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Real Listening and Speaking 1 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit1 Where are you from?

Get ready to listen and speak 2 Before students begin, tell them to look at the pictures and
Get students to discuss the question in pairs. Tell students to describe each person with a partner. Encourage them to talk
check the meaning of each adjective using their dictionaries. about each person’s appearance, and try to guess a little about
Then read aloud each adjective and ask students to repeat. Tell their personality too, e.g. are they friendly, shy, etc. In their
the class which adjectives you think apply to you and explain pairs get students to role play a conversation for each situation.
why. Then tell students to tick (✓) the adjectives that they think You may wish to have volunteers role play their conversation
describe themselves, and tell their partner. to the class.

A Listening – Introducing yourself D Listening – Making small talk

Before students begin, write the following situations on the board: 1 Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercise.
at a party, with colleagues at work, with friends, with family, with After checking answers, play the recording again and point out
your boss, with relatives. Point to each situation and ask students the main stress and intonation. Then ask students to practise
to call out if they think formal or informal greetings are appropriate. the conversation in pairs.

1–4 Play the recording and ask students to complete the 2–4 Play the recording again and ask students to complete the
exercises. Feedback as a class. Put students into small exercises.
groups and get them to role play introductions based on the 5 Play the recording and ask students to answer the question,
recordings. They can use their own names or invent characters. adding What about you? or How about you? after their
Remind students the normal response for Nice to meet you, answer. After checking answers, tell students to practise in
Pleased to meet you and Good to meet you is to repeat the pairs. Explain they should take turns making statements and
same, and add too, for example, Nice to meet you too. responding, using What about you? or How about you?

Did you know…? Learning tip

Read aloud the text and demonstrate each greeting. Ask students Ask for a volunteer to come to the front of the class. Demonstrate
how people normally greet each other in their country. the difference between good body language when talking to
someone, and poor body language.
B Listening – Exchanging personal
information E Speaking – Reacting to what you hear
Play the recording and ask students to complete the chart. After 1 Tell students that if they try to show interest when they talk to
checking answers, put students into pairs and tell them to ask someone in English, it will help the conversation flow more
and answer questions about each person. For example, Where is freely. Add that they should not be shy to give their own
Shizuka from? Where does Daniela live? opinion on a topic, as this will be of interest to the speaker.
Also mention that a good technique to keep the conversation
Focus on… saying hello going when talking in English is to ask questions. Get students
to do the exercise.
Ask students to complete the exercises. After checking answers, ask
students to practise the conversations in pairs. Tell them to swap 2 Play the recording and ask students to respond to each
roles when they finish, so they practise each conversation twice. statement with an expression from Exercise 1. Ask students if
they can think of a question to ask too. After checking answers,
Sound smart – Intonation to show interest tell students to practise in pairs. Explain they should take turns
making statements and responding, using one of the expressions
1 Write the example sentence on the board and mark the provided. Encourage them to ask a follow-up question for more
intonation with a rising and falling arrow. Play the recording information.
several times, asking students to repeat each time.
2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercise. Focus on… saying goodbye
After checking answers, emphasize that the more we make our Ask students to complete the exercises. After checking answers,
voice go up and down, the more emotion we display, such as ask students to practise the conversations in pairs.
interest, surprise, etc. The less we vary our voice, i.e. the more
monotone we sound, then the less interested we sound.
Class bonus – class role play
3 Play the recording again and ask students to repeat the
If students are shy at first, encourage them by taking part in the
sentences. Next get students to practise in pairs. Ask them
activity yourself. Introduce yourself to several students, making
to take turns saying a sentence while their partner guesses if
sure your voice is animated and your body language appropriate.
they are trying to sound interested.
Make sure students maintain conversations by sounding
interested and asking questions.
C Speaking – Taking the initiative
1 Ask students to complete the exercise.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008
Real Listening and Speaking 1 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit2 Do you need any help?

Get ready to listen and speak C Listening – At a market
Put students into pairs and ask them to look at the picture and Before students begin remind them of the learning tip and tell
describe what they can see. Then tell them to ask and answer them to read the questions carefully before they listen.
the questions with their partner. After checking answers, tell Play the recording and ask students to complete the excercise.
students to take turns choosing someone in the class and After checking answers, point out that the stallholder says dear.
describe what he / she is wearing to their partner. Their partner This is a friendly expression in British English used by some
must listen and guess who they are describing. people. Write to bargain on the board and explain it is common
in American English, but in British English to haggle is also
A Listening – In a clothes shop popular. Explain that bargain can be a verb or a noun, and write
It’s a bargain! on the board. Put students into groups to talk
1–4 Play the recording and ask students to complete the
about the last time they haggled and got a good bargain!
exercises. After checking answers, put students into pairs
and tell them to turn to page 89 and practise Carlos’s
Did you know...?
conversation with their partner.
Add that in the UK £10 is sometimes called a tenner. Explain
Learning tip these are colloquial phrases and that they are not used in formal
Tell students that reading the questions first means they are
better prepared to listen for the answers. Say that often it is not
D Listening – Understanding numbers;
necessary to understand everything in a listening passage in order
to answer the questions. Explain to students they should just try to prices
listen for the information they need. 1–3 Ask students to complete Exercise 1. Play the recordings
and ask students to complete the last 2 exercises in this
Focus on… singular and plural section. After checking answers, put students into small
Ask students to complete the exercise. After checking answers, groups and ask them to write five prices. Students then take
write on the board How much is / are…?, Where is / are…?, turns reading aloud their prices to their classmates. Can their
What size is / are…? Put students into pairs and tell them to classmates write each price correctly?
close their books. Explain they should write as many questions
using these phrases as they can remember and add any more E Speaking – In a clothes shop
they can think of. Review answers as a class.
1 Ask students to complete the exercise.
2 Ask students to complete the exercise; then play the
B Speaking – At the shops
recording and check answers. Put students into pairs to
1 Reinforce the fact that Right and OK are common phrases practise the conversation. Explain that when they finish they
students can use to show they understand. If you wish, tell should swap roles so they practise the conversation twice.
students to practise the conversation in pairs, replacing key 3 Play the recording again and ask students to complete the
information with their own ideas. Ask students to complete exercise.
the exercise.
4 Ask students to complete the exercise.
2 Ask students to complete the exercise. After checking
answers, tell students to practise the conversations in pairs.
Class bonus
3 Ask students to complete the exercise.
If you wish, tell the shop assistants to stand behind their desks
4 Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercise. and write the name of their shop on a piece of paper. Encourage
the customers to visit several shop assistants and to bargain hard
Sound smart – Sentence stress for what they want! While students are engaged in the activity,
Explain to students that the important words in a sentence have walk around and make a note of any errors you hear students
more stress and are usually the words that carry the most meaning, make, and review afterwards.
such as verbs, adjectives and nouns. Point out that English is a
stress-timed language, and that students should try to emphasize Extra practice
key words in a sentence by stressing them, in order to sound more Tell students that there are a lot of free listening materials on
natural when speaking in English. the Internet. Explain that some websites are better than others.
Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercises. Add that the BBC Learning English website,
worldservice/learningenglish, has lots of good quality practise
material. Encourage them to use the Internet regularly as a way
to practise and improve their listening in English.
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and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008
Real Listening and Speaking 1 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit3 I’ll have pizza, please

Get ready to listen and speak Focus on… words describing food
Put students into pairs. Tell them to look at the picture and Ask students to complete the exercises. After checking answers,
describe what they can see with their partner. Then tell them to put students into pairs. Tell them to choose five adjectives
ask and answer the questions with their partner. and write at least two foods that can be described using each
adjective. For example, fresh – apple, lettuce, bread, etc. Monitor
A Listening – Ordering a meal in and check for accuracy. When students finish, ask them to read
a restaurant their lists to each other.

Before students begin, put them into groups, and ask them to
discuss the following questions: When was the last time you went
D Speaking – Giving opinions about food
out for a meal? Where did you go? What did you have to eat? 1 Point out that people often add … for me to explain why they
After they have finished, take a show of hands to find out how often do not like a particular dish. For example, It’s a bit salty for me
students eat out (once a week, twice a week, once a fortnight, etc.). / It’s a bit spicy for me.
1–4 Play the recordings and ask students to complete the exercises. 2 Ask students to do the exercise, then put students into pairs.
Tell them to look at the menu and imagine they are at the
Did you know...? restaurant eating one of the dishes. Explain they should ask
Point out that in British English some people say pudding, sweet each other about their dishes, and give their opinion.
or afters for dessert, and what Americans call French fries are 3 Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercise.
more normally called chips in the UK. However, emphasize
that students should not worry too much about vocabulary E Listening – Fast food
differences, as they seldom cause serious problems.
1–2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the
exercises. After checking answers, ask students how often
B Speaking – Understanding the menu they eat fast food (once a week, twice a month, etc.). Put
1–2 Ask students to look at Exercise 1 and complete Exercise 2. students into pairs to discuss the benefits and drawbacks of
eating fast food. List their ideas on the board, e.g. benefits:
Learning tip quick, easy, filling, drawbacks: not very tasty, can be expensive,
Point out that it is often quite easy to predict language you might
need to use in certain situations, such as in a restaurant or café.
Explain that the better prepared they are, the easier they will find Class bonus
it to communicate. Emphasize that students should think about If possible, rearrange the class so each group is sat around a
the language they need to use in advance wherever possible. different table. Try to make sure they are reasonably far apart
so they do not distract each other. Monitor and check grammar,
Sound smart – Intonation in questions vocabulary and pronunciation. Give help where necessary.
Put students into groups and ask them to make a list of
questions they might want to ask in a restaurant. Then ask Learning tip
them to call out their questions and write them on the board. Point out that pictures can be a very useful source of information,
Review accuracy, making any corrections necessary, and then tell not just on menus in fast food restaurants, but also in shops,
students to identify which questions have rising intonation and museums and many public buildings where things such as
which have falling intonation. Finally, model the pronunciation opening times, lifts, toilets and exits are often listed or signed.
of each sentence as students listen and repeat. Ask students to
complete the exercises. Check answers. Extra practice
Put students into groups and encourage them to exchange any
C Listening – Talking about food good recipes that they have found. Tell them to explain how
1–2 Play the recordings and ask students to complete the each dish is made, and what it tastes like.
Option: Tell students to note three dishes they like to order More activities
when they go out for a meal. Put them into pairs and tell them
Do a whole class restaurant role play, with several waiters and
to exchange lists with their partner. Explain they should take
tables, to review all the language in the unit. Tell students to
turns asking and answering questions about the dishes on their
ask about the menu, order, describe their food, and if you
partner’s list.
wish encourage students to complain about various things,
for example the quality of the food, the service, etc. Take the
role of manager and help resolve each problem!

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 1 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit4 This is your room

Get ready to listen and speak 2–3 Play the recording where indicated and ask students to
complete the exercises.
• Explain that when many students study abroad they often
either stay with a host family or they stay in a dormitory with Focus on… modal verbs
other students. In homestay accommodation you usually have Ask students to complete the exercises. After checking answers,
your own room, with a desk. All meals, towels and sheets are tell students to write four sentences for rules they have to follow
included too and your host will usually do your laundry once in class. Explain they should write one sentence for each modal
a week as well. Read aloud the question and ask students to verb, can / can’t, have to / don’t have to, for example, I can’t talk
raise their hands according to which type of accomodation when the teacher is talking, I have to complete my homework
they think is better. on time.
• Tell students to read the list of benefits and tick their answers.
Then put them into groups to compare their ideas. Encourage C Listening – Understanding rules
them to explain their reasons and discuss any differences of 1–2 Play the recording and ask students to do the exercises. After
opinion. checking answers, put students into pairs to discuss the rules
• Take a class survey to find out which benefit students think is where they live. Explain they should use the modal verbs can /
most important. can’t, have to / don’t have to, for example, I can’t have pets in
Option: Ask students to consider other accommodation options, my house, I have to do the washing-up twice a week.
e.g. staying in a hotel or renting an apartment. Take a show of
hands to find which accommodation option students prefer. Learning tip
Emphasize that please and thank you are among the most
A Speaking – Greetings and introductions common words in the English language. Tell students that it is
1–2 Ask students to read the conversation in Exercise 1 and easy to appear impolite or rude by mistake, so always saying
make sure they understand the phrases in bold. Then ask please or thank you will help avoid this problem.
students to complete Exercise 2. Check answers.
3 Explain students are going to listen to a conversation and are
D Speaking – Asking for permission
asked to give an appropriate response. Remind students to 1 Demonstrate the use of these phrases by going up to
use the expressions from Exercises 1 and 2 in their response. students and saying things like: Is it OK if I borrow your pen?
After checking answers, play the recording again and point out Point out that when responding to requests, students can use
the main stress and intonation. Then ask students to practise phrases like, yes that’s fine or sure, go ahead, but the correct
the conversation in pairs. response to Would you mind if I … is No, not at all (I would
Option: Put students into groups to role play similar conversations. not mind).
2 Read aloud the example, then put students into pairs to make
B Listening – Understanding directions as many sentences as they can.
1–3 Play the recordings where indicated and ask students to Option: Go round the class asking students to call out a
complete the exercises. After checking answers, put students different sentence each time.
into groups to take turns describing where they live. The rest 3 Ask students to complete the exercise.
of the group should listen and draw a floorplan (similar to the
one in the book) for each person’s home. E Speaking – Talking about your experience
1 Point out that in the UK some people say not bad meaning
Did you know...? good. Write the following example on the board How was
Point out that in American English people say take a bath / your day? Not bad, thanks. Encourage students to come up
shower rather than have a bath / shower. You could also point with more examples for Not bad, thanks. Get students to
out that in American English people say across from rather than complete the exercise.
opposite, e.g. the lounge is across from the kitchen.
2 Ask students to complete the exercise.

Sound smart – Linking words together Class bonus

1 Explain to students that English is a stress-timed language, and Give students time to prepare their ideas, then put them into
that native speakers often link words together when they speak pairs or small groups to talk about their experience. Encourage
in order to ‘keep up’ with the rhythm. Play the recording and students to ask questions where possible.
point out that when one word ends in a consonant sound and
the next begins with a vowel sound, the final consonant of the Extra practice
first word is pronounced at the start of the word that follows,
Direct students to any resources in your school where they can
for example, thi sis, an don, righ tis, etc. Play the recording
find information on studying abroad.
again and ask students to repeat the two sentences.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008
Real Listening and Speaking 1 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit5 One first class stamp

Get ready to listen and speak D Listening – In a post office
• Get students to do the exercise and compare their answers 1–2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the
with a partner. exercises. After checking answers, put students into pairs and
• Write the words post and mail on the board and ask students tell them to turn to page 91 and practise the conversations.
if they know which word is British English and which word is Explain that when they finish, they should swap roles so
American English. Ask students to complete the exercise in they practise each conversation twice. Monitor and check
pairs. pronunciation, stress and rhythm.

A Listening – Asking about services E Speaking – Sending mail

1 Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercise. 1 Play the recording again and get students to complete the
exercise. Next, ask students to identify the main stress in the
Learning tip expressions they hear, then tell them to listen and repeat
once more, being sure to stress the right words.
Explain to students that identifying key words in this way can
allow them to understand the general meaning, even if they 2 Ask students to complete the exercise.
have not understood every word. By identifying important 3 Play the recording. Explain to students that they need to use
information, they can often guess or ignore the parts they have the ideas a–f to have a conversation with the post office
not understood. clerk. When students finish, put them into pairs to practise the
2 Play the recording again and ask students to complete the conversation once again.
exercise. After checking answers, tell students to close their
books and try to remember what service each person asked F Speaking – Changing money
for. Tell students to look at the picture and explain that a Bureau de
3 Play the recording again and ask students to say each change is exclusively for changing money from one currency into
sentence. another. Ask any students who have used a Bureau de change to
tell the class where and when they used such a service.
Did you know...? Option: Review currencies in different countries, e.g. Russia
Write on the board any phrases students use to describe an ATM. – ruble, India – rupee, etc. Tell students that over 300 million
Then put students into pairs to make a list of services banks offer people live in the Eurozone; a group of European countries that
in their country. all use the euro.
1–2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the
B Listening – In a bank exercises.
Before students begin, ask them to discuss in pairs what 3 Play the recording. Explain to students that they need to use
documents they think are necessary to open a bank account. the ideas e–i to respond to the clerk. After checking answers,
Explain that trying to predict what they are going to hear can help put students into pairs to practise the conversations. When
them understand more when they listen. they finish they should swap roles so they practise each
1–4 Play the recording where indicated and ask students to conversation twice.
complete the exercises. After checking answers, put students
into pairs to discuss what banking services and facilities they Class bonus
use, and how often. Put students into pairs and tell them to sit opposite one another.
Explain they should decide who is the customer and who is the
Focus on… money bank clerk. Tell them to use the language in the unit to role play
Ask students to complete the exercises. After checking answers, several conversations at a bank. When they finish, they should
put students into pairs to test each other. Explain they should swap roles and role play conversations in a post office. Monitor
take turns reading a definition while their partner has to and check grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. Give help
remember the correct word. where necessary.

C Speaking – Using a bank account Extra practice

Write on the board I have to pay my electricity bill, and I want Point out that to change a large note into smaller notes students
to pay my electricity bill. Point out that I have to and I need to can say, Please can you change this twenty. I’d like four fives?
suggest an obligation, while I want to and I’d like to suggest a Explain that in American English, they might hear Please can you
preference. break this twenty?
1–3 Play the recording where indicated and ask students to
complete the exercises.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 1 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit6 I don’t feel very well

Get ready to listen and speak D Listening – Making an appointment
• Read aloud the question and tell students to tick their 1–2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the
answers. Ask students to call out any other ideas they have exercises. When students finish, tell them to turn to page 92
for keeping healthy and write them on the board. Then put and practise the conversation in pairs.
them into pairs to discuss the things they do to keep healthy. Option: For a greater challenge, ask students to repeat each
• Take a class survey to find out how often students are ill. Read conversation using only their notes to help them.
aloud the question and ask students to raise their hands for
each answer. Then put students into pairs to talk about a time Sound smart – the schwa /ə/
they were ill. Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercises.
• Ask students to match health problems (a–h) with a picture After checking answers, tell students to look again at the
(1–8). Check answers. audioscript for the conversations on page 92. Explain they
should identify all the schwa sounds they can find.
A Listening – Health problems
Learning tip
1 Play the recording and ask students to complete the
conversations. After checking answers, mime each health Tell students that by focusing on only the information they need,
problem to the class and encourage them to call out the for example, in this case, days, times, and names, they can make
correct answer. Write on the board any more health problems their listening more effective.
students can think of. Point out that in American English
people say have a fever rather than have a temperature. E Speaking – Confirming an appointment
2 Play the recording. Ask students to look at conversations a–c 1 Choose two students to read aloud the conversations to the
in Exercise 1. Explain that they need to take the expressions class. Ask students to complete the exercise. Check answers.
from the conversations, and put them into the correct column 2 Point out that students should make sure they speak clearly,
in the table. After checking answers, tell students to practise pausing between each piece of information; OK, so that’s
the conversations in pairs. Thursday / at 4:30 / with Doctor Park. Play the recording.
Explain to students that they need to use the ideas provided
B Speaking – Talking about health to make a doctor’s appointment. When students finish, put
problems them into pairs to role play a conversation between a patient
and a doctor’s receptionist. Explain that they should make an
1 Point out the intonation in these phrases and tell students to
appointment and confirm all the details.
practise each one, sounding as sympathetic as they can.
2 Play the recording. Ask students what they would say to Focus on… imperatives
the people who are ill. Remind them that they need to be
Write on the board drink a lot of water and you should drink a
sympathetic. After checking answers, tell students to practise
lot of water. Ask students which is stronger. Point out that the
in pairs using their own ideas.
imperative is often used as a way of giving strong advice. Ask
students to complete the exercises.
Focus on… giving advice
Explain that we use should when we think something is a good F Listening – At the doctor’s
idea and shouldn’t when we think it is a bad idea. Ask students
Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercise.
to complete the exercises. After checking answers read aloud
each complete sentence and ask students to repeat.
Class bonus
C Speaking – At the chemist’s If you wish, tell the doctors to sit behind their desks and write
their name on a piece of paper. Encourage the patients to visit
1 Remind students that we use many for countable nouns, e.g. several doctors. While students are engaged in the activity, walk
How many tablets. Much is used for uncountable nouns, e.g. around and make a note of any errors you hear students make,
How much cream. and review afterwards.
2 Explain to students that they need to look at the pictures and
ask for the medication for these health problems. When
students finish, put them into pairs to role play similar
More activities
conversations using their own ideas. Get students to listen to any radio or TV programmes about
health, for general advice and tips on being healthy. Ask them
3 Play the recording. Explain to students that they need to use
to write down the tips and bring them to their next lesson to
the ideas a–e to have conversations with the chemist.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 1 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit7 Your passport, please

Get ready to listen and speak D Speaking – Answering questions
Ask students if they have ever been anywhere by plane. Put 1 Explain to students that they need to answer specific
them into groups with at least one person in each group who questions with specific answers, when giving information to
has flown before. Tell them to talk about their experiences an official. Ask students to complete the exercise.
– where they went, when, why, what the flight was like, etc.
2 Explain to students that they need to use the ideas a–e
Get students to complete the exercises. After checking answers,
to have a conversation with the immigration officer. Play
ask students to think of more words and phrases connected with
the recording. When students finish, put them into pairs to
travelling by plane, e.g. terminal, long-haul, short-haul, passport
role play a similar conversation between a passenger and
control. Write their ideas on the board. Then put students into
immigration officer. Ask for voluneeters to role play their
pairs and encourage them to make sentences using the words
conversation in front of the class.
and phrases in the book and on the board, e.g. You should take
your passport when you go to another country.
E Speaking – At the Information desk
A Listening – At the check-in desk 1 Ask students to complete the exercise.
Before students begin, put them into pairs to discuss the picture.
Tell them to describe each person’s appearance, where they are Focus on… locations
and what they are doing. Ask students to complete the exercise. After checking answers,
1–3 Ask students to guess which words are missing from tell students to call out sentences about the location of places in
Exercise 1. Play the recording and ask students to complete the school, using each phrase. Give an example yourself to start,
the questions. Play the recording again and get students to such as The toilets are straight ahead, on the left.
complete Exercise 3. Check answers. 2 Explain to students that they need to use the ideas a–f to ask
for information. Ask students to practise the conversation in
Learning tip pairs. Then get students to swap roles, so they each get to
If you wish, ask students to make a list of questions they might practise asking for information and responding to questions.
expect to hear in different travel situations, e.g. at a hotel, taking
a taxi, etc. Learning tip
Remind students of the importance of being polite when
B Speaking – Providing information speaking to strangers. Explain that being polite increases the
chance that the person will agree to help them.
1 Play the recording and ask students to tick the expressions
they hear. After checking answers, demonstrate the use of
these phrases by going up to students and saying things
F Listening – At the meeting point
like Can I have your book? Encourage students to give an Before students begin, ask the class questions about the
appropriate response, e.g. Yes, of course. Here it is. Then put pictures. For example Where are they? What is she wearing? etc.
students into groups to practise giving things to each other Then put students into pairs to ask and answer more questions.
and responding using the phrases. 1–3 Play the recording and ask students to complete the
2 Play the recording. Explain to students that they need to use exercises. After checking answers, put students into pairs and
the ideas a–g to respond to the check-in clerk. After checking tell them to imagine they are meeting their partner at the
answers, put students into pairs to write a conversation at an airport. Tell them to role play the conversation they have when
airport. Give them time to practise, then put students into groups they meet. Explain they should practise twice, once as friends
and tell them to role play their conversations to each other. (using informal language) and again as business associates
(using more formal language).
C Listening – Going through immigration
Class bonus
1 Read aloud the questions and indicate the main stress. Then
Put students into pairs and tell them to sit opposite one another.
read aloud each question once more and ask students to
Explain they should decide who is the passenger and who is the
listen and repeat. Play the recording and ask students to
check-in clerk. Tell them to use the language in the unit to role
complete the exercise.
play a conversation. When they finish, they should swap roles
2 Ask students to complete the exercise. Play the recording and role play a conversation between an immigration officer and
again and check answers. Ask students to role play Da- a passenger, and a conversation at the Information desk. Monitor
Ho’s conversation. Explain they should use the questions in and check grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. Give help
Exercise 1 and the answers in Exercise 2 to help them. where necessary.
In reply to the question What’s the purpose of your visit? tell
students they can answer either business, if they are there for
work, or pleasure, if they are there on holiday, or to see family
/ friends.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008
Real Listening and Speaking 1 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit8 a single room, please

Get ready to listen and speak C Listening – Describing your room
• Read aloud the question and put students into pairs to 1–2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the
discuss. Tell them to ask and answer questions about the last exercises. After checking answers, tell students to imagine
time they travelled somewhere. Write on the board, Where they are staying in a hotel. Put them into pairs to describe
did you go? When? How did your travel? and encourage their room to their partner.
students to ask each other more questions.
• Before they answer the question get students to match each D Listening – Hotel facilities and services
picture with a type of accommodation. Then divide the class 1–3 Play the recordings and ask students to complete the
into groups and tell them to discuss the advantages and exercises. After checking answers, put students into groups to
disadvantages of each type of accommodation. Encourage discuss which things are important to them when they stay in
each group to choose where they think is the best place to a hotel, e.g. swimming pool, gym, restaurant, internet access.
stay and then report their reasons to the class. Encourage them to give each facility or service a number
according to its importance (1 = most important). Finally,
A Listening – Making a reservation have a class discussion to find out what they think are the top
1 Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercise. three most important facilities or services in a hotel.
Tell students to look at the audioscript on page 93. Play the
recording again and ask students to repeat each sentence. E Speaking – Dealing with problems
2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercise. 1 Emphasize that students should be polite when making a
3 Play the recording again and ask students to complete the complaint. Explain that beginning their complaint using the
exercise. After checking answers, put students into pairs to phrases given here will help them to sound polite.
role play the conversation. Explain that when they finish, they 2 Before students begin, tell them to look at the pictures and
should swap roles so they practise the conversation twice. identify each problem. Ask students to complete the exercise.
Check answers.
B Speaking – At the check-in desk 3 Ask students to complete the exercise and practise what they
1 Tell students that often people check details not by asking would say with a partner.
a question, but by making their voice go up at the end of a
statement. Sound smart – /djə/
2 Ask students to complete the exercise. You may wish to reinforce the pronunciation of /djə/ by drilling,
3 Play the recording and check answers as a class. Play the as below:
recording again and pause after each question the guest asks. have—Do you have – Do you have Internet access?
Tell students to repeat the guest’s questions, making sure have – Do you have – Do you have a room with a view?
their voice goes up at the end. Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercises.

4 Explain to students that they need to use ideas a–f to check

Class bonus
the details of their hotel booking. After checking answers ask
students to practise the conversation in pairs. Put students into groups of three and tell them to choose their
character. Explain they should decide why the guest is unhappy
Learning tip and plan a conversation. Monitor and help where needed.
Encourage students to use the language in this unit. Give
Demonstrate this by speaking to a student and repeatedly
them time to practise, then tell each group to role play their
stopping to think. Explain to students that pausing to think mid-
conversation to the class.
sentence is distracting and will quickly irritate or bore the listener.
It would be far better to keep talking even with mistakes than to More activities
repeatedly start and stop talking in perfect English.
Tell students to find video guides of hotels on the Internet
to watch and listen to. Suggest to students that they use a
Focus on... making statements into search engine and type in “hotel video guide” and they will
questions find sites such as
Ask students to complete the exercise. After checking answers,
explain to students that we use rising intonation on question tags
when we are asking for confirmation. Then say each sentence
aloud (making sure your voice goes up on the question tag at
the end) and tell students to repeat.

Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLS for external or third-party Internet websites referred to in this publication,
and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008
Real Listening and Speaking 1 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit9 When is the next train?

Get ready to listen and speak C Listening – Following directions
• Read aloud the question and ask students how often they Before students begin, tell them to study the map and identify
use public transport. each place marked on it.
• Ask students to complete the exercise. After checking 1–2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercises.
answers, write these adjectives on the board: reliable, safe, After checking answers, tell students to look at the audioscript on
efficient, convenient, enjoyable, healthy, expensive, quick. page 94. Put them in pairs to practise the conversations.
Put students into groups to compare the various forms of
transport using these adjectives. Give an example such as, Focus on… giving directions
travelling by car is more convenient than by bus, but it’s Ask students to complete the exercise. If you wish, tell students
more expensive. to give directions from the school to a place they know nearby,
e.g. the train station, supermarket, etc. Check answers.
A Speaking – At the train station
1 Ask students to complete the exercise. To extend this exercise, Sound smart – Intonation
write each sentence on the board and mark the main stress. Play the recordings and ask students to complete the exercises.
Then say aloud each sentence and ask students to repeat. Then put students into pairs to practise. Monitor and make
Encourage students to think of more questions to ask at a train sure students are making their voices go up at the end of each
station, and write them on the board, e.g. Can I have a copy of statement, on the key information.
the timetable, please? Tell students to predict where the main
stress is, then model each sentence for students to repeat. D Speaking – Finding your way
2 Play the recording and get students to check their answers to 1 Ask students to complete the exercise. Point out that
Exercise 1. Then play the recording again and ask students to students do not need to say sir or madam when they ask for
repeat Stephen’s words. directions. This may be common in some languages, but in
3 Explain students are going to listen to a conversation and English it is too formal when speaking to a stranger. Explain
are asked to give an appropriate response based on the they can say excuse me at the beginning of the conversation
information in a–e. After checking answers, tell students to and thank you after they have been given the directions.
practise the conversation in pairs. 2–3 Ask students to complete the exercises. Check answers as
Option: Put students into pairs to role play conversations a class.
between a passenger and clerk in a ticket office at a train station.
4 Explain to students that they are going to listen to five people
Tell students that in British English people say single and return, but
ask for directions. Play the recording and pause after each
in American English one-way and round-trip are more common.
question. Ask students to give directions. When students
finish Exercise 4, tell them to close their books and try to give
B Listening – Times directions to as many places as possible to their partner.
1–2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the
exercises. Check answers as a class. Learning tip
3 Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercise. Emphasize to students that thinking in English is a good habit.
After checking answers, tell students to close their books and Suggest they try to do so at least once a day whenever they
repeat everything they can remember about Stacey’s day. have the opportunity, e.g. during a ‘quiet time’, such as while
sitting on the train, in the bath, etc.
Focus on… understanding the time
Ask students to complete the exercises. As an extension exercise Extra practice
say aloud five different times to the class and tell them to write Encourage students to use the BBC Learning English website,
down each time. Check answers, then put students into groups Explain it has lots
to practise dictating times to each another. of useful practice material. If possible, have a class lesson in the
computer lab.

Class bonus
Put students into pairs and tell them to look again at the map on
page 44. Tell them to choose a different place to start instead of
You are here. Explain they should take turns asking for and giving
directions to other places on the map. Monitor and provide help
where needed.
Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLS for external or third-party Internet websites referred to in this publication,
and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008
Real Listening and Speaking 1 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit10 There’s so much to see!

Get ready to listen and speak D Listening – Looking around
• Ask students to complete the exercise. After checking Before students begin, tell them that Canberra, not Sydney, is the
answers, put students into pairs and tell them to mark the capital of Australia.
stress in each word or phrase, and to group them according 1–2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the
to their pronunciation. Check answers, then say aloud each exercises. After checking answers, tell students to turn to page
word as students repeat. [museum, street market / castle, 95 and practise the conversation. Emphasize they should be
palace, statue / monument.] careful to use the appropriate stress and intonation for both
• Ask students to complete the exercise. To extend this exercise suggestions and reactions.
write on the board What cities have you visited as a tourist? To extent these exercises, you can ask students to talk about
What do you like to do when you visit a new town or city? Put which places they would like to visit on a day out in Sydney.
students into groups to ask and answer questions about the 3 Play the recording again and ask students to complete the
places they like to visit when they go on a sightseeing holiday. exercise.
• Ask students to complete the exercise. After checking
answers, ask students to call out more words and phrases Sound smart – Using stress to respond to
connected with holidays, e.g. go swimming, sunbathe on the suggestions
beach, etc. Write their ideas on the board. Play the recording and put students into pairs to practise the
phrases. Monitor to make sure they pronounce each phrase with
A Listening – At a Tourist Information the correct stress and intonation as well.
Before students begin, put them into groups to make a list of Focus on… adjectives
all the services offered by a Tourist Information Office, e.g. they 1 Ask students to complete the exercise. Put students into pairs
can tell you about events in the area, give you maps and tell you and get them to close their books and test each other. Explain
what places to visit and where you can stay. Then go round the they should take turns to say an adjective and their partner
class asking each group to call out a service. must say the opposite.
1–2 Play the recordings and ask students to complete the 2 Ask students to complete the exercise. Check answers.
exercises. Check answers as a class.
E Listening – A guided tour
Focus on… there is / there are
1–2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the
Before students begin, if necessary review the use of there is
exercises. After checking answers, put students into pairs and
with singular nouns, and there are with plural nouns. Encourage
tell them to close their books. Ask students to talk about what
students to call out the question form Is there a…? Are there
they can remember about Barcelona.
any…? Ask students to complete the sentences.

B Listening – Planning your visit F Speaking – Talking about your

Before students begin, tell them to look at the picture and
describe what they can see. Then put them into groups to 1 Check students understand the expressions. Ask students if
discuss what they know about New York. they can think of places that match these descriptions, e.g.
1–2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the There’s a lot to see in Barcelona, the food is great in Spain /
exercises. After checking answers, get students to turn to page at (name of restaurant).
95 and ask them to practise the conversation in pairs. 2 Ask students to complete the exercise using the adjectives
from Focus on… on page 48 to help them. Check answers.
C Speaking – Deciding what to do 3 Put students into groups for this activity. Tell them to listen to
1 Point out that Let’s is the strongest suggestion as it is not really each other, and then choose the best place to visit.
asking for a response. Ask students to complete the exercise.
Learning tip
2–3 Ask students to complete Exercise 2. Then play the
recording and ask students to tick the expressions they hear Tell students that listening to themselves is a good way to
from Exercise 2. monitor their progress. Encourage them to record themselves
regularly and keep the recordings. After a few months they
4 Ask students to complete the exercise. After checking
should listen again to their early recordings. They should be able
answers, put students into pairs and tell them to imagine they
to hear how much progress they have made!
are planning a day out in New York. Explain they should make
and respond to suggestions in their pairs to decide what to
do. When students finish, ask some pairs to feed back their
plans to the class.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008
Real Listening and Speaking 1 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit11 I’ll do it straight away

Get ready to listen and speak E Listening – Following instructions
Write on the board Where are they? Who are they? What are 1–2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the
they wearing? What are they doing? What are they saying? exercises. After checking answers, explain that would you /
Put students into pairs and tell them to look at the pictures and could you is more polite than asking can you / will you, and
describe what they can see, using the questions to help them. that would you mind is the most polite way to make such a
request. Point out that would you mind takes the –ing form:
A Listening – In an electrical shop would you mind opening the window? Then put students into
1–3 Play the recording and ask students to complete the pairs to make more requests using would you mind. Add that
exercises. After checking answers, put students into pairs and saying please helps to make the request even more polite.
tell them to role play each conversation from the recording
with their partner. Class bonus
Option: Ask for volunteers to act out each conversation in front Tell students to think of three things they want to say to three
of the class. classmates (not including their partner). Explain they should tell
their partner the message they want to pass on, their partner
B Speaking – Helping customers should take notes and then pass on each message. Remind
them to use the target language, [name] wants you to [action]
1 Demonstrate these phrases by pretending to lift a heavy desk
and he / she said… etc.
and encouraging students nearby to call out let me help you,
etc. Ask students to complete the exercise.
F Speaking – Social English
2 Explain to students that they are going to listen to some
Before students begin, put them into pairs to describe what they
customers, and that they need to use ideas a–e to offer
can see in the picture.
them help. Check answers. Then ask students to practise the
conversations in pairs. 1 Play the recording and ask students to complete the
expressions. After checking answers, tell students to practise
C Listening – Taking short messages the conversations in pairs.
2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercise
1 Play the recording and ask students to complete Rita’s notes.
using the expressions in Exercise 1 to help them. When
Check answers.
students finish, tell them to close their books and role play
2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercise. similar conversations. Can they remember the phrases they
After checking answers, explain to students that when taking need to use?
notes they should use abbreviations, symbols and any short
forms they can to enable them to write the note quickly. Tell More activities
them to make a list of other short forms they can use to take Tell students to get into groups of three and prepare a
notes in English. Explain these do not have to be standard conversation either in a shop or in an office. Tell them to
abbreviations, just any that they find useful. decide on the nature of the conversation, and to make sure
3 Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercise. they use the language in the unit. Give them time to practise,
then ask each group to role play their conversation to the
Learning tip class.
Reinforce the fact that students should not aim to write every
word when taking a message; just the important words. If you
wish, give the class more practise by reading aloud a message
and asking them to note it down. When they finish, tell them to
compare their notes. Write the answer on the board.

D Speaking – Helping colleagues

1 Write on the board to want (someone) to do (something)
and give a few examples, e.g. Mr Brown wants you to
arrange a meeting. Encourage students to call out further
2 Remind students to use [name] wants you to [action]
and emphasize that they can add He / She said… to give
additional information, e.g. He said it’s urgent.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 1 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit12 When can you deliver?

Get ready to listen and speak 4 Ask students to complete the exercise. Check answers as a
Put students into pairs and tell them to look at the pictures and class.
describe what they see. Ask students to call out the various 5 Put students into pairs and ask them to create questions for
different methods of transport that are used to deliver the post, situations a–e. Check answers. Ask students to role play these
e.g. plane, train, van, bicycle, on foot, etc. conversations and similar ones in their pairs.
Read aloud each question, ask students to tick their answers. Then
put them into groups to ask and answer the questions. Encourage C Speaking – Discussing services
students to give full answers, and ask additional questions for
1 Point out that no problem means yes. Tell students not to be
further details if possible, e.g. When did you last buy anything
confused because they hear no in this phrase. Ask students to
online? What was the last parcel you received?
complete the exercise.
2–3 Ask students to complete Exercise 2. Then play the
A Listening – Asking about products and
reecording, pausing after each question, and ask students to
services say which sentence from Exercise 2 (1–5) they would respond
Before students begin, put them into pairs to list as many items with. Tell students to practise the conversations in pairs.
as they can that are found in an office, e.g. computer, printer, Option: In their pairs, ask students to make similar, short
filing cabinets. Tell the pair of students with the most items to conversations.
write their list on the board. Add any additional words; then
4 Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercise.
review pronunciation.
Check answers.
1–2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the
exercises. Check answers. D Listening – Placing an order
3 Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercise. Play the recording and ask students to complete the form. Check
4 Play the recording and ask students to match each reply with answers. Tell students to turn to page 97. Tell them to look at
a question from Exercise 3. the audioscript for the conversation and to mark the main stress.
Review their answers, then put students into pairs to practise.
Focus on… some / any
If necessary point out that some is used in positive sentences, Focus on… adjectives
and that any is used in negatives and questions. Ask students to Ask students to complete the exercises. After checking answers,
complete the dialogue. ask students to think of more adjectives and to write the
Option: After checking answers, tell students to make more comparative form. When students have finished, tell them to call
sentences using some and any. out their ideas and write them on the board.

B Speaking – Explaining what you want E Listening – Discussing products

1 Remind students that Could you is more formal, and 1–3 Play the recording and ask students to complete the
therefore more polite, than Can you. Ask students to exercises. After checking answers, tell students to close their
complete the exercise. books and to talk about the printers from memory.
2 Ask students to complete the exercise.
3 Play the recording and check answers as a class. Play the F Speaking – Choosing between products
recording again and pause after the customer speaks. Tell 1 Point out that deciding whether to use this or that depends
students to repeat the customer’s words. Put students into on how far you are from the object you are speaking about.
pairs to practise the conversation. Demonstrate this by pointing to two chairs, one near you and
one further away. Say this (chair) pointing to the one near
Learning tip you and that (chair) for the other one.
Add that, if they wish, students should make notes of what they 2 Ask students to compare the computers. After checking
want to say, and any items they need, before they make an answers, put students into pairs to talk about the advantages
important call. This will help them be clear, and also make sure and disadvantages of any electronic items they own, e.g.
they do not forget anything. mobile phones, computers, etc. Encourage them to make
Class bonus
If you wish, tell the shop assistants to stand behind their desks, Sound smart – Emphasizing alternatives
and write the name of their shop on a piece of paper. Tell them Play the recording. Tell students to practise in pairs, making more
to make a list of things they sell, and services they offer, with examples of their own such as, do you want this pen or that one?
a price for each. Tell customers to decide what products and
services they want. Encourage the customers to visit several
shop assistants and to find the best bargain. PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008
Real Listening and Speaking 1 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit13 I’ll put you through

Get ready to listen and speak Learning tip
• Ask students to tick which things they do most often on Emphasize to students that if they do not understand, for
their phone. If the students have jobs, ask them how often whatever reason, then they should tell the speaker. The worst
they use the phone in their work. Encourage them to specify thing they can do is say nothing, because this will mean the
what they use the phone for, e.g. placing orders, answering speaker will think they have understood, when they actually have
queries, arranging meetings, etc. not! This might well cause problems for them later.
• Ask students to raise their hands if they feel nervous when
leaving a voicemail message for someone. Find out if any C Listening – Taking messages
students have ever had to leave a voicemail message in English, 1–2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the
and ask them to talk about the experience, when / why, etc. exercises. After checking answers, tell students to look at
Genna’s notes. Ask them if they can improve her notes, for
A Listening – Making a call example by deleting or abbreviating more words, e.g. Ext.
Before students begin, ask the class questions about the picture, instead of Extension.
for example, Who is she? What is she doing? What is she
wearing? Sound smart – Saying telephone numbers
1–2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercises.
exercises. Play the recording again so students can check their For Exercise 3 ask students to say the telephone numbers and
answers to Exercise 2. Then tell students to turn to page 97 then play the recording. For Exercise 4, get pairs to take turns
and ask them to practise the conversation in pairs. Explain saying their phone number while their partner writes it down.
that when they finish they should swap roles so they practise After checking answers, tell students individually to write three
the conversation twice. telephone numbers. Then put students into groups to take turns
saying the numbers to each other. The rest of the group should
Did you know...? listen and write each number.
Put students into groups to talk about their mobile phone. Write
these questions on the board to guide them: What make is D Speaking – Leaving messages
your mobile phone? When did you buy it? What features does it Point out that please and thank you / thanks are very common
have? Which features do you use most often? How much does in spoken English. Emphasize that students should not forget to
it cost per month? use these important words to be polite.
1 Ask students to complete the exercise. Check answers.
Focus on… telephoning 2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercise.
Ask students to complete the exercise. If you wish, ask students Make sure students refer to the expressions in Exercise 1 and
to write five similar sentences. Explain they should leave gaps in use these when leaving each message. Check answers. Put
place of the key words. When they finish, put students into pairs students into pairs to role play. Explain that they should swap
and ask them to swap their work and complete their partner’s roles so they both practise leaving a voicemail message.
Class bonus
B Speaking – Problems understanding Monitor the activity closely, listening as students leave messages
1 Ask students to complete the exercise. After checking and providing help and correction where needed. From time
answers, model each sentence and ask students to repeat. to time, listen to some of the messages to check student’s
2 Ask students to complete the exercise.
Option: If it is not possible to use students’ mobile phones, tell
3 Play the recording and ask students what sentence from them to sit back to back with each partner.
Exercise 1 they would say to the caller for questions a–e. Put
students into pairs to prepare a short role play to demonstrate
Extra practice
one of the expressions. When they are ready they should act
out their role play in front of the class. You could suggest that students choose a member of the class
and agree to leave a message on each other’s phone at least
once a day.
Sound smart – Spelling names
Play the recordings where indicated and ask students to
complete the exercises. For Exercise 1 ask students to repeat
the sounds, model the sounds or play the recording again if
necessary. After checking answers, tell students individually to
write three names. Then put students into groups to take turns
spelling the names to each other. The rest of the group should
listen and write each name. PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008
Real Listening and Speaking 1 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit14 Are there any questions?

Get ready to listen and speak D Listening – Conclusion
• Ask students if they have been to a talk or presentation in 1–3 Play the recordings and ask students to complete the exercises.
English. If possible, put them into groups, with at least one After checking answers, get students to close their books. Can
person in each group who has been to a talk or presentation they remember the expressions to conclude a presentation?
in English.
• Tell students to talk about their experiences within their group, E Listening – Questions and answers
for example, how much they understood and whether they
Point out that some speakers prefer questions at the end of
enjoyed it. If just one or two students have been to a talk or
their presentation, so it is a good idea to check with them at the
presentation in English, ask them to say something about
start. If questions are acceptable during the talk, tell students that
their experience to the class. If no students have been to a
when they do not understand, they can say Sorry, what do you
talk or presentation in English, then put them into groups to
mean exactly? or Can you explain that again, please?
discuss what they think the difficulties are of listening to a talk
or presentation in English. When they are ready, ask students 1–2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the
to call out their ideas. exercises.
• Ask students to complete the exercise. After checking
answers, tell students to make a list of things that make a Class bonus
good presentation, e.g. interesting topic and content, clear Give students ideas of topics they might like to present on, e.g.
delivery, good examples, use of visual aids, etc. TV programmes, movies, a hobby they enjoy, their last holiday,
etc. Tell students to use the language in this unit to help them
A Listening – Beginning a presentation prepare. Point out they should welcome their audience, give an
introduction and outline, then some detail in the main section,
1–3 Play the recording where indicated and ask students and finally a short conclusion. Give them time to practise and
to complete the exercises. After checking answers, tell help students where needed.
students to turn to page 98 and practise reading aloud each When students are ready, ask them to each give their
presenter’s words. presentation to the class. Tell the class to evaluate each
presentation using the form on page 88.
B Listening – Giving an outline Option: Set this task for homework and have the presentations
1 Before students begin, give them time to read the sections of at the beginning of the next class. To encourage them to do their
Ben’s talk. Play the recording and ask students to complete best, you could grade their presentation.
the exercise.
2 Play the recording again and ask students to complete the F Speaking – Talking about the presentation
exercise. After checking answers, tell students to turn to page
98. Tell them to underline the signposts Ben uses, and then 1 Ask students to complete the exercise. After checking
listen again while you play the recording once more. answers, ask students to call out any similar expressions they
know to ask for, or give opinions. Write their ideas on the
Did you know...? board and practise pronunciation.

Emphasize that signposts are very important because they help 2–3 Ask students to complete Exercise 2. Play the recording
the listener to understand what the presenter says. Signposts and check answers. Play the recording again and ask students
clarify the organisation of a talk and help the audience follow the to speak Anna’s words. Repeat the exercise; this time ask
presentation. students to speak James’s words. Put students into pairs to
practise the conversation between Anna and James.
Sound smart – Stress on important words 4 Play the recording and pause after each question. Tell
students to use the faces a–f to answer. Remind students that
Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercises.
they can use the expressions in Focus on … to help give a
Monitor closely while students read aloud the extract. Make sure
suitable response. Check answers.
they stress the key words and use appropriate intonation.

C Listening – Main section Focus on… giving opinions

Ask students to complete the exercise. Check answers. Put
1–2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the students into groups and tell them to use these expressions to
exercises. After checking answers, tell students to turn to page discuss current TV programmes.
98 to read along as you play the recording again.
More activities
If possible, attend a lecture or talk together as a class. The
students will be more likely to go if you accompany them!

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 1 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit15 What’s your opinion?

D Speaking – Expressing opinions
Get ready to listen and speak
1 Ask students to complete the exercise. If necessary, reinforce
Write on the board lecture, tutorial, and seminar. Tell students
the fact that students should not be afraid to disagree
to look at the picture and say which of the three is taking
with each other. An important part of a seminar is for the
place. Explain that a lecture is a formal talk given to students
expression of different and sometimes opposing views. Add
by a professor (or lecturer), and that a tutorial is a one-to-one
that rather than saying I don’t agree students might prefer to
discussion between a student and a teacher. A seminar, however,
use I’m not sure I agree, as this is softer and less direct.
is a meeting where a group of students discuss a topic together
with a teacher. Often, students take turns to present their ideas, 2 Ask students to complete the exercise. Check answers.
then discuss the subject. It is an important part of study at higher 3 Explain to students that ✓ means they agree with the
education. Ask students to complete the exercises. statement and ✗ means they disagree. Get students to listen
to statements a–f and respond.
Learning tip 4 Students listen to the statements again and give their own
Add that participating in seminars is important so students are opinions. Next, put students into groups and ask them to take
able to feel they benefit from them. The teacher, who acts as turns to make statements about their school, for example,
moderator, should involve all students equally in any discussion. the holidays are too short. Tell their classmates to agree or
How much a students participates, and the quality of what they disagree with each statement.
say, usually counts towards the final grade.
E Speaking – Exchanging opinions
A Listening – In a seminar 1 Tell students that in a seminar it is important to include others
1–2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercises. in the discussion wherever possible by asking them for their
After checking answers, tell students to close their books. Put opinions. Ask students to complete the exercise. Check answers.
them into pairs and ask them to repeat the points Ana made. 2 Ask students to complete the exercise. Check answers.
3 Play the recording and pause after each question. Ask students
Did you know…? how they would answer, giving their own opinion.
Put students into pairs to make a list of all the reasons why young
children in some parts of the world may not go to primary school, F Listening – Interrupting to make your
e.g. they need to help their family by working. Ask the class if they point
think the United Nations will achieve its target by 2015.
Explain to students that they should not be shy to interrupt
someone if they feel they have something important to
B Speaking – Asking questions say. However, they should use the phrases here to interrupt
1 Emphasize to students that if they do not fully understand politely so they do not cause offence. Of course, they should
what someone means, it is very important they ask them to be sensitive about when and how often to interrupt, and not
explain. Tell them this is not rude, and add that they should interrupt too often.
not be ashamed to ask for clarification; if they have not 1–3 Play the recording and ask students to complete the
understood, then others may not have understood either. exercises. Check answers.
2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercise.
3 Play the recording and pause after each statement. Ask Focus on… Me too / Me neither
students to use the ideas a–e to ask for clarification. Put 1–2 Ask students to complete the exercises. Check answers.
students into pairs to practise. Tell them to take turns making
3 Ask students to complete the exercise. After checking answers,
a statement while their partner has to respond by asking for
put students into pairs to practise the conversations. Then
encourage them to take turns making more statements and
agreeing with each other. Emphasize that using me too and
C Listening – Understanding opinions me neither in this way is very common.
Before students begin, put them into pairs to look at the picture
and describe what they can see. Ask them to list all the different Class bonus
ways computers are used in education. Tell them to discuss the
Put students into groups and tell them to discuss each statement
role of computers in their own education.
(a–f) in Exercise 2, Section E. Explain they should give their
1–2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the opinion and ask their classmates for their opinion. They should
exercises. After checking answers, put students into groups agree or disagree using the language in this unit. Encourage
and tell them to recall each of the points made about the them to interrupt if necessary.
future of computers in education. Then ask them to discuss
the topic themselves, giving their own opinion. Encourage
them to ask for clarification where necessary.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008
Real Listening and Speaking 1 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit16 I’ll hand it in tomorrow

Get ready to listen and speak C Listening – Listening to announcements
Read aloud the questions and put students into groups to 1–2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the
discuss their experiences of learning English. Encourage them exercises. After checking answers, encourage students to call
to talk about when they started learning English, whether they out any special lectures or events that are coming up in their
enjoyed their classes and how often they study now. study schedule.
Option: Tell students to decide if they are a ‘good’ language
student. Encourage them to give their reasons. Learning tip
Point out that using How about you? / What about you? is a
A Listening – Class schedules
good technique to keep a conversation going because it shows
Before students begin, ask the class questions about the picture, you are interested in the other person. Put students into pairs to
for example, Where are they? Who is he? What is she wearing? practise. Tell them to take turns asking questions. Their partner
Then put students into pairs to ask and answer more questions. should answer each question and respond with How about you?
1–2 Play the recording and get students to complete the / What about you?
exercises. After checking answers, put students into pairs to
ask and answer questions about Monika’s timetable. D Listening – Understanding instructions
1–2 Play the recording and ask students to complete the
Did you know...?
Put students into pairs to make a list of British English words that
3 Before students begin, point out that days of the week can be
are different in American English, e.g. lift - elevator, autumn – fall,
abbreviated when making notes, as follows: Monday = Mon,
etc. Ask students with the longest list to write their words on the
Tuesday = Tue, Wednesday = Wed, Thursday =Thu, Friday =
board. Get the rest of the class to call out any additional words and
Fri, Saturday = Sat, Sunday = Sun. Play the recording and ask
add these on the board. Then tell students to test each other in
students to complete the exercise. Check answers.
pairs. Ask one student to turn their back to the board, and get their
partner to say a British English word. The other student then says
the American English equivalent. After a minute or so, tell students
E Listening – Making arrangements
to swap roles. Play the recording and ask students to complete the exercise.
After checking answers, tell students to turn to page 99 and
Focus on…prepositions practise the conversation in pairs. When they finish, tell them to
swap roles so they practise twice.
Ask students to complete the exercise. After checking answers,
put students into pairs to write five similar sentences using at /
in / on. Tell them to leave a blank for each preposition. Monitor
Sound smart – Intonation to confirm
and check students’ work. When they finish, tell students to Play the recordings and ask students to complete Exercise 2.
swap their work with their classmates and guess the missing Put students into pairs to practise making more statements
prepositions. and responding using rising intonation. Monitor and check
that students are making their voice go up at the end of each
B Speaking – Talking about your studies statement, so it is clear they are asking for confirmation.

1 Ask students to complete the exercise. Then write each question F Speaking – Overcoming difficulties
on the board and tell students to mark the main stress in
each one. Check answers. Then model each question and ask 1 Ask students to complete the exercise.
students to repeat. Point to the stressed words as they repeat. 2 Emphasize that when apologizing using very or really makes
2 Play the recording pausing after each statement / question the apology stronger, i.e. I’m really sorry but… is more
from the secretary. Get students to ask questions based apologetic than I’m afraid that… .
on ideas a–e. After students finish, put them into pairs to 3 Get students to complete the exercise. Check answers. Ask
practise a similar conversation. Explain one student should students to practise the conversation in pairs.
be the secretary and answer each question their partner asks. Option: Put students into pairs to role play a similar conversation
Encourage them to use their own ideas. Then ask students to between a student and a teacher.
swap roles so they practise twice.
3 Ask students to complete the exercise. Check answers. Focus on... asking for permission
Ask students to complete the exercises. After checking answers,
Class bonus put students into pairs and get them to practise asking for
You could demonstrate this activity by telling students to ask permission in both formal and less formal ways.
you questions about your weekly timetable. If students are not 4 Ask students to complete the exercise. Explain that they can
full-time students, you could ask them to talk about their typical use the expressions in Focus on … to help them.
weekly schedule at work.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008
Real Listening and Speaking 2 by Sally Logan and Craig Thaine Teacher’s notes

Unit1 How do you know Mark?

Get ready to listen and speak 8–9 You could put students in pairs and get them to role play
Put students in multilingual groups (if possible) to discuss the their own conversation. Put the information below on the board
first question. Ask them to discuss their three favourite activities as a guide, and ask students to invent their own party details.
in small groups.
A You are having a party. Think about what kind of party it is,
the day and time, do people bring food? Telephone B and
A Listening – Phoning a friend invite them to your party.
1 Ask students to guess the reason for Mark’s phone call before
B Ask about the party – day, time, what to bring. Decide if
listening to see if their predictions are correct.
you can go or explain why you can’t.
Make sure students know the meaning of invite before they
C Listening – At a party
Learning tip 1 Encourage students to only listen for one piece of information
(the number of people) the first time they listen. They will
Explain to students they do not need to understand all the detail
listen for more information in the next exercise.
in a text to understand the text as a whole. Remind students that
this applies throughout the whole book, and to whatever they 2 Ask students to check their answers in pairs before getting
listen to, not just this exercise. class feedback.

Did you know …? D Speaking – At a party

Ask students if they know any other differences between US and 1 Alternatively, elicit topics used to make small talk from the
UK English, e.g. cookie/biscuit, elevator/lift, sidewalk/pavement, class, and put them on the board. Students then listen and
gas/petrol, candy/sweets. tick any topics they hear mentioned on the class list.
2 You could also ask students to ask and answer questions on
2 Give students time to read the summary before they listen. the topics listed in pairs.
Let students check their answers in pairs before Exercise 3
but don’t get class feedback, as they will hear the correct
Focus on … questions to start
answers in Exercise 3.
3 After listening, write the correct version on the board so
Highlight the positive and negative forms in the two parts of
students can see the answers clearly.
the expression and the difference in word order. When getting
feedback, highlight the use of the auxiliaries i.e. don’t for a
B Speaking – Phoning a friend
negative present simple question and does for a positive present
1–3 Students can do these exercises in pairs or small groups. simple question.
4–5 Before doing these exercises, elicit some examples of how
you can make and decline invitations. Then compare with 3 Encourage students to make a note of these questions, as
the examples. they will be useful when doing the Class bonus activities.
6 You could drill the pronunciation of the expressions in the 4 Instead of listening to the CD, you could ask the questions
table with the class. to different students in the class. You can choose whether to
focus on fluency or pronunciation.
7 Ask students to write a list of reasons why they may be
unable to attend a party, and get them to practise making
polite refusals. Students can work in pairs to do this.
Class bonus
Give students time to think about the topics they will talk about
Sound smart – Missing sounds and the questions they will ask before they start the exercise.
Encourage them to talk about a variety of topics and to talk to
Emphasize the importance of being aware of missing sounds
everyone in the class.
when listening, as well as speaking, to help students take part
more confidently in English conversations.
Extra practice
Focus on … beginning and ending phone Encourage students to keep a vocabulary notebook and to
record new expressions that they hear.
Before doing Focus on, discuss using the telephone in English
with students. Do your students have to do this? How do they
feel about it? Elicit how they answer the telephone in English.
Then compare with the Focus on examples.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 2 by Sally Logan and Craig Thaine Teacher’s notes

Unit2 I’m phoning about the house

Get ready to listen and speak Sound smart – Sentence stress
Put students in pairs or groups to discuss where they would 1 Before listening to the sentence, write: /wəz/ or /wɒz /,
prefer to live and encourage them to give reasons. You could /dst/ or /dəst/ on the board. Students listen and choose
give an example of your own first. the correct pronunciation.
2–3 Divide the sentences into two chunks and drill them, e.g.
Did you know …? I was just wondering … where it is. Then drill the complete
Before students read the text, see if they can guess the meaning sentences.
of the abbreviations in the advertisements (brm, pw, apt, n/s, inc,
ph, tel, min, f/f). C Listening – A problem in the house
1 Before listening, ask students to work in pairs and to write a
A Listening – Phoning a landlord
list of possible problems in the house. Ask them to predict
1 Before listening, ask students to look at the photo of Susan what Susan’s problem is and then check their predictions
on page 16 and to guess which place she will phone about. when they listen.
2 Before students do the exercise, look at Susan’s notes and get 2 Ask students to check their answers in pairs before getting
students to predict whether the answers to questions b – g are class feedback.
numbers or words. This reinforces the Learning tip advice.
D Speaking – A problem in the house
B Speaking – Phoning a landlord
1 Ask students to cover the text under the pictures with some
1 Ask students to do this exercise in pairs and then get group paper, and to only look at the cartoons. Elicit the problems
feedback. Make sure students know the correct answer (Sorry, and possible solutions before doing the match-up activity. Ask
36…) before they do the following exercises. students if they have ever had these problems and what they
2–3 Practise this intonation with the class. You could do this did (or would do) about them.
chorally and with individual students. 2 Ask students to check their answers in pairs before getting
4 You could do this exercise as an open class activity and then class feedback.
use the pair work exercise below as further practice after 3–4 You could do these exercises in pairs. Students take turns
Exercise 5. Monitor and correct intonation errors. Exchange to read the answerphone message and to leave messages.
roles so all students have the chance to explain and check Exchange roles so all students get a chance to play both
information. tenant and landlord.

A B Learning tip
Tell B about what you did Use the checking Ask students how they feel about speaking English on the
last weekend or for your information strategy to phone. Encourage students to share their experiences and advise
last holiday. check what A tells you. each other on ways to make it easier.
Talk about: Check:
• Where you went • Where A went Class bonus
• What you did • What A did Ask students to work in pairs and to choose a problem to role
• Who you went with • Who A went with play. Let them take notes, but make sure they don’t write
complete sentences. They could sit back-to-back to simulate
• What it was like • What it was like
talking on the telephone.
During the role play, monitor and take notes of any errors,
5 You could do this chorally and with individual students. You particularly with question forms and how they check information.
can read the sentences aloud yourself or use the CD. After the role play, write up the errors on the board so students can
correct them in pairs.
Focus on … asking questions
For further practice ask students to make the following questions Extra practice
below more polite. Encourage students to record acronyms and abbreviations in
What time is it? their vocabulary notebooks, along with the full form of the words
What’s the address? or expressions.
What’s the date?
What are you doing later?

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 2 by Sally Logan and Craig Thaine Teacher’s notes

Unit3 How do I buy a ticket?

Get ready to listen and speak D Speaking – Asking more questions
Students can discuss these questions in pairs. Alternatively, you
1 Check that all students have underlined the correct answer
could ask students to call out advice in English about public
(or) before moving on to the next exercise.
transport in their city. Ask them extra questions to encourage
students to offer more advice. Sound smart – Stress and intonation on
one thing or another
A Listening – Getting information If you prefer, you could model the example sentence yourself.
1 Look at the photograph and ask students to describe what
they can see and what the people are doing. Elicit a list of Learning tip
types of information you can find out at a station, before As a follow on from this activity, you could demonstrate other
comparing this with the list in Exercise 1. You could lead into ways of recording vocabulary to students, for example, using
the listening by sharing an experience of your own, either mind maps, recording example sentences, translations, and
about public transport in the country you are teaching in or in recording new words in categories.
your own country.
2–3 Ask students to check their answers in pairs before getting 2 Questions a to f could be put on the board to use as drilling
class feedback. Write up the correct answers on the board. prompts to drill the sentences with the whole class and
individual students.
Did you know …? 3 When setting up this open conversation, do an example with
Ask students if they know the name of the underground in any a strong student in the class, then let students practise in pairs
other cities. taking turns to play each role. After they have practised the
conversation twice, ask students to turn over their books and
Focus on … saying numbers recreate the conversation. Reasssure students by pointing out
that their version does not need to be exactly the same, nor
Students could continue this exercise in pairs, with one student
does it need to be completely accurate.
calling out a list of numbers, and the other writing what they
hear. Students then swap roles.
Class bonus
B Speaking – Getting information Put students in small groups of three or four students to plan
their survey questions. Set a time limit for the mingle, then
1 Ask students to make other questions using the expressions students can get back into groups to collate their answers. Each
in bold. They could ask about transport in the city where they group can report the results of the survey to the class as a
are studying, for example. whole.
2–3 Begin with an open class example. First ask a strong
student to read Kumiko’s role and you take the ‘You’ role. Extra practice
Then ask another strong student to take the ‘You’ role, while
If you would prefer to look at transport in the US, you could
you read Kumiko’s role. Finally ask the two strong students to
direct students to the following website for information on travel
take a role each. Then put all students in pairs and tell them
in New York:
to take turns at both roles.

C Listening – Asking more questions

1 Get students to discuss their predictions in pairs. Point out
that No-My-Car-Day is not a typical English expression and
elicit any common English phrases that are used in their
2 Ask students to work in groups to write a list of similar
sentences about travel tickets in their city.

Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLS for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication,
and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008
Real Listening and Speaking 2 by Sally Logan and Craig Thaine Teacher’s notes

Unit4 Shall we go out for dinner?

Get ready to listen and speak C Listening – Talking about a meal
Students can talk about these questions in pairs or small groups. 1 You may want to pre-teach the words in the box before
Encourage them to think of two or three of their own food- students listen. You could bring in some pictures of the
related questions. ingredients, or bring in the food items, to show students.

A Listening – Going out for dinner Learning tip

1 Use a map or globe to show students where the different Encourage students to focus on the Learning tip. Elicit examples
countries mentioned are (if necessary). Ask students if they of when it is important to listen to every word, and when it is
have visited these countries or if they have tried any of the more important to get the general idea of a conversation.
food listed.
2 You could read this text aloud yourself as a dictation activity.
2 Make sure you give students an opportunity to read the
questions in Exercise 3, as the Learning tip suggests. Ask D Speaking – Talking about a meal
students to work in pairs but don’t get class feedback until
after Exercise 3. 1–2 Ask students to work in pairs to complete these exercises.
Allow them enough time to look at the audioscript and to find
3 Students can check their answers in pairs by listening again.
the answers, before getting class feedback. Direct students
Check which pair answered the most questions correctly in
to the note on Australian / New Zealand language, and
Exercise 2.
ask students if they know any other language differences
between English-speaking countries.
Did you know …?
3 Pre-teach any vocabulary that you think students will find
Put students in pairs to discuss what the favourite food is in their
difficult in this activity before setting it up. Use the example
country. If students are all from the same country, ask them to
to provide a clear model, then elicit a further example from
describe their favourite food.
a strong student. Students can work in pairs and take turns
explaining the meals to each other. You could also bring in
B Going out for dinner pictures of food and encourage students to invent their own
1 Ask students to use the expressions in bold to make descriptions.
suggestions to each other about what to do after class or on 4 Students can interview each other as an alternative to using
the weekend. the CD.
An alternative approach to focusing on this strategy is to ask
students to look at the audioscript and to underline Shall we Class bonus
go out for dinner? Elicit that this is a suggestion and then ask Put students in small groups of three or four students to plan
them to read the audioscript and underline more examples of their menus. Set a time limit, then ask students to present their
suggestions in the conversation. menus to the class.

Sound smart – Intonation of suggestions Extra practice

As well as getting students to listen to the intonation patterns, Encourage students to visit similar websites in their free time.
you could also give a model of very flat, bored intonation to You could direct them to:
demonstrate the importance of having some variation of pitch
in order to make a suggestion sound interesting. You could also
provide models and drill the examples.

2 You could draw the food mentioned onto flashcards. Show

one card at a time to students. When they see the image,
students make a suggestion to another student in the group.

Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLS for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication,
and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008
Real Listening and Speaking 2 by Sally Logan and Craig Thaine Teacher’s notes

Unit5 You should go to the police

Get ready to listen and speak C Listening – At the police station
Put students in pairs or small groups to discuss the two 1 Ask students what they can remember about the situation
situations. Would everyone do the same things? Why have they from Listening A. They can complete the form with this
chosen some options over others? information.
Encourage students to share their opinions and advise each
2 Get students to listen again to see if they are correct and to
other on what to do if they were to encounter problems when
complete the rest of the form.
travelling abroad.

Did you know …?

A Listening – Saying what happened
Write examples of other telephone numbers and emails on the
1 Ask students to work in pairs to make one or two sentences board so students can practise saying them.
about what happened using all three pictures. Pairs can read
their sentences aloud and then check their answers when D Speaking – At the police station
they listen to the CD. Alternatively, students write sentences
individually and then compare with a partner. 1 When students have completed the questions, ask them to
work in pairs. One student asks the question and the other
2 Before class feedback, let pairs discuss their answers and
answers, giving as much information as they can remember
reasons. Make sure students know why the false answers are
from the first listening.
2 Ask students to work in pairs or small groups to add other
B Speaking – Saying what happened words to the table. This could be made into a competitive
game, with the group who have written the most words
1–2 Encourage students to listen for examples of avoiding winning.
repetition in conversation. Point out that this is very frequent
3 Give students a time limit to do this, e.g. five minutes, before
in spoken English so that they are aware of this when
getting feedback.
4 Put students in pairs to describe the objects.
3 Write the following expressions on the board. Ask students to
look at the conversation again and write the long version of 5 Encourage students to explain why the object is important,
the answers. and to ask each other questions about it.

a __________ not bad. (It was…)

Class bonus
b Did you __________? (…go to the concert?)
Give students time to think about their roles and to prepare
c I didn’t __________ (… go to the concert) what they want to say before they start the role play. During the
d __________Star Wars. (I saw …) role play, monitor and note down any errors, particularly with
e I haven’t __________ (… seen them all) describing things. Write these on the board at the end and ask
f I’d like to __________ (… see them all) students to correct them

4 You could also use the prompts for a dialogue build. Elicit and
Extra practice
drill each line of the conversation chorally. Then divide the
class into two groups (‘Davids’ and ‘Arnauds’) and chorally Ask students to find this out before the next lesson. They can
drill again. After this, pairs practise the conversation using the telephone a local office if you are in an English-speaking city, or
prompts. use the internet to find information. In the next lesson, groups
can discuss what they found out.
5 Students could interview each other or use the CD.

Sound smart – Pronunciation of did you

1 This could be done in pairs rather than with the CD. Do
question a as an example with a stronger student. Then
students work in pairs. One student reads questions b and
c of the audioscript and the other asks a question. Students
swap roles for questions d and e.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 2 by Sally Logan and Craig Thaine Teacher’s notes

Unit6 Have you got a headache?

Get ready to listen and speak Alternatively, ask students to each write down a health problem
on a small piece of paper. Collect the pieces of paper and hand
Ask students to cover expressions 1–7 and to look at the
them out around the class. Students mingle, explaining the
pictures and identify what is wrong with the people. Practise
problem and giving instructions. You could model this with a
pronunciation of the expressions with the students. Focus
stronger student.
particularly on /ɒtə/ in I’ve got a …
Alternatively, you could play pictionary with the symptoms. Each
student takes turns to draw the symptom on the board and the C Listening – Home remedies
other students guess what it is. 1 Refer students to the section title and concept check home
remedy by asking students for examples of some home
A Listening – At the chemist’s remedies before they match the pictures and ingredients.
Make sure students only try to answer one question for each 2 Explain that students will hear three different people talking
listening, i.e. Exercise 1 for the first listening, Exercise 2 for the briefly about a remedy from their own country. If you have
second listening. students from the countries listed, ask students if they can
1 You may want to pre teach medicine, multivitamins, guess what the speakers will describe.
paracetamol and lozenge. Before listening, ask students to 3 Give students time to read the summaries before they listen.
predict which symptoms Chu Hua has. Encourage them to predict any answers they can.
2 Before listening the second time, give students time to read
the questions. Encourage them to guess what the missing D Speaking – Home remedies
information is, e.g. a) Is it a number? It says times so it can’t
1–2 Ask students to do these exercises individually first, and
be 1.
then check their answers in pairs. Get group feedback after
Exercise 2.
B Speaking – At the chemist’s
3 You may want to pre-teach the words by bringing in the items
1–2 Ask students to work individually for these exercises. They listed.
can then check their answers in pairs before class feedback 4 Ask students to work in pairs to describe the ingredients to
after Exercise 2. each other.
5 If you have a mixed nationality class, put students in
Sound smart – Sentence stress for nationality groups first so they can make a list of ideas. Then
instructions and advice regroup them so there are different nationalities in each
You can use the CD or drill the sentences yourself. Do choral group. Students then explain home remedies from their
and individual pronunciation to make sure everyone has the country.
opportunity to practise. If all your students are the same nationality, they could talk
about home remedies they use in their family and compare
Learning tip these with other families.
Remind students to do this whenever possible in an English-
speaking situation. It will make the experience less stressful or Class bonus
worrying if they have already practised the pronunciation and Give students time to think about their ideas before they discuss
know the vocabulary they may need. these questions.

3 Ask students what other remedies you can use for the
Extra practice
problems listed, and if they can name any other health
problems and remedies. Encourage students to prepare the questions they want to ask
before going to the chemists. This reinforces the Learning tip in
4 The first time students listen to the problems, let them
Section B.
make notes of their instructions, but make sure they don’t
write sentences. Play the text again and nominate students
to respond (more than one student can respond to each
problem). Encourage them to say more than just the instruction
when they respond to the problem. They can use the
expression given in the example but also try some of their own.
Students could also do this exercise in pairs, using the
symptoms in a – f as prompts.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 2 by Sally Logan and Craig Thaine Teacher’s notes

Unit7 How about a hostel?

Get ready to listen and speak the whole dialogue, students can practise in pairs before
trying the exercise with the book closed.
You could ask students to make a list of different types of
accommodation in pairs, or use pictures to elicit the different
types. Ask students which places they have stayed in, or would like C Listening – The guesthouse
to stay in, and encourage them to give reasons for their answers. 1 Before listening, ask students to look at the photograph of the
guesthouse and predict what different rooms and facilities
A Listening – At the Tourist Information they think they will find there.
Centre 2–3 Get students to check their answers in pairs before class
1 Ask students to look at the photograph of Vancouver. Establish feedback.
where Vancouver is and see what students already know about Ask students if they would like to stay at the guesthouse. Why
the city. You could direct them to the following websites if they (not)?
want to learn more about Vancouver and Canada: Focus on … adverbs used with adjectives
Ask students to describe their own bedrooms using the adverbs
in Focus on.
Check the answers to Exercise 1 before students do Exercise 2.
2 Check students understand the table headings, e.g. share D Speaking – The guesthouse
in Exercise 2. After listening, ask students which of the four
1 Get students to work together in pairs, then get class
places they would prefer to stay in.
feedback by underlining the correct words and expressions on
the board.
Did you know …?
2 You could introduce this activity by using a personal example,
Ask students if they can name other countries which call their
e.g. by bringing the object, or a picture of it, to class.
currency pounds, e.g. Cyprus, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria and Sudan.
Do an open class example using the picture of the bedroom
and then get students to do questions b to f in pairs.
B Speaking – At the Tourist Information
Class bonus
1 To make this exercise more interactive, you could give some Before this lesson ask students to bring a possession (or a photo
students a strategy label (e.g. making a general enquiry) and of one) to class. If you don’t have time to do this, see if students
other students an expression (e.g. I’m looking for somewhere can produce something from the objects they have with them,
to stay). Students then mingle with the aim of matching the e.g. a mobile phone, an MP3 player, a special pen.
strategy labels to the expressions. You could provide more
support by colour-coding the strategies (e.g. all red) and
Extra practice
expressions (e.g. all blue) to make them clearer.
If this is not possible, ask students to go online to find out
2 After completing the exercise, ask students to complete the
information about a local guesthouse. Ask them to talk about it
sentences using other words.
in English in the next lesson.

Sound smart – Word stress

You can use the CD or read these sentences aloud yourself.

Learning tip
This could be a good opportunity to show students some good
techniques of dictionary use, e.g. checking whether the word
they are looking at is a verb or a noun, and checking different
possible meanings etc.

3–4 You could treat the conversation as a dialogue build and

elicit what both speakers say line by line. Each time you elicit
a line, you can drill it and then go back to the beginning
of the dialogue to practise what has been established. Put
prompts on the board to help students. Once you’ve elicited

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Real Listening and Speaking 2 by Sally Logan and Craig Thaine Teacher’s notes

Unit8 What can I do here?

Get ready to listen and speak
Put learners in pairs or small groups to talk about the activities
they have done. Encourage them to explain what they thought of D Speaking – One activity
the activities and to discuss their experiences. You could give an 1 Ask students to do this exercise individually before checking
example of your own to begin with. answers in pairs.
You could also elicit the vocabulary by playing hangman or
pictionary. Sound smart – Pronunciation of would
like to
A Listening – Different activities
When you drill the sentences, make sure you drill them in
1 Introduce the context by eliciting where you go to find chunks before drilling the complete sentence. Build the sentence
information about what to do when you are on holiday up gradually, e.g. I’d/ I’d like / I’d like to/ I’d like to go/ I’d like to
(Tourist Information Centre). Ask students what else they can go sky diving.
find out about there. Get feedback and ask students which
activity they would do and why. Learning tip
2 Make sure students read the instructions carefully so that they Students could read the first five exchanges of the conversation
think about what information they are listening for. Before and then, in pairs, identify which words they think will be
listening, ask students to work in pairs to decide whether the pronounced differently. After this, students listen and check their
missing words are numbers or words. predictions. The sounds in a, just, from, of change because they
are not stressed.
Learning tip
Ask students what other factors help them understand people Focus on … I’d like or I like
(e.g. body language, no background noise, speed etc). Ask students to work in pairs or small groups and check answers
before moving on to the Speak up! activities.
B Speaking – Different activities
2 Put students in small groups to discuss this exercise. You
1–2 During feedback to these exercises, elicit which expression
could do an example with a stronger student. The student
is used when something is surprising (wow).
says one thing they would like to do and explains why. You
respond with ah ha, oh wow etc. and then say if you would
Sound smart – Intonation of expressions to
like to do that activity or not.
show interest
3 Students can write notes if they wish, but make sure they do
Drill the expressions with the class. You can gesture as you drill not write full sentences. You can use the CD or put students
to highlight the change in intonation, and encourage students to in pairs to do the exercise. Make sure all students get the
do so as well. chance to be the tourist.

3 Rather than using the CD, put students in pairs for this
Class bonus
exercise. One student is a tourist and the other student is
the Tourist Information Officer. Then repeat the exercise so Change pairs so students are with a different partner for the
students can swap roles. Make sure they understand there Class bonus. Make sure students close their books and try not
is more than one correct answer for this activity. Monitor and to use notes for the roleplay. They have already practised it
correct any errors in intonation. in Exercise 3 (above) so they should be able to do it without
support. Once students have done the role play, they can
4 Give students time to make notes before speaking. This could
exchange roles and repeat it.
be set as a homework activity and students could give short
presentations in the next lesson.

C Listening – One activity

1–2 Give students time to read the questions before listening,
and let them check their answers in pairs before getting class

Did you know …?

Ask students to look at the photograph and describe the sport
they see. Have they tried it?

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 2 by Sally Logan and Craig Thaine Teacher’s notes

Unit9 When are you flying?

Get ready to listen and speak 3 This could be turned into a Pelmanism-type game. Write the
This could be made into a competitive game, with students Reasons on strips of paper of one colour and Situations on
working in teams to complete the anagrams first. Students could strips of different-coloured paper. Place these face-down. In
also create anagrams for each other. small groups, students take one Reason and one Situation. If
the student can make a coherent sentence using one of the
two linking words, they then win that sentence. The student
A Listening – The flight
with the most sentences at the end of the game wins.
1 Ask students what they know about South Africa, and use a
map to show them Johannesburg and Cape Town. Pre-teach Focus on … so
the word rand and concept check the vocabulary in a to d by
Ask students to write three more sentences with so; one for
asking for examples of the four items.
each of the explanations a to c.
2 Before students to do Exercise 2, ask them to fill in any of the
information on the computer screen that they can remember 4 Do an example with a strong student, taking the part of ‘You’.
from the first listening. Ask two more strong students to do a further example, then
ask all students to practise the conversation in pairs. Students
B Speaking – The flight should take turns speaking both roles.
1 Get students to find the two example requests in the
audioscript, then elicit the two other forms from them, Class bonus
without looking at the Speaking strategy. Divide the class into two large groups. One group can practise
the flight change scenario and the other half can practise the
Sound smart – Stress of polite questions changing a tourist activity scenario. Give students time to look
at the language in the unit again, then ask them to close their
It might be easier for students if you model and drill these two
books to do the role play. If suitable, suggest that they refer to
examples yourself. You could beat the stress and gesture to
contexts or situations from the country you are teaching in for
show the direction of the intonation as you model the language,
their role plays.
and encourage students to do the same.

2 Use the examples to elicit models and teach an affirmative Extra practice
reply e.g. Yes, of course. Students can then practise making Students could also look at online travel agents to research travel
short two-line conversations in pairs. Monitor and pay information.
particular attention to the intonation of polite questions.
Learning tip
C Listening – A change of plan Ask students if and how they record vocabulary. Encourage them
You can provide students with more information on tourism in to share ideas with each other.
Cape Town by going to the following website: or ask them to visit this site as
1 Ask students to look at the pictures and describe what they
can see and where they would like to visit. Have any students
already visited these places?
2 Students can work in pairs to correct the sentences.

D Speaking – A change of plan

1 An alternative way of focusing on the expressions is to give
students all four clauses from the two sentences on pieces of
paper with the words so and because also on bits of paper.
Ask students to rearrange the four clauses and two words into
two correct sentences.
2 Check answers to 2 before moving on to Speak up!

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PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008
Real Listening and Speaking 2 by Sally Logan and Craig Thaine Teacher’s notes

Unit10 The weather is changing

Get ready to listen and speak 3 Make sure you give students time to read the questions
Ask students to cover the words and focus on the pictures. before they listen. You could elicit what the key word(s) are in
Ask them to describe the weather in each picture, and elicit each question: cause/problems/stop global warming/Arctic/
any vocabulary they already know before doing the match up weather/problems.
exercise. 4 Give students time to discuss their answers in pairs before
feedback to this exercise and encourage them to give reasons
A Listening – A news story for their answers.

1 Before listening, ask students what global warming is, and

D Speaking – Talking about the news
elicit any facts they already know about it. You may want to
pre-teach the following words: causing, melting, natural cycle. 1 Students can do this exercise individually before checking
2 Before listening, ask students to look at b to i and predict answers in pairs.
what type of information they are listening for (e.g. word, 2 Students can discuss their opinions in small groups rather
number etc). than using the CD. You could monitor and note any errors for
students to correct after the discussion.
Learning tip 3 You could use these statements as ideas for class debates.
Encourage students to try and stress the most important words Divide the class into for and against groups. Students can
when they are speaking so that listeners can understand them choose their own side or you can nominate students so you
more easily. have an equal balance of students in each group. Give groups
time to prepare their arguments before they have the debate.
B Speaking – A news story
Class bonus
1 Look at this exercise as a class . Ask students to think of
Ask students to find a story in the news for homework then
different sentences using the expressions in Exercise 1.
discuss it in groups in the next lesson. It doesn’t matter if the
2 Students could do this exercise individually or in pairs. Then story is in English or their own language. Give students time to
draw the table on the board and ask students to come and think about how they will explain their story before starting the
write a word in the correct column. exercise. Tell students that everyone in the group must give their
opinion about each story.
Sound smart – Stressing important
information Extra practice
Students may have different answers in the second exercise. You could ask students who listens to the news in English. Then
Explain the speaker has a choice and the words they stress discuss what they find difficult about listening to the news and
depend on what they want to highlight. elicit solutions for these difficulties.

3–4 Students can do these exercises in pairs. Encourage them

to respond to their partner’s statements, for example
A: Summer is getting hotter.
B: Yeah you’re right or Do you think so?
Model this dialogue with a student, with you taking the role
of B.
You could also elicit responses before students start the
exercise. If your students are from different countries, they
could follow on from the response with In my country…
5 Ask students to work in small groups for this exercise and to
feedback the most interesting changes to the class.

C Listening – Talking about the news

1–2 Make an explicit link between the Learning tip and the
Listening exercise by asking students to talk in small groups
about what they know about environmental problems. You
may need to pre-teach solar energy and pollution before
students listen.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 2 by Sally Logan and Craig Thaine Teacher’s notes

Unit11 I have our schedule

Get ready to listen and speak 2 Ask students to check their answers in pairs before getting
Students can discuss these questions in pairs or small groups. class feedback.
You could encourage students to go online to find more 3 Make sure students know that there is one missing word for
information about coffee or Brazil and prepare other quiz each dotted line.
questions to ask each other.
D Speaking – Future plans
A Listening – Plans for the day 1 Encourage students to record the four expressions (in
Look at the photo of São Paulo and ask if anyone has ever been bold) in their vocabulary notebooks, along with an example
there. Elicit students’ impressions of the city and ask them if they sentence for each one that is true for them.
would like to go, saying why or why not. You could direct them 2 You can extend each sentence into a mini-dialogue using the
to the following websites to get more information on Brazil and following model:
São Paulo: A: I plan to / I’d like to open a new shop. B: Sounds like a good idea. A: Yeah, but it’s not easy.
1 Before listening, check students understand the jobs on the 3 Students can work in pairs or small groups to discuss their
name badges. Ask them what typical tasks for each job are. hopes and plans. If you have the resources, you could record
2 Allow students time to read Exercise 2 before listening to the students speaking.
conversation a second time. Encourage them to fill in any
information they might have picked up from the first listening. Focus on … verbs followed by to
3 When you have checked the order of the activities, ask Students can do these exercises in pairs.
students to listen for the times of the activities.
Class bonus
B Speaking – Plans for the day Encourage students to describe their day or week in detail, and
1 Get students to do this exercise together in pairs or small to ask each other questions about the plans. Remind students
groups. that they can invent these schedules!

Learning tip
Ask students to share ideas of how to make speaking from notes

2 Do an open class example of this activity, then put students

into pairs. Student A explains Lilian’s schedule and Student
B asks questions about it. Give students a couple of minutes
of preparation time. Encourage students to react to, and
comment on, the schedule when they are in the listener’s role.
3–4 As the Learning tip suggests, make sure students know
they are not expected to memorize the example answer.
5 Do an open class example of this activity, then put students
into pairs. Student A explains Peter’s schedule and Student
B asks questions about it. Give students a couple of minutes
of preparation time. Encourage students to react to, and
comment on, the schedule when they are in the listener’s

C Listening – Future plans

Ask students to look at the three photographs and describe what
they can see.
1 Give students time to read the two summaries before they
listen for the first time.

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PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008
Real Listening and Speaking 2 by Sally Logan and Craig Thaine Teacher’s notes

Unit12 You did really well

Get ready to listen and speak Did you know …?
Ask students what other tasks are common for the jobs listed, If you are teaching a multilingual group, you could ask students
and if they have any experience of these jobs. An alternative way about tipping in their countries. Is it expected? How much?
of leading into the listening is asking students if they have had
experience working in restaurants and getting them to talk about D Speaking – A busy evening
that experience in class or in pairs. You could then check and
1 An alternative way to focus students on this language is to
pre-teach any of the vocabulary from Listening A that you think
write up sentences b, c and e on the board without just.
will be new for your students, e.g. napkins, jugs, light, bowls.
Tell students that just can be added to each sentence. Ask
students to work in pairs to put it where they think it should
A Listening – Getting ready
go. They can either check their answers with you, or check the
1 Set the context for the first listening exercise clearly and audioscript.
remind students that it is Francesca’s first day at work. Look at 2 Encourage students to make a note of this use of just in their
the picture of the restaurant with the students and ask them vocabulary notebooks.
to describe what they can see. This will help to elicit some of
the vocabulary on the notepad. Sound smart – Linking between words
2 Students should try and complete as much of Exercise 2 as You could encourage students to use these arrows when
possible based on what they picked up in the first listening, they record new expressions to help remember the correct
before listening to the conversation for a second time. pronunciation.

B Speaking – Getting ready 3–4 Students can work in pairs or with the CD. Monitor and
1 Ask students to look at the expressions together and listen for correct use of just and linking between words.
complete the exercise in pairs.
2 Half the class can take the manager’s role and the other half
Class bonus
take the waiter’s role. Students mingle and the managers ask Introduce this with your own example, then give students
the waiters about two or three different actions. Students can thinking (or possibly note taking) time before getting them to
then change roles and repeat the mingle. share their ideas in small groups.
3 Give students time to prepare their questions before working
in pairs to ask and answer them. Extra practice
You could organize an English-speaking dinner, or party, with the
Class bonus class to celebrate the end of term.
An alternative activity would be to put students into pairs and get
them to think of a job they are interested in. Ask them to list four
or five tasks associated with the job, and to then take turns to
play the manager and employee.

C Listening – A busy evening

Get students to look at Exercises 1–2 and ask them to think
about the kind of information they should listen for.
1 You may want to pre-teach half-way, serving, tips. Check the
answers to Exercise 1 before moving on to Exercise 2.
2 Before listening, remind students that they only need to write
one word on each dotted line.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 2 by Sally Logan and Craig Thaine Teacher’s notes

Unit13 I’ve organized the trainer

Get ready to listen and speak C Listening – Choosing lunch
Students can complete the crossword in pairs. Before the first listening, you may want to pre-teach delivery,
Check that students know the name of any other classroom/ gourmet sandwiches.
office items that are in your classroom. 1 Encourage students to listen for one piece of information
After the crossword, and before Listening A, you may need to only with the first listening. They will listen for more detail in
establish what a training session is. Give, and elicit from students Exercise 2.
examples of the kinds of things people have training sessions on
2 Ask students to check their answers in pairs before getting
in the workplace, e.g. training for a new computer.
class feedback.

A Listening – Organizing the training

D Speaking – Choosing lunch
Before the exercise, highlight the fact that students will be
listening to a voice mail message. You could ask if students 1 Students can do this exercise in pairs or alone. Write the
have ever had experience of this in English. Indicate that they extract on the board and ask students to come up and mark
can listen to voice mail messages more than once (as they the comparisons.
will with this message), and also that they will probably need
to understand some detailed information. Suggest that they Sound smart – Sentence stress when
imagine they are Raman when they listen to the message. comparing things
1–2 Ask students to correct their answers in pairs before getting You can either use the model expressions on the CD, or you can
class feedback. model and drill the examples yourself. Drill the sentences in 2
either chorally or with individual students.
Did you know …?
2–3 Students can do this exercise in pairs or with the CD.
Ask if students have heard any of the Australian English
examples before. Have any students visited Australia? What do 4 Ask students to compare the items in small groups. You could
they know about it? bring in pictures of cars, places etc to help them.

B Speaking – Organizing the training Class bonus

Monitor and make a note of any errors for students to discuss
1 Make sure students understand that these expressions are after the activity.
more direct, but that they are not rude.
2 Ask students about manager-employee customs in their Extra practice
country. Could they ask their boss to do things by saying
Students can listen to British English at, Canadian
I need you to…?
English at and American English at
3 Ask students to work in pairs and to use a variety of the polite
expressions in Speaking strategy.

Focus on … when you don’t know the right

A way into these expressions is to write up the example from the
book on the board, then below it write the following: … one of
those really big things for writing up notes … flip charts. Indicate
that the filler language gives Brad thinking time, but it can also
help listeners because there are fewer content words placed
close together.

4 Use the examples in the book and/or bring some other

objects into the class that you don’t think your students will
know the word for. They can share these objects and practise
the expressions.

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PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008
Real Listening and Speaking 2 by Sally Logan and Craig Thaine Teacher’s notes

Unit14 You need a budget

Get ready to listen and speak D Speaking – Managing money 2
Establish the idea of managing your money well by asking 1 Ask students to do this exercise in pairs. You could elicit the
students to look at the Get ready options and tick what financial two types of question by asking students why people ask
advisors would recommend. You may want to pre-teach budget, questions at the end of a seminar.
retirement, invest, tax and salary.
To set the context for the listening activity, look at the photo and Focus on … how to ask follow-up questions
explain that Paul is a financial advisor. Elicit what a financial
Make sure students are confident with making less direct
advisor does (gives advice on investing, insurance, setting up
questions before moving on to the Speak up! activities.
businesses etc).

2 Check that students have the correct match-up answers

A Listening – Managing money 1 before moving on to Exercise 3. You could also elicit further
1 Check answers with the class before moving on to Exercise 2. questions for each seminar topic.
2–3 Get students to check their answers to both exercises in 3 Students can make, and then ask, these questions in pairs.
pairs before getting class feedback. 4 You could ask each pair or small group to think of one
question to ask Paul Dugan. Write the suggested questions on
Did you know …? the whiteboard. Then regroup students and nominate one
Ask the class if they know what e.g. and i.e. mean before they financial advisor for each group. Students ask and answer
read Did you know…? They could try and guess the meaning their questions. The advisor can make up the answers if they
from looking at Sara’s notes. Elicit or teach other abbreviations, are not sure.
e.g. &, etc.
Learning tip
B Speaking – Managing money 1 Remind students of the importance of keeping vocabulary
notebooks, and encourage them to record new words in a
1–2 Rather than reading the examples in Exercise 1, ask
logical way, as in the Learning tip.
students to find the signposting expressions in the audioscript.
They could then compare these with the expressions in the
exercise. Class bonus
3 Make sure students know they could use these expressions, Put students in pairs to choose their seminar topic and prepare
but they will sound very formal when chatting to friends. the seminar. If you have time, students could research their topic
for homework or in your self access centre. If they are preparing
ideas in class, give a time limit. Make sure students get enough
Learning tip
time to practise the seminar. Depending on your students,
To extend the learning tip, ask students to read the audioscript they could present their seminar in pairs to the whole class or
and find another of Paul’s examples, e.g. Maybe just buy one individually to a smaller group. Explain to the class that each
cup of coffee a day, instead of two. Highlight the fact you don’t student must ask at least one question after each seminar.
always need to say for example.

4 Put students in pairs to plan their seminars. Explain they

will give their seminars individually so they should both take
5 Give students time to practise before recording them. After
recording, students could listen to their own seminar and
self assess using the evaluation questions. Alternatively,
they could listen to another student’s seminar and use the
evaluation questions to give them feedback. If your facilities
or time do not allow for recording, students could present
their seminars to a partner who then uses the evaluation
questions to give feedback.

C Listening – Managing money 2

1–2 Ask students to check their answers in pairs before getting
class feedback. Before doing Exercise 2, students could
predict answers in pairs.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 2 by Sally Logan and Craig Thaine Teacher’s notes

Unit15 Welcome to the school

Get ready to listen and speak D Speaking – Class rules
Depending on where you are teaching, ask students to talk 1–2 Check answers with the class before moving on to the freer
about their first day at the school they are studying English in, or practice in Speak up!
ask them about their first day at another school. Give students
3 Students could record themselves explaining the rules for
some thinking time and get them to share their ideas in pairs or
homework. You could extend this activity by asking students
small groups. Students could talk about what they did, who they
to discuss laws and rules in their country or other countries
met and how they felt.
they have visited.

A Listening – The first day at school

Focus on … language of obligation
You will probably need to pre-teach self-assessment and
Even if some students do not understand some the subtleties
facilities. Before students listen, ask them to imagine that they
of this language point, it is sufficient if they grasp the idea that
are one of Anna’s students.
overuse of must can sometimes make them sound rude and
1 Ask students to predict the reason for Anna’s talk before they demanding.
listen. Check answers before listening for the second time.
2 Remind students to write only one word in each space. Ask Sound smart – Have to
students to check their answers in pairs before getting class Do an open class example with the strong student. Listen for the
feedback. pronunciation of have to and make sure the v is pronounced as
/f/ and the vowel sound in to is a weak /ə/. If necessary, drill
Did you know …? an example, then let students practise in pairs with each student
Ask students about which languages are spoken in their country. taking both roles.

B Speaking – The first day at school 4 Students can work in pairs or with the CD.
5 Do an example with a strong student. Take the part of ‘You’.
1–2 Look at the different ways of offering choices as a class.
Ask two more students to do a further example, then ask all
You could ask students to make either / or sentences about
students to practise the conversation in pairs. Exchange roles
the possibilities at your school, e.g. where you can study,
so students practise both ‘You’ and ‘Toby’. Monitor and make
where to buy books, what to do if you have a problem.
sure students are pronouncing ‘have to’ using /f/ and /ə/.
3 You could put these prompts on strips of paper and give
one strip to each student. Each student reads the prompts
Class bonus
aloud and then the group works together to make complete
sentences. You could ask students to work in small groups to design a new
set of class rules for your class.
C Listening – Class rules
Extra practice
Before listening, ask students to discuss the class rules in your
class. What are students allowed and not allowed to do? Students can also research this online.

1 After listening, ask students to compare Toby’s rules with the

rules in your class. Students can discuss this in pairs.
2 Ask students to check their answers in pairs before checking
answers with the class.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 2 by Sally Logan and Craig Thaine Teacher’s notes

Unit16 What are your goals?

Get ready to listen and speak D Speaking – Learning outside the
You could do this exercise as a mingle activity. After students classroom
rank the skills on their own, they move around the class and
1 Ask students to find and underline Mayuki’s goals in the
compare notes until they find someone who has ranked the
audioscript before doing Exercise 1.
skills in the same order for the first question. They could then
discuss why they chose that order and give their opinion on the 2–3 Students can do these exercises in pairs or small groups.
second question. 4 Give students time to think about this before putting them
in small groups to discuss their learning goals. Extend this
A Listening – Advice session exercise by encouraging students to plan their learning
outside the classroom. You can use Appendix 6 to help
1 Explain the importance of what students do outside the students do this.
classroom to improve their English. Ask them to discuss how
Elicit the steps Nigel describes in Listening C for making study
they try and improve their English out of class.
plans: identify goals, find material, and reflect on what you’ve
2 Get students to check answers in pairs before checking done.
answers with the class. After this exercise, you could ask
• Identify goals – students write down their goals. Make sure
students to discuss whether the students think Nigel’s advice
they are not too general and encourage students to be
is useful for them.
specific e.g. I want to talk to friends in English easily about
everyday topics, rather than I want to improve my speaking.
Learning tip
• Find material – students list exercises they can do and
Discuss watching movies in English. Do students find this easy?
material they can use. Put students with similar goals in
Do they enjoy it? What movies have students seen in English?
groups to brainstorm ideas. If you have a self access centre,
take them in and help them find material they can use.
B Speaking – Advice session
• Encourage reflection by following up on their progress in
1 Before students look at a to d, ask them to look at the later lessons. You could regularly do a five-minute warmer on
audioscript and underline how Nigel gives advice. They can what students have done outside class to reach their goals.
then compare with a to d. You could also give them class time to re-evaluate their goals
2 Students could do this exercise in pairs or small groups. regularly.
3 This exercise can be done in small groups. Make sure each
student takes notes of the group ideas. After they have More activities
compiled a list, mix students so they are in different groups, Watch a movie in class and use the techniques Nigel
and let them compare ideas. Remind them to use the recommends.
Speaking Strategy expressions.
You could also use this Exercise to focus on improving all four
skills. Divide the class into four groups and give each group
a large piece of paper on which they write ideas for how to
improve one of the skills. Groups then rotate round the room
looking at the lists and adding new ideas.

C Listening – Learning outside the

1 Students can work individually and then check their answers
in pairs.
2 Tell students they do not need to write Nigel’s exact words
for questions e–g. Explain that Nigel often repeats key

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 3 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit1 How are things?

Get ready to listen and speak 2 Do a as an example then ask students to work alone to think
Read the instructions and each phrase to the class. Put students of another two questions for each sentence b-e. Then get
into pairs and get them to do the exercise together. them to compare what they have written in small groups. Write
a selection of the class’s answers on the board, encouraging
students to check their grammar and spelling is correct.
A Listening – Beginning and ending
3 Read the instructions and example to the class, play the
a conversation
recording and stop after the first statement to make sure
1–3 Before students begin, write the following questions on the everyone has understood. Then get students to do the rest of
board: Where are they? Who is he? What is she wearing? What the exercise.
do you think they are saying to each other? Put students into
pairs and get them to discuss their answers together. Class bonus
After checking answers, ask students to call out if they think each
Demonstrate the activity first by making five statements about
situation (a, b, c and d) is formal or informal. Finally, put students
your last holiday, e.g. I went to the coast and encouraging
into small groups and tell them to role play each situation.
students to call out follow-up questions.

B Listening – A friendly chat

Sound smart – Intonation in question tags
1-2 Before students begin, ask the class to look at the pictures Before doing the exercise, write example A on the board and
and ask Who are they? What nationality are they? Where do underline the question tag, eliciting from students (or telling
they work? etc. them) that it is indeed a question tag. Point out that it is a short
Play the recordings and get students to do the exercises. Then question at the end of a statement. Using question tags is a
check their answers. very effective way of involving someone in a conversation and
keeping it going.
Did you know …? Without looking at their books, play the recording and ask
Read aloud the text and ask students what languages people in their students what the difference between the pronunciation of
country speak. Ask what the most popular languages to learn are. the two sentences is, and why they are different. Elicit/Explain
that the speaker’s voice goes up on a question tag to ask a
C Speaking – Reacting to what you hear genuine question, but down on a question tag when asking for
agreement. Get students to do the exercise.
1 Read the instructions and the examples to the class. After students finish, have them practise in pairs. Tell students to
2 After students finish, emphasize that Me too and Me neither take turns to make a statement while their partner has to add a
are used only when agreeing (to either positive or negative question tag. Give an example first, such as This class is an hour
statements). Give an example, by saying I come to school by long, and encourage students to call out isn’t it? Have them say
train and encouraging students to call out Me too, if they also the tag with both a rising and a falling intonation, to highlight the
come to school by train (likewise with the sentence I don’t difference between asking a question and asking for confirmation.
come to school by bus (Me neither)). Then put them into
pairs to take turns making statements and responding with Focus on … question tags
Me too or Me neither.
Read the instructions and examples to the class and get students
to do the exercise.
Focus on … So…I, Neither…I After checking answers, you may wish to put students into pairs
Before doing the exercise, highlight the fact that So+ auxiliary and have them write five similar statements with a line after.
verb + subject means the same as Me too, and Neither + When they are ready, have students swap their work and add the
auxiliary verb + subject means the same as Me neither. missing question tags.
After checking answers, put students into small groups and tell
them to find at least five things they all have in common. Explain E Listening – Expressing opinions
they should make statements and respond with So…I and
Neither… I. Get feedback from the class. 1–3 Read the instructionss to the class, get students to do
the exercises, and then check their answers. Afterwards, get
students to discuss the topics in Exercise 1 (i.e. smoking,
D Speaking – Maintaining a conversation
exams, etc.). Encourage them to use the expressions provided.
1 Read the instructions and elicit/explain that follow-up
questions are qustions we ask to find out more information F Speaking – Defending opinions
about something we have just heard. Give an example, by
saying I come to school by train and encouraging students to 1 Get students to work alone intially before working with a
call out questions, e.g. What time train do you get? partner. Then check the answers with the class.
2–4 Students do these exercises as a class

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 3 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit2 Can I take your coat?

Before students arrive in class, write the letters from the word Sound smart – The schwa /ə/
restaurant in a jumbled order on the board. Put students into pairs
Pronounce and encourage students to produce the schwa.
and ask them to make as many words as they can using each
Explain that it appears in unstressed syllables. After playing the
letter only once (e.g. rat, star, tuna, stature). After a set time, ask
recordings, ask students to practise pronouncing these words
the pair with the most words to write theirs on the board. Ask for
with their partner. Monitor closely.
one more word from each other pair. Correct as necessary, and
encourage students to record any new vocabulary in their notes.
C Speaking – After a meal
Get ready to listen and speak 1 Read the instructions and the expressions to the class,
before elicting/explaining the meanings of the bold phrases
• Read the question and the different kinds of restaurant to the
(referring to the Did you know… ? section).
class. Put students into pairs and get them to talk about which
type of restaurant they prefer, and to ask and answer follow- 2 Get students to work alone initially and write their answers,
up questions. Get feedback from the class. before comparing with a partner. Monitor closely before
playing the recording. Check answers with the class.
• Encourage students to work alone to write down their usual
choices, including starter, main and dessert (or equivalent in 3 Read the instructions to the class, pause the recording after the
their countries). Then ask them to compare with a partner. first statement and make sure students understand what to do.
Get feedback from the class. After students finish, ask them to role play a short conversation
at the end of the meal. They each want to pay the bill.
A Listening – In a restaurant
D Speaking – Dealing with problems
1 Before students begin, put them into pairs and ask them to
tell each other what they like to do on their birthday. Play the 1–2 Read the instructionss to the class and get students to work
recording and then ask students to compare their answers in alone initially, before working with a partner to compare their
pairs. Then check the answers with the class. answers. Then check the answers with the class.

2 Play the recording and then ask students to compare their 3 Read the instructions to the class and get students to do the
answers in pairs. Then check the answers with the class. exercise.

3 Read the instructions to the class and then ask them to work 4 Read the instructions to the class. Encourage students to
in pairs to predict what the words are going to be. Collate use the vocabulary from Exercise 1. Put them into pairs and
ideas on the board. Play the recording and then check the get them to do the exercise together. Monitor and check for
answers with the class, referring back to the board to see how accuracy.
much they had guessed correctly. By doing this, students will
see how useful predicting answers can be. E Listening – Describing restaurants
Next, ask students to practise each of the short conversations 1 Get students to read through the review form to prepare
in Exercise 3 in pairs. themselves. Elicit/Explain the meaning of atmosphere. Play
the recording and then check the answers.
Focus on … describing food 2 Get students to read the notes and try to predict the answers
After checking answers, put students into pairs and get them to (or at least the word class, e.g. adjective) with a partner. Then
discuss the kinds of food they like and dislike, encouraging them play the recording.
to use as much vocabulary from this section as possible. After checking answers, put students into small groups and ask
them to imagine they own a restaurant together and to invent
B Listening – Deciding what to have a name for it. Get them to make a poster to advertize it using
as much of the vocabulary from Exercises 1 and 2 as possible.
1–2 Before students begin, get them to read the menu, and
to tell their partner what they know (if anything) about the
dishes they see. Play the recording and get students to do the Class bonus
exercises, before checking the answers with the class. Rearrange the desks in the classroom into ‘tables’. Send the
customers outside, get them to enter the restaurant in groups
Learning tip and the waiters to show them to their tables. They can order from
the menu on page 15. Later, get students to complain about
Reinforce the fact that there are many difference accents, both in
something, waiters to respond and the manager to try to keep
native English-speaking countries and among people whose first
the customers happy! Monitor and make a note of any errors you
language is not English. Emphasize to students that there is no
hear, to review later.
‘correct’ pronunciation.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 3 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit3 I’m looking for a flat

In pairs, get students to brainstorm all the different kinds of D Listening – Making sure of the facts
buildings people can live in, e.g. a flat. Collate students’ ideas
on the board, encouraging students to write down any new 1 Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meanings
vocabulary. of tenancy agreement, sub-let and notice. Get students to
read the questions so that they are prepared to listen. Then
play the recording and check the answers.
Get ready to listen and speak
2 Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meanings of
Read the instructions and then get students to do the first
evict, terms, lease, expire. Get students to read the sentences
two exercises, before checking the answers. For the last two
and try to remember if they are true or false with a partner. Play
exercises, get students to work with a partner to discuss their
the recording for them to check, then tell them the answers.
answers, before getting feedback.
Afterwards, put them into pairs and tell them to try to
remember all the conditions of Hassan’s tenancy agreement.
A Listening – Explaining your
requirements E Speaking – Getting what you want
1 Read the instructions and the two questions to the class and 1 Read the instructions to the class and do the first expression
elicit/explain the meanings of rent, agency and agent. as an example. Get students to categorize the other
2 Elicit/Explain the meaning of requirement and the symbol €. expressions with a partner. Check the answers with the class.
Get students to read the form before they listen again and 2–3 Read the instructions to the class and do the first one as an
try to remember the answers with their partner. Check the example. Elicit/Explain the meaning of landlord. Get students
answers with the class. to do the others with a partner. Encourage students to use
3 Read the instructions and the addresses to the class and the vocabulary in Exercise 1.
get students to do the exercise. After checking answers, ask
students in pairs to talk about where they live at the moment F Listening – Dealing with problems
using the form to guide them.
Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meaning of
tenant. Get students to read through the table so that they are
B Speaking – Finding the right property prepared to listen. Listen to the recording and then check the
1 Elicit/Explain the meaning of acre. Get students to work alone answers with the class.
initially, before checking their answers with a partner. After students finish, put them into pairs to role play the
2 Get students to work in pairs to do this exercise, before conversation, referring to the information in the chart.
checking answers with the class.
G Speaking – Overcoming difficulties
3 Read the instructions to the class and do the example with
them, before getting them to work with a partner. Encourage 1 Read the instructions to the class. Get students to read
them to use vocabulary from Exercise 1. the sentences so that they are prepared to listen. Play the
recording and then check the answers with the class.
Focus on … comparatives and superlatives 2 Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meaning
Before doing the exercise, ask students to tell their partner of forcefully, blocked, roof, leak, and lawn. Do the first one as
everything they know about comparative and superlatives. an example. Get students to do the others with a partner.
Collate correct ideas on the board, e.g. Good is irregular, and its
comparative and superlative forms are better and best. Then Class bonus
get students to do the exercise. Before they begin, make sure you give students who are role
After checking answers, put students into groups and have them playing tenants enough time to make a list of things they would
compare where they all live. When they finish, have groups like to change and problems they want to be fixed. Students
report their findings to the class. For example, Hugo’s apartment who are role playing rental agents can use the time to anticipate
is in the most convenient location, because it’s next to the points they will hear and prepare their responses.
station, but it’s smaller than everyone else’s.

C Listening – Checking the financial side

1–2 Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the
meaning of deposit. Get students to read the questions so
that they are prepared to listen. After students finish, put them
into pairs to role play the conversation.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 3 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit4 I’d like a refund, please

Put students into pairs and give them one minute to brainstorm as 2 Read the instructions to the class. Put students in pairs to try
many words beginning with the letters re- as they can, with one of and remember the questions. Then play the recording, before
them writing their ideas down. Write the winning pair’s words on checking answers with the class. Write the answers on the
the board, encouraging the class to write down any new vocabulary. board so that students can check their spelling.
Elicit refund and receipt if they have not already been proffered. 3 Read the instructions to the class. Play the recording again.
Then ask the class the question.
Get ready to listen and speak Next, put them into pairs and tell them to think of a different
• Read the instructions and do the first one as an example. Put product (or assign pairs a different product each) and make
students into pairs and get them to do the others together. a list of useful questions to ask. When they are ready, have
them read their questions to their classmates. Can they guess
• Read the instructions to the class. Play the recording and
the product?
pause it after the first statement so that you can do it as a
class. Play the rest of the recording, and then check answers. 4 Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meaning
of LCD. Play the recording and then check the answers.
A Listening – In a shop 5 Read the instructions and get students to read the labels to
prepare themselves for listening. Play the recording and then
1 Focus students on the photograph, and write the following check the answers.
questions on the board: Who’s in the photo? Where are
they? What are they doing? How do they feel? What are
E Listening – Bargaining
they saying? Get students to discuss these with a partner to
prepare themselves for listening. Read the instructions to the 1 Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meaning
class. Get students to read the questions. Play the recording of haggle and stallholder. Get students to read the sentences
and then check the answers. Check the meaning of shrink. to prepare themselves for listening. Play the recording and
2 Read the instructions to the class. Get students to read the then check the answers with the class.
form to prepare themselves for listening. Play the recording 2 Read the instructions to the class. Get students to work with
and then check the answers. Next, put students into pairs to a partner and try to remember the missing words. Play the
role play the conversation, using the information in Exercises recording and then check the answers with the class.
1 and 2 to guide them if they wish. Next, tell them to turn to the Audioscript. Have them practise
the conversation in pairs, trying to copy the stress, rhythm and
B Speaking – Returning items intonation as closely as they can.

1–2 Read the instructions and examples to the class.

F Speaking – Negotiating the price
3 Read the instructions to the class and do the first one as an
example. Elicit/Explain the meaning of vase and fall apart. Put 1 Read the instructions and the expressions to the class.
students into pairs and get them to do the others. 2 Read the instructions to the class. Play the first offer then
pause the recording. Do this one as an example for the class.
Sound smart – Showing emotion Play the rest of the recording, encouraging students to use
the expressions in Exercise 1.
Without looking at the book, play the recording and elicit from
the class what the difference between the pronunciations of the
two sentences is. Then read the instructions in the book, before Class bonus
getting students to do the exercises. Check the answers. This works well as a whole class activity. Before they begin, make
Then put students into pairs. Explain they should take turns to sure you give students who are role playing stallholders enough
say a sentence in a different way each time. Their partner must time to make a list of things they have to sell and the prices they
listen and try to identify the emotion they are trying to express. want to ask. Students who are role playing customers can use
the time to decide what they want to buy and prepare to haggle.
C Listening – Understanding shop policy You will then need to rearrange the desks in the classroom into
‘stalls’. Monitor and make a note of any errors you hear, to
Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meaning
review later.
of straight away. Get students to read the statements so that
they are prepared to listen. Play the recording and then check
answers with the class. Extra practice
Put students into groups for this activity. Encourage students to
D Listening – Finding out more about ask questions for more information about each item.
a product
1 Read the instructions to the class. Play the recording and pause
after question a to make sure everyone understands what to
do. Play the rest of the recording. Check answers with the class.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008
Real Listening and Speaking 3 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit5 Is there anything on?

Put students into pairs and ask them to brainstorm different D Listening – Listening to the news
things they can watch on TV, e.g. dramas, the weather forecast,
different kinds of films, documentaries etc. Collate ideas on the 1 Before students begin, ask them how often they watch or
board, encouraging students to write down any new vocabulary. listen to the news. Read the instructions and elicit/explain the
meaning of headline. Play the recording and then check the
Get ready to listen and speak
2 Read the instructions and get students in pairs to try to
• Read the question and answers to the class. Elicit/Explain the remember the topics that were mentioned. Then play the
meaning of telly addict. Do a class vote. recording and check the answers.
• Read the instructions to the class. Go over the example. Get 3 Read the instructions and then play the recording until you
students to do the exercise in pairs. When checking answers, have heard the key points in the first headline. Then pause
write them on the board so that students can check the the recording to make sure students understand what to do.
4 Read the instructions. Elicit/Explain the meanings of overtake,
• Get students to answer the question in pairs. dominant and reform. Give students some time to read
through the questions to prepare themselves for listening.
Did you know …? Play the recording and then check the answers.
Ask students to call out any films from their country which have
received international success. Learning tip
Tell students that occasionally when they watch the news on TV,
A Listening – A film review they could try turning the volume off. Explain that if they simply
1 Read the instructions to the class, play the recording and then look at the pictures and imagine what is being said (in English),
check the answers. this is a good way to practise the language.

2 Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meaning

of weak. Play the recording and pause after you have heard
E Speaking – Talking about the news
the information about the first statement to make sure 1 Read the question and give students some time to read the
students understand. Then play the rest of the recording and answers and choose the correct one. Get them to compare
check the answers. with a partner before checking the answer with the class.
2 Read the instructions, play the recording and get students
B Speaking – Describing films to compare what they have written with a partner. Next, get
1 Read the instructions to the class. Students may need students to change partners and give them a set time to give
dictionaries to help them with this exercise, preferably spoken summaries of the news story.
monolingual. Check the answers with class, asking concept
questions to make sure students understand the meanings of F Listening – Making predictions
the words. 1 Read the instructions and elicit/explain the meaning of
2 Read the instructions to the class, play the recording and then global warming. Get students to work with partner to do the
check the answers. exercise. Collate their ideas on the board.
3 Read the instructions to the class. Give students a specific 2 Focus students on the list on the board and tell them to
time in which to answer the questions. Students may need/ listen to see if the ideas are mentioned in the report. Play the
prefer to use the Internet for this activity, if possible. recording and check answers with the class.
4 Read the instructions to the class. Give them a set time to 3 Read the instructions. Play the recording and nominate a
complete the exercise. Monitor and note errors to correct with different student at each pause to call out what he/she thinks
the class at a later stage. will come next.

C Listening – Describing TV programmes Sound smart – Stress and rhythm

1 Read the instructions and the programme types to the class. Get students to do the exercises, checking the answers to the
Elicit the meaning of soap opera. second one. Afterwards, put them into pairs and have them
practise reading the news report on page 91, reading aloud
2–4 Read the instructions, play the recordings and then check
alternate sentences with their partner.
the answers.
After checking answers, put students into small groups to
discuss which types of programme they enjoy, which they do Class bonus
not, and why. If possible, try to record students when they give their radio
show so that they can evaluate their performance.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 3 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit6 I’ve got a pain in my arm

Review vocabulary of the body. Bring in large pieces of paper C Listening – Getting a diagnosis
and put students into pairs, asking them to draw the outline of a
person from head to toe. Next dictate some words (e.g. throat, 1 Focus students on the illustrations and ask them to describe
shoulder, chest, ankle, stomach, etc.) and ask students to write what they can see to a partner. Read the instructions, play the
them in the correct place on their drawings. recording and then check the answer.
2 Get students to answer these two questions with a partner.
Get ready to listen and speak Check the answers with the class. Elicit/Explain the meanings of
rash and blotch.
• Read the instructions to the class and get students to do this
3 Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time to
exercise in pairs. Collate ideas on the board, encouraging
read the statements. Get them to work with a partner to try and
students to write down any new vocabulary.
remember the answers. Then play the recording and get them
• Read the instructions to the class. Students may need to use to check their answers. Confirm answers with the class.
dictionaries for this exercise, preferably monolingual ones.
Check the answers with the class, drilling the pronunciation
D Listening – Understanding the doctor’s
of the words.
• Read the instructions to the class and get students to do the
exercise. Again, they may need dictionaries to help them with 1 Read the instructions and the questions to the class. Play the
this. Next, put students into pairs and get them to discuss recording and then check the answers.
their answers. 2 Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meanings of
mild. Give students some time to read through the chart to prepare
A Listening – At the doctor’s themselves for listening. Play the recording and then check the
1 Read the instructions to the class. Get them to think about
what the answers could be with a partner. Play the recording 3 Read through the instructions to the class. Give students time to
for them to check their answers. Afterwards, write the correct read through the statements to prepare themselves for listening.
answers on the board so that students can check their Play the recording and then check the answers.
spellings. Elicit/Explain the meaning of symptom.
E Speaking – Reacting to news
2 Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meaning
of severe. Give students time to write their answers and 1–2 Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time
compare with a partner. Play the recording and then check to read the conversation before getting them to do the exercise
their answers, writing them on the board to confirm spellings. with a partner. Check answers with the class.
Afterwards, put students into pairs and ask them to role play a 3 Read the instructions to the class. Play the recording and pause
similar conversation using questions 1–7. after the first statement to make sure students understand what
to do. Play the rest of the recording, encouraging students to
Focus on … describing health problems use the language in Exercise 2.
Read the instructionss to the class. Students may need to use After students finish, put them into groups and tell them to
dictionaries to help them with these exercises. Check the answers. take turns to make a statement similar to those they have just
Afterwards, divide the class into groups. Explain you will say a heard. Their classmates should respond using an appropriate
word and the first group to make a sentence using the word expression. Monitor this exercise closely, making individual
correctly gets one point. Give an example such as tickly > I had corrections as necessary.
a tickly cough so I took some medicine last night.
Sound smart – Linking /w/ and /j/
B Speaking – Explaining what’s wrong Read the instructions and play the examples to the class. Get
students to do the exercise with a partner and then play the
1 Read the instructionss and the examples to the class. recording so that they can check their answers. Confirm answers
2–3 Read the instructionss to the class. Play the recordings, with the class. Play the recording again so that they can repeat.
pausing after the first question to make sure students
understand what they have to do. Monitor this exercise Class bonus
carefully, making individual corrections. This works well as a whole-class activity. Before they begin, make
4 Read the instructions to the class. Put students into pairs sure you give students who are role playing patients enough time
and get them to work in pairs to list the symptoms of each to make a list of imaginary health problems they have. Students
health problem. Monitor closely. Then give students different who are role playing doctors can use the time to anticipate what
partners and get them to role play the conversations between health problems they may face and to decide what diagnosis
patient and doctor. and instructions they can give. Before they begin, you could also
rearrange the desks in the classroom into doctors’ surgeries.
Monitor and make a note of any errors you hear, to review later.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 3 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit7 I could do with a break

Write the word holiday on the board. Ask students for questions Focus on … phrasal verbs
they could ask their partner about holidays, e.g. What countries
Elicit/Explain what a phrasal verb is. Read the instructions, get
have you travelled to? Where would you like to go that you haven’t
students to do the exercise and then check the answers.
been to yet?, etc. Write students’ contributions on the board,
After checking answers, put students into pairs and tell them to
correcting grammar where necessary. Include the book’s Who do
make three sentences using some of the phrasal verbs. Write
you prefer to travel with? and Which is the best way to travel? Put
some of their ideas on the board.
students into small groups to ask and answer the questions.

D Speaking – Booking a day trip

Get ready to listen and speak
For the first two questions, have a class vote to see what the 1 Read the instructions and the questions to the class. Elicit/
most popular answers are. Put students into pairs to do the third Explain the meaning of hidden extra.
exercise. Check answers with the class. 2 Read the instructions to the class. Play the recording and
pause after the first sentence to make sure that students
A Listening – Types of holiday understand what to do. Play the rest of the recording.
3 Read the instructions to the class. Put students into pairs
1 Read the instructions to the class and play the recording.
and get them to do the exercise. Check students’ answers
When checking answers, write them on the board so that
by writing them on the board so that they can check their
students can check their spellings.
2 Make sure students read the Learning tip before doing this After students finish, put them into groups to talk about a
exercise. Read the instructions to the class. Give students day trip or excursion they have been on. Tell them to ask
some time to read through the expressions. Put them into and answer the questions in Exercise 1, reminding them
pairs and get them to try and remember the missing words. to change them into the Past Simple, e.g. What time did it
Play the recording again so that they can check their answers. leave?
Confirm answers with the class and write them on the board
so that students can check their spellings.
F Listening – Renting a car
B Listening – Choosing a holiday 1 Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time
to read the questions. Put them into pairs and get them to
1 Before students begin, write ways to describe time and predict what the answers might be. Play the recording so that
distance on the board: (time) It takes about four hours, (time/ they can check their answers. Write the answers on the board
distance) It’s about an hour/fifty miles away (place) It’s not far so that they can check their spellings.
from Calgary. Have students call out examples that are true in
2 Read the instructions to the class, play the recording and then
their lives, for example I live about three miles away.
check the answers.
Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time to
read through the form. Play the recording and then check the 3 Focus students on the form. Read the instructions to the class.
answers. Play the recording and then check the answers.
2 Read the instructions and the questions to the class. Put them 4 Read the instructions to the class. Play the recording again
into pairs and get them to try and remember the answers. and then check students’ answers.
Play the recording again and then check the answers. After students finish, put them into pairs to role play a
Aftewards, put students into pairs to work out how much conversation between a car rental clerk and a tourist.
this holiday will cost the Carters. Ask students if they feel the
price is reasonable, and if they would like to go on the same Sound smart – Missing sounds – /t/, /d/ and
holiday. /h/
You might wish to point out Mr. Carter’s use of dear (‘isn’t it, Read the instructions and play the examples to the class. Put
dear?)’ students into pairs and get them to do the second exercise
together. Play the recording so that students can check their
C Speaking – Travel tips answers. Confirm their answers. Play the recording again so
1–2 Read the instructions to the class, pair students and get students can repeat.
them to do the exercises together. Check the answers with
the class.
3 Read the instructions to the class, play the recording
and pause after the first question to make sure students
understand what to do. Play the rest of the recording.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 3 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit8 It’s an amazing place!

Write the alphabet in two lists on the board. Divide your class C Speaking – Finding out information (2)
into two teams, giving each a different coloured board pen. Tell
the class that you would like to see one different world city (in 1 Read the instructions and the questions. Get students to do
English) for every letter of the alphabet. One student from each the exercise, before comparing in pairs. Check the answers
team runs to the board and writes a city next to a letter, before with the class.
running back to his/her team and giving the pen to the next 2 Read the instructions to the class and form the first question
student, who then does the same. Only one city can be written as an example. Put students into pairs and get them to form
beside each letter. After a few minutes, stop the game and count the other questions. Monitor this activity carefully and make
up which team has written the most words on the board. Make individual corrections as necessary.
any spelling corrections if necessary.
D Listening – Following a talk
Get ready to listen and speak 1 Focus students on the photograph and elicit it that it is Lima
Elicit/Explain the meaning of sightseeing. Put students into pairs, in Peru. Ask the class what they know about Peru and write
get them to do the exercises and then check the answers. their ideas on the board.
2 Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meaning
Did you know …? of found. Give students some time to read the sentences. Put
Read aloud the information, then ask students to think of other them into pairs and get them to try and predict the answers,
cities they think are popular with tourists, and to explain why. or at least the kind of answer (e.g. a number). Play the
recording. Check the answers by writing them on the board
A Listening – A short break so that students can check their spellings.

1 Focus students on the photograph and elicit that it is Paris. 3 Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meaning
Ask students if they have ever been to Paris or if they would of colony and survive. Get students to do the exercise and
like to go. Read the instructions and the topics to the class, then check the answers.
play the recording and then check the answers. After students finish, put them into pairs and tell them to
repeat everything they can remember about Peru. You
2 Read the instructions to the class. Get students to read the
might wish to make some true or false statements and have
statements. Put students into pairs and get them to try and
students call out the answers. For example, Lima is the capital
remember the answers together. Play the recording again and
of Ecuador. (False. It is the capital of Peru)
then check the answers.
3 Read the questions to the class. Get students to answer the Sound smart – Linking consonant-vowel
questions in pairs. Check the answers.
Read the instructions and play the examples. Put students into
After checking answers, tell students to close their books and
pairs and get them to do the exercise. Play the recording so that
try to remember everything they can that Emmanuel says
they can check. Confirm their answers. Play the recording again so
about Paris.
that they can repeat.

Focus on … describing places

E Speaking – Asking questions
Read the instructions and get students to do the exercise. They
may need to use dictionaries to help them with this, preferably 1 Read the instructions and expressions to the class.
monolingual ones. 2 Read the instructions, play the recording and then check the
After checking answers, put students into pairs and tell them to answers.
describe their hometowns using the adjectives. 3 Read the instructions to the class. Play the recording and
pause after the first beep to make sure students understand
B Speaking – Finding out information (1) what to do. Play the rest of the recording, encouraging
1 Read the instructions and the extract to the class. Elicit the students to use the language in Exercise 1.
answer from the class.
F Speaking – Requesting more information
2 Read the instructions and the expressions to the class. Point
out that all these ways of making requests are less direct and 1 Read the instructions and the extract to the class. Get
more polite than saying simply Can you/Could you…? students to do the exercise. Check the answer.
3 Read the instructions to the class. Form the first question as 2 Read the instructions and the expressions to the class.
an example. Put students into pairs and get them to form 3 Read the instructions to the class. Play the recording and
the others, encouraging them to use language from Exercises pause after the first beep to make sure students understand
1 and 2. Monitor this exercise carefully, making individual what to do. Play the rest of the recording, encouraging
corrections as necessary. students to use the language from Exercises 1 and 2.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 3 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit9 Shall we say five o’clock?

Begin by asking students how many prepositions there are D Listening – A hard sell
in English (approximately 150). Get students to call out the
prepositions they know and write them on the board, e.g. with. 1 Before students begin, ask the class questions about the
picture, for example, Where are they? Who is he?
Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meanings
Get ready to listen and speak
of potential and insurance. Get students to read the
Read the instructionss to the class, and get them to do the questions and check any unknown vocabulary in a dictionary.
exercises. Check the answers with the class. Play the recording and then check the answers.
2 Read the instructions and the questions to the class. Elicit/
A Listening – Asking for services Explain the meanings of benefit and incentive. Put students
1 Make sure students read the Learning tip before doing into pairs and get them to try to remember the answers. Play
Exercise 1, and give some examples. Focus students on the the recording and then check the answers.
illustration. Put them into pairs and ask them to discuss what
they can see. Afterwards, elicit/explain photocopier. Did you know …?
Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meaning Read aloud the text and ask students which method of selling
of marketing agency, supplies, guarantee and fix. Get they think is used most in their country.
students to read the questions so that they are prepared to
listen. Play the recording and then check the answers.
Focus on … conditionals
2–3 Read the instructionss and the answers. Elicit/Explain the
Before students begin, you may wish to review the form of the
meaning of uncooperative and its pronunciation. Get students
first conditional (If + present, future) and to point out that the if
to do the exercises in pairs and then check the answers.
clause can come either at the beginning or end of the sentence.
Read the instructionss to the class, get students to do the
B Speaking – Making appointments exercises and then check the answers.
1 Read the instructions and the expressions to the class. Point
out that What about…/How about…? (for example, What E Speaking – Negotiating
about three o’clock?) are less formal than Shall we say three
1 Read the instructions and the extract to the class.
2 Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meaning
2 Read the instructions to the class, play the recording and then
of in bulk. Play the recording and get students to do the
check the answer.
3 Read the instructions to the class and do the first one as
3 Read the questions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meaning
an example. Put students into pairs and get them to do the
of deal. Put students into pairs and get them to answer the
questions together. Check the answers.
4 Read the instructions to the class. Play a and then pause
4 Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meaning
the recording to make sure students understand what to do.
of reduction. Do the first one as an example. Put students
Encourage them to use the language in Exercise 1.
into pairs and get them to do the others.
Afterwards, put them into pairs to practise role playing short
conversations of their own in which they fix times.
Sound smart – Using stress for emphasis
C Speaking – Getting what you want Read the instructions and play the examples to the class. Put
students into pairs and get them to do the second exercise. Play
1 Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time to the recording so that they can check their answers. Confirm their
read the extract and answer the question. Check the answer answers. Play the recording again so that they can repeat.
with the class. When students finish, put them into pairs to practise making
2 Read the instructions and the expressions to the class. similar short conversations using stress for emphasis. Monitor
3 Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meaning and provide help as needed.
of maintenenance department, crash, disrupt, courier, out
of order, productivity. Give students some time to read the
sentences to prepare themselves. Play a and pause the
recording to make sure students understand. Play the rest of
the recording, encouraging students to use the language in
Exercises 1 and 2.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 3 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit10 I’d like to open an account

Put students into pairs and ask them to brainstorm the D Speaking – Asking about terms you
vocabulary they know related to banks. Collate ideas on the don’t understand
board, encouraging students to write down any new vocabulary.
1 Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time
Get ready to listen and speak to read the extract. Put students into pairs and get them to do
the exercise together. Check the answer.
Read the instructions to the class. Tell students that an ATM
(Automated Teller Machine) is usually called a cash machine or 2 Read the instructions and the expressions to the class.
a cashpoint in the UK. Get students to do the exercise and then 3 Read the instructions to the class. Play the recording and
check the answers. pause after a to check that students understand. Play the rest
Afterwards, put students into pairs to and write these questions of the recording, encouraging students to use the language in
on the board: When was the last time you wrote a cheque? Exercises 1 and 2.
Do you always carry a bank card with you? How often do you After students finish, put them into pairs and tell them to take
use an ATM machine? Have you ever bought any traveller’s turns to role play the same conversations from memory. Can
cheques? Tell them to ask and answer the questions together. they remember what each term means?

A Listening – At a bank Focus on … conditionals

1 Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time Before students begin, you may wish to review the form of the
to read the notes to prepare themselves for listening. Play the first conditional (If + present, future) and to point out that the if
recording. Check answers by writing them on the board so clause can come either at the beginning or end of the sentence.
that students can check their spellings. Read the instructions to the class, get students to do the exercise
and then check the answers.
2 Read the instructions to the class. Play the recording and
After students finish, put them into pairs and tell them to make
check the answers.
five similar sentences (i.e. with verbs and auxiliaries missing).
3 Make sure students read the Learning tip before doing this Monitor and check for accuracy. Then have students exchange
exercise. Tell students that learning what not to note is an their work with another pair, and complete the exercise.
important skill.
Read the instructions to the class. Play the recording and E Listening – In a post office
check the answers.
Afterwards, put them into pairs and ask them to tell each 1 Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time
other which of the services in Exercise 1 they have asked for to read the list of services to prepare themselves for listening.
in a bank. They may need to use dictionaries to check meanings of
unknown words. Play the recording and then check the
B Listening – Understanding details answers.
2 Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meaning
1 Read the instructions to the class, play the recording and then
of package, label and surface mail. Give students some time
check the answer.
to read the questions to prepare themselves for listening. Play
2 Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meaning the recording and then check the answers.
of withdraw and withdrawal. Play the recording and then
check the answers. 3 Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time
After students finish, get them to choose which account they to read through the label to prepare themselves for listening.
think is the best for them. Play the recording and then check the answers.
4 Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time to
C Speaking – Confirming details read through the charts. Put students into pairs and get them
to try and remember the answers. Play the recording so that
1 Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time they can check their answers. Confirm their answers.
to read the extract. Put students into pairs and get them to do
the exercise together. Check the answer.
Sound smart – Corrective stress
2 Read the instructions and the expressions to the class.
Read the instructions and play the example to the class. Put
3 Read the instructions to the class. Play the recording and students into pairs and get them to do the second exercise
pause after a to check that students understand. Play the rest together. Play the recording so that they can check their answers.
of the recording, encouraging students to use the language in Confirm their answers. Play the recording again so that they can
Exercises 1 and 2. practise their pronunciation.
When students finish, put them into pairs to practise making
similar short conversations using corrective stress. Monitor and
provide help as needed.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 3 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit11 My bag’s been stolen

Write the following question on the board: What telephone Focus on … order of adjectives
numbers do you know off by heart? Explain the meaning of off
Read the instructions to the class and get them to do the
by heart, put students into pairs and ask them to answer the
exercise. Check the answers.
question together. Get some feedback from the class, and try to
Afterwards, put them into pairs to take turns describing their own
include the number of the emergency services (999 in the UK).

Get ready to listen and speak D Listening – Calling the emergency

• Read the question and answers to the class. Elicit/Explain the services
meaning of coastguard. Put students into pairs and ask them
1 Focus students on the pictures. Read the instructions to the
to discuss answers to this question with a partner.
class. Play the recording and then check the answer.
• Read the instructions to the class, put students into pairs and
2 Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meaning
get students to do the exercise. Check answers by writing
of operator. Put students into pairs and get them to do the
them on the board, encouraging students to write down any
exercise together. Play the recording so that they can check
new vocabulary.
their answers. Confirm their answers.
• Read the instructions to the class and get students to do the
3 Read the instructions to the class. Play the recording and then
exercise. Check answers by writing them on the board so that
check the answer.
students can check their spellings.

A Listening – Reporting a crime E Speaking – Reporting an emergency

1 Read the instructions to the class.
1 Make sure students read the Learning tip before doing this
exercise. Ask them if they have ever had anything stolen. 2 Read the instructions and the situations to the class. Play
Encourage students to talk about their experiences. Read the the first question and answer it, as an example (Ambulance,
instructions to the class and get students to do the exercise. please). Play the rest of the recording
Students will probably need dictionaries so that they can Afterwards, put them into pairs and tell them to imagine one of
check the meanings of any unknown words. them has just witnessed a serious incident. Explain they should
call the emergency services. Their partner is the operator.
2 Read the instructions, play the recording and check the
Afterwards, put students into pairs to role play the F Listening – Giving a statement to
conversation from memory. If you wish, ask for two volunteers the police
to act out the situation in front of the class. 1 Focus students on the map. Read the instructions to the class.
Play the recording and then check the answer.
Focus on … adjectives to describe 2 Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time
appearance to read the statements. Play the recording and then check the
Read the instructions to the class and get them to do the exercise. answers.
Students may need dictionaries to help them with the meanings of
unknown words, preferably monolingual ones. Check the answers. Sound smart – The schwa /ə/
Elicit the pronunciation of the schwa from the class. Encourage
B Speaking – Giving descriptions (1) students to practise this sound in isolation. Read the instructions
1 Read the instructions to the class. Give them some time to and play the example to the class. Put students into pairs and
read the extract. Put them into pairs and get them to do the get them to do the exercise with a partner. Play the recording so
exercise together. Check the answer. that they can check their answers. Confirm their answers. Play
the recording again so that they can repeat.
2 Put students into pairs to take turns describing someone
from the pictures, including their clothes. Their partner must
identify the correct person. Then get students to describe the Class bonus
appearances of other students in the class. Put students into small groups. Tell them to prepare a role play
of the whole situation they have just listened to. Explain they
C Speaking – Giving descriptions (2) should decide which role each person will play, and what they
can say at each stage of the situation. If you wish, ask students
1–2 Read the instructions to the class. Give them some time to to imagine a different emergency situation. When they are ready,
read the examples. Put them into pairs and get them to do have them act out their role play in front of the class.
the exercises together. Check the answers.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 3 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit12 Can I take a message?

Put students into pairs and ask them to brainstorm ways of Learning tip
communicating (e.g. letters, email, etc). Collate ideas on the
Point out that Hang on used on its own is a very informal way to
board, encouraging students to write down any new vocabulary.
ask someone to wait or slow down.

Get ready to listen and speak D Listening – Note taking

Read the instructions and the phone types to the class. Get
Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meaning of
students to do the exercise. They may need to use dictionaries
query and client. Give students some time to read through the
to help them, preferably monolingual ones.
notes so that they are prepared to listen. Play the recording and
After students finish, put them into small groups to make a list of
then check the answers.
the difficulties of speaking on the phone rather than face-to-face.
Then review ideas as a class.
Class bonus
A Listening – Taking a message Read the instructions to the class, put students into pairs and get
them to do the exercise.
1 Focus students on the photo. Read the instructions to the After they finish, tell students to use their notes to relay the
class. Play the recording and then check the answer. message back to their partner. Their partner should listen
2 Read the instructions to the class. Give students time to read carefully to check whether the message contains all the key
through the message slip. Put students into pairs and get information they gave.
them to try and remember the answers. Play the recording so
that they can check their answers. Confirm their answers. Did you know …?
Read the Did you know… ? box to the class. Get them to
B Speaking – Getting it right discuss with a partner whether they usually leave messages,
1–2 Read the instructionss and the examples to the class. Point and if not, why not. Then get them to brainstorm the things you
out that repeating important information back to the caller is should do when leaving a voicemail message. Get feedback
a good way of making sure you have understood correctly. from the class.
Also, it gives the caller the chance to confirm all the details are
correct. E Listening – Leaving a message
3 Read the instructions to the class. Emphasize the fact that 1 Read the instructions. Give students some time to read
they should focus on the key details, such as names, times, through the expressions so that they are prepared to listen.
places, etc. Play the recording and pause after a to make sure Play the recording and then check the answers by writing
students understand what to do. Then play the rest of the them on the board so that students can check their spellings.
recording. 2–3 Read through the questions. Put students into pairs and get
them to do the exercises together. Check the answers.
Focus on … telephoning 4 Read the instructions, play the recording and then check the
Read the instructions to the class, get students to do the answers.
exercises and then check the answers.
Afterwards, ask students to call out any more words or phrases F Speaking – Leaving a voicemail message
connected with telephoning (e.g. ring someone back). Write
their ideas on the board, encouraging students to write down 1 Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time
any new vocabulary. to read the steps. Put them into pairs and get them to do the
exercise together. Check the answers
C Speaking – Making sure you have 2 Read the instructions to the class. Put students into pairs
understood and get them to do the exercise together. Collate their ideas
on the board, encouraging students to write down any new
1 Read the instructions and the expressions to the class. vocabulary.
2 Read the instructions to the class. Play the recording and then
check the answers. Sound smart – Connected speech
3 Read the instructions to the class. Play the recording and Read the instructionss and play the recordings, checking the
pause after a to check that students have understood. Play answers to the second exercise. Then play the second recording
the rest of the recording, encouraging students to use the again so that students can repeat.
language in Exercises 1 and 2.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 3 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit13 Let’s get started

Put students into pairs and get them to brainstorm different D Speaking – Responding to suggestions
phrases and expressions including the word meeting. Examples
include: hold or call a meeting; be in a meeting, emergency 1 Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time to
meeting, a chance meeting. Collate ideas on the board, read the expressions. Put students into pairs and get them to
encouraging students to write down any new vocabulary. do the exercise. Check the answers.
2 Read the instructions to the class. Play the recording and then
Get ready to listen and speak check the answers.
Read the instructionss to the class, get students to do the 3 Read the instructions to the class. Pause the recording after
exercises and then check the answers. Ask concept questions a to make sure students understand. Put students into pairs
about some of the more difficult vocabulary, e.g. minutes. and get them to do the others, encouraging them to use the
Write What makes a good meeting? on the board, put students language from Exercsie 1.
into pairs and get them to brainstorm different ideas. Collate
them on the board. Sound smart – Intonation in questions
Read the instructions and play the examples. Put students into
A Listening – The language of meetings pairs and get them to do the exercise. Play the recording so that
they can check their answers. Confirm their answers.
1 Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time to
read the sentences to prepare themselves for listening. Play
the recording and then check the answers. E Speaking – Clarifying what you mean
2 Read the instructions to the class, play the recording and then 1 Read the instructions and and the expressions to the class.
check the answers. 2 Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meaning
Afterwards, tell students individually to write three more of launch. Pause the recording after a to make sure students
sentences. When they are ready, tell them to find a partner understand. Put students into pairs and get them to do the
and read aloud their sentences to each other. Can they others, encouraging them to use the language from Exercise 1.
identify the correct number of words they hear?
3 Read the instructions to the class, play the recording and F Listening – Finishing a meeting
then check the answers, writing them on the board so that
1 Before doing the exercise, point out that towards the end of a
students can check their spellings.
meeting the chair often summarizes the main points to help clarify
4 Read the instructions to the class and then play the recording what has been decided and what action is needed.
so that students can repeat. Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time to
5–6 Read the instructions to the class, get students to do the read the summary. Put students into pairs and get them to try to
exercises and then check the answers. predict the answers, or at least the kind of answer (e.g. a noun or
Then, put students into pairs to note any more expressions they a month).
can use for the same functions. Collate ideas on the board, 2 Read the instructions to the class. Play the recording and
encouraging students to write down any new vocabulary. then check the answers, writing them on the board so that
students can check their spelling.
B Listening – Participating in a discussion 3 Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time to
1 Read the instructions and the expressions to the class. Play read the expressions so that they are prepared to listen. Play
the recording and then check the answers. the recording and then check the answers.
2 Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time
to read through the table to prepare themselves for listening. Did you know …?
Play the recording and then check the answers. Ask if any students have taken part in a videoconference before.
Afterwards, put students into groups of four. Tell them to turn Ask the class to call out the advantages and disadvantages of
to the Audioscript and role play the conversation. videoconferencing compared with face-to-face meetings.

C Speaking – Asking for opinions Class bonus

1 Read the instructions and play the examples. Play the Encourage students to take different roles (e.g. sales manager,
recording again so that students can repeat. marketing manager, etc.). Monitor and check for accuracy.
Alternatively, you could do this using the ‘goldfish bowl’ approach:
2 Read the instructions and the questions to the class. Elicit/
have one group role play the situation in the middle of the
Explain the meaning of the verb to chair and the noun chair.
classroom. Tell students they can raise their hand to exit the role
Ask if anyone has ever chaired a meeting. Play the recording
play at any point. A student waiting on the outside can then take
and then check the answers.
over their role. This is a good way to keep everyone listening
3 Read the instructions to the class. Do the first one as an carefully and to ensure you hear all the language produced.
example. Put students into pairs and get them to do the rest.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008
Real Listening and Speaking 3 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit14 Good morning, everyone

Get ready to listen and speak C Listening – Note taking
• Read the instructions and the words. Give students some 1 Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time to
time to read the definitions. Put students into pairs and get read the notes before playing the recording. Put students into
them to do the exercise together. Check the answers. pairs and get them to compare what Jorge and Cynthia have
• Ask the class the question. written.
• Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meaning 2 Ask the pairs the question and get them to discuss the answer
of informative. Put students into pairs and get them to do the together. Get some feedback on the students’ opinions.
exercise together. Get feedback on the students’ opinions in a 3 Read the instructions to the class. Give them some time to
whole-class discussion. read the headings of the notes. Play the recording and then
put students into pairs to compare the notes they have made.
A Listening – Understanding the main idea Encourage them to give each other advice where possible.
Focus students on the photo and get them to tell each other
what they can see. Elicit/Explain laboratory (and its abbreviation Learning tip
lab) and sustainable energy. Focus students on the Learning Tell students that they should try to review their notes as soon as
tip at this point. Read the instructions to the class. Give students possible after they listen to a talk or lecture to make sure they are
some time to read the points for all the extracts. Play the clear, improving them while the lecture is still fresh in their minds.
recording and then check the answers.
Sound smart – Emphasizing important
B Listening – Seeing the big picture information
1 Before students begin, put them into pairs, focus them on the Read the instructions to the class. Play the first recording and
picture and get them to discuss what they can see. Read the check the answers. Read the instructions for the third exercise,
instructions and then tell students that predicting topics is an play the recording, get students to do the exercise and then check
important listening skill. Get students to do the exercise. the answers.
2 Read the instructions to the class and then play the recording.
Put students into pairs and get them to compare what they D Speaking – Summarizing a talk
predicted with what they heard. Get feedback on whether 1 Read the instructions to the class. Get students to do the
they predicted correctly or not. exercise. Check the answers.
3–4 Explain that the main theme is different to the main idea: 2 Read the instructions to the class. Explain to students that they
the main theme is the general topic being discussed, while should use the notes they have already made to help them.
the main idea is the key argument that is expressed within Then give them some time to review their notes and prepare a
that topic. summary. Next, put students into groups so that they can each
Read the questions to the class, put students into pairs and give their oral summary of the lecture. Afterwards, tell them to
get them to answer them together. Check the answers. discuss which summary they felt was the best, and why.
5 Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meanings
of consequence and statistics. Give students some time to Class bonus
read the topics. Put students into pairs and get them to try to
Ask students to call out topics connected with the environment,
remember the answers. Play the recording so that they can
and list these on the board. Then tell each student to
check. Confirm the answers.
choose one, and give them some time to prepare their one-
minute presentation. Monitor and help where necessary.
Focus on … signposts Encourage them to use signposts. Group students to give their
Before doing the exercise, tell students that signposts are useful presentations to each other. Tell students to listen carefully to
in helping the audience of a lecture understand. decide which presentation is best, and note their reasons why.
Read the instructions to the class, get students to do the exercise If you wish, use the evaluation form on page 84 to help guide
and then check the answers. students in their assessment.
After doing the exercise, if you wish, put students into pairs and
get them to list other signposts they know, and the functions
they fulfil. When they finish, have them write their ideas on the

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 3 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit15 Good afternoon, everyone

Put students into pairs and get them to list all the classroom D Listening – Concluding your
equipment they can see in the room. Collate what they have presentation
written on the board, encouraging students to write down any
new vocabulary. 1 Before students begin, ask them to recall Stephanie Adams,
the careers counsellor. Can they remember what she was
Get ready to listen and speak talking about?
Read the instructions and the stages to the class. Play the
• For the first two exercises, read the instructions to the class recording and then check the answers.
and get them to do the exercises. They may need to use
2 Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time
dictionaries to help them with these, preferably monolingual
to read the phrases. Play the recording and then check the
ones. Check the answers.
answers by writing them on the board so that students can
• Read the instructions to the class. Put students into pairs and check their spellings.
get them to decide together what the order of importance is.
3 Read the instructions to the class and then play the recording
Get feedback from pairs on their decisions and reasons for
so that students can repeat.
4 Read the instructions, play the recording and then check the
A Listening – Introduction
1 Elicit/Explain the meaning of careers counsellor. Read the E Listening – Questions and answers
instructions and the stages to the class. Play the recording and
Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time to read
then check the answers.
the expressions. Play the recording and then check the answers,
2 Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time writing them on the board so that students can check their
to read the expressions. Put students into pairs and get them answers.
to try to remember the answers. Play the recording again Afterwards, ask them if they can remember the questions that the
and check the answers by writing them on the board so that audience asked Stephanie. Write them on the board and then tell
students can check their spellings. them to listen again and note the answer to each question.

B Speaking – Getting off to a good start F Speaking – Reacting effectively to

1 Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time questions
to do the exercise. Put students into pairs and get them to
1 Read the instructions and the expressions to the class. Ask
compare their answers. Check their answers.
students to call out when they might use each expression
2 Read the instructions to the class. Put students into pairs and (e.g. if they are worried about time, if they disagree, etc).
get them to do the exercise together. Encourage them to call out more expressions they can use for
each function.
C Listening – Keeping on track 2 Read the instructions to the class. Elicit/Explain the meaning
1 Read the instructions to the class. Remind them what signposts of fall behind. Play the recording and pause after a to make
are. Give students some time to read through the extract. Put sure students understand what to do. Play the rest of the
students into pairs and get them to try to predict the answers. recording, encouraging them to use the language in
Play the recording and then check the answers, writing them Exercise 1.
on the board so that students can check their spelling.
2 Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time G Speaking – Giving a short presentation
to read through the extract so that they are prepared to listen. 1–2 Read the instructionss to the class. Give students plenty of
Play the recording and then check the answers. time to develop their ideas, and to organize them. Monitor
and help where necessary. Make sure they refer to the format
Sound smart – Sounding confident in Speak up! to help them, and tell them to use language
Read through the tips and explain that these will be useful from the unit wherever possible.
in helping students to control their nerves and sound more
confident. Have students identify the tips that are most useful for
them, and make a personal checklist.
Read the instructions. Play the recordings and then check the

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 3 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit16 What do you mean?

Elicit the meaning of seminar. Write the following on the board: Learning tip
In a seminar you should… and In a seminar you shouldn’t…
Again, you may wish to demonstrate this by speaking to the class
Put students into pairs, give them a set time and get them to
in two ways: first, by fiddling with a pen and pacing from side
think of as many different ways to complete the two sentences
to side, and then, a second time, standing still and using hand
as they can, e.g. You should take notes, You shouldn’t chat, etc.
gestures to help explain what you are saying. Encourage them to
Get feedback on students’ ideas.
identify which way is more effective in aiding communication.

Get ready to listen and speak D Listening – Debating issues

Read the instructionss to the class, get students to do the
exercises and then check the answers. 1 Read the instructions to the class and do an example. Get
students to write down more questions. Put students into
pairs and get them to compare what they have written.
A Listening – Starting your seminar
Collate questions on the board, correcting grammar as
1 Focus students on the Study skills advice. Give students some necessary.
time to read it. Read the instructions and the questions to the 2 Read the instructions to the class. Play the recording. You may
class. Play the recording and then check the answer. need to pause the CD after each question. Ask the class the
2 Ask the class this question. question.
3 Read the instructions to the class. Put students into pairs and 3 Read the instructions to the class. Put students into pairs
get them to try to remember the answers. Play the recording and get them to try to remember Greg’s answers. Play the
again so that they can check. Confirm their answers. recording so that they can check their answers. Confirm them
4–5 Read the instructionss to the class and put students by writing them on the board so that students can check their
into groups to do the exercises together. Encourage them spellings.
to compare their views of Greg’s talk, and to discuss any
differences of opinion. Get feedback from the class. E Speaking – In a discussion
1 Read the instructions and the expressions to the class.
B Listening – Presenting an argument
2 Read the instructions to the class, play the recording and then
1 Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time to check the answers.
read the ideas. Play the recording and then check the answers. 3 Read the instructions to the class. Do a as an example. Get
2 Read the instructions to the class. Give students some time to students to do the others, encouraging them to use the
read the statements. Put students into pairs and get them to language in Exercise 1.
answer the question together. Check the answer.
Did you know …?
Did you know …? If you have a chance to take your class to a computer centre,
You may wish to demonstrate the point by talking to the this could be the basis of an interesting lesson. Tell students
students in different ways. to take the VARK test themselves! Explain they should go to, and complete the questionnaire to find
Sound smart – Sounding enthusiastic out what learning style they are.
Read the instructions to the class and demonstrate each way of
sounding enthusiastic in turn. Play the recording and check the Class bonus
answer. Play the recording again so students can practise their Tell students they are going to give a short presentation in a
pronunciation. seminar environment. Review the stages they need to cover
Put students into pairs and give them plenty of time to do more to make this a seminar presentation. If you wish, tell them to
practice. Monitor and help where necessary. If you wish, have a prepare a short presentation for homework and hold the next
short competition to find out who can sound the most enthusiastic! class as a seminar.

C Speaking – Making a good case Extra practice

1 Read the instructions and the expressions to the class. Encourage students to note the type of learner they are. They
can then use this information to help guide their future studies.
2 Read the instructions, play the recording and then get
students to do the exercise.
3 Read the instructions to the class. Do a as an example to make Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or
sure students understand. Get them to do the others. Monitor accuracy of URLS for external or third-party internet websites referred to
this exercise closely, making individual corrections as necessary. in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such
websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 4 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit1 How’s it going?

Get ready to listen and speak E Speaking – Keeping a conversation
• Students complete this on their own. going (3)
• Students work in groups and speculate about each other’s 1 Explain that reply questions are short questions we ask
characters, based on their answers to the first exercise. You immediately after hearing something, in order to show
may wish to give a demonstration of this activity by having the interest and ask for more information. Point out that the
class begin by asking you each question, and then encouraging auxiliary is used, in the same way as for question tags.
them to say what your answers indicate about your personality. 2 Get students to do the exercise.
For example, students may say You don’t like going to parties
3 Play the recording to check answers. Play the recording again
so you’re probably quite shy and introverted, but you do like
and get students to take the role of B. Tell students to try and
meeting new people so perhaps your fairly curious, too.
speak at the same time.
4 Play the recording and get students to do the exercise. After
A Listening – Starting a conversation
students finish, put them into groups of three and tell them to
1–2 Play the recordings and get students to do the exercises. take turns making statements. Their partners must compete
to be the first to respond with the correct reply question.
B Listening – Making small talk
Before students begin, explain that ‘small talk’ is conversation Focus on… question tags
about insignificant matters, and we usually make small talk with Get students to do the exercises. Students can work in pairs
people we do not know well. to read the statements and question tags with rising or falling
1 Play the recording and get students to circle the correct intonation. Students should identify whether their partner is
answers. using rising or falling intonation.
2 Play the recording again and get students to discuss the
answer. Then point out that there are three techniques here Class bonus
which Nick uses to help keep the conversation going: he asks Review the three techniques to keep a conversation going.
follow-up questions; he uses question tags and he also asks During the role play, monitor and check for accuracy. Make a
reply questions. Explain that they will now cover each of these note of any language errors you hear, and go through these at
techniques in turn. the end of the class.

C Speaking – Keeping a conversation F Listening – Understanding irony

going (1) 1–5 Explain that irony is fairly common, especially in British
1–3 Before students do the exercises, explain that follow-up English, is often hard to understand but because an ironic
questions are questions we ask to find out more information comment expresses an idea which is the opposite, or very
about something we have just heard. Give an example, by different, from what is actually meant. Understanding irony
saying I’ve worked at this school for xx years and encourage is an important skill and helps avoid misunderstandings. Get
students to ask follow-up questions, e.g. Where did you work students to do the exercises, playing the recordings where
before? Why did you choose to come to this school? What’s indicated.
the best thing about working here? etc. Get students to do
the exercises, playing the recording where indicated. Sound smart – Indicating emotion
Get students to do the exercises. After checking answers, put
D Speaking – Keeping a conversation students into pairs and get them to practise the sentences in
going (2) Exercise 3 alternating between enthusiastic and bored. Students
have to identify which emotion their partner is expressing.
1 Discuss Exercise 1 as a whole class.
2 Play the recording and check answers as a whole class. Focus on… Exclamations
3 After checking answers, make sure students understand Students could work in pairs to do this exercise. After checking
that the intonation we use on the question tag can affect its answers, say to the class, I think we should finish early today,
purpose. If we do not know the answer and are asking for and encourage students to respond with an appropriate
clarification, then we use a rising intonation (our voice goes exclamation, such as, what a great idea! what a relief! or even,
up). However, if we know the answer and are simply asking what a pity! Then tell students to practise in pairs.
for the listener to agree with us, then we use falling intonation
(our voice goes down).
4–5 Students practise rising and falling intonation in pairs.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 4 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit2 I’m looking for a camera

Get ready to listen and speak D Listening – Making a purchase
Get students to match the items to the pictures and then tick the 1–3 Play the recording for each exercise and get students to
ones they own. After students finish, tell them to talk about the write the answers before reviewing answers as a class.
items they own. If you wish, write some questions on the board to
guide them, e.g. Which item do you use the most? How long have E Speaking – Getting a good deal
you had it? Where did you buy it from? How much did it cost? etc.
1 Get students to underline the words James uses to bargain
A Listening – In an electrical shop with the assistant.
2 Get students to use the words from Exercise 1 to bargain
1–2 Play the recording and get students to do the exercises.
with the assistant in Exercise 2. Explain that in the UK it is
not normally possible to haggle (bargain) over the price in a
B Listening – Asking for information shop, although it may be possible to negotiate a better deal.
1–4 Before students begin, explain that a ‘smart phone’ is a Ask students if it is possible to haggle in their countries and in
mobile phone that has many different functions, such as which kinds of shops.
video, Internet browsing and email, personal calendar, etc.
Ask if any students have a smart phone, and encourage them Focus on… the language of sales
to explain what they use it for. Play the recording and get Get students to circle the correct preposition in each sentence.
students to do the exercises.
Class bonus
Learning tip
Before they begin, make sure you give students who are role
Read aloud the text and point out that students should not be playing shop assistants enough time to make a list of items
afraid to make notes to plan what they want to say before an and services they have to sell, and the prices they want to ask.
important conversation. Add that even native speakers sometimes Students who are role playing customers can use the time to
make notes, especially before important business calls. decide what items and services they want to buy, and prepare to
haggle. You will then need to rearrange the desks in the classroom
Did you know…? into ‘stalls’. Begin by sending the customers outside, and getting
Tell students that the European Union’s WEEE Directive will them to enter pretending to be customers in a shop. Monitor and
soon affect all businesses, setting collection and recycling targets make a note of any errors you hear for review later.
for all types of electrical goods. Add that there is even a 7
metre tall sculpture of a robot made from 3.3 tonnes of waste F Listening – Returning an item to a shop
electrical products, called the WEEE man. This represents the
1–2 Before students begin, ask them to raise their hands if they
average waste of electrical and electronic items a UK citizen is
have ever returned an item to a shop. If enough students
responsible for in a lifetime.
raise their hands, put them into groups to tell each other. If
only one or two students raise their hands, ask volunteers to
Sound smart – The schwa /ə/ explain what they returned, when and why. Play the recording
Play the recordings and get students to do the exercises. Remind and get students to do the exercises.
students that the schwa is the unvoiced, or weak, vowel sound
that is so common in spoken English. Point out that it does not G Speaking – Returning items
represent a single letter, but sometimes two or more letters (e.g.
sister, thorough, etc.). Emphasize the fact that if they learn to use 1–3 Get students to look at Exercise 1. Play the recording and
the schwa correctly it will help them sound more natural when get students to do Exercise 2. Get students to use the phrases
they speak in English. from Exercises 1 and 2 to explain their problems in Exercise
3. After students finish, get them to role play conversations
in pairs, using the items in Exercise 3. Tell them to use the
C Speaking – Finding out about a product
pictures and information to guide them.
1–3 You could work through these exercises as a whole class.
After students finish, put them into pairs and tell them to Extra practice
exchange their mobile phones (or another electronic device,
Encourage students to record what they say and then listen
if they prefer). Explain they should ask and answer questions
to themselves afterwards. Explain they should try to identify
about their functions, using the language in Exercises 1 and 2
any areas they could improve, such as their grammar or
to help them.
pronunciation. You may even wish to collect their recordings to
grade, and give individual feedback.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 4 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit3 I need to see a doctor

Get ready to listen and speak D Listening – At the doctor’s
• Get students to match the problems with the symptoms. 1 Before students begin, make sure they understand the
• Get students to discuss what advice they would give to meaning of each of the symptoms. Play the recording and get
someone suffering from these problems. students to do the exercise.
2 Play the recording and get students to complete the doctor’s
A Listening – Getting the right healthcare notes.

1–4 Before students begin, put them into pairs and tell them 3–5 Get students to do the exercises, playing the recordings
to take turns describing each picture. Explain that their where indicated. Check answers as a class after each exercise.
partner should listen and identify the correct picture. Play the At the end, you could write on the board these adjectives to
recordings as required and get students to do the exercises. describe pain, and ask students to check the meaning of any
After checking answers, get students to role play each they do not know: sharp, throbbing, stabbing, shooting, dull.
conversation from memory. Explain they can use the pictures
and the information on the page to help them. Learning tip
Emphasize to students the fact that they should not pretend
B Listening – Registering at a doctor’s to understand if they do not understand! It is perfectly natural
surgery among native speakers to ask for confirmation in this way so
they will not appear foolish.
1–2 Play the recording and get students to do the exercises.
After students finish, encourage the class to compare this E Speaking – Understanding the diagnosis
registration process in the UK with the system in their own
country. Do they know what documents and information they 1–2 You could do these exercises as a class and drill some of
need to provide? the phrases.
3 Play the recording, pausing it where appropriate. You could get
Did you know…? students to confer with a partner quietly after each statement
You may wish to also tell students that in the UK over 1.3 and then check answers as a whole class.
million people are employed in the UK’s National Health Service,
making it the largest employer in Europe and the third largest in Sound smart – Using stress to correct
the world, according to the specialist recruitment agents, NHS misunderstandings
Employers. The annual budget is around £100 billion. Explain Play the recording for students to notice the word stress. Play the
that the NHS was set up in 1948 and guarantees free healthcare second recording, pausing where necessary and check students
to all UK citizens (although people have to pay for medication stress the important words.
prescribed by their doctor).
Class bonus
C Listening – Finding out about health
Allow some preparation time for this exercise. Students who are
services playing doctors should review the language they will need to
1–3 Before students begin, give them time to look at the use when giving a diagnosis by looking at the audioscripts on
Cranfield House Surgery information leaflet. You might want p88. Students who are role playing patients can use the time to
to ask them to explain what they think each section covers decide what symptoms and illnesses they have. Rearrange the
(e.g. the Well Person Clinic gives simple health checks and desks in the classroom into ‘consultation rooms’. Tell students
advice on how to stay healthy). Play the recording as required who are patients to see as many doctors as they can. Tell them
and get students to do the exercises. to listen to each doctor’s diagnosis and advice, and remind them
If you wish, put students into pairs and get them to compare to repeat back the important information. Monitor and make
the health services offered at Cranfield House Surgery with a note of any errors you hear, to review later. Ask students to
those offered by the medical practice they attend. feedback on which doctor gave the best advice.

Extra practice
Encourage students to visit the BBC Learning English website
regularly throughout the course. Explain that it offers an excellent
source of online practice material, on a wide range of topics and

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not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008
Real Listening and Speaking 4 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit4 What’s the problem?

Get ready to listen and speak C Speaking – Offering your opinion
Get students to label the diagrams and match the expressions. 1 Get students to underline the expressions. Make sure
After checking answers, put students into groups to make a list students understand that all the expressions are for giving
of some more common problems that people encounter in their strong advice. Explain that all the positive expressions
daily lives with everyday items they use (e.g. a car can have a are interchangeable and all the negative ones are also
flat tyre, a light bulb can ‘go’, etc.). Write their ideas on the board. interchangeable.
Then put students into groups to discuss what they would do in
2–3 Play the recordings and allow students enough time to
each situation. You may wish to give an example yourself, such
practise the language in the responses.
as When my car has a flat tyre I never try to repair it myself. I
take it to my local garage and they fix it.
D Speaking – Speculating about
A Listening – Dealing with everyday consequences
problems 1 Get students to underline the consequences. Point out the
use of ‘will’ in the consequence clause.
1–3 Play the recordings and get students to do the exercises,
checking and discussing as a class after each individual 2 For weaker students you may want to allow them to write
exercise. down the responses after each statement. You could then
replay the recording two more times: the first time students
should read out the answers, the second time they should
Learning tip
respond without looking at their notes.
Read aloud the text and emphasize the fact that information
can be transmitted not only in the words we hear, but the
background noises that accompany them. Tell students you are E Listening – Coping in an emergency
going to demonstrate this. Ask students to close their eyes, and 1 Before students begin, tell them to speculate about each of
listen to what you are doing. Walk to the door, open it, step out the pictures. Write these questions on the board to guide
of the classroom, and then close the door behind you. Wait a them: Who can you see? Where are they? What might have
moment, then open the door, step into the classroom, close the happened? Play the recording and get students to match the
door behind you, and return to your desk. Get students to open emergency to the picture.
their eyes and tell their partner what they think you did.
2–4 Get students to do the exercises. Check the answers
as a class after each exercise. After checking answers, put
Focus on… modals of deduction students into pairs and tell them to close their books and say
Do Exercises 1 and 2 as a whole class to present the language everything they can remember about each of the situations.
to students.
Class bonus
B Speaking – Finding solutions Get students to prepare the details of an emergency situation
1 Ask students to say whether the speaker of each of the of their choice. Then ask students to prepare a role play for
sentences is sure or not sure about the cause of what has the emergency situation they thought of, including what they
happened. decided to do. When they are ready, get volunteers to act out
their situation in front of the class. Ask the class if they would do
2–3 Get students to work in pairs, allowing enough time
the same if faced with the same situation.
between the playing of each example, and then feedback
as a whole class. When students finish, you could put them
into pairs and ask them to imagine another item of electronic Extra practice
equipment is not working (e.g. their TV, phone, etc.). Tell Explain to students that this website offers a wide choice of
them to role play the conversation, with one student making video material they can watch and listen to, covering practical
suggestions as to the possible causes, and the other student advice on many topics. Encourage students to find different
giving replies. topics they are interested in and to watch more videos.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 4 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit5 What a lot of red tape!

You could ask students if they know what we mean by red tape 3 Get students to read the requirements and then play the
at the start of the class. If they do not know refer them to the recording. Students should number each requirement in order.
Did you know…? box. 4 Play the recording and get students to tick the relevant
requirements. After checking answers, ask if they know what
Get ready to listen and speak procedures and documents are required in their country for
Get students to discuss the questions in pairs. people from other countries to work or live there.

A Listening – Contacting the visa office Did you know…?

1–2 Play the recordings and get students to do the exercises. Get students to read the text. You might also tell students that
every year there is a green card lottery in which 50,000 green
cards are given away, giving winners the right to live and work in
Did you know…?
the US without the need to go through all this red tape!
Get students to read the text. You could also tell them that the
origin of the term red tape goes back to 17th century England
E Speaking – Giving explanations
when official documents were tied together using a red tape.
1 Discuss the question as a whole class. Explain that in most
Learning tip cases officials only want clear, short and simple answers to
the questions they ask. There is no advantage in giving lots of
Get students to read the text. Ask students to share examples
unnecessary detail, which will only make the process longer.
of symbols that they use in notes, and tell students some of the
symbols you use. 2 Give students a chance to note down the answers the first time
they listen. Play the recording a second time and nominate
B Listening – Enquiring about a visa students to give the answers. Then, get students to work in
pairs with one playing the role of the immigration official and
1–2 Make sure students read through the questions before they reading the questions from the audioscript on p90.
listen. After students finish, you could put them into pairs and
tell them to use the questions and their notes to role play the Class bonus
conversation between Yuki and the visa officer.
Give students enough time to prepare the role play and tell them
to use the language and strategies in the unit to help them. During
C Speaking – Making sure you understand
the role play, monitor and check for accuracy. Make a note of any
1 Get students to underline the expression. language errors you hear, and go through these at the end of the
2 Get students to rephrase Yuki’s question in Exercise 1 with class. If you wish, conclude the activity by having volunteers come
the alternative expressions in Exercise 2. to the front of the class to act out their role play.
3 Play the recording and allow students time to formulate their
responses. After students finish, put them into pairs to role play Extra practice
each conversation. Explain that one student should be the UK As a variation, you may wish to suggest students research the
visa official while their partner should play the role of enquirer. requirements for immigrating to a country they would like to
Can they remember what each of the terms (a–e) means? work and live in. At the beginning of the next class, you could ask
Refer them to the audioscript on p89 for the answers. them to report their findings to each other.

Focus on… official language More activities

Students can do the exercise individually. Get students to check If it is not too sensitive an issue with your class, you could
their answers in pairs before checking as a whole class. After continue the green card theme and set up a debate about
checking answers, you could ask students to make one more immigration. Divide the class into two groups and tell one
sentence using each word or phrase from the box. Monitor and group to list the benefits of immigration and the other group to
check for accuracy, then put students into groups to read aloud list the drawbacks. When they are ready, put students into pairs
their sentences to each other. (comprising one students from each group) and get them
to tell each other their ideas. Finally, encourage students to
D Listening – Applying for a green card in discuss their own experiences of immigration, and take a class
the US vote to see who is in favour of more immigration control.

1–2 Check students know what a green card is. If they do not,
refer them to the Did you know…? box. Play the recording
and get students to do the exercises.

Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLS for external or third-party Internet websites referred to in this publication, and does
not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008
Real Listening and Speaking 4 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit6 What a great view!

Before students begin, get them to call out all the different B Speaking – Talking about places of
types of holiday they can think of, and write their ideas on the interest
board, e.g. a camping holiday, a sightseeing holiday, a cruise, a
hiking holiday, a city break, a holiday by the beach, an adventure 1 Play the recording and get students to tick the experssions
holiday, a skiing holiday, etc. Put them into groups to talk about they hear. Make sure students know they can also use the
the type of holiday they prefer and why. expressions that Sarah and Paul do not use.
2–4 Students could also talk about the town they are in now if
Get ready to listen and speak it is more interesting for the whole group. Put students into
Get students to answer the questions in pairs. Next, get students groups for these activities and get them to tell each other
to talk about the last time they visited a city as a tourist. Write about things to do and places of interest in their home town.
these questions on the board: Where did you go? When? Tell them to use their notes to help them, and monitor to
Why did you choose this place? What did you do there? What make sure they use the language presented in Exercise 1.
was the most impressive thing you saw? What was the most
entertaining thing you did? First, get the class to ask you each C Listening – Asking about attractions
question in turn and give your own answers. Then tell students 1–4 Do not focus too much on the picture as students are
to ask and answer the questions together. asked which city this is in Exercise 4. Play the recordings
and get students to do the exercises. After checking answers
A Listening – Showing someone around to Exercises 1–4, put students into pairs to role play the
1 Before students begin, ask them to raise their hands if they conversation with their partner. Explain one person should be
have ever shown a friend or relative around their home Mark while their partner is the travel agent. Encourage them
town. Get any students who raise their hands to tell the class to refer to the questions and answers to help them.
who they showed around, when and what they did. Play the
recording and get students to compare their answers in pairs Sound smart – Stress and rhythm
before checking together as a class. 1 Play recording 56 and get students to notice the stress and
2 Play the recording again and get students to do the exercise. rhythm.
After checking answers, you could get students to choose 2 Get students to underline where they think the stress is.
a different place from those in Get ready to listen and
3 Play recording 57 and get students to check. Play the
speak, and make a list of associated words and phrases.
recording again and get students to repeat the sentences
When they are ready, get them to talk about the place they
copying the stress and rhythm.
chose to the class, using the words and phrases in their list.
Can their classmates identify which place they are talking
about? D Speaking – Giving advice on where to go
1 Point out that all these expressions are equally strong.
Learning tip 2–4 Play the recording and get students to do the exercises.
Read the text aloud and point out that we can understand a lot
by listening to verbal clues provided by key words and phrases Class bonus
and then ‘stepping back’ to consider the whole picture in this Give students enough time to prepare and emphasize they
way. should use the language and strategies in the unit to help them.
Then put them into groups and tell them to ask their classmates
Focus on… strong adjectives some questions about the town or city they have chosen.
Get students to do the exercises. Make sure that students Monitor and check for accuracy. Make a note of any language
understand that you can not use ‘very’ before strong adjectives errors you hear, and go through these at the end of the class.
and that you can not use ‘absolutely’ before base adjectives
(tired, bad, etc.). After checking answers, you could put students Extra practice
into pairs to take turns making more sentences using the Tell students there are many great podcast sites and tourist sites
adverbs and adjectives listed. Monitor and check for accuracy, where they can find audio and video material giving information
providing help as needed. on popular cities to visit. If you wish, tell them to choose one
city they would like to visit and to find out as much as they can
Sound smart – Exaggerating about it. In the next class, get them to present their findings to
Get students to listen to the recordings and do the exercises. the class.
Before students listen to the recording for Exercise 3, model the
exaggerated intonation for items a–h (e.g. I’m starving) and get
the class to repeat in a choral drill.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 4 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit7 I’d appreciate it

Explain what a conference centre is and ask whether students Did you know…?
have ever been to a conference centre. If they have, ask why
Ask students what they know about Dubai. Dubai is one of the
they were there and what the facilities were like.
seven emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates. It has
the largest population, and is home to the Burj Al Arab, and the
Get ready to listen and speak Rose Tower, two of the tallest hotels in the world (321m and
Ask students to look at the pictures and explain that the Møller 333m respectively).
Centre is a top residential conference and training centre in
Cambridge, UK. It is part of Churchill College, one of the thirty- Sound smart – Detecting mood
one colleges that make up Cambridge University. Get students to
match each statement with a picture. 1–2 Before listening, check students understand the meaning of
the adjectives. Play the recording and get students to identify
the speakers’ attitudes. For Exercise 2, encourage students to
A Listening – Understanding detailed
identify what it is about the way each sentence is spoken that
requirements changes the mood it reflects. For example, a lively, high tone
1 Allow students time to read through Exercise 1 before indicates friendly, cooperative mood, while a fast, hard tone
listening and refer them to the Learning tip. indicates anger or impatience.
2 Make sure students understand the Conference Booking 3 Play the next recording and get students to identify the
sheet before listening. Play the recording and get students to attitudes. After checking answers, put students into pairs to
complete the booking sheet. take turns saying the same sentence in different ways. Their
partner must identify the mood they are trying to reflect.
B Speaking – Asking for services
E Speaking – Arguing your case
1 Play the recording and get students to tick the expressions
they hear. Make sure students understand that the other 1–2 Look at the expressions as a whole class. Play the recording
statements are equally polite. and get students to tick the expressions they hear.
2–3 Get students to do the exercises. After students finish, get 3 Encourage students to use different expressions for each of
them to role play the short conversations with a partner. the prompts in Exercise 3. Emphasize that using language
such as the expressions here can help them to insist on their
C Speaking – Overcoming language point without causing an argument or offence.
Focus on … interrupting
1–2 Get students to do the exercises and play the recording
Get students to do the exercises. Point out that it is especially
to check. After students finish, you could hand out pieces of
important to be polite and diplomatic when interrupting
paper with other items to describe on them and get students
someone, particularly in a work context. After checking answers,
to practise the language.
tell students to close their books and try to remember all six
3 Play the recording and get students to respond to the phrases they can use to interrupt someone. You might wish to get
receptionist, using the ideas a–d. Remind students that they students to identify the most formal and informal expressions.
can use the expressions in Exercise 1 to explain what they
need to the receptionist. Class bonus
Explain to students how the flow diagram works, showing the
D Listening – Specifying your requirements
flow their conversation should take. Give them enough time
1 Play the recording and get students to tick the adjectives to prepare and emphasize they should use the language and
they think describe Viktor’s attitude. Ask students how they strategies in the unit to help them. Then get them to role play
identified Viktor’s attitude. their conversation in front of the class, and note any language
2 Play the recording again and get students to answer the errors you hear. Finish by going through the errors.
questions. After checking answers ask students whether they
think Viktor is a good boss and why? More activities
If you wish, tell students to write another conversation similar
to the one in Class bonus. Tell them to hand their work in at
the next class for you to grade.

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Real Listening and Speaking 4 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit8 This is your office

Get ready to listen and speak D Listening – Roles and responsibilities
After students have identified each company with its area of 1–2 Play the recording and get students to do the exercises.
business activity, check answers then put them into small groups After checking answers, refer students to the audioscript on
to discuss the last question. If you wish, finish by having a class p92 and identify any other words or phrases specific to the
debate on the benefits of working for a small or large business. departments that the people work in.
Finally, tell students to discuss which company they would like to
work for one day, and to give their reasons. E Speaking – Describing your personal
Did you know…?
1 Check students understanding of the vocabulary in Exercise 1.
Tell students that at Google’s headquarters in California
employees enjoy free gourmet meals, free transport to and from 2 Get students to discuss this in pairs and then as a whole
local stations, free car wash, laundry service and hairdressers, class. Ask students to justify their answers.
free child care, an excellent gym, a dog walking service, language 3 If students feel uncomfortable about doing this they can
lessons, and many more perks. Ask students what services they complete the profile for a particular job, or for a different
think employers should provide to keep their employees happy. person rather than for themselves.

A Listening – Getting an overview Sound smart – Word stress

Play the first recording to highlight word stress and get students
1 Play the recording and get students to complete the company
to do Exercise 1. Encourage students to say the words in Exercise
profile. Then get students to compare answers in pairs before
2 out loud to identify the stress pattern. Then get students to put
reviewing as a class.
the words in the correct column. Play the second recording to
2 Before students begin, point out that many organizations have check answers and get students to repeat each word.
a ‘mission statement’ which tries to encapsulate the values and
ideals the company stands for. Ask if they know the mission F Speaking – Talking about your work
statement for their own company, college or organization. Refer
1 Play the recording and get students to identify who uses
students to the Learning tip and tell students that sometimes
which expression.
they need to listen for ‘the big picture’ as well as small details.
Read through the four possible answers (a–d), then tell 2 Give students plenty of time to prepare notes on one of the
students to listen while you play the recording and consider topics, then put them into small groups and tell them to take
which one summarizes the company’s values. turns talking about their topic. Emphasize they should use the
language listed. Monitor and correct any errors you hear.
3 Play the recording and get students to complete the chart. Check
students understand the functions of the different departments.
Focus on… prepositions with work
Get students to do the exercise.
B Speaking – Talking about organizations
1–2 Encourage students to describe the company in Exercise 2 Class bonus
using the expressions in Exercise 1. Perhaps give an example first by thinking of a job and telling
3 Put students into groups to choose a company and work students about the personal qualities needed, and the main
together to share the information they know. Allow students responsibilities. Be sure to use the language in the unit. After
plenty of time for this. They could do some research on the you finish, get them to guess what the job is. Then tell students
internet if you have the facilities to do this. Each group should to work individually and think of a different job and prepare to
present their company profile to the class, with each student talk about the personal qualities a person needs and the main
in the group presenting one part. Encourage the other responsibilities involved. When they are ready, get students to
students to be prepared to ask questions at the end. talk about the job to the class, or put them into small groups to
tell each other. In each case, those listening should try to identify
C Listening – Introducing new staff what the job is that is being described.
Extra practice
1 Get students to underline the expressions.
If you wish, get students to present their findings to the class.
2–3 Play the recording and get students to do the exercises. Give students time to research their company and practise their
Encourage students to refer back to the organization chart on presentation. Help students where needed, and when students
p40 in order to identify the correct department, if necessary. are ready, ask them to each give their presentation to the class.
Tell the class to evaluate each presentation using the form on p85.
Focus on… job titles To encourage them to do their best, you could grade their
Get students to do the exercise. Ask students if they know of any presentation.
other popular job titles, and write their ideas on the board. Point
out that not every job title has an abbreviation. PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008
Real Listening and Speaking 4 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit9 I’ll sort it out

Get ready to listen and speak Sound smart – Linking – /w/ and /j/
After students have matched the adjectives, check answers, and 1 Play the recording and highlight the linking sounds /w/ and
then put them into small groups to discuss the top three qualities /j/. Get students to practise.
needed to work in Customer Services. Give them time to decide
2 Tell students to do this exercise in pairs. Then play the
on the top three, then get each group to report their ideas to
recording and check answers as a class. Play the recording
the class and encourage students to debate any differences of
again and get students to repeat each sentence.
opinion. Finally, read aloud the saying ‘The customer is always
right’ and ask volunteers to say what they think this phrase
means. Then ask the class if they agree with this saying or not,
Class bonus
and encourage them to give their reasons. Before they begin, make sure you give students who are role
playing customers enough time to decide what they want
A Listening – Handling customer to complain about. Students who are role playing customer
service assistants can use the time to decide what language
and strategies to use, and prepare to deal with complaints. You
1–2 Play the recording and get students to do the exercises. will then need to rearrange the desks in the classroom into a
‘call centre’, with customer service assistants sitting individually
Did you know…? back to back with an empty chair (which the customers sit on to
Read aloud the text and ask students if they have ever make their call). Begin by having the customers choose a seat,
complained to a friend or relative about poor customer service and sit back to back with a customer service assistant. Encourage
they have received from a particular company. You may wish to customers to ‘call’ several different customer service assistants.
ask students to raise their hands if they have ever sent an email Ask the customers to identify which customer service assistant
or letter to thank a company for good customer service. dealt best with their complaint.

B Speaking – Keeping the customer happy D Listening – Problems in the office

1 Before students begin, brainstorm ways of keeping a 1 Play the recording and get students to match the pictures to
customer happy, e.g. be polite and diplomatic, offer an the speakers.
apology or an explanation if possible, resolve the situation 2–5 Play the recordings as appropriate and get students to do
speedily, remain calm and professional however angry the exercises.
or unpleasant the customer is. Get students to match the
expressions from Exercise 2, Section A with the functions in Did you know…?
this exercise. You might add that the remaining ‘top ten’ complaints here
2–4 Play the recordings where indicated and get students to do are: 6 – poor indoor air quality, 7 – no privacy, 8 – inadequate
the exercises. After students finish, put them into pairs to role parking, 9 – computer problems, 10 – noise. You could ask
play each conversation with their partner. students to call out any other problems they think office workers
might complain about, and then put them into groups to choose
C Speaking – Getting it right which of these problems would bother them most, and to
explain why.
1 Get students to look at the extracts. Explain that to confirm
information you can repeat the details and use the
expressions in bold. Emphasize that when taking orders over
E Speaking – Finding solutions
the phone it is important to make sure you have all the right 1–2 Get students to underline the relevant expressions. Ask two
information from a customer. students to read the dialogue in Exercise 1, replacing the key
expressions with the expressions in Exercise 2.
Learning tip 3 Play the recording. Explain to students that they need to use
Model the key expressions Is that correct? and Is that right? ideas a–f to suggest solutions to each problem.
making sure that your voice goes up at the end. Get students to
listen and repeat. More activities
Write this website address on the board and get students to
2 Get students to do the exercise. After students finish, put copy it. Http://
them into pairs and tell them to imagine one person works Explain that there are many useful pronunciation activities
in a call centre and the other is a customer phoning with an here which they can try.
order. Tell them to sit back to back and practise placing and
taking orders.

Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLS for external or third-party Internet websites referred to in this publication, and does
not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008
Real Listening and Speaking 4 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit10 Can I call you back?

Ask students if they like using the phone or if they prefer to C Listening – Receiving a call
speak face to face. Elicit some of the advantages of the two
types of communication (by phone / face to face). 1–3 Play the recording and get students to do the exercises.
Emphasize that students should take care to use the
appropriate register for each call they take. For example, to
Get ready to listen and speak
take a call from an important client they should use formal
• Get students to tick their answers. language, while they can use more informal language for
• Get students to write Do or Don’t for each phrase and check a call from a colleague. Encourage them to think of more
their answers with a partner. situations when they might receive calls, and to identify the
• Finally, get them to tell each other whether they think they appropriate register for each one.
have good telephone manners or not, and to explain why.
D Speaking – Practise receiving calls
A Listening – Making a call
1 Students can work in pairs to do the exercise.
1–5 Play the recordings where indicated and get students to do 2 Before students begin, remind them that this call comes from
the exercises. For Exercise 2 students could try and complete a client and therefore they should use more formal language.
the gaps before listening. For Exercise 4, get students to list Play the recording and allow students time to respond.
any suitable expressions before they listen.
3 This time, remind students that the call is from a colleague
so more informal language is appropriate. Again, play the
Focus on… telephoning recording and allow students time to respond.
Get students to do the exercise. After checking answers, write the
expressions on the board. Then erase all the prepositions and Sound smart – Connected speech
some other key words and get students to repeat each sentence
in full with their partner. 1–2 Before students listen and repeat each sentence, you
might want to model each target word or phase (Do you
B Speaking – Making calls successfully /djə/, etc.) and get them to repeat. Then play the recording
and get them to listen and repeat each sentence in turn.
1 Students can work in pairs to do the exercise.
3–4 Play the recording, get students to count the words and try
2 Play the recording. Explain to students that they need to use to write the whole sentence. Refer students to the audioscript
ideas a–e to have a formal conversation with the receptionist. on p93 to check their answers. Finally, get students to practise
3 Play the recording. Explain to students that they need to use the sentences. After students finish, put them into pairs to
ideas a–e to have an informal conversation with a colleague. write one more sentence (similar to the ones they have
After students finish, emphasize that the conversation in just heard and practised). When they are ready, get them to
Exercise 2 is more formal than that in Exercise 3, because take turns reading their sentence aloud to the class. Their
it is to an outside company rather than an internal call. Ask classmates must identify the number of words they hear in
students to listen again while you take the role of caller in each sentence.
each conversation. Tell them to note the formal and informal
language they hear. Play the recording and complete each E Listening – Overcoming difficulties
conversation yourself using the answers suggested in the 1 Discuss the picture. Elicit other reasons why it might be
Answer key. When you finish, review answers and then get difficult to understand someone on the phone.
students to role play each conversation, to reinforce the
2 Check if any of the students’ ideas are listed. Play the
formal and informal distinction.
recording and get students to match each speaker with a
reason why the call is difficult to understand.
Learning tip
3 Play the recording and get students to complete the
Read aloud the text and ask students if they ever make notes
sentences. Then get students to compare their answers in
before a call. Explain that many native speakers do this, if the call
pairs, before checking as a class.
is important or there are a lot of details to check, so they should
not feel embarrassed to do the same. 4 Play the recording and get students to do the exercise. Then
get students to role play the conversations in pairs.

Class bonus
You could prepare some situations on cards to give to students
for this role play.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 4 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit11 Shall we move on?

Get ready to listen and speak C Speaking – Acting as chair
• Get students to tick their top three factors. 1–3 Before students begin, explain that to chair a meeting
• Get students to note down three things that need to be done means to control the meeting, and that a chair is the person
to chair a meeting effectively. Next, put students into small who fulfils this role. You could also explain that the term, chair
groups to discuss their opinions. is often preferred to chairman or chairwoman because it is
Encourage them to justify their choices and explain the group not gender specific. Get students to do the exercises and play
must decide together on the most important three factors for the recording when appropriate.
both questions. Finally, get each group to report their decisions,
and debate any differences. You may wish to finish by asking if Sound smart – Using stress to emphasize a
there are any other factors that students think are important for contrast
an effective meeting, which are not covered here. Play the first recording and elicit the stressed words and
pronunciation rules from the students. Get students to do
A Listening – Starting a meeting Exercise 3 and play the second recording to check answers. Get
1–2 Before students begin, tell them they are going to listen to students to repeat the sentences.
the start of a formal, high-level business meeting on a very
important issue. Students could try to complete the gaps D Speaking – Avoiding conflict
before listening and then listen to check. Then get students to 1–3 Before students begin, point out that it can be very
match the expression to the function. important to make sure they avoid causing offence when
3 Write any extra expressions that students can think of on expressing an opinion that is opposed to someone else’s.
the board. Then point to each one in turn and get students Explain that speaking too directly is sometimes not a good
to call out the function each expression fulfils. Finally, mark idea, and that they should try to use language to help soften
the sentence stress on each expression, and model it telling criticism. This is especially important in meetings where ideas
students to listen and repeat. and opinions vary a lot. Do the exercises with the students
and get them to practise the language in Exercise 3.
4 Before students listen again, get them to read through
the sentences and see if they can remember any of the
information from the first listening. Get then to write true or Class bonus
false for each statement, then play the recording to check. Before students begin, review the language and techniques they
can use in a meeting. Then put them into groups and tell them
B Listening – Identifying opinions to imagine they are in a meeting. Encourage students to take
different roles, e.g. sales manager, marketing manager, etc. If you
1–4 Play the recording where indicated and get students to do wish, have one group volunteer to role play the situation to the
the exercises. class.
Alternatively, you could do this activity using the ‘goldfish bowl’
Learning tip approach: have just one group role play the situation, in the
Read aloud the text and emphasize the fact that people do not middle of the classroom. Tell students they can raise their hand
always express their opinion directly and simply. Tell students to exit the role play at any point. Those students waiting on
they need to listen carefully and identify any expressions they the outside can then take over their role. This is a good way to
can that may reflect someone’s real opinion. Add that if they also keep everyone listening carefully and to ensure you hear all the
try to notice people’s facial expression and body language while language produced.
they speak, this can often give them a clue as to their opinion. During the role play, monitor and check for accuracy. Make a
note of any language errors you hear, and go through these at
Did you know…? the end of the class.
Read aloud the text and add that wasted time in meetings is
one of the most common complaints of employees all over the Extra practice
world. Ask students why they think so much time is often wasted You may wish to record a suitable programme yourself, and use
in meetings. Can they think of other, more effective ways of it in the following class. Play a short section and get students to
managing staff and running a company? note all the language they hear to express various functions and
Focus on…the language of meetings
Get students to match the words / phrases to the definitions.
After checking answers, you may wish to put students into pairs
and get them to test each other by taking turns to say a word or
phrase while their partner has to give a definition.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 4 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit12 I’d like to begin by…

Get ready to listen and speak C Speaking – Passing information on
Get students to look at the different ways of taking notes. Elicit 1 Explain that talking about a lecture afterwards with friends
which example students think is best, and ask them whether will help students to review what they have learned, and also
they use a system like the ones shown when they take notes. help them to make sure they understood all the main points.
Tell students that obviously each method of note taking has They might also need to summarize the lecture. Get students
its advantages and disadvantages, and that they should use to look at the expressions they can use to talk about a lecture
whichever method they prefer. Point out that some methods and add this list if they can.
are better than others for certain things. Tell students they can
2 Give students time to prepare a list of the main points, and
find out about each of these methods by looking at the many
tell them to use their notes from the extract of the lecture to
sources available online. Tell them they can start at:
help them. Then put them into groups to read aloud their and follow links of
summaries. Tell students to listen to their classmates and to
interest from there.
choose the best summary from their group. Monitor each
group. Ask them which summary is best and to explain their
A Listening – Dos and don’ts reasons.
1 Before listening, ask students to predict what they might hear.
Play the recording and get students to make notes in the D Listening – Summarizing
1–2 Now tell students they will hear two other summaries of
2 Ask students to try and answer the questions from memory the extract from the talk on the Chinese economy they have
before playing the recording again. heard. After they choose the best one, tell them to note the
strengths and weaknesses of each summary in detail.
Focus on… arrows, symbols and
abbreviations E Listening – Time for questions
Get students to do the exercises, compare answers with a 1 Explain that often the question and answer session at the end
partner, and then with the whole class. After checking answers, of a talk can be the most interesting part. Tell students that
tell students to work individually to make a list of all the symbols they should try to identify the main point of each question
and abbreviations they use when they make notes. Encourage they hear people ask.
them to add any new ones from the Focus on… box they think
2–3 Play the recording and get students to do the exercises.
might be useful.
After checking answers, tell students to close their books and
repeat the four expressions a speaker might use to clarify
B Listening – Note taking what they mean.
Before students begin, explain that they are going to listen to
a lengthy extract from a lecture on the Chinese economy. Put F Speaking – Asking questions
them into pairs or small groups to make a list of everything they
know about the Chinese economy. Then tell them to note any 1 Get students to underline the expressions. You may wish to
words or phrases they think they may hear. Explain that reflecting model the pronunciation of each expression, getting students
on what they already know before they listen will help to focus to repeat in a choral drill.
their mind. 2 Get students to practise the questions in pairs, checking each
1 Tell students that you will pause the recording after each other’s pronunciation.
section of the extract, and that each time you pause they
should choose the most suitable heading for the section they Class bonus
have just heard. This can be done in small groups if you prefer, with students
2 Before students listen again, tell them to make sure they listening to each other’s mini-presentations and then asking
only note the key points, and remind them to use the questions. They should then summarize the best presentation
abbreviations and symbols they wrote down previously. together. When they finish, get one student from each group to
3 When they finish, get students to compare their notes with a come together to form new groups, and tell each other about
partner. They should make suggestions and give each other the best presentation they heard.
constructive criticism.

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not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008
Real Listening and Speaking 4 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit13 Let’s take a closer look

Get ready to listen and speak C Speaking – Using signposts (1)
Get students to identify the visual presentations. 1 Explain that different signposts have different functions. Read
aloud the list of words and expressions and point out that
A Listening – Charts and statistics these signposts help to either link supporting ideas or contrast
1–2 Play the recording and get students to do the exercises. different ideas. Tell students to identify which function each
signpost fulfils, then compare with a partner.
3 Ask students to try and answer the questions from memory
before playing the recording again. 2 In pairs, get students to introduce the information on each
chart and link the ideas.
Focus on… describing statistics
Focus on… expressing contrast
Get students to do the exercises. After checking answers, you
may wish to put students into pairs and get them to take turns to Get students to do the exercise and check answers.
say a verb while their partner has to give the collocating adverb.
Give an example first by saying increase and encourage students D Listening – Using signposts (2)
to call out dramatically, sharply, slightly, etc. They should write 1 Put students into pairs to make a list of as many expressions
down all the possibilities they can think of. When they are ready, as they can think of to fulfil each of the four functions listed.
review answers as a class.
2 If you wish, get students to compare their lists, and then play
the recording.
B Speaking – Presenting detailed
3 Play the recording again so that students can note any other
information expressions. Students could check their answers against the
1–3 Get students to complete the expressions in Exercise 1. audioscript if necessary.
Explain that when presenting detailed statistical information,
it is easy for the audience to become lost unless the E Speaking – Making your point
information is clearly presented both visually and orally. Point
1 Get students to match the expressions and functions. Check
out that if they use the expressions in this section, together
answers before moving on to Exercise 2.
with the language in Focus on…, then this will help them to
succeed in presenting information clearly and concisely. Put 2 Explain to students that they need to use ideas a–e to finish
them into pairs and get them to take turns to talk about each one point, start another and emphasize important points
slide, for both Exercise 2 and 3. in a presentation. Monitor and make sure students use the
signposts correctly. If you wish, go round the class and get
Did you know…? volunteers to call out possible sentences for items a–e.

You may wish to find various examples of detailed information

presented visually (e.g. in newspapers and magazines, or research
Class bonus
reports). Show students and encourage them to assess how You may wish to set the preparation phase of this activity, where
accessible the information is, and whether it is presented in the students prepare a talk, for homework. Encourage them to use
best format, e.g. would a pie chart be better than a bar graph? statistical information where possible.
Before students begin, review the various signposts they have
Sound smart – Mentioning several points covered in the unit, and the functions they each fulfil. Then get
students to either present to each other in groups, or come to
Play the recordings and get students to do the exercises. After
the front and present to the whole class. Make a note of any
students finish, put them into pairs to practise the sentences
language errors you hear, and go through these at the end of the
once again. Explain they should take turns to listen to their
partner and decide whether the intonation they use is correct.
Monitor and help as needed.
Extra practice
Learning tip Point out that there are many sources students can choose from
when finding a talk in English to listen to such as the BBC World
Read aloud the text and emphasize that to successfully present
Service or CNN. There are also many websites with famous
detailed statistics students should go through each slide first
speeches from the past they could refer to. Tell students to
explaining the topic of the information, and then going through the
simply go to a search engine and type ‘famous speeches’.
main details. They can use signposts to help clarify what they are
taking about. Point out that signposts are words and phrases which
help to direct the audience so they can understand the flow of the
presentation. You may also wish to remind students they can use
a laser pointer, to direct the audience’s gaze as they speak.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 4 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit14 Can you expand on that?

Get ready to listen and speak C Speaking – Making sure you understand
Get students to do the exercises. After checking answers, 1 Explain that it is normally possible to ask questions during a
emphasize to students that seminars are an opportunity for them seminar, and that these can be a useful way to further the
to learn and that how much they get from a seminar depends discussion. Tell students not to worry about interrupting if they
to a great extent on how much they put in, i.e. if they do the want more detail. Get students to underline the expressions.
reading, prepare their ideas, and participate actively with an open
2 Get students to work in pairs and practise asking for more
mind then they should find them fun and informative. Make sure
detail using a variety of the expressions from Exercise 1.
students understand that a seminar is an informal exchange of
ideas where they can openly express their ideas. They should
not be afraid to argue or defend their opinions.
D Listening – Asking effective questions
1–3 Get students to do the exercises, playing the recording
A Listening – Following a discussion where appropriate. After checking answers, put students into
pairs and tell them to close their books. How many of these
1–4 Play the recording and get students to do the exercises.
expressions can they remember?
Check answers after each exercise. Then tell students to close
their books and in pairs try to remember what they heard in
the discussion.
E Listening – Participating effectively
If it is appropriate and not too sensitive an issue, you could 1–2 Play the recording and get students to do the exercises.
have a class debate on the value of ‘language revitalization’ and Check answers after each exercise.
encourage students to give local examples where they can. 3 Put students into pairs and tell them to work together to
make a list of any additional expressions they can think of.
Learning tip When they are ready, get them to write their expressions on
Read aloud the text and tell students that a free-flowing discussion the board. After checking them, point to each expression,
between native speakers can be hard to follow at first, but they model the pronunciation for students to repeat, and ask
should not be deterred from participating. Emphasize that if they which function each one expresses. Tell students to note any
are having trouble then they should focus on following the general expressions they feel are particularly useful.
thread of the discussion, rather than the details.
Class bonus
B Speaking – Expressing your ideas You may wish to ask students to prepare for this activity, by
1–3 Ask students to explain the difference between a fact and setting the topic yourself and giving them a list of required
an opinion. Accept any answer along the lines of a fact is reading (i.e. articles on the Internet, or your own handouts). Tell
something that can be proved, whereas an opinion is a belief them that the seminar will be held in the next class. If you have
which people can agree or disagree with. Get students to do a large class, divide students into groups. You might like to ask
the exercises, listening to the recordings and practising the each student to prepare a short presentation of their ideas on
language. a separate theme connected with the topic. In the next class,
hold a seminar and encourage students to use the language
and strategies covered in the unit. Monitor and check for
Sound smart – Sounding polite
accuracy. Make sure that students understand this is not a formal
You may wish to demonstrate the difference here by modelling presentation, but a seminar, and encourage them to debate their
the example sentence yourself. First, in a tentative way with a ideas openly. Make a note of any language errors you hear, and
soft, high tone and then a second time, with a quicker, sharper go through these at the end of the class.
tone that sounds more aggressive. Encourage volunteers to say
the same sentence twice in a similar way. Then get students to
listen to the sentences and identify which is more polite, A or B. More activities
Finally, put students into pairs to practise. Tell students to listen to a debate on a current affairs
programme on the TV or radio, or via the Internet. Point
out that there are many videos of news interviews and
discussions they can choose from. Tell them to listen out for
the language the speakers use to express their opinions, and
to agree and disagree with each other.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 4 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit15 It’ll help me get a good job

Get ready to listen and speak E Listening – A tour of the library
Get students to think about the questions and then tell a partner Before students begin, write these questions on the board and
about their ideas. Then get each pair to make a list of the put students into pairs to answer them. How often do you go
advantages of studying abroad, and any disadvantages they can to the library? When was the last time you went to the library?
think of. When they finish, ask them to call out their ideas and list What do you use the library for most?
them on the board. 1–4 Play the recordings where indicated and get students to
do the exercises. Check answers after each exercise. When
A Listening – Making plans students have finished, ask them to close their books. Put
Before students begin, tell them they need to be selective when them into pairs and tell them to take turns giving facts about
they make notes. If they have done Unit 12, remind them to the university library. For example, The library opens at 9 am
use the note-taking techniques they covered there (e.g. using during term, etc. If you wish, you could ask pairs to make a
symbols, abbreviations, etc.). Explain they should listen to each list of five true or false sentences. When they finish, get them
person and note the important details, and then try to find three to read their sentences to the rest of the class.
common goals they mention.
Did you know…?
B Speaking – Talking about your study You could add that the largest library in Britain is the British Library,
plans followed by the Bodleian Library in Oxford. The University Library
(or UL as it is known) in Cambridge is Britain’s third largest library.
1–2 Get students to do the exercises, playing the recording at
the appropriate time. Get students to practise the expressions
to express Stefania and Habib’s ambitions. They can then
Learning tip
practise the sentences with their own ambitions. Read aloud the text and emphasize to students that if someone
is speaking very quickly they should not be afraid to ask them to
3 Get students to look at the advert for San Francisco Language
slow down by saying Could you speak a little slower, please? or
Center. Put students into pairs to talk about what they are going
Sorry, can you slow down a bit?
to do and what they hope to achieve on this programme.

Class bonus F Listening – Asking about services

Tell students to consider their own study plans and what they 1 Give students one minute to brainstorm possible questions to
hope to achieve. When they are ready, put students into pairs or ask. Then write their ideas on the board.
small groups to tell each other about their plans. You may wish 2–4 Play the recordings where appropriate and get students to do
to review students’ ideas together as a class, to find out if there the exercises. Check answers after each exercise. After checking
are any common interests or study goals they share. answers, put students into pairs and tell them to ask and
answer questions about what they have just heard. For example,
C Speaking – Seeking advice What’s the charge for an InterLibrary loan?, etc. If appropriate,
they should compare these facts with the library they use.
1–2 Play the recording and get students to practise the
language in Exercise 1 to make their responses.
When students finish, get them to role play the conversation
Sound smart – Intonation in questions
in pairs. Then tell them to use their own ideas to make further Play the recordings where appropriate and get students to do the
conversations. Monitor and check for accuracy, noting any exercises. For Exercise 4, get students to repeat each question,
errors you hear to deal with later in the class. copying the intonation. After checking answers, put students
into pairs and get them to practise making Yes / No and Wh-
D Listening – Understanding course questions. Monitor and check that they use the correct rising or
falling intonation.
1–3 Play the recording and get students to do the exercises.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

Real Listening and Speaking 4 by Miles Craven Teacher’s notes

Unit16 I work well under pressure

Get ready to listen and speak 3–4 Play the recording and get students to do the exercises.
Get students to do the exercises. After checking answers, put Then encourage students to discuss and explain their opinions
students into groups and tell them to compare their answers. of Raj’s performance before checking answers as a class.
Encourage them to discuss any differences of opinion. Check
answers as a class, then write on the board Have you ever Sound smart – Sounding confident
attended an interview? What was it for? How did it go? and put Play the recording and get students to do the exercises.
students into small groups to discuss their answers.
D Listening – Dealing with difficult
Did you know…? questions
Point out to students that the more confident and enthusiastic 1 Refer students to the three questions. Elicit that sometimes
they appear, the more an interviewer will warm to them during an interview can be deliberately challenging and even
the interview. Appearing positive and friendly can go a long way uncomfortable, because the interviewer wants to ‘put the
to making a successful interview. interviewee on the spot’ and see how they cope with hostile
questioning. Remind them that the advice here can help
A Listening – Getting off to a good start them not to panic in such situations. Play the recording and
Before students begin, tell them that many schools and colleges get students to match each speaker with a question.
have a careers counsellor. Ask them what they think a careers 2 Get students to match each speaker with a strategy. Check
counsellor does, and if any students have been to a careers answers and discuss the strategies that the interviewees used.
counsellor, encourage them to talk about their experiences. 3 Put students into groups for this activity and tell them to share
1 Point out that in this exercise students just have to count the their ideas. When they are ready, get each group to report
number of points. Play the recording. back to the class and encourage a class debate on the best
2–4 Play the recordings as appropriate and get students to do way to tackle each of these difficult questions.
the exercises. Check answers after each exercise.
Learning tip
B Speaking – Beginning an interview Read aloud the text and emphasize to students that it is vital
they always tell the truth in an interview. An experienced
1–2 Get students to look at the expressions in Exercise 1. Play
interviewer can detect a lie quite easily. They should always be
the recording. Get students to match the expressions to the
honest, and try to put a positive spin on any negative aspects of
their experience or qualifications.
3 Before students begin, review the guidance made in Section
A and make sure students know the points they should try to
Class bonus
cover. Read aloud the Learning tip, then monitor and help
as necessary while students prepare their answers. Give students enough time to prepare and tell them to use the
language and strategies in the unit to help them. During the
4 Put students into small groups to do this activity. Have them
role play, monitor and check for accuracy. Make a note of any
take turns to talk about themselves, and tell their classmates
language errors you hear, and go through these at the end of
to time them to make sure they do not go over one minute.
the class. If you wish, conclude the activity by getting volunteers
After each student finishes, tell their classmates to ask at least
to come to the front of the class to act out their interview. You
five questions for further information, based on what they
might even want to do this in groups, with students evaluating
have heard.
each other’s performance. If possible, bring a camcorder into the
class and record students interviewing each other.
Focus on… personal qualities and skills
Get students to do the exercises. For Exercise 3, you may wish
to put students into small groups. Tell students to listen to each
other and emphasize that they should explain exactly why they
think they are strong in the areas they mention, giving concrete

C Listening – Knowing what employers

1–2 Play the recordings as appropriate and get students to do
the exercises. Check answers after each exercise. When they
finish, put them into pairs and tell them to discuss which of
the five skill areas they think they are strongest in. Encourage
them to explain why, giving at least one example.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2008

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