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Smart Planet 2 Unit 7 Extra Test

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1 Make sentences using be going to.
1 we / not take / a year out

2 Phil / buy / a new laptop

3 / you / visit your cousins in Australia?

4 I / not study / to become a doctor

5 Lucy and Mark / get married in September


2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of will (prediction) or be going to (plan).
Use the verbs in brackets.
1 We (have) dinner with Julia at the weekend – we reserved the
table yesterday.
2 I don’t think he (like) university because he loves living at home.
3 Do you think Lauren (pass) her final exam?
4 Dad (collect) the tickets for the match tomorrow at four o’clock.
5 He (forget) Mum’s birthday, he always does!

3 Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs in the box.
cook  ​
not spend  ​
meet  ​
move  ​

1 Where Harry his friends later?

2 Sally her first driving lesson after work.
3 I the summer holiday with my cousins because I don’t want to.
4 We Italian food this evening. Do you want to come over?
5 Jana and Ivan to Canada soon.

4 Correct the mistake in each sentence with the present simple for the future.
1 What time leaves your bus?

2 The shop is opening in half an hour.

3 Her train arrive tomorrow morning.

4 Will the film start at 5 o’clock?

5 The news finish in 10 minutes.


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Smart Planet 2 Unit 7 Extra Test

5 Complete the sentences with the correct verbs in the correct form.
1 My grandad last year because he was 65 but I think he misses his job and his friends.
2 Jack school when he was 16 and started working in the family business.
3 When you born?
4 In England, children must to school between the ages of 5 and 16.
5 I want to a job when I leave school, not go to university.

6 Complete the collocations to make life events.

1 your driving test
2 a year out
3 married
4 to university
5 children

7 Label the pictures.

1 2 3

4 5


8 Complete the words to make containers and materials.

1 p e b
2 a n c
3 g s r
4 p s o e
5 c b d o

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Smart Planet 2 Unit 7 Extra Test

9 14 Listen to Mark and Alice talking about leaving school. Complete the sentences with one or
two words.
1 Mark thinks that Alice is very good at .
2 Mark wants to pass his .
3 Mark wants to go to to work.
4 Alice wants to work as an au pair in .
5 Alice is thinking about being a teacher in the future.

10 Read Gemma’s blog.

Am I really here, on the other side of the world?! I can’t believe that two weeks ago I was saying
goodbye to you all and leaving. But I’m really enjoying Australia – it’s an incredible country.
Life on the organic farm is very different, but a lot of fun! I love being outdoors and, as you know, I’m
very interested in the environment. In fact, I think I want to study Environmental Science when I go
to university. So this is a great way to learn more about the subject and to see if it really is for me.
So, we get up every day at 5 o’clock and after a good breakfast we go out and start the day. This
week I’m helping in the vegetable garden. The owners of the farm take their vegetables to the local
market twice a week so our job is to collect the vegetables and put them in boxes and bags. At the
moment it’s tomatoes and cucumbers. The fruit will be ready in a couple of months.
There are six of us helping the farm owners: me, two students from Japan, one
from France and two from Germany so I’m the only native speaker. You can
imagine how much we laugh when everyone’s trying to speak English!
There are also some animals on the farm: chickens, ducks, geese, sheep
and cows, oh and of course Daisy the dog. I hope I can help with the
animals soon because I want to learn all about them before I leave.
I’ll put up some photos in my next blog so you can see how beautiful
it is here.

Answer the questions.

1 When did Gemma leave home to go to Australia?

2 Why does she like the job on the farm?

3 Where do the farmers sell the vegetables?

4 Where are the other farm workers from?

5 What does Gemma promise to do in her next blog?


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Smart Planet 2 Unit 7 Extra Test

11 Your aunt sent you a present to celebrate a special occasion. Write a thank-you letter.
Use the prompts below to help you. Write about 120 words.
• Who / letter for?
• Why / writing?
• What present?
• When / receive it?
• What / do with it?
• Final thank you


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