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Harbison-Walker CONTENTS
Brick Installation INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................1
Guide HARBISON-WALKER ON THE WEB ............................................................7

SELECTION OF REFRACTORIES ................................................................8

Please contact your Harbison-Walker
Representative at any time for more
specific information on the use of refractory
ORDERING REFRACTORIES........................................................................9
products in your applications.
AND CONSTRUCTION............................................................................10-12

NOTE: Technical data within this ARCH CONSTRUCTION ........................................................................13-20

brochure are subject to reasonable
variations and should not be used for BRICK SIZES AND SHAPES ..................................................................21-25
specification purposes. ASTM proce-
dures, where applicable, are used for EAF DOOR JAMBS/BLAST FURNACE........................................................26
determination of data.
BLAST FURNACE KEYS..............................................................................27
© Copyright 2008
Harbison-Walker Refractories Company ELECTRIC FURNACE ROOF SHAPES..................................................28-29

SEMI-UNIVERSAL LADLE BRICK (SULB) ..................................................30

Printed in U.S.A.

SKEWBACK SHAPES ............................................................................31-32

BRICK COUNTS FOR ROTARY KILNS..................................................33-35

COMBINATION LININGS FOR ROTARY KILNS........................................36-39

ISO AND VDZ COMBINATION ..............................................................40-42

RING COMBINATIONS ..........................................................................43-69

ARCH COMBINATIONS ..........................................................................70-80

APPENDIX (AREA & VOLUME) ..............................................................81-86

REFERENCE TABLES ............................................................................87-90

GLOSSARY ............................................................................................91-98

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide- TC

DISCLAIMER: The information presented in this book is for general educational use only. It
does not contain recommendations for any particular refractory for any particular use. It is not
intended as, and should not be taken as, a warranty of any kind, including but not limited to a
warranty of fitness.

WARNING: Some materials which are present in refractory products are harmful. One such
group is classified as substances known to cause cancer to humans. Other substances may be
classified as probably or possibly carcinogenic. These materials include minerals used in or
formed during the manufacture of these products. The primary threat presented by many of
these materials comes from inhaling respirable dust. The use of proper respiratory equipment,
as well as other personal protective equipment is mandatory where required by applicable law.
Please refer to the applicable Material Safety Data Sheet for such product.

Harbison-Walker Refractories Company

400 Fairway Drive
Moon Township, PA 15108

Phone: (412) 375-6600 Fax: (412) 375-6783

Out of the Fire

The history of high heat manufacturing and refractory technology began with
the discovery of fire. Nature provided the first refractories, crucibles of
rock where metals were softened and shaped into primitive tools. Modern
refractories are customized, high-temperature ceramics designed to with-
stand the destructive and extreme service conditions needed to manufacture
metals, glass, cement, chemicals, petroleum and other essentials of contem-
porary life.

The History of lades for the superior performance Northwest Magnesite, and
Harbison-Walker of the Lucy Furnace and began to following World War II,
The refractories company known as expand rapidly, pushed in large commissioned the company to
Harbison-Walker opened on measure by the explosive growth of build and operate a sea-water
March 7, 1865, as the Star Fire the steel industry. In 1910, a 10- magnesite facility at Cape May,
Brick Company. The firm was company merger created Harbison- NJ.
founded by J.K. Lemon, a Pitts- Walker
burgh entrepreneur who hoped to Refractories Company, a 33-plant • In 1945, the company pur-
build a fortune on America’s operation that was the largest of its chased Canadian Refractories
growing demand for refractory kind in the world. Harbison- Limited, makers of
brick following the Civil War. Walker also thrived on its vertical MAGNECON, an outstanding
In 1866, Lemon hired Samuel structure, exerting control over refractory for rotary cement
Pollock Harbison as a part-time every stage of its production kilns.
bookkeeper. Within four years, the process, through mining and raw
ambitious accountant had acquired materials • In the 1950’s, Harbison-
enough stock and refractory management to manufacturing, Walker built a high-quality
expertise to be named General transportation and distribution. magnesite facility at Ludington,
Manager of Star Fire Brick. In In the decades that followed, Michigan. This keyed the
1875, Harbison teamed with Harbison-Walker established and development of several industry
another stockholder, Hay Walker, fortified its position of industry standard products, including
to purchase the underachieving leadership by building new facilities direct-bonded magnesite-
company, and renamed it Harbison- and acquiring related organizations. chrome brick, pitch-bonded
Walker. and pitch-impregnated magnes-
Almost immediately, Harbison • In 1916, Harbison-Walker ite products, and magnesite-
and Walker realized a major organized the Northwest carbon refractories.
opportunity to grow their business Magnesite Company near
and its reputation. Through an on- Chewelah, WA. This gave the • In 1954, Harbison-Walker
going relationship with Thomas company a secure domestic became the first U.S. company
Carnegie, the fledging company source of magnesite, a material to produce refractories for the
landed a contract from Kloman, of choice for industrial furnaces basic oxygen furnace.
Carnegie, and Company to build in short supply during World
the Lucy Furnace, the largest blast War I. • In 1962, the company discov-
furnace ever designed. ered massive deposits of high
The company garnered acco- • In 1927, Harbison-Walker purity bauxitic kaolins at
acquired majority ownership of

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 1

Eufaula, AL. This permitted the refractory producer in its own facility vastly enhanced Harbison-
company’s Bessemer and right, expanded considerably Walker’s ability to test products
Fairfield, Alabama, plants to the global resources at under simulated service conditions
manufacture significantly Harbison-Walker’s disposal. and to conduct “post-mortem”
improved high-alumina brick analyses of used refractory
that became a refractory of • In 2000, RHI AG, an Austrian samples.
choice for much of the refrac- company with many holdings in Today, the Technical Center
tory consuming industries. the global refractories industry, West Mifflin, ranks among the
completed its acquisition of world’s largest and most well-
• In 1967, Harbison-Walker was Global Industrial Technologies, equipped refractory research
purchased by Dresser Indus- Inc., the parent company of facilities. A staff of outstanding
tries, prompting an accelerated Harbison-Walker. RHI AG physicists, chemists, metallurgists
diversification into non-steel subsequently combined North and engineers work closely with
related industries. American Refractories Com- Harbison-Walker customers to
pany (NARCO) and Harbison- develop new products and to solve
• In 1994, the company became Walker, at the time naming the process or production problems.
a part of Global Industrial resulting organization RHI In the mid-1990s, Harbison-
Technologies, a major manufac- Refractories America. Walker completed a multi-million-
turer of technologically ad- dollar investment in the Technical
vanced industrial products. Today, the U.S. and export Center West Mifflin aimed at
This development enabled operations have been reorganized providing the company’s engineers
Harbison-Walker to strengthen and operate independently under and scientists with the very latest
its presence in several key the name ANH Refractories. testing and analytical equipment.
markets through alliances with Because of the strong reputations This commitment, made at a time
other Global Industrial Tech- that Harbison-Walker and when many refractory companies
nologies companies. They NARCO established over their long were diminishing their internal
included Refractories histories, the companies have research capability, aggressively
Mexicanos (REFMEX) and retained their names and are positioned Harbison-Walker for the
Refractorios Chileanos continuing to be the refractory new century of refractory industry
(RESCA), two of Latin suppliers of choice in their respec- leadership.
America’s leading refractory tive market places. Harbison- The capabilities and equipment at
producers; and Magnesitwerk Walker continues to provide the Technical Center West Mifflin
Aken, a German refractory outstanding refractory materials to have been further enhanced by its
maker. meet the needs of the industrial additional staff and equipment
markets, while NARCO serves the acquired through its acquisition of
• In 1998, Harbison-Walker needs of the steel industry. A.P. Green and merger with
acquired A.P. Green Industries, NARCO.
Inc. With 22 plants in six Harbison-Walker Today
countries, A.P. Green, a major Following World War II and the
subsequent proliferation of techno-
logical advances, Harbison-Walker
recognized the need for additional
research capacity. In 1958, the
company opened Garber Research
Center, now known as the Techni-
cal Center West Mifflin. The new

2 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide

Application Focused customers to identify and select service and performance assess-
Technical Marketing and refractories that can extend service ments.
Sales Support life and improve process efficien-
Harbison-Walker has adopted a cies. Quality Control
marketing structure that enables it Typical consultations explore Harbison-Walker’s quality control
to function more like a network of specific operating conditions in a programs encompass every facet of
smaller, industry-focused compa- customer’s furnace and why those the organization, from the acquisi-
nies. Throughout each of its conditions suggest the implementa- tion of raw materials to the packag-
markets, Harbison-Walker employs tion of one refractory type over ing and shipment of the finished
application focused technical another in a particular furnace zone. material.
marketing support, each with This process can be further aided The company operates an
specific training in a particular through interactive CAD systems aggressive program of mineral land
industry or series of related indus- that allows customers to select and acquisition, permitting it to control a
tries. Individual market segments preview refractory linings and significant percentage of the raw
include glass, industrial metals, configurations. materials it consumes. This pro-
minerals processing and environ- Another valuable service gram also helps ensure the uniform
mental, energy and chemicals Harbison-Walker offers is perfor- quality of raw materials while
markets. mance assessments. This process insulating the company from fluctu-
Over the long term, this structure is usually aimed at identifying causes ating supplies of key refractory
is specifically designed to promote for deteriorating refractory perfor- minerals. Imported minerals, such
innovation through a continuous mance resulting from changing as chrome ore, also are examined
dialogue between Harbison-Walker operating conditions within a and tested for quality by Harbison-
and the individual industries the customer’s plant. Most often, Walker engineers.
company serves. On a daily basis, diagnoses are based on post- At the processing stage, manufac-
this structure allows Harbison- mortem analyses of used refracto- turing sites are dedicated to a single
Walker to respond more quickly to ries to determine the modes of product or single class of products.
customer requests and to serve as a refractory wear. This enables Harbison-Walker to
reliable and ever present problem- Test results may point to the maintain a high degree of chemical
solving partner. adaptation of existing refractories, purity, resulting in uniform products,
Over the years, this studied, applying refractories in new combi- free of contaminants and capable of
individualized approach to customer nations, the selection of different tight dimensional tolerances. In
service has yielded an unending refractory brands or the custom addition, each plant maintains a
stream of innovative refractory design of new refractories to better laboratory and a staff of quality
products and application strategies meet the altered service conditions. control engineers to measure
for the entire range of heat-pro- Helping customers understand and product characteristics against
cessing industries. implement a proper refractory stated specifications.
Broad Based Expertise management strategy is the first step The company also operates a
Harbison-Walker’s sales and in an on-going relationship between centralized Quality Control Depart-
technical support staff consists of Harbison-Walker and the refractory ment in West Mifflin, PA., which is
chemical, ceramic, metallurgical, user. Sales and technical represen- responsible for monitoring quality
industrial and mechanical engineers. tatives are often on-site for refrac- standards for all Harbison-Walker
With strong technical educations tory installation and furnace start- brands.
and practical knowledge of the up. Follow-up technical support
industries they serve, these individu- can include orientation and training
als are highly skilled at working with programs, troubleshooting, and

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 3

Industry Dialogue
Harbison-Walker encourages a
continuous dialogue among its
industry “partners” by communicat-
ing continuously with contractor/
installers and soliciting regular
customer input and feedback about
all aspects of refractory perfor-
Every year, the company brings
together its engineers and select
installers to disseminate technical
information in an educational forum.
This presents opportunities for
installers to discuss their goals and
expectations of refractory perfor-
mance, as well as plant safety
In turn, Harbison-Walker
engineers offer refractory product
updates, and a comprehensive
review of installation and construc-
tion techniques. This mutual
information exchange leaves
participants more prepared to work
cooperatively throughout the year
As the refractory industry
continues to evolve and expand,
Harbison-Walker pledges to
maintain this dialogue, seeking ways
to better ways to contain the heat of
industrial progress.

4 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide

Harbison-Walker Distribution Centers
Harbison-Walker offers the only nation-wide refractories and insulation
distribution system. Our 26 locations continue to stock the best refractories
in the industry, including fireclay and high alumina brick, mortars, plastics,
and castables as well as a full line of ceramic fiber and mineral wool
products. Kiln liners, anchoring systems and special shapes are also

Distribution Centers
Atlanta, (Doraville) GA (770) 448-6266 Knoxville, TN (865) 546-4930
Baton Rouge, (Gonzales) LA (225) 644-2111 Lakeland, FL (863) 669-1040
Birmingham,AL (205) 788-1685 Los Angeles, (Pico Rivera) CA (562) 942-2151
Buffalo, (Tonawanda) NY (716) 692-1761 New York, (Rahway) NY (732) 388-8686
Charlotte, NC (704) 599-6540 Philadelphia, (Trevose) PA (215) 364-5555
Chicago, (Calumet City) IL (708) 474-5350 Pittsburgh, (Leetsdale) PA (412) 741-3200
Cincinnati, (Milford) OH (513) 576-6240 Portland, (Clackamas) OR (503) 656-2854
Cleveland, OH (216) 398-1790 Roanoke, (Salem) VA (540) 375-2107
Dallas, TX (214) 330-9243 Salt Lake City, UT (801) 886-0545
Davenport, IA (563) 445-1244 San Francisco, (Richmond) CA (510) 236-7415
Detroit, (Romulus) MI (734) 955-6025 Seattle, (Kent) WA (253)872-2552
Houston, TX (713) 635-3200 St Louis, MO (314) 521-3314
Kansas City, (Lenexa) MO (913) 888-0425 West Haven, CT (203) 934-7960

Visit our website at or

Call (800) 887-5555 to reach the location nearest you.
For your convenience we accept,
American Express, MasterCard and VISA.

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 5


Harbison-Walker Manufacturing Facilities

As part of the ANH Refractories Family of Companies, Harbison-Walker
maintains a number of manufacturing facilities. 20 ANH Refractories plants,
spread across 9 U.S. states, 1 Canadian province and 4 foreign countries,
manufacture Harbison-Walker brand refractory materials. Below is a list of
ANH Refractories manufacturing locations:

• Acton, Ontario • Pryor, OK

• Bromborough, England • Smithville, Ontario

• Calle, Colombia • Solon, OH

• Cilegon, Indonesia • South Shore, KY

• Fairfield, AL • Sproul, PA

• Fulton, MO • Thomasville, GA

• Gary, IN • Vandalia, MO

• Minerva, OH • West Mifflin, PA

• Monterrey, Mexico • White Cloud, MI

• Oak Hill, OH • Windham, OH

6 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


Harbison-Walker on the Web

Since the rise of the internet as a viable business tool, Harbison-Walker has
realized the importance of providing relevant information to its customers via
the World Wide Web. By accessing users can view all of the
most up-to-date Material Data Sheets, MSDS and Mixing & Using
Instructions. Users may also request literature materials detailing refractory
use in many of the industry’s most relevant applications.

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 7


Optimum use of refractories is achieved by careful study of REFRACTORY-RELATED

furnace design and evaluation of operating conditions prior to FACTORS
selection of refractory products which meet the design and Properties at room temperature –
operating requirements.
• Workmanship and physical strength
From the multiple factors listed below, it may appear that the
• Density, porosity, permeability
choice of most suitable material would be exceedingly difficult.
• Chemical and mineral composition
Sometimes this is true. However, there are usually data on hand
from previous experience under similar conditions. Moreover, the • Uniformity
best refractory selection often depends on a few requirements so • Size and design
important that other factors play a minor role. In some cases, just Properties at high temperatures –
refractoriness alone, i.e., maximum service temperature, will be • Refractoriness or maximum service
the deciding factor. In others cases high refractoriness will have to temperature
be coupled with resistance to thermal shock. Under other circum- • Reversible thermal expansion
stances, resistance to metals, slags, or disintegration by reducing • Resistance to thermal shock
gases may be the governing factors. Sometimes high insulating • Resistance to chemical attack
value is desirable, but in other situations high thermal conductiv- • Resistance to mechanical impact or stress
ity may be needed. When selecting refractories, the following • Resistance to abrasion or erosion
major factors must be identified. • Permeability to gases or liquids
• Volume stability (bloating or shrinkage)
• Resistance to gases and fumes
• Heat capacity
• Function of the furnace CONSTRUCTION
• Nature of material being processed • Electrical resistance
• Type of furnace
• Rate and continuity of operation Economic factors –
• Design and dimensions of walls
• Range and rapidity of temperature and arches • Delivered cost
changes • Loads imposed on the lining • Cost of installation (brick vs. monoliths)
• Chemical attack by metals, • Conditions of heating (one or • Special shapes or forming required
slags, ash, etc. more sides) • Service life
• Fluidity of molten metal or slag • Amount of insulation
• Velocity of furnace gases • Air- or water-cooling
• Abrasion from contained solids or • Type of refractory construction
gases (brick or monoliths)
• Impact from charging • Methods of bonding or support
• Erosion by molten furnace contents • Provision for thermal expansion
• Impinging flames or hot spots • Mechanics of any moving
furnace parts

8 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


ORDERING Special Shapes Then, Harbison-Walker will ship a

REFRACTORIES On initial orders for special shapes, send limited quantity of extra pieces in
Refractory technology is becoming a drawing of the shape and the assembly accordance with the following table,
increasingly specialized, year after year, into which it fits. The assembly drawing unless special instructions are entered on
so that it is often necessary to thoroughly will help Harbison-Walker engineers the order. This standard procedure also
understand an application area before evaluate the design and verify that the helps avoid shortages resulting from
making refractory selections. Harbison- combination of refractories and design breakage during transit and handling.
Walker Marketing Representatives have produces the best results. On subsequent
been trained to do this work and are orders the Harbison-Walker drawing Standard Packaging
ready as an accommodation to discuss number or your drawing and shape Standard packaging for monolithic
your application with you. Acess our number will ensure that the order is refractories are 55 lb. sacks, pails, and
website for contact properly filled. Refer to the previous cartons, and 2,000 lb., 3,000 lb., and
information. order by number and date. 4,000 lb. bulk bags. Non standard
In most cases, careful specification of When filling orders for special shapes, palletizing for brick or monoliths and
your requirements and operation will Harbison-Walker makes a slightly larger non standard packaging options includ-
help Harbison-Walker fill your order number of shapes than specified to cover ing export palletizing are available for
correctly and without delay. When you possible breakage in firing. In some additional charges.
order various shapes and sizes, provide a cases, all of the extra pieces will come
complete description and correct from the kilns in perfect condition.
dimensions for the shapes that you need.
If you order circle brick or other shapes
designed to fit a circular lining, provide Approximate Pounds of Mortar per 1000 9-Inch Brick
both the inside and outside diameter of (9 X 41/2 X 21/2 Inch)*
the lining. Brick Laid with
Orders for brick should include Brick Laid Dipped or Thinly
enough mortar material of the right kind Mortar Materials Dry and Grouted Trowelled Joints
to lay the brick. Information required to
Heat-Setting Mortars
specify the number, shape and size of SATANITE® 250 - 300 350 - 450
brick as well as the quantity of mortar
appears in the following tables and in the Air-Setting Mortars
Brick Sizes and Shapes Section of the HARWACO BOND® 250 - 300 350 - 450
Handbook. ‘SAIRSET® 250 - 300 350 - 450
H-W® PERIBONDTM 300 - 400 500 - 600
‘SAIRBOND® 250 - 300 350 - 450

* This is for 9-inch straights. Normally, for larger sizes the quantities required
are reduced in porportion to the decrease in surface area covered by the mortar
per 1000 9-inch equivalent.

NOTE: Minimum figures are used ordinarily for estimating.

Number of Refractory Straights Required Per
Square Foot of
Wall or Floor
Wall or Floor 9 X 41/2 X 3 Inch
Thickness, Inches Brick
Quantity Quantity
3 3.6 Specified Overage Specified Overage
4½ 5.3
6 7.2 1-100 10% 5,001 - 10,000 2%
7½ 8.9 101-1,000 7% Over 10,000 1%
9 10.7 1,001-5,000 3%
12 14.2
13½ 21.4
18 21.4 Note: Not less than one shape. If in sets, one complete set.
27 32.1

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 9


Overview used in smaller furnaces and in furnaces

Sound furnace refractory lining and construction — whether carried out by where heat must pass through the walls.
experienced masonry specialists working on a high production furnace or a Double tongue and groove brick
contractor building a municipal incinerator — begins with a few fundamental ideas provide stability for thin walls.
required to produce satisfactory performance. Alternate header and stretcher
courses probably provide the most
common arrangement for standard
industrial furnaces. Large 9-inch brick
break joints, start ends of walls and turn
FOUNDATION hands of bricklayers experienced in
The foundation must function at the furnace construction. Walls, arches and
Courses consisting mostly of headers
temperature produced by the furnace. other furnace details should be de-
are often used advantageously in 9 and
For many industrial furnaces, contrac- signed and constructed to assure
13½-inch walls subject to high tempera-
tors build foundations of concrete, structural stability. Otherwise, a return
tures, heavy loads and slag attack. This
consisting of a crushed stone aggregate, on your refractory investment may not
construction is usually preferred for
sand and binder of hydrated Portland be realized.
basic brick walls. The bond provides
cement. Under normal conditions, stability and easy replacement, but most
Portland cement concrete has been WALL CONSTRUCTION expansion joints pass entirely through
safely used for furnace foundations up Courses of brick laid in a wall so that 9-inch walls.
to 700°F (371°C). When the tempera- the lengths parallel the face of the wall Courses consisting mainly or entirely
ture reaches 900°F (483°C), dehydra- are called stretchers. Brick with lengths of headers on the inner face and mainly
tion of the cement reaches a point where running at right angles to the face are stretchers on the cold face are some-
the concrete retains little mechanical headers. In soldier courses, the brick times considered desirable when
strength. stand on end, and in row-lock courses, spalling conditions are severe. Three or
Ordinary aggregates include quartz they lie on one edge (See illustration, p. four stretcher courses to one header
pebbles, silica gravel, crushed silica 11). provide a wall to which a 4½-inch skin
rock and/or crushed limestone. An Header courses tend to spall less wall can be tied for repairs. However, it
aggregate of silica rock in any form will than stretchers at the hot face of a should not be used where stretcher
expand sufficiently at temperatures up furnace wall because they expose a courses may fall into the furnace.
to 1,000°F (538°C) to set up stresses in smaller area to high temperature. In composite wall construction
the concrete and weaken the foundation. However, stretcher courses expose consisting of two or more kinds of brick
Limestone or dolomite rock in an fewer joints than headers, and this in inner and outer courses, the courses
aggregate will calcine at somewhat provides an advantage in applications are sometimes tied together. Usually, the
higher temperatures and weaken where joints tend to wear more rapidly more refractory brick go into the
considerably. For temperatures above than brick. interlocking courses.
700°F (371°C), good practice points to Bonding, or tightening construction However, when brick have marked
the choice of a castable refractory for through combinations of headers and differences in rates of thermal expan-
the foundation. Calcined fireclay, in stretchers and off-setting vertical joints, sion, the backup courses should not be
sizes up to 1 inch, can be substituted for strengthens and stabilizes furnace tied to the inner courses. This is
conventional aggregate. Its thermal walls. The type of bond selected for especially true when the temperature
expansion is low, and it will not shrink any particular furnace will depend gradient through the wall makes a
at the highest temperature to which upon the design of the furnace, significant difference in total expansion.
concrete can be subjected. thickness of the walls, the need for gas- The number of refractory straights
High temperature furnace operation tight construction, severity of operating required to build a simple wall can be
also calls for ventilation in the lower conditions and the need for easy determined from the chart on p.12.
courses of brickwork or the upper part maintenance. Multiply brick per square foot from the
of the foundation. Good furnace design In any case, the wall should be appropriate row, depending on wall
often requires placement of the furnace bonded so that loads will be transferred thickness, by the area of the wall to
on plates, girders or low brick piers, so to the cooler part of the wall when the provide the brick count. For walls not of
that air circulates under the vessel. inner, hotter portion loses its ability to simple rectangular shapes, determine
Sometimes, cross flues are formed in carry them. Walls must be designed to the volume in cubic feet from the
the top of the concrete foundation. At carry structural loads at high tempera- appropriate formula on this page and
others, pipes, 3 inches in diameter or tures. multiply by the number of brick per
larger, are embedded in the foundation. Stretcher walls — one brick cubic foot.
Building furnaces is a specialized thick — usually have the least struc- Wall thickness must bear some
branch of masonry, best placed in the tural stability, but they are sometimes relation to height and unsupported
10 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


Wall 9 inches thick

Wall 13½ inches thick

Alternate header and
stretcher courses

Three stretcher courses to one

header course on exposed or hot face
Wall 13½ inches thick

Wall 18 inches thick

Alternate header and
stretcher courses

Only header course on hot face

Wall 13½ inches thick Mainly stretcher course on cold face

Three header courses to Wall 22½ inches thick

one stretcher course on
exposed or hot face

Only header course on hot face

Alternate header and

Wall 18 inches thick stretcher course on cold face

Alternate header and Wall 13½ inches thick

stretcher courses

Five header courses to one

stretcher course on hot face

Only stretcher course on cold face

Back-up brick
not tied to inner courses

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 11


length. In unsupported straight walls, a requirements for thermal expansion. organizations concentrate on refractory
4½-inch thickness will carry heights up When there is no need for an especially construction.
to 3 feet; 9 inches will carry heights of 3 strong bond, the brick are laid without Harbison-Walker maintains close
to 8 feet; 13½ inches, 8 to 12 feet; and mortar. In some cases, the fusion that contact with these organizations, lending
18 inches, walls higher than 12 feet. takes place on the hot face will provide its engineering skills and applications
Walls with unsupported length more the bond required. Generally, however, know-how to the search for solutions to
than one and one half times their heights the use of mortar is desirable to level any problem involving the use of
should be somewhat thicker, and thermal courses and to provide smooth bedding refractories.
spalling conditions may indicate addi- for the brick.
tional thickness. Walls of cylindrical Brickwork laid with heat-setting
furnaces and stacks, with adequate mortars should have thin joints, either Number of Refractory Straights
backing, may be somewhat thinner for a dipped or poured. The brick should be Required Per Square Foot of Wall
given height than straight walls. rubbed or tapped into place to produce or Floor
Cylindrical walls, arches and domes as much brick-to-brick contact as Thickness, 9 x 4½ x 3” Brick
are built with brick tapered to turn possible. Joints made with an air-setting Inches
circles. Arch brick slope from edge to mortar generally can be somewhat 3 3.6
edge so that the length of the brick thicker, but such joints should be 4½ 5.3
parallels the furnace wall like a stretcher, completely filled. 6 7.2
while the wedge tapers from end to end In furnace construction, proper 7½ 8.9
so that it faces into the furnace like a allowance must be made for thermal 9 10.7
header. A 9 x 4½ x 2½-inch arch brick expansion. Usually, vertical expansion 12 14.2
makes a 4½-inch lining, while the same allowances permit walls to move freely 13½ 16.0
wedge shape makes a 9-inch lining. In upward and horizontal expansion 18 21.4
basic brick, key brick shapes may also allowances appear at joints in the brick. 27 32.1
taper along the edges. Combinations of
these shapes taper in two dimensions to Rammed plastic refractories used for
turn domes. HEARTHS arch construction minimize the
number of joints.
The construction of furnace hearths
presents special problems. Some furnace
JOINT CONSIDERATIONS bottoms must withstand impact and
In many cases, brick sizes and shapes or abrasion from a charge of scrap metal.
the type of bond will be chosen to Liquid pressure may tend to float brick.
minimize the number of joints in the Many hearths must resist penetration by
lining. Monoliths — not without metal or slag accompanied by corrosion
construction or thermal expansion joints or erosion.
– present the fewest joints and opportu- Furnace hearths, in many cases, are
nities for penetration by metal, slag or built of refractory brick, usually seated
furnace gases. on a monolithic refractory bed. Others
Ramming mixes or castable refractory have sub-bottoms built of brick with
materials are often used to fill places working hearths composed of monolithic
where brick would be cut to fit. For refractories, such as dead-burned
example, ramming mixes or dry refrac- magnesite or a ramming mix.
tory materials can be used to protect the Construction details, as well as the
toe of the skewback (See discussion of refractories themselves, depend on
Arch Construction, UR - 22). On many applications. Even different furnaces
installations, the irregular space between within the same application area may
electric furnace roof brick and electrode perform more efficiently with a different
ports is filled with ramming mix or refractory design.
castable refractories. Sophisticated applications for refrac-
The thickness of joints between tories call for specialists in refractories
refractory brick depends on the brick, the design. A number of engineering firms
mortar, the need for preventing gas specialize in high temperature process
leakage or slag penetration, and the design, and many contractor/installer

12 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


Overview arch to the walls and binding.

Arches form the roofs of most furnaces, combustion chambers and Suspended arches are often used with
dense, heavy basic brick. Harbison-
flues. Providing the standard solution to the problem of spanning the Walker has basic brick brands to provide
high temperature process with refractories. In some application, arches a method for attaching the brick to an
span wall openings, and sometimes they carry the weight of walls or overhead steel superstructure.
checkerwork. Most arches are built of brick, but monolithic materials In suspended construction,
are gaining popularity throughout the industry. refractories carry smaller loads and
therefore, suffer less deformation at high
temperatures than they otherwise might.
TYPES OF ARCHES Ring Arches Using suspended construction, it is also
In ring arches, each course of brick easier to make allowance for thermal
Sprung Arches forms a separate ring running across the expansion to avoid thermal stresses and
In a true arch, the design of the whole roof and the joints are continuous across pinch spalling.
determines the shape of each block or the roof. Ring arches require somewhat
structural unit. Theoretically, each joint less labor for initial construction. Cold Monolithic Arches
is a small piece of the radius of the circle repairs are easier to make and they offer Monolithic arches–cast over forms much
of which the arch is a segment. Each end better resistance to spalling. However, like those required for brick arches–have
of the arch rests on a skewback. The ring arches require support at the end of replaced brick in some applications.
arch becomes self-supporting after all of the furnace to forestall outward Skews may be eliminated in monolithic
the pieces go into place, but it must be displacement. arches, but design considerations remain
supported until the final, center shapes In bonded construction, all joints are the same as those for brick arches. A
the keys go into place. When it is broken and the rings help bond one monolithic arch provides all of the
complete, the arch springs from the another in a stronger construction. advantages monolithic construction,
sloping faces of the skewback shapes. Bonded roofs are better adapted for hot including reduced cost and downtime.
The skewbacks cut off the arc of the repairs but they demand more skill of
circle on the outside radii of the arc. the brick masons and more uniformity in
The sprung arch exerts a downward the brick.
vertical force and an outward horizontal
Sometimes, furnace designers
force on the skewbacks, essentially a Arch geometry determines all design
strengthen ring arch roofs by using a
distribution of its weight. The vertical characteristics. From the viewpoint of
longer brick in every third or fourth
force may be carried by steel beams or arch design, the outside and inside arcs,
ring. This construction creates ribs
by the furnace walls or a combination of or surfaces of the roof, are segments of
across the roof, which remain strong
walls and steel buttresses. The concentric circles separated by the
when the thinner parts of the roof wear
horizontal thrust of a roof arch travels thickness of the roof. The skewback
away. The strength of the ribs also helps
through the skewbacks to a steel slope cuts the arc, and its angular value
when roofs must be patched.
supporting system known as the binding equals half the included central angle of
which is composed of beams and tie the arch. The rise of the arch measures
Suspended Arches
rods. The tie rods, usually above the the distance from the inner chord - equal
In suspended arches, a steel super-
furnace, link one side of the furnace to to the span and cutting the inside arc to
structure helps carry the weight of the
the other, and balance opposing forces, the center of the roof at midspan.
roof, otherwise distributed through the
one against the other.
In traditional furnace design, the
binding consists of: LINE OF THRUST
1. Horizontal buttress beams CENTER OF GRAVITY
running lengthwise to the furnace -H
in contact with the skewbacks F
where possible; W
H h
2. Vertical beams, or backstays, 2
spaced at intervals along the -F F
concrete; and
3. Horizontal tie rods, I-beams, or 2 2 2
channels extending across the S
furnace above the roof to connect
the upper ends of opposite
Hypothetical position of thurst in a simple sprung arch, when the bricks are in full contact at joints.

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 13


Ribbed arch roof

Ring arch roof

Typical castable
for sprung arch

Bonded arch roof

14 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


When span, thickness and rise are angle including a higher rise and a for higher values. Silica roofs made with
established, all other dimensions can be shorter radius. On the other hand, the brick that maintain dimensional stability
calculated using the formulas in this flatter roof with a smaller rise indicates a and hot strength almost to their melting
section. smaller included central angle and a point, normally rise from one to two
The stability of any arch will depend longer radius. inches per foot.
on its rise, thickness and weight, as well Experiences suggests that a simple High-alumina refractories used in arch
as the thermal properties of the roof arch should rise not less than one construction call for at least 1.608 inch
refractories. Hot strength and thermal nor more than three inches per foot of per rise per foot of span. Basic
expansion are particularly important. span. For any particular furnace, the rise refractories need 21/4 to three inches of
Good arch design must take these factors selected should depend on operating rise in sprung arches. Insulating
into consideration. conditions, chiefly temperature, thermal firebrick, which give up hot strength in
Rise is normally expressed in inches cycling and the refractories used. exchange for low thermal conductivity,
per foot of span, or in terms of the Typically, stable fireclay arches rise call for two to three inches of rise per
central angle. They are directly related. from 11/2 to three inches per foot of span. foot of span.
It should be easy to visualize a larger High temperatures and soaking heat call For many applications, a 1.608 inch
rise, about 15/8-inch, is a logical standard
Special Standard in that it meets normal requirements for
Skew Skew strength and stability. The 60° central
angle equals one sixth of a circle and the
span equals the inside radius, so the
Ground Brick and
Approx. Mortar Mixture Ground Brick and number of brick required to build the
Line of Header Course
Mortar Mixture roof is easy to calculate.
The reaction of refractory brick to
Header Course
Line of furnace operation, i.e., heat-up,
Thrust establishes the practical limit for roof
rise. Operation and thermal expansion
tend to push the brick upward, opening
Special skewback Built-up skewback
joints at the top and pinching brick at the
A recommened construction A recommened construction
bottom. Brick that soften at operating
Buttress Block
Standard Skewback No. 60-9 temperatures may become permanently
Skew Buckstay
deformed, shortening the radius of the
arc and increasing the rise.
As the arch rises on heat-up, the line
Top of of thrust, the line of force along which
Buttress Skewback the arch distributes the vertical and
Line of
Angle horizontal elements of its weight, shifts
downward. As the line of thrust
approaches a horizontal position in the
Bulk Insulation arch, the horizontal force approaches its
maximum value.
Built-up skewback A 60° skewback with In some furnaces allowance for
A construction to be avoided. buttress block. thermal expansion of the brick will limit
Special Skew Special Shapes upward movement of the arch. Steel
casings can provide an allowance for
expansion. Paperboard placed between
brick will burn out and make room for
expansion. In some cases, horizontal tie
Approx. rods arc spring loaded or manually
Line of adjusted to permit thermal expansion of
Thrust the refractories.
Without adequate provision for
thermal expansion, the relationship
between arch thickness and rise* of the
Special skewback Arch with skewbacks
cold arch must be such that the line of
A construction occasionaly used supported outside of walls
thrust does not drop out of the arch
Note: A stretcher course should never be used immediately below the skewback.

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 15


when it is heated. If it does, the arch will ARCH CONSTRUCTION

not be stable. CALCULATIONS
The line of thrust in a cold arch
The brick count for many sizes can be
should lie within the middle third of the
calculated from the tables of brick
brick. Generally, selecting the proper
combinations for rings, since simple
combination of brick shapes and doing a Skewback
sprung arches are segments of circles. Skewback
professional job to assure face-to-face not flush with flush with
Calculation of arch parameters, the arch at top
contact between brick will keep the arch at top
arch numbers, is sometimes lengthy, but
thrust where it belongs.
not difficult, especially when carried out
In practical construction problems, the
with a pocket calculator. Equations
vertical and horizontal components are
required to produce the necessary values On page IR - 45 the tables of brick
more important than the resultant force.
are included in this section. combinations for rings for 13½ inch
The walls, with or without steel supports,
Suppose that a furnace design calls for linings show that an 18 foot, 3 inch ring
must carry the vertical force, and the
an arch with a 12 foot span, 131/2 inches can be built with:
horizontal binding, including buckstays
thick built of NARMAG® 60DB brand
and tie rods, must contain the horizontal
brick, on a furnace 20 feet long. 82 pieces, No. 2 Wedge and
NARMAG® 60DB basic brick, requires 176 pieces, No. 1 Wedge
* Assuming that the absolute lower limit a minimum rise of 21/4 inches per foot of
for the rise of the line of thrust is 1/4 inch span. If this design calls for 2,284 ten
(1/48) per foot of span, the rise (h) must The table of Arch Constants below thousandths of a ring, then:
exceed thickness (T) times the of the provides data to develop the required 0.2284 x 82 = 18.73 or 19 pieces,
cosine of the central angle (0)plus 1/48 design values. For a 21/4 inch rise, No. 2 Wedge
span (S). This implies that T should not multiply the span by 0.76042 to 0.2284 x 176 = 40.2 or 41 pieces,
exceed: determine the inside radius, in this case, No. 1 Wedge
9.125 or 9 feet, 11 / 2 inches. That means
h-1/48S the arch is a segment of a circle with an If the design specifies 13½ x 6 x 3 inch
18 foot, three inch inside diameter, twice shapes, then two rings will cover a
Cosine 0/2 the inside radius. running foot on the 20 foot roof, and 40
The table also indicates that the rings will roof the furnace. Thus, the
For a more complete discussion of arch central angle for this arch will be 82° design calls for 40 times 19, a total of 760
stresses see: J. Spotts Mcdowell, “Sprung-Arch
13.4’, equal to 2,284 ten thousandths of a pieces, No. 2 Wedge, and 40 times 41, a
Roots for High Temperature furnaces,” Blast
Furnace and Steel Plant, September 1939.
circle. total of 1,640 pieces, No. 1 Wedge.

Arch Constants for Given Rises per Foot of Span

Rise Central Angle 0 Difference Skewback

Inches Inside Inside Between
Per Foot Radius Degress Part of Arc Outside & H V F
of Span (r) Circle (aa) Inside Arc
(d) (Aa - aa)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

1 1.54167S 37° 50.9’ 0.10514 1.01840S 0.66059T 0.32432T 0.94595T 0.34286Q

11/4 1.25208S 47° 4.4’ 0.13076 1.02868S 0.82157T 0.39933T 0.91681T 0.43557Q
11/2 1.06250S 56° 8.7’ 0.15596 1.04117S 0.97992T 0.47059T 0.88235T 0.53333Q
1.608 1.00000S 60° 0.0’ 0.16667 1.04720S 1.04720T 0.50000T 0.86603T 0.57735Q
13/4 0.93006S 65° 2.5’ 0.18067 1.05579S 1.13519T 0.53760T 0.84320T 0.63757Q
2 0.83333S 73° 44.4’ 0.20483 1.07251S 1.28701T 0.60000T 0.80000T 0.75000Q

21/4 0.76042S 82° 13.4’ 0.22840 1.09125S 1.43507T 0.65753T 0.75342T 0.87273Q
2.302 0.74742S 83° 58.5’ 0.23326 1.09544S 1.46563T 0.66896T 0.74329T 0.90000Q
21/2 0.70417S 90° 28.8’ 0.25133 1.11200S 1.57918T 0.71006T 0.70414T 1.00840Q
23/4 0.66004S 98° 29.7’ 0.27360 1.13464S 1.71906T 0.75753T 0.65280T 1.160444Q
3 0.62500S 106° 15.6’ 0.29517 1.15912S 1.85459T 0.80000T 0.60000T 1.333334Q

NOTE: The factors in the above tables are the following functions of 0: Column 2, 1/2 cosecant 1/2 0; column 4, Ø divided by 360°;
column 5; 1/2 cosecant 1/2 0

16 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


SKEWBACK DESIGN of the line of thrust, even when the Maximum Values on the following page.
Skewbacks may be built-up arch is cold, is not known, (2) Consider the NARMAG® 60DB brick
combinations of rectangular brick sizes, workmanship in construction of the arch design described earlier in this
as previously illustrated, or one-piece arch may be less than perfect, (3) the chapter. Its design parameters are:
special skews designed to fit the arch. position of the line of thrust will
Span (S) = 12 ft
Built-up skews satisfy the requirements change when the furnace is heated, (4)
of narrow spans, four feet or less, but tie rods can stretch and the furnace Thickness (T)= 1.125 ft
the one-piece skewback generally can settle, changing arch parameters, Inside Radius (r) = 9.125 ft
provides greater strength and better and (5) arch stresses can be increased Density of
support at the buttress. by the weight of material adhering to,
NARMAG® 60DB (D) = 192 lb/ft3
The slope of the skewback must be or absorbed by the bricks. The force
acting against the skewbacks depends Rise (h) = 2.25 inches per foot of
designed to match the central angle of
the arch, determined by the rise and primarily on the span, rise and span=12 x 2.25 = 27 inches=2.25 ft
span. When the skewback is carried on a thickness of the arch, the weight of the Outside radius (R+T) = 10.25 ft
channel or angle, the line of thrust brick, and conditions in the furnace.
Central Angle (0) = 82°13.4'
should pass through, or slightly above, Vertical force equals one half the
weight of the arch per running foot. The following calculations are based
the corner of the supporting steel.
The horizontal force depends on the on the assumption that the line of thrust
Skewback dimensions can be
weight of the arch and on the span and passes from the center of arch thickness
determined from the table of Arch
rise. at midspan to the center of arch
Constants below. From the example
The resultant thrust (F) acting at the thickness at the skewbacks.
above, a 2¼ inch rise produces a central
skewback equals the square root of the As shown in the table below, the
angle of 82° 13.4'. The slope equals half
sum of the squares of horizontal (H) weight of the arch equals 1.17 DST. That
the central angle, amounting to 41° 6.6'
and vertical (W) forces, that is: is, for this arch, 1.17 times 192 times 12
in this example. Other dimensions can
times 1.125 equals 3032.64 pounds per
be calculated from constants in the same
F= H2+(W/2)2 foot of arch length. Since W/2 equals
1516.32, the vertical force that the walls
The V dimension is 0.75342 times the However, the stresses of a cold and buttresses must carry amounts to
thickness of an arch with a 2¼ inch rise. arch, in which all adjoining brick are in 1516.32 pounds per foot of arch length.
In this example above, 0.75342 times full contact, can be approximately From the same table, the horizontal
13.5 equals approximately 10.17 inches. determined from the table below. The thrust of cold arch with a 2¼ inch rise
Other skewback dimensions can be limiting value which the horizontal per foot of span equals 0.64 time its
determined in the same way. thrust approaches in a heated arch, weight (W). For the arch under
The amount of stress in a furnace can Hmax, can be calculated approximately consideration, 0.64 times 3032.64 equals
be only approximated because of the from the constants in the table of 1940.89 pounds per foot of arch length.
following variables: (1) the exact position

Constants for Calculation of Stresses in Unheated Arches

Forces Per Foot of Arch Length
Rise in
Inches H F
Per Foot Central W Horizonal Resultant Thrust at
of Span Angle (0) Weight Thrust Skewback
1 37° 50.9’ 1.05 DST 1.49 W 1.57 W
11/4 47° 4.4’ 1.07 DST 1.18 W 1.28 W
11/2 56° 8.7’ 1.09 DST 0.98 W 1.10 W
1.608 60° 0.0’ 1.10 DST 0.91 W 1.04 W
13/4 65° 2.5’ 1.11 DST 0.83 W 0.97 W
2 73° 44.4’ 1.14 DST 0.72 W 0.88 W

21/4 82° 13.4’ 1.17 DST 0.64 W 0.81 W

2.302 83° 58.5’ 1.17 DST 0.62 W 0.80 W
21/2 90° 28.8’ 1.19 DST 0.57 W 0.76 W
23/4 98° 29.7’ 1.22 DST 0.51 W 0.71 W
3 106° 15.6’ 1.25 DST 0.46 W 0.68 W

D= Density of brick in pounds per cubic foot. S=Span in feet. T=Thickness of arch in feet. W=Weight of brick per foot of arch length. The
constants given in this table are based on the assumption that the line of thrust passes from the center of the arch thickness at the point of
midspan, to the center of arch thickness at the skewbacks.

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 17


The resultant force, also determined from COMPLEX REFRACTORY Temperatures above 400°F to 600°F
the table above, is 0.81 times 3032.64 DESIGN PROBLEMS (205°C to 316°C) should be avoided until
equals 2546.44 pounds per foot of arch Customers who design or build all steaming ceases.
length. refractory structures often tap Harbison- Furnace builders and refractory
Maximum values approached by Walker resources, e.g., engineering skills consumers should understand the
horizontal thrust can be determined from and advanced refractories technology, requirements of the brands that line their
the factors listed in the table. These data for solutions to complex problems furnaces. Careful drying of linings built
indicate that the maximum value involving refractory applications. of magnesia and some of its compounds
approached by horizontal thrust for a Harbison- Walker engineers have is especially important. Water vapor or
heated arch free to rise can be developed computer programs, which steam under pressure can cause
determined by multiplying the cold arch are used with customers, that can hydration of the magnesia.
horizontal thrust by a factor dependent produce complex arch or dome design Flame impingement on brickwork
on the ratio of thickness to span. In the parameters in a few minutes, often during heat-up can cause rapid, localized
example considered earlier, thickness saving many man-hours of calculation. expansion with consequent spalling.
equals 9% of span, that is, 1.125/12 For assistance with your difficult design Silica and basic brick, especially, tend to
equals 0.09. For a 2¼ inch rise, problems, please call your Harbison- spall when subjected to excessively
maximum thrust approaches 1.84H, or Walker representative. rapid changes in temperature.
1.84 times 1940.89 equals 3571.24 In low temperature furnaces, it is often
pounds per foot of arch length. This Initial Heat-Up Considerations good practice to heat the refractories to a
value is an approximation, but it lies In most cases, a new furnace should be higher temperature than that required for
well within the requirements of practical heated slowly with enough air operation for a short period of time. This
furnace design. circulating over the walls to remove preliminary heat-up develops the
The safety factor used in furnace moisture. Steam trapped in the pores of ceramic bond in mortared joints and
binding design is ordinarily higher than brick or mortar may damage the increases their mechanical strength.
that used in conventional steel structural brickwork. Good practice permits a
design because the furnace binding may furnace to dry out thoroughly at a
become overheated. For ordinary temperature not over 250°F(121°C) for 24
structural steel bindings, many furnace hours or longer, depending on the size of
designers limit tensile stress to 12,000 the vessel and the refractories in use.
pounds per square inch.

Maximum Value Approached by Horizonal Thrust in Heated Arch Free to Rise

Hmax Per Foot of Arch Length
Inches Thickness of Arch in Precent of Span
Per Foot Central
of Span Angle (O) 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
1 37° 50.9’ 1.88 H* 2.41 H 3.29 H 5.0 H ** ** **
11/4 47° 4.4’ 1.61 H 1.86 H 2.29 H 2.80 H 3.73 H 5.34 H **
11/2 56° 8.7’ 1.47 H 1.63 H 1.94 H 2.14 H 2.55 H 3.06 H 3.88 H
1.608 60° 0.0’ 1.43 H 1.59 H 1.79 H 1.98 H 2.31 H 2.75 H 3.30 H
13/4 65° 2.5’ 1.39 H 1.52 H 1.67 H 1.93 H 2.17 H 2.41 H 2.77 H
2 73° 44.4’ 1.33 H 1.43 H 1.56 H 1.69 H 1.86 H 2.04 H 2.22 H
21/4 82°13.4’ 1.29 H 1.38 H 1.47 H 1.58 H 1.70 H 1.84 H 2.00 H
2.302 83° 58.5’ 1.28 H 1.37 H 1.46 H 1.57 H 1.69 H 1.81 H 1.95 H
21/2 90° 28.8’ 1.26 H 1.33 H 1.42 H 1.51 H 1.60 H 1.72 H 1.82 H
23/4 98° 29.7’ 1.24 H 1.29 H 1.37 H 1.45 H 1.53 H 1.63 H 1.73 H
3 106° 15.6’ 1.22 H 1.26 H 1.33 H 1.41 H 1.48 H 1.57 H 1.63 H
* H = Horizonal thrust, as determined from the previous table.
** Stress excessive.

18 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide



Calculations to determine the

dimensions or numerical characteristics
of refractory structures are not difficult.
Generally, they involve three steps: (1)
pick out the formula that produces the
dimension or other number that you Skewback Skewback
need; (2) substitute the numbers in your not flush with flush with
problem that fit the letter-variables in arch to top arch to top
the formula; and (3) perform the
arithmetic operations required by the
formula. Remember, once the span and
rise of an arch are decided, all other
dimensions follow.
To use these formulas, all the algebra
you need to know is that parentheses tell
you to perform the arithmetic operation Arches Arch Formulas
inside before carrying out the other Many pocket calculators will make
operations. calculation of arch parameters, i.e.
1. r = S2/8h + h/2
All you have to know about numerical characteristics such as
trigonometry is that each sine, cosine or dimensions, quick and easy. Sine, cosine 2. R = r+T
tangent is a particular number and tangent values are literally at your 3. h = r - r2-(S/2)2
associated with one particular angle, fingertips on many models. Solutions to
4. Sine ½ 0 = S/2r
and that an arcsine, arccosine or arch problems involve nothing more
arctangent is a particular angle than substituting numbers into the 5. Tan ¼ 0 = 2h/S
associated with a particular number. formulas and pushing buttons on the 6. Tan ¼ 0 = d/6
That allows you to go from number to calculator. For example in the design
7. Part of circle = 0/360°
angle, or from angle to number, or back previously specified:
and forth, depending on the 8. H = T Sine ½0
requirements of the problem. Sines, Sine ½0 =S/2r = 12 (2 x 9.125) 9. d = 6 Tan ¼0
cosines or tangents are found in tables of = 0.6575
10. aa = 6.2832r (0/360°)
trigonometric functions or in pocket Arcsine 0.6575 = 41.11°
calculators. = ½ The Central Angle 11. Aa= 6.2832R (6/360°)
The Central Angle = 82.22° = 82° 13' 12. V=T Cos½0
13. P=QTan ½0
The problem is no more difficult with
paper, pencil and a table of Arch Symbols
trigonometric functions, but the
The following symbols and variables
multiplication, division and reference to
are used in the arch formulas:
the table take more time.
aa = Length of inside arc
A a = Length of outside arc
R = Outside radius of arch
r = Inside radius of arch
S = Span of arch
d = Rise in inches per foot of span
h = Total rise of arch
T = Thickness of arch
0 = Central Angle (Theta)
H, V, P, Q = Skewback dimensions
indicated in the Arch Constants table.

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 19


The number of brick of two sizes to form Outside Cord Dimensions Outside Cord Dimensions
a ring can be calculated from formulas
listed below. When one brick, E, is a
straight, and the other, F, is a radial, use
Formulas 1-a, 1-b and 1-c. When both
brick, E and F, are radial with outside Ring
chord dimensions and inside chord Calculations
dimensions unequal, use Formulas 2-a,
2-b, and 2-c. When both brick, E and F.
are radial and the inside and outside Inside Chord Dimensions Inside Chord Dimensions
chord dimensions of E differ from those Combination of a Straight Brick (E) Combination of Two Radial Brick
of F, use Formulas 3-a, 3-b and 3-c for a and a Radial Brick (F) (E and F) to Form a Ring. Brick E
to Form a Ring Turns a Large Diameter than Brick F
single combination, and 4-a, 4-b, and 4-c
for a series of combinations.

Ring Formulas Ring Symbols

2T E = Either a straight brick or a radial Cf = Outside chord dimension of
(1-a) Nf =
Cf-cf brick used with a companion brick brick F.
F; when brick E is radial it turns a ce= Inside chord dimension of
Dg Dg brick E.
(2-a) Nt = = larger diameter than brick F.
Ce Cf
F = A radial brick, used with a cf= Inside chord dimension of brick F.
(3-a) Nece+NfCf = Dg companion brick E which may be
either straight or radial; in the Ne=Number of pieces of brick E, when
Nx latter case, brick F turns a smaller used in combination with brick F, to
(4-a) Ne = (Dg-Df) diameter than brick E. form a ring having a given outside
diameter Dg.
Dg-NfCf T = Radial dimension common to both
(1-b) Ne = brick E and F. Nf=Number of pieces of brick F, when
used in combination with brick E, to
Dg-Nfcf De = Outside diameter of ring formed by form a ring having a given out side
(2-b) Ne = diameter Dg.
ce-cf brick E.

(3-b) Nece+Nfcf = dg Df = Outside diameter of ring formed by Nt=Total number of pieces of brick E and
brick F. F used in combination to form a ring
having a given outside diameter Dg.
Ny Dg = A given outside diameter larger than
(4-b) Nf = (De-Dg)
De-Df Df, if brick E is radial Dg must lie Nx=Number of pieces of brick E required
between De and Df. to form a complete ring having an
(1-c) Nt = Ne+Nf outside diameter De.
dg = A given inside diameter.
(2-c) Nf = Nt-Ne Ny=Number of pieces of brick F required
Ce= Outside chord dimension of to form a complete ring having an
(3-c) Nt = Ne+Nf
brick E. outside diameter Df.
(4-c) Nt = Ne+Nf

20 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


Wherever furnace construction and operating conditions permit, refractory

linings are typically constructed with brick of standard sizes and shapes.
Standard materials cost less than larger, more intricate shapes and
frequently are more serviceable. They are also more accessible, in that they
are likely to be routinely stocked by the manufacturer.
The most widely used standard size for all types of refractory brick
is 9 x 41/2 by 3 inches. Most brands offer larger sizes, as well. Special
shapes, such as skewback brick, are important in the construction of
numerous kinds of furnaces having sprung arches.
This section provides a comprehensive listing of standard brick sizes
and shapes for a variety of furnace applications, as well as ring and
arch combinations for standard size refractory brick. Additional sections
address special shapes such as semi-universal ladle brick, brick counts for
rotary kilns and rotary kiln brick shapes, including ISO, VDZ and CR
two-shape systems for combination linings. Together, offer refractory users
a ready reference of information governing furnace refractory lining and
If you require a special shape which is not included in this booklet,
please contact your Harbison-Walker representative. Harbison-Walker
manufactures special shapes based on customer designs showing
shape details and assembly in the furnace lining.

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 21


Refractory brick are classified on the basis of their form as Rectangular
Shapes or Special Shapes.
Rectangular Sizes are brick of relatively simple design, with certain
definite shapes, that are marketed in sufficient amounts to permit quanti-
ty production. Rectangular sizes are preferred wherever furnace con-
struction and operating conditions permit. These brick cost less than
longer and more intricate shapes.
Special Shapes are refractory brick of special design of either sim-
ple or intricate form. Some special shapes may be considered as mod-
ifications of rectangular tile having the same overall dimensions.
For initial orders of special shapes, drawings showing complete
details of the shapes, as well as their assembly in the furnace, should
be included. The drawing and shape numbers should be provided on
all subsequent orders.

Nine-Inch Sizes ( 9 X 41/2 X 3 )


4 1/2"
4 1/2"

4 1/2"

9" 9"
2 3/4"

9 Inch Straight 9 – 2 Inch Split 9 Inch No. 1 Wedge

9 X 41/2 X 3 9 X 41/2 X 2 9 X 41/2 X (3 – 23/4)

4 1/2"
3 1/2"

4 1/2"

3" 9" 2 1/2"
1 1/2"

Small 9 Inch Straight 9 Inch Split 9 Inch No. 2 Wedge

9 X 31/2 X 3 9 X 41/2 X 11/2 9 X 41/2 X (3 – 21/2)

3" 3"
4 1/2"

4 1/2"
2 1/4"

9" 9"
3" 2 7/8"

9 Inch Soap 9 Inch No. 1-X Wedge 9 Inch No. 3 Wedge

9 X 21/4 X 3 9 X 41/2 X (3 – 27/8) 9 X 41/2 X (3 – 2)

22 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


Nine-Inch Sizes ( 9 X 41/2 X 3 )

1 13/16"
3" 4 1/2"

4 1/2"


9" 3" 9" /2"
2 3/4"

9 Inch No. 1 Arch 9 Inch No. 3 Key 9 Inch – 48° Side Skew
9 X 41/2 X (3 – 23/4) 9 X (41/2 – 3) X 3 9 X (41/2 – 113/16) X 3

2 3/4"
4 1/2"
4 1/2


9" 9"
/4 "
9" /2"
21 41
2 1/2"

9 Inch No. 2 Arch 9 Inch No. 4 Key 9 Inch – 60° Side Skew
9 X 41/2 X (3 – 21/2) 9 X (41/2 – 21/4) X 3 9 X (41/2 – 23/4) X 3

6 5/16"
4 1/2


9" 9" /2"

9" /2" 41

9 Inch No. 3 Arch 9 Inch – 48° End Skew 9 Inch Featheredge

9 X 41/2 X (3 – 2) (9 – 65/16) X 41/2 X 3 9 X 41/2 X (3 – 1/8)

4 1/2"
4 1/2"

3" 3"
1 1/2"

9" 9" 9" /2"
4" 41

9 Inch No. 1 Key 9 Inch Edge Skew 9 Inch Neck

9 X (41/2 – 4) X 3 9 X (41/2 – 11/2) X 3 9 X 41/2 X (3 – 5/8)

4 1/2" 7 1/4"

4 1/2"


/2" 4 1/
31 9"

9 Inch No. 2 Key 9 Inch – 60° End Skew 9 Inch Jamb

9 X (41/2 – 31/2) X 3 (9 – 71/4) X 41/2 X 3 9 X 41/2 X 3

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 23

High-Alumina, Basic and Silica Brick
Sizes Name Dimensions (In.) Equivalent

9x6x3 Straight 9x6x3 1.60

No. 1 Arch 9 x 6 x (3-23/4) 1.53
Straight Arch Wedge Key No. 2 Arch 9 x 6 x (3-21/2) 1.47
No. 3 Arch 9 x 6 x (3-2) 1.33
Sizes Name Dimensions (In.) Equivalent
No. 1-X Wedge 9 x 6 x (3-27/8) 1.57
9x 41/2x 21/2 Straight 9x 41/2 x 21/2 1.00 No. 1 Wedge 9 x 6 x (3-23/4) 1.53
9 x 31/2 x 21/2 Soap 9 x 21/4 x 21/2 0.50 No. 2 Wedge 9 x 6 x (3-21/2) 1.47
9 x 21/4 x 21/2 2" Split 9 x 41/2 x 21/2 0.80 No. 3 Wedge 9 x 6 x (3-2) 1.33
9 x 41/2 x 21/2 Split 9 x 41/2 x 11/4 0.50
No. 1 Key 9 x (6-53/8) x 3 1.52
9x 41/2 x 21/2 No. 1-X Wedge 9x 41/2 x (21/2-21/4) 0.95 No. 2 Key 9 x (6-413/16) x 3 1.44
No. 1 Wedge 9 x 41/2 x (21/2-17/8) 0.88 No. 3 Key 9 x (6-3) x 3 1.20
No. 2 Wedge 9 x 41/2 x (21/2-11/2) 0.80
No. 1 Arch 9 x 41/2 x (21/2-21/8) 0.93 9 x 63/4 x 3 Straight 9 x 63/4 x 3 1.80
No. 2 Arch 9 x 41/2 x (21/2-13/4) 0.85 No. 1-X Wedge 9 x 63/4 x (3-27/8) 1.76
No. 3 Arch 9 x 41/2 x (21/2-1) 0.70 No. 1 Wedge 9 x 63/4 x (3-23/4) 1.72
No. 1 Key 9 x (41/2-4) x 21/2 0.94 No. 2 Wedge 9 x 63/4 x (3-21/2) 1.65
No. 2 Key 9 x (41/2-31/2) x 21/2 0.89 No. 3 Wedge 9 x 63/4 x (3-2) 1.50
No. 3 Key 9 x (41/2-3) x 21/2 0.83
No. 4 Key 9 x (41/2-21/4) x 21/2 0.75 9x9x3 Straight 9x9x3 2.40
No. 1-X Wedge 9 x 9 x (3-27/8) 2.35
9 x 41/2 x 21/2 48° End Skew (9-63/4) x 41/2 x 21/2 0.88 No. 1 Wedge 9 x 9 x (3-23/4) 2.30
60° End Skew (9-79/16) x 41/2 x 21/2 0.92 No. 2 Wedge 9 x 9 x (3-21/2) 2.20
48° Side Skew 9 x (41/2-21/4) x 21/2 0.75 No. 3 Wedge 9 x 9 x (3-2) 2.00
60° Side Skew 9 x (41/2-31/16) x 21/2 0.84
Edge Skew 9 x (41/2-11/2) x 21/2 0.67 12 x 41/2 x 3 Straight 12 x 41/2 x 3 1.60
Featheredge 9 x 41/2 x (21/2-1/8) 0.53 No. 1 Arch 12 x 41/2 x (3-23/4) 1.53
Neck 9 x 41/2 x (21/2-5/8) 0.63 No. 2 Arch 12 x 41/2 x (3-21/2) 1.47
Jamb 9 x 41/2 x 21/2 0.89 No. 3 Arch 12 x 41/2 x (3-2) 1.33

9 x 41/2 x 3 Straight 9 x 41/2 x 3 1.20 No. 1-X Wedge 12 x 41/2 x (3-27/8) 1.57
9 x 31/2 x 3 Sm. Straight 9 x 31/2 x 3 0.93 No. 1 Wedge 12 x 41/2 x (3-23/4) 1.53
9 x 21/4 x 3 Soap 9 x 21/4 x 3 0.60 No. 2 Wedge 12 x 41/2 x (3-21/2) 1.47
9 x 41/2 x 11/2 Split 9 x 41/2 x 11/2 0.60 No. 3 Wedge 12 x 41/2 x (3-2) 1.33

9 x 41/2 x 3 No. 1 Arch 9 x 41/2 x (3-23/4) 1.15 12 x 6 x 3 Straight 12 x 6 x 3 2.13

No. 2 Arch 9 x 41/2 x (3-21/2) 1.10 No. 1 Arch 12 x 6 x (3-23/4) 2.04
No. 3 Arch 9 x 41/2 x (3-2) 1.00 No. 2 Arch 12 x 6 x (3-21/2) 1.96
No. 4 Arch 9 x 41/2 x (3-1) 0.80 No. 3 Arch 12 x 6 x (3-2) 1.78

No. 1-X Wedge 9 x 41/2 x (3-27/8) 1.17 No. 1-X Wedge 12 x 6 x (3-27/8) 2.09
No. 1 Wedge 9 x 41/2 x (3-23/4) 1.15 No. 1 Wedge 12 x 6 x (3-23/4) 2.04
No. 2 Wedge 9 x 41/2 x (3-21/2) 1.10 No. 2 Wedge 12 x 6 x (3-21/2) 1.96
No. 3 Wedge 9 x 41/2 x (3-2) 1.00 No. 3 Wedge 12 x 6 x (3-2) 1.78

No. 1 Key 9 x (41/2-4) x 3 1.13 No. 1 Key 12 x (6-51/2) x 3 2.04

No. 2 Key 9 x (41/2-31/2) x 3 1.07 No. 2 Key 12 x (6-5) x 3 1.96
No. 3 Key 9 x (41/2-3) x 3 1.00 No. 3 Key 12 x (6-3) x 3 1.87
No. 4 Key 9 x (41/2-21/4) x 3 0.90
12 x 63/4 x 3 Straight 12 x 63/4 x 3 2.40
9x 41/2 x3 48° End Skew (9-65/16) x 41/2x3 1.02 No. 1-X Wedge 12 x 63/4 x (3-27/8) 2.35
60° End Skew (9-71/4) x 41/2 x 3 1.08 No. 1 Wedge 12 x 63/4 x (3-23/4) 2.30
48° Side Skew 9 x (41/2-113/16) x 3 0.84 No. 2 Wedge 12 x 63/4 x (3-21/2) 2.20
60° Side Skew 9 x (41/2-23/4) x 3 0.97 No. 3 Wedge 12 x 63/4 x (3-2) 2.00
Edge Skew 9 x (41/2-11/2) x 3 0.80 12 x 9 x 3 No. 1 Arch 12 x 9 x (3-23/4) 3.07
Featheredge 9 x 41/2 x (3-1/8) 0.63 No. 2 Arch 12 x 9 x (3-21/2) 2.93
Neck 9 x 41/2 x (3-5/8) 0.73 No. 3 Arch 12 x 9 x (3-2) 2.67
Jamb 9 x 41/2 x 3 1.07
Straight 12 x 9 x 3 3.20
9x6 Straight 9 x 6 x 21/2 1.33 No. 1-X Wedge 12 x 9 x (3-27/8) 3.13
Flat Back Split 9 x 6 x 11/4 0.67 No. 1 Wedge 12 x 9 x (3-23/4) 3.07
No. 1 Arch 9 x 6 x (31/2-21/2) 1.60 No. 2 Wedge 12 x 9 x (3-21/2) 2.93
No. 2 Arch 9 x 6 x (31/2-2) 1.47 No. 3 Wedge 12 x 9 x (3-2) 2.67

24 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


Sizes Name Dimensions (In.) Equivalent Sizes Name Dimensions (In.) Equivalent

131/2 x 41/2 x 3 Straight 131/2 x 41/2 x 3 1.80 18 x 41/2 x 3 Straight 18 x 41/2 x 3 2.40
No. 1 Arch 131/2 x 41/2 x (3-23/4) 1.72 No. 1-X Wedge 18 x 41/2 x (3-27/8) 2.35
No. 2 Arch 131/2 x 41/2 x (3-21/2) 1.65 No. 1 Wedge 18 x 41/2 x (3-23/4) 2.30
No. 3 Arch 131/2 x 41/2 x (3-2) 1.50 No. 2 Wedge 18 x 41/2 x (3-21/2) 2.20
No. 3 Wedge 18 x 41/2 x (3-2) 2.00
No. 1 Key 131/2 x (41/2-4) x 3 1.70
No. 2 Key 131/2 x (41/2-31/2) x 3 1.60 18 x 6 x 3 Straight 18 x 6 x 3 3.20
No. 3 Key 131/2 x (41/2-3) x 3 1.50 No. 1-X Wedge 18 x 6 x (3-27/8) 3.13
No. 4 Key 131/2 x (41/2-21/4) x 3 1.35 No. 1 Wedge 18 x 6 x (3-23/4) 3.07
No. 2 Wedge 18 x 6 x (3-21/2) 2.93
131/2 x 6 x 3 Straight 131/2 x 6 x 3 2.40 No. 3 Wedge 18 x 6 x (3-2) 2.67
No. 1 Arch 131/2 x 6 x (3-23/4) 2.30
No. 2 Arch 131/2 x 6 x (3-21/2) 2.20 18 x 9 x 3 Straight 18 x 9 x 3 4.80
No. 3 Arch 131/2 x 6 x (3-2) 2.00 No. 1-X Wedge 18 x 9 x (3-27/8) 4.70
No. 1 Wedge 18 x 9 x (3-23/4) 4.60
No. 1-X Wedge 131/2 x 6 x (3-27/8) 2.35 No. 2 Wedge 18 x 9 x (3-21/2) 4.40
No. 1 Wedge 131/2 x 6 x (3-23/4) 2.30 No. 3 Wedge 18 x 9 x (3-2) 4.00
No. 2 Wedge 131/2 x 6 x (3-21/2) 2.20
No. 3 Wedge 131/2 x 6 x (3-2) 2.00 21 x 6 x 3 Straight 21 x 6 x 3 3.73
No. 1-X Wedge 21 x 6 x (3-27/8) 3.65
No. 1 Key 131/2 x (6-5) x 3 2.20 No. 1 Wedge 21 x 6 x (3-23/4) 3.58
No. 2 Key 131/2 x (6-43/8) x 3 2.07 No. 2 Wedge 21 x 6 x (3-21/2) 3.42
No. 3 Key 131/2 x (6-3) x 3 1.80 No. 3 Wedge 21 x 6 x (3-2) 3.11

131/2 x 63/4 x 3 Straight 131/2 x 63/4 x 3 2.70 21 x 9 x 3 Straight 21 x 9 x 3 5.60

No. 1-X Wedge 131/2 x 63/4 x (3-27/8) 2.64 No. 1-X Wedge 21 x 9 x (3-27/8) 5.48
No. 1 Wedge 131/2 x 63/4 x (3-23/4) 2.59 No. 1 Wedge 21 x 9 x (3-23/4) 5.37
No. 2 Wedge 131/2 x 63/4 x (3-21/2) 2.47 No. 2 Wedge 21 x 9 x (3-21/2) 5.13
No. 3 Wedge 131/2 x 63/4 x (3-2) 2.25 No. 3 Wedge 21 x 9 x (3-2) 4.67

131/2 x 9 x 3 Straight 131/2 x 9 x 3 3.60 Misc. Straight 9x6x2 1.07

No. 1 Arch 131/2 x 9 x (3-23/4) 3.45 Straights Straight 9x7x2 1.24
No. 2 Arch 131/2 x 9 x (3-21/2) 3.30 Straight 9 x 71/2 x 2 1.33
No. 3 Arch 131/2 x 9 x (3-2) 3.00 Straight 101/2 x 41/2 x 3 1.39
Straight 101/2 x 41/2 x 41/2 2.10
No. 1-X Wedge 131/2 x 9 x (3-27/8) 3.52 Straight 131/2 x 41/2 x 41/2 2.70
No. 1 Wedge 131/2 x 9 x (3-23/4) 3.45 Straight 18 x 63/4 x 3 3.60
No. 2 Wedge 131/2 x 9 x (3-21/2) 3.30 Straight 18 x 9 x 41/2 7.20
No. 3 Wedge 131/2 x 9 x (3-2) 3.00

15 x 41/2 x 3 Straight 15 x 41/2 x 3 2.00

No. 1 Arch 15 x 41/2 x (3-23/4) 1.92
No. 2 Arch 15 x 41/2 x (3-21/2) 1.83
No. 3 Arch 15 x 41/2 x (3-2) 1.67

No. 1-X Wedge 15 x 41/2 x (3-27/8) 1.96

No. 1 Wedge 15 x 41/2 x (3-23/4) 1.92
No. 2 Wedge 15 x 41/2 x (3-21/2) 1.83
No. 3 Wedge 15 x 41/2 x (3-2) 1.67

15 x 6 x 3 Straight 15 x 6 x 3 2.67
No. 1-X Wedge 15 x 6 x (3-27/8) 2.61
No. 1 Wedge 15 x 6 x (3-23/4) 2.56
No. 2 Wedge 15 x 6 x (3-21/2) 2.44
No. 3 Wedge 15 x 6 x (3-2) 2.22

No. 1 Key 15 x (6-5) x 3 2.56

No. 2 Key 15 x (6-43/8) x 3 2.31
No. 3 Key 15 x (6-3) x 3 2.00

15 x 9 x 3 Straight 15 x 9 x 3 4.00
No. 1-X Wedge 15 x 9 x (3-27/8) 3.92
No. 1 Wedge 15 x 9 x (3-23/4) 3.83
No. 2 Wedge 15 x 9 x (3-21/2) 3.67
No. 3 Wedge 15 x 9 x (3-2) 3.33

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guider - 25



Number per course for blocks laid on end

Diameter of Diameter of
Hearth Jacket No. of Hearth Jacket No. of
B (Ft In) Blocks (Ft In) Blocks
17 6 897 27 6 2176
18 0 947 28 0 2255
18 6 999 28 6 2335
19 0 1053 29 0 2417
19 6 1108 29 6 2500
Name 20 0 1164 30 0 2584
(In) (In) (In) (In)
20 6 1222 30 6 2669
21 0 1281 31 0 2756
DJ-1-3 9 4 1/2 11/2 3 21 6 1342 31 6 2845
22 0 1403 32 0 2935
DJ-2-3 9 6 3/4 3 3/4 3
22 6 1467 32 6 3026
DJ-3-3 9 9 6 3 23 0 1531 33 0 3119
23 6 1598 33 6 3213
BS-115-3 13 1/2 6 3/4 2 3/4 3 24 0 1665 34 0 3308
24 6 1734 34 6 3405
BS-116-3 13 1/2 9 5 3
25 0 1804 35 0 3503
25 6 1876 35 6 3603
DJ-18-1-3 18 6 3/4 2 3/4 3 26 0 1949 36 0 3704
26 6 2023 36 6 3806
DJ-18-2-3 18 9 5 3 27 0 2099 37 0 3909

High-Alumina Circle Brick

Circle Brick Number

Nine-Inch Sizes Number* Chord Per * The first two numbers of the
(9 X 4 1/2 X 3) (3 Inch) (Inch) Ring Circle Number indicate the
inside and outside diame-
24 - 33 - 3 6 17/32 12 ters,respectively, of the ring
9" producedby each shape. For
36 - 45 - 3 7 3/16 16 example, 24 - 33 - 3 Circle
48 - 57 - 3 7 19/32 20 Brick will produce a ring
60 - 69 - 3 7 13/16 24 with a 24-inchinside diame-
ter and 33-inch outside

72 - 81 - 3 8 29 diameter for a 4½inch lining.

84 - 93 - 3 8 1/8 33
96 - 105 - 3 8 7/32 37
108 - 117 - 3 8 5/16 41
120 - 129 - 3 8 3/8 45

26 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide



6" 2"
2" 5 29/3
5 29/3



13 1/2 "
" /16 13 1/2 "
5 11 9" /16
" " " 9" /16
5 11 /16 5 11
5 11

13 1/2-Inch – X-1 9-Inch – X-1 13 1/2-Inch – X-2 9-Inch – X-2

NOTE: Blast Furnace keys X-1 and X-2 are also regulary manufactured in 6, 101/2
and 15-inch lengths. The brick com-
binations for rings (see Brick Combinations for All-Key Linings table) are applicable for X-1 and X-2 keys of all


Diameter Inside Number Required Per Ring Diameter Inside Number Required Per Ring
Brickwork Brickwork
(Ft In) X-2 X-1 Total (Ft In) X-2 X-1 Total

13 3 98 — 98 27 0 49 135 t84
13 6 96 3 99 27 6 47 140 187
13 9 95 6 101 28 0 45 145 190
14 0 95 8 103 28 6 44 150 194
14 6 93 13 106
29 0 42 155 197
15 0 91 18 109 29 6 40 160 200
15 6 89 23 112 30 0 38 165 203
16 0 87 28 115 30 6 37 169 206
16 6 85 33 118
31 0 35 174 209
17 0 84 37 121 31 6 33 179 212
17 6 82 42 124 32 0 32 184 216
18 0 80 48 128 32 6 30 189 219
18 6 79 52 131
33 0 28 194 222
19 0 77 57 134 33 6 26 199 225
19 6 75 62 137 34 0 24 204 228
20 0 73 67 140 34 6 23 208 231
20 6 71 72 143
35 0 21 213 234
21 0 70 76 146 35 6 19 219 238
21 6 68 82 150 36 0 18 223 241
22 0 66 87 153 36 6 16 228 244
22 6 65 91 156
37 0 14 233 247
23 0 63 96 159 37 6 12 238 250
23 6 61 101 162 38 0 10 243 253
24 0 59 106 165 38 6 9 247 256
24 6 57 111 168
39 0 7 253 260
25 0 56 116 172 39 6 5 258 263
25 6 54 121 175 40 0 4 262 266
26 0 52 126 178 40 6 2 267 269
26 6 51 130 181 41 0 — 272 272

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 27


Electric furnace roofs may be constructed using many different shapes
and combinations. The combination of standard size key-arch and
key-wedge shapes with standard shapes design, and the two-shape
(arch-key-wedge) brick design are the most common in electric fur-
nace roof construction.

Annular rings are laid from the The chart below displays two-shape available in 13½-inch sizes for larger
combinations for your specific roof electric furnace roof brick combina- electric furnace roofs.
design. Consideration must be tions for 9-inch roof thicknesses. By Providing your Harbison-Walker
given to the best design to provide combining both shapes, all annular representatives with the dimensions of
cost-effective service life. The two- rings for a given diameter can be cal- your electric furnace roof or a current
shape, triple taper brick uses two culated. The center of the range indi- drawing of your roof enables them to
bricks that conform to the roof contour. cates the ideal spherical radius for the produce an accurate ring count and
Bricklaying is simplified using only given system. Shape identification is assembly detail.
two shapes, in that inventory levels done by a notching system at the cold
may be reduced and faster installation is end of the brick shape, as illustrated on
possible. p. 29. The two-shape system is also


9 X 41/2 X 3-Inch Arch-Key-Wedge Shapes

Spherical Radius Range H-W Shape Designations

6’6” to 7’9” HW-2721-S

7’9” to 9’6” HW-2746-A

9’6” to 12’6” HW-2745-A

12’6” to 16’0” HW-2592-A

16’0” to 22’4” HW-2704-A

28 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide






Two-Shape Electric Furnace
Roof Construction
Two-Shape (arch-key-wedge)
roof brick designs are available in
a variety of 9-inch sizes to fit EAF
roof contours and spherical radii.

“A” and “B” Arch-Key-Wedge Brick

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 29


Harbison-Walker manufactures Semi-Universal Ladle Brick (SULB) in For a ladle with an average
fireclay, high-alumina and basic refractories in four series of brick to diameter of 120 inches (outside
line sidewalls of iron and steel teeming ladles of various diameters diameter of SULB lining) and a height of
96 inches, the calculations follow:
and configurations. All series can be produced in widths to construct
linings 3 to 9 inches thick. A SULB lining usually includes a tilt back
course to lay the rings square against the sloping sides of a ladle and 3.1416 x 120
= 46 pieces per
one or more starter sets to start the upward spiral. For guidance in 8.25
selecting the proper series for any ladle, the following chart identifies
= 32 rings
Series Ladle Diameter (Inch) 3

SU - - 20 45 to 70 46 x 32 = 1472 SULB brick

per lining
SU - - 30 70 to 100

SU - - 45 100 to 140

SU - - 60 140 and Up

In all four series, the width of the brick, regular 18-piece starter set for 9-inch
equivalent to the thickness of the lin- thick walls is also available.
ing, is positioned in the rectangular The number of SULB shapes
frame . For example, a 5-inch required for a lining can be calculated by
thick lining in a ladle about 120 inches multiplying the average diameter of the
in diameter would require an SU 5-45 ladle by 3.1416, then dividing by 8.25
series brick. SULB’s are also available (length of brick) to find the number per
in two additional thicknesses — 4-inch ring. The height in inches of the ladle
and 100 mm. A universal starter set that wall divided by 3 equals the number of
suits all series and wall thicknesses up rings. The number of pieces per ring
to 7 inches is available. The 12-piece times the number of rings equals the
UL-7-SS12 set is illustrated below. A total number of SULB shapes required. (All series for a 4-inch thick wall)


11 12
10 4"
Half brick to bond course 8
3" A

2 A
Regular Semi-Universal Name Size
(to close the first course-cut the
ends square of two bricks) SU 4-20 6.983

SU 4-30 7.414
One tilt back course
(to close ring-cut the ends square
SU 4-45 7.690
of two bricks)
SU 4-60 7.831

30 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide



2 1/8"
Rise 1.608 (119/32) Inches
4 3/4 "
Per Foot of Span
2 1/4 "
4 1/2"

4 1/2 "
4 3/4 "
9 1/2" 19/32" 9"

4 1/2"
9" 4 1/2 "
For Arch 4 1/2 Inches Thick
Rise 1 1/2 Inches Per Foot of Span Shape No. 60-40 1/2
Central Angle 56° 8.7’ Shape 56-9 for Arch 4 1/2 Inches Thick
For Arch 9 Inches Thick
Skewback Consists of Rise 1 1/2 Inches Per Foot of Span
1–9 Inch – 2 Inch Split 4 1/2"

1–9 Inch Featheredge Central Angle 56° 8.7’

1 13/16 "
4 1/2"

4 1/2" 4 1/2 "

9" 4 1/2"

9" 29/32" 9"

4 1/2"
Shape No. 60-9
for Arch 9 Inches
For Arch 4 1/2 Inches ThickRise Shape 74-4 1/2 Thick
2.302 (2 5/16) Inches Per Foot For Arch 4 1/2 Inches Thick
of Span, Central Angle 83° 58.5’ Rise 2 Inches Per Foot of 6"

Skewback Consists of
2–9 Inch – 48° End Skew
1–9 Inch – 48° Side Skew 12"

1–9 Inch Soap 3 19/32"

1 19/32"

4 1/2"
2 1/4"


13/16" Shape No. 60-12

7 1/2"
for Arch 12
9" 4 1/2"

9" 6 3/4"
Shape 74-9
For Arch 9 Inches Thick
Rise 2 Inches Per Foot of Span
For Arch 9 Inches Thick Central Angle 73° 44.4’ 13 1/2"

Rise 2.302 (2 5/16) Inches Per Foot 1 13/18"

of Span, Central Angle 83° 58.5’

Skewback Consists of 13 1/2"

2 – 9 Inch – 48° End Skew 4 1/2"

2 – 9 Inch – 48° Side Skew

1 – 9 Inch Soap Shape No. 60-13 1/2
for Arch 13 1/2 Inches Thick

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 31



For Arches with 60° Central Angle
Rise 1.608 (1 19/32) Inches Per Foot of Span


Maximum Dimensions Maximum Dimensions
Shorter Thickness Channel Flange Web
Skewback Leg Skewback Size Width Thickness
(in) (in) (in) (in) (in)
60-9-A 4 3/4 60-9-C 12 3 13/32 3/4

60-12-A 6 1 60-12-C 12 3 13/32 3/4

60-13 1/2-A 8 11/8 60-13 1/2-C 15 3 13/16 13/16

1 1/4" 2 1/2"
3 3/4 "


17/32 "

4 1/2"
8 1/4 " 8 1/4"
4 1/2 "

Shape No. 60-9-A Shape No. 60-9-C

For Arch 9 Inches Thick For Arch 9 Inches Thick

2 1/4" 2 1/2"

9" 12"

17/32 "
1 19/32"

8 1/4 " 4 1/2 "

11 1/4" 4 1/2"

Shape No. 60-12-A Shape No. 60-12-C

For Arch 12 Inches Thick For Arch 12 Inches Thick
2 15/16"
5 5/8"

13 1/2" 13 1/2"

1 13/16"
1 13/16"

12 3/8"
12 11/16"
4 1/2"
Brick Combinations required for arch
4 1/2"
construction are detailed in the tables
starting on pages 71. These tables
Shape No. 60-13 1/2-A Shape No. 60-13 1/2-C are useful for estimating the quanti-
For Arch 13 1/2 Inches Thick For Arch 13 1/2 Inches Thick ties of brick required for the construc-
tion of arches.

32 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


HIGH-ALUMINA BRICK Ins. Dia. RKB Inside Number

Kiln Shell Number Chord (In.) Per Ring
Arch-Type (9 x 6 x 31/2) 3’-6” 30-A-42 2 1/2 37
4’-0” 36-A-48 2 5/8 42
The numbers in the RKB column indi- 4’-6” 42-A-54 2 23/32 47
cate the inside and outside diameters, 5’-0” 48-A-600 2 13/16 52
5’-6” 54-A-66 2 7/8 58
respectively, of the ring produced by the
shape. For example, RKB 162-A-174 will
6’-0” 60-A-72 2 29/32 63
produce a ring with a 162-inch inside 6’-6” 66-A-78 2 31/32 68
diameter and 174-inch outside diameter. 7’-0” 72-A-84 3 74
7’-6” 78-A-90 3 1/32 79

8’-0” 84-A-96 3 1/16 84

8’-6” 90-A-102 3 3/32 89
9’-0” 96-A-108 3 1/8 95
9’-6” 102-A-114 3 1/8 100

10’-0” 108-A-120 3 5/32 105

10’-6” 114-A-126 3 5/32 111
11’-0” 120-A-132 3 3/16 116
11’-3” 123-A-135 3 3/16 119
11’-6” 126-A-138 3 3/16 121

12’-0” 132-A-144 3 7/32 126

12’-6” 138-A-150 3 7/32 132
13’-0” 144-A-156 3 7/32 137
13’-6” 150-A-162 3 1/4 142

14’-0” 156-A-168 3 1/4 148

14’-6” 162-A-174 3 1/4 153
15’-0” 168-A-180 3 9/32 158
15’-6” 174-A-186 3 9/32 164

16’-0” 180-A-192 3 9/32 169

16’-6” 186-A-198 3 9/32 174
17’-0” 192-A-204 3 9/32 179
17’-6” 198-A-210 3 5/16 185

18’-0” 204-A-216 3 5/16 190

To facilitate the keying of arch-type rotary kiln blocks, keying bricks of two-thirds
thickness, RKA-2/3, and of three-quarters thickness, RKA-3/4, are made. Two of
each keying brick should be ordered for each ring.

* All brick quantities per ring have been calculated from theoretical diameter turned
by the brick to which a steel plate (1.5 mm thickness) has been attached.

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 33


HIGH-ALUMINA BRICK Ins. Dia. RKB Inside Number

Kiln Shell Number Chord (In.) Per Ring
Nine-Inch Size (9 x 9 x 4) 5’-6” 48-66 6 /32 23
6’-0” 54-72 6 /4 26
6’-6” 60-78 6 /16 28
The numbers in the RKB column indi-
7’-0” 66-84 7 1
/16 30
cate the inside and outside diameters, 3
7’-6” 72-90 7 /16 32
respectively, of the ring produced by the
shape. For example, 48-66 RKB will 8’-0” 78-96 7 5
/16 34
produce a ring with a 48-inch inside 8’-6” 84-102 7 13
/32 36
diameter and 66-inch outside diameter 9’-0” 90-108 7 1/2 38
for a 9-inch lining. 9’-6” 96-114 7 19
/32 40

10’-0” 102-120 7 /32 42
10’-6” 108-126 7 /32 44
11’-0” 114-132 7 /32 46
11’-3” 117-135 7 /16 48
11’-6” 120-138 7 /16 49

12’-0” 126-144 7 /8 51
12’-6” 132-150 7 /32 53
13’-0” 138-156 7 /32 55
13’-6” 144-162 8 57

14’-0” 150-168 8 /32 59
14’-6” 156-174 8 /16 61
15’-0” 162-180 8 /32 63
15’-6” 168-186 8 /8 65

16’-0” 174-192 8 /32 67
16’-6” 180-198 8 /16 70
17’-0” 186-204 8 /32 72
17’-6” 192-210 8 /32 74

18’-0” 198-216 8 /4 76
18’-6” 204-222 8 /32 78
19’-0” 210-228 8 /32 80
19’-6” 216-234 8 /16 82

20’-0” 222-240 8 /16 84
20’-6” 228-246 8 /32 86
21’-0” 234-252 8 /32 88
21’-6” 240-258 8 /8 90

34 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


Ins. Dia. RKB Inside Number
Kiln Shell Number Chord (In.) Per Ring
Six-Inch Size (9 x 6 x 4) 3’-6” 30-42 6 7
/16 15
4’-0” 36-48 6 /4 17
The numbers under the RKB column indi- 4’-6” 42-54 7 19
cate the inside and outside diameters, 5’-0” 48-60 7 /16 21
5’-6” 54-66 7 /8 23
respectively, of the ring produced by
each shape. For example, 144-156 RKB 1
6’-0” 60-72 7 /2 26
will produce a ring with a 144-inch 6’-6” 66-78 7 5
/8 28
inside diameter and 156-inch outside 7’-0” 72-84 7 23
/32 30
diameter for a 6-inch lining. 7’-6” 78-90 7 13
/16 32

8’-0” 84-96 7 /8 34
8’-6” 90-102 7 /16 36
9’-0” 96-108 8 38
9’-6” 102-114 8 /16 40

10’-0” 108-120 8 /32 42
10’-6” 114-126 8 /32 44
11’-0” 120-132 8 /16 46
11’-3” 123-135 8 /16 48
11’-6” 126-138 8 /32 49

12’-0” 132-144 8 /4 51
12’-6” 138-150 8 /32 53
13’-0” 144-156 8 /16 55
13’-6” 150-162 8 /32 57

14’-0” 156-168 8 /32 59
14’-6” 162-174 8 /8 61
15’-0” 168-180 8 /32 63
15’-6” 174-186 8 /32 65

16’-0” 180-192 8 /16 67
16’-6” 186-198 8 /32 70
17’-0” 192-204 8 /32 72
17’-6” 198-210 8 /2 74

18’-0” 204-216 8 /2 76
18’-6” 210-222 8 /2 78
19’-0” 216-228 8 /32 80
19’-6” 222-234 8 /32 82

20’-0” 228-240 8 /16 84
20’-6” 234-246 8 /16 86
21’-0” 240-252 8 /16 88

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 35


KA AND KW BLOCKS FOR In addition, two thirds and three

ROTARY KILNS quarter splits are designed to work with
all KA and KW linings to eliminate the
Harbison-Walker developed the KA need for cutting keys.
and KW system to simplify and Using the proper combination of KA
eliminate problems associated with the and KW blocks also can reduce shim-
linings of rotary kilns. KA and KW ming, thereby producing a tighter lining
blocks are 9 x 6 x 4-inch kiln liners with less chance of dropout or spiral-
made in the arch or wedge shape for ing. Because these shapes fit kilns of
high-alumina brick. Each shape is fur- many sizes, operators with kilns of dif-
nished in four sizes, two of which will ferent sizes can reduce their in-plant
line any kiln (see chart below). inventories.

Kiln Diameter Combinations

6 to 8 feet 8 to 13 feet 13 to 21 feet

Linings 6 inches thick KA-3, KA-2 KA-2, KA-l KA-l, KA-lX

Linings 9 inches thick KW-3, KW-2 KW-2, KW-l KW-l, KW-lX

KA-1 KA-2 KA-3 KA-1X 6"

9" 9" 9" 9"

KW-1 KW-2 KW-3 KW-1X 9"

6" 6" 6" 6"

36 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


Number of KA Blocks Required for Kilns

Inside Inside Number Required Per Ring Number Required Per Linear Ft
Lining Shell
Ft In Ft In KA-3 KA-2 KA-1 KA-1X Total KA-3 KA-2 KA-1 KA-1X Total

5 0 6 0 50 7 — — 57 67 10 — — 77
5 3 6 3 44 15 — — 59 59 20 — — 79
5 6 6 6 38 24 — — 62 51 32 — — 83
5 9 6 9 32 32 — — 64 43 43 — — 86
6 0 7 0 25 41 — — 66 34 55 — — 89
6 3 7 3 19 50 — — 69 26 67 — — 93
6 6 7 6 13 58 — — 71 18 78 — — 96
6 9 7 9 6 67 — — 73 8 90 — — 98

7 0 8 0 — 76 — — 76 — 102 — — 102
7 3 8 3 — 72 6 — 78 — 96 8 — 104
7 6 8 6 — 68 13 — 81 — 91 18 — 109
7 9 8 9 — 64 19 — 83 — 86 26 — 112
8 0 9 0 — 60 25 — 85 — 80 34 — 114
8 3 9 3 — 56 32 — 88 — 75 43 — 118
8 6 9 6 — 52 38 — 90 — 70 51 — 121
8 9 9 9 — 48 44 — 92 — 64 59 — 123
9 0 10 0 — 44 51 — 95 — 59 68 — 127
9 3 10 3 — 40 57 — 97 — 54 76 — 130
9 6 10 6 — 36 63 — 99 — 48 84 — 132
9 9 10 9 — 33 69 — 102 — 44 92 — 136

10 0 11 0 — 28 76 — 104 — 38 102 — 140

10 3 11 3 — 24 82 — 106 — 32 110 — 142
10 6 11 6 — 21 88 — 109 — 28 118 — 146
10 9 11 9 — 17 94 — 111 — 23 126 — 149
11 0 12 0 — 13 100 — 113 — 18 134 — 152
11 3 12 3 — 9 107 — 116 — 12 143 — 155
11 6 12 6 — 5 113 — 118 — 7 151 — 158
11 9 12 9 — 1 119 — 120 — 1 159 — 160
12 0 13 0 — — 118 5 123 — — 157 7 164
12 3 13 3 — — 114 11 125 — — 152 15 167
12 6 13 6 — — 111 17 128 — — 148 23 171
12 9 13 9 — — 107 23 130 — — 143 31 174

13 0 14 0 — — 104 28 132 — — 139 37 176

13 3 14 3 — — 100 35 135 — — 133 47 180
13 6 14 6 — — 97 40 137 — — 130 53 183
13 9 14 9 — — 93 46 139 — — 124 62 186
14 0 15 0 — — 90 52 142 — — 120 70 190
14 3 15 3 — — 86 58 144 — — 115 77 192
14 6 15 6 — — 82 64 146 — — 110 85 195
14 9 15 9 — — 79 70 149 — — 106 93 199
15 0 16 0 — — 76 75 151 — — 102 100 202
15 3 16 3 — — 72 82 154 — — 96 110 206
15 6 16 6 — — 69 87 156 — — 92 116 208
15 9 16 9 — — 65 93 158 — — 87 124 211

16 0 17 0 — — 62 99 161 — — 83 132 215

16 3 17 3 — — 58 105 163 — — 78 140 218
16 6 17 6 — — 54 111 165 — — 72 148 220
16 9 17 9 — — 51 117 168 — — 68 156 224
17 0 18 0 — — 47 123 170 — — 63 164 227
17 3 18 3 — — 44 128 172 — — 59 171 230
17 6 18 6 — — 40 135 175 — — 54 180 234
17 9 18 9 — — 37 140 177 — — 49 187 236
18 0 19 0 — — 33 146 179 — — 44 195 239
18 3 19 3 — — 30 152 182 — — 40 203 243
18 6 19 6 — — 26 158 184 — — 35 211 246
18 9 19 9 — — 23 164 187 — — 31 219 250
19 0 20 0 — — 19 170 189 — — 25 227 252
19 3 20 3 — — 15 176 191 — — 20 235 255
19 6 20 6 — — 12 182 194 — — 16 243 259
19 9 20 9 — — 8 188 196 — — 11 251 262
20 0 21 0 — — 5 193 198 — — 7 257 264
20 3 21 3 — — 2 199 201 — — 3 265 268

NOTE: When using KA - 1x shape, order two pieces each ring KW - 2/3 x and KW - 3/4 x to facilitate keying.

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 37


Number of KW Blocks Required for Kilns

Inside Inside Number Required Per Ring Number Required Per Linear Ft
Lining Shell
Ft In Ft In KW-3 KW-2 KW-1 KW-1X Total KW-3 KW-2 KW-1 KW-1X Total

4 6 6 0 50 7 — — 57 100 14 — — 114
4 9 6 3 44 15 — — 59 88 30 — — 118
5 0 6 6 38 24 — — 62 76 48 — — 124
5 3 6 9 32 32 — — 64 64 64 — — 128
5 6 7 0 25 41 — — 66 50 82 — — 132
5 9 7 3 19 50 — — 69 38 100 — — 138

6 0 7 6 13 58 — — 71 26 116 — — 142
6 3 7 9 6 67 — — 73 12 134 — — 146
6 6 8 0 — 76 — — 76 — 152 — — 152
6 9 8 3 — 72 6 — 78 — 144 12 — 156
7 0 8 6 — 68 13 — 81 — 136 26 — 162
7 3 8 9 — 64 19 — 83 — 128 38 — 166
7 6 9 0 — 60 25 — 85 — 120 50 — 170
7 9 9 3 — 56 32 — 88 — 112 64 — 176
8 0 9 6 — 52 38 — 90 — 104 76 — 180
8 3 9 9 — 48 44 — 92 — 96 88 — 184
8 6 10 0 — 44 51 — 95 — 88 102 — 190
8 9 10 3 — 40 57 — 97 — 80 114 — 194

9 0 10 6 — 36 63 — 99 — 72 126 — 198
9 3 10 9 — 33 69 — 102 — 66 138 — 204
9 6 11 0 — 28 76 — 104 — 56 152 — 208
9 9 11 3 — 24 82 — 106 — 48 164 — 212
10 0 11 6 — 21 88 — 109 — 42 176 — 218
10 3 11 9 — 17 94 — 111 — 34 188 — 222
10 6 12 0 — 13 100 — 113 — 26 200 — 226
10 9 12 3 — 9 107 — 116 — 18 214 — 232
11 0 12 6 — 5 113 — 118 — 10 226 — 236
11 3 12 9 — 1 119 — 120 — 2 238 — 240
11 6 13 0 — — 117 6 123 — — 234 12 246
11 9 13 3 — — 112 13 125 — — 224 26 250

12 0 13 6 — — 108 20 128 — — 216 40 256

12 3 13 9 — — 103 27 130 — — 206 54 260
12 6 14 0 — — 98 34 132 — — 196 68 264
12 9 14 3 — — 94 41 135 — — 188 82 270
13 0 14 6 — — 89 48 137 — — 178 96 274
13 3 14 9 — — 84 55 139 — — 168 110 278
13 6 15 0 — — 79 63 142 — — 158 126 284
13 9 15 3 — — 75 69 144 — — 150 138 288
14 0 15 6 — — 70 76 146 — — 140 152 292
14 3 15 9 — — 65 84 149 — — 130 168 298
14 6 16 0 — — 60 91 151 — — 120 182 302
14 9 16 3 — — 56 98 154 — — 112 196 308

15 0 16 6 — — 51 105 156 — — 102 210 312

15 3 16 9 — — 46 112 158 — — 92 224 316
15 6 17 0 — — 42 119 161 — — 84 238 322
15 9 17 3 — — 37 126 163 — — 74 252 326
16 0 17 6 — — 32 133 165 — — 64 266 330
16 3 17 9 — — 28 140 168 — — 56 280 336
16 6 18 0 — — 23 147 170 — — 46 294 340
16 9 18 3 — — 18 154 172 — — 36 308 344
17 0 18 6 — — 14 161 175 — — 28 322 350
17 3 18 9 — — 9 168 177 — — 18 336 354
17 6 19 0 — — 4 175 179 — — 8 350 358
17 9 19 3 — — — 182 182 — — — 364 364

NOTE: For each ring, order two (2) pieces each KW-2/ and KW-3/ or KW-2/ x and KW-3/ x to facilitate keying.
NOTE: When using KA - 1x shape, order two pieces each ring KW - 2/3 x and KW - 3/4 x to facilitate keying.

38 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


CR COMBINATION Combination Linings – CR Series

CR (Combination Ring) rotary kiln brick Kiln Diameter
are designed to line kilns from 8 to 24 Feet Meters CR-89 CR-249
feet in diameter for a 9-inch lining
thickness. The appropriate combina- 9’-10” 3.00 72 33
tions of the two kiln liners are calculated
for the best fit for the given diameter. 10’- 0” 3.04 71 35
10’- 2” 3.10 71 37
10’- 6” 3.20 69 43
10’-10” 3.30 67 48

11’- 0” 3.36 67 50
11’- 2” 3.40 66 53
11’- 6” 3.50 64 58
11’-10” 3.60 63 63

12’- 0” 3.66 61 66
12’- 2” 3.70 61 66
12’- 6” 3.80 59 74
12’-10” 3.90 57 79
13’- 0” 3.96 57 81
13’- 1” 4.00 56 83
13’- 5” 4.10 54 89
13’- 6” 4.12 54 90
13’- 9” 4.20 53 94

14’- 0” 4.26 51 99
14’- 1” 4.30 51 99
14’- 3” 4.34 50 102
14’- 5” 4.40 50 103
14’- 6” 4.42 49 105
14’- 9” 4.50 48 109

CR Series 15’- 0” 4.58 47 112

Dimensions (Inches) 15’- 1” 4.60 46 114
15’- 5” 4.70 45 119
15’- 6” 4.72 44 121
SHAPE A B L H 15’- 9” 4.80 43 124
CR-89 31/2 213/16 6 9 16’- 0” 4.88 42 128
16’- 1” 4.90 41 130
CR-249 31/2 39/32 6 9 16’- 5” 5.00 40 134
16’- 6” 5.02 39 136
16’- 9” 5.10 38 140

17’- 0” 5.18 37 143

17’- 1” 5.20 36 145
17’- 5” 5.30 35 150
17’- 6” 5.34 34 152
17’- 9” 5.40 33 155

18’- 0” 5.48 32 159

18’- 1” 5.50 32 160
18’- 4” 5.60 30 165
18’- 6” 5.64 29 167
18’- 8” 5.70 29 169
19’- 0” 5.80 27 175

To facilitate the keying of wedge-type rotary kiln blocks, keying bricks of two-thirds
thickness, RKW-2/3, and of three-quarters thickness, RKW-3/4, are made. Two of
each keying brick should be ordered for each ring.

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 39


ISO and VDZ As good engineering practice, • Liner to liner contact is maintained,
Combination Linings Harbison-Walker suggests brick while following minor deformations
Standard practice in many North blending ratios between 3:1 and 1:3 in kiln shells. This results in a tight
American minerals processing plants for the two-shapes. This helps to lining and minimizes the need for
is to use one brick of a size manu- minimize the small amount of step- correcting shims.
factured to fit a specific rotary kiln ping which can occur, allowing for a
diameter. On the other hand, inter- better fit.
national practice is to use combina- The principal advantages of
tion linings. Within practical limits, any combination linings are:
rotary kiln can be lined with an ap- • In plants which have several kiln
propriate combination of two kiln lin- sizes, the number of kiln liner
ers, one of which fits a kiln of larger shapes can be reduced, since two
diameter and the other a kiln of shapes in appropriate combintions
smaller diameter. will fit many kilns.

ISO Series - Dimensions (mm)

L - running LENGTH 198
H - lining THICKNESS 160

A - BACK Chord (cold face) 103

B - INSIDE Chord (hot face) VARIABLE
EXAMPLE: Designation 320 ISO
The first digit (3) denotes tapered brick which turn a circle of 3.0 meters diameter
outside brickwork.
The last two digits (20) denote a lining thickness of 200 mm.
Using ISO series combination lining charts, combinations are made using outside
diameter brickwork dimensions. A chart showing a 2M, 6M brick combination is for
tapered brick which turn a diameter between 2.0 meters to 6.0 meters, in any lining
thickness from 160 mm to 250 mm.


LENGTH (L) 198 198
HEIGHT (H) 160 160
H 180 180
C 200 200
220 220
L 250 250
40 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide

Schematic diagram showing critical

dimensions of ISO and VDZ shapes



ISO brick outside chord (A) VDZ brick mean chord (C)
dimension is constant at dimension is constant at
103mm (4.05”) 71.5mm (2.81”)

A B H L dm
216 103 86 2.99 17
716 103 98.3 3.19 4.7
218 103 84 3.33 19
718 103 97.7 3.58 5.3
320 103 89 3.80 21
200 198
820 103 97.8 3.98 5.2
222 103 80 3.99 23
B 322 103 88 4.16 15
622 103 95.5 4.33 11.5
822 103 97.3 4.36 5.7

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 41


A B H L dm
B-216 78 65 2.27 13
B-416 75 68 2.27 7
B-218 78 65 2.55 13
H B-418 75 68 2.55 7
B-220 78 65 2.83 13
B-620 74 69 2.83 5
L B-222 78 65 3.11 13
B B-322 76.5 66.5 220 3.11 10
B-622 74 69 3.11 5


<3.6M (12’-0”) I.D. 160 mm
Up to 4M (13’-6”) I.D. 180 mm
Up to 4.5M (16’-6”) I.D. 200 mm
Up to 5.8M (19’-0”) I.D. 220 mm
Over 5.8M (19’-0”) I.D. 250mm

*Recommendations are based on kiln diameter only,

not taking operating data into consideration.

42 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide

The tables on the following pages are useful in estimating the quantities
of brick required for the construction of circular linings, roofs and
arches. These tables give the combinations of brick sizes required
for rings of given diameters.
In calculating the tables, no allowance was made for mortar or
expansion joints or for size deviations of the brick. Fractional parts
equal to or greater than one tenth of a brick were counted as an entire
brick. For these reasons, the brick combinations shown may lay up to
diameters which differ slightly from the theoretical diameters. The num-
ber of brick required for a ring, as given in the tables, may be slightly
in excess of the number actually required.
In laying a ring course of brick, it is often necessary to cut one or
two pieces, and in some instances several pieces, to complete the ring.
For brick combinations required for rings not shown in the
following tables, or to calculate the ring combinations for brick of
two different sizes, refer to the formulas found on page 19 which
covers ring calculations.

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 43


41/2 Inch Lining - 21/2 Inch Arch Brick 41/2 Inch Lining - 21/2 Inch Arch Brick
9 x 41/2 x 21/2 or 131/2 x 41/2 x 21/2 Inch 9 x 41/2 x 21/2 or 131/2 x 41/2 x 21/2 Inch
Diam. Inside Number Required per Ring Diam. Inside Number Required per Ring
Brickwork No.3 No.2 No.1 Brickwork No.3 No.2 No.1
Ft. In. Arch Arch Arch Straight Total Ft. In. Arch Arch Arch Straight Total
0 6 19 — — — 19 6 0 — — 76 26 102
0 7 18 3 — — 21 6 2 — — 76 29 105
0 8 17 5 — — 22 6 4 — — 76 31 107
0 9 15 8 — — 23 6 6 — — 76 34 110
0 10 14 10 — — 24 6 8 — — 76 36 112
0 11 13 13 — — 26 6 10 — — 76 39 115
1 0 12 15 — — 27 7 0 — — 76 41 117
1 1 10 18 — — 28 7 2 — — 76 44 120
1 2 9 20 — — 29 7 4 — — 76 46 122
1 3 8 23 — — 31 7 6 — — 76 49 125
1 4 7 25 — — 32 7 8 — — 76 51 127
1 5 5 28 — — 33 7 10 — — 76 54 130
1 6 4 30 — — 34 8 0 — — 76 56 132
1 7 3 33 — — 36 8 2 — — 76 59 135
1 8 2 35 — — 37 8 4 — — 76 61 137
1 9 — 38 — — 38 8 6 — — 76 64 140
1 10 — 36 3 — 39 8 8 — — 76 66 142
1 11 — 36 5 — 41 8 10 — — 76 69 145
2 0 — 34 8 — 42 9 0 — — 76 71 147
2 1 — 33 10 — 43 9 2 — — 76 74 150
2 2 — 31 13 — 44 9 4 — — 76 76 152
2 3 — 31 15 — 46 9 6 — — 76 79 155
2 4 — 29 18 — 47 9 8 — — 76 81 157
2 5 — 28 20 — 48 9 10 — — 76 84 160
2 6 — 26 23 — 49 10 0 — — 76 87 163
2 7 — 26 25 — 51 10 2 — — 76 89 165
2 8 — 24 28 — 52 10 4 — — 76 92 168
2 9 — 23 30 — 53 10 6 — — 76 94 170
2 10 — 21 33 — 54 10 8 — — 76 97 173
2 11 — 20 36 — 56 10 10 — — 76 99 175
3 0 — 19 38 — 57 11 0 — — 76 102 178
3 1 — 18 40 — 58 11 2 — — 76 104 180
3 2 — 16 43 — 59 11 4 — — 76 107 183
3 3 — 15 46 — 61 11 6 — — 76 109 185
3 4 — 14 48 — 62 11 8 — — 76 112 188
3 5 — 13 50 — 63 11 10 — — 76 114 190
3 6 — 11 53 — 64 12 0 — — 76 117 193
3 7 — 10 56 — 66 12 2 — — 76 119 195
3 8 — 9 58 — 67 12 4 — — 76 122 198
3 9 — 8 60 — 68 12 6 — — 76 124 200
3 10 — 7 63 — 70 12 8 — — 76 127 203
3 11 — 5 66 — 71 12 10 — — 76 129 205
4 0 — 4 68 — 72 13 0 — — 76 132 208
4 1 — 3 70 — 73 13 2 — — 76 134 210
4 2 — 2 73 — 75 13 4 — — 76 137 213
4 3 — — 76 — 76 13 6 — — 76 139 215
4 4 — — 76 1 77 13 8 — — 76 142 218
4 6 — — 76 4 80 13 10 — — 76 144 220
4 8 — — 76 6 82 14 0 — — 76 147 223
4 10 — — 76 9 85 14 2 — — 76 149 225
5 0 — — 76 11 87 14 4 — — 76 152 228
5 2 — — 76 14 90 14 6 — — 76 154 230
5 4 — — 76 16 92 14 8 — — 76 157 233
5 6 — — 76 19 95 14 10 — — 76 159 235
5 8 — — 76 21 97 15 0 — — 76 162 238
5 10 — — 76 24 100

44 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


9 Inch Lining - 21/2 Inch Wedge Brick 9 Inch Lining - 21/2 Inch Wedge Brick
9 x 41/2 x 21/2, 9 x 63/4 x 21/2 or 9 x 9 x 21/2 Inch 9 x 41/2 x 21/2, 9 x 63/4 x 21/2 or 9 x 9 x 21/2 Inch
Diam. Inside Number Required per Ring Diam. Inside Number Required per Ring
Brickwork No.2 No.1 No.1-X Brickwork No.2 No.1 No.1-X
Ft. In. Wedge Wedge Wedge Straight Total Ft. In. Wedge Wedge Wedge Straight Total
2 3 57 — — — 57 7 0 — 66 63 — 129
2 4 55 3 — — 58 7 1 — 65 65 — 130
2 5 52 7 — — 59 7 2 — 64 67 — 131
2 6 51 10 — — 61 7 3 — 63 69 — 132
2 7 48 14 — — 62 7 4 — 62 72 — 134
2 8 46 17 — — 63 7 5 — 61 74 — 135
2 9 44 20 — — 64 7 6 — 60 76 — 136
2 10 42 24 — — 66 7 7 — 59 78 — 137
2 11 40 27 — — 67 7 8 — 59 80 — 139
3 0 38 30 — — 68 7 9 — 58 82 — 140
3 1 36 34 — — 70 7 10 — 57 84 — 141
3 2 34 37 — — 71 7 11 — 56 86 — 142
3 3 32 40 — — 72 8 0 — 56 88 — 144
3 4 29 44 — — 73 8 1 — 55 90 — 145
3 5 28 47 — — 75 8 2 — 54 92 — 146
3 6 25 51 — — 76 8 3 — 53 94 — 147
3 7 23 54 — — 77 8 4 — 52 97 — 149
3 8 21 57 — — 78 8 5 — 51 99 — 150
3 9 19 61 — — 80 8 6 — 50 101 — 151
3 10 17 64 — — 81 8 7 — 49 103 — 152
3 11 15 67 — — 82 8 8 — 49 105 — 154
4 0 13 70 — — 83 8 9 — 48 107 — 155
4 1 11 74 — — 85 8 10 — 47 109 — 156
4 2 9 77 — — 86 8 11 — 46 111 — 157
4 3 6 81 — — 87 9 0 — 46 113 — 159
4 4 4 84 — — 88 9 1 — 45 115 — 160
4 5 2 88 — — 90 9 2 — 44 117 — 161
4 6 — 91 — — 91 9 3 — 43 120 — 163
4 7 — 90 2 — 92 9 4 — 42 122 — 164
4 8 — 89 4 — 93 9 5 — 41 124 — 165
4 9 — 88 7 — 95 9 6 — 40 126 — 166
4 10 — 87 9 — 96 9 7 — 40 128 — 168
4 11 — 86 11 — 97 9 8 — 39 130 — 169
5 0 — 85 13 — 98 9 9 — 38 132 — 170
5 1 — 85 15 — 100 9 10 — 37 134 — 171
5 2 — 84 17 — 101 9 11 — 36 137 — 173
5 3 — 83 19 — 102 10 0 — 35 139 — 174
5 4 — 82 21 — 103 10 1 — 35 140 — 175
5 5 — 82 23 — 105 10 2 — 34 142 — 176
5 6 — 81 25 — 106 10 3 — 33 145 — 178
5 7 — 80 27 — 107 10 4 — 32 147 — 179
5 8 — 79 29 — 108 10 5 — 31 149 — 180
5 9 — 78 32 — 110 10 6 — 30 151 — 181
5 10 — 77 34 — 111 10 7 — 30 153 — 183
5 11 — 76 36 — 112 10 8 — 29 155 — 184
6 0 — 75 38 — 113 10 9 — 28 157 — 185
6 1 — 75 40 — 115 10 10 — 27 159 — 186
6 2 — 74 42 — 116 10 11 — 26 162 — 188
6 3 — 73 44 — 117 11 0 — 25 164 — 189
6 4 — 72 47 — 119 11 1 — 24 166 — 190
6 5 — 72 48 — 120 11 2 — 23 168 — 191
6 6 — 71 50 — 121 11 3 — 23 170 — 193
6 7 — 70 52 — 122 11 4 — 22 172 — 194
6 8 — 69 55 — 124 11 5 — 21 174 — 195
6 9 — 68 57 — 125
6 10 — 67 59 — 126
6 11 — 66 61 — 127

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 45


9 Inch Lining - 21/2 Inch Wedge Brick 9 Inch Lining - 21/2 Inch Wedge Brick
9 x 41/2 x 21/2, 9 x 63/4 x 21/2 or 9 x 9 x 21/2 Inch 9 x 41/2 x 23/4, 9 x 63/4 x 21/2 or 9 x 9 x 21/2 Inch
Diam. Inside Number Required per Ring Diam. Inside Number Required per Ring
Brickwork No.2 No.1 No.1-X Brickwork No.2 No.1 No.1-X
Ft. In. Wedge Wedge Wedge Straight Total Ft. In. Wedge Wedge Wedge Straight Total
11 6 — 20 176 — 196 20 0 — — 227 98 325
11 7 — 20 178 — 198 20 6 — — 227 105 332
11 8 — 19 180 — 199 21 0 — — 227 113 340
11 9 — 18 182 — 200 21 6 — — 227 120 347
11 10 — 17 184 — 201 22 0 — — 227 128 355
11 11 — 16 187 — 203 22 6 — — 227 135 362
12 0 — 15 189 — 204 23 0 — — 227 143 370
12 1 — 14 191 — 205 23 6 — — 227 150 377
12 2 — 13 193 — 206 24 0 — — 227 158 385
12 3 — 13 195 — 208 24 6 — — 227 165 392
12 4 — 12 197 — 209 25 0 — — 227 173 400
12 5 — 11 199 — 210 25 6 — — 227 181 408
12 6 — 10 202 — 212 26 0 — — 227 188 415
12 7 — 10 203 — 213 26 6 — — 227 196 423
12 8 — 9 205 — 214 27 0 — — 227 203 430
12 9 — 8 207 — 215 27 6 — — 227 211 438
12 10 — 7 210 — 217 28 0 — — 227 218 445
12 11 — 6 212 — 218 28 6 — — 227 226 453
13 0 — 5 214 — 219 29 0 — — 227 233 460
13 1 — 4 216 — 220 29 6 — — 227 241 468
13 2 — 4 218 — 222 30 0 — — 227 248 475
13 3 — 3 220 — 223 30 6 — — 227 256 483
13 4 — 2 222 — 224 31 0 — — 227 263 490
13 5 — 1 224 — 225 31 6 — — 227 271 498
13 6 — — 227 — 227 32 0 — — 227 279 506
13 7 — — 227 1 228 32 6 — — 227 286 513
13 8 — — 227 2 229 33 0 — — 227 294 521
13 9 — — 227 3 230 33 6 — — 227 301 528
13 10 — — 227 5 232 34 0 — — 227 309 536
13 11 — — 227 6 233 34 6 — — 227 316 543
14 0 — — 227 7 234 35 0 — — 227 324 551
14 6 — — 227 15 242 35 6 — — 227 331 558
15 0 — — 227 22 249 36 0 — — 227 339 566
15 6 — — 227 30 257 36 6 — — 227 346 573
16 0 — — 227 37 264 37 0 — — 227 354 581
16 6 — — 227 45 272 37 6 — — 227 362 589
17 0 — — 227 52 279 38 0 — — 227 369 596
17 6 — — 227 60 287 38 6 — — 227 377 604
18 0 — — 227 67 294 39 0 — — 227 384 611
18 6 — — 227 75 302 39 6 — — 227 392 619
19 0 — — 227 83 310 40 0 — — 227 399 626
19 6 — — 227 90 317 40 6 — — 227 407 634
41 0 — — 227 414 641
41 6 — — 227 422 649
42 0 — — 227 429 656
42 6 — — 227 437 664
43 0 — — 227 444 671
43 6 — — 227 452 679
44 0 — — 227 460 687
44 6 — — 227 467 694
45 0 — — 227 475 702

46 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


41/2 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Arch Brick 41/2 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Arch Brick
9 x 41/2 x 3 or 131/2 x 41/2 x 3 Inch 9 x 41/2 x 3 or 131/2 x 41/2 x 3 Inch — Continued
Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring
Brickwork No. 4 No. 3 No. 2 No. 1 Brickwork No. 4 No. 3 No. 2 No. 1
Straight Total Ft In Straight Total
Ft In Arch Arch Arch Arch Arch Arch Arch Arch

0 4 1/2 15 — — — — 15 4 6 — — 47 19 — 66
0 5 14 1 — — — 15 4 7 — — 46 21 — 67
0 6 13 3 — — — 16 4 8 — — 45 23 — 68
0 7 12 5 — — — 17 4 9 — — 44 26 — 70
0 8 11 7 — — — 18 4 10 — — 43 28 — 71
0 9 10 9 — — — 19 4 11 — — 42 30 — 72
0 10 8 12 — — — 20
0 11 7 14 — — — 21 5 0 — — 41 32 — 73
5 1 — — 40 34 — 74
1 0 6 16 — — — 22 5 2 — — 39 36 — 75
1 1 5 18 — — — 23 5 3 — — 38 38 — 76
1 2 4 20 — — — 24 5 4 — — 37 40 — 77
1 3 4 22 — — — 26 5 5 — — 36 42 — 78
1 4 3 24 — — — 27 5 6 — — 35 44 — 79
1 5 1 27 — — — 28 5 7 — — 34 46 — 80
1 6 — 29 — — — 29 5 8 — — 33 48 — 81
1 7 — 28 2 — — 30 5 9 — — 32 50 — 82
1 8 — 26 5 — — 31 5 10 — — 31 52 — 83
1 9 — 25 7 — — 32 5 11 — — 29 55 — 84
1 10 — 24 9 — — 33
1 11 — 23 11 — — 34 6 0 — — 28 57 — 85
6 1 — — 27 59 — 86
2 0 — 22 13 — — 35 6 2 — — 26 61 — 87
2 1 — 21 15 — — 36 6 3 — — 25 63 — 88
2 2 — 20 17 — — 37 6 4 — — 24 65 — 89
2 3 — 19 19 — — 38 6 5 — — 23 67 — 90
2 4 — 18 21 — — 39 6 6 — — 22 70 — 92
2 5 — 17 23 — — 40 6 7 — — 21 72 — 93
2 6 — 16 25 — — 41 6 8 — — 20 74 — 94
2 7 — 15 27 — — 42 6 9 — — 19 76 — 95
2 8 — 14 29 — — 43 6 10 — — 18 78 — 96
2 9 — 13 31 — — 44 6 11 — — 17 80 — 97
2 10 — 12 33 — — 45
2 11 — 10 36 — — 46 7 0 — — 16 82 — 98
7 1 — — 15 84 — 99
3 0 — 10 38 — — 48 7 2 — — 14 86 — 100
3 1 — 9 40 — — 49 7 3 — — 13 88 — 101
3 2 — 8 42 — — 50 7 4 — — 12 90 — 102
3 3 — 7 44 — — 51 7 5 — — 11 92 — 103
3 4 — 6 46 — — 52 7 6 — — 10 94 — 104
3 5 — 5 48 — — 53 7 7 — — 9 96 — 105
3 6 — 3 51 — — 54 7 8 — — 7 99 — 106
3 7 — 2 53 — — 55 7 9 — — 6 101 — 107
3 8 — 1 55 — — 56 7 10 — — 5 103 — 108
3 9 — — 57 — — 57 7 11 — — 4 105 — 109
3 10 — — 56 2 — 58
3 11 — — 55 4 — 59 8 0 — — 3 107 — 110
8 1 — — 2 109 — 111
4 0 — — 54 6 — 60 8 2 — — 1 111 — 112
4 1 — — 52 9 — 61 8 3 — — — 113 — 113
4 2 — — 51 11 — 62 8 6 — — — 113 4 117
4 3 — — 50 13 — 63
4 4 — — 49 15 — 64 9 0 — — — 113 10 123
4 5 — — 48 17 — 65 10 0 — — — 113 22 135
11 0 — — — 113 35 148
12 0 — — — 113 48 161
13 0 — — — 113 60 173
14 0 — — — 113 73 186
15 0 — — — 113 85 198

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 47


41/2 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Circle Brick 41/2 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Circle Brick
9 x 41/2 x 3 Inch 9 x 41/2 x 3 Inch — Continued
Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring
Brickwork 24-33-3 36-45-3 48-57-3 60-69-3 72-81-3 Brickwork 72-81-3 84-93-3 96-105-3 108-117-3 120-129-3
Ft In Total Ft In Total
Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle

2 0 12 — — — — 12 6 0 29 — — — — 29
2 1 11 1 — — — 12 6 1 26 3 — — — 29
2 2 10 3 — — — 13 6 2 24 5 — — — 29
2 3 9 4 — — — 13 6 3 22 8 — — — 30
2 4 8 5 — — — 13 6 4 19 11 — — — 30
2 5 7 7 — — — 14 6 5 16 14 — — — 30
2 6 6 8 — — — 14 6 6 14 17 — — — 31
2 7 5 9 — — — 14 6 7 12 19 — — — 31
2 8 4 11 — — — 15 6 8 9 22 — — — 31
2 9 3 12 — — — 15 6 9 7 25 — — — 32
2 10 2 13 — — — 15 6 10 5 27 — — — 32
2 11 1 15 6 11 3 30 — — — 33
— — — 16

7 0 — 33 — — — 33
3 0 — 16 — — — 16
7 1 — 30 3 — — 33
3 1 — 14 2 — — 16
7 2 — 27 7 — — 34
3 2 — 13 4 — — 17
7 3 — 25 9 — — 34
3 3 — 12 5 — — 17
7 4 — 22 12 — — 34
3 4 — 11 7 — — 18
7 5 — 19 16 — — 35
3 5 — 9 9 — — 18
7 6 — 16 19 — — 35
3 6 — 8 10 — — 18
7 7 — 14 21 — — 35
3 7 — 7 12 — — 19
7 8 — 11 25 — — 36
3 8 — 5 14 — — 19
7 9 — 8 28 — — 36
3 9 — 4 15 — — 19
7 10 — 5 31 — — 36
3 10 — 3 17 — — 20
7 11 — 3 34 — — 37
3 11 — 2 18 — — 20
8 0 — — 37 — — 37
4 0 — — 20 — — 20 8 1 — — 34 3 — 37
4 1 — — 19 2 — 21 8 2 — — 31 7 — 38
4 2 — — 17 4 — 21 8 3 — — 28 10 — 38
4 3 — — 15 6 — 21 8 4 — — 24 14 — 38
4 4 — — 14 8 — 22 8 5 — — 22 17 — 39
4 5 — — 12 10 — 22 8 6 — — 18 21 — 39
4 6 — — 10 12 — 22 8 7 — — 15 24 — 39
4 7 — — 9 14 — 23 8 8 — — 12 28 — 40
4 8 — — 7 16 — 23 8 9 — — 9 31 — 40
4 9 — — 5 18 — 23 8 10 — — 7 34 — 41
4 10 — — 4 20 — 24 8 11 — — 3 38 — 41
4 11 — — 2 22 — 24
9 0 — — — 41 — 41
5 0 — — — 24 — 24 9 1 — — — 38 4 42
5 1 — — — 22 3 25 9 2 — — — 34 8 42
5 2 — — — 20 5 25 9 3 — — — 31 11 42
5 3 — — — 18 8 26 9 4 — — — 28 15 43
5 4 — — — 16 10 26 9 5 — — — 24 19 43
5 5 — — — 14 12 26 9 6 — — — 20 23 43
5 6 — — — 12 15 27 9 7 — — — 17 27 44
5 7 — — — 10 17 27 9 8 — — — 14 30 44
5 8 — — — 8 19 27 9 9 — — — 10 34 44
5 9 — — — 6 22 28 9 10 — — — 7 38 45
5 10 — — — 4 24 28 9 11 — — — 4 41 45
5 11 — — — 2 26 28
10 0 — — — — 45 45

48 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


6 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Arch Brick 6 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Arch Brick
12 x 6 x 3 or 131/2 x 6 x 3 Inch 12 x 6 x 3 or 131/2 x 6 x 3 Inch — Continued
Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring
Brickwork Brickwork
No. 3 No. 2 No. 1 No. 3 No. 2 No. 1
Ft In Straight Total Ft In Straight Total
Arch Arch Arch Arch Arch Arch

2 0 38 — — — 38 6 8 — 55 42 — 97
2 1 37 2 — — 39 6 9 — 54 44 — 98
2 2 36 4 — — 40 6 10 — 53 46 — 99
2 3 35 6 — — 41 6 11 — 52 48 — 100
2 4 34 8 — — 42
2 5 32 11 — — 43 7 0 — 51 50 — 101
2 6 31 13 — — 44 7 1 — 49 53 — 102
2 7 30 15 — — 45 7 2 — 48 55 — 103
2 8 29 17 — — 46 7 3 — 47 57 — 104
2 9 29 19 — — 48 7 4 — 46 59 — 105
2 10 28 21 — — 49 7 5 — 45 61 — 106
2 11 27 23 — — 50 7 6 — 44 63 — 107
7 7 — 43 65 — 108
3 0 26 25 — — 51 7 8 — 42 67 — 109
3 1 24 28 — — 52 7 9 — 41 69 — 110
3 2 23 30 — — 53 7 10 — 40 71 — 111
3 3 22 32 — — 54 7 11 — 39 73 — 112
3 4 21 34 — — 55
3 5 20 36 — — 56 8 0 — 38 75 — 113
3 6 19 38 — — 57 8 1 — 37 78 — 115
3 7 18 40 — — 58 8 2 — 36 80 — 116
3 8 17 42 — — 59 8 3 — 35 82 — 117
3 9 16 44 — — 60 8 4 — 34 84 — 118
3 10 15 46 — — 61 8 5 — 33 86 — 119
3 11 14 48 — — 62 8 6 — 32 88 — 120
8 7 — 31 90 — 121
4 0 13 50 — — 63 8 8 — 30 92 — 122
4 1 12 52 — — 64 8 9 — 29 94 — 123
4 2 11 54 — — 65 8 10 — 27 97 — 124
4 3 9 57 — — 66 8 11 — 26 99 — 125
4 4 8 59 — — 67
4 5 7 61 — — 68 9 0 — 25 101 — 126
4 6 7 63 — — 70 9 1 — 24 103 — 127
4 7 6 65 — — 71 9 2 — 23 105 — 128
4 8 5 67 — — 72 9 3 — 22 107 — 129
4 9 4 69 — — 73 9 4 — 21 109 — 130
4 10 2 72 — — 74 9 5 — 20 111 — 131
4 11 1 74 — — 75 9 6 — 19 113 — 132
9 7 — 18 115 — 133
5 0 — 76 — — 76 9 8 — 17 117 — 134
5 1 — 75 2 — 77 9 9 — 16 119 — 135
5 2 — 74 4 — 78 9 10 — 15 122 — 137
5 3 — 72 7 — 79 9 11 — 14 124 — 138
5 4 — 71 9 — 80
5 5 — 70 11 — 81 10 0 — 13 126 — 139
5 6 — 69 13 — 82 10 1 — 12 128 — 140
5 7 — 68 15 — 83 10 2 — 11 130 — 141
5 8 — 67 17 — 84 10 3 — 10 132 — 142
5 9 — 66 19 — 85 10 4 — 9 134 — 143
5 10 — 65 21 — 86 10 5 — 8 136 — 144
5 11 — 64 23 — 87 10 6 — 7 138 — 145
10 7 — 5 141 — 146
6 0 — 63 25 — 88 10 8 — 4 143 — 147
6 1 — 62 27 — 89 10 9 — 3 145 — 148
6 2 — 61 29 — 90 10 10 — 2 147 — 149
6 3 — 60 32 — 92 10 11 — 1 149 — 150
6 4 — 59 34 — 93
6 5 — 58 36 — 94 11 0 — — 151 — 151
6 6 — 57 38 — 95 12 0 — — 151 13 164
6 7 — 56 40 — 96 13 0 — — 151 25 176
14 0 — — 151 38 189

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 49


6 Inch Lining — Rotary Kiln or Cupola Blocks 6 Inch Lining — Rotary Kiln or Cupola Blocks
9 x 6 x 4 Inch 9 x 6 x 4 Inch — Continued
Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring
Brickwork Brickwork
Ft In Total Ft In Total

54-66 60-72 102-114 108-120

4 6 23 — 23 8 6 40 — 40
4 7 20 4 24 8 7 34 7 41
4 8 15 9 24
8 8 27 14 41
4 9 11 13 24
8 9 20 21 41
4 10 8 17 25
4 11 4 21 25 8 10 14 28 42
8 11 7 35 42
60-72 66-78
5 0 26 — 26 108-120 114-126
5 1 21 5 26 9 0 42 — 42
5 2 17 9 26 9 1 35 8 43
5 3 13 14 27
9 2 28 15 43
5 4 9 18 27
5 5 4 23 27 9 3 21 22 43
9 4 14 30 44
66-78 72-84 9 5 7 37 44
5 6 28 — 28
5 7 23 5 28 114-126 120-132
5 8 18 10 28 9 6 44 — 44
5 9 14 15 29
9 7 37 8 45
5 10 9 20 29
9 8 29 16 45
5 11 5 24 29
9 9 22 23 45
72-84 78-90 9 10 15 31 46
6 0 30 — 30 9 11 7 39 46
6 1 25 5 30
6 2 20 10 30 120-132 123-135
6 3 15 16 31
10 0 46 — 46
6 4 10 21 31
10 1 31 16 47
6 5 5 26 31
10 2 15 32 47
78-90 84-96
6 6 32 — 32 123-135 126-138
6 7 26 6 32 10 3 48 — 48
6 8 21 12 33 10 4 32 16 48
6 9 16 17 33 10 5 16 32 48
6 10 11 22 33
6 11 6 28 34
126-138 132-144
84-96 90-102 10 6 49 — 49
7 0 34 — 34 10 7 40 9 49
7 1 28 6 34 10 8 32 17 49
7 2 23 12 35 10 9 24 26 50
7 3 17 18 35 10 10 16 34 50
7 4 11 24 35
10 11 8 42 50
7 5 6 30 36

90-102 96-108 132-144 138-150

7 6 36 — 36 11 0 51 — 51
7 7 30 6 36 11 1 42 9 51
7 8 24 13 37 11 2 34 17 51
7 9 18 19 37 11 3 25 27 52
7 10 12 25 37
11 4 17 35 52
7 11 6 32 38
11 5 8 44 52
96-108 102-114
8 0 38 — 38 NOTE: In orders, the complete names of the blocks desired should be given, as
8 1 31 7 38 for example “102-114 RKB” or “102-114 Cupola.”
8 2 25 14 39
8 3 19 20 39
8 4 13 26 39
8 5 7 33 40

NOTE: In orders, the complete names of the blocks desired should be given, as
for example “54-66 RKB” or “60-72 Cupola.”

50 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


6 Inch Lining — Rotary Kiln or Cupola Blocks 6 Inch Lining — Rotary Kiln or Cupola Blocks
9 x 6 x 4 Inch — Continued 9 x 6 x 4 Inch — Continued
Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring
Brickwork Brickwork
Ft In Total Ft In Total

138-150 144-156 174-186 180-192

11 6 53 — 53 14 6 65 — 65
11 7 44 9 53 14 7 54 12 66
11 8 35 18 53 14 8 43 23 66
11 9 26 28 54 14 9 32 34 66
11 10 18 36 54 14 10 22 45 67
11 11 9 46 55 14 11 11 56 67

144-156 150-162 180-192 186-198

12 0 55 — 55 15 0 67 — 67
12 1 45 10 55 15 1 56 12 68
12 2 37 19 56 15 2 45 23 68
12 3 27 29 56 15 3 33 35 68
12 4 18 38 56 15 4 23 46 69
12 5 9 48 57 15 5 11 58 69

150-162 156-168 186-198 192-204

12 6 57 — 57 15 6 70 — 70
12 7 47 10 57 15 7 58 12 70
12 8 38 20 58 15 8 46 24 70
12 9 28 30 58 15 9 35 36 71
12 10 19 39 58 15 10 23 48 71
12 11 10 49 59 15 11 12 59 71

156-168 162-174 192-204 198-210

13 0 59 — 59 16 0 72 — 72
13 1 49 10 59 16 1 60 12 72
13 2 39 21 60 16 2 48 24 72
13 3 29 31 60 16 3 36 37 73
13 4 20 40 60 16 4 24 49 73
13 5 10 51 61 16 5 12 61 73

162-174 168-180 198-210 204-216

13 6 61 — 61 16 6 74 — 74
13 7 51 10 61 16 7 61 13 74
13 8 41 21 62 16 8 49 25 74
13 9 30 32 62 16 9 37 38 75
13 10 21 42 63 16 10 25 50 75
13 11 10 53 63 16 11 12 63 75

168-180 174-186 204-216 210-222

14 0 63 — 63 17 0 76 — 76
14 1 53 11 64
14 2 42 22 64 NOTE: In orders, the complete names of the blocks desired should be given, as
14 3 31 33 64 for example “174-186 RKB” or “174-186 Cupola.”
14 4 21 44 65
14 5 11 54 65

NOTE: In orders, the complete names of the blocks desired should be given, as
for example “138-150 RKB” or “138-150 Cupola.”

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 51


6 Inch Lining — Rotary Kiln Blocks 9 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Wedge Brick
9 x 6 x 4 Inch Arch Type —Two Shape System 9 x 4 1/2 x 3, 9 x 6 3/4 x 3 or 9 x 9 x 3 Inch
Inside Inside Number Required Per Ring Number Required Per Ring
Diam. Inside
Lining Shell Brickwork No. 3 No. 2 No. 1
Ft In Ft In KW-3 KW-2 KW-1 KW-1X Total Straight Total
Ft In Wedge Wedge Wedge

5 0 6 0 50 7 — — 57 3 0 57 — — — 57
5 3 6 3 44 15 — — 59 3 1 56 2 — — 58
5 6 6 6 38 24 — — 62 3 2 55 4 — — 59
5 9 6 9 32 32 — — 64 3 3 54 6 — — 60
6 0 7 0 25 41 — — 66
3 4 52 9 — — 61
6 3 7 3 19 50 — — 69
3 5 51 11 — — 62
6 6 7 6 13 58 — — 71
3 6 50 13 — — 63
6 9 7 9 6 67 — — 73
3 7 49 15 — — 64
7 0 8 0 — 76 — — 76 3 8 48 17 — — 65
7 3 8 3 — 72 6 — 78 3 9 47 19 — — 66
7 6 8 6 — 68 13 — 81 3 10 46 21 — — 67
7 9 8 9 — 64 19 — 83 3 11 45 23 — — 68
8 0 9 0 — 60 25 — 85
8 3 9 3 — 56 32 — 88 4 0 44 26 — — 70
8 6 9 6 — 52 38 — 90 4 1 43 28 — — 71
8 9 9 9 — 48 44 — 92 4 2 42 30 — — 72
9 0 10 0 — 44 51 — 95
4 3 41 32 — — 73
9 3 10 3 — 40 57 — 97
4 4 40 34 — — 74
9 6 10 6 — 36 63 — 99
4 5 39 36 — — 75
9 9 10 9 — 33 69 — 102
4 6 38 38 — — 76
10 0 11 0 — 28 76 — 104 4 7 37 40 — — 77
10 3 11 3 — 24 82 — 106 4 8 36 42 — — 78
10 6 11 6 — 21 88 — 109 4 9 35 44 — — 79
10 9 11 9 — 17 94 — 111 4 10 34 46 — — 80
11 0 12 0 — 13 100 — 113 4 11 33 48 — — 81
11 3 12 3 — 9 107 — 116
11 6 12 6 — 5 113 — 118 5 0 32 50 — — 82
11 9 12 9 — 1 119 — 120
5 1 31 52 — — 83
12 0 13 0 — — 118 5 123
5 2 29 55 — — 84
12 3 13 3 — — 114 11 125
5 3 28 57 — — 85
12 6 13 6 — — 111 17 128
12 9 13 9 — — 107 23 130 5 4 27 59 — — 86
5 5 26 61 — — 87
13 0 14 0 — — 104 28 132 5 6 25 63 — — 88
13 3 14 3 — — 100 35 135 5 7 24 65 — — 89
13 6 14 6 — — 97 40 137 5 8 23 67 — — 90
13 9 14 9 — — 93 46 139 5 9 22 70 — — 92
14 0 15 0 — — 90 52 142 5 10 21 72 — — 93
14 3 15 3 — — 86 58 144 5 11 20 74 — — 94
14 6 15 6 — — 82 64 146
14 9 15 9 — — 79 70 149
6 0 19 76 — — 95
15 0 16 0 — — 76 75 151
6 1 18 78 — — 96
15 3 16 3 — — 72 82 154
6 2 17 80 — — 97
15 6 16 6 — — 69 87 156
15 9 16 9 — — 65 93 158 6 3 16 82 — — 98
6 4 15 84 — — 99
16 0 17 0 — — 62 99 161 6 5 14 86 — — 100
16 3 17 3 — — 58 105 163 6 6 13 88 — — 101
16 6 17 6 — — 54 111 165 6 7 12 90 — — 102
16 9 17 9 — — 51 117 168 6 8 11 92 — — 103
17 0 18 0 — — 47 123 170 6 9 10 94 — — 104
17 3 18 3 — — 44 128 172 6 10 9 96 — — 105
17 6 18 6 — — 40 135 175
6 11 7 99 — — 106
17 9 18 9 — — 37 140 177
18 0 19 0 — — 33 146 179
NOTE: This table can be used also for 131/2 x 9 x 3 inch arch brick by substituting
18 3 19 3 — — 30 152 182
Nos. 1, 2 and 3 arch brick for the corresponding wedge brick.
NOTE: For each ring, order two (2) pieces each KA-2/3 and KA-3/4 to facilitate
keying. For additional information, see discussion of KA and KW Blocks for
Rotary Kilns.

52 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


9 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Wedge Brick 9 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Wedge Brick
9 x 4 1/2 x 3, 9 x 6 3/4 x 3 or 9 x 9 x 3 Inch–Cont’d. 9 x 4 1/2 x 3, 9 x 6 3/4 x 3 or 9 x 9 x 3 Inch–Cont’d.
Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring
Brickwork Brickwork No. 3 No. 2 No. 1
No. 3 No. 2 No. 1
Ft In Straight Total Ft In Straight Total
Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge

7 0 6 101 — — 107 11 0 — 69 88 — 157

7 1 5 103 — — 108 11 1 — 69 90 — 159
7 2 4 105 — — 109 11 2 — 67 93 — 160
7 3 3 107 — — 110 11 3 — 66 95 — 161
7 4 2 109 — — 111 11 4 — 65 97 — 162
7 5 1 111 — — 112 11 5 — 64 99 — 163
7 6 — 113 — — 113 11 6 — 63 101 — 164
7 7 — 112 3 — 115 11 7 — 62 103 — 165
11 8 — 61 105 — 166
7 8 — 111 5 — 116
11 9 — 60 107 — 167
7 9 — 110 7 — 117
11 10 — 59 109 — 168
7 10 — 109 9 — 118
11 11 — 58 111 — 169
7 11 — 108 11 — 119

12 0 — 57 113 — 170
8 0 — 107 13 — 120
12 1 — 56 115 — 171
8 1 — 106 15 — 121
12 2 — 55 117 — 172
8 2 — 105 17 — 122 12 3 — 54 119 — 173
8 3 — 104 19 — 123 12 4 — 52 122 — 174
8 4 — 103 21 — 124 12 5 — 51 124 — 175
8 5 — 102 23 — 125 12 6 — 50 126 — 176
8 6 — 101 25 — 126 12 7 — 49 128 — 177
8 7 — 100 27 — 127 12 8 — 48 130 — 178
8 8 — 99 29 — 128 12 9 — 47 132 — 179
8 9 — 97 32 — 129 12 10 — 47 134 — 181
8 10 — 96 34 — 130 12 11 — 45 137 — 182
8 11 — 95 36 — 131
13 0 — 44 139 — 183
9 0 — 94 38 — 132 13 1 — 43 141 — 184
9 1 — 93 40 — 133 13 2 — 42 143 — 185
9 2 — 92 42 — 134 13 3 — 41 145 — 186
9 3 — 91 44 — 135 13 4 — 40 147 — 187
9 4 — 90 47 — 137 13 5 — 39 149 — 188
9 5 — 89 49 — 138 13 6 — 38 151 — 189
13 7 — 37 153 — 190
9 6 — 88 51 — 139
13 8 — 36 155 — 191
9 7 — 87 53 — 140
13 9 — 35 157 — 192
9 8 — 86 55 — 141
13 10 — 34 159 — 193
9 9 — 85 57 — 142
13 11 — 33 161 — 194
9 10 — 84 59 — 143
9 11 — 83 61 — 144
14 0 — 32 163 — 195
14 1 — 30 166 — 196
10 0 — 82 63 — 145 14 2 — 29 168 — 197
10 1 — 81 65 — 146 14 3 — 28 170 — 198
10 2 — 80 67 — 147 14 4 — 27 172 — 199
10 3 — 79 69 — 148 14 5 — 26 174 — 200
10 4 — 78 71 — 149 14 6 — 25 176 — 201
10 5 — 77 73 — 150 14 7 — 25 178 — 203
10 6 — 76 75 — 151 14 8 — 23 181 — 204
10 7 — 74 78 — 152 14 9 — 22 183 — 205
10 8 — 73 80 — 153 14 10 — 21 185 — 206
10 9 — 72 82 — 154 14 11 — 20 187 — 207
10 10 — 71 84 — 155
10 11 — 70 86 — 156 15 0 — 19 189 — 208
15 1 — 18 191 — 209
NOTE: This table can be used also for 131/2 x 9 x 3 inch arch brick by substituting 15 2 — 17 193 — 210
Nos. 1, 2 and 3 arch brick for the corresponding wedge brick. 15 3 — 16 195 — 211
15 4 — 15 197 — 212
15 5 — 14 199 — 213

NOTE: This table can be used also for 131/2 x 9 x 3 inch arch brick by substituting
Nos. 1, 2 and 3 arch brick for the corresponding wedge brick.

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 53


9 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Wedge Brick 9 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Key Brick
9 x 4 1/2 x 3, 9 x 6 3/4 x 3 or 9 x 9 x 3 Inch–Cont’d. 9 x 4 1/2 x 3 Inch
Number Required Per Ring Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring
Diam. Inside
Brickwork No. 3 No. 2 No. 1 Brickwork No. 4 No. 3 No. 2 No. 1
Straight Total Ft In Straight Total
Ft In Wedge Wedge Wedge Key Key Key Key

15 6 — 13 201 — 214 1 6 26 — — — — 26
15 7 — 12 203 — 215 1 8 23 4 — — — 27
15 8 — 11 205 — 216 1 10 20 8 — — — 28
15 9 — 10 207 — 217 — — —
15 10 — 8 210 — 218 2 0 17 13 — — — 30
2 2 14 17 — — — 31
15 11 — 7 212 — 219
2 4 12 21 — — — 33
2 6 9 25 — — — 34
16 0 — 6 214 — 220 2 8 6 29 — — — 35
16 1 — 5 216 — 221 2 10 3 34 — — — 37
16 2 — 4 218 — 222
16 3 — 3 220 — 223 3 0 — 38 — — — 38
16 4 — 3 222 — 225 3 2 — 35 4 — — 39
16 5 — 1 225 — 226 3 4 — 32 9 — — 41
16 6 — — 227 — 227 3 6 — 29 13 — — 42
17 0 — — 227 6 233 3 8 — 27 17 — — 44
3 10 — 24 21 — — 45
17 6 — — 227 12 239
18 0 — — 227 18 245
4 0 — 21 25 — — 46
18 6 — — 227 25 252 4 2 — 18 30 — — 48
19 0 — — 227 31 258 4 4 — 15 34 — — 49
19 6 — — 227 37 264 4 6 — 13 38 — — 51
4 8 — 10 42 — — 52
20 0 — — 227 44 271 4 10 — 7 46 — — 53
20 6 — — 227 50 277
21 0 — — 227 56 283 5 0 — 4 51 — — 55
21 6 — — 227 62 289 5 2 — 1 55 — — 56
5 3 — — 57 — — 57
22 0 — — 227 69 296
5 4 — — 56 2 — 58
22 6 — — 227 75 302
5 6 — — 55 4 — 59
23 0 — — 227 81 308 5 8 — — 53 7 — 60
23 6 — — 227 88 315 5 10 — — 52 10 — 62
24 0 — — 227 94 321
24 6 — — 227 100 327 6 0 — — 50 13 — 63
25 0 — — 227 106 333 6 2 — — 49 16 — 65
25 6 — — 227 113 340 6 4 — — 48 18 — 66
26 0 — — 227 119 346 6 6 — — 46 21 — 67
26 6 — — 227 125 352 6 8 — — 45 24 — 69
6 10 — — 43 27 — 70
27 0 — — 227 132 359
27 6 — — 227 138 365
7 0 — — 42 30 — 72
28 0 — — 227 144 371 7 2 — — 41 32 — 73
28 6 — — 227 150 377 7 4 — — 39 35 — 74
29 0 — — 227 157 384 7 6 — — 38 38 — 76
29 6 — — 227 163 390 7 8 — — 36 41 — 77
7 10 — — 35 44 — 79
30 0 — — 227 169 396
30 6 — — 227 176 403 8 0 — — 34 46 — 80
31 0 — — 227 182 409 8 2 — — 32 49 — 81
8 4 — — 31 52 — 83
31 6 — — 227 188 415
8 6 — — 29 55 — 84
32 0 — — 227 194 421
8 8 — — 28 58 — 86
32 6 — — 227 201 428 8 10 — — 27 60 — 87
33 0 — — 227 207 434
33 6 — — 227 213 440 9 0 — — 25 63 — 88
34 0 — — 227 220 447 9 2 — — 24 66 — 90
34 6 — — 227 226 453 9 4 — — 22 69 — 91
35 0 — — 227 232 459 9 6 — — 21 72 — 93
35 6 — — 227 238 465 9 8 — — 20 74 — 94
36 0 — — 227 245 472 9 10 — — 18 77 — 95
36 6 — — 227 251 478
10 0 — — 17 80 — 97
10 2 — — 15 83 — 98
NOTE: This table can be used also for 131/2 x 9 x 3 inch arch brick by substituting 10 4 — — 14 86 — 100
Nos. 1, 2 and 3 arch brick for the corresponding wedge brick.

54 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


9 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Key Brick 9 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Key Brick
9 x 4 1/2 x 3 Inch — Continued 9 x 6 x 3 Inch
Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring Number Required Per Ring
Diam. Inside
Brickwork No. 4 No. 3 No. 2 No. 1 Brickwork No. 3 No. 2 No. 1
Ft In Straight Total Straight Total
Key Key Key Key Ft In Key Key Key

10 6 — — 13 88 — 101 1 6 19 — — — 19
10 8 — — 11 91 — 102 1 8 18 2 — — 20
10 10 — — 10 94 — 104 1 10 18 3 — — 21
— — —
11 0 — — 9 96 — 105 2 0 17 5 — — 22
11 2 — — 7 100 — 107 2 2 16 7 — — 23
11 4 — — 6 102 — 108 2 4 15 9 — — 24
11 6 — — 4 105 — 109 2 6 15 11 — — 26
11 8 — — 3 108 — 111 2 8 14 13 — — 27
11 10 — — 2 110 — 112 2 10 14 14 — — 28

12 0 — — — 113 — 113 3 0 13 16 — — 29
12 6 — — — 113 5 118 3 2 12 18 — — 30
13 0 — — — 113 9 122 3 4 12 19 — — 31
13 6 — — — 113 13 126 3 6 11 21 — — 32
14 0 — — — 113 17 130 3 8 10 23 — — 33
14 6 — — — 113 21 134 3 10 9 25 — — 34

15 0 — — — 113 26 139
4 0 9 26 — — 35
15 6 — — — 113 30 143
4 2 8 28 — — 36
16 0 — — — 113 34 147
4 4 7 30 — — 37
16 6 — — — 113 38 151
4 6 7 31 — — 38
17 0 — — — 113 42 155
4 8 6 33 — — 39
17 6 — — — 113 47 160
4 10 5 35 — — 40
18 0 — — — 113 51 164
5 0 5 36 — — 41
18 6 — — — 113 55 168
5 2 4 38 — — 42
19 0 — — — 113 59 172
5 4 3 40 — — 43
19 6 — — — 113 63 176
20 0 — — — 113 68 181 5 6 2 42 — — 44
20 6 — — — 113 72 185 5 8 2 43 — — 45
— — — 5 10 1 45 — — 46
21 0 — — — 113 76 189
21 6 — — — 113 80 193 6 0 — 48 — — 48
22 0 — — — 113 84 197 6 2 — 47 2 — 49
22 6 — — — 113 88 201 6 4 — 46 4 — 50
23 0 — — — 113 93 206 6 6 — 45 6 — 51
23 6 — — — 113 97 210 6 8 — 44 8 — 52
6 10 — 43 10 — 53
24 0 — — — 113 101 214
24 6 — — — 113 105 218 7 0 — 41 13 — 54
25 0 — — — 113 109 222 7 2 — 40 15 — 55
25 6 — — — 113 114 227 7 4 — 39 17 — 56
26 0 — — — 113 118 231 7 6 — 38 19 — 57
26 6 — — — 113 122 235 7 8 — 37 21 — 58
7 10 — 36 23 — 59
27 0 — — — 113 126 239
27 6 — — — 113 130 243 8 0 — 34 26 — 60
28 0 — — — 113 135 248 8 2 — 33 28 — 61
28 6 — — — 113 139 252 8 4 — 32 30 — 62
29 0 — — — 113 143 256 8 6 — 31 32 — 63
29 6 — — — 113 147 260 8 8 — 30 34 — 64
8 10 — 28 37 — 65
30 0 — — — 113 151 264
30 6 — — — 113 155 268 9 0 — 27 39 — 66
31 0 — — — 113 160 273 9 2 — 26 41 — 67
31 6 — — — 113 164 277 9 4 — 25 43 — 68
32 0 — — — 113 168 281 9 6 — 24 46 — 70
32 6 — — — 113 172 285 9 8 — 23 48 — 71
9 10 — 22 50 — 72
33 0 — — — 113 176 289
33 6 — — — 113 181 294 *NOTE: For brickwork of inside diameters less than 6 feet, involving the use of
34 0 — — — 113 185 298 9 x 6 inch No. 3 Keys which have a very sharp taper, a better bricklaying fit
35 0 — — — 113 193 306 can be obtained by the use of the 9 x 41/2 inch Key-brick combinations.

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 55


9 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Key Brick 9 Inch Lining — Rotary Kiln Blocks
9 x 6 x 3 Inch — Continued 9 x 9 x 4 Inch
Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring
Brickwork No. 3 No. 2 No. 1 Brickwork
Ft In Straight Total Ft In Total
Key Key Key

10 0 — 21 52 — 73 60-78 66-84
10 2 — 19 55 — 74 5 0 28 — 28
10 4 — 18 57 — 75 5 1 23 5 28
10 6 — 17 59 — 76 5 2 18 10 28
10 8 — 16 61 — 77 5 3 14 15 29
10 10 — 15 63 — 78 5 4 9 20 29
5 5 5 24 29
11 0 — 13 66 — 79
11 2 — 12 68 — 80
66-84 72-90
11 4 — 11 70 — 81
5 6 30 — 30
11 6 — 10 72 — 82
5 7 25 5 30
11 8 — 9 74 — 83
5 8 20 10 30
11 10 — 8 76 — 84
5 9 15 16 31
12 0 — 6 79 — 85 5 10 10 21 31
12 2 — 5 81 — 86 5 11 5 26 31
12 4 — 4 83 — 87
12 6 — 3 85 — 88 72-90 78-96
12 8 — 2 87 — 89 6 0 32 — 32
12 10 — — 90 — 90 6 1 26 6 32
6 2 21 12 33
13 0 — — 91 — 91 6 3 16 17 33
13 6 — — 91 4 95 6 4 11 22 33
14 0 — — 91 7 98 6 5 6 28 34
14 6 — — 91 10 101
15 0 — — 91 13 104 78-96 84-102
15 6 — — 91 16 107 6 6 34 — 34
6 7 28 6 34
16 0 — — 91 19 110
6 8 23 12 35
16 6 — — 91 22 113
6 9 17 18 35
17 0 — — 91 26 117
6 10 11 24 35
17 6 — — 91 29 120
6 11 6 30 36
18 0 — — 91 32 123

18 6 — — 91 35 126
82-102 90-108
19 0 — — 91 38 129 7 0 36 — 36
20 0 — — 91 44 135 7 1 30 6 36
21 0 — — 91 51 142 7 2 24 13 37
22 0 — — 91 57 148 7 3 18 19 37
23 0 — — 91 63 154 7 4 12 25 37
24 0 — — 91 70 161 7 5 6 32 38

25 0 — — 91 76 167 90-108 96-114
26 0 — — 91 82 173 7 6 38 — 38
27 0 — — 91 88 179 7 7 31 7 38
28 0 — — 91 95 186 7 8 25 14 39
29 0 — — 91 101 192 7 9 19 20 39
30 0 — — 91 107 198 7 10 13 26 39
7 11 7 33 40
31 0 — — 91 114 205
32 0 — — 91 120 211
NOTE: In orders, the complete names of the blocks should be given, as for example
33 0 — — 91 126 217
“60-78 RKB.”
34 0 — — 91 132 223
35 0 — — 91 139 230
36 0 — — 91 145 236

37 0 — — 91 151 242
38 0 — — 91 158 249
39 0 — — 91 164 255
40 0 — — 91 170 261
41 0 — — 91 176 267

56 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


9 Inch Lining — Rotary Kiln Blocks 9 Inch Lining — Rotary Kiln Blocks
9 x 9 x 4 Inch — Continued 9 x 9 x 4 Inch — Continued
Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring
Brickwork Brickwork
Ft In Total Ft In Total

96-114 102-120 123-141 126-144

8 0 40 — 40 10 3 50 — 50
8 1 34 7 41 10 4 33 17 50
8 2 27 14 41 10 5 16 34 50
8 3 20 21 41
8 4 14 28 42 126-144 132-150
8 5 7 35 42 10 6 51 — 51
10 7 42 9 51
102-120 108-126 10 8 34 17 51
8 6 42 — 42 10 9 25 27 52
8 7 35 8 43 10 10 17 35 52
8 8 28 15 43 10 11 8 44 52
8 9 21 22 43
8 10 14 30 44 132-150 138-156
8 11 7 37 44 11 0 53 — 53
11 1 44 9 53
108-126 114-132 11 2 35 18 53
9 0 44 — 44 11 3 26 28 54
9 1 37 8 45 11 4 18 36 54
9 2 29 16 45 11 5 9 46 55
9 3 22 23 45
9 4 15 31 46 138-156 144-162
9 5 7 39 46 11 6 55 — 55
11 7 45 10 55
114-132 117-135 11 8 37 19 56
9 6 46 — 46 11 9 27 29 56
9 7 31 16 47 11 10 18 38 56
9 8 15 32 47 11 11 9 48 57

117-135 120-138 144-162 150-168

9 9 48 — 48 12 0 57 — 57
9 10 32 16 48 12 1 47 10 57
9 11 16 32 48 12 2 38 20 58
12 3 28 30 58
120-138 123-141 12 4 19 39 58
10 0 49 — 49 12 5 10 49 59
10 1 32 17 49
10 2 16 13 49 150-168 156-174
12 6 59 — 59
NOTE: In orders, the complete names of the blocks should be given, as for example 12 7 49 10 59
“84-102 RKB.” 12 8 39 21 60
12 9 29 31 60
12 10 20 40 60
12 11 10 51 61

156-174 162-180
13 0 61 — 61
13 1 51 10 61
13 2 41 21 62
13 3 30 32 62
13 4 21 42 63
13 5 10 53 63

NOTE: In orders, the complete names of the blocks should be given, as for example
“123-141 RKB.”

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 57


9 Inch Lining — Rotary Kiln Blocks 9 Inch Lining — Rotary Kiln Blocks
9 x 9 x 4 Inch — Continued 9 x 9 x 4 Inch — Continued
Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring
Brickwork Brickwork
Ft In Total Ft In Total

162-180 168-186 204-222 210-228

13 6 63 — 63 17 0 78 — 78
13 7 53 11 64 17 1 65 13 78
13 8 42 22 64 17 2 52 27 79
13 9 31 33 64 17 3 39 40 79
13 10 21 44 65 17 4 26 53 79
13 11 11 54 65 17 5 13 67 80

168-186 174-192 210-228 216-234
14 0 65 — 65 17 6 80 — 80
14 1 54 12 66 17 7 66 14 80
14 2 43 23 66 17 8 53 28 81
14 3 32 34 66 17 9 40 41 81
14 4 22 45 67 17 10 27 54 81
14 5 11 56 67 17 11 14 68 82

174-192 180-198 216-234 222-240
14 6 67 — 67 18 0 82 — 82
14 7 56 12 68 18 1 68 14 82
14 8 45 23 68 18 2 55 28 83
14 9 33 35 68 18 3 41 42 83
14 10 23 46 69 18 4 27 56 83
14 11 11 58 69 18 5 14 70 84

180-198 186-204 222-240 228-246

15 0 70 — 70 18 6 84 — 84
15 1 58 12 70 18 7 70 15 85
15 2 46 24 70 18 8 56 29 85
15 3 35 36 71 18 9 42 43 85
15 4 23 48 71 18 10 28 58 86
15 5 12 59 71 18 11 14 72 86

186-204 192-210 228-246 234-252

15 6 72 — 72 19 0 86 — 86
15 7 60 12 72 19 1 72 15 87
15 8 48 24 72 19 2 57 30 87
15 9 36 37 73 19 3 43 44 87
15 10 24 49 73 19 4 29 59 88
15 11 12 61 73 19 5 14 74 88

192-210 198-216 234-252 240-258

16 0 74 — 74 19 6 88 — 88
16 1 61 13 74 19 7 74 15 89
16 2 49 25 74 19 8 59 30 89
16 3 37 38 75 19 9 44 45 89
16 4 25 50 75 19 10 30 60 90
16 5 12 63 75 19 11 15 75 90

198-216 204-222 240-258 —

16 6 76 — 76 20 0 90 — 90
16 7 63 13 76 —
16 8 50 26 76
16 9 38 39 77 NOTE: In orders, the complete names of the blocks should be given, as for example
16 10 25 52 77 “204-222 RKB.”
16 11 13 65 78

NOTE: In orders, the complete names of the blocks should be given, as for example
“162-180 RKB.”

58 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


9 Inch Lining — Rotary Kiln Blocks 12 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Wedge Brick
9 x 6 x 4 Inch Wedge Type —Two Shape System 12 x 4 1/2 x 3, 12 x 6 x 3 or 12 x 9 x 3 Inch
Inside Inside Number Required Per Ring Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring
Lining Shell Brickwork No. 3 No. 2 No. 1 No. 1-X
Ft In Ft In KW-3 KW-2 KW-1 KW-1X Total Ft In Straight Total
Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge

4 6 6 0 50 7 — — 57 4 0 76 — — — — 76
4 9 6 3 44 15 — — 59 4 3 72 7 — — — 79
5 0 6 6 38 24 — — 62 4 6 69 13 — — — 82
5 3 6 9 32 32 — — 64 4 9 66 19 — — — 85
5 6 7 0 25 41 — — 66
5 9 7 3 19 50 — — 69 5 0 63 25 — — — 88
5 3 60 32 — — — 92
6 0 7 6 13 58 — — 71
5 6 57 38 — — — 95
6 3 7 9 6 67 — — 73
5 9 54 44 — — — 98
6 6 8 0 — 76 — — 76
6 9 8 3 — 72 6 — 78
7 0 8 6 — 68 13 — 81 6 0 51 50 — — — 101
7 3 8 9 — 64 19 — 83 6 3 47 57 — — — 104
7 6 9 0 — 60 25 — 85 6 6 44 63 — — — 107
7 9 9 3 — 56 32 — 88 6 9 41 69 — — — 110
8 0 9 6 — 52 38 — 90
8 3 9 9 — 48 44 — 92 7 0 38 75 — — — 113
8 6 10 0 — 44 51 — 95 7 3 35 82 — — — 117
8 9 10 3 — 40 57 — 97 7 6 32 88 — — — 120
7 9 29 94 — — — 123
9 0 10 6 — 36 63 — 99
9 3 10 9 — 33 69 — 102
8 0 25 101 — — — 126
9 6 11 0 — 28 76 — 104
8 3 22 107 — — — 129
9 9 11 3 — 24 82 — 106
10 0 11 6 — 21 88 — 109 8 6 19 113 — — — 132
10 3 11 9 — 17 94 — 111 8 9 16 119 — — — 135
10 6 12 0 — 13 100 — 113
10 9 12 3 — 9 107 — 116 9 0 13 126 — — — 139
11 0 12 6 — 5 113 — 118 9 3 10 132 — — — 142
11 3 12 9 — 1 119 — 120 9 6 7 138 — — — 145
11 6 13 0 — — 117 6 123 9 9 3 145 — — — 148
11 9 13 3 — — 112 13 125
10 0 — 151 — — — 151
12 0 13 6 — — 108 20 128 10 3 — 148 6 — — 154
12 3 13 9 — — 103 27 130
10 6 — 144 13 — — 157
12 6 14 0 — — 98 34 132
10 9 — 142 19 — — 161
12 9 14 3 — — 94 41 135
13 0 14 6 — — 89 48 137
13 3 14 9 — — 84 55 139 11 0 — 139 25 — — 164
13 6 15 0 — — 79 63 142 11 3 — 135 32 — — 167
13 9 15 3 — — 75 69 144 11 6 — 132 38 — — 170
14 0 15 6 — — 70 76 146 11 9 — 129 44 — — 173
14 3 15 9 — — 65 84 149
14 6 16 0 — — 60 91 151 12 0 — 126 50 — — 176
14 9 16 3 — — 56 98 154 12 3 — 122 57 — — 179
12 6 — 120 63 — — 183
15 0 16 6 — — 51 105 156 12 9 — 117 69 — — 186
15 3 16 9 — — 46 112 158
15 6 17 0 — — 42 119 161
13 0 — 113 76 — — 189
15 9 17 3 — — 37 126 163
13 3 — 110 82 — — 192
16 0 17 6 — — 32 133 165
13 6 — 107 88 — — 195
16 3 17 9 — — 28 140 168
16 6 18 0 — — 23 147 170 13 9 — 104 94 — — 198
16 9 18 3 — — 18 154 172
17 0 18 6 — — 14 161 175 14 0 — 101 100 — — 201
17 3 18 9 — — 9 168 177 14 3 — 98 107 — — 205
17 6 19 0 — — 4 175 179 14 6 — 95 113 — — 208
17 9 19 3 — — — 182 182 14 9 — 91 120 — — 211

NOTE: For each ring, order two (2) pieces each KW-2/3 and KW-3/4 to facilitate 15 0 — 88 126 — — 214
keying. For additional information, see discussion of KA and KW blocks for 15 3 — 85 132 — — 217
Rotary Kilns. 15 6 — 82 138 — — 220
15 9 — 79 144 — — 223

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 59


12 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Wedge Brick 12 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Wedge Brick
12 x 4 1/2 x 3, 12 x 6 x 3 or 12 x 9 x 3 Inch–Cont’d. 12 x 4 1/2 x 3, 12 x 6 x 3 or 12 x 9 x 3 Inch–Cont’d.
Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring
Brickwork No. 3 No. 2 No. 1 No. 1-X Brickwork No. 3 No. 2 No. 1 No. 1-X
Ft In Straight Total Ft In Straight Total
Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge

16 0 — 76 151 — — 227 28 0 — — 226 151 — 377

16 3 — 73 157 — — 230 28 3 — — 223 158 — 381
16 6 — 69 164 — — 233 28 6 — — 220 164 — 384
16 9 — 66 170 — — 236 28 9 — — 217 170 — 387

17 0 — 63 176 — — 239 29 0 — — 214 176 — 390

17 3 — 60 182 — — 242 29 3 — — 211 182 — 393
17 6 — 57 188 — — 245 29 6 — — 207 189 — 396
17 9 — 54 195 — — 249 29 9 — — 204 195 — 399

18 0 — 51 201 — — 252 30 0 — — 202 201 — 403

18 3 — 47 208 — — 255 30 3 — — 198 208 — 406
18 6 — 44 214 — — 258 30 6 — — 195 214 — 409
18 9 — 41 220 — — 261 30 9 — — 192 220 — 412

19 0 — 38 226 — — 264 31 0 — — 189 226 — 415

19 3 — 35 232 — — 267 31 3 — — 185 233 — 418
19 6 — 32 239 — — 271 31 6 — — 182 239 — 421
19 9 — 29 245 — — 274 31 9 — — 180 245 — 425

20 0 — 25 252 — — 277 32 0 — — 176 252 — 428

20 3 — 22 258 — — 280 32 3 — — 173 258 — 431
20 6 — 19 264 — — 283 32 6 — — 170 264 — 434
20 9 — 16 270 — — 286 32 9 — — 167 270 — 437

21 0 — 13 276 — — 289 33 0 — — 163 277 — 440

21 3 — 10 283 — — 293 33 3 — — 160 283 — 443
21 6 — 7 289 — — 296 33 6 — — 158 289 — 447
21 9 — 3 296 — — 299 33 9 — — 154 296 — 450

22 0 — — 302 — — 302 34 0 — — 151 302 — 453

22 3 — — 299 6 — 305 34 3 — — 148 308 — 456
22 6 — — 295 13 — 308 34 6 — — 145 314 — 459
22 9 — — 292 19 — 311 34 9 — — 141 321 — 462

23 0 — — 289 26 — 315 35 0 — — 138 327 — 465

23 3 — — 286 32 — 318 35 3 — — 135 333 — 468
23 6 — — 283 38 — 321 35 6 — — 132 340 — 472
23 9 — — 280 44 — 324 35 9 — — 129 346 — 475

24 0 — — 277 50 — 327 36 0 — — 126 352 — 478

24 3 — — 273 57 — 330 36 3 — — 123 358 — 481
24 6 — — 270 63 — 333 36 6 — — 119 365 — 484
24 9 — — 267 70 — 337 36 9 — — 116 371 — 487

25 0 — — 264 76 — 340 37 0 — — 113 377 — 490

25 3 — — 261 82 — 343 37 3 — — 110 384 — 494
25 6 — — 258 88 — 346 37 6 — — 107 390 — 497
25 9 — — 255 94 — 349 37 9 — — 104 396 — 500

26 0 — — 251 101 — 352 38 0 — — 101 402 — 503

26 3 — — 248 107 — 355 38 3 — — 97 409 — 506
26 6 — — 245 114 — 359 38 6 — — 94 415 — 509
26 9 — — 242 120 — 362 38 9 — — 91 421 — 512

27 0 — — 239 126 — 365 39 0 — — 88 428 — 516

27 3 — — 236 132 — 368 39 3 — — 85 434 — 519
27 6 — — 233 138 — 371 39 6 — — 82 440 — 522
27 9 — — 229 145 — 374 39 9 — — 79 446 — 525

60 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


12 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Wedge Brick 12 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Key Brick
12 x 4 1/2 x 3, 12 x 6 x 3 or 12 x 9 x 3 Inch–Cont’d. 12 x 6 x 3 Inch
Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring
Brickwork No. 3 No. 2 No. 1 No. 1-X Brickwork No.2 No. 1
Ft In Straight Total Ft In Straight Total
Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge Key Key

40 0 — — 76 452 — 528 10 0 76 — — 76
40 3 — — 72 459 — 531 10 2 75 2 — 77
40 6 — — 69 465 — 534 10 4 74 4 — 78
40 9 — — 66 472 — 538 10 6 72 7 — 79
10 8 71 9 — 80
41 0 — — 63 478 — 541 10 10 70 11 — 81
41 3 — — 60 484 — 544
11 0 69 13 — 82
41 6 — — 57 490 — 547
11 2 68 15 — 83
41 9 — — 54 496 — 550
11 4 67 17 — 84
11 6 66 19 — 85
42 0 — — 50 503 — 553
11 8 65 21 — 86
42 3 — — 47 509 — 556 11 10 64 23 — 87
42 6 — — 44 516 — 560
42 9 — — 41 522 — 563 12 0 63 25 — 88
12 2 62 27 — 89
43 0 — — 38 528 — 566 12 4 61 29 — 90
43 3 — — 35 534 — 569 12 6 60 32 — 92
43 6 — — 32 540 — 572 12 8 59 34 — 93
43 9 — — 28 547 — 575 12 10 58 36 — 94

44 0 — — 25 553 — 578 13 0 57 38 — 95
44 3 — — 22 560 — 582 13 2 56 40 — 96
44 6 — — 19 566 — 585 13 4 55 42 — 97
13 6 54 44 — 98
44 9 — — 16 572 — 588
13 8 53 46 — 99
13 10 52 48 — 100
45 0 — — 13 578 — 591
45 3 — — 10 584 — 594 14 0 51 50 — 101
45 6 — — 6 591 — 597 14 2 49 53 — 102
45 9 — — 3 597 — 600 14 4 48 55 — 103
14 6 47 57 — 104
46 0 — — — 604 — 604 14 8 46 59 — 105
46 3 — — — 604 3 607 14 10 45 61 — 106
46 6 — — — 604 6 610
46 9 — — — 604 9 613 15 0 44 63 — 107
15 2 43 65 — 108
47 0 — — — 604 12 616 15 4 42 67 — 109
47 3 — — — 604 15 619 15 6 41 69 — 110
47 6 — — — 604 18 622 15 8 40 71 — 111
15 10 39 73 — 112
47 9 — — — 604 22 626

16 0 38 75 — 113
48 0 — — — 604 25 629
16 2 37 78 — 115
48 3 — — — 604 28 632
16 4 36 80 — 116
48 6 — — — 604 31 635 16 6 35 82 — 117
48 9 — — — 604 34 638 16 8 34 84 — 118
16 10 33 86 — 119
49 0 — — — 604 37 641
49 6 — — — 604 44 648 17 0 32 88 — 120
50 0 — — — 604 50 654 17 2 31 90 — 121
50 6 — — — 604 56 660 17 4 30 92 — 122
17 6 29 94 — 123
51 0 — — — 604 62 666 17 8 27 97 — 124
51 6 — — — 604 69 673 17 10 26 99 — 125
52 0 — — — 604 75 679
52 6 — — — 604 81 685 18 0 25 101 — 126
18 2 24 103 — 127
18 4 23 105 — 128
53 0 — — — 604 88 692
18 6 22 107 — 129
53 6 — — — 604 94 698
18 8 21 109 — 130
54 0 — — — 604 100 704 18 10 20 111 — 131
54 6 — — — 604 106 710

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 61


12 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Key Brick 13 1/2 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Wedge Brick
12 x 6 x 3 Inch — Continued 13 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 3, 13 1/2 x 6 x 3 or 13 1/2 x 9 x 3 Inch
Number Required Per Ring Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring
Diam. Inside
Brickwork No. 2 No. 1 Brickwork No. 3 No. 2 No. 1 No. 1-X
Straight Total Straight Total
Ft In Key Key Ft In Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge

19 0 19 113 — 132 4 6 85 — — — — 85
19 2 18 115 — 133 4 9 82 6 — — — 88
19 4 17 117 — 134
19 6 16 119 — 135 5 0 79 13 — — — 92
19 8 15 122 — 137 5 3 76 19 — — — 95
19 10 14 124 — 138 5 6 73 25 — — — 98
5 9 69 32 — — — 101
20 0 13 126 — 139
20 2 12 128 — 140
6 0 66 38 — — — 104
20 4 11 130 — 141
6 3 63 44 — — — 107
20 6 10 132 — 142
6 6 60 50 — — — 110
20 8 9 134 — 143
6 9 57 56 — — — 113
20 10 8 136 — 144

21 0 7 138 — 145 7 0 54 63 — — — 117

21 2 5 141 — 146 7 3 51 69 — — — 120
21 4 4 143 — 147 7 6 47 76 — — — 123
21 6 3 145 — 148 7 9 44 82 — — — 126
21 8 2 147 — 149
21 10 1 149 — 150 8 0 41 88 — — — 129
8 3 38 94 — — — 132
22 0 — 151 — 151 8 6 35 100 — — — 135
22 2 — 151 1 152 8 9 32 107 — — — 139
22 4 — 151 2 153
22 6 — 151 3 154 9 0 29 113 — — — 142
23 0 — 151 6 157
9 3 25 120 — — — 145
23 6 — 151 10 161
9 6 22 126 — — — 148
9 9 19 132 — — — 151
24 0 — 151 13 164
24 6 — 151 16 167
25 0 — 151 19 170 10 0 16 138 — — — 154
25 6 — 151 22 173 10 3 13 144 — — — 157
26 0 — 151 25 176 10 6 10 151 — — — 161
26 6 — 151 28 179 10 9 7 157 — — — 164

27 0 — 151 32 183 11 0 3 164 — — — 167

27 6 — 151 35 186 11 3 — 170 — — — 170
28 0 — 151 38 189 11 6 — 167 6 — — 173
28 6 — 151 41 192 11 9 — 163 13 — — 176
29 0 — 151 44 195
29 6 — 151 47 198 12 0 — 160 19 — — 179
12 3 — 157 26 — — 183
30 0 — 151 50 201
12 6 — 154 32 — — 186
30 6 — 151 54 205
12 9 — 151 38 — — 189
31 0 — 151 57 208
31 6 — 151 60 211
32 0 — 151 63 214 13 0 — 148 44 — — 192
32 6 — 151 66 217 13 3 — 145 50 — — 195
13 6 — 141 57 — — 198
33 0 — 151 69 220 13 9 — 138 63 — — 201
33 6 — 151 72 223
34 0 — 151 76 227 14 0 — 135 70 — — 205
34 6 — 151 79 230 14 3 — 132 76 — — 208
35 0 — 151 82 233 14 6 — 129 82 — — 211
35 6 — 151 85 236 14 9 — 126 88 — — 214

36 0 — 151 88 239 15 0 — 123 94 — — 217

36 6 — 151 91 242 15 3 — 119 101 — — 220
37 0 — 151 94 245
15 6 — 116 107 — — 223
37 6 — 151 98 249
15 9 — 113 114 — — 227
38 0 — 151 101 252
38 6 — 151 104 255

62 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


131/2 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Wedge Brick 131/2 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Wedge Brick
13 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 3, 13 1/2 x 6 x 3 or 13 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 3, 13 1/2 x 6 x 3 or
13 1/2 x 9 x 3 Inch – Continued 13 1/2 x 9 x 3 Inch – Continued
Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring
Brickwork No. 3 No. 2 No. 1 No. 1-X Brickwork No. 3 No. 2 No. 1 No. 1-X
Ft In Straight Total Ft In Straight Total
Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge

16 0 — 110 120 — — 230 28 0 — — 299 82 — 381

16 3 — 107 126 — — 233 28 3 — — 296 88 — 384
16 6 — 104 132 — — 236 28 6 — — 292 95 — 387
16 9 — 101 138 — — 239 28 9 — — 289 101 — 390

17 0 — 97 145 — — 242 29 0 — — 286 107 — 393

17 3 — 94 151 — — 245 29 3 — — 283 113 — 396
17 6 — 92 157 — — 249 29 6 — — 280 119 — 399
17 9 — 88 164 — — 252 29 9 — — 277 126 — 403

18 0 — 85 170 — — 255 30 0 — — 274 132 — 406

18 3 — 82 176 — — 258 30 3 — — 270 139 — 409
18 6 — 79 182 — — 261 30 6 — — 267 145 — 412
18 9 — 75 189 — — 264 30 9 — — 264 151 — 415

19 0 — 72 195 — — 267 31 0 — — 261 157 — 418

19 3 — 70 201 — — 271 31 3 — — 258 163 — 421
19 6 — 66 208 — — 274 31 6 — — 255 170 — 425
19 9 — 63 214 — — 277 31 9 — — 252 176 — 428

20 0 — 60 220 — — 280 32 0 — — 248 183 — 431

20 3 — 57 226 — — 283 32 3 — — 245 189 — 434
20 6 — 53 233 — — 286 32 6 — — 242 195 — 437
20 9 — 50 239 — — 289 32 9 — — 239 201 — 440

21 0 — 48 245 — — 293 33 0 — — 236 207 — 443

21 3 — 44 252 — — 296 33 3 — — 233 214 — 447
21 6 — 41 258 — — 299 33 6 — — 230 220 — 450
21 9 — 38 264 — — 302 33 9 — — 227 226 — 453

22 0 — 35 270 — — 305 34 0 — — 223 233 — 456

22 3 — 31 277 — — 308 34 3 — — 220 239 — 459
22 6 — 28 283 — — 311 34 6 — — 217 245 — 462
22 9 — 26 289 — — 315 34 9 — — 214 251 — 465

23 0 — 22 296 — — 318 35 0 — — 210 258 — 468

23 3 — 19 302 — — 321 35 3 — — 208 264 — 472
23 6 — 16 308 — — 324 35 6 — — 205 270 — 475
23 9 — 13 314 — — 327 35 9 — — 201 277 — 478

24 0 — 9 321 — — 330 36 0 — — 198 283 — 481

24 3 — 6 327 — — 333 36 3 — — 195 289 — 484
24 6 — 4 333 — — 337 36 6 — — 192 295 — 487
24 9 — — 340 — — 340 36 9 — — 188 302 — 490

25 0 — — 336 7 — 343 37 0 — — 186 308 — 494

25 3 — — 333 13 — 346 37 3 — — 183 314 — 497
25 6 — — 330 19 — 349 37 6 — — 179 321 — 500
25 9 — — 327 25 — 352 37 9 — — 176 327 — 503

26 0 — — 324 31 — 355 38 0 — — 173 333 — 506

26 3 — — 321 38 — 359 38 3 — — 170 339 — 509
26 6 — — 318 44 — 362 38 6 — — 166 346 — 512
26 9 — — 314 51 — 365 38 9 — — 164 352 — 516

27 0 — — 311 57 — 368 39 0 — — 161 358 — 519

27 3 — — 308 63 — 371 39 3 — — 157 365 — 522
27 6 — — 305 69 — 374 39 6 — — 154 371 — 525
27 9 — — 302 75 — 377 39 9 — — 151 377 — 528

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 63


131/2 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Wedge Brick 131/2 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Key Brick
13 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 3, 13 1/2 x 6 x 3 or 131/2 x 6 x 3 Inch
13 1/2 x 9 x 3 Inch – Continued
Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring
Brickwork No. 3 No. 2 No. 1 No. 1-X Brickwork No. 3 No. 2 No. 1
Ft In Straight Total Ft In Straight Total
Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge Key Key Key

40 0 — — 148 383 — 531 2 3 29 — — — 29

40 3 — — 144 390 — 534 2 4 28 1 — — 29
40 6 — — 142 396 — 538 2 6 26 4 — — 30
40 9 — — 139 402 — 541 2 8 25 6 — — 31
2 10 24 8 — — 32
41 0 — — 135 409 — 544
3 0 23 10 — — 33
41 3 — — 132 415 — 547 3 2 21 13 — — 34
41 6 — — 129 421 — 550 3 4 20 15 — — 35
41 9 — — 126 427 — 553 3 6 19 18 — — 37
3 8 18 20 — — 38
42 0 — — 122 434 — 556 3 10 17 22 — — 39
42 3 — — 120 440 — 560
42 6 — — 117 446 — 563 4 0 16 24 — — 40
42 9 — — 113 453 — 566 4 2 14 27 — — 41
4 4 13 29 — — 42
4 6 12 31 — — 43
43 0 — — 110 459 — 569
4 8 11 33 — — 44
43 3 — — 107 465 — 572 4 10 9 36 — — 45
43 6 — — 104 471 — 575
43 9 — — 101 477 — 578 5 0 8 38 — — 46
5 2 7 40 — — 47
44 0 — — 98 484 — 582 5 4 6 42 — — 48
44 3 — — 95 490 — 585 5 6 4 45 — — 49
44 6 — — 91 497 — 588 5 8 3 47 — — 50
44 9 — — 88 503 — 591 5 10 2 49 — — 51

6 0 — 52 — — 52
45 0 — — 85 509 — 594
6 2 — 51 2 — 53
45 3 — — 82 515 — 597 6 4 — 49 5 — 54
45 6 — — 79 521 — 600 6 6 — 48 7 — 55
45 9 — — 76 528 — 604 6 8 — 46 10 — 56
6 10 — 44 13 — 57
46 0 — — 73 534 — 607
46 3 — — 69 541 — 610 7 0 — 43 16 — 59
46 6 — — 66 547 — 613 7 2 — 41 19 — 60
46 9 — — 63 553 — 616 7 4 — 40 21 — 61
7 6 — 38 24 — 62
7 8 — 36 27 — 63
47 0 — — 60 559 — 619
7 10 — 35 29 — 64
47 3 — — 57 565 — 622
47 6 — — 54 572 — 626 8 0 — 33 32 — 65
47 9 — — 51 578 — 629 8 2 — 31 35 — 66
8 4 — 30 37 — 67
48 0 — — 47 585 — 632 8 6 — 28 40 — 68
48 3 — — 44 591 — 635 8 8 — 26 43 — 69
48 6 — — 41 597 — 638 8 10 — 24 46 — 70
48 9 — — 38 603 — 641
9 0 — 23 48 — 71
9 2 — 21 51 — 72
49 0 — — 35 609 — 644
9 4 — 19 54 — 73
49 3 — — 32 616 — 648 9 6 — 18 56 — 74
49 6 — — 29 622 — 651 9 8 — 16 59 — 75
49 9 — — 25 629 — 654 9 10 — 14 62 — 76

50 0 — — 22 635 — 657 10 0 — 13 64 — 77
50 3 — — 19 641 — 660 10 2 — 11 67 — 78
50 6 — — 16 647 — 663 10 4 — 9 70 — 79
50 9 — — 13 653 — 666 10 6 — 8 73 — 81
10 8 — 6 76 — 82
10 10 — 5 78 — 83
51 0 — — 10 660 — 670
51 3 — — 7 666 — 673
*NOTE: For brickwork of inside diameters less than 6 feet, involving the use of
51 6 — — 3 673 — 676
131/2 x 6 inch No. 3 Keys which have a very sharp taper, appreciable cut-
51 9 — — — 679 — 679 ting may be necessary in some cases to secure the best bricklaying fit.

64 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


131/2 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Key Brick 15 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Wedge Brick
131/2 x 6 x 3 Inch — Continued 15 x 6 x 3 or 15 x 9 x 3 Inch
Number Required Per Ring Number Required Per Ring
Diam. Inside Diam. Inside
Brickwork No. 3 No. 2 No. 1 Brickwork No. 3 No.2 No.1
Straight Total Total
Ft In Key Key Key Ft In Wedge Wedge Wedge

11 0 — 3 81 — 84 5 0 95 — — 95
11 2 — 1 84 — 85 5 1 94 2 — 96
11 3 — — 85 — 85 5 3 91 7 — 98
11 6 — — 85 2 87 5 6 88 13 — 101
5 9 85 19 — 104
12 0 — — 85 5 90
12 6 — — 85 8 93 6 0 82 25 — 107
13 0 — — 85 11 96 6 3 79 31 — 110
13 6 — — 85 14 99 6 6 75 38 — 113
14 0 — — 85 18 103 6 9 73 44 — 117
14 6 — — 85 21 106
7 0 69 51 — 120
15 0 — — 85 24 109 7 3 66 57 — 123
15 6 — — 85 27 112 7 6 63 63 — 126
16 0 — — 85 30 115 7 9 60 69 — 129
16 6 — — 85 33 118
17 0 — — 85 36 121 8 0 57 75 — 132
17 6 — — 85 39 124 8 3 53 82 — 135
8 6 51 88 — 139
18 0 — — 85 43 128 8 9 47 95 — 142
18 6 — — 85 46 131
19 0 — — 85 49 134 9 0 44 101 — 145
19 6 — — 85 52 137 9 3 41 107 — 148
20 0 — — 85 55 140 9 6 38 113 — 151
20 6 — — 85 58 143 9 9 35 119 — 154

21 0 — — 85 61 146 10 0 31 126 — 157

21 6 — — 85 65 150 10 3 29 132 — 161
22 0 — — 85 68 153 10 6 25 139 — 164
22 6 — — 85 71 156 10 9 22 145 — 167
23 0 — — 85 74 159
23 6 — — 85 77 162 11 0 19 151 — 170
11 3 16 157 — 173
24 0 — — 85 80 165 11 6 13 163 — 176
24 6 — — 85 83 168 11 9 9 170 — 179
25 0 — — 85 87 172
25 6 — — 85 90 175
12 0 7 176 — 183
26 0 — — 85 93 178
12 3 3 183 — 186
26 6 — — 85 96 181
12 6 — 189 — 189
12 9 — 186 6 192
27 0 — — 85 99 184
27 6 — — 85 102 187
13 0 — 182 13 195
28 0 — — 85 105 190
13 3 — 179 19 198
28 6 — — 85 109 194
13 6 — 176 25 201
29 0 — — 85 112 197
13 9 — 173 32 205
29 6 — — 85 115 200

14 0 — 170 38 208
30 0 — — 85 118 203
14 3 — 167 44 211
30 6 — — 85 121 206
14 6 — 164 50 214
31 0 — — 85 124 209
14 9 — 160 57 217
31 6 — — 85 127 212
32 0 — — 85 131 216
15 0 — 157 63 220
15 3 — 154 69 223
33 0 — — 85 137 222
15 6 — 151 76 227
34 0 — — 85 143 228
15 9 — 148 82 230
35 0 — — 85 149 234
36 0 — — 85 156 241
16 0 — 145 88 233
16 3 — 142 94 236
37 0 — — 85 162 247
16 6 — 138 101 239
38 0 — — 85 168 253
16 9 — 135 107 242
39 0 — — 85 175 260
40 0 — — 85 181 266

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 65


15 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Wedge Brick 15 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Wedge Brick
15 x 6 x 3 or 15 x 9 x 3 Inch — Continued 15 x 6 x 3 or 15 x 9 x 3 Inch — Continued
Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring
Brickwork No. 2 No. 1 No. 1-X Brickwork No. 1 No. 1-X
Ft In Total Ft In Total
Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge

17 0 132 113 — 245 29 0 358 38 396

17 3 129 120 — 249 29 3 355 44 399
17 6 126 126 — 252 29 6 352 51 403
17 9 123 132 — 255 29 9 349 57 406

18 0 120 138 — 258 30 0 346 63 409

18 3 116 145 — 261 30 3 343 69 412
30 6 339 76 415
18 6 113 151 — 264
30 9 336 82 418
18 9 110 157 — 267

31 0 333 88 421
19 0 107 164 — 271
31 3 330 95 425
19 3 104 170 — 274 31 6 327 101 428
19 6 101 176 — 277 31 9 324 107 431
19 9 98 182 — 280
32 0 321 113 434
20 0 94 189 — 283 32 3 317 120 437
20 3 91 195 — 286 32 6 314 126 440
20 6 88 201 — 289 32 9 311 132 443
20 9 85 208 — 293
33 0 308 139 447
21 0 82 214 — 296 33 3 305 145 450
21 3 79 220 — 299 33 6 302 151 453
21 6 76 226 — 302 33 9 299 157 456
21 9 72 233 — 305
34 0 295 164 459
34 3 292 170 462
22 0 69 239 — 308
34 6 289 176 465
22 3 66 245 — 311
34 9 286 182 468
22 6 63 252 — 315
22 9 60 258 — 318
35 0 283 189 472
35 3 280 195 475
23 0 57 264 — 321 35 6 277 201 478
23 3 54 270 — 324 35 9 273 208 481
23 6 50 277 — 327
23 9 47 283 — 330 36 0 270 214 484
36 3 267 220 487
24 0 44 289 — 333 36 6 264 226 490
24 3 41 296 — 337 36 9 261 233 494
24 6 38 302 — 340
24 9 35 308 — 343 37 0 258 239 497
37 3 255 245 500
25 0 32 314 — 346 37 6 252 251 503
25 3 28 321 — 349 37 9 248 258 506
25 6 25 327 — 352
25 9 22 333 — 355 38 0 245 264 509
38 3 242 270 512
38 6 239 277 516
26 0 19 340 — 359
38 9 236 283 519
26 3 16 346 — 362
26 6 13 352 — 365
39 0 233 289 522
26 9 10 358 — 368 39 3 230 295 525
39 6 226 302 528
27 0 6 365 — 371 39 9 223 308 531
27 3 3 371 — 374
27 6 — 377 — 377 40 0 220 314 534
27 9 — 374 7 381 40 3 217 321 538
40 6 214 327 541
28 0 — 371 13 384 40 9 211 333 544
28 3 — 368 19 387
28 6 — 365 25 390 41 0 208 339 547
28 9 — 361 32 393 41 3 204 346 550
41 6 201 352 553
41 9 198 358 556

66 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


15 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Wedge Brick 18 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Wedge Brick
15 x 6 x 3 or 15 x 9 x 3 Inch — Continued 18 x 6 x 3 or 18 x 9 x 3 Inch
Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring
Brickwork No. 1 No. 1-X Brickwork No. 3 No. 2 No. 1
Ft In Straight Total Ft In Total
Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge

42 0 195 365 — 560 6 0 113 — — 113

42 3 192 371 — 563 6 1 112 3 — 115
42 6 189 377 — 566 6 2 111 5 — 116
42 9 186 383 — 569 6 3 110 7 — 117
6 6 107 13 — 120
43 0 182 390 — 572 6 9 104 19 — 123
43 3 179 396 — 575
43 6 176 402 — 578 7 0 101 25 — 126
43 9 173 409 — 582 7 3 97 32 — 129
7 6 94 38 — 132
44 0 170 415 — 585
7 9 91 44 — 135
44 3 167 421 — 588
44 6 164 427 — 591
8 0 88 51 — 139
44 9 160 434 — 594
8 3 85 57 — 142
45 0 157 440 — 597 8 6 82 63 — 145
45 3 154 446 — 600 8 9 79 69 — 148
45 6 151 453 — 604
45 9 148 459 — 607 9 0 76 75 — 151
9 3 72 82 — 154
46 0 145 465 — 610 9 6 69 88 — 157
46 3 142 471 — 613 9 9 66 95 — 161
46 6 138 478 — 616
46 9 135 484 — 619 10 0 63 101 — 164
10 3 60 107 — 167
47 0 132 490 — 622 10 6 57 113 — 170
47 3 129 497 — 626 10 9 54 119 — 173
47 6 126 503 — 629
47 9 123 509 — 632 11 0 50 126 — 176
11 3 47 132 — 179
48 0 120 515 — 635 11 6 44 139 — 183
48 3 116 522 — 638 11 9 41 145 — 186
48 6 113 528 — 641
48 9 110 534 — 644
12 0 38 151 — 189
12 3 35 157 — 192
49 0 107 541 — 648
12 6 32 163 — 195
49 3 104 547 — 651
12 9 28 170 — 198
49 6 101 553 — 654
49 9 98 559 — 657
13 0 25 176 — 201
50 0 94 566 — 660 13 3 22 183 — 205
50 3 91 572 — 663 13 6 19 189 — 208
50 6 88 578 — 666 13 9 16 195 — 211
50 9 85 585 — 670
14 0 13 201 — 214
51 0 82 591 — 673 14 3 10 207 — 217
51 6 76 603 — 679 14 6 6 214 — 220
52 0 69 616 — 685 14 9 3 220 — 223
52 6 63 629 — 692
15 0 — 227 — 227
53 0 57 641 — 698 15 3 — 223 7 230
53 6 50 654 — 704 15 6 — 220 13 233
54 0 44 666 — 710 15 9 — 217 19 236
54 6 38 679 — 717
16 0 — 214 25 239
55 0 32 691 — 723 16 3 — 211 31 242
55 6 25 704 — 729
16 6 — 207 38 245
56 0 19 717 — 736
16 9 — 205 44 249
56 6 13 729 — 742
17 0 — 201 51 252
57 0 6 742 — 748
17 3 — 198 57 255
57 6 — 754 — 754
17 6 — 195 63 258
58 0 — 754 7 761
58 6 — 754 13 767 17 9 — 192 69 261

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 67


18 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Wedge Brick 18 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Wedge Brick
18 x 6 x 3 or 18 x 9 x 3 Inch — Continued 18 x 6 x 3 or 18 x 9 x 3 Inch — Continued
Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring
Brickwork No. 2 No. 1 No. 1-X Brickwork No. 2 No. 1 No. 1-X
Ft In Total Ft In Total
Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge

18 0 189 75 — 264 30 0 38 377 — 415

18 3 185 82 — 267 30 3 35 383 — 418
18 6 183 88 — 271 30 6 31 390 — 421
18 9 179 95 — 274 30 9 29 396 — 425

19 0 176 101 — 277 31 0 26 402 — 428

19 3 173 107 — 280 31 3 22 409 — 431
19 6 170 113 — 283 31 6 19 415 — 434
19 9 167 119 — 286 31 9 16 421 — 437

32 0 13 427 — 440
20 0 163 126 — 289
32 3 9 434 — 443
20 3 161 132 — 293
32 6 7 440 — 447
20 6 157 139 — 296
32 9 4 446 — 450
20 9 154 145 — 299
33 0 — 453 — 453
21 0 151 151 — 302 33 3 — 449 7 456
21 3 148 157 — 305 33 6 — 446 13 459
21 6 145 163 — 308 33 9 — 443 19 462
21 9 141 170 — 311
34 0 — 440 25 465
22 0 139 176 — 315 34 3 — 437 31 468
22 3 135 183 — 318 34 6 — 434 38 472
22 6 132 189 — 321 34 9 — 431 44 475
22 9 129 195 — 324
35 0 — 427 51 478
23 0 126 201 — 327 35 3 — 424 57 481
23 3 123 207 — 330 35 6 — 421 63 484
23 6 119 214 — 333 35 9 — 418 69 487
23 9 117 220 — 337
36 0 — 415 75 490
24 0 113 227 — 340 36 3 — 412 82 494
24 3 110 233 — 343 36 6 — 409 88 497
36 9 — 406 94 500
24 6 107 239 — 346
24 9 104 245 — 349
37 0 — 402 101 503
37 3 — 399 107 506
25 0 101 251 — 352
37 6 — 396 113 509
25 3 97 258 — 355
37 9 — 393 119 512
25 6 95 264 — 359
25 9 91 271 — 362 38 0 — 390 126 516
38 3 — 387 132 519
26 0 88 277 — 365 38 6 — 384 138 522
26 3 85 283 — 368 38 9 — 380 145 525
26 6 82 289 — 371
26 9 79 295 — 374 39 0 — 377 151 528
39 3 — 374 157 531
27 0 75 302 — 377 39 6 — 371 163 534
27 3 73 308 — 381 39 9 — 368 170 538
27 6 69 315 — 384
27 9 66 321 — 387 40 0 — 365 176 541
40 3 — 362 182 544
28 0 63 327 — 390 40 6 — 358 189 547
28 3 60 333 — 393 40 9 — 355 195 550
28 6 57 339 — 396
28 9 53 346 — 399 41 0 — 352 201 553
41 3 — 349 207 556
41 6 — 346 214 560
29 0 51 352 — 403
41 9 — 343 220 563
29 3 47 359 — 406
29 6 44 365 — 409
42 0 — 340 226 566
29 9 41 371 — 412
42 3 — 336 233 569
42 6 — 333 239 572
42 9 — 330 245 575

68 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


18 Inch Lining — 3 Inch Wedge Brick

18 x 6 x 3 or 18 x 9 x 3 Inch — Continued
Diam. Inside Number Required Per Ring
Brickwork No. 1 No. 1-X
Ft In Straight Total
Wedge Wedge

43 0 327 251 — 578

43 3 324 258 — 582
43 6 321 264 — 585
43 9 318 270 — 588

44 0 314 277 — 591

44 3 311 283 — 594
44 6 308 289 — 597
44 9 305 295 — 600

45 0 302 302 — 604

45 3 299 308 — 607
45 6 296 314 — 610
45 9 292 321 — 613

46 0 289 327 — 616

46 6 283 339 — 622
47 0 277 352 — 629
47 6 270 365 — 635

48 0 264 377 — 641

48 6 258 390 — 648
49 0 252 402 — 654
49 6 245 415 — 660

50 0 239 427 — 666

50 6 233 440 — 673
51 0 226 453 — 679
51 6 220 465 — 685

52 0 214 478 — 692

52 6 208 490 — 698
53 0 201 503 — 704
53 6 195 515 — 710

54 0 189 528 — 717

54 6 182 541 — 723
55 0 176 553 — 729
55 6 170 566 — 736

56 0 164 578 — 742

56 6 157 591 — 748
57 0 151 603 — 754
57 6 145 616 — 761

58 0 138 629 — 767

58 6 132 641 — 773
59 0 126 654 — 780
59 6 120 666 — 786

60 0 113 679 — 792

61 0 101 704 — 805
62 0 88 729 — 817
63 0 76 754 — 830

64 0 63 779 — 842
65 0 51 804 — 855
66 0 38 829 — 867
67 0 25 855 — 880

68 0 13 880 — 893
69 0 — 905 — 905
70 0 — 905 13 918
71 0 — 905 25 930

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 69



The following tables are useful in estimating the quantities of brick
required for the construction of arches. These tables give the combina-
tions of brick sizes required for arches of given spans and rises.
In calculating the tables, no allowance was made for mortar or
expansion joints or for size deviations of the brick. Fractional parts
equal to or greater than one tenth of a brick were counted as an entire
brick. For these reasons, the number of brick required for an arch, as
given in the tables, may be slightly in excess of the number actually
In laying an arch course of brick, it is often necessary to cut one or
two pieces, and in some instances several pieces, to complete the course.
For the brick combinations required for arches not included in the
following tables, or to determine the dimensions or other numerical
characteristics of arches, refer to the arch formulas found on page
UR - 28, which detail arch calculations.

70 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


41/2 Inch Arch Thickness — 3 Inch Arch Brick 41/2 Inch Arch Thickness — 3 Inch Arch Brick
9 x 41/2 x 3 or 131/2 x 41/2 x 3 Inch 9 x 41/2 x 3 or 131/2 x 41/2 x 3 Inch
2 Inch Rise Per Foot of Span 1.608 Inch (119/32 Inch) Rise Per Foot of Span
(60° Central Angle)
Number Required Per Course Number Required Per Course
Inside Inside
Span Rise Span Rise
Radius No. 3 No. 2 No. 1 Radius No. 3 No. 2 No. 1
Ft In Ft In Straight Total Ft In Ft In Straight Total
Ft In Arch Arch Arch Ft In Arch Arch Arch

1 0 2 10 6 1 — — 7 1 0 119/32 1 0 4 2 — — 6
1 1 2 5/32 1027/32 5 2 — — 7 1 1 1 3/4 1 1 4 3 — — 7
1 2 211/32 1121/32 5 2 — — 7 1 2 1 7/8 1 2 3 4 — — 7
1 3 2 1/ 2 1 0 1/2 5 3 — — 8 1 3 2 1 3 3 4 — — 7
1 4 221/32 1 111/32 4 4 — — 8 1 4 2 5/32 1 4 3 5 — — 8
1 5 227/32 1 2 5/32 4 4 — — 8 1 5 2 9/32 1 5 2 6 — — 8
1 6 3 1 3 4 5 — — 9 1 6 213/32 1 6 2 6 — — 8
1 7 3 5/32 1 327/32 3 6 — — 9 1 7 217/32 1 7 2 7 — — 9
1 8 311/32 1 421/32 2 7 — — 9 1 8 211/16 1 8 1 8 — — 9
1 9 3 1/ 2 1 5 1/2 2 8 — — 10 1 9 213/16 1 9 1 8 — — 9
1 10 321/32 1 611/32 2 8 — — 10 1 10 215/16 1 10 1 9 — — 10
1 11 327/32 1 7 5/32 2 9 — — 11 1 11 3 3/32 1 11 — 9 1 — 10

2 0 4 1 8 1 10 — — 11 2 0 3 7/32 2 0 — 9 1 — 10
2 1 4 5/32 1 827/32 1 10 — — 11 2 1 311/32 2 1 — 9 2 — 11
2 2 411/32 1 921/32 1 11 — — 12 2 2 315/32 2 2 — 8 3 — 11
2 3 4 1/ 2 1 10 1/2 — 12 — — 12 2 3 3 5/8 2 3 — 8 3 — 11
2 4 421/32 1 1111/32 — 11 1 — 12 2 4 3 3/4 2 4 — 8 4 — 12
2 5 427/32 2 0 5/32 — 11 2 — 13 2 5 3 7/8 2 5 — 7 5 — 12
2 6 5 2 1 — 11 2 — 13 2 6 4 1/32 2 6 — 7 5 — 12
2 7 5 5/32 2 127/32 — 10 3 — 13 2 7 4 5/32 2 7 — 7 6 — 13
2 8 511/32 2 221/32 — 10 4 — 14 2 8 4 9/32 2 8 — 6 7 — 13
2 9 5 1/ 2 2 3 1/2 — 10 4 — 14 2 9 4 7/16 2 9 — 6 7 — 13
2 10 521/32 2 411/32 — 9 5 — 14 2 10 4 9/16 2 10 — 6 8 — 14
2 11 527/32 2 5 5/32 — 9 6 — 15 2 11 411/16 2 11 — 5 9 — 14

3 0 6 2 6 — 8 7 — 15 3 0 413/16 3 0 — 5 10 — 15
3 2 611/32 2 721/32 — 8 8 — 16 3 1 431/32 3 1 — 5 10 — 15
3 4 621/32 2 911/32 — 7 10 — 17 3 2 5 3/32 3 2 — 4 11 — 15
3 6 7 2 11 — 6 11 — 17 3 3 5 7/32 3 3 — 4 12 — 16
3 8 711/32 3 021/32 — 6 12 — 18 3 4 511/32 3 4 — 4 12 — 16
3 10 721/32 3 211/32 — 5 14 — 19 3 5 5 1/2 3 5 — 3 13 — 16
3 6 5 5/8 3 6 — 3 14 — 17
4 0 8 3 4 — 4 15 — 19 3 7 5 3/4 3 7 — 2 15 — 17
4 2 811/32 3 521/32 — 3 17 — 20 3 8 529/32 3 8 — 2 15 — 17
4 4 821/32 3 711/32 — 3 18 — 21 3 9 6 1/32 3 9 — 2 16 — 18
4 6 9 3 9 — 2 20 — 22 3 10 6 5/32 3 10 — 1 17 — 18
4 8 911/32 3 1021/32 — 1 21 — 22 3 11 6 9/32 3 11 — 1 17 — 18
4 10 921/32 4 011/32 — 1 22 — 23
4 11 927/32 4 1 5/32 — — 23 — 23 4 0 6 7/16 4 0 — 1 18 — 19
4 1 6 9/16 4 1 — — 19 — 19
5 0 10 4 2 — — 23 1 24 4 2 611/16 4 2 — — 19 — 19
5 6 11 4 7 — — 23 3 26 4 3 627/32 4 3 — — 19 1 20
6 0 1 0 5 0 — — 23 5 28 4 6 7 1/4 4 6 — — 19 2 21
6 6 1 1 5 5 — — 23 7 30
5 0 8 1/32 5 0 — — 19 4 23
5 6 827/32 5 6 — — 19 6 25
6 0 921/32 6 0 — — 19 8 27
6 6 10 7/16 6 6 — — 19 10 29

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 71


41/2 Inch Arch Thickness — 3 Inch Arch Brick 41/2 Inch Arch Thickness — 3 Inch Arch Brick
9 x 41/2 x 3 or 131/2 x 41/2 x 3 Inch 9 x 41/2 x 3 or 131/2 x 41/2 x 3 Inch
11/2 Inch Rise Per Foot of Span 2.302 Inch (2 5/16 Inch) Rise Per Foot of Span
Number Required Per Course Number Required Per Course
Inside Inside
Span Rise Span Rise
Radius No. 3 No. 2 No. 1 Radius No. 3 No. 2 No. 1
Ft In Ft In Ft In Ft In
Ft In Arch Arch Arch Straight Total Ft In Arch Arch Arch Straight Total

1 0 1 1/2 1 0 3/4 3 3 — — 6 1 0 2 5/16 831/32 7 — — — 7

1 1 1 5/8 1 113/16 3 3 — — 6 1 1 2 1/2 923/32 6 1 — — 7
1 2 1 3/4 1 2 7/8 3 4 — — 7 1 2 211/16 1015/32 6 2 — — 8
1 3 1 7/8 1 315/16 2 5 — — 7 1 3 2 7/8 11 7/32 6 2 — — 8
1 4 2 1 5 2 5 — — 7 1 4 3 1/16 1131/32 5 3 — — 8
1 5 2 1/8 1 6 1/16 2 6 — — 8 1 5 3 1/4 1 023/32 5 4 — — 9
1 6 2 1/4 1 7 1/8 1 7 — — 8 1 6 315/32 1 115/32 5 4 — — 9
1 7 2 3/8 1 8 3/16 1 7 — — 8 1 7 321/32 1 2 3/16 4 6 — — 10
1 8 2 1/2 1 9 1/4 1 8 — — 9 1 8 327/32 1 215/16 4 6 — — 10
1 9 2 5/8 1 10 5/16 — 9 — — 9 1 9 4 1/32 1 311/16 3 7 — — 10
1 10 2 3/4 1 11 3/8 — 9 1 — 10 1 10 4 7/32 1 4 7/16 3 8 — — 11
1 11 2 7/8 2 0 7/16 — 8 2 — 10 1 11 413/32 1 5 3/16 3 8 — — 11

2 0 3 2 1 1/2 — 8 2 — 10 2 0 419/32 1 515/16 2 9 — — 11

2 1 3 1/8 2 2 9/16 — 8 3 — 11 2 1 425/32 1 611/16 2 10 — — 12
2 2 3 1/4 2 3 5/8 — 7 4 — 11 2 2 5 1 7 7/16 2 10 — — 12
2 3 3 3/8 2 411/16 — 7 4 — 11 2 3 5 3/16 1 8 3/16 1 11 — — 12
2 4 3 1/2 2 5 3/4 — 7 5 — 12 2 4 5 3/8 1 815/16 1 12 — — 13
2 5 3 5/8 2 6 3/16 — 6 6 — 12 2 6 5 3/4 1 10 7/16 — 14 — — 14
2 6 3 3/4 2 7 7/8 — 6 6 — 12 2 8 6 1/8 1 1129/32 — 13 1 — 14
2 7 3 7/8 2 815/16 — 6 7 — 13 2 10 617/32 2 113/32 — 12 3 — 15
2 8 4 2 10 — 5 8 — 13
2 9 4 1/8 2 11 1/16 — 5 8 — 13 3 0 629/32 2 229/32 — 11 5 — 16
2 10 4 1/4 3 0 1/8 — 5 9 — 14 3 2 7 9/32 2 413/32 — 10 6 — 16
2 11 4 3/8 3 1 3/16 — 4 10 — 14 3 4 711/16 2 529/32 — 10 7 — 17
3 6 8 1/16 2 713/32 — 9 9 — 18
3 0 4 1/2 3 2 1/4 — 4 10 — 14 3 8 8 7/16 2 8 7/8 — 8 11 — 19
3 1 4 5/8 3 3 5/16 — 4 11 — 15 3 10 813/16 2 10 3/8 — 7 12 — 19
3 2 4 3/4 3 4 3/8 — 3 12 — 15
3 3 4 7/8 3 5 7/16 — 3 12 — 15 4 0 9 7/32 2 11 7/8 — 7 13 — 20
3 4 5 3 6 1/2 — 3 13 — 16 4 2 919/32 3 1 3/8 — 6 15 — 21
3 5 5 1/8 3 7 9/16 — 2 14 — 16 4 4 931/32 3 2 7/8 — 6 16 — 22
3 6 5 1/4 3 8 5/8 — 2 14 — 16 4 6 10 3/8 3 4 3/8 — 5 17 — 22
3 7 5 3/8 3 911/16 — 2 15 — 17 4 8 10 3/4 3 527/32 — 4 19 — 23
3 8 5 1/2 3 10 3/4 — 1 16 — 17 4 10 11 1/8 3 711/32 — 3 21 — 24
3 9 5 5/8 3 1113/16 — — 17 — 17
3 10 5 3/4 4 0 7/8 — — 18 — 18 5 0 11 1/2 3 827/32 — 3 22 — 25
3 11 5 7/8 4 115/16 — — 18 — 18 5 2 1129/32 3 1011/32 — 2 23 — 25
5 4 1 0 9/32 3 1127/32 — 1 25 — 26
4 0 6 4 3 — — 18 1 19 5 6 1 021/32 4 111/32 — — 27 — 27
4 3 6 3/8 4 6 3/16 — — 18 2 20 5 8 1 1 1/16 4 213/16 — — 27 — 27
4 6 6 3/4 4 9 3/8 — — 18 3 21 5 10 1 1 7/16 4 4 5/16 — — 27 1 28
4 9 7 1/8 5 0 9/16 — — 18 4 22
6 0 1 113/16 4 513/16 — — 27 2 29
5 0 7 1/2 5 3 3/4 — — 18 5 23 6 6 1 231/32 4 10 5/16 — — 27 4 31
5 3 7 7/8 5 615/16 — — 18 6 24
5 6 8 1/4 5 10 1/8 — — 18 7 25
5 9 8 5/8 6 1 5/16 — — 18 8 26

6 0 9 6 4 1/2 — — 18 9 27
6 6 9 3/4 6 10 7/8 — — 18 11 29

72 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


9 Inch Arch Thickness — 3 Inch Wedge Brick 9 Inch Arch Thickness — 3 Inch Wedge Brick
9 x 4 1/2 x 3, 9 x 6 3/4 x 3 or 9 x 9 x 3 Inch 9 x 4 1/2 x 3, 9 x 6 3/4 x 3 or 9 x 9 x 3 Inch–Cont’d.
11/2 Inch Rise Per Foot of Span 11/2 Inch Rise Per Foot of Span
Number Required Per Course Number Required Per Course
Inside Inside
Span Rise Span Rise
Radius No. 3 No. 2 No. 1 Radius No. 2 No. 1
Ft In Ft In Total Ft In Ft In Straight Total
Ft In Wedge Wedge Wedge Ft In Wedge Wedge

1 6 2 1/4 1 7 1/8 9 1 — 10 5 6 8 1/4 5 10 1/8 10 16 — 26

1 7 2 3/8 1 8 3/16 8 2 — 10 5 7 8 3/8 5 11 3/16 9 18 — 27
1 8 2 1/2 1 9 1/4 8 2 — 10 5 8 8 1/2 6 0 1/ 4 9 18 — 27
1 9 2 5/8 1 10 5/16 8 3 — 11 5 9 8 5/8 6 1 5/16 8 19 — 27
1 10 2 3/4 1 11 3/8 7 4 — 11 5 10 8 3/4 6 2 3/ 8 8 20 — 28
1 11 2 7/8 2 0 7/16 7 4 — 11 5 11 8 7/8 6 3 7/16 8 20 — 28

2 0 3 2 1 1/2 7 5 — 12 6 0 9 6 4 1/ 2 7 21 — 28
2 1 3 1/8 2 2 9/16 6 6 — 12 6 1 9 1/8 6 5 9/16 7 22 — 29
2 2 3 1/4 2 3 5/8 6 6 — 12 6 2 9 1/4 6 6 5/ 8 7 22 — 29
2 3 3 3/8 2 411/16 6 7 — 13 6 3 9 3/8 6 711/16 6 23 — 29
2 4 3 1/2 2 5 3/4 5 8 — 13 6 4 9 1/2 6 8 3/ 4 6 24 — 30
2 5 3 5/8 2 613/16 5 8 — 13 6 5 9 5/8 6 913/16 6 24 — 30
2 6 3 3/4 2 7 7/8 5 9 — 14 6 6 9 3/4 6 10 7/8 5 25 — 30
2 7 3 7/8 2 815/16 4 10 — 14 6 7 9 7/8 6 1115/16 5 26 — 31
2 8 4 2 10 4 10 — 14 6 8 10 7 1 5 26 — 31
2 9 4 1/8 2 11 1/16 4 11 — 15 6 9 10 1/8 7 2 1/16 4 27 — 31
2 10 4 1/4 3 0 1/8 3 12 — 15 6 10 10 1/4 7 3 1/ 8 4 28 — 32
2 11 4 3/8 3 1 3/16 3 12 — 15 6 11 10 3/8 7 4 3/16 4 28 — 32

3 0 4 1/2 3 2 1/4 3 13 — 16 7 0 10 1/2 7 5 1/ 4 3 29 — 32

3 1 4 5/8 3 3 5/16 2 14 — 16 7 1 10 5/8 7 6 5/16 3 30 — 33
3 2 4 3/4 3 4 3/8 2 15 — 17 7 2 10 3/4 7 7 3/ 8 3 30 — 33
3 3 4 7/8 3 5 7/16 1 16 — 17 7 3 10 7/8 7 8 7/16 3 31 — 34
3 4 5 3 6 1/2 1 16 — 17 7 4 11 7 9 1/ 2 2 32 — 34
3 5 5 1/8 3 7 9/16 1 17 — 18 7 5 11 1/8 7 10 9/16 2 32 — 34
3 6 5 1/4 3 8 5/8 — 18 — 18 7 6 11 1/4 7 11 5/8 2 33 — 35
3 7 5 3/8 3 911/16 — 18 — 18 7 7 11 3/8 8 011/16 1 34 — 35
3 8 5 1/2 3 10 3/4 — 17 2 19 7 8 11 1/2 8 1 3/ 4 1 34 — 35
3 9 5 5/8 3 1113/16 — 17 2 19 7 9 11 5/8 8 213/16 — 36 — 36
3 10 5 3/4 4 0 7/8 — 16 3 19 7 10 11 3/4 8 3 7/ 8 — 36 — 36
3 11 5 7/8 4 115/16 — 16 4 20 7 11 11 7/8 8 415/16 — 36 — 36

4 0 6 4 3 — 16 4 20 8 0 1 0 8 6 — 36 1 37
4 1 6 1/8 4 4 1/16 — 15 5 20 8 6 1 0 3/4 9 0 3/ 8 — 36 3 39
4 2 6 1/4 4 5 1/8 — 15 6 21 9 0 1 1 1/2 9 6 3/ 4 — 36 5 41
4 3 6 3/8 4 6 3/16 — 15 6 21 9 6 1 2 1/4 10 1 1/ 8 — 36 7 43
4 4 6 1/2 4 7 1/4 — 14 7 21 10 0 1 3 10 7 1/ 2 — 36 9 45
4 5 6 5/8 4 8 5/16 — 14 8 22 10 6 1 3 3/4 11 1 7/ 8 — 36 11 47
4 6 6 3/4 4 9 3/8 — 14 8 22
4 7 6 7/8 4 10 7/16 — 13 9 22 11 0 1 4 1/2 11 8 1/ 4 — 36 13 49
4 8 7 4 11 1/2 — 13 10 23 11 6 1 5 1/4 12 2 5/ 8 — 36 15 51
4 9 7 1/8 5 0 9/16 — 13 10 23 12 0 1 6 12 9 — 36 17 53
4 10 7 1/4 5 1 5/8 — 12 11 23 12 6 1 6 3/4 13 3 3/ 8 — 36 19 55
4 11 7 3/8 5 211/16 — 12 12 24 13 0 1 7 1/2 13 9 3/ 4 — 36 21 57
13 6 1 8 1/4 14 4 1/ 8 — 36 24 60
5 0 7 1/2 5 3 3/4 — 12 12 24
5 1 7 5/8 5 413/16 — 12 13 25 14 0 1 9 14 10 1/2 — 36 26 62
5 2 7 3/4 5 5 7/8 — 11 14 25 14 6 1 9 3/4 15 4 7/ 8 — 36 28 64
5 3 7 7/8 5 615/16 — 11 14 25 15 0 1 10 1/2 15 11 1/4 — 36 30 66
5 4 8 5 8 — 11 15 26
5 5 8 1/8 5 9 1/16 — 10 16 26 NOTE: This table can be used also for 131/2 x 9 x 3 inch arch brick by substituting
No. 1 and 2 arch brick for the corresponding wedge brick.
NOTE: This table can be used also for 131/2 x 9 x 3 inch arch brick by substituting
No. 1, 2, and 3 arch brick for the corresponding wedge brick.

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 73


74 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


9 Inch Arch Thickness — 3 Inch Wedge Brick 9 Inch Arch Thickness — 3 Inch Wedge Brick
9 x 4 1/2 x 3, 9 x 6 3/4 x 3 or 9 x 9 x 3 Inch 9 x 4 1/2 x 3, 9 x 6 3/4 x 3 or 9 x 9 x 3 Inch–Cont’d.
2 Inch Rise Per Foot of Span 2 Inch Rise Per Foot of Span
Number Required Per Course Number Required Per Course
Inside Inside
Span Rise Span Rise
Radius No. 3 No. 2 No. 1 Radius No. 2 No. 1
Ft In Ft In Total Ft In Ft In Straight Total
Ft In Wedge Wedge Wedge Ft In Wedge Wedge

1 10 321/32 1 611/32 12 — — 12 6 0 1 0 5 0 17 13 — 30
1 11 327/32 1 7 5/32 11 1 — 12 6 1 1 0 5/32 5 027/32 16 14 — 30
6 2 1 011/32 5 121/32 16 15 — 31
2 0 4 1 8 11 2 — 13 6 3 1 0 1/2 5 2 1/2 16 15 — 31
2 1 4 5/32 1 827/32 10 3 — 13 6 4 1 021/32 5 311/32 15 16 — 31
2 2 411/32 1 921/32 10 4 — 14 6 5 1 027/32 5 4 5/32 15 17 — 32
2 3 4 1/2 1 10 1/2 10 4 — 14 6 6 1 1 5 5 15 17 — 32
2 4 421/32 1 1111/32 9 5 — 14 6 7 1 1 5/32 5 527/32 15 18 — 33
2 5 427/32 2 0 5/32 9 6 — 15 6 8 1 111/32 5 621/32 14 19 — 33
2 6 5 2 1 9 6 — 15 6 9 1 1 1/2 5 7 1/2 14 19 — 33
2 7 5 5/32 2 127/32 8 7 — 15 6 10 1 121/32 5 811/32 14 20 — 34
2 8 511/32 2 221/32 8 8 — 16 6 11 1 127/32 5 9 5/32 13 21 — 34
2 9 5 1/2 2 3 1/2 8 8 — 16
2 10 521/32 2 411/32 7 9 — 16 7 0 1 2 5 10 13 21 — 34
2 11 527/32 2 5 5/32 7 10 — 17 7 1 1 2 5/32 5 1027/32 12 23 — 35
7 2 1 211/32 5 1121/32 12 23 — 35
3 0 6 2 6 7 10 — 17 7 3 1 2 1/2 6 0 1/2 11 24 — 35
3 1 6 5/32 2 627/32 6 11 — 17 7 4 1 221/32 6 111/32 11 25 — 36
3 2 611/32 2 721/32 6 12 — 18 7 5 1 227/32 6 2 5/32 11 25 — 36
3 3 6 1/2 2 8 1/2 5 13 — 18 7 6 1 3 6 3 10 26 — 36
3 4 621/32 2 911/32 5 14 — 19 7 7 1 3 5/32 6 327/32 10 27 — 37
3 5 627/32 2 10 5/32 5 14 — 19 7 8 1 311/32 6 421/32 10 27 — 37
3 6 7 2 11 4 15 — 19 7 9 1 3 1/2 6 5 1/2 10 28 — 38
3 7 7 5/32 2 1127/32 4 16 — 20 7 10 1 321/32 6 611/32 9 29 — 38
3 8 711/32 3 021/32 4 16 — 20 7 11 1 327/32 6 7 5/32 9 29 — 38
3 9 7 1/2 3 1 1/2 3 17 — 20
3 10 721/32 3 211/32 3 18 — 21 8 0 1 4 6 8 9 30 — 39
3 11 727/32 3 3 5/32 3 18 — 21 8 1 1 4 5/32 6 827/32 8 31 — 39
8 2 1 411/32 6 921/32 8 31 — 39
4 0 8 3 4 2 19 — 21 8 3 1 4 1/2 6 10 1/2 7 33 — 40
4 1 8 5/32 3 427/32 2 20 — 22 8 4 1 421/32 6 1111/32 7 33 — 40
4 2 811/32 3 521/32 2 20 — 22 8 5 1 427/32 7 0 5/32 6 34 — 40
4 3 8 1/2 3 6 1/2 1 21 — 22 8 6 1 5 7 1 6 35 — 41
4 4 821/32 3 711/32 1 22 — 23 8 7 1 5 5/32 7 127/32 6 35 — 41
4 5 827/32 3 8 5/32 1 22 — 23 8 8 1 511/32 7 221/32 5 36 — 41
4 6 9 3 9 — 24 — 24 8 9 1 5 1/2 7 3 1/2 5 37 — 42
4 7 9 5/32 3 927/32 — 23 1 24 8 10 1 521/32 7 411/32 5 37 — 42
4 8 911/32 3 1021/32 — 23 1 24 8 11 1 527/32 7 5 5/32 5 38 — 43
4 9 9 1/2 3 11 1/2 — 22 3 25
4 10 921/32 4 011/32 — 22 3 25 9 0 1 6 7 6 4 39 — 43
4 11 927/32 4 1 5/32 — 21 4 25 9 2 1 611/32 7 721/32 4 40 — 44
9 4 1 621/32 7 911/32 3 41 — 44
5 0 10 4 2 — 21 5 26 9 6 1 7 7 11 2 43 — 45
5 1 10 5/32 4 227/32 — 21 5 26 9 8 1 711/32 8 021/32 1 45 — 46
5 2 1011/32 4 321/32 — 20 6 26 9 10 1 721/32 8 211/32 — 46 — 46
5 3 10 1/2 4 4 1/2 — 20 7 27
5 4 1021/32 4 511/32 — 20 7 27 10 0 1 8 8 4 — 47 — 47
5 5 1027/32 4 6 5/32 — 19 8 27 10 6 1 9 8 9 — 47 2 49
5 6 11 4 7 — 19 9 28 11 0 1 10 9 2 — 47 4 51
5 7 11 5/32 4 727/32 — 19 9 28 12 0 2 0 10 0 — 47 9 56
5 8 1111/32 4 821/32 — 19 10 29 13 0 2 2 10 10 — 47 13 60
5 9 11 1/2 4 9 1/2 — 18 11 29 14 0 2 4 11 8 — 47 17 64
5 10 1121/32 4 1011/32 — 18 11 29 15 0 2 6 12 6 — 47 22 69
5 11 1127/32 4 11 5/32 — 17 13 30
NOTE: This table can be used also for 131/2 x 9 x 3 inch arch brick by substituting
NOTE: This table can be used also for 131/2
x 9 x 3 inch arch brick by substituting No. 1 and 2 arch brick for the corresponding wedge brick.
No. 1, 2, and 3 arch brick for the corresponding wedge brick.

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 75


9 Inch Arch Thickness — 3 Inch Wedge Brick 9 Inch Arch Thickness — 3 Inch Wedge Brick
9 x 4 1/2 x 3, 9 x 6 3/4 x 3 or 9 x 9 x 3 Inch 9 x 4 1/2 x 3, 9 x 6 3/4 x 3 or 9 x 9 x 3 Inch–Cont’d.
2.302 Inch (2 5/16 Inch) Rise Per Foot of Span 2.302 Inch (2 5/16 Inch) Rise Per Foot of Span
Number Required Per Course Number Required Per Course
Inside Inside
Span Rise Span Rise
Radius No. 3 No. 2 No. 1 Radius No. 2 No. 1
Ft In Ft In Total Ft In Ft In Straight Total
Ft In Wedge Wedge Wedge Ft In Wedge Wedge

2 0 419/32 1 515/16 14 — — 14 6 0 1 113/16 4 513/16 22 9 — 31

2 1 425/32 1 611/16 13 1 — 14 6 1 1 2 4 6 9/16 22 9 — 31
2 2 5 1 7 7/16 13 1 — 14 6 2 1 2 3/16 4 7 5/16 22 10 — 32
2 3 5 3/16 1 8 3/16 12 3 — 15 6 3 1 2 3/8 4 8 1/16 21 11 — 32
2 4 5 3/8 1 815/16 12 3 — 15 6 4 1 219/32 4 813/16 21 12 — 33
2 5 5 9/16 1 911/16 11 4 — 15 6 5 1 225/32 4 9 9/16 20 13 — 33
2 6 5 3/4 1 10 7/16 11 5 — 16 6 6 1 231/32 4 10 5/16 20 13 — 33
2 7 515/16 1 11 5/32 11 5 — 16 6 7 1 3 5/32 4 11 1/32 20 14 — 34
2 8 6 1/8 1 1129/32 10 6 — 16 6 8 1 311/32 4 1125/32 19 15 — 34
2 9 611/32 2 021/32 10 7 — 17 6 9 1 317/32 5 017/32 19 15 — 34
2 10 617/32 2 113/32 10 7 — 17 6 10 1 323/32 5 1 9/32 19 16 — 35
2 11 623/32 2 2 5/32 10 8 — 18 6 11 1 315/16 5 2 1/32 18 17 — 35

3 0 629/32 2 229/32 9 9 — 18
7 0 1 4 1/8 5 225/32 18 17 — 35
3 1 7 3/32 2 321/32 9 9 — 18
7 1 1 4 5/16 5 317/32 18 18 — 36
3 2 7 9/32 2 413/32 8 11 — 19
7 2 1 4 1/2 5 4 9/32 17 19 — 36
3 3 715/32 2 5 5/32 8 11 — 19
7 3 1 411/16 5 5 1/32 17 20 — 37
3 4 711/16 2 529/32 7 12 — 19
7 4 1 4 7/8 5 525/32 16 21 — 37
3 5 7 7/8 2 621/32 7 13 — 20
7 5 1 5 1/16 5 617/32 16 21 — 37
3 6 8 1/16 2 713/32 7 13 — 20
7 6 1 5 9/32 5 7 9/32 16 22 — 38
3 7 8 1/4 2 8 1/8 6 14 — 20
7 7 1 515/32 5 8 1/32 15 23 — 38
3 8 8 7/16 2 8 7/8 6 15 — 21
7 8 1 521/32 5 8 3/4 15 23 — 38
3 9 8 5/8 2 9 5/8 6 15 — 21
7 9 1 527/32 5 9 1/2 15 24 — 39
3 10 813/16 2 10 3/8 6 16 — 22
7 10 1 6 1/32 5 10 1/4 14 25 — 39
3 11 9 1/32 2 11 1/8 5 17 — 22
7 11 1 6 7/32 5 11 14 25 — 39
4 0 9 7/32 2 11 7/8 4 18 — 22
8 0 1 613/32 5 11 3/4 14 26 — 40
4 1 913/32 3 0 5/8 4 19 — 23
8 2 1 613/16 6 1 1/4 13 28 — 41
4 2 919/32 3 1 3/8 4 19 — 23
4 3 925/32 3 2 1/8 3 20 — 23 8 4 1 7 3/16 6 2 3/4 12 29 — 41
4 4 931/32 3 2 7/8 3 21 — 24 8 6 1 7 9/16 6 4 1/4 11 31 — 42
4 5 10 5/32 3 3 5/8 3 21 — 24 8 8 1 731/32 6 523/32 11 32 — 43
4 6 10 3/8 3 4 3/8 3 22 — 25 8 10 1 811/32 6 7 7/32 10 34 — 44
4 7 10 9/16 3 5 3/32 2 23 — 25
4 8 10 3/4 3 527/32 2 23 — 25 9 0 1 823/32 6 823/32 9 35 — 44
4 9 1015/16 3 619/32 2 24 — 26 9 2 1 9 3/32 6 10 7/32 8 37 — 45
4 10 11 1/8 3 711/32 1 25 — 26 9 4 1 9 1/2 6 1123/32 8 38 — 46
4 11 11 5/16 3 8 3/32 — 26 — 26 9 6 1 9 7/8 7 1 7/32 7 39 — 46
9 8 1 10 1/4 7 211/16 6 41 — 47
5 0 11 1/2 3 827/32 — 27 — 27 9 10 1 10 5/8 7 4 3/16 6 42 — 48
5 1 1123/32 3 919/32 — 26 1 27
5 2 1129/32 3 1011/32 — 26 1 27 10 0 1 11 1/32 7 511/16 5 44 — 49
5 3 1 0 3/32 3 11 3/32 — 26 2 28 10 2 1 1113/32 7 7 3/16 4 45 — 49
5 4 1 0 9/32 3 1127/32 — 25 3 28 10 4 1 1125/32 7 811/16 3 47 — 50
5 5 1 015/32 4 019/32 — 25 4 29 10 6 2 0 3/16 7 10 3/16 3 48 — 51
5 6 1 021/32 4 111/32 — 25 4 29 10 8 2 0 9/16 7 1121/32 2 50 — 52
5 7 1 027/32 4 2 1/16 — 24 5 29 10 10 2 015/16 8 1 5/32 1 51 — 52
5 8 1 1 1/16 4 213/16 — 24 6 30
5 9 1 1 1/4 4 3 9/16 — 23 7 30 11 0 2 1 5/16 8 221/32 — 53 — 53
5 10 1 1 7/16 4 4 5/16 — 23 7 30 11 6 2 215/32 8 7 5/32 — 53 2 55
5 11 1 1 5/8 4 5 1/16 — 23 8 31 12 0 2 3 5/8 8 11 5/8 — 53 4 57
13 0 2 515/16 9 819/32 — 53 9 62
NOTE: This table can be used also for 131/2 x 9 x 3 inch arch brick by substituting 14 0 2 8 1/4 10 5 9/16 — 53 13 66
No. 1, 2 and 3 arch brick for the corresponding wedge brick. 15 0 2 1017/32 11 217/32 — 53 18 71

NOTE: This table can be used also for 131/2 x 9 x 3 inch arch brick by substituting
No. 1 and 2 arch brick for the corresponding wedge brick.

76 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


12 Inch Arch Thickness — 3 Inch Wedge Brick 12 Inch Arch Thickness — 3 Inch Wedge Brick
12 x 41/2 x 3, 12 x 6 x 3 or 12 x 9 x 3 Inch 12 x 41/2 x 3, 12 x 6 x 3 or 12 x 9 x 3 Inch–Cont’d.
1.608 Inch (119/32 Inch) Rise Per Foot of Span 1.608 Inch (119/32 Inch) Rise Per Foot of Span
(60° Central Angle) (60° Central Angle)
Number Required Per Course Number Required Per Course
Inside Inside
Span Rise Span Rise
Radius No. 2 No. 1 No. 1-X Radius No. 1 No. 1-X
Ft In Ft In Total Ft In Ft In Straight Total
Ft In Wedge Wedge Wedge Ft In Wedge Wedge

6 0 921/32 6 0 21 9 — 30 16 0 2 123/32 16 0 30 42 — 72
6 3 10 1/16 6 3 20 11 — 31 16 3 2 2 1/8 16 3 29 44 — 73
6 6 10 7/16 6 6 19 13 — 32 16 6 2 217/32 16 6 28 46 — 74
6 9 1027/32 6 9 18 15 — 33 16 9 2 215/16 16 9 27 48 — 75

7 0 11 1/4 7 0 17 17 — 34 17 0 2 311/32 17 0 25 51 — 76
7 3 1121/32 7 3 16 19 — 35 17 3 2 323/32 17 3 24 53 — 77
7 6 1 0 1/16 7 6 15 21 — 36 17 6 2 4 1/8 17 6 23 55 — 78
7 9 1 015/32 7 9 14 23 — 37 17 9 2 417/32 17 9 22 57 — 79

8 0 1 0 7/8 8 0 13 25 — 38 18 0 2 415/16 18 0 21 59 — 80
18 3 2 511/32 18 3 20 61 — 81
8 3 1 1 1/4 8 3 12 27 — 39
18 6 2 5 3/4 18 6 19 63 — 82
8 6 1 121/32 8 6 11 29 — 40
18 9 2 6 5/32 18 9 18 65 — 83
8 9 1 2 1/16 8 9 10 31 — 41

19 0 2 617/32 19 0 17 67 — 84
9 0 1 215/32 9 0 8 34 — 42
19 3 2 615/16 19 3 16 69 — 85
9 3 1 2 7/8 9 3 7 36 — 43
19 6 2 711/32 19 6 15 71 — 86
9 6 1 3 9/32 9 6 6 38 — 44
19 9 2 7 3/4 19 9 14 73 — 87
9 9 1 311/16 9 9 5 40 — 45

20 0 2 8 5/32 20 0 13 75 — 88
10 0 1 4 1/16 10 0 4 42 — 46
20 3 2 8 9/16 20 3 12 77 — 89
10 3 1 415/32 10 3 4 44 — 48
20 6 2 831/32 20 6 10 80 — 90
10 6 1 4 7/8 10 6 3 46 — 49
20 9 2 911/32 20 9 10 82 — 92
10 9 1 5 9/32 10 9 1 49 — 50
21 0 2 9 3/4 21 0 9 84 — 93
11 0 1 511/16 11 0 — 51 — 51 21 3 2 10 5/32 21 3 8 86 — 94
11 3 1 6 3/32 11 3 — 50 2 52 21 6 2 10 9/16 21 6 7 88 — 95
11 6 1 6 1/2 11 6 — 48 5 53 21 9 2 1031/32 21 9 6 90 — 96
11 9 1 6 7/8 11 9 — 47 7 54
22 0 2 11 3/8 22 0 5 92 — 97
12 0 1 7 9/32 12 0 — 46 9 55 22 3 2 1125/32 22 3 3 95 — 98
12 3 1 711/16 12 3 — 45 11 56 22 6 3 0 3/16 22 6 2 97 — 99
12 6 1 8 3/32 12 6 — 44 13 57 22 9 3 0 9/16 22 9 1 99 — 100
12 9 1 8 1/2 12 9 — 43 15 58
23 0 3 031/32 23 0 — 101 — 101
13 0 1 829/32 13 0 — 42 17 59 23 3 3 1 3/8 23 3 — 101 1 102
13 3 1 9 5/16 13 3 — 41 19 60 23 6 3 125/32 23 6 — 101 2 103
13 6 1 911/16 13 6 — 40 21 61 23 9 3 2 3/16 23 9 — 101 3 104
13 9 1 10 3/32 13 9 — 39 23 62
24 0 3 219/32 24 0 — 101 4 105
14 0 1 10 1/2 14 0 — 38 25 63 24 3 3 3 24 3 — 101 5 106
14 3 1 1029/32 14 3 — 37 27 64 24 6 3 3 3/8 24 6 — 101 6 107
14 6 1 11 5/16 14 6 — 36 29 65 24 9 3 325/32 24 9 — 101 7 108
14 9 1 1123/32 14 9 — 35 31 66
25 0 3 4 3/16 25 0 — 101 8 109
15 0 2 0 1/8 15 0 — 34 33 67 25 3 3 419/32 25 3 — 101 9 110
15 3 2 017/32 15 3 — 32 36 68 25 6 3 5 25 6 — 101 10 111
15 6 2 029/32 15 6 — 32 38 70 25 9 3 513/32 25 9 — 101 11 112
15 9 2 1 5/16 15 9 — 31 40 71

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 77


13 1/2 Inch Arch Thickness — 3 Inch Wedge Brick 13 1/2 Inch Arch Thickness — 3 Inch Wedge Brick
13 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 3, 13 1/2 x 6 x 3 or 13 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 3, 13 1/2 x 6 x 3 or
13 1/2 x 9 x 3 Inch 13 1/2 x 9 x 3 Inch – Continued
1.608 Inch (119/32 Inch) Rise Per Foot of Span 1.608 Inch (119/32 Inch) Rise Per Foot of Span
(60° Central Angle) (60° Central Angle)
Number Required Per Course Number Required Per Course
Inside Inside
Span Rise Span Rise
Radius No. 2 No. 1 No. 1-X Radius No. 1 No. 1-X
Ft In Ft In Total Ft In Ft In Straight Total
Ft In Wedge Wedge Wedge Ft In Wedge Wedge

6 0 921/32 6 0 27 3 — 30 17 0 2 311/32 17 0 37 39 — 76
6 3 10 1/16 6 3 26 5 — 31 17 3 2 323/32 17 3 36 41 — 77
6 6 10 7/16 6 6 25 7 — 32 17 6 2 4 1/8 17 6 35 43 — 78
6 9 1027/32 6 9 24 9 — 33 17 9 2 417/32 17 9 34 45 — 79

7 0 11 1/4 7 0 22 12 — 34 18 0 2 415/16 18 0 33 48 — 81
7 3 1121/32 7 3 21 14 — 35 18 3 2 511/32 18 3 32 50 — 82
7 6 1 0 1/16 7 6 21 16 — 37 18 6 2 5 3/4 18 6 31 52 — 83
7 9 1 015/32 7 9 20 18 — 38 18 9 2 6 5/32 18 9 30 54 — 84

8 0 1 0 7/8 8 0 19 20 — 39 19 0 2 617/32 19 0 29 56 — 85
8 3 1 1 1/4 8 3 18 22 — 40 19 3 2 615/16 19 3 28 58 — 86
8 6 1 121/32 8 6 17 24 — 41 19 6 2 711/32 19 6 27 60 — 87
8 9 1 2 1/16 8 9 16 26 — 42 19 9 2 7 3/4 19 9 26 62 — 88

9 0 1 215/32 9 0 14 29 — 43 20 0 2 8 5/32 20 0 25 64 — 89
9 3 1 2 7/8 9 3 13 31 — 44 20 3 2 8 9/16 20 3 24 66 — 90
9 6 1 3 9/32 9 6 12 33 — 45 20 6 2 831/32 20 6 23 68 — 91
9 9 1 311/16 9 9 11 35 — 46 20 9 2 911/32 20 9 22 70 — 92

10 0 1 4 1/16 10 0 10 37 — 47 21 0 2 9 3/4 21 0 21 72 — 93
10 3 1 415/32 10 3 9 39 — 48 21 3 2 10 5/32 21 3 19 75 — 94
10 6 1 4 7/8 10 6 8 41 — 49 21 6 2 10 9/16 21 6 18 77 — 95
10 9 1 5 9/32 10 9 7 43 — 50 21 9 2 1031/32 21 9 17 79 — 96

11 0 1 511/16 11 0 6 45 — 51 22 0 2 11 3/8 22 0 16 81 — 97
11 3 1 6 3/32 11 3 5 47 — 52 22 3 2 1125/32 22 3 15 83 — 98
11 6 1 6 1/2 11 6 4 49 — 53 22 6 3 0 3/16 22 6 14 85 — 99
11 9 1 6 7/8 11 9 3 51 — 54 22 9 3 0 9/16 22 9 13 87 — 100

12 0 1 7 9/32 12 0 2 53 — 55 23 0 3 031/32 23 0 12 89 — 101

12 3 1 711/16 12 3 1 55 — 56 23 3 3 1 3/8 23 3 12 91 — 103
12 4 1/ 2 1 7 29/32 12 4 1/2 — 57 — 57 23 6 3 125/32 23 6 10 94 — 104
12 6 1 8 3/32 12 6 — 56 1 57 23 9 3 2 3/16 23 9 9 96 — 105
12 9 1 8 1/2 12 9 — 55 4 59
24 0 3 219/32 24 0 8 98 — 106
13 0 1 829/32 13 0 — 54 6 60 24 3 3 3 24 3 7 100 — 107
13 3 1 9 5/16 13 3 — 53 8 61 24 6 3 3 3/8 24 6 6 102 — 108
13 6 1 911/16 13 6 — 52 10 62 24 9 3 325/32 24 9 5 104 — 109
13 9 1 10 3/32 13 9 — 51 12 63
25 0 3 4 3/16 25 0 4 106 — 110
14 0 1 10 1/2 14 0 — 50 14 64 25 6 3 5 25 6 2 110 — 112
14 3 1 1029/32 14 3 — 49 16 65 26 0 3 513/16 26 0 — 113 1 114
14 6 1 11 5/16 14 6 — 48 18 66 26 6 3 619/32 26 6 — 113 3 116
14 9 1 1123/32 14 9 — 47 20 67
27 0 3 713/32 27 0 — 113 5 118
15 0 2 0 1/8 15 0 — 46 22 68 27 6 3 8 7/32 27 6 — 113 7 120
15 3 2 017/32 15 3 — 45 24 69 28 0 3 9 28 0 — 113 9 122
15 6 2 029/32 15 6 — 44 26 70 28 6 3 913/16 28 6 — 113 11 124
15 9 2 1 5/16 15 9 — 43 28 71
29 0 3 10 5/8 29 0 — 113 14 127
16 0 2 123/32 16 0 — 41 31 72 29 6 3 11 7/16 29 6 — 113 16 129
16 3 2 2 1/8 16 3 — 40 33 73 30 0 4 0 7/32 30 0 — 113 18 131
16 6 2 217/32 16 6 — 39 35 74 30 6 4 1 1/32 30 6 — 113 20 133
16 9 2 2 15/16 16 9 — 38 37 75

78 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


15 Inch Arch Thickness — 3 Inch Wedge Brick 15 Inch Arch Thickness — 3 Inch Wedge Brick
15 x 6 x 3 or 15 x 9 x 3 Inch 15 x 6 x 3 or 15 x 9 x 3 Inch — Continued
1.608 Inch (119/32 Inch) Rise Per Foot of Span 1.608 Inch (119/32 Inch) Rise Per Foot of Span
(60° Central Angle) (60° Central Angle)
Number Required Per Course Number Required Per Course
Inside Inside
Span Rise Span Rise
Radius No. 2 No. 1 No. 1-X Radius No. 1 No. 1-X
Ft In Ft In Total Ft In Ft In Straight Total
Ft In Wedge Wedge Wedge Ft In Wedge Wedge

6 3 10 1/16 6 3 32 — — 32 18 0 2 415/16 18 0 45 36 — 81
6 6 10 7/16 6 6 31 2 — 33 18 3 2 511/32 18 3 44 38 — 82
6 9 1027/32 6 9 30 4 — 34 18 6 2 5 3/4 18 6 43 40 — 83
18 9 2 6 5/32 18 9 42 42 — 84
7 0 11 1/4 7 0 28 7 — 35
7 3 1121/32 7 3 27 9 — 36 19 0 2 617/32 19 0 41 44 — 85
7 6 1 0 1/16 7 6 26 11 — 37 19 3 2 615/16 19 3 40 46 — 86
7 9 1 015/32 7 9 25 13 — 38 19 6 2 711/32 19 6 39 48 — 87
19 9 2 7 3/4 19 9 38 50 — 88
8 0 1 0 7/8 8 0 24 15 — 39
8 3 1 1 1/4 8 3 23 17 — 40 20 0 2 8 5/32 20 0 37 52 — 89
8 6 1 121/32 8 6 22 19 — 41 20 3 2 8 9/16 20 3 36 54 — 90
8 9 1 2 1/16 8 9 21 21 — 42 20 6 2 831/32 20 6 35 57 — 92
20 9 2 911/32 20 9 34 59 — 93
9 0 1 215/32 9 0 20 23 — 43
9 3 1 2 7/8 9 3 19 25 — 44 21 0 2 9 3/4 21 0 33 61 — 94
9 6 1 3 9/32 9 6 18 27 — 45 21 3 2 10 5/32 21 3 32 63 — 95
9 9 1 311/16 9 9 17 29 — 46 21 6 2 10 9/16 21 6 31 65 — 96
21 9 2 1031/32 21 9 30 67 — 97
10 0 1 4 1/16 10 0 16 32 — 48
10 3 1 415/32 10 3 15 34 — 49 22 0 2 11 3/8 22 0 29 69 — 98
10 6 1 4 7/8 10 6 14 36 — 50 22 3 2 1125/32 22 3 28 71 — 99
10 9 1 5 9/32 10 9 13 38 — 51 22 6 3 0 3/16 22 6 26 74 — 100
22 9 3 0 9/16 22 9 25 76 — 101
11 0 1 511/16 11 0 12 40 — 52
11 3 1 6 3/32 11 3 11 42 — 53 23 0 3 031/32 23 0 24 78 — 102
11 6 1 6 1/2 11 6 10 44 — 54 23 3 3 1 3/8 23 3 23 80 — 103
11 9 1 6 7/8 11 9 9 46 — 55 23 6 3 125/32 23 6 22 82 — 104
23 9 3 2 3/16 23 9 21 84 — 105
12 0 1 7 9/32 12 0 8 48 — 56
12 3 1 711/16 12 3 7 50 — 57 24 0 3 219/32 24 0 20 86 — 106
12 6 1 8 3/32 12 6 5 53 — 58 24 3 3 3 24 3 19 88 — 107
12 9 1 8 1/2 12 9 4 55 — 59 24 6 3 3 3/8 24 6 18 90 — 108
24 9 3 325/32 24 9 17 92 — 109
13 0 1 829/32 13 0 3 57 — 60
13 3 1 9 5/16 13 3 2 59 — 61 25 0 3 4 3/16 25 0 16 94 — 110
13 6 1 911/16 13 6 1 61 — 62 25 3 3 419/32 25 3 15 96 — 111
13 9 1 10 3/32 13 9 — 63 — 63 25 6 3 5 25 6 14 98 — 112
25 9 3 513/32 25 9 13 100 — 113
14 0 1 10 1/2 14 0 — 62 2 64
14 3 1 1029/32 14 3 — 61 4 65 26 0 3 513/16 26 0 12 103 — 115
14 6 1 11 5/16 14 6 — 60 6 66 26 3 3 6 3/16 26 3 11 105 — 116
14 9 1 1123/32 14 9 — 59 8 67 26 6 3 619/32 26 6 10 107 — 117
26 9 3 7 26 9 9 109 — 118
15 0 2 0 1/8 15 0 — 58 10 68
15 3 2 017/32 15 3 — 57 13 70 27 0 3 713/32 27 0 8 111 — 119
15 6 2 029/32 15 6 — 56 15 71 27 3 3 713/16 27 3 7 113 — 120
15 9 2 1 5/16 15 9 — 55 17 72 27 6 3 8 7/32 27 6 6 115 — 121
27 9 3 8 5/8 27 9 4 118 — 122
16 0 2 123/32 16 0 — 54 19 73
16 3 2 2 1/8 16 3 — 53 21 74 28 0 3 9 28 0 3 120 — 123
16 6 2 217/32 16 6 — 52 23 75 28 3 3 913/32 28 3 2 122 — 124
16 9 2 215/16 16 9 — 51 25 76 28 6 3 913/16 28 6 1 124 — 125
28 9 3 10 7/32 28 9 — 126 — 126
17 0 2 311/32 17 0 — 49 28 77
17 3 2 323/32 17 3 — 48 30 78 29 0 3 10 5/8 29 0 — 126 1 127
17 6 2 4 1/8 17 6 — 47 32 79 29 6 3 11 7/16 29 6 — 126 3 129
17 9 2 417/32 17 9 — 46 34 80 30 0 4 0 7/32 30 0 — 126 5 131
31 0 4 127/32 31 0 — 126 9 135

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 79


18 Inch Arch Thickness — 3 Inch Wedge Brick 18 Inch Arch Thickness — 3 Inch Wedge Brick
18 x 6 x 3 or 18 x 9 x 3 Inch 18 x 6 x 3 or 18 x 9 x 3 Inch — Continued
1.608 Inch (119/32 Inch) Rise Per Foot of Span 1.608 Inch (119/32 Inch) Rise Per Foot of Span
(60° Central Angle) (60° Central Angle)
Number Required Per Course Number Required Per Course
Inside Inside
Span Rise Span Rise
Radius No. 2 No. 1 No. 1-X Radius No. 2 No. 1 No. 1-X
Ft In Ft In Total Ft In Ft In Total
Ft In Wedge Wedge Wedge Ft In Wedge Wedge Wedge

8 0 1 0 7/ 8 8 0 36 4 — 40 20 0 2 8 5/32 20 0 — 61 29 90
8 3 1 1 1/ 4 8 3 35 6 — 41 20 3 2 8 9/16 20 3 — 60 32 92
8 6 1 121/32 8 6 34 8 — 42 20 6 2 831/32 20 6 — 59 34 93
8 9 1 2 1/16 8 9 32 11 — 43 20 9 2 911/32 20 9 — 58 36 94

9 0 1 215/32 9 0 31 13 — 44 21 0 2 9 3/ 4 21 0 — 57 38 95
9 3 1 2 7/ 8 9 3 30 15 — 45 21 3 2 10 5/32 21 3 — 56 40 96
9 6 1 3 9/32 9 6 29 17 — 46 21 6 2 10 9/16 21 6 — 55 42 97
9 9 1 311/16 9 9 29 19 — 48 21 9 2 1031/32 21 9 — 54 44 98

10 0 1 4 1/16 10 0 28 21 — 49 22 0 2 11 3/8 22 0 — 53 46 99
10 3 1 415/32 10 3 27 23 — 50 22 3 2 1125/32 22 3 — 52 48 100
10 6 1 4 7/ 8 10 6 25 26 — 51 22 6 3 0 3/16 22 6 — 50 51 101
10 9 1 5 9/32 10 9 24 28 — 52 22 9 3 0 9/16 22 9 — 49 53 102

11 0 1 511/16 11 0 23 30 — 53 23 0 3 031/32 23 0 — 48 55 103

11 3 1 6 3/32 11 3 22 32 — 54 23 3 3 1 3/ 8 23 3 — 47 57 104
11 6 1 6 1/ 2 11 6 21 34 — 55 23 6 3 125/32 23 6 — 46 59 105
11 9 1 6 7/ 8 11 9 20 36 — 56 23 9 3 2 3/16 23 9 — 45 61 106

12 0 1 7 9/32 12 0 19 38 — 57 24 0 3 219/32 24 0 — 44 63 107

12 3 1 711/16 12 3 18 40 — 58 24 3 3 3 24 3 — 43 65 108
12 6 1 8 3/32 12 6 17 42 — 59 24 6 3 3 3/ 8 24 6 — 42 67 109
12 9 1 8 1/ 2 12 9 16 44 — 60 24 9 3 325/32 24 9 — 41 69 110

13 0 1 829/32 13 0 15 46 — 61 25 0 3 4 3/16 25 0 — 40 71 111

13 3 1 9 5/16 13 3 14 48 — 62 25 3 3 419/32 25 3 — 39 73 112
13 6 1 911/16 13 6 13 50 — 63 25 6 3 5 25 6 — 38 75 113
13 9 1 10 3/32 13 9 12 52 — 64 25 9 3 513/32 25 9 — 37 78 115

14 0 1 10 1/2 14 0 11 54 — 65 26 0 3 513/16 26 0 — 36 80 116

14 3 1 1029/32 14 3 9 57 — 66 26 3 3 6 3/16 26 3 — 35 82 117
14 6 1 11 5/16 14 6 8 59 — 67 26 6 3 619/32 26 6 — 34 84 118
14 9 1 1123/32 14 9 7 61 — 68 26 9 3 7 26 9 — 33 86 119

15 0 2 0 1/ 8 15 0 7 63 — 70 27 0 3 713/32 27 0 — 32 88 120
15 3 2 017/32 15 3 6 65 — 71 27 3 3 713/16 27 3 — 31 90 121
15 6 2 029/32 15 6 5 67 — 72 27 6 3 8 7/32 27 6 — 30 92 122
15 9 2 1 5/16 15 9 4 69 — 73 27 9 3 8 5/ 8 27 9 — 29 94 123

16 0 2 123/32 16 0 2 72 — 74 28 0 3 9 28 0 — 27 97 124
16 3 2 2 1/ 8 16 3 1 74 — 75 28 3 3 913/32 28 3 — 26 99 125
16 6 2 217/32 16 6 — 76 — 76 28 6 3 913/16 28 6 — 25 101 126
16 9 2 215/16 16 9 — 75 2 77 28 9 3 10 7/32 28 9 — 24 103 127

17 0 2 311/32 17 0 — 74 4 78 29 0 3 10 5/8 29 0 — 23 105 128

17 3 2 323/32 17 3 — 72 7 79 29 3 3 11 1/32 29 3 — 22 107 129
17 6 2 4 1/ 8 17 6 — 71 9 80 29 6 3 11 7/16 29 6 — 21 109 130
17 9 2 417/32 17 9 — 70 11 81 29 9 3 1113/16 29 9 — 20 111 131

18 0 2 415/16 18 0 — 69 13 82 30 0 4 0 7/32 30 0 — 19 113 132

18 3 2 511/32 18 3 — 68 15 83 30 3 4 0 5/ 8 30 3 — 18 115 133
18 6 2 5 3/ 4 18 6 — 67 17 84 30 6 4 1 1/32 30 6 — 17 117 134
18 9 2 6 5/32 18 9 — 66 19 85 30 9 4 1 7/16 30 9 — 16 119 135

19 0 2 617/32 19 0 — 65 21 86 31 0 4 127/32 31 0 — 15 122 137

19 3 2 615/16 19 3 — 64 23 87 31 3 4 2 1/ 4 31 3 — 14 124 138
19 6 2 711/32 19 6 — 63 25 88 31 6 4 221/32 31 6 — 13 126 139
19 9 2 7 3/ 4 19 9 — 62 27 89 31 9 4 3 1/32 31 9 — 12 128 140

32 0 4 3 7/16 32 0 — 11 130 141

80 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


The following simple formulas make it possible to calculate the area

and volume associated with most refractory structures. No matter
how complex the shape of a figure, it is possible to derive a working
approximation by dividing it by straight lines and arcs into a distinct
number of units whose areas may be calculated and summed by simple
arithmetic. Volumes of regular figures will equal the area of a surface
multiplied by its length or height. Volumes of shells are inside volume
subtracted from outside volume.

a b a

Area = ab Area = ab

b a d a d

c c

Area = 1/2cd

Area = s(s–a) (s–b) (s–c)

when s = 1
/2 (a + b+ c)



b a c

Area = 1/2 nsr

Area = 1/2 [s(e+d)+bd+ce] when n = Number of sides

of Sides Area
6 2.5981s2 = 3.4641r2
6 4.8284s2 = 3.3137r2
6 6.1818s2 = 3.2757r2
10 7.6942s2 = 3.2492r2
12 11.1962s2 = 3.2154r2

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 81




θ (Theta) = included angle in degrees. Area = 0.7854D2 = πR


π (pi) = 3.1416 Chord. C = 2 h(D–h) = 2R x sine 1/2 θ

Circumference = Height of Arc, h = R – R2 –(C÷2)2

πD = 2πR = 2 π x Area
Height of Arc, h = R –1/2 (2R+C) (2R–C)
Diameter, D = 2R = 2 Area ÷ π
Length of Arc, L = x 2πR =
Radius, R = 1/2 D = Area ÷π 360 0.017453R θ

Radius, R = Circumference ÷2π 1/2 θ

= 28.648L÷R

Radius, R = (C ÷ 2)2+h2
Sine 1/2 θ = C÷2R
1˚ = 0.017453 Radians, 1 radian = 57.296˚




2h Area = 1/2 LR
Tangent 1/4 θ =
Area = 1/2 [LR–C(R–h)] Area = πR2 x

θ C(R–h) Area = 0.0087266R2 θ

Area = πR2 x
360 2

82 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide



y0 y1 y2
y4 Area = h(1/2 y0+ y1+y2 + y3+1/2y4) approximately

h = distance between equally spaced ordinates

h h h h yn = length of appropriate ordinate


c c

r r

Spherical Surface = Total Surface = 1.5708r(4h+ c)

2πrh = 0.7854(c2+4h2) Volume = 2/3 πr2h = 2.0944r2h
Total Surface = 0.7854(c +8rh) 2

Volume = 1/3 πh2(3r –h) = 1.0472h2(3r– h)

Volume = 1/24 πh(3c2 +4h2) = 0.1309h(3c2 +4h2)

Volume = πh2(3r –h) = 1.0472h2(3r– h)

Cylindrical Surface =
πdh = 2πrh = 6.2832rh

Total Surface =
2πr(r+ h) = 6.2832r(r+ h)

Volume =
r πr2h = 1/4 πd2h = 0.7854d2h

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 83




Area = 0.2146R2 Area = 0.7854(D2— d2)
Area = 0.1073C2 Area = 0.7854(D+d) (D—d)



Area = πab = 3.1416ab Area = 2/3 sh



Surface = 4πr2 = 12.566r2 = πd2

Volume = 4/3 πr3 = 4.1888r3

Volume = 1/6 πd3 = 0.5236d3



Area of Surface = 4π2Rr = 39.478Rr

Volume = 2π2Rr2 = 19.739Rr2

84 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide



A = area of base
P = perimeter of base

Lateral Area = 1/2 Ps

Volume = 1/3 Ah


A = Area of base

a = Area of top

m = Area of midsection

P = Perimeter of base

p = Perimeter of top
Lateral Area = 1/2 s(P+p)

Volume = 1/3 h(a +A+ aA)

Volume = 1/6 h(a +A+4m)


Conical Area =
πrs = πr r2 +h2

Volume = 1/3 πr2 h =

1.0472r2h = 0.2618d2h

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 85



A = Area of base a = Area of top

m = Area of midsection r

Area of Conical Surface = 1/2 πs(D+d)

Volume = 1/3 πh(r2 +rR +R2)

Volume = h(a + aA +A)

Volume = 1/6 h(a +4m +A)

86 Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


Decimal Fractions of an Inch for Each 1/64

Common Common
Decimal Decimal
Fraction Fraction
1/2 .5

1/64 .015625 33/64 .515625

1/32 .03125 17/32 .53125
3/64 .046875 35/64 .546875
1/16 .0625 9/16 .5625
5/64 .078125 37/64 .578125
3/32 .09375 19/32 .59375
7/64 .109325 39/64 .609375

1/8 .125 5/8 .625

9/64 .140625 41/64 .640625

5/32 .15625 21/32 .65625
11/64 .171875 43/64 .671875
3/16 .1875 11/16 .6875
13/64 .203125 45/64 .703125
7/32 .21875 23/32 .71875
15/64 .234375 47/64 .734375

1/4 .25 3/4 .75

17/64 .265625 49/64 .765625

9/32 .28125 25/32 .78125
19/64 .296875 51/64 .796875
5/16 .3125 13/16 .8125
21/64 .328125 53/64 .828125
11/32 .34375 27/32 .84375
23/64 .359375 55/64 .859375

3/8 .375 7/8 .875

25/64 .390625 57/64 .890625

13/32 .40625 29/32 .90625
27/64 .421875 59/64 .921875
7/16 .4375 15/16 .9375
29/64 .453125 61/64 .953125
15/32 .46875 31/32 .96875
31/64 .484375 63/64 .984375

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 87


Conversion Table

To Convert Multiply By: To Obtain:

BTU 7.7816 x 102 foot-pounds

BTU 2.52 x 102 gram-calories
BTU 2.52 x 10-1 kilogram-calories
BTU/Hr 7.0 x 10-2 gram-cal/sec

°C (°C x 1.8) + 32 Fahrenheit

centimeters 3.281 x 10-2 feet

centimeters 3.937 x 10-2 inches
cubic centimeters 3.531 x 10-5 cubic feet
cubic centimeters 6.102 x 10-2 cubic inches
cubic centimeters 1.308 x 10-6 cubic yards
cubic centimeters 2.642 x 10-4 gallons (U.S. liquid)
cubic centimeters 1.0 x 10-3 liters
cubic feet 2.832 x 104 cubic centimeters
cubic feet 1.728 x 103 cubic inches
cubic feet 2.832 x 10-2 cubic meters
cubic feet 3.704 x 10-2 cubic yards
cubic inches 16.39 cubic centimeters
cubic inches 5.787 x 10-4 cubic feet
cubic inches 1.639 x 10-5 cubic meters
cubic inches 2.143 x 10-5 cubic yards
cubic meters 35.31 cubic feet
cubic meters 6.102 x 104 cubic inches
cubic meters 1.308 cubic yards
cubic meters 1.0 x 103 liters
cubic meters 2.642 x 102 gallons (U.S. liquid)
cubic yards 7.646 x 105 cubic centimeters
cubic yards 27 cubic feet
cubic yards 0.7646 cubic meters

°Fahrenheit .556(F-32) Centigrade or Celsius

feet 30.48 centimeters

feet 0.3048 meters
feet 3.048 x 102 millimeters

gallons 3.785 x 103 cubic centimeters

gallons 0.134 cubic feet
gallons 3.785 x 10-3 cubic meters
gallons 4.951 x 10-3 cubic yards
gallons 3.785 liters
grams 3.527 x 10-2 ounces (avdp.)
grams 2.205 x 10-3 pounds
grams/cm3 62.43 pounds/ft3
grams/cm2 2.0481 pounds/sq/ft
grams-calories 3.968 x 10-3 BTU

88 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


Conversion Table - continued

To Convert Multiply By: To Obtain:

inches 2.540 centimeters

inches 25.4 millimeters

kilograms 2.2046 pounds

kilograms/meters3 6.243 x 10-2 pounds/ft3
kilometers 0.6214 miles (statute)

liters 3.531 x 10-2 cubic feet

liters 61.02 cubic inches
liters 1.0 x 10-3 cubic meters
liters 1.308 x 10-3 cubic yards
liters 0.2642 gallons (U.S. liquid)

miles (statute) 1.609 kilometers

millimeters 3.937 x 10-2 inches

ounces 28.349 grams

pounds 4.536 x 102 grams

pounds 0.4536 kilograms
pounds of water 27.68 cubic inches
pounds of water 0.1198 gallons
pounds/ft3 1.602 x 10-2 grams/cm3
pounds/ft3 16.02 kgs/meter3
pounds/in3 27.68 grams/cm3
pounds/in2 7.03 x 10-2 kgs/cm2

quarts (liquid) 9.464 x 102 cubic centimeters

quarts (liquid) 3.342 x 10-2 cubic feet
quarts (liquid) 1.238 x 10-3 cubic yards
quarts (liquid) 0.9463 liters

square centimeters 0.1550 square inches

square feet 9.29 x 102 square centimeters
square inches 6.452 square centimeters

tons (metric) 1000 kilograms

tons (metric) 2.205 x 103 pounds
tons (short) 9.0718 x 102 kilograms
tons (short) 0.9078 tons (metric)

yards 0.9144 meters

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 89


Temperature Scale Conversions

Convert Convert
to to to to
F or C F or C
C 0
F 0
C 0
-17.78 0 32 315.6 600 1112
-12.22 10 50 326.7 620 1148
-6.67 20 68 337.8 640 1184
-1.11 30 86 348.9 660 1220
0.00 32 90 360.0 680 1256
4.44 40 104 371.1 700 1292
10.00 50 122 398.9 750 1382
15.56 60 140 426.7 800 1472
21.11 70 158 454.4 850 1562
26.67 80 176 482.2 900 1652
32.22 90 194 510.0 950 1742
37.78 100 212 537.9 1000 1832
43.33 110 230 565.6 1050 1922
48.89 120 248 593.3 1100 2012
54.44 130 266 621.1 1150 2102
60.00 140 284 648.9 1200 2192
65.56 150 302 676.7 1250 2282
71.11 160 320 704.4 1300 2372
76.67 170 338 732.2 1350 2462
82.22 180 356 760.0 1400 2552
87.78 190 374 787.8 1450 2642
93.33 200 392 815.6 1500 2732
98.89 210 410 843.3 1550 2922
100.0 212 414 871.1 1600 2912
104.4 220 428 898.9 1650 3002
110.0 230 446 926.7 1700 3092
115.6 240 464 954.4 1750 3182
121.1 250 482 982.2 1800 3272
126.7 260 500 1010 1850 3362
132.2 270 518 1038 1900 3452
137.8 280 536 1066 1950 3542
143.3 290 554 1093 2000 3632
148.9 300 572 1121 2050 3722
154.4 310 590 1149 2100 3812
160.0 320 608 1177 2150 3902
165.6 330 626 1204 2200 3992
171.1 340 644 1232 2250 4082
176.7 350 662 1260 2300 4172
182.2 360 680 1288 2350 4262
187.8 370 698 1316 2400 4352
193.3 380 716 1343 2450 4442
198.9 390 734 1371 2500 4532
204.4 400 752 1427 2600 4712
215.6 420 788 1482 2700 4892
226.7 440 824 1538 2800 5072
237.8 460 860 1593 2900 5252
248.9 480 896 1649 3000 5432
260.0 500 932 1704 3100 5612
271.1 520 968 1760 3200 5792
282.2 540 1004 1816 3300 5972
293.3 560 1040 1871 3400 6152
304.4 580 1076 1927 3500 6332
1982 3600 6512

90 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


Abrasion of Refractories: Wearing away of beginning at about 2,460°F (1,350°C) to form or mixtures of two or more of these and,
the surfaces of refractory bodies in service by mullite (Al6Si2O13) and free silica. when heated, can react chemically with acid
the scouring action of moving solids. refractories, slags and fluxes.
Anneal: To remove internal stress by first
Absorption: As applied to ceramic products, heating and then cooling slowly. Bauxite: An off-white, grayish, brown, yellow,
the weight of water which can be absorbed by or reddish-brown rock composed of a mixture of
the ware, expressed as a percentage of the Arc: As applied to circles, any portion of a cir- various amorphous or crystalline hydrous alu-
weight of the dry ware. cumference; as applied to electricity, the lumi- minum oxides and aluminum hydroxides
nous bridge formed by the passage of a current (principally gibbsite, some boehmite), and
Abutment: The structural portion of a furnace across a gap between two conductors or termi- containing impurities in the form of free silica,
which withstands the thrust of an arch. nals. silt, iron hydroxides, and especially clay miner-
als; a highly aluminous laterite.
Acid-Proof Brick: Brick having low porosi- Arch, Flat: In furnace construction, a flat
ty and permeability, and high resistance to structure spanning an opening and supported Bauxitic Clay: A natural mixture of bauxite
chemical attack or penetration by most com- by abutments at its extremities. The arch is and clay containing not less than 47% nor
mercial acids and some other corrosive chemi- formed by a number of special tapered brick, more than 65% alumina on a calcined basis.
cals. and the brick assembly is held in place by the
keying action of the brick. Also called a jack Bentonite: A kind of clay derived from vol-
Acid Refractories: Refractories such as silica arch. canic ash and characterized by extreme fine-
brick which contain a substantial proportion of ness of grain. Its main constituent is the clay
free silica and which when heated, can react Arch, Sprung: In furnace construction, a mineral montmorillonite. It is somewhat vari-
chemically with basic refractories, slags and bowed or curved structure which is supported able in composition and usually contains 5 to
fluxes. by abutments at the sides or ends only, and 10% of alkalies or alkaline earth oxides. One
which usually spans an opening or space type has the capacity for absorption of large
Aggregate: As applied to refractories, a between two walls. amounts of water, with enormous increase in
ground mineral material, consisting of parti- volume.
cles of various sizes, used with much finer Arch, Suspended: A furnace roof consisting
sizes for making formed or monolithic bodies. of brick shapes suspended from overhead sup- Bessemer Process: An older process for mak-
porting members. ing steel by blowing air through molten pig
Air-Ramming*: A method of forming refrac- iron, whereby most of the carbon and impuri-
tory shapes, furnace hearths, or other furnace Arch Brick: A brick shape having six plane ties are removed by
parts by means of pneumatic hammers. faces (two sides, two edges and two ends), in oxidation. The process is carried out in a ves-
which two faces (the sides) are inclined toward sel known as a converter.
Air-Setting Refractories: Compositions of each other and one edge face is narrower than the
ground refractory materials which develop a other. Bloating: Swelling of a refractory when in the
strong bond upon drying. These refractories thermo-plastic state, caused by temperatures in
include mortars, plastic refractories, ramming Ash: The noncombustible residue which excess of that for which the material is intend-
mixes and gunning mixes. They are marketed in remains after burning a fuel or other com- ed. Bloating impairs the useful properties of
both wet and dry condition. The dry composi- bustible material. refractories. An exception to this rule occurs in
tions require tempering with water to develop the one type of ladle brick (See Secondary
necessary consistency. Attrition: Wearing away by friction; abrasion. Expansion).
Alumina: Al2O3, the oxide of aluminum; melt- Auger Machine: A machine for extruding
ing point 3,720°F (2,050°C); in combination ground clays in moist and stiffly plastic form, British Thermal Unit (BTU): The amount of
with H2O (water), alumina forms the minerals through a die by means of a revolving screw or heat required to raise the temperature of one
diaspore, bauxite and gibbsite; in combination
auger. pound of water one degree Fahrenheit at stan-
with SiO2 and H2O, alumina forms kaolinite
dard barometric pressure.
and other clay minerals.
Baddeleyite: A mineral composed of zirconia
(ZrO2). Specific gravity 5.8. Melting point Brucite: A mineral having the composition
Alumina-Silica Refractories: Refractories con-
4,890°F (2,700°C). Mg(OH)2. Specific gravity 2.38 - 2.40. A soft,
sisting essentially of alumina and silica, and
Bagasse: The fibrous material remaining after the waxy, translucent mineral which dissociates at
including high-alumina, fireclay and kaolin
extraction of the juice from sugar cane. moderate temperatures with the formation of
Ball Clay: A highly plastic refractory bond
Amorphous: Lacking crystalline structure or
clay of very fine grain, which has a wide range Bunker Oil: A heavy fuel oil formed by stabi-
definite molecular arrangement; without definite
of vitrification and which burns to a light lization of the residual oil remaining after the
external form.
color. Often high in carbonaceous matter. cracking of crude petroleum.
Andalusite: A brown, yellow, green, red or
Basic Refractories: Refractories which con- Burn: The degree of heat treatment to which
gray orthorhombic mineral; Al2SiO5. Specific
sist essentially of magnesia, lime, chrome ore refractory brick are subjected in the firing
gravity 3.1 - 3.2. Decomposes on heating,

* ASTM Standard Definitions C 71-88; or ASTM “Tentative Definitions” are used where applicable.

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 91


process. Also, the degree to which desired Cement: A finely divided substance which is Colloid: (1 ) A particle-size range of less than
physical and chemical changes have been workable when first prepared, but which 0.00024 mm, i.e. smaller than clay size; (2)
developed in the firing of a refractory materi- becomes hard and stonelike as a result of originally, any finely divided substance that
al. chemical reaction or crystallization; also, does not occur in crystalline form; in a more
the compact groundmass which surrounds modern sense, any fine-grained material in
Burning (Firing) of Refractories*: The final and binds together the larger fragments or par- suspension, or any such material that can be
heat treatment in a kiln to which refractory ticles in sedimentary rocks. easily suspended.
brick are subjected in the process of manufac-
ture, for the purpose of developing bond and Ceramic Bond: In a ceramic body, the Conductivity: The property of conducting
other necessary physical and chemical proper- mechanical strength developed by a heat treat- heat, electricity or sound.
ties. ment which causes the cohesion of adjacent
particles. Congruent Melting: The change of a sub-
Calcination: A heat treatment to which many stance, when heated, from the solid form to a
Ceramics: Originally, ware formed from clay liquid of the same composition. The melting
ceramic raw materials are subjected, prepara-
and hardened by the action of heat; the art of of ice is an example of congruent melting.
tory to further processing or use, for the pur- making such ware. Current usage includes all
pose of driving off volatile chemically combined refractory materials, cement, lime, plaster, pot-
components and affecting physical changes. Convection: The transfer of heat by the circu-
tery, glass, enamels, glazes, abrasives, electrical
lation or movement of the heated parts of a liq-
insulating products and thermal insulating prod-
Calcite: A mineral having the composition uid or gas.
ucts made from clay or from other inorganic,
CaCO3. Specific gravity 2.71 for pure calcite nonmetallic mineral substances.
crystals. Calcite is the essential constituent Corbel: A supporting projection of the face of
of limestone, chalk and marble and a minor Checkers: Brick used in furnace a wall; an arrangement of brick in a wall in
constituent of many other rocks. regenerators to recover heat from outgoing which each course projects beyond the one
hot gases and later to transmit the heat to cold immediately below it to form a support, baffle or
Calorie (Large): One thousand small calories. air or gas entering the furnace; so-called shelf.
because the brick are arranged in checkerboard
Calorie (Small): The amount of heat required patterns, with alternating brick units and open Corrosion of Refractories: Deterioration or
to raise the temperature of one gram of water spaces. wearing away of refractory bodies largely at
one degree Centigrade at standard barometric their surface through chemical action of exter-
pressure. Chemically-Bonded Brick: Brick manufac- nal agencies.
tured by processes in which mechanical
Cap or Crown: The arched roof of a furnace, strength is imparted by chemical bonding Corundum: A natural or synthetic mineral
especially a glass tank furnace. agents instead of by firing. theoretically consisting solely of alumina
(Al2O3). Specific gravity 4.00 - 4.02. Melting
Carbon Deposition: The deposition of amor- Chord: As applied to circles, a straight line point 3,720°F (2,050°C). Hardness 9.
phous carbon, resulting from the decomposi- joining any two points on a circumference.
tion of carbon monoxide gas into carbon Course: A horizontal layer or row of brick in a
dioxide and carbon within a critical tempera- Chrome Brick*: A refractory brick manufac- structure.
ture range. When deposited within the pores tured substantially or entirely of chrome ore.
of refractory brick, carbon can build up suffi- Cristobalite: A mineral form of silica (SiO2);
cient pressure to destroy the bond and cause Chrome-Magnesite Brick: A refractory brick stable from 2,678°F (1,470°C) to the melting
the brick to disintegrate. which can be either fired or chemically bond- point, 3,133°F (1,723°C). Specific gravity
ed, manufactured substantially of a mixture of 2.32. Cristobalite is an important constituent
Carbon Refractory*: A manufactured refrac- chrome ore and dead-burned magnesite, in of silica brick.
tory comprised substantially or entirely of car- which the chrome ore predominates by weight.
bon (including graphite). Crown: A furnace roof, especially one which
Chrome Ore: A rock having as its essential is dome-shaped; the highest point of an arch.
Carbon-Ceramic Refractory*: A manufac- constituent the mineral chromite or chrome
tured refractory comprised of carbon (including spinel, which is a combination of FeO and Cryptocrystalline: A crystalline structure in
graphite) and one or more ceramic materials MgO with Cr2O3, Al2O3, and usually a small which the individual crystals are so small that
such as fire clay and silicon carbide. proportion of Fe2O3. The composition, which they cannot be made visible by means of the
is represented by the formula (Fe, Mg) (Cr, Al)2 petrographic microscope, but can be seen with
Castable Refractory: A mixture of a heat- O4, is extremely variable. Refractory grade an electron microscope. Various so-called amor-
resistant aggregate and a heat-resistant chrome ore has only minor amounts of acces- phous minerals are actually cryptocrystalline.
hydraulic cement. For use, it is mixed with sory minerals and has physical properties that
water and rammed, cast or gunned into place. are suitable for the manufacture of refractory Crystal: (1 ) A homogeneous, solid body of a
products. chemical element, compound or isomorphous
Catalyst: A substance which causes or accel- mixture having a regularly repeating atomic
erates a chemical change without being perma- Clay: A natural mineral aggregate, consisting arrangement that can be outwardly expressed
nently affected by the reaction. essentially of hydrous aluminum silicates (See by plane faces; (2) rock crystal.
also Fire Clay).

* ASTM Standard Definitions C 71-88; or ASTM “Tentative Definitions” are used where applicable.

92 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


Crystalline: Composed of crystals. examination the chrome ore grains appear to differential stresses.
be bonded “directly” to the magnesite grains.
Dead-Burned Dolomite: A coarsely granular The actual bonding mechanism in this instance Extrusion: A process in which plastic materi-
refractory material prepared by firing raw is usually a combination of types, of which al is forced through a die by the application of
dolomite with or without additives, to a tem- one may be direct (diffusion) bonding. pressure.
perature above 2,800°F (1,538°C), so as to
form primarily lime and magnesia in a Division Wall: Wall dividing any two major Fayalite: A mineral having the composition
matrix that provides resistance to hydration sections of a furnace. Fe2SiO4. Specific gravity 4.0 - 4.1. Melting
and carbonation. point 2,201°F (1,205°C).
Dobie: A molded block of ground clay or
Dead-Burned Magnesite: A coarsely granu- other refractory material, usually crudely Feldspar: A group of aluminum silicate min-
lar dense refractory material composed essen- formed and either raw or fired. erals with a general formula MAl (Al,Si)3 O8
tially of periclase (crystalline magnesium where M=K, Na, Ca, Br, Rb, Sr and Fe. The
oxide); prepared by firing raw magnesite (or Dolomite: The mineral calcium- most important feldspars are: (1) the potash
other substances convertible to magnesia) at magnesium carbonate, CaMg (CO3)2. Specific group, of which orthoclase and microcline (K)
temperatures sufficiently high to drive off prac- gravity 2.85 - 2.95. The rock called dolomite are the most common, and (2) the soda-lime
tically all of the volatile materials, and to affect consists mainly of the mineral of that name group, of which albite (Na) and anorthite (Ca)
complete shrinkage of the resultant magnesia, and can also contain a large amount of the min- form the end members of a continuous series
thereby producing hard dense grains which eral calcite (CaCO3). of solid solutions. Specific gravity 2.55 - 2.76.
are entirely inert to atmospheric hydration Melting points 2,050 to 2,820°F (1,120° to
and carbonation and free from excessive Dry Pan: A pan-type rotating grinding 1,550°C).
shrinkage when again subjected to a high tem- machine, equipped with heavy steel rollers or
perature. mullers which do the grinding and having slot- Fillet: The concave curve junction of two sur-
ted plates in the bottom through which the faces which would otherwise meet at an angle.
De-airing: Removal of air from firebrick mixes ground material passes out. Fillets are used at re-entrant angles in the
in an auger machine before extrusion by design of brick shapes to lessen the danger of
means of a partial vacuum. Dusting: Conversion of a refractory material, cracking.
either wholly or in part, into fine powder or
Density: The mass of a unit volume dust. Dusting usually results from (1 ) chemi- Firebrick: Refractory brick of any type.
of a substance. It is usually expressed either in cal reactions such as hydration; or (2) min-
grams per cubic centimeter or in pounds per eral inversion accompanied by large and Fire Clay: An earthy or stony mineral aggre-
cubic foot. abrupt change in volume, such as the inversion gate which has as the essential constituent
of beta to gamma dicalcium silicate upon cool- hydrous silicates of aluminum with or without
Devitrification: The change from a glassy to a ing. free silica; plastic when sufficiently pulver-
crystalline condition. ized and wetted, rigid when subsequently
Dutch Oven: A combustion chamber built dried, and of sufficient purity and refrac-
Diaspore: A mineral having the theoretical outside and connected with a furnace. toriness for use in commercial refractory prod-
composition Al2O3 • H2O (85% alumina; 15% ucts.
water). Specific gravity 3.45. Electron Beam Furnace: A furnace in which
metals are melted in a vacuum at very high Fireclay Brick: A refractory brick manufac-
Diaspore Clay: A rock consisting essentially temperatures by bombardment with electrons. tured substantially or entirely from fire clay.
of diaspore bonded by flint clay. Commercial
diaspore clay of the purest grade usually con- Emissivity, Thermal: The capacity of a mate- Flat Arch: An arch in which both outer and
tains between 70 and 80% alumina after calci- rial for radiating heat; commonly expressed as inner surfaces are horizontal planes.
nation. a fraction or percentage of the ideal “black
body” radiation of heat which is the maxi- Flint: A hard, fine-grained cryto-crystalline
Diatomaceous Earth: A hydrous form of sili- mum theoretically possible. rock, composed essentially of silica.
ca which is soft, light in weight and consists
mainly of microscopic shells of diatoms or Erosion of Refractories: Mechanical wearing Flint Clay: A hard or flint-like fire clay which
other marine organisms. It is widely used for away of the surfaces of refractory bodies in has very low natural plasticity and which usual-
furnace insulation. service by the washing action of moving liq- ly breaks with a smooth or shell-like fracture. Its
uids, such as molten slags or metals. principal clay mineral is halloysite.
Direct Bonded Basic Brick: A fired refracto-
ry in which the grains are joined predomi- Eutectic Temperature: The lowest melting Flux: A substance or mixture which promotes
nantly by a solid state of diffusion mechanism. temperature in a series of mixtures of two or fusion of a solid material by chemical action.
more components.
Direct Bonded Magnesite-Chrome Brick: A
Fluxing: Fusion or melting of a substance as a
term applied to fired magnesite-chrome composi- Exfoliate: To expand and separate into rudely result of chemical action.
tions when the amount of bonding mineral parallel layers or sheets, under the action of
phase (silicates, forsterite, etc.) present in the physical, thermal or chemical forces producing
matrix is sufficiently low that under microscopic

* ASTM Standard Definitions C 71-88; or ASTM “Tentative Definitions” are used where applicable.

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 93


Forsterite: A mineral having the or to mixtures of either crushed firebrick or High-Duty Fireclay Brick: Fireclay brick
composition Mg2SiO4. Specific gravity 3.21. silica rock with clay, for use in tamped linings. which have a PCE not lower than Cone 31½ or
Melting point approximately 3,450°F above 32½ - 33.
(1,900°C). Gibbsite: A white or tinted monoclinic mineral;
Al(OH)3. Specific gravity 2.3 - 2.4. Hydrate (verb): To combine chemically with
Freeze-Plane: An irregular plane lying water.
between the hot face and cold face of a refrac- Glass*: An inorganic product of fusion which
tory lining — any point on which the tempera- has cooled to a rigid condition without crystal- Hydraulic-Setting Refractories:
ture corresponds to the freezing point of a liq- lizing. Compositions of ground refractory materials
uid phase present on the hot face side of the in which some of the components react chemi-
plane. Grain Magnesite: Dead-burned magnesite in cally with water to form a strong hydraulic
the form of granules, generally ranging in size bond. These refractories are commonly
Friable: Easily reduced to a granular or pow- from about 5/8 inch in diameter to very fine known as castables.
dery condition. particles.
Illite: A group of three-layer, mica-like miner-
Furnace Chrome: A mortar material prepared Grain Size: As applied to ground refractory als of small particle size, intermediate in com-
from finely ground chrome ore, suitable for materials, the relative proportions of particles position and structure between muscovite and
laying brick or for patching or daubing in fur- of different sizes; usually determined by sepa- montmorillonite.
naces. ration into a series of fractions by screening.
Impact Pressing: A process for forming refrac-
Furnace Magnesite: A mortar material pre- Grog: A granular product produced by crush- tory shapes in which the ground particles of
pared from finely ground dead-burned magnesite, ing and grinding calcined or burned refracto- refractory material are packed closely together by
suitable for use as a joint material in laying ry material, usually of alumina-silica composi- rapid vibration.
magnesite brick, and for patching or daubing tion.
furnace masonry. Incongruent Melting: Dissociation of a com-
Ground Fire Clay: Fire clay or a mixture of fire pound on heating, with the formation of anoth-
Fused-Cast Refractories: Refractories clays that have been subjected to no mechanical er compound and a liquid of different compo-
formed by electrical fusion followed by cast- treatment other than crushing and grinding. sition from the original compound.
ing and annealing.
Grout: A suspension of mortar material in Ingot Mold: A mold in which ingots are cast.
Fused Quartz: Silica in the glassy state pro- water, of such consistency that it will flow
duced by melting clear quartz crystalline feed. into vertical open joints when it is poured on Insulating Refractories: Lightweight, porous
It is clear without entrapped gas bubbles or horizontal courses of brick masonry. refractories with much lower thermal conduc-
other impurities or diluents. Synonyms tivity and heat-storage capacity than other
include quartz glass and vitreous quartz. Gunning: The application of monolithic refrac- refractories. Used mostly as backing for brick
tories by means of air-placement guns. of higher refractoriness and higher thermal
Fused Silica: Silica in the glassy or vitreous conductivity. These materials provide fuel
state produced by arc-melting sand. It always Halloysite: One of the clay minerals; a hydrat- economy through lower heat losses, increased
contains gas bubbles. Synonyms include vitre- ed silicate of alumina similar in composition to production due to shorter heat-up time, econo-
ous silica and silica glass. kaolinite, but amorphous and containing more my of space (size and weight) because of thin-
water; Al2Si2O5(OH)4 • 2H2O. ner walls and improved working conditions.
Fusion: A state of fluidity or flowing in conse- Insulating refractories are available
quence of heat; the softening of a solid body, Header: A brick laid on flat with its longest as brick or monoliths.
either through heat alone or through heat and dimension perpendicular to the face of a wall.
the action of a flux, to such a degree that it will Inversion: A change in crystal form without
no longer support its own weight, but will Heat-Setting Refractories: Compositions of change in chemical composition; as for example,
slump or flow. Also the union or blending of ground refractory materials which require rela- the change from low-quartz to high-quartz, or,
materials, such as metals, upon melting, with the tively high temperatures for the development of the change from quartz to cristobalite.
formation of alloys. an adequate bond, commonly called the ceramic
bond. Isomorphous Mixture: A type of solid solu-
Fusion Point: The temperature at which tion in which mineral compounds of analo-
melting takes place. Most refractory materi- Hematite: The mineral Fe2O3 (red iron ore). gous chemical composition and closely relat-
als have no definite melting points, but soften Specific gravity 4.9 - 5.3. ed crystal habit crystallize together in various
gradually over a range of temperatures. proportions.
High-Alumina Refractories: Alumina-silica
Ganister: A dense, high-silica rock (quartzite), refractories containing 45 % or more alumina. Jack Arch: See Arch, Flat.
suitable for the manufacture of silica brick. The materials used in their production
Confusion sometimes results from the use of include diaspore, bauxite, gibbsite, kyanite,
this term, because it is also applied in some sillimanite, andalusite and fused alumina (arti-
parts of the United States to crushed firebrick ficial corundum).

* ASTM Standard Definitions C 71-88; or ASTM “Tentative Definitions” are used where applicable.

94 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


Jamb: (1 ) A vertical structural member form- Loss on Ignition: As applied to chemical analy- Magnetite: A black, isometric, strongly mag-
ing the side of an opening in a furnace wall; ses, the loss in weight which results from netic, opaque mineral of the spinel group; (Fe,
(2) a type of brick shape intended for use in heating a sample of material to a high tem- Mg) Fe2O4. Specific gravity 5.17 - 5.18.
the sides of wall openings. perature, after preliminary drying at a tempera- Melting point about 2,901°F (1,594°C).
ture just above the boiling point of water. The
Kaldo Process (Stora): An oxygen process loss in weight upon drying is called “free mois- Medium-Duty Fireclay Brick: A fireclay brick
for making steel. ture”; that which occurs above the boiling point, with a PCE value not lower than Cone 29 nor
“loss on ignition.” higher than 31 - 311/2.
Kaliophilite: A hexagonal mineral of volcanic
origin; KAlSiO4. Low-Duty Fireclay Brick: Fireclay brick Melting Point: The temperature at which
which have a PCE not lower than Cone 15 nor crystalline and liquid phases having the same
Kaolin: A white-burning clay having kaolin- higher than 28 - 29. composition coexist in equilibrium. Metals
ite as its chief constituent. Specific gravity and most pure crystalline materials have sharp
2.4 - 2.6. The PCE of most commercial kaolins Magnesioferrite: One of the spinel group of melting points, i.e. they change abruptly from
ranges from Cone 33 to 35. minerals; (Mg,Fe)Fe2O4. Rarely found in nature; solid to liquid at definite temperatures.
usually constitutes the brown coloring material However, most refractory materials have no
Kaolinite: A common white to grayish or yel- in magnesite brick. Specific gravity 4.57 - 4.65. true melting points, but melt progressively
lowish clay mineral; Al2Si2O5 (OH)4. Kaolinite over a relatively wide range of temperatures.
is the principal constituent of most kaolins and Magnesite: A mineral consisting of magne-
fire clays. Specific gravity is 2.59. The PCE of sium carbonate; MgCO3. A rock containing the Metalkase Brick: Basic brick provided with
pure kaolinite is Cone 35. mineral magnesite as its essential constituent thin steel casings.
(See also Magnesite, Caustic and Dead-
Key: In furnace construction, the uppermost or Burned Magnesite). Mica: A group of rock minerals having nearly
the closing brick of a curved arch. perfect cleavage in one direction and consisting
Magnesite Brick: A refractory brick manufac- of thin elastic plates. The most common vari-
Key Brick: A brick shape having six plane tured substantially or entirely of dead-burned eties are muscovite and biotite.
faces (two sides, two edges and two ends), in magnesite which consists essentially of magnesia
which two faces (the edges) are inclined in crystalline form (periclase). Micron: The one-thousandth part of a mil-
toward each other and one of the end faces is limeter (0.001 mm); a unit of measurement
narrower than the other. Magnesite-Carbon Brick: A refractory brick used in microscopy.
manufactured of substantially magnesite
K-factor: The thermal conductivity of a mater- (dead-burned, fused, or a combination there- Mineral: A mineral species is a natural inor-
ial, expressed in standard units. of) and carbon, which may be in the form of ganic substance which is either definite in
various carbon-bearing materials. Conventional chemical composition and physical charac-
Kyanite (Cyanite): A blue or light-green tri- tar-bonded and tar-impregnated brick do not teristics or which varies in these respects
clinic mineral; Al2SiO5. Specific gravity fall into this class. Magnesite-carbon brick are within definite natural limits. Most minerals
3.56 - 3.67. Decomposition begins at about distinct in that carbon is present in the composi- have a definite crystalline structure; a few are
2,415°F (1,325°C) with the formation of mul- tion to provide specific refractory properties amorphous.
lite and free silica. beyond filling pores or acting as a bond.
Modulus of Elasticity (Physics): A measure
Ladle: A refractory-lined vessel used for the Magnesite, Caustic: The product obtained by of the elasticity of a solid body; the ratio of
temporary storage or transfer of molten metals. calcining magnesite, or other substances convert- stress (force) to strain (deformation) within the
ible to magnesia, upon heating at a temperature elastic limit.
L-D Process: A process for making steel by generally not exceeding 2,200°F (1,205°C).
blowing oxygen on or through molten pig iron, The product is readily reactive to water and Modulus of Rupture: A measure of the trans-
whereby most of the carbon and impurities are to atmospheric moisture and carbon dioxide. verse or “crossbreaking” strength of a solid
removed by oxidation. body.
Magnesite-Chrome Brick: A refractory brick
Limestone: A sedimentary rock composed essen- which can be either fired or chemically Monolithic Lining: A furnace lining without
tially of the mineral calcite (CaCO3) or of cal- bonded, manufactured substantially of a mix- joints, formed of material which is rammed,
cite mixed with dolomite, CaMg(CO3)2. ture of dead-burned magnesite (magnesia) and cast, gunned or sintered into place.
Specific gravity 2.6 - 2.8. refractory chrome ore, in which the magnesite
predominates by weight. Monticellite: A colorless or gray mineral related
Limonite: A mineral consisting of hydrous to olivine; CaMgSiO4. Specific gravity 3.1 -
ferric oxides; the essential component of Magnesium Hydroxide: The compound of 3.25. Melts incongruently at 2,730°F
“brown ore.” Specific gravity 3.6 - 4.0. magnesium oxide and chemically combined (1,499°C) to form MgO and a liquid.
water; Mg(OH)2. Naturally occurring magne-
Lintel: A horizontal member spanning a wall sium hydroxide is known as brucite.

* ASTM Standard Definitions C 71-88; or ASTM “Tentative Definitions” are used where applicable.

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 95


Montmorillonite: A group of expanding-lattice Nozzle Brick: A tubular refractory shape used in ramming into place to form monolithic lin-
clay minerals containing variable percentages a ladle; contains a hole through which steel is ings.
of one or more of the cations of magne- teemed at the bottom of the ladle, the upper end
sium, potassium, sodium and calcium. A of the shape serving as a seat for the stopper. Plasticity: That property of a material that
common constituent of bentonites. enables it to be molded into desired forms
Olivine: (l) An olive-green, grayish-green or which are retained after the pressure of mold-
Mortar (Refractory): A finely ground refrac- brown orthorhombic mineral; ing has been released.
tory material which becomes plastic when (Mg,Fe)2SiO 4. It comprises the
mixed with water and is suitable for use in lay- isomorphous solid-solution series forsterite- Pores: As applied to refractories, the small
ing refractory brick. fayalite. (2) A name applied to a group of min- voids between solid particles. Pores are
erals forming the isomorphous system described as “open” if permeable to fluids;
Mullite: A rare orthorhombic mineral; (Mg,Fe,Mn,Ca) 2SiO4, including forsterite, “sealed” if impermeable.
Al6Si2O13. Specific gravity 3.15. An important fayalite, tephroite and a hypothetical calcium
constituent of fireclay and high-alumina orthosilicate. Specific gravity 3.27 - 3.37, Porosity of Refractories: The ratio of the vol-
brick. Melting point under equilibrium condi- increasing with the amount of iron present. ume of the pores or voids in a body to the
tions approximately 3,362°F (1,850°C). total volume, usually expressed as a percent-
Overfiring: A heat treatment which causes age. The “true porosity” is based on the total
Mullite Refractories*: Refractory products deformation or bloating of clay or clay ware. pore-volume; “apparent porosity” on the open
consisting predominantly of mullite (Al6Si2O13) pore-volume only.
crystals formed either by conversion of one or Oxiduction: Alternate oxidation and reduc-
more of the sillimanite group of minerals or by tion. Power Pressing: The forming of refractory
synthesis from appropriate materials employing brick shapes from ground refractory material
either melting or sintering processes. Oxygen Process: A process for making steel in containing an optimum amount of added
which oxygen is blown on or through molten water by means of high pressure applied verti-
Muscovite: A mineral of the mica group; pig iron, whereby most of the carbon and cally in a power-driven press.
KA12(AlSi3)O10(OH)2. It is usually colorless, impurities are removed by oxidation.
whitish or pale brown and is a common miner- Pug Mill: A machine used for blending and
al in metamorphic and igneous rocks and in Periclase: An isometric mineral; MgO. tempering clays in a moist or stiffly plastic con-
some sedimentary rocks. Specific gravity 3.58. Melting point approxi- dition.
mately 5,070°F (2,800°C).
Nepheline (Nephelite): A hexagonal mineral Pyrite: The most common sulfide mineral;
of the feldspathoid group; (Na,K)AlSiO4. A Perlite: A siliceous glassy rock composed of FeS2. Specific gravity 4.9 - 5.2. Color, brass-
common reaction product in furnaces wherein small spheroids varying in size from small yellow. Used mainly for making sulfuric acid
slags or vapors of high soda content come into shot to peas; combined water content 3 to 4 and sulfates.
contact with fireclay or high-alumina brick. %. When heated to a suitable temperature,
Stable at 2,278°F (1,248°C) at which temper- perlite expands to form a lightweight glassy Pyrometric Cone: One of a series of pyrami-
ature it inverts to the artificial mineral material with a cellular structure. dal-shaped pieces consisting of mineral mix-
carnegieite, which has the same composition, tures and used for measuring time-temperature
but a different crystalline form. Natural Permeability: The property of porous materi- effect. A standard pyrometric cone is a three-
nepheline contains a small amount of potash. als which permits the passage of gases and liq- sided truncated pyramid; and is approximately
Specific gravity 2.67. uids under pressure. The permeability of a either 25/8 inches high by 5/8 inch wide at the
body is largely dependent upon the number, base or 11/8 inches high by 3/8 inch wide at the
Neutral Refractory: A refractory material which size and shape of the open connecting pores base. Each cone is of a definite mineral com-
is neither acid nor base, such as carbon, and is measured by the rate of flow of a standard position and has a number stamped on one
chrome or mullite. fluid under definite pressure. face; when heated under standard conditions it
bends at a definite
Nine Inch Equivalent: A brick volume equal Plasma Jet: Ionized gas produced by passing temperature.
to that of a 9 x 4 1/2 x 2 1/2 inch straight brick an inert gas through a high-intensity arc causing
(101.25 cubic inches); the unit of measure- temperatures up to tens of thousands of degrees Pyrometric Cone Equivalent (PCE)*: The
ment of brick quantities in the refractories centigrade. number of that Standard Pyrometric Cone
industry. whose tip would touch the supporting plaque
Plastic Chrome Ore: An air-setting ramming simultaneously with a cone of the refractory
Nodule Clay: A rock containing aluminous or material having a base of refractory chrome material being investigated when tested in
ore and shipped in plastic form ready for use.
ferruginous nodules, or both, bonded by flint accordance with the Method of Test for
clay; called “burley” clay or “burley flint” clay Pyrometric Cone Equivalent (PCE) of
Plastic Fire Clay: A fire clay which has suffi-
in some districts. Refractory Materials (ASTM Designation
cient natural plasticity to bond together other
materials which have little or no plasticity.
Nosean (Noselite): A feldspathoid mineral of
the sodalite group; Na8Al6Si6O24(SO4). It is gray- Pyrophyllite: A mineral consisting of hydrat-
Plastic Refractory: A blend of ground refrac-
ish, bluish or brownish and is related to hauyne. ed silicate of aluminum; AlSi2O5(OH).
tory materials in plastic form, suitable for

* ASTM Standard Definitions C 71-88; or ASTM “Tentative Definitions” are used where applicable.

96 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide


Pyroplasticity: The physical state induced by Rise of Arches: The vertical distance between Silicon Carbide: A compound of silicon and
soaking heat which permits a refractory body the level of the spring lines and the highest carbon; SiC.
to be readily deformed under pressure or by its point of the under surface of an arch.
own weight. Silicon Carbide Refractories*: Refractory prod-
Rock: A naturally occurring mineral aggregate ucts consisting predominantly of silicon car-
Quartz: A common mineral consisting of silica consisting of one or more minerals. For exam- bide.
(SiO2). Sandstones and quartzites are com- ple, quartzite rock is an aggregate consisting
posed largely of quartz. Specific gravity 2.65. essentially of crystals of the mineral quartz; Sillimanite: A brown, grayish, pale-green or white
granite is an aggregate consisting essentially orthorhombic mineral; Al2SiO5. Specific gravity
Quartzite: A hard compact rock consisting of spar and quartz. 3.24. At about 2,785°F (1,530°C) it begins to
predominantly of quartz. There are two types: dissociate into mullite and free silica.
(1) metaquartzite, a metamorphic rock usually Rotary Kiln: A cylindrical, refractory-lined,
derived from sandstone; and (2) orthoquartzite, a gas-fired kiln that rotates at an angle and in Sintering: A heat treatment which causes
sedimentary rock consisting of grains of sili- which the charge is introduced into the higher adjacent particles of material to cohere at a
ca sand cemented together by at least 10 % of end and travels down the slope of the kiln to temperature below that of complete melting.
precipitated silica. the discharge end.
Skewback: The course of brick, having an
Ramming Mix: A ground refractory material Rowlock Course: A course of brick laid on inclined face, from which an arch is sprung.
which is mixed with water and rammed into edge with their longest dimensions perpendicu-
place for patching shapes or for forming lar to the face of a wall. Slag: A substance formed in any one of sever-
monolithic furnace linings; usually of a less al ways by chemical action and fusion at fur-
plastic nature than plastic refractories. Rutile: A mineral consisting of titanium diox- nace operating temperatures: (1) in smelting
ide (Ti2O). Specific gravity 4.18 - 4.25. operations, through the combination of a
Recuperator: A system of thin-walled refrac- flux, such as limestone, with the gangue or
tory ducts used for the purpose of transferring Screen Analysis: The size distribution of non- waste portion of the ore; (2) in the refining
heat from a heated gas to colder air or gas. cohering particles as determined by screening metals, by substances, such as lime, added
through a series of standard screens. for the purpose of effecting or aiding the
Refractories: Nonmetallic materials suitable refining; (3) by chemical reaction between
for use at high temperatures in furnace con- Secondary Expansion: The property exhibit- refractories and fluxing agents, such as coal,
struction. While their primary function is resis- ed by some fireclay and high-alumina refracto- ash or between two different types of refrac-
tance to high temperature, they are usually ries of developing permanent expansion at tories.
called on to resist other destructive influences temperatures within their useful range; not
such as abrasion, pressure, chemical attack the same as overfiring. A behavior not to be Slagging of Refractories*: Destructive chemi-
and rapid changes in temperature. confused with the bloating caused by exces- cal action between refractories and external agen-
sive temperatures which impair the useful cies at high temperatures resulting in the forma-
Refractory (adj.): Chemically and physically properties of a refractory. tion of a liquid.
stable at high temperatures.
Semi-Silica Fireclay Brick: A fireclay brick Sleeves: Tubular refractory shapes used to
Refractory Clay: An earthy or stony mineral containing not less than 72% silica. protect the metal rod which holds the stopper
aggregate which has as the essential con- head in the valve assembly of a bottom-pour-
stituent hydrous silicates of aluminum with or Serpentine: A group of rock forming miner- ing ladle.
without free silica; plastic when sufficiently als; (Mg,Fe)3Si2O5(OH)4. Specific gravity 2.5 -
pulverized and wetted, rigid when subsequent- 2.7. Also, a common rock consisting essential- Slurry: A suspension of finely pulverized
ly dried and of sufficient purity and refractori- ly of serpentine minerals. solid material in water of creamy consistency.
ness for use in commercial refractory products.
Silica: SiO2, the oxide of silicon. Quartz and Soapstone: A metamorphic rock consisting
Regenerator: A refractory structure in which chalcedony are common silica materials; mainly of talc and derived from the alteration
thermal energy from hot furnace gases is alter- quartzite, sandstone and sand are composed of ferromagnesian silicate minerals.
nately absorbed by checker brick work and largely of free silica in the form of quartz.
released to cold air or gas. Soldier Course: A course of brick set on end;
Silica Brick: A fired refractory consisting little used in the case of refractories except
Regenerator Checkers: Brick used in furnace essentially of silica and usually made from in the bottoms of some types of furnaces.
regenerators to recover heat from hot outgo- quartzite bonded with about 1.8 to 3.5 % of
ing gases and later to release this heat to added lime. Solid Solution: A homogeneous crystalline
cold air or gas entering the furnace; so-called phase with a variable composition. The most
because of the checkerboard pattern in which Silica Fire Clay*: A refractory mortar consist- common solid solutions involve two or more
the brick are arranged. ing of a finely ground mixture of quartzite, sil- substances having the same crystalline struc-
ica brick and fire clay of various proportions; ture. However, the term can also refer to the
often called silica cement. solution of small proportions of a material in a
seemingly unrelated substance.

* ASTM Standard Definitions C 71-88; or ASTM “Tentative Definitions” are used where applicable.

Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide - 97


Spalling of Refractories: The loss of frag- Vesicular: Having a cellular structure; applied
ments (spalls) from the face of a refractory Talc: A hydrous magnesium silicate mineral; to fire clays which have become bloated by
structure, through cracking and rupture, with Mg3Si4O10(OH)2. Specific gravity 2.7 - 2.8. overfiring.
exposure of inner portions of the original Hardness 1.
refractory mass. Vibratory Pressing: A process for forming
Thermal Conductivity: The property of mat- refractory shapes in which the ground parti-
Specific Gravity: The ratio between the weight ter by virtue of which heat energy is transmitted cles of refractory material are packed closely
of a unit volume of a substance and that of through particles in contact. together by rapid impact-type vibrations of the
some other standard substance under standard top and bottom dies; also called impact press-
conditions of temperature and pressure. For Thermal Expansion: The increase in linear ing.
solids and liquids the specific gravity is based dimensions and volume which occurs when
on water as the standard. The “true specific materials are heated and which is counterbal- Vitrification: A process of permanent chemi-
gravity” of a body is based on the volume of anced by contraction of equal amount when the cal and physical change at high temperatures
solid material excluding all pores. The bulk or materials are cooled. in a ceramic body, such as fire clay, with the
volume specific gravity is based on the volume development of a substantial proportion of
as a whole, i.e. the solid material with all Thermal Shock: A sudden transient tempera- glass.
included pores. The apparent specific gravity ture change.
is based on the volume of the solid material Warpage: The deviation of the surface of a
plus the volume of the sealed pores. Tolerance: The permissible deviation in a refractory shape from that intended, caused by
dimension or property of a material from an bending or bowing during manufacture.
Specific Heat: The quantity of heat required established standard or from an average value.
to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a Wedge Brick: A brick shape having six plane
substance one degree. Tridymite: A mineral form of silica; SiO2. faces (two sides, two edges and two ends), in
Stable from 1,598 to 2,678°F (870 to which two faces (the sides) are inclined
Spinel: (1) The mineral composed of magne- 1,470°C). Specific gravity 2.26. An important toward each other and one end face is narrow-
sium aluminate; MgAl 2O 4. Specific gravi- constituent of silica brick. er than the other.
ty 3.6. Melting point 3,875°F (2,135°C). (2)
A group of minerals of general formula; AB2O4 Tweel: A refractory shape used to control the Wetting: The adherence of a film of liquid to
where A represents magnesium, ferrous iron, flow of molten glass from the glass tank to the the surface of a solid.
zinc or manganese or any combination of these tin bath in the float glass process.
minerals and B represents aluminum ferric Wollastonite: A triclinic mineral; CaSiO3.
iron or chromium. Trough: An open receptacle through which Specific gravity 2.9. Inverts at 2,192°F
molten metal is conveyed from a holding (1,200°C) to pseudowollastonite. Melts incongru-
Spring Line: The line of contact between the device or furnace to a casting mold or another ently at 2,811°F (1,544°C).
inside surface of an arch and the skewback. receptacle.
Young’s Modulus: In mechanics, the ratio of
Sprung Arch: An arch which is supported by Tuyere Brick: A refractory shape containing tensile stress to elongation within the elastic
abutments at the side or ends only. one or more holes through which air and other limit; the modulus
gases are introduced into a furnace. of elasticity.
Stack Losses: The flue gas loss, the sensible
heat carried away by the dry flue gas plus the TREFOIL® Heat Exchanger: A refractory Zircon: A mineral; ZrSiO4. Specific gravity
sensible heat and latent heat carried away by construction in a rotary kiln with three 4.7. Begins to melt incongruently at 3,045°F
the water vapor in the flue gas. openings which in cross-section are clover- (1,685°C) forming ZrO 2 solid solution plus
shaped. Over its length, the TREFOIL heat liquid; completely melted at about 4,800°F
Stretcher: A brick laid on flat with its length exchanger divides the kiln into three equal parts, (2,650°C).
parallel to the face of the wall. thus improving heat exchange between the
charge and the hot combustion gases. Zirconia: Zirconium oxide; ZrO2. Specific
Superduty Fireclay Brick: Fireclay brick gravity 5.8. Melting point 4,890°F (2,700°C).
which have a PCE not lower than Cone 33 and Vacuum Pressing: A method of forming brick Its chief source is the mineral baddeleyite.
which meet certain other requirements as out- shapes by which they are subjected to a partial
lined in ASTM Designation C 27-84. vacuum during pressing in a power press.

Suspended Arch: An arch in which the brick Vermiculite: A group of micaceous minerals,
shapes are suspended from overhead support- all hydrated silicates, varying widely in com-
ing members. position; (Mg,Fe,Al)3 (AlSi)4O10(OH)2 - 4H2O.
When heated above 302°F (150°C), vermi-
Taconite: A compact ferruginous chert or slate culite exfoliates and increases greatly in vol-
in which the iron oxide is so finely disseminat- ume.
ed that substantially all of the iron-bearing par-
ticles are smaller than 20 mesh. Typical analy-
ses of the ore grade show total iron at 32%.

* ASTM Standard Definitions C 71-88; or ASTM “Tentative Definitions” are used where applicable.

98 - Harbison-Walker Brick Installation Guide

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