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Case 4:08-cv-10084-STB Document 1114 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/22/2010 Page 1 of 4


Case Number: 08- 10084-CIV-BROWN









THIS MATTER is before this Court on Defendant, Insurance Company ofNorth America's,

Motion for Sanctions (D.E. 888). The Court has considered the motion, the response, the reply and

all pertinent materials in the file.

Defendant moves the Court to impose sanctions because Plaintiffs failed to present Donald

Dinsmore ("Dinsmore"), one of Plaintiffs' expert witnesses, for a deposition. It is undisputed that

Defendant failed to serve a subpoena on Dinsmore. Def.'s Reply 2-3.; Pl.'s Resp. 3. A deposition

for Dinsmore was scheduled, and Plaintiffs contend that they telephonically attended assuming the

deponent was sewed. Pl.'s Resp. 3.

Defendant argues, inter alia, it had no obligation to subpoena Dinsmore because Dinsmore

was a testifying expert. Def.'s Reply 2. Further, Defendant claims that Plaintiffs had an obligation
Case 4:08-cv-10084-STB Document 1114 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/22/2010 Page 2 of 4

to produce Dinsmore within the period set out by the Court for discovery. a. Plaintiffs argue that
they had no duty to produce Dinsmore and it was incumbent upon Defendant to have Dinsmore

served with a subpoena. Pl.'s Resp. 1. Plaintiffs also ask this Court to sanction Defendant, inter

alia, for causing them Plaintiffs to appear at the unattended deposition. PI'S Resp. 3.

1. Plaintiffs complied with their dutv to make Dinsmore available for a deposition

It is black letter law that if a party is to be examined, a notice of examination under Federal

Rule of Civil Procedure 30(b)(l) is sufficient to require a party's attendance. Fed. R. Civ. P.

30(b)(l). However, if the deponent is a nonparty, he or she must be subpoenaed under Federal Rule

of Civil Procedure 30(a)(l), which provides that the attendance of a witness at the taking of a

deposition may be compelled by subpoena as provided in rule 45.' a.

Here, it is undisputed that Defendant failed to serve a subpoena on Dinsmore. As to this

issue, Plaintiffs claim that the following conversation occurred at the deposition:

When some time had passed and Dinsmore had not appeared Mr. Browning
[Defendant's counsel] and the writer [Plaintiffs' counsel] engaged in a
discussion of the situation. The writer asked whether the witness had been
subpoenaed and the answer was no. Mr. Browning stated that the plaintiffs
were obligated to produce the witness.

Pl.'s Resp. 3. Defendant did not dispute this characterization of this conversation in its reply. Def.'s

'Although rule 30(a)(l) does not say so expressly, some circuits have found that if the
deponent is an officer, director or managing agent of a party then a subpoena is not necessary and
a notice of examination is sufficient notice, because rule 37(d) provides for sanctions when an
officer, director, or managing agent of a party fails to appear for the taking of his or her
deposition after being served with a notice of examination. See, Telluride Mgmt. Solutions, Inc.
v. Telluride Inv. Group, 55 F.3d 463 (9th Cir. 1995); Peitzman v. Citv of Illmo, 141 F.2d 956
(8th Cir. 1944), cert denied, 323 U.S. 718 (1944); Fed. R. Civ. P. 37(d). Dinsmore does not fall
under this exception to rule 30(a) because it is undisputed that he is a nonparty. Both parties
refer to Dinsmore as "Expert" (Def.'s Mot. 1; Pl.'s Resp. I), and neither party refers to him as
either a party or an officer, director, or managing agent of a party.
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Reply 1-4. Further corroborating this account of the conversation, Defendant reiterated in its reply

that Plaintiffs had an obligation to provide Dinsmore for the deposition regardless of whether

Dinsmore was subpoenaed. Def. 's Reply 2-3.

Although it is true that Defendant had the right to depose Dinsmore as a testifying witness

under rule 26(b)(4), Defendant may have confused this right with a party's non-existent duty to

compel a nonparty deponent's attendance without a subpoena. Defendant's motion for sanctions is

2. Pavment of Plaintiffs' reasonable expenses for attending the Dinsmore deposition

Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 30(g), which provides a specific remedy for the failure of

a party to serve a subpoena on a witness, states the following:

[A] party who, expecting a deposition to be taken, attends in person

or by an attorney may recover reasonable expenses for attending,
including attorney's fees, if the noticing party failed to:
(2) serve a subpoena on a nonparty deponent, who
consequently did not attend.

Fed. R. Civ. P. 30(g). Rule 30(g) is directly on point in this matter. Accordingly, this Court orders

Defendant to pay Plaintiffs' reasonable expenses for attending the Dinsmore deposition, including

attorney's fees.

Defendant raises the issue of Plaintiffs failure to provide Dinsmore's expert report to
Defendant prior to the Dinsmore deposition. Def.'s Mot. 2. While rule 26(a)(2)(B) requires "a
report from the expert, [and that] the deposition may be conducted only after the report is
provided", here Defendant chose to schedule the Dinsmore deposition without having the report.
Because the report is unrelated to the subpoena of Dinsmore, Plaintiffs alleged failure to provide
the report does not excuse Defendant's failure to subpoena Dinsmore.
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Therefore, the Court being otherwise fully advised in the premises it is hereby ORDERED

AND ADJUDGED as follows:

1. Defendant's motion for sanctions is DENIED.

2. Defendant's motion to strike Donald Dinsmore's expert designation is DENIED.

3. Plaintiffs' request for sanctions is hereby GRANTED. This Court awards Plaintiffs
reasonable expenses for attending the deposition, including attorney's fees. If the parties cannot

resolve the amount and payment of same, this Court will decide those issues, upon proper motion.

The parties should be cautioned, however, that an unreasonable position by either party requiring

said motion may result in the imposition of additional sanctions.

DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at Miami, ,this 22 m a y of October, 20 10.

cc: Counsel of record

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