School Registers and Records - 16

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School Registers & Records

The purpose of school registers and records is to better organise record keeping and
ensure there is an efficient system for keeping and passing on information.

The Head Teacher has the overall responsibility to keep, check and sign all the registers

The Head Teacher has overall responsibility for the control of all school equipment and
stocks of textbooks and stationery.

Teachers are responsible for maintaining the Attendance Registers for their classes.

Each teacher is responsible for returning all textbooks and unused stationery at the end of
each school year.

All Registers, Account Books, School Log Book/Diary and the Stock Book remain the
property of the school and are not to be removed from the school.

Student.files are to be kept at the school they are attending and sent on to their new school
. when they transfer.

Admission Register: Each Head Teacher shall keep an Admission book to record the
names and ages of all students entering the school for the first time.

Student Files: There should be a file kept on each student, containing basic information
such as family details, birth certificate, copies of academic performance reports, health
reports, and student transfer card.

Attendance Register: Each teacher shall keep a daily Register of attendance of all pupils
in their class. It shall be kept in the classroom and made available for the Head Teacher
and authorised visitors to check.
Teachers' Files: These should contain personal details, reports, level of education etc, not
confidential information.

Staff Register: The Head Teacher shall keep in hislher office a Register of teachers'
attendance. Each teacher is to sign the Register when they start and finish work each day.

School LoglDiary: The Head Teacher shall keep in hislher office a School Log I Diary
book to record important happenings every week.

School Accounts Book: Refer to the section on monitoring school accounts, in the
procedure "Planning and Budgeting for Schools".

Vanuatu Primary School Heact Teachers' Manual 45

Stock Book: The Head Teacher shall keep a stock book which records all the school'
equipment, books, tools, furniture, etc. All textbooks and re-usable items are the prop
of the ministry and shall remain with the school. They shall be returned to inventory:
the end of each school term. All inventory shall be counted at the end of each term an,
stock book updated.
The Visitors Book - in which visitors to the school write their name, job and address
together with a comment about the school.
Accident Book - to keep a careful record of any accidents which happen to either
children or members of staff while they are on the school premises.


Admission Register

The Admission Register is a record of all children who have entered and left the
All pupils should have their names registered in the Admissions Register.

Use the Admission Register book from Curriculum Development Unit.

All pupils should be enrolled from the beginning ofthe school year.

No pupil should be enrolled after the beginning of the school year unless there is
good reason sueD as the transfer of the parent.

Children entering Year One should be six years of age before the start of the first
.i the year.

The information to be entered for each new child is as follows:-

1. Admission number
2. Name
3. Date of birth (indicate kind of proof seen on enrolment)
4. Home address
5. Name of parent or guardian
6. Date admitted
7. Date left school
8. Reason forleaving
9. Remarks (anything unusual about enrolment)

Admission Name Date of Home Parent I Date Date Left

Birth address

200 Tom Dick li2/90 Ra Village, Ba Harry Dick 7/2/96

birth cert

201 Peter San 12/6/89 Ta Village Pat San 7/2/96

202 May Ann '26/8/89 Ho Village SamToi 7/2/96

birth cert

46 Vanuatu Primary School Head Teachers' Manual

Students' Files
Each student shall have a file for their basic infonnation, parents' details, Transfer and
Identity Card, Health Card and other important records. Label each file clearly with the
child's name, family name and admission number. Store in order - by each class, then in
alphabetic order of students' names. At the end of each year, pass on the files of each
transferring student to their new school. For those students who finish in Year 6, retain
their files for two years before destroying.

Pupils' Transfer and Identity Card

The Ministry of Education has issued a card on which the details of a child's emolment
should be noted. This card must be passed on to the next primary school if the child
moves on. It contains the infonnation which the Head Teacher at the new school will
need for emolment. In particular it will be proof of the child's date of birth. This card is
very important and Heads have the right to refuse admission to children who do not bring
the card with them on transfer.

The main enrolment details are recorded by the Head of the first school the child attends.
On transfer, the second Head will bring the card up to date as indicated in the lower part
of the emolment side.

The reverse side of the card has a record ofa child's progress through Years 1-6. It should
be completed at the start of every school year.

It is most important that-Heads remember to forward the card with the child when
they transfer to another school.

Vanuatu Primary School Head Teachers' Manual 47

(To be completed by the Head Teacher when the child first enters the school)
NAME: ......... . ..Sex .. .Home Island ....
Dale of Birth ... Month .. ..Year..
Supportive documents (Birth Certificate, Hospital record, etc;)
Delivered on: ..... ......... By ......................... .
Names of Schools previously attended (including Pre~School) if any:

This card must be passed on with the child whenever the child changes to a different Primary SchooL The new school's
must complete the infonnation below.

First Transfer
This child was enrolled into Year. .. ....... At .....
Second Transfer
This child was enrolled into Year... . .......... At ........................ .
Third Transfer
This child was enrolled into Year...................... . . .......... At ...... .



(This side is to be completed at the start of each school year) PLEASE USE BLOCK LETTERS
FULL NAME OF CHILD: ......... ................... .
First Name Family Name



l T __
Health Certificates and Medical Records
Medical inspections of children are made every year by tearns from the Ministry of
Health's MCH Clinic.

Each child in Year 1 and Year 6 is given both an inspection and a vaccination. Details of
the inspection are recorded by the team on a Medical form which is then kept at school, in
the student's file. If a child transfers to another school, this form should be
forwarded together with the Transfer and Identity Card.

Before the medical team visits, parents should be informed so that they can be present for
the inspection ifthey wish .. In any case it is good practice to obtain permission for the
inspection and the Ministry of Health provides a form in English and French for this
purpose. A copy ofthis form appears below.

Vanuatu Primary School Head Teachers' Manual 49

Child Health Record Fiche Medicale pour Enfant


Child's name Reference No.

Nom de I'enfant No de Reference

Date of Birth Family name

Date de naissance Nom de famille

Sex Village


Birth information Birth weight

Information sur la naissance Paids a la naissance

Type of Delivery Length

Type de Presentation Taille



Normal/Abnormal Hospital I Dispensary I Home

1 minute ... Birth attendant Hopitall Dispensaire I Domicile

10 minutes ....... Accoucheur Medical I Non medical

BCG at birth I ilia naissance

1" DPT and Polio 6 weeks after birth 16 semaines (1 mois et demi) apres la naiiss,,"ce
2"" DPT and Polio one month after 1st dose I un mois apres la 1ere dose
3 DPT and Polio one month after 2,d dose I un mois apres la 2eme dose
Measles (Rougeole) from 9 months to 3 years I entre I'age de 9 mois et la 3eme annee

Date 1 2


D.P.T.I D.T.




50 Vanuatu Primary School Head Teachers' Manual

Pupils' Attendance Registers
Separate registers are required for each class, except for small schools where classes may
be combined into fewer registers.

The names of all pupils must be in the Attendance Registers. Keep registers in a safe
place and protect them from wear by covering them or strengthening them. It will help
Heads when they come to supply statistical information if an 'F' is placed against the
names of girls and/or an 'M' next to boys names. It is then easier to count up the numbers
of boys and girls in each class. So that there can be no doubt about the identity of
children with similar names, it is good practice to put the child's admission number next
to the name. The child's date of-birth should also be recorded. From this date Heads and
teachers can calculate the age of each child at the beginning of January.

Teachers should mark registers in ink at the beginning of the morning and afternoon
sessions. All teachers in the same school should mark the registers in the same style. The
following is suggested:
Present in the morning leave blank
Present in the afternoon leave blank
Absent in the morning
Absent in the afternoon,
Absent all day +
Put the totids for each session at the foot of the column. It is a good habit to do this at the
end of every session - that way you take account of later comers.

Calculate totals and % absences monthly and have them checked and signed by the Head.

At the end of each year the Head Teacher signs all the class Registers of Attendance.

Staff Attendance Register

In an exercise book, rule columns for date, name, morning and afternoon attendance and
reasons for absence.
Each teacher is to sign the register every day. The Head Teacher checks and signs at the
end of each month and notifies the PEO of unapproved absences.

Date Name Morninl! Afternoon Reasons for absence

In Out In Out
9/3/2000 John Mark 7.15 11.30 1.15 3.45

9/3/2000 Janet Rao 7.00 11.40 1.20 4.15

9/3/2000 Kal Raka Sick - malaria. Medical certificate


Vanuatu Primary School Head Teachers' Manual 51

School Accounts Book
Refer to the Procedure "Planning and Budgeting for Schools" for detail of how to ke(
school accounts

School Stock Book

Use an exercise book or boole with hard cover.
The following stacie should be recorded:-
a. Text-booles
b. Consumable stock (exercise books, pens, pencils, paper, chalk)
c. Furniture (desles, chairs)
d. Office equipment
e. Sports equipment
f. Tools (gardening, craft etc)

When stock is received it should be recorded in the stock-book. Text books must be
stamped with the school stamp when they are received.

All items issued to teachers should be signed for. Items worn-out can be "written off' I
discarded with proper approval by the PEO. When stock leaves the school or is
discarded, that should be recorded in the stock-book.
Two different page layouts are recommended for the stock book:
1. For items which are returnable, like text books, and permanent prc)peIi(
of the school, like furniture and equipment;
2. For non-returnable items like stationery.

52 Vanuatu Primary School Head Teachers' Manual


1. Non-consumable items

This stock book page is for text books and other items which may be returned to the
office, or for furniture and equipment. Each item has its own page.

Item Name: Student Book - English Year 5

Dale Received Quantity Issued Quantily Balanc Signalur Noles or

from received 10 Issued e of e of comment
Slack person s
la) (b) (c) (d) (e) m (0) (hi

1.1.99 5 Stock-take

10.2.99 CDU 20 25

11.2.99 C Robert 20 5 Issued to

class 5

7.12.99 C Robert 20 25 Returned

from use

TakingHfe school inventory
At the end of each year all returnable items should be returned to inventory. The Head
Teacher should physically check each classroom and with each teacher to ensure all
outstanding items, especially text books are returned.

A physical stock-take (count of items) should then be carried out. Record the amount of
stock on the stock control sheet alongside the date of the stock-take and write "Stock-
take" in column "h".

Receiving Stock
Whenever new stock is received the details must be recorded in the following columns:
• Record the date the stock was received in column "a".
• Record who the stock came from in column "b".
• Record how much stock was received in column "c".
• Add the quantity of new stock (column "c") to the previous balance and write the new
balance in column "f'.
• Sign in column "g" to authorise the entry.

Issuing Stock
Whenever stock is issued to someone the details must be recorded in the book in the
following columns: .
• Record the date the stock was issued in column "a"
• Record the name ofthe person the stock was issued to in column "d"
• Record how much stock was issued in column "e"
Vanuatu P~imary School Head Teachers' Manual 53
.. Subtract the quantity of stock issued (column "e") from the previous balance in
column "f' and write the new balance in column "f'.
.. The person who receives the stock should sign in column "g" to verify they received

2. Consumable items
This is the stock book page for stationery and other small items. Each item has one line
on the page.

Write the opening stock in the first column. When some are issued, draw a diagonal line
across the column - write the amount issued and the date in the top left comer and the
remaining stock in the bottom right of the block.


Issued Issued Issued Issued

Item Opening Idate /date
Idate Idate
stock Left in Left in Left In Left In
date stock stock stock stock

HB Pencils 100 20 9/2/00 40 10/3/0

212100 80 40 200

Biro "blue 68 15 9/2/0

2/2/00 53

Ruler30cm 50 30 9/2/0 15 2013

212/00 20 5

Exercise 120 60 15/21

212/00 60

School Log Book/Diary

Every school should have a log book to record the 'life' of the school week by week. Use
it to record events such as:-
.. School holidays
.. School functions (sports-days, Concerts, sales etc)
.. Visits by outside people
.. Dates of examinations
.. Schoo I outings
.. Repairs and improvements
54 V:anuatu Primary School Head Teachers' Manual
.. Anything which is not part of the regular pattern of school life.

Use an exercise book or similar. Entries don't need to be long. Here is an example.

Week 6 -10 March 2000

The school held its fund-raising on the 6th of March, a public holiday. Many parents
turned up and we raised about 75,000 Vatu. On Wednesday afternoon the children began
their training for the inter-school sports competition. Mr. Raka has been absent ill all
week suffering from malaria.

Visitor's Book

A visitor's book records the names of visitors to a school together with any comment that
they might wish to make. Use a ruled exercise book or similar. Here is an example of

Date Visitor Comment

12.04.00 J Path (PEO) Inspected new classrooms today and advised HIT on
plans to provide teacher.
21.05.00 A Nutta (Ministry), Checked on quality of the new desks. A further 36
will be ordered.

Accident Book

Keep a.careful record of any accidents which happen to either children or members of
staff while they are on the school premises. Describe what caused the accident, describe
any injuries caused and say what action (first-aid, sent to local medical post) was taken.
Always record dates and times.

Files for Correspondence

Routine correspondence is best kept in a separate file. Cardboard files are not expensive
and Heads should not need many. A file might be opened for:-
.. Ministry circulars received
.. Letters received
.. Syllabus details

When letters are written by the Head, it is a good idea to keep a copy in case of an enquiry
at a later date. A simple but effective way to do this is to obtain a notebook with
numbered pages and a carbon paper. When correspondence is answered, a note can be
made on the original that the reply is to be found on Page x ofthe reply book. A similar
book can be used to keep copies of correspondence started by the Head.

It is a good habit to put letters in a file as soon as they are received. Letters left on tables,
or put inside books often get lost.
Vanuatu Primary School Head Teachers' Manual 55
Records of children's work
This book is often combined with the Mark Book and will note as many aspects of a
child's life at school as possible. It should contain assessments of individual strengths and
weaknesses as well as comments on behaviour and attitude to school.

Vanuatu Primary School Head Teachers' Manual 57

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