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MCV 4U1 Unit 1 Review

1. Evaluate each limit, if it exists. If the limit does not exist, explain why using the criteria covered in the course.
x2  9 x2  4 3 x 2  11x  4
a) lim b) lim c) lim
x 2 x  4 x2 x2 x 4 x 2  x  12

1 1

3 x  7 3
x  25  3
d) lim e) lim x  2 x  6 f) lim
x2 x2 x 4 x4 x2 x2  4

x 7  128 x 4  3 x3  2 x 2  18 x2  4
g) lim h) lim i) lim
x2 x2 x 3 2 x 2  5x  3 x2 x2

x2  4x  4 3 x  7 2n  3
j) lim k) lim l) lim
x2 x2 x2 x2 2 n  n  3

2. Use the first principles definition to differentiate f ( x)  2 x 4  3

3. Use the first principles definition to differentiate f ( x)  x 2  2 x . Determine the equation of the tangent line, in
standard form, to the function at x  2 . Determine the equation of the normal line (the line perpendicular to
the tangent line), in standard form, to the function at x  2 .

4. Determine the derivative of the function f ( x )  x  2 . State the domain of f ( x ) and the domain of f  ( x) .
Are the domains different? Why or why not? What does this tell us about the differentiability of f ( x ) ?

5. When is a function non-differentiable at an x-value? Give two possibilities (in general, not specific examples).

6. What conditions must be met for the function y  f ( x ) to be continuous at x  a ?

7. What criteria must be met for lim f ( x ) to exist?
x a

 4 x  6, if x  2
4  x 2 , if  2  x  2

8. Given the function. g(x )   2 , evaluate each of the following.
 x  4, if 2  x  5
 4 x  1, if x  5

a) lim g ( x) b) lim g ( x ) c) lim g ( x) d) g (5) e) lim g ( x)

x 2 x 2 x 2 x 5
9. Given the graph of the following function, y  g ( x ) , evaluate each of the following.

b) lim g ( x ) b) lim g ( x) c) lim g ( x ) d) lim g ( x) e) g (3)

x 3 x 2 x 2 x 2

10. Identify all x-values where the following graph of y  f ( x ) is discontinuous, using limits and function values to
support your answer. You must use proper mathematical notation and the conditions for continuity. For each
discontinuity, state the type of discontinuity.

11. Use the first principles definition of a derivative to determine for each function.
2 1
a) y  3x  5 b) y  c) y  2
x x

12. The height, H, in metres, of a rugby ball after it is kicked is given by H  t   4.9t 2  12.2t  0.5 , where t is
time, in seconds.
a) Determine the rate of change of the height of the rugby ball at time t (using first principles).
b) Use the derivative calculated in part (a) to determine the time when the ball will be at its maximum height,
then determine the maximum height.
c) Determine the instantaneous rate of change in the height at the moment the ball hits the ground.

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