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Smart Planet 1 Unit 6 Standard Test

Name   Class   Date

1 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 our / class / studying / in / animals / are / English / We

2 teacher / classmates / listening / My / aren’t / the / to

3 moment / I / with / am / grandparents / living / the / at / my

4 photos / is / some / Jane / looking / at

5 homework / You / doing / now / your / aren’t


2 Match the questions with the answers.

1 Is Harry learning French? a No, we aren’t.
2 Are you enjoying your holiday? b Yes, they are.
3 Are we having a test today? c Yes, I am.
4 Is Sally studying a lot? d Yes, he is.
5 Are Linda and Chris living in Madrid now? e No, she isn’t.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I vegetables every day. (eat)
2 What at the moment? (you/do)
3 Sam French very well. (not speak)
4 We History this term. (not study)
5 Laura tennis today. (play)

4 Circle  the correct options.

1 We sometimes a burger for lunch.
a have b are having c having
2 Are you doing your homework now?
a Yes, they are. b Yes, you are. c Yes, I am.
3 I’m sorry, I the answer to this question.
a am not knowing b don’t know c not knowing
4 football at the moment?
a Tom is playing b Is Tom playing c Does Tom play
5 Jane meat - she’s a vegetarian.
a isn’t eating b not eating c doesn’t eat

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Smart Planet 1 Unit 6 Standard Test

5 Label the pictures.
monkey  fish  spider  frog  giraffe  lion  seal  bird  shark  horse  

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10

6 Put the words in the box into the correct column.

gorilla  mouse  cow  dog  elephant  cat  sheep  zebra  kangaroo  pig 

wild animal pet farm animal


7 Circle  the correct options.

1 Lions hunt / jump animals like zebras.
2 Look! Those birds are hiding / flying over the trees.
3 Do polar bears escape / swim in the sea?
4 Male gorillas often fight / hide for the females.
5 How high can a kangaroo fly / jump?

8 Circle  the correct options.

1 The shark is through the water.
a jumping b swimming c hiding
2 We’ve got a lot of on our farm.
a sheep b mouse c elephant
3 A gorilla is an example of a animal.
a farm b pet c wild
4 Where are the seals ? I can’t see them.
a escaping b hiding c flying
5 are so small but I really don’t like them!
a Spiders b Tigers c Cows 5

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Smart Planet 1 Unit 6 Standard Test

9 11   Match the speakers with the animal they are describing.
1 Speaker One a kangaroo
2 Speaker Two b spider
3 Speaker Three c elephant
4 Speaker Four d shark
5 Speaker Five e dog

10 Read Sam’s blog.
Home About Posts

I’m at London Zoo today because I’m doing a project on gorillas so I’m at the gorilla enclosure
called Gorilla Kingdom. It’s so big – it’s really like being in Africa!
I’m learning a lot of interesting facts about these amazing animals. Did you know that an adult male
gorilla weighs between 157 and 273 kilograms and an adult female weighs between 66 and 136
kilograms? They have very big teeth and strong arms but they are gentle animals and they live in
groups, usually with one big male.
How do they live? Well, they eat a lot of fruit and bits of trees, like leaves and bark. They wake up
early (not like me!) and they look for food in the morning. Then they have a rest at midday and then
they look for more food in the afternoon. When it starts to get dark they make a bed and go to
In the wild they live to be between 30 and 35 years and in zoos they can live up to 45 years. There
are four gorillas here so I’m going to stay here and take some photos.

Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences.
1 Sam’s in Africa.

2 The male and female gorillas are the same size.

3 They don’t eat meat.

4 They spend most of their time looking for food.

5 They go to sleep late.


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Smart Planet 1 Unit 6 Standard Test

11 Write a description of an animal. Use the questions below to help you. Write at least 80 words.
• Where does the animal live?
• What does it look like?
• What does it eat?
• What does it do every day?
• Do you know any interesting facts?
• What do / don’t you like about it?



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