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Disruptive Forces Seen

Shaping 2019
Investment Landscape
Volatility creates risks but also strategic
investing opportunities. December 2018

■■ Although the odds of a downturn appear above average given where we are in

the economic cycle, we believe a global recession is a relatively low risk in 2019.
David Giroux
■■ We believe markets will face disruption stemming from diverging monetary Chief Investment Officer, US Equity
policies, technology amplifying valuation disparities, and geopolitical uncertainty. and Multi-Asset
■■ Correctly identifying the winners and losers in this era of significant change will
be key to investment outperformance.

Justin Thomson
isruption in its various forms – These are among the key observations Chief Investment Officer, Equity
technological, political, offered by three leading T. Rowe Price
economic, and monetary – is investment professionals – David
likely to determine the direction of global Giroux, chief investment officer (CIO)
financial markets in the coming year, for US equity and multi‑asset and the
T. Rowe Price experts predict. firm’s head of investment strategy; Andy McCormick
Justin Thomson, CIO, equity; and Andy Head of US Taxable Fixed Income
With the US moving into the later McCormick, head of US taxable fixed
stages of the business cycle, the US income. McCormick takes over as head
Federal Reserve raising interest rates, of fixed income effective January 1, 2019.
and monetary and credit conditions
diverging widely across the other major DISRUPTION IS SHAKING MARKETS
global economies, the potential for
renewed volatility in both equity and The global corporate landscape
fixed income markets remains high. continues to be transformed by
a revolutionary combination of
Political risks are adding to the technological innovation and changing
uncertainty. These include the trade consumer preferences, which is
dispute between the US and China, upending established business models.
the possibility of a disorderly Brexit Although disruption creates risk, it also
in March, and renewed fiscal conflict can generate potential opportunities
between Italy’s populist government and for investors with a disciplined strategic
European Union (EU) officials. approach. Correctly identifying the


winners and losers in this competitive Over the shorter term, however, global
struggle will remain the key to portfolio investors may need to buckle up, as

31% outperformance, Giroux contends.

“I’d argue that the disruptive environment

political, monetary, and trade uncertainty
could generate more of the sudden
spikes in market volatility seen in 2018.
Estimated share we’re in is why active management will In recent discussions, Giroux, Thomson,
be well positioned over the next decade,” and McCormick have identified six key
of S&P 500 market he says. “High‑quality active managers disruptive forces that they believe will
capitalisation that can benefit from having a longer‑term
horizon, which allows them to make the
play out in 2019 and beyond.

is challenged kind of investments that potentially will

add value in our clients’ portfolios over
by disruption the next five to 10 years.”

Disruption: Shaping the

Investment Landscape in 2019
Challenging markets may THE GROWTH AND
BIFURCATING yield select opportunities VALUE UNIVERSES
Emerging markets – attractive Our work suggests 31% of
and undervalued S&P 500 market cap
Historical comparisons of US impacted by disruption
valuations may be misleading at Valuation hits for secularly
this point in the cycle challenged companies

Developed economies are slowing US – China trade conflict
Mixed signs for emerging Brexit, Italy – EU fiscal dispute
Bond market is moving from Reduced global liquidity
mid- to late cycle
Atypical Federal Reserve rate normalisation
Relative opportunities seen in EM debt,
short-duration bonds


Global Growth Momentum Is Slowing
3.07% October 2018 forecasts by the
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
China’s economic outlook is a particular
IMF forecast of projected that growth will slow across the focus of concern, as official economic
developed markets and in China in 2019. reports in late 2018 showed a slowdown
global real GDP in growth. Independent indicators of
While the US is farthest along in the
growth in 2019 economic cycle, and the risks to growth
consumer demand, such as auto sales
and Macau casino revenues, also have
are tilted to the downside, a healthy
shown weakness, Thomson says.
private sector, strong consumer demand,
and the lingering effects of the 2017 tax “What’s crucial is the extent to which
cut stimulus should continue to sustain China restimulates,” Thomson adds.
the expansion through the first half of “Beijing is trying to reduce indebtedness
2019, T. Rowe Price economists say. in its corporate sectors. But they do
have scope for selective tax cuts in
European economies are earlier in the certain areas, or for reducing banking
cycle, but growth has been slowing since reserve requirements, which is a way of
the fourth quarter of 2017, Thomson loosening policy as well.”
notes. The UK economy continues to
suffer from Brexit uncertainties. Overall, growth in the emerging markets
(EM) is expected to remain stable
In the eurozone, the German labour in 2019, the IMF predicts, with the
market shows some signs of overheating, slowdown in China offset by recoveries
but unemployment is significantly in some other major EM economies.
higher in most other continental
economies, curbing inflation pressures HIGHER RATES, FLATTENING YIELD CURVE
but also limiting income gains. Efforts by CREATE DOWNSIDE RISK
European households to rebuild savings Although US growth is slowing, T. Rowe
could dampen eurozone growth in 2019. Price economists expect the US
unemployment rate to continue to fall,
The IMF forecasts that Japan, which saw putting upward pressure on inflation.
economic momentum slow sharply in Higher interest rates, plus a flattening US
2018, will decelerate further in 2019. On yield curve, could increase the risk of a
the positive side, Japanese corporate sharper economic slowdown in 2020.
profitability is at an all‑time high,
according to Thomson, suggesting the
risk of deflation has eased.

Global Growth Is Slowing

Actual and projected real GDP growth
As of October 2018
2017 2018* 2019*
Percent Change

World US Euro Area Japan EM China
Source: IMF/Haver Analytics.
*IMF projection.


Disparities in Global Equity Valuations
Require Selectivity
US Equity Valuations Appear High Versus Rest of World
12‑Month forward price/earnings ratios
As of October 31, 2018
US Europe Japan EM
Forward P/E
13 12.6
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Sources: FactSet Research Systems, MSCI, and T. Rowe Price.
History suggests US = MSCI USA Index, Europe = MSCI Developed Europe Index, Emerging Markets (EM) = MSCI
Emerging Markets Index, Japan = MSCI Japan Index.
that you want to
buy EM equity As of the end of October, US equity at roughly 15.5 times expected forward
valuations appeared relatively high earnings, within range of the 20‑year
and debt when compared with those in Europe, Japan, historical average of 15.9. However, with
EM currencies are and the emerging markets – especially
the latter. However, differing sector
the US moving into the later stages of the
business cycle, that multiple might be
cheap, and we’re weights also need to be taken into less attractive than the long‑term average
account, Giroux says. would suggest, he cautions.
certainly seeing that
The US market, with its large technology, “What we’ve typically seen is that once
at the moment. health care, and business services you hit an earnings peak, it can take
– Justin Thomson
sectors, tends to sell at a higher average between three and five years to get back
price/earnings (P/E) ratio than most to that peak,” Giroux observes. “So, the
Chief Investment Officer, Equity
European markets, which have smaller S&P 500 might actually be selling at 15.5
tech sectors and tend to be more heavily times 2024 earnings, which is saying
weighted with financial stocks that something very different.”
typically feature lower P/E multiples.
Boosting the appeal of EM assets, in
Adjusted for sector mix, relative Thomson’s view: extremely undervalued
valuations between the US and Europe EM currencies. “History suggests
appear to be within historic norms, that you want to buy EM equity and
Giroux adds. “Maybe you can still make debt when EM currencies are cheap,
the argument that Europe is earlier in the and we’re certainly seeing that at the
cycle and thus more attractive, but it’s moment,” he says.
not just because of valuations.”


Relative to their own history, US equity
valuations do not appear excessively
rich, Giroux says. As of mid‑November
2018, the S&P 500 Index was trading


Secular Challenges Are Disrupting
27% Growth and Value
Relative valuations between equity styles more than earnings growth,” he says.
Technology sector are also being impacted by disruption, “Those can be horrible stocks to own.”
pushing valuations for the winners and
weight in the the losers in sharply opposite directions.
This same bifurcation is playing out in
other global equity markets, Thomson
MSCI Emerging Although many investors equate disruption says. Japan is a case in point: Although
with the major technology platform the MSCI Japan Index sported a
Markets Index.1 companies, the effects also are being felt relatively low 12.03 P/E ratio as of
in a host of other sectors and industries, October 31, 2018, the Japanese market
Giroux says. Energy markets, for example, is sharply divided between firms that
are being disrupted by the crosscurrents are increasing shareholder returns and
of shale fracking and the increased those that are essentially stagnating. “In
competitiveness of solar and wind. situations like that,” Thomson says, “the
aggregate multiple doesn’t give you
“Our work suggests that about 31% of
much useful information.”
S&P 500 market capitalisation – and
up to 35% of S&P revenue – is being On the other hand, structural change
impacted by some level of secular may have made aggregate EM equity
challenge,” Giroux says. valuations more attractive. As of the end of
third quarter 2018, technology accounted
for 27% of the MSCI Emerging Markets
Challenged companies are likely to Index, up from virtually nothing 10 years
experience slower revenue and earnings ago, Thomson notes. This reflects not only
growth over the next 10 years than they the growth of China’s own technology
did in the previous decade, Giroux warns. giants, but also the rise of other high‑value
The hit to valuations could be dramatic. EM industries based on intellectual
“When companies fall into the secularly property. “You not only have strong
challenged bucket, what we normally growth potential, but the opportunity set is
see is that multiples compress even widening and deepening as well.”

Equity Valuations Are Bifurcating

One‑year forward P/E ratio, growth relative to value
As of October 31, 2018
Growth P/E Relative to Value P/E

2.4 Russell 2000 Growth/Value Russell 2000 Median*

Russell 1000 Growth/Value Russell 1000 Median†



























Source: T. Rowe Price analysis/calculations using data from FactSet Research Systems Inc. All rights reserved.
Frank Russell Company (“Russell”) is the source and owner of the Russell Index data contained or reflected
in these materials and all trademarks and copyrights related thereto. Russell® is a registered trademark of
Russell. Russell is not responsible for the formatting or configuration of this material or for any inaccuracy in
T. Rowe Price Associates’ presentation thereof.
*December 1997 through October 2018.
As of September 30, 2018. †
September 1998 through October 2018.


Desynchronised Global Credit Cycles
Could Spark Volatility
Global Credit Cycles Have Desynchronised
T. Rowe Price estimates of macroeconomic positions
As of October 31, 2018
Repair Recovery Expansion Downturn
China Japan United States

United Kingdom
Eurozone Mexico
Russia Australia

Macro Still-challenging and Moderate Growth is back Weak and

Environment uncertain outlook but improving but plateauing deteriorating

Source: T. Rowe Price.

Since the recovery from the 2008–2009 attractiveness of international assets –

global financial crisis, global credit cycles EM assets, in particular.
Markets are have grown increasingly out of step.
McCormick says he expects that trend to “The dollar exchange rate is crucial,”
searching for a continue in 2019. “Diverging monetary Thomson says. “Not just because of the
new footing at policy is likely to be another catalyst for currency effect on returns, but because
in many markets, a strengthening dollar
volatility,” says McCormick. “Markets
more sensible were simpler to understand when every raises the cost of funding in dollars, which
force was moving in a similar direction. is another form of [monetary] tightening.”
valuation levels It’s a little bit more interesting now.”
Relative growth trends will largely
given less The low volatility seen in many major determine the dollar’s course in 2019,
accommodative markets in recent years wasn’t McCormick
that US growth
argues. If markets perceive
is slowing, they are more
sustainable without the ample liquidity
monetary provided by the world’s major central likely to believe the Fed is nearing the end
of – or at least a pause in – its tightening
conditions. banks in the wake of the financial crisis,
McCormick contends. Now, with the program. Stronger growth in the rest of
– Andy McCormick Fed shrinking its balance sheet and the world also could weaken the dollar.
Head of US Taxable Fixed Income the European Central Bank shifting to
“If the US economy surprises to the upside,
a less stimulative posture, “markets are
or if Italy turns out to be a bigger problem
searching for a new footing at more
for the eurozone than we expect, the
sensible valuation levels given less
dollar could stay strong,” McCormick says.
accommodative monetary conditions.”
However, he adds, “If we do get to a place
US DOLLAR STRENGTH WILL BE A in 2019 where the dollar stalls, we think
KEY VARIABLE that would be an excellent time for US
Faster US growth and widening interest investors to consider moving some fixed
rate differentials helped lift the US dollar income assets into global markets.”
more than 8% on a broad trade‑weighted
basis in the first 10 months of 2018.
Whether that trend continues or reverses
in 2019 will heavily influence the relative


Bond returns tend
Late‑Cycle Shifts Should Favour
to decrease in the
Certain Sectors
late don’t Historically, bond market sectors have raising rates. However, the sector’s
shown varying return patterns over the bull run has stretched valuations and
get paid as much for economic cycle. As the US economy raised concerns about underwriting
moves into the later stages of that cycle in standards, requiring careful credit
taking risk. 2019, McCormick says, some sectors may analysis by investors.
– Andy McCormick offer attractive relative value opportunities.
■■ Collateralised loan obligations (CLOs):
Head of US Taxable Fixed Income
“In the middle of the cycle, the aggregate These floating rate instruments typically
bond indexes typically have had very carry AAA ratings from the major credit
positive risk‑adjusted returns,” McCormick agencies and historically have traded at
notes. “Bond returns tend to decrease yield spreads over LIBOR comparable
in the late cycle. They’re not necessarily to lower‑quality investment‑grade
negative, but you don’t get paid as much (IG) corporate bonds. Their short-
for taking risk.” duration profile and structural credit
enhancements make CLOs attractive,
McCormick points to several sectors that especially as the end of the credit cycle
historically have featured relatively strong approaches, McCormick says.
late‑cycle performance. These include:
■■ EM debt: Historically, corporate
■■ Floating rate bank loans: In 2018, and sovereign EM bonds both have
strong US growth supported credit outperformed late in the US credit
fundamentals, while US floating rates, cycle, typically because the US dollar
as measured by London Interbank has started to depreciate, boosting
Offered Rates (LIBOR), rose in line commodity prices and easing financial
with Fed rate hikes. As long as credit conditions in EM economies.
conditions remain favourable, bank
loans should continue to perform ■■ Short‑duration Treasuries and IG
relatively well, even if the Fed pauses corporates: Investors who did well

Bonds Are Moving From Mid- to Late Cycle

Sharpe ratio of excess returns
As of October 31, 2018*
Early Mid Late Contraction
Sharpe Ratio

Loans Yield Corp. ex-HEL Agg.

Sources: Federal Reserve, Goldman Sachs, and Bloomberg Finance LP; all data analysis by T. Rowe
*Based on excess returns versus similar‑duration Treasuries. Sector returns since January 1994, except
for CMBS, which begins January 2000, and EMD-IG, which begins January 1998. Late cycle = market
environment where either: economic growth is accelerating and Fed policy is tight, with tight policy
defined as a real federal funds rate above both the Williams‑Laubach neutral rate and its own 12‑month
moving average; or economic growth is falling and the Fed is tightening policy, with tightening policy
defined as a real federal funds rate below the Williams‑Laubach neutral rate but above its own 12‑month
moving average.


with riskier assets in 2018 now have an growth/rising rate environment of 2017
opportunity to earn relatively attractive and 2018, longer‑duration Treasuries have
Having a little yields at the less volatile short end of the reached relatively attractive yield levels,
US yield curve, McCormick says. Giroux says, especially compared with
defense in your comparable sovereign assets, such as
portfolio with Giroux recommends that investors also
consider another, relatively battered, fixed
German bunds and Japanese government
bonds. “Having a little defense in your
Treasuries makes income sector: US Treasuries. Although portfolio with Treasuries makes sense at
they performed poorly in the strong this point in the cycle,” he says.
sense at this point
in the cycle.
Geopolitical Flash Points May Trigger
– David Giroux
Chief Investment Officer, US Equity Market Volatility
and Multi-Asset

Trade Fears Hit China-Related Stocks

Relative returns on S&P 500 stocks with highest China revenue exposure
Through October 31, 2018
December 31, 2015 = 100

S&P Stocks With Highest China Exposure S&P 500 Index

Cumulative Returns,

Dec. Mar. Jun. Sep. Dec. Mar. Jun. Sep. Dec. Mar. Jun. Oct.
2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018
Sources: Strategas Research Partners. T. Rowe Price analysis/calculations using data from FactSet
Research Systems Inc. All rights reserved.
Performance shown for stocks with the highest China exposure consists of an equal-weighted portfolio
of the 15 companies in the S&P 500 Index with the greatest proportion of total revenues generated in
China, as of August 27, 2018.
The S&P 500 Index is a product of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, a division of S&P Global, or its affiliates
(“SPDJI”), and has been licensed for use by T. Rowe Price. Standard & Poor’s® and S&P® are registered
trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC, a division of S&P Global (“S&P”); Dow Jones® is
a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC (“Dow Jones”), and these trademarks have
been licensed for use by SPDJI and sublicensed for certain purposes by T. Rowe Price. T. Rowe Price is
not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by SPDJI, Dow Jones, S&P, their respective affiliates, and none
of such parties make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in such product(s) nor do
they have any liability for any errors, omissions, or interruptions of the S&P 500 Index.

A number of political risks have the quickly disappeared after trade tensions
potential to disrupt global markets in rose to a boiling point in the summer of
2019, with perhaps the most serious 2018. Although President Trump and
being the danger of a trade war between Chinese President Xi Jinping agreed in
the US and China. early December to a temporary halt to
tariff increases set for the end of 2018, the
Moves by the Trump administration to raise underlying issues remained unresolved.
tariffs on Chinese goods, plus Beijing’s
retaliatory measures, already have taken a T. Rowe Price economists estimate that
toll on US stocks that rely on China‑related higher tariffs on Chinese exports could
revenues. While the top China‑orientated do real, but manageable, damage to the
stocks in the S&P 500 outperformed the US economic expansion. However, they
index by a considerable margin in 2016 add, the 2019 outlook would turn darker –
and 2017, much of that return advantage both for the US and the global economy –


if the Trump administration were to follow terms of Britain’s exit from the EU, the
through on its threats to impose tariffs on narrow path to resolution suggests
all foreign auto and auto‑part imports. that the key issues will complicate the
UK–EU relationship for years to come.
Giroux thinks markets should not While negative headlines have weighed
underestimate the possibility that the US on investor sentiment, a successful deal
and China ultimately will be able to settle would give a considerable lift to UK
their trade dispute. Beijing, he argues, has assets, particularly the British pound,
signaled its willingness to accommodate Thomson says.
the US in some areas, such as tariff
cuts, safeguards for intellectual property, ■■ Italy: The populist coalition that took
and increased purchases of US goods power in 2018 has put forward a
and services. “The question is whether fiscal stimulus plan that exceeds EU
that will be enough for the Trump deficit limits, bringing it into conflict
administration,” Giroux says. with EU authorities. However, market
measures of default risk suggest those
Some of President Trump’s advisors, fears have not – as yet – spread to
Giroux says, may not trust China to comply other peripheral euro countries such
There’s no question with any deal. Others may believe criticising as Spain and Ireland. “This tells us
China would be smart politics in the runup
that markets tend to the 2020 presidential election. Still, he
the markets believe the tail risk of a
dissolution of the single currency is still
to get trickier late adds, given the economic benefits and the limited at this point,” Thomson says.
boost a successful deal could give to asset
in the cycle. But valuations, there also are strong political ■■ US politics: Although the Democratic
incentives for Trump to compromise. Party regained the majority in the
it also can be a lower house of the US Congress in
November’s elections, Giroux calls the
result “a nonevent, or at least a neutral
strategic approach A number of other geopolitical event,” since the Senate remains in
developments could trigger renewed Republican hands. The main event,
to investing. volatility in 2019, T. Rowe Price investment he says, will be the 2020 elections,
– Andy McCormick professionals say. These risks include: when the House, the Senate, and the
Head of US Taxable Fixed Income presidency all will be at stake.
■■ Brexit: While the UK government and
EU leaders have agreed on the technical

Disruption Could Yield Opportunities

The upswing in volatility that disrupted business models, and inflation‑prone
global markets – equity markets, in sovereign debtors. As a result,
particular – in 2018 appears likely security‑specific risks are becoming
to persist in 2019, driven by slowing increasingly critical. But these same risks
economic momentum, tighter liquidity, also can generate potential opportunities
monetary divergence, and political risk. for active investors to buy attractive assets
Meanwhile, technological innovation and at temporarily depressed prices. In‑depth
competitive challenges will continue to research and solid fundamental analysis
threaten established leaders in a host of are vital.
global industries.
“There’s no question that markets tend to
In this less supportive environment, get trickier late in the cycle,” McCormick
McCormick notes, markets have begun says. “But it also can be a great time to
to punish bad behaviour, taking aim at take a strategic approach to investing.”
overleveraged companies, antiquated


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