the difficulties and
uncertainties attendant upon the realization of loans extended upon mortgages of
real property in this country, intending borrowers are compelled in most cases to
resort to the dangerous expedient of selling their land under a contract of sale
with pacto de retro. When thus used, this form of agreement in most cases
operates, as everybody is aware, as a sort of self-executing mortgage, since the
property consolidates unconditionally in the purchaser when the date of
repurchase passes without redemption. Moreover, under the contract of sale with
pacto de retro, the consolidation of the property may be accelerated by the failure
of the seller to comply with some collateral stipulation, as for the payment of rent
by the seller during the period allowed for repurchase (Vitug Dimatulac vs.
Coronel, 40 Phil., 686) ; and the conclusion is irresistible that the mortgage
containing a power of sale, to be exercised under reasonable restrictions, is in all
respects a less objectionable form of security than the contract of sale with pacto
de retro.

The most plausible argument advanced against the validity of the provision now in
question proceeds on the assumption that the lawmaking body, in adopting our
present Code of Civil Procedure, intended to make the method of judicial
foreclosure, set forth in sections 254-261, inclusive, of said Code, the exclusive
remedy for the foreclosure of mortgages upon real property; and in this
connection attention is directed to certain decisions of this court in which
foreclosure proceedings have been set aside for failure to pursue the statutory
provisions or in which it has been declared that the parties cannot by agreement
contravene the statutes and interfere with the lawful procedure of the courts.
(Grimalt vs. Velazquez and Sy Quio, 36 Phil., 936; Raymundo vs. Sunico, 25 Phil.,
365; Bank of the Philippine Islands vs. Yulo, 31 Phil., 476; Warner, Barnes & Co.
vs. Jaucian, 13 Phil., 4; Yangco vs. Cruz Herrera and Wy Piaco, 11 Phil., 402.)
It is to be borne in mind, however, that the questions ventilated in those cases
arose in the course of judicial foreclosures, and not in connection with extra
judicial sales under a power such as is now before us. Of course, where the power
of sale is not conferred at all, and recourse is had to the judicial remedy prescribed
in the Code, the statutory provisions relating to that remedy must be followed.
That proposition is in nowise inconsistent with the proposition here maintained
that a valid extra judicial foreclosure may be effected pursuant to a special power.
The judicial foreclosure and foreclosure under a special power of sale, where the
power is conferred, must be considered alternative or cumulative remedies; and
so they have been treated in jurisdictions where both methods of foreclosure are
in use. (3 Jones, Mortgages, sec. 1773.)

Our attention has been called to section 185 of the Corporation Law (Act No.
1459) wherein it is declared that when a borrowing stockholder of a building and
loan association shall be three months in arrears in the payment of his dues or
stock or the interest or premium or instalments of premium on any loan, the
whole loan, at the option of the board of directors, shall be due and payable and
the board may proceed by action to enforce collection upon the securities held by
the corporation. From the circumstance that the board of directors is authorized
to proceed by action to enforce the collection of any of the obligations mentioned,
it is argued that the remedy by action was intended to be exclusive, and that any
special stipulation conferring a power of extrajudicial sale must be contrary to the
policy of the law and therefore void. It is our opinion, however, that the statutory
remedy by action conferred in the section cited is not exclusive; and the provision
referred to constitutes no impediment to the making of an express stipulation of
the character of that now under consideration.
The demurrer of Doña Aniceta Ardosa is overruled and the answer of Geronimo
Paredes which, as already stated, is in the nature of a demurrer, is declared
insufficient and likewise overruled; and judgment will be entered for the issuance
of the writ as prayed, requiring the respondent Geronimo Paredes, as register of
deeds of the Province of Occidental Negros, to register the document, Exhibit B, in
the manner prescribed by law, unless within five days after notification of this
resolution the respondents shall interpose a sufficient answer to the petition.

So ordered, without special pronouncement as to costs.

Araullo, C.J., Johnson, Avanceña, Villamor, and Romualdez, JJ., concur.

Philippine law does not sanction powers of sale in mortgages (Code of Civil
Procedure, sec. 254; Civil Code, art. 1872; Corporation Law, sec. 185; Banco
Español Filipino vs. Donaldson Sim & Co. [1905], 5 Phil., 418; National Bank vs.
Manila Oil Refining & By Products Co. [1922], 43 Phil., 444). Conceding, however,
that the statement just made is otherwise and that there exists a certain amount of
discretion in the courts, yet powers of sale should be held void as against public
policy. (Civil Code, art. 1255.) What with the pacto de retro, usurious contracts,
and provisions like those found in the National Bank Charter authorizing private
sales, the money lender is well fortified. Still another obstacle to more equal
progress should not be interposed.
For the above reasons and others which are well stated in the opinion of Mr.
Justice Johns, I reach the conclusion that the demurrer should be sustained and
the petition dismissed.


The question here involved is the legal force and effect of a "power of sale" under a
mortgage executed to the plaintiff by Aniceta Ardosa, the material provisions of
which are as follows:

"Tenth. The borrower, Aniceta Ardosa, hereby confers a sufficient and

irrevocable power of attorney in favor of the manager of the partnership, in
order that he, in the event that the indebtedness, hereby acknowledged, falls
due, on account of the failure on the part of the borrower to fulfill any of the
obligations mentioned in clauses second, fourth, fifth, eleventh, twelfth,
thirteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth and twenty-first of this deed, once the
board of directors has resolved that said partnership has decided to exercise
its right to consider the indebtedness of the borrower due, and once a notice
has been published in a newspaper of general circulation of this city, once a
week, during three consecutive weeks, may proceed to make an extrajudicial
sale, before a notary public or auctioneer, whom the board of directors may
designate, of the real property, the subject of this mortgage, the manager of
the partnership being hereby authorized, by irrevocable power of attorney, to
execute, as agent of the borrower, the corresponding deed of sale in favor of
the highest bidder at said auction sale; provided, however, that the deed of
sale shall not be executed but after the expiration of the thirty days' time
granted to run from the date of the auction sale; and provided that, in the
event that the borrower should pay, within that period of thirty days, to be
computed from the date of the sale, to the partnership, the total amount of
her indebtedness, at such date, with interest due and expenses incurred by
the sale, less the expenses for the cancellation of her shares, such public sale
shall remain invalid, and the representative of the partnership shall execute
the proper deed for the cancellation of the mortgage hereby made, the
expenses for the execution of said deed of cancellafion being on account of
the borrower.
* * * * * * *
"Fifteenth. It is expressly agreed upon that the partnership shall be entitled
to bid in any of the extrajudicial auctions for the sale of the mortgaged
property, which might be held in accordance with the agreement entered into
on this date, and that in the event that the partnership's bid be higher than
any other bid made by any other person, the manager of the partnership may
execute in favor of the partnership, as the agent for the borrower, the
corresponding deed of sale, in the same form and under the same condition
established in clause tenth of the deed."
It will be noted that clause 10 provides that if the indebtedness should fall due "on
account of the failure on the part of the borrower to fulfill any of the obligations
mentioned in clauses second, fourth, fifth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, sixteenth,
seventeenth and twenty-first," that the property may be advertised and sold in the
manner provided in clause 10.

As pointed out by the majority opinion, for a breach of the conditions of the
mortgage, and acting under the "power of sale," the plaintiff advertised the
property for sale and sold it to itself, claiming that it was the highest bidder. The
sale was never confirmed by any court, and under the proceedings, the plaintiff
now claims an absolute title to the property through a deed which it made to itself
thirty days after the sale. The majority opinion points out that like proceedings for
the sale of personal property are valid and sustained by the courts, and that, for
such reasons, similar sales of real property should be sustained.
It will be noted that all of the proceedings here were personally conducted by the
plaintiff, and that, as a result, the property was sold by the plaintiff to the plaintiff
as the highest bidder, and the deed which divests Aniceta Ardosa of her title to the
real property was made by the plaintiff to the plaintiff.

There is a marked legal distinction between the sale of personal property, both
public and private, and the sale of real property. In ordinary business dealings the
title to personal property is passed by delivery, and there is no writing of any kind
between the parties. That is true in daily commercial transactions involving large
amounts of money, and in the ordinary course of business no person holds a
record title to personal property. Conveyances to real property are made by
written instruments duly signed, witnessed and acknowledged. As a general rule
the holder of the record title is the owner of the real property. Personal property is
movable from one place or country to another, and real property is immovable.
Conveyances of real property are made through the forms and solemnities of law,
and, in the ordinary course of business, title to personal property passes by
delivery and without any writing.
We admit that a large majority of the courts have sustained the validity of a
"power of sale," but are not so much concerned with the validity of a "power of
sale" in general as we are with the particular "power of sale" in question. In other
words, where the "power of sale" provides for a reasonable notice of sale and a
reasonable time for redemption, we agree that it is valid and should be sustained.

Our criticism here is directed to the specific power, which is conferred and the
manner in which it was exercised, rather than to a "power of sale" under proper
and reasonable restrictions.
The authorities cited in the majority opinion are largely founded upon a "power of
sale" under a trust deed, as distinguished from a mortgage, or they are in states
and countries where the record title passes by the mortgage itself subject only to
the right of redemption.

There is an important legal distinction between a "power of sale" under a trust

deed and q. "power of sale" under a mortgage, which is clearly defined by the
authorities. Upon that question Words and Phrases, vol. 8, p. 7126, says:

"The chief practical difference between a deed of trust with power of sale and
a plain mortgage is that the deed of trust may be foreclosed according to its
terms by the trustee without authority of court, whereas a simple mortgage
can be foreclosed only under decree of court. (Axman vs. Smith, 57 S. W.,
105, 106; 156 Mo., 286; Cornell vs. Conine-Eaton Lumber Co., 47 Pac, 912,
914; 9 Colo. App., 225.)
" 'Deed of trust' is not synonymous with 'mortgage,' even when used in
reference to security for debt. A deed of trust has no feature in common with
a mortgage, except that it was executed to secure an indebtedness. In a
mortgage there is a right, after condition broken, to foreclose on the part of
the mortgagee, and a right of redemption on the part of the mortgagor. These
two rights are reciprocal. When the one cannot be enforced, the existence of
the other is denied; and, when either is wanting, the instrument, whatever its
resemblance in other respects, is not a mortgage. (Southern Building & Loan
Ass'n. vs. McCants, 25 South., 8, 10; 120 Ala., 616 [quoting Koch vs. Briggs,
14 Cal., 257; 71 Am. Dec., 651].)

"There is a manifest and well-settled distinction between an unconditional

deed of trust and a mortgage or deed of trust in the nature of a mortgage. The
former is an absolute and indefeasible conveyance of the subject-matter
thereof, for the purpose expressed, whereas the latter is conditional and
defeasible. A mortgage is the conveyance of an estate or pledge of property as
security for the payment of money or the performance of some other act, and
conditioned to become void upon such payment or performance. A deed of
trust in the nature of a mortgage is a conveyance in trust by way of security,
subject to a condition of defeasance, or redeemable at any time before the
sale of the property. A deed conveying land to a trustee as mere collateral
security for the payment of a debt, with the condition that it shall become
void on the payment of the debt when due, and with power to the trustee to
sell the land and pay the debt in case of default on the part of the debtor, is a
deed of trust in the nature of a mortgage. By an absolute deed of trust the
grantor parts absolutely with the title, which rests in the grantee
unconditionally for the purpose of the trust. The latter is a conveyance to a
trustee for the purpose of raising a fund to pay debts, while the former is a
conveyance in trust for the purpose of securing a debt, subject to a condition
of defeasance. (Hoffman vs. Mackall, 5 Ohio St., 124, 130 [citing Woodruff
vs. Robb, 19 Ohio, 212, 216; 1 Hill. Mortg., 359].)"

In a trust deed the record title to the property passes through the trust deed from
the grantor to the trustee, and a conveyance by the trustee passes the record title.
In a mortgage the record title remains in the mortgagor, and the title remains in
the mortgagor and cannot be divested without the formalities of a sale. A trustee is
some third person selected and agreed upon by the parties upon account of his
integrity, business reputation and financial standing, and a person who is deemed
fair and impartial, and whose legal duty is alike to protect the mutual interests of
both parties, and who is selected for that reason.
When property is sold under a trust deed, all of the proceedings for the sale are in
the name of the trustee, and when a conveyance is made to the purchaser it is
made by the trustee.

It must be conceded that, under the law of the Philippine Islands, after the
execution of the real mortgage, the record title continues to remain in the
mortgagor and does not become vested in the mortgagee. It must also be
conceded that the instrument in question in the instant case is a real mortgage as
distinguished from a trust deed, and that there is no claim or pretense that it is a
trust deed.
Among other things, clause 10 provides that, when the original debt becomes due
for any one of the specified conditions, and that fact is so declared by the board of
directors, the property may be sold at an extrajudicial sale by the publishing of a
notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Manila for three
consecutive weeks, and, through an irrevocable power of attorney, the mortgagee
is made and appointed the manager of the plaintiff as agent to make the sale, and
execute a deed to the purchaser thirty days after the sale.
Clause 15 provides that the plaintiff may bid at such sale, and in the event it is the
highest bidder, its manager, as agent for the mortgagor, may make the deed of
sale to itself as provided for in clause 10.

In other words, the mortgagor gives the mortgagee an irrevocable power of

attorney to sell the property to itself by the publishing of a notice of sale for three
weeks in the City of Manila, and within thirty days after the sale, the mortgagee, as
agent of the mortgagor, may make a deed to itself of the property. Under such
provisions, it will be noted that the property may be advertised and sold without
notice of any kind to the mortgagor, either real or constructive, except the notice
to be published in a newspaper in the City of Manila, and that thirty days after the
sale, the mortgagee may make a deed to itself of the property.
We vigorously contend that, under the conditions existing in the Philippine
Islands, such provisions are both unfair, unjust and unconscionable, and ought
never to be sanctioned or approved by any court.

Vol. 3, sec. 1771, Jones on Mortgages, says:

"Trustee the agent of both parties. The trustee in a deed of trust is the agent
of both parties, and he should perform his duties with the strictest
impartiality, and look to the interest of both parties; inasmuch as the trustee
acts for both parties, and the law requires of him the utmost good faith and
the strictest impartiality, he should have no personal interest to subserve,
and the beneficiaries should not be relatives or friends whom he might feel
called upon to accommodate. Certainly no one interested in the debt secured,
and no one who is a near relative of the beneficiary, should be a trustee."

With all due respect to the majority opinion, no case is cited, and none will ever be
found, either Spanish, English or American, where any reputable court has ever
sustained the validity of such provisions under the conditions existing here.

As the majority opinion says, the instant case is one of first impression in this
court. Hence, it should be decided on the peculiar local conditions existing in the
Philippine Islands, and this court ought not to be bound by decisions of other
courts, which are not founded upon the same or similar conditions.
Many States have enacted laws against the validity of a "power of sale" under a
mortgage, and others have enacted laws regulating the sale, and defining the
terms and conditions upon which it should be made.

Cyc., vol. 27, p. 1450, says:

"In several of the states the right to exercise a power of sale contained in a
mortgage or deed of trust has been taken away by statutes requiring judicial
proceedings for foreclosure in all cases, or much restricted; and in others,
laws have been passed regulating the exercise of such powers in respect to
the notice to be given, the time and place of sale, and other particulars, which
statutes must of course be fully complied with in order to effect a valid

In many of the States, which uphold the "power of sale" under a mortgage, it will
be found that by such a mortgage, the record title to the land passes ipso facto
from the mortgagor to the mortgagee, subject only to the right of redemption.
Under the mortgage in the instant case, the record title could not pass to the
mortgagee without the formalities of a sale.

The Philippine Islands is a country exclusively of islands, of which there are about
three thousand. They are inhabited by people of different habits and modes of
living, and who use and speak many different dialects and languages, and many of
whom can only speak or write in their own dialect or language, and who know
nothing of either Spanish or English.
The records of this court show, and it is a matter of common knowledge, that a
very large percentage of all written instruments in the Philippine Islands are made
and signed by "thumb prints" by persons who cannot read or write in any
language. In many of such cases, the makers of such instruments do not know or
understand what they are signing. Many of them at one time have owned valuable
lands and property rights, which, through their ignorance and the cunning and
design of the money lender, have been lost by the signing of instruments known as
pacto de retro.

In the interest of justice, this court has many times been called upon to relieve
innocent and ignorant people from the Shylock methods by which they were
induced to sign a pacto de retro, and lost their title to valuable lands.
Even in that kind of an instrument, the time is specified in which the property
may be redeemed, ranging from one to many years. With a "power of sale" under a
mortgage, with the provisions in the instant case, a mortgagor may own land in
one island and live at a long distance in another, and, through some neglect or
default, his land could be sold and a conveyance made and his title lost forever
without his knowledge.

In the instant case the land is situated in the sitios of Agtongtong and Bayabas,
barrio of Tortosa, municipality of Manapla, Province of Occidental Negros, and
the mortgagor resided in lloilo, and after three weeks' notice in a newspaper
published in Manila, the land was sold in Manila.
Of what value is it to a person in a distant island, who does not take a newspaper,
or who cannot read or write, to have a notice of the sale of his or her property
published in a newspaper in the City of Manila?
It is a matter of common knowledge that there are about 11,000,000 people in the
Philippine Islands, and that only about 1 per cent of them take or read a
newspaper of any kind published in any language. Yet, by the majority opinion,
these people, living in distant islands, can be divested of valuable lands and
property rights, through a notice of sale published in a newspaper in the City of
Manila, which they will never see and never read, and of which they never will
have any knowledge.

In the final analysis, whatever injustice there may be in a pacto de retro, it will be
found that the "power of sale," under the provisions of the real mortgage in
question, is far more drastic, summary and unconscionable than a pacto de retro.
The majority opinion says:

"* * * and the conclusion is irresistible that the mortgage containing a power
of sale, to be exercised under reasonable restrictions, is in all respects a less
objectionable form of security than the contract of sale with pacto de retro."

That is true. But the trouble is that the restrictions in the "power of sale" in the
instant case are not reasonable. If they were, we would not be writing this
dissenting opinion.
The "power of sale" in question gives the money lender an unfair and
unconscionable advantage over ignorant and illiterate persons, who do not know
that they have signed an instrument with a "power of sale," who do not realize its
legal force and effect, or what kind of an instrument they have signed, until after
they have lost valuable lands, and it is too late to obtain any relief.

It is contended that a power of sate is a matter of private contract between the

parties, and that the mortgagor has a legal right to make a private contract, and
that he is legally bound by its terms and provisions. Legally speaking, that is true
where the parties know and understand what they are signing, and the legal force
and effect of the contract. The law carries with it and implies that the parties are
on equal footing, know and understand what they are doing. But, here, you are
dealing with a class of people many of whom cannot read or write, who are
ignorant and illiterate of legal forms and technicalities, who speak many different
languages, and who do not know anything about the distinction between a trust
deed and a mortgage, and, yet, they have and own valuable property rights.
Again, the instrument in question nowhere provides for a confirmation of the sale
by the court, and under its terms, the period of redemption from the sale is
limited to thirty days. Under the conditions existing here, that provision is unfair
and unreasonable. It is not only possible, but it is probable, that under the "power
of sale" in a mortgage, valuable lands could be advertised and sold and the title
divested, without any notice to, and without the knowledge of, the mortgagor.
In section 465 of the Code of Civil Procedure, the Legislature has wisely provided
that in a judicial sale "The judgment debtor, or redemptioner, may redeem the
property from the purchaser, at any time within twelve months after the sale, on
paying the purchaser the amount of his purchase, with one per cent per month
interest thereon in addition, up to the time of redemption * * *."

But in the instant case, the power of redemption is limited to thirty days. That is
to say, the Legislature has enacted a law that one year is reasonable time for
redemption, and under the "power of sale" in question, the period of one month is
fixed as a reasonable time.
In "Advertisement of Property to be Sold on Execution," section 454 of the same
Code provides that:

"3. In cases of real property, by posting a similar notice particularly

describing the property, for twenty days in three public places of the
municipality or city where the property is situated, and also where the
property is to be sold, and publishing a copy thereof once a week, for the
same period, in some newspaper published or having general circulation in
the province, if there be one. If there are newspapers published in the
province in both the Spanish and English languages, then a like publication
for a like period shall be made in one newspaper published in the Spanish
language, and in one published in the English language: Provided however,
That such publication in a newspaper will not be required when the assessed
valuation of the property does not exceed four hundred pesos."
Although the Legislature has provided for the posting of notices "in three public
places" of the municipality or city where the property is situated, and also where
the property is to be sold" and the publication of the notice of sale in both Spanish
and English, under the "power of sale" in question the only notice required is the
publication of a notice in a newspaper in the City of Manila. Compare the notice
and formalities required in a judicial sale with the notice of sale to be given under
the "power of sale" in question.

Clause 10 recites that, as a condition precedent, the board of directors shall pass a
resolution declaring the indebtedness due. That is a matter largely in the
discretion of the directors. Here, again, it is not provided that the borrower shall
receive any notice of such action by the board of directors.
If, as Cyc. says in the above quotation, many States in the United States have
found it necessary to enact laws against the validity of a "power of sale" under a
mortgage, and others have enacted laws regulating the sale and defining how it
should be made, how much more forcible is the argument against the validity of
the "power of sale" in question within the Philippine Islands where, as here, the
proceedings are so summary and drastic?

It is a matter of common knowledge in the United States, founded upon the same
basis as here, that more than one hundred per cent of the people read the
newspaper, and the whole country is threaded with railroads, telephone and
telegraph lines, and the people have and use a common language, and the mail
carries letters and newspapers in four days from one side of the continent to the
other, and the whole United States is composed of one contiguous body of land.
Make a contrast between that and the geographical conditions in the Philippine
Islands, and the length of time it requires for a letter to go from one island to
another, and the many different dialects and languages spoken, and the
percentage of people who read the newspaper.

This court is not dealing with conditions that exist in the United States, or in
Great Britain, or in Spain, but it is dealing with the economic and physical
conditions that exist in the Philippine Islands.
In legal effect, the majority opinion sustains the "power of sale" in the mortgage in
question, because it would facilitate the loaning of money in the Philippine
Islands. We concede that, because it gives the money lender an undue and
superior advantage over the borrower, and authorizes him, through drastic and
summary methods, to divest the mortgagor of his title and obtain possession of
his property. Such an argument is one of the strongest reasons why the legality of
such a "power of sale" should not be sustained in the Philippine Islands.

Section 185 of the Corporation Law, under the heading of Building and Loan
Corporations, says:

"Whenever a borrowing stockholder shall be three months in arrears in the

payment of his dues on stock or the interest or premium or installments of
premium on any loan, the whole loan, at the option of the board of directors,
shall become due and payable and the board may proceed by action to
enforce collection upon the securities held by the corporation."

Hence, we have this situation, the plaintiff is a corporation organized under a law
which points out the method which it shall pursue under the statute against a
person who is delinquent in his payments, and it might well be contended that its
powers and duties are confined and limited to its corporate powers denned in the
legislative act by which it is created.

Again, as was done in this case, it enables the mortgagee to purchase and acquire
the land at its own price. With the land in another and distant island and the
property sold without any notice, except the one published in a newspaper, no one
but the mortgagee would have any knowledge of the sale, of the character or the
value of the land. Hence, the mortgagee, as the only bidder, would acquire the
land, as the plaintiff did here, for about thirty-five per cent of its actual value.
But the majority opinion says that the proceedings were founded upon a contract
between the parties, and for such reason they are valid and enforceable. That
would be true if both parties dealt at arm's length, knew and realized what they
were doing and the legal force and effect of the contract.
The harshness of such a proceeding is forcibly illustrated in the instant case. The
original mortgage was executed on the 3d day of October, 1919, was for P10,800,
and the property was advertised and sold in October, 1922, without any actual
notice to the mortgagor, and it was bid in by the plaintiff for P12,445.18.

It is a matter of common knowledge that such loans are made upon about one-
third of the appraised value of the land. Hence, we have this situation. Property,
lying in the Province of Occidental Negros, was advertised for sale only in a
newspaper in Manila and was sold by the plaintiff to the plaintiff, and a deed was
made by the plaintiff to the plaintiff, all without the knowledge of the mortgagor,
and the plaintiff was the only interested person who knew about the sale, and the
lands, which were appraised at over P30,000, were sold for P12,445.18.
In the case of National Bank vs. Manila Oil Refining & By-Products Co. (43 Phil.,
444), it was held by this court that a "judgment note" was void as against public
policy. In that case the parties specifically contracted that upon certain conditions
the holder of the note should have judgment against the maker of the note. Upon
legal principle, that case is in conflict with the majority opinion. Upon the
question of the right of the parties to make a contract ousting the jurisdiction of
the courts, 7 R. C. L., p. 1046, says.

"Ouster of jurisdiction by act of parties. Both in England and the United

States, it has been decided in a great number of cases, and conceded in an
equally large number of other cases, to be settled law that the jurisdiction of
the courts cannot be ousted by the private agreements of individuals made in
advance; that private persons are incompetent to make any such binding
contracts; and that all such contracts are illegal and void as against public
policy. * * * Courts are created by virtue of the constitution, and inhere in our
body politic as a necessary part of our system of government, and it is not
competent for any one, by contract or otherwise, to deprive himself of their
protection. The right to appeal to the courts for the redress of wrongs is one
of those rights which are in their nature under our constitution inalienable
and cannot be thrown off or bartered away."
Assuming that under proper restrictions a "power of sale" is valid, equity and good
conscience require that a "power of sale" should be fair and reasonable, and that
one, which is unconscionable, is null and void as against public policy. Applying
that test here, you have this situation. Aniceta Ardosa was a resident of Iloilo and
owned valuable lands in Occidental Negros upon which she obtained a loan from
the plaintiff for P10,800, and for three years complied with the provisions of the
mortgage. Founded upon a resolution of the board of directors of the plaintiff, of
which it is not claimed that she ever had any notice, the principal debt was
declared due and owing, the property was advertised for a sale for a period of
three weeks in this City of Manila, and sold to the plaintiff for P12,445.18. Thirty
days after the sale, a deed for the land was made from the plaintiff to the plaintiff.

In the opinion of the writer, such a proceeding is unconscionable, and, when

applied to the local and economic conditions existing in the Philippine Islands, is
void as against public policy, and never ought to be sanctioned by any court.

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