Oaminal Vs Castillo

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Oaminal vs.

GR No. 152776

PLAINTIFF: Henry Oaminal

DEFENDANT: Pablito Castillo and Guia Castilo
DATE: October 8, 2003
CAUSE OF ACTION: Collection for Sum of Money


 Petitioner Henry Oaminal filed a complaint for collection against Respondents Castillo with the RTC QC
o Prayed that the respondents be ordered to pay 1.5M by way of liquidated damages and 150k for attorney’s fees
 The summons together with the complaint were served upon Ester Fraginal, secretary of the Respondent Mrs. Castillo
 June 6, 200, respondents filed their “Urgent Motion to Declare Service of Summons Improper and Legally Defective”
alleging that the Sheriff’s Return has failed to comply with Section 1, Rule 14 substituted service of summons
 October 19, 2000, petitioner filed an Omnibus Motion to Declare Respondents in Default and to Render Judgment
because no answer was filed by the latter.
 Respondents filed the following:
o Omnibus Motion Ad Cautelam to Admit Motion to Dismiss and Answer with Compulsory Counterclaim
o Urgent Motion to Dismiss
o Answer with Compulsory Counter-Claim
 Judge denied respondents’ MTD – but admitted their Answer
 RTC favored Oaminal
 Respondents filed with the CA Petition for Certiorari, Prohibition and Injunction, with a prayer for a writ of preliminary
injunction or TRO
o Raised the issue of whether the trial court had validly acquired jurisdiction over them
 CA ruled that RTC did not acquire jurisdiction over them – due to improper service of summons
o It based its finding on the Sheriff’s Return, which did not contain any averment that effort had been exerted to
personally serve the summons on them before substituted service was resorted to.
 Petitioner contends that the trial court actually acquired jurisdiction over the respondents – because they never denied
that they had actually received the summons through their secretary – did not dispute such competence
o They also automatically submitted themselves to the jurisdiction when they filed an Omnibus Motion to Dismiss
or Admit Answer, MTD on the grounds of improper venue and litis pendentia and an Answer with Counterclaim

Issue: W/N the RTC acquired jurisdiction over the reposndents, YES


In the case a bar, the Sheriff's Return failed to state that efforts had been made to personally serve the summons on respondents.
Neither did the Return indicate that it was impossible to do so within a reasonable time. It simply stated:

"THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on the 30th day of May 2000, copies of the summons together with the complaint and annexes
attached thereto were served upon the defendants Pablito M. Castillo and Guia B. Castillo at their place of business at No.
7, 21st Avenue, Cubao, Quezon City thru MS. ESTER FREGINAL, secretary, who is authorized to receive such kind of
process. She signed in receipt of the original as evidenced by her signature appearing on the original summons.

"That this return is submitted to inform the Honorable x x x Court that the same was duly served."

 Nonetheless, nothing in the records shows that respondents denied actual receipt of the summons through their secretary,
Ester Fraginal.
o Their "Urgent Motion to Declare Service of Summons Improper and Legally Defective" did not deny receipt
thereof; it merely assailed the manner of its service.
o In fact, they admitted in their Motion that the "summons, together with the complaint, was served by the Sheriff
on Ester Fraginal, secretary of the defendants at No. 7, 21st Avenue, Cubao, Quezon City on 30 May 2000."
 Moreover, respondents did not raise in their Motion to Dismiss the issue of jurisdiction over their persons; they raised only
improper venue and litis pendentia. Hence, whatever defect there was in the manner of service should be deemed waived.

Voluntary Appearance and Submission

 Assuming arguendo that the service of summons was defective, such flaw was cured and respondents are deemed to have
submitted themselves to the jurisdiction of the trial court when they filed an Omnibus Motion to Admit the Motion to Dismiss
and Answer with Counterclaim, an Answer with Counterclaim, a Motion to Inhibit, and a Motion for Reconsideration and
Plea to Reset Pre-trial.
 The filing of Motions seeking affirmative relief -- to admit answer, for additional time to file answer, for reconsideration of a
default judgment, and to lift order of default with motion for reconsideration -- are considered voluntary submission to the
jurisdiction of the court.
 Having invoked the trial court's jurisdiction to secure affirmative relief, respondents cannot -- after failing to obtain
the relief prayed for -- repudiate the very same authority they have invoked.

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