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Impact of scripless trading

on business practices
of Sub-brokers.

For further details, please contact:

Mr. T. Koshy
Vice President
National Securities Depository Ltd.
Tradeworld, 5th Floor, Kamala Mills Compound,
Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel,
Mumbai — 400013
Ph: 022-4972964-70; Fax: 022-4972993
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January - 2000 National Securities Depository Limited
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hile the trading in the stock exchanges is effected only through
the registered trading members (brokers) of the exchanges,
there are number of sub-brokers who are servicing a large
cross section of investors as the agents of the main brokers. With the
increasing popularity of ‘scripless trading’ many brokers and sub-brokers
are attempting to assess possible impact of this in their business practices.
This note tries to address the concerns of these market intermediaries
and to suggest modifications in the business practices to help them
effectively manage in the changed environment.

In a loose sense, the broker can be considered to be a ‘wholesaler’ of

services and the sub-broker can be considered to as a ‘retailer’ of services.
Although the main services provided by these brokers are execution of
the buy/sell orders and settlement of these trades on behalf of the
investors, they also provide advice on stock picking and trading strategies.
The sub-brokers have helped brokers to extend these services to a broader
cross section of investors across a larger geographical area. As a part of
settlement of trades, the sub-brokers also collect the securities and funds
from the investor and delivers the same to the main broker for onward
settlement with the Clearing Corporation (CC)/Clearing House (CH). In
addition to this broking service, today brokers sometimes use sub-brokers
as a layer separating them from the client and partly protecting them
from bad delivery problems.

The sub-broker is responsible to the main broker on one side and the
investor on the other side. This is achieved by broker issuing the contract
note on the sub-broker and sub-broker issuing the purchase/sale note on
the client. Thus in view of the long term business relation the sub-broker
has with the main broker, and as this is a business for him, he ends up
taking the risk of a potential bad delivery on himself. In fact many sub-
brokers have expressed the view that their major concern was the risk of
bad delivery. The depository system provides an answer to these
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Trading Concern of sub-broker.

Revealing of the client details may be against the business interest of
the sub-brokers
For trading in physical securities, the sub-brokers collect the trade
orders from their clients and place these orders with the main broker for The long-term sustenance of the sub broker is not based on the secrecy
execution in the market. The main broker enters the details of each trade of the client. Rather, it is based on the higher investor reach made possible
against each sub-broker in a separate account kept for each sub-broker. by the sub-broker network, which otherwise may not have been attained
by the main broker alone. The sub-brokers also helped to reduce the
After execution of the trade, the main broker issues the contract note. administrative overhead in client handling. In fact as explained above,
Mostly the contract note is issued in the name of the sub broker who in the issuance of contract note to the sub-broker was more of insurance to
turn issues separate purchase/sale note to his clients. In this case, in the the broker against bad delivery and this added an unnecessary risk to the
books kept by the main broker, all trades are shown against the sub- sub-broker. In this safe demat environment, the sub-broker can confine
broker and the main broker does not track details of each individual his services to “broking in real sense” instead of providing insurance
client. However, there are some cases where brokers issue contract notes, against bad paper. More over, they can also increase their reach to a
directly in the name of the client. larger target audience.

Based on the commercial understanding between the broker and the sub- Moreover in the physical market, the broker would any way may come
broker, the sub-broker may decide on when to deliver, to the main broker, to know the details of most of the clients of the sub-brokers as these
securities against sale orders and funds against purchase orders. Very clients may be selling securities registered in their name some time or
often, these are handed over by the sub-broker to the broker just before other, which would expose the client details to the main broker.
the pay-in.
Concern of the main broker.
Even in case of trading in demat securities the same system can be The need for issuing the contract note in the name of each client adds
followed. However in this case, as there is no fear of bad deliveries to the back office work.
unlike in the case of physical securities, the brokers can directly issue
the contract note in the name of client. This is in addition to facilitating Compared to the reduction in back office activities of sorting the paper
a cost effective settlement (as can be seen from the section below) with certificates, this is only a small additional activity. In fact many cases,
a clean audit trail, may provide further confidence to the clients. the sub-broker themselves would share a part of the job, like they help
in filling up of TD, attaching share certificates with it, arranging to
In this case the sub-brokers need to provide the details of the clients to despatch to the main broker. etc at the time of settlement of physical
the main broker for issuing the contract notes. securities.

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Settlement instruction with matching entry for Client-ID, quantity and execution
date unless they have already given a standing instruction to DP
Purchase of Shares for automatic credit to their account. The sub-broker may advice
his clients to avail the facility of giving standing instruction, which
At present in settlement of physical securities, the sub-broker would would reduce the need for settlement by settlement receipt
collect funds from the clients who have purchased securities. Mostly instructions.
the sub-broker gets the funds credited to his bank account and issues a
cheque to the extend of his net payable to the main broker after adjusting The sub-broker at the time of giving the list of receiving clients may
for his part of the brokerage, in time for pay-in or as per the credit period ensure that this list contains the details of only those clients with whom
allowed by the main broker. payment arrangements are settled. In cases where this is not so, the sub-
broker can either retain the same in main brokers pool account (with
After the pay out, the sub-broker collects the securities from the main their permission as this will attract custody charges to them) or take
broker and arranges to deliver to his purchasing clients. In some cases, them to their own beneficial owner account maintained for their trading
if the sub-broker also has selling clients for the same securities, the sub- activities.
broker will retain with him the securities of the selling client for
distributing to the buying clients and the main broker may only be
ù Client A A/c

delivering net receipts to the sub-broker. To track the securities for any
future bad deliveries, the sub-broker and/or the main broker would affix ù Client B A/c
their respective seals on the back of the transfer deed.

In case of demat securities, the sub-brokers have two options:

CM Pool A/c
ù Client C A/c

1. Arrange to deliver the securities directly from the pool account of ù Client D A/c
main broker to the beneficial owner account of the buying clients.
Towards this, the sub-broker may prepare a statement giving details
of his receiving clients including name & client- ID of the client, Diagram 1: Transfer of securities from main brokers pool a/c to
name & DP-ID of client’s DP and name and quantity of securities to direct credit in Clients beneficiary A/c (pay out).
be delivered. Main broker may attach the same (duly stamped and Instruction to be used: Broker: Delivery instruction for pay out.
signed) to his delivery instruction duly filled and hand over the same Client: Standing instruction or receipt instruction.
to his DP. Based on this delivery instruction, the securities would Here it is assumed that, the sub-brokers of the selling clients has arranged
be credited to the client accounts. The sub-broker would have to to deliver to the pool account of main broker, the securities of the selling
ensure that the receiving clients have a valid depository account. clients in a manner explained below under section titled ‘selling of
They should now instruct their clients to give a corresponding receipt securities.’
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This mode of direct delivery to the client’s account is independent of, Instruction to be Used: Broker: Delivery Instruction to transfer securities
whether the funds have been paid directly by the client to the main from pool a/c to Sub-brokers beneficiary a/c for pay out. Sub broker:
broker or paid through the sub-broker is irrelevant to the decision of Receipt instruction for receiving securities from brokers pool account or
direct delivery of securities to the client account so long as the sub standing instruction for automatic credit. Delivery instruction for off
broker has provided necessary authorisation to the broker to this market trade (scrip wise) to transfer securities to all the clients. Clients
effect. Standing Instruction or Receipt instruction for off market trade to receive
securities from sub brokers beneficiary account.
2. Arrange to deliver the securities from the pool account of the main As in the above case, the way funds were routed will have no bearing
broker to beneficial owner account of the sub-broker kept for on the routing of the securities so long as necessary authorisation is
trading purpose and then forward the same to buying client. In taken on record.
this case the main broker would instruct his DP using a delivery
instruction, to transfer securities from his pool account to beneficial Steps involved in purchase transactions under some of the scenarios
owner account of the sub-broker, securities to the extent of purchase. discussed above are as follows.

Case 1
This transfer may be to the extent of his gross purchase or net
Contract note : Directly to the client by the main broker.
purchase depending on whether the sub-broker had arranged to
Securities : Directly to Clients beneficial owner account by
deliver to the pool account all the securities of his selling clients or
the main broker
whether he retained the securities of the selling clients in his trading
Funds : Directly to Broker from the client
account. (Refer Diagram 1.)
ù Client A A/c
1. Sub-broker instructs main broker for purchase of securities.
2. Main broker executes the trade in trading terminal of the relevant
Sub-broker ù Client B A/c Stock Exchange (like NEAT/BOLT etc.)
CM Pool
ù beneficiary
3. Main broker issues the contract note on the name of the client, which
A/c ù Client C A/c
may be collected by the sub-broker and delivered to the client.
4. The sub-broker collects the payment cheque from clients and hands
over to the main broker. (The payment arrangement of whether funds

ù Client D A/c
to be delivered before trade execution or at the time of pay-in etc.
may be based on their prior commercial arrangement.)
5. The trade details are entered in the register kept by the broker for
Diagram 2. Transfer securities from main brokers Pool A/c to Sub- each sub-broker.
6. The sub-broker provides a statement to the main broker giving the
brokers beneficiary A/c and subsequent transfer to the clients. (pay
following details for the delivery of securities to his clients on or
out of securities.)
before payout.
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t Client Name 6. The sub-broker informs main broker to credit all the securities to
t Client ID his beneficiary account. Main broker gives delivery instruction to
t Client DP’s name his DP and sub broker will give receipt instruction unless there is a
t DP ID of the Client standing instruction for credits.
t Name of scrip & Quantity to be credited 7. Once the securities are credited in the sub brokers account he will
t Execution date give delivery instruction for off market trades to his DP and all his
clients will give corresponding receipt instruction with common
7. After pay out, the main broker issues a delivery instruction to his execution date unless there is standing instruction for credits. Sub
DP with the above details of the target clients. broker may keep the following details of his clients for delivering
8 The Sub-broker arranges to have his matching receipt instructions securities.
of the client delivered to their respective DP for those clients who
have not given standing instruction for credit to their accounts. t Client Name
9. The main broker pays the sub-broker his share of brokerage. t Client ID
t Client DP’s name
Case 2 t DP ID of the Client
Contract Note : Issued to sub-broker by main broker who in turn t Name of scrip & Quantity to be credited
issues a Purchase/Sale note to the client. t Execution Date
Securities : Through the sub-broker’s beneficial owner
Funds : Through Sub-brokers bank account
(Refer Diagram 2.)
Selling of Shares
1. Sub-broker instructs main broker for purchase of securities.
2. Main broker executes the trade in trading terminal of the relevant
Stock Exchange (like NEAT/BOLT etc.)
3. Main broker issues the contract note in the name of the sub-broker
who in turn issues a Purchase/Sale note to the client. Selling of Shares
4. The trade details are entered in the register kept by the broker for Presently in settlement of sale of physical securities, the sub-broker
each sub-broker. would collect securities from the selling clients and forward the same to
5. The sub-broker collects the payment cheque from clients and deposit the main broker in time for pay-in or before the execution of the trade as
in his bank account. (The payment arrangement of whether funds to per the previous agreement. They would deliver securities to the extent
be delivered before trade execution or at the time of pay-in etc may of gross sales or net sales based on their prior agreement.
be based on their prior commercial arrangement.)
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After the pay out, the main broker would issue a cheque to the extent of
net receivable after adjusting for his brokerage of the sub-broker who in
Client A A/c
turn would effect the payment to the client after deduction of the
brokerage of the sub-broker.

ù ù
Sub-broker Client B A/c
CM Pool
In case of demat securities, the securities can be delivered to the pool beneficiary
account of the main broker either through the sub-broker’s account or A/c
directly as explained in the case of purchase of securities, but in the Client C A/c
reverse direction. The main broker can monitor the receipt of securities
against a sale order in to his account for each settlement with help of the Client D A/c
transaction statement of his CM account for that settlement number and
the trade (sauda) register. The transaction statement would give details
Diagram 4. Transfer securities from client’s account to sub broker
of the client account number & Clients DP’ name to the extent of delivery beneficiary account and subsequently to CM pool A/c. (for pay in )
by the client. Instruction to be Used: Clients: Delivery Instruction for off market
Client A A/c trades. Sub broker: Receipt instruction for receiving securities from
his clients or standing instruction for automatic credit and Delivery
instruction to transfer to CM pool A/c. Broker: Standing Instruction or
Client B A/c Receipt instruction to receive from sub brokers beneficiary account.

CM Pool A/c ù Client C A/c

Steps involved in sales transactions under some of the scenarios discussed
above are as follows.

Case 1.
Client D A/c Contract note : Directly to the client by the main broker.
Securities : Directly to main broker from the Clients beneficial
owner account
Diagram 3. Transfer securities from Clients account to main brokers Funds : Directly to Client from the main broker.
Pool Account. (For pay in ) (Refer Diagram 3.)

1. Sub-broker instructs main broker for sale of securities.

Instruction used: 1) Client: Delivery Instruction to their DP. 2) Broker:
2. Main broker executes the trade in trading terminal of the relevant
May give standing instruction to his DP or give corresponding receipt
Stock Exchange (like NEAT/BOLT etc.)
Instruction with common execution date.
3. Main broker issues the contract note on the name of the client, which
may be collected by the sub-broker and delivered to the client.
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4. The trade details are entered in the register kept by the broker for his beneficiary account by giving delivery instruction for off market
each sub-broker. trades. Sub-broker will give receipt instruction unless there is a
5. The sub-broker collects all the delivery instruction from all his clients standing instruction for credits.
and gives it to the DPs of each client and ensures that the main 6. Sub broker may keep the following details of his clients for receiving
brokers pool account is credited before pay in deadline. (Sub broker securities.
needs to check the information on the instruction before submitting
to DPs.) t Client Name
6. The sub-broker provides a statement to the main broker giving the t Client ID
following details for the receipt of securities of his clients. t Client DP’s name
t DP ID of the Client
t Client Name t Name of scrip & Quantity to be credited
t Client ID t Execution Date
t Client DP’s name
t DP ID of the Client 7. Sub-broker receives all the securities in his beneficial owner account
t Name of scrip & Quantity to be credited from his clients and gives each delivery instruction, scrip wise to
t Execution Date credit securities to his main brokers pool account before pay in.
Main broker will give receipt instruction or standing instruction.
7. After pay out, the main broker issues a cheque in the name of all the
clients and may pass the same through his sub broker.
It may be noted that, settlement by the main broker with the CC/CH is
Case 2. effected through a CM account in the depository system. But, as the
Contract Note : Issued to sub-broker by main broker who in turn sub-brokers are not members of the CC/CH directly there are no separate
issues a Purchase/Sale note to the client. CM account for them. If the sub-broker intends to route the securities
Securities : Through the sub-broker’s beneficial owner account. through his account then it is advisable that he opens a separate beneficial
Funds : Through Sub-brokers bank account owner’s account exclusively for trading purposes. He may keep his
(Refer Diagram 4.) personal investment securities in a different beneficial owner account.
This would help him keep books in a systematic fashion for filing of tax
1. Sub-broker instructs main broker for sale of securities. returns.
2. Main broker executes the trade in trading terminal of the relevant
Stock Exchange (like NEAT/BOLT etc.) If the sub-broker is routing securities through his trading account, then
3. Main broker issues the contract note in the name of the sub-broker the movement of securities in to this account from the client account
who in turn issues a purchase/sale note to the client. and movement from this account to his clients account will be considered
4. The trade details are entered in the register kept by the broker for as ‘off-market transactions’ in the depository system and will attract
each sub-broker. different settlement charges.
5. The sub-broker informs all his clients to credit the securities sold, to
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