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UCrypt IP2A Central Configuration Server

Operation Guide

Although every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this document it may be necessary, without notice, to make amendments or correct omissions.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
General Guide Notes
Manual Release Date June 02 2014

Firmware Version
Some features described in this manual require the latest firmware to be installed on the Central Config server. Check with
ATX Networks technical support or the related support web site for the latest OS release. The firmware installed on your Server
may be found on the ‘System’ tab of the GUI under ‘System Status’. At the time of publication of this manual the most current
released firmware version is:

OS Release 12.04
Firmware Release 4374

Organization of This Manual

This manual is generally organized based on the tabbed GUI with an individual chapter dedicated to describing the configurable
features of each tab. Further chapters outline activities related to the operation such as adding and managing UCrypt IP2A
units, configuration, etc.

Cross Reference Hyperlink Usage

Hyperlinks are used liberally throughout the guide to assist the reader in finding related information if the reader is viewing the
Adobe PDF file directly. Hyperlinks may be identified by their blue text. Most links are to related pages within the document,
but some reference outside documents if the reader needs that additional information. The Table of Contents is entirely
hyperlinked and bookmarks are available but the bookmark feature must be turned on in your Reader application.

Symbol Usage
Throughout the manual, some symbols are used to call the readers attention to an important point. The following symbols are
in use:

NOTE:  This symbol usage will call the reader’s attention to an important operation feature of the
equipment which may be safety related or may cause a service outage.

FYI:  This symbol indicates that there is helpful related information available in this note or
elsewhere in the guide.

DigiVu II® is a registered trademark of ATX in the United States and/or other countries. Products or features contained herein may be covered by one or more U.S. or foreign patents. Adobe® Flash®,
Microsoft® Windows® and other non-ATX product and company names mentioned in this manual are the property of their respective companies.
1. CENTRAL CONFIG INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

1.1 Implementation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

1.2 GUI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

2. ADDING AN IP2A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

2.1 Configure an IP2A for Central Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2.2 Server Specific Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4

3. STATUS TAB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

3.1 Configuration Profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

4. SERVERS TAB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

4.1 Servers List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

4.2 Searching for IP2A Machines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
4.3 Search Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3

5. EVENTS TAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

5.1 List Headings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

5.2 Searching the Database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2

6. SYSTEM TAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1

6.1 Network Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2

6.2 Network Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
6.3 Power. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
6.4 System Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
6.5 Firmware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
6.6 Licence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
6.7 User Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
6.8 IP Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
6.9 Email. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
6.10 Debugging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7

7. SERVICE & SUPPORT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1

7.1 Contact ATX Networks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1

7.2 Warranty Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1

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ii IP2A Central Configuration Server – Operation Guide



1. Central Config Introduction

The Central Configuration Server is a device that is used to manage a large deployment of UCrypt IP2A machines which may
be either centrally located or dispersed over a large geographic area. It is intended to allow all IP2A machines to be centrally
monitored for proper operation and to allow simple updates to configurations of many machines simultaneously.

1.1 Implementation
The Central Configuration Server is implemented as a Linux server which may be co-located with IP2A machines or may
be located at any facility that is convenient as long as network communications is possible with all remotely managed
IP2A machines. Two Ethernet ports are provided which may be used to connect the server to private and public networks
simultaneously. Configuration Profiles are created, assigned and uploaded to each IP2A machine and the remote machine
profile is monitored for integrity. Changes in the remote configuration which could have been done on it’s local configuration
pages are reported using a has algorithm. Errors experienced in IP2A machines such as status changes are reported to the
Central Server via SNMP traps.

1.2 GUI
The Central Configuration Server is presented to the user as a web GUI which may be accessed using any web browser. A link
to open the remote machine web interface is provided to investigate problems is provided for convenience. The interface is a
tabbed web page display with all major operations groups presented on the tabs. A description of the tabs follows.

Table 1.2a: Interface Tabs

Tab Description
Status Displays all created Configuration Profiles and provides:
• The number of IP2A machines that are assigned to the profile (Servers)
• The number of IP2A machines who’s profile is out of date (Out of Date)
• The number of machines that have failed to report in (Missing in Action).
Servers A list of all IP2A machines that have reported in to the Central Config Server. These are machines that
have been provided with the Central Config Server IP address and port number and have been able to
communicate. Alarm conditions are displayed for further action. The status of the assigned configuration
profile and it’s integrity on the remote machine are displayed.
Events A list of Errors that have been reported by remote IP2A machines via SNMP and a summary of the status
of the 20 channels of analog output.
System A page used to configure the Server, users passwords and update server firmware, if necessary.

IP2A Central Configuration Server – Operation Guide 1-1


1.2.1 Status Page

Shows overall status of all IP2A machines listed against the assigned Configuration Profile.

Figure 1-1: Status Page

1.2.2 Servers Page

Shows detailed status of each individual IP2A, the IP address and detailed last profile update communication.

Figure 1-2: Servers Page

1-2 IP2A Central Configuration Server – Operation Guide


1.2.3 Events Page

This page lists any errors reported via SNMP trap and any changes to the status of the IP2A Decoders, Video and Audio
feeds as well as the individual channel Converters. The status of all 20 channels of the IP2A are individually reported with the
display of a bar graph as shown in Figure 1-3. There are 20 segments across showing the 20 onboard channels for, from top

Figure 1-3: Events Page

down, Decoder, Video Input, Audio Input and Channel Converter. Green will be shown if there are no alarm conditions with red
showing the individual channels and conditions in alarm.

1.2.4 System Page

This page contains global settings for the Central Configuration Server such as Ethernet port IP addresses and utility to
change passwords of users. More detail is contained in chapter “6. System Tab” on page 6-1.

Figure 1-4: System Page

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2. Adding an IP2A

2.1 Configure an IP2A for Central Configuration

Adding a UCrypt IP2A to an existing Central Configuration Server is very easy and requires access to the remote IP2A web
interface. There is no reason to attempt manual configuration of the IP2A beyond that described here as all configuration
settings stored in the server will be downloaded to the new IP2A.

Procedure - IP2A Setup

The IP2A to be added needs to be able to communicate with the Central Config Server. They both need to be on the same
private network or have access to an Internet connection.
1. Open the IP2A web interface. The default IP address is
2. Open the System page and find the Unit Information section.
3. Enter Location Identification, see Figure 2-1.
4. Click Save Unit Info button to save these settings.

Figure 2-1: Add IP2A - Enter Location

5. Note the Serial Number. This will be used to identify the unit on the Central Config Server.
6. Find the Network section and assign the correct IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway for this unit then click Set
Network, see Figure 2-2,. The unit will reboot. You will need to log back in with the new IP address.

Figure 2-2: Add IP2A - Set Network

IP2A Central Configuration Server – Operation Guide 2-1


7. Find the section Configuration, see Figure 2-3, then enter the IP address of the Central Config Server in the dialog
‘ Config Server Host’

Figure 2-3: Add IP2A - Enter Central Config Host

8. Enter the IP Port of the Central Config Server in the dialog ‘Config Server Port’
9. Click the button Set Config Server to save these changes.
10. The IP2A will attempt to contact the Central Config Server and when it does connect, it will be listed on the Central
Config Servers page identified by it’s Serial Number, see Figure 2-4. It will be in an alarm condition (red background)
and have no configuration assigned at this point.

Figure 2-4: Add IP2A - Now Listed on Server

Procedure Continued - Central Config Server Setup

11. Log in to the Central Config Server.
12. Open the Servers page and find the Serial Number of the IP2A unit that is to be added, see Figure 2-5.

Figure 2-5: Add IP2A - Click Serial Number

2-2 IP2A Central Configuration Server – Operation Guide


13. Click the serial Number. A new page opens, see Figure 2-6.
14. From the Current Configuration drop down menu, select the desired saved configuration file, see Figure 2-6.

Figure 2-6: Add IP2A - Select Config File

15. Enter the GPS coordinates if they are known. Alternately, using the map position and zoom controls, find the location
on the map of the IP2A unit. Once the map is positioned, click Edit in the corner of the map and place the marker at
the correct map location, see Figure 2-7.

Figure 2-7: Add IP2A - Set Map Location

16. When the map marker has been placed, click Save.

IP2A Central Configuration Server – Operation Guide 2-3


2.2 Server Specific Page

If the IP2A server ID (Serial Number) is clicked on the Status tab, the link brings you to this page where map location and
Configuration Profile are assigned to the IP2A machine.

Figure 2-8: Server Specific Page

Table 2.2a: Server Specific Page Descriptions

Field Value Description
Current Configuration Drop Down Menu A list of created configurations that may be assigned to IP2A machines.
The name shown is the xml file name given when uploaded.
Force Reinstall attempt Drop Down Menu Select yes to force the IP2A configuration file to be installed even if it
already had been installed previously.
GPS Editable Dialog: Enter the GPS coordinates in decimal notation of the new IP2A machine
Decimal Integer or use the map to point to the location. Accuracy of GPS map location is
up to 14 decimal places.
Events Heading SNMP alarm events count related to the subject machine read from the
machine System Log (find it on the IP2A System tab). Format is ‘Errors/
Warnings’. The blue text Events links to the Config Server Events tab.
Event Types Heading A list of the Events without any details, for quick reference.
IP Heading The IP Address of IP2A machine.
Server ID Heading The Serial Number of IP2A machine.
Location Heading The Location of IP2A machine.
Last Download Heading The time that the last successful configuration file download occurred.
Download URL Heading The path to the Configuration File on the Central Config Server.
Out of Date Heading True if the Configuration is out of date on the subject machine (hashes do
not match).
Missing in Action Heading True if no contact has been made with the subject machine in more than
5 minutes.
Save Button Saves the changes made on this page.

2-4 IP2A Central Configuration Server – Operation Guide


Field Value Description

Reset Events Action Link Resets the Event counter on the subject machine if you are satisfied
that it does not need further attention (the alarms and events can be
Last Install Log Heading Information, including the configuration file hash, related to the file
installed on the subject machine.

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3. Status Tab
The Status tab shows a list of all created Configuration Profiles against which the status all of the UCrypt IP2A machines
assigned each configuration is shown. This is illustrated in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1: Central Config Server Status Tab

3.1 Configuration Profiles

You can create any number of Configuration Profiles (Configurations) on this configuration server. Each profile is associated
with a configuration file that you can upload. (You can download the configuration file from a device that you have already
configured appropriately).

3.1.1 New IP2A Machines - Unassigned

As new IP2A machines are brought online, the installer will specify the IP address and port of this Configuration Server on
the IP2A System Tab, then the IP2A will contact this Server to request a configuration file. The IP2A machine will continue to
request a configuration file every few minutes. New machines which do not yet have a assigned Configuration Profile only
show up on this page below the list of configuration profiles as ‘Unassigned’. They are, however, listed individually on the
Servers tab.

3.1.2 Assign a Configuration

Initially IP2A machines will receive empty (null) configuration files until you assign them to a particular profile. At that point, they
will receive the current configuration file assigned to the Configuration Profile and will update themselves. When you update
the Configuration Profile file, all of the assigned machines will update when they next check for updates.

Table 3.1c: Status Tab

Field Value Description
Configuration Heading The list of created configurations that may be assigned to IP2A machines.
The name shown is the xml file name given when uploaded. The file can
be re-named. Click the link to be taken to the upload page to edit the
name or clear (delete) the file.
New Heading A link to create a new configuration; upload a file and name it.

IP2A Central Configuration Server – Operation Guide 3-1


Field Value Description

File Heading The file path and name assigned to the file, date created and the hash
identifying the file contents. This hash will be compared to a file hash at
each IP2A machine to determine if the remote configuration has been
modified since being uploaded.
Servers Heading The number of IP2A machines assigned this configuration. If any IP2A
machines have not been assigned a configuration, they are listed as a
group under Un-Assigned. Abnormal alarm conditions will be indicated
by a red background.
Out of Date Heading The number of IP2A machines that have failed the hash comparison
indicating that the Remote Configuration does not exactly match the
Central Configuration. Abnormal alarm conditions will be indicated by a
red background.
Missing in Action IPv4 Address The number of IP2A machines that have failed to be contacted by the
Central Config Server. Abnormal alarm conditions will be indicated by a
red background.

3.1.4 GPS Location Alarm Condition

Each IP2A machine may have it’s GPS location defined so it will show as a red or blue pointer on the integrated maps display
as demonstrated in Figure 3-1. Blue is displayed for each IP2A machine if it is operating normally and red if it is in an alarm

3-2 IP2A Central Configuration Server – Operation Guide



4. Servers Tab
This tab summarizes all of the IP2A machines that have been assigned a configuration profile. IP2A UCrypt machines are
referred to as Servers on this page and this is not to be confused with this Central Configuration Server. If any IP2A is in an
alarm condition, the machine will be shown against a red background, see Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1: Servers Tab

4.1 Servers List

Table 4.1a: Servers Tab - Field Descriptions
Field Value Description
Server Heading A list of IP2A machines that have been added to this Configuration Server. All
Machines will be listed if their System Page was configured with the Central
Server IP address and they were able to communicate with the Server. Each
IP2A machine is assigned a number and is further identified by its factory
serial number. If no configuration profile has been assigned, the IP2A will be in
an alarm condition (Red Background)
Search Identifier Search Dialog - String A criteria used to search a long list for specific machine names. Enter a text/
numeric string to narrow the resulting selection list.
IP/Location Heading The IP address of the IP2A and the Location assigned on it’s individual
System Page.
Search Location Search Dialog - String A criteria used to search a long list for specific machine locations. Enter a text/
numeric string to narrow the resulting selection list.
SKU Heading The SKU of the machine; IP to Analog is the default. This list item may be
filtered by selection of criteria which appear on mouse-over of any machine in
the server list however at this time, only IP2A are supported.

IP2A Central Configuration Server – Operation Guide 4-1


Field Value Description

Configuration Heading The Configuration Profile assigned to the IP2A machine. This list item may be
filtered by selection of criteria which appear on mouse-over of any machine in
the server list. The filter criteria are based on the values for the machine with
the mouse hovered over:
• Include IP2A Machines assigned this Configuration Profile.
• Exclude IP2A Machines assigned this Configuration Profile.
Installed Heading An indication of the current condition of the configuration on the remote
machine. This will report Out Of Date Config if the remote machine
configuration has not been assigned or does note match. This will report Up
to Date if the assigned configuration hash matches.
Last Updated Heading Shows the last time the remote machine was checked for it’s assigned
configuration. If the machine is reachable it will be listed here with a time
regardless of whether a configuration has been assigned. If not reachable it
will be reported Missing In Action. This list item may be filtered by selection
of criteria which appear on mouse-over of any machine in the server list. The
filter criteria are based on the values for the machine with the mouse hovered
• Include records with the moused-over date or before.
• Include records with the moused-over date or after.

4.2 Searching for IP2A Machines

Search dialogs and filters are included to allow the narrowing of a list based on specific criteria which may be entered or
selected. Entering a string in the dialog creates a filter which is applied. The active created filter is listed at the top of the list
of machines. Filters are deleted just by clicking it; a Trashcan icon beside it signifies this. Two search dialogs are provided to
search within a long list of IP2A machines; one is related to the machine Identifier (Serial Number) while the other is related
to the Location, both located directly under the Servers field and IP/Location field. See also “The Location is assigned to
the IP2A by the installer on the individual units System tab, see Figure 4-2. This can be any alpha-numeric string. Searching
Location does not search within the IP addresses.” on page 4-2.

4.2.1 IP2A Identifier

Each IP2A has been assigned a serial number which is found on the System tab, see Figure 4-2 . This will be a unique integer
and is referred to as an Identifier in the Central Config Server.

Figure 4-2: IP2A System Tab - Identifier and Location

4.2.2 Searching Location

The Location is assigned to the IP2A by the installer on the individual units System tab, see Figure 4-2. This can be any alpha-
numeric string. Searching Location does not search within the IP addresses.

4-2 IP2A Central Configuration Server – Operation Guide


4.2.3 Search Filters

Search filter actions are included to allow the narrowing of a list based on specific criteria which may be selected. The active
created filter is listed at the top of the list of machines. Filters are deleted just by clicking it; a Trashcan icon beside it signifies
this. Each filterable item in the list has a criteria or action that appears upon mouse-over. Each filter criteria has a tooltip that
describe the action that will ensue.

4.2.4 Searching Configuration

This filters the database for machines that have a given Configuration Profile assigned. Action links appear on mouse-over.
Multiple filters may be applied.
• Click the Equals sign
Search for machines that are assigned the Configuration Profile listed on that line. This will list all machines associated
with that Configuration Profile.
• Click the Not-Equals sign
Search for records of all other Configuration Profiles except the one on that line (the one moused-over). This will list
all machine that do not have the moused-over Configuration Profile assigned.

4.3 Search Procedure

The procedure is the same for Server and Location.
1. From the Servers tab, enter a search criteria in a Search dialog. In this example we search for ‘501’ in Location, see
Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-3: Search Location

2. The result is returned in the form of a list of IP2A machines that meet the specified criteria. In this example, only one
machine qualifies and is listed under Servers, see Figure 4-4. This search creates a filter which is listed above the
found servers. You may create more than one filter and all will be applied, just repeat the search with new criteria.

Figure 4-4: Search Location - Result

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3. Filters may be deleted by clicking the filter link; a Trashcan icon beside the filter signifies this can be deleted, see
Figure 4-4.

4-4 IP2A Central Configuration Server – Operation Guide



5. Events Tab
This page displays all reported Errors from any reporting IP2A machines, see Figure 5-1. Errors are reported via SNMP traps.
Critical traps are always sent and optional reporting traps such as Decoder Status, Fan & PSU Failure and Heartbeat, must be
configured on the individual IP2A System page. Alternately the reporting may be contained in a Configuration Profile.

Figure 5-1: Events Page

5.1 List Headings

Table 5.1a: Events Tab - Field Descriptions
Field Value Description
Server Heading A list of IP2A machines that have an alarm condition or state change reported.
Each IP2A machine is identified by its factory serial number.
Date Heading The exact date and time the report was registered or the range of dates over
which the alert is active.
Sender Heading The specific SNMP trap that was sent.
Search Facility Search Dialog - String Search a long list of SNMP traps for specific traps. Enter a text/numeric
string to narrow the resulting selection list. Multiple searches may be in effect
Error? Heading The exact type of alert received. Errors are listed with a red indicator. Status
updates are information only, listed as Info.
Message Heading Detailed text description of the report. Changes in state of decoders, video,
audio and converters will list the device numbers affected.
Search Message Search Dialog - String Search a long list of messages for specific criteria in received messages.
Enter a text/numeric string to narrow the resulting selection list. Multiple
searches may be in effect simultaneously.

IP2A Central Configuration Server – Operation Guide 5-1


5.2 Searching the Database

5.2.1 Search Dialogs
Search dialogs are included to allow the narrowing of a list based on specific criteria which may be entered, see Figure 5-2. As
described in Table 5.1a, the Sender (SNMP trap) or Message (Trap message) may be searched to shorten a long list. Entering

Figure 5-2: Search Dialogs & Active Filters

a string in the dialog creates a filter which is applied. The active created filter is listed at the top of the list of machines. Filters
are deleted just by clicking it; a Trashcan icon beside it signifies this.

5.2.2 List Filters

Each searchable item in the list has filtering criteria that appears upon mouse-over action, see Figure 5-3.
Each search criteria further has a tooltip that describe the action that will ensue.

Figure 5-3: Mouse-over Filter Criteria

Search Server
This searches the machine ID numbers (Serial Numbers) in the events database.
• Click the Equals sign
Search for records that match the serial number listed on that line. This will list all errors associated with that IP2A
• Click the Not-Equals sign
Search for records of all other machines except the one on that line. This will list all errors not associated with that
IP2A machine.

Search Date
This action searches the time stamps of the errors and alerts in the events database.
• Click the Down Arrow
Search for records that occurred on or before the date and time listed on that line. This will list all errors that occurred
on all machines within that date range.
• Click the Up Arrow

5-2 IP2A Central Configuration Server – Operation Guide


Search for records that occurred on or after the date and time listed on that line. This will list all errors that occurred
on all machines within that date range.

Search Sender
This searches the SNMP trap names in the events database.
• Click the Equals sign
Search for records that match the SNMP trap listed on that line. This will list all errors with that SNMP trap on all
• Click the Not-Equals sign
Search for records of all other SNMP traps except the one on that line. This will list all errors except those with that
SNMP trap name on all machines.

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6. System Tab
This tab contains configurable settings for Network, Power and Users as well as status information for the Central Config

Figure 6-1: Central Config Server System Page

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6.1 Network Configuration

There are two network interfaces for management of the Config Server. It is mandatory to have at least eth0 active for
management. Usually eth0 is placed on a publicly accessible network and eth1, if used,on a private network.

Figure 6-2: Network Configuration Section

NOTE:  In DHCP mode, the grayed out IP address values do not represent the actual values. See
Network Status section for the actual addresses.

Table 6.1a: Network Address Support

IP Class Start Address End Address

Table 6.1b: Management/Primary eth0

Field Value Description
Use DHCP Client Toggle Switch Click switch to toggle between DHCP and static IP addressing modes.
Switch turns blue when in DHCP mode; Gray when in static mode.
DHCP Host Name string The BIOS Host name of this server.
IP Address IPv4 Address In Static IP mode, an editable field, enter the IP address.
Network Mask IPv4 Address In Static IP mode, an editable field, enter the network mask.
Default Gateway IPv4 Address In Static IP mode, an editable field, enter the gateway IP address.
Primary DNS Server IPv4 Address In Static IP mode, an editable field, enter the DNS Server IP address.
DNS Search Domain url DNS search domain if required by your email server.
NTP Server url or IPv4 Address The address of the desired NTP server for platform time accuracy.

Table 6.1c: Management/Primary eth1

Field Value Description
Use DHCP Client Toggle Switch Click switch to toggle between DHCP and static IP addressing modes.
Switch turns blue when in DHCP mode; Gray when in static mode.
IP Address IPv4 Address In Static IP mode, an editable field, enter the IP address.
Network Mask IPv4 Address In Static IP mode, an editable field, enter the network mask.

Set Network Button

This button acts upon all ‘Network Configuration’ settings. After all network changes are made, the settings must be saved and
applied to the current configuration. Click the Set Network button before navigating away from this page or all changes will be

6-2 IP2A Central Configuration Server - Operation Guide


discarded. Only the ‘admin’ user may make changes to network settings. This button is unavailable to other users.

NOTE:  This action is service affecting. The DigiStream will reboot to apply the new settings. If the
‘eth0’ IP address was changed, open a new browser session with the newly assigned IP address.
If DHCP mode was set to on, open a new session with the IP address assigned by DHCP.

6.2 Network Status

The status of network ports on the config Server, including addresses assigned by DHCP.

Figure 6-3: Network Status Section

Table 6.2a: Network Status

Field Value Description
Address (IPv4) IPv4 Address The IP address assigned to eth0 port if by static assignment or DHCP.
Netmask IPv4 Address The Netmask assigned to eth0 port if by static assignment or DHCP.
MAC MAC Address The MAC of the eth0 port.
Routes IPv4 Address The network routes assigned.
Address (IPv4) IPv4 Address The IP address assigned to eth0 port if by static assignment or DHCP or Cable
Disconnnected when not in use.
Netmask IPv4 Address The Netmask assigned to eth0 port if by static assignment or DHCP.
MAC IPv4 Address The MAC of the eth0 port.
Routes IPv4 Address The network routes assigned.
DNS Servers
Address IPv4 Address One or more DNS addresses assigned to the server if by static or DHCP.

6.3 Power
Options and controls for rebooting the Config server periodically may be set here.

Figure 6-4: Network Configuration Section

IP2A Central Configuration Server – Operation Guide 6-3


Table 6.3a: Power Section

Field Value Description
Reboot Time/Delay Integer If specified, the reboot will occur at this time (specified in server local time as HH:MM
(24-hour) or +MM (minutes in the future). The default is 1 minute in the future.
Reboot Button Will perform a warm reboot of the server system processor but does not cycle
the power off. This will allow the system to re-start quickly. Reboots the platform
Shutdown Button Schedule a shutdown to occur in 60 seconds.
The server is configured for always-on operation. This button will power off the system
until it is manually power cycled. The manual power switch on the power supply
requires approximately 20 seconds after a software based system shutdown to become
active, allowing powering the server back up on toggling the power switch. Accidental
shutdowns can be avoided by clicking the Cancel Shutdown button within the 60
second grace period.
This switch takes a server out of service until field personnel arrive for a power recycle.
This can be used if an errant system configuration is causing unintended system
disturbance and must be removed from service.
APMI may be used as an alternate way to manage power cycling on the server
Cancel Shutdown Button Cancels a pending shutdown or reboot. If a shutdown was scheduled see Shutdown,
above) and it is decided to not to allow follow through with this shutdown, this button will
immediately cancel the pending action. There is a 60 second grace period within which
you can prevent a power cycle that has been requested.
Periodic Reboot Drop- Server may be rebooted periodically; select from: disabled, daily, Weekly(Sunday)
Periodic Reboot Integer Set reboot time of day in 24hr format HH:MM when item above is enabled. Weekly
Time reboot occurs on Sunday.
Save Periodic Button Saves changes to the periodic reboot times.

NOTE:  Use of the Shutdown button will require physically cycling the power switch at the server.
This may be an issue for a shutdown performed remotely if done in error.

6.3.1 IPMI Support

IPMI is a message-based, hardware-level interface specification. An IPMI sub-system operates independently of the server
operating system (OS) to allowing administrators to manage the system remotely in the absence of an operating system or the
GUI. While the server system board supports IPMI protocol, due to varying hardware used, there are no specifics that can be
supplied or guaranteed about what can be controlled and monitored. The IPMI is supported on a dedicated Ethernet port which
will require DHCP service to obtain an IP address. An IPMI management tool such as IPMIView available from SuperMicro,
may be used to access the interface although any IPMI compliant tool may be used. The Username and Password for the
IPMI interface is ADMIN & ADMIN. IPMI is an internal system and there are no configuration settings for it or access to it on
the server GUI.

6-4 IP2A Central Configuration Server - Operation Guide


6.4 System Status

This area adjacent to the network settings section outlines the current values applied to each of the two physical Ethernet ports
as well as system CPU and memory load.

Figure 6-5: Network Configuration Section

Table 6.4a: System Status Section

Field Value Description
OS Release System defined The Ubuntu underlying OS of the server system.
Firmware Release System defined The installed firmware of the Central Config Server.
Load System defined CPU average load over 1, 5 and 15 minute intervals.
Memory System defined Total RAM memory installed (2 GB), memory used and memory free.
Temperature System defined CPU core temperature.
Uptime System defined The uptime of the system since last boot.
Disk Health (SMART) System defined Hard disk SMART report.
Disk Usage System defined Hard disk usage; Space Used, Total available and usage percentage of

6.5 Firmware
This section outlines the Central Config Server firmware version and allows upgrading of the firmware. Contact ATX Networks
Technical Support for firmware updates or questions.

Figure 6-6: Firmware Section

Table 6.5a: Firmware Section

Field Value Description
SKU System defined The Stock Keeping Unit number assigned by ATX Networks for this device.
Current Firmware System defined The installed firmware of the Central Config Server.
Firmware Image Button Click to browse for the new firmware image saved on your computer.

IP2A Central Configuration Server – Operation Guide 6-5


6.6 Licence
Your use of Central Config Server software and hardware is governed by this list of licences. Note that components of this
software are re-licensed to you under Open Source licenses. Those licenses are listed when you click the link.

Figure 6-7: Licence Section

6.7 User Configuration

The passwords for each username may be changed from the default value. It is strongly recommended that these be changed
for security reasons.

Figure 6-8: User Configuration Section

Setting Passwords
To set the user passwords:
1. Select the user that is to be changed from the drop down menu.
2. Enter the new password.
3. Re-enter the new password.
4. Click the Set Password button.

Password Properties
Passwords must have the following properties:
• Be at least 6 characters in length.
• Have at least one digit or letter.
• Have at least one non-letter, non-number symbol (punctuation, white space, etc).

6-6 IP2A Central Configuration Server - Operation Guide


6.8 IP Filters
Click the link ‘Configure IP Filters’ to access the configuration page.

Figure 6-9: IP Filter Section

This feature is optional to control access to the web server front end of the server. If the IP address of the users that will be
granted access is known, enter the IP addresses in the “allow” window. Addresses may be specified as an individual address
as in or range of addresses such as If particular IP address or range of addresses should be
denied enter those in the ‘Deny’ window in the same way; either individual or subnets.

Figure 6-10: IP Filter Creation

6.9 Email
An Email server may be created to allow sending of alerts.

Figure 6-11: Email Section

6.10 Debugging
While not normally used by the server operators, it may be necessary to view alerts from the server system for troubleshooting.
This will be done under the guidance of ATX Networks Technical Support if required.

Figure 6-12: Debugging Section

Figure 6-13: Debugging Alerts

IP2A Central Configuration Server – Operation Guide 6-7


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6-8 IP2A Central Configuration Server - Operation Guide



7. Service & Support

7.1 Contact ATX Networks

Please contact ATX Technical Support for assistance with any ATX products. Please contact ATX Customer Service to obtain
a valid RMA number for any ATX products that require service and are in or out-of-warranty before returning a failed module
to the factory.


Tel: (905) 428-6068
Toll Free: (800) 565-7488 (USA & Canada only)
► Press *3 for Technical Support
►Then press 1 for Digital Video Products
Email: [email protected]

ATX Networks
1-501 Clements Road West
Ajax, ON L1S 7H4 Canada

Tel: (905) 428-6068

Toll Free: (800) 565-7488 (USA & Canada only)
► Press *1 for Customer Service
Fax: (905) 427-1964
Toll Free Fax: (866) 427-1964 (USA & Canada only)
Email: [email protected]

7.2 Warranty Information

All of ATX Networks’ products have a 1-year warranty that covers manufacturer’s defects or failures.

IP2A Central Configuration Server – Operation Guide 7-1

1-501 Clements Road West, Ajax, ON L1S 7H4 Canada
Tel +1 (905) 428-6068 Toll Free +1 (800) 565-7488 Fax +1 (905) 427-1964 Toll Free Fax +1 (866) 427-1964 [email protected]

Printed in Canada Rev. 06/02/14 (ANW1056)

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