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PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, THE SECRETARY OF 2-year period to revive it has already lapsed;

JUSTICE, DIRECTOR GENERAL OF THE PHILIPPINE (4) whether there is any justification for the
JOVENCITO ZUO, STATE PROSECUTORS PETER L. ONG filing of the cases beyond the 2-year period;
and RUBEN A. ZACARIAS; 2ND ASSISTANT CITY (5) whether notices to the offended parties
PROSECUTOR CONRADO M. JAMOLIN and CITY were given before the cases of respondent
PROSECUTOR OF QUEZON CITY CLARO Lacson were dismissed by then Judge Agnir;
ARELLANO, petitioners, vs. PANFILO M.
LACSON, respondent.
(6) whether there were affidavits of
RESOLUTION desistance executed by the relatives of the
CALLEJO, SR., J.: three (3) other victims; (7) whether the
Before the Court is the petitioners Motion for multiple murder cases against respondent
Reconsideration of the Resolution dated
[1] [2]
Lacson are being revived within or beyond
May 28, 2002, remanding this case to the the 2-year bar.
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City, The Court further held that the reckoning
Branch 81, for the determination of several date of the two-year bar had to be first
factual issues relative to the application of determined whether it shall be from the date
Section 8 of Rule 117 of the Revised Rules of of the order of then Judge Agnir, Jr.
Criminal Procedure on the dismissal of dismissing the cases, or from the dates of
Criminal Cases Nos. Q-99-81679 to Q-99- receipt thereof by the various offended
81689 filed against the respondent and his parties, or from the date of effectivity of the
co-accused with the said court. In the new rule. According to the Court, if the cases
aforesaid criminal cases, the respondent and were revived only after the two-year bar, the
his co-accused were charged with multiple State must be given the opportunity to justify
murder for the shooting and killing of eleven its failure to comply with the said time-bar. It
male persons identified as Manuel Montero, emphasized that the new rule fixes a time-bar
a former Corporal of the Philippine Army, to penalize the State for its inexcusable delay
Rolando Siplon, Sherwin Abalora, who was 16 in prosecuting cases already filed in
years old, Ray Abalora, who was 19 years old, court. However, the State is not precluded
Joel Amora, Jevy Redillas, Meleubren from presenting compelling reasons to justify
Sorronda, who was 14 years old, Pacifico
the revival of cases beyond the two-year bar.
Montero, Jr., of the 44th Infantry Batallion of In support of their Motion for
the Philippine Army, Welbor Elcamel, SPO1 Reconsideration, the petitioners contend that
Carlito Alap-ap of the Zamboanga PNP, and (a) Section 8, Rule 117 of the Revised Rules of
Alex Neri, former Corporal of the 44th Criminal Procedure is not applicable to
Infantry Batallion of the Philippine Army, Criminal Cases Nos. Q-99-81679 to Q-99-
bandied as members of the Kuratong 81689; and (b) the time-bar in said rule
Baleleng Gang. The respondent opposed should not be applied retroactively.
petitioners motion for reconsideration. [4]
The Court shall resolve the issues seriatim.
The Court ruled in the Resolution sought to I. SECTION 8, RULE 117 OF THE REVISED
be reconsidered that the provisional dismissal RULES OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE IS NOT
of Criminal Cases Nos. Q-99-81679 to Q-99- APPLICABLE TO CRIMINAL CASES NOS. Q-99-
81689 were with the express consent of the 81679 TO Q-99-81689.
respondent as he himself moved for said The petitioners aver that Section 8, Rule 117
provisional dismissal when he filed his motion of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure is
for judicial determination of probable cause not applicable to Criminal Cases Nos. Q-99-
and for examination of witnesses. The Court 81679 to Q-99-81689 because the essential
also held therein that although Section 8, requirements for its application were not
Rule 117 of the Revised Rules of Criminal present when Judge Agnir, Jr., issued his
Procedure could be given retroactive effect, resolution of March 29, 1999. Disagreeing
there is still a need to determine whether the with the ruling of the Court, the petitioners
requirements for its application are maintain that the respondent did not give his
attendant. The trial court was thus directed express consent to the dismissal by Judge
to resolve the following: Agnir, Jr., of Criminal Cases Nos. Q-99-81679
... (1) whether the provisional dismissal of the to Q-99-81689. The respondent allegedly
cases had the express consent of the accused; admitted in his pleadings filed with the Court
(2) whether it was ordered by the court after of Appeals and during the hearing thereat
notice to the offended party; (3) whether the that he did not file any motion to dismiss said
cases, or even agree to a provisional dismissal Section 8, Rule 117 of the Revised Rules of
thereof. Moreover, the heirs of the victims Criminal Procedure reads:
were allegedly not given prior notices of the Sec. 8. Provisional dismissal. A case shall not
dismissal of the said cases by Judge Agnir, be provisionally dismissed except with the
Jr. According to the petitioners, the express consent of the accused and with
respondents express consent to the notice to the offended party.
provisional dismissal of the cases and the The provisional dismissal of offenses
notice to all the heirs of the victims of the punishable by imprisonment not exceeding
respondents motion and the hearing thereon six (6) years or a fine of any amount, or both,
are conditions sine qua non to the application shall become permanent one (1) year after
of the time-bar in the second paragraph of issuance of the order without the case having
the new rule. been revived. With respect to offenses
The petitioners further submit that it is not punishable by imprisonment of more than six
necessary that the case be remanded to the (6) years, their provisional dismissal shall
RTC to determine whether private become permanent two (2) years after
complainants were notified of the March 22, issuance of the order without the case having
1999 hearing on the respondents motion for been revived.
judicial determination of the existence of Having invoked said rule before the
probable cause. The records allegedly petitioners-panel of prosecutors and before
indicate clearly that only the handling city the Court of Appeals, the respondent is
prosecutor was furnished a copy of the notice burdened to establish the essential requisites
of hearing on said motion. There is allegedly of the first paragraph thereof, namely:
no evidence that private prosecutor Atty. 1. the prosecution with the express
Godwin Valdez was properly retained and conformity of the accused or the accused
authorized by all the private complainants to moves for a provisional (sin perjuicio)
represent them at said hearing. It is their dismissal of the case; or both the prosecution
contention that Atty. Valdez merely identified and the accused move for a provisional
the purported affidavits of desistance and dismissal of the case;
that he did not confirm the truth of the 2. the offended party is notified of the
allegations therein. motion for a provisional dismissal of the case;
The respondent, on the other hand, insists 3. the court issues an order granting the
that, as found by the Court in its Resolution motion and dismissing the case provisionally;
and Judge Agnir, Jr. in his resolution, the 4. the public prosecutor is served with a copy
respondent himself moved for the provisional of the order of provisional dismissal of the
dismissal of the criminal cases. He cites the case.
resolution of Judge Agnir, Jr. stating that the The foregoing requirements are
respondent and the other accused filed conditions sine qua non to the application of
separate but identical motions for the the time-bar in the second paragraph of the
dismissal of the criminal cases should the trial new rule. The raison d etre for the
court find no probable cause for the issuance requirement of the express consent of the
of warrants of arrest against them. accused to a provisional dismissal of a
The respondent further asserts that the heirs criminal case is to bar him from subsequently
of the victims, through the public and private asserting that the revival of the criminal case
prosecutors, were duly notified of said will place him in double jeopardy for the
motion and the hearing thereof. He contends same offense or for an offense necessarily
that it was sufficient that the public included therein. [5]

prosecutor was present during the March 22, Although the second paragraph of the new
1999 hearing on the motion for judicial rule states that the order of dismissal shall
determination of the existence of probable become permanent one year after the
cause because criminal actions are always issuance thereof without the case having
prosecuted in the name of the People, and been revived, the provision should be
the private complainants merely prosecute construed to mean that the order of dismissal
the civil aspect thereof. shall become permanent one year after
The Court has reviewed the records and has service of the order of dismissal on the public
found the contention of the petitioners prosecutor who has control of the
meritorious. prosecution without the criminal case having
been revived. The public prosecutor cannot charge has been upgraded; or if under a new
be expected to comply with the timeline criminal complaint, the criminal liability of
unless he is served with a copy of the order of the accused is upgraded from that as an
dismissal. accessory to that as a principal. The accused
Express consent to a provisional dismissal is must be accorded the right to submit
given either viva voce or in writing. It is a counter-affidavits and evidence. After all, the
positive, direct, unequivocal consent fiscal is not called by the Rules of Court to
requiring no inference or implication to wait in ambush; the role of a fiscal is not
supply its meaning. Where the accused
mainly to prosecute but essentially to do
writes on the motion of a prosecutor for a justice to every man and to assist the court in
provisional dismissal of the case No dispensing that justice. [16]

objection or With my conformity, the writing In this case, the respondent has failed to
amounts to express consent of the accused to prove that the first and second requisites of
a provisional dismissal of the case. The mere [8]
the first paragraph of the new rule were
inaction or silence of the accused to a motion present when Judge Agnir, Jr. dismissed
for a provisional dismissal of the case or his [9]
Criminal Cases Nos. Q-99-81679 to Q-99-
failure to object to a provisional 81689. Irrefragably, the prosecution did not
dismissal does not amount to express
file any motion for the provisional dismissal
consent. of the said criminal cases. For his part, the
A motion of the accused for a provisional respondent merely filed a motion for judicial
dismissal of a case is an express consent to determination of probable cause and for
such provisional dismissal. If a criminal case
examination of prosecution witnesses
is provisionally dismissed with the express alleging that under Article III, Section 2 of the
consent of the accused, the case may be Constitution and the decision of this Court
revived only within the periods provided in in Allado v. Diokno, among other cases,

the new rule. On the other hand, if a criminal there was a need for the trial court to
case is provisionally dismissed without the conduct a personal determination of
express consent of the accused or over his probable cause for the issuance of a warrant
objection, the new rule would not apply. The of arrest against respondent and to have the
case may be revived or refiled even beyond prosecutions witnesses summoned before
the prescribed periods subject to the right of the court for its examination. The respondent
the accused to oppose the same on the contended therein that until after the trial
ground of double jeopardy or that such [12]
court shall have personally determined the
revival or refiling is barred by the statute of presence of probable cause, no warrant of
limitations. [13]
arrest should be issued against the
The case may be revived by the State within respondent and if one had already been
the time-bar either by the refiling of the issued, the warrant should be recalled by the
Information or by the filing of a new trial court. He then prayed therein that:
Information for the same offense or an 1) a judicial determination of probable cause
offense necessarily included therein. There pursuant to Section 2, Article III of the
would be no need of a new preliminary Constitution be conducted by this Honorable
investigation. However, in a case wherein
Court, and for this purpose, an order be
after the provisional dismissal of a criminal issued directing the prosecution to present
case, the original witnesses of the the private complainants and their witnesses
prosecution or some of them may have at a hearing scheduled therefor; and
recanted their testimonies or may have died 2) warrants for the arrest of the accused-
or may no longer be available and new movants be withheld, or, if issued, recalled in
witnesses for the State have emerged, a new the meantime until the resolution of this
preliminary investigation must be [15]
conducted before an Information is refiled or Other equitable reliefs are also prayed for. [18]

a new Information is filed. A new preliminary The respondent did not pray for the
investigation is also required if aside from the dismissal, provisional or otherwise, of
original accused, other persons are charged Criminal Cases Nos. Q-99-81679 to Q-99-
under a new criminal complaint for the same 81689. Neither did he ever agree, impliedly or
offense or necessarily included therein; or if expressly, to a mere provisional dismissal of
under a new criminal complaint, the original the cases. In fact, in his reply filed with the
Court of Appeals, respondent emphasized the implications of a provisional dismissal. Pumapayag
that: ka ba dito. Puwede bang pumirma ka?
... An examination of the Motion for Judicial You were present during the proceedings?
Determination of Probable Cause and for ATTY. FORTUN:
Examination of Prosecution Witnesses filed Yes, Your Honor.
by the petitioner and his other co-accused in JUSTICE ROSARIO:
You represented the petitioner in this case?
the said criminal cases would show that the ATTY. FORTUN:
petitioner did not pray for the dismissal of That is correct, Your Honor. And there was nothing of
the case. On the contrary, the reliefs prayed that sort which the good Judge Agnir, who is most
for therein by the petitioner are: (1) a judicial knowledgeable in criminal law, had done in respect of
provisional dismissal or the matter of Mr. Lacson
determination of probable cause pursuant to
agreeing to the provisional dismissal of the case.
Section 2, Article III of the Constitution; and JUSTICE GUERRERO:
(2) that warrants for the arrest of the accused Now, you filed a motion, the other accused then filed a
be withheld, or if issued, recalled in the motion for a judicial determination of probable cause?
meantime until the resolution of the ATTY. FORTUN:
Yes, Your Honor.
motion. It cannot be said, therefore, that the JUSTICE GUERRERO:
dismissal of the case was made with the Did you make any alternative prayer in your motion that
consent of the petitioner. A copy of the if there is no probable cause what should the Court do?
aforesaid motion is hereto attached and ATTY. FORTUN:
That the arrest warrants only be withheld. That was the
made integral part hereof as Annex A. [19]
only prayer that we asked. In fact, I have a copy of that
During the hearing in the Court of Appeals on particular motion, and if I may read my prayer before
July 31, 2001, the respondent, through the Court, it said: Wherefore, it is respectfully prayed
counsel, categorically, unequivocally, and that (1) a judicial determination of probable cause
pursuant to Section 2, Article III of the Constitution be
definitely declared that he did not file any
conducted, and for this purpose, an order be issued
motion to dismiss the criminal cases nor did directing the prosecution to present the private
he agree to a provisional dismissal thereof, complainants and their witnesses at the scheduled
thus: hearing for that purpose; and (2) the warrants for the
JUSTICE SALONGA: arrest of the accused be withheld, or, if issued, recalled
And it is your stand that the dismissal made by the in the meantime until resolution of this incident.
Court was provisional in nature? JUSTICE GUERRERO:
ATTY. FORTUN: There is no general prayer for any further relief?
It was in (sic) that the accused did not ask for it. What ATTY. FORTUN:
they wanted at the onset was simply a judicial There is but it simply says other equitable reliefs are
determination of probable cause for warrants of arrest prayed for.
issued. Then Judge Agnir, upon the presentation by the JUSTICE GUERRERO:
parties of their witnesses, particularly those who had Dont you surmise Judge Agnir, now a member of this
withdrawn their affidavits, made one further conclusion Court, precisely addressed your prayer for just and
that not only was this case lacking in probable cause for equitable relief to dismiss the case because what would
purposes of the issuance of an arrest warrant but also it be the net effect of a situation where there is no
did not justify proceeding to trial. warrant of arrest being issued without dismissing the
And it is expressly provided under Section 8 that a case ATTY. FORTUN:
shall not be provisionally dismissed except when it is Yes, Your Honor. I will not second say (sic) yes the Good
with the express conformity of the accused. Justice, but what is plain is we did not agree to the
ATTY. FORTUN: provisional dismissal, neither were we asked to sign any
That is correct, Your Honor. assent to the provisional dismissal.
And with notice to the offended party. If you did not agree to the provisional dismissal did you
ATTY. FORTUN: not file any motion for reconsideration of the order of
That is correct, Your Honor. Judge Agnir that the case should be dismissed?
Was there an express conformity on the part of the I did not, Your Honor, because I knew fully well at that
accused? time that my client had already been arraigned, and the
ATTY. FORTUN: arraignment was valid as far as I was concerned. So, the
There was none, Your Honor. We were not asked to sign dismissal, Your Honor, by Judge Agnir operated to
any order, or any statement, which would normally be benefit me, and therefore I did not take any further step
required by the Court on pre-trial or on other matters, in addition to rocking the boat or clarifying the matter
including other provisional dismissal. My very limited further because it probably could prejudice the interest
practice in criminal courts, Your Honor, had taught me of my client.
that a judge must be very careful on this matter of JUSTICE GUERRERO:
provisional dismissal. In fact they ask the accused to Continue.[20]
come forward, and the judge himself or herself explains In his memorandum in lieu of the oral
argument filed with the Court of Appeals, the
respondent declared in no uncertain terms the prosecution and the accused for the
that: provisional dismissal of a criminal case
Soon thereafter, the SC in early 1999 thereby depriving the State of its right to due
rendered a decision declaring the process; (b) attempts to make witnesses
Sandiganbayan without jurisdiction over the unavailable; or (c) the provisional dismissal of
cases. The records were remanded to the QC the case with the consequent release of the
RTC: Upon raffle, the case was assigned to accused from detention would enable him to
Branch 81. Petitioner and the others threaten and kill the offended party or the
promptly filed a motion for judicial other prosecution witnesses or flee from
determination of probable cause (Annex Philippine jurisdiction, provide opportunity
B). He asked that warrants for his arrest not for the destruction or loss of the prosecutions
be issued. He did not move for the dismissal physical and other evidence and prejudice
of the Informations, contrary to respondent the rights of the offended party to recover on
OSGs claim. [21]
the civil liability of the accused by his
The respondents admissions made in the concealment or furtive disposition of his
course of the proceedings in the Court of property or the consequent lifting of the writ
Appeals are binding and conclusive on of preliminary attachment against his
him. The respondent is barred from property.
repudiating his admissions absent evidence of In the case at bar, even if the respondents
palpable mistake in making such motion for a determination of probable cause
and examination of witnesses may be
To apply the new rule in Criminal Cases Nos. considered for the nonce as his motion for a
Q-99-81679 to Q-99-81689 would be to add provisional dismissal of Criminal Cases Nos.
to or make exceptions from the new rule Q-99-81679 to Q-99-81689, however, the
which are not expressly or impliedly included heirs of the victims were not notified thereof
therein.This the Court cannot and should not prior to the hearing on said motion on March
22, 1999. It must be stressed that the
The Court also agrees with the petitioners respondent filed his motion only on March
contention that no notice of any motion for 17, 1999 and set it for hearing on March 22,
the provisional dismissal of Criminal Cases 1999 or barely five days from the filing
Nos. Q-99-81679 to Q-99-81689 or of the thereof. Although the public prosecutor was
hearing thereon was served on the heirs of served with a copy of the motion, the records
the victims at least three days before said do not show that notices thereof were
hearing as mandated by Rule 15, Section 4 of separately given to the heirs of the victims or
the Rules of Court. It must be borne in mind that subpoenae were issued to and received
that in crimes involving private interests, the by them, including those who executed their
new rule requires that the offended party or affidavits of desistance who were residents of
parties or the heirs of the victims must be Dipolog City or Pian, Zamboanga del Norte or
given adequate a priori notice of any motion Palompon, Leyte. There is as well no proof

for the provisional dismissal of the criminal in the records that the public prosecutor
case. Such notice may be served on the notified the heirs of the victims of said
offended party or the heirs of the victim motion or of the hearing thereof on March
through the private prosecutor, if there is 22, 1999. Although Atty. Valdez entered his
one, or through the public prosecutor who in appearance as private prosecutor, he did so

turn must relay the notice to the offended only for some but not all the close kins of the
party or the heirs of the victim to enable victims, namely, Nenita Alap-ap, Imelda
them to confer with him before the hearing Montero, Margarita Redillas, Rufino Siplon,
or appear in court during the hearing. The Carmelita Elcamel, Myrna Abalora, and
proof of such service must be shown during Leonora Amora who (except for Rufino
the hearing on the motion, otherwise, the Siplon) executed their respective affidavits

requirement of the new rule will become of desistance. There was no appearance for

illusory. Such notice will enable the offended the heirs of Alex Neri, Pacifico Montero, Jr.,
party or the heirs of the victim the and Meleubren Sorronda. There is no proof
opportunity to seasonably and effectively on record that all the heirs of the victims
comment on or object to the motion on valid were served with copies of the resolution of
grounds, including: (a) the collusion between Judge Agnir, Jr. dismissing the said cases. In
fine, there never was any attempt on the part multiple murder under Article 90 of the
of the trial court, the public prosecutor Revised Penal Code was considerably and
and/or the private prosecutor to notify all the arbitrarily reduced. They submit that in case
heirs of the victims of the respondents of conflict between the Revised Penal Code
motion and the hearing thereon and of the and the new rule, the former should
resolution of Judge Agnir, Jr. dismissing said prevail. They also insist that the State had
cases. The said heirs were thus deprived of consistently relied on the prescriptive periods
their right to be heard on the respondents under Article 90 of the Revised Penal Code. It
motion and to protect their interests either in was not accorded a fair warning that it would
the trial court or in the appellate court. forever be barred beyond the two-year
Since the conditions sine qua non for the period by a retroactive application of the new
application of the new rule were not present rule. Petitioners thus pray to the Court to

when Judge Agnir, Jr. issued his resolution, set aside its Resolution of May 28, 2002.
the State is not barred by the time limit set For his part, the respondent asserts that the
forth in the second paragraph of Section 8 of new rule under Section 8 of Rule 117 of the
Rule 117 of the Revised Rules of Criminal Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure may be
Procedure. The State can thus revive or refile applied retroactively since there is no
Criminal Cases Nos. Q-99-81679 to Q-99- substantive right of the State that may be
81689 or file new Informations for multiple impaired by its application to the criminal
murder against the respondent. cases in question since [t]he States witnesses
II. THE TIME-BAR IN SECTION 8, RULE 117 OF were ready, willing and able to provide their
THE REVISED RULES OF CRIMINAL testimony but the prosecution failed to act on
PROCEDURE SHOULD NOT BE APPLIED these cases until it became politically
RETROACTIVELY. expedient in April 2001 for them to do
The petitioners contend that even on the so. According to the respondent, penal laws,

assumption that the respondent expressly either procedural or substantive, may be

consented to a provisional dismissal of retroactively applied so long as they favor the
Criminal Cases Nos. Q-99-81679 to Q-99- accused. He asserts that the two-year

81689 and all the heirs of the victims were period commenced to run on March 29, 1999
notified of the respondents motion before and lapsed two years thereafter was more
the hearing thereon and were served with than reasonable opportunity for the State to
copies of the resolution of Judge Agnir, Jr. fairly indict him. In any event, the State is

dismissing the eleven cases, the two-year bar given the right under the Courts assailed
in Section 8 of Rule 117 of the Revised Rules Resolution to justify the filing of the
of Criminal Procedure should be applied Information in Criminal Cases Nos. 01-101102
prospectively and not retroactively against to 01-101112 beyond the time-bar under the
the State. To apply the time limit new rule.
retroactively to the criminal cases against the The respondent insists that Section 8 of Rule
respondent and his co-accused would violate 117 of the Revised Rules of Criminal
the right of the People to due process, and Procedure does not broaden the substantive
unduly impair, reduce, and diminish the right of double jeopardy to the prejudice of
States substantive right to prosecute the the State because the prohibition against the
accused for multiple murder. They posit that revival of the cases within the one-year or
under Article 90 of the Revised Penal Code, two-year periods provided therein is a legal
the State had twenty years within which to concept distinct from the prohibition against
file the criminal complaints against the the revival of a provisionally dismissed case
accused. However, under the new rule, the within the periods stated in Section 8 of Rule
State only had two years from notice of the 117. Moreover, he claims that the effects of a
public prosecutor of the order of dismissal of provisional dismissal under said rule do not
Criminal Cases Nos. Q-99-81679 to Q-99- modify or negate the operation of the
81689 within which to revive the said prescriptive period under Article 90 of the
cases. When the new rule took effect on Revised Penal Code. Prescription under the
December 1, 2000, the State only had one Revised Penal Code simply becomes
year and three months within which to revive irrelevant upon the application of Section 8,
the cases or refile the Informations. The Rule 117 because a complaint or information
period for the State to charge respondent for has already been filed against the accused,
which filing tolls the running of the new rule, the effect is basically the same. As
prescriptive period under Article 90. [32]
the State Supreme Court of Illinois held:
The Court agrees with the respondent that This, in effect, enacts that when the specified
the new rule is not a statute of period shall have arrived, the right of the
limitations. Statutes of limitations are state to prosecute shall be gone, and the
construed as acts of grace, and a surrender liability of the offender to be punishedto be
by the sovereign of its right to prosecute or of deprived of his libertyshall cease. Its terms
its right to prosecute at its discretion. Such not only strike down the right of action which
statutes are considered as equivalent to acts the state had acquired by the offense, but
of amnesty founded on the liberal theory that also remove the flaw which the crime had
prosecutions should not be allowed to created in the offenders title to liberty. In this
ferment endlessly in the files of the respect, its language goes deeper than
government to explode only after witnesses statutes barring civil remedies usually
and proofs necessary for the protection of do. They expressly take away only the
the accused have by sheer lapse of time remedy by suit, and that inferentially is held
passed beyond availability. The periods
to abate the right which such remedy would
fixed under such statutes are jurisdictional enforce, and perfect the title which such
and are essential elements of the offenses remedy would invade; but this statute is
covered. [34]
aimed directly at the very right which the
On the other hand, the time-bar under state has against the offenderthe right to
Section 8 of Rule 117 is akin to a special punish, as the only liability which the
procedural limitation qualifying the right of offender has incurred, and declares that this
the State to prosecute making the time-bar right and this liability are at an end.[41]

an essence of the given right or as an The Court agrees with the respondent that
inherent part thereof, so that the lapse of the procedural laws may be applied
time-bar operates to extinguish the right of retroactively. As applied to criminal law,
the State to prosecute the accused. [35]
procedural law provides or regulates the
The time-bar under the new rule does not steps by which one who has committed a
reduce the periods under Article 90 of the crime is to be punished. In Tan, Jr. v. Court
Revised Penal Code, a substantive law. It is [36]
of Appeals, this Court held that:

but a limitation of the right of the State to Statutes regulating the procedure of the
revive a criminal case against the accused courts will be construed as applicable to
after the Information had been filed but actions pending and undetermined at the
subsequently provisionally dismissed with the time of their passage. Procedural laws are
express consent of the accused. Upon the retroactive in that sense and to that
lapse of the timeline under the new rule, the extent.The fact that procedural statutes may
State is presumed, albeit disputably, to have somehow affect the litigants rights may not
abandoned or waived its right to revive the preclude their retroactive application to
case and prosecute the accused. The pending actions. The retroactive application
dismissal becomes ipso factopermanent. He of procedural laws is not violative of any right
can no longer be charged anew for the same of a person who may feel that he is adversely
crime or another crime necessarily included affected. Nor is the retroactive application of
therein. He is spared from the anguish and
procedural statutes constitutionally
anxiety as well as the expenses in any new objectionable. The reason is that as a general
indictments. The State may revive a criminal
rule no vested right may attach to, nor arise
case beyond the one-year or two-year from, procedural laws. It has been held that a
periods provided that there is a justifiable person has no vested right in any particular
necessity for the delay. By the same token,
remedy, and a litigant cannot insist on the
if a criminal case is dismissed on motion of application to the trial of his case, whether
the accused because the trial is not civil or criminal, of any other than the existing
concluded within the period therefor, the rules of procedure.
prescriptive periods under the Revised Penal It further ruled therein that a procedural law
Code are not thereby diminished. But [40]
may not be applied retroactively if to do so
whether or not the prosecution of the would work injustice or would involve
accused is barred by the statute of limitations intricate problems of due process or impair
or by the lapse of the time-line under the the independence of the Court. In a per
curiam decision in Cipriano v. City of priori notice to the offended party. The time-
Houma, the United States Supreme Court
bar may appear, on first impression,
ruled that where a decision of the court unreasonable compared to the periods under
would produce substantial inequitable results Article 90 of the Revised Penal
if applied retroactively, there is ample basis Code. However, in fixing the time-bar, the
for avoiding the injustice of hardship by a Court balanced the societal interests and
holding of nonretroactivity. A construction
those of the accused for the orderly and
of which a statute is fairly susceptible is speedy disposition of criminal cases with
favored, which will avoid all objectionable, minimum prejudice to the State and the
mischievous, indefensible, wrongful, and accused. It took into account the substantial
injurious consequences. This Court should
rights of both the State and of the accused to
not adopt an interpretation of a statute due process. The Court believed that the time
which produces absurd, unreasonable, limit is a reasonable period for the State to
unjust, or oppressive results if such revive provisionally dismissed cases with the
interpretation could be avoided. Time and
consent of the accused and notice to the
again, this Court has decreed that statutes offended parties. The time-bar fixed by the
are to be construed in light of the purposes to Court must be respected unless it is shown
be achieved and the evils sought to be that the period is manifestly short or
remedied. In construing a statute, the reason insufficient that the rule becomes a denial of
for the enactment should be kept in mind and justice. The petitioners failed to show a

the statute should be construed with manifest shortness or insufficiency of the

reference to the intended scope and time-bar.
purpose. [47]
The new rule was conceptualized by the
Remedial legislation, or procedural rule, or Committee on the Revision of the Rules and
doctrine of the Court designed to enhance approved by the Court en banc primarily to
and implement the constitutional rights of enhance the administration of the criminal
parties in criminal proceedings may be justice system and the rights to due process
applied retroactively or prospectively of the State and the accused by eliminating
depending upon several factors, such as the the deleterious practice of trial courts of
history of the new rule, its purpose and provisionally dismissing criminal cases on
effect, and whether the retrospective motion of either the prosecution or the
application will further its operation, the accused or jointly, either with no time-bar for
particular conduct sought to be remedied and the revival thereof or with a specific or
the effect thereon in the administration of definite period for such revival by the public
justice and of criminal laws in particular. In
prosecutor. There were times when such
a per curiam decision in Stefano v. criminal cases were no longer revived or
Woods, the United States Supreme Court
refiled due to causes beyond the control of
catalogued the factors in determining the public prosecutor or because of the
whether a new rule or doctrine enunciated by indolence, apathy or the lackadaisical
the High Court should be given retrospective attitude of public prosecutors to the
or prospective effect: prejudice of the State and the accused
(a) the purpose to be served by the new despite the mandate to public prosecutors
standards, (b) the extent of the reliance by and trial judges to expedite criminal
law enforcement authorities on the old proceedings. [51]

standards, and (c) the effect on the It is almost a universal experience that the
administration of justice of a retroactive accused welcomes delay as it usually
application of the new standards. operates in his favor, especially if he greatly

In this case, the Court agrees with the fears the consequences of his trial and
petitioners that the time-bar of two years conviction. He is hesitant to disturb the
under the new rule should not be applied hushed inaction by which dominant cases
retroactively against the State. have been known to expire. [53]

In the new rule in question, as now construed The inordinate delay in the revival or refiling
by the Court, it has fixed a time-bar of one of criminal cases may impair or reduce the
year or two years for the revival of criminal capacity of the State to prove its case with
cases provisionally dismissed with the express the disappearance or nonavailability of its
consent of the accused and with a witnesses.Physical evidence may have been
lost. Memories of witnesses may have grown bar and thus prevent injustice to the State
dim or have faded. Passage of time makes and avoid absurd, unreasonable, oppressive,
proof of any fact more difficult. The accused
injurious, and wrongful results in the
may become a fugitive from justice or administration of justice.
commit another crime. The longer the lapse The period from April 1, 1999 to November
of time from the dismissal of the case to the 30, 1999 should be excluded in the
revival thereof, the more difficult it is to computation of the two-year period because
prove the crime. the rule prescribing it was not yet in effect at
On the other side of the fulcrum, a mere the time and the State could not be expected
provisional dismissal of a criminal case does to comply with the time-bar. It cannot even
not terminate a criminal case. The possibility be argued that the State waived its right to
that the case may be revived at any time may revive the criminal cases against respondent
disrupt or reduce, if not derail, the chances of or that it was negligent for not reviving them
the accused for employment, curtail his within the two-year period under the new
association, subject him to public obloquy rule. As the United States Supreme Court
and create anxiety in him and his family. He is said, per Justice Felix Frankfurter, in Griffin v.
unable to lead a normal life because of People: [57]

community suspicion and his own anxiety. He We should not indulge in the fiction that the
continues to suffer those penalties and law now announced has always been the law
disabilities incompatible with the and, therefore, that those who did not avail
presumption of innocence. He may also lose
themselves of it waived their rights .
his witnesses or their memories may fade The two-year period fixed in the new rule is
with the passage of time. In the long run, it for the benefit of both the State and the
may diminish his capacity to defend himself accused. It should not be emasculated and
and thus eschew the fairness of the entire reduced by an inordinate retroactive
criminal justice system.[56]
application of the time-bar therein provided
The time-bar under the new rule was fixed by merely to benefit the accused. For to do so
the Court to excise the malaise that plagued would cause an injustice of hardship to the
the administration of the criminal justice State and adversely affect the administration
system for the benefit of the State and the of justice in general and of criminal laws in
accused; not for the accused only. particular.
The Court agrees with the petitioners that to To require the State to give a valid
apply the time-bar retroactively so that the justification as a condition sine qua non to
two-year period commenced to run on March the revival of a case provisionally dismissed
31, 1999 when the public prosecutor received with the express consent of the accused
his copy of the resolution of Judge Agnir, Jr. before the effective date of the new rule is to
dismissing the criminal cases is inconsistent assume that the State is obliged to comply
with the intendment of the new rule. Instead with the time-bar under the new rule before
of giving the State two years to revive it took effect. This would be a rank denial of
provisionally dismissed cases, the State had justice. The State must be given a period of
considerably less than two years to do one year or two years as the case may be
so. Thus, Judge Agnir, Jr. dismissed Criminal from December 1, 2000 to revive the criminal
Cases Nos. Q-99-81679 to Q-99-81689 on case without requiring the State to make a
March 29, 1999. The new rule took effect on valid justification for not reviving the case
December 1, 2000. If the Court applied the before the effective date of the new
new time-bar retroactively, the State would rule. Although in criminal cases, the accused
have only one year and three months or until is entitled to justice and fairness, so is the
March 31, 2001 within which to revive these State. As the United States Supreme Court
criminal cases. The period is short of the two- said, per Mr. Justice Benjamin Cardozo,
year period fixed under the new rule. On the in Snyder v. State of Massachussetts, the

other hand, if the time limit is applied concept of fairness must not be strained till it
prospectively, the State would have two is narrowed to a filament. We are to keep the
years from December 1, 2000 or until balance true. In Dimatulac v. Villon, this

December 1, 2002 within which to revive the Court emphasized that the judges action
cases. This is in consonance with the must not impair the substantial rights of the
intendment of the new rule in fixing the time- accused nor the right of the State and
offended party to due process of law. This does not have retroactive effect. Neither
Court further said: may it be used to modify final judgments of
Indeed, for justice to prevail, the scales must conviction.
balance; justice is not to be dispensed for the The Case
accused alone. The interests of society and Before us is a Petition for Review[1] under
the offended parties which have been Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, assailing
wronged must be equally considered. Verily, the October 10, 2001[2] and the October
11, 2001[3] Orders of the Regional Trial
a verdict of conviction is not necessarily a
Court (RTC) (Branch 5), Baguio
denial of justice; and an acquittal is not
City.[4] The October 10, 2001 Order
necessarily a triumph of justice, for, to the released Respondent Fernando L.
society offended and the party wronged, it Dimagiba from confinement and required
could also mean injustice. Justice then must him to pay a fine of P100,000 in lieu of
be rendered even-handedly to both the imprisonment. The October 11, 2001
accused, on one hand, and the State and Order disposed as follows:
offended party, on the other. WHEREFORE, [in] applying the doctrine as
In this case, the eleven Informations in held in the above-entitled cases in this case,
Criminal Cases Nos. 01-101102 to 01-101112 the instant petition for Habeas Corpus should
were filed with the Regional Trial Court on be, as it is hereby, GRANTED. The Baguio City
June 6, 2001 well within the two-year period. Jail Warden is hereby ordered to
In sum, this Court finds the motion for IMMEDIATELY RELEASE the petitioner from
reconsideration of petitioners meritorious. confinement unless he is being held for some
IN THE LIGHT OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the other lawful cause other than by virtue of the
petitioners Motion for Reconsideration is Sentence Mittimus dated September 28,
GRANTED. The Resolution of this Court, dated 2001 issued by CESAR S. VIDUYA, Clerk of
May 28, 2002, is SET ASIDE. The Decision of Court, MTC 4, Baguio City. Further, the
the Court of Appeals, dated August 24, 2001, petitioner is required to pay a fine in the
in CA-G.R. SP No. 65034 is REVERSED. The amount of P100,000.00 in lieu of his
Petition of the Respondent with the Regional imprisonment, in addition to the civil aspect
Trial Court in Civil Case No. 01-100933 is of the Joint Judgment rendered by MTC 4
DISMISSED for being moot and academic. The dated July 16, 1999.[5]
Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch The Facts
81, is DIRECTED to forthwith proceed with The pertinent facts are not disputed.
Criminal Cases Nos. 01-101102 to 01-101112 Respondent Fernando L. Dimagiba
with deliberate dispatch. issued to Petitioner Susan Go thirteen
No pronouncements as to costs. (13) checks which, when presented to the
SO ORDERED. drawee bank for encashment or payment
on the due dates, were dishonored for the
SUSAN GO and the PEOPLE OF THE reason account closed.[6] Dimagiba was
PHILIPPINES, petitioners, vs. subsequently prosecuted for 13 counts of
FERNANDO L. violation of BP 22[7] under separate
DIMAGIBA, respondent. Complaints filed with the Municipal Trial
DECISION Court in Cities (MTCC) in Baguio
PANGANIBAN, J.: City.[8] After a joint trial, the MTCC
Administrative Circular 12-2000, as (Branch 4) rendered a Decision on July
clarified by Administrative Circular 13- 16, 1999, convicting the accused in the 13
2001, merely establishes a rule of cases. The dispositive portion reads as
preference in imposing penalties for follows:
violations of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22 (BP WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing
22), the Bouncing Checks Law. When the disquisition, this Court finds the evidence of
circumstances of both the offense and the the prosecution to have established the guilt
offender indicate good faith or a clear of the accused beyond reasonable doubt of
mistake of fact without taint of negligence, the offenses charged and imposes upon the
the imposition of a fine alone -- instead of accused the penalty of 3 months
imprisonment -- is the preferred penalty. imprisonment for each count (13 counts) and
As the Circular requires a review of the to indemnify the offended party the amount
factual circumstances of a given case, it
of One Million Two Hundred Ninety Five
applies only to pending or future
Thousand Pesos (P1,295,000.00) with legal
litigations. It is not a penal law; hence, it
interest per annum commencing from 1996 Administrative Circular (SC-AC) No. 12-
after the checks were dishonored by reason 2000,[22] which allegedly required the
ACCOUNT CLOSED on December 13, 1995, to imposition of a fine only instead of
pay attorneys fees of P15,000.00 and to pay imprisonment also for BP 22 violations, if
the costs.[9] the accused was not a recidivist or a
The appeal of Dimagiba was raffled to habitual delinquent. The RTC held that
Branch 4 of the RTC in Baguio City.[10] On this rule should be retroactively applied in
May 23, 2000, the RTC denied the appeal favor of Dimagiba.[23] It further noted that
and sustained his conviction.[11] There (1) he was a first-time offender and an
being no further appeal to the Court of employer of at least 200 workers who
Appeals (CA), the RTC issued on would be displaced as a result of his
February 1, 2001, a Certificate of Finality imprisonment; and (2) the civil liability had
of the Decision.[12] already been satisfied through the levy of
Thus, on February 14, 2001, the MTCC his properties.[24]
issued an Order directing the arrest of On October 22, 2001, Petitioner Go filed a
Dimagiba for the service of his sentence Motion for Reconsideration of the RTC
as a result of his conviction. The trial court Orders dated October 10 and 11,
also issued a Writ of Execution to enforce 2001.[25] That Motion was denied on
his civil liability.[13] January 18, 2002.[26]
On February 27, 2001, Dimagiba filed a Hence, this Petition filed directly with this
Motion for Reconsideration of the MTCC Court on pure questions of law.[27]
Order. He prayed for the recall of the The Issues
Order of Arrest and the modification of the Petitioner raises the following issues for
final Decision, arguing that the penalty of this Courts consideration:
fine only, instead of imprisonment also, 1. [The RTC] Judge was utterly devoid of
should have been imposed on him.[14] The jurisdiction in amending a final and conclusive
arguments raised in that Motion were decision of the Municipal Trial Court, Branch
reiterated in a Motion for the Partial 4, dated July 16, 1999, in nullifying the
Quashal of the Writ of Execution filed on Sentence Mittimus, dated September 28,
February 28, 2001.[15] 2001, issued by x x x [the] Municipal Trial
In an Order dated August 22, 2001, the Court, Branch 4, Baguio City, and in ordering
MTCC denied the Motion for the release of [Dimagiba] from confinement
Reconsideration and directed the in jail for the service of his sentence under
issuance of a Warrant of Arrest against the said final and conclusive judgment;
Dimagiba.[16] On September 28, 2001, he 2. Assuming only for the sake of argument
was arrested and imprisoned for the that habeas corpus is the proper remedy, the
service of his sentence.
Petition for Habeas Corpus is utterly devoid
On October 9, 2001, he filed with the RTC
of merit as [Dimagiba was] not entitled to the
of Baguio City a Petition[17] for a writ of
habeas corpus. The case was raffled to beneficent policy enunciated in the Eduardo
Branch 5, which scheduled the hearing for Vaca and Rosa Lim cases and reiterated in the
October 10, 2001. Copies of the Order Supreme Court Circular No. 12-2000; x x x
were served on respondents counsels 3. Granting for the sake of argument that
and the city warden.[18] [Dimagiba was] entitled to the beneficent
Ruling of the Regional Trial Court policy enunciated in the Eduardo
Right after hearing the case on October Vaca and Rosa Lim cases and reiterated in the
10, 2001, the RTC issued an Order Supreme Court Circular No. 12-2000, the
directing the immediate release of minimum fine that should be imposed on
Dimagiba from confinement and requiring [Dimagiba] is one million and two hundred
him to pay a fine of P100,000 in lieu of ninety five thousand pesos (P1,295,000.00)
imprisonment. However, the civil aspect up to double the said amount or
of the July 16, 1999 MTCC Decision was (P2,590,000), not just the measly amount
not touched upon.[19] A subsequent Order, of P100,000; and
explaining in greater detail the basis of
4. [The RTC] judge committed grave abuse of
the grant of the writ of habeas corpus,
discretion amounting to lack or excess of
was issued on October 11, 2001.[20]
In justifying its modification of the MTCC jurisdiction in hearing and deciding
Decision, the RTC invoked Vaca v. Court [Dimagibas] Petition for Habeas Corpus
of Appeals[21] and Supreme Court without notice and without affording
procedural due process to the People of the
Philippines through the Office of [the] City Execution.[36] Both were denied by the
Prosecutor of Baguio City or the Office of the MTCC on the ground that it had no power
Solicitor General.[28] or authority to amend a judgment issued
In the main, the case revolves around the by the RTC.
question of whether the Petition for In his Petition for habeas corpus,
habeas corpus was validly granted. respondent raised the same arguments
Hence, the Court will discuss the four that he had invoked in the said Motions.
issues as they intertwine with this main We believe that his resort to this
question.[29] extraordinary remedy was a procedural
The Courts Ruling infirmity. The remedy should have been
The Petition is meritorious. an appeal of the MTCC Order denying his
Main Issue: Motions, in which he should have prayed
Propriety of the that the execution of the judgment be
Writ of Habeas Corpus stayed. But he effectively misused the
The writ of habeas corpus applies to all action he had chosen, obviously with the
cases of illegal confinement or detention intent of finding a favorable court. His
in which individuals are deprived of Petition for a writ of habeas corpus was
liberty.[30] It was devised as a speedy and clearly an attempt to reopen a case that
effectual remedy to relieve persons from had already become final and executory.
unlawful restraint; or, more specifically, to Such an action deplorably amounted to
obtain immediate relief for those who may forum shopping. Respondent should have
have been illegally confined or imprisoned resorted to the proper, available remedy
without sufficient cause and thus deliver instead of instituting a different action in
them from unlawful custody.[31] It is another forum.
therefore a writ of inquiry intended to test The Court also finds his arguments for his
the circumstances under which a person release insubstantial to support the
is detained.[32] issuance of the writ of habeas corpus.
The writ may not be availed of when the Preference in the
person in custody is under a judicial Application of Penalties
process or by virtue of a valid for Violation of BP 22
judgment.[33] However, as a post- The following alternative penalties are
conviction remedy, it may be allowed imposable under BP 22: (1) imprisonment
when, as a consequence of a judicial of not less than 30 days, but not more
proceeding, any of the following than one year; (2) a fine of not less or
exceptional circumstances is attendant: more than double the amount of the
(1) there has been a deprivation of a check, a fine that shall in no case
constitutional right resulting in the exceed P200,000; or (3) both such fine
restraint of a person; (2) the court had no and imprisonment, at the discretion of the
jurisdiction to impose the sentence; or (3) court.[37]
the imposed penalty has been SC-AC No. 12-2000, as clarified by SC-
excessive, thus voiding the sentence as AC No. 13-2001,[38] established a rule of
to such excess.[34] preference in imposing the above
In the present case, the Petition for a writ penalties.[39] When the circumstances of
of habeas corpus was anchored on the the case clearly indicate good faith or a
ruling in Vaca and on SC-AC No. 12- clear mistake of fact without taint of
2000, which allegedly prescribed the negligence, the imposition of a fine alone
imposition of a fine, not imprisonment, for may be considered as the preferred
convictions under BP 22. Respondent penalty.[40] The determination of the
sought the retroactive effect of those circumstances that warrant the imposition
rulings, thereby effectively challenging the of a fine rests upon the trial judge
penalty imposed on him for being only.[41] Should the judge deem that
excessive. From his allegations, the imprisonment is appropriate, such penalty
Petition appeared sufficient in form to may be imposed.[42]
support the issuance of the writ. SC-AC No. 12-2000 did not delete the
However, it appears that respondent has alternative penalty of imprisonment. The
previously sought the modification of his competence to amend the law belongs to
sentence in a Motion for the legislature, not to this Court.[43]
Reconsideration[35] of the MTCCs Inapplicability of
Execution Order and in a Motion for the SC-AC No. 12-2000
Partial Quashal of the Writ of
Petitioners argue that respondent is not benefit from the reduction of penalty
entitled to the benevolent policy introduced by the new law, citing People v.
enunciated in SC-AC No. 12-2000, Simon, is misplaced. Thus, her plea that as
because he is not a first time provided for in Article 22 of the Revised Penal
offender.[44] This circumstance is, Code, SC Admin. Circular No. 12-2000 as
however, not the sole factor in modified by SC Admin. Circular No. 13-2001
determining whether he deserves the should benefit her has no basis.
preferred penalty of fine alone. The
First. SC Admin. Circular No. 12-2000 is not a
penalty to be imposed depends on the
penal law; hence, Article 22 of the Revised
peculiar circumstances of each case.[45] It
is the trial courts discretion to impose any Penal Code is not applicable. The circular
penalty within the confines of the law. SC- applies only to those cases pending as of the
AC No. 13-2001 explains thus: date of its effectivity and not to cases already
x x x. Administrative Circular No. 12-2000 terminated by final judgment.
establishes a rule of preference in the Second. As explained by the Court in SC
application of the penal provisions of BP 22 Admin. Circular No. 13-2001, SC Admin.
such that where the circumstances of both Circular No. 12-2000 merely lays down a rule
the offense and the offender clearly indicate of preference in the application of the
good faith or a clear mistake of fact without penalties for violation of B.P. Blg. 22. It does
taint of negligence, the imposition of a fine not amend B.P. Blg. 22, nor defeat the
alone should be considered as the more legislative intent behind the law. SC Admin.
appropriate penalty. Needless to say, the Circular No. 12-2000 merely urges the courts
determination of whether the circumstances to take into account not only the purpose of
warrant the imposition of a fine alone rests the law but also the circumstances of the
solely upon the Judge. x x x. accused -- whether he acted in good faith or
It is, therefore, understood that: on a clear mistake of fact without taint of
xxxxxxxxx negligence -- and such other circumstance
2. The Judges concerned, may in the exercise which the trial court or the appellate court
of sound discretion, and taking into believes relevant to the penalty to be
consideration the peculiar circumstances of imposed.[51]
each case, determine whether the imposition Because the Circular merely lays down a
of a fine alone would best serve the interests rule of preference, it serves only as a
of justice, or whether forbearing to impose guideline for the trial courts. Thus, it is
imprisonment would depreciate the addressed to the judges, who are directed
to consider the factual circumstances of
seriousness of the offense, work violence on
each case prior to imposing the
the social order, or otherwise be contrary to
appropriate penalty. In other words, the
the imperatives of justice; Administrative Circular does not confer
The Court notes that the Petition for a writ any new right in favor of the accused,
of habeas corpus relied mainly on the much less those convicted by final
alleged retroactivity of SC-AC No. 12- judgment.
2000, which supposedly favored BP 22 The competence to determine the proper
offenders.[46] On this point, Dimagiba penalty belongs to the court rendering the
contended that his imprisonment was decision against the accused.[52] That
violative of his right to equal protection of decision is subject only to appeal on
the laws, since only a fine would be grounds of errors of fact or law, or grave
imposed on others similarly situated.[47] abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
The rule on retroactivity states that excess of jurisdiction. Another trial court
criminal laws may be applied retroactively may not encroach upon this authority.
if favorable to the accused. This principle, Indeed, SC-AC No. 12-2000 necessarily
embodied in the Revised Penal requires a review of all factual
Code,[48] has been expanded in certain circumstances of each case. Such a
instances to cover special laws.[49] review can no longer be done if the
The issue of retroactivity of SC-AC No. judgment has become final and
12-2000 was settled in De Joya v. Jail executory.
Warden of Batangas City,[50] which we In the present case, the MTCC of Baguio
quote: City had full knowledge of all relevant
Petitioner's reliance of our ruling in Ordoez v. circumstances from which respondents
Vinarao that a convicted person is entitled to conviction and sentence were based. The
penalty imposed was well within the liability.[60] Citing Griffith v. Court of
confines of the law. Upon appeal, the Appeals,[61]he theorizes that answering for
conviction was sustained by RTC-Branch a criminal offense is no longer justified
4 of Baguio City. Eventually, the Decision after the settlement of the debt.
attained finality. Hence, RTC-Branch 5 did Respondent, however,
not have the jurisdiction to modify the misreads Griffith. The Court held in that
lawful judgment in the guise of granting a case that convicting the accused who, two
writ of habeas corpus. years prior to the filing of the BP 22
The doctrine of equal protection of cases, had already paid his debt (from
laws[53] does not apply for the same which the checks originated) was contrary
reasons as those on retroactivity. to the basic principles of fairness and
Foremost of these reasons is that the justice.[62] Obviously, that situation is not
Circular is not a law that deletes the attendant here.
penalty of imprisonment. As explained The civil liability in the present case was
earlier, it is merely a rule of preference as satisfied through the levy and sale of the
to which penalty should be imposed under properties of respondent only after the
the peculiar circumstances of a case. At criminal case had been terminated with
any rate, this matter deserves scant his conviction.[63]Apparently, he had
consideration, because respondent failed sufficient properties that could have been
to raise any substantial argument to used to settle his liabilities prior to his
support his contention.[54] conviction. Indeed, such an early
Modification of Final settlement would have been an indication
Judgment Not Warranted that he was in good faith, a circumstance
The Court is not unmindful of So v. Court that could have been favorably
of Appeals,[55] in which the final judgment considered in determining his appropriate
of conviction for violation of BP 22 was penalty.
modified by the deletion of the sentence At any rate, civil liability differs from
of imprisonment and the imposition of a criminal liability.[64] What is punished in the
fine. That case proceeded from an Urgent latter is not the failure to pay the
Manifestation of an Extraordinary obligation, but the issuance of checks that
Supervening Event,[56] not from an subsequently bounced or were
unmeritorious petition for a writ of habeas dishonored for insufficiency or lack of
corpus, as in the present case. The Court funds.[65] The Court reiterates the reasons
exercised in that case its authority to why the issuance of worthless checks is
suspend or to modify the execution of a criminalized:
final judgment when warranted or made The practice is prohibited by law because of
imperative by the higher interest of justice its deleterious effects on public interest. The
or by supervening events.[57] The effects of the increase of worthless checks
supervening event in that case was the transcend the private interest of the parties
petitioners urgent need for coronary directly involved in the transaction and
rehabilitation for at least one year under touches the interest of the community at
the direct supervision of a coronary care large. The mischief it creates is not only a
therapist; imprisonment would have been
wrong to the payee or holder, but also an
equivalent to a death sentence.[58]
injury to the public. The harmful practice of
The peculiar circumstances of So do not
obtain in the present case. Respondents putting valueless commercial papers in
supposed unhealthy physical condition circulation multiplied a thousand-fold can
due to a triple by-pass operation, and very well pollute the channels of trade and
aggravated by hypertension, cited by the commerce, injure the banking system and
RTC in its October 10, 2001 Order,[59] is eventually hurt the welfare of society and the
totally bereft of substantial proof. The public interest. The law punishes the act not
Court notes that respondent did not make as an offense against property but an offense
any such allegation in his Petition for against public order.[66]
habeas corpus. Neither did he mention WHEREFORE, the Petition
his physical state in his Memorandum and is GRANTED and the assailed
Comment submitted to this Court. Orders NULLIFIED. Respondents Petition
Respondent seeks the retroactive for habeas corpus is hereby DENIED. Let
application of SC-AC No. 12-2000 in his this case be REMANDED to MTCC of
favor on the basis alone of the alleged Baguio City for the re-arrest of respondent
settlement of his civil and the completion of his sentence.
No pronouncement as to costs. 1. That petitioners, being charged with
SO ORDERED. Violation of Presidential Decree No. 772, the
express repeal of said decree absolves the
PRESCILLA TUATES and ANDRES petitioners of any criminal or civil liability;
DE LA PAZ, petitioners, vs. HON. 2. That public respondent erred in holding
LUCAS P. BERSAMIN, as Presiding that the civil aspect of the judgment
Judge, Branch 96, RTC Quezon City, rendered x x x shall be executory against the
People of the Philippines and I.C. accused; and
Construction, Inc., respondents. 3. That the Honorable Court of Appeals, in
affirming the Order of the Regional Trial
Before us is a petition for review Court of Quezon City (Branch 96), dated June
on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of 9, 1999, grossly erred in ignoring applicable
Court, seeking to annul the following: (1) laws and jurisprudence. [7]

Decision dated April 30, 1999 and Petitioners argue that the repeal of P.D.
Resolution dated June 9, 1999, rendered 772 by R.A. 8368 carries with it the
by the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP extinction of both the criminal and civil
No. 46845; (2) Decision dated
[1] aspects of the crime. Private respondent,
September 10, 1997 and the Order dated however, insists that public respondents
January 28, 1998 issued by the Regional were correct in ruling that only the
Trial Court of Quezon City (Branch 96) in criminal liability was absolved and the civil
Criminal Cases Nos. Q-97-70428 and Q- liability remains inasmuch as it was not
97-70429; and (3) Decision dated
[2] extinguished in accordance with Article
December 16, 1996 of the Metropolitan 113 of the Revised Penal Code, which
Trial Court of Quezon City (Branch 38) in reads:
Criminal Cases Nos. 38-0130 and 38- ART. 113. Obligation to satisfy civil liability. --
0131. [3]
Except in case of extinction of his civil liability
The facts are as follows: as provided in the next preceding article, the
Convicted by the MTC-Quezon City offender shall continue to be obliged to
(Branch 38) of the crime of Violation of satisfy the civil liability resulting from the
Presidential Decree No. 772 or the Anti- crime committed by him, notwithstanding
Squatting Law, petitioners Prescilla the fact that he has served his sentence
Tuates and Andres de la Paz, appealed to consisting of deprivation of liberty or other
the RTC of Quezon City (Branch
rights, or has not been required to serve the
96). Their conviction was affirmed in
same by reason of amnesty, pardon,
toto by the RTC in its decision dated
September 10, 1997. Pending resolution commutation of sentence or any other
of their motion for reconsideration, reason.
however, Republic Act No. 8368, An Act In its Motion to Deny Due Course, private
Repealing Presidential Decree No. 772, respondent also argues that the petition
entitled Penalizing Squatting and Other should now be denied as its title to the
Similar Acts was enacted. land subject of this case has already been
In its Order, dated January 28, 1998, the adjudged in its favor. [8]

RTC ruled that only petitioners criminal In its Comment, the Office of the Solicitor
convictions were extinguished by R.A. General, in behalf of public respondents,
8368, and the civil aspect, i.e., the agrees with petitioners that both the
removal of petitioners illegally constructed criminal and civil liability were rendered
house and improvements, shall remain extinct with the repeal of P.D. 772, and
executory against them. [4] recommended that the assailed issuances
On a petition for review, the Court of be reversed and set aside.
Appeals sustained the ruling of the RTC We find the petition to be meritorious.
and denied due course to the petition per Republic Act No. 8368, otherwise known
its Decision, dated April 30, as the Anti-Squatting Law Repeal Act of
1999. Petitioners motion for
[5] 1997, provides:
reconsideration was likewise denied by SECTION 1. Title. -- This Act shall be known as
the CA in its Resolution dated June 9, the Anti-Squatting Law Repeal Act of 1997.
1999. [6] SEC. 2. Repeal. -- Presidential Decree No. 772,
Hence, the present recourse taken by entitled Penalizing Squatting and Other
petitioners, raising the following issues: Similar Acts is hereby repealed.
SEC. 3. Effect on Pending Cases. -- All pending Repealing Presidential Decree No. 772
cases under the provisions of Presidential Entitled Penalizing Squatting and Other
Decree No. 772 shall be dismissed upon the Similar Acts was enacted. Section 3 of the
effectivity of this Act. said Act provides that all pending cases under
SEC. 4. Effect on Republic Act No. 7279. -- the provisions of Presidential Decree No. 772
Nothing herein shall be construed to nullify, shall be dismissed upon the effectivity of this
eliminate or diminish in any way Section 27 of Act.[15]

Republic Act No. 7279 or any of its provisions This is not to say, however, that people
relative to sanctions against professional now have the unbridled license to illegally
squatters and squatting syndicates. occupy lands they do not own. R.A. No.
SEC. 5. Effectivity. -- This Act shall take effect 8368 was unanimously approved by the

thirty (30) days after its publication in two (2) members of the Senate of the Philippines
newspapers of national circulation. present on its third reading. The [17]

Approved, October 27, 1997. [9]

legislature considered it a major piece of
The repeal of P.D. No. 772 under Section legislation on the countrys anti-poverty
2 of R.A. No. 8368 is explicit, categorical, program as it sought to confront the

definite and absolute. As such, the act perennial problem of poverty at its root,
that was penalized by P.D. abolish an otherwise inutile and
772, i.e., squatting, ceases to be criminal oppressive law, and pave the way for a
under R.A. 8368, and the previous genuine urban housing and land reform
offense is obliterated. [10]
program. Senate records reveal that it is
In the same vein, the absolute repeal of the manifest intent of the authors of R.A.
P.D. 772 has the effect of depriving a 8368 to decriminalize squatting but does
court of its authority to punish a person not encourage or protect acts of squatting
charged with violation of the old law prior on somebody elses land. The law is not [19]

to its repeal. This is because an intended to compromise the property

unqualified repeal of a penal law rights of legitimate
constitutes a legislative act of rendering landowners. Recourse may be had in

legal what had been previously declared cases of violation of their property rights,
as illegal, such that the offense no longer such as those provided for in Republic Act
exists and it is as if the person who No. 7279 or the Urban Development and
committed it never did so. Specially so,
Housing Act, penalizing professional
as in the present case where it is squatters and squatting syndicates as
unconditionally stated in Section 3 of R.A. defined therein, who commit nefarious
No. 8368 that: (A)ll pending cases under and illegal activities ; the Revised Penal

the provisions of Presidential Decree No. Code providing for criminal prosecution in
772 shall be dismissed upon the cases of Trespass to
effectivity of this Act. Obviously, it was
Property, Occupation of Real Property or

the clear intent of the law to decriminalize Usurpation of Real Rights in

or do away with the crime of Property, and similar violations, and,

squatting. Hence, there being no criminal cases for Forcible Entry and Unlawful
liability, there is likewise no civil liability Detainer under the Rules of Court, as [24]

because the latter is rooted in the well as civil liability for Damages under
former. Where an act or omission is not a the Civil Code.
crime, no person can be held liable for Considering that prosecution for criminal
such act or omission. There being no as well as civil liability under P.D. 772 has
delict, logically, civil liability ex delicto is been rendered nugatory with the passage
out of the question. [13]
of R.A. 8368, both criminal and civil
In fact, in People v. Leachon, Jr. we [14]
aspects of Criminal Cases Nos. Q-97-
implicitly recognized the unconditional 70428 and Q-97-70429 in the RTC as
repeal of P.D. 772 by R.A. 8368 when we well as Criminal Cases Nos. 38-0130 and
ordered the dismissal of the petition filed 38-0131 in the MTC filed against
in said case, without any qualification petitioners should be dismissed.
whatsoever, because of the enactment of WHEREFORE, finding the petition for
R.A. 8368, viz.: review to be with merit, the Decision
dated April 30, 1999 of the Court of
But the foregoing antecedent facts and
Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 46845, is
proceedings notwithstanding, the petition
cannot now prosper because on October 27, judgment is hereby entered modifying the
1997, Republic Act No. 8368, entitled An Act
Decision dated September 10, 1997 of 1.1. WARRANTY DEPOSIT — Before or upon
delivery of each item of Equipment, the Lessee shall
the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City deposit with the Lessor such sum or sums specified in
(Branch 96) in Criminal Cases No. Q-97- Schedule A to serve as security for the faithful
70428 and Q-97-70429 and the Decision performance of its obligations.
dated December 16, 1996 issued by the This deposit shall be refunded to the Lessee upon the
satisfactory completion of the entire period of Lease,
Metropolitan Trial Court of Quezon City subject to the conditions of clause 1.12 of this Article.
(Branch 38), to the effect that the (Ibid., p. 17)
dismissal of the aforementioned criminal As part of the arrangement, petitioner and LS Finance
entered into a leasing agreement whereby LS Finance
cases likewise include the dismissal of the would lease the garage equipments and petitioner
civil aspects thereof, without prejudice to would pay the corresponding rent with the option to
the filing of civil and/or criminal actions buy the same. After the documentation was
under the prevailing laws. completed, the equipment were delivered to petitioner
who in turn issued a postdated check and gave it to
No costs. Joey Gomez who, unknown to the petitioner,
SO ORDERED. delivered the same to Corazon Teng. When the check
matured, Petitioner requested through Joey Gomez
G.R. No. 96132 June 26, 1992 not to deposit the check as he (Magno) was no longer
ORIEL MAGNO, petitioner, banking with Pacific Bank.
vs. To replace the first check issued, petitioner issued
HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS and PEOPLE another set of six (6) postdated checks. Two (2)
OF THE PHILIPPINES, respondents. checks dated July 29, 1983 were deposited and
cleared while the four (4) others, which were the
PARAS, J.: subject of the four counts of the aforestated charges
This is an appeal by certiorari under Rule 45 of the subject of the petition, were held momentarily by
Revised Rules of Court, from the decision* of the Corazon Teng, on the request of Magno as they were
respondent Court of Appeals which affirmed in not covered with sufficient funds. These checks were
toto the decision of the Regional Trial Court of a) Piso Bank Check Nos. 006858, dated August 15,
Quezon City, Branch 104 finding the accused 1983, 006859 dated August 28, 1983 and 006860
petitioner, guilty of violations of Batas Pambansa Blg. dated September 15, 1983, all in the amount of
22, in Criminal Cases Q-35693 to 35696 before they P5,038.43 and No. 006861 dated September 28,
were elevated on appeal to the respondent appellate 1983, in the amount of P10,076.87. (Ibid., pp. 42 &
Court under CA-G.R. CR No. 04889. 43).
The antecedent facts and circumstances of the four Subsequently, petitioner could not pay LS Finance the
(4) counts of the offense charged, have been clearly monthly rentals, thus it pulled out the garage
illustrated, in the Comment of the Office of the equipments. It was then on this occasion that
Solicitor General as official counsel for the public petitioner became aware that Corazon Teng was the
respondent, thus: one who advanced the warranty deposit. Petitioner
Petitioner was in the process of putting up a car repair with his wife went to see Corazon Teng and promised
shop sometime in April 1983, but a did not have to pay the latter but the payment never came and
complete equipment that could make his venture when the four (4) checks were deposited they were
workable. He also had another problem, and that returned for the reason "account closed." (Ibid., p. 43)
while he was going into this entrepreneurship, he After joint trial before the Regional Trial Court of
lacked funds with which to purchase the necessary Quezon City, Branch 104, the accused-petitioner was
equipment to make such business operational. Thus, convicted for violations of BP Blg. 22 on the four (4)
petitioner, representing Ultra Sources International cases, as follows:
Corporation, approached Corazon Teng, (private . . . finding the accused-appellant guilty beyond
complainant) Vice President of Mancor Industries reasonable doubt of the offense of violations of B.P.
(hereinafter referred to as Mancor) for his needed car Blg. 22 and sentencing the accused to imprisonment
repair service equipment of which Mancor was a for one year in each Criminal Case Nos. Q-35693, Q-
distributor, (Rollo, pp. 40-41) 35695 and Q-35696 and to pay to complainant the
Having been approached by petitioner on his respective amounts reflected in subject checks. (Ibid.,
predicament, who fully bared that he had no sufficient pp. 25, 27)
funds to buy the equipment needed, the former Reviewing the above and the affirmation of the above-
(Corazon Teng) referred Magno to LS Finance and stated decision of the court a quo, this Court is
Management Corporation (LB Finance for brevity) intrigued about the outcome of the checks subject of
advising its Vice-President, Joey Gomez, that Mancor the cases which were intended by the parties, the
was willing and able to supply the pieces of petitioner on the one hand and the private
equipment needed if LS Finance could accommodate complainant on the other, to cover the "warranty
petitioner and provide him credit facilities. (Ibid., P. deposit" equivalent to the 30% requirement of the
41) financing company. Corazon Teng is one of the
The arrangement went through on condition that officers of Mancor, the supplier of the equipment
petitioner has to put up a warranty deposit equivalent subject of the Leasing Agreement subject of the high
to thirty per centum (30%) of the total value of the financing scheme undertaken by the petitioner as
pieces of equipment to be purchased, amounting to lessee of the repair service equipment, which was
P29,790.00. Since petitioner could not come up with arranged at the instance of Mrs. Teng from the very
such amount, he requested Joey Gomez on a beginning of the transaction.
personal level to look for a third party who could lend By the nature of the "warranty deposit" amounting to
him the equivalent amount of the warranty deposit, P29,790.00 corresponding to 30% of the
however, unknown to petitioner, it was Corazon Teng "purchase/lease" value of the equipments subject of
who advanced the deposit in question, on condition the transaction, it is obvious that the "cash out" made
that the same would be paid as a short term loan at by Mrs. Teng was not used by petitioner who was just
3% interest (Ibid., P. 41) paying rentals for the equipment. It would have been
The specific provision in the Leasing Agreement, different if petitioner opted to purchase the pieces of
reads: equipment on or about the termination of the lease-
purchase agreement in which case he had to pay the well-meaning businessmen who are the pillars of
additional amount of the warranty deposit which society.
should have formed part of the purchase price. As the Under the utilitarian theory, the "protective theory" in
transaction did not ripen into a purchase, but criminal law, "affirms that the primary function of
remained a lease with rentals being paid for the punishment is the protective (sic) of society against
loaned equipment, which were pulled out by the actual and potential wrongdoers." It is not clear
Lessor (Mancor) when the petitioner failed to continue whether petitioner could be considered as having
paying possibly due to economic constraints or actually committed the wrong sought to be punished
business failure, then it is lawful and just that the in the offense charged, but on the other hand, it can
warranty deposit should not be charged against the be safely said that the actuations of Mrs. Carolina
petitioner. Teng amount to that of potential wrongdoers whose
To charge the petitioner for the refund of a "warranty operations should also be clipped at some point in
deposit" which he did not withdraw as it was not his time in order that the unwary public will not be failing
own account, it having remained with LS Finance, is prey to such a vicious transaction (Aquino, The
to even make him pay an unjust "debt", to say the Revised Penal Code, 1987 Edition, Vol. I, P. 11)
least, since petitioner did not receive the amount in Corollary to the above view, is the application of the
question. All the while, said amount was in the theory that "criminal law is founded upon that moral
safekeeping of the financing company, which is disapprobation . . . of actions which are
managed, supervised and operated by the corporation immoral, i.e., which are detrimental (or dangerous) to
officials and employees of LS Finance. Petitioner did those conditions upon which depend the existence
not even know that the checks he issued were turned and progress of human society. This disappropriation
over by Joey Gomez to Mrs. Teng, whose operation is inevitable to the extent that morality is generally
was kept from his knowledge on her instruction. This founded and built upon a certain concurrence in the
fact alone evoke suspicion that the transaction is moral opinions of all. . . . That which we call
irregular and immoral per se, hence, she specifically punishment is only an external means of emphasizing
requested Gomez not to divulge the source of the moral disapprobation the method of punishment is in
"warranty deposit". reality the amount of punishment," (Ibid., P.
It is intriguing to realize that Mrs. Teng did not want 11, citing People v. Roldan Zaballero, CA 54 O.G.
the petitioner to know that it was she who 6904, Note also Justice Pablo's view in People v.
"accommodated" petitioner's request for Joey Gomez, Piosca and Peremne, 86 Phil. 31).
to source out the needed funds for the "warranty Thus, it behooves upon a court of law that in applying
deposit". Thus it unfolds the kind of transaction that is the punishment imposed upon the accused, the
shrouded with mystery, gimmickry and doubtful objective of retribution of a wronged society, should
legality. It is in simple language, a scheme whereby be directed against the "actual and potential
Mrs. Teng as the supplier of the equipment in the wrongdoers." In the instant case, there is no doubt
name of her corporation, Mancor, would be able to that petitioner's four (4) checks were used to
"sell or lease" its goods as in this case, and at the collateralize an accommodation, and not to cover the
same time, privately financing those who desperately receipt of an actual "account or credit for value" as
need petty accommodations as this one. This modus this was absent, and therefore petitioner should not
operandi has in so many instances victimized be punished for mere issuance of the checks in
unsuspecting businessmen, who likewise need question. Following the aforecited theory, in
protection from the law, by availing of the deceptively petitioner's stead the "potential wrongdoer", whose
called "warranty deposit" not realizing that they also operation could be a menace to society, should not be
fall prey to leasing equipment under the guise of a glorified by convicting the petitioner.
lease-purchase agreement when it is a scheme While in case of doubt, the case should have been
designed to skim off business clients. resolved in favor of the accused, however, by the
This maneuvering has serious implications especially open admission of the appellate court below, oven
with respect to the threat of the penal sanction of the when the ultimate beneficiary of the "warranty
law in issue, as in this case. And, with a willing court deposit" is of doubtful certainty, the accused was
system to apply the full harshness of the special law convicted, as shown below:
in question, using the "mala prohibitia" doctrine, the Nor do We see any merit in appellant's claim that the
noble objective of the law is tainted with materialism obligation of the accused to complainant had been
and opportunism in the highest, degree. extinguished by the termination of the leasing
This angle is bolstered by the fact that since the agreement — by the terms of which the warranty
petitioner or lessee referred to above in the lease deposit advanced by complainant was refundable to
agreement knew that the amount of P29,790.00 the accused as lessee — and that as the lessor L.S.
subject of the cases, were mere accommodation- Finance neither made any liquidation of said amount
arrangements with somebody thru Joey Gomez, nor returned the same to the accused, it may he
petitioner did not even attempt to secure the refund of assumed that the amount was already returned to the
said amount from LS Finance, notwithstanding the complainant. For these allegations, even if true, do
agreement provision to the contrary. To argue that not change the fact, admitted by appellant and
after the termination of the lease agreement, the established by the evidence, that the four checks
warranty deposit should be refundable in full to Mrs. were originally issued on account or for value. And as
Teng by petitioner when he did not cash out the We have already observed, in order that there may be
"warranty deposit" for his official or personal use, is to a conviction under the from paragraph of Section 2 of
stretch the nicety of the alleged law (B.P. No, 22) B.P. Blg 22 — with respect to the element of said
violated. offense that the check should have been made and
For all intents and purposes, the law was devised to issued on account or for value — it is sufficient, all the
safeguard the interest of the banking system and the other elements of the offense being present, that the
legitimate public checking account user. It did not check must have been drawn and issued in payment
intend to shelter or favor nor encourage users of the of an obligation.
system to enrich themselves through manipulations Moreover, even granting, arguendo, that the
and circumvention of the noble purpose and objective extinguishment, after the issuance of the checks, of
of the law. Least should it be used also as a means of the obligation in consideration of which the checks
jeopardizing honest-to-goodness transactions with were issued, would have resulted in placing the case
some color of "get-rich" scheme to the prejudice of at bar beyond the purview of the prohibition in Section
1 of BP Blg. 22, there is no satisfactory proof that
there was such an extinguishment in the present Furthermore, the element of "knowing at the time of
case. Appellee aptly points out that appellant had not issue that he does not have sufficient funds in or
adduced any direct evidence to prove that the amount credit with the drawee bank for the payment of such
advanced by the complainant to cover the warranty check in full upon its presentment, which check is
deposit must already have been returned to her. subsequently dishonored by the drawee bank for
(Rollo, p. 30) insufficiency of funds or credit or would have been
It is indubitable that the respondent Court of Appeals dishonored for the same reason . . . is inversely
even disregarded the cardinal rule that the accused is applied in this case. From the very beginning,
presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond petitioner never hid the fact that he did not have the
reasonable doubt. On the contrary, the same court funds with which to put up the warranty deposit and
even expected the petitioner-appellant to adduce as a matter of fact, he openly intimated this to the vital
evidence to show that he was not guilty of the crime conduit of the transaction, Joey Gomez, to whom
charged. But how can be produce documents petitioner was introduced by Mrs. Teng. It would have
showing that the warranty deposit has already been been different if this predicament was not
taken back by Mrs. Teng when she is an officer of communicated to all the parties he dealt with
Mancor which has interest in the transaction, besides regarding the lease agreement the financing of which
being personally interested in the profit of her side- was covered by L.S. Finance Management.
line. Thus, even if she may have gotten back the WHEREFORE, the appealed decision is REVERSED
value of the accommodation, she would still pursue and the accused-petitioner is hereby ACQUITTED of
collecting from the petitioner since she had in her the crime charged.
possession the checks that "bounced". SO ORDERED.
That the court a quo merely relied on the law, without
looking into the real nature of the warranty deposit is G.R. No. L-5270 January 15, 1910
evident from the following pronouncement: THE UNITED STATES, plaintiff-appellee,
And the trail court concluded that there is no question vs.
that the accused violated BP Blg. 22, which is a H. N. BULL, defendant-appellant.
special statutory law, violations of which are mala Bruce & Lawrence, for appellant.
prohibita. The court relied on the rule that in cases Office of the Solicitor-General Harvey, for appellee.
ofmala prohibita, the only inquiry is whether or not the ELLIOTT, J.:
law had been violated, proof of criminal intent not The appellant was convicted in the Court of First
being necessary for the conviction of the accused, the Instance of a violation of section 1 of Act No. 55, as
acts being prohibited for reasons of public policy and amended by section 1 of Act No. 275, and from the
the defenses of good faith and absence of criminal judgment entered thereon appealed to this court,
intent being unavailing in prosecutions for said where under proper assignments of error he
offenses." (Ibid., p. 26) contends: (1) that the complaint does not state facts
The crux of the matter rests upon the reason for the sufficient to confer jurisdiction upon the court; (2) that
drawing of the postdated checks by the under the evidence the trial court was without
petitioner, i.e., whether they were drawn or issued "to jurisdiction to hear and determine the case; (3) that
apply on account or for value", as required under Act No. 55 as amended is in violation of certain
Section 1 of B.P. Blg, 22. When viewed against the provisions of the Constitution of the United States,
following definitions of the catch-terms "warranty" and and void as applied to the facts of this case; and (4)
"deposit", for which the postdated checks were issued that the evidence is insufficient to support the
or drawn, all the more, the alleged crime could not conviction.
have been committed by petitioner: The information alleges:
a) Warranty — A promise that a proposition of fact is That on and for many months prior to the 2d day of
true. A promise that certain facts are truly as they are December, 1908, the said H. N. Bull was then and
represented to be and that they will remain so: . . . there master of a steam sailing vessel known as the
(Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, (1979) p. 1423) steamship Standard, which vessel was then and there
A cross-reference to the following term shows: engaged in carrying and transporting cattle, carabaos,
Fitness for Particular Purpose: — and other animals from a foreign port and city of
Where the seller at the time of contracting has reason Manila, Philippine Islands; that the said accused H. N.
to know any particular purpose for which the goods Bull, while master of said vessel, as aforesaid, on or
are required and that the buyer is relying on the about the 2d day of December, 1908, did then and
seller's skill or judgment to select or furnish suitable there willfully, unlawfully, and wrongly carry, transport,
goods, there is, unless excluded or modified, an and bring into the port and city of Manila, aboard said
implied warranty that the goods shall be fit for such vessel, from the port of Ampieng, Formosa, six
purpose, (Ibid., p. 573) hundred and seventy-seven (677) head of cattle and
b) Deposit: — Money lodged with a person as an carabaos, without providing suitable means for
earnest or security for the performance of some securing said animals while in transit, so as to avoid
contract, to be forfeited if the depositor fails in his cruelty and unnecessary suffering to the said animals,
undertaking. It may be deemed to be part payment in this, to wit, that the said H. N. Bull, master, as
and to that extent may constitute the purchaser the aforesaid, did then and there fail to provide stalls for
actual owner of the estate. said animals so in transit and suitable means for
To commit to custody, or to lay down; to place; to put. trying and securing said animals in a proper manner,
To lodge for safe- keeping or as a pledge to intrust to and did then and there cause some of said animals to
the care of another. be tied by means of rings passed through their noses,
The act of placing money in the custody of a bank or and allow and permit others to be transported loose in
banker, for safety or convenience, to be withdrawn at the hold and on the deck of said vessel without being
the will of the depositor or under rules and regulations tied or secured in stalls, and all without bedding; that
agreed on. Also, the money so deposited, or the credit by reason of the aforesaid neglect and failure of the
which the depositor receives for it. Deposit, according accused to provide suitable means for securing said
to its commonly accepted and generally understood animals while so in transit, the noses of some of said
among bankers and by the public, includes not only animals were cruelly torn, and many of said animals
deposits payable on demand and for which were tossed about upon the decks and hold of said
certificates, whether interest-bearing or not, may be vessel, and cruelly wounded, bruised, and killed.
issued, payable on demand, or on certain notice or at All contrary to the provisions of Acts No. 55 and No.
a fixed future time. (Ibid., pp. 394-395) 275 of the Philippine Commission.
Section 1 of Act No. 55, which went into effect thereof, when the neglect and omission which
January 1, 1901, provides that — constitutes the offense continued during the time the
The owners or masters of steam, sailing, or other ship was within the territorial waters of the United
vessels, carrying or transporting cattle, sheep, swine, States. No court of the Philippine Islands had
or other animals, from one port in the Philippine jurisdiction over an offenses or crime committed on
Islands to another, or from any foreign port to any port the high seas or within the territorial waters of any
within the Philippine Islands, shall carry with them, other country, but when she came within 3 miles of a
upon the vessels carrying such animals, sufficient line drawn from the headlines which embrace the
forage and fresh water to provide for the suitable entrance to Manila Bay, she was within territorial
sustenance of such animals during the ordinary period waters, and a new set of principles became
occupied by the vessel in passage from the port of applicable. (Wheaton, Int. Law (Dana ed.), p. 255,
shipment to the port of debarkation, and shall cause note 105; Bonfils, Le Droit Int., sec 490 et seq.;
such animals to be provided with adequate forage and Latour, La Mer Ter., ch. 1.) The ship and her crew
fresh water at least once in every twenty-four hours were then subject to the jurisdiction of the territorial
from the time that the animals are embarked to the sovereign subject through the proper political agency.
time of their final debarkation. This offense was committed within territorial waters.
By Act No. 275, enacted October 23, 1901, Act No. 55 From the line which determines these waters
was amended by adding to section 1 thereof the the Standard must have traveled at least 25 miles
following: before she came to anchor. During that part of her
The owners or masters of steam, sailing, or other voyage the violation of the statue continued, and as
vessels, carrying or transporting cattle, sheep, swine, far as the jurisdiction of the court is concerned, it is
or other animals from one port in the Philippine immaterial that the same conditions may have existed
Islands to another, or from any foreign port to any port while the vessel was on the high seas. The offense,
within the Philippine Islands, shall provide suitable assuming that it originated at the port of departure in
means for securing such animals while in transit so as Formosa, was a continuing one, and every element
to avoid all cruelty and unnecessary suffering to the necessary to constitute it existed during the voyage
animals, and suitable and proper facilities for loading across the territorial waters. The completed forbidden
and unloading cattle or other animals upon or from act was done within American waters, and the court
vessels upon which they are transported, without therefore had jurisdiction over the subject-matter of
cruelty or unnecessary suffering. It is hereby made the offense and the person of the offender.
unlawful to load or unload cattle upon or from vessels The offense then was thus committed within the
by swinging them over the side by means of ropes or territorial jurisdiction of the court, but the objection to
chains attached to the thorns. the jurisdiction raises the further question whether that
Section 3 of Act No. 55 provides that — jurisdiction is restricted by the fact of the nationality of
Any owner or master of a vessel, or custodian of such the ship. Every. Every state has complete control and
animals, who knowingly and willfully fails to comply jurisdiction over its territorial waters. According to
with the provisions of section one, shall, for every strict legal right, even public vessels may not enter the
such failure, be liable to pay a penalty of not less that ports of a friendly power without permission, but it is
one hundred dollars nor more that five hundred now conceded that in the absence of a prohibition
dollars, United States money, for each offense. such ports are considered as open to the public ship
Prosecution under this Act may be instituted in any of all friendly powers. The exemption of such vessels
Court of First Instance or any provost court organized from local jurisdiction while within such waters was
in the province or port in which such animals are not established until within comparatively recent
disembarked. times. In 1794, Attorney-General Bradford, and in
1. It is contended that the information is insufficient 1796 Attorney-General Lee, rendered opinions to the
because it does not state that the court was sitting at effect that "the laws of nations invest the commander
a port where the cattle were disembarked, or that the of a foreign ship of war with no exemption from the
offense was committed on board a vessel registered jurisdiction of the country into which he comes." (1,
and licensed under the laws of the Philippine Islands. Op. U.S. Attys. Gen., 46, 87.) This theory was also
Act No. 55 confers jurisdiction over the offense supported by Lord Stowell in an opinion given by him
created thereby on Courts of First Instance or any to the British Government as late as 1820. In the
provost court organized in the province or port in leading case of the Schooner Exchange
which such animals are disembarked, and there is vs. McFadden (7 Cranch (U.S.), 116, 144), Chief
nothing inconsistent therewith in Act No. 136, which Justice Marshall said that the implied license under
provides generally for the organization of the courts of which such vessels enter a friendly port may
the Philippine Islands. Act No. 400 merely extends the reasonably be construed as "containing exemption
general jurisdiction of the courts over certain offenses from the jurisdiction of the sovereign within whose
committed on the high seas, or beyond the jurisdiction territory she claims the rights of hospitality." The
of any country, or within any of the waters of the principle was accepted by the Geneva Arbitration
Philippine Islands on board a ship or water craft of Tribunal, which announced that "the priviledge of
any kind registered or licensed in the Philippine exterritoriality accorded to vessels of war has been
Islands, in accordance with the laws thereof. admitted in the law of nations; not as an absolute
(U.S. vs. Fowler, 1 Phil. Rep., 614.) This jurisdiction right, but solely as a proceeding founded on the
may be exercised by the Court of First Instance in any principle of courtesy and mutual deference between
province into which such ship or water upon which the nations."
offense or crime was committed shall come after the (2 Moore, Int. Law Dig., secs. 252 and 254; Hall, Int.
commission thereof. Had this offense been committed Law, sec. 55; Taylor, Int. Law, sec. 256; Ortolan, Dip
upon a ship carrying a Philippine registry, there could de la Mer, 2. C.X.)
have been no doubt of the Jurisdiction of the court, Such vessels are therefore permitted during times of
because it is expressly conferred, and the Act is in peace to come and go freely. Local official exercise
accordance with well recognized and established but little control over their actions, and offenses
public law. But the Standard was a Norwegian vessel, committed by their crew are justiciable by their own
and it is conceded that it was not registered or officers acting under the laws to which they primarily
licensed in the Philippine Islands under the laws owe allegiance. This limitation upon the general
thereof. We have then the question whether the court principle of territorial sovereignty is based entirely
had jurisdiction over an offense of this character, upon comity and convenience, and finds its
committed on board a foreign ship by the master justification in the fact that experience shows that
such vessels are generally careful to respect local the public may have no knowledge whatever, is not by
laws and regulation which are essential to the health, this treaty withdrawn from the cognizance of the local
order, and well-being of the port. But comity and authorities.
convenience does not require the extension of the In 1876 the mates of the Swedish bark Frederike and
same degree of exemption to merchant vessels. Carolina engaged in a "quarrel" on board the vessel in
There are two well-defined theories as to extent of the the port of Galveston, Texas. They were prosecuted
immunities ordinarily granted to them, According to before a justice of the peace, but the United States
the French theory and practice, matters happening on district attorney was instructed by the Government to
board a merchant ship which do not concern the take the necessary steps to have the proceedings
tranquillity of the port or persons foreign to the crew, dismissed, and the aid of the governor of Texas was
are justiciable only by the court of the country to which invoked with the view to "guard against a repetition of
the vessel belongs. The French courts therefore claim similar proceedings." (Mr. Fish, Secretary of State, to
exclusive jurisdiction over crimes committed on board Mr. Grip, Swedish and Norwegian charged, May 16,
French merchant vessels in foreign ports by one 1876; Moore, Int. Law Dig.) It does not appear that
member of the crew against another. (See Bonfils, Le this "quarrel" was of such a nature as to amount to a
Droit Int. (quat. ed.), secs. 624-628; Martens, Le Droit breach of the criminal laws of Texas, but when in
Int., tome 2, pp. 338, 339; Ortolan, Dip. de la Mer, tit. 1879 the mate for the Norwegian bark Livingston was
1, p. 292; Masse, Droit Int., tome 2, p. 63.) Such prosecuted in the courts of Philadelphia County for an
jurisdiction has never been admitted or claim by Great assault and battery committed on board the ship while
Britain as a right, although she has frequently lying in the port of Philadelphia, it was held that there
conceded it by treaties. (Halleck, Int. Law (Baker's was nothing in the treaty which deprived the local
ed.), vol. 1, 231; British Territorial Waters Act, 1878.) courts of jurisdiction. (Commonwealth vs. Luckness,
Writers who consider exterritoriality as a fact instead 14 Phila. (Pa.), 363.) Representations were made
of a theory have sought to restrict local jurisdiction, through diplomatic channels to the State Department,
but Hall, who is doubtless the leading English and on July 30, 1880, Mr. Evarts, Secretary of State,
authority, says that — wrote to Count Lewenhaupt, the Swedish and
It is admitted by the most thoroughgoing asserters of Norwegian minister, as follows:
the territoriality of merchant vessels that so soon as I have the honor to state that I have given the matter
the latter enter the ports of a foreign state they careful consideration in connection with the views and
become subject to the local jurisdiction on all points in suggestion of your note and the provisions of the
which the interests of the country are touched. (Hall, thirteenth article of the treaty of 1827 between the
Int. Law, p. 263.) United States and Sweden and Norway. The
The United States has adhered consistently to the stipulations contained in the last clause of that article .
view that when a merchant vessel enters a foreign . . are those under which it is contended by you that
port it is subject to the jurisdiction of the local jurisdiction is conferred on the consular officers, not
authorities, unless the local sovereignty has by act of only in regard to such differences of a civil nature
acquiescence or through treaty arrangements growing out of the contract of engagement of the
consented to waive a portion of such jurisdiction. (15 seamen, but also as to disposing of controversies
Op. Attys. Gen., U. S., 178; 2 Moore, Int. Law Dig., resulting from personal violence involving offense for
sec. 204; article by Dean Gregory, Mich. Law Review, which the party may be held amenable under the local
Vol. II, No. 5.) Chief Justice Marshall, in the case of criminal law.
the Exchange, said that — This Government does not view the article in question
When merchant vessels enter for the purpose of as susceptible of such broad interpretation. The
trade, in would be obviously in convinient and jurisdiction conferred upon the consuls is conceived to
dangerous to society and would subject the laws to be limited to their right to sit as judges or abitrators in
continual infraction and the government to such differences as may arise between captains and
degradation if such individual merchants did not owe crews of the vessels, where such differences do not
temporary and local allegiance, and were not involve on the part of the captain or crew a
amendable to the jurisdiction of the country. disturbance of the order or tranquillity of the country.
The Supreme Court of the United States has recently When, however, a complaint is made to a local
said that the merchant vessels of one country visiting magistrate, either by the captain or one or more of the
the ports of another for the purpose of trade, subject crew of the vessel, involving the disturbance of the
themselves to the laws which govern the ports they order or tranquillity of the country, it is competent for
visit, so long as they remain; and this as well in war as such magistrate to take cognizance of the matter in
in peace, unless otherwise provided by treaty. (U. furtherance of the local laws, and under such
S. vs. Diekelman, 92 U. S., 520-525.) circumstances in the United States it becomes a
Certain limitations upon the jurisdiction of the local public duty which the judge or magistrate is not at
courts are imposed by article 13 of the treaty of liberty voluntarily to forego. In all such cases it must
commerce and navigation between Sweden and necessarily be left to the local judicial authorities
Norway and the United States, of July 4, 1827, which whether the procedure shall take place in the United
concedes to the consul, vice-consuls, or consular States or in Sweden to determine if in fact there had
agents of each country "The right to sit as judges and been such disturbance of the local order and
arbitrators in such differences as may arise between tranquillity, and if the complaint is supported by such
the captains and crews of the vessels belonging to the proof as results in the conviction of the party accused,
nation whose interests are committed to their charge, to visit upon the offenders such punishment as may
without the interference of the local authorities, unless be defined against the offense by the municipal law of
the conduct of the crews or of the captains should the place." (Moore, Int. Law Dig., vol. 2, p. 315.)
disturb the order or tranquillity of the country." (Comp. The treaty does not therefore deprive the local courts
of Treaties in Force, 1904, p. 754.) This exception of jurisdiction over offenses committed on board a
applies to controversies between the members of the merchant vessel by one member of the crew against
ship's company, and particularly to disputes regarding another which amount to a disturbance of the order or
wages. (2 Moore, Int. Law Dig., sec. 206, p. 318; tranquillity of the country, and a fair and reasonable
Tellefsen vs. Fee, 168 Mass., 188.) The order and construction of the language requires un to hold that
tranquillity of the country are affected by many events any violation of criminal laws disturbs the order or
which do not amount to a riot or general public traquillity of the country. The offense with which the
disturbance. Thus an assault by one member of the appellant is charged had nothing to so with any
crew upon another, committed upon the ship, of which difference between the captain and the crew. It was a
violation by the master of the criminal law of the animals while in transit, so as to avoid cruelty and
country into whose port he came. We thus find that unnecessary suffering to the said animals in this . . .
neither by reason of the nationality of the vessel, the that by reason of the aforesaid neglect and failure of
place of the commission of the offense, or the the accused to provide suitable means for securing
prohibitions of any treaty or general principle of public said animals were cruelty torn, and many of said
law, are the court of the Philippine Islands deprived of animals were tossed about upon the decks and hold
jurisdiction over the offense charged in the information of said vessels, and cruelty wounded, bruised, and
in this case. killed."
It is further contended that the complaint is defective The appellant contends that the language of the
because it does not allege that the animals were Spanish text of the information does not charge him
disembarked at the port of Manila, an allegation which with failure to provide "sufficient" and "adequate"
it is claimed is essential to the jurisdiction of the court means. The words used are "medios suficientes" and
sitting at that port. To hold with the appellant upon this "medios adecuados." In view of the fact that the
issue would be to construe the language of the original complaint was prepared in English, and that
complaint very strictly against the Government. The the word "suitable" is translatable by the words
disembarkation of the animals is not necessary in "adecuado," "suficiente," and "conveniente,"
order to constitute the completed offense, and a according to the context and circumstances, we
reasonable construction of the language of the statute determine this point against the appellant, particularly
confers jurisdiction upon the court sitting at the port in view of the fact that the objection was not made in
into which the animals are bought. They are then the court below, and that the evidence clearly shows a
within the territorial jurisdiction of the court, and the failure to provide "suitable means for the protection of
mere fact of their disembarkation is immaterial so far the animals."
as jurisdiction is concerned. This might be different if 2. The appellant's arguments against the
the disembarkation of the animals constituted a constitutionality of Act No. 55 and the amendment
constitutional element in the offense, but it does not. thereto seems to rest upon a fundamentally erroneous
It is also contended that the information is insufficient conception of the constitutional law of these Islands.
because it fails to allege that the The statute penalizes acts and ommissions incidental
defendant knowingly and willfully failed to provide to the transportation of live stock between foreign
suitable means for securing said animals while in ports and ports of the Philippine Islands, and had a
transit, so as to avoid cruelty and unnecessary similar statute regulating commerce with its ports
suffering. The allegation of the complaint that the act been enacted by the legislature of one of the States of
was committed willfully includes the allegation that it the Union, it would doubtless have been in violation of
was committed knowingly. As said in Article I, section 3, of the Constitution of the United
Woodhouse vs. Rio Grande R.R. Company (67 States. (Stubbs vs. People (Colo.), 11 L. R. A., N. S.,
Texas, 416), "the word 'willfully' carries the idea, when 1071.)
used in connection with an act forbidden by law, that But the Philippine Islands is not a State, and its
the act must be done knowingly or intentionally; that, relation to the United States is controlled by
with knowledge, the will consented to, designed, and constitutional principles different from those which
directed the act." So in Wong vs. City of Astoria (13 apply to States of the Union. The importance of the
Oregon, 538), it was said: "The first one is that the question thus presented requires a statement of the
complaint did not show, in the words of the ordinance, principles which govern those relations, and
that the appellant 'knowingly' did the act complained consideration of the nature and extent of the
of. This point, I think, was fully answered by the legislative power of the Philippine Commission and
respondent's counsel — that the words 'willfully' and the Legislature of the Philippines. After much
'knowingly' conveyed the same meaning. To 'willfully' discussion and considerable diversity of opinion
do an act implies that it was done by design — done certain applicable constitutional doctrines are
for a certain purpose; and I think that it would established.
necessarily follow that it was 'knowingly' done." To the The Constitution confers upon the United States the
same effect is Johnson vs. The People (94 Ill., 505), express power to make war and treaties, and it has
which seems to be on all fours with the present case. the power possessed by all nations to acquire territory
The evidence shows not only that the defendant's by conquest or treaty. Territory thus acquired belongs
acts were knowingly done, but his defense rests upon to the United States, and to guard against the
the assertion that "according to his experience, the possibility of the power of Congress to provide for its
system of carrying cattle loose upon the decks and in government being questioned, the framers of the
the hold is preferable and more secure to the life and Constitution provided in express terms that Congress
comfort of the animals." It was conclusively proven should have the power "to dispose of and make all
that what was done was done knowingly and needful rules and regulations respecting territory and
intentionally. other property belonging to the United States." (Art.
In charging an offense under section 6 of General IV, sec. 3, par. 3.) Upon the acquisition of the territory
Orders, No. 58, paragraph 3, it is only necessary to by the United States, and until it is formally
state the act or omission complained of as constituting incorporated into the Union, the duty of providing a
a crime or public offense in ordinary and concise government therefor devolves upon Congress. It may
language, without repitition. It need not necessarily be govern the territory by its direct acts, or it may create
in the words of the statute, but it must be in such form a local government, and delegate thereto the ordinary
as to enable a person of common understanding to powers required for local government. (Binns vs. U.
know what is intended and the court to pronounce S., 194 U. S., 486.) This has been the usual
judgment according to right. A complaint which procedure. Congress has provided such governments
complies with this requirement is good. for territories which were within the Union, and for
(U.S. vs. Sarabia, 4 Phil. Rep., 556.) newly acquired territory not yet incorporated therein. It
The Act, which is in the English language, impose has been customary to organize a government with
upon the master of a vessel the duty to "provide the ordinary separation of powers into executive,
suitable means for securing such animals while in legislative, and judicial, and to prescribe in an organic
transit, so as to avoid all cruelty and unnecessary act certain general conditions in accordance with
suffering to the animals." The allegation of the which the local government should act. The organic
complaint as it reads in English is that the defendant act thus became the constitution of the government of
willfully, unlawfully, and wrongfully carried the cattle the territory which had not been formally incorporated
"without providing suitable means for securing said into the Union, and the validity of legislation enacted
by the local legislature was determined by its agents as he chose to select. As stated by Secretary
conformity with the requirements of such organic act. Root in his report for 1901 —
(National Bank vs. Yankton, 11 Otto (U. S.), 129.) To The military power in exercise in a territory under
the legislative body of the local government Congress military occupation includes executive, legislative, and
has delegated that portion of legislative power which judicial authority. It not infrequently happens that in a
in its wisdom it deemed necessary for the government single order of a military commander can be found the
of the territory, reserving, however, the right to annul exercise of all three of these different powers — the
the action of the local legislature and itself legislate exercise of the legislative powers by provisions
directly for the territory. This power has been prescribing a rule of action; of judicial power by
exercised during the entire period of the history of the determination of right; and the executive power by the
United States. The right of Congress to delegate such enforcement of the rules prescribed and the rights
legislative power can no longer be seriously determined.
questioned. (Dorr vs. U. S., 195 U. S., 138; U. President McKinley desired to transform military into
S. vs. Heinszen, 206 U. S., 370, 385.) civil government as rapidly as conditions would
The Constitution of the United States does not by its permit. After full investigation, the organization of civil
own force operate within such territory, although the government was initiated by the appointment of a
liberality of Congress in legislating the Constitution commission to which civil authority was to be
into contiguous territory tended to create an gradually transferred. On September 1, 1900, the
impression upon the minds of many people that it authority to exercise, subject to the approval of the
went there by its own force. (Downes vs. Bidwell, 182 President. "that part of the military power of the
U. S., 289.) In legislating with reference to this President in the Philippine Islands which is legislative
territory, the power of Congress is limited only by in its character" was transferred from the military
those prohibitions of the Constitution which go to the government to the Commission, to be exercised under
very root of its power to act at all, irrespective of time such rules and regulations as should be prescribed by
or place. In all other respects it is plenary. (De the Secretary of War, until such time as complete civil
Lima vs. Bidwell, 182 U. S., 1; Downes vs. Bidwell, government should be established, or congress
182 U. S., 244; Hawaii vs. Mankichi, 190 U. S., 197; otherwise provided. The legislative power thus
Dorr vs. U. S., 195 U. S., 138; Rassmussen vs. U. S., conferred upon the Commission was declared to
197 U. S., 516.) include "the making of rules and orders having the
This power has been exercised by Congress effect of law for the raising of revenue by taxes,
throughout the whole history of the United States, and customs duties, and imposts; the appropriation and
legislation founded on the theory was enacted long expenditure of public funds of the Islands; the
prior to the acquisition of the present Insular establishment of an educational system to secure an
possessions. Section 1891 of the Revised Statutes of efficient civil service; the organization and
1878 provides that "The Constitution and all laws of establishment of courts; the organization and
the United States which are not locally inapplicable establishment of municipal and departmental
shall have the same force and effect within all the government, and all other matters of a civil nature
organized territories, and in every Territory hereafter which the military governor is now competent to
organized, as elsewhere within the United States." provide by rules or orders of a legislative character."
When Congress organized a civil government for the This grant of legislative power to the Commission was
Philippines, it expressly provided that this section of to be exercised in conformity with certain declared
the Revised Statutes should not apply to the general principles, and subject to certain specific
Philippine Islands. (Sec. 1, Act of 1902.) restrictions for the protection of individual rights. The
In providing for the government of the territory which Commission were to bear in mind that the government
was acquired by the United States as a result of the to be instituted was "not for our satisfaction or for the
war with Spain, the executive and legislative expression of our theoretical views, but for the
authorities have consistently proceeded in conformity happiness, peace, and prosperity of the people of the
with the principles above state. The city of Manila was Philippine Island, and the measures adopted should
surrendered to the United States on August 13, 1898, be made to conforms to their customs, their habits,
and the military commander was directed to hold the and even their prejudices, to the fullest extent
city, bay, and harbor, pending the conclusion of a consistent with the accomplishment of the
peace which should determine the control, disposition, indispensable requisites of just and effective
and government of the Islands. The duty then government." The specific restrictions upon legislative
devolved upon the American authorities to preserve power were found in the declarations that "no person
peace and protect person and property within the shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without
occupied territory. Provision therefor was made by due process of law; that private property shall not be
proper orders, and on August 26 General Merritt taken for public use without just compensation; that in
assumed the duties of military governor. The treaty of all criminal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the
peace was signed December 10, 1898. On the 22d of right to a speedy and public trial, to be informed of the
December, 1898, the President announced that the nature and cause of the accusation, to be confronted
destruction of the Spanish fleet and the surrender of with the witnesses against him, to have compulsory
the city had practically effected the conquest of the process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to
Philippine Islands and the suspension of the Spanish have the assistance of counsel for his defense; that
sovereignty therein, and that by the treaty of peace excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive
the future control, disposition, and government of the fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment
Islands had been ceded to the United States. During inflicted; that no person shall be put twice in jeopardy
the periods of strict military occupation, before the for the same offense or be compelled in any criminal
treaty of peace was ratified, and the interim thereafter, case to be a witness against himself; that the right to
until Congress acted (Santiago vs. Noueral, 214 U.S., be secure against unreasonable searches and
260), the territory was governed under the military seizures shall not be violated; that neither slavery nor
authority of the President as commander in chief. involuntary servitude shall exist except as a
Long before Congress took any action, the President punishment for crime; that no bill of attainder or ex
organized a civil government which, however, had its post facto law shall be passed; that no law shall be
legal justification, like the purely military government passed abridging the freedom of speech or of the
which it gradually superseded, in the war power. The press or of the rights of the people to peaceably
military power of the President embraced legislative, assemble and petition the Government for a redress
executive personally, or through such military or civil of grievances; that no law shall be made respecting
an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free and legally expressed will of the President and
exercise thereof, and that the free exercise and Congress, instead of the popular sovereign
enjoyment of religious profession and worship without constituency which lies upon any subject relating to
discrimination or preference shall forever be allowed." the Philippines is primarily in Congress, and when it
To prevent any question as to the legality of these exercise such power its act is from the viewpoint of
proceedings being raised, the Spooner amendment to the Philippines the legal equivalent of an amendment
the Army Appropriation Bill passed March 2, 1901, of a constitution in the United States.
provided that "all military, civil, and judicial powers Within the limits of its authority the Government of the
necessary to govern the Philippine Islands . . . shall Philippines is a complete governmental organism with
until otherwise provided by Congress be vested in executive, legislative, and judicial departments
such person and persons, and shall be exercised in exercising the functions commonly assigned to such
such manner, as the President of the United States departments. The separation of powers is as
shall direct, for the establishment of civil government, complete as in most governments. In neither Federal
and for maintaining and protecting the inhabitants of nor State governments is this separation such as is
said Islands in the free enjoyment of their liberty, implied in the abstract statement of the doctrine. For
property, and religion." Thereafter, on July 4, 1901, instance, in the Federal Government the Senate
the authority, which had been exercised previously by exercises executive powers, and the President to
the military governor, was transferred to that official. some extent controls legislation through the veto
The government thus created by virtue of the authority power. In a State the veto power enables him to
of the President as Commander in Chief of the Army exercise much control over legislation. The Governor-
and Navy continued to administer the affairs of the General, the head of the executive department in the
Islands under the direction of the President until by Philippine Government, is a member of the Philippine
the Act of July 1, 1902, Congress assumed control of Commission, but as executive he has no veto power.
the situation by the enactment of a law which, in The President and Congress framed the government
connection with the instructions of April 7, 1900, on the model with which Americans are familiar, and
constitutes the organic law of the Philippine Islands. which has proven best adapted for the advancement
The Act of July 1, 1902, made no substancial changes of the public interests and the protection of individual
in the form of government which the President had rights and priviliges.
erected. Congress adopted the system which was in In instituting this form of government of intention must
operation, and approved the action of the President in have been to adopt the general constitutional
organizing the government. Substantially all the doctrined which are inherent in the system. Hence,
limitations which had been imposed on the legislative under it the Legislature must enact laws subject to the
power by the President's instructions were included in limitations of the organic laws, as Congress must act
the law, Congress thus extending to the Islands by under the national Constitution, and the States under
legislative act nor the Constitution, but all its the national and state constitutions. The executive
provisions for the protection of the rights and must execute such laws as are constitutionally
privileges of individuals which were appropriate under enacted. The judiciary, as in all governments
the conditions. The action of the President in creating operating under written constitutions, must determine
the Commission with designated powers of the validity of legislative enactments, as well as the
government, in creating the office of the Governor- legality of all private and official acts. In performing
General and Vice-Governor-General, and through the these functions it acts with the same independence as
Commission establishing certain executive the Federal and State judiciaries in the United States.
departments, was expressly approved and ratified. Under no other constitutional theory could there be
Subsequently the action of the President in imposing that government of laws and not of men which is
a tariff before and after the ratification of the treaty of essential for the protection of rights under a free and
peace was also ratified and approved by Congress. orderly government.
(Act of March 8, 1902; Act of July 1, 1902; Such being the constitutional theory of the
U.S. vs. Heinszen, 206 U.S., 370; Lincoln vs. U.S., Government of the Philippine Islands, it is apparent
197 U.S., 419.) Until otherwise provided by law the that the courts must consider the question of the
Islands were to continue to be governed "as thereby validity of an act of the Philippine Commission or the
and herein provided." In the future the enacting clause Philippine Legislature, as a State court considers an
of all statutes should read "By authority of the United act of the State legislature. The Federal Government
States" instead of "By the authority of the President." exercises such powers only as are expressly or
In the course of time the legislative authority of the impliedly granted to it by the Constitution of the United
Commission in all parts of the Islands not inhabited by States, while the States exercise all powers which
Moros or non-Christian tribes was to be transferred to have not been granted to the central government. The
a legislature consisting of two houses — the former operates under grants, the latter subject to
Philippine Commission and the Philippine Assembly. restrictions. The validity of an Act of Congress
The government of the Islands was thus assumed by depends upon whether the Constitution of the United
Congress under its power to govern newly acquired States contains a grant of express or implied authority
territory not incorporated into the United States. to enact it. An act of a State legislature is valid unless
This Government of the Philippine Islands is not a the Federal or State constitution expressly or impliedly
State or a Territory, although its form and organization prohibits its enaction. An Act of the legislative
somewhat resembles that of both. It stands outside of authority of the Philippines Government which has not
the constitutional relation which unites the States and been expressly disapproved by Congress is valid
Territories into the Union. The authority for its creation unless its subject-matter has been covered by
and maintenance is derived from the Constitution of congressional legislation, or its enactment forbidden
the United States, which, however, operates on the by some provision of the organic laws.
President and Congress, and not directly on the The legislative power of the Government of the
Philippine Government. It is the creation of the United Philippines is granted in general terms subject to
States, acting through the President and Congress, specific limitations. The general grant is not alone of
both deriving power from the same source, but from power to legislate on certain subjects, but to exercise
different parts thereof. For its powers and the the legislative power subject to the restrictions stated.
limitations thereon the Government of the Philippines It is true that specific authority is conferred upon the
looked to the orders of the President before Congress Philippine Government relative to certain subjects of
acted and the Acts of Congress after it assumed legislation, and that Congress has itself legislated
control. Its organic laws are derived from the formally upon certain other subjects. These, however, should
be viewed simply as enactments on matters wherein question which must be determined by the court from
Congress was fully informed and ready to act, and not the evidence. On December 2, 1908, the defendant
as implying any restriction upon the local legislative Bull brought into and disembarked in the port and city
authority in other matters. (See Opinion of Atty. Gen. of Manila certain cattle, which came from the port of
of U. S., April 16, 1908.) Ampieng, Formosa, without providing suitable means
The fact that Congress reserved the power to annul for securing said animals while in transit, so as to
specific acts of legislation by the Government of the avoid cruelty and unnecessary suffering to said
Philippine tends strongly to confirm the view that for animals, contrary to the provisions of section 1 of Act
purposes of construction the Government of the No. 55, as amended by section 1 of Act No. 275. The
Philippines should be regarded as one of general trial court found the following facts, all of which are
instead of enumerated legislative powers. The fully sustained by the evidence:
situation was unusual. The new government was to That the defendant, H. N. Bull, as captain and master
operate far from the source of its authority. To relieve of the Norwegian steamer known as the Standard, for
Congress from the necessity of legislating with a period of six months or thereabouts prior to the 2d
reference to details, it was thought better to grant day of December, 1908, was engaged in the
general legislative power to the new government, transportation of cattle and carabaos from Chines and
subject to broad and easily understood prohibitions, Japanese ports to and into the city of Manila,
and reserve to Congress the power to annul its acts if Philippine Islands.
they met with disapproval. It was therefore provided That on the 2d day of December, 1908, the
"that all laws passed by the Government of the defendant, as such master and captain as aforesaid,
Philippine Islands shall be reported to Congress, brought into the city of Manila, aboard said ship, a
which hereby reserves the power and authority to large number of cattle, which ship was anchored,
annul the same." (Act of Congress, July 1, 1902, sec. under the directions of the said defendant, behind the
86.) This provision does not suspend the acts of the breakwaters in front of the city of Manila, in Manila
Legislature of the Philippines until approved by Bay, and within the jurisdiction of this court; and that
Congress, or when approved, expressly or by fifteen of said cattle then and there had broken legs
acquiescence, make them the laws of Congress. They and three others of said cattle were dead, having
are valid acts of the Government of the Philippine broken legs; and also that said cattle were transported
Islands until annulled. (Miners Bank vs. Iowa, 12 How. and carried upon said ship as aforesaid by the
(U. S.), 1.) defendant, upon the deck and in the hold of said ship,
In order to determine the validity of Act No. 55 we without suitable precaution and care for the
must then ascertain whether the Legislature has been transportation of said animals, and to avoid danger
expressly or implication forbidden to enact it. Section and risk to their lives and security; and further that
3, Article IV, of the Constitution of the United States said cattle were so transported abroad said ship by
operated only upon the States of the Union. It has no the defendant and brought into the said bay, and into
application to the Government of the Philippine the city of Manila, without any provisions being made
Islands. The power to regulate foreign commerce is whatever upon said decks of said ship and in the hold
vested in Congress, and by virtue of its power to thereof to maintain said cattle in a suitable condition
govern the territory belonging to the United States, it and position for such transportation.
may regulate foreign commerce with such territory. It That a suitable and practicable manner in which to
may do this directly, or indirectly through a legislative transport cattle abroad steamship coming into Manila
body created by it, to which its power in this respect if Bay and unloading in the city of Manila is by way of
delegate. Congress has by direct legislation individual stalls for such cattle, providing partitions
determined the duties which shall be paid upon goods between the cattle and supports at the front sides,
imported into the Philippines, and it has expressly and rear thereof, and cross-cleats upon the floor on
authorized the Government of the Philippines to which they stand and are transported, of that in case
provide for the needs of commerce by improving of storms, which are common in this community at
harbors and navigable waters. A few other specific sea, such cattle may be able to stand without slipping
provisions relating to foreign commerce may be found and pitching and falling, individually or collectively,
in the Acts of Congress, but its general regulation is and to avoid the production of panics and hazard to
left to the Government of the Philippines, subject to the animals on account or cattle were transported in
the reserved power of Congress to annul such this case. Captain Summerville of the
legislation as does not meet with its approval. The steamship Taming, a very intelligent and experienced
express limitations upon the power of the Commission seaman, has testified, as a witness in behalf of the
and Legislature to legislate do not affect the authority Government, and stated positively that since the
with respect to the regulation of commerce with introduction in the ships with which he is acquainted
foreign countries. Act No. 55 was enacted before of the stall system for the transportation of animals
Congress took over the control of the Islands, and this and cattle he has suffered no loss whatever during the
act was amended by Act No. 275 after the Spooner last year. The defendant has testified, as a witness in
amendment of March 2, 1901, was passed. The his own behalf, that according to his experience the
military government, and the civil government system of carrying cattle loose upon the decks and in
instituted by the President, had the power, whether it the hold is preferable and more secure to the life and
be called legislative or administrative, to regulate comfort of the animals, but this theory of the case is
commerce between foreign nations and the ports of not maintainable, either by the proofs or common
the territory. (Cross vs. Harrison, 16 How. (U.S.), 164, reason. It can not be urged with logic that, for
190; Hamilton vs. Dillin, 21 Wall. (U.S.), 73, 87.) This instance, three hundred cattle supports for the feet
Act has remained in force since its enactment without and without stalls or any other protection for them
annulment or other action by Congress, and must be individually can safely and suitably carried in times of
presumed to have met with its approval. We are storm upon the decks and in the holds of ships; such
therefore satisfied that the Commission had, and the a theory is against the law of nature. One animal
Legislature now has, full constitutional power to enact falling or pitching, if he is untied or unprotected, might
laws for the regulation of commerce between foreign produce a serious panic and the wounding of half the
countries and the ports of the Philippine Islands, and animals upon the ship if transported in the manner
that Act No. 55, as amended by Act No. 275, is valid. found in this case.
3. Whether a certain method of handling cattle is The defendant was found guilty, and sentenced to pay
suitable within the meaning of the Act can not be left a fine of two hundred and fifty pesos, with subsidiary
to the judgment of the master of the ship. It is a imprisonment in case of insolvency, and to pay the
costs. The sentence and judgment is affirmed. So It is true that in certain cases the comity of nations is
ordered. observed, as in Mali and Wildenhus vs. Keeper of the
Arellano, C.J., Torres, Johnson, Carson and Common Jail (120 U.., 1), wherein it was said that:
Moreland, JJ., concur. . . . The principle which governs the whole matter is
this: Disorder which disturb only the peace of the ship
G.R. No. L-18924 October 19, 1922 or those on board are to be dealt with exclusively by
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINE the sovereignty of the home of the ship, but those
ISLANDS, plaintiff-appellant, which disturb the public peace may be suppressed,
vs. and, if need be, the offenders punished by the proper
WONG CHENG (alias WONG CHUN), defendant- authorities of the local jurisdiction. It may not be easy
appellee. at all times to determine which of the two jurisdictions
Attorney-General Villa-Real for appellant. a particular act of disorder belongs. Much will
Eduardo Gutierrez Repide for appellee. undoubtedly depend on the attending circumstances
ROMUALDEZ, J.: of the particular case, but all must concede that
In this appeal the Attorney-General urges the felonious homicide is a subject for the local
revocation of the order of the Court of First Instance of jurisdiction, and that if the proper authorities are
Manila, sustaining the demurrer presented by the proceeding with the case in the regular way the
defendant to the information that initiated this case consul has no right to interfere to prevent it.
and in which the appellee is accused of having Hence in United States vs. Look Chaw (18 Phil., 573),
illegally smoked opium, aboard the merchant this court held that:
vessel Changsa of English nationality while said Although the mere possession of an article of
vessel was anchored in Manila Bay two and a half prohibited use in the Philippine Islands, aboard a
miles from the shores of the city. foreign vessel in transit in any local port, does not, as
The demurrer alleged lack of jurisdiction on the part of a general rule, constitute a crime triable by the courts
the lower court, which so held and dismissed the of the Islands, such vessels being considered as an
case. extension of its own nationality, the same rule does
The question that presents itself for our consideration not apply when the article, the use of which is
is whether such ruling is erroneous or not; and it will prohibited in the Islands, is landed from the vessels
or will not be erroneous according as said court has or upon Philippine soil; in such a case an open violation
has no jurisdiction over said offense. of the laws of the land is committed with respect to
The point at issue is whether the courts of the which, as it is a violation of the penal law in force at
Philippines have jurisdiction over crime, like the one the place of the commission of the crime, no court
herein involved, committed aboard merchant vessels other than that established in the said place has
anchored in our jurisdiction waters. 1awph!
jurisdiction of the offense, in the absence of an
There are two fundamental rules on this particular agreement under an international treaty.
matter in connection with International Law; to wit, the As to whether the United States has ever consented
French rule, according to which crimes committed by treaty or otherwise to renouncing such jurisdiction
aboard a foreign merchant vessels should not be or a part thereof, we find nothing to this effect so far
prosecuted in the courts of the country within whose as England is concerned, to which nation the ship
territorial jurisdiction they were committed, unless where the crime in question was committed belongs.
their commission affects the peace and security of the Besides, in his work "Treaties, Conventions, etc.,"
territory; and the English rule, based on the territorial volume 1, page 625, Malloy says the following:
principle and followed in the United States, according There shall be between the territories of the United
to which, crimes perpetrated under such States of America, and all the territories of His Britanic
circumstances are in general triable in the courts of Majesty in Europe, a reciprocal liberty of commerce.
the country within territory they were committed. Of The inhabitants of the two countries, respectively,
this two rules, it is the last one that obtains in this shall have liberty freely and securely to come with
jurisdiction, because at present the theories and their ships and cargoes to all such places, ports and
jurisprudence prevailing in the United States on this rivers, in the territories aforesaid, to which other
matter are authority in the Philippines which is now a foreigners are permitted to come, to enter into the
territory of the United States. same, and to remain and reside in any parts of the
In the cases of The Schooner Exchange vs. said territories, respectively; also to hire and occupy
M'Faddon and Others (7 Cranch [U. S.], 116), Chief houses and warehouses for the purposes of their
Justice Marshall said: commerce; and, generally, the merchants and traders
. . . When merchant vessels enter for the purposes of of each nation respectively shall enjoy the most
trade, it would be obviously inconvenient and complete protection and security for their commerce,
dangerous to society, and would subject the laws to but subject always to the laws and statutes of the two
continual infraction, and the government to countries, respectively. (Art. 1, Commerce and
degradation, if such individuals or merchants did not Navigation Convention.)
owe temporary and local allegiance, and were not We have seen that the mere possession of opium
amenable to the jurisdiction of the country. . . . aboard a foreign vessel in transit was held by this
In United States vs. Bull (15 Phil., 7), this court held: court not triable by or courts, because it being the
. . . No court of the Philippine Islands had jurisdiction primary object of our Opium Law to protect the
over an offense or crime committed on the high seas inhabitants of the Philippines against the disastrous
or within the territorial waters of any other country, but effects entailed by the use of this drug, its mere
when she came within three miles of a line drawn possession in such a ship, without being used in our
from the headlands, which embrace the entrance to territory, does not being about in the said territory
Manila Bay, she was within territorial waters, and a those effects that our statute contemplates avoiding.
new set of principles became applicable. (Wheaton, Hence such a mere possession is not considered a
International Law [Dana ed.], p. 255, note 105; disturbance of the public order.
Bonfils, Le Droit Int., secs. 490 et seq.; Latour, La Mer But to smoke opium within our territorial limits, even
Ter., ch. 1.) The ship and her crew were then subject though aboard a foreign merchant ship, is certainly a
to the jurisdiction of the territorial sovereign subject to breach of the public order here established, because
such limitations as have been conceded by that it causes such drug to produce its pernicious effects
sovereignty through the proper political agency. . . . within our territory. It seriously contravenes the
purpose that our Legislature has in mind in enacting
the aforesaid repressive statute. Moreover, as the
Attorney-General aptly observes:
. . . The idea of a person smoking opium securely on
board a foreign vessel at anchor in the port of Manila
in open defiance of the local authorities, who are
impotent to lay hands on him, is simply subversive of
public order. It requires no unusual stretch of the
imagination to conceive that a foreign ship may come
into the port of Manila and allow or solicit Chinese
residents to smoke opium on board.
The order appealed from is revoked and the cause
ordered remanded to the court of origin for further
proceedings in accordance with law, without special
findings as to costs. So ordered.
Araullo, C.J., Street, Malcolm, Avanceña, Villamor,
Ostrand and Johns, JJ., concur.

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