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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 11(20), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2018/v11i20/122616, May 2018 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

Evaluation of Performance of Cowdung as Microbial

Inoculum in Industrial Wastewater Treatment and its
Environmental Implications
Tiham Quraishi, Anuja Kenekar, Prafull Ranadive and Ganesh Kamath*
Organica Biotech Private Limited, 36, Ujagar Industrial Estate, WT Patil Marg, Govandi, Mumbai – 400088,
Maharashtra, India; [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]

Objectives: To assess the efficacy of cowdung as a microbial inoculum for the bioremediation of wastewater from industrial
effluents. Methods/Statistical Analysis: Microbiological analysis of multiple cowdung samples was carried out to assess
the population of Gram positive and Gram-negative population. The variation in microbial population of the cowdung
in relation to its moisture content was assessed. Further, the performance of cowdung in comparison to commercially
available microbial formulation CleanMaxx was studied. Findings: The microbiological analysis of cowdung revealed
that the population and stability of the Gram-negative bacteria is higher than Gram positive ones. Almost 85% were
lactose fermenters which in turn could be considered as indicators of pathogenic load of the cowdung. Effluent treatment
simulation study using cowdung revealed 70% COD reduction as compared to CleanMaxx which could effectively reduce
up to 90% COD. Application/Improvements: The study demonstrates the use of cowdung for industrial wastewaters to
be irrational and non-sustainable. Conclusively, the study emphasises the use of scientifically designed microbial products
for effluent treatment over the unmitigated use of cowdung.

Keywords: Cow dung, Microbial Inoculum, Waste Water Treatment

1. Introduction effluents, Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)

initially introduced a policy wherein, industries had to
Industrial wastewater is one of the major sources in the pay a penalty for the amount of pollutant that they dis-
pollution of water environment. During the last century, charged into the environment. Instead of holding down
huge amount of industrial wastewater was discharged the hazardous levels of discharged effluent, as an effect of
into rivers, lakes and coastal areas. This has resulted in this policy, industries ended up paying huge amounts of
serious consequences to aquatic environment as well as penalties. Owing to this, CPCB had to impose stringent
human life. With an increasing demand of natural water rules for industrial waste water treatment plants. Zero
resources and unabated pollution caused by industrial Liquid Discharge (ZLD) is one such effort. The ZLD pol-
discharges into the environment, it had become necessary icy was firstly introduced for four industrial sectors (tex-
to take some immediate corrective measures to solve the tile, distilleries, pulp and paper and tanneries) in India.
grave issue of water pollution1. Since March 2015, CPCB has issued notifications to 9
More than 13,468 mega liters of wastewater is gener- State Pollution Control Boards of states along the Ganga
ated per day by industries in India; of which only about basin. Other than these, stringent cut off limits have been
60% is treated while the rest is left untreated and directly imposed on the quality parameters of the wastewater
discharged in nearby water bodies or land2. To restrict from the industries that do not fall under ZLD scheme3.
industries from continuing this unethical disposal of With being obligated to reduce the toxic load of the

*Author for correspondence

Evaluation of Performance of Cowdung as Microbial Inoculum in Industrial Wastewater Treatment and
its Environmental Implications

effluents, industries are in immediate need of approaches 100 ml of sterile phosphate buffer saline (pH: 7.3 ± 0.2)
that will remediate the effluent quickly and efficiently, so containing 8 gm/lit NaCl, 0.2 gm/lit KCl, 0.2 gm/lit
that it can be safely released in the environment. There KH2PO4 . The suspension was vigorously shaken manually
exist many chemical and physical methods for wastewater and kept on rotary shaker with 120 rpm for 15 minutes.
remediation. However, they are not only costly but also do The (10-1) suspension so prepared was subjected to serial
not offer environmental sustainability. In such a scenario, dilution till 10-7 dilutions. For each of the last four dilu-
microbial remediation of the industrial effluents is the most tions, 0.1 ml was spread onto trypticase soya agar plates
suitable solution to alleviate this problem to a large extent. containing 15gm/lit casein enzymatic hydrolysate, 5 gm/
Cowdung has been identified as source of microbes lit sodium chloride, and 5 gm/lit soya peptones with 2%
since ancient times and there is no dearth of examples agar at pH 7.2 +0.2. All the plates were incubated at 350C
to support this4-6. Cowdung is extensively used for bio- for 48 hours.
remediation and has been found to be best suited for To roughly estimate the count of gram negative bac-
remediation of heavy metals from the environment due teria, above mentioned dilutions used for total aerobic
to its bio sorption potential. However, limited amount count were plated onto Mac-Conkey agar plates to esti-
of research has been carried out on the microbiological mate the number of lactose fermenting microbes. CFU
content cowdung and its possible implications when used per gram for all the methods was calculated using the
for wastewater remediation; especially in aerated systems. following formula
Also, the mode of action of cowdung in effluent treatment
such as reduction in Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), CFU/ml = (no. of colonies x dilution factor) /
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Total Suspended Solids volume of culture spread onto the plate
(TSS) appears to be non-specific and is unexplored till
date. Moreover, its availability as well as purity is always Residual samples were subjected to air drying until
an issue of concern. there is no further decrease in moisture content. These
The present study helps to bring focus to the microbi- air-dried samples were subjected to aerobic as well as
ological content and environmental implications of using anaerobic count as per the procedure described above.
cowdung in an effluent treatment plant. It also points out Quantitative evaluation of aerobic and lactose ferment-
the problems associated with use of cowdung in an efflu- ing microbial count was carried out periodically after
ent treatment plant; including its availability and cost. 7 days up to 21 days.
Additionally, it also provides a new solution to the prob- The efficiency of dried cowdung sample for effluent
lem associated with use of cowdung in effluent treatment treatment was studied by subjecting suspension of 20%
process. solution of cowdung for treatment of three different
types of effluent belonging to dairy and chemical syn-
thesis industry. One part of 20% solution of cowdung
2.  Materials and Methods
was mixed 9 parts of effluent sample in an aerated reac-
Fresh cowdung samples were collected from different tor of 5 Lit capacities and the system was subjected to
locations. Moisture content was determined using mois- aerobic treatment. Constant supply of air was provided
ture analyzer (Contech CBB50). To determine the mois- by using laboratory scale aerators fixed at bottom of the
ture content of the samples, 5 gm of each was loaded into reactors. Effluent sample without addition of cowdung
the weighing pan and subjected to rapid evaporation of suspension were also kept for aerobic treatment as a neg-
water content. Minimum 50 gm of each cowdung sample ative control. A commercial product “CleanMaxx” from
was subjected to air drying for at least 21 days. Both fresh Organica Biotech Pvt Ltd was used as positive control of
samples and air-dried samples were subjected to esti- the experiment. Effluent samples under treatment were
mation of total aerobic count and total count of lactose sampled after interval of 5 days up to 15 days and tested
fermenting bacteria. for Chemical COD. All samples were digested in COD
For estimation of total aerobic count in the samples, digestor by Hanna reactor HI839800 and readings were
1 gm of fresh homogeneous sample was dispensed in recorded on Hanna photometer HI83099.

2 Vol 11 (20) | May 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Tiham Quraishi, Anuja Kenekar, Prafull Ranadive and Ganesh Kamath

3.  Results and Discussion gm. It is found much in accordance with previous stud-
ies5,9 where count of fresh cow dung samples was found to
3.1  Microbiological Analysis of Cowdung range between 10^6 and 10^8 CFU/gm. Total viable count
Moisture content of any samples plays a crucial role in of each sample after 0, 7, 14, and 21 days from collection
its total viable population of microbes present therein. of samples are noted in Table 1. As evident from the table,
Therefore, before getting any insight of the quantum and there is variation in count owing to different sources of
type of microbial population, moisture content of the sam- dung samples. Diversity also varied from sample to
ples was determined at different time-points of the study. sample. As the moisture content of the sample decreased,
Average moisture content of fresh cowdung sample was a significant decrease in count was observed. At moisture
found out to be 78.68 %. However, it is found to decrease content of approximately 6%, average count observed was
with increase in duration of drying of the samples. Figure 1 ~10^4 CFU/ml. Another noteworthy observation was,
shows the trend in reduction of moisture content of the most of the population that could be cultivated comprised
cowdung on drying over the period of 21 days. It is inter- of Gram negative bacteria. To authenticate this observa-
pretative that there is significant decrease in moisture con- tion, dilutions of cowdung samples were also plated onto
tent of all the samples during initial 7 days of drying. Up to Mac Conkey agar plates. The count of lactose fermenting
maximum of 14 days, most moisture is removed from the bacteria at different time-points is also noted in Table 1.
sample and the value reaches to approximately 6%. After Morphological identification under microscope also indi-
this there is no significant reduction in moisture content cated that almost all Gram negative belonged to cocco-
irrespective of the duration of drying. It is a general obser- bacillus family; of which majority have been identified
vation made by many researchers that, more the moisture to be either potent or opportunistic pathogens10. Very
content, more the viable microbial population in any sam- few colonies of Gram positive bacteria could be isolated.
ple7,8 and similar theory applies to cowdung as well. Moreover, it was observed in our study that the presence
Average count of all fresh cowdung samples were noted of Gram positive bacteria majorly depended on the source
to be approximately 10^7 Colony Forming Unit (CFU)/ of cowdung sample.

Reduction in moisture content after drying

moisture content

40 Average weight
30 21.33
6.83 6.33
0 5 10 15 20 25
duration of drying (days)

Figure 1.  Trend in decrease in moisture content of cow dung samples over the period of 21 days.

Vol 11 (20) | May 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
Evaluation of Performance of Cowdung as Microbial Inoculum in Industrial Wastewater Treatment and
its Environmental Implications

Table 1.  Total viable and lactose fermenting count of cow dung samples at up to 21 days

Sample Count in samples at different time points (CFU/gm)

Name Fresh samples (0 days ) 7 days old samples 14 days old samples 21 days old samples
CD 1 3.7 x 10^9 ~10^4 2 x 10^5 ~10^3 3 x 10^4 ~10^3 ~10^4 ~10^3
CD 2 7.9 x 10^8 ~10^4 1.7 x 10^5 ~10^5 1.2 x 10^4 ~10^4 ~10^3 ~10^3
CD 3 1.1 x 10^7 ~10^4 9.8 x10^6 ~10^4 7.5 x 10^4 ~10^3 ~10^3 ~10^3
CD 4 1.4 x 10^5 ~10^4 3.7 x 10^4 ~10^2 3 x 10^3 ~10^2 ~10^3 ~10^2
CD 5 9.6 x 10^6 ~10^4 2.5 x 10^5 ~10^3 4.9 x 10^3 ~10^3 ~10^3 ~10^2
CD 6 6.2 x 10^7 ~10^4 2.1 x 10^8 ~10^4 5.6 x 10^4 ~10^3 ~10^3 ~10^3
CD 7 5.3 x10^7 ~10^4 6 x10^6 ~10^3 5.7 x 10^4 <10^2 ~10^3 <10^2
CD 8 1.8 x 10^8 ~10^4 8 x 10^6 ~10^4 1.7 x10^4 ~10^3 ~10^3 ~10^3
CD 9 4.9 x 10^6 ~10^4 2.1 x10^5 ~10^3 2.6 x 10^4 ~10^3 ~10^4 ~10^3
CD 10 8.2 x 10^5 ~10^4 4. x10^5 ~10^2 8.8 x 10^3 <10^2 ~10^3 <10^2
(CBC: Total cultivable bacterial count; LFC: Total lactose fermenting count)

Another significant interpretation that can be drawn paratuberculosis; protozoans like Cryptosporidia parvum,
from Table 1 is regarding relative decrease in counts of Giardia spp, and viruses Bovine Virus, Diarrhea Virus,
total viable bacteria and total lactose fermenting bacteria. Coronavirus Foot and Mouth Disease Virus11,12. E. coli
It is remarkable that though there is a sharp decrease in O157:H7 found in cattle manure has been reported as
total aerobic counts after reduction in moisture content, the most notorious pathogen which produces a potent
the count of lactose fermenting bacteria however, doesn’t toxin that can cause serious infection in humans. The
show proportionate decrease in count. While log differ- amount of E. coli O157 shed in the manure is estimated
ence in total viable count was 4, it was maximum 2 in case to be between 3 – 50,000 CFU/gram of feces. It should be
of lactose fermenters. Approximately 10^3 CFU/gm of noted that the E. coli O157 infective dose for humans is
lactose fermenting bacteria were found to be present in about 1013,14. Having been known of the fact that treated
cowdung irrespective of the moisture content or duration effluents are ultimately discharged in the environment,
of drying. Relation between lactose fermenters and Gram option of using cowdung for wastewater treatment seems
negative enteric pathogens has long been established and questionable pertaining to environmental sustainability
in this regard, the lactose fermenting population observed and the associated health hazards.
in cowdung can also be linked with pathogenic load of the Though, our study has been restricted to cultivable
same. In other words, the pathogenic population is more bacteria in the total population, similar observation
stable than the non-pathogenic one. Our findings support has been made pertaining non-cultivable count as well.
the previously quoted findings stating about abundance Metagenomic analysis which can analyze both cultivable
of pathogenic bacteria in cowdung samples. Indeed, in and non-cultivable bacteria have been carried out by6
actual scenario, it is not feasible to have fresh cowdung for It was observed in their study that the largest genotypic
application in an effluent treatment plant and most of the population (almost 85 %) was non-cultivable and more
times it is in dried forms. Alternatively, it can be said that than 90% was strict anaerobes; thus making availability
the microbial population that is being used in an effluent of aerobic bacteria which considered as beneficial such
treatment plant is that of potentially pathogenic cultures. as next to impossible. Moreover, most of the cultivable
Such pathogens commonly found in bovine manure are count was contributed by pathogens residing the gut flora
with the greatest risk of infection for human. The differ- belonging to Enterobacteriaceae family.
ent type of pathogens reported to be present in bovine There are many literature reports where bacteria have
feces are bacteria like E. coli, Listeria spp, Listeria mono- been used for wastewater treatment14-18 and most of them
cytogenes, E. coli O157, Salmonella spp. Mycobacterium mention the use of Bacilli for remediate of wastewater.

4 Vol 11 (20) | May 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Tiham Quraishi, Anuja Kenekar, Prafull Ranadive and Ganesh Kamath

These microbes may not inherently be present in the With more waste being generated, the demand of cow-
wastewater; neither can they be abundantly found in cow- dung is also increasing and is being given high priority
dung. Hence, they need to be added from outside and use owing to better revenue generation potential21. Looking
of consortia of microbes specially designed to remediate at such huge demand in agricultural and energy sector,
the industrial wastewaters seems to be best option ahead. industrial demands are insignificant and most supply is
diverted to the former.
3.2  Practical Problems Associated with Irrespective of the availability, purity of the cowdung
Cowdung remains the second major concern. Due to limited avail-
ability and high supply of cowdung is inadvertently being
Other than microbiological facts stated above, use of cow-
mixed with other dung sample to meet the demand. But,
dung has other problems as well when it comes to using
this won’t suffice the purpose of wastewater remediation,
it in an effluent treatment plant. The primary problem is
as the flora in dung of other animals is different than that
with its availability. In recent years, the growth in livestock
of cowdung and is insignificant for the purpose of reme-
production has reduced considerably due to increasing
diation22. Moreover, the composition of cowdung also
costs of animal rearing. Farmer and animal breeders are
contains lot of insoluble matter which may lead to sludge
hence turning towards more profitable outputs sources
bulking or choking in an aerated system.
such as meat. As a consequence, the value shares of cow
dung in livestock production to only 9% of the total out-
put19. This has made cow dung increasingly difficult to get
3.3  Effluent Treatment Efficiency of
and expensive over the past few decades. Considering the Cowdung over CleanMaxx
fact that proportion of useful bacteria is very less in the To determine the efficacy of cowdung in industrial waste-
cowdung, huge volumes needs to be added in an effluent water treatment, another study was conducted wherein
treatment plant. Larger the volume needed in an effluent definite concentration of cow dung were used for reme-
treatment plant, larger is the cost of transportation. While diation of wastewater; keeping commercially available
most supply of cowdung is made from rural parts of product CleanMaxx by Organica Biotech Pvt Ltd as a
India, industries are mostly based near urban part. With control of the study. The important factors that are kept
this fact, there is an addition to transportation cost owing in check during the effluent treatment process i. e. COD,
to larger distances to be travelled. TDS and TSS were determined at different time points.
Cowdung is primarily used in agricultural sector The values of COD are noted in Table 2. The values show
either as a starter for composting or directly as manure. that there is gradual reduction in COD using cowdung as
Due to rampant use of chemical fertilizer, the soil qual- well as CleanMaxx. However, maximum COD reduction
ity is being decreasing day by day and to compensate was achieved using CleanMaxx. Like CleanMaxx, there
the loss, soil conditioning is being carried out by layer- are many products available which comprise microbes in
ing the entire field by cow dung containing manure20. concentrated form and are specially designed to serve the
Alternatively, cowdung is been traditionally used for purpose of remediation of industrial wastewaters. Along
Biogas production; mostly because of presence of strict with being efficient in wastewater remediation, these
anaerobes which otherwise cannot be cultivated easily. products require less space, thus offering ease of store

Table 2.  COD reduction in industrial wastewaters using cow dung and CleanMaxx

Values of COD in ppm

Duration of Treatment Effluent 1 Effluent 2 Effluent 3
in Days CleanMaxx Cow dung CleanMaxx Cow dung CleanMaxx Cow dung
0 1650 3646 8743
5 934 897 2950 2848 6552 7836
10 564 622 1184 1674 3978 5120
15 174 263 913 1260 2195 4332

Vol 11 (20) | May 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 5
Evaluation of Performance of Cowdung as Microbial Inoculum in Industrial Wastewater Treatment and
its Environmental Implications

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Vol 11 (20) | May 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 7

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