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Maximum Marks : 80 Class –VIIIth Time : 3 Hours

I. The question paper is divided into four sections :

SECTION A : Reading 15 MARKS
SECTION B : Writing 15 MARKS
SECTION C : Grammar 20 MARKS
SECTION D : Literature 30 MARKS
II. All questions are compulsory.
III. You may attempt any section at a time.
IV. All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow- [10 Marks]
Many years ago, at the foothills of the Kaatskill (Kat-skill) mountains, was a little village. In the
village lived a simple, good-natured fellow named Rip Van Winkle. He was a kind neighbour,
ready to help anyone. Everyone in the village liked him. The children of the village shouted with joy
whenever they saw him because he played with them, he taught them to fly kites and shoot marbles,
and told them long stories.The only problem with Rip was that he was very lazy. He did no work on his
own farm and just idled away his time. His fences were falling to pieces.
(a) Where was the little village situated? [1]
(b) What kind of a man was Rip? [1]
(c) Why did everyone in the village like him? [1]
(d) Why did the children of the village like him ? [1]
(e) What was the problem with Rip ? [1]
(f) What did he do all day long? [1]
(g) Write the title of the paragraph. [1]
(h) Write the antonyms of - [2]
(i) Little - ________ (ii) Like - ________
(i) Find out a word from the passage which means - [1]
Wasting time ________

2. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it in the context of the
passage. [5 Marks]
A well-dressed young man entered a big textile shop one evening. He was able to draw the attention of
the salesmen who thought him rich and likely to make heavy purchases. He was shown the superior
varieties of suit lengths and sarees. But after casually examining them, he kept moving to the next
section, where readymade goods were being sold and further on to the hosiery section. By then, the
salesmen had begun to doubt his intentions and drew the attention of the manager. The manager
asked him what exactly he wanted and he replied that he wanted courteous treatment. He explained
that he had come to the same shop in casual dress that morning and drawn little attention. His pride
was hurt and he wanted to assert himself. He had come in good dress only to get decent treatment,
not for getting any textiles. He left without making any purchase.

(a) The young man was well-dressed because

(i) it was his habit to dress well
(ii) it was his wedding day
(iii) he wanted to meet the manager of the shop
(iv) he wanted to impress the salesmen

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(b) The salesmen in the shop are described as people who pay attention to
(i) only young men and women
(ii) pretty women
(iii) only rich customers
(iv) regular customers
(c) The young man moved away to the hosiery section because he
(i) was not interested in purchasing anything now
(ii) did not like the readymade clothes
(iii) wanted better clothes
(iv) was restless
(d) The manager asked the young man what he wanted because
(i) he would give him exactly what he was looking for
(ii) the salesman had drawn his attention to the indifferent attitude of the young man
(iii) he thought they could do more business with him that way
(iv) he thought the visitor was dissatisfied
(e) The young man left without making purchases because he
(i) did not have money
(ii) could not find any item of his choice
(iii) had come only to make a point about the indifferent attitude of the salesmen towards casually
dressed customers
(iv) decided to come to make the purchases later on


3. Read the given line and complete the story in 150-200 words. Give a suitable title to your story.
[9 Marks]
Last Sunday, I was watching TV. Suddenly I heard people shouting outside ………..

4. Write a letter to the Editor of 'The Times of India' regarding the frequent traffic jams on the roads of your
city because of poor road conditions. [6 Marks]


5. Fill in the correct form of verb - [6 Marks]

(a) I _____ him last Monday. (Meet)
(b) Susan _____ been _____ for 3 hours. (Work)
(c) I _____ a great film yesterday. (See)
(d) She has _____ her work. (Complete)
(e) People are _____ in temple. (Pray)
(f) She _____ on the ground. (Jump)

6. Passivize the following sentences – [6 Marks]

(a) I am cooking the beans.
(b) Did she find your book?
(c) The teacher had checked the copies.
(d) Please stop the car.
(e) We play football.
(f) What does she say?

7. Fill the correct verb in the given blank according to the subject. [6 Marks]
(a) You and I _______ done this assignment. (has / have)
(b) He along with his parents _______ there. (was / were)
(c) There _______ big mountains. (was / were)
(d) The number of people there _______ not much. (is / are)
(e) Neither they nor that man _______ to park. (go / goes)
(f) One of my friends _______ sick. (are / is)

8. Rearrange the following into meaningful sentences. [2 Marks]

(a) in / we / of / science / the age / live
(b) progressive / Delhi / a / town / is


9. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow - [4 Marks]
'Bepin have you taken to drugs or something? As far as I know ......... you had clean record where such
things were concerned'
(a) In the above lines who is speaking to whom? [2]
(b) Why the speaker is surprised? [1]
(c) Write the name of the author. [1]

10. Answer the following questions in brief. (30-40 words) [10 Marks]
(a) What is the significance of cobra lily in relation to the monsoon season?
(b) What is the scientist's message for the disabled?
(c) How did Jody look after the fawn, after he accepted the responsibility for doing this?
(d) What do the sword, the gold and the smile of the fair lady signify?
(e) What objection did the Kangroo raise?

11. Discuss the common features between the grasshopper and the cricket. [3 Marks]

12. Write the meaning of the following words – [8 Marks]

(a) sleuthing (b) radiance (c) damp (d) enchanted
(e) thicket (f) drongos (g) heralded (h) worsted socks

13. In the chapter 'The Great Stone Face', what was the prophecy? Did it come true? Explain your answer
in 80-100 words. [5 Marks]

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