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1. DC Dirt - American Porter 6. Twinsies - Double IPA

5.6% ABV • 25 IBU 10% ABV • 73 IBU
Smooth - Complex - Roasty • DC Dirt is brewed with two row barley, wheat, oats, Strong - Hoppy - Citrus • Founding partner Bryan is a twin (he's the pretty one) and
caramel malt, a touch of cherrywood smoked malt and late addition chocolate malt. a bit of a hop-head. So we decided this DIPA was his beer. Brewed with Cascade,
The result is a silky smooth and well balanced American Porter. Centennial, Citra and Simcoe hops, there's enough hoppy flavor to keep Bryan's
16oz $7.75 10oz $5.00 5oz $2.75 hop-lust at bay.. for now. Bryan says: "Beer Description PEW ~ Ryan!"
10oz $9.00 5oz $4.50
2. Polar Bear - Wheat Pale Ale
5.9% ABV • 27 IBU 7. Cupid's Black Heart - Chocolate Strawberry
Orange - Wheaty - Crushable • Part Wit, part Pale Ale. Brewed with wheat, Bock
coriander and orange peel like a wit, but with a touch of caramel malt and hopped 7.3% ABV • 27 IBU
with Amarillo, Centennial and Citra like a Pale ale. A crushable, easy drinker with Chocolate - Strawberry - Malty • We make this decadent beer once a year just in
orange, stonefruit and spicy coriander notes. time for Singles Awareness Day (SAD). You won't need Cupid or his lies once you
16oz $7.75 10oz $5.00 5oz $2.75 smell the strong aroma of chocolate and strawberries ready to delight your taste
buds. Your loneliness will be fully repressed with the flavor of toffee, strawberries
3. Skookum Red Ale - PNW Red Ale and chocolate. Don't worry, we got you boo.
5.5% ABV • 37 IBU 13oz $9.00 5oz $4.00
Grapefruit - Malty - Pine • Inspired by some of the red ales of the Pacific Northwest,
we decided to make a malty-yet-hoppy red ale! We paired barley from Washington 8. Swampoodle - Irish Imperial Oatmeal Stout
state, melanoiden malt and crystal malt with a ridiculous amount of iconic Cascade 9.5% ABV • 40 IBU
hops. Our house Washington State yeast strain lends a malty balance. Skookum is Roasty - Boozy - Lucky • In this decadent Imperial Oatmeal Stout, a collaberation
only brewed while listening to Pearl Jam, Soundgarden and Alice in Chains while with our friends at Lough Gill Brewery in Sligo, Ireland, we pureed 400 lbs of
wearing an appropriate amount of flannel. 4-leaf-clovers to capture the luck of the Irish. Just kidding! But we did throw in a
16oz $7.75 10oz $5.00 5oz $2.75 cup of lucky charms marshmallows for good measure. At 9.1% ABV you're sure to
see rainbows!
4. Marmalade Skies - Belgian Witbier 10oz $9.00 5oz $4.50
5.2% ABV • 17 IBU
Refreshing - Zesty - Belgian • "Picture yourself on a boat on a river, with tangerine 9. Cammy Cam Cam's ESB - Extra Special Bitter
trees and marmalade skies" - Lucy in the sky with diamonds, The Beatles. Our 5.7% ABV • 45 IBU
homage to The Beatles and the Uline Arena's history. A traditional, light, yet flavorful Malty - Floral - Caramel • Founding partner Cameron hates it when we call him
Belgian wheat beer. Brewed with orange peel and coriander, this beer exhibits big "Cammy". He especially hates it when we call him "Cammy Cam Cam Cam cause he
fruity esters, citrus and subtle white pepper notes. Cam Cam Cam ya he Cam". Since he likes ESB's, we naturally named our ESB,
16oz $7.75 10oz $5.00 5oz $2.75 Cammy Cam Cam's ESB. This pubby English style ale has deep malty, bready and
caramel flavors balanced out by a healthy dose of earthy, spicy, floral Willamette
5. Mystic Storm - Both Coasts IPA and Tettnang hops.
7.6% ABV • 67 IBU 16oz $7.75 10oz $5.00 5oz $2.75
Fruity - Hoppy - Dangerous • A good ol' American IPA that everyone can get behind.
A complimentary balance of fruity Galaxy and Amarillo hops paired with citrusy N 1. Swampoodle - Irish Imperial Oatmeal Stout
Cascade and Citra hops. You'd never know you're drinking an 8% IPA. Until you NITRO • 9.5% ABV • 40 IBU
stand up. Same as our regular Swampoodle, but on NITRO!
16oz $9.00 10oz $6.00 5oz $3.50 16oz $12.00

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