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March 13, 2010

Service in the Church as
- Not all people are called to this kind of service. He called busy people (Mk. 1:16-
20: they were busy with their nets.).
 He calls them to be with him;
 He empowers them through his teaching and example;
 He sends them out. “As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you” (Jn

- You did not come to this kind of service in order to earn something in kind, like
- It came through a desire. Like other vocations it may come through special events
in your life. Sometimes, it would begin not through a positive reason.
- as you continue, your motivation is purified. This happened to the apostles.
Jn 3:30: “He must increase…”
- Steps before 1 becomes a professed religious
- Steps before 1 becomes a lay minister

- Spiritual Formation
 Initial formation
 Commitment
 Ongoing formation
- retreats, recollections; seminars; outings

Unsay atong makuha? Unsay mga panalangin, grasya? (Binase sa ilang kasinatian)
- Penitential life (include here) [Mt 4:17; Mk 1:15]
Unsay mga kalisdanan? Mga problema? (Binase gihapon sa ilang kasinatian)
Dt. 1:31: God carries us in thew desert until we reach the place of abundance.

Unsay nagdasig kanimo sa pagpadayon? Unsay mga hagit? (Mga punto sa pag-inambitay)
- Katuyoan: Pagdasig sa usag usa
Is 43:1-7; ]: Fear not; I have called you by name; I will be with you…
Is 49:14-16: “I will never forget my own.”

Unsay atong bation kon nakasala ta unya ang atong nasad-an wala lang magtagad sa atong sala?
Ps 8: What is man that you care for him? Ang atong kapasidad dili mohangtod.
Hosea 11:1-9: Gialimahan ta sa Diyos apan kita ang mibiya. Dagahang paagi ang atong pagtalikod
Lk 12:4-7: Wala malimot ang Diyos kanato. Bisan ang atong buhok giihap niya.
1 John 4: 7-8, 18-19: Busa maghigugmaay kita kay ang gugma gikan sa Diyos.
Rom 8:31-39: Who will separate us from the love of God? Ang Diyos labaw pa kaayo sa tanan
natong mga problema.

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