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ZXONE 9700

Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM)

Initial Configuration

Version: V3.00R1

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Revision History

Revision No. Revision Date Revision Reason

R1.0 2015-03-10 First edition

Serial Number: SJ-20141230145702-009

Publishing Date: 2015-3-10 (R1.0)

SJ-20141230145702-009|2015-3-10 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About This Manual ......................................................................................... I
Chapter 1 NE Initialization ......................................................................... 1-1
1.1 NE Initialization Procedure .................................................................................. 1-2
1.2 Querying the Temporary External IP Address of the M2SNP Board ....................... 1-2
1.3 Creating an NE .................................................................................................. 1-4
1.4 Configuring Monitoring Boards ............................................................................ 1-9
1.5 Clearing Databases .......................................................................................... 1-12
1.6 Downloading the Database ............................................................................... 1-13
1.7 Automatic Discovery of Boards.......................................................................... 1-14

Chapter 2 Easy Provisioning..................................................................... 2-1

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About This Manual
This manual describes how to perform initial configuration for ZXONE 9700 NEs.

Intended Audience
This manual is intended for:
l Debugging engineers
l Maintenance engineers

What Is in This Manual

This manual contains the following chapters.

Chapter 1, NE Initialization Describes the operational procedure for NE initialization.

Chapter 2, Easy Provisioning Describes the operational procedure for easy provisioning.

This manual uses the following conventions.

Caution: indicates a potentially hazardous situation. Failure to

comply can result in moderate injury, equipment damage, or
interruption of minor services.

Note: provides additional information about a topic.

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Chapter 1
NE Initialization
NE initialization is to implement the NE management procedure through configuring the
SNP, SOSC, or SOSCB boards. The SNP board is the core board of the NE monitoring
system, providing NE management, protection control, data forwarding, and channel
maintenance. Figure 1-1 shows the front panel of the M2SNP board.

Figure 1-1 Front Panel of the M2SNP Board

Table of Contents


SJ-20141230145702-009|2015-3-10 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXONE 9700 Initial Configuration

NE Initialization Procedure .........................................................................................1-2

Querying the Temporary External IP Address of the M2SNP Board ............................1-2
Creating an NE...........................................................................................................1-4
Configuring Monitoring Boards ...................................................................................1-9
Clearing Databases..................................................................................................1-12
Downloading the Database ......................................................................................1-13
Automatic Discovery of Boards.................................................................................1-14

1.1 NE Initialization Procedure

Figure 1-2 shows the procedure for NE initialization.

Figure 1-2 NE Initialization Procedure

1.2 Querying the Temporary External IP Address of the

M2SNP Board
The IP address used for communication between NEs is called an external address. A
temporary external IP address has been allocated for the SNP board before equipment
delivery. The temporary external IP must be replaced by the planned external IP address
on site. The external temporary address of the M2SNP board is used as the IP address
of the new NE.

The IP address of the EMS server and the temporary external IP address of the SNP board
belong to the same network segment.


SJ-20141230145702-009|2015-3-10 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 NE Initialization

The EIC board is the external interface board of a shelf. Only after the EMS server is
connected to the NX41 or DX41 shelf through the ETH1 or ETH2 port of the EIC board,
can the EMS query the temporary external IP address of the SNP board.

1. Press the TST button of the EIC board for 5 seconds. When the NOM indicator of the
EIC board quickly flashes, release the TST button.

If the NOM and ALM indicators of the M2SNP board flash at the same time, and
the internal IP address of the M2SNP board can be pinged successfully,
VLANs are converged successfully.

2. On the EMS server, select Start > Run. A dialog box is displayed. Enter cmd and
press Enter. The DOS command window is displayed.
3. In the DOS command window, enter the telnet 9023 command, see Figure
1-3. Press Enter, and you can log in to the M2SNP board.

Figure 1-3 Logging into the M2SNP Board

4. On the login window, enter user name ZTE and password ZTE. Press Enter.

5. After you log in to the board successfully, enter the :ifconfig command. Press Enter.
The external IP address of the M2SNP board is displayed under eth0:1,
see Figure 1-4.


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ZXONE 9700 Initial Configuration

Figure 1-4 M2SNP Login Window

– End of Steps –

1.3 Creating an NE
After the temporary external IP address is queried, you need to create an NE on the EMS
and set up management relationship between the EMS and the NE.

The IP address of the EMS server and the temporary external IP address of the SNP board
belong to the same network segment.


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Chapter 1 NE Initialization

1. In the Topology Management window, right-click the blank area, and select Create
Object > Add BN-xTN NE from the shortcut menu. The Add BN-xTN NE window is
2. In the Add BN-xTN NE window, select a device type from the object type tree in the
left pane, see Figure 1-5.

Figure 1-5 Add BN-xTN NE Dialog Box

For a description of the parameters, refer to Table 1-1. The other parameters are set
to the default values.


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ZXONE 9700 Initial Configuration

Table 1-1 Parameter Description for Creating a BN-xTN NE (OTN)

Parameter Description

NE Type Select the NE type in accordance with the location of the NE in the
network. The NE types are as follows:
l OADM: It is located at an intermediate station. It adds and drops
l OXC: It provides the wavelength-based connection function and
implements cross-connection for optical channels.
l OTM: It is located at the end station of a linear network. It
multiplexes client signals into DWDM signals, or it demultiplexes
DWDM signals into client signals.
l OLA: It is located at an intermediate station in a network. It is used
to extend transmission distance but cannot add or drop services.

Rate Level It is the designed capacity of the system. It is configured as required.

IP Address Temporary external IP address of the SNP board of the main shelf.

Subnet Mask It should be configured as required.

Gate IP It should be configured as required.

User Default: admin. The maximum length is 32 bytes.

Password Authorization password that the administrator uses for access to the
NE, default: null. The maximum length is 16 bytes. If the password is
configured for the NE on an EMS server, you must enter this password
on other EMS servers to manage the NE.

Hardware Version V3.00

Software Version It matches the AGENT software version of the SNP board.

3. Click the Rack/Shelf Configuration button on the bottom-right corner. The

Rack/Shelf Configuration dialog box is displayed.

The shelf type selected on the EMS must be the same with the shelf installed in the

4. From the left NE list select the main shelf, see Figure 1-6.


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Chapter 1 NE Initialization

Figure 1-6 Main Shelf Configuration

For a description of the parameters, refer to Table 1-2.

Table 1-2 Parameter Descriptions for Main Shelf Configuration

Parameter Description

Shelf ID It must be the same with the DIPS of the shelf. The shelf ID of
the main shelf must be 1.

Shelf Label Set a label for the shelf for identification.

Installed Shelf Type Select DX41 or NX41 as required.

IP Address Configure an internal IP address for each site. Each IP address

must belong to a unique network segment. For example, if
the IP address of NE A is and subnet mask is, the IP address of NE B can be set to
and subnet mask can be set to

There is an 8-digit DIP switch (marked as SI) on the shelf backplane. It is used to set
the shelf ID, see Figure 1-7. For a description of the parameters, refer to Table 1-3.
The EMS distinguishes shelves in an NE by using the shelf IDs.


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ZXONE 9700 Initial Configuration

Figure 1-7 Shelf DIP Switch

Table 1-3 Shelf ID Setting Descriptions

Shelf ID DIP Switch

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Shelf 1 up up up up up up down

Shelf 2 up up up up up down up

Shelf 3 up up up up up down down

1. The first bit of the DIP is reserved.

2. up: A DIP switch is moved to the upper side. It represents binary digit 0.
3. down: A DIP switch is moved to the lower side. It represents binary digit 1.

5. Right-click Main Rack[R0] and select Add Slave Shelf from the shortcut menu, see
Figure 1-8.

Figure 1-8 Slave Shelf Configuration

For a description of the shelves, refer to Table 1-4.

Table 1-4 Parameter Descriptions for Slave Shelf Configuration

Parameter Description

Shelf ID ID of the slave shelf. Range: 2–127.


SJ-20141230145702-009|2015-3-10 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 NE Initialization

Parameter Description

Shelf Label Set a label for the shelf for identification.

Installed Shelf Type Select S3, S6, or S6E as required.

Binding Main Shelf Set the main shelf that the slave shelf belongs to.

6. Click OK.
7. Click Apply.
– End of Steps –

1.4 Configuring Monitoring Boards

To monitor an NE that has been created, you must configure the SNP board and monitoring
boards, such as the SOSC or SOSCB board.

The NE status is Offline.

1. In the Topology Management window, double-click an NE. The Rack Chart window
is displayed.

2. Click the button. The Board Selection tab is displayed in the right side of the
Rack Chart window.
3. On the Board Selection tab, select SNP. Select the Pre-setting check box on the
bottom-left corner. Click slot 1 in the Rack Chart to insert the SNP board. The Board
Property dialog box is displayed, see Figure 1-9.

Figure 1-9 Board Property Setting


SJ-20141230145702-009|2015-3-10 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXONE 9700 Initial Configuration

APS of the SNP board must be set to Exist. If not, the APS controller cannot be
selected when the protection group is configured.

4. (Optional) Query the Agent software version on the Board Basic Property tab, see
Figure 1-10.

Figure 1-10 Querying the Board Agent Software Version

5. Click OK. The board is inserted successfully.

6. In the Topology Management window, right-click the NE. Select NE Property from
the shortcut menu. The NE Property dialog box is displayed. Modify the software
version. For the correspondence between the NE software version and the Agent
version of the selected SNP board, refer to Table 1-5.

Table 1-5 Correspondence Between NE Software Version and Agent Version

Equipment Hardware Software Formal Agent Description

Version Version Version

ZXONE V3.00 V6.00 M2SNP

V6.10 M2SNP

7. Right-click the NE and select Online/Offline from the shortcut menu, and set it to
Online. Click OK.

8. In the NE Property dialog box, set IP Address to the planned IP address.

9. Click Apply to reset the SNP board.


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Chapter 1 NE Initialization

10. In the Topology Management window, double-click the NE. The Rack Chart window
is displayed. Select the SOSC or SOSCB board from the Board Selection tab, and
click slot 3 in the Rack Chart to insert the SOSC or SOSCB board.

The active SOSC or SOSCB board is configured in slot 3, and the standby SOSC or
SOSCB board is configured in slot 5.

11. In the Topology Management window, right-click the NE. Select NE Management
from the shortcut menu. The NE Management window is displayed.
12. Select the SOSC or SOSCB board from the Customized Resource tree. Select
Communication Maintenance > Board IP Configuration from the Board Operation
navigation tree.

13. In the Board IP Configuration window, set IP, Mask, and Area ID of Electrical Port
3 in accordance with the planning, see Figure 1-11.

Figure 1-11 Modifying the IP Address of Electrical Port 3

l To configure the NE as the access NE, the IP address of electrical port 3 of the
SOSC or SOSCB board must be configured. If the NE is connected to the EMS
server through a network cable, the IP address of electrical port 3 and that of the
of the EMS PC must belong to the same network segment. If the NE is connected
to the EMS PC through the DCN, the IP address of electrical port 3 must be set
in accordance with the planning.
l If the IP address of the NE is set to belong to the network segment of
the backbone domain, the default domain ID is

14. Click Apply.


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ZXONE 9700 Initial Configuration

The SOSC or SOSCB board is automatically reset after the configuration is sent. It
requires some time.

15. Press the TST button of the EIC board for 5 seconds. When the NOM indicator of
the EIC board slowly flashes, release the TST button. The EMS can manage NEs

If the NOM and ALM indicators of the SNP board flash at the same time, or the
internal IP address of the SNP board cannot be pinged through, the
VLAN converge is cancelled.

– End of Steps –

1.5 Clearing Databases

After the external IP address of an NE is modified, you need to clear the NCP database
before the EMS starts to manage the NE again to prevent that the left settings affect NE
after the SPN board is inserted into the NE.

The NE status is online.

1. In the Topology Management window, right-click the NE. Select NE Management
from the shortcut menu. The NE Management window is displayed.
2. From the NE Operation navigation tree, select NE Data Management > Clear NCP
Database. A dialog box is displayed.

3. Click OK to clear the NCP database, see Figure 1-12.


SJ-20141230145702-009|2015-3-10 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 NE Initialization

Figure 1-12 Clear NCP Database

– End of Steps –

1.6 Downloading the Database

To ensure that the NE database and the EMS database are the same, you need to
download the EMS database to the NE database to synchronize the data.

The NE status is Online.

1. In the Topology Management window, right-click the NE. Select Data
Synchronization from the shortcut menu. The Data Synchronization window is
2. Click the Download tab. Select the NE and the active and standby boards, see Figure


SJ-20141230145702-009|2015-3-10 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXONE 9700 Initial Configuration

Figure 1-13 Download

3. Click Download. When the process bar displays 100%, the database download is
– End of Steps –

1.7 Automatic Discovery of Boards

The EMS supports the automatic discovery function of boards. It can automatically install
the boards that have been physically installed on the equipment to an NE that is created
on the EMS.

The NE status is Online.

1. Double-click an NE. The Rack Chart window is displayed.
2. In the Rack Chart window, perform automatic discovery of boards.

To... Do...

Automatically discover the board in the selected Go to step 3.


Automatically discover the boards in all slots Go to step 4.

3. Right-click the slot that you want to insert the board, and select Board Auto Discover
from the shortcut menu, see Figure 1-14. The board in the corresponding slot is
automatically discovered.


SJ-20141230145702-009|2015-3-10 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 NE Initialization

Figure 1-14 Board Auto Discover

4. Click Board Auto Discover on the bottom-right corner. The Board Auto Discover
window is displayed.
5. Select the operation item in the State/Operation column, see Figure 1-15. Click the
Insert Board/Expected Board to update button to automatically discovery boards in

Figure 1-15 Slot Selection

6. Click Close. The Rack Chart window is displayed.


SJ-20141230145702-009|2015-3-10 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXONE 9700 Initial Configuration

7. Right-click the board. Select Property from the shortcut menu. Confirm that the
automatically discovered boards and the physically installed boards are the same.
– End of Steps –


SJ-20141230145702-009|2015-3-10 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2
Easy Provisioning
If a remote NE cannot be managed, you can use the easy provisioning function to manage
the remote NE through the physical links between NEs. By using the easy provisioning
function, you can query and set the port IP address and NE IP address of the remote NE,
query the board information, set and query static routes, and reset the monitoring board
of the remote NE.

l The NE has been configured with an SOSCB board.
l The monitoring system operates properly.


Figure 2-1 Network Diagram

Table 2-1 IP Address Planning

NE and EMS IP Address Subnet Mask




1. In the Topology Management window, right-click the NE. Select NE Management
from the shortcut menu. The NE Management window is displayed.
2. Select the SOSCB board from the Customized Resource navigation tree. Select
Communication Maintenance > DCN Neighbor Configuration from the Board
Operation navigation tree.


SJ-20141230145702-009|2015-3-10 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXONE 9700 Initial Configuration

3. Click the Query button on the bottom-right corner of the Local Port Information tab.
The local ports with actual connections are displayed, see Figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2 Querying Local Port Information

4. Select Optical Port 3. Select the query button under Neighbor Port Information to
query the port information of the peer end, see Figure 2-3.


In practice, optical ports 1,2, and 3 have connections. The method for querying the
NE that is connected to optical port 3 is used as an example.

Figure 2-3 Querying Neighbor Port Information

The query result shows that optical port 3 of the local port is connected to optical port
3 of the SOSCB board in slot 3 with IP address of the peer NE.

5. Click the Query button on the bottom-right corner of the Neigh NE IP Address tab to
query the IP address of the peer NE, see Figure 2-4.


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Chapter 2 Easy Provisioning

Figure 2-4 Querying the IP Address of the Neighbor NE

6. After the IP address of the adjacent NE is queried, create the adjacent NE and set the
IP address to the planning IP address in the Topology view. Create the adjacent NE,
and modify the IP address to the planned IP address.
7. Click the Query button on the bottom-right corner of the Neighbor NE Board tab to
query the board information of the peer NE, see Figure 2-5.

Figure 2-5 Querying the Board Information of the Adjacent NE

8. Select the SOSCB board on the Neighbor NE Board tab. Click the Query button
on the bottom-right corner of the Board IP Address Config tab. All the ports of the
SOSCB board of the peer NE are displayed, see Figure 2-6.


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ZXONE 9700 Initial Configuration

Figure 2-6 Configuring the IP Address of Neighbor NE Board

For the SOSCB board, the IP addresses of all the ports except electrical port 3 are
automatically generated in accordance with the IP address of the NE. Thus, only the
IP address of electrical port 3 can be modified.

9. Add static routes on the Static Router Config tab, and click Apply. After the operation
is successful, the EMS indicates that you to reset the board.

When the gateway NE is configured, you should use the static route configuration

10. Click the Board Reset tab and select the reset mode, see Figure 2-7. Click Apply.


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Chapter 2 Easy Provisioning

If the link of the adjacent NE is broken and then reconnected, the reset is
successful. The EMS can manage the adjacent NE.

Figure 2-7 Resetting the Adjacent NE Board

– End of Steps –


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