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18/02/2019 The Secret Book of Dzyan – T H E O S O P H Y


The Secret Book of Dzyan

(h ps://

“The Secret Doctrine,” the master work of H.P. Blavatsky, is a two volume book which begins with
and is based upon stanzas and verses from what she called “The Secret Book of Dzyan.”

Contrary to common misunderstanding, however, she did not say that the Book of Dzyan was entirely
unknown or unheard of by anyone in the modern world. What she did say was:

“The Book of Dzyan (or “Dzan”) is u erly unknown to our Philologists, or at any rate was never
heard of by them under its present name.” (“The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, Introductory, p. xxii,
emphasis added)

Does this mean then that “the Book of Dzyan” is merely a sort of generic code name for a book which
in fact has another name or other names? After all, this title merely means “Book of Mystic
Meditation” or “Book of Wisdom a ained by Meditation.” Might it not be the case that the name “the
Book of Dzyan” may have been chosen both for sake of convenience and also in order to avoid
revealing too much of the secret esoteric teaching, including its sources and nature, of her Masters
and Teachers in Tibet and the Trans-Himalayan regions? 1/11
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Scoffers and sceptics – who seem to very rarely pay proper a ention to the significance and content of
HPB’s words yet who nevertheless feel themselves qualified and competent to criticise, berate,
ridicule, and condemn her – have probably never stopped to consider that there could be something
legitimate and genuine about the Book of Dzyan and that it could actually exist. The idea that HPB
may well have been an honest, truthful, decent person has most probably never occurred to them.

David Reigle, a Tibetologist, has spent several decades in detailed research and investigation which
has resulted in him being able to identify and state, with some degree of certainty, that what we call
“the Secret Book of Dzyan” is in fact the now “lost” and “missing” esoteric root text of a certain
Tibetan Buddhist scripture, the name of which is now quite well known.

But first, let us see what HPB herself has to say in regard to this great book:

“There exists somewhere in this wide world an old Book – so very old that our modern antiquarians
might ponder over its pages an indefinite time, and still not quite agree as to the nature of the fabric
upon which it is wri en. It is the only original copy now in existence. The most ancient Hebrew
document on occult learning – the Siphra Dzeniouta – was compiled from it, and that at a time when
the former was already considered in the light of a literary relic. One of its illustrations represents the
Divine Essence emanating from ADAM* like a luminous arc proceeding to form a circle; and then,
having a ained the highest point of its circumference, the ineffable Glory bends back again, and
returns to earth, bringing a higher type of humanity in its vortex. As it approaches nearer and nearer
to our planet, the Emanation becomes more and more shadowy, until upon touching the ground it is
as black as night.”

“* The name is used in the sense of the Greek word Anthropos.” (“Isis Unveiled” Vol. 1, p. 1)

“Tradition says, and the records of the Great Book explain, that long before the days of Ad-am, and his
inquisitive wife, He-va, where now are found but salt lakes and desolate barren deserts, there was a
vast inland sea, which extended over Middle Asia, north of the proud Himalayan range, and its
western prolongation. An island, which for its unparalleled beauty had no rival in the world, was
inhabited by the last remnant of the race which preceded ours. This race could live with equal ease in
water, air, or fire, for it had an unlimited control over the elements.” (“Isis Unveiled” Vol. 1, p. 589)

[Note: When HPB quotes the above paragraph in “The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 2, p. 220, she writes “the
Book of Dzyan” in brackets after “the Great Book“.]

“There was no communication with the fair island by sea, but subterranean passages known only to
the chiefs, communicated with it in all directions. Tradition points to many of the majestic ruins of
India, Ellora, Elephanta, and the caverns of Ajunta (Chandor range), which belonged once to those
colleges, and with which were connected such subterranean ways. Who can tell but the lost Atlantis –
which is also mentioned in the Secret Book, but, again, under another name, pronounced in the sacred
language – did not exist yet in those days?” (“Isis Unveiled” Vol. 1, p. 590-591)

“Volume I. of “Isis” begins with a reference to “an old book” –

“”So very old that our modern antiquarians might ponder over its pages an indefinite time, and still
not quite agree as to the nature of the fabric upon which it is wri en. It is the only original copy now
in existence. . . .”

“The “very old Book” is the original work from which the many volumes of Kiu-te were compiled.
Not only this la er and the Siphrah Dzeniouta but even the Sepher Jezirah, the work a ributed by the
Hebrew Kabalists to their Patriarch Abraham (!), the book of Shu-king, China’s primitive Bible, the
sacred volumes of the Egyptian Thoth-Hermes, the Puranas in India, and the Chaldean Book of
Numbers and the Pentateuch itself, are all derived from that one small parent volume. Tradition says, 2/11
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that it was taken down in Senzar, the secret sacerdotal tongue, from the words of the Divine Beings,
who dictated it to the sons of Light, in Central Asia, at the very beginning of the 5th (our) race; for
there was a time when its language (the Sen-zar) was known to the Initiates of every nation, when the
forefathers of the Toltec understood it as easily as the inhabitants of the lost Atlantis, who inherited it,
in their turn, from the sages of the 3rd Race, the Manushis, who learnt it direct from the Devas of the
2nd and 1st Races. . . . The old book, having described Cosmic Evolution and explained the origin of
everything on earth, including physical man, after giving the true history of the races from the First
down to the Fifth (our) race, goes no further. It stops short at the beginning of the Kali Yuga just 4989
years ago at the death of Krishna, the bright “Sun-god,” the once living here and reformer.

“But there exists another book. None of its possessors regard it as very ancient, as it was born with,
and is only as old as the Black Age, namely, about 5,000 years. In about nine years hence, the first
cycle of the first five millenniums, that began with the great cycle of the Kali-Yuga, will end. And
then the last prophecy contained in that book (the first volume of the prophetic record for the Black
Age) will be accomplished. We have not long to wait, and many of us will witness the Dawn of the
New Cycle, at the end of which not a few accounts will be se led and squared between the races.
Volume II. of the Prophecies is nearly ready, having been in preparation since the time of Buddha’s
grand successor, Sankaracharya.” (“The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, Introductory, p. xlii-xliv)

“That which is given in these volumes is selected from oral, as much as from wri en teachings. This
first instalment of the esoteric doctrines is based upon Stanzas, which are the records of a people
unknown to ethnology; it is claimed that they are wri en in a tongue absent from the nomenclature
of languages and dialects with which philology is acquainted, . . .” (“The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1,
Introductory, p. xxxvii)

“One of the greatest, and, withal, the most serious objection to the correctness and reliability of the
whole work will be the preliminary STANZAS: “How can the statements contained in them be
verified?” True, if a great portion of the Sanskrit, Chinese, and Mongolian works quoted in the
present volumes are known to some Orientalists, the chief work – that one from which the Stanzas
are given – is not in the possession of European Libraries. The Book of Dzyan (or “Dzan”) is u erly
unknown to our Philologists, or at any rate was never heard of by them under its present name. This
is, of course, a great drawback to those who follow the methods of research prescribed by official
Science; but to the students of Occultism, and to every genuine Occultist, this will be of li le
moment.” (“The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, Introductory, p. xxii-xxiii)

“Extracts are given from the Chinese, Thibetan and Sanskrit translations of the original Senzar
Commentaries and Glosses on the Book of DZYAN – these being now rendered for the first time into
a European language.” (“The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, p. 23)

“The Book of Dzyan – from the Sanskrit word “Dhyan” (mystic meditation) – is the first volume of the
Commentaries upon the seven secret folios of Kiu-te, and a Glossary of the public works of the same
name. Thirty-five volumes of Kiu-te for exoteric purposes and the use of the laymen may be found in
the possession of the Tibetan Gelugpa Lamas, in the library of any monastery; and also fourteen
books of Commentaries and Annotations on the same by the initiated Teachers.

“Strictly speaking, those thirty-five books ought to be termed “The Popularized Version” of the Secret
Doctrine, full of myths, blinds, and errors; the fourteen volumes of Commentaries, on the other hand –
with their translations, annotations, and an ample glossary of Occult terms, worked out from one
small archaic folio, the Book of the Secret Wisdom of the World – contain a digest of all the Occult
Sciences. These, it appears, are kept secret and apart, in the charge of the Teshu Lama of Tji-gad-je.
The Books of Kiu-te are comparatively modern, having been edited within the last millennium,
whereas the earliest volumes of the Commentaries are of untold antiquity, some fragments of the
original cylinders having been preserved. With the exception that they explain and correct some of 3/11
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the too fabulous, and to every appearance, grossly exaggerated accounts in the Books of Kiu-te –
properly so called – the Commentaries have li le to do with these. They stand in relation to them as
the Chaldaeo-Jewish Kabalah stands to the Mosaic Books.” (“The Secret Books of “Lam-Rin” and
Dzyan” published posthumously in 1897)

If we piece together the key statements from these passages, we discover the following:

* There is now only one original copy in existence of this Book.

* It deals with ma ers of cosmic and human evolution, i.e. Cosmogenesis and Anthropogenesis,
which are the titles of the first and second volumes of “The Secret Doctrine.”

* It has served as the source and basis for many world scriptures.

* It is not a particularly large text but rather is “one small parent volume.”

* It was wri en in the Senzar language. Senzar, according to Theosophy, is a very ancient and secret
language, used privately by Adepts and Initiates. The name “Senzar” is itself a Tibetan word or
conjunction which literally means “Secret Language” or “Secret Speech.” It is said that Senzar is older
than any language now known to man.

* It was wri en in Central Asia, at the very beginning of the Fifth Root Race. The concept of Root
Races is explained in some of the articles linked to below but for now it will suffice to say that the
Fifth Root Race, known as the Aryan, Indo-Caucasian, or Indo-European, is our present epoch and
that it began a very long time ago. If one takes the figures given in “The Secret Doctrine” literally, it
was 1,000,000 (one million) years ago. If one chooses not to take them literally – and there is good
reason not to, seeing as HPB says in the selfsame book that the real figures, numbers, and calculations,
of cycles and evolutionary periods are not permi ed to be given to the public – one is still forced to
admit that this must have been a very long time ago; surely tens of thousands of years ago at the very

* Its real authors were “Divine Beings” who wrote it through dictating it to “the sons of Light.”
Turning to the Stanzas of Dzyan themselves, we find that the very last Stanza quoted in the second
volume has been given the title “THE FIFTH RACE AND ITS DIVINE INSTRUCTORS.” It is
described how the last great island (save Poseidonis, Plato’s Atlantis, which perished much later) of
Atlantis was destroyed and submerged, with “ALL HOLY SAVED, THE UNHOLY DESTROYED,”
and it is said that the good and pure souls were led to safety in high and dry lands, namely the
Himalayas of Central Asia, which became the starting point or birthplace of our present race.

The last two verses of this Stanza (XII) in Volume 2 read thus:



These statements will become clearer through a reading and study of “The Secret Doctrine” itself but
they are quoted here because it may well be that this is referring to those “Divine Beings” who
dictated the Book of Dzyan to “the sons of Light,” i.e. the great Adepts and Masters of the early Fifth
Race. If this was after the destruction of Atlantis, then it would not have been quite a million years
ago but closer to 850,000 years ago, as “The Secret Doctrine” asserts that Atlantis disappeared beneath
the ocean that long ago. But again, those dates are not necessarily intended to be literally and blindly 4/11
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relied upon. “Serpent” (“Naga” in Sanskrit) is a symbolic term for an Initiate or Wise One, the serpent
having always represented wisdom and knowledge. Even the Bible shows Jesus advising the people
to “be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”

* Whenever it was first dictated, its content may have been added to afterwards, seeing as it covers
events down to the start of the Kali Yuga, which coincided with the death of Krishna, generally said
to have occurred 5,118 years ago as of 2016. So the Book may only have been finally completed 5,118
years ago or all the key events and developments leading up to that time may have already been
contained within it in some sort of prophetic form.

* Amongst the numerous secret books and esoteric records in the possession of the Masters of the
Wisdom is another one – “the first volume of the prophetic record for the Black Age” (i.e. the Kali
Yuga) – which covers the first 5,000 years of the lengthy Kali Yuga period, going up to 1897-1898,
when that first cycle of the Kali Yuga came to an end. And another one – “Volume II. of the
Prophecies is nearly ready, having been in preparation since the time of Buddha’s grand successor,
Sankaracharya.” It is now most probably complete and in use. Its preparation began in the lifetime of
Adi Shankaracharya, a great figure in both Hinduism and Theosophy, who lived around 2,500 years
ago. If this second volume covers another 5,000 years, it will go up to the year 6897 or 6898 A.D.!

* Nothing from the Book of Dzyan had been translated into English or any other European language
before the work of HPB.

* However, Sanskrit, Tibetan, and Chinese translations (perhaps others too?) already existed in her
time, either of the Book of Dzyan itself or commentaries based upon it.

* As well as the Books of Kiu-te (rGyud-sde in the Wylie transliteration used by academics, which are
the canonical scriptures of Tibetan Buddhism), there are fourteen (or seven?) Books of Commentaries,
which are partly commentaries on the Books of Kiu-te but which in their other parts actually pre-date
them by long ages. Those Books of Commentaries are all “worked out from one small archaic folio,
the Book of the Secret Wisdom of the World.”

* It is not quite clear whether our Book of Dzyan is this parent text, the “Book of the Secret Wisdom of
the World” (described as “one small archaic folio” while the Book of Dzyan, as we saw, has been
described similarly as “one small parent volume“) or “the first volume of the Commentaries upon the
seven secret folios of Kiu-te, and a Glossary of the public works of the same name.” It sounds more
like the former and as the passage we are now referring to is from the so-called “Third Volume” of
“The Secret Doctrine,” a misleadingly named book published by Annie Besant six years after HPB
had passed away, largely from her unfinished and discarded manuscripts, it is not really possible for
us to know how HPB herself may have altered the text, had she lived longer and had the opportunity
or wish to do so, nor to what extent Besant and her collaborators, such as G.R.S. Mead and G.N.
Chakravarti, may have altered and edited it prior to publication, seeing as Besant and Mead already
had a reputation for altering and changing HPB’s words and work.

* The Books of Commentaries, presumably with the Book of Dzyan itself, “are kept secret and apart,
in the charge of the Teshu Lama of Tji-gad-je,” i.e. the Panchen Lama of Shigatse. In the Gelugpa
branch of Tibetan Buddhism, the “Yellow Hats” founded by Tsong Kha-pa (1357-1419), and with
which HPB and the Masters have made clear Their connection, there are two chief Lamas, the Dalai
Lama and the Panchen Lama. Although the role and work of the Dalai Lama is be er known today,
Theosophical literature states that the Panchen Lama is of greater esoteric significance and import. He
is also known as the Tashi (“Teshu”) Lama, due to his traditional monastic seat being Tashilhunpo
Monastery in Shigatse (“Tji-gad-je” phonetically). Unfortunately the present Panchen Lama was
abducted as a young boy by the Chinese in the 1990s and his whereabouts and condition remain
unknown. The Chinese government have replaced him with a fake “Panchen Lama” of their own, the 5/11
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son of hardline communists, who travels the world talking about how wonderful the Chinese
government is. No doubt the most important texts and scriptures have been safely and securely
preserved, perhaps moved elsewhere.

Anyone who is especially interested by the things mentioned here is strongly encouraged to get a
copy of David Reigle’s book “Blavatsky’s Secret Books” as it goes into far more depth and detail than
an article like this ever can. It is Reigle, after all, who has spent decades researching relentlessly into
both the works of H.P. Blavatsky and the archives and scriptures of Tibetan Buddhism and who has
made the majority of the interesting discoveries in this regard.

HPB said that the exoteric or public volumes of Kiu-Te “may be found in the possession of the
Tibetan Gelugpa Lamas, in the library of any monastery.” This has been found to be indeed true but
even these exoteric volumes are regarded in the Tibetan tradition as containing the Buddha’s secret
teachings and so they continue to have restricted access to outsiders. “Even now only a tiny fraction
of them has been translated into English,” remarks Reigle.

In HPB’s article “Tibetan Teachings,” she quotes the words of “the Venerable Chohan-Lama – the
chief of the Archive-registrars of the libraries containing manuscripts on esoteric doctrines belonging
to the Ta-loi and Tashu-hlumpo Lamas Rim-boche of Tibet” [i.e. the Dalai and Panchen Lamas] . . .
“the learned Chohan, than whom no one in Tibet is more deeply versed in the science of esoteric and
exoteric Buddhism” and who was quite probably the same as the Maha Chohan, the elderly Chief of
the Trans-Himalayan Brotherhood.

Regarding “the sacred canon of the Tibetans,” the Kanjur and the Tanjur volumes, which comprise
the Books of Kiu-te, he wrote, “I can assure the Theosophists that the contents of these volumes could
never be understood by anyone who had not been given the key to their peculiar character, and to
their hidden meaning. Every description of localities is figurative in our system; every name and
word is purposely veiled; and a student, before he is given any further instruction, has to study the
mode of deciphering, and then of comprehending and learning the equivalent secret term or
synonym for nearly every word of our religious language. The Egyptian enchorial or hieratic system
is child’s play to the deciphering of our sacred puzzles. Even in those volumes to which the masses
have access, every sentence has a dual meaning, one intended for the unlearned, and the other for
those who have received the key to the records.”

These holy books, he states, “contain no fiction, but simply information for future generations, who
may, by that time, have obtained the key to the right reading of them.”

Remember that in “The Secret Doctrine” HPB commented that the Secret Book of Dzyan “is the
original work from which the many volumes of Kiu-te were compiled.”

David Reigle believes, for reasons he explains in “Blavatsky’s Secret Books,” that THE SECRET

The word “mula” means “root” in Sanskrit and the Mula Kalachakra Tantra – also referred to as the
Kalachakra Mulatantra – is the hidden esoteric root and source of the more exoteric Kalachakra
Tantra, the la er of which has become so widely heard of today due to the efforts of the Dalai Lama.

The lost (lost from the eyes of the profane but forever known to the high Initiates and Masters) Mula
Kalachakra Tantra is said by Buddhist experts and historians to contain 12,000 verses and “also
stands out among the other tantras because of its connection with the sacred land of Shambhala.
Tradition states that the king of Shambhala requested the Kalachakra teachings from Gautama
Buddha, and then returned with them to Shambhala, where they became the state religion. It is from
Shambhala that the abridged Kalachakra Tantra [i.e. the publicly known one] came to India and
Tibet.” 6/11
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This is not to be understood as meaning that the Kalachakra system or the Book of Dzyan Teachings
originated with Gautama Buddha. If this were the case, it would make them only approximately 2,600
years old. The implication is that Buddha was simply handing on knowledge and teaching which
already existed and which he had himself learnt.

HPB even hinted at the fact of the ma er herself when she wrote, in a footnote to her article “The
Mystery of Buddha” (published posthumously but referred to in Vol. 1 of “The Secret Doctrine” as if
it had already been wri en) that “What is given here is taken from the secret portions of Dus Kyi
Khorlo (Kala Chakra, in Sanskrit, or the “Wheel of Time,” or duration).” Shortly after this she begins
a sentence by saying, “For in the Kala Chakra Commentary it is shown . . .”

And in her work “The Voice of The Silence” (h ps://

silence-an-authentic-buddhist-text/) there is a verse which reads, “Would’st thou become a Yogi of
“Time’s Circle”?” In Sanskrit, “Time’s Circle” is of course “Kalachakra,” which is variously translated
as “Wheel of Time,” “Circle of Time,” or “Time’s Circle.” In Tibetan its name is “Dus-Kyi Khorlo.”

In the posthumously published “A Few More Misconceptions Corrected,” she refers to “the “Dus-kyi
Khorlo,” or Tibetan Mysticism. A system as old as man, known in India and practised before Europe
had become a continent, “was first known,” we are told [i.e. by the Orientalists and academics], only
nine or ten centuries ago! The text of its books in its present form may have “originated” even later,
for there are numerous such texts that have been tampered with by sects to suit the fancies of each.
But who has read the original book on Dus-Kyi Khorlo, re-wri en by Tsong-Kha-pa with his
Commentaries? . . . this grand Reformer burnt every book on Sorcery on which he could lay his hands
in 1387 . . . he has left a whole library of his own works – not a tenth part of which has ever been
made known.”

Both during her lifetime and ever since, many have considered it implausible and impossible that
Helena Blavatsky could have had access to knowledge, information, books, and even places and
locations, which were unavailable and inaccessible to the world at large. Time will surely show – and
has already begun to show – that they were wrong and that she was indeed what she claimed to be
and much more…an emissary, agent, messenger, and representative, of that hidden Esoteric
Brotherhood of the East, which guides and watches over the spiritual evolution and advancement of

Richard Taylor, an expert on Buddhism, has pointed out something significant in his series of articles
titled “Blavatsky and Buddhism.” By means of comparison he se les the ma er sufficiently clearly by
showing that:

1. In the 1880’s HPB says:The Stanzas of Dzyan she quotes and expounds upon in the “Cosmogenesis”
and “Anthropogenesis” volumes of “The Secret Doctrine” are from the first volume of the Kiu-te
commentaries. No-one believed her.

100 years later academic research shows: The Books of Kiu-te are the Tibetan Buddhist Tantras,
the first section of which is comprised of the Kalachakra Tantra, and the first section of the
Kalachakra Tantra deals solely with the subjects of cosmogenesis and anthropogenesis. Taylor writes,
“The Kalachakra system is largely cosmological and deals with the creation of the universe from space,
through six elements, with extremely complex numerology and astrology. This is the subject of the
entire volume one of Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine.”

2. In the 1880’s HPB says:The esoteric volumes of Kiu-te are kept secret and under the supervision of
the Panchen Lama of Shigatse and that there is a secret Esoteric School connected with the private
retreat of the Panchen Lama near his Tashilhunpo Monastery at Shigatse. No-one believed her. 7/11
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100 years later academic research shows: Tashilhunpo Monastery has in fact long been considered by
Tibetans to be the major centre in that country for Kalachakra studies and that the Panchen Lama did
indeed have something of an esoteric school, where esoteric (as opposed to more exoteric) studies
and practice of the Kalachakra Tantra were carried out.

3. In the 1880’s HPB says:That she has direct familiarity and connection with a highly esoteric system
of Tibetan Buddhism and that she knows full well what she’s talking about when it comes to such
ma ers. No-one believed her.

100 years later academic research shows: In the words of Richard Taylor, who was forced by his own in
depth research to admit that “Blavatsky had access to Tibetan Buddhist sources which no other
Westerner during her time had. Her works are by no means merely strings of plagiarisms, but rather
very cogent arguments, supplemented by masses of data, that her readers should believe Buddhist
claims that there is a perennial philosophy, in the possession of Adepts, which explains the origins of
the world and leads to salvation from it. … Blavatsky knew what the Buddhist Tantras were, knew
their content and philosophical import be er than any Western contemporary, and knew bona fide
Tibetan traditions surrounding them. This alone gives strong reasons not to dismiss her claims out of

4. In the 1880’s HPB says:“No one styling himself a “scholar,” in whatever department of exact science,
will be permi ed to regard these teachings seriously. They will be derided and rejected a priori in this
century; but only in this one. For in the twentieth century of our era scholars will begin to recognize
that the Secret Doctrine has neither been invented nor exaggerated, but, on the contrary, simply
outlined.” No-one believed her.

100 years later academic research shows: That what she said is exactly what has happened.

The Sanskrit word “Tantra” literally means “Continuum” or “Expansion.” Although it has become
linked or synonymous in the minds of many Westerners with sexual practices, sexual magic, and so-
called “sacred sexuality,” this is not its inherent or original meaning.

While it is true that there are scriptures and systems of Tantra in both Hinduism and Buddhism
which include sexual elements to varying degrees and in various forms, this is not always the case.
There are numerous Mahayana Buddhist scriptures called “Tantras” which have nothing at all to do
with sexual ma ers.

The publicly known versions of Kalachakra Tantra have a sexual side and the Dalai Lama even
openly refers to, endorses, and promotes sexual Tantra in some of his bestselling books. None of this
would be supported or agreed with for a moment by HPB, the Masters, or the real Esoteric
Philosophy. It goes against the very essence of Theosophical teaching and practice. Sexual magic and
sexual Tantra are “the worst form of black magic or sorcery,” says HPB with italicised emphasis in the
entry for “Tantra” on p. 319 of her book “The Theosophical Glossary.” We can thus safely assume that
the Mula Kalachakra Tantra and the various Kalachakra Commentaries possessed and used by the
Brotherhood have nothing to do with such things.

It is not the place here to go into a discussion of various verses purported to be additional “Stanzas of
Dzyan” that have been published by certain individuals since the time of H.P. Blavatsky. Alice Bailey
did so, as did “The Temple of the People” in their own spurious “Third Volume” of “The Secret
Doctrine.” Others have done so and a few New Age channellers still do so today, from time to time.
One need only compare these with those in “The Secret Doctrine” and notice the vast difference
between them, in terms of such aspects as style, content, doctrine, and clarity. Those published by
Bailey, for example, have a decidedly Western and Christian Kabbalistic feel to them. 8/11
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The article Tibetan Master or Christian Priest? (Uncovering the real inspiration behind the Alice
Bailey Books) (h ps:// definitely needs
to be read by any students and followers of the Alice Bailey teachings. It is a lengthy article but those
who genuinely want truth and fact rather than deception and fiction will read the whole thing
carefully and dispassionately and then come to their own conclusions.

A strong connection with Tibetan Buddhism will have been noticed by those who have read through
the present article.

The Masters and HPB are not any type of exoteric Buddhists but are connected with the secret and
esoteric Yogacharya School of Buddhism, founded in India by the original Aryasangha, an Arhat and
direct disciple of Gautama Buddha, and relocated later, owing to persecution from the Hindu
Brahmins, to the Trans-Himalayan region. The esoteric Yogacharya School operates in strict secrecy
and preserves the genuine esoteric teachings of the Lord Buddha himself. It is Buddha’s own Esoteric
School. More has been wri en regarding these things in such articles on this site as Alaya – The
Universal Soul (h ps:// and Self and Non-Self
in Buddhism and Theosophy (h ps://

In her article “Old Philosophers and Modern Critics,” HPB expressly states that the Stanzas of Dzyan
belong to “the Esoteric Yogacharyas.”

It is time for “The Secret Doctrine” to be read, studied, assimilated, taught, and popularised, like
never before. It is the Masters’ greatest gift to us in this era, as a New Age dawns for mankind. Will
we make proper use of what They have unveiled and made so freely available to us, from the long
sealed fountains of the hidden East? They watch – and wait.

~ ~

SOME RELATED ARTICLES: An Invitation to The Secret Doctrine

(h ps://, Who Wrote The Secret
Doctrine? (h ps://, A Beginner’s Guide
To Studying The Secret Doctrine (h ps://
the-secret-doctrine/), Human Evolution in The Secret Doctrine
(h ps://, Chains, Globes,
Rounds and Root Races (h ps://,
Responding to Lies about H.P. Blavatsky (h ps://
about-h-p-blavatsky/), The Masters and Madame Blavatsky (h ps://
masters-and-madame-blavatsky/), Who are you, Madame Blavatsky?
(h ps://, The Closing Cycle
(h ps://, 12 Things Theosophy Teaches
(h ps://, Theosophy – An Explanation and
Overview (h ps://, Praise for
H.P. Blavatsky and Theosophy (h ps://
theosophy/), The “Third Volume” of The Secret Doctrine (h ps://
third-volume-of-the-secret-doctrine/), Tibetan Master or Christian Priest? (Uncovering the real
inspiration behind the Alice Bailey Books) (h ps://
christian-priest/), 14 Good Reasons to reject the Alice Bailey Teachings
(h ps://, Original 9/11
18/02/2019 The Secret Book of Dzyan – T H E O S O P H Y

Theosophy and Later Versions (h ps://

versions/), Why Stick To The Original? (h ps://
original/), Maitreya in the Light of Real Theosophy (h ps://
the-light-of-real-theosophy/), The Unavoidable Facts about C.W. Leadbeater
(h ps://, Theosophy and
Agni Yoga (h ps://, What is a Chohan?
(h ps://, The Great Tsong Kha-pa
(h ps://, The Le er from the Maha Chohan
(h ps:// er-from-the-maha-chohan/), Should Theosophists get
involved with Tibetan Buddhism? (h ps://
involved-with-tibetan-buddhism/), Theosophy and the Tibetan Book of the Dead
(h ps://, Books on
Theosophy (h ps://, and The Theosophical Society
is Disloyal to Theosophy (h ps://


NEW in February 2016


2 thoughts on “The Secret Book of Dzyan”

D rJan Hizar Hansford says:
APRIL 21, 2015 AT 7:08 PM

Alan Neale says:
OCTOBER 18, 2015 AT 6:54 PM
I remember going to li le bookshop in London 30 years ago, to purchase The Secret Doctrine after
reading several of Dr Douglas Bakers books. I was nailed to it for ages. Changed the way I think
about things.

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18/02/2019 The Secret Book of Dzyan – T H E O S O P H Y

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