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Obillos, Jr. vs.

Commissioner of Internal Revenue 139 SCRA 436 , The Commissioner acted on the theory that the four petitioners had formed an
October 29, 1985 unregistered partnership or joint venture within the meaning of sections 24(a)
and 84(b) of the Tax Code.
DOCTRINE: Where the father sold his rights over two parcels of land to his
four children so they can build their residence, but the latter after one (1) year The petitioners contested the assessments. 2 Judges of the Tax Court
sold them and paid the capital gains, they should not be treated to have formed sustained the assessment of the CIR. Hence, the appeal.
an unregistered partnership and taxed corporate income tax on the sale and
dividend income tax on their shares of the profit's from the sale. ISSUE: Whether petitioners are considered to have formed a a taxable
unregistered partnership.
FACTS: This case is about the income tax liability of four brothers and sisters
who sold two parcels of land which they had acquired from their father. RULING: No. To regard the petitioners as having formed a taxable
unregistered partnership would result in oppressive taxation and confirm the
On March 2. 1973 Jose Obillos, Sr. completed payment to Ortigas & Co., Ltd. dictum that the power to tax involves the power to destroy. That eventuality
on two lots located at Greenhills, San Juan, Rizal. The next day he transferred should be obviated.
his rights to his four children, the petitioners, to enable them to build their
residences. Their original purpose was to divide the lots for residential purposes. If later on
they found it not feasible to build their residences on the lots because of the
The company sold the two lots to petitioners for P178,708.12. Presumably, the high cost of construction, then they had no choice but to resell the same to
Torrens titles issued to them would show that they were co-owners of the two dissolve the coownership. The division of the profit was merely incidental to
lots. the dissolution of the co-ownership which was in the nature of things a
temporary state. It had to be terminated sooner or later.
In 1974, or after having held the two lots for more than a year, the petitioners
resold them to the Walled City Securities Corporation and Olga Cruz Canda Article 1769(3) of' the Civil Code provides that ''the sharing of gross returns
for the total sum of P313,050. They derived from the sale a total profit of does not of itself establish a partnership, whether or not the persons sharing
P134,341.88 or P33,584 for each of them. They treated the profit as a capital them have a j oint or common right or interest in any property from which the
gain and paid an income tax on one-half thereof or on P16,792. returns are derived". There must be an unmistakable intention to form a
partnership or joint venture.
In April, 1980, or one day before the expiration of the five-year prescriptive
period, the CIR required the four petitioners to pay corporate income tax on NOTE: "All co-ownerships are not deemed unregistered partnership.—Co-
the total profit of P134,336 in addition to individual income tax on their shares heirs who own properties which produce income should not automatically be
thereof. He assessed P37,018 as corporate income tax, P18,509 as 50% fraud considered partners of an unregistered partnership, or a corporation, within
surcharge and P15,547.56 as 42% accumulated interest, or a total of the purview of the income tax law. To hold otherwise, would be to subject the
P71,074.56. income of all co-ownerships of inherited properties to the tax on corporations,
inasmuch as if a property does not produce an income at all, it is not subject
The CIR also considered the share of the profits of each petitioner in the sum to any kind of income tax, whether the income tax on individuals or the income
of P33,584 as a "distributive dividend" taxable in full (not a mere capital gain tax on corporation." (De Leon vs. CIR, CTA Case No. 738, September 11,
of which ½ is taxable) and required them to pay deficiency income taxes 1961, cited in Arañas, 1977 Tax Code Annotated, Vol. 1, 1979 Ed., pp. 77-78),
aggregating P56,707.20 including the 50% fraud surcharge and the
accumulated interest.

Petitioners are being held liable for deficiency income taxes and penalties
totaling P127,781.76 on their profit of P134,336, in addition to the tax on capital
gains already paid by them.

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