Outstanding Issues: Project Control

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Outstanding Issues

Raised by Item Outstanding Issues Team in Charge Status / Plan Remark

Structural steel is under fabrication and will reach site next week.
GC Office - Dispatch & Receiving of 1,2 - Structural Steel(7/24)
Project Control Dispatching & Receiving of Material Construction Upto now no impact considering FDN is delayed. Procurement team
JV Office - Dispatch & Receiving of 1,2 - Structural Steel(7/19)
has be to request to follow up agency for material.
Letter for Consent to establishment was issued to Mahashtra
Application of NOC Administration
pollution control board from MMRDA on July-17

1.GC Office: Raft FDN. By July-25

2.JV Office: Raft FDN. By July-20 The completion is delayed due to lack of manpower. Under
Progress of FDN. Works Construction
3.Water storage tank(Wall starter): By July-19 replanning the schedule considering resources. Updated by 27th July.
4.Labor Camp: Raft work is on-going

Specification and Quantity for pile test & next 3 months to be MR already issued. But MR will be reissued for qt'y of
RCD Pile test Construction
provided to procurement team test pile and next 3month pile.

Manpower mobilization plan and the hiring status to be checked

1. pile liner : the work scope as per after design team's

RFQ has to be prepared for the selection of Agency(Pile liner and confirmation(26th July) will be sent to PJ control team by 30th July,
Reinforcement cage) 2. Reinforcement cage(-fabrication and assembling): the work scope
will be sent to PJ control team by 30th July.

As per confirmation of design team(26th July) regarding P/gantry,

Temporary Bridge Fabrication of Gantry Construction procurement(1 wk) is followed. After the procurement of material, G1
fabrication will be done(for 15days) by 16th August
After pile liner delivery, piling started(9 pile) end of July
assuming delivery of pile liner within this week.

Erection plan is to be prepared for Land and Floating Concrete

Heavy Equipment
Erection of Batching plant batching plant
Supplier for Floating Concrete batching plant is to be decideded

Application of NOC to INSA: Need to check with the agency to find out
the reason of objection from 2 Local owner of barge
Heavy Equipment
Mobilization of Floating Barge Plan for the arrangement of supplying Aggregate, Sand and Cement
is required to be submitted to GC for getting final approval on floating
BP from HAJU.
Raised by Item Outstanding Issues Team in Charge Status / Plan Remark

On 21.07.2018, JV sent its Comments on Draft Sub-contractor Terms

& Conditions sent by VSL. On 25.07.2018, VSL sent their Counter
comments on commented draft which are not acceptable to JV. The Meeting with VSL for
Open points and contentions need to be resolved and finalized resolving the
Contract Subcontract Agreement VSL Sub-contract Agreement and Supply PO to be finalised. through across the table discussion with VSL. outstanding issues is
and SCM
scheduled on 6th and
Comments on Supply PO awaited from SCM and Planning. 7th August 2018
For Sub-contract, comment on Scope Matrix and comments on
Programme awaited from Planning.

Letter for submitting request for Payment of HT Line shifting under

Provisional Sums. Letter with payment entitlemnts has been prepaed
Payment for HT Line Shifting Planning
in coordination with Billing Team. Inputs for time Impact on the
schedule to be provided by Planning Team.

Letter for submission of comaparison of Tender alignment vs Actuakl

alignment as per Physical Verification to be submitteed.
Physical Verification of Utility Pipelines Physical Verification of Utilioty pieplines ongoing. Construction
Once completed the details to be shared with us for onward
submission to Engineer.

Small group discussion with GC to explain the analysis result on 26

Design MCE Load Factor GC insist on using 1.5 for MCE load factor. Design
Jul. Meeting with Prof. Sinha is requested to GC/MMRDA

Pipeline Interference Physical Identification of the pipeline is under progress Construction

Pipeline Interference Set-up Way-out plan Design Plan were received from Ramboll and JFE. Under review

Quantity Variation Report to H.O Report by end of July Design BOQ received from Ramboll on 27 Jul.

DBR of Temporary Bridge Awaiting approval from GC Design past 33 days pending

Fishing Boat Channel Awaiting approval from GC Design past 33 days pending

Temporary Bridge- Material Platform Awaiting approval from GC Design past 33 days pending

Gantry SPAN, barge size AND Gantry complete loading details


Diesel Storage tank design capacity of tank / foundation designs pending Site Execution/Equipment Site execution will furnish details and based on that design can start

Microsilica alkofines bin details Foundation designs pending(Details awaited) Construction

Tower crane capacity and model at material platform Design of supporting structure(Details awaited) Construction

Increase in BOQ detail provided to site for cost impact(Details

Composite deck splitting in two parts Construction
Raised by Item Outstanding Issues Team in Charge Status / Plan Remark

Many IRF's are still open. Need to close IRF's on weekly basis and
Closing of open IRF's & responsibilities of Construction, maintain log of open and close IRF's. Need to define responsibility
QA/QC Construction / Design
Project control & QA/QC dept matrix for raising, closing maintaining closed IRF's
Status of open and close IRF's is not known

Process of drawing distribution, Maintain and update Drawing register

needs to be fine tuned. Document controller is taking sign of end
Drawing register and overall process of distribution of
user on drawing. However, it is observed that photocopy of drawing Construction/Design
with receivers sign is being distributed to other user. It shall not be

Construction of foundation and prefab structure for QA/QC lab not yet
Delay in commencement of Main QA/QC lab Construction
started. Status of commencement date and end date unknown.

Technical Specifications to be freezed and TER to be submitted for

Procurment Cement/Aggregate/GGBS Feeding System Heavy Equipment
finalization of order

Bi-directional Load Test Finalization of Technical Parameters for Bi-directional PIle Load Test Design

Some items have already been procured/received by Admin Team at

Regularization of Admin Items site for which quotations are needed for regularization of the orders, Administration
as we have recd indents almost 1 month back

Techno-commercial comparison already forwarded to SCM team for

Heavy Equipment Marine Batching plant further needful. Ordering of Marine batcing plant with related SCM
equipment pending
For layout & stability for floating barge mounted equipment like
Finalization of Naval architect Batching plant with all related accessories, piling equipment, crane SCM
barge etc
The certification of lifting gear, tools & tackles needs to be carried
Finalization of Third party testing agency SCM
out asap
Initimation to be given to Heavy Equipment team for tentative date
Trestle availability for Silo erection works Construction/ SCM
of availability of Trestle- 5 nos for first unit of Batching plant

We have received some quotations from vendor. Some local vendors

are there who are ready to provide these equipment on hire,
Availability of hired Trailor & Hydra for erection works expected to receive by Saturday i.e. 28-July-2018 SCM
Next week technical spec clearance will be submitted to SCM for
commercial process.
Raised by Item Outstanding Issues Team in Charge Status / Plan Remark

The 2nd unit is already ready for dispatch at vendor factory. Already
Heavy Equipment Clearance for dispatch of 2nd Batching plant unit discussed with execution team and next week onwards dispatch Construction
instruction will be given.

Both 1000 cfm & 330 cfm air compressor are ready for dispatch at
Clearance for dispatch of 1000 cfm & 330 cfm air vendor factory. Already discussed with execution team and
compressor accordingly instruction to be given to the manufacturer for dispatch
form 1st of August onwards.

Administration Accommodation NRI Complex Maintenance Administration Still going on(will be completed by Agency) : Mr. Pramod CHOI

(3)colors Sample delivery : 28 July

/ HR Uniform Finished Sample order Administration Shaji
All Delively : 28July ~ 10 Working Days)

Access Control at Site Immediately need Installation of Security Cabin at project office gate Administration Enquiry floated Shaji

Container Cabin needed so that medicals can be done at site for sub-
OHC Centre SCM Container cabin ordered, awaiting deliver for further action
contractor workmen.
Installation of Security Cabin project office gate. Enquiry floated, MR
Security Cabin and Access Control at Site Administration Pramod M
to be raised
Need to shift one guest house to another location and take that
Office space needed More people are joining who would be. Administration Pramod M
space for office. Awaiting added info from other stake holders
Application made partially. Need a meeting with Dy. Labour
Labour Licence Application for obtaining labour licence Administration Expected on Monday
commissioner. Awaiting appointment.

Recruitment and joining Scheduling of intervews for engineers HR

Finance Statement of Final Accounts Closing of Monthly & Quarterly : Updated JV & TPL/Daewoo Finance Input the data in TPL/Daewoo(Mr.Paras & Choi) Bala/Choi

SAP A/C System Keep on Excel File Finance End of SEP. will be Updated SAP(Mr.Paras) Bala

Raised by Item Outstanding Issues

Completion of work amounting to 8% of the accepted contract Amount.

1st Financial Milestone (INR 450 Cr)

1st Financial Milestone R A Bill No - 7

1st Financial Milestone R A Bill No - 8

1st Financial Milestone Batching Plant Accreditation certificate

1st Financial Milestone Material Receipt IRF Approval

Design to submit the plan as how many submission will be done which can
1st Financial Milestone be considered for billing

Project Control Minimum Stock Minimum Stock items to be given to store / SCM so that they'll maintain the
minimum stock

Daily weather Report Daily weather report provided.

PRW requirement to be given by all dept. at 3 week advance along with

PRW Requirement details
Raised by Item Outstanding Issues

Labor Camp - Operational Riggers to be shifted to labor camp

Controlled Permeability
Details awaited from Design

Piling Rig (Hid) for 2nd spud barge

Anchor - 8 Nos for spud barge 1 & 2

Temporary Bridge

Piling A Boom & Winches for Gantry No - 3

Design approval - Module-4

Additional agency for liner joining / Fabrication

Agency Selection of Pile Cage Fabrication

Construction :
Permanent Pile
Equipment preparation
- Extension of Hydraulic Hose of RCD Pack

- Winch problem on AF-180 Barge - Operation & Break issue

Design confirmation / approval for open foundation.

Land Area - MP 241 to 266 (Excavation & PCC)
Raised by Item Outstanding Issues

Relocation of Placing Boom of Maring Batching Plant-1

Marine Batching Plant Mobilizing Marine Batching Plant - 2

Casting Yard Segment Mould Foundation Detail (GFC)

Design for Temporary Work

Rebar Zig GFC Drawing with provision for top blister

Segment Detail form Rambol

Diaphragm reinforcement & PT details required

Segment Mould Purchase Order

Construction :
Super-Str Drain and Road sections to be finalized
Raised by Item Outstanding Issues

Selection of Agency for VSL Office

Finalizing Car parking Area Plan, Agency

Supplier, Agency Selection, P/O Permissions for Diesel dispenser pump and agency confirmation

Gantry Crane Fabrication shall be expedited

Gantry Rail Locking Plate Material Delivery

Water Tank, Canteen Furniture

Ground Issue Ground Issues on Casting Bay No.2

Store Manpower 4 Nos. Staff Required

Wharf Repairing of wharf berthing face

Marine access control Marine access control system

Access from Barge to Pile Jacket ( Ladders to have steps instead of flat
Access from Barge to Pile Jacket surface with anti -skid arrangement ( with rebar).
Raised by Item Outstanding Issues

Hand railing for working barges (AF180 & San 40 partly completed ,Spud
Hand railing for working Barges barge Yuvaan, KM 180 and Saradhi-1 to be done)

Aviation lights Aviation light for Cranes

Emergency Safety Boat Emergency Safety boat ( In process).

First aid center First Aid center at Belapur

Safe walkway on marshy land at Walk way by providing with SAND BAGS in Marshy Land in the MP 240
Nhava NHAVA.

Deshuttering of insitu deck - temp bridge

RO Civil works to be completed by 13.02.2019

Environment ETP Layout drawings to be submitted before 11.02.2019

STP Civil works to be completed by 28.02.2019

Waste Disposal Oil soaked cotton wastes , used oil & Waste oil to be disposed by 11.02.2019
Raised by Item Outstanding Issues

Inputs for M60 Grade Concrete Need Inputs like Early Strength requirement, Method of Concrete
for Precast Segments placement, Retention time, Slump/flow to start Mix design trials

Finalisation of Aggregate source Its difficult to achieve required values of durability tests using
for M45 & M60 grade concrete aggregates from existing source (TIPL) for M45 & M60 grade

Contractors/Vendors for
fabrication and Permanent Copy of PO issued to Vendor/Contractor shall be marked to QA/QC
construction activities
Outstanding Issues - 09 feb 19

Team in Charge Status / Plan Target date

All Departments 23-Mar-19

Project Controls / Billing R A Bill No-7 amounting of INR 142 Cr as per the sheet 15-Feb-19

Project Controls / Billing Project Control to circulate the list by 14 Feb as what items to 28-Feb-19
be considered in R A Bill No 8

QA / QC Audit done and follow up for certificate to be done 13-Feb-19

Construction / Store Approved IRF to be submitted to Billing before 14 Feb 19 14-Feb-19

Design Design Plan for next 15 days to be submitted 14-Feb-19

Construction / Equipment / 15-Feb-19



Team in Charge Status / Plan Target date

Admin / HR Planned to complete before 17 Feb, will be done in 3 lots 17-Feb-19


Heavy Equipment 24-Feb-19

Heavy Equipment 16-Feb-19

PJC / SCM A frame- PJC to check the cost

Design 11-Feb-19


One agency expected to mobilize manpower by Monday 11

PJC / SCM 11-Feb-19

Heavy Equipment

Design 12-Feb-19
Team in Charge Status / Plan Target date

Relocation of Marine BP-1's placing boom shall be completed

PJC / SCM / Heavy before starting of permanent work After 20-feb-19
Equipment Marine BP-2 shall be mobilized as soon as possible,
considering PJ construction Schedule

Casting Yard No.1 Gantry FDN, Stacking FDN Completed

Casting Yard No.2 Gantry FDN, Stacking FDN Completed
Lean Concrete for Segment Mould FDN started on 23rd Jan
and rebar work started on 05th feb with available planning
GFC of Segment Mould FDN is required

Design Planning drawing is available

Design Next week



Team in Charge Status / Plan Target date

Planning 14-Feb-19



Delivery on end of
SCM February

SCM Gantry Rail Locking Plates at Site is not enough

PJC Order Placed for Canteen Furniture Next Week


HR/ Admin HR / Admin to confirm the date as this is long due item Immediate

Agency coming on 11 or 12 Feb for discussion 20-Feb-19

Team in Charge Status / Plan Target date




JV office area PCC Done. Labour camp & Belapur jetty by 19-Feb-19

- Autocad drawing received

Vendor to be called on 11.02.2019

Team in Charge Status / Plan Target date

Design/ Construction Mix design trials for M60 grade concrete for precast Immediate
Super Stucture segments could not commence

Need to take a call whether same aggregates have to

used or other sources will be allowed inside casting
Top Management Immediate
yard. Mixes shall be designed accordiingly at a higher
cement and admixture consumptions leading more cost.

We can have better control over Quality of end product

PJC delivered by vendor as scope and other conditions will Each relevent PO
be known to us well before commencement of works
Status up date: 18.02.2019


- 162 Cr bill will submit on 20-Feb-2019

- Will be circulated on 19-Feb-2019

- Completed

- To be checked for over all abstract

Plan submitted to planning department

- Not yet provided

- Mr. Deodhar approached the agency earlier.

Mr. Deodhar will forward weather reports by tomorrow/today


In progress - Will complete by 20.02.2019.

Identification and inspection completed.

If order placed to M/s continental, Piling Rig will reached on site at 05-March-

Order will placed on 22-Feb-2019. Expected delivery by 26-feb-2019

A - Frame cost and order finalization will be done by PJC on 19-feb-2019

……………………………………………… Winches- Winches will
received till 15-March-19. Too much Delayed. Options to expedite to be


-PR for PRW still Pending

M/S Parvez finalized, 30 manpower mobilized on 18.02.2019.

-Hose- Recieved
'-Winch problem- Need to final

- Not yet received. Revised Target: 18-March-19


Naval Architect (NA) is of the opinion that present configuration is best from
stability point of view. Had further discussion with NA on 16.02.2019. Naval
Architect will give alternatee options on 18-feb-19

GFC of segment mould FDN for Bay-1 will released on 20-Feb-2019.

GFC of segment mould FDN for Bay-2 and 3 will be released by28-feb-2019

GFC will issed on 19-Feb-2019

Outer segment detail received.

Inner segment drawing submitted to IDC for approval

Planning drawing of module 4 Issued.

GFC will be issued on 30-March-19

In progress. Cross Section to be finalized by 20.02.2019. Agency Finalization by

26.02.2019. W.O. Release by 28.02.2019. Sub Grade to complete by

Agency: Prefab Infra. Layout to be finalized by 20.02.2019 (SN, AN & PJC)

- layout clear, agency finalized

-Explosive Dept. Approval received and WO given to Agency

Major item by 15-march-19

3572 Nos received and balance 3078 Nos will be received by 20th Feb 2019

Water Tank will be delivered by 22nd Feb 2019.

Canteen Furniture already received.

Partly resolved

2 Nos Joined on 16-Feb-19

Expected joining of 2 Nos-23-Feb-19

Agency finalization -14-feb. Delayed. Revised Target: 25.02.2019

- completed

Joint Inspection (Execution & Safety Team) PENDING


Inprogress- Target Date-20-Feb-2019


Revised target-20-feb-19

Civil work -14-feb/Delayed. Camp (Balance PCC): 19.02.2019. Jetty: 19.02.2019.

RO Plant: All Three Locations: 23.02.2019. To be Fully Functional from


Detailed Plan (With Target, Support Reqd & Responsibility) by USN: 26.02.19

30 KLD at JV Office and 300 kld at Camp. Detailed Plan by USN by 21.02.2019

order issue on 16-feb.

Outstanding Issues - 09 feb 1

Raised by Item Outstanding Issues

Raised by Item Outstanding Issues

Construction :
Raised by Item Outstanding Issues

Casting Yard Segment Mould Foundation Detail (GFC)

Design for Temporary Work

Rebar Zig GFC Drawing with provision for top blister

Segment Detail form Rambol

Diaphragm reinforcement & PT details required

Construction :
Raised by Item Outstanding Issues


Access from Barge to Pile Jacket ( Ladders to have steps instead of flat
Access from Barge to Pile Jacket surface with anti -skid arrangement ( with rebar).
Raised by Item Outstanding Issues

Hand railing for working barges (AF180 & San 40 partly completed ,Spud
Hand railing for working Barges barge Yuvaan, KM 180 and Saradhi-1 to be done)

Aviation lights Aviation light for Cranes

Emergency Safety Boat Emergency Safety boat ( In process).

First aid center First Aid center at Belapur

Safe walkway on marshy land at Walk way by providing with SAND BAGS in Marshy Land in the MP 240
Nhava NHAVA.

Deshuttering of insitu deck - temp bridge

RO Civil works to be completed by 13.02.2019

Raised by Item Outstanding Issues

ETP Layout drawings to be submitted before 11.02.2019


STP Civil works to be completed by 28.02.2019

Waste Disposal Oil soaked cotton wastes , used oil & Waste oil to be disposed by 11.02.2019
Raised by Item Outstanding Issues
Outstanding Issues - 09 feb 19

Team in Charge
Team in Charge
Team in Charge




Team in Charge
Team in Charge
Team in Charge
Team in Charge

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